The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 18, 1871, Image 2

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    Sfe OfflinmlriMt
Friday August IS, 1873.
Tlie Noinlnntlonii
Blnco Iho mljoiirniiiont of Uio Into
county convontlon wo lmvo mado illU-
Bent Inquiry, of peoplo from tho var
ious townshlpa visiting this ofllco, In
rcforonco to public feeling regarding
tho county ticket. Wo tiro glad to bo
able to say that It gives ns universal
satisfaction as Is posslblo. Evcryvvhoro
tho bulk of tho party Is nt knst well
satisfied, and any attempt at disorgan
ization will bo met with stern resistance.
Pledged as nil tho caudldales wcro who
nppeared boforo Iho Convention to
abldo by Its decision, It would bo per
sonally dishonorable and treacherous
In them to rcfuso to support tho ticket,
and their active friends aro Included In
this plcdgo by their participation In tho
delegateeloctlon andsubmlsston of their
causo to tho decision of tho Convention,
In referring to tho ticket, the Berwick
Independent, at Republican proclivities,
Tho nominations mado oy tho Dem
ocrats county convention, which con
vened at Uloomsburg on Tuosday lust,
appear to glvo general satisfaction
ninoim- the Democrats in this section.
Those of tho candidates with whom wo
aro personally acquainted aro good men,
nnd wo think tho convention has acted
Judiciously In Us selection of candidates.
Of course, under such circumstances,
any candidate who comes out in opposi
tion to the ticket tcill simply be a candi
date of the lladicats, whatever profess
ion ho may make. Tho Radical ofllco
holding ring of this place, and their
sympathisers, aro trying to Induco some
men who aro professing Democrats to
run against tho tlckot, for tho purposo
of dividing and distracting tho Demo
cratic party, and by this means reduc
ing its majority, but whoever ylolds
to that temptation can only bo regarded
as himself a Radical, or what Is worse,
a tool of the ltadicals. Every truo
Democrat wants tho party to romain
firmly united, so that overy posslblo
voto may bo polled for tho Democratic
Statu candidates and tho largest possible
majority may bo given. When tho
country calls, It Is no tlmo to bo bicker
ing about trivial affairs nnd thoso who
nltcmpt to creato division can only bo
ranked with common opponents.
Stanton's History.
Our readers know how earnestly we
have endeavored to induco tho Radicals
to glvo tho people a history of thoir
candtdato for Auditor General, and es
pecially of his military sorvlcos. All
theao efforts aro, of course, In vatn, be
cause thero Is no history of merit to
givo. Tho Ilarrlsburg Patriot, how
over, comes to the rcscuo of tho Radical
scribes and glvos a full history of Stan
ton's llfo which wo condenso and sup
ply ,thus : lie wa3 born In Ohlo.orsomo
whero else, and squalled at his birth,
from which circumstance It was Infer
cd that ho would become a great man I
Ho learned his A, 11. C's., from somo
body not known, and tho fact that ho
had eventually becomo a contract sur
geon Induced tho Cameron ring-master
to supposo him nn adept In that
scientific branch of stealing which en
ables men to cover their tracks adroit
ly and they therefore nominated him
for Auditor General. Rut wo anticipate
history. In the pursuit of philosophical
investigation into natural causes and
their effects, Dr. Stanton discovered
that being a cousin of tho Secretary of
war .was a cause, tho effect of which
would result in giving him an ofllco.
With a straight coat-tall ho rapidly
marched to Washington. Being con
vinced in common with tho most In
tense brawling patriots of that day,
that "discretion was tho better part of
valor," be resolved not to risk his skin
in tho roar and turmoil of "grim vis
aged war," but to content himself with
tho office of contract surgeon, with tho
pay of a fighting colonel, which afford
ed 'him a safo refuge in some secluded
hospital. Thero ho remained until the
conclusion of tho war, and It Is proper
to add that ho was tho last man dis
charged by his undo, long after tho war.
Retiring to privato Ufa when ho couldn't
help it, he remained In quiet reposo un
til the mule contractors and other gen
tlemen of similar Impulses and-purposos
Introduced him to tho public as tho
Radical candidate for Auditor General.
They Infer that no man Is better quali
fied than Dr. Stanton to discharge the
duties of Auditor General in tho man
ner they want it done and that his pro
fessional attainments will cnablo him
to doctor or to amputato any accounts
which may bo deemed unhealthy by
tho treasury ring.
Tho ring that nominated Stanton
already has charge of the Treasury. If
they elect him they will bo enabled to
scttlo their own accounts, and thus, as
the dullest chucklo-hcad may see, all
confusion about fairness and honesty
will bo avoided and thoso who have
hold of tho State's purse strings can
help themselves to their own satisfac
tion. Our military friends end their admir
ers will see that though Dr. Stanton
was novcr In or near a battlo ho ranked
as Colonel, and drew pay and rations as
Colonel, and Is therefore dosorvlng full
credit as such. Rut at somo future tlmo
we will glvo tho balance of Dr. Stan
ton's history, if there is any more.
Tue Democratic Standlni: Committee
will meet in this placo to-morrow for
tno purpoEo of organliing thoroughly
lor mo ensuing campaign. Arrange-
monts should be made to lnsuro tho at
tendance of every Democratic voter at
tho polls this fall and to make every
proper effort to increase tho voto. If tho
peoploare properly enllghtoned as to
Jiauicai misruio anu oppression tho
Democracy must win. It Is tho duty of
campaign committees to seo that this Is
dono and tho moro efficient thoy mako
momselves tho hotter will this duty bo
uiscnargcu. Tho day for nominal com
inlttees is passed WORK, efficient,
zealous, untiring WORK is what is
needed and all effort should bo mado
as though everything depended unon
polling tho last posslblo voto for tho
Democratic nominees. Tho Standing
ixmumieQ is iookcu to for this work lu
Columbia county and all tholr enorgles
should be directed to that end. Yet lt-t
not Democrats depend sololy on tho
committee, but let every ono do his
utmost to rally tho wholo strength of
mo party Dy promoting harmony and
kuuu wm anu disseminating eorroct In
formation. Lot all seo to it that every
wiuuuai muxes up ins wind to attend
mo pons anu vote the whole ticket.
Tho Locust DelcKftlos.
At tho latodolegato election In Locust
township, thero wcro precisely 100 vot
ers for Urockwuy and 13 or 10 for Mc
Henry. Tho llroekwny voters run
three delegates, namely, John Snyder,
DanlolStlno and John 1'. Walter, nnd
loft tho fourth delegate to bo chosen by
tho McHenry men. Tho result proves
that they Judged correctly as to their
rclatlvo strength and ran tho right
number of persons. They had votes
enough to elect three delegates from
tho township, but not enough to elect
tho wholo four.
But tho Mcllonry mon Instoad of run
ning but ono delegato on their ticket,
(as tho result shows they should havo
dono), ran our, namely, Adam John
son, W. L. Kline, W. II. Rolnbold nnd
Samuel Fottorman. Johnson, Kllno
nnd Rolnbold received each IB votes,
Fottorman 15, and Mcllcnry had, on
Instructions, 15 votes. So, unquestion
ably, tho tlirco Broskway delegates nnd
ono of tho McHenry delegates who re
ceived 40 votes, wcro entitled to scats
in tho convention, and tho only ques
tion was, which one of thoso who had
received 10 votes should bo admitted.
On motion, and without opposition,
Adam Johnson was admtttod ns tho
fourth delegato from Locust and ho
took his seat and served along with tho
thrco majority delegates. All this was
quite regular and perfectly Just. Each
Interest had lis duo representation and
tho rules of nomination wcro exactly
As to tho voting of tho Locust dele
gates In Convention afterwards, tho
facts nro as follows :
1. Snyder, Stlno and Walter had been
Instructed by tho 100 voters who elect
ed them to voto for Brockway for Rep
resentative, and they did voto for him.
Mr. Johnson had been Instructed by 15
of tho 4G voters who elected him to voto
for McHenry and ho did voto for Mc
Henry. So, beyond all question, upon
tho nomination for Representative,
each delegato exactly performed his
duty under his instructions.
2. For Assoclato Judge, Snyder, Stlno
and Walter voted for Dorr, having been
instructed to do so by 00 ol tho 100 who
elected them. Mr. Johnson had been
instructed by 1 1 of tho 1C voters who
elected him to voto for Lake, but his
numo Is entered In tho Convention pro
ceedings ns voting for Demott. Wo
havo heard no reason assigned for this
fdeparturo from regularity and It seems
to havo been inadvertent and overlook
ed nt tho time.
3. For Treasurer, Snyder, Stlno and
Wultcr wero not instructed, but thoy
voted fur Lamon. Of tho 100 voters
who elected them, -19 voted Instructions
for Lamon, 10 for Everett (Including
three tickets Irregular as to name), and
2 voted blanks as to Treasurer. As no
candidate had a majority of tho wholo
voto given to thoso dolegates, thero
wero no instructions to them for Treas
urer which tho Convention could en
force under tho 15th rule. It required
51 of their voters to Instruct them and
no more than -19 voted for any candi
date ; they wero thcroforo freo to voto
according to their own judgment nnd
choice. Mr. Johnson, tho other Locust
delegate, voted for Everett, pursuant to
tho instructions of -15 of tho -10 voters
who elected him.
Upon tho Tally-paper returned to tho
Convention thoro was an excess of
scores for Treasurer, namely, for Ever
ett of 12 and for Lamon of 11. But tho
tickets which wero produced and count
ed by order of tho Convention, (and
afterwards again carefully counted by
tho Secretaries), showed tho results
abovo mentioned nnd agreed with tho
total voto of tho district as shown by
tho list of voters.
1. For County Commissioner, Snyder,
Stlno and Walter voted for Tolic, hav
ing been Instructed for him by 85 of tho
100 voters who elected thorn; whllo
Johnson voted for Shaffer under tho
instruction of 11 of tho -1G voters who
elected him.
Thus It .will bo seen that with tho ex
ception of an inadvertent voto on Asso
ciate Judge, all tho votes given by tho
Locust delegates upon leading nomina
tions lu Convention, wero regular and
authorized, and not in any way open to
eproach or question.
It is truo that throughout tho voting
regard was had by Delegates only to
tho instructions of tho voters who actu
ally elected them, but this was in exact
conformity with tho 15th rule. That
rulo provides, that "Delegates instructed
by the voters who elect them shall obey
theirinstructions,&c.;"a. provision which
was fully set forth and oxplainod In
tho Columbian on sovoral occasions
prior to the delegato elections. So In
Centre towr.shlp, for instance, where
two Brockway delegates and ono Mc
Henry delegato were choson, Lamon
had altogether Gl votes and Everett but
20. Vet Everett roceivod tho voto of
tho McHenry delegato because Ms 20
votes constituted a majority of the votes
gleen to that delegate. But wo need not
multiply Illustrations or oxtend our
remarks upon n point which Is perfectly
plain under the rules.
Tho Ropubllcof Liberia has now been
in existenco for many years, under the
Joint protectoralo of Uio United States
and Great Britain. Tho colonization
societies of tho two countries havo also
constantly aided tho Liberians with
educational means, agricultural Imple
ments, Ac, yet they havo novcr been
nblo to get along without aid. When
It comes to government, howovor, tho
darkles are quito proficient In manipu
lating for office. At a recent Presi
dential election, RonERTa, a former
President, was elected, but tho defeated
eandldato (now In office) refuses to
yield, nlledglng that ho was elected for
four years Instead of two, a discovery
that should certainly havo been mado
boforo nn election was held. As tho
British keep n man-of-war In the harbor
they will no doubt sottlotho hash.
The perfect fairness of tho Demo
cratic press In speaking or General
Grant'h nppolutmcntsisstrongly Illus
trated by tbo terras In which thoy refer
to the appointment of Mr. Adams as
Arbitrator on tho part of tho United
States in the Alabama claims controv
ersy with Oreat Britain, nnd of Mr.
Bhunot, of Pittsburg, as Indian Com
missioner. Both uppolntmonts aro com
mended by tho Democratic press In
strong terms, becausoboth the appoint
ees nro men of high integrity and abil
ity, lit would bo well If tho Radical
press -would reclprocato this generosity
wheal speaking of leading Democrats,
but-'whether thoy do or not tho courso
ofhoDomocratlf press deserves com
Clinton County.
Our old friends over In Clinton lmvo
nominated tho following most oxcollent
ticket, to wit! Senator, S. R. l'ealo;
Assembly, Col. A. C. Noycs j Assoclato
Judges, William Dunn, Coleman Oru
gan J County Treasuror, Joseph F.
Hayes; Commissioner, Wallls daklo;
Auditor, William A. Cook; Coronor,
Dr. O. Y. Bcnttie.
When nominations nro mado In Clin
ton county ovcry Democrat, puts his
shoulder to tho wheel and tho majority
of tho parly Is rolled up to tho topmost
point. Of cottrso, thercforo, tho tlckot
will bo elected.
Tho resolutions adopted would havo
been a credit to tho Stnto convontlon
and would havo nssurcd thorough
union and most oncrgotlc action, Wo
regret wo havo not room for them.
Wo commend tho nominee for Sena
tor to tho Democracy of that Senatorial
district. Ho Is a lawyer of ability, nn
unswerving Democrat, and would bo a
legislator of tho strictest Integrity.
Barring somo scintillations of yan
kcolsms that ought to bo squelched,
Col. NoVEH, tho eandldato for Assem
bly, Is n pretty thoroughly naturalized
rennsylvanlan, atul Is much bettor
than tho nvcrago of mombers of tho
Legislature. Ho Is n gcnorotn nnd
warm-hearted gentleman.
Wo cannot spare tho room nt present
to particularize further, hut can only
say to our old friends : wkm. donk
good nnd falttifui uomocrais I Always
deserving well you nrostlll on tho path
of truth, patriotism and honor, and you
will havo tho reward duo thoso who
cower to no danger and stoop to no
subterfuge Wero tho thorough organ
ization and energetic action of tho De
mocracy of Clinton Introduced Into
every county, McCandlkss and Coo
ped would carry tho Stato by 30,000
The- Defaulting Collectors.
A further explanation has been given
by tho Secretary of tho Treasury in re
gard to tho defaulting rivenuo Collect
ors of Pennsylvania, which sustains
tho declarations of tho latter that " tho
balances against them consist of tax
lists charged to them but turned over
to their successors In office." Tho Sec
retary further says :
"Under tho existing law tho account
ing officers cannot credit nn outgoing
Collector with lists so turned over, un
less tho Commissioner of Internnl Rov
onuo shall certify that such outgoing
Collector has used duo diligence. In tho
nbsonco of such certificate tho account
ing officers cannot credit Collectors with
taxes turned over to their successors,
and In almost every caso a Collector
must appear to bo in arrears, though
nothing bo due from him, until tho re
quired certificates shall havo been sup
Tho apparent deficit of W. L. Scott,
of this district, Is now given at $2,080
93, and that or MaJ. Suuineu at $3,139
57. We do not In tho least doubt but
that upon final settlement it will ap
pear that neither of theso gentlemen,
nor Mr. Guernsey, of tho 18th district,
will owe tho government a dollar. Tho
bungling Inefficiency and stupidity of
tho officials nt Washington Is unmatch
cd by any government on tho faco of
the earth. All thclt- financial state
moots aro unreliable nnd false, and so
far as believed only deceive. Party
effect seems to bo tho only end consld
ered. In somo cases suit has been
brought against Collectors, but only
whero tho personal malovolenco of tho
U.S. District Attorney was to bo grati
cuhiniauvo vouiik nyiwm on uio ucuiocrucy I
portion or mo ixHunwian nas oeeu occupieu ior i
Memrati Vi.o wcro to cnt their votes at the
Delptmtn elpotlons. inaddltloo. at cacn coll. an l
, hMlV Ylatnnnil npnrll khn il.l ho furnish!..!
sotimithoBoveroigncan keep tally on the ono
ofvotct. otherwise some of thorn may get slight-
iU'Ji-xcd,i'"J""' i"""""'-""e"'-
Perhaps tho"slato and pencil" would
bo necessary to obtuso editors, but not
at all to tho Intelligent Democracy of
Columbia county. That upon tho adop
tion of a now system of operations, ex
planatlon is proper on tho part of those
whoso duty It Is to givo Information, Is
not at all strango. It is intelligent and
honest peoplo who dcslro clear explana
tion and understanding Ignoramuses
novcr do ; It Is their part to sneer.
Our careful nnd repeated explanations
of voting prior to tho lato primary clec-
tlons wero mainly upon tho subject of
instructing delegates an old practlco or
usago of party which had not been
abolished by tlio now rules. That old
feature of tho rules was tholr single
defect and produced the only Inconvo-
nlenco encountered in tho primary elec
tions, nnd ns it retained to sorao'oxtont
tho unjust principle of tho disfranchise-
mcntof voters, It was luconstcnt with
the now plan of reform applied to tho
election of delegates. It was, howover.
swept away by a unanimous voto of
tho convontlon and tho rules wero mado
harmonious, consistent, con vonlont and
thoroughly Just for tho future. In a fu
turo articlo wo will point out tbo char
acter, extent and oporatlon of tho now
rulo which substitutes reformed voting
for all offices lu placo of tho old and
unsatisfactory plan of Instructions,
What wo havo to remark horo, Is, that
tho plan of electing delegates upon tho
prlnciplo of tho freo voto worked well
at tho delegato elections nnd gave tho
.fullest satisfaction. This is proved by
tho fact abovo mentioned that tho Con
ventlon by a unanimous voto extended
tho prlnciplo upon which dologates aro
chosen to tho voting for all candidates
proposed for nomination. Hereafter,
not only will delegates bo chosen upon
tho prlnciplo of proportional ropreson
tatlon aa thoy now are, but all canal
uatc for unminntinn will rpcnivn dt
trlct votes In Convention In nronortlon
ulcti. Candidates when tlioy cot 11
pari oj me popular vote of a district will
uar vole ola district will
Drdlnarv mips n imrt of
oruinary cases, a pnrt of
In Convontlon, nnd thus
also KCt, In all ordl
Its district voto
fair play nnd Justico will bo secured.
, vvu win uuu, wr mo particular cdillca-
linn oi inn t-iiiinrH ni ii.n i?aai., v,,.f
net and U.invlllo JnMiinenm
,i,n ! .,il J; , "'S t 'at
When ft candidate Shall rccolvo all UlO
! votes polled In a district lio will bo en
Mltlodto Its wholo dolegato or district
voto in Convontlon.
UKPunuoANs professdeop sympathy
with tho gentlemen who wero not nom
inated by tho lato Domocratlc conven
tion, but If thoso gentlemen had been
mado tho nominees licnubllcan svmnu
! thy would havo boon exactly rovorsod
and tholr tears would havo boon pro-
- fusoly shod for tho vory men nowlaaylast, Bhohadnotbeonlnhorrlght
Tito Jllectloiu.
Kentucky. Tho official returns
show how much causo thoro was for tho
Radical crowing about tho result of tho
Kentucky election, In 1808, tho no
groos did not voto and tho Domocratlc
majority was then about 70,000. In
1870 thoy did voto nt tho Congressional
election nnd reduced tho Domocratlc
malorlty to about 33,000. At tho lato
election tho Democratic eandldato for
Govornor, on tho largest voto over poll
ed lu tho Stato, lias nbout -10,000 ma
jority showing a whlto majority In
tho Stato of near 100,0001 Now, Messrs.
Radicals, what hnvo you to crow nbout?
NottTit Carolina. Tho majority
against calling n Constitutional con
vontlon Is nbout 10,000. Although tho
bulk of tho ncgatlvo voto was glvon by
tho Radicals, Including nil tho negroes,
many Democrats also voted ngalnst tho
convontlon to avoid n threatened col
lision with tho Fcdornl government,
tho agents of which oponly announced
that if It was carried, Federal troops
would prevent It from assembling.
Tho defeat of tho Radicals In Charles
ton, South Carolina, (tlio first tlmo since
tho war) Is a most healthy Indication.
Tin: G it ant R:diiiilsln Now Orleans
know how to hold n convention. Tho
election for delegates throughout tho
Stato wcro wurmly contested, nnd tho
result between the (Juant nnd nntl-
Grant rings was exceedingly doubtful
owing to tho largo number of disputed
seats. In this dilemma, tho office-hold
ers who hnd control of tho Stato com-
mltteo ordered tho convention to meet
at tho Custom llouso. When tho delo
gates assembled they found tho building
In chargo of U. S. troops, who admitted
such only ns wcro provided with a tick,
ct Issued by tho ofllco-holdcrs. Of courso
then, nil was harmonious and tho Con
vention declared for Grant, ovcry
Federal ofllco-holdor in tho Stato being
for him I Tho other side, however,
could not nppreclato tho falrnesjof this
proceeding and hold another conven
tion. Tho darkies nro on tho side of tho
Tho too much neglected ofllco of Au
ditor has been given duo consideration
by tho Democracy of Columbia county,
In tho nomination of Charles Con
ner, Esq,, ono of its most sterling and
capnblo citizens. Ho served a long term
in tho Auditor General's ofllco at Ilar
rlsburg, nnd financial statements from
blm wero always received by tho Leg
islature without question as to their
entire accuracy in overy particular.
Such n man In tho ofllco of Auditor
may savo hundreds to tho county cer
tainly would havo saved (as wo aro in
formed) had ho been in office somo
years ago. Tho nomination is n strong
ovidenco that tho Democracy of Colum
bia county mean to hnvo things dono
fairly and by competent men.
More Itadlcnl Robbery!
Ono of Gov. Qeary's Stato agents to
collect war claims from tho Federal
government, who was appointed on tho
recommendation of tho Union Lcaguo
of Philadelphia, is now nllcdgcd to bo n
defaulter to Uio amount of three hundred
and sixty thousand dollars! Tho League
spent money enormously In elections,
and at least n portion of this sura has
no doubt gone in that direction. To rob
tho pooplo of means to cheat tho peoplo
seems to havo been a secret plank In tho
Radical platform. Tho dosperato gang
of gamblers in politics who head the
Radical party, deem tho public treasury
a legttlmato object of prey.
Another Mine Disaster!
On Monday morning, nt 8 o'clock, nn
UIO ISaglO SHUIt at I'ltlStOH, I'll., OW110U
juaau racuuuiuy, uuu ujiuruiuu vy
Alvah Caulkins. Twenty men wcro In
llm -nlnn ni it,n r,tvinnn n r,..An
teen being at work on a now gangway
WllCro tllO explosion occurred. Tho
shock caused tho roof to fall and Impris
on sixteen men ucinnu n mass 01 rocs
Ono man, Benjamin Davis, nt work
outsldo tho now gnngwny, was killed
by tho oxploslon. Tho other men all
perished beforo they could bo reached
plough every efibrt was mado to save
b. IVI ill
Press Errors. It must havo beon
an oversight in Col. to follow
tho error "going tho rounds,1' to copy a
law attains! slandering women. No
such act as that quoted passed tho Leg-
The Erie Observer persists in tho state
ment that a voto Is to bo taken this
on tho proposition to euango tho Con
stltution so that tho Stato Treasurer will
hcreaftor bo elected by tho people. Tho
voto cannot bo tauon until ono year
from this fall
A STATKMr.NT going tho rounds of
tho press that a voto Is to bo taken this
year In Texas, on a division of tho Stato
Into four States, Is an error. Tho bill
for that purpose passed tho Toxas
Houso of Representatives, but not tho
Senator Susiner has refused tho
gold medal offered him by the ucgroos
of Ilnytl for his opposition to tho an
noxation of Han Douiintro. on tho
ground substantially that tho Constltu
tlon prohibits nn officer under tho gov
eminent from receiving presents as
reward for official action 1 Will this
keen robuko affect tho occupant of the
Whlto Houso? It would be an amus
lng scono to soo Gon. Grant returning
all tho presonts he had received I
rP 1 1 1- nTnrMm.. Tin? liny T 1 p Atillir
Tho orieln of tho dollar mark is dis
puted. Most old writers claim that tho
S camo from tho old Spanish pillar dol
inr. which poro on its reverse tno two
"Pillars of Hercules." tho nnclont
namo of tho opposlto promontorlos nt
tho Straits of Gibralter. Tho parallol
lines in it stnnu, according to tins ex
P"wiiont "r ino two pillars, anu inoy
that nu tho Snanlsh dollar was a nloco
i eiKni reoiH, tj u ' ueinconcosiump
oi eiKiu ruuis, a - ueinconcosuiiiip-
cl1 on lfi nn'1 " w(w hen called a "piece
ofc,K,lt' tlmt tho fl uro 8 wIth a' ,ln0
j,,, trough a, i5 characters wero
ironGrullv fonncd.'nroduiml tho alL-n of
uio nouar. it was not called a uouar,
1 out u niL-co oi oiirm. -rna namu ii
self was born In Oermany, nnd from tho
fact that tho llrst pleco of this character
Laamlnmlln tluf Vnllnv nf Kt. Joa.
- clilm. In Iluhcmla. In tho vcar 1518. It
was caiipu joacium's inaior, tno nisi
"?, wlJr Vi " B l'.r,onoun,;;u Vu,,u
uikuii ninvviii uaiiui"' asj,vimn;f.
Thn ulnfnmnnf nf Rflinnl hnnVa. ihnt
lt u dcrlved from U. S.-tlio latter ovor
tho former as In a monogram Is of
courso Incorrect, as tho sign oxlstcd bo
foro U. H. did.
Tho widow of C. L. Vallandioiiam
ilteil nt rilimhnrlunil. TVTnri'lnnil. nn Hun.
mind Blnco tho death of her husband.
Prohibition State Contention.
This body assembled nt Ilarrlsburg
last woek nnd nominated BAitn
Si'ANdi.ER, of Lancaster, for Auditor
General, nnd E. A. Whkelkii, of Mor
cor, for Surveyor Goncral. Both can
didates wcro prosont and mado speech-
accepting tho nominations. Wlioth-
crthcy will "stick," or bo voted for
by n conslderablo number If thoy do,
remains to bo scon. Heretofore tho po
litical feature of tho prohibition move
ment has been mado to work directly
to tho interests of tho Radicals nnd tholr
predecessors, and whou It could not bo
so worked It was kept out of sight. Au
ndlcatlon that tho present effort is nn
honest ono Is to bo found In tho fact
that Rov. PuNNEti CooMnK, an ndven
turer who has had fat living off of tho
prohibitionists for tho last ilflcon or
twenty years, withdrew from tho Con
ventlon " mad as n March bare " bo-
causo to mako nominations now nnd
adlisro to them will not lnuro directly
to tho benefit of tho Radicals In his
opinion. But that Is tho only ovidenco
wo havo so far seen to Indicate that tho
movotmtnt Is sincere. If tho candidates
continue beforo tho peoplo, they will
probably bo supported by tho Demo
cratlc prohibitionists, with nfow of tho
moro conscientious Radicals, but nei
ther party will bo serloiHy nffectrd by
Ml-Oandm'.ss ami Cooi'l'.lt did not
answer tho letters of Inquiry addressed
to them by thu Prohibition Executlvo
Committee. Much merriment was cro
nted by tho letters of Stanton nnd
Beatk both being couched In tho
snmo general terms nnd mostly In tho
same words. Both decllno to glvo defi
ito answers upon tho Issues presented
on tho ground that they had not had
mo to consult tho Radical Stato com-
mltteo! Verily stupidity Is becoming
numerous I
About -10 delegates attended tho Con
dition. Of these, threo withdrew bo-
,uso thoy wcro opposed to making
nominations. Tho managers of tho
movement will soli It out If thoy can.
Mr. Barr Spanolek. tho eandldato
for Auditor Ooncral, mado n decidedly
vicorous speech. Ho said ho was not
suro but that tho Convention had erred
in iiotnlnatlncr an oxtromo Radical liko
himself. Ho had little of tho Conserv
ative In hi m ; had been an abolitionist
of tho old school, and hnd fought with
tho Republican party until it scorned to
havo filled its mission. Tonipcranco
mon have nothing to hopn from it as It
Is organized and run In Pennsylvania.
It has had power for moro than ten
years, but has dono nothing to restrain
tho liquor traffic. Tho professions of its
loluiclans anu nowspupcr editors nro
lollow and meanlncless. It is respon
sible for tho oxistlng condition of our
ucenso laws, lor it has had lull power
to modify them, and has persistently
refused to do so. It cowers beforo tho
rum traffic, and has proven to bo no
better In that respect than tho Democ
racy. Tho only hope left to tho Tom
poranco men Is In independent political
action. Thoy may not poll a very largo
voto this year, but thoy will Increaso it
with overy succeeding election until
thov hold tho balance of power nnd
compel politicians to accede to their do-
manus. wr. saia noaccopt
od tho nomination in tho spirit In which
it was tendered, and would do all in
his nowcr to accomplish tho noblo de
signs of tho nartv which had put him
lorwnrti ns a candidate, tho nag oi tno
Temperance men, which had this day
neen nailed to tno mast, wouiu novcr
bo lowered until a vlctorv was achiev
ed, which would mako glad thousands
who now mourn.
Another 'cw I)oiiirtnro.
Wo copy tho following circular, ro
celved from New York, ns a matter In
Itself amusing, if not of moro serious
concern. Twenty yearsago tno present
stato of tho country was osteonied ns im
probable ns It is now that nt any futuro
tlmo a woman will bo elected President,
and If It had then boon assured that In
1870 either women or negroes would bo
permitted to voto, hold ofllco and sit
upon Juries, nobody would havo doubt
ed that women would bo preferred. It
is thcroforo not moro unlikely than
other things that havo happened, that
In a few years women will voto and ono
of their number will bo President a
bovy of tho fair will form tho cabinet nt
Washington, another commaud tho
army, (shoulder straps, feathers and
all,) Congress bo composed of about
equal numbers of tho sexes, nnd many
a henpecked specimon of nialo human
Ity will bo drivelling In tho kitchen and
nursing tho babies whllo his wifo will
bo winning rapturous applauso on tho
stump and rovolllng In tho bar-room 1
But, reader, whllo wo glvo placo to
this circular, wo do not menn to say
that wo nro a convert to this now do
parture :
New York. August 1st, 1871.
To the Editor: Wo havo tho
honor to announce tho Victoria League.
nn association now organized, tiuilii-
ped, and in worKing oruer, naving its
neauiiuiiriura ju wuw iumt uuu jia uu-
operauvo agencies in iiusion, x-uiiuuui.
pbia, Cincinnati, Chicago, St. Louis,
and Han Francisco.
Its mission 13 to unlto tho progressive
portion of tho American Peoplo Into a
now political organization, or body of
voters, called Tho Kima! lllghts Party,
consisting of both Soxes, nnd founded
on tho Constitutional right of sum-ago
which tho Fourteenth and l-uteentii
Amendments vest in women as well as
It demands from Congress, at its next
session, a Declaratory Act, setting forth,
definitely, this interpretation of thoso
nmondmonts, together with immedi
ate legislation to lnsuro tho Ireo exer
cises, by women, as by other cltlsions.
of tho elective franchise In tho soveral
It nominates, and will support, and
expects to elect, as tbo next Prosldent
of tho United States, by tho combined
sutrrnges of men and women, In 1872,
Mrs. viOTOiUA. C. Wooniiui.i.,of Now
Accompanying this note, by thosamo
mall, you will rccclvo copies of n cor
respondence between tho Victoria
Lcaguo and Its Presidential Candidate,
to which your attention Is directed, tho
moro esneclallv from tho fact that, in
Mrs. Wooduui.i.'s letter accoptlng tho
nomination, sho lias glvon a full state
ment, at tno request ot tno ijcaguo, oi
tho nrguraout by which sho deduces,
from tno now Amondraents, tho right
of her sex to tho olectivo franchise
In tho earnest bono that you will
lond your editorial good will to tho
Kqual nights Party and Its Candldato,
wo subserlbo oursolvos,
nospeciruiiy yours,
The Victoria Leaciue.
Tlio Iladlcal carpet-baggers and seal
awages wero beaten at tlio Charleston,
S. C,, municipal election, last week.
Qcn, Wagnor, Pooplo's eandldato for
Mayor, had n majority of 777 over I'lls
btirv. tlin nrcsont Iladlcal Incumbent.
Tho latter Is a brother of tho notorious
Parson Pllsbury.
The Medical Independent cautions
persons against oatlng pcachoa In tho
evening, assorting that they aro do
pressing to tho circulation nnd exhaust
tho system, owing to tho prusslo acid
iiiuy i-uuuuu.
OF lUUI.APEt.rillA,
Bimvm'ort genkuat,,
nA-rxn TAnir-ro -rr nnnnm)
U ill J. . U2I.1U.IjO XX I UUUXXJlVl
Columbia Oounty Doinooratio Tiokot.
ihiiaiu'Uf.f.i; township.
ll.nilAltliM-llIL'KKOnn-Oll Iho 'AM tilt.. Iiv
Rev, ll, Wilson. Mr. John K. I). UIchanH, or
ltuckhorn, nnd MIhs Busau lilcltfonl or, Mill
Villi', I'll.
FIUiKItLY 1IACKKU Ontho loth InsL.ntNew
Coin mbitA. Iiv John Konns. '.mi . L'aMicr
l-'reodly, Kh., InMlm Curollim lluckcr, nil or
ilea none, iu7.cruu county.
I'ltiTI'HAUD In ItlnmnOmri?. on TiipmIiiv. An-
Rust 8th, 1S71, Mrs. Loan, wllu of Win. 1'rllcli-
nro.ngcii &yyoars,7 month1 nuu iunnys.
RANTZ. At Ilonrhoim Grove. Knnknkeocouii-
ly of Montour township, this oounty, ngod l7
years, 11 months ntul 11 days.
Now Advertisements,
Wheiikas. tho lion. William Klwell. 1'resldenl
Judoof tho Court of Oyer nnd Terminer nnd
General Jail Delivery, Court of Quarter Hussions
ot tno renco nuu uoun oi i;omnion t'leaa una ur
iihfin'H Court in tho 2tith Judicial Dlstnot. com.
xiNcu 01 iiiu cniiiiuvi 01 uuiuiiiuui, nuiuran nuu
.vvomlnir. and tlio lion, iratu Derr and Isaac B.
Motiroo As'soclalo Judircs of Columbia count v
have Issued their nrecent. bearlnc datn tho 4th
day of August, In tho year or our liord, ono
thousand, eight hundred and seventy-one, and to
modlrceteil lor holdlngaCouitot Oyer nud Ter
miner and General Quarter Hestlons of tho Peace
Court or Common Vivan nnd Uriduin'M Coiiil, In
Uloomsijurfi, in tho county or Columbia, on thu
ll rut Mondav. 1101112 tho ttli dnv ot Hentemher
next, to conllnno two weeks.
Notice Is hereby Klvcn, to tho Coroner, to tho
Justices of tho Peace, and tho Constables of the
Hakl county r Columbia, that they bo then and
incro in ineir proper oersou ut iu ociock hi iiiu
lorenoon oi sum 4iu uay oi nepi, wun ineir rec
nnls. lnnulslllons and other leinembiaucci. t
do those things which to their olllces nppcilaln
10 uo none. Aim inosu inai niu mmuu tiy
i-fcntmlziinco. tii iiniHccutii niriiinst Iho nris.
oners that aro or may ho In Iho Jull of tho
mild county of Columbia, to bo then and
thoro to prosecute thorn ns MmM bo Just. Ju
rors nro rentiested to ho nunctual In their attend
nnce, agreeably tothclr notices. Dated atltlooms-
f ourg, mo m uay oi Aiif;iisi,iii iiieyenr
i.,fi. "fourljord, ono thousand eight nun
dred and sevontv-onoand in tho nlnetv
fourth year of tho Independence of tho UnltLd
Dimes ui America, AAUUii a.uijii,
liioomsuurg, August in, isti. mieriu,
XJ Sljl T.EMBEU Tli.Hai, lbll.
Kenton Samuel Ulionc, Kmnnuel Laubnch
llwiiwiri; John KcknrL.
Bloom William UarrUou, Casper J, Hiomas,
CENfltE L. H. llower. Phllln Crensv.
Biiiuuri .JUJiuKuu.
FisiiiNUCitKKK uichard u. ltrlght, J. D. Mc
Henry. Nathan Drlesbach. Josinh lloss.
GiiKKNWoon u. 11. Thomas, John Patterson,
win. r, ivjuuius,
IjOCI'st Elijah Yocum. Isaiah Ye.icer,
MT. Pmcasant-Philip MUltr.
MoNTOtiit Kilos Golger.
I'ime llenrt (lordlier .
Miifi AnLOAK Andrew Ijirlsli.
Hcorr Abraham Kuyder, Bamucl U. Kllnp.Chas.
1 4 fouheitemui:rti:um, iwi.
11LOOM Johu M. llartou, Michael Caht-y, Rubt,
HLItr dial. KciKter.
llEuwit'K John W. Cooper, Richard Thomp-
IIfavkii Chan. Jllclmll, Tlllmau Klllc-uliouke,
Bkston William Miller, Stephen Poho, Henry
JleHH, ikiuio Krwln,
CE.NTitAI-iA O. II. Millar,!, Wm.l'illl'er.
KiSiilNaciiEKK Henry Eyer,
(liiRKN-w-onn .1. ti. (llrton. .lnienli Itnillln.
Hkmj.ock John Appleinan, Win,, II,
w. JH'Uoynoini.uen. 1 HiioemaKi-r.
Jackson John 11. Frit.. Jacob I.nni;or.
IiciTHT Weslcv l'errv. Leniimil Ail.nus.
MT. I'i.kasant Thos. .1. Wt-lllver, JincpliHiiiils,
iiiONTOuit yiiireii irvin.
Madison John 11. Johnson,
Mll-rl.lN Huml. Hnyiler, Jacob Nilss.
Oiuniik WcBley Itowman.
RoAiiiNacia:fci l'eter I.evan,
ni,oou John Hnyiler, Aaron Hclulcrsholl,
1IEAVF.K Nathan llicilbeuiler.
IIenion Ueo, R, Hcks,
llnl A itf-UkkK Albert Kmltll.
Catawiisa Walter Laslicll, William Creasy, J
l. uick. naninci i.oiiK, Jr.
FislliNncitpKK (Ji-omol-ualer.
i InietrNWiioii I IiMirv lfLllier. Itunl. EvrH.
Hemlock John llurtnuui, ll. r. Mooie, W. 11.
Jackson John P. Hckh, John F. Derr, ThtoJori
W. Hinltli. .lolm Hiitllz.
Miffmh W. 11. Hmlth, Daniel Heller, Abraham
W. Mastciier.
Madison Erastus llenilerhhottpIt A, Wut-son,
Main J, U, Jamison,
Mt. I'i.kasant l'Jilllp Kline.
ohanoe Jacob 11. llannan,
Fine John Richard, Jacob Christian.
HoAKlNOL-itKEK Danial llarln. David Lnnir,
Hiorr Huston Rubicon, R. J, Mllluid, Itoeko
n airman,
HLIIAUI.OAK KzeklelKhull!-., GoorBO Frit..
wintiti- trom Its oilman zatlon lu 1811 to 171.
Comnlted nnd edited by John 11. Fiikkzk. Ono
volnmooctftvo.rwuiiaKeH, Cloth SiW, hall library,
S3..-1U, mil uurary m.w.
lin,.lmilmr wlt.h tint pnrlv hUtorv of Iho terrl
tory coniprlsed within the limits ot Columbia and
Montour. IhlH volume ulves tlm ori-anlyattoli by
Its original boundaries, lu subsequent leglslallvo
reductions, and the erection of Montour oounty,
A chapter on Iho stremus nnd mountains the
datoo! tho erections of the townships and bor
oughs, and tho territory out oi which they were
formed tho personnel or the courts, comprising
the names ot tho Fiesldent Judges tho Associates,
tho Frotlionotarles, Registers, Hhorltls unit tho
lesmcui jiiorueys oi uoiu iouuuuut uuu nun1
It has chapters on liioomsuurg, uauviue, jier
wlflr t 'tilnwlHsiiniiil tlm Hmaller towns. Fllliedtl.
eullonul fctutlsttcs. Tho Removal tiuestlou, and
lbn vnlo nil lt bv towllsh lit.
Tho census by townships, Including Montour,
fromlsotu ls;l), tho taxablcs lor ls7t and thu
number of acres of laud 111 each township. A
very complelo lie tor tho members of Cong less,
MmiiaIa nnil lloiiki, renri'snntlnit Columbia coil II'
ty, with lull and various election leturns for
Htuloand t-eilcrul omces oy townsuipi.
countlos, comprising the muster roll of nil tho
companies and parts of companies recruited
ihrln. Iho No. of tlio Rci-lment. thu battles
they wore engaged In. with numerous items of
persouai inierust, niwiui uu niu uiunw
na iKimns nf ilu, cniisciintloiisscrunlo eeuil)ts
nud the emergency men of Hepteluuur, Ivli and
JunolStU, boiug u completo war ict-oid of the
the trials of our citizens, the great argument of
Judgo lllaclc on Military uommissioiis, uuu inu
OpiUlOll Ol VUU Ulllieuoiu.wnui,ii...D uu..,v,-
dcinnlng them, Together with much other cur
i..u i.Mi.f.riiint nn, I iiiti't-pstltii; matter.
iimiiitiic a. ci.Ainf. of liioomsimrg. is author'
lzed torcceivobiibscrllitlonsfor tho worltj to be
puld for on delivery. "ug, IVil-ui
11 A M. Ii 1 u U t Ma M I
a i ii r o 11 c
win fnvrft . boa till fill Het of Wlilhkers or Muh-
tucho, in irom two to ttirco months, on uuy per
Kon over twt-'lvo yearn olil, Itlnonuor thu uuMt
preparutlous to maUo tho whiskers grow that
ever wtw kuowt). Ono to Uio or It Is s utile lent to
prouueo a very sironu uuuru n uuus uol ju uuy
way stain or lujure uiu Mitiu. uy in it is no
humlm. l'rlcti CUllU VSV IxtUto. Hout bv
malt iost palJ. to any aUtlresH, on receipt of
prlco, AUUruss WiMrA.M U. YVAUNKll,
au2.1S,'7lly, AUams Couuty, renna..
I .uMnrd.irflnillilstrilllrin nn IhBMAtlLtU Of 1)UV
ldCreusy, late ol Mlllllu townwshlp, Columbia
county dee'd., havo beeugruuted by Iho Ueslsler
of said couuty, lo H. 11, Creasy, of Mlllllu twp.
All persons ilUVlllg ClUllllS Ol uu.imuuo
17..: ,r..7.,,..i m nuiko them known
uud those ludobleU lo muko payment, wilhoul
Uclay. H. H. Cltt. AH V,
uugio u
JN All those indebtodto the undesigned on
JuJiieluent. Note. Ilond or Hook Account uio
V,Sr.7l?i iliil to make payment ol same ou or
i.,.r,tr,. tlm llrst of October next.
beforo tho llrst ui u mi-KKLV V A CI).
Mi-Ki:i.vr,Ni;Ai. 4 CO,
lllooiusburg, Allg.u, lan-itui.
'?n nsrt.r.tifliinilfsnclaHvsiortHincu urehero
Iiv uotlllea not Ui liespans upon the premise of
.....loisjiunal fur nuv unrixiafl whiil.vtr. AM
trespassers wilt be prouiiedbd against according
inlaw. DANlHIj HTINK,
Locust twp., Aug. 11, 1W1,
JUHTICICH ULAN KB. Huramons, Kxecutlons
Hubpumas, WarranU, &c constuully ou uanu
uud for Halo nt the Columbian cnice.
or -run
or tub
CiiLllSIHIA COUNTY Atlllll lll.'l URAt,, Holt-
TIClll.TtlltAI, AND StECHANll-Ali
TO UK ItKl.ll AT
11 L O O M S B U R G , PA.
October Iltli, l-2tl mid liltli,
An fivcrvthltiffof IhU html must havo ft system
Ito curry It on with sntlsractlon, exhibitors nmt
contributors will itlenso tho followlnit in
structions, nml corno to tho Fair expecting to
Inbiao UV litem Wlinouv nsKintr lor nnjr nuus
tlon. J. J. llltoWKll, Scc'y.
Huncrlntcndcnt, Kit Mundeniiali..
.limn-., Dfinlcl Morrls.Nchcmlnh Reese. Juo.
I U. Quick nnil John Znucr.
Rest blooded Htnlllon " w
siniuon lor rm wont, w
Ktnlllou colt, not over 4 yoitr.... I) ui
nalrilrnueht horses - 8 00
iiiWr cnrrlnKo horses
brood maro will) colt nt her sldo
stufilo rnrrlngo horso or ninru
horso or between 3 nnd 4yenrs.
mnre or molding between '2 nnd 3 yrs.
10 (HI
r, m
i w
i oo
3 (111
3 U0
lit-si mnro or uvrso coil uciwoi-u i nua
1 vpnrs .
Rest horso or maro eolt under lu months .
pairinaicn cons, unuer years uro-
r, oil
llestjack '
pair minus " -v
mulo colt between lnud2yc.trs 'i
" uuder 1 year u w
r.zlilbllnrs under this class will hnvo their
I horses ontho Krmind by ton o'eloclc Thursday
morning wncn incy wm uoexniuiiiuu.
Huperlntendent, Cviiuh McIIeniiv,
.iimnFj4 Thnmnsltcese.Reuhen Itoueh. Itlram
llcst nnd Mnlthlns llnrlmnu.
Rest bul 1 3 years old nnd upwards fio 00
mill mniirii iiiiiu,.,.,.!. . , ;
bull between 1 nnd '1 years old .1 w
cow two yenrs nnd upwnrds II 00
heifer between 1 nnd iyenrs .1 00
bull cnlt under 10 months 'i iJ
lieih-r between 2 nnd :i yeals -I 00
hcircr under 10 months Ag, ly.
Rest hull 3 j cars nnd upwards S 10 JO
" 1 nnd 2 J enrs ,1 (JO
" calfundcr 10 months Iff. U.
cov'3yenrs and upwnrds 0 00
heifer between 2 nnd 3 years 4 0)
heller between 1 nnd 2 years 3 00
heifer under 10 mouths Arj. ly.
Rest hull 3 yenrs and upwards 110 00
mill uuiweuil uuu o yi'urs u
" 1 nnd 2 year 3 00
' n.tilprlo mnnllis All. Itf.
cows years nnd upwards....... 0 oo
heifer between 2 nnd3 years 1 00
" land 2 years 3 00
" under 10 months Aff, 12.
OKAllED stock.
I? bull .1 vnnrs nnd t:mrnrd $S 00
-- ueiwoen . nun a years
" " 1 and 2 years - 2 00
" under 10 months ! 1;.
cow 3 years nud u pwnt ds 3 eu
heifer, between 1 nnd 2 yenrs V On
" "2 nnd 3 years 3 O0
" under 10 months At: ly.
native stock
Rest bull 3 yenrs nnd upwards j 0
lieiwccu z nntl .1 years
" 1 nnd 2 years 3 00
" under 10 mouths 'li. 1.
cow 3 yenrs and upwards 1 oo
heifer between 2 nud 3 y ems 3 (hi
" under 10 mouths At, 1 ti
ll..ul . ,iv n ( anil work nil livrx.
Rest yoke litters between 2 anil 3 yenrs w
l,-.ttiil!or will lmvo their stock remlv for tho
Jndgts to exntulno by lo o'cioeic a. .m. nii jiiins-
tiay,anti toieiiiniu until juviumi, m...... ..
Superintendent, JAton llAiints. nnd John lt.Yohc,
ItnKt lirnnd row mid nlirH. six or moro. SO 00
ioi int. iiofis, iwtj or inoru "
" Roar a 00
" brood sow o 00
" lot pigs, 3 or more, under 8 weeks 3(0
stot-lc hogs, 3 or more 3 00
Superintendent. Hut AM J, Rl'.EnElt.
Jl-diies Rsnl.itnln Yoho nnd Kooth Rllten-
lleht buck
1 (x
1 W
4 00
i' we.
lot of l.uuhs, not less than c-Uht
llcst buck "i tO
lot or lambs not lens lliuu a
Rest InulC
SI 1.(1
" ewe
" lot of l.imbsnot less than s
Hupcrlntcudenl, Rev. 1), J, Wai.i.eii,
.IiirmKS Iter. A. llrlltillu. Rev. Hlltlenstlue,
Rev, A, N, Kesler nud Rev. H. llarues,
llcst broiizo turkey 10 lbs si to
uoiucstlc turkey z
11 liiiilnniL IinotriL
" chickens At, ly.
" geese sit. 1 1.
" uncks,
nml liiririst illsiitav ot tamu a. I il.
" poultry .1 tin
Huperlntendent, John Ret.
Jiiiihih Hainacl Kelchncr and Charles Mow
Uest fifty pounds wheat Hour
... it on
I on
... .'! 00
liuciiw ileal. Hour
" " ryo Hour
11 " corn meal
11 hu'f bushel clover seed
" timothy heed
' bushel red wheat
" " whlto wheat
" ijc
' ' buckwheat. .,
' gourd seed corn ours,
111. III.
:l no
:i oo
'1 on
:i on
1 M
...An. ly.
... l ri
1 60
j enow -
' " smoked "
11 half bushel llax seed
" bushel oats
Huperlntendent, C I.Kit 11 wtroN.
J1IDIII--S llainlllou F. k and Janus Mas
lies! bushel potatoos, dlirercnt vailetles, 81 0-1
nail nusnei sw eel poiuioes w
busliei oi iiciii turnips
luilf hiisliet of ruta lianas
sugar beets,
" mangel wurl.ul..
11 beets
" parsnips 1 01
" onlons Ay.
" peas h
Imlr ilocii veifetalihi nvsters
peck tomatoes , , 1 00
II heads ot cabbago...... 1 O'l
a luinclies of celerv 1
4 egg plants 1 00
1 two uualts Ulna beans 1 0J
threo ipiarls Cuioliua beans Ay. I y.
" soup
1 pumpkin or squash
1 jiumpklus, (J or more
Kuperlnlcndeut, Hk:tuv Zui'I'INOku.
JunuKS Johu Diehhcr,
Host display, 0 of each
looitiliti 5 00.. lau or wiuitfr uppii'H.
ltueplng winter applt'H.Oor oncn
Oof tho Hwuetcst winter or Till
ilavored do, tall or winter
o,iuutBlbcrUucrab3, any ltlnd
Ilostdlsplay dwarf.staudard fall or win ter
" lOOKlUg l rut uoauii uuy niim
" ilavored and most Juicy half do.nn...
" laraHthalf iIoa Uwarl or staiuUrvl
Uli or winter
Host display of auy kind, half doou each 81 2"
ll.tvorcuaua musi. juu-y uuu uu.un
and II nest looUiufi hair dozen
and largest variety half dozen
Best dozen
iii.l .lKiilnv. wlldnr o iilllvntftil. ihfit honso
excimieu; y
Ut'sihli cjusilthoi uoneoru
" " Dclawaro
" Jsxbella W
" lUrtford 1'iolltlc 'M
" Jona W
" Aillrniidaf
Hebecca ;W
" " York. Maderla A)
Host display, not less than two varieties,
llest dUptay, any kind, not less than two
Heat quart
iiAct iniart anDles. rears, oulnccs. reaches, ap
ni.i'inriiiiiH. chnrrltiH. iHfinr or sweet, tut'
ted or uuplttetl, Hi apes, cultivated or wild(
strawberries, uuy lima or raspberries, oiacuuet
rles, dewberries, whortleberries, plums, twetch-
?H uuu pruues
Tho fruit not to be removed uutll tho close
tho exhibition, und particular care Is to bo ob
scrveuuyuii persons mat iuu same is not in
j urea.
JuixjKiJ Kxocutlvo Committee,
llestiuartof current wine St 00
" " blackberry wlue , 1 W
" " urapo wine 1 W
cherry wine 1 w
" " ryowluskey i w
" 14 elder vinegar Ay,v.
Huperlntendout, NBiJiON 1. John,
JunaES-Mrs. Jlenty Delchmlller, Mra, An.
drew Ikeler, Mis. lr, Ioivo uud ihs. Dr. Chu.
llest loafofbread U JW
loll of butler (J lbs. or over)
" pie
M canned irult, dltlereul kinds, (not
less tliau 1 uuart of each)
Host pound caku
" snougo
" glmter " -
" kum oles of preserve s (uot less thuu i
1 UU
iiuarl) 0
llcst sumplo or Irult Jelly , ,
" cucumber pickles , , Aff, 1 V
variety of pickles o0
uppiobutturd quart or mom)
peach butter ' "
trupo " " " W
" pluui W
" cured ham An, i
M snmpte nnuHntro V)
" samjilo yonsl
" hard soap -r. 1 y,
" soft soap fti
" Knllon maplo molasses. ,1 in
i'IiAhs xt-itousr.itot.D
Huperlnlcndonl, I.t.ovii Paxton.
Jcikiicm Mrft.HlmonHhlve, Mrs. John .aner,
Mrs, Jcbho Hlelts nnd Mrs, Handcrsou Wkh1i,
llcst 10 ynrds ntflnmiet tl .71
" fi yards woolen clolh i m
M uiynrilscnrppl , .., l m
' Mynrdlplnln linen 1 Till
11 " diaper " l hi
" knit wool stockings M
mittens a.)i.
" cotloti stockings bo
" homo-mails shirt 1 Wl
" pair woolcli blankets.,. , 2 no
" imir uiicu siiuuiH ir. i y,
" homo-mndo shifts An. 1 y,
WW. Superintendent, J. It. Hakman.
JtmnK-t Mis. Dnulel Bnyiler, Mrs. Amell.i
llutler, Mrs. Mary Hess nnd Miss Frnulc Millard.
Rest knit quilt II 0)
t dv..
1 It)
letting work
ftpocluieu bend work,...
" shell " ...
" burr "
" leather" ...
" hnlr "
1 tm
1 (M)
1 IK)
1 Ot
drawing 1 im
piinunn ,
hI Ik embroidery
coltou embroidery
worsted embroidery
rollon nmt -...
worked slippers
fancy pin cushion
head dress
specimen lnnss painting
(otlectlon ofduhllas
artificial flowers
specimen of house plants In bloom
" " dried Kro-ss
" ilowers
" M penmanship
nrlety nf Ilowers
1 m
1 IN)
1 IM
1 (II
1 OU
I uo
1 Ml
t IM
1 0)
Rupcrlntemtcnt, Dr. I). W. MoNxmiMi uv.
.liJiHinDr. Ti. II. Kline. Dr. V. M. Itcber nnd
Dr. McltcynoltW,
llest family carriage 91 ui
open mi3gy i w
lopbUKy Aw
farm migon I w
spring wuffon lor faint use I tin
" " pleasure :t i
wheelbarrow Ag. I,
slclRh I ol
sulky '2 (0
Huperlntendent, Oko. OUINN,
JUDniw-lIenry Delchmlller, H. C.Hhlve,
llcst right hand plow Dlf
Iuiiw mr nt" in; i ui utu -i
eft hand plow Mji
rignt una icit nana plow,
BUbsoil plow..
corn piow.
Kipiare drag..,
one horso cultivator
two '
" " corn planter. ,
ono " " "
thresher nnd separator combined,
mower nud lenpcr combined
mZ ll
2 (
!i I
" hay tork
" )ortablB elder press
' clover hurier ,
" sausage grinder
" washing mac blue
" clothes wringer
" grubbing hoe
" set miner's picks ,
" pair of foro uud hind horso shoes.
" htmrpcued drills
" nxu liandln
" grain cradle
" toller ,
" fanning mill
.-iy. i
com snelier '
" straw und fodder t-utter '
" liarvester
" simploof horso shoeing M'jund 1
Hhoultt thero bo nnv new or meritorious Imnl
meuts uud Inventions exhibited, that nro u
provided for In tho foregoing class, tho Judl
may rrpori mo ineriis oi mo sumo jor preumu
mo jxccutive uum
i in U tee,
UNWAltB, itc.
Huperlntendent, John IIarimvn.
JUbofd-H. 1). Ulnard, H. A. Wormou,
llest cooking stovo with fixture 1
pnnor " ,
set artificial teeth
nrletyof tlnwaro :i
variety of earthenware
class xvi-(JAUiNirr waui;, hiioi:ma
TAWMilW, vc.
Huperlntendent, Daniki. Mownn.
JUDdKH John Klsller, James 11. ltarmau,
Uest set double harness I
" " team " J
" double carriage harness I
" single '
" suit of clothing :
pulr calf boots
" " kin l
" " miner shoes.....
" buicnu
" dressing stand t
11 display cabinet ware '-
set Windsor chairs
" set spring seated chairs , .... )
" rocking chulr I
settee i
" half ttoen brooms At.
" two sides solo leather I
11 two shies kip ,
" two sides calf skin,...,
sample or bricks......
Huperlntendent, I'btku H. UitL'oi.Kiu
Jl'Ikiks Deter H. llrugler, Thom-is Ateu,
Host swarm of boos..,. ,
llvo pounds of honey . , I
Tho honey to bu taken without destroying
oees ; mo kiuo oi nives uvcu, nuu tno man
ment of same suited,
Siipeihitcndent, J..OU1S A, I1ki;naud.
Judoks Judah Iloono, Ooo. K, Klwell,
AUco Carver uud MIsh DjraThainpio..
Host piano (and
Host organ . Jmnud
Uest sewing machlhe ' an
Juntjfc-s William Kramer, Johnson I lie
A. Megargle.
Uest niu ouc3 around tho courio
1 "
XotlcHsllian six entries to mako n rauc,
Iranco feo GO cents In each cise.
Tho Judges selected uro requested to notlly
Kxecutivo Commllteo nt tho Secrehuy's oi
in every case, whore thoy aio disinclined oi
ui no iu uiicuu iu niu uuiies .iNsiguua 10 iuci
1. Kvery person having articles forexhiblt
or compuiuiou mim uecorno n niemoer iu
Associuiiou uoioru LUicruig mem,
'. minors can become members orchlll
when their parents uro members.
3, The Held of competition Is open to nil.
sous Irom otlu-r enmities nnd Ktatcs Oil lie
exhibitors upon tho same terms us cltU;
kins cuuuiy.
1. All articles oilercd for comnetltlon mil
owned by tho competitor, l-'iults, wo u
IIowpth. Ota., must Lu urowth of thocouiel
und all iiiauutactured iu tides must bo mail
tno competitor,
5, AU stock entered must bo what Is rcprc
en or premiums win no lorieneu,
G. All articles for exhibition or cumnet
must be euteied by o'clock, l. sr. sh'trjnm V
uesiiay,iua liui.niui remain ou uio gruuuu
jri(iay,ni't ocioeu, r. ai., wueu iuj win
uio UMpoH.u oi mo exniuiiors.
7. rennlts tor Stands for salo of rt'lresU'iu
A.C., can be obtained by application to lira
utry or ii. r, iiiiruu iu nun iuu iuuui-y m
In advance,
8. NolU'cusa Mill bogranloUo stiu It tit U
spirituous or man liquors.
Judges upp-jluloj to examine tho dill
rtfi.i"4 wlll(!onferu favor ou thu Assoclalb
calling ut the Hecteiury's olllco early ou Tli
uay morning 10 ooiaiu ineir imiruciious,
Oh Wednesday tho grounds will bo open
the puuuu uuu conuuue open turuu uays,
Meiubeishlptlcuets will not admit tho link!
tlio 1'alr Urouuds, Single Admlssloa Tn
Twenty-tivo cents.
No person will bo permitted to voto a
next electlou of tho Association except pr
lug their membership ticket.
9"BporLing List to bo printed In largo hi
A new nnd elegant form of diploma Iris
procured by tho Association uud will bouw
ut the next annual fair.
W. II. KOOXS.l're.'.ldt
J, J. UllOWUrt, Secretary,
llloombburg, August II, 1871.
Dkiumtv anu Kmaciatios both result
tlnj lack of ability to convert tho food iuu
trlmeut, How necossary, then, for thoso si
Ingfiom these alarmlug symptonis to Inu
utely resoit to a remedy that will btieiif
tho stomach nnd digestive organs. 1 or, us
us this desirable object has been nccompt
tho health Improves, nud tho patient rv
Ids usual personal uppearauce, Ilostc!
Htomach Ulllcrs have attained a world-wldu
ularlty lu such enscs, und have boon proven
best nud fcafest means of removing const
lion, toning tho stomach, giving energy n
liver, and rellovlus every symptom of uer
ness ami depression of spirits. Its cheering
beneficial effects uro highly sKikcuofbv I
sands, who owe to It their restoration to he
No restorative lu tho annals of medicine ha
talnod tho same popularity lu the short up:
time It lias boeu beforo the public, or has
tho high endorsements accorded to this t
leut tonic. Many other preparations, pui
lng to bo correctives anil restoratives, have
introduced, and havo perished ono by one,
the popularity of Hosteller's Stomach HI
continues to Increase, and Is now recogni
u standard household medicine, Tho su
which attends tho use of tlio Hitters eWm
ouce its virtues lu all cases of debility ami
ease of the stomach. Certificates, almost i
outnumbor, have been published, ultosth
trulv miraculous power iu removing i
painful and fearful dlseasos, AudutlblstH
seems Idle to do more than eall attention t
great remedy of the uge, In order to awaken
no attention to its excellence, iv is iuu
nnratlon of tho kind that U rellablo I
caul's, una It In thcroforo worthy of tho coi
cmllou oil no atuictcu.