THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUIIG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, The Columbian. Bloomsburft, Friday, August 25, 1871 lr.o. 1'. Kowu.h A CnMM Park llow.are our only iiiil liorlxr it AdVTrtllnix AtrentB In Now York. viVM-itr.tut.r,ACo.)No. fW7Cheitnut street, are our only authorized AgcutR In Philadelphia. U.O. Minim v, Jf), Hour authorized Agent nt C lit ml la lo transact any UhIihki pertaining to ihoCouniniANOlllci', All advcrlNementfi for tho forgolug lornll tlconustbu endorsed by thi-ao Agents, or tlicy wlllieeelvono attention, tf. a Kallroad Timo Table. LACKAWANNA A M,OOMaiUmci It. It. norm, 11:11A.M. SsWl'.M.' . Kill A.M. Jrlll'.M. lilll'.M. l':WA,M Mall ArcointiHiilatloil., Kxplis t'ATAWISSA It. U11I11K Niiith, . FltOM llUl'KllTHTATIOX. lining Koiltll. 10:111 A.M. Hnvr.itAi, pocllcnl effusion?, received ton Into for tlio first jmro, will hereafter. Womkn now lecture on every stilijcct lint linn.s.MioUl duties. Those nro Bcalcd hooka lo tho stroiiK-mlmleil. 'I'm: law requires INwlmnster.-) to put tluiHlriiiiii of tlielr oltlca on return let ters nnd papers, Neglect of tills ofleu I'litises ureal minoyaneo to tho publish-cr.i. HlfJdtf.AK -Wo learn that many of Iho applo uml cherry tree and lilac bushes in the Muiicy Hills, that were (dripped ofthclr foliage, and Injured by tho hall storm on Sunday, July 10th, nro iiRaln putting out, not only leaves, but blossoms. Wo were shown on Sun day u binall branch of an npplo tree from tho r.irm of Mr. Stephen Kills, bearing new leaves and a cluster of blossoms, and our Informant says tho cherry trees, lilac bushes, &c, nro com lnj? out In like manner. JIuncy Litmln (D2. Kx-Sitniti it ItnAuun. On Saturday listKx.Sherlimcadcr-ofiM'Kvcn3vllle, called ut our ofllco on biiilness, In com pany With his great urnm! daughter, witoof Sir. Mich Ilogcndoblcr, of Jill ton, who had In her arms it 2d child, be ing a crcnt great grand daughtcrof his. ThoSheilff is in his eighty-first year, and has scarcely it gray hair on his head. On being asked as to Iho stato of his health replied, "first-rate getting bet tor every day." Ho Is quito active yet and tho Indications 'tiro that bo may II vo for many years to come. o liopo ho m.iy. ll'atsontown Hecorih PlKISl'IXTH or Till: JItJNI'Y OllUEK Kaii.uo.ui. Having made a short trip to Ilughesvlllo, wo took tho lime lo ex amino Into tho prosjiec's and progress of tho JIuncy Creek Kallroad. Wo were informed by men there, who nro doing tho business, that tho road will be put in working order from Hall's ll.isln, at ilsjunction with the Citawlssa Kallroad, to llu?hesville, a dlstancu of seven miles, within two months. The track is laid three miles up tho creek, and is graded nearly ten miles further, making tho prospects very favorable fur the early completion of the road. KuUivun Comity Democrat. OiTi'.xsivn HitiiATir. From six to ten drops of tho concentrated solution of Chloride of toda, in a wine glassful of pure spring water, taken Immedi ately nfler tho ablutions of Iho morning aro completed, will sweeten the breath, by disinfecting tho stomach, which, far from being injured, will bo benelltlod by tho medicine. If nccesary, this may be repeated In tho mlddlo of tho day. In somo ca'.os tho odor urlsln from tho carious teeth is combined with that of tho stomach. If tho month is well rinsed with a tea-poonful of tho solution of tho clilorhlo in a tumbler of water, tho bad odor of the teetli will bo re u io vi d . IZrch imyc. IIl'miiucis. Tho plea1 ant weather has put tho Itinerant nos trum venders on tho movo. It Issomo what pslonbdiing that peoplo will per sist In patronizing tlieso adventurers when wo liavo reliable stores, where genuluo goods can bolioughtof our own citizens who pay rent and taxes and aro thus assisted in building up and ad vanelng tho general prosperity. Every dollar spent with thoao peripatetic loaf ers is Just so much money drawn from our midst lo tho detriment of our stoi O' keepers. Wo advUo our citizens to patronizo our town business people and lcl thcso caudio light and coal oil peildleiH " alono severely.'1 Ilechange Old Itosi: Iluniirjs. A subfcrllior sends tho following on tho management of old 1030 bushes to the Now York Ob server; Never glvo up a eholco but de cayed roio buih till you havo tried wa teiing It for two or three times a wee with i-oot tea. Tako soot from a chim ney or stovo in which wood is burned and inakoa (ea of it. When cold, water tho rose with it. When all Is used, pour boiling water a second timo on tho sont. Tho shrub will quickly send out thrifty shoots, tho leaves will becoiuo largo and thick, and tho blossoms will bo larger and more richly tinted than before. To keep plants clear of in-ects, syrlngo them with quasha tea. Qu.isha can ho obtained at an apothecary's. Tho direc tions 1 unclose havo been fully tested In my f.unily, with most satisfactory results. I'lro nt Wllllminporllflss iir,,mw. On Sunday ovenlng last n llro broko out In Kiglo stable, In tho alley In tho rear of Captain Klso's hotel, In William- flport,nnd,n high wind prevailing, forty six buildings woro destroyed boforo tho llames could bo extinguished. Among tho structures burned nro Dodder's hall, Fanes' iirlcic row, tho resldonco of ex- Governor Packer, William Vandcrblll's flno dwelling nnd tho now Stothotllst church. Tho latter building was Just completed tho bell having been put In its piaco last Saturday. Tho loss will reach Simoon, with an Insuranco of about $13.5,000. Tho llro h supposed lo havo been tho work of. in Incendiary. Wllllnmsport Is well supplied with water, but as tho wind was blowing a galonttho time, wosupposolthad Uttlu cirocl on tho llamos, Tho light was dis tinctly observed at this placo by u num ber of people Tho flno rosldenco of tho lato (lov- crnor Packer, and occupied by his wid ow, was completely destroyed. Very lltllo furniture was saved. Tho library of tho governor, which was a lino oite, embracing many rare and valuablo books, wns entirely consumed. Tho collection of coins had been removed somo II mo since. Ilim.iia.-Atl alcoholic lilltoni In iiinMcel, without n single exception, nro deli mit, and oach ik'SoMnilrnm under thoillwil.o of iucillclao. Tho only ping medical lonle. with out tho ntmlTluro ofnlcnhnllo stimulant, I, nr. lllllll liANUM uiai.MAN iuttkim, which, Instead of cpithg n morbid nppctlto for liquor, will Invariably euro It, They havo novcr filled to euro liyfpcpsla lu all IU various forms, when taken according lo directions, Tho lending med ical men of tho country aro discarding aidan gcriui. an tho spirituous hitters, and 1 ecommend Iiii; Dr. Ilooilaud' lor alt diseases of thoillgos. tlvo organs, such as Coii.llpallnu, Heart Hum, want of Appetite, llendacho, icllowncss of tho Bklu and tiyos, Weight lu tho Htumach, Depres sion of Spirits, tmpuro lllood, .to., Ac. Wherever thero Ha sick feeling which U an Indication of approaching dlseaso a row dosos of lir. Hooilaud's Hitlers will prov an sure means of pioticllou against an attack; and for liny dlseaso of thodlgestlvo organs abovo mentioned, after they havo hccoino fust upon tho sysleui, can uo cured hy a proper uso or Dr. Hooilaud's Ucrinan MeO'clnes, as follows t iMhlght on going to lied tako two of thu TO- DOl'HYI.MN I'lLW-whlch Is a full dos--for threo cousc"Ullo nights after that ono or one- hnlfof a pill, as tho caso may require, to keep tho bowels open ; at tho samo tlmo tako tho Hit ters threo times n day until tho disease i-ntlrely Usnppeais. In exttenio rases of deblllly tho Tonic may bo lived Instead of tho Hitters, and In many cases Iho Hitlers and Tonlo taken alter nately has proven bencllclat. Thcso n'dle"ies aro prepaied by Dr. (', M, ,VANH, Kll Aieh (Strut, rhllndelphl.i, l'a. t'oiillrniatldii Sonhos. lllshop Stevknh' visit to CatawNsa on Sunday was ono of those occasions which always brings pleasure and Im provement. Tho Luthcrn Church Mas kindly loaned for his ttse, for which wo tender our grateful thanks. Tho usual services of the Episcopal Church were rendered by tho Kov. II. II. Hhwitt, of Iioston, nnd tho Kov. John lluwrrr, his son, of llloomsburg. Tho Iiishop then preached ono of Ihoso powerful practical sermons which discovers thu very unsafe condition of thosj classed as "almost christians." Four persons presented themselves and received tho I.aylngon of Hands. Tho Church was full, and all seemed Reply impressed with tho solemnity of tho occasion. At half-past seven in tho evening, lu St. Paul's Church, llloomsburg, after tho usual services, tho lllshop picached again to a crowded audience, and con firmed Hi'c persons. This Is tho hut 1 1 mo lilshop S'rr.vil.v.s expects to visit these places as lllshop of this diocese, tnd a number of persons from Danvllio availed themselves of tho opportunity to hear lilm. Tho day was madu unusu ally pleasant to tho rector In chargo at Catawlssa and llloomsburg, by tho prcs enco of his f.ilher,who Is making him a short visit. SltC'Aiiii'rf history of tho war between Franco and Prussia is in valuable to those who want a clear understanding of tho great European struggle. This wns not only tho greatest and most llercoly contested war of modern times but of any timo of authentic history Previous lo lids war tho French arro gated to themselves tho distinction of not only being tho best soldiers In the world, bul that their Generals woro moro thorough than any other In the science of war. lu tho Prussian war, however, they met a nation and an army of about equal numbers in tho aggregate, yet in every great battle Prussian generalship outnumbered them In men and means, kept them constantly on the defensive, crushed their armies and captured their lortilled places without a single check or re verse, and Dually laid thu wholo French nation bleeding and powerless at their feet I This extraordinary history ! not only interesting but well worth clmc atten tion and study. Of course tho news paper accounts could only skim thu sur face. Tho deep Interest and valuo Is to bo found in tho carefully prepared his tory and authenticated facts. Tho work may bo obtained of (Ir.oitui: A Ci.auic, agent, llloomsburg, who will nhortly call on our citizens for subscrlp lions. Legal Notices. lOMMITTEK'S ACCOUNT. ' Notleo is ncrooy given mat tho account of ntntnlii P. Kortnor. ('ommltleo r,r Wrlcht. I !ughcs,n. lunatic. hns brou tiled lu mvofttce and that tho saino will bo nllnupd by tho Court, on '1 hursilnv. Hetiten'bf r 7lh. 1171. mile rnnn l,n shown why tho sn i n should tint ho allowed. Hr.i,ii.iuiu,i ii, n?tt, nogtll'lni l'rothonotary. MtUSTEE'S ACCOUNT. . Notlcots hereby given thatMJl.lackson.Ksq. in was appointed by tho Orphans' Court to sell ii Iteil Kslnto of Hanuel II ark. Into of t'entro township! Columbia County, l'n,, has Hied his llrst nnililn .1 account In my oillee, nnd that tho enmo will bo allowed by tho Court, on Thursday, tho 7th day ni September next, unless causobo shown why said account si ould not bo allowed, Wl'l HVlll'flV II I'M-P atiani-tf ' l'rotuondtaiy. LOtJAIi XOTICIIS. Do not fill to call at tho now mnsto warcroom of 1. W,, as ho ha-s Just received a splen did assortment of sheet music, nnd a general assortment ol Musical Merchandise, uo and hear tho Angelic Organ It has such n beautiful tone, and Prof. Nll.KS will bo happy lo show Iho beauties of his pianos and urguis to all who wish, ulvoulmncalt. ting.",, ,Ml XECUTUIN'S NOTICE. '-i MTATKIII' AMANIIUS HltOllFS, lll.t'll. Ldtrrs testamentary on Iho estato ot Aiuan- dus llhodes Into of 1icust township, Columbia toilliiy, ilcotl, uaoiieeli grauien uyuin itcgisicr or said (ouuty to Mel.lsena Ithodes, Alt persons na nil r a ins nir.u vl i otsiaionio leriuesien to p.escut them t too MX hi r lu Columbia eouiiiv, Thoso Indebted in thoestato tlther on hole, Judgment, luorlga e or book arcovit will iihiilu llieui io ion i,xrc.nri wiiooui ufiiijr. o.l,,lr..iA iiiiuiii..s. HUy 21, 1M1-0W.' l.xeculrlx. DM IN 1ST It A TO It'S NO'l'ICIl. lsrATKOf 1IANIEI, (lUJiat. IlKc'n. Lrllrrn nf nilliilnitritl Inn fill thn IRtall, of Daniel tlhtcr. Inio of .Ntoniour lun.. Columb'a eounly,ikc,dhaobcen grunted lv tho lteNler orsald county to lahslllgir, redding to Moil- i'hii- lowusuip, loillinni.i coiioiy, ,n iiitni,ii having claims against tho ( stale of thu ill cedent ainuqucslid In pleselil lliem lor ettlemcl, ami thoso liiilebtcd to tho islatolo makonay liu ut to the uiulel signed, admlnlslialor, u II fiout delay, KI.IAM tllOiat, aug 11,',1'Gw Admlnlslialor. AJ I'MACltlX. and all kinds of KOtmillHN rilt'I r. bv the iiiiantllv. nt all times cm hand at .1. II. .MAIZI. H MAMMUTll lIltOCKllV, ntliol. lorn prlcis, 1'I.OUltaud IT.!;!!, best quality for salo cheap nt MAlZIlri MAMMUTll OKOt'liltV. WOOD and WIU.OW WAlli: of nil lllBiU for kalo at MAIZIVS MAMMOTH (IllOCKUY. KOVHI.TVCLOTIIIM WHIKOint, tho best In tho world, for salo nt MAIZE'S) MAMMOTH OilOCKIlY. TAllI.I! CUTM'.llY, very low, nt MAIZII.S) .MAAIMUlll UltUUia.Y, (IDUHNSWAUr, (If.ASHWAUi: nnd CHINA WAlli:, by tho tctt, nnd i-cttH illled up at MAIZ1.K MAMMOTH OIlOCiniY, l-nACIlIX, MHI.ONS, and riSllSH 1'lltIIT genornlty, In gieat nliuudanco at MAI.r.'H MAMMOTH OnocmiY. I HAS, COFl'Hr.M, Ac, In grcnt variety at MAI.US. Imported BTON'i: WAIlll, Iho very best nitlel to bo obtained, for falont MAIKI'.'SJ MAMMOTH OltOCHItY. HI'IC'IX, HOAl'.s, in great variety and llrst quality, nt MAIZE'S) MAMMOTH OltOCHUV HlXlAItM.TOIlACCO, AO., or tho bet quality hold cheap nt MAIZE'S MAMMOTH (lltOCEUY nio-tr. (inn VT hum and discomfort Is einsed by tho uso of purgatives which grtpo and rack thosys' tern, 1'AKsOXsi' 1'UltOATIVE I'll,' 4 aio f reo from all Impuro matter, and aro mild 'and health-giving In Ihelr operation. At this season of the J car, cramps and pains In tho stomach and bowels, dysentery, dlarrho1 Aearoqnllo common, nnd should bo cheeked at once. JOII.NVON'H ANODYNE WNIMENT lsthobest article that can ba used in all cases and should bo kept in e cry family. The State Faiu. Tho policy of tho Pennsylvania Stato Agricultural Socie ty, Is to maku eholco of it location fur holding Its Exhibition, and make an arrangement for lis second show at thu s.imu point, so that each portion of Iho Statu shall havo tho opportunity of wit nesslng tho progress lu Agriculture, lloi'tlcilltlll'O mill ('n'Minfn lniln,lrliw In Its own, and from other portions of our Commonwealth. In pursuanco of this plan, bcranton is again tho location for tho coming Fair. To iMvn Hxlilhlliirs every opportunity for tho display of men iiiiiuuLuuii in urucip, iv carciuiiy preiared and largu spaco of ground has been enclosed, abundantly supplied with water : easy of access to anv nart of the city of Scranlon, and surround ing towns; and upon which has been elected two halls, carefully protected from thu weather. 2'itixliU feet each : ono hall 17iixbri tuveral spacious tents ; li!o uorsu htaiuus; ifiucattiu aliens , onsueei nens : !iU pens fur swine: an nmuhithu alio with 1,000 bents, mid every other arrangement for tho comfort of visitors or exhibitors in everv department usually represented nt such shows. Wo ndvlso nil but especially thoso who have never seen tho operations in it great coal nnd iron district to visit Scrantou and tho Stato Fair, which commences on Tuesday, tho 10th day of September, 1R71. A very considerable exhibition of recently imported stuck will bo In tiiiciiiianco. Tuemendous pccchcs, pears and ap pies, cabbages weighing eight pounds heels weighing twelvo to fifteen pounds onions weighing two and a half pounds. und other vegetables In proportion aro boasted of by tho Interior papers of Uexas, whlloa Florida farmer rejoice in n squash live feet In circumference nnd weighing seventy-six pounds. I.OTTEitiEs. Tho number of peoplo who buy what they don't want in tho hope of finding a prlzo in what they purchase is very many, but tho number who reaiizo tneir Hopes is very small Tho chances lu that or any other lottery business oven wnen carried on lion estlv. which Is not tho casu nlnu times in tun of being successful mo nngreater man aro inn probabilities 01 being struck by lightning, and they aro few indeed. Instead of Investing a dollar in prlzu candy or anything e!u in which illusory or demoralizing promises aro num out, put, u in a saving and let it woi'K lor you mere. The com pound interest on that dollar will is tonlsh in a fuw years, and bring 5-011 oacu a greater return man any loitery scuumo ever duvi-eii, besides Kenpinj; you from following after an Ignus fattt us widen nuver talis 10 conduct lis 10 1 lowers into dangerous quagmires and pitiaiis. Pennsylvania State Annicui, titeaIi Society. Thu Exhibition of this Society, for 1S7I, will bo held nt M'ranion, on 1 iic.siiay, .-September luin, Wednesday, September UUlh, Thursday, September ''Jlot. Friday. September d. mo grounds ai 0 spacious. 1 110 buildings tnd accommodations ample, and the premium list llbeial. There Uno ciane jor entries, except liortos entered lor s iceu. j'or caiaioirues or outer iwormiv tinn. tuldre.'s either of the Kcerclarle-'. at f-cranmn. JOHN C. JlonillS, President 1). W. Seileu, lice. Seeretnrv. Ef.HltlPOE JIct'ONKEY, Cor. Sec'y A nncAT many peoplo havo mked us of late. "How do you keep your horso IcoklngKosleek and glossy ?" Wo tell them, Its tho cash st thin: in tho woild; glvo HIIEltlDAN'S CAVAI.ll l'O WDEltH two or threo times a week. A gentleman In tho eastern part of th o Sjtato who was about havlug his leg amputated on ac count of Its being bent nt right angles and stnr ntlho knee, hoard of JOHNSON'.-) ANODYNl r.INIMUNT. Alter using It a short time, his le became sltalght, and is now ns t-crIccab!u tho other PEif-oxs in want of a SowIiil' 31a chine will llnd It In their advautngu to purchase 0110 with all tho lalu lniprovO' menls, nnd nintloliy a largo responsible company. All skillful machlni-ls and practical sewing maciiino agents Know tho Singer is tho best, their agents understand their liitsi'iess, and con duct It on honorable principles, with out misrepresenting, seciet promises or selling second hand machines fur new. Jl you preier competent agents and lair dealing go to tho Singer oillee. Mu. Samuei, Cochha.v, traveling agent for thu Singer Manufacturing Company, gives notice to the residents 01 Columbia county, mat ,1. A. douan Is tho duly authorized agent lor mo salo of tho Singer Sowing Machines in thu above county. Parties wishing to purchase said machines will bear in mind mat tney cannot no nan irom dealers in other machines except second handed. Public Sales, pUltlilO SALE or V A U U A II 1. Ii It E A Ii II H T ATI:, In pursuance of nil Order of Iho Orphans' Court or Columbia eounly, 1 .u. I ho undersigned, Guar dian nfcliarlesuearhalt, Daniel (lenrhart, lair. nboth (Itaiharl.and Htcplicii oenrhail,.! ,, min or children or Jmob (Jeflruarl, ,lr Into or towushlp.lii said county, ileeeaed, will cxoso to pill, lie sale, on Iho premises, on HATlfltllA Y, AIJOUST 1'Mh, P7l,at Iwelvo o elock, noon, tho following described valuablo leal estate, tu will All that certain FAKM AND TKACT OF LAND situated In Malno township, said county, bound ed by lands or lludolph Khuniali, John Uearliart, John Nuss, nnd Daniel reuslcriuKcner, CONTAINING W'i ACHES, bo tho samomoronr less, on which nlo dieted a House, largo t'lamo Haiu.nud od-er oulliulld- lugs, 'lliero Is also upon tho premises a lino young Applo Oichaid, and a nrlety of other mill iiyi-a, w, 11, i.;s j , i,icrir. -C0NI, 111 jss ol.' KAM:. Tell nerrentnl one. lourlli oflho purch ise money to bo paid by tho purchaser nt the striking down of tho property, One.rourlh less the ten per eenl, to liopaldal tho eoullimntlmi or Iho sale. Tho balance, lobo paid 111 one jear ironi tlio eonllimctlnii of fcale, wall Interest lima Iho tlmo tho outehaser CO s pns- session or tliussld memlvcs. Tho gtalu In tho giound In biMnid Willi tlio l.irin, I'fissesslnn or ino iiii'ini-esin no given on inoi rsiiny or s:ep. IcnlberA. II. 1-71, WII.I.IAM I'HliAMV, KIEI'IIEN UEAItll.MtT, Ciuuidl.ius, A DJoritNllI) SALE A DMINISTKATOK'S NOTICE. r t.HTATM lit" .! AM (rX (HtlMt-t. IH-:n11. jlturi of Administration, ic (onit m with uio win unnt'XPU, nil ino fttituu ui j nines (IrltncH. lalu of Mount 1'lfitH.inl tnwiiHhln. I'o- itiiiiiim I'uiimy tii't'CKNi'n, iiiivii uucu uruiiivu tlio lUglKtrr ofmlilcouniy tti l't-icr V.nU of Unlit strict, All potJions lmvlnj; cli'lins ngulnu Hie i stalo or tho tWcpilcnt nro ict-jues ftl to rc! lliei.i for ncttk'tiu-nl, nnl thoio Imleblcl to the iMiuu io iniiKO J my ni rut. hi iiiu iiiuuiMiiui,'u( in mlulstriitor, without iltl.iy, 1 J.i 1-..U it Auinlnlstr.itor. JulyCS'Tl )t it. b. ii. c. t. n. DMINISTHATOU'B NOTIOK. KSTATE Qt? OAVin UtKASY. DKC'l). Lr(tCrturfttl:illllltstri1lrHI Oil tliUIuiLU Of D.lV liU'rcnty, into ot Millllu tounsln,. Cohuubla comilv ikcM.. havo litcn irnulftl hvthn Kcnlster of mid counly, to N. II, crcusy, oi Mlllllu twp. ah pt'inons inivinn cuuiiih orut'iiuiun ianiM tho iii'ct'iItnlnroiL'MiU'Slcil to mnkn thctn ntul thoso Indebted to inuUo invinfii', wlMiout ninuvti tv Aaiiiimsiraior. V A h U A 1J h 13 O V u i: a ii CLAltK'S COLUMN. 1J J It li H I U M Li MASON'S FRUIT JAKS $2 75 PER DOZEN, PORCELAIN UND. IIHTATI'.. rOTICi:. Tito Coinmmiwcilth of i.1 lVitnttylvnnla 1 o John ltup, Jotmn Kupp, Murv Itnn.i. inlprinnrrlpil wllli Mlehiipl KtllK'. (U'Oiixo llunp, Joiins Itupn, Iliirtnati Uuip. A ilicw linpptHarah l.!t., Kllahcth DutUmtT and ii;tiy i tin mi iu 1 1, 1 (m una eucii tti yoi mu nvi iv noi I't'O. m no ana nnnpar m vuur rtrvonx, In fnu) tho .lmtgt'1 of thu Urphimv Uouit, or tho Coiuity ot Cohiinhl.i, nt an Urphann' dm it, to. hi! hi-hl hi lH.uoMsiiUlUl, In and for caid t'oun- IV. on 1 lut llrst J l X AY ) ' HI '1' M It mt, Ihi'ii nnd Homo to an ipt or ii'iusu to tako Iho lii'iil Kstato of (Jcoiao Hunn. lato of Locust Tnv nshln. hi N.ihl ( 'mi ill v. i1iphiiho il. lit tho a lit ill loll, or Hhow ca iito uliy (ho uino should not no hoi a iKTuminii io law. v, ii, i.n i , uicnt v. ii Sin mi m' Ot'r:cF,.Tuly ism, juno.'i,';!) ut aaiion HMint.Shcrltr, riio Commonwealth of 'I'n I Mil I'd I 'iirif Id twi I 'nrrif Mfirv I'llmi l... if I'lillimllin 1 i'r.f 3 Wn I'll Ii ',;rr. Kuiiord lVi-if. .liuio IV in, Henry U.Wuc, Alice jTiri;, liioinns win kit iiusuami 01 jinrarut ATOTICE.- X lVnnsyivnula To Chun I'va I'cK. iUti'IImM, Wlllln'u Lilly husband or Jane 1 Vuii ilcccasL'd. and John Harsh. You and each oi jnu aro nun ny noiincu, in no and appear 111 ,i imr pursuiiH , in miu mo J inui'i in too ifrpuaui Court, of iho County ol Columbia, nt m Or i.haiiV Conn, to lui hclil In IlLnmMllinm. lu and tor Mild t'mintv. on tho Hist .MONDAY Ob' Si:i'ri:MHi:it next then and thoio to accept or ii'iusu io iiiuo ino ileal l.siaiaoi Wllliani lato of MadlKoii 'J ou iitliiii. lu said Couutv. dt- eiateil,at tho valuation, or show rato why tho MUUU hllOUltl IlOl UU KOUl lUVOIlllU Ut I.1W, w. it j;.M',iivruo.c. Hiii nirts' Oi ficp. July IS l7l. J'ltjUl.'il-flt aa ito.s SMiTir.Shcilir. 13 V Virtue tif nut hnrltv ntul nrder of IhnOmhum Court of Columbia county, tho umtertdKnud ml mlntBtrntoM of thocHtatenf Jacob Koitenbauder, deceased willpxpoio totalo by public etnUio on iuu 1'iciuiM-i, uii HAT UK DAY, AUGUST CLh IS7I, n larpo qnaniliv of Mihiahlo landi Mlunto In i miiKiMi lowuhiiip in Kaia couiuy, uescribeti hh follows r 1'lHAT Al. 1t(i nVtnrlf In Mm (iirnnnfiii. n Int. nf tluiher land tlio utulK I Jcil Klx-hoventhM iul Jolnlinj Innd or H. Artlcy, Win. OeorKe, U. Artly andothcrK, To ho disposed of lu ono piece, or lit lllll'U UUIIJUUI, T W K N TY AO It K H K A 0 II, as shall bo itrcuud most expedient, Thowholo pioj't-ny win uu oucreii nun ino imo lo inu one- hc emu in aim io ma purchasers. Bi-roNi) Wilt bo offered decpitenlti Inlr-ni. In n tract of land adjolulntt II, K,CInilc. landi of raocner uuuies lanus or 1 , iouiilirtll nilil II, T, lleciler, coutalulna BEVKXTY-ONK ACRKH, tnnrn or Whereon nro rrrrtfil n l!rlilr Dwelling lloumi n itank Karu. whl'uii ltnitsi. it njiiius iiouM! uimi hi i ( oi r ut ctstiiy out nuiiii llll!4. Thorn UiiImii nHnrllit nf i.VriIIi-nl U'uln aKood Orchard and Iruit o all kind, with about Four Acics of Chestnut TiiuUr, All In excellent oruer niui cuiiivaliou. Tltllin A tl art of land ndlolnltii Itllntt Wnnvor. Win. Mtocki r, John JIuwcr nnd decedent honu- fcteau, eoutiUQint! T II 1 U 'f Y-E I V E AOIt E S, mnio or levs, Whereon nio tixclcd a I ranirt Dwelilnt; Jloii.e( a Hank IJarn j wltli n t;ood luiuii; ipm uieuani, a 1 1 in uooti rouu limn Tho latliU Will lift nlhiri'd nl . tbn llotiw glrml lo mo oroer aiueriisei:. 'ino Q 11 A I N I N T II E 0 Jl O U N D Is reserved. Possession of tho timber trad or tractH, lninifillately upon paylnii tho itirehaio ', "i it mi mi; iuu iuu io uu puiii. Aim oi uio oiner two naus on ino nrsiof April, A.H upon conipimuce wnn too coniiiiioni. V;, U. I. KUI lJISHADIJU, JOSLl'Jl 11. KWnTLK. Attinlulhtrators, Tfp.MI of HALF.. Till ner cent, or tbn mirw foiuth of the prrchaso money (o bo paid at tho Ktrlliluy down or tin- property;lho oia-fourth leH the uu i er cent, at tueconiiriiiallouofHiiloj and ino ii'tnaiuinnumouairtin hi ono ear then alter, ulth Inten-st from cnnllriuation nisi. W fLiUlinl.N 11. KT, UI.KI1K, iiituwriuiyt1 uiiu .jsJiii tst l in. s IIE1UF1'"S SALES. MARRIAGES. JOHNS-MILI-Llt-Ou tho 17th Uit. at thu bil.lo'H hither, by ucv. A, w, iiiwimn .ir. Stephen Julius ot llloomsbiiit;, and MNriMivuii K. Miller ot Montour twp., Colunibla county. ttv vlrtunofmindrv wrlt rf Vmilitinnt .Vivi wis Levari Facias uud VU'-l 1'aclas, Issued outnt tlio Cou it ot'Common l'leas of Columbia county, nnd to mo dheded will bo exposed to publlutMlont tin Court House, in tho (own of innoiiisuurc, on , mo -un uayoi mm'i U7I, at ouo o elocl: p. in., ho lollowlna prop- euy ui ivu: A eertnln lot or nleco of land sltnatf d n- l'ub lie toad Irom MalnvlIKi to Mimiuvllle.lli Ml 111 In ton nship.Columbia County, hounded and de'ierlbedas lollow to wit: On tho Ka-t and foutli by hinds of Thomas A ten, on the Wit by lauds ol Mkhael (iioer,and on tho North by l nuts oi ciiailes i;iini:etniaii, eontalnlni; men-ly-llo aries.iiioio r Us, upon which Is i-iwctid ii iii-w 1'itiuio ltouso nnd a 1 lamo Hlmn. KelKi-d, takin In eeetitlon nnd to bo sold as the piopoiiy ol walnut l Wiuwerponheiscr, ALSO : All thai n.uetl or lot of mound Mtualo In Fish. Iimereilc townshfn. bounded bv lands oi A. It. lUilim on thesouih, Moniou Maiploou the west nun noun, and ny Mine ioiui on too eio-i, i-o.t- laiinnjj nooui i isoaens, mniuoness, wiihiidh Is i U'cicd it duelllui! hotiMand tiamo stable. taken In eicul on and to bo hold as the pi opei ty of l hoinas aple. ALSO : lot Miuato In tho town of Centioville. tow n- h i in or (Vntie. and eouiiiv oi t'o umnia. reutia.. oounueu on ino uoriii ny mo ruoiie iioau ii'au lna: liont I!Io(nnsliur to l!trwkk, on tho iat hy IV. bile llo.ul Undine to tho canal between Mils t and a lot owned bv Miniiei Keh-liner, on t ho soiuu uy an aney aua on ino west ny a joi iaie I .Mrs. .MJU'li, hei?id, taken in execution and to he fcold nsthe piopcnyoi .Mauiim n, incus, ALSO: The undivided Interest of nil that Ileal ! t.-iln hi note In (t ntio tounshin. t oiuinbla cinin- Iv. I'.'iiimvlvnnl.i. bounded and itcM-ithud as tol- lnuit. lo vlt: on tho wist bv lands of Phlliii I Miller, on the north by lands of Lu t Miller, on 1 tho east by 1 inds ot ollu r Lvaus, mi tho south bv tho river, uheii on Is ci ci t eit a loir hou.o and I stable, and other out buildings, containing Ihieu les, more or its. sili'il. inlcen hi eveeullon. nutl to bo sold as tho juopellj ot John J, Wibb.Mlth liotlco to iioMiuauis. lUIVATE SALE II E A I. E S T A T E ! Tho Mihsrrlhpr nirrs hbi u-ntl Irnnwn Hi llr Taem, In thu town of Nu media, Columbia coun ty, r.i., wiiu an ins laiui ana impiovemeuts iiieivuii, lur hiwi", uu ino kiiki propei ij , is ereii LAIIOU 11 HICK HOUSE occupied lis n Tavern, n Ijirgu bhed and all the llt-l'l'Ubill' MllUllll. .IU, . 1IOUS I- nnd ahut ONE DU'lILLIKG nnd stable clno by tho tavern .n-i cs oi iiinu oi which iiieru is DEATHS, KIT U UN In Fuyailnaf township on tho 10th lu Mam, ir . jonu khuiui, agiu ;a j iait. SMITII-On Iho IClh Inst., Lucia Delhoy, ol ?i in man ana -mis, mhiui, nea uiohuih. lU)FNILF.Y-()n tho ITlh Inst, Fnima .Tano, daimhter ot -lanus ami .. liouuunty, a m uiouius, ana - unj s. HAUUIHOX-Iu!hlmrc, on tho Htli Inst., win l u in camel on, son oi in; i , l. nun j.i., II an nun, used lu inouitib. ALlinilTsON-ln (fieniwood townsiilp, at Iho son, couso'it of William Albcilsou, ileiea-ed, HKfil Ml 3 eais, u mouths and I nays. JV.ithlcss spirit now arise, Hoar thou natUooi tho sklew. I 'in 1 1 ot lil 1e bv A i Mis bloilniit To Ills uloiioiiH liUeuiss w.ouyht. So lo shine lu foio tho throne, Pi clt tho nu illation's crow n, (o His ttiumphs to adoie ; Made lot (it d toOod litutu, Lo ! Ho beckons from on hlh Finrhss ti Ills puseneo ily, 'Jhino iht- uiiiilstd IIIhIiIoo) Th'iie thorUtituibaut Ood. Safe Is tho expaudrd wao (enllo asa Kiimim r'n en, Not nuo object ol Ills euro, Fer suiler shlpi'iti Ic there. 13 1SSOLUTION NOTICE. Our lluiil, Talilc. llr.iuai, lllossinns, 1'icsli nnd l'ndeil. Hy T. Si, Aitliur, r.iiiuiiciiuii.ii j, M. SjloiUl.nt I'". I'Vir uinro tlmn n iiuiuU'r of u rontmy Mr. An utu: has maintained u in-nuilnent aud Uudln position nninuu uulliors. His liouks linvo luul a Mldo eliculatluu bulh In America and Europe, Ills willing possess pccullailtlcs tint endear them to all nood peoplo, They nro lult of lieau- tllul truths, nnd nro designed to awnKcu nnd keep alive tho tinderest allectlous of our luiluri?, tostieuiithuu Milne, in incrciuo domestic Joy and tosuecten homu llfo hy tho abldluiipies eneo ol mutual truit and love. In th Is new oluino ho l es us a seilcs of lllo- plclures drawn wltli that skill an I pow er v. hleli Is peculiarly Ills own : never weak, always deei ly lu earnest ami frequently inlenso in His ura matle cll'eets, lio lins biouuhl to UiuMibjucl hero .tlseussedlilH subtlest dlciinilunilonaud lilihe.t ellorl. Men and women bound by thu eonjuu-u llo nro brought before tho reader nnd he l inks down lutu tlielr lives nud sees tho puUtsnf feel Inn-sees in t,omoeubCslho"liUlu fuses" ntworli spolllnu tho tender vines." and lu other eases tho peace nnd rest and lov of married hcarls, XI this time, when so many talented willers aio puiuuii forth fal.o mid pernicious views o 1 niHuiuBc, incrcby dolnu untold social Injury uiiAsuu 1II.OSSOUS," comes ns u Into and healthy book, and it ldo circulation snunot rail louott iarao nmouut of irood. As n suitable ulit to tho uowly married, or thoso coutciiiplulliiKiuarrlaBo.tlils woikcuimot uo loo liluiy recuiuiiieuiicu, Tho volume Is handsomely printed and elo gantly bound, and contains u iluesteut puitralt or ino nilllior uesmes many illustration liolil ilcslnus by Hchnessclo ami lleusell, It Is sold ouly by atcnts, Inactive luiuaudsrci' men It oU'cisnrnio cluince lor u lucrulUe busi ness, and wo would udvKoull wan I Inn cuiiilny- mcni in npply to the puuii.heis lor an nueucy Kotlco Is hereby chen that tho partershii lirr,.!,.!,,,., l.Klilll' Lt lWLLIl 1 M 1 .IS 1)1,. Nil A 1.1 ami I 11. llurilllT. iiiim.aellim buslnes under Uio ill in name in .,i r. pi.r, ii.iu ii..m ,iik.ctli.,l liv 1 1 1 .il .in 1 consent. All oer SOnS KlIOW 1UK ll lllieiViN inn, iuf,i n, inu nu.,,' II i in, am it nut slid Ii i miil;i, linmi umiepav uieni ll.M 1.. lor m lib mint, at K 11. Miller A Sun's stole. Ma n Mltli, mar l ullcs until, lUnoiiiN buiu.i'.i. ' mi:mh:ni; JUIIO.Wlll ... I. l,J l.v. AND 11I.OOJIS II 1 1 It 1 1 1IA1I.UOA1I On and ult. r July 17, ls71,r.isseni:cr Trains will run as ituiuws 1 ACKAWANNA 1-4 ! llolue, North. Arrive aiiIyii Heranlou 1'Illstou a. in. .... II.IH Kliu;slon I HI,,,, W.ll.inoC'rs 8u,) I. 11 II. 1.' 1'J.ll (loltitt Month I.eavo I.ea e n. in I'M' p. in '-.II 'All II. l'lvniouth I'M 'All slilckshliiuy,,., 7.' lijsl .1.1 s lit'rwiei. 7,;n ll.rfi i..'i Itlnnm k.i'j ll.ll :;.-,7 Lliiuvlllo It'.'u l.'.'f i:ouneetloli innilA nt Keriinlnn liv t il, II. in n.m, tral i lor lit ml, lllmiiiamlou, Allsinyui'd an piuuis noiiii, j;asl ami vvisi, t c i ATAWIfcHA ItAll.llOAl). l-;l. hl MMllt AlIANllllMUNTrt. Ik7l riis.iiiitrTn Irs on this road will run us fol lows! Jfiltt iciitA, SIATIO.NS, .Villi .Vol tit I,v. s,!.rni,iu Wllllamspoil, I.v, li.'.'ip. m u.wi " .Money, o.., II. ll) " Mlllou " ,ri.lJ " 10.21 " liaull.e, " 4.31 " III. SS " Itupeit, " 1.1J " lu.ti " I'utnw'ssn, " i.nt " 11..V) " UluutoMil, ' 2JM " 1S.SI p in. Kiimmlt, a.'J) " 1A11" uunknlie, " All) " 1A1S M K Maliouy June, " l.U " 1MD n.m. l,:tn o innu'lumatiua, Dine, PEE HILLS. Just printed on goodpnper and In tho neatest hlyIe,JUIitll-'i;H lllidUllNTAIII.I.Hri.i;illl,l and lur sale at Iho t'ol.liMUlAN tllllee. Tho law leiiullcs Jllktlcesol thu 1'eacu to hiion 1'Yo 1111! put up In lliclrolllccs, under ii pcuultyolflO and uiiiiuiu iuu iiiuviuuv oi iuu iven cuauueu J.'A " lteadltlL' " 11.15 " I'ottivl.lo, ii Tiul I' 11 H.15 o l ' M.lhin blanch Uliuiin. dine" Ml'ili.lil ".ll llolhlehein. ' rAIIOliooll " 60.1 " I'hlhi, via lleihlcheni, " a. m , " i:aslon, " ll.w New Voilt, II. Liberty St.. fi.rai ' vial. W0 . HA", " " 1,. Vallev lt. lt. U.ISI ' 5.60 a.m. lioslon, " WiO p.: Paskeueiistakll c the K'i'i tinlnfiom William u hi I u 111 liuvii luiiliolllslli New Volk. lor still' er, miu timsoiii ii,iki,,u in e,.iu u,iu vitim Hour ill utivnnco oi an tuner ionics. S A O K E SOL E A H E 1) and mull r irnnd cultivation and Iho ha Linen wen iiinueiiu, ino mi i a moiu'i v will bo ho i nrlvato between now and ihu Kith div nt Oein her next, and II nut sold between, now and then ii win of) oufieu ai puunc saio on TJlFItSDAV, I'.TJl DAY OF OUIOlUCn. 1&7I. aL leasntrihlo torniK. IMsspsulon wilt lm i-k at anytime, tho salo Is eonilrnied between tho paiues nun a noon uwo ior nu i net kiiiu projieity mil no kil-ii uy JjUJMHU JUTWIjIJ. isuiueiiui, aiiL'. (, 15(1. IMS, iTASON'S ONE QUART JARS POR CELAIN, $2 00 PER DOZEN. UNION FRUIT JAES, $2 00 Per Boz. ovm a khimjotiojX IX 81)3131 Ml J)ItI0SS GOODS HEAD QUAllTEliS l'O 11 HOOP SKIRTS TO MAKEliOOM A X 1 ALSO: , lot or nleco ol iitnuud sltunled on tlio slilool seventh strut In tlio town of n b' i, lllty hit West ot ui si alio., iaM oi st. i i-t. iitiniuli'il o.i tho W't st bv Saniiu-1 li-i'. bv .1. It. Kii in. ion tho Fast. a. id bv Lackl1 u'linn.i nnd lllooinsbiiii' ltall Koad on IheNoith. Itlsn Twn-bioiy 1 la ik uweiimii iiouse, six- it'cn ii'i't. wliloiind lULiit-seen Jeet loin;, si.ed. taken In execution and to bo sol.l its tho piopeity ol Dun lei ilolctj aud Maiy his tle. AI-SO : That Ileal IMato slturted In Locust township. Columbia County, Feinsyivaiil i, boumleil and ileM-ilbuias ioiiows in wu : uu uio wvsl uy i i.i ii. d oi inlm Hiii opr. on I lift Koulli bv lands ol John llaruer, on tho Cast by lands ol Kmlolph WiiKer, and on tho Vath by lands ol Daniel Moiiln, .leieiulah hcott and John eai:iT, col t.i in lie' twenty-fair acu-s, moio oi- less, and ir i.iiwn nu t lm k ubtow ii i oti l nionert v. wtii'ie oi U i.x-i.iil ii 1 in L-n rrninu Taein liu Id Inu lili;o J'lauio Hiaiuo. ana it iiaoiu iMM.'iiuiy House, n ud oilier out bullillus. ALSO: a in! .riri-rimd Nituatn In thoTownshln. Coilll- i v ii mi Kin in fiion-Miiii. mi inning i.innt n iism- hiiiton iL'ti on tho uoith, thu piopeity abno h tiii d on thu west aiul soutii.HUd tain's o John llainer on tho oust, eoutalniii'4 about otio neio ol laiia, w neieon aio iin-ii-u u iwn simv Ciamu Duel iuu lUtlU', lllld CllltilO Hum Willi olhiroiitbiillJiiii,". ALSO: n nil in v tvnit of land situate. In 'township m.lwliiKi . ilillolllhl'r ll .Ii ito.Liliih Vfiitri'i on ihonoilh. washlTiirlou Ad faun nu tho fait, John Sua ill r on Iho south, and omiid AdauiH on tho wtdi, loniaiuiny; llv.'lilv.t lu ll 1UTPM. bilid, taken In execution aud to bo sold as thopmpiity of David Yi-atur. Tlio tract llrst ubooUesctlbed Is to bo sola srhject lo tho wid- ow'h tiowir una mo ncnj;nieiii;o in uio tu ihuu rfCouil lotno hiiuoi joiui ii'iuier uiipaui. .A11U. HJll 111, inii!i'71-ir Mieriir, iiCO RS E T S, von JS AT OF TIJK HIXTr.nNTJI ANNUM OP Titf COLUMIIIA COUNTY Adltl TiCUJiTUrtAL AND M ' AW0UIATI TO HE tIFMi U Ji O O M H U U 1 ON WEDXratJAV, TlliriWb ' An rrrvthlnof lhl kind im In carry it on wllh pntlfaci rontrlhrloM will pleaso loan tdrurtloiin, and ennio to thn nbido by tiiom without ob)l nun, j j. CLASS I-ltOi. Hupiilutcmtciit, l:u Hp Jirnnm-Daniel Mnrrls.Ni i, I O, liulck uud John .auor, lleKt hloodoil Ktalllon stallion ior all wo-k . " Kialllo.i colt, not oir I; " pnlrilruiiK'ithorMH M ' " ,j-ooil!r',"o wlthco'tn " r!-iIo carriage horso o. lioioormaro ltwi .'tl i " mnreorr?hllnnbiHtfu u Ilesl maioori i-oc ni' 2 ku nrs lloHt hnrun or nmro rolt un pair ninicii conn, i ki-ntolmiTO' lleMJ .clt ii.'ir inui" " inulocolt bctwtou I an t " " uuder 1 yinr IWhibilors under this fl hoi new on Iho iotind by t' inornlni! when they will CLAMMII-CA': Ruptrintcmlcnt, Cvitt .lL'iniH-Thomas lleew,H' Hebs nnd Matthuw ltnrimno. 1)UUHA lleKt bull 3 yens old and up " hull between:! and .li " bull between 1 and t " cow two ea.uiud up. " heifer betwet n 1 and 2: bull calf under luinon. " litlfer between 2 nnu i " heller under 1U iiioiil'iv nnvoN B. Heat hull 3 years and wpwn hullhetwoeu2and;i i " land'Jer vnU under l'Jinont " cowSyeuts ana in.-iir ' lulfer between 2 and t heller bitwcen t and 2 " heller under W months AI.IlKltNI '. i llest hull It earn nnd tip., u " bull between 2nml.iv i 1 and i! ; aiv " under lu inoutlm... " roW.Tears niiilupwa " hcirerbetweni'J landU'Va " " under 10 inontLs. fiuvur ' . ilest Imll :t years nnd um;r. " between2and.iyi 1 and a i ar. " under Hi months.. enw3 yeairinnd upwa.o heifer, between 1 and 1! " ' - aud 3 yen. " under lu months.. nativi: htu llest bull 3 year and uowar " iii'iweeu "nu " " 1 and i! years " under li) niouths.,,. row 3 years and upwai i' heifer between J and 3 3 " under 10 monthn OXEN AND 8T llest oko oxen owned and nioiior llest 3'okOKtec s between 2 a l'.xhlb tors w 111 havo tun. Judges to examine by 10 oj . Iimy, uu'i iu ii-iimui mhi day. CLAH4 III 3' Huperlnlendcnt, J, Jrnot"Hatuuelllai;eiibu llest binod row and plK. sl " lot rm nogs, iwo or un " Hoar " bro'nl sow " loL idi;s,3or more, iiinli 1 ' stockhos, Sormoie... . CLA&HIV-SH' .Superintendent. IIiuajj Jrnnrs DenJimlu Yoho and houtf. cornwoi.n. llest buclc rwo lot of lambs, not Wm than 1 hOL'TltDOWN. llest buck " ewe " lot ot lambs uot lens than s COMMON MltKI'l'. liPKt biu-k " ewe " loiofl.imbsiiotlesslhan s clahs v-rouinn Rupcilntcmlent, Kev. D I M Jt'Driis-Hcr. A. Ilrlltaln, I j ltev. A. X. KeMtrand l!cv. H. I. Dest bronze tuikcy 10 Uu... domeistlo turkey " brah inn pootrn " chickens " Keeso " Utics " and dispViy ot im 1 i . j CLASS Vi-UUAIN.HEKD" Superlnlciideut, Jo 1 Jinaihs Hamuel Kelchnei u I lcr. llest fifty pounds wheat tlom lllll'KHHUll UU''- " ryo Hour " corn meal. " half Liishel clover seed. timothy need ' bushel led wheat .. . . " " whlto wheat ' lye bti"l:wheai jjoutd see 1 eoi 1 M ytllow " " " Hi' ked " halt bushel Jh'v seed " bulbil oaU CLASS VlI-VKOI-.l Superintendent, Cai .JubCi-s Hamilton 1'. Chn Ins. lit st builiel potatnew, dlirer hall taisliel KWeet pntutu " btifll-I of Held tHililps... . ' halt bushy! ofrutu bai-as suy ir oclis,, " inauitel wuitei " beet i " earrois " piTsnli onions " Peas hall dozen Ncctajlu o) st pi'IMi TION AL, 11011 CAL 1 A. ItlllAV, 0 n system hi torn nnd nwlnit II .iccthiK to ny Bller.'i .t.Hcc'y. vLh. .ese, Juo. . tI2'0 ... 7 0 t'J K 10 8 0 ... 10 AI a s. i I rs. J 1 ) Ml .. 1 0 s 3D . r, 1 0 . r, i j . r, i 3 1 . 3 ) vo th el r 'humid Y, 11, Illrai 1 " in red ham , Aa 1 . " RRinpIo unusigo c I " saioolo oas CO " hard ftonp M Ag, 1 y 11 holt noap M " BHIon innplo molasses 3 10 CLASS Xt-lI0UsniIOLD MANUFACTUUEH, Haperlntendcnt, Lloyd 1'axton. .IuiiKMri. Blnion Rhlvp, Mrs. John Stoner irs. JisBu jiicKn hiiu isiin, raniiucisou nmiui, llest 10 yards of flannel o yarua wooien cioi i.. 5 yards woolen Kiyardscarnet.. IJ yards plain 11 tJ yards plain linen " iluiier " knit wool stocking! ' ' mittens cotton stockings , home-made shirt .. pair woolen blankets pair linen sheets homomado shlilt CLASS Xll- -FAiCUY AUTIU US KILS, ti m .... 1 M 1 w .... 1 w 1 '0 M ....Av,y .... 1 m 2 Wl Aa.iu aq.w. AND FLOW- 811 perl n tend cut, J. II. KaumAN. Juimm Mrs. Daniel Hn ., 10 ."1 1 1 3 1 i 11 1 1 .. 3 t ) . 'i ' i I Iff. J:. 810 l ) , fi 1 1 3 I I Ag.ii . .011 4 1 1 . 3 ( i .Aff. 1 . 9101 1 flti .... 3 t t ....An. l. ... (in 1 1 - 3 I . ..Aff.W .. ss 1 1 .... a t ) .. 3ll 1 3 I) ...AG, h, 0 (0 4 t0 3 t .AU. if. 4 ft 3 CI ...JrV.H. 1 (- 'y fir th ) hi Thim- 1, on lrl- 1 U, Yohi . . i a 1 0 ii 0 V' . a. Ainell l Duller, Mrs. Mary 1 1 ess and Mia r rank Millard. llestkult quilt (1 '0 ' tlilv...... 1 io " tetllnff worn 1 t'l M Mieclmen bead wdm - 1 tw " shell 1 10 burr " H' " " leather" 1 'l " hfilr ' 1 1 " " ' wax l' drawlnc 1 " paliitliui IW M silk cmnroldery 1 "J cotton embroidery w " womted embroidery 1 W " mat ' cotton mat " worked slippers 11 ' fa-icy pin cushion - ( " hea l uresB.... I W) " specimen moss painting 1 t " ewllectlon otuahllis tw " artlllclal (lowers f ' spcclmenof housepiouts n b,o 1 W " " " dried urass 61 M " ' llowers GO " M " penmaushln 1 uo " variety of llowers i oy CLASS Xtll-VElIiLLlJS. . Huptrintendent, Dr. D, W, t .s MUY. Juiom-Dr. L. II. Kline, Dr. W, ;i. iUbcr nnd Dr. Ale Key nolds. Heat family carrlpgo 8) 00 - open iJiiyy , .. ... w " topbtlliy 0W " r.UIIl WHKOU 4 I J " spring whkuu lor ia-iu uso ... .. .. 1 " ' " plejstn . 3 'JO " whetlbarrow ... . ..Aj. 1 y. " sleUh 4 v) " kulky 2 00 CLASSXIV AUUICULTtlltAJjl M FJ.nML'NTS, MACllINKUYtV. Superintendent, Oto. Oi .xn. JuuoKs-Heury DelclimlUer H. V. Piilvc, llest rlKht hand plw ' plow for general use left hand plow " riKht and left hand plow. . . " corn plow " iuUoiI blow .... . ' S'iUiio draij M ouo horso eul!lator " two " " ' " 14 corn planter. ouo " " M threslier and separator combined mower und reaper combined 5 00 3 10 3 00 11 h Hlttcn $-1 IF) 1 (0 4 00 St (0 4 00 4 M $'1 CO 3 Ol 3 00 hay fork portable cider pres c'over huller sausaKO grinder , wasiUuK machine clolhes wringer yrubblm; hoe fcet miner's picks pair or forouud hind honesu(,L . fcharpeucd drills , nxo handle Kralucradlo Ag. yt nuier si'j. 1 y, rannlnsi mill 2 00 corn sheller..... Dip straw and fodder cutter Dip harvester - lxp sample of horso shoeing. . and 1 to Should there bo anv new or met ltorlous Itn t)lo ments and Inventions exhibited, that aro not nuviufu ior iu iuu iorcKOiny ci.isfl. ino juues may report the merits or tho same lor premiums to the Lxecutlro Committee. CLASS XV-STOVHS, TINWAIIC, KAUTII- KiWAlIL, tc. Superintendent, John IIabiman. JCDOE-S S. D. Ulnurd, S. A. Worruon, llest cooking stovo with llxturei 4 00 parior " 1 w set artificial teeth Ihp variety or ttuwure 3 uj variety of eurlhenwure 1 00 CLAhS XVI-CAUINiri' WAUL, SIIOEMAK- Superintendent, Daniel SIovek. Judges John Klsller, James IS. liar man. Ilest set double harness " team " double carriage harness.... hlnglo " " suit of clothing pair calf boots Ulp " miner bhoc3 bureau dressing shmd display cabinet waro net, wmusor enairn. i 1 Kli. ' ' 1 eustluc 2 4 2 t Ag. V. ..AU.lV .Au.ll. its..4i. l)i i.oun. . sic 3 Vi 3 (M ..Ay, i .1 1 3 Ii 3 1 1 ..Aa. 1 1 t . 'I 1 1 Aa.iv, 1 a a 1 1 1 1 1 1 M. P. LOTZ'S, in-: Tin' lf!-l)oni! wovi! Coivcl liir 70i; The Sliclolon Coivct lor 1 Tin- I'aiiiiroii Coi'isi't lor $1 lOllllltui H 1 lieni 4 (il i'nbli.i're.. " abunt'liL'4 ol t'olt-rj'., " 1 IL'!I i.luntM " two uuflltii bp i 1 " Ihrcu quails larolinii bt'iut. . ... Ag. Ij. sou, 1 " ruiuillclii rir sriunsli " 111.111. ilii. (1 ur 1110. j vm-nit'i r. Hupirlnli'liilent, Hkuv .tl'i i i,ek. JunriLi John DrChlicr. Arrr.Ks. llest illnplny, 6 of each ... .... 11111KI11K iio. rail ur wiui i .;iieH, keeping i Inter iippliis, (1 ,11 it ut tliu hucetcbt m Inter or I, II llavorcil 15 do, fall or Kiuli , iiuuit Wlljcilau crabs, au iilui ....... I'EAHS. l ml '1 111 ,ji liji i IU lllp 1 VI i 10 )) 5 no Dip 1)111 Dtp Ihp Dili Dili Dip Dili 1 l 1 UI 1 IKI 1 111 fill fcet snrlnKBeatcilclialri.. 4 00 lhp 1 11 Dip , J 1X1 Dill Dili 2 m . a (10 I'll' '.' (M Dip 1 tu 1 00 . Dip Ag.Ui. 1 uu 1 1.1 Dip IUfct,lli.playilwarr.iitftnilarillii'' looaini; uau iiii.('ii niiy i. i lor FALL GOODS. lliiMirtd 11ml most luh'V b dt lnruest half do,, ilwatl ot s''ld lati or wluler 30 ;k ;t) .so 3J ti to 80 30 rocking chair..... seiiuu , " hall dozen b.ooms ' two sides solo leather..... " two sides kip " two sides calf skin.. . " bampleof bricks. ... CLASS XVII-lWES AND UUHIIIVES. Superintendent, I'eteii S. Hm'nu:u. Judges reter S. Druglcr, Thomas Aten. Ilest swarm of bets. 6 00 nvo pouuus or nouey ... 1 0J ' beo hlvo . Diyi Tho honev to bo taken without d.ndrovlnff tbn bees : tho Kind of hlis used, and the mauaue ment of samo stated, CLAS i XVIII-riANOS AND SKWINO MA. Superintendent, Iuis A, Bernard, JirnriES .fudah lloone. (Jen. I Klwt.ll. Miss Alleo Carver and MUs Dora Thompson. Best piano 'hp and gs to llest organ. '..."". --j and 5 Hi Best suwlnu machihe . . Wnaud.'J (JJ Ud ... . Diji Hl'OUTXXU LIST HKllliAFTKU. CLASS XXI-FOOT H CIV-.. JuDiiES William Ivraiucr. J.'hrum Ikrh-r. O. A, Megarglc. Best run onco around tho course ... . $ft 00 At " 1 W Not less than tlx entries to malt a raoe. Kn trance fo 50 cents In each case. ino judges selected nro reqm d to notify the Kxecutlvu Committee at tho Hl(.vtary's illlee, In every case, where they are dK n limit or v t able to attend to the duties asnust hi them. 11ULES AND KEGUL.VTJONS. 1. Kvery person having articles for exhibition or competition must become u membjr of tho Asbochulon beloro entering thtni. . Mluors can becomo meinbrrs orexhlbltots when their patents are members. 3. The Held of competition Unpen to nil, l'er sops troui other eouiitles and Mutes can become exhibitors upon tho same tetnw as citizens of this county. 1, All articles ottered lor competition must bo owned by the competitor. 1'rutu, Nego ables, tlowers, &c must bo giowthofthe competitor, and all manuiactured ai tides must be mode by tho competitor. 5. All stock entered must bo what Is represent ed or premiums will bo torfelted, 0. All articles for exhibition or competition must bo entered bv ft n'clnrk. i sr. iinninn Wmi. uesday,thu 11th, aud remain ou thu giound unUl a huuj , .it j u 1-iin. a, 1-, ia M urn ll)Y Will UU III tlio ditpoal of tho exhibitors. 7, Fermtts for Stands for riiIo of ret 1 eshments , 1.111 uti uumiucu uy uiioiicuiiou lu IJ1 PHJCl C QHA ANaiJVII.I.R IUCill SCHOOL. Tim I'lill 'I'.ntn ni this Institution wlllnniu on I Oil 1 II ll 111 inn 14.1 11 mi 1 0111 111110 llt'M ll wi'l n.-iiiii-i-vlln Ik il inik ( nnd nldlsailt place. I-'dw. It 11 .ii" MlhiL'ts aio ino.o tu alt liy than thls.a oeilil pioporiioneu scuooi 100m iiui omniy nu lound lu the Mate, oru moie pleasant touiilon. 1'iof. .1. I!. Si lioonnM-r. I'l till hull. Mrs. J. 1). schooiioer, i'lecipliisH. 'I heso leaehiis hae 1 no ih'm ni iceoniuieuiuiiioim, 1 nuj mivn nw li eh hi lomoie lliiiti ayi iir.nun un siuueniK 111 vi 1 1' iniw'i iiiiiilrht'il in I In in. Tliev am ln t m o Kood null .. Good boa Id i.Ul bo obt'illied ut a low late. jniy s( 71-1111. ll. A. M1X1 MUil.i:. Mi'ii taiy of Tiusties. has hi hd n suj ply ol tlio Tho undvislij tied . u lunrnie-1 l.'rCUMIHClt WOOD 1 US' Tho I'.ir.iL'dn U n (ilovo-llttliiL', 111 i-uoi'i', n I101111 l'or.M'1. liunil-ioiiit'iy lliii-ni'ii ntul h llin liChlt'iii'M'lcvci-iilli'f. cil III lliis linvn ul Uio pilco. lAI. LTJTZ . the Juclifdive wjent for it hi JL00JISJlUrtC!. l'ii-.Sivinjf Skirl, iMnch Inpo i.l ioni.. l!.VSpriu: Skirt, ii'Incii tajio (ID ivnU. You can nUo find u full lino of on v GootiSAxi) xorioxs at norroM puumcs at Opposite l'rown'ri llotol iiiiiilin Iti ii-.idv lo luruUh and nut In w tdls 01 elsti ins ui lower prlct I hunt hey hue bein sold lor In utoloie ond waiianud equal tothobiKt.l '1 1.. i- nivii nu tiihtu to lite wall r. Persons n I wau'i ol pumps will do Mill to call ou or wille III 1111 SUl'Mll'H'l HI IIIVJ Hill MU lUIHI'll I piomptly 011 uicu'iiouaiiug terms, J. ll.STADON. liricnwooil l'. D I'oluiiibla anility, l'a. ail;;, ll, WAKTi:i).-lly tho iVoitliwt'-ituni l,ii,,nl ! liu liiMirniii',1 1'nmnimi'. ( Itifllll. I IIll 111 iVll, Mltll ll.t.l'U (if (iir 'ICII M 1010111(111,- Utl.l 11). Illhlrli'l .uciiih inr iuu iiiiioHiuu cuiii- lli'm IIucUk, Miiultiimcry, I'luntcr, Hilawiiiu, 1 ,,,.,.,i.i,.r Hclmvlkllt. IVlllM. Liihluli. Nnllll' (iiiiilon. I nluiiiljiu, Montiiur, Norlliiiiiiliirianil. .Moiiioc, Ailuinii.Jiiiiliilii.lliiiilloriliiiiiliii'y oilier iiiiuiciipliil Ifrrlloiy, Uml uo ImM, TliN ,N iiiru cliuiico lor boiiiu I'liM.l lut Mm! fall on ur llilUllk 1'KllL'l VA I, A HI OW, tiiiiio amciuk, iti.t ri-uuii.. l ei Wi luut roll llI, riillada, i-CWI 111 i'l 1 .nil V fMnUe, J'USTICI'VH IUiANKS. Wo now lmvo on liand n liiruii ;'"J.l,l;' l',11,,'.2 iikMirliniiit ot JlWR'irH uml IO.N'B'1'AIII.IX IIUANKH, In wliltli wo Invito tlio iiueutlou ot ttithu DllUcru, P. LUTA'H, itKowmt'S r.r.ooic, NEXT TO COURT HOUSE, m.ooiusBima, pa. 15 L O O M S 15 U 11 G. Di-id display ofany kind, hal tlaonslDiid most Juicy 1 " aud tlucst looking nail " and largest vailety halt ' n QUIM l.s. Btbt ihven (jnvi'hs. Test display, wild o eulllvrte , iACltuhd) Test six elusti in o I'oiKoid " " lu Iswar- " Cllnloii.,. " Isabella. . " ID Hold ' " " Jonu .. . " " Adiioiidt. " " lttbecca . ' M Voik.Mud- 1'I.UUS. Best display, not less lhan tw ouo do.i'U each UAJifllKnittFJ Bet dUplay, any hind, not lun tiiiieuis HIUrNUTM. Best quart JiIUHl FllUti Bcdt quart apples, pears, tiv ihoiH, uictnilnes, rhmlf s, ltd or uupllted, j giapcs, 1 snaw uen im, 11 ny kiiiu 01 ruoi rkH. dew he riles, whoitltberi 1 es and pimus Ihu I nut not to bo lemovi .1 Iho exhibition, and jarllru: senedbviill birsous lli'tt Julld, CLASS 1X-WINKS A r Jl'jiui.i Kxuulive Coiniii lust (iimtt of current wine. " I'lackU'iry win " uia o wine " " eheiry wine . o whUkey . tary or B. F, llauiuau ana tho money to bu paid lu ud vance, ( K. No license wilt bograntel to standi that sell spirituous, or mult liquor. Judges examine the dltlerent elawsvs will confer n favor on the Association by calling at tho hecreiarys olllco early on Thu is. day luornlug to obtain tlielr Instructions. Oi Wednesday tho gronuds will be opened to tho xmblle uud continue open threo da) s. A MKMBIiUSIIIl' TICKET WITH K1VK SIN- OL11 TICKKTS, ON 13 DOLL.Ut. Mcmberhhlptlcicets will not admit the holder to tho Fair Grounds. Single Admis-dou Tickets. Twenty. uvo cents, ho person will bo permitted to voto at tho next election of tho Association oxtiipt produc iuu men iiivuiuciriuip tieaet. 41?-Sportlng LUt to bo printod tu laree bills, A new nnd elegant form of dloloma has lieen procured by tho Association and will bo awarded ul tho next auuual lair. W. B. KOONS, President. J. J. BUOWBU, Secretary. Bloonuburg, August II, 1S71. aches, np- eei, pu' or wild, w etch- 30 closo of :o bo ob 'm not lu ll ts. il 10 1 to 1 o 1 Ml 1 10 Aa.iv, M .1 ,v0. i. 1. cider Mneyir CLASS X-DOMKST1U MANUKA t'UUKS, Superintendent, Nuson V. Juits, Jvprivs-Mm. llmry IMctnnlBer, Mrs. An diiw Iki-lei, Mm, Dr. Lowe, and Mrs. Dr. Chu- piu. I'.est InaTof bread " toll of butler dl lbs, or ovo-i " pie , " iHimed irult, dlttereut ki.n not Uks than 1 quart ot 1 eh) Best pound cake :,. spoil go " ginger " " fcunipiesoi preseivus(not leskinan 1 quart) fill Best sample ot Iruit jelly ,'yj uuiriiiimei ni.'ivii.'M .sljy I if. tl W 1 UO .11 6U 60 00 n. J. C L A 11 K. vaitfly of ilckltn... npplo Imtturd iiuuit or i puacli bulu-r ' urupo " " liliini " " Dt.u11.111 and Umaciation both result-from tho Inclc of ability to convert tho fowl Into nu triment, now necessary, then, lov those sutler limlruiu these alarming kymi.nm, til lmincUl- ately resorl to a remedy that will ntreuKthcu the stomach nna dlecstlvo ort-aus. for, tu soon as thu desirable object lull been,1 tho health Improves, nud Iho patient resume uis usual personal appearance. Hostetliu n Btomacli Hitters have nttnlued h world-wide pop. uianty in sucit cases, nnd have been proven tho best and safest means of itmovm.; constipa tion, toning tho stomach, itlvlni; energy ta tho liver, and relieving every sytnptoiii of nervous ness aud depression of spirits. Its cheering and bcnellclal etlect. nro hicUly spoken ufby thou. sands, who owo to It lliclr restoration to health, No restorative In the unnals oi medicine has at tained the same popularity lu the short space of tlmo It has bi. 11 before the public, or has won tho high endorsements accorded to this excel lent Ionic, Many other preparations purpoit Ing to bo correctives and lesloraliv. - lun o been Introduced, nnd havo perished oue by oue.wbl o the popularity of Hosteller's (Stomach Hitlers continues to lucreuse, and Is uuw u.'oguUed ns standard household medlcluu, Tho success whkli attends tho use of the llllterx evinces at onco Us virtues In all cases of debility aud ills- eusooiiuosiomacn, uertincates, almost with out number, havo been published, nltestlug lu truly miraculous power In removing those paluful aud fearful diseases, Aud at this time It seems ldlo to do moro than call attention to tho great remedy of tho age, In ordit tmiwaUen pub. 11a attention to Its cicelleuce, It Is tho ouly preparation of tho kind that Is rellablo lu nil cases, and It Is thereforo wotthy of Ibo consld. (ration of the Minded.