The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 25, 1871, Image 2

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i (ifcriumhiau,
IU.00aIHI.U1U,, PA.
Friday August,
Vohmlec-r l'iiiiillil,ilr-s..tiitllr,il ('onsiilrnry.
Ever slnco tho defeat of soinnnf tlm
Democratic nominees Inst full, In Co.
luiublrt county, by n union of volunteer
candidates with tlio leading Radicals of
mo county, u has been said that the
combination was not moroly n tempo
rary arrangement but was to bo ierinn
nont, so far ns tho leaders wcro concern
el. Tlio tono of Radical leaders sluco
that time, with other Incidents, con.
firmed this vlow. Previous to our del.
egato elections It was onenlv asserted
that a portion of tho candidates for tho
. Democratic nominations had secretly
tnado arrangements to run as volunteers
If not nominated, although all had
pledged their honor to ubldo bv tho do.
cUion of tho Convention. Events slneo
tho nominations provo tho correctness
or tlm previous rumors. Although the
Democratic pcoplo aro well pleased and
tuitlflfied with tho iinnilmtllon!i, greedy
olllco hunters and Radical leaders arc
not. Tho very men named before the
dolcgato elections ns bcitis in this con
Rplracy oro now nnnounclntr themsclvos
ns volunteer candidates, and It Is said a
inn ucKct of them Is to bo presented,
aiinougii tney oven resort to fraudu
lent means to hldo tho fact, all the
schemes of theso men aro concocted and
put Into shape by tho Radical leaders
nnu their pronunciamculoes aro printed
in tho Jlepublican olllco. Lest tho char
acter of their associations should tell
tlio talo upon them, their printed circu
lars bear tho Imprlntof " Local Adver.
User." That sheet is a monthly adver.
user, tho paper for which nlrondv
printed on ono sido Is purchased In Now
York.and tho rest of It Is printed In tho
Jtepublican otllco at this place. Tho
publishers of tho Advertiser havo no
printing ofllco, and tho imprint to these
volunteer-radical essays Is thereforo a
falsehood ami n fraud, a make-bellovo
that tho printing Is not dono nt tho
Radical office, while- In fact every word
01 mem is printed thero.
We last week fully explained tho no
Hitloti of tho Locust delegates, showing
tnnt tneir votes wero regular and au
thorlzcd, and therefore nothing further
need bo nam on that subject.
Tlio Pino delegates aro nlso attneked
Ono was instructed for Evekitt and
voted for him. Tho other was not In
structed at all, as only a fragment of
tnoso who elected him voted instruc
tions for Treasurer, and thoso wcro a
tie. As It Is admitted by every ono
that tho voters of tho district wero
about equally divided between tho can
didates, It was fair and proper that each
should recelvo. ono voto from tho two
If tho nominees of tho party aro to
oo constantly aoreatod, Domocrata may
as woll glvo up their organization and
quit holding conventions. In fact thero
is no other modo than holding nominat
ing conventions by which a party can
bo hold togothor and'unitcd, and if not
united it can nover bo successful. Its
very llfo depends upon union and har
mony, and whoovor strikes at its organ
ization strikes to kill. Wo havo no fear
that any amount of disorganization
that can bo mustered in Columbia coun
ty can accomplish this result. Tho suc
cess or tho volunteer candidates last
fall wa3 owing to very pocullar causes
that do not exist now, and when elec
tion day comes wo bellovo tho Demo
cratic party of tho county will bo found
united and determined. They aro too
honest to bo corrupted and too intelli
gent to bo hood-winked or led by the
llttlo bevy ot Radical office-holders in
BloomBburg, oven though the latter aro
assisted by volunteers who In their
greed for ofllco violate pledges publicly
and voluntarily made.
Itadlcal Trick;.
It would bo a "sweet" thing for tho
Radicals if they could Bucceed in in
ducing Democratic volunteers to enter
tho Hold as candidates where nominees
of their own party would stand no
chanco. To divldo the Democracy
would bo a great point gained for them
and volunteers would servo Radical
purposes as well as candidates of their
own. Thoy cannot elect either, and
they would much rather seo their Dem
ocratic tools sacrificed than that their
own men should suffer defeat. In fact
If the Radicals succeed In Inducing vol
unteers to become candidates for them,
they will trado them off afterwards
whenever opportunity offers. Volun
teer candidates aro wanted by them
only for trading purposes und to keep
Democratic voters away from tlio polls.
That Is an old trick In politics that has
been practiced too often to bo successful
again, lleware of Radical schemes if
they succeed In Inducing Democrats to
voto for volunteers thoy will laugh lu
their slcovos at their success In (lupine
thoso who aid them by voting for their
candidates. They already boast that
they aro making or will raakoa break
in tho "I-ushlngcreek confederacv."
Let theso "confederates" look to it that
their ranks aro not broken by tho ene
mles who persecuted and constantly
libel them I
At this time, when some ambitious
gentlemen threaten to opposo a portion
or tho county ticket, it may bo well to
call attention to tho following extracts
from tho rules governing tho party In
Columbia county, to wit :
XVII. No person shall bo ollglblo to
a nomination by a Convention who has
opposed tho Democratic ticket nt tho
noxtp.ccfdlngel 3tion.
XVII. It shall bo a cood causo of
challenge against any persoa offering
to voto nt any delegato elections that ho
has voted against Democratic candi
dates at aFedcral or h'tatoolcctlon with
in two years, or has opposed tho Demo
cratlc ticket at tho lost p.cccdlng dec
tlon. Mon who will not ubldo by tho deci
sions of a convention cortalnly should
havo no volco In controlling It, and
thero Is no doubt but that tho abovo
rules will bo rigidly enforced hereafter.
It may as well bo understood at onco
that wo do not print In tho political In
terest of Radicals, and that thereforo
their candidates need not apply hero
for anything that will assist them In
their attempts to Injuro tho Democratic
party. Although this notice Is Intend
ed especially for candidates brought out
by our Radical frlonds, every body else
may as won read it.
Colfax is again on tho war path In
tho North "West. Look out for land
grabs in the next Congress.
I'iirly Xomlnnlloiis.
That party Is nhvays most successful
and In fact most, deserves public conll
down, which It most careful In nriklmi
ll.s lionilimllnns and adheres ti tliein
Willi urentest uiirtiilliilly. U Is dear Id
everybody that no party, no noddy
no combination of Individuals to no
eompllsh particular ends, can long re
main powerful unless complete unity o
action h maintained. Tho highest
authority expressly declares that
house divided against Itself can not
stand." Prtidcnco, wisdom nnd neccs-
slty, comblno to rcqulro that parties
which seek to govern tho country
should maintain unity In their own
ranks. If thoy do iot, they will soon
destroy themselves and becomo tho
prey of tho common foo. Who docs
not distinctly see, therefore, that who
over opposes a regular nomination
strikes at tho very foundation ami
strength of Ills parly weakens dis
heartens and defeats tho very men who
uphold his own cause'. livery body
knows that union, harmony nnd good
will alono glvo strength and lend to
success. If wo would establish Porno-
cratlc principles, therefore, lot tw nil
iiullo In siHlalnlng tho iionilnalloni of
tho parly.
The HroUn l'lcdgc.
Tho volunteer candidates aro whining
about tho county that wo refuso to print
for them. True and why V" Week after
week for months beforo tho delegate
elections wcro held each nnd every ono
of them had his naino published In tho
CoiAJMntAN, and paid in ndvanco togct
It there, In a list headed by tho follow
lng pledge, to wit:
ITho following persons havo been
named for nomination by tho next Dem
ocratlc County Convention. All who
uro announced lu this list aro pledged
toamuo oy tlio decision or tlio Demo
cratlc Convention.
This pledge, voluntarily, and solemn
ly, from week to week given to tho
public over their own names, Is as firmly
binding upon tho conscience and honor
of tho candidates and their friends as
any obligation It isposslbloforahuraan
being to assume. Wo aro asked to as
sist In violating It, nnd of eourso wo
comoraptously refuso tho proffered dls
honor und spurn It ns an Insult.
Theso volunteers Join hand In hand
with tho Radical leaders In nn attempt
to break up tho Democratic party. In
this attempt they will get no aid from
us wo do not print In tho political in
terest of tho Radicals wo cannot assist
men In violating pledges wo support
tho Democratic parly in all Its Interests.
The Slate lVnr Claim liohliery.
Thero aro some queer statements
about tho defalcation orClEo. Q.Evans,
Stato war claim agent. Ho has paid u
portion of tho monoy Into tho Treasury
slnco tho exposure leaving a balanco
still duo of near $300,000. It is stated
that tho claims In question had been
"disallowed and suspended" by tho
accounting officers or the Federal gov
ernment In other words had been re
jected as bogus and that to obtain pay
ment bribery had to bo resorted to. As
this is n very common way, under Rad
ical rule, to filch money from tho Stato
and Federal treasuries, wo aro ready to
bolievo tho statement. But In any caso
let tho whole subject bo thoroughly
vindicated and tho guilty at least ex
posed. Tho Auditor General and Stato Treas
urer havo directed Evass to pay all his
collections into tho Treasury, but ho
declines to do It. Prosecution Is threaten-
cd but not yet instituted. It is doubted
whether an action against the delin
quent agent for embezzlement could bo
maintained. Hirbond Is for only $10-
000, nnd this Is all that can be collected
from him. Gov. Geary was certainly
culpably negligent in accepting a bond
for feo small an amount, and this fact
gives force to the suspicion that he was
Interested in the whole profits of thejob.
Certainly his Attorney General Is very
remiss In not promptly arresting the de
faulter. Tho conviction is general in Harris-
burg, that a largo portion ofthoplun-
uer or evaxs has passed out of his
hands Into those of u band of men who
procured his appointment, andcanuot
be refunded. This Is likely true. Evans
is only the tool of worso men in this
State men who are now preaching
morality and leading tho Radical party.
Theso are tho men wo whh to seo un
earthed, and thoy will be, If Attorney
General BitEWSTEit does his duty. No
matter whom tho axo may strike, let it
fall. It is bo common, however, for
Radical officials to steal that an expos
ure (Joes not causo surprise. For years
tho Radicals havo had somo mysterious
ways of raising funds to sustain their
newspapers and carry on olectlons. Is
this ono or tho ways'.'
Guilty! Guilty! Amour? nil tlm
high crimes and misdemeanors charged
to tho account of tho radical nnrtv. thfit
of packing tho Supremo Court 'for tho
purpose oi ouiaining i ivorabio decisions
is me most acinous, uecause, ir our J it
dlclarv Is mado subservient in imrlu
enus, no man Is saro either In person or
iJiuperiy. ui mis cnmo lliey liavo
oeeu guilty tlmoand again decreasing
or increasing tho number of luderes as
often as they wlshod to obtain a decis
ion sanctioning their usurpations. Let
tho verdict of tho people whoso liber-
"csarotlius trilled with, bo Guilty 1
Guilty l-itoon ,yu;i.
But tho Radicals do not stop with tho
nupremo uourt; all tho Federal courts
aro prostituted to partisan ends. Tho
manner of summonlnc tho lurnrs
tho district courts Is for tho Radical
Marshal to select out such men of his
party as ho chooses In each county und
to summon them us Jurors. Of courso
mi aro rcct not partisans. When tho
court assembles its prosccutlmr officers
aro surrounded by gangs of pimps, who
compromiso cases, or liavo them com.
promised, for a consideration, and notl
lng can bo effected except through theso
low whelps. Coming to trial n defend
ant In rovonuo caics slauds no chanco
uttdl for acquittal, for tho law Is buch
that It Is Imposslblo for any human bo-
lng to comply with ovory construction
that may bo put upon It, nnd as all Buch
eases aro regarded as political and tho
juries aro partisan, of courso conviction
is tno only possible result, however
honest and law abiding tho dolondant
may havo been. For thus prostituting
tho courts tho Radicals aro responsible,
and as long as they continuo in power
"in gross uouso will exist.
United States Treasurer Si-inneh
falls to account for Treasury warrants
drawn by him to tho amount of over
three millions of dollars I Tho dates of
tho respective warrants nnd amounts of
each aro given. Whoro is tho monoy V
Verily tho pooplo pay dearly for Radl-calruld
On r Nominee.
Tlm Democratic nominations of Col
ilinhta county nrn highly complimented
by all 1 1 io nowspapers Hiirroun.lltig us
even by boiiio of thumoro candid of tho
Radical press. Tho nomination of CapU
lluocKWAY fur ltcpresenlallvo Is par
ticularly ucceplablo to tho Democracy
throughout tho Statu, and Is nlso re
ecived by tho worklngnicn's organiza
tions with great satisfaction, Never
wcro competent men moro nocded In
our Legislative balls than nt present
and Columbia county receives mud:
credit for inking tho lend lu placing
such In legislative positions. Tho rest
of our ticket Is equally competent and
deserving. Let nil rccclvo on energetic
and unanimous support,
Tin: Chairman of tho Republican
Commltteo of Columbia county lias
called a county convention to assemble
In tills placo on tho 11th of September,
" to nominate eumlUlatcsfor the various
comity o!ccs to be voted for m the com
inn October," Ac. Whether tho conven
tlon Is called nlso Into n data In order
to glvo Democratic volunteers, who re-
eclvo nearly their solo encouragement
from ltepulillean leaders, uu oppottu
nlly to get fully under way and then to
steal u march on them, or whether tho
call Is n barefaced sham, as wo havo
llttlo doubt, remains to bo seen. Tho
Republican leaders carry their party In
their breeches pocket, nnd ns spoils is
their object, they will do what to them
seems most advantageous to Radicalism
when tho tlmo comes,
Ili'iuoi'iMtle Standing (Aimmlltpe.
A meeting of tho Democratic Stand
ng Committee was held at tho Court
House on Saturday last, in pursuanco
of n resolution of tho county conven
tlon. A permanent organization was
effected by tho election of 0. G. Bauk
ley, Esq., of Illoomsburg as chairman,
and It, J, JIlLLAitn, Eri.. of Scott
township, as Secretary.
Hudson' 0vr.N was, by resolution,
made a number of the commltteo from
Berwick, where tho Democrats had
failed to elect at tho proper time. After
somo consultation concerning tho work
of tho committee, an adjourned meet
ing was ordered to bo held in Blooms-
burg, nt tho olllco of tho chairman, on
Wednesday tho Cth of September, at 1
o'clock, v, m. It Is hoped that every
member will then attend punctually.
The War In ('area,
Further victories havo been gained in
Corca by tho U. S. forces. A number
of forts havo been captured nnd many
Coreans havo been killed. But no im
pression seems to liavo been mado upon
the authorities of tho country. When
tho American Admiral Inquired of
them what ho should do with his pris
oners, thoy coolly replied that hoshould
do with them what ho pleased. Tho
fact is tho country Is ovorpopulatcd,
llttlo If any valuo Is placed upon life,
and tho wholo nfr.ilrsccms to bo regard
ed by tho authorities as an excellent op
portunity of getting rid of a portion of
tho population. As the country is too
far off to bo annexed or occupied, as tho
pcoplo seem to have nothing that wo
want nnd us they aro carclcs3 of tho
destruction of life, It is difficult to see
what is to bo gained by continuing tlio
Colonel Slaiitou-A Stolen Title!
Tho Radical papers persist in calling
Surgeon Stanton', tiieir candidato for
udItorGcneral, Colonel! Ho certainly
never hold a Colonel's commission ho
was never in a battle never in sight of
an enemy, unless when prisoner. True,
ho drew tho pay of a Colonel, whilo
acting as contract Surgeon during tho
war, but that does not confer even tho
honorary tltlo upon him. Ho may
have marshalled regiments -of pill
boxes and battalions of calomel with
dexterity for what wo know, but thero
no iuch ofllco as Colonel of physic or
emetics In tho army. Certain it is lie
was never a flyhting Colonel, and If ho
has laurels ho won them by tho chival
rous use of pills and calomel and not by
the sword. If tho Radicals will persist
n claiming military honors for him,
et them tell tho public where and
when ho performed military services.
It was published a short tlmo ago
that a woman calling herself Mrs.
Clark committed suicido at Pittsburg.
Sho had $1,800 lu cash, besides much
valuablo jewelry and clothing. In n few
days a man claiming to bo her husband
appeared, de-cribed her clothing and
effects and had her remains taken from
tho Potter's field and decently Interred
in a burial ground. Scarcely had this
been done, however, until three other
men appeared, each claiming to bo tho
msband, and also describing her per
sonal appearanco and clothing accurate
ly ! Tho Coroner thcroforo refuses to
surrender tho effects to any ono until
letters of administration aro properly
taken out. Moral peoplo should not
commlt.suicido except In tho presenco
of witnesses.
As an ovldenco of tho wasteful char
acter of tho Giiant administration, tho
Washington Patriot says that all " Im
portant papers requiring tlio slgnaturo
of tho President must bo bent to Lon;
Branch by a special messenger, who Is
allowed ten cents mlleago each way for
going and returning, hotel bills, and
othor expenses. It Is estimated that
ovory tlmo tho President signs his
namo, by tho seashore, to a commis
slon, order, bigamy pardon, or other
paper, it costs tlio tax-payers soventy
flvo or n hundred dollars, according to
tho nllowanco which may bo mado to
tho messenger.''
Tju: Democracy of Luzerno county
aro to no congratulated upon tlio acces
sion of Mr. H. B. Beahdslee, of
Wnyno county, to tho editorial chair of
tlio JAticrne tfnion. Mr. 1). is a stroug
writer who understands tlio faith that
Is In him and has firmness to maintain
It, a politician of much experienco and
undoubted Integrity, whobervedn term
In tho Htnto Sonalo with decided credit,
nun nas nan largo and eredltablo exper
ienco as nn editor. Tho paper Is to bo
enlarged and wo hopo Improved In Its
TiiEitK Is n reported deficit, unac
countod for, In tho Post olllco Depart
ment, of nineteen millions of dollars
Verily tho pooplo pay dearly for tho
services of Radical thieves 1
One of Qov. Geary's Stato agents
to collect war claims, Geo. O. Evans
Is a defaulter to tho amount of $208,1)2:
811 Vorlly tho pcoplo pay dearly for
Radical agents r
Titu Republican organ last week, In
a round-about way, calumniated Mr,
HitAiTKit, tho Democratic nomlnco for
Commissioner, nlledglng that somo del
egato (not nnmed) had said to some
candidate, (not mentioned) that Mr.
iSltAt'i'Eit had paid $15 to each of tho
sovernl delegates to voto for lilin j and
this week It repents tlio ralttmny by
saying that certain delegates wcro
worth but $ 15 a-plcco. Thero Is not tho
slightest truth lu this Imputation and
on behalf of Mr, HllAlTUH and tho
other nominees wo deny In unqualified
terms that any delegate of tho lato con
venllon was Induced to glvo his voto
for them or cither of them by corrupt
means, wo havo mado thorough In
quiry upon tills subject and brand tho
charge, whether mado by Radical or
bolter, as basely false.
Gi:n. A. L, Roumi-'oht, of Harris-
burg, ono of tlio ablest and most prom
inent Democrats In tho Stato, presided
over tho recent Democratic convention
In Dauphin county, nnd has consented
to actus chairman of tlio county com-
mitten for tho tmuluz year. When
veterans of 75 Iti'to acll vn Held service
upon themselves to s.ivo tho Nation
from tho dangers that threaten It, what
should not younger nnu do'.' Every
patriotic Instinct now demands activity
and united effort. Let nil division ccaso
and let every Democrat mako ovory ef
fort, and If need In sacrlllco, for tho
great cause.
I'ltn Democratic convention of Hunt
ingdon Instructed fur Hen, Hancock
for President, und nominated J. Simp
son ArntcA, li-q , for Assembly, Mr,
A. has heretofore itpresented tho county
with much credit, and It Is hoped may
bo elected again. Tho Democracy uro
generally putting forth their very best
men for Legislative positions, which Is
a most encouraging sign of tho times.
A ii'i-:i:r. rumor comes from Wash
ington that Pomastcr General Cni:-
well Is to rctgu to mako room for
Gov. Cur.TtN.. It true, it is only be
cause tho Radicals havo no hopo of car
rying tills Sfatu for Gisant except
through tho ,'uctlvo aid of Curti.v.
With or wlt!i6ut him, (Iuant Is doom
ed In Pennsylvania.
Sow: or the moro reckless Republi
can loaders irali about Democratic cnnill-
dates purcluIni? support. Tlio hlnl N
to buy ifM-lho Radical leaders! It
wont take. Aside rrom the morality of
tho proceeding tho ilmr? Is worthing
and will corrupt anything it is mixed
WHEN Radical ollloo-hnlders nrn tnli.
blng tho Slate Treasury of thousands,
Is It not high tlmo that a chock should
bo put upon them by electing a Demo
cratlc Auditor General to scttlo their
accounts and seo that no imnroncr ones
aro paid V
The Democratic ticket is received
with ovcry cvidonco of satisfaction
throughout tlio county. Tho Republican
leaders may "rack their brains" lorn
plan to defeat it, but the peoplo aro in
no mood to bo humbugged by them.
lly One Who Knows lilin !
ZiEdLEU'ri JJemocrath Jhrald gives
tho correct vlow of Gen. Cameron's
decliuation of tho Vico Presidency, to
wit :
Wo see It slated (inn. CAiti-nnv
has no intention of being a candidato
for Vico President on tho ticket with
Grant in IS72. In, consemienco of
this assorted determination or tho Gen
eral, Gov. Curtin und Hon. Win. P.
Kolloy aro mentioned us proper persons
for tho position. So far ns wo nro con
cerned, we havo no faith in tho declin
ation of Gen. Cameron. 1 Io is an nstuto
politician and knowing that his nomi
nation would bo violently opposed in
tho Convention, ho does what hn linn
always done, pretended to bo no candi
date when in fact ho Is doing nil ho can
to get It. Thero Is plenty of tlmo for
tho General to chango his mind, and
that ho will do so va hivn not. tlm
slightest doubt. Especially do wo
inline so, when wo know that ho nover
lets his enemies know what ho is about
until ho has them completely routed
and disarmed.
When the ccnernl belonged to tlm
Democratic nnrtv his tactics wero al
ways such as to throw his enemies off
their guard, Eventually his policy be
camo thoroughly understood by leading
puuuciaas, ami uemg " piayeu out "
with tho Ppinocrnev. lintin-ncd his coat.
joined tho Radicals and has boon quite
successful in imposing upon tneir cre
dulity and simplicity. Ho will bo a
candidate unless ho considers morals to
ho madu by pulling tho reins by which
Grunt Is mado to daneo as he whistles.
Personally wo havo nothing against
tho General, but that ho will lukn ulnin-
daut earo of himself und nil his rela
tions, admits of nn doubt. Politics
with him Is purely u matter of business
und ho has heretofore maduitiuv hand
somely. Ho will do so In tho future,
lor tno linoit Willi him lias becomo
second nature.
TIM.' Ullll PAIM,, Utnn T, I I rn linn
has adloumed until tlm twentieth of
September, leaving nt Washington a
special commltteo of tlireoto finish up
tho business, with witnesses summon
ed, and now In tho city. This wholo
affair has been nothing but a Radical
cumrivaiicu iu Keep up sectional am-
lnn,llvni1 In fnitintit! Ar.i3f
of tlio testimony takon, lias been already
vuuitvu ui uiii-u ui iuur nines in uiuer
cut forms, and beforo different commit-
toes. lint-Ill" flin Inst fn-n it.Mtj I'ltn
same facts and individuals, with an oc-
uusiumii luviiniisning oi testimony, aim
iiusii juuiuus ui suuormuiou, uavu -
tirtnrnl In t.ll ,f iiin.if..l.. t ii.ii IW!i
n ,., w ,,,atuis ill louil. loui,
1808, and 180'.), nhio-tonths of which
,., ..I. ...... r..i. -i.... i....
lliuoiium mUlllUMUUS,
Tho commltteo has succeeded In
unnmlliwr f.rtt, t lmu ,,,.1 .,.n.. H . I.. nt..l.
VI- "h -J HlUUOilllll UUIliUS III VJIn1-
weeks, und iu making a hugo volumo
.f TkT . , I
ui iimiiiiuy, niurues nnu carpet-Dug.
gers liavo boon paid at tho rato of two
iiuiiuiuu uunurs it neiui lor nam swear
ing. Such Is tho result of this wicked
imposture Washlnnton Patriot.
Hon. Harrison' Allen, n Tlnmih.
Hcan member of tho Pennsvlvanla Sen.
ate, In u speech In which ho advocated
Cnpt. James II. Cooper for tho position
of Kergeant-at-Arms of tho Senate, bald
"I know tho gentleman (Captain Coop
er) well i I know that ho was a true anil
laiiiiiui soiuicrin tno war, following nil
Its Buceetses and misfortunes, nnd is ono
of tlio best vnunir men tho Stato can
presont, No Democrat can do himself
Injustice Ao Jlenublleun can do Mm
self injustice by voting for ns desorv
nig a young man as tins," wan sueii
candidates as Jieuinuiess and cooper,
held In tho highest esteem by men of
all political shades, success seems assur
ed to tho Democracy.
Ben BUTLEIt savs to a labor reform
"It rnakcn iiodlirercwo nt yon ilnutyour
ronvi-ntlon or wliu you uoinluaU'. I Uiko lour
Quito characteristic of tho Individual
ho'd tako a doso of salts If thero was
n chanco or swallowing tho spoon,
Secretary Boutwell has spent
about a million of dollars lu trying to
sell four hundred millions of Govern
ment bonds and has utterly failed I So
much for tho boasted government credit
under Grant's Radical ndmlnlstratloii.
Tin: Congress of Chill Is discussing n
proposition to extend tho President's
termtoBlx years, and prohibiting ro
election. As nn election In Chill is
equivalent to n revolution, the peoplo
want to lengthen tho spaco between tlio
'I'm-: debt of Philadelphia is i'lfly
Millions of Dollars, twenty millions
moro than that or tho Statu of Pouusyl
viinla. Moro than Thirty Millions or
this debt has been piled up slnco tho
Radical party obtained control of tho
city councils.
The whlto population of Now York
city is 020,1(1!), of which 510,553 nro na
tives and 118,015 nro foreign, Tho ox
cess of natives Is only 111,01)7' Tho for
eign population contains 201,097 Irish,
Ml. 11)1 Germans, III, (ill) Prussians nml
100,000 of nil other nationalities.
It Is stated that Governor Geary Is
not very strong In his support of tho
Republican candidates for Auditor and
Survoyor General. Tho action of tho
convention In nominating Grant for re
election did not Biilt Geary, nsholsn
presidential candidato himself.
Kx-Mayou Oi'dvki: refuses to call n
special meeting of tho Now York Cham
ber of Commerco to examlno tlio cllv
nccounts, ns requested by Mayor Hall.
Tho Republicans nro afraid Io have
their charges ngnlnst Mayor Hall Inves
tigated, lest their falsehoods should bo
demonstrated nnd Mr. Hall proved In
nocent. The reduction or tho public debt dur
ing tho month of July was only$S,701
07C. Tho Income of tho government,
besides "extras" was over $3:1,000,000 1
tho legitimate expenses of tho govern
ment wero nbout $12,(100,000, leaving
on $1.1,000,000 unaccounted for. Whero
Is tho balanco?
Axrtunw JnlfXHnv wiw rlirht when
ho said the Internal rovonuo system Is
destroying public morals, and dividing
II1U )H-UHU 111 III 1II UIIISTS UlU Ul.-luiviM-j
ti'lm tftnlr In nlmnf llin rrnl-nt-n.
i.w.ttt nut tt nil llm Inv ftmtr nnu nml
tho tax collectors who steal nil of tho
tax they dare to, after they have collect
ed it.
Tun Democrats of Pennsylvania nro
jntt now rendering their Radical friends
uneasy ny caning upon mo uauicai ad
ministration of tlio Stato to inform the
tiennlo what hasbeconioofubout fifteen
millions of sinking fund that ought to
bo in tlio treasury, but which is not
I here, according to tho latent report of
tno Attditor-uencrai,
Tin: mesoti2crs who travel constant
ly between Washington and Long
Branch to secure tho President's slgna
turo to documents, receive ten cents a
mile, which added to tho twcnty-llvo
thousand dollars a year of presidential
salary makes up a bill of expense by no
menus unlit, -Many oi tno signatures
aro to pardons of dcfrauder.s of tho rev
enue, counterfeiters anil Internal rovon
uo iioiauiters.
The South Carolina Ku-Klux nro
again disturbing tho rest of tlio loyal
l'orncy, even in tno custom nouso in
Philadelphia. Tho editor of tho Press
has, it seems, taken n special contract
to manufacture Ku-Klux horror from
now until tho election. How strango
that Greeley has seized tho other horn
of tho dllemmaanddenounees Forney's
saints as "thlovlng carpet-baggers."
The pcoplo of Now Hampshlro havo
reasons to congratulalo themselves on
tno recent Democratic victory in tutu
State. Tho now Legislature reduced
tho State tax from $000,000 to half that
sum : put tho naturalization laws onco
moro in operation prior legislation.
under Republican nusplces, having vir
tually nuiuucu tno icuerai laws in
this regard and exempted disabled
soldiers from tho payment of tho poll
Gen. McCandless performed his
military services on tho battlo field
uoi. Stanton poriormeil His ns n medi
cal director of nn Ohio hospital. Gen
eral McCandless was promoted because
of his bravo deeds as a soldier Col.
Stanton because ho was tho "nephew of
ins uueie," tno Bocromry oi war. uen
oral McCandless camo out of thoborvico
with n maimed body nml Impaired
health Col, Stanton with a good bank
account and a wholo skin.
The Charleston Hepuliliean (S. C.)
says :
'Wo liotilinorollnnly thun nvor In thowlsttnm
nrpomplo'onlnneMy. Tlm nlthhnUUlignr It run
un uu Kf)Ql, oui rniiif-rn win iimiiru nieuiuri-itm
harm lu hcno hmitliurn HtuU-H, mid tlirnuijli
iiioso id nu nur naiinii, wnuo mo vifeuy prui-i.t-mutlouofn
complete, uneiiulviici. irton will
brlni; us a ini-asuro til )ienco nnil prii-.erlty
wliU-h can bo becureU to us In noolhcr way."
Nine-tenths of tlio Republicans of
tho States lately iu Rebellion are of
tnat samo on nioii. us was evinced in
tho voto of Missouri on n diiect issue
last October. Two States wero lost to
tho Republicans last year which Uni
versal Amnesty would havo saved.
How many moro can wo spare V A. i ,
The services of tho Democratic can
didates for Auditor General and Survey
or General fur celipsu thoso of tho Re
publican nominees. Whllo General
MuCandless was in thomidst of battlo,
Dr. Stanton was finishing bis proless
ion In a safo hospital, practicing on
wounded and sick soldiers or contract
ing for medicines. Whilo Captain
Cooi'Eii was tiring shot and shell into
tho country's enemies, Mr. Heath was
at homo talking loyalty. If tho Repub
licans really do lovo tho soldiers of their
country, as thov professed a short tlmo
since, thoy will havo an opportunity of
rewarding tnem nt tno election in uc
tober. Some of tho Radical papers dcclaro
that they nro "sick of this nonsenso
about tlio worklngmen." Of course
they are. Tho worklngmcn's move
ment does not ngreo with tho constitu
tion of theso fellows whoso interest aro
all identified with capital ami against
labor. Oil and water are very difficult
to mix. In tho olden tlmo it was a fa
vorite dogma of Old Federalism that
"tho government should takocirooftho
ricli and tlio rich would talto euro ot tno
poor," In other words, they offered
''Protection" to tho laboring man that
kind of protection which vultures glvo
to lambs, Honest toll commands very
llttlo respect from tho bloated capitalist.
Pirry County Democrat,
The New York Mercury calls for an
examination of tho books of Iho Treas
ury Department. It says :
Tho pcoplo aro not allowed to know
anything nbout tho disposition of tho
rovenuo of tho country, amounting to
over $100,000,000, beyond such facts as
tho officers of tho Treasury may vouch
safe to give. Let tho books of tho Treas
ury Department bo examined at once,
that tho peoplo may know what has
been dono with their monoy. Foderal
thloves huvo been employed In tho
greenback buroau for years, and they
havo becomo wealthy on modorato cala
rles. Let tho nest of corruption bo
cleansed nt any cost.
Coiu'euheaps. What has becomo
of tho venomous, undignified nnd indo
cent epithets which tho radlcalsapplled
to their neighbors during tho war?
liven radical ladles, so-called, under tho
Iiilluenee, of eourso, of Radical men,
wcro frco lu tho uso of theso epithets,
Tho parties using them ought to bo,
nnd evidently are, ashamed of thciu
Bel vos. Homo of them now want olllco j
somo of them now want tho friendship
of theso enmo men, All of them min
gle dally with tho samo peoplo to whom
thoy applied tho30 villainous snakov
epithets. Wo do not advlso hostility or
ruveugu, out nnvo jicmocrots ony cor
Inlntv thai theso Radicals would ho
havo nny hotter now If they had tho
power to renow tneir persecutions Willi
success imwury jcmocrai,
Tlio t'niiillilnlos fur .Soldiers nml Win k-liiirinc-n.
Tho soldiers nnd tho worklngmon of
Pennsylvania cannot fall to make n
distinction between tho candidates or
tho two political parties nt tho coming
Slate election In Pennsylvania.
Tho Republican candidato fur Audi
tor General Is a man who never had
nny connection with or sympathy for
the tolling mnoscs. Going into the
nrmy ns a country doctor ho was soon
elovntcd to tho lucrative position of
Medical Director, not on account of nny
superior fitness, but because ho happen
ed to bo a rclntlvo of tho Secretary of
War, li. M. Stanton, He had an easy
tlmo serving his country, got big pay,
but never smelt powder or received u
wound. Ho was nominated simply he
causo tho corrupt Treasury Ring want
ed a willing tool In tho Auditor-General's
olllco. Quay looked over tho list
of Simon Cameron's satellites and pick
ed upon Dr. Stanton, Tho order was
Issued to thoso who pet up delegates in
tlio dllt'eroiit counties, nnd tho nominat
ing of tho creature of tlio Ring was Bot
tled In ndvanco of tho meeting of tho
Tho Democratic candidato for Audit
or General Is ono of tho most hklllfiil
mechanics In tho Stato. When ho
worked ns a machinist ho acknowledg
ed no superior lu his business. When
ho studied law ho displayed tho snmo
energy which distinguished him when
ho wielded tlio hammer. When tho
war came, ho entered tho nrmv not to
seek Tor an easy berth, but to light with
all his might as ho had labored ut tho
bench and tlio large. Jii nil tho glor
ious roll ol tho gallant Pennsylvania
iicsorvo corns, inoro is no namo wiucn
shines brighter than that or General
William McCandless.
Tho soldiers nnd tho worklngmen of
Pennsylvania must bo ullko attached
by tno nnieceiieuts oi iho Democratic
candidato for Auditor General. They
cannot conscientiously voto for thoercu-
turo oi tno corrupt Treasury Ring.
Tho iiauicni oamiidaio lor surveyor
General saw somo sorvlco In ilia nrmy
us a commander of negro troops, but wo
navo looi.ed in vuiu inrougu nates'
History and tlio files of Republican
newspapers for nny lecord which can
commend him to tho white soldiers of
Pennsylvania, When ho returned rrom
tho army ho nt onco enleied political
life ns a recognized tool of Simon Cam
eron. After being defeated ns a candi
dato for thu Common Council or Phila
delphia his political master had him
mado a sub-postmaster. Leasing that
position ho next appears In tho capacity
of book-keeper ton Schuylkill coal com
pauy, and us Sicntmy of the Cunt Opt ra
ter's J'iiir, uliah was for lliejmr
jivw of cntshiiitt tloien the wnrkitigmtn and
comyuUing them tnjidd to the dimand of a
set of grtcdy niimojiolltti by stariiny them
and their familiis,
Thero is not a surviving soldier of tlio
Pennsylvania Reserves to whom Capt.
Cooper, tho Democratic candidate lor
Surveyor General, Is not well und fa
vorably known, either In person or by
reputation. When ho left tlio army ho
went to work on his own saw-mill, and
Identified himself with the industrial
classes of tho Commonwealth.
When tho soldiers and the working-
men of Pennsylvania east a ballot for
surveyor ucncr.ti next October, tney
will sco to it that tho name of Captain
James II. Cooper Is on their ticket.
Tho candidates for tho soldiers and
worklngmen nro McCandless and Coop
er. Lancaster Jidclligenccr,
The Collection nr Taxes.
Tlio records show that over eighty
thousand men uro employed in (lie col
lection ol tno inconio tax. They aro
chosen, not on account of their fitness
for tho position they aro called upon to
uu, out soieiy on account oi tneir poli
tical relations to somo Itadlcal Congress
man or other officials. Many of them
aro destitute of business talent, not u
row lack honesty, nnd multitudes of
inem nro inero numnicrs and brawling
pot-houso politicians, 'i'o keep up this
x'ust army of inefficient officials costs
tho pcoplo many millions of dollars
every year, in ono way and another.
Tho Jtox'onuo Department lias been con-
X'crtcd into an nsyluni, whero many oT
tlio worst men belonging to the itadlcal
party nro pensioned oil' nnd supported
ut tho public expense. Tho musses of
that party cannot ho so completely
blinded by piejudleo ns not to seo tho
ovlls whlch'exlst, and wo uro euro that
thousands of them would gladly voto
to remedy tho abuses which ull'oct nil
classes ol' tho community alike.
Iu our Judgment tho best and tho
cheapest way to collect tho taxes which
aro necessary to support tho general
government, would bo to apportion tho
amount among tho several Slates, ac
cording to their ability to pay, and to
lenvo eacn otnto to collect inoumouni
thus levied upon it from such sources
and In such n way as Its authorities
might deem proper. Tho snnif officials
who collect tho Stato and County tuxes
could collect all taxes levied lor tho
general government, nnd tho whole
army of federal oillclals might bo thus
dispensed with. Tlio States being ro.
sponsible, would hold tho county olll
eials to a stiictaceouulubility, ami they
would exercise u Ilko restraint over
their subordinates. Tho peonlo would
chooso tho men who would gather tho
lax irom tnem, and tney would select
honest and eapablo persons. The Leg
islature of oaeh Htnto could apportion
tlio taxes in a moro equltablo manner
than Congress does, and the wholo sys
tcm being brought underthoiminedlato
vlow and control of tho people, would
bo wistly simplified, improved, ifhd
Ono of tho greatest curses of this
country Is tho Increase of Federal olllco
holders which has taken plaeo since tho
Radicals obtained control of tho general
government, This garden must now bo
weeueii out, anil wnoio crops ot useless
oillclals cut up by tho roots. Tho peoplo
uro uu interested in cheapening tho ex
penses of tho government, and thov be.
gin to see how they havo been Imposed
upon. Let them apply tho remedy at
uiu oauoi uox, Laritsic i otumccr,
DcqHitlc (iraut.
History has no parallel to tho x'aell-
luting weukiio-s of tho autocrat who Is
In charge ol thu poo s at Long Branch.
lilllclcnt and eapablo officials uro tho
sport of ids caprices, First tlio faithful
Cox, lato Secretary of tho interior, who
was too nigu toned, too honorable, to
oat tho guilty bread of lixecutlvo sub
serviency, was removed. Ho was too
hono3t to connlvo nt stealing, loo lion
orubluto bo Grunt's or lioutwell's tool,
nun ioo iuiiuiui loyiom to incompetent
dictation. He must bo put out of thu
way und was accordingly decapitated,
Next comes tho good and bravo soldier,
Ploasanlon, wlio-o removal is to duv
imnouneod, Gravo and Important uro
inouisciosiiies winch now attract public
attention, tho federal Treasury Is being
depleted, public ledgers nro being do
stroyed, warrants aro being cancelled,
nnd wholcsnlo robberies aro being ex
posed, and because Pleasuntoii will not
pledge secrecy, or liu u willing party to
tills monstrous corruption, he too must
be. sacrificed. Tho country must pro
nounce dn Mr. Grant's action In tho
premises, Ashland Advocate,
The colored men of tho South nro to
meet in Convention on tho 1st of Octo
ber to consider tho political sltuntlon,
and tho proper means or getting rid of
thocarpot-baginllueneo. Another "new
departtiro," and ono that will causo
certain leading whlto Radicals or tho
South to "dopart" rrom that section lu
ft hurry.
The Now York Commercial says :
Tho thanks of thu country uro duo to
Gonornl Hancock for a refreshing bit of
common senso touching tho best meth
od of dealing with thu Indians. He tells
us, brlefiy, it Is better and cheaper to
feed them than to tight them, A llttlo
calculation wouiu make this apparent.
Ah goes Pennsylvania so goes tho
Presidential election. Don't forget that
fact, Democrats I Keep It freshly nllvo
In your momorlos, and as election day
approaches put forth your best energies
for tho defeat of tho Radicals.
Xullonnl bailor ('ontcidloii.
This body has lately been lu sosslou
ntSt. Louis. All tho Slates wero fully
represented. They suggest Ihelr princi
ples by distinctly Betting forth tho evils
of which thoy most complain and tho
remedies therefor. In the main wo
ngreo with them, nnd their policy os
announced Is clearly that of tho Demo
cratic parly, excepting that tho 12th
plunk In tho platform Is only creating a
cumbrous attachment to tho govern
ment thai would clog action and render
It inefficient. Tho evils thoy enumerate
First; Banking and monlcd nmnnnn-
lies, by which, through ruinous rates or
interest, tho productions or human la
bor aro concentrated Iu tho bauds of
non-producers, This Is thogrcat central
Bourco of thoso wrongs, nnd through
which all other monopolies exist nnd
.Second: Consolidated railroad nnd
oilier transit monopolies, whereby nil
industries nro taxed to Iho last mill
they will bear, for tho benefit of tho
stockholders nnd stock-jobbers.
Third: Manufacturing monopolies,
whereby small operators uro crushed
nnd thu price of labor nnd its products
uro determined with mathematical cer
tainty in mo interest of capitalists.
Fourth: Land monopolies, by which
Iho public domain Is absorbed bv n row
J ifth: Commercial and grain monop
olies, speculating and enriching their
bloated corporations on human ncersi.
We prnposu to restore tho Govern,
ment to Us original purpose, and as fai
ns possible, to remedy these evils and
remove their results :
First: Lv establishing n mnnelnvv
system based on thu facts and resources
of tlio nation, in harmony Willi tho
genius tff tho Government, mid adapted
to tho exigencies of legltlmnto com
merce. To this end tho circulating notes
of tho National and Stato banks, ns well
ns nil currency that Is not a full legal
tender, should bo withdrawn from cir
culation, and a paper currency l-sued
by the Goveinmcnt.whleh shall ho legal
lender in tno payment oi all uehls pun
lie and prix-atc. dues on Imports Includ
ed, and declared tho lawful monoy of
tho Cnlted Slates. This currency or
money to bo Interchangeable at tho
Pleasure of tho bo ilers of Government
bonds hearing f! per cent Interest; thu
Government creditors to have thu prix'
llcgo iff taking the money or tho bonds
nt their election, reserving to Congioss
i no rignt io regulate I no ratuol Interest
on tho bonds and tho x'alue or tho cur
rency, so us to ell'ect tho on iiilnblu distri
bution or tho products or labor between
money or non-producing capital and
proiluctivo Industry.
.Second: By paying tlio National debt
In strict accordance with thu laws uu
do which It was orlglnallv enntractud
gold whero specifically promised, but
uu oilier lonns oi indebtedness, includ
ing tho principal of tho fix'o-twcutv
bonds, shall bo discharged at tho earliest
option ol tho Gox'crnmcnt in tho legal
tender currency or lawful money of tho
United States, without funding it in
long bonds, or hi any way increasing
thogold.paylngand untaxed obligations
of tho Gox'crnmcnt.
Third: IJy preserving inviolato the
public domain to actual settlers, tillers
oi 1110 sou,
Fourth: By a tariff or rox-enuo alone
bcllovingns wo dothat tho reduction of
interest to adjust the rate will do moro
to lucreuso rewards oi labor and to en
eourugo tho development of agricultur
al, mineral, manufacturing and mu
chanlcal resources than uny system of
tariii laws tnat can do iicvisen.
Fifth: By restraining, or, if needs lie,
nuonsn dig corpornto monopolies and in
terdictlng class legislation, and confin
ing national legislation to necessary ob
jerts ; subjecting tho military to tho
civil authorities, nnd reducing tho nrmv
to a peace standard, and confining Us
operations to national purposes alone.
,S7.i7 : lly requiring that in nil future
wars tno means necessary lor their pros
ecution shall, as required, hu collected
from tlio wealth of tho couulrv. mid
not entailed on tho future earnings of
.Seventh: By adopting nn Indian pol
I,.., 4,.l,.,.l,..l ,l.,4t,.,,.,l iM.lln-, l...
which many x'aluable lives and inanv
millions ol money will bo annually
J.ighth: By holding legislators ton
more rigid accountability: but reoulr-
lng thu submission of tho annexation of
territory and other lunilamenlal laws
ultcellng tno general inlercit or society
to a voto of tho whole people.
Xinth: By prohibiting tlio Importa
tion or coolies or other servile labor,
and protecting lauor irom uu unncces
sary burdens.
Tenth: By encouraging co-operative
enecis, and mo puiiding up ol muiilai'
hiring Industries throughout tho coun
try. Flecenth : Bv granting General Am
nesty, und restoring tbu Union nt onco
on thu basis of tlio equality of rights
und privileges to nil clussesand interests,
tho impartial administration of justice
being tho only true bond or union to
bind tho States together and engage tho
ullectlons or tho people to thu Govern
Twelfth : By tho creation or a board
of management of tiio currency and
revenue, Io consist of such a number of
Intelligent business men as may hu nee
essary to transact tho fiscal affairs of tlio
Government, which board shall bo
charged with tho execution of all laws
relating to tho collection of and dl
bursenient of tlio rovenuo and tho reg
ulation of tlio currency: und empow
ered to employ mid havo tho oversight
of tho clerical forco and other officers
und agents required in tlio discharge of
mi tuu dimes pertaining to this Depart
ment ; tho samo rule to bo applied to
tho Post-Oillco and Interior ik-patt-niont,
us far us may bo practicable j tho
Secretaries of tho Departments to bo
rrcsiiienis oi bticii jsoaids.
Peu.Son's who go Into a County Con
x'cution for nomination, got beaten and
then come out ns " independent " and
attempt to beat tlio regular ticket by a
secret bargain and silo with tho oppo
sition, uro a disgrace to tiio party to
which they proless to belong, nnd ns
buch snouid nu denounced and punished
Ilko tho worst species of political
knaves, it Is tho duty of parlies to set
a muni upon sucn poisons as uuwnriiiy
of confidence und to forox'er debar them
rrom tho privileges of nominating con
volitions, either us delegate or candi
iUlcs.2'oUtvltlc .Standard,
A Russian fleet Is on its way, con
voying tho Grand Dnko Alexis of Rus
sia on n visit to this country. It will
reach New York about tho first or Oclo
her. und bo received III a proper mail
per. Russia has been n steady friend
of tho uniii'd Btaies, and in receiving
tho Grand Duku wo show our uiiiirccia
tlon of tho conduct of his Illustrious
father, tho Czar,
UlnnitmlmrK Mai Utt
Wlirat per lir.thi'1 81.1)
Ityo " i io
tin ii " M)
O.llM, " ui
Kluur per lai'U'l M4)
I'lllU'lM'iM II (0
Klaxki c a I ut
livilUr - IS
1- iruM
Tiilliiw ID
I'ntuliiCH 1 UI
Pilcil A!.k- 10
llaniH 17
KlUin ami Mhmildera - - li
lsiutpirpniiud 18
Hay Kr Ion 10 10
JLl l'libllo nnfco Is hoioby kIvcii that on tho
!ilt u.iy or jui.i. isji, i pitmiaH-ii hi uihihih
hio'u hulo. us tlio property ut Levi t'renny. tlio fol-
Inwiuif urtU'U-H, to will 1 CooUlitf Htovo, U
l'liuln, 1 inuouit, 2 Looking (bathe, 1 Ctiplmanl,
V! Hi it HKiiUx, 1 Tallin nml ' i'luM, ami Hull I liuvu
lii-inoii thu Kiuiiu Io unUl Cu-iuy. iluilnt; hiy
eU-aniiru, ami all pcrnon nru i-iiutlont-il not to
imtcafcuor mi-ilUlu with tlm winin as llht-liinuii lu
inn, Jllllfl w, jiiuu,
Cf ntro twp., Alimm 1, 1WI, niiK.l,'7l-at
Columbia Ootmty Domocratio Tiokot,
I'Olt HKlitliSENTATIVi:,
ashociati: junut!
llllIAIlt'ltKltK ToW.NSIIII'.
Now Advertisements,
AT O TICK. - -
Xl Tho inMernlmioil Imvhit: imrcli.-iiml llm
Ubo urn, or w, I-'.l Matt, irom Uonlim to lllnnmn
Imrii, will run a roach llirco Uayi o.icli week, nn
TumlayH, Hiurwlsya ami Hmiinlnv. Leivu
i ii'iiion ui. ii ii ciocic A, ji..nrnvo at uiooniHimrir
nt 10 o'clock A, M., leavo llloomslMiri; on tlio ar
llvalol llm I'liUiulclnhla inall. 'llio ilrlvi-r run
hehi-c-unt llrown'H lloti-lou encli Mntfo day hp.
twi-oll lu o'clock A, M. tiuil I o'clock l'. jr. l'ass
ctMcra will Ik) Miit-iy conveyed to ami irom all
IntcriiiciUatu point. All eacknges lelt In lay
caro will he I'l-oniHly delivered.
J.H, ulini:.
liKNTO.V, AUUltlt 10, lWI-llli-SI,
NoHco Is hereby ulvcn tothoTnxl'aytri of tho
Town of iJlooiiMburK, that on and alter
Iho undciMUned will he pre-uued to rceilvo tho
Town Taoi assessed for yuar ltl, al Ids
oIUcl', In Kxchiingo lllnc k. In h.ild town, I'd dn ir
irom west ui'l on tlio I'd lliwr, nml n.tlil ux-ti.iy-trs
are hereby le'iulied Io pay llioHimo.
OMli-a himrs fr.ini u to VI a, m. mid trom I In r.
V, in,
Any tat unpaid at the expiration of thirty
iIiivh irom tiii 7th ol September, 1S7I, riiUI in
paid with rive per c:tilum penalty up in (n
aiiiouuta lded therein.
i:. It, Town Treasurer.
lltonmsbui-, August Ji, 1S71.
M tl H I O V A It K It () () M K
A irencral assort ment of
VIOLIN HlitlNCM ().' Till! Ill-WT (ilJAMTY.
AND I'KltiU.
A llllTTIIIl ASllltT.lli:.'l' IIP (HtdANs
Till-: TIIMI'Li: ANOnt.lC nUn.N Willi'. I
li vmtiii: HrKi-; toni: th t
lillliU OUOAN,
3-L'all nnd examlno lororo;) uin , rDc
wbere. WnieriKini Main Hlwl, luimv Mallie.,
opposite Corel!' lurilituro w.uuronm, llloitiii
hurB.I'a. nuKAVj,';.
JJ ai:i'i'i:.Miii:itTi;K.M, isti.
llKSToN Himuel lllinne, llmauuol I.iubicli.
IlKltwtn .lolm Hckerl.
Ilhoo'i William 11 irrHjn, L'.wncr J. Thorn is,
H itiiuii Johnson.
ChMUK-L. H. Ilower, Phil lp Ci easy,
1- isiii.miciikkk Illeliard II. Ilrlsut, .1. D. Mr-
Henry, N.itlun Prlcsuich, Josl ih Hess,
Oliri:.woni-u. 11. Thomas, John l'.il'i'is in,
Win. I'. Rabbins
Lnci'sr Hlljali Vocutn, Isaiah Yeas"!.
Mr. l'l.KAsANr-l'htllp .Miller.
MoNioim Hii-iH lienor,
lis K Henry (lordlier .
Sioi-r-Abmliam.SuydJr,Hniucl H. Klin
H, fowler.
, fh.i ..
J foit hi:itemiii:uti:i:m, i-j.
llr.oiiM-.Iolm M, barton, Jllclnol c.isei, Itnht.
mill, (.'has. roster.
Ih:uwiti;-Joim W. Comer, l'.lclur.l Thomp
son, lll-' MIclull, Tlllnnu HItteulioiis.',
UroNTo.v-wllllam Miller, Slcphcu l'jhc, lleiuy
Hess, tMiao Hiuin.
ri vru n.tA-o. 11. Mlll-irJ, Wm, I'el.Tjr.
I'lsmsia-ufFi,- Henry Hyer,
llilhl.NWoun-J. o, lllrton, Josop'i KMiln,
IIcmi.ih-i; Joliu Applemuii, Win, Appleui 1 1, II.
W. -Mitoynolds, Geo L. sli.ii'in.iker.
Jack-on lolm II. frit.. Jaoli t,'in;;or.
I .hits r Wesley I'erry, l.enini.1 Ad mis.
Mr, I'l.KlslNl'-TIi is. J. Willlver.Josep'l.Slllds.
.MoNroeti Allred Irvlu.
Mahison John It. Jolmsmi.
Mil ri.IN--S.iiul.snyd.!r,J.lejh Nim.
iniAMii: Wi-Klcy liownuiu.
IloAlli.Nm-ULUK-l'eler Levan,
r.t.ooM John Knyiler, Aaron llendersliott.
Hi:avi:k Nathan liu-dbender.
IlK.NroN lien. It, HtMS.
IhllAlii itl.i:iv Albeit Hmltli,
t'Ar.iwissi Waller Lnslit-U, William l'ro.iy, I.
P. itulck, Hauiuel Loui;, Jr.
fiMiiNiicnKt-i; Ueoruo I'ealer.
lllmitswooii-lleniy .Mather, H.-nJ. Uves.
Hkmuhk Jouultinurau, U. 1', .Monro, II.
Jackson John 1', Hess, John f. Dorr, Thendure
W. Mmlth, In.
Min i in W. li. Minltli, Daniel llcllor, Aiir.ilinn
W. .Masteller.
.MAlil.soN-liiustlnlleudciihott.D. A. W.l' on.
.Main J, U. Jamison.
Mi. I' l'hlllp Kline.
UK IMlK Jacob 11. Harinuli.
I'iNK-Johii lilclniid, Jacob t'hrlsilni. .
UoAitiMit-iobK Danlal HariK. D'vid Lnlw.
hion-Huslou iloblaon, it. J. Millard, He. .
Ki'iiAHLoir leklclhhult., aooruo frit,
X county Irom Its organization in lsn tn Is, i,
I oniplled und edited by John tl. I'ltKb.l-', (lac
volume oclavo,5oilpaKcs,Uioth halt Ilbnili .
8J.5U, lull library I.W.
heulnului; with llio (nrly history nt the due
tory coin prised within Iho limit nic'olum in wind
Montour, Ibis voluuiuihves thu org.tut.illon hv
llsnrlKluaIboutittailes,ltni, lednellouH, ami tllueiecllon ot Montour eulllilj .
Achaptcr on Iho utir-uns nnd mountains lie
dale nt Iho elections ol thu townships ami "oi
ouijhs, and the tcnltoi-y o it ot which they wvo
loiined the personnel ot the courts, eompilsliM
tho nameu ot tlio 1'ii.sidcllt J ll dies Iho Ahnci.ih .
tho I'luthouotJlles, Itelsters, Sherllls anil
resident Attulllejs ol both Columbia and Mon
tour, it lias cliaplcrH on Illoomsburif, Danville, llcr
wick, Cutawissnnud thuNinallt-r towns, l-'ubcLlu-eatloual
statistic. Tho Kmoval (Question, mid
the voto on ll by townships,
Tiio census by townships, Including: Mmiloui,
flout I v.i) to lull), tho taxable lor ls71 mid the
liuuiberor acres of liimt lu each township,
i-rv roMiiileto Hit of tlio members of Chi ft s.
Ht-uAtoiuid llotun, representing Columbia conn
ly, with lull and various election letutus Im
Ktutoaud federal olllco by luwutdtlps,
counties, compilslns tlio muster roll of nil (lie
companies nun pans ot companies recruited
then-ln, the No, ol tho Hegjluunt, tho battles
lliey weio counted In, with numeious ileum of
personal Interest, A list of all tho dratted iiieu,
the names of tiio couscieutlous-sciuplo exempts
and Iho eliaiueliey men of beptoinber, Island
Juno IsOJ, bciui; n complete war iceoid of the
llio trials ofourchlens, tlio great argument nf
Judeo lllack on Mllltuiy Commissions, nnd Iho
opinion ol lliu UultodHlatciihuprcmoCouil.cuu
iteiiiiitni; Hum, Togelher with much oilier (an
ions important, nnd luleiesiiutt matter.
UEoKiiKA.Li.AitK, ol llloouishurg, Is author
ized to lecolvo subscriptions lor Iho work; to bo
puld lor ou dchviry, uuif, ls,'71-tim
Wn tinui I in vi, Ihn finest. nuiinrlmpuL of IlLANIv
llf.HDHou iiund and for sale Unit wero ever kept
lu llloonuburi,'. Luruo size on best iiaiiiniieni
paper, Common peeus, Kxeculor'isand Adiniuts
llator'K Deeds-kiuull lilio Koisl paper (cheap)
Cuiiimuu Doisjy, tic,