The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 11, 1871, Image 2

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J&fo 0riumMmik
Bloomslmrg, Pa., August 11, 1871.
Tho Convention.
Tlio Democratic county convention
assembled at tho Court House on Friday,
and Its proceedings oro Riven In full lu
another column. Tho voncrablo Stk
then HAliDY presided. Kvcry dis
trict was fully represented. Tlio tick
et nominated Is a good one, and every
man on It Is well qualified to fulfil tho
duties of tho ofllco for whlcl) ho is nom
inated, but as most of tho candidates
aro personally better known to tho
Domocratsof tho county than to tho
editor, wo will not at present spoak of
them individually.
Most of tho nominations wcro in ail o
by largo majorities, nearly all having
been decided by tho pcoplo at tho ilclo
irato elections, and excepting a llttlo
fiasco near tho closo of tho convention,
tho utmost harmony provnllcd. Strong
and earnest feelings lu favor of a can
didato will sometimu lead men to do
what they will regret in cooler mo
incuts, but it is hoped that at this tlmo
every Democrat will consider tho Inter
eats of Ills party as paramount to overy
other consideration. Thcso Interests
lust now aro concentrated In UNION
and overy disturber of harmony Is suro
to Injure his own cause. .
ijook ai tuo tlcicetl Who will any
there Is a man oh It who Is not eminent
ly qualified? Who will impoach tho
Democracy of anyono? Who questions
tlio personal Integrity or respectability
of any ono ? All aro qualified, all aro
raitiirul Democrats, all aro deserving,
all good neighbors and clover men, all
aro patriotic ana lovo their country.
All have boon fairly nomlnatod, and all
uoservo unanimous support. Party in
(crests demand that this support should
bo unanimous, and ihorcforo let all per
sonal questions bo postponed until
another time.
To tho defeated, wo would say, bido
your tlmo. Though not successful now
you may bo at Bomo other period. Ho
Is lacking in manhood who cannot stand
a defeat without whining about It. Tho
uusv 01 men novo suuereu tnus, anu
when they descrvo woll they nro suro
to imvo their reward- If every dofcated
caiuliilato Is to defy his party and ills
ruptltwo will soon havo no party at
nil. No party can exist without union.
Without It party principles cannot bo
maintained, and without it usurpation,
corruption, swindling, oppression and
their concomitants, would run riot over
tho land. Tho common causo therefore
requires all to stand firmly in support
of all tho nominations. Lot tho Until
cals tako care of themselves and do tho
best thoy can, but lot no Democrat help
Somo Inconvonionco having been ex
perienced In working the old plan of
instructing delegates, tho convention,
by a unanimous vote, adopted a new
ruloin tho nature of a substitutofor tho
plan of instructions, which will apply
to nil .future dclegato elections. It is
an important rulo which will extend
tho principle or tho Cth rulo in regard
to selecting delegates to tho voting on
all tho offices at tho primary elections.
so that a candidate receiving a part of
tho voto In any district will commonly
got a share ot tho district voto in con
vention. Union and Ilarinonj.
Now that tho nominations aro made,
and an excellent tlckot is inscribed upon
tlio Democratic Banner, let overy faith
ful and slnccro Democrat at onco bend
ids energies to urge UNION and HAR
MONY as tho crowning essential of
success! With union and good will pro
vailing our ranks wo can carry tho
State if wo carry tho State this year
wo can carry tho Nation next year. AH
depends upon union now, in order that
all effort may bo concentrated against
tlio common foe. Whoever disturbs the
harmony of the party now, directly aids
the Radicals! Let every Democrat,
therefore, inculcato union and harmony
as tho best and most patriotic act ho
can do for his country, his party ond
himself. Arouso to action, prepare for
victory sccuro overy voto posslbloand
bo suro to bring out overy voter. From
this tlmo until tho election let every
Democrat consider himself a commltteo
of vigllancd specially appointed to pro
mato tho best interests of his country
and his party. Let all strifo and bick
ering, if any exists, bo promptly dis
countenanced and frowned down, .Wo
appeal to every Democrat at this tlmo
fo yield everything to tho public good.
Making Great Men.
Tho business of manufacturing great
men out of small material first Intro
duced from tho West is becoming
qulto common, So common, indeed,
that It Is becoming a nuisance.
Tho sensation papers of the cities
Herald, World, Ac, of Now York, nnd
JVess, Inquirer, &c, of Philadelphia
havo such characters as George Francis
Train, Wm. Cornoll Jowott, 4c, who
aro kept In constant bay, but why they
aro mado prominent will puzzle any
brain into which senso Is admitted.
Then our Pennsylvania crones aro con
stantly clacking about Alex. Mo
Ciaiiie, a plnhook politician who has
no other importance or significance
than that of being a boy of all work for
Gov. Cuiitin and tho Harrisburg 1'a
Mot sets up a real or imaginary green
frog of tho pond It 'yclepts Quay,
but who or what ho Is or whero from,
it leaves tho public in delightful ignor
nnco. Now pray tell us gentlemen,
what is tho uso In alt that? Do you
not debauch Journalism by stooping to
such nonsense?
Every pig-headed Ignoramus, in these
days, who succeeds in working his way
Into tho Legislature, wants himself
snouted with tho titlo Hon., while nlno
tcnths of them havo no moro concep
tion of Its signification than a pig lias
of Its blood relations. Buch titles at
best aro but an absurd aping after aris
tocratic' titles, and if tho downward
career is further pursued, It will soon
becomo fashionable to apply It to town
ship officers and perhaps to hotel wait
ers and all others serving somebody
olso. Tho newspapers aro responsible
for all this, for not ono of tho gentry
would glvo a snap for tho tlllo If lie
could not seo It in print.
Nor would any of tho ulylo of great
men wo refer (o bo known beyond tho
length of a ten-foot polo were It not for
newspaper puffery nowspapcr debase
ment. The Prohibition Stato Convention
has nominated Badh Si'Anulkii, of
Lancaster, for Auditor General, and E.
A. Wheeler, of Mercer, for Surveyor
General. The candidates havo accepted
the nominations. Will tbey "Mick?"
Etluratlon In Pcntisylranlfl.
With I ho Impudence and greedy char
acteristics of tho race, yunkoa land
claims tho snlo credit or establishing
and driving forward tho causa of popu
lar education. So far ns Pennsylvania
Is concerned this claim lias not tlio least
foundation, Education was pressed by
every government this Stato over had
that of Ponn, tho Colonial revolution
ary authority ond tho State. Our con
stitutions havo always contained a
clauso making popular education obllg
atory. Tho Governors of German
blood, Snvdek, Sciiultze nnd Wolf,
wcro most persistent in urging tno es
tabllshmcnt of public or common
schools. Through tho official and per
sonal influcnco of tho latter tho first
common school law In this Stato was
adopted. It was first materially mi
proved under tho administration of
Gov. lttTNEn, another of tho German
stock. Hon. J ess u Milleu, Stato Su
pcrlntcndcnt under Gov. Skunk, (tho
next succeeding Governor of German
descent) If wo mlstnko not, was tho first
Stato official to urgo tho adoption of tho
County Supcrlntcndoncy. Tho greatest
strldo of all In Improvement was mndo
under tho administration or Gov. mu
Msrt, another Governor of German do
scent. Then tho County Supcrlotcn
dency was established, tho teachers oc.
cupation became a proles
elon, tho school term was extended, tho
law was rendered thoroughly ofllclont,
tho foundation for Normal Schools was
laid, and such general Improvement
and advancement was mado as was
never effected beforo or since.
It has becomo tho fashion lately for
school orators to Insinuate and even
aver that tho progress of 1831 was pat.
tcrned after or suggested by Now Eng.
land examples. Instead of this being
true, wo happen to know nnd can tcs
tlfy that all New England examples
and Ideas wcro careruliy excluded anil
avoided, anil our Wcstorn, Canadian
and European systems nlono wore re
gardedbut practically and substan.
tlallyour own experience, thoclmrao
tor and wants of our people, nnd tho
other conditions then existing In our
midst, controlled tho wholo subject nnd
established tho progress of that day.
Tho editor of tho Columbian has ncv
cr been very particular about thunder
orthat sort, nnd therefore hns never
vindicated tho authors of tho act of 1SJ1
when others appropriated tho credit
duo to them, but somo times this joke
Is carried rather far. Iteccntly an ora
tor (In Northampton county, wo bo
Hove) declared with ailourish of trump
ets, and In his presence, wo Inferred,
that to Prof. J. P. Wickersiiam be
longed more credit than to nny other
man, living or dead, for tho successful
establishment and progress of Common
Schools in this Stato. Now, tho Pro-
fessorisa gentleman to whom wo ac
cord high honor ; a successful teacher,
ono or tho most efficient or County Su
perintendents, under whom and by
whom tho first Stato Normal School In
this Commonwealth was established,
and who has mado a crcdltablo Stato
Superintendent, efficiently executing
tho laws and plans heretofore establish
ed by others. That much Is his duo.
Wo aro not objecting to any amount of
honor being piled upon his head, even
though it should pierce tho heavens,
but wo do object to tlio ignoring of men
who havo deserved well or their coun
try and to tlio honors belonging to them
being piled upon tho heads or others tn
whom thoy do not belong.
Wo beliovo that wo havo tho most ef
ficlent public school system in Pennsyl
vania that exists in America, nnd to
our Govcrnorsof German blood belongs
tho credit or establishing It.
A Itadical Muss.
Everybody at nil concerned In tho
payment or Federal taxes, knows how
keenly the pcoplo havo been oppressed
by the tyrannical decisions or tho Com
mlssloner or Internal Revenue No
matter what tholaw,tho Commissioner
always decided in such manner as would
tako tho largest sum rrom the pocket of
tho tax-pnycr, and tho moro of this ho
could put Into tho pockets of his subor
dinates, pimps and Informers, tho bet
ter ho seemed to llko it. In fact tho
jJtovcnuo ofllco at Washington was
mado a perfect instrument or robbery
and plunder a leech that careruliy es
timated tho amount or blood his victim
contained and then sucked to tho last
drop and squeezed his carcass after
wards. By tho promotion or Delano
to a cabinet position tho ofllco was va
cated, and by a fortunato incident tho
President appointed Gen, Pleahanton,
one of his military friends, to tho posi
tion, who possessed somo or tho old
military prldo of honor. Tho public
wcro soon surprised by a series or sen
siblo decisions, tho first eminatlng rrom
that department which respected tho
law or gavo It senslblo construction,
and tho first that were so plain that
they could bo generally understood.
The Secretary or tho Treasury attcmpt
etTto ovcr-rulo thebo, but tho Commis
sioner maintained his position nnd do-
nled tlio power ol tho Secretary. Tho
Cabinet was appealed to and sustained
tho thieving Secretary, or courso. Pres
ident Grant yielded to thom and ap
pointed ono or Cameron's pet thloves
to the ofllco or Commissioner.
But hero comes tho tug or war I Got).
Pleasanton denies tho power or tho
Presldont to rcmovo him, under that
ton uro-or-ollko act which was enacted to
circumvent President Johnston ! Tho
Radical chicks como homo to roost and
all tho Radical camp is In n muss.
Thiovlng Is snubbed tho Treasury
ring loses half its occupation oppres
sion Is held In abcyaneo for a time and
worso than all, an honest man Is Btarlng
tho wholo Radical ring In tho face I
Grant himself Is powerless to
(hat llood-gato of corruption, nnd tho
Treasury leeches and informers aro
hungered. Tiiero Is no escape from this
dilemma but an appeal to tho Senate,
not now In session, and tho discussion
of tho subject In which Is dreaded. If
tho officer stands firm if ho is worthy
or his military record tho thiovlng and
oppression Is stopped for a period nnd
tno ventilation of tho subject Is Inovit
Good I Let tho robbers and pimps
hunger awhllo! Stand firm, bravo den-
oral, tno public annlaud you I
J B. On last Tuesday, President
Grant returned unexpectedly to Wash
Ington, suspended Gen. Plkabanton
rrom ofllco, ana then took thocars again
for tho ruco courso nt Lonir DranchI
Tho policy of extortion will therefore
bo continued whllo Grant's adminis
tration lasts.
Federal troops aro being quietly
soni 10 nil parts of tho South by Gen
Grant. This is tho woy hooxpectsto
lorco a rrnomination nnd ro-olcctlon,
Tho IVcsliuorclniiil Senatorial District.
Tho Democracy of tho Senatorial tils,
trie t, composed of tho counties of West
morelitnd nnd Indiana havo unanl
mously nominated Hon. J Aeon Tun
nky for thu Stato Senate. Mr. T. here
tofore sorved ono term, with great
credit to himself and ndvantngo to tho
pcoplo of tho Stato. As chairman of
tho Flnanco commltteo of that body ho
saved thousands of dollars to tho peo
pic. os wo know from personal knowl
edge, and In other ways ho was always
vigilant and clllclcnt in prelecting tho
Treasury from tho robbers who nnmi
ally collect nbout tho Legislature. A
caso In point: wo saw Tuiinev on tho
floor of tho Scnalo making a speech
against nn unconditional nnd preclpl
tnto repeal or tho Canal board, after tho
public works had been sold. Whllo on
tho floor, Judge Strickland, ono of
tho board, Informed him that his col
leagues were about passing n resolution
to allow a fraudulent claim or $5,000 to
Alex. White, brother or Mr. Tun
ney'h present competitor. Mr. T. nt
onco stated tlio fact to tho Scnato, with
drew his opposition to tho repealing
hill and In hair an hour it was signed
by Gov. Packer nnd was a law. Tho
robbery nover was consummated. But
this is only ouolnslaiico amongst ninny
that ho throttled tho plunderers within
our own observation.
Mr. Turney was elected Speaker of
tho Scnato at a tlmo when It was sup
posed Gov. Packer's death wns mo-
mentarily probable Although that
melancholy contingency did not hap
pen, tho circumstance abundantly
proves tho conildcnco tho Democratic
Senators felt In tho ability anil Integrl
ty of Mr. Turney. His term expired
In 1SC0, nnd wo beliovo ho has never
been in Harrisburg sinco, n most extra
ordinary and honorable circumstance,
showing ho had no scores to scttlo up.
A feature of this nomination wo
would commend to our friends every
where. Both of tho counties of the
district presented candidates. Tho ills
trlct has a Republican majority. Tho
nominees of tho respective counties
wcro withdrawn without n ballot In
order to permit tho strongest man In
tho district to bo nominated, upon
whom tho nomination was then confer
red without a ballot. A man of the
highest fitness and Integrity wns thus
selected.. May tho example provo n
fruitful one.
Although tho district is Republican
wo havo strong hopes of Mr. Turkey's
election 1 Tho high personal esteem In
which ho is Justly held throughout the
State, his tried lutcgrity and acknowl
edged fitness ought to elect him any
whero, and when poised against Har
ry White, notorious for his connec
tions with legislative rings, there ought
scarcely to be a question in n district
llko Westmoreland and Indiana, mado
up mostly of honest men.
Stanton's Military Itcconl.
The Democratic papers havo tried In
vain to drlvo (ho Radical leaders Into
giving tho military history of Dr.
Stanton. Where did ho render ser
vlco of nny character ? Was ho ever
on a field or battle, over In care of
wounded, or oven in charge or an as
sistant at a military hospital? Is it
truo that ho was only a contract sur
geon a medical Suttler? In short,
Ii03 ho a military history at all ? If bo
has why don't his friends give tho pub
lic tho benefit or it? Certainly when
men nro put forward on Military
grounds tho public ought to bo inform
ed or all tho particulars or their servico.
tY o do not know that a Sultlcr, especially
ii medical Sutler, has nny special claim
upon tho gratltudo or tho country. If
Stanton was any thing else, why is
his history not given? Perhaps that
Is truo which wo havo all along re
garded ns a slander, viz : that ho was a
mero lo.ifer about northern cities,
drawing tho pay or a Colonel, but per
forming no duties. In tho absenco of n
history or his acts, tho suspicion Is
strong that this charge Is true.
As to Heath, all that tho public
know of him Is that ho was a Lieuten
ant or a company of darkles and Is now
In tho employ of tho coal operators. He
does not seem to havo won distinction
In either position, ns no record of his
exploits is given to tho public.
Tho Democrats long ago gavo n .full
history of tho military career or their
Kentucky, Tho Democrats have
cloctcd their Governor and Stato ticket
by about 110,000 majority, and nearly all
tho members of tho Legislature. Two
years ago their majority was 70,000.
Thodecrcaso In majority Is owing to
tho fact that at this election tho negroes
wore allowed to voto for tho first tlmo.
Tho Democratic voto was Increased,
and not diminished, hut tlio Radical
press attempt to croato n contrary Im
pression. North Carolina. An election wns
held In North Carolina to detcrmino
whether n-convention should bo called
to alter tho Stato Constitution, with n
view to reforms looking to the ro-estab-llshmrnt
of tho power of tho pcoplo
over tholr own domestic offalrs. Of
courso tho Radicals opposed It. Tho
Federal government threatened armed
Interference should tho convention car
ry. Under theso circumstances, many
Democrats also opposod tho conven
tion. Tho result is in doubt.
Massachusetts. In this rotten old
Stato, Ben. Butler Is creating qulto
a muss by an attempt to obtain tho
Radical nomination for Governor and
yet threatening to run whether ho Is
nominated or not. Tho fight between
Bon, and tho Codfish aristocracy is bo
coming very bitter. Massachusetts
loves meanness, and It Is therefore dir
ficult to tell who will win.
The Cameron county Jlerald raises
tho namo of den. Hancock to tho
head or Its columns as tho Democratic
candidato far President In 1871', and
supports Its choice in a lengthy and
able article That Gen. Hancock will
ho tho choice of tlio Democracy of Penn
sylvanla wo think Is already clear and
tho Indications aro strong that hols also
tho choice or tho Democracy or tho Na
tion. Ho can carry Pennsylvania for
anything for which ho is nominated,
Wo ojiscrvo that tlio Republican pa
persaro particularly hostile to his nom
Inatlon by tho Democracy I It Is highly
probable, howover, thut tho latter will
mako their nomination without regard
to tlio fears, tho wishes or tho tastes of
their opponents, 11 Slch Is life."
The crops wcro damaged to tho
amount or n quarter or a million or ilol
lars, by a hall storm, on tho.llst or July
near Albion, Wisconsin.
Contenlloii Proceeding
Tho Democratic delegates rrom tho
sovernl districts or Columbia county,
met nt tho Court House, In Rlpomsburg,
Tuesday August 8, 1871, 'nt ono o'clock
p. m., nnd wore called to order by Win,
B. Koons, Chairman of (ho County
Standing Committee. On motion or
Judgo Baldy, C. R. Buckalow waschos
en temporary President of tho Convcn
tlon, O. 11. Jackson nnd O. P. Ent
wcro chosen Secretaries. Tho several
districts wcro called over and tho ilclo
gates presented their credentials. When
Locust township was culled, objection
wns mado by W. H. Relnbold to tho
admission of John Snyder, D. Stlnonml
J. P. Waller, reported upon tho returns
as having tho highest number of votes.
On motion, Adam Johnson, ono or tho
persons reported ns having n lower
number 6r voles, was admitted ns tho
fourth dclegato from Locust, nnd there
upon on motion or Mr. Relnbold tho
returns rrom Locust wcro rcrerrcd to n
member of tho convention for cxnmlti'
atlon. Tho Chair appointed Mr. Low-
cubcrg to examine them, who retired
with tho delegates and contestant for
that purpose. Afler a short tlmo they
returned nnd Mr. Lowcnbcrg reported
that tho papers and tickets had bcon ox
amtncil, nnd were found lo bo substan
daily correct, showing tho election of
tho delegates nhovo mentioned, nnd his
report was accepted, (It nppenrs that
tho threo majority delegates had been
supported by 100 voters, and tho others
by but 10.)
Tho following Is tho list of members
lu full :
r Beaver Henry Illnlerlcltcr, Isaac
iviingcrman nnu n. r. alienor.
Benton-B. G. Case, Ellas Slmllz and
Abraham McNcal.
Berwick A. D. Seeley nnd Chnrhs
Bloom Ertsl C.R. Buckalow, D. Low.
enborgniid Thos. lllckey.
Bloom West R. F. Clark nnd G. W,
Brlnrcreck E. Trowbridge, Daniel
Rambach and Adam Suit.
Catawlssa Shcphon B.ildy and Jeiso
Contralla Thos. Gornghty nnd Mnnus
Centre John Hodman, Adam Hill
and S. Kolehncr.
Conynghom North Mlchool Foyo
and U. Lcnlhan.
Conynghnm South Thomas ICIIker
nnd Miirtin Lnughlln.
Fishlngereek Ellas Laubach, Joseph
Runyan, John Thrasher anil Hugh
Franklin Andrew Lorciuan and
Moses McIIeury.
Greenwood Wesloy .Morris, David
Drcibclbls and Samuel Bogart.
Hemlock John G. Nevus, SelhShoo
maker and William GIrton.
Jackson John H. Fritz and Henry
Locust John Snyder. Daniel Stlno.
John P. Wolter and Adam Johnson.
Madison John Allen, Hugh McCol
lum and H. J. Johnston.
Main J. W. Kelchncronil J. R. Jam
M ill n Samuel Snvder. Isaac An
drews and Jacob Creasy.
Montour Evan Wclllvcr anu Noah
Mt. Pleasant Goorco Jacobv and T.
J. Wclliver.
Oranco O. A. Mcgargcll and a. W.
Pino John Urtincr and Lullicr Ger
Roarlnccrcek David Lomr and J.
Scott u. P. Knt nnu i-;il Jiartmnn.
Sucarloaf W. A. Kilo and Richnrd
On motion, it was agreed that tho
nominations should bo mado in tlio fal
lowing order lo wit: Rsprosontntlvo,
iVssociato Judgo, District Attorney,
Treasurer, Commissioners, Coroner nnd
Tho preliminary proceedings having
been gono through with, Hon, Stephen
Baldy was chosen permanent President
or tho Convention and Messrs. Jackson
and Ent were continued ns Secretaries.
Upon proceeding to tho nomination
of Representative, Capt. Brockwny and
E. J. McIIcnry were named nnd tlio
roll of members being called tho volo
was taken as fallows :
For C. B. B rock wav Messrs. Klinc-
orman. Hlntcrllter, Seely. Jackson,
Buckalow. Lowcnborc. Ilfckev. Clark.
Sterner, Trowbridge, Suit, Baldy, Gcr
aghty,McBreurty,lIoll'man,Hlir, Foyo,
i.cninan, juueer, iaugiuin, jucisriuo,
Lorcmau, Bogart, Drcibclbls. Ncvlus.
Shoemaker, GIrton, Fritz, J. Snyder,
Stino, Walter, Allen, McCollum, Johns-
ton,Jamcson,J. W.Kelcliner,S.Hiiyder,
Andrews, Creasy, E. Wclliver, Mouser,
T. J. Wclliver, Jacohy, Bruner, Long,
Hartman, Ent, W. A. Kilo. 18.
For E. J. Mcllenry Messrs. Slicher,
Case, Shultz, McNcal, Rambach,
Mensch. S. Kelchncr. Laubach. Thresh
er, Runyan, Mcllenry, Morris, Wag
ncr, Johnson, Megargcll, Appleman,
German, Longent'erger and Richard
C. 11. Brockway having received a ma
ority or nil tho vnlrs was declared duly
Nomination of Associate Judgo being
next In order, tlu names of Iram Derr,
James Lako and David Demott wcro
proposed. (Mr. Clark announced that
tho namo or Mr. Qrotz would not bo
presented.) Upon proceeding lo voto
tho result was as follows:
For Iram Derr Kllnccrmon. Hln-
terleiter, Slicher, Jackson, Iluckalow,
Lowouberg, Hickoy, Clark, Trow
brldgo, Suit, Geraghty, MeBrcarty,
11 oilman, inn, i-oye, i.enuian, ivuxcr,
Laughlln, Laubach, Thresher, McBrldo,
Fritz. Wagner. J. Snyder, Stlno, Wal
ter, Allen, McCollum, Jameson, J. W.
Jicicnner, ii. woiuver, mouser, t. J.
Welllver, Jacohy, Bruner, Gorman.
Long, Longcnberger, W. A. Kilo anil
R. Kilo. 10.
For James Lako Case. Shultz. Mc
Ncal, Seeley, Balily, Mensch, S. Kelch
ncr, Runyan, Lororaan, JlcIIonry,
Nevlus, Shoemaker, GIrton, S. Snyder,
Andrews, Crcasoy, Megargell, Applo
man, Hartman and Ent. i!0.
For Jacob Demott Rambach. Bo
gart, Morris, Drcibelhis, Johnson and
Johnston. 0. m
Iram Derr having received a majority
of all tho votes, was declared duly nom
James Bryson, Esq,, was thou unanl-
mously nominated far District Attor
For County Treasurer, " m, Lamou
and II. F. Everett wero presented nnd
tho voto being taken resulted as fal
lows: For Wm. Lamon Seclv. Jackson.
Buckalow. Lowcnberg. Hickoy. Clark.
Sterner, Trowbridge, Rambach, Suit,
Geraghty, Mclirenrty, Hoffman, Hill,
rove, Lcuanaii, iviiuur, j.augiiiin, .me
linite. Runyan. Loreman, McIIonrv.
J. Suydor, Stlno, Walter, Allen, E.
womver, juousor, r, j. wenvcr, Ja
cohy, German, Long, Longcnberger,
uurimnn ami i'.m. ij.
For It. F. Everett,
Hlntcrlcltcr, Slicher, Case, Shultz. Mc
Ncal, Baldy, Mensch. S. Kelchncr,
Laubach, Thresher. Bogart, Morris,
Drcibelhis, Novlus, Shoemaker, GIrton,
Fritz, Wagner, Johnson. Johnston,
McCollum, Jameson, J. W. Kelclinor,
H. Snydor, Andrews, Creasy, Megargoll,
Appleman, lliuusr, W. A, Kilo uud It,
Wm. Lamou having received a ma
jority was declared duly nomlnatod.
Convention proceeded lo tlio nomi
nation or County Coinmbsloner, far
which ofllco Wm. Bhofer, Stephen
Polio, Jacob S. Evans and Simon O.
Shlvo wcro named. Tho volo for this
nomination was taken ns follows:
For Win. Shafor Slicher, Case,
Shultz, McNcal. Seoly, Jackson, Trow
brltlge,Kamhacli,Sult,Bnltly.Ocrag!ity, MeBrcarty. Hoffman, Hill, Foyo, Lon
than, ;Kilkcr, Lntighlln, Laubach,
Thresher, Runyan, Loreman, Mcllen
ry, Uohnson, Allen, S. Snyder, An
drews, Creasy, E, Welllver, Mouser,
Long. Longcnberger, W. A. Kilo ami
R. Kilo. U I.
ForStephon Polio Kllngortnan, Hln
(crllter, Mensch. 8. Kelchncr, Novlus,
Shoemaker, GIrton, J. Snyder, Stlno,
Waller, Johnston, Jameson, J. W.
Kelchncr, Megargcll, Appleman, Hart
man and Ent. 17.
ForS. C. Shlvo Buckalow, Lowou
berg, Hickoy, Clark, Sterner, McBrldo,
Frlu, McCollum, T. J. Welllver ami
Jaeoby. 10.
For J. S. Evans Bogart, Morris,
Drcibclbls, Wagner, Brunor nnd Ger
man. 0.
Wm. Shafor having received n ma
jority was declared nominated.
For Coroner, Chariot G. Murphy had
67 votes nnd John M. Nibs 7 voles,
whereupon Mr. Murphy was declared
For County Auditor, Ckaulk Con
nor received f2 votes nnd Daniel Lcnl
han l'J voles. Mr. Connor wns dcrlar
nominated. Dr. Mki'iaruell having previous lo
(ho voto for Auditor moved that tho
votes of Locust delegates far tho nom
ination far Treasurer ho struck off, tho
consideration or his motion was resum
ed and was rejected, yeas 2!), nays a.",
nbsent a,
Mr. Buckalkw moved tho fallowing
to bo added (o tho rules or nomination
ns a now rulo for tho future :
Candidates for nomination mny ho
voted for directly, at tho dclegato elec
tions, nnd shnll rccclvo dclegato or dis
trict votes In Convention lu proportion
to their popular volo In tho soveral dis
tricts, upon thosnmoprlnciploon which
delegates nro elcctablo under, tho 5th
A volo being taken the now rulo wns
unanimously adopted.
Samuel Snyder offered tho fallowing
resolution with rererenco to tho organi
zation or tho Standing Commltteo
which wns agreed to :
Resolved, That tho members elect or
tho Standing Commltteo nro hereby
called lo meet at Bloomsbiirg In tho
Grand Jury Room, on Saturday tho
19th day or August, nt 10 o'clock, A. M.
for the purposo of organizing.
Tlio proceedings or tho Convention
were ordered to bo mado out by tho
officers nnd published. There being no
further business beforo (ho Convention
It adjourned. STEPHEN BALDY,
C. B. Jackson,
O. P. Ent,
Stniiilln Committee.
Tho following nro llio names of tho
persons who composo tho Standing
Commltteo of this county as reported
to the Convention by tho officers of the
dclegato elections:
Beaver Nathan Brcdbnnder.
Benton I. K. Krickbaum.
Bloomsburg, East John Lcacock.
Bloomsbiirg, Wcfct Charles G. Bark
ley. Brlarcreek David Miller.
Catawlssa J. K. Robins.
Centre Levi A. Hutchison.
Conyngham, East Martin Pureed.
Couynghaui, South Daniel W. Lcn
lhan. Fishlngereek John Sutton.
Franklin-R. Knittle.
Greenwood I. A. Dowltt.
Hemlock N, P. Mooro,
Jackson Silas W. Mcllenry.
Madison Samuel P. Demott.
Main Michael Grcver.
Milllln-D. H. Montgomery.
Montour Peter llclmbach.
Mt. Pleasant Thomas Chrisman.
Orango Charles Conner.
Pino Ira C. Purse!.
Roaringcreck J. B. Kdnger.
Scott-RociJ. Millard.
Sugarloaf Henry C. IRvs.
By n resolution of tlio Convention,
tho members or tho Standing Commlt
teo will meet far tho purpose of organ
ization and far tho transaction of busi
ness, on Saturday tho lOlh Inst., at 10
o'clock, A.M. at tho Court House, in
Bloomsburg. By ono of the rules or
nomination they aro authorized to elect
their own Chairman.
Thure is ono thing in which Amer
icans nrosupposed to differ very greatly
rrom tho English. Americans nro
thought to tako n prldo In being tuxed
at least this Is tho theory or tho Treas
ury Department whllo -most English
men havo a ltko prldo in contending
with tho oxclscman. Americans sub
mit to taxed matches ; John Bull roso
In rebellion against a similar Impost.
Had It been imposed, tlio nation would
In a mass, havo gono back to tho tinder
bivy nnd flint and steel.
The Commissioners or tlio Sinking
Fund stato tho amount or tho Stato
debt ot $29,540,087 71. There aro bonds
In tho Stato Treasury thoso tho rail
road companies mean to steal amount
ing to about $10,000,000 appllcablo to
tho payment or tlio debt, which, It ap
plied, would leavo It about $20,000,000,
or ono-hair what It onco was.
The acccptanco or tho appointment
as Arbitrator at Gcnova under tho Trea
ty or Washington, by Charles Francis
Adams, Is seml-olllcl ally announced at
Washington. Thoro Is probably no
fitter man far tho work In tho United
The Lynchburg Virginian thinks
that Ben. Butler Is Just tho man to bo
rinvernor of Massnelmsotts. It Is to 1)0
supposed tho Virginian could not wish
a worso fato to befall a iintcu xanueo
Dumii Animals anu the Heat.
A circular has been Issued by tho Socl
otyfor tho Prevention of Cruelty to
Animals, calling addition to tho suf
ferings of horses and mules during tho
present hot season, ami recommending
drivers to exercise, tho most watchful
and conshlcrato treatment towards tho
animals under their caro. Tho Society
recommends tlio uso of tho wet spougo
upon tho head, and ftequont applica
tions of water to cool tho mouth nnd
faco or tho animals.
As a farther means or refreshment It
Is recommended to throw wutor upon
tho legs nnd such parts or tho nnlmnl ns
aro liable to chafe. Slow driving and
smaller loads than In cool weather nro
also suggested, In addition to loosening
tho check rein, or dispensing with It altogether,
AimiTou ar.Ni:itATi,
Himvm'on or.NurtAi-,
Columbia County Domocratlo Tiokot.
l-'Ott REritDsKNTATlVi:,
Now Advcrtisonients.
Jt AT Nia'l'e.MIH'Hl TH11M, 1371,
Fll'.ir WIXK,
lMwnnt MpC'all cl. ill. vs. John Hwrcnoy.
Wm. loiiKontwruer, i-t. nl. vs. Hugh W, Mcltey
nolils, cl. Ill,
H. Hi-rilln mo vs, 11.11, Crovt'llng cl. ill,
l-etor ki'Ihik vs. Clmrli'M I,ou.
1). J. Wallvr vs. John M. Htnckhnnso.
A, 11. Htuwnrt'H use vs. Junius N. Junes.
W. 11. vs. Ahriitinm Mituio ct. nl,
Mlcliiu-1 drover's nsovs. HnvnKo A llrli;lit.
Mlcliucl Urover's iim) vs. Huviiku a llrUUU
Jocli .Miller vs. N.H. Campbell.
C. H. J'nv ler vs. Jesso I). Hlce.
leler lluymim's liso vs. Jacob HtinlTer ct. III,
llrnmliiiu ft Co. vs. McNIncli ,fc Hhumnn.
Hiirvcy U. Hess vs.Hamucl creasy lulm'r.
HhulU i: runstou vs. Alfreil Irwlne.
Wm. A. Kllno vs. James V. Ulllnopy.
JnmeH V. tllllasiiv vs. Win. A. Kline.
Clcmucl U. lllikctls lutmliiutriitor, vs. DnvM
nn I'i'uj ri. in.
Joseph H. Klliio s. Charles Howard.
John llrnv VM. H.llliIerMnl,
Lewis J. Adams vs. FIshlUKcrcuk HchnoMilnlrii I.
Hlmon Welsh vs. John Ilnfrmnu.
l'elcr C Eelirotli vs, Alfreil Irwlne.
Francis J, Kllno s. Jacob Hen Inil.
O. II. .Melllek vs. John Ycayerailin'r.
11. Hontherwalt s, Ficil. F. Melcerim.
Jercnililh M. Hluly s. Jacob Hehnvler.
lianlel F. Heybert vs. Kllnctob.fc Wnllon.
Vmililh Ili'i-H' mlm'r s. W. A. Klhit..
Michael Maylon vs. Philadelphia X Reading
JV.llllUIIU uii.
intrlrk Monnghnii vs. 1'hllndclphla A Reading
Roduer Dixon vs. l'hllajclphla & Kcnlliift Rail
road L'oiimam.
Mrs. Mary Connilly vs. I'lill.ulclphla A Reading
.VllllllHUI VIMIIIllll j -,
lleorro W. Itucliel s. Philip Appleman el. nl
Charles Drown vs. Joseph It. Vander-llee,
l).lIdHhatler Vs. II Ira in Thomas.
Holomoli lllnews. William U'ul't.
Wm.T. Hhiitnan vs. Iicka wanna A P.lnomshnrg
icallroail company.
Dan It I Hnyder'H nso vs. McCollum ct, nl.
TUman Htrouso vs. WINou Miller.
K. U. 1th kctts vs. John Hweeny it. al.
(lenrgo K, Hess vs. Joseph WWo et. at.
J. Smith .v son vs. O. K, Hess.
Kmalltio .Mensch vs. Levi llredbcndcr el, nl.
U. J. Campbell & Co. vs. William llal'ck.
llogarl ft Kramer vs. William llarber.
Michael Mc.Mahon vs. Nicholas Kindt.
A. W. Falou it ux. vs. John D, llo-Ur.
A. W. Katoa el ux. vs. II. r. Warner ct ux,
Columbia Iusuralico Co. vs. J, M. Freek.
A. II. Hlowart ct. al. vs. Francis II. Jolly ct nl.
UcorEO A. Frlck vs. John Jnycox ct. al.
Jacob-Eyer's adln'r vs. Kamuel Mozart et nl.
Frank 1.. llrockway vs. Daniel F. rteybert.
Henry Fry vs. Jacob Dlelleub leh.
-Tho Mibscrlber nirers his wull known llrlck
Tacrn. In tho town orNiimcilla. Columbia conn-
ly, Piu, with nil his land nnd llilprovcm cnls
ineieoii, im sale, uii liiu !.aui properly, is u reel'
occupied ns n Tavern, n Largo Khed and nil tho
necessary Mauling. Alio,
ami Htiihlo closo by tho tavern nnilaab3iit 10
ucrt'H ui junu ui which meru in
ami unJer kotiI cultivation niul tlio balance Is
well tlinboiL'tt, Ttiv s.iUl property will bo no 1,1
private between now ami Iho MU iHy of Octo
ibir next, uiiU if not hoM botwet'u now iniil then
t will ut iHicreii ai public halo on
THU IIS DAY, 12m 1AY Of OUfOBKlt, 1871,
nt reasonablo tcrniH. 1'osscnslori will bo uivin
nt any tlmo tlio wilo Is cotiilrnu'il between tlio
partleH and n kooiI title for all tlio vild property
Win ou mvfii ity i.uu iu iimii'i'j.
PUlIlH'Uiu, rtUK.n, loi I.
Tlio undersigned ha ou hand a supply of tho
which ho U icady to furnUh and put In welN ov
t'lKUTiiH ill uiwei I'uitBiiiuiuiii'j (tin ii net-it rutm
for lieietoloru nnd warranted equal to thu best.
Tbey nlvo no luhto to tlio water, 1'ertiouK lu
wautol pumps will do well lo rail ou or write
to tho subscriber and they will bo lurnisuod
promptly ou iutuuiouuuuk iltiu.
11 J.ll.STADON,
(lieemvood I. O., Columbia county, I'a.
t.i-llitrrt nf iidmlnlKtrallon ou thu e stato ot
lUulel Uljtr, late- or Montour twp., Columbia
county,ilec'd.,luo been granted by tho UeyKter
of haid county to i:11uh Uimir, residing In Mou
tour township, Columbia county. All persona
havltiK claims nalUHt tho i stale of thu di cedent
nie icqucbtcd to present them lor settlement,
and thoso Indebted to tho estate to mako pay
ment to tlieundeihlaned.udinlnlstiator, without
delay. i.iiAn uiui'.u,
nun 11,'71-Ow AdinluKirator,
rANTEl). lJy "tlio North winter u
Mutual Life Imuranco Company, Organ
ized lu UVW, with iiNsiU or over 'leu iillUous iy,
ouiWMJ), Dlsttlct AitentH lot tho following coun
ties: ItucltH, MoutKomery, Ciiester, Delaware,
Laueater, aehuylMU, lterk. Lehiuh, North
ampton, Columbia, Montour, j-ortliumberlaml,
Monroe. Adnms.Jui.lutu. Bradford ami any other
unoccupied teirllory, th,lt wo hold. This htn
lare clmuco lor somo Kirst-ClafeH mviu uatl on
or addriH lUUlVAL TOW,
Btato AnentM, Kast renna.,
4'W Walnut atrial, riillada.
Qi'VuU inpttisoit if possible,
iuie.il7l It
I 'a at, A'-'.' W., Ihiy nir. tte
Si th.'U n huetchhlul," T. Ml it'll l
lhtnt''t, Hftlun, lleeoimacinU-d hv hr.O.W,
llnhm-s. ltl,aun rtHtiti. JC3.Ul!STT&C9.,
Uoslou, M;ud, Mud by all ihuyjiUts,
Tlio Mth Hchool.ycnr Ix'clin Hoptemlicr Cth.
Tj.i.uilnii liMilthiiil.iitlr.icllvu and sell ndnntod
to physical development. I-'reo Irum Ionium
places nnd saloons, tho inlluouccs aro moral.
Aloro mail .i.issj lllim men iiuvu m'lu uvcu
prepared lor College or business.
Terms cnodcrato, Apply lor circular, to
D.D.BTO.Ni:, A.M.
INSTITUTE, New Haven Conn. Prepara
tory Colleen, lluslnoss, Hclentlllo Hchools, U. H,
Mliltar) and Naval Academies. Full session,
llility-blxllt year, Iiculns Hentciuuor U t or cut
iilouuts. Ac., address the Principal.
HTITUTK. A B(fhl ttlJ hare llourdlntf
HchuoUor younu men nnd hoys. Terms Hinder,
nte. Henil for ii circular. Hcv, J, AI.KXAN
I" JUJMAIjK COLTilCUK, llorilentown,
N. J., furnishes the lest educational nd
s'utnues, together with u pleasant lioino. Hoard
nnd Tuition, simpor year. Kor Catalogue, ad
dress HoV. J. 11. IIIIAKbl.KV, i n. u.
O NAUV for hotli sexes. A thorough mid su.
perlorHchonl In nil Its appointments. Ulll ses
sion opens Hepl. Sill. Uev. U I.HTOUTENHUUilll,
l'rluclpnl, Bcliooley's Mountain Hprluxs, Nuw
J ersey,
Aunvlllo, la. For catalogue, addrusH L.
It, Hammonh, A. Al.. l'rettident.
I?OH BALK. Flvo ilno Vrtrma, with
' Mills nnd Foundry. Addiessownei.Hirii
Aiiiiliiiiv,No.l,l)IK)LiiryHtrci l, Itlcliiuoud, Vlr-
II. lIB.NllKltMO.S'H
Knch Case rontalnlimOue llolllo or
iiui.uaini .ti,.,
111.11 IIUUIlllDN.
lINK II .1) I'llltl'.
Utuirnuletd I'nro nnd ol
Iio very llest ituality.
l.uifl-'. HI-'A'KV inn. 1. Aim.
Hcutliy I'xniK c. o. 1)., or l'ust-oillco order,
II, 11KNIIK1 WON, IU Hroud HU. New York.
Accnts! Head This I
1)1- 3U l'KIt WKKK mill KXillses, or
allow u largo conilulsslon to sell our new uud
wonderful Inventions. Address M.WAUM.H, &
uu., Amrsnaii, micii.
WIJ W1U I'AV ij.!IO,
Agonls s uper week to Boll oar Broat and valua.
u .iiuww-in. ir vmi want neniiauent lion.
ornblemid pleasant work, npply lor 'particulars.
Address DYKlt A CO., Jacksuu, Michigan.
Bchrewd but quiet men can limit w u fortune by
rovt-ullnu the secret of the buslm sa to no one.
' mi Urottdwuy, Nw York.
p 11 E M1UM Ij I 8 T
to 1ir 1irm at 4
U Ii 0 0M SltUKU, 1' A.
ocioiieiiitii, laitt atut i:nii, mi.
AN0verylhlii(nrihti kind must lmvoa nyntem
In carry It ou with unturnctioii, cxhlbltont nnd
rontrlbiltorn will iiIphnq reiul ihn TnUttwliut 1m-
fttrurtlntit. and como to tlio Fair cxpecthiK to
fiDiuu vy mcui wiiuoui. RRitniff tor nny nuera1
lion. J. J. JlTtOWEH. Bcu'y.
Bupcrintcndcnt, Km Mrndrnham
Jt'ixiKS-DantclMnrrls.Nchcmlah Uccnc, Jno.
lk'Bt blooded Btftltlnn 812 00
' stallion for nil work 7 W
" Hlnlllnn colt, not over 4 yearn (I 0
" )alr drniitflit hornoH . (xi
" jialrcarrluKohomcft K (x)
' briKMl maro with colt nt her Ride , 10 ID
" nliiRle carrlaRO horso or marc 0 t
" horMo or mnro between 3 and I years. i to
" mare or uoldluu between 2 nnd 3 yrn, 1 10
" HcHt maroor bbrHO colt bet weed 1 and
2 years 3 to
llett horso or marc colt under 10 months.. it 1)0
" nalr mnlrh nil In. n tit lor 4 venm hrrv.
heu to haruessH , , fi 00
itOHlJack Ti m
lalr uiuk'H.,, v o uo
M mulo co It between t uml2 viun 3 0J
" " under 1 year 3 00
l.xhlhltnrjt timlnr tbtx pbiu will Imvn tbntr
horsei nu tlio Kround by ten o'clock Tliuriday
iiiuiuiuK wiicii uivy vim uuu.auuuou.
Hunerlulendent, Cvuuh JIcIIkniiv,
JuiiOks Thnma.HlloeHO.lWubeu Uouch, Hiram
iicsh una laiiuuiH iiarimau,
llestbiillSyortrHoldnndiipwArdi tlO to
bull between 2nud3yenrn old 0 Ui
" bull between 1 and 2yenrs old 3 in)
" cow two yearn and upwards W
" heifer between 1 nnd i years 3 W
' bull calf under lo months 2 00
" iiclfer between 2 nnd 3 yearn 1 00
" heifer under 10 months Au. W
Uest bull 3 years nnd upwards 110 M
" bull between 2 and 3 yearn , ft w
" " " land 2 years 3 00
" " cairunuer lomonths An. 1.
" eow3yeais and upwards 0 u
" ItelTer between 2 and 3 j-cars 4 i0
M heirer between 1 ami a years 3 00
" heifer under 10 montliH Ag, yt
lleHt bull 3 years and upwards I000
" bull between 2 and 3 years 5 00
" " " 1 and 2 years 3 00
" " under lo mouths Ag. y,
M cow3 years nnd upwards.- 0 uo
" heiftr between 2 and 3 years 1 00
M " " 1 and 2 i ears 3 iio
uuueriumoullis A jr. IV
Hest bull 3 years nnd upwards 8S (JO
" " between 2 and 3 years I to
" l una 2 years
" under 10 months A a. I
cow 3 years aud upwards 5 tu
neiier, net ween l and 2 veins 2 00
' " , " 2nnd3yeais 3 00
iiuucr iu montiis Ag.iu
llest bull 3 yeara nnd upwards... 0 Ifl
" between 2 and 3 years , 4 on
i ami 'i years 3 )
" " under 10 months Ag,jt
" cow 3 I'aisaud upwartls 1 ml
" heifer between 2 and 3 years 3 Hi
umur iu montliH Ag, l ti,
ltest oko oxen owned aud worked bv cx
hlbllor ?i00
nest y oito sieers uciwccn & ami a years.,..
Exhibitors will havo their stock ready for tho
juii-h io examine, uy ju o ciock a. m. ou iuuis
day, and to remain until 3 o'clock l'. M. on l'rl
i lay,
Superintendent, Jacoii IIahkis.
J tuuiRM Samuel Haaenbnch and John lt.Yoho(
lleht btood sow nnd plt;s, six or more SO 00
" lot hogs, two or niuro (I 00
" Hoar i
" brood sow G to
lot pltis3or more, under 8 weeks 3 to
' stoelc hogs, 3 or moio 3 0U
class iv yniiicr.
Huperlntendent. Hiram J. Hkkuku,
JtTDur.s-ItonJimln Yolto nnd Enoch Hlttcn-
liest buclc ft 00
" ewo 1 to
" lot of lambs, not less than eUhl 4 uj
llest buck Si (0
" ewe 1 oo
" lot or lambs not lets than 8 1 uO
Ilest buck $1 W)
" ewo ;( on
" lot of lamtis not less than 8 3 uo
Huperlnteiuleut, Kkv. D.J. Wam.kii,
JtJDfn.M-ltev. A. llrltlaln, Uev. iluttensllne,
itcv. A.. Kesierund itev. n. It.irnes.
llest bronze, turkey 10 lbs 51 CO
iiomesiu; luritey i' w
" lirahma pootm , 2 oo
" cuickcuh Ait. lu.
" ee;o A it. If,
" UtlCKH , M A(t, 1 .'.
- ami lariiehi u sin iv oi mine mucous.!' in.
poultry 3 00
Huperlntendent, John IIktz.
Juixikh-SauuicI Kelchncr ami Charles Mow
Uest tllty pounds wheat tlour $1 00
" " buckwheat Hour 3 (W
" " rye Hour 3 00
" " corn meal
' liii'f bushel elorer seed 3 uo
" timothy seed 3 00
bushel red w heat 2 00
" " whllo wlieat f. 3 OU
' " t e 1
" buckwheat Ag. lit.
" " uouid seed corn eais 1 iVl
' " jellow " 1 50
" t)ushcl oats
Huperlntendent, Cai.ku llAnroN.
iujeh Hnmlltou F. and Jnmcs Mas-
busliel tiotltoes. illtrerent vnrletles. fit))
halfbiwheUweet potntoes 2 00
" hujsiiel of Meld turn ns -
' half bushel of ruta biujas 1 00
Miar itcets Ag. I y.
" " muiiKcl wurl.ol '
' " beets "
" " carrots '
" parsnips 1 03
" " onions- Aa. 1 it.
' " peas 1 ti)
" hair dozen vegetable oysters 1 00
" peck tomatoes 1 (W
" .meads of cnouairo...,,, 1
M 3 bunches or celery ; 100
" i tB plants 1 00
' two ijuarts lima beans 1 0J
nueu quarts Carolina beans Ag. l.v.
" " houp ' "
" pumpkin or squash "
" pumpklus, Bor more H
Huperlntendent, Hkuuv ZurriNdKit.
Jubdi'.s John Dresher.
llest display, Oof each 00
" looicinir '5U07-. mil or winter iiimies . ;:u
" keepluy winter apples, (l of cacti 30
" 0 of tho hweetost winter or fall 30
" llavored 35 do, rail or winter
" quart Siberian crabs, nuy kind 30
Ilet.tdislaydwarr,standard fall or whiter 8 2 CO
looklmr halt ilo.en nnv klml 30
" ilaored and most juicy half doen... 30
11 1 irirest ha it do- dwarl or btundurd
lull or winter 30
West ilUnlav ofanv kind, half dozen each tl 21
" llaored and most Juicy half dozen,.. 30
" aud iluest looiilim hair doieu , '.hi
" and luigcsl variety haliuouu
Uehi dozen -
Rett dlnolav. wild or cultivated, (hot hnuso
excluded) fi 00
ucsinix euisierNot i-uuuoru
' Delaware
" Clinton 3U
" " Isabella 30
" JUrttord 1'iollilc :w
" " lona 30
M Adirondac -
11 " ltebecea 30
" " York, Maderla 30
Host display, not less than two VArleties,
one dozen each 30
licit display, any kind, not less than two
va rictus H)
llest quart 30
Did 1:11 i'JlUIIS.
Jlest quart apples, pears, quinces, peaches, an
rhiiLM. ncflfiriiitiH. f.herrles. isour or sweet, nil
lo.l fir unnltttuLi uraoes. culllvatod or wild.
fetrawberrltH, uuy ktud of raMpberries, blackber
ries, uowiHrriw, wiwiubwiiiwi I'luunt, mown'
is and prunes 30
Tho fruit not to bo removed until tho closo or
1 iin ov I1H1I t inn. i till nil r 1 leu lu r 1111 n U tn Im m).
kervedbyull persons Ihut tho burnt Is not in
JuiidKS Executlvo Commtttce,
llostquurtofcunent wluo H $1 00
" blackberry wlnew , 1 uo
" " urapo wine I 00
" eUerry wluo 1 00
M rye whiskey 1 00 '
" " cider vlueijar
Superintendent, Nkuson 1'. John.
JuiaUJi Mrs. Henry Delchmlller. Mrs. An-
drew liieler, Mrs. Dr, Lowu and Mis. Dr, Cha
Heat loaf orbrcad ti 00
" 1011 01 uuuer tu ius. or over) w
" pie i 00
" eaunud irult, dUtureut kluds, (uot
less than 1 ouurt of tachi M
llest lKuudcake H - W
- miiouku - ,
' Ktinter " - &0
" samples of preserves (not loss than 1
uuartl fiO
llest sample or Irult jelly - &0
" eueuiuuer picuied y 1 tt.
" variety ot pickles H. 60
' nppio butter(l quart or muioj &l
" peach butler " W
" urapo ' " I... W
pluiu M W
cured lmiii,.... , Ag, I
nmnplo sauMago fi
sniuilo yeast , m
Imrdfionp Ait, 1 v.
nolt soap 7
Rallon maido inulasses 111
Hupcrlntemlo-it, Lloyd VAxton,
Jubors-Mrs.HlmnnRhlvo, Mrs. John Zniicr,
Mrs, Jesso Hicks mid Mr. Mnilrann '
Jlesl lOynrdsofnanuel &
""rti; wooien ciotii M 1 m
loynrdsenrppt 1 m
" lOynrds Plain linen im
M " oUpor " 1 50
" knit wool blockings M , f,,
" " ' mittens Ag.v.
" cotton slocklnss i
" liomo-innde whirl I m
" pair woolen blankets a ui
" jialr linen shocts Ag, l w,
" homediitido shirts - ....Ag. ly,
ElUS. Superintendent, J, U, ItAUtf an.
JunoM-Mrs. Dantel Snyder, Mrs. Amelia
lhiller, Mrs, Mnry Hess and Miss Frank Millard,
llest knit quilt It no
;; jWy Uo
tetthiK work 1 w
specimen bead work I 00
" fltll B 1 (N)
purr " 101
eathor' 1 00
hair " 1 00
" " wax " 1 on
' ilrawluj? 1 01
pahillim....... 1 m
" silk emoroidery mi
" cotton embroidery M
" woisted embroidery l mt
' mat ut
" cotton mat tA)
worked slippers 1 (11
fancy pin cushion ui
liead (tresa MMrt M
KH-ctmon moss painting 1 10
en ecllon or dahlias 7, M
" artificial Mowers r,j
Bpecliuouoriionseiilauts In blooin I 00
" " itrletl urasii r-i
" Mowers
" " penmanship
vnrloty of Mowers
1 (HI
1 do
Superintendent, Dr. . V Montoomkiiy,
. JuiHu:s-Dr. IJ), Kllno, Dr.W.M. Ucbcr nnd
Dr. Mclleynolds.
llest family cnrrlago f w
" open bUiiK 3 im
' top busily. r, m
" rami waou 4 mi
" Rpriug wukoii for Tarm uso I Hp
' , " " pleasure 3 uo
" wheelbarrow Ag. 1 ?.
" sleigh 1 (M
" sulky 2 to
Hnperlnteudcut, Geo.
Junar-llenry Delchmlller, H. C.Shlvc,
llest rlht hnnd plow )(
" plow lor general uso 2 i)0
" left hand idow Jqi
" riRht and left hand plow 2 00
corn plow M w Din
" subsoil plow Dip
square urnjf 2 00
" one horse eultlvator Hip
" tWO " 1 (lit
" " com planter. 2 no
" ono yqi
" IhreHher nnd separator combined Dtl
" mower nnd reaper cumblneil fi )
2d" " " Dip
3d" ' " " Dip
' liny fork Dip
" portablo cider press Dip
' clover huller... Dip
" sausiiKO urluder Dip
washltiK machine Dip
" clothes wringer Dtp
" crubbliiK hoe i ml
" et miner's pleks I ti
" palrot foioiimi I l 1 tul Imrso shoes 1 ot)
" hliarpeiied dulls rt 1W
' axe bundle &o
kthIu erudle Ag.Xy.
" roller g.y.
fauulnic mill j mi
" corn shuller tup
u straw nnd rodder cutter Dip
" harvester ...a rt jup
" samploor horso shoeing Dijmmll 00
Should Ihcro bo any new or meritorious Imple
ments and inventions exhibited, that nro not
provided fur In tho torero 1 11 k class, tho Judy's
may report tlio merit is or tnoRamo tor piemiums
to the Executive Committee,
ENWAltE, tic.
Superiutcudeut, John Hariman,
JUitOKi-S.D. Uluard.H, A. Wormou,
llest cookltiK tdoo with fixtures 4 00
" parlor 3 )
" net artificial teeth Dip
' variety or tinware 3 no
variety or eartheuwure 200
Superintendent, Daniix MoWfu.
JuitdKs John Klstlcr, James 11. Harman.
llest set double harness I 0 )
" " team " Jti
u douhio carriage harntss 1 m
" kIiikIo " " M Dip
" suli or clothing 3 ik)
' pair calf boots Jhp
I! " Itlp ", Dtp
" ' miner shoes I ii
" bureau..,, 2 00
" dressing stand Dip
" itispiay cabinet waro 2 uo
" set Windsor chairs - Dip
" set sprlntj seated chairs 1 il
" rocking elialr M.. 100
" settee Dip
" hair dozen brooms Ag. 1 u.
" two sides sole feather.. . 1 si
" two sides kip . Ihp
" two sides cair skin - I 00
samploor bricks Dtp
Huperlntendent, I'etki; S. Ititt'
JiUMJnii 1'oter S. llrugler, Thomas Aten.
IleU swarm of bees ..., m
" live pounds or honey I m
beo hlvo
Tho honey to bo taken without destroying I lie
bees ; thu Kind or hives used, and tho inamiK'
mentor namo stated.
CHINES. Superintendent, Louis A Bkunaud.
JUDDRS-Judah lloono, Uoo. E. Elwelt, Mis
Alice Carver and MUs Djra Thompson.
llest piano Dip and 81 W
21" ' H .rj mi
Uest orgau - .,Dtp aud 5 (a
llest buwlug iuachlhe Dip and 3 dj
2d Hiji
JUDUns-Wmiam Kramer, Johnson Ikeler, t).
A. Megaigle.
llest run onco around tho cour.o SO xi
2d ' 1 mi
Not less than six entries to mako a ratio. En
trance reo 60 cents lu each case.
Tho Judges selected aro requested to notify tho
Executive Committee nt the Secretary's nllhv,
In every caso, where they uiu dUlucllucd or uu
ablo to attend lo the duties astilguei to them.
1. Every person having artlclos for exhibition
or couipetlilou must become u member ot tlu
Association before entering them.
2. Minors cun becomo members orexhlbltois
when their puiculs nro members.
3. Tho Held of competition Is open to all. Per
sons trom other couuiles aud Stales can become
exhibitors upon tho same term us eliUsusor
this county,
1. All articles oflVred for competition must bo
owned by thu competitor. Erults, segoables,
Mowers, Ac,, must Lu giowlhuf tho competltoi,
and all mauutaetured aitleles must bo miutu by
tho competitor,
5. Alt btook entered must bo what Is rejreseut
eUor premiums will bo lorfelted,
0. All articles for exhibition or competition
must bu entered by 5 o'clock, v. : h. tharpun Weil
nosday,the 11th, and remain on tho ground until
Friday, at 3 o'clock, 1 Mwlieu they will beat
ItiodlpDhalof the exhibitors.
7. IVrmlts fur Stands for Kale nfrelreshments,
Ac.cau bo ubiulued by application to thu hecie
tuty or 11, l Haiimau mm ttiu money to bo paid
lu udvunce,
8. Nolicensd wlltbograntoltohtiinU that sell
spirituous or matt liquors.
Judges nppolulcd to examine Iho dlU'ereut
clashes wlllconleru favor on the Association by
calling at tho Seciuiury's olllce eaily uu Thiu
day morning lo obtain their instruclious.
On Weduesday the grounds will bo turned to
Iho publlu vnd continue open three das, H
Membership tickets will uot admit tho holder tn
tho Fair (lioiindu. HI 11 ir hi AdinUHloii 'J'tckets.
Tweuly-tlvo cents.
No person will bo permitted to voto at tho
next election of tho Association except produc
ing their membership ticket,
A3" Sporting List to bu printed lu largo bills,
W. II. KOONH.l'iesIdcut.
J. J, 1IUOWEU, Secretary.
llloomsburg, August 11, 1S7L
Ditiiti.irv ani Emaciation both result from
tho lack or ability to convert Iho rood Into 11 u
trlmeut. How neceary, then, fur thoso sufler
lug from thcso alarming symptoms to Immedi
ately roxort to a remedy that will strengthen
the ktomach und digestive organs. For. as soon
oh this desirable object hm been accomplished
thu health improves, and tho patient resume
his usual ptrsounl appearance. Hosteller'
Stomach Hitters havo attained a world-wldepop-
ularltv In such cases, and havo been proven tho
host aud barest moans of removing constipa
tion. tonluir tho stomach, giving energy to 1110
liver, and rellovlng overy symptom or nervous
ncss and depression or spirits. Its cheering aud
bononeialelluctaaro highly spoken of hv thou-
bauda, who owu to it their restoration to hoallh,
No restoratlvo lu tho annals of mediclno has at
tained the sama popularity lu the abort space u f
timo it has been beforo tho public, or ha won
tho high endorsements accorded to this excel
lent tonic. Many other preparations, purport
lug to bo correctives aud lestoratlves, h(ve been
Introduced, and havo perlshodouo by ono, whllo
tha popularity of Hosteller's Stomach ltllleis
continues to lucrease, and Is now roeoguUed ns
a staudard household mediclno, Tho success
which attends tho luooflho Hitters evinces at
once Us virtues lu all cases of debility and ills,
easo of the stomach. Certificates, almost with
out uumbor, havo been published, attesting Us
truly miraculous iower lu removing thoso
painful and fearful diseases. And uttkls lime H
Keems Idlo to Uu more than call attention to the
great remedy of the ngo.luorderloawakcn pub
lic attention to Us excellence. H Is tho only
preparation or the kind that Is reliable In all
coses, and H la thereforo woilhy of tho consid
eration of tho nlUlclcd,