The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 11, 1871, Image 1
3fltt (ipolumbiau 1H PUIIMBHKU HVKItY KMDAY I.fdltNIN(l IN THK COLUMIltAM IlUII.DINd NKAlt TJIK coiinr nouns, ni.ootsnuno, pa.i nv HENRY L. DIEFFENBACty KiilTon and rnoritiKToii, BATES OF ADVERTISING. One. Inch, (twclvo lines or lit equivalent in Nonparoll type) one or tiro Insertions, 11.50, stack, m, 3h, 3k, en, tr. Unolncll.......tUO 11,00 11,00 10,00 110,00 Two Inches ..S,50 6,00 7,00 9,00 IS.bO Three Inches 5,00 7,00 9,00 12,00 IB ,00 I'our Inches......... 7 00 0,00 11,00 17,00 23,00 Quarter column,, lo.oo 12,00 11,00 20,10 80,mi llnlfcolumtl 15,00 18,00 20 00 30,00 WI.TO Onocolumn......30,ou M,co 40,00 cn.oo loo.oo Kxecnlor'ii or Administrator's Notice, 1J.00 Andllor'n or Asslgnto'il Notice, t2.l. Local notice, ten cents n line. Cards lnlho"HnlncinDlrectory"colnmn,J.t per yenr for the (I rt two linen, and 11.00 for each additional line. !. Torms-Two Dollars a Voar piyatlo In aivaneo. JOD MINTING olnllttoscrlpllons executed with neatness nnd it Ispatch ntrciisoimblo rates. VOLUME V. NO. U2. BLOOMSBTJllG, PA., FIUDAY, AUGUST Jl, 187. UOL. DEM. - VOL. XXXV NO. 2 1 Columbia County Oflloial Directory, J'KlMrilf.rwtoe-WII.MAit Kl.WltI.1.. Atmtatt Jmtiei-ln.n Pram, Isaac B. Mart- ""UiMmotan, .tf.-WM.t.lNflTOH 11, Unt. Jlcalitir.t (ccorilcr-WII.I.IAMHoM lI,.lAC'onv, Jl,lrlrl Attontryn. It. iKKI.Kll. SicrW-AAItoN PMlTlt. tonrlor-ISAAO pKWITT. Jtrtn'irrr 1AVI1 IiOWUNIll'tm, OmirnlHlnilcrj WlM.tAM U. qtllCK, CYIIUS IKnimN", 1 1 in ii .!, luimu. timimhilonera' CrVrfr WllMAtt KRlrKllArJW, A l(or, U, J, CAMFUKM.,A. J. AI.IIKIITSON, IIANirf. I.PB. Inronrr John 1. linucK. Jurjl LbmiiliMlorlCM lsAAUMr;llltlDK,JnUH MC' ANAI.I., Cmtnly fHipcrMcntltnl CltAIlI.K.1 O. llAHKf.KV, 7.7m m 7v.or Dlitrkt Director, H. II, Mn.l.F.ll, Wll i.iam Kiiammi, Itlnnuishurif, nnd Johnson I K r I.E It, Ulce llWOOl), C'HA lil-VS C'UNN Kit, Hcc'y, BloomBuurg Official Directory. Jlltintnitiurfl llunkintt Hi. dotl.y A. I-'L'Nston, President, II. II. iJitnr., Cashier, 'ir AVlffntMl Jlnnk UltAS, It. PAXTOM.Prcs't., J. P. TllsTlN. Cashier. t)iiiii6(i(l(iiii1i.Uiiui(Srttliii;7,tini'lonil7irtnti. nonntlonV.. II. i.mi.n, Trea t., C. W. Ml 1,1. Kit, BeoV. lUummluro Uullillnft anil A'artnn VntMiioeia film JnllN THOMAS, Prcs'l., .1.11, KolilsoN, Hcc. lthntiuburR Mutual Malny Moid Asiteiatt0n J.J. 1 1 now Mt, 1'resldcnt, M, WllITMOlKK.Hec'y. Bloomsburg Directory. l)APi:itllAOS Just lecelvcd nnd for imlont tlm 1 Cot.UMIiIAN Olllce. 'rOVK3 AND TimVAHK TAC011 MKTZ, dealer tn Move uud tinware Main Htrcct, above court linuso. CLOTHING, Ao. DAVID '.OWlINllKItfl, McrclmntTnllor,.Mnln ttt., lid door abovo American lluuso. WM. MOIIUIH, Merchant Tailor comer or Ccn tru nnd .Main St., over Miller's store. DUUGS, CHEMICALS, Ac. M P. I.UTZ, IlriiKKlstaiidApolliecary.Jtalu at. JJ, 00 , below llio Post Olllce. IOYI'.n IIHOS., Druealsls and Apothecaries, 111 . llrowcr'H block Main lit. CLOCKS, WATCHES, AC. II KNUYKUl'l'INOini. Watches. Hnectacles A .lowolry Ac. MalnBtrcet near West st. Oil, HAVAOl', dcalerln Clock, Watches and Juwelry, Main St., Just below llio American House. I OUIH HliltNHAUD.W'fitfhflnd CloclrtnnUor. IJ near southeast corner Main nnd Iron sts. It CATHCAllT, Walcli and Clock Maker.Mar ket Nlrcet, lielow Main. HOOTS AND SHOES?- l M.KNUHU, Dialer 111 llnolsnlul Hliovn, I ill est li. and bent HtyleK, corner Matu nnd Maikcl mrec tn. III I ho old 1'ost Olllcc. DAVID HKTZ.Hoot nndHhoeinalcer, Main at., below llartiiiau's store, went of .Market. HKNHY Kl.KIM, Mannr.icturcr niM dealer In Hoots and HhneH, Urocerleti, etc., Main htrcct, I.iikL Itloonibburi;. 0, M. IIIKIU'N. Hoot and Hlineluaker. -Main atreet, uinter Urowu's Hotel. 1'ltOFKSSIONAU v It. II. C. HdWKlt, HurRcou Dentist, Main t abovo the Court House. mt. WM, M. HIIIIKU, Hurccon and 1'liyalclan, ji-;xciu xcliansolllock over Webb's book store, Dlt. II, F. KINKKY, Kurgi'on Helltlst.-Teeth extrneteil wllliolltpalu: Main St., nearly op. poKlto i:idscoat C'buicb, 0(1. IlARKM'.Y, Olllce.iM . Iloorlu i:xcbanBolllock,iieartho"KXA'liauuo llnlel." 11. MrKKI.VY.M. I).,HurRenn and 1'bjslclan not th side Matn St., below Market, T 11. 11VANS, M. P., Hnrnton and l'hyslclau, tj hunt bsldutulll street, below Murkcl. 1 ('. ItUTTIllt, M. 1). Suracon and Pbyslclau tj . Matket stiect, abovo JIulu, I II. UOIIIMON, Atlorney-abLaw, Olllco Hart tl . man's biiltdluir, Main slleet, JiIIlirifNEIlY A FANCY GOODS."" I,i rr.Ti:itMAN, Jtllltncry and Fancy Uoods, IJ. opposltu Episcopal Church, Main st, llSt IIAUKT.UY, Milliner, Itaiuscy 111 liiiiiiiiuif iuaui siitti, M1S.S M. DIlItUICKKON, Millinery and F.mcy llooils,Malust., below Alaiket, hVS 11H. II. KMNi:, Millinery and aucy Uoods aln street below Market. 11 HI IH Cloaks and Dress Pattcruj, southeast corner .naiunnu vesesii. rilllE MIKSES HAltMAN Millinery and Fancy J Uoods, Main Bt below American House, HOTELS AND SALOON& I.IOUICH HOTEL, by T. Dent. Taylor, cast eud X ol .iai alu htreet. JIKUCHANTS AND GUOOEUS. n (3, MAKK, Dry OomU and Notions, bouth- ctt corner Main and Iron alu. n., llKt'KLKY, Hoot niul Hho store, booliK , Ahtnllonery, Jlnln bt.t below Market, JACOHH.ConfecUonery, groceries etc., Main , Kt., below iron 1.10 X . M'KllH, Confectionery and HaUery, 1 vholeBnto and ictal), Kxclmnye Itlock, H, (MIOWKU.lIatKond Caps, IlootsandBhocs, Main ht., above Com I Uuutto, 1 II. MAI'.K. Mammolh flrorery, tlno Orn t) , et rlek. hriiltK, Is' til h. 1'rovUIon, Ac, Main and Iron Btreets, MK1:!jYY, NHAL A I O., dt-alerwIuDry Goods, dttxcrlcH, I'lour, i'efd.Kult, Klbli,Irou,NailN, etc.,N, K cor, Mulu and Mm ket kin. Sir. MILU:it A SON, dealers In Drydomls, , arocerles, UueeiiHWure, l-'luur. Bait, HlioeB, NotlniiK, etc.Mulu Kt, atlSCELLANEOUS. lO NHTAULES 1ILANKH for sale at tho Colum. j nl. Ollle-e. M il. ClIItlSTMAN, Saddle, Tiunk .1 Harness. 0. maker, bhlvo's llloek Main Htreet. 1) W. ltOlinlNH.llnonrilcnlcrscpoiiddoorrrom northwest corner Mulu and I rem sis. II J.TIIOIINTON, Wall Paper, Window Shades U. and ltxtures, Itupert block. Main st. GW. roilELL, Furultuio Itonins, thiio story brick, Main Htieet, west ofMurkcl st. II llOHENHTOCK.Photogiaphtr.uver Uobblus 11- tll'.yer s more, jiaiu st. I H. KIIH.V. dcalerln Meat, Tallow, etc., Chciie I" berlln'a alley, rear of American llonse. 1 H.UINdl :tt. dealer In iilanos. organs nud 1 lnelodeous,nl U. W. Corell's lurulluro rooms JAMUKI. JACOHV, Marbln and llrowu Hlono Works, l;ast iiioomsuurg.uerwick roau, WM, ItAHU, dealer In furniture, trunks, cedcr w muw wure, near inu roriea uoici 0, FOHTEIt.dluo Maker, and While and Fancy iiiiiiivr, ne-ueeowu. j II. UIDLKMAN, Agent for Muuson's Copper IVTiibulur Lightning Itod. I A (.'Oil lllEFFENHACH llroom Factorv. Or ,1 delHle-ltnl Ills lesldi-e.o oralMHIerA Sou's loro pro mptly Illled. llest green Western brush TAMl'Ji CADMAN, Cabinetmaker nud Chair tj maker; looms Main stiect be!, lion. NOTE HOOKS, and blank NOTES, with or with, out exemption, lor sale at the Comimuian unlet', Light Street. 11 F. OMAN ft Co., Wheelwrights, nrst door UUOVU BCUOOl ilUUSU, "JOHN A.OMAN, Manufacturer uud dealer lu U 1HKIH UUU DllOCH, J'i l urn it; r in my uxm uiuliiii, Hour, Feed, Halt, l'lsU,Iron, Nulla, etc., Main UH, KNT, dealer lu Bloves and Tin waro In ull Us blanches. Espy. 1 1 F. HKKIll AltD.ft llUO.,deuler lu Dry Uowls, J)' (Jrucerles, uud general ileicbaudlse, ESPY HTEAM FLOUltlNU MlLLi57c.H. Fowler, I'lojirlctor, 1 II. WEltKHKlUKK, Hoot uueTHhoe Store uud lunuufuctory, Hhop ou Mulu htreet op posite the Htcum Mill. rn W. EDUAH, Bjtrjuiliinua" Planing iiiu L llox Muuuluctory, Orangoville Directory, A !!' I.T"1".?1.' .H"OTlIKIt,Carpenterniid 11. llulldcrs, Mnlnst,, below I'ine. HOWint AlinillllNO, dealer In Dry Ooodn, Mallist. BltlCK 1IOTKI, and rerre.liment Hatoon, by ltolirM'llciirycor.or.Malnand 11 no at. Dlt. O. A.MHOAltm:i,,Vliylclnn nnd Burgeon, Main tt,,lietdoortoUood'sltotel, DAVID lIiniltlNOrFlniirnniraiTst Mill, and Dcalerln grain, Mlllstrcct, TAMKMll.IIAItMAN.CabtnetMakc:- and Un il ttortaker. Main Ht., below l'lue. SCIIIIYf.KIt ft I'D., Iron onn(ter1Machlnll, and Mamirnctuien of plows, Mill HI. qAMtllir.HIIAltl'I.llHS.MakcroftholIayhiiFst O Uratit Cradle, Main Mi. WII.MAM lint,ON(l HhoemnkcrntM iiianufao turer or llrlck, .Mill Ht., west of l'mo Cntawissa. BF, DAM.MAV. MerchantTallor.HccondBt, .llobblus'liulldlns. Dll.J. K. ItOliniNU, Bnrueon and riiyslclan Hccond 8t bolow Main. (11L11KHT ft KI.INK,dry Roods, groceries, and J general merchandise, Main Htreet T II. KISTMIIt, "rattawlssa llnnse,' . Corner Main and Hccond Htrccts, LKllII.r.It, lllllard Baloon, Oysters, nnd lec . Cream In season Main Ht. MM. ItltOliST, dealer In OenernlMcrcIiandlso , Dry Uoods, Urocerlo &e. CillHOlIiniANNA or llrlck llolel. H. Kostrn. O bander l'ioprlelor,soutli-casltomcrMalnaud neroim nireev. y.M. 11. AI1UUTT, Attorney at law, Main Ht. Buck Horn. M. (I. ft W. II. ftllOIiMAKKIl, dealers In dry iroods. uloceries nnd eenoral rneirliaiullNp. First store In south end nt town. Philadelphia Directory. jjJCirAKDSON L. WKltillT, Jit." ATTOUNKY AT I. AW, no. m Hotirii sixth btki:i:t, ritir.AnKi.t'itt.v an. l'71-ly JM. KEI'IIKATIT, g WITH DAUNKS, I1HO. A IIEKUON, HATH, CAl'H, HTItAW GOODH ft FUllH, No. CM Market Bticct, (Abovo Fifth.) 1'HlI.AnF.I.lMIIA, yAINWIlIGHT A CO., WIIOI.KHAI.M (UtOCKllH, N, K, Corner Hccond nnd Arch Btreets, I'lin.ADKl.rliU, Dealers In TKAB, BYltUrH. COFl'lli:, HUOAIt, MOI,ASia KICK, HI'IC'RS, 111 CAllllSonA, AC, AC. ."Orders will reo.lvo prompt attention, may Business Cards. Q B. BHOCirVVAY, A1TOUNKY AT LAW,, ia. S- Ol i leu Court llmiko Alley, In the To- i,uuiii, inuiiiiiii;. iJuiH.oii A. U. TUItNEH l'HYHICIAN AND HUIIOEON, lir.oo.M.snuuo, i'.. OrrirK over Lutz'H DrugHtoie. I!et.deno Market Htreet, 1st door below llev, II. J. Waller. deelG'71). Q W. SIIUjEH, ATTOltNEY AT LAW, Olllco Tollrl llnnsft"Allpv. lietow tho Col.t'M niANOlllce, llounlles, llnek-Pay and Pensions collected, llloomsburg Pu. Hep,'JU'U7 JOUEUT F. CLAIUC, AT'IUHNISI AT LAW, Ollleo Main Street below tho Court House, itioonibuurg pemra, Jj II. LITTLE, AXIUHNEX AT JjAH , omen Court-JIouso Allcv. below tho COI.UM uiAN uiiice, jnoomsourg l'u, KTEniNAliy. lalo frcm (ionnany, oirirH lils bervlocs to tho iutna us a tTUimiu-i IIOHSI-: AND COW DOCTOIt, nnd alt other nnlmnln, for wliich liN clinrK arn niuderntL', Ho can iiIhjivh bo Jound vaxt hlUn ol UtTwlclc rou(llnmH.II..laeuUy'HMuiblo YuiU ijioojiubiiry, iMay i J, I67liy, 17 J. TJIC Jji. would nn bur nnd vlrlnll IOHNTON nnnounre totlioeitlr.ensof niooms- ity. that ho Ijhh iutt received a lull UllU I-UIMIKVIU (lilflU lit 'ALl, PAl'IJU, WINDOW HIIADI-iH, FIXTCKES, COItllH, TASSEM, nnd u other kooiU n Ids lino of lnislnes. All mo newesi ana most apnioveu pniienm 01 ino tavniM alwavK lo bu fomul lit hU rKtahllKhinenU in ii i uvu itnuii nil imiiiw jiiii kci,i BUSINESS CARDS, VIHITINO CA11DS, LETTEll HEADS, HILL HEADS, PllOUKAMMES, PO.STEltS, AC, .tC, Neatly nntl Clionply Printed I'rorn tho Ijllest Styles of Typo at tho COLU.M1IIAN OFFICE JOOTS AND SHOES. CLAUK M. HllOWN, MAIN HTliKKT, UNDKlt JIltOWN'H I.. A lull and completo assortment of ready mado boots and shoes lor men. women and etilldriu usi leeenetl nntl ror sale at reasoiialilo rales, .'111 ietles to sultall classes of eustouteis. Ilie bestof woik ttouu at shurl notice, us beretorore, uivu linn a cull. JulU'71. jVTEW STOVE AND TIN 81101'. inaiAii iiwur;rsiiuejji. Main Street one door above E. Mendeubnll Hlole. ltaiiges constantly on hand, and tar sale nt the lowest lates. Tinning in ull Its branches carefully attended In, and satlslactlon guaranteed. Tin woik ol nil uiuus wnoiesaioand retail, A 'lal is ic-miebieu, Jan l'7l TVT E W COAL Y A It 1). I l Thk underKluned respectfully ltiforin tho citizenii ot juooiiihuuiu mm uiiiiuituiu nuiiuy, null it lev Kent an tuu tuiu'i('iHiiuuuerH uiiuti coaland Keltcled luinimml lr Miilihuitf imrni- thtlr wharf, ndJululUK M'Kclvy. Neali (ViV riirniue wlili n uoinl luilr if Hit (lalo ueale nil UIO JJ"(1, l .nil!" t.uui, iiuj , unit MIEUW ISO u IKHHO ami saoll, iu iu-iiur imu m tliohe hn dehtru It. A til hey ptmhabe a lurge amountorcoaMhey Intend to keep u fcttperlor ar ticle, nnd Hell at the very lowest prices, l'leuue call uud eininluo lor you-telveH belmo p.urt Iioh- lutf elfcuwhero, J. w. iir.NiJr.Kniiiii, AlIUUHTUK MASON. rpHE uiidorsltriiptl will tnko In ox X chnuco for Coal uud UrocerlcK, the fiulowluu uutneii iirtleteii : wheat, llye. Corn, uuih, i-oia tot(t. I.nnl. Hum Khiiiililt-r niul Khln infill. ltuttfl I'Ycn, Hay, Ac, at the hlulifHt catdt prlceH,ul his uiuwiy owre, aujouuuif ineir coui juru, J.W. HKNDKUHHOT. iiiuuuiBuuru juar, itf,"cyiy, G IlEIONWOOD SEM1NAUY. The FnllTerm of this lloardliignndSelect School win iHiiooifiit u mi .uuutnty, j uiy oisi, Exiieuses Itir ouu nuarler of uleven weeks! Itoanl. Wushlui!. Lights, Ac. . Tuition, per iiuurur, ... (7 no to IS in Juveullu Class, . tlbOtoStxl l or particulars atiuress, ' Wf, lllindFHS, Principal, niiiivnic, v ui. i-t., ttnv, iom. m AUK C1IANCK. i-nit Hat.e A neeoudhnnd "Arton" n I an o-forte. price fJ7, com. j.'iou, j nia Nuptruu uitiiruinei wan boimlit at auutictlnii xaieoi pnvaio prone In Ni w Ynrk. uud lind been hut H lew week like. It Is lu rtct onler nud In etnyrespi'i rfiuiu to u new piutio, lenus iHtMUivety viwu PAlVunto, Addioha lor ono week, C w rOHl may S(!'71 If Miuicbt'buuU.l'i Miscellaneous. JlEW STOCK OF CLOTHING. Fresh arrival of (I0ODH. DAVID LOWUNIlKHO Invites attention to his stock of CHEAP AND FABHIO.NAllI.i: CLOTH IMl, hlsstoroon Main Htreet, In Bhlvo's block, one door Wist of U, C, Mnrr's store, uioomsourg, i-a., whoro no has Just received from New Vork nnd niiaiieipiiian mil assortment of MDN AND llOYH' CLOTHINd, Including the. most fashionable, durable, and iiaiiiisoino tllll'Liu finitthi consisting of ' llOX.HAClf, I!OCO,OUM,ANDOIL.(ILOTH COATHAND l'ANTH, all aorts, Rises and colors. Ho has also replen ished his already largo stock of A!.!, AND Wl.NTEIt BIIAWL.H, HTltU'lID, FIQUItED, AND PLAIN VKHTB BlIIUTH, CP.AVATH, HTOCKH, COLLAltH VNDKKHCHILFH, OlA)VlM, HUftPENDIIItH, AND FANCY AUTICLlSi In nas constantly on hand n largo and well-sc ooted assortment of CLOTHS AND VESTlNtlS, which ho is picpared to mako to order Into any kind of clothing, on very short notice, and in llio best manner. All Ida clothing is made to wear, aim most of It Is of homo manufacture, OOLD WATCHK8 AND JKW'iMlY, every description, fino and chenp. Ills caso ol el elry Is not surpassed in thUiplaco. Call and amino hlsgcnerat assortment of CLOTHINO, WATCHES Jl'.WELUY, AC. Jnnl'71 DAVID LOWENIIEUO. jJIIiLEn'S STOKE. a. II. MILLEIl 4 HON, havo removed their Htoro to tho room formci'lv occupied by Meudcnhall.nn Matu street, Illooms. nrg, nearly opposlto tlio Episcopal Church whel o they aro detenu Incd to scl I on as modcrnl e terms ns can bo p. ocnre.1 clso where. Th ler stock comprises IADIES' DHEKH UOODS llio choleost styles and latest fashions, tnsel he r with a largo assortment of Dry Uoods nud ln cerles, eonslsllug of the following i rtlcles Carpels, Oil Cloths, oths, CasslmercH, Hhawls, ll-vnuels, Milks, While- Hoods, Linens, HoopHtlrln, Muslins, ' llillowwaro Cedarwaro tlueenswaro, Hardware Moots and Hhocs, Huts and dps Hoop Nets, Umbrellas, LooklngUlasse.i, Tobacco, Cotlee, Slll'srs, Teas, Ithr, All.'.plce, (linger, Cinnamon, Nutmegs AND NOTIONH UKNEItALI.Y. In short, everything usually kept In eountrj tores, to which they Invito the attention ol the pnbllo generally. Thehtghest irlcewlll be paid ror country prodnco In oxchange for goods. H. II. MILI.EH ft HON. liIo(,mitiir' Pn. npr 5'71 If n c. 51 a n it have Just received from tho ciwlem ninrketn a largo nnd well selected stock of DRY 000 1)8, CONHiail.Vil OP Cnsslmcts, Jeans, I Ht ,t bleached A Iliown Muslins, CuUcoch, Tlclilnti'i. Tahlo I.lucna, Cotton A Alt wool tlanncN, ac, Ac, A'good Block of Iidle dress goods, Latest fctyles a pat terns, BplvuM of nil kinds, Good block groceries, Queens ware, B to ne waro, Wood Si willow ware, Klour Chop, AUo Kllchcu Ciyhtnl Hoap for cluuiliii; Tin, UrusH,Ae. All goods sold cheap for chhU or pro duce. Ho would call tho attention nf buyers to htrt well nud carefully selected UAHortment which comprues everything usually kept In tho coun try, feeling conlhlent that ho can fcell them goods at btich pflccsas will enbitro nuUhfuctloti, Jan 171 tf il U MA Hit, OHN O. JACODY'S IJAKEItY AND CONFECTIONERY! MUIWICK. l'UNN'A. Tho iiuderslcncd would rrsnectfiillv Inform tho (,'lliens id Herwii-k, nml vicinity, that ho open cii n Loniectionery aim naitcry 111 ODD FJXLOWH HALIi, llerwlclc. l'a.. wheio ho Is tueiurcdto furnish an uiuus m IMiAIN AND l'ANCY CANDlIiS, 1' Ill.NCU CANDIUS, l'OHHIGN AND POMIHTIO KUUITH OHANUliS, Idl.MONS, HAIHINH Ac., AC., Ac., Ac, XIV WlIOt.KSALK AND ItRTAIL. Amouii llio nssortmcnt will bo found Cream O lilt, J .lilini, tv 11 ill 11 tn, a t ii 11 u in. j niiuiiis, - In rts. Klin. Annies. CiK'ua Nuts. Jellies of illiler- ent klmls, .MustiuibCittsiip, 1'hklCH, Chocolate, Cnuiif d Kiutt of all kinds, t irn is lurch, h'nt: Ills- cull, hotlu Ciackers, Oyster Crackers, Lheese, !M',ip, v ruing l'n per, grceuieui raptm, i-.u Vilojtis, FISH AND OYSTERS, And 11 mil urn of nil kinds. Krexh 1 tread ami Cnkiseveiy day, leu Cuum lu Season. Vimr putionnge Is buliclted, JOIU1 u, J1V,UII I , Herwkk.Jnu 171-lv QON F E 0 T I O N E It Y , Tnetmderslcnetl would reHpeetrullyaniionnce lollie public mat no liasopciicct a FIIiHT-C'LASS L'ONFEUTIONEHY HTOKE, In thobulldlng lately occupied by Fox ft Webti where ho is preparedto ruruisn all leiutis or PLAIN ft FANCY CANDIEH, FUENCHCANDIIX, FOHEK1N ft DOMERTIU FIIUITH, NUTS, HAIHINH, 4U L' C. UV WllOI.tHAl.E OH 11KTAII. in snore, n inn lutHoreiopiie in ttt. ..n.t,n i. Ills Hue of business, A Uleat vallety of DOLLH, TO YB, AC, suitable for tho Holidays, Particular nltentluu Kiveu tu HUE A I) AND OAK EH, of all kinds, fresh every day, OHHIHTMAH OANDIEB, Oil IHTMAB TOVtl, A call Is solicited, and satisfaction will b eunrauieeii, Jan IM-ly KUKHAHT JAfOllH NSU11AN OE omlug M AGENOY tzn.oou r.iiiu, Kill Hid N. Y i.uu.utM' North America , City International N. Niagara N. Y SMI.!. l.iuo.oo i.otiei.est Meicuauu . Furuiers' Daiivllle,N, .. Allmny City - Danville, Horse Then Atlantic, N. Y Uermaufa. N. Y r.70.111 (110.0 4U0.UU Mutual, l.uu.uei ewu.uw FIIEAU 11110WN, Alim, mar2l'7l-ly. lliooiiaiiuBa l'n, Business Cards. JLOOM FEItllY. lltP Ittnoin Vfrrv rnMhnnii I,., l.n.l II. flnla nntl boats thoroughly ippafre.1 and Is now In readiness to do all usual ferrying nt any reason. nbln hour. Tho until rslgnetl will li In alien, dance nt any llino lu wait upon customers at call. npr2I'71-ly JOHN U.ttUR'K. SPLENDID v i: 1. 1: s t ij o it a x x WITH TWO SETT llEEDfl ATlillEi: STOPS, can bobonght for Jiao nt . . 1. W. .Ml, IX, Piano Warerooms near Forks llolel. lnaylrl-Oiii. JLOOJISHUllG MA1UJLE WOUKS. OUNION ft BTEIX, (Successors to A, Wltman,) llesnrptrullv Inronn ttin i,til,llp Mint thpv nrp now lutly preparetl lo do all kinds nt work lu tot'ir iinn oi uusiuess, upon reasonable terms and short notice. Hutlsrncltoli wnrrantetl lit nil Jan.ll.'71-ly eases. JAKGAINS UAltGAINS. QUICK RAT.F.S AND RaTAT.l. PUOFITS. HAVE YOUIt MONEY. On tn HENllY YOST. East llioomsburtr. l'n.. lor all klmls nr Ibn best homo nnd city mado r II II 5 I 7 U II E. Prices reasonable and llio best work done. Jail 1'71-tr gHAlll'LESS & HAHMAN, In enutlderatton nf Ipnrttif. .1ot.ii nor works nntl rebuilding which will bo commenced very soon wo aro oiferlng plows, stoves, 4c at greatly reduced prices. II. F. HIIA Itl'LEHS ft P. B. HAltMAN, 11 Oomsblirir. l'fl. lronrlplors Mar.l,'ou-lI. g L A T E HOOFING, EVERY VAKIETT A T MOST FAVOJtABLE KATES, JOHN THOMA", AND CAHl'Kll J. THOMAS Vtor. 277. liloomsburg. Pa. J u.ii 17 A 0 A Z I N IvS, DA I LY A WE EKL Y rAi'i:as ov alu jcino.-j at Tin: idoi: &TOIIK oitosite thk couiit house. AIo nn nssnrlmcnt of rortemonnales rass UiHiks mhI Account ltnnkx, constantly on hand, llfiriks not on hand obtained on fdiort notice. New Jlooks are conHtnntly beliif; ndded to the " Itluoiusbuiif Cileulalhiir Llbrnrv." A 1110111 tho lntext are "Guilt and Innocence,'1 "Motherless," Sir Harry," ' Hot Hpur or Uumblctuwalt," and Merqueni," etc. npr !tf,'7l tf jyj"EV OHOAN AND PIANO V A H II HOOMHi m.'IANS st 1'IANOS FOn SALE OX I Nrt FAI.I.M KN M, I'latKR from all flrnt class inakcrt, from t$V) to SImmi, (twins from ( jU to $W, A RpUudld orKait f octave. 2 htl ueiN. and tirntMlo with nanclcd lllaclc Walnut Cai.e, only S125.I0. KIdkIo tceit, Kitmecaso iw above, jflmj, I havo made arranKe luentH to have the latent music nn hand as hooit an publlshetl. 'i'eailitrH tnppllctl at regular Uls count. WnrerooniH, Main htreet. near Forks noiei. tr, 1, w. Mi.i.s, QIIKSTEU S. FUJtMAN, IIAUNi:SS, HADDI.i:, AND THUNK MANUl-'AClUUKIt, nnd dealer In OAUI'KT. !AGH, VAUHi:S, riA'-NHTH, nUKFALO uoni-fl,;kth At., which ho feets confident ho can sell nt lower into than any other pel sou In the county, Ex amine for voutselves. Hhop opposite the Post OIHcp, Main Slreet, tflnnuistmrir, l'a. Auj;. 0, l.VTU, jy E N T I S T U Y . It, C. II0WKU, UKNTIST, Uesncctfully ntTerH his professional hrrvlces to the ladles uud KUtitlenieu of lHouinslinr and vl clulty, He Is prepared touttend to all tho vurl ouh operation: tu Hut Hue of his profession, and Is provliled with the latest Imnrovid 1'okcklain Tm-th which will bu Inserted tut cold plntttifc (diver and 1 libber bnno to look as well as tho nat ural tcclh. Teeth extracUd uv all the new &uJ most approveil methods, nud ull operations un the teeth carefullyaiul propel ly attended to. KcKhleuce and ortlco a few iloors Above the Court limine, amo Hide, uioonisimrie, jau.i ,1 ly J. U O D E MUTUAL LIKE INSURANCE COMPANY o r NEW YORK. liny Frccmnn, rresldent, II, C. Freeman, Sec Cash capital over ?2,000,ww, all paid. R. RORISON, BLOOMSRURa. PA GKNKItAL AG KNT, For Luzerne, Lycoming and Columbia counties. Atlg.Ui.m LiXUlIANOE IIAKEHY A V D CONFECTION E R Y , HLOOMHllUUG, PA, lhn UiideiklL'neil. successors nf F. WtdmviT. would respectfully uuuuiuco that tln-y huvo tak n tlio well'tstattlh-lusi stum! leeently occu pied tiy tho abovo nn met J, in itloomsbuitr, nnd ireimrcu loeoiuinuu 1110 uiuiuumh oi munuitio tiring and selling, by WHOLFALH AND IU.TAIL, 'onfccllonerv of everv stvlo nnd kind. Also. hev u 111 huvo ut all times u toninleto biinnlvoi tho licst and Ueshist liiead und Cuke, I'artiiH , es r ins auMhiiiu ni this lino will una it to their mivumugo locauon ui. AN ICE CREAM SALOON Is added to tho establishment, uud ladles and nthcisuhn may patrontro us, mny rely upon up ou mclvlug proper attention. A reasonable. sbnioornuldl's rulronaueis resnectfu vsol c tid, ltAniilx-rrv. Lemon, ami otlier Hvruns. in luiue aim smaii quunuiiin, t-oiiMiiinuy on uiinu. lliUlVl'.lfc tK ftli'XJvl.Ij, May5. 1871. ly v C. II O VER, as opened a first-class HOOT, KHOi:, HAT CAP, AND TlUt HTOUK. at tho old stand on Main Street, Hloomshurg.afew iloors anovo inouoiui- iiuuse. ji is mock is com- no t dot the very luieswuiu Pi si si vies ever ol er til tit the cltleus (d ColuiilbliL Count v. Ho mil accommodate tho public with tho following goods in mo ioweL niifM, .urn ueuvy uonuiu boieu stoga boots, men's double nud single tap sohd tin uooio. in e n b in u vy si ouu niiot a u kiiuih. men's fine boots and shots of all grades, boy's tioiiiiiv muni uiiuib niiutBiiut ui uu uiuub, iiuu L'lo.o ltid i iu tnorai'H: women's. novs ami nilssi s' lasting gaiters, women's glovo kid Polish very II uu.w omen's morocco Haliuorats uud cm snoes, woiut'u h try iiiiu itiu uuiumcu guu eis, in snon iiuois in uu uesuupiious uoiu pee gen uuu now i u. 11U WIIUIU U1SU CUIJ ItlieutlUH VU U1H UUU UabUlt in e nt of ATM, CAPS, FUHM AND NOTIONH. which commlses nil tho new nnd normlai varl etlesat prices which CHiinntfallto bull nil. Theso IfOOOM 11 Hi O II L' I Ull IlL 1111 IIMVini tJUsIl 111 I CM U lit J will in guiKiiiiieeii ihku suiihiuciiou, a etui 1m kolleited IilIoio nuiehasluil elsewhere ns it is belluved that hitler bargains aro to bo fo'ind Hum si nuy oinor place iu me county, J Ull 1 41 Hotels. MONTOUR HOUSE HUPHUT, PA. WILLIAM HUTLKK, Proprietor, This HoiiKo having hecn put In thorough icpnl Is now open for llio reieption of euekls. N paluswlllbo spuretl to ensure the pur feet com fort of tho traelers. Too Prnmli-for solicits a bhuru of pnbllo putionugo, Thu bar will be blocked at an tunes will) nuo liquors and cigars. JENTON HOTEL, W. b PIATT, Pro()rItJtor( H1CNTON, COLUM1HA COUNTY, PA. This well known Honso hnvlni been mil li thoroimh ri pair Is now opi u lor the reception vlsllois. No pains havo been spared to ensute thu perlecl comfort of guests, TIih piopiletor also lunsnRtngo from I he Hotel tn lllooiuhljurg und lutermedlute points ou Tuesday. Thurwhiy mm nuimiuif ui un it wrrni i juii i iai t rjpilH ICSl'Y 1IOT1JL. KSPV, COLUM11IA COUNTY, PA. Tho mulorsltnicd Would inform tlin 1 1 tiViilllie nnlille liiat he has taUeli ibo alsivu intuit il estitli- llshiiieulnud tboiouuhly refitted the same lor the perh'Ct eolivelileneoof hlsuuests. His lartler will be stocked with the be'st tho market allords, Tho choicest Uiiuors, wines and elarsalwayH Iti bu louudlu his par. WILLIAM PKTT1T. Jan 171 Espy, l'a, Poetical. For Tho Columlitiii. 'I lie IlVTIbtlMbAUllACir. A rose I hat had Just been wnnhnl In a shower. lilltlo Kmtn.i to Marian gave, Haylnff! "ulstcrlhls IsnHmlllna flower. Ihil tho othcru looked sober and grave." I accepted with llmtikfl, from tho beautiful girl, 1 ho prcfcout lu purity drowned. Hut tlioughtlot'Hly Klvlng U a linnly twirl, 1 (mapped It It fell to tho gioniiil. I regretted tho deed for Hwai a lieititlful llowcr, 11 ficcmcd no frexli nnd nn cay. It had not even been open an hour And now it must wither nway. Aht 'tis thus I exclaimed, with lull many n heart, Which a buoyant, nnd pure nud irty. Whf n ptercoj by ncmdal, (that venomed dart,) liiicotharosio, U roau fvlcs away, From tho LycoinlnsHland M Itl Tito Porch. iiy mim. MATriu 1: l unr.v. Out on tho balcony wide, Duly I tako my round, With fancy nnd feeling keenly alive lo tlm seiiHCrtof Might nnd Hound I Tho mountain!! nrlso in their pride, And shutout the mm h bright rnn. And they cast n gloom like aruncral pull O'tr Iheso dreary monotonous diiyn, Thcro Is llttlo to plcasa tho sight, Hat fcoinethlug to charm Llio, And this Is tho reason I linger to long lu my dally wandering) hero; l'or n river goes rutdilug by, As In haslo for tho fur oirea. And t lie spell It bears on Us baouUng wave 4 Has n wonderful charm forme. For 1 hear lu Us echoing tide, A murmur of low whispered words. Tint Kiuldenly rlso luto angry or loud, Thin swell an tho songs of tho birds; And they tell men tale of t, They bring back tho days lhaturu lied, And often before my wondeilng soul, A cut tous vision 1 1 spread. No longer I wander alono In the balcony niry and wide, Tor an inger, restless nnd nrylng throng, Are around me 011 every side. There uru faces gro n wrinkled and old. Wrinkled by passion and pride, Ho l.uled with struggles for power nud placo That no nrt cnu tho ravages ltldo. And many a sorrowful face, And many n fair onol see, An 1 henutliul children like spirits of light Are lomplng In Innocent glen ; And Homo nro wttli Jealousy pule, Hlnh el lug In silence npnrt, With hands fiercely clasped, as to shut out tho pain l'rom a toitured nnd suffering henrt. Hut a wind blows out of tho north, And cold Is Its withering breath, And It sends a chill lo tho quiveilng heart Llko the merciless hand of death. In a moment my vision Is gone On the wind U has vanished away, Hut fiilntly tlieso words reach my listening oar, " Lore only cmlui cs for a d'ty.'" 'I lien away to my chamber I haste, Hack, to tho old weary lite, Hack lo my sorrowful thoughts of tho past, That nro keen ns tho thrust of n knlfo. And e er there rings llko a knell Through my henrt nil tho long gloomy day. Tho ocholugsound ol those wild, mocking words, Iavc only endures for a ((." Miscellaneous. CONTIUMATIOX. S.i-1-mriu. Ik Km. Jo tin Hmllf. of St. l'aul'ri Knit rjiril ( hiirrli, ItloomslMiri;, l'n. Kmir wtien tbn nn(TsMt u-hlrti wrrn nt .TprilS' nlem heard Hint Hiunaria had receUeil tho word of thevHont unto them l'ebr and John, W ho. when they werocmuu down, prnveu lor them, that they might receive tho Holy O host; "fKor ns vet Ho was f.illen upon none of them only they were baptized In tho name of t lie Iord; iiesusj . . ''J hen laid they tneir Jiauuson inem.anu iney ecelved tho Holy ahost."-Acts VIII : II. 0, 10. and 17. Sometimes physicians appoint a pow der to bo taken in wlno or syrup. Yet it is not tho wlno or tho syrup that makes tho cure, but tho powilor, they Ileitis used only to convoy it lniotuo stomach. Anil thus it In. my friends, that craco is handed down lo us by tho blcssinir of God In tho uso of means; yet wo must not tniniv Hint mo menus uo ii, nut m blessing ol God mingled wllit it anu infused Into it. But I havo often heard it Bald by tiioso who derido forms, oven thoso forms which aro so plainly spoken of in Bcripturo : llverv denomluatlon ha its own form for maklmc memliersof Hie cliureb: and Itmakts no tlllferenco what tho form Is, If you only be" eoino a member," And yet I think, if when tho physi cian has appointed wino or syrup, you mo water or oil, tho powder might not navo iiio t'livci. So if. when tho Scrinturohas appoint ed a special means by which to confer a special grace, wo uso somo other means, wo mny not recclvo tho graco Intended lo Do convoyed. Christ savs. believe, and bo baptized. that you may obtain remission of sins. jnow. il wo oniy iiouovo. nnu uo not baptized, when baptism Is possible, do you think wo shall receive remission of our sins : Or, If wo bo baptized, yet do not oe- Hevc, do you think wo will licn recclvo remission V If obediencoto tho law of (Jod is nec essary lo salvation, which noiionf you I'uuit, t siiouni ceriaiuiy say not. "iio mat Dciicvein anu is impuscu shall bo saved." Relief and Baptism nro both required. wo cinim mo ocri itures mo written word of (Jed to boour infallible, ruloof faith In dou'rlno and dlscipllno don't wo v No matter who was tho instrument 'injilnyed in writing them, they wore ' kivoii ly inspiration of (Jod." No matter wliat moy teacii, una au thorizes It. No matter wlmt they com mand, Hint wo aro to do to tho best of our ability. No matter whether It Is Matthow. Muik. 1 .tike, John, l'etcr, l'atil, or our Savlot, who (,'lvcs utteranco to tlio worus mero rccurutni, iney aru uoirs words. And therefore, wo must eutlroly loso sh'ht of thu Individuals whom (lod em ployed, and think only of Him who speaks by them. e nut tens us ny iiiu iiioum ui mo npostlo I'nul lu tho (ith chapter of ills Kplstlo to tho HobrowH, nnd at tin) 1st verse, that Renentance. and Faith, and iiapiism, aim jMumn on oi nanus, nro tun louuiiiimm.priiicipics wiiicu cnris- ita us must uiy neioru LrouiL' on 10 unit leriection which moy can reacn only iv t io uso oi mo sirontr meat nrovie ee In tho Lord' Sumier. inn in otuer places 1,011 tens us 01 Jlencntanco : " J.xcem vc rrnent ve iiall all perish," Ann or paim : "jtetuve on ttif i,om Jcsua Christ, ami thou shall be saved." Anil or itaptism : Jie. mat aeiievetn nml Is n,U'Ti.i:i), shall be saved, And of tlio Lord's Supper : "Execnt lie. eat mv llesh ami drlnh tn.v blood, ve nave no nje in 2011;" nun tuereiore, tneso aro mado necessary to salvation. Whlloof "Laying on of linnds," Ho tens us it is a means ny which wo may receivomoiioiy unosi,iiiiu n iieccssary step to bo taken beforo "jrolng ou to pcricciiou j" mm is not invrcioro mnuo necessary to salvation, except In so far ns It Is it part, nml accompaniment, nnd complement 01 uapusm, Now the text furnishes 11 proof of U10 practice of tho npostlcs with regard to Philip lliti deacon, tho lowest order of tlio ministry, had baptised certain con verts In Samaria, In tho namo of tlio Ijnrd Jesus. By this sign llioy had rccolvod llio Holy Spirit lor tho forgiveness of their original tin, Tlioy had becomo chil dren of (lod simply by adoption. As yet llioy wcroonfy babea In Christ. In order to "grow up into tlio measure of tho slnturo of tho fulness of Christ " in order to becomo men In order to bo Iiko unto Christ nml through Him, God's children by irraco thev must ro- ccivo an additional supply of tho Inllu onco of God's HoIyHplrlt operating In tneir nouns mm lives, nun lecti upon tho strong meat of tho word : nnd they must bo admitted to this privilege by tho laying on of hands of thoso whom Uod had appointed. This Is it plain ensn. So when tho npostlcs which wcro nt Jerusnlcm heard that theso Samaritans had recolved tho word of (Jod by the preaching of l'hlllp, and had been bap tised by him, " they sent unto thorn l'etcr nnd John ; who when they wcro cotno down, prayed for thorn, nnd laid their hands on tliciu, nnd they received tho Holy ahost." Since then, my friends, wo ncccpt tho Scriptures ns God's word, nml our in fallible guide, nnd they tell us that our Savior taught Ills disciples concerning all tilings pertaining to Ills Church during tho forty days Ho sojourned with them provlous to His ascension: Slnco wo believo tlio nposlled they ro quired of nnd practiced with, their con verts only thoso things for wliich Christ gavo them authority, becauso God has recorded It for our cxamplo and guid ance: And sinco Confirmation, or tho "Lay ing ou of hands," is one ot thoso things mentioned as being required by thorn as n means whereby to receive n special graco for iv special purpose: Jluy wo not reasonably concludo that Confirmation Is ns much required of us .... n .v.nit.w. e..n UIIIK iu enuiui) tue;ejetii; let luueji, reading tho Bible, nrivnto prayer and meditation, which nro sucn cratcful sources of refreshment to tho soul, though thoy bo notnbsolutely necessary to salvation '." JIust wo not mako uso of all tho means of graco? Verily yes. Wo must tlig tho wells, and if there is rocky gran ite oven, we must noro it. 11 tlio wen nas ever so smaii 11 uore. tho water will How. Ood lias told us what wells wo need to dig, nud wo must ill ir tliom. Though it is not tho wells themselves remcmberthat will bo tho reward, but tho water which by their means (lows to us. (lod has told us too that wo must sail through tho sea of His mercy nnd lovo to tho heaven of our hamiluois : and tliouL'ii we cant command mo winus to carry us, wo must set mo sans. nut mo scriptures navo ueen so tarn pered with, and Interpreted by men of reprobato minds, who aro driven about by every wind of doctrine, that tho world is full of that jort of people "iivici creep into houses, ana leuu can- live sillji women laden Kith sins, led axeati with divers lusts: "Ever Icamina ami never able to coma to the knowledge of the iruiii," anu that, apostolic prae lices aro lostsiirht of in tho dlnirv array of modern novelties.which havo sprung un with modern organizations. Tho men of these times nro so prono to pin their faith to tho opinions of tho hold declalmers whocaromorofor their own glory than thoy do for tlio causa of ennst, tiiaiiiiogospeins interpreted ny them Is considered ns full of Inspiration as if l'etcr, or I'aul, or John, lmd met tliem in tlio way anu 10111 mem mo mind of tho Lord hail changed slnco tlio Now Testament was urst written, and they had been scut to revise it. And so, notwithstanding thoscrlpturo is claimed to bo un iufnlliblo guidu uud lias settled the question for us; out of respect to tho various theories of differ ent systems eoncclvedand brought forth more lor tnc saito 01 opposition 10 uomo than anything else, wo must notonlv bring to tho rcscuo tlio historians of primitive nges, but tho popular leaders of moro modern times. And what do they say concerning Confirmation; wo havo heard what tho Scrlpturo says j what do theso men say? Tertullian, who lived loss than eighty years after tho npostlo John, says: ner ti ijiimii, we'll iie iiiyiuir V7. vj riiiiuii, iWtTi bcnetlu'ltoa. imoklng ami Qitllluu upon the lluli Spirit, tilt ainru. Klftv years later. Cyprian traces back Confirmation to tho apostles, and refer ring to tlio caso of tlio Samaritans wliich wo huvo cited Iu tho text, says : "This is still the custom among us. They who nro baptized in tho church, are presented to tho presiding officers of tlio church, that by our prayers and thelaying on of hands, they may recclvo tho Holy Ghoat, and bu perfected with tho seal of tho Lord." And near tho snuio time. Jeroino says: "This Is tho custom of tlio churches ; in tho caso of biicli asnro o.ipuzed niarou in llio lesser towns by tho priests and deacons, the Jlishop travels out to them to lay hands upon them for the invoking of the Holy ixptrti." 2mi it is a wen established fact, my friends, that for jlteen hundred years, tins was the ut.iform custom of tlio church, which Is, of Itself, a sulll clent argument to many minds In favor of Its authority and utility. But wo havo other witnesses to sum mon, by whom wo expect to provo to you that it is not, as somo so ignorant ly assert, 11 form gotten up by tho Pro testant Kplscopal Church to distinguish Its way of making church members from that of others; or oven ns others say with equal Ignorance.aud I nm sorry to say Intended unklndnass too, that It was borrowod from tho Banian Cntlin. lie Church, ns, If tho Koinan wcro tho only apostolic Church, nnd everything apostolic were too corrupt for protos tants. John Calvin, tho father of tho Presbyterian system, says: H was an ancient custom lu tho Hmtr-li for ilm cbiltlieii or christian, alter they were come to I'e'nrs ortl seretlou. lo 10 lirfsenlil tollm 11 order to luliil the duty which was required of itisons who wcro lmntl.t,l ILL mlllll. n.n. o nn.l ntltls mat ho highly approvodof thu laying ou of A commltteo of tho Presbvter 1111 general assembly, in this country, nn. lomieu to eir.uv up npiau lor tlio Holier nstrtictiou and discipline of b.ititizcd children mention in their report, that tho rlto of Confirmation was in tho ear v days of tlio church administered to baptized cniiureti, wiieu tirrived nt competent years, nud previously in structcd nud prepared for It, showing clearly thnt tho Primitive Church in her purest days, uxerelsed authority over her bantlzcd children. A prominent coiigrogn'iouni preacher rcmiiiks iu an nblu sermon that tho n.,., ("..-.toll ,tf lll.l llOl.lf, r.f f'l...!, 1.. e e.ejti.e.-.-'.-.".. w ....... u ... viuoe, IS III- tor till very tame, ana will be o, till tlio dUelnllno which Christ ordained bo ru. stored, nud tlio rito of Confirmation bo recovered to its lull uso nud solemnity. Tlio Baptist association which inei in I'lillaueipnia in 171, udopted this sen bin nrtlclo : "Wo believe. Ihat 'laylnis on nt hands' wllh nraver unon lianltzcd beUtiVers nssn. n. Is mi or. dlunucu of Christ, and ouulit tn bo submltteHl uuli) by nil such persons Dial am luluillled to partakoof the I,oid'sHupier, and that llio em! Of till. nrdlliailf'O is lloL for llui .rtnit.rtli.itin edits ot tho stilrlt. but lor il Itirthpr i,,.i,iimi n Hie ISldrlt ol iiruniiso. nntl tor the nihlltlou or tlm ursee-Hor Ibu Hplrlt ami llio iullueuees thereof. ... Lu....,..., ,,v.t,ii.i ,,... i-uiiuuie vueiu 1 L'hrUl Jesus." Adam Clark, tlio distinguished Meth od 1st. mentions in his autobinarunhv tltat so high was his estimate of Conlfr ination, mat years nfter ho became Methodist preacher, ho went up to ro celvotho 'Laying on of hands 1 from tho Bishop of Bristol (In Knglnnil) and ' Unit several of tho Method st preach. crssons went with him for tho saino purpose.' Dr. Bangs, n distinguished Methodist in tins country, observes 1 1 f-ntt.l.ln. I.n,.ll.n, W .'ni'rf. Union tlio application of water to tho body I followed by the Inylnt- on or hand find prayer, that tho hles.lnirorifie Holy (Spirit may descend upon tlio subjects of this holy ordinance' (For theso testimonies sco Dr, Norton's "HIiortBerruons.") Ofsucli witnesses as theso no cross- examination is needed. I chill entro nnv nno tn show that In tlio enso of " laying on of hands " died by the text, or that mentioned by St. l'atil as 0110 of tho first nrlnclnles of a christian's preparation for "going on uuio penection," 1110 apostles, wno learned directly from Christ what things wcro necessary to tho completo order of His Church, Intended It for any other purposo than a supplement to, unu accompaniment 01, uapusm. I challcngo nny one to show that In tho nrlmitivo Church nnv other rlto or ceremony was used to givo baptlzoel persons a title 10 1110 privileges 01 iuii membership in mo cnurcu. And so long as that cannot bo proven, I nm unwilling to forsnko It. or let It give placo to nny other form, or 110110 nt nil. If tho Apostles practiced It nnd tholr converts derived so much benefit from It, It is good enough for mo. If God sanctioned It by recording Its uso for my cxamplo and guidance, nnd mentions no other rlto superior to It In Its placo, it Is mino to believo it It Is mlno to practice. You know that our Lord nntl Master Jesus Christ submitted to baptism ; but it was not Dccnuso 110 neeaea it, out to leave us nn cxamplo to recclvo with humility riH tho ordinances of divlno appointment. You may say you havo ocen n prorcsilng christian lor years, and that you nro now too old to be con- nrmcu. But nro wo over too" old to do right? It Is related of tho mother of Presi dent Madison that she had been n com municant slnco her twentieth year, and presented herself for Confirmation nt tno veucrauio ago 01 cigmy-jour. You may say you aro too young, But nro you too young to dio? Many nnd many a ono no older than yourselves, Death has snatched awny, and left, a secret promiso uniuiuneu no lias given you any ossuranco to expect mat mo uoniirmation season next year, shall 11 nil you amongst tho living 7 ljt't ootli old and young remember ny way of encouragement that it is not as thoso who havo gifts to offer unto God mat 110 invites you 10 approacn ins al tar, but that He, tho giver of all good, mnv liostnw uiftes lliinn vnll. Vo aro In duty bouud to uso ovcry scriptural means to obtain mo goon wo necu wnetner or not it requires us to lorsauo an opinion or a prejudice, But remember In none of theso means Is thcro any benefit unless God tho Holy Spirit owns nnd crowns them They nro like the pipes In tho works wliich supply tho city with wnter : when tlio reservoir flows with water then thoy nro full, nnd wo derive a blessing from them: but if tho stream Is dammed up. and tlio fountain-head ceases to givo forth its current, then theso aro wells without water, clouds without rain : nnd vou mav go to sac rnmcuts and rites as tho deer to a dried up spring, but receive neither comfort nor blessing, nor Instruction from the means or graco, No matter how small tho means of graco may nppcar, wo must uso it; font llttlo grnco from Christ Is better than no grace, just as a llttlo money Is hotter man no money. A shin was sailing in thoSouthorn waters of tlio Atlantic, when tho sailors saw another vessel making signals of ui stress. They boro down and hailed them " wnal's tlio matter ;' " wo'ro dy ing for water," was tho response. " Dip it up, then," was tlio answer. "You nre in tho mouth of tho Amazon river.' Thero thoso sailors woro thirsting and suirerlng, nnd fenring nnd longing mr water, aim supposing mntmcrowas nothing but tlio ocean's brino around tliem. when in fact thev had sailed un consciously Into tho broad mouth of tlio mightiest river on the globe, and did not Know it. And though to tliem it seemed thoy must perish with thirst, yet tluro was a nunurcn miles 01 iresn waier nn round them ; nntl they had nothing to do but 10 dip it upr So thoso who havo not yet como out from tho world nnd set their ships Heavenward nro sailing in tno uroau mouth or tno mighty river or (jurist. 1 Church, with hundreds and thousands of miles of graco all nround them, nnd nil thev havo to do Is to "dlnitun" with tho ordinances nnd sacraments which lio has given us to uso as means, How many of you will recclvo tho laying on of hands? God grant that man; will. Unit. J, Proctor Knott, of Kentucky, on the Situation. Wo find in an exchange, a speech by tlio abovo named distinguished Demo cratic leader, from which wo tako tho following extract : 1 mako no pretensions to tho charac ter of n party loader, and havo no as- iratlons to bo considered as an archi tect of public sentiment; yet, whilo I entertain tho profoundest respect for tlio opinion of tiioso who may differ. witii moon tiusas upon oiherqucstions must bo permitted to say that my poor capacity can discern in it nothing but disaster, should it becomo tho doc trlno of tho Domocracy that theso amendments nro In fact n part of tho Constitution, uover to ho disturbod. Wo cannot ulford, after having denoun ced them so long and so truthfully, ns frauds and outrages upon tho people, fraught with tlio elements of certain destruction of our form of government, turn nround now nnd plcdgo tho faith of tho party to their acceptnnco and their execution. Nor, In my hum- do Judgment, Is such n courso necessary to success, oven if It has como to that extremity Hint party triumph can ho obtained only by nn abandonment of somo political principle. Tho grcnt heart of tho American pcoplo does not endorso theso amendments. Tho doctrine of tlio Kiftceth Amend men t was repudiated by tho Uadlcal party itself, in tho very Convention that nominated General Grant, when It declared, In tho second resolution of its platform, that tho question of suff rage, especially in tho loynl States, rightfully belonged exclusively to tho peoplo of tho sovernl States. Thoy dared not go into tho canvass upon tho coutrnry principle, for wherever tho question of negro suffrage had been submitted to tlio direct voto of tho peo plu in nny of tho "loyal States," It hnd met with an overwhelming nnd crush lug repudiation. Missouri, bound and manacled as shy was, voted It down by over thirty llvo thousand majority MIehigau voted it down by over twenty thousand majority j 'Wisconsin by over thirty thousand, nud Ohio by over fifty thousand, liven bleeding Kansas ro pudititcd It by n majority of over soven thousand. Nor is lids nil. With tho principles involved in theso amend ments its llio leading Issues between parties, IhcfVDeinoeracy, with a little over forty members In tho lower Houso of tho fortieth Congress, increased Iter representation in tho forty-second Con gress to ono hundred and three, with other Slides ccrtnln lo givo Democratic majorities yot to vote. Tho simo ratio of gain would Imvoglvon us tho forty- third Congress ns well ns tho electoral college, by an overwhelming majority. DEPAIlTINO ON A COW-CATCIlEIl, In viow of thoso facts, nfter wo hnvo carried lino after lino, nnd entrench ment nfter cntrenchment,of thoencmy's works, when wo wcro on tho llood tldo of success, nnd moving with Increasing triumph, why wo should abandon tho field, why wo should chnngo front nnd sound nn Ignominious rotrent, I confess Is utterly .beyond my powers of com prehension. It Is n species of party strategy entirely too deep for my con ception, unless It is for tho purposo of constructing n platform upon which somo fnvorito candidate for tho Presi dency may stand wllh safety nnd com fort to himself, or unlc3s it be ns nn old farmer said to mo tho other day, when I asked his opinion of tho "now do pal lure," that somo Impatient Demo crats, seeing tho Iladlcal party going to tho devil on "a down grade with tho brakes off," havo determined to heat them by Jumping on tho "cow-catcher," Qrent laughter. I repeat, I nm not a party leader, nor do I nspiro to bo. I am, nnd expoct to bo, n privato In tho ranks, fighting for tho principles which havo been tho cynosure of my political career through llfefc but if I wcro I should consider myself unworthy cither of your contldonco or respect If 1 failed to speak to you, as I hnvo on this occas ion, frankly, candidly, sincerely, nnd earnestly upon this question. Ap- plauso.J I may be mistake, but my opinion is that tho proud old party I hnvo loved so long will never depart from tho land-marks of her ancient faith. Ap plause. Whatever others may do I havo nn nblding faith "that Kentucky, truo to her ancient prestige, tho first to tho chargo nnd tho last to tho retreat, In overy contest for tho supremacy of the Constitution nnd tho rights of tho several States under it, will never de sert tho standard sho so gallantly flung to tho breeze In 1793. Qreat applause Descending from an ancestory who mado their homes in tho proud old Commonwealth, when it was indeed "tho dark and bloody ground," with tho scalping knlfo and tomahawk gleaning around them, and taught by them from my earliest youth to rever ence, with moro than filial piety, oil tho traditions of her chivalry und her glory, I can ask for her no prouder eu logy from tho pen of history than that, as sho was tho first to clearly and dis tinctly define tho rights of herself and her sister sovereignties, sho went down In tho Vortex of centralization with her glorious colors proudly flying. Orcat applause. Without recapltulntlng tho long cata loguo of usurpations, outrages nnd crimes, ngainst citizens and States alike, which has marked tho careerof llio Usd leal party slnco its accession to power, tho grand results of its ten years of ad ministration may bo summed up ns fol lows: Tiio utter nnd absolute overthrow of our system of Federal Government, through pretended amendments to tho Constitution, procured by forco anil fraud ; and the Introduction into tho representative body of tho pcoplo of a largo and populous element, with Just about as many qualifications for nn in telligent exerclso of tho elcctlvu frun chlso ns a gorilla from tho Jungles of Af rica has to givo Instructions In tho In tegral Calculus or Newton's Principia. Groat laughter and applause. In conclusion, my fellow-citizens, per mit mo to remark that, in ray Judg ment, wo nro upon tho evo of tho last contest for civil liberty. Perhaps for centuries to come, should tho Democracy provo triumphant In that conflict, tho principles of free gov ernment will bo so firmly fixed that nil tho storms of faction that may howl nround them for gencrntlons will not bo nbto to shako them from their base. lAppIause. But If on tho other hand tho Itadlcals should succeed In electing Gen. a rant who will bo their candi date beyond peradventure tlio sun Will perhaps set for tho last tlmo on rcpresentatlvo republican government on this continent on tho 3d of March, 1S73. On tho fourth hU morning beams may dawn upon tho Infant cm pile. In that contest tho Democracy of Kentucky constitutes tho vanguard, tlio advanced skirmish lino. If that truo and' gallant band do theirduty faithful ly and nobly, as I know thoy will, all may bo well. Applause. Remem ber that this is not 11 mcro contest bo tweon individuals, but n contest for principle, it contest for Stato cxistonce, and personal liberty protected by lnw. The not-oating woodpeckor, a com mon California species, has a curious and peculiar method of laying up pro visions against tho inclement season, SmnM round holes nro dug in tho bark of tho'plno and oak, Into eacli ono of which Is Inserted nn acorn, nnd bo tightly Is it fitted or driven in that It Is with difnculty extracted. Tho bark of tho plno trees, when thus filled, pre sents nt n short distnnco tho nppenranco of being studded with brass hendod nails. Stowed away lu largo quantities in this manner, tho ucorns not only Bup- ply tho wants of tho woodpecker, hut tho squirrels, mlco nntl Jays avail them selves llkcwlso of tho fruits of provi dont labor. Bbah in mind (lint nny ono mny tarnish tho reputation of tin Individual however puro nnd chnsto, by uttering ft suspicion which lilsenemles will believo und his friends hear of. A puff of ldlo wind can tnko up a million of tho seeds of tho thistle, nnd do n work of mis chief which tho husbandman must la bor long nnd hard to undo tho floating particles being too light lo bo stopped. Just so It is wllh nn inconslderato word thoughtlessly spoken to tho detriment of your neighbor's character, -Kc. tho