S l'UUWBIIHU EVKIIY FllIDAY MOIININU IHTIIB COLUMHIAH HUII.DINU NBAIlTIIlt COttltT ItOCHK, IILDOMWVnOi l'A., HV HENRY L DIEFFENBACH, KDITOlt AND 1'ROritIKTOlt, Terms-Two Cellars a Year payatlo In advance. JOB PIUNTINO Of.illilricrlrUonn executed Willi nealness ninl dispatch nt reasonablo rates. Columbia County Official Diroctory. iMrtrj Jilrffff-Wll.t.tAM Et.WM.t.. Aisodate Jh(Ic( Iuau Dunn, Isaac 8. Mon "mliononrj, .tf.-WM.IdjsoTOj) It. Ent. Ihtlrt' i Attrneu-K. It. IKnLKlt. sJcrar-AAIKW HUITir. Jrrowor Ihaaii DnwtTT. 'lcavim- DAVI" IrfiWKSiir.no. OnimlnfiwcM Wll.MAM O, t)UICK, CYIIU9 UiUlllNS, IllllAM J. ItKfnnn. tlmmlsiloncrs' C7rrA- Wll.MAM Kni("Kl!AVM, A iiflorl-U. J. CAMl-IlFt.!., A, J, AI.1IFKTHOR, lniir.t. l,rn. Ormtrr John 1). IToccK. ,Hr,i Ommtiifoncn Isaac M'.illUDE, John Me- A1A1.I.. , , . tvinlll iVJiCrtllClllleil(-CltAUI.K3 a.IlAHKt.KY. l' .w lr J)jrM-T)lrcrlors, H. It. Mll.t.Eii, WM.iam K ham mi, IllnniiiKluirtr, mill Johnson llH.t II, Oreeliwood, (JllAllU.s loiNP.lt, Hcc'y. Bloonisbiirg Official Directory. lllfiCimllwp llanlllir CI". JnllN A, Ft'NSTO. IVsldcnt, 11. 11. O hot, Cashier. W Xnllonat Jlunk CIIA8. 11, l'AXTON, Frcs't., .UVl'i'STlN. Cashier. OumtttttynintiMutuatSHnniywilnmlTjOnnAu Million V.. II, Ltrri.K, Prcs't., U. W. MiLi.i-.it, Htv. Iimmlmra lIullMnq nnd Eartnti Piwil Aismn in. John Thomas, Pres'l., J. II. Uoihson, Heo. Iimmsburtt Milium AViWii Aml Asnociiillon J,, UuowKit, President, M, Whitmovlu, Hec'y. Bloomsburg Diroctory. IMi'ltllAOH Jut received and for snlo at the J Com .M in an OIUco. . STOVES ANDriN WA11H. -tail) JIETZ, denier In stoves and tinwnic fj-laln street, ahovo eouit house, CLOTHING," A. ivVIli LOWKNUKIta, JterchnntTnllor,.Malii J.t.,.M door ahovo American House. t. MOItlUH, Merchant Tnl lor corner of Cell tionuil Main St., over Miller's store. IMtUOsTcilEJitlCALS. Ac. il I.UTS5, Druggist and Apothecary. Main nt, 15 iclow the Tout Olllce. 1 Villi IlllOH.. Druggists and Apothecaries, iinowir's block Mulu st, CLOCKS, WATCHES, AC. 1 NllYKUrrtNOKlt, Watches, Hpcclaclcs A I nvclry Ac., Main Htrcet near West at. CI.HAVAOE, dealer In Clocks, Watches and eweliy, Main St., Just below tho American f '1H lir.itNH AK1), Waleli and Clock maker, liar southeast comer Main and Iron sis. H'ATIICAUT, Watch and Clock Maker.Mar et slrect, below Main. 1500TS ANI) SHOES. II. KNOHK, Dealer In Hoots and fihoes, lotest and best styles, corner Main und Market H.'ls, In tho old l'osl Olllce. 1 Vlli Hirrz.lloot and Shocnnker, Maliikt., Jclowltarltnan's store, wt si of Market, 1NHV KI.KIM.Manufaelurer and dealer In loots nml Hhoes, (irucerks, etc., Main btreet, 1 llloomsbuit:. M. IIKOWN, Hoot nml Shoemaker, Main Itrcet, under Ihown'a llolel. iUtOKESSIONAL. l It. C. 110Wi:il, RurgoouDentlsl, Main St., Jhovo tho Com t House, 1 WM. M. lti:m:n, f ureon and l'hyslclan, JvChauao llloeko er Webb's hiMk store. 1 II, V. KINM;v, Snrgisin DenlM. Teeth jtnietcd wlthoutpalu: Main st., nearly oj) pu i:ilscopat Chinch, I. I1AUK1.EY, Attorney-at.I.aw. voor lu Kxcuaugti lUock, near the ' Oltlce, ai Kxchausu Mi'KrxvY.M. I).,turi;eoii and I'hjslclan Horthstdu Main St., below Market, It. liVASf, M. 1).. Rurseon and rhslclan, uth side Main street, below Market, s UUTTKtt, SI, I), clarket street, tbo UUTTKlt, SI, I), Snrceon aud I'liyBlclan o iitin. . llOIUSO.V, Altorncyal.I.aw, Olllcollart- tjui tjian's building, Main stlect. LLINEltY & FANCY GOODS. VKTKUMAN, Millinery ami I'uucy Uood, jpposllu Kplhcopnl t'uuu'li, Mulu bt, S 11AUKLUV, Milllucr, Uamsey LltkllUK Miiln blrcct. IS M. DKIUUCKSON", Slllllnery and i'uucy L'ooils.Malnst,, below Altirltet Kiln K.KIilNII.SllllltHry nud Fancy Oooaf street below Aturkct. V. JUI.IA A. A BADK UAHKLKY, LnilloH' lld.ikK and DroHH I'utUiUJ, southuiut corner A and WestBts. MlHHIiH 1IAUMAN Millinery and Fancy U, Mulu Ht.( bcJuw American Xluuso, JIOTKLS AND SALOONS. I KH HOTKL, by T. A Mala bticct. Ucut, Taylor, cant cud KROIIAKTS AND aUOCKUS. C. MAItlt, Dry Oonds and Notions, houth t'ht corner Jlalu aud liou hIb. 11. lMX'KIJIV Hoot and Shoo store, books I,' V COltS, t'nnlcctloncry, groceries etc., Alain jjm uuiow irou lj a WE1U1, ConfcrJIonery and Uakery, l luicsaio ijuu reuui, iMcunniiu jutnu, I.noWKIt.HataoiHU'niis.lJoots andHhocH, urn hi,, mjuvt) uuurt Jiuu&u. T . MAIZK. Miimmoth (Irocerv. fluo (Ikv tJrlcu, Fruits, 'uts, Provision, Ac, Mnln ! iiii uii Hticots. AIKIA'Y, 'lh A L'i.,dtak'iHln Hry Uootls, i' iv, jr., cor. Jiuiii uuu .uuritvv I & HON, dealer? In Dry (loodn, n.uceries, Ouecnhwuio, Flour, Halt, lilioca, Noni, etc.MulUbt, MISCELLANEOUS. (1C4TAUM ULANKBforbaloat UiuCui.ttid ; AN omen, CUUISTMAN, Saddle, Trnntc .t IlaniCKS .iikir, Hhlvu'H lllocit Main (street. . HOIHUNS.llfiuorilealersecond door from 1 -irinwest corner jituin uuu jiuii .in. 1,1 1'llOltNTON, Wall Taper, Window Buadcs ... a iisiurL-M, ivuperv uiotii, iiitu si. p COHKT.L, Vurnlluro Itooms, threo story in, .iuih n.iL-Li, urai o. ...iiiiti-b .1, UlsKNBTOCK.l'hotoBraphcr.ovcr Uobbini fleer's Blore. Slain st. I JCUIIN, dealcrln Steat, Tallow, etc., Chcni. uiii a uuu; , ivurui Aiiiericau House. 1 . IttNtll.I'.It. Ilea er In ntntinn. nrirnns nml QIIIIL JAl'OllY, Slarblo and Ilrown Btouo 1)1 KW, r.asi tnooiiihuurg,tierwicic roau, WUA111I, dealer lu furniture, trunks, cedcr willow ware, near the Forks llouil. OiHTKH.Ulno .Maker, and While and Fancy .uuer,Hcottowii, I,' I1IDI.KSIAN, Agent for SI union's Copper bular l.lghlulng llod. TIEB CADMAN, Cabinetmaker aud Chair- Jakeri rooms Sluln street be!, Iron, lll'.OOKB, and blank NOT1ZB, with or with- uv exempiion,ior suio ai tuu coluaisia Light Street. IT, OSIAN & Co., Wheelwrights, tlrst door Ibovo Uchool House, .i IN A, OSIAN, Stanuracturer and dealer lu sits mid Shoes. l)i:it KNT.dealer In Dry Goods Groceries. i our, r ecu, uuu, Msu, iron, Nans, i,etc.,Mulu 1).ENT, dealer In Btoves and Tin ware In .111 ii. uiuutnes. Espy V. UEIOHAUD,"llIlordialer In I)ry"ooods, tlrocetles, und general Slervhaudlse, ioprleij?1 1''L0U1UNJ W1LUI, O.H. Fowler, WEIIKHKIBF.H. Hoot and Hhoa Rlnr n,.Ti , .. ..i"1 nuon uo juuiu tilreel on- 'lioi MuyA11'. HasqAituauuu I'luulng Mill VOLUME V.---NO. 33. Orangovillo Diroctory, A. iliiihlaiJiraJWe?'''1""-'' li'liJH'n, "."'""NO, dealer In Dry Oonds, MnhiT ' '"""bcr '"' ecucral Merchandise; H'ilii'i V.UT1''' n1"1 "freslimenl Saloon, by ltoIiril'Jlcnrycor.of Slain ami I'lnest. 3 It. p.A.MHOAltai:i,,l'hyslclanan.lSuri!coii. Slain st next door to (Jowl's Hotel, JAM 13) ill. IIAItMAN.Cablnet .Maker ainfun. O dertaker. Slain Ht below l'lne. SCI I HV W.ll A CO., Iron foiinrtcrs.siachlnlsts. and Slanufacluicts of plows, Jlil tit. DAM u KI.HlIAItl'f.KSH.Maltcrofthellayhurst Cj Oraln Cradle. Slain Bt, WII.MAM Di:i.ON(l Hhoemakeraiid iiianufac lurer of Ilrlck, At lit St., west of l'mo Catawissa. BK DAf.I.MAN, McrchaulTollor, Second Ht. . Itobblns'lllllldlliB. lll.J. K. noilIHNH. Hurgeon and rhyslclan I) Becoud 8t below Main. GIMIIUtT ft KMNi:, dry goods, groceries, nnd general merchandise, Slain street T II. KIBTI.KK, "Cattawlssa House," o , Corner Slain and Hecoud Htreets, LKi:ir,Kll, Illllard Haloon, Oysters, and Ice . Cream In season Slain Bt, MSI. lUtOllHT, dealer In OcneralSlerchandlse , Dry Uoods, Uroccrles &c, tslWQUEIIAN.VA or Ilrlck Hotel, H. Koten. O Imiiiler rioprlctor,soutli-(astcornerStalnand Second Btreet, w SI, II, AII1JOTT, Attorney nl law, Slain Bt. Buck Horn. W.1I.bTioi:SIAK1:11, "dealers In'dry 111, goods, KloeerhN and general merchandise, rirst store lu south end ot town. Philadelphia Directory. 2ICirAIU),SOi L. WKKllIT, Jit. ATron.VllY AT LAW, NO. lit H0UTII HIXTH STltnilT, l'lIII.AllKM'HIA Ian. 1'71-ly T 1. KEI'jriCAllT, O WITH HAllNl'-S, !HO. A JIKIlltOX, HATH, CAl'H, BTItAW OOOHS .t I'ltliM, No. CM .Market Street, (Abovo Kirih,) 1'HILAnEI.rlIIA, yy-AimvnumT a co., WtlUIil.MAU'j UKULl.ltH, N. K Corner Second and Arch Streets, Fmi.ADKM'HlA, Dealers In UAH, SYItlU'S, coffei;, SUOAIt, MOr.AKHUS KICK, hl'ICKS, 111 CAW! HOD A, AC, AC j-Orders will rccivo prompt attention, tuny 10,07-lf. Business Cards. c. H. I5HOQKWAY, ATTOItNIlY AT LAW, 1II.OOM.S11U110, 1-A, ja-OKFirr Court House Alley. In the Co- lA'MlltAN bullillllg. Janl, '67. V. J j. TUItXKJt rUYHICIAX AND BUliOEON, HLOOJIHIIUIUI, l'A. CHFirnnier I.tilz's Druir Btore. lteslileno Slaiket htuet.lstdoorbelow lltv.D.J, Waller. ueeiUTU. Q .W. JIlLLKlt, ATTOHNKY AT LAW, Olllco rourt Houso-Alley. below Iho Coiaim- m an Olllce. llouutlcs. Iliulc.l'ay and Pensions collected. Jlloomsbulg l'a, bip.'.U'e7 DOliKHT P. L.V. CLA.UK, ATTOUNEY AT LAW, Otllen Stain Street lielnw tho Court House. Tllooiusburg l'euu'n. Jfl II. LITTLE, ATTUUNUY AT LAW, onico Courl-Hnuse Allej-, below the COLDU niAN OllUe, llloomsburg l'a. :7-ETEIUXAlVY. AUGUST Fltir.NI), lalo ircm Germany, olfers his sen-Ices to the public us a celebrated HOUSE AND COW DOCTOU, and all other animals, forwhlch his charges am moueiate. He can always be intind east slilo or uerwlclc mail, nears. II.. laeony's siaiuio lam. jnooiuhiiuig, jiay i.r, iMi.iy, J. TJIOUNTON V. would announco to thorlLlzL-usnrnioomH utirnml lrlnll'. Unit lin lutw lust rvc tiivctl a full im.t conipleto assoi tnieut of WALL IWrKU, WINDOW til I A DCS, FIXTUUKM, COUPS, TAMKJJi, and alt other Roods In hU lino of ImslncKS, All tlm uewchl and most appmvid pnlUrnn of iho thy nr always to bo louml In hltt chtablbthuient. BUSINESS CAUDS, VISITING CAUDS, LKITEK HEADS, HILL HEADS, PltOOIlASIMES, POSTE1W, 40., AC Neatly aud Cheaply Printed From tho f jitest Styles of Type at tho COLUSI1IIAN OFFICK JJOOTS AND SHOES. Lli.MllV M, 1IHOWN, MAIN HTUUT, VNI1KIS llKOWN'S A lull and complete nssoitment of read Itoiils mill sboLS tor liu-n. uoim.,, mi.) ,! ,dy niailo i ill. In n J list reeelM-d and for sale at reasonablo rales. varlellistn suit all classes of customers. Tho nesioi wiiik ihiiiu at .iiurk uuiice, as llerclolole, Give him a call. jjan 171, N JEW STOVE AND TIN HIIOI ISAIAH HAUENI1UCH, Main Btreet ono door above V Mcndcuhali'ti Htoie, Haugei coiiHtuntly on hund,and or nalo at the lnwcttt rates, Tlnnlnit lu nil Us branches carefully attended to, urul batlsfacllou ('uuranteed. Tin work of alt kluds whoU-uale aud retail, A ial l reouuited. Jan m K "SV COAL Y A U D, The underpinned rencctfullv In form the cltl7.enu or llloonihimrL' and Columbia louuty, that they keinall tho dUlerontuuin hers oUtove couianu stiii-cioti lump coal lor smuiuus i-urpt sen, on tholr vharf, adjolnlnti M'Kolvv. Neal Co's Furnace: with a irood nalr of HnlUln bcali on tho wharf, to ucleh coul. hav. and Miuw Llkowlse a horse and wniron. to dollver coul in those who desire It, As they purchase a lBro amount of coal.they Intend tokcen a superior ar ticle, ana sell at tho very lowest pi lees, l'leaso call and exaiuino 0r yourselves before purchiu,. lug elsewhere, 'j, w. HE.NDKHSllOT, rPIIE UllUOrSlt'nnil will tali a In nv. Xchango for Coal and Groceries, the following named articles i Wheat, ityu, corn. Oals l'ola Iocs, Laid, lIam,Shuuldr,auil side ineal. Duller uggs, iniy, ao.,u. vua iiiuii'si cash prlces.uthls flriiriirv Ktnm. till 1,1 II 111 II Lllfilr , .! , " -w ' " uN.ijruru, J. w. WKNDEIIMHOT, Uloomsbnrg Mar, lS.'W.ly. QUEENWOOD HEMINAUY. The Fall Term of this Hoarding andSelcclUchool win tuiiiiiii'iii'u uii iiiuuuiij , juo oi.i. Expenses for one ouarter of uleieu weeksi lloaid, Washlug, Lights, Ac,, On Tuition, per ()nurlir, ... 7Ullosi " Jiivenllo Class, . 13 10 lo 51X1 I or particulars aiiiiress, WSl. IIUIKIEBS, Principal, Sllllvllle, Col. CO., l'a., June, it;. ihn 11 UE CHANCE. Foil Hai.kA sri-ond-lianili'Arlnii,nlfliin.rnite. pneo cost sui.ii. Thu sujierbi Instrument was bought at on auction sale of prlvato propel ty lu New ork, and had been but a lew weelcs in use. 11 Is lu jarml order and lu eicrvres; tquui lo u new piuini, ieriiisnui r4vauee. Address tor ouu weeu, Terms possltlvely casu In ,, iir vniwi'ii may arci-lf MaucUS-'uiuik, l'a. He Miscellaneous, J"EV STOCK OF OLOTIIINO. Frosh arrival of Htl.MSIKIl (1001)3. DAVID LOWKNIinilO Invites attention to his slock of ciii:ai'andkasiiionaiili:clotiiino, at hlsBtoroon StnJJiHIreel, InKhlvo's block, ono door Wtstor C. c, SInrr's store, Uloomsburg, l'a., whero no has Just received from Now York and l'lilladelphla a full assortment of MUM ANI) liOYH' CLOTHINU, liicludlng Iho most fashionable, ituiablo, and liaudsomo DIIESH GOODS, consisting of HOX.BACK, ltOCO,(IUSt,ANDOIf,-U1.0Tll COATS AND l'ANTH. of nil sorts, sUesand colors. Ho has also rental. lshed his already largo stock of PALI. AND WINTKIt BIIAWLH, HTltll'UD, FIOUIIED, AND PLAIN VESTS BlIlItTS, CHAVATH, BTOCKH, COLLAIIH II A.NDKEltCHlEFS, OLOVJM, HUSPENDEIW, AND FANCY AUTICLIH ll nas constantly on hand a largo and well-seeded assortment of CLOTH.1! AND VIMTINUH. which ho Is prepared to make to order Into any kind of clothing, on very slim t notice, ami In tho best manner. All his clothing Is made to wear, and most of It Is of homo manufacture. (IOLI) WATCHES AND JEWi'.ttY, oloveiy description, fine and cheap. Ills casn nl Jcuelry Is iintsuipasscd In thtsipiace. Call and examine his general nssortmctil of CLOT1IINO, WATCIIEH JllWELllV, AC. Jllll'7l DAVID LOWENIIEIUI. jyjriliL.Kll'S STOUEr H. H. SIII.LEH & HON, havo rcmoveil their Btoro to tho room runner! occupied bySIciidcnliall.on Slalnstrcel, lllnoins. burg, nearly opposite Iho Episcopal Chinch ivliero they nio determined losell on nsmodelate leimsasraii bopiocuredclsouliere. Thler slock eomplKes LADIES' DltKBB 000D3 of tho choicest styles and latest fashions, tngetlit r with a largo assortment or Dry Hoods aud Gro ceries, consisting of tho following. lrllclea Carpels, Oil Cloths, nlhs, llieeilmnrcs, Shawls, Flannels, Silks, Wllllo Goods, l.tnens, Hoop Skills, Muslins, flijllowuaro t'edarwaro ttuci-nswnre, llaldware llisits and SIiocr, Hiilfi and Caps HisipNels, 1 Umbrellas, I,ookltig-GlasKo, Tobacco, Collee, yngars, 'i a, Itlee, Allspice, Ulngor, Clnuamnn, Nutmegs AND NOTIlH GENEItAI.I.Y. In short, everything usually kept In country wrt's, to which they luvllo the utloiitlou of the public generally. Tho highest price will bo paid for country produce lu exchange for goods. 8. II. SIILf.EK JiHON. . . l.loouisburj l'a. apr3 71 '.f Q c. A It It havojustrecelvtd fioni tho eardem maikets a largo autt welt selected stock of D It Y O O O D H , OONSISTINd OF t'.isslmers, .leans, I lest bleached .t lliowu Muslins, (Jalleoes, Tleklngs, Table Linens, Cotton A All wool ilannelrf, AC, AC,, A'gooil stock of Ladles dress goods, Latest st tcs A patterns. Hplves of all kinds, Oooil stock grocti les, (iueenswaro, Klono waro, Wood A willow warn, Flour A Chop, Ati.o Kitchen Crystal Hoap for cKaulng Tin, Itrass,Ac, All goods sold thcap for cash or pro duce, Ho would call tho attention of buyers to his well and caielully helceted assortment which comprises e cry thing usually kept In tho coun lry feeling conlldent that ho can sell them goods at such prlctsas wilt ensure satisfaction. Janl'71-tf CO MAKK. JOHN O. JACOliY'H IJAKEJtY AND CONFECTIONERY! IlKUWICIC, FIINaN'A. Tho undeisli:neil would resncctfullv Inlorm Iho I'ltliiis ni'lterwhk, and vicinity, that ho n.ts opt nt a a L onicciionery aim jiuaciy in ODD FKLLOWfi' HALL, ilorwlck. l'a. whero ho Is prepared lo furnish all kinds ot NiAIN ANO FA NOV CANDIKH, FUIINCH CANIHIX, FOUUHJN AND DOMIIHTIO FUUITH OUANU1CS, L1IMONS, KA1HINH Ac, Ac, Ac, Ac, TtV WIIOMSALB AND l'.ETAIL, A m no tlm assoifmcnt will bo found Cream Mils, i.iigiifcii waiuuis, i'eauuis, Aimonus, ku bel ts. rjt:i. A unit s. Cocoa Nuts. Jellies ol dill, r eut kind, Mustaid.Calsun. l'lckles, Choeolale Cauuul Fiult ol all kinds. Coin Standi. Fun His cult, hoi a Crackers, Oit.hr Ciacktrs, cIucko, rtoap, h ruiug niptr, ixgiitiiuiii I'apim, ju Vt lopes, FISH AND OYSTEUS, And nrndueo of all kinds. Fie-h lTrend and CakestM'iy day, IioCieumlu basou, Vour putroiiago U sidltlted. Ilorwlelr, Jan l7I-lv N V E O T 1 O N E U Y . 'I'llO nnilerultmml u-nnM i'mriimi.IIiiIIu ni.nni.i.r.i ,u mo imuiiu mm hi, uns niiuueu 11 KIlWI'-CIiASS CONFIXTIONEHV BTOltE, In thobul ding lately occupied by Fojc 4 Webl wuuiu uv is iiiuiiurisiiu luruiHU an jciuu. ol PLAIN A FANCY CANDIES, r uu;si;u uAr4uits, KOHEIUN A DOSIESTIO FHUl'JS, NUTS. HAISINS, AC, AC., AC. BY WHOLESALE OH 11KTAIL. lu short, a full assortment of all goods lu uis uue 01 ou.iitess. s giuni variety ol 1)0 LLB, TOYS, Ac., soluble for tho Holidays, Particular altcntlon given lu 11 H K A 11 AND U A K EH, of all kluds, fresh overy day, C 11 It 1 H T M A H O A N 11 1 E H, UHIHTMAB TOYS. A call lu sollolted, and sallsfaollou will b guarautoed, Janl'W-ly ECKH AllT JACOllH TN HUKANOE AOENOY, Wv IJll.oiu 4,IHIil,llilc 1U,UI tlllll.lllX) 4VI.0I l.too.uo I Ifckl III AClllli.. ruiton N, Y ... North Auiorlca,.....-. City International N.Y,. Niagara N.Y.- SlerehauU M,...H...H. Hlirillgoeld 670.UO 4O0.UI0 armers Dalivllle.N.Y Albany Olty ...... liauvllle, Horse Theft M Atiautlo. N. Y Uermaula, N, Y M Mutual. 1.US1.UU ouu,uw FllliAS lUlOWN, Alltnl, marSt'71-ly, ULOOMauuao l'a, BLOOMSBUliG, PA., FRIDAY, AUGUST 18, Busiiicoa Cards, JJLOOJIl'EUUY. Thn Itlnnm T-Vrrv rnmnnnv Imu lifiil Ha UnlH and iKiuts thorontthly repaired and Is now lu it Huuit-Hn iu ihi mi iiMuu lerryiiiK hi any reium nlitn lionr. Thn iinilprIi?tinl will m (n nttni dnncpatany tliuotowalt upon ruMomcr at call, aprat71-ly JOHN U.O.UICK. A H V L ESDI 1) o i: i, i: s t ij o u A ar WITH TWO RETT ltEEllH&TllllEEBlOl'S, can bo bongV for tiuo at i. w, rs 1 1 ,iv-s, , Piano Worerooms near Forks Ijott 1. inayl27l-(im, ' jLOOSISUUUO JIAUULE WOUKS. G UNION A BTEICH, (Successors lo A, Wltman,) llespccirnlly Inform tho publlo that they aro now 1 ul ly preiiared to do all kinds or woik In it r lllin l,r lillHlnnkH lllnn t .-nu.mnl.l,. t.rm. and short notice. Sutlsfuctlon waniinled In nil CAses. uau.U.'71-ly B iVlldAlNS-IJAllUAINS. QUICK SAI.F-H AND R2TAM, FH0F1T.1. HAVK llllllt SIOMKV, Goto lir.NP.Y YOST, East nioomsburg. Pa., lor all kinds of tho best homo aud city miiilu F II 11 N IT O It K, Prices reasonablo unit tho best work done, Jan P71 tf gllAlll'LESS & IIAUMAN, III consideration or tenrlnir down nnr .mrlitt and nbulldliigwhlch will bo commenced very soon wo nro ollcrlug idows, stoves, Ac., nt Bi'-tiJ iiviillin l-lllll. II. F. S1IAHPLES3 A P.S. IIAUMAN, llloomsburg, Pa. Proprietors SIar,H.'n.tf. g lTtk Jtoo f Tifa, T. VERY VAtllETY MOST EAVOUAULE KATES, JOHN T1I05IAS, ANn CASl'Ell J, THOSIAH llox,'.77, llloomsburg, Pa, J:i l.ll 1'7 AOAZINES,DAIIAtWEKICLY iArj;iw of amj IvInds ATTlin HOOK HI OK P. Ol'I'OHTKTllH COUKT U0UHE. Also nn nssortmrnt of rorlemonnalcs, Fa!H Hooks niul Account Hooks, conslaully on hand, ltoolm not mi hand obtained on short notlco. Now Hooks am constantly beluir added to tho " llloonishuiK Clicutatliiff Llbrari," Amoniftbo lati si aru "Oulll and Inimeenco," "Motherless" Hir Harry," " Hot Hpur of Iluiuhlethwalt," and ''Menineni," etc, iiprlX,'71 tf IVTEW OUQAN AND PIANO w Amino o its, mtflANS fc PIANOS YOU BKt.E ON INSrAt.LMr.NT9, l'lnnoH Irom all flrttclnHH uuikors, fioin SL'iUlo thm. Orpins from S o to 7Ui. A spli-ndld orau finrlavc.a set ned, and tieniNlo with paneled lllaek Walnut Case, only tMh Hiiifilo mmocfi'.o at ahovr, Slot. I havo niado arrange ments to huvo Iho latest uimie on hand as soon ns published. Teacher1 mppliod at regular dis ennnt, Waieioonih. Main Mitit, near Folks Hotel, if. J, W. N1L1, QHESTEIt B. FUltMAN, HAI1NI-SH, 8A1HH.K, A NO TUUNIi M A X U F A CT U K r, U , and dealer lu OAUl'F.T-llAOH, VAL1H1W, FI.V-NK'J'H, UUFKAI.O I10I1I-S, IIOILSKOILANKHTS At., which ho feels roufldenL ho ran sell at lower rato than any other person lu tho toiuily. Jlx amine for yourselves. Khop opposite tho 1'ost Olllce, Main hlrctl, r.loomstiuits'. l'a, Aug. 5, IsTu. HENTIHT K Y. 11. C. HOWKU, UKNTIHT, ltesptctfully offers his professional rcvWcch to iiiu KLuii it i iii Kuoiieuieu 01 luoonisuurgaud vi clnlty. Ho is nrenaied toatteud loan the vnrl ousoperatlonsj iu tholluoof his profession, aud Is piovlded Willi tho lutes t lmpiotud ioitCEl..lN i r.KTii wnicn win do inner uu ou oia plating silver and lubber b.iso to look as well as the nat ural teeth. Teeth extracted bv all tho new anJ most approved methods, aud all operations ou the teeth earefullyand propeily attended to. Kesldeuco aud oiilco a fuw doors ahnvo the Lturi jiouse.same side, llloomshurg, Jan.l 71 ly i T. f 1! 1. -T TT f1 TT A T. LIFE 1NSUUAN0E COtPANY o v NEW YOIIK. 'liny Fieeman, President, H, C. Freeman, Bee Cash capital over ,2,000,1100, all paid. . II. UOIHSON, liLOOJlSUUUO, IA (JKNEKAL AUENT, For Luzerne, Lycoming and Columbia counties. Ang.avoo. Ji XCIIANCJE UAKERY a n n 0ONPE0TIONEHY, ULOOMfillUIlU, l'A. Tho unileifclcued. successois of F. Wldmvcr. uould itsiectlully announco that tiny lmn i nl. en ho wtll-tstabllshid stand leeentlv occii' pled by tho ahovo named, In Hloonisbum, and repareo in nniiiiiiu uiu uimuifln ui jiuiuuiiic urtng and selling, by WIIOLlALi: AND ItLTAIL, Confectionery of evc.y stjlo and kind. ANo uii v uin iiavo a i an i lines a. coioiuciu surn vo thn best and fn shest lheiul and Cake, rarths ih sliln? an lhl.it; lu this lino u ill llud It to thelt auvauiago to euii on u-t. AN ICE CUE AM SALOON Is added to Iho establishment, and ladies and ntlursuho may pal run Uo us, may rely upon upon r (clvlug rroptr utkntlou, A icasonablu shaio of publl's putionnuo Is icspoctfully sollcltnt. uusinii-iiy, jit'iuoii, uuu oiiifi niititi, in iurt;o and snull iiuanlltk-s, constantly on nand.r May5.lS71.-ly TT 0. II HOWE n, hasopeued a llrst-class HOOT, HItOK. HAT OA!', AND FUH STOIIE. at tho old stand on Main Hti eel, ltloomsburg.a few loorsabovu uiououri iiouo, Jiissiockittcom posed of tho very latest and best styles ever oiler ed to tho citizens of IVdumhla County, Ho can aeeouunodalu tho public with tho following goods at the lowest rates. Men's heavy doublu soled kio-rii. boots, nn n'sdouhlo and slncle tan solpd mp nooiH, iiieu h iieuvy siugu hiiota oiau kiuuh. men's tluo boots aud shoes of all grades, hoy's inutile Moieii boots aiui.s loen ni an Kimis. men's gtovokld Ilalmoral shoes.meii's, Mouieu's.boys's and mUses lasting gaiters, woiueu's glovo kid I'oiisn veiy nne.woiiKU snioiocco i..uiuoiaisauu calf siiocs, women's very lino kid buttoned gait ers. Jn short boots ol all dcMilptlous both peg ged nudSPWed. jiu wouiu uibu i-ii uiu-u uuu iu j us uuu iiMDurt in cut of ATH, CAI, FUUH AND NOTIONH. which comprtsos all tho new and populai vari eties at pi ices which cannot fall to. nil all. Thrse goods aro oil tied at tho lowest cash rates awl will bo guaranteed to give satlst.u tiou, A call Is solicited botoru puichaslug else whero as It la In. limed that better bargains aro lo bo found than nt any other place lu the county, Jan 171 Hotels. MONTOUR HOUSE ltUi'KUT, l'A. WILLIAM IIUTLKH, IVoprletor, This Hnitso having been put lu thorough repair U now open K-r tho reception of guesls. No iialuswlllbo spand to ensiiro tho peiicct nun mri oi iim iravtuein, j ro i-nuirieior sonciu t share of public patronage, Tho bar will bo ncktsl at all tlmus with Hue liouors aud clirnrH. Junl'71 " jgENTON HOTEL. W. P. PIATT, Proprietor, HENTON, COLUSIIIIA COUNTY, PA. This well known HoiiRo bavhiff bLCntinttn thorough repair Is now open lor the leccption of visitors. No palus havo Lis'li spared to ensuru the perfect cumfolt of guests, The proprietor ulso runs a Btuge Irom the Hou-1 to llhmuisburg aud Intermtdlato isiliiu ou Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday uf each week, Jan 1'1S71 rjpilK ESPY HOTEL. ESl'Y, COLUSIIIIA COUNTY, l'A. Tho tmderslgued would Inform tho travelling iiubllothat he has taken tbu alsive named estab lishment aud thoroughly refitted the samo fur the perffCt.'eouvenleiiee of hlsguests. Ills larder will be stocked with tho best too market atlurds, Tho choicest Illinois, wines und cigars always to UU 1UUUU lUUII Wli WILLIAM l'KTTir. Jan 171 Kspy, Pa. Poetical. So (Joes (lio World Our varied itnys pass on and on Our hopm f.ulo unfulfilled away Aud thing which seem tho life of llfo, Aro taken from w day by day t And yet through all the busy (streets Th croud nf pleasure-seekers throng, Tho puppet's play, tho showman's call, Aud bohMps chat Iho whole day Ions. And so tho world goes on, Our llttto dramas como to naught Our live- mny fall, our dnrllnjj plan May crnmhlo into nothlugnctt, Our flrmist castlo fall to stand ; And yettho children sluand dance, Tho moni'y.mnkcrs lauyh and shout, Tho stars unmindful, still shlno bright, Unconscious that our light is out, And si tho world goes ou. Tho house crows sad that onco was gay, Tho dcaroues seek their lllcsfecd Home, And wo mny watch and wait In vain To hear tlielr well-known foolstcps como; And yet llio sunlight checks tho floor. And makes tho summer shadows long, Tho rosc-lmds at Iho casemont bloom, Tho bird pours forth his cheerful song, And so tho world goes on, And Ood goes on, and with ur woo, Wea es Koldea threads of Joy and peaeo, (iuardlug with Ills heart of hearts, Our daysof pnln, our days of oaso IIo marks them all Iho &eed, tho sheaves, Tho danger's saillo, the mourner's teats, Aud keeps them safe Ills children all Through all Ihegrcatclernat j-cars, And so, lhanic 0(mI, tlm world goes on. What Then I Aftr. tliojoysof earth After Its Rongsof mirth, Alter its hour of light. Alter Its drcims so bright, What Ihen? Onlyan empty name, Only a weary framo, Only a ennscloussmait, Only an aching heart, What then? Only a sad farewell Ton unild loved loo well, Only a silent bed Willi tlio forgotten dead. What then? Allcrlhlssad farewell 'It a world loved too welt, AHer this silent ld With tho forgotten dead, Wlmtlhcn? Llltlo llinlkw. What doldrdlos dream ol ? Flowetsaiul leaves and waving wheat, Hrooks and buds and mouses sweet, Nooks all hidden fiom tho heat, Llttlo hlrdles dream of. What do birdies sing of? Morning dewdrops pearly fair, Sunshine rippling down tho air, Htaven's rich beauty everywhere, Llttlo blidlcu slug of. What aio birdies proud of? Solt-llued houses upon tho tree lUby biidles, ono, two, three Thcso.iny pet, you still may sen Llttto hlrdles proud of I Miscellaneous. RADICAL 110MANCE KU-KlilX INVESTIGATION. A VILLAINOUS THICK TO lNl'LUEN'OI PUIILIO OPINION 11V DEI.I11EKATE FALSEHOOD COMPLETELY SPOILED, Tho suli-coiinnitleo, cotisislinfr of JIcMrs. Scott, Stuvoiisou, ami Van Trump, appointed to itivesUsalo tho al IckciI outrages la South Carolina, re turned to Wellington city on Saturday last, and Iminedlately after a state ment was published, on tho authority of tho radical mcmbeirt, though with out their signatures, which waa buuso intently telegraphed over tho country by tho associated press. THE ItAUKJAI. STATESIENT FALSE. Wo aro authorized by Jutlgo Van Trump to pronounco that publication untruo in mnny essential particulars, anil a j ervcrsion of facts in others, evi dently colored, with tho purpose of pro duclng a partisan and f.tlso impression . Tho teatimony shows that thcro aro four counties, viz: LaurctH, Chester, York and Spartanburg, where acts of violenco havo been committed on both sides. Tho whiles ami blacks aro nearly equally divided iu population, and tho carpetbag rulo by which tho negro Is forcibly put over tho whito man lias produced a bail mid even a dangerous stnto of fielltig. ATTEMPT TO DEtiP.AUE THE WHITE LAllOli. The poor whltos aro most aggrieved at an oppression which is intended to niako them the Inferior of recent slaves, steeped in ignoranco and vice. Every thing h.ts been tlono to nggravato tho laboiing whiles und to outrago tho so clal cdinlltlon of their families. On tho very eve of tho last election, (lovernor ScMt rirpunlzott fourteen negro regi ments, mid armed them with 7,100 Wluclit'titcr rltlcs and 100,(100 rounds of fixed ammunition. Tlieso lTglmenta wero distributed In illll'erent parts of the State and cspee ially whero their prcenco would bo moil likely to o.xclto bad blood. This proceeding was rendered moro oil'onsivo by tlit) f.ut that tho whites, who had become alarmed, woro refined tho hitmo privilege to protect themselves. A conip.my which had been lit exlstonco long bi'lorothls time, was disarmed nml dlsbaiiikd by tho governor. It Is In proof befnro this commltleo that no groes dl.-gulscd as Kti-KIux committed many ouiragos. Tho testimony given by the negroes was of tlio lowest kind and utterly unworthy of bellof. NEUItOI-S PAID AND DItlLLED TO TES TIFY. They wero nttr.icted by tho feo of i2 per diem, and, lu many casas, woro evidently diillod for tlio occasion. At Spartanburg numbora of them wero congregated iu tho postolllco whllo wait ing to bo called as witnesses, ami doubt less learned tins lesson which was after wards reheare-ed and substantially In tho samo wordj. Of the various negroes who pretended to havo boon punished but one was stripped mid ono whlto man at Columbia, who, while, claiming to be n refugee from tcrror,was holding an ollleo thcro at tho expense of tho State. Ills llctltlous wound had beoti honied with that plaster. Iu tlio radical state ment It is broadly alleged that ten no groes wero taken from tbojall In Chen. tvrnml murdered bynn armed band, but tho facts connected with this trans action nre all lutentlonally suppressed for offect. Thoy wero as follows: A company of soino twcntysflvo armed negroes appeared in that ttclehborliood 1871. COL. and openly announced their Intention to ehoot tho first whlto man thoy should meet. WHITE MAN linUTAM.Y Mt'linEItEI) 11Y NEOKOES. Soon after n poor drayman named Stevens, with ono arm, who was uni versally regarded as a worthy and am- Inula man, was driving nlong tho road with a barrel of whisky In his cart. Ho was stopped by this band of rtifllans and tho whisky demanded. Ho told them It was not his property, but gavo them Ha.sk of his own and started. After going a short dlslnnco tho no- groes fired nt his cart ond Btruck It In sovcral places. A man who had joined Stevens on tho road lied for his life, and ho himself seeing tho armed negroes In pursuit, abandoned tho cart and took rofugo in a neighboring cabin. Ho was followed by tho wretches, nnd against tho efforts of the colored woman, whoso humble shelter ho had sought, aud his own, ho was taken out, After drawing lots flvo of tho gang took him Into tho woods and riddled his body with balls, Tho perpetrators of tho outrago woro nrrostcd nml put Iu the Chester Jail, but beforo being secur ed they killed lhodpputyshorllf,Hmlth, who served tho process. Suddenly a negro ctmo from Columbia with what purported to bo a writ of hultcas corpus from tho radical Judge, Thomas, at Co Iiimbln, but attested In no proper form, Tho shcrllT called Into council tho leading lawyers, in order to determine what courso ho should pursuo In regard to this informal and Irregular requisi tion, which boro no ovldenco of genu ineness, and cainoin an envelope of tho Adams express company. Mcantimo the news spread nnd n vigilanco com mittee roused Into indignation, know ing how Governor Scott had pardoned tho worst criminals by hundreds, de termined lo administer stern justice themselves by making an example, to check this outlawry. Thoy took tho prisoners out of Jail by forco and exo etited them summarily. Onu of them was released by tho declaration of a whlto man, that ho was believed to bo Innocent of tho atrocious crimo of which tho others wero guilty. Whllo thUt act of vengeanco Is deprecated, tlio extraordi nary provocation, and tho alarm creat ed by tho armed blacks, as well as their violence, must be considered in connec tion with it. A THIEI' AS A WITNESS. Tho other statements might bo ex posed with equal effect, but this illus tration is sulllclcnt for tho present pur pose. Ono or tho prlnclplo witnesses, named Owen, on cross-examination, admitted himself to bo a thief. THE SCALAWAG 11ALLOT-110X STUlTEIt Congressman Wallace, who was elect ed ilrst by tlio houto of representatives and then by stuffed ballots, in a district with 5,000 democratic majority, follow ed tho committee everywhere, and was ono of the activo managers lu getting up testimony. Tho afralr in which ho figured at Spartanburg, and which was telegraphed nil over tho country n3 n gross outrago, exhibits tho purposo to magnify aud oxaggcrato for political effect. Ho was seated next to Jlr. Stev enson, of tho committee, at tho hotel table, when a man named IJerry, who formerly had n feud with Wallace, en tered In a stato of intoxication. Discovering his old enemy, ho seized a pitcher of milk and threw it nt him, whereupon Wallaco drew a rovolvcr and would havo fired but for tho Inter vention of thoso present. Tills was tho extent of that outrage, and llerry, when sobered, sought to mako every atotio- mcnt, as tho citizens did who wero In jured by his rccklcs3 conduct. NOT POLITICS HUT COP.KUPTION AJS'I) llOllllEItV THE CAUSE OF TUOUI1LE. Thcro Is no political feeling of any kind In tho unfortiinato disturbances which havo occurred Iu theso few coun ties of South Carolina. They result from inal-ailminlstratlon, corruption, robbery, c.irpot-bnggiiig, and especially among tho poor laboring white men, front a wicked purposo on tho part of tho authorities and tho leg- slaturo lo assort black Mipromacy and degrade them with negro rule. That is with them perhaps iho real and most serious dlfllculty. It is u question of race, nml which, as tlio government of South Carolina is now administered, and as sustained by federal power, threatens tho gravest consequences. Tho whlto mechanic and laborer, when ho finds tho worct criminal protected and pardoned, tho lawancnglno of per secution, political power abused, in or der lo oppress him with negro domina tion ami to outrago his wife and chil dren, will resist, bo tho sacrlflco what It may. Ho may bo uneducated and plain, but ho Is still American and proud of his race. H'ctshhiglon Valrxol. U. Might Ihttc Ilecn. Wo hear a great ileal about this phrose, "it might havo been." Sentimental youths and lovo-lorn las-slo. growling old bachelors, nnd "picky" old spinsters, nil Join in tills contemptible whine, "It might have been;" but tho worJs havo another. moaning well worth looking for, too. Instead of mourning over tho Irrctrlo vablo past, nnd sighing, "It might havo been better," wo should do a tar moro scnslbio tiling if wo picked up our crumbs, nnd said, "It might havo been worse." Taking tlmo through, thcro Isn't moro causo for sorrow than Joy, all bit ter complaining only brings us bo much tlio moro speedily to that plaeo which Is tho qulntesceuco of everything dole fill. It Is not very likely that nny of us will bo called tocuduro moro than good old Jot). When earthly blessing, wero taken from him, hodld not ralso n great huoandcry, but patiently said, "Tho Lord gave, nnd tho Lord huth taken nwny, blessed bo (honnmocf tho Lord.' If ever wo nro so happy ns to got to Hcawn, then wo may sco that much which wo call trouble und sorrow now nro roally our greatest blessings ; and our utter ruin might havo been wrough In bouI and body If circumstances had been as wo so often blindly wished they might havo been, Then wo shall seo that, of nil glad words of tonguo or pen, tho glndtlcst uro theso, "It might havo been." DEM. - VOL. XXXV NO. 20 How tlio Fool Trlckcil the lllglmnvmaii. Novcr heard oflledmond O'llanlan, tho Irish highway robber? Well, that's surprising. Tho Kngllsh Turplns and French Duvals couldn't hold ft candle to tho Irish highwayman. But for nil his shrowdness ho met his match once, nnd I'll tell you how It was. llcdmond was a lino, strapping, gen tlemanly fellow, and n dovoted admirer of tho ladies as whero Is the Irishman that Is not'.'-nnd what Is moro, n friend to tho poor, as you'll ndlnlt when I tell you that his demands for cash were only made of thoso persons who could afford to moot them, and ho delighted In forcing contributions from thoso who had tho names of being hard landlords to their tenants. Thcro was ono of this class whom Itedmond novcr lost an opportunity of taxing for that was tho polite nnmo ho gavo to his own rob beries. Every quarter day, this gen tleman or ono of his servants somo times moro than ono used to mako a Journey of six or seven miles to call for his rents j and as regular as clock work, thcro was llcdmond O'llanlan, with somo stout companions, if necessary, to waylay tho collector ns ho returned home. Every means was used to cludo him, but to no purposes ho had spies everywhere, and tried to get tho exact information ho wanted In advance. So one miarler tiny when tlio gentleman's servants asked htm about going for tho rents, ho sworo at O'llanlan, and said ho did not sco tho uso of collecting money lo hand over to him Now this gentleman had on his esiaio a boy called " Jerry tlio Fool " who had tho run of tho houses, ana mauo fun for tho family. IIo had a great conceit of himself, nnd when ho heard what tho master said, ho immediately asked to bo allowed to go after tho rents for once, ho dcclated that ho would know tho way to bring them safo homo Of courso lie was only laughed at : but when ho represented that no harm could come from trying, as ho couldn't do worse than nil thoso who had gono before hlra, tho master agreed to humor him. Upon that, Jerry mado somo preparations as were necessary, choso tho worst horso in tho stahlo an old hack, half blind, nnd three quarters lame and slarted on his enterprise Nothing occurred on tho way. IIo col lectcd a considerable amount of money carefully disposed of It about his per son, and started homewards. Towards evening, as ho was quietly jogging along on tho old hack, and was just en tcrlng a long Iano with high hedges on each side, a tall, flno-looklng man rodo un to him on a handsomo roan mare. " Ood savc you, ray man 1" says the gentleman " God save your honor I" replied Jer ry, " What's your name, my man?" says tho gentleman. " Jerry tho Fool, and I'm not asham ed of It. What's yours?" Tho gentleman took no notlco of this question. After a whllo ho says : " That's a flno nnlmal you'ro riding, Jerry." "Faith, nnd I'm glad your honor likes it," says Jerry ; " but it Isn't my self that'd caro to tako n lcaso of his life. Hut he'll servomy term any way, for its not iu much of a hurry I am traveling I'vo only been to tho village beyond to collect tho master's rents for him." "Surely ho is not such a fool ns to trust you with thatjobl" " Arrah, why not?" asked Jerry. " Why, don't yon. know that Ited mond O'llnnlan's on tho road !" " llcdmond O'llanlan Is It," says Jerry. "Ugh! That for Hedmond O'llanlatt !" nays ho snapping ills fin gers. "Puis, Jerry tho Fool is amatch for a dozen of tho likes of him any day In tho week, and Sunday iu tlio bar gain." Tlio stranger laughed and they rodo on in sllcnco till they eamo to a very lonely part of tlio road, when ho drow a braco of pistols and told Jerry to hand over nil tho money ho had about him, or ho'd try If ho had brains by sending a couplo of bullets through his head. " Jleala-murther," roared Jerry, In n lono of surpilso nnd fright. "ou don't mean to say that your honor Is I '.odtnond 0'Huulnn? I do Indeed. So hand o,-cr my man, and look sharp about it " But falx, Its kilt Intircly by tho master I'll bo if I go homo without tho rents." " What's that to mo? asked O'Han an. " Anyhow," hays Jerry. "I must show them that I had a murdering light for It. Perhaps your honor wouldn't mind tiring a shot through inv old beaver." O'Hnnlan did bo laughing at tho trick. " And now another through tho breast of my coat, aud Heaven bless you.'' Tins was uouo. "isow jusiono iu tho skirt of It aud good luck to your honor." " But I'vo discharged both of my pis tols, nnd don't want tho trouble of loading them again for you." Falx I should dearly llko n shot through tho skirts ; It would show that I fought desperato. Aro yon suro your honor hasn't nnother pistol In you pocket that you wouldn't mind firing for n poor boy's sako?,' "Confound HI To bo suro I am. Hand over your money, or I'll beat you to a Jelly with my horso-ft hlp." " Well." says Jerry, after a good ileal of fumbling. " I suppose, considering tho trouble I'vo had lu collecting these rluts, your honor won't mlud going over tho hedgo uftcr them.' And ho thuw over a sack apparently well filled with coin. Half laughing, half angry, iho highwayman Hret aim lug n blow at Jerry with his whip, which ho avoided by ducking dls mounted, and climbed over tho hedgo anil no sooner hnd ho tlono so, Jerry slipped off tho old hack, than aud mounted O'llanlan s horso. " Had scran to you llcdmond O'llan lan I" ho bawled. "Didn't I tell you Jorry the Fool was a match for a dozen i of you? It's a sack of brass buttons ,n you'vo gono over tho hedgo after, fi thief of tho world I" And touching RATES OF ADVUllTISINO. Ono Inch, (twotvo lines or Hi equivalent Id Nonpareil typo) one or two Intcrtlona, 11.60 threo Insertions, I J.OO. PACK. 1M. One Inch... U.M Tiro Inchon , S.fto Threo Inches 5,00 Foor luchos.... 7 00 Quarter column., 10,00 IlaH column .18,00 Ono column.....-..no,no J. 11,00 II, 1)0 7,00 0,00 13,00 III, 00 8M. 11,00 , IflO 9,00 11,00 11,00 SO 00 40,00 e.i, lr. 11,00 110,00 0,110 Ilt.l'O n,m ls.oo 17,00 M,0fl 211,10 80,00 80,00 C0.00 00,00 lon,o Iterator's or Administrator's Notice, 11.00 Auditor's or Assignee' Notice, I MO. Local notices, ten cents aline. Cants lntlio"HuslnosIlroctory" column, U.OO per year for tho first two lines, and ll.oo ror each additional lino. flno maro with thospurshogallopodofl", singing nt tho .top of his volco tho old melody, " Go to tho mischief nnd Bhako yourself I" O'llanlan couldn't pursuo him on tho hack, nnd tho cuto fool had made him discharge his pistols. Thcro was nothing for It but to walk nway, cursing his own siupiuuy nnu over al ter If nny ono wanted to provoko him, they had only to ask him when ho hnd last hcon Jerry tho Fool. ' What l'coplo Kc.kI. Among thirty thousanu volumes In' the Mcrcantllo Library nt St. Louts, there nre, It Is said, seventeen thousand which aro novcr called for by anybody. This Is pretty well for the St. Louis Li brary, for It Indicates that moro than one-half of tho books, soveutocn thous and to wit, aro of somo posltlvo value. In other words, only thirteen thousand nro "popular" works. 'TIs true, 'tla pity, and pity 'lis 'tis true, that as tho nverago human being perversely desires for his bodily food such substances as with least nourlihmont provoko most excltmcnt of tho palate ; so in his men tal diet lie Is prono to desiro "sensa tion " rather than improvement or mental growth nnd health. If essays and homilies upon this subject would produco reform, tho rending world would havo been reformed long ago. As In many other attempted Improve ments nnd reformations, no small dam ngo to tho causo thoy ndvocnto has boon done by Injudicious writers and leclur ers, clerical nnd lay. All fiction, nil works of Imagination, everything but hard facts, have been objected to, until the careless listener or render comes to supposo that useful reading includes only thnt which is dry and dull. Con sequently young peoplo delight In llctl tlous reading, as If it wero n luxury of sin ; nnd tho zest of disobedience is added to the other pleasures of iletion. Ono causo of tho nbsoluto trashlncss of too many books is found in the fact that their authors know nothing. Thcro aro works of imagination, nnd tho roadcr will recall mnny of them, which stimulate inquiry into tho history both of literature and events; and which, whllo they confound an Ignorant reader with his Ignoranco, cxclto ouo who knows something to desiro to know more. When to tho undcrstnadlng of of what you read general knowlcdgo Is necessary, or when to follow a fictitious author you mii3t Investigate facts, no small good may arlso from his works as a part of education. But a writer .who knows nothing can stato nothing aud can suggest nothing. Uis themes and Incidents are divided between tho common-place and tho unnaturrl ; and readers of as limited knowledge us him self can follow and enjoy him. Except iu tho negativo benefit that ono who reads nonsense is better employed than If ho wero doing worse, very llttlo good Is realized by tho readers who thumb tho less useful half of a public library to pieces, whllo tho standard works nro loft clean nnd unsullied by finer marks. In youth, whllo tho mind is fresh and uuoecuplcd, It Is comparatively oasy.to glvo a good direction to tho mental powers. Boys and girls llko facts, un less they aro put beforo them in rcpul sivo ways. They ask, "is It truo?" When tho leading points of history aro presented to them in nn animated ond pleasant style, thoy find moro satisfac tion In such reading than njaded novol reader can in tho freshest romance. Tho young nro also usually fond of travols and adventures. With n foun dation of actual knowlcdgo laid in, in youth, readers discriminate for them selves, and intuitively between such works of Imagination as aro worth reading and such as nro not. A slinllow protender to ntithorship is intuitively detected, nnd summarily tossed aside. If young peoplo aro Induced led, not forced to begin their reading aright, tlio chances aro largely In their favor that their critical knowlcdgo will mnko them pretty good judges afterward. Ledger. Duties Toward Clillilrcn. It can novcr bo too strongly Impress. cd upon tho mind that nothing releases n parent from his duties toward n child. No waywardness, no disobedience, no rebellion, no profligacy, can Justify a father In casting a son or n daughter adrift. Wo hoar of sons being cut off without a shilling, of daughters being forbidden tlielr father's houso, nnd withoutany exception, such cases nro proof that, of whatever tho children may havo been guilty, tho fathor is even moro guilty. No person can commit so great a crimo ns a father commits who Is thus falso lo tho trust which ho himself has imposed who thus thrusts off from himself tho soul which ho call ed Into being. A father should bo gov erned by no motlvo but his child's best Interests, which can novcr bo served by anything but tho father's loving and constant caro. If a child Is Is so bad that his influence is feared upon tho other children, n separation bqtween them may bo effected. If it is feared that money bestowed on him will bo for his injury, provision may bo mado against thnt, ns In tho caso I havo men tioned, But when a father in u fit of anger, or as a roward for ill-doing, dis inherits his child, ho commits a crimo which tho laws, indeed, do not rccog- nlzo, but whoso guilt It would tuke many a legal crlmo to outweigh. Thoro should bo absolutely no limit to paren tal forgiveness nnd forbearance. Seven times, and soventy times seven, should tho father rcceivo tho pro-ilgal son who seeks his face; nnd .If ho novcr seeks it If ho goes, stubborn and rebellious not ono atom of fatherly caro or Inter est should ho relax ; for tho child Is his child, his offspring, born of his will,, and no voice of violenco can release tho' man from his solemn obligation toguard and guide, so far as possible, tho life ; Whjcli ho dared to glyo. "Johnny, whero Is your Pa?" ' Gono llslilng, sir," " IIo waB llshlpg yester day, was o not J "Yes, sir." "What did ho catch." ''Ono catfish, tho rheumatism, two eels, toothache, nnd somo llttlo ones, Ida says ho will catch fits to day i Just wait till ho gets homo," you tho