The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 04, 1871, Image 2

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    bloomsdiTrg. pa.
I'lll DAY MOUNINli, AU1UMT t, 1871.
, Notlco In lMesalpi.
Dkleoatks to tho Convontlon will
do us a great fnvor nnd expedite their
own proceedings If thoy will roport
their names to this olllco at tho cntllowt
posslblo moment, eo that wo may print
slips for tho uso of tho Convontlon. Wo
will Issuo an oxtrn, announcing tho
nominees and other acts of Importance
as soon as tho Convention closes. Dele
gates and others may obtain theso gratis
by calling nt tho Columbian ofllcc.
Declination, John LEnaoTr,Ksi,,
of Greenwood township, requests us to
withdraw his name from tho list of can
didates for County Treasurer. Ho ex
presses his grateful thanks lothoso who
havo profTorod their support, but his
business engagements havo boon such
ns to provent him from giving tho sub
ject duo attention. In addition, two of
Ids neighbors aro candidates for other
offices ami ho desires to lenvo tho Hold
clear to them.
The Coinrntlon.
Tho Democratic dclegato elections In
Columbia county tako placo to-morrow
afternoon and tho Convention will as
somblo at tho Court Ilouso, in Blooms
burg, on Tuesday noxt, at 1 o'clock, p.
in. Tho plain duty to bo performed is
tho nomination of it ticket to bo sup
ported by tho Democracy at tho ensu'
Ing election, and In this regard a mis
tako can scarcely bo mado as all tho
candidates announced aro represented
to bo capablo and of good character.
Thoy havo been boforo tho public for
somo timo and tho pooplo havo had
amplo opportunity to mako up their
minds as to which thoy prefer. Wo
BUpposo that most of tho nominations
, will bo settled by instruction.
For Coroner and Auditor no candi
dates havo been announced. Tho for
mer Is of but little conscqucnco and
might as well bo dlsponsod with. Tho
latter offlco is Important and ought to
bo filled by a good business man and
nccur.ito accountant. No doubt such
can bo found who will occopt anamina
tion. For olllces for which candidates havo
been announced, It is to be noped that
tho Convontlon will find no difficulty
In making suitable) selections from tho
list as published. It has an unfavora
bio nppoaranco for candidates to como
up on tho day of tho Convontlon and
by dint of personal oflbrt and appeals to
dolcgatos obtain nominations for olllces
for which others havo been announced
03 candidates but for which no instruc
tions wero given becauso not oponly
contested. It is unfair and detracts
from tho respect duo tho other nomi
nations, Is always open to bo looked up
on with suspicion and puts tho parly
upon explanation that is unploasant if
not damaging.
Wohopo It Is unnecessary to Incui
cato union and harmony, good-wlll,
every thing for tho causo, nothing for
Dclegato Elections.
To-morrow afternoon tho Democratic
dclegato elections aro to bo hold In tho
soveral districts of Columbia county.
Wo reiterate tho hope that all Demo
crats will attend them and express their
desires, and that thoy will elect nono
but firm and rcliablo Intelligent men as
delegates. Lot the best ticket be nom
inated that Is posslblo under the circum
stances. When tho nominations are
inado it is hoped all will give them a
cordial support, that tho whom energies
of tho party may be directed to the
general causo and to tho Increase of tho
Democratic voto of tho county. Jf the
Slate is 'secured from the Radicals this
fall the election of a Democratic Presi
dent in 1872 is ha(f secured. Columbia
county ought to havo a full sharoin this
rescuo. Tho Democratic majority of
tho county can bo incroasod if thoro
is no local difficulty or division. Let
all, thereforo, resolve lnadvanco to sup
port tho ticket, that all trouble in that
regard may bo out of tho way, and that
overy Democrat may feel clear to put
forward every effort to increase the
majority. It is clear that any ono who
nttcmpts to creato disunion and discord
at such timo as this, cares moro for
somo selfish purposo than for tho success
of tho party, and If ho is heeded at all
it should bo with reprehension. When
tho Judgment of tho party, as to who
shall bo tho candidates, is onco pro
nounced, every Democratic voter must
yield ready acquicscenco In tho decision
or become a disturber of harmony. Tho
Issue is both plain and inevitable. Who
ever, therefore, desires to promoto tho
interests of tho party will support the
nominees with 6norgy and good will,
in order that harmony may prevail and
strength may bo fully developed und
To Judges and Clerks of the Delegate Elec
Wo havo printed und furnished for
distribution to all tho districts or the
county election blanks which if tilled
up In a proper manner will avoid all
mlbtakes and sccuro correct returns. An
election blank for each district Is sup
plied, on ono sldo headed "List of
Voteks," under which iho names of
till voters at tho election can bo written
down as in ordinary practice. Tho op
posltosldo of tho sheet is headed, Tai,
lv-Pai-eii, on which all tho tickets
will bo scored or tallied when counted
off at tho end of tho election. Tho tally
paper, howovcr, contains two forms, ono
or which only will be used or lltieu up,
when but ono sot or delegates shall bo
run in a district, and both when two
seta shall run. Whenever two delegato
tickets shall bo run it will bo necessary
to tally thera separately, with tho In
Ktructlons on each sepnrato also, and for
this tho blauk forms fully provldo. Tho
olcctlon officers will find In tho first
form u blank space for tho names of del
egatcson tho tickets voted by ono party
or division of tho voters, and under
ucath, blank spaces for tho Instructions
on the same ticket. Tho second form
below, has blank spaces for tho names
of a second Bet of delegates, (if such
shall bo run,) and for tho instructions
given to them, lly the rules, dolcgatos
can bo Instructed only by tho voters who
vote for them, and consequently as del
egates on ono of tho tickets run cannot
bo Instructed by voters who voto a diff
erent ticket, tho tally of tho two kinds
of ticket must bo kept soparato. Whon
however, but ono ticket for delegates Is
run, of courso but ono of tho forms for
tallying will bo used, and a simple ma
Jorltyof all tho votes cast will Instruct
tho delegates chosnn.
Theso election papcrs.or similar ones,
must bo returned to tho Convention, as
required by tho rules.
Uy tho Glh rulo of nominations II Is
provided that tho eleo lion nfllccrs "shall
keep n list of voters and tally of voles
counted, to bo sont by them to tho Con
vention wllh their certificate of tho re
sult of tho election j" and by tlio IRtli
rulo It Is further provided, that "all In
structions shall bo reported by the elec
tion officers."
A Suggestion.
will bo posslblo to oxtond tho prlnciplo
upon which delegates aro elected to tho
voting for all candidates proposed for
nomination. Tho present rules do not
provldo for this, but allow tho old plan
of Instructions to continue,
Provldo Ihat tho pooplo, besldo elect
ing delegates as now, voto directly for
candidates In tho soveral districts, ond
that candidates shall havo dclegato or
district votes reported for them In Con
vention In proportion to tho popular
voto thoy havo received. On this plan
tho district votes so allotted will lo
equal In number to tho number of dele
gates or tho samonumbcr and candi
dates can get them by popular voting
In tho samo way-and to tho samo extent
that they can now gel delegates. Tho
dilllcutty now Is that you cannot very
well havo moro than one issuo in elect
ing delegates, whereas thoro may bo
half a dozen to decide at tho election
and thoy ought all to bo decided on tho
samo principle. Our rulo for electing
delegates Is admlrablo for deciding a
contest between candidates for one olllce,
but candidates for other olllces arc still
loft to a great cxtont uudcr tho old sys
tem. Now sjy that In Contro township,
(which has threo dolegatos), A. has t!0
votes and B. 40, for somo ofllcc, at tho
delegato election. Then, when Ccntro
Is called in Convontlon, her voto would
bo reported and counted two for A. and
ono for B. This voto by districts would
bo something liko tho voto by States in
National Conventions, would bo entire
ly convenient and workablo and tho
pooplo could thus divide their district
voto upon all tho olllces as thoy can
now divide their delegates upon ono.
If a candldato had a majority of all tho
district votes, reported as above, he
would bo nominated without further
proceedings, but if a nomination should
not thus bo effected tho Convention
would go on and nominate, delegates
however regarding tho votes given In
their districts until candidates thero
voted for shall bo dropped under tho
This plan would bo widely different
from tho Crawford county plan of pop
ular voting for candidates, and would
not produco Its bad results. It would
give freo play to popular cholco without
Inciting to fraud and would give com
plete operation to tho Just prlnciplo of
tho froo voto In nominations, whilo It
would retain a well-constituted Con
ventlon for nil tho necessary work to bo
performed by It. ,
Bv tho 6th rulo of nominations, vo
ters at tho dclegato elections may voto
for delegates In tho manner provided
in tho 4th section of tho Bloomsburg
act of 4th March, 1870. Tho nppllcablo
parts of that 4th section confer upon n
voter tho right to voto as follows :
"When two persons aro to bo chosen,
ho may giva ono voto to each of two
candidates, or two votes to one.
When threo persons aro to bo chosen,
ho may give ono voto to each of threo
candidates, two votes to ono candldato
and one to another, ono voto and a-half
to each of two candidates, or three votes
to one.
When four persons aro to bo chosen,
ho may glvo ono voto to each of four
candidates, ono voto and ono-third to
each of three, two votes to each of two,
or four votes to ono." P. Laws, 1870,
p. 3 11.
Tliaddues Stevens and munition.
If any laurols rest on tho brow of
Tiiaddues Stevens, "or any othor
man," It would bo a reprchen9lblo act
to tear thctu away or abstract a slnglo
leaf. Tho pretence, however, that ho
ever distinguished himseirin tho causo
or education or common schools, is a
hollow ono. In 1834, Gov. Wolv. (of
solid Pennsylvania German stock.
Which has given to tho Slato so many
of its best Governors) mainly by his
personal miluenco nnd weight of char-
actor, Induced the Legislature to pass a
common school law. In 1835 an attempt
was made to pass a bill to repeal tho
law, which would havo been successful
oxcopt for Gov. WoLP'sstern announce
ment that ho would veto it if passed.
On that occasion Thaddues Stevens
ttuon nn obscure antlmasonlc member
of tho Legislature from Adams county)
mado a speech against tho repeal . Upon
this speech his whole reputation ns a
menu oi education and common schools
is based not by Mr. Stevens himself
out by political clackcrs. Phis short
speech is ofton referred to in grondilo
quent terms but seldom published. It
is a common place affair, equalled by a
largo per contago of school boy declama-
lions, anu is In no sense a pretentious
or exhaustive argument In favor either
oi euucatlonor of common m-hnnl
in fact, no man was over more over.
puueu than Mr. Stevens. Ho novcr
served in any body In which ho was not
overtopped by others, unlcs tlio lladi-
uii rump uongrcssboan exception. In
luu vyunsmuuonal Convention nf maa
ho ranked ns an Inferior member, who
was seldom observed In debato by tho
ablo men of that body. Ho was not a
statesman, but nbold nnd reckless poll
tlclan. Ho never was a leader In a body
whero tho majority comprised ablo
men. His anti-masonic vagaries wero
of tho weakest character, his adminis
tration of the offlco of Canal Commis
sioner of the Stnto will not bo defended
by any honest man, and tho canal locks
scattered through tho gorges or tho Al
Icghcnles aro a perpetual monument to
Ids roily. His capacity to lead a fanatl
cal body was good: as ho was bold,
reckless, Imperious and dictatorial, Ho
was In no respect a man to bo set up as
an uxamplo to the youth of tho land.
Col. Chab. H. Shriner Indignantly
denies that ho owes tho Government
auy thing us Collector of Internal Hov
enuo. Thoro oro others In Secretary
IlouTWELL'fl list who deny the allega
tlons mado against them, Tho Incom
petenta at Washington no doubt blun
dcr in this regard ns materially as thoy
do in overy thing clso, and their btato
ments, thereforo, aro wholly unreliable,
Second Washington.
Statesmen and Generals, about as.
plonty ai blackberries, havo arisen from
timo to timo who had tho vanity to as
pirn to bo second WAHHtNdTON's, yet
no ono has succeeded or como very near
It. Tho fact Is as soon as nny man be
comes, or ntlempls to become, an Inia-
tornl nil, or anybody, ho ceases in no
llko Wasiunoton, or lo bear any sem
blance to htm, for the character of tho
great American revolutionist, general
nnd Btntesman, was tho opposite of nn
Imitator In any thing. Grand, gravo,
noble, ho was yet peculiar In all things,
without eccentricity or affectation, as
compared with nny model of his or any
other ago, nnd ho will no doubt over ro
main his own model, without a success
ful Imitator.
Tho latest burlcsquo In tho way of
Wasuinotonian Imitation IsMonsIeur
Tittnns, of Franco. Frenchmen aro
well described ns monkeys with tho
power of epeech nnd susceptibility to
genius. Tiiikiis lias spent a long Ufo
of dcniHgogucry, always fleeing from
declining dynnstloi nnd worshiping
rising suns, and over betraying all
who wero weak enough to put faith In
him, nnd yet nt tho decrepitude of 7fi ho
has tho vanity lo nsplro to bo nn Imita
tor of tho sturdy and vigorous manhood
of WAsniNOTONl When tho greatest
of Frenchmen can bo guilty of such nb
surdity, what may not bo expected from
tho cougrcgatcd mass ol gabblug mon
keys? Tun PnEss. Wo soo by tho last Ly
coming Hlandard that Col. A. Hopkins
has disposed of that establishment to
Messrs. Guernsey A Funky. Tho re
tiring editor, wo bollovc, goes to Ne
braska, and wherever ho goes may for
tuno nnd famo nttend him. Ho was nn
editor who can bo illy spared In times
of emergency and corruption llko these,
but wo hopo ho may soon rcsurao tho
tripod and tho quill. His successors
however, will not fail to keep up tho
efficiency of tho Standard, Mr. UUCUN
bey Is nn experienced politician nnd n
Democrat of tho straltest sect. Col
Fury la ono of tho most vigorous young
politicians In tho State, a forciblo writer
and eloquent speaker, and llko his part
ner, an Inflexlblo Democrat, firm In
his convictions nnd dovotcd to tho true
principles of Jcffersonlan Democracy,
which ho has thocourngo and manhood
to maintain under whatover circum
stances may arise. Wo aro glad to
welcomo such men to tho editorial chair
in such times of timidity and tritJ, and
wo hopo they will rccelvo as they do
servo tho generous and efficient support
of tho Democracy of Lycoming.
The Butler Jlerald has been much
enlarged and othonvlso Improved n!.d
its namo changed to Ztegler's Demo
cralio Jlerald. Wo havo several times
hcrctoforo pointed to tho prevailing
ovldcncc,cxhlbltod by tho enlargement
and other improvement of its papers, of
tho onward and upward progress of tho
Democratic party Itself. Col. ZiEarvnn
is well known to tho Democracy of tho
State; and whatever distinction his
paper has hcrotoforo acquired, wo know
ho has tho nbllltv. to render it a still
moro powerful champion of tlio causo If
ho will apply himself ns his large dl
mcnslons now glvo room. Tho wheel
of fortuno has not latoly dealt kindly
with tho Democracy but whenever if
has taken n favorabloturn It was suro to
turn "Undo Jako" to tho surface May
it ever bo generous to him and cspeC'
tally send him nbundnncc of cash sub
Mr. Hiciiari), Assistant As
sessor, appears beforo tho public with
an attempted defence of tho Hovenue
officers ngalnst tho Impeachment of
their conduct by ItotiR McIIenrv, In
his statement published two weeks ago.
His defunco is weak nud slangy and
does not touch tho main, substantial
matter or accusation against him and
others who wero concerned In tho per
secution or Mr. McIIenrv. That accu
sation, brought out with great distinct
ness and forco by Mr. McHenry,
(though in8imple,plaln language,) was,
that after tho Kovenuo officers had col
lected from him much moro than all
that was duo lo tho government, they
countenanced, Instigated nnd assisted
in proceedings lor his prosecution and
tho seizuro of his property, ror irregu
larities which wero occasioned by tho
fault or tho government itself in not
appointing him a storekeeper after ho
had demanded and was entitled to ono
under tho law. That Is tho sovero and
strong accusation mndoby McHenry,
set out in full detail in his narrative,
and it Is wholly untouched by
In his attempted defence.
The Congressional Ku Klux commit
tee has at length got through with the
Job of taking testimony at tho South.
Tho costly farce, which was got up to
fabrlcato partisan material Tor tho Pres
idential campaign, will utterly fail in
its purpose. Tho peoplo understand
tho situation or tho South, and do not
mean to bo diverted rrom tho truo ls
sues of tho coming election by nny
clamor of sham "outrages," which Is
intended to conceal tho corruption
which notoriously exists In every Do
partment, beginning with tho Wlilto
House, where Jobbery Is as common as
In Congress.
Felix it. Hrunot, a Quaker, has
been appointed Indian agent, In placo
of Col. Parker. As tho latter resign
ed becauso tho former and his Quaker
associates on tho Indian commission
would not lot him steal, It may bo
hopod tho appointment Is a remarkably
good ono for tho Quant administration
to make.
The Democracy of Cambria county.
in convention, unanimously declared
ior uen, Hancock for President.
Ohio omen tmi,in
linvo been taxed so heavily for Stato
PlirnOSeS. that thnv linvn rl,nllo.l nml
uiuiu la u nveiy iigin going on nt tno
present timo between them and the
itadlcal btato Committee. Tho dorks
say mat moy aro llko a barrol tapped at
both ends, and must run ilrv nnloa-i
IuB i umiueu u m, loast ono oi monp
crturcs. Thov cannot sunnlv lilnnni
mr party purposes uoin in wnsllingtOU
and Ohln. An thnv vntn tn ltnll, olnnnu
wo do not soo why thoy should not pay
111 UUIll lUUUCB,
A western preacher explained tho
possago through tlio lied Sea by faying
that tho Israelites crossed on tho lco.
An auditor lntcrruptcd,romarklng thoro
Is noieo under tho equator. "Sir," said
tho excited preacher, "this happened
thousands of years boforo tho ugo or
geograpners, anu uoioro more was any
equator, x ininic, uromron una sisters,
i navo answoreu mo gentleman com'
Bimon OAMKiioN,rtJounioyman"wlir-
glo-wapger," who heads tho Itndlcal
Crtintnlttoa of this State, in ids lato
spumy nddress, claims that tho Itadlcal
party havo reduced tho Htato debt from
if i),wo,ih)u in lHtio, to f rj,uuu,iwu in is7i.
Tlio liarrisliurg Patriot proporly ro-
marks, tnai no crcu i aiiacno lo thai
party for tills reduction. Inasmuch as
tho policy under which It has bcon no-
eomplisheil was originated by tho Dom-
ocrnllo administration of Governor
William F. Packer. Tho act establish-
Ing tho Sinking luind was n Domocratic
measure, nnd was adopted by u Domo-
uiiii.i: j.i-Rism um. , I
party administered that law honestly
nnd faithfully, Indeed, had it not dnllb-
oratcly violated Its provisions, tho Slate,
new, insieim 01 uuuik t.u,vuu,uuu, wouiu
A .1 1. In.-, -. limn I. IT flint nit t . I
io-uy uuiun uinuimit luu. will, ijui-
Ing tho last cloven years, from fifteen to
twenty millions of dollars havo been
taken from tho fcinklng ! und, contrary
lolaw, ami applied, .not 10 1110 reuue-
Hon of tho Slato debt, but to tho nay
monl of tlio current oxnonses of tho
Slnto government." Those facta punc
ture tlio wimi-uag ot Air. j'.rrott, and
it falls to tho ground to bo trodden un
der foot by nil honest, fair men. When-
over a statement is put lorm snowing
that tlio Uadicals havo reduced debt or
taxation, it Is either a clear fraud or an
nrtfully-mattufaclurcd pleco or nccouut
Democrat who wish lof'eo their par
ty Kiiccessrulshould all u.'slsttholr homo
tmtinr. nlrniipthnii llin hands of Its rclll-
nr. I'onf rlluiln In ILs column everv Item
of local Interest, endeavor to oxtond Its
circulation in far ns in their Dower, as
sist in dtascminntlng Democratic truths
in every part or tlio political vmoyard,
and labor to build up a paper that will
noncreuit to mem iiwiomoanu noroaa.
This dono nnd they will havo nccom-
pnsuou moro lor tnoir party nnu its
principles man nnyiiung oiso in mo
lino of political duty that could bo al
lotted them to perform In tho most
hotly contested campaign. Every
paper thov nro tlio means of Bond
ing to another Is a mossonger of
truth. It Is llko dating bread upon
tho waters nnd will return to rownrd
them and benefit tho party. Let tho
good work go on I
Oen. Stoneman has bcon removed
from tho command or tho Department
of Arizona bv orders of Gon. Grant.
Why? Who influenced tho President
In this caso? Answer: A gang of sut
tiers and contractors, who wero onnos'
cd to Stoneman, becauso ho would not
permit them lo swlndlo tho govern
ment. Instead of paying theso mon
tiutty-iivo uouars per ion lor nay,
ho purchased it directly from tho In
dians at from nlno to cloven dollars.
which may account for tho fact that at
tlio camp uraut massacro, or ono hun
dred and twontv-llvo Indians killed
mostly squaws and chlldron nlnoty
dead oodles wero round, cacli with a
bundlo of hay at its sldo. Tho rom ov
al of Gon. Stoneman is a dlsgraco to
tho administration, nnd a lit illustra
tion or Its Indian policy.
According to tho flsuros nrlntad in
tho Congressional Globe, It takes S132,
800 pernnnum to run tho Will to llouso
under tho administration or General
Grant. Tho Items cmbrnco all classes
of officers rrom Mcjorsand BroVct-Brlg'
adler-Gonernls. to laborers on tho sldo
walks nnd furnaco keepers, nnd tho
items aro mado sufficiently largo to
cover tho bills for marketing, carriages,
Rtnliln nvnniisra. n lmrhnr nml , vnrfnlv
or other items which Grant's urcdeccs-
sors wero conslderato enough to pay out
or their salary or $25,000 per iinuum.
(lllf Hull r'nurl la i,ml,r nvnnnak-n I
. . . .: i -1 . 1 . . . . ' i
mir. w n. innrn in niximnirm u' h t in
larcrer leaks through which thn niihlie
inriimv l I'nnur liir. v p-ipnuin, n inn
" . 7 ; ---, I
neonln think n. Itniflpnl niimlnUliviMrin
ing tor It. Luxuries nro always costly.
The Itadlcal Stalo ticket was named
by ns corrupt a ring or political free'
hooters as over cursed a State. Should
Stanton bo elected Auditor Gonernl, lie
will be tlio crcaturo or uaineron. -muck
ov and otlier adventurers who havo so
long used t ho State finances in their
own interest. Tlio present State Treas
urer (Mackoy,) belongs to this ring of
money-changers, nnd, with Stanton ns
AudltorGeneral, thoy would bo enabled
to continuo to deplete tho ppoplo's treas
ury, anu cover up tneir tracus.
Democrats, to workl Our candidates
are worthy of our bast efforts, and thoy
must bo elected. Their defeat would
bo a Stato calamity.
The Cincinnati Inrjuircr mentions tho
fact that, not long ngo, fifteen gcntlo
men worornthered atnn nntcrtnlnmrmr.
ex.f Invernnrs. ex-JiiilM. nx.Mnmhm
of Congress, nnd others who had held
positions of trust and honor, and that
tho only men present, capablo of hold
ing nny olllco, Stato or National, wero
mo negroes who waited on tno table.
Another beautiful result of itadlcal
Ir this Is a Republican coverninont
why is It that tho President of tlio
United States is empowered by Uadf
cal legislation, to orrest nnd Imprison
any citizen without warrant or the pre
ferment of charres f Such authority is
conierreu upon tno rresiuent iy me
Forco Hill passed at tho lato session of
uongrcss. tho autocrat oi uus:ia can
do but little more.
More or Grant's Poi.icv.-Gen,
Stoneman has been removed from the
command or tho Department or Arizo
na by orders or Qen. Grant. Why"
who iniiuenccu mo rrcsiuent in mis
caso V Answer : A tranc of suttlcrs and
contractors, wno wero oppowi to
Stoneman, becauso ho would not per
mit tnem to swinuio mo government.
Hadicai, papers ha?o their hnnos of
success in this Stato upon division lu
mo democratic party, iu mis moy
will bo disappointed, Tlio Democrats
nronoso to oiect luuinuiess and uooper
tho "platform" Is not on tho ticket
ana win woric witu unanimity anu
vigor to mat omi.uetijsuurg uompuer.
Ir everything Is lovely in tho Radl
tl camp, why is it that Horaco Oreo
ly denounces tho carpet-baggers, that
Senator Trumbull declaims against cen-
utilization or tlio government, that Carl
Rplmrz ilnmnnil! n return In nnnstltll-
tlonal government, und thai Sumner
llUlllll JU VUI Milium, Mllll UlllV ijui
quarrels with tho administration?
The Collector of tho Port or Phila
delphia, complains that soveral news
papers uiko no uouco ot tno ivu-Kiux
imps thoy regard them as government
advertisements that should bo paid for
ui reguiur mica,
A numher of HcpuhllcAii Conven
tions, wo notice, passed resolutions op-
poslnir land yrants to railroads. Now
why do thoy not act tho part or men
and denounce Grant nnd tho itadlcal
Uongress lor Having favored laud grants
toranroaus Y this would bo tho courso
oi noncsi men i
iUKciiANius anu inuor ir men nro
fast realizing tho folly of engaging In
what thoy cull strikes. Tho trades un
ions throughout tho country oponly
discountenance such movements, us dis-
nstroqs to trauo and injurious to mo
truo interests ot worKingmen,
THE Now York Nation clt03 tho no
tablo ferocity of tlio French women on
Mum miiia, tu duuiv tuu luiimiu suiiniu
lsta that thero Is no probability of wo
man's purifying politics and elimlnat-
iiik imierncss or utriio.
THE Ilopulilicnnq In llnlllmnrn nt
tllClr Wlt'fe Cnii for ItolUIcal eilliltnl lim
n!f8?a Jil thi fr"ltlet13 cirort 10 lroatho
i( m Nil uumui luiit; uuiuuut
Tho Internal Itorciiiio " HikIciii."
Tho laws or this country stneo tho
ItulloiN obtained control of Con cress
aro fearfully and wonderfully mndo.
Tno system or taxation is assuredly n
greaiur marvel man any ono or mo nn
dent seven wonders of tho world, that
u is a Hlatidlng wonder that tho pooplo
so patiently submit toll. It takes nn
army of nssossors nnd collectors mid
Btorekccpers to lovy und collect tlio tax,
nnd then an army of detectives to dog
mid watch tho collectors. To under-
stand tho svstcm renulres morn tlmn
nnd labor than lo master tlio Schloswle-
.ionium iiuuaiiun. j i renmros nan n
dozen lawyers constnnllv to mnnufiin-
turo decisions on It for tlio Secretary of
tho Treasury, and this legal forco has to
no ronowcu nooui every six months, bo-
. I f . . T m . . .'
causo nan n yonr's siuuy 01 too net, in
trying to bnlanco Its Inconsistencies nnd
stralghton out Its crooked places, olther
kills thostudont or makes him a men-
tal crlpplo for life,
Tlio " llurenu nf
Justice" is filled with nuncrnnmiatp.qnr
this sort, and It Is manlflest that snvi-r-
nl lato additions to tho Supremo Court
navo puzzicu incir iiouus over Treas
ury decisions.
Ono of tho latest decisions is relutlvo
lo canal boats. It is so clear nnd ex
plicit as to tho exact timo whim nnd
placo whero u boat is obligated to tho
Govern mcnt for tax, that wo can do no
less than stnto it. it was given on an-
plication of tho Dolawuro und Hudson
Canal Company :
" Canal boats, as long as they remain
exclusively within tho terminus i.f tho
canal, uro not sublcct to tlio imvlmtllnn
laws, and If found, trading between ills-
trict and district or between different
places in tho samo district, thoy must
bo navigating natural navlgablo waters
to bo subject to enrollment and license.
irtncy icavo a canal and enter naviga-
uiownicrsoi mo unitcu estates lor mo
purposo of trndo and commerce, that
moment thoy becomo liable to tho pay
ment or nlion tonnngo tax If without
proper marino papcrd. '
To fully comproliend tho senpo nnd
effect of this and similar decisions, tlio
reader should imai'lno himself baek In
Democratic tlmoj. when Internal com-
.nierce, trauo, manur.icturos und tho me
chanic nrts wero not hedced round with
such prohibitions and attended with
unnecessary expense nud unjust taxa
tion. Tho enormous taxes to bo paid
and tho difficulty of comprehending tho
requirements of tho rcvenuo law, added
to tlio pimp nnd spy system prevailing,
havo dotcrrcd thousands of persons from
entering into certain lines of manufac
turing uuiiness, nonco otnors, ravorea
by Government officials, onjoy well
paying monoplllcs. To put nn end to
this bort of oxcluslvonosj, nud, nftor
lightening tho tax burdens, to placo
them whero thoy belong, tlio party
which imported thorevonuo "system "
from Kuropo must bo drlvon from pow
er. It Is costing many millions of dol
lars at present to pay salaries to rovo-
nuo omcors, every dollar 01 which is nn
unnecessary andcrimlnal waslo. If tho
peoplo want relief for themselves nnd
tho laboring, tax-paying classes of tho
country they must voto for a chnngo in
uotii mo btato anil I'cuorai uovern
ments. IWsvlllc Standard,
'i'lic Millciuihiin of Soounilrellnii.
From Ihoriilladclphla Age.
llutlcr havinc heard how William J.
wviii3iiiu niuiuuvi, wua iiiitiiiiiiiuusiy
elected Sergeant nt Arms by tlio Uadi
cals nt tho last session of tho Legisla
41. A ....lnVnM ...rtc 1..
ture, nnu mat iuann, nnu uoius nnu
Stokclv havo been nominated for our
chief municipal offices, and that tllO
V or this city, tho leading organ or
i s V?, "as ucciareu iliac consiucrn-
9' personal c larnctor no npt ontcr
IlllO its philosophy Ulltlor. llCarllltr
. i. . ,i.i . r . , ! , i. .. i .i , , ir ,
imu itiiims. ivui? umuiimviiuu iu uut'i
himsolf as a candldnto for tho office of
innr f -TnJL..,nl,.,DlL, I?. .......
vu,lhiui vj. .uiHjuLiiuogiio, jju,v'
Where tllCfO SOOlnS to bo U bollef Hint
the rulo or 'Itadicallsm has at Inst
brouchton a millennium of scoundrel
Ism, and that neither tho murder of a
distinguished soldier liko Colonel Kid
die, or or a moro obscuro citizen llko
John C. Nolan, nor tho most notorous
implication nnu open complicity In
rrauds and thefts, form nny bar to nom
itiatlou to ofllco by tho Itadlcal party.
Personal character does not enter Into
their philosophy. Tho nbsonco of It is
roguo, tho greater tho plunder'for him
a recommendation ; for tlio greater tho
and tlio "llin!:" ho belonirs to. This
rulo runs through every department of
tlio government mat is administered
upon itadlcal principles. Whon Gen
eral Uuttcrtlcld. a great personal friend
or tho President, was appointod sub-
Treasurer in iow iorK, no insinniiy
nmhnrkpfl In n. lino-n 'ffnlil fnnsnlrnr'v''
with Corbln. tho President's brother-ln
law, and pursued It till they shook tho
wholo commercial world, using tho
namo of tho President of tho United
Stntes ns their partner and accomplleo I
In this city, thosimo gamo of plunder
Is carried on In nil tho public depart
ments, unchecked, except when tho
culprits como under tho notlco or our
city police, who havo gained Itadlcal
enmity nnd itadlcal abuso by a com
mondablo vigilance, which often
thwarts theso Itndlcal plunderers.
Last week tho pollco arrested a ltadi
cal cmployeo In tho post ofllce.and found
ins pocKcts, as wen ns ins lodgings, nut
of opened letters. Yesterday, iho news
papers an recorueu now tlio city pollco
arrested certain Itadlcal olllcials who
wero selling tho public property from
Fort Dehuvarol The scoundrels havo
a very poor opinion of a pollcoThat
tiitis interrupts mtsmess, nnu nro exceed,
ins anxious to havo tho wholo cltv nib
ministered upon a philosophy that
takes no noto of sucli matters ns theft
speculation or even murder. They pant
lor mo coon timo cominir: tno great
long looked for Itadlcal millennium of
scouudrcllsm, when to bo n man of do-
cent character shall bo n reproach, and
to no a unci or assassin sunn uon titio
to public olllcc,
The Moiton-Graut Ku-Klux Com
mltteo was cotton up In order to afford
a pretoxt ior controiing mo elections in
mo Boimiern states oy military power
It had tin other purpose That Com
mltteo f.illhiL' to find what thov sought
navo stilt discovered somoiiiing, and
that is, If tho wholosalo system of spo
liation carried on at tlio South by car
pet-bag governments Is not soon ended
its evil etlW-tR must eventually so crlti
plo tho prosperity or tlio country In
other sections as to nrouso n storm of
opposition destined to provo fatal to
tnem. ao iiotiDt tno suusinnuni prooi
arrived utln this respect, will navo duo
Influence with a largo number 'or Had I
cal representatives, already dlssntisfled
Willi tho policy being pursuod by mo
..... .. .i - ..
administration, nnd thus help to widen
that split in tho itadlcal ranks through
which tlio uemocrncy win cnargo to
victory. Senator Trumbull and others
!,", ?,,LtmJ i.," Lr!5? LUrVnZ
mont In tills country in order to ro elect
Genoral Grant, nnd honco tho roport
ot mo ivu-Kiux uommitteo win do hi
verel v handled when It reaches t ho i' ed
erai Legislature Age,
"It Is LTatifvini: to observo." say:
tho Cincinnati L'lwutrer. "that tho liar
ties wlio hovon or eight yoars ago wero
tor mo suppression ot an Democratic
papers and tlio nrront of Democratic
speakers.ounceauntof tholr boutlmcnts
nro now km llli'lnii 1 1 v linliued with tho
uoctrtuo or rreo sneecn to condemn tno
attack upon tho Orango procession In
Now York. This Is progress In tho
rigiu direction.';
THEMonti-oinorv. Alabama. Adver
tiser, n an nrtlclo bended "Passllltn
......,, r. tt T Olnl.n.,l,n
- tho HihIIphI Solicitor of Consu county.
blindfolded, gagged nnd whipped two
littlo ncL'ro crirls. and threatened thorn
witli death if they should over tell who
commuted mo outrage, jio wus trying
to manuiacturo a avu-iuux outrugo.
ilm frlnnil nf Hin mnuunu uliv ifnnu
rob tho peoplo of the government lanUa
I uui uoaiow mom upon gianiu anu
AUMTcm cirjtniUL,
mmvEYort nnNi:iur,,
Tlio fallowing pcrsonii lmvo been nnnioil for
niinilimtloM by tho Pcinocrnllo Comity Con
vention. All wlm nro nnnonncoU In Him list
nro plolaoil to nblilo by tho decision o tho Demo
emtio Convent Ion. 1
miEKNWOon township.
"associate JUPUK
'io run tub nisuocuATiu voteiw ov col-
Vp.iaahv f!iTtzKSHi itoluiz rcotifstod bv a mini
her uf my frlcndi nntt nc(iuultitiiiicon tlirmi shout
(he count v, to ftunounco myHelf ana cnhdldnte
for thn nf!lfn nf i;oiititv (jnintnlsslnnor. I won It I
thereforn.miy, that I willnuceia tho nomination
) .ir t Ha 1 tn f'lintilt I 'i
iv thn lJumnrfttla Cniinw Umi Voiitlou. nro vi
lli thov honor mo with their support. And
uuhl further tmy, should I ho elected I will nil-
1111 my duty honestly nnd with tho best nf my
iiiuy nnu iniparimity, 1 nni mny nwuru muru
n nrfiliiillffl itHtltiirn.mniieHL n number of clll
zona throuKhout tho county against n man from
Iho town i( Itloniusburi;, but thoy do not con
Kiucriiio maiicriu my cmimtuionasmcy huuiuu
As wo havo nothml n commissioner ironi our
townnhlp for a number of yenrti, und asourdls
trlctlA biitlttcii to the candidate, 1 lliluk It no
innrn than ustlco woBliouiil liavoonu. Anu
aUotlilnlc thnt wo sro entitled to moro olllccm
In our township than they nro in others, ns wo
havo bv moro voters una nay n ureal ueai
more tux en than nny other township lu the
county. I am decidedly opposed to canvassing
thatovery voter knows how lo voto without bo
leclurod by every candldato In tho Held.
Thero lian u creut deal tno much of It been done
inn rniiniv mr oiecLiiinuriiiir iiuniosos. 1 liiiiih
In tho p nit, nutl I hopo It will bo abandoned in
thofuturv. And, in conclusion, I wouiu say 10
my lellow-voters, that they must not expect to
Keo mo on an cleetloneerlms tour throutrhwut tho
couuty. bal,nt tho huiiiq time, notforgettlugthat
1 nm 11 candldato when you como to cast yoir
voio. licHpeciiuiiy,
JuncOtc H. C. H1UV
i ntir iiiieii nni norvuni
Itecclpt Tor Subscription to tlio "Culiim-
limn," mr .mi, mil
mm Kitchen 2 aonE I' Keller
2 00
-2 oo
i a
1 oo
i UI
2 (0
llruokln Totter 1 ciw lolm lletts
lleoriin 11. Uetty
1 (MiUKiluiKcruiil
Israel Hehcll
;i f
. iu .iiiiiii ni; .'in
itios.y.stnckiiouso l m
riiouiixH OoiUlcs
hllli) 1 Kyer
OuLlnincH llelfnnl
IV. .IHCllSOll
s. Lonuenberecr
llyrus HobhlnH
Mcivi-ivy KUciicn
John W Miller
Until McHrldo
lohn Itwuil
N'utli lireilbemlor
I ui
lumes U rimes
2 UI
H. a. Drelshacli
2 1)1
2 UI
2 10
2 OU
uass. Mills
W. Weal
Ellas Creat
I'lvrri-'.U PllIMd PS In llloomsburir.Julvajth,
is7i,by Hev. l. v Aiiemau, ui ino resiupnco
ot Mr. ClarU Brown, Mr. Kumuel 1'otter lo Miss
Kato Jt. 1'lillllps, both of this plale.
1 1 AIITM A X W KLU VI It O n tho SOlli utt..flt
Harltnaniind Miss Kathurluo Willlver, alt of
t u iir i itiir. iv mv. i . f unnier, .-nr. Liinion
jtenion, uoiumuia couuiy.
irAUT.MAN HAltTMAN Atthosamot inenud
place, by tno mine, mt a. liuriman, m
Union, Iau.ctuo county, to Miss Margaret U
liariiuau oi lieniou, uiiuuuia uuuiuy, & u.
New Advertisements.
Tlio folio wins nnnrnlsements of real nnd per
Koual pioperty hoi apart to widows of decedents.
navo oeeu nieu ju in uiuco ui mu ni'Kwifr ui
Columbia county, under tho Utiles of Court, uml
will bn itreHentful for absolute continuation, tr
thn tlrnlmiiA CourL tu bu held in ltlooiuhburi:. Ill
nud for maid counlv.on WedneKday. thoUhduyof
Keptember71,nt i'liVloeki'. m.,i said day, un
less excepiioni ui hucji iuiihiiiiuiiuiihiiiu i'iun-
(Kisiv iiieti. oi twiit'ii nit in-iHuin iiuLitaim iu
Hald estates will tako notice:
1. Widow of Tobias Smith, lato of IJrlnrcreek
lownsnip, ueccaseu.
'2. Widow of Daniel Lelhv. lato of Locust town-
ti. n luow ui imit-n v. tiuiiiiiii, imoui tuu ivniii'i
llloomsburK, iteceasod.
4. Widow of Levi KlkcnJall, lato of MHUIu
lowiiKhlp, ileceiiheil.
o, ii mo w in ueoiur, niuiin, i.uu oi ureuu
Wood lowntuip, ueceusoii.
tl. Widow of 'l lioiiun C. K
creek, deceased.
Cester,luleof Fishing
7. Wltlow of Hamuel Dver. lato of lloarlnir-
creek township, deceased.
p. w itiow oi j aciiu jvosieuoaucr, nuo in r ran it
I In tnwfihh In. deceased.
u. wmowoi v, At .i. iiriii.uu, laio oi uriar
leeli township, deceitM-d.
111. Widow of Abel lt.ilbv. lato of tho Itornuiil
of Iierwlclc, deceased.
11, widow nr isanc iscigincu, lato or mootoi
biir. deceased.
Ii. W ItltlW Ul J'llYlU ilUUCU, UUU UI JiOCUHl
luwiisuip, ucueiiitu, JAC011V, Itcglster,
HeirlsLer'H Olllce. 1
IllooiiibUiirK, A ui,'. J.1S71.J
RKGISTKH'S NOTICi;. Notici; ifi
hereby kUcuIo all legatees, creditors and
Hiitr persons liueresieu in ino csiuies oi uiu re
siiectlvo decedents nud minors. that tlio follow-
lot! administration und guardian accounts have
ueeu nieu in ino omen oi ino ueKieter oi ixiium
blacountv.aud will bo nresunted for confirma
tion und ullownncu In tlio Orphans' Court, to bo
held lu llloombburtvui Weiluesday. tlio (itli day
of September, 171, ut 2 o'clock lu tno ulternoon
oi bam uny ;
or Henry Dlttterlcti, luto of llrlarcrctk township
i. iUBUunini uu nuiiiuui 111uLLer1e.11. uiecutn
v. The iiccnuni or.ioim rooiy, ndmuusiraior or
Liizaheth carr, lato or nenuoctt iowmhip, ae
et asei 1.
3. Tno account of Jacob llrown, ndmlnlslmtor
oi u.iviu uruwu, iuiu oi .uiiitiu luwniuip, tic
I, 'iho account of. Silas Welllvcr, cxecutoroi
joitu ucmoii, i.iio ui jiuuiaou iuwutuip, ueccus
ed. it, inoscconuauu nuai nccounvoi jacou iei
Icic, one of tho j.xecutors or auuiuw Lautti
Into of Mcott township, deceased,
II. 'Iho ncuountnf iVter lint, administrator o.
Juuies Uriiucs, lato of Muutrieaiaut township
7, Tho hucoud nccouut of Samuel Cieasy nud
rsiepneu uono, nuuiiuiairaioid oi jacou uouu,
lit 10 Ol Allium lUW I1HI1J, llt'Ul'HMtl.
if. Tho account of (Joorno M, Hes, aJmlulS'
t rut or or Jacou lone, iaio oi ueuiro lowusuip.
o. Tlio nccouut of UeoiiruH. (Jilbertnnd Uab
crt F. CUrlr, execuloisof John sharpies, lalo of
Camwissa luwuaiiip. ticceutcu,
io. ThoaLcouutoi Thomas Crovellui;. Jr.. ad
ministrator of Hamuel Crincllug, lato ofbeott
township, deceased,
11. Tho account ot II. F. Hartman, Buardlan
of litnma M. Appienian.n minor ennu oi uaiw.
Anpiemau. iaio oi iieiuiucu luwuiui n, ucccaseu
12. Tho account of Marshall (J. Kinney. uuar
dtan of the i stale nf Kinmii McUowetl. u leiiutto
under iuo win oi Jiaiinew jtiujiowDti iuiu ui ocoii
township, uoco.iseu,
ix- Tim ui count of Marshall (I. Kinney. miar
dlaii of the estate of Charles McDowell, u legateo
under iuo will or Aiaiinew .mcuuwi.ii, iaio o
Kcott tuwusiilp, deceased.
dlanofthe estate of John Mfimwell. u legatee
under tlio will of Matthew McDowell, Uiu ot
ii. m no accouui oi mui si an t, iviiiikt. uuur-
Hcott lownsuip, ueceaseti,
under tho will of Matthew McHowell. Uio of
10, r llllll IU COIlllV IJi HIUiytJIIILI J l-Ull! UllHtll
thu execuims oi v iniaui uoie, oi ucniuu
tuwiiwiiiii, accented, f
thn px ecutors nf William Cole, luto uf lluutou
township, deceasod.
1 Hit) uccouut ui winiuui ii, leiier uuu
William T. Mhuninn, uumimsiraiors, etc., oi
Daniel Yelter, lato ol Main township, deceased,
pj. The ilnal account of ucar l. hut. utlmlu
Islrntor nf Abraham Muaseluuu, lato of Hcott
lownsuip, ueceuou.
M. 'Uiu llnal account of Will Urn H. Abbott,
ndmlulstrator of John Wuiujtoie, lato of Cuta
ilIjwh ilticeiLSud.
I'l, Tho tlrit nnd fltmt account or Holandus
Ikrbelti.adinluistratorot Peter K, Jleibelu.lato
.if liaoul tmviiiJilo. ilii'iiLMiil.
Tho nccoqnt of l'pter K, JferbejU, iai, JtAH
of Jonas H, aitrinuer,miuorcmiii oi joiiu niur
lnger, lato or Catuwlssu township, deceased, an
t,., bv liU niliiiliiiktintnr. ltolandus HblbelU,
yj. 'ilio uccouut ot l'eter K. Herbeln.Buardlan
bf Alouzo Fahrluger, miuor of John utirlngL-r,
lato of Ciilawlbfca towiislilp, deceafccd.iw Illea by
his Administrator, ltolandus ilrbelu.
21. Tlio uccouut of 1'eter K. Herbeln, Buardlan
oi JNaiuau r riuuer. iniuo .
ringer, iatoofCulnWUsa township, deceased,
nj7 i.o hiu A.iminlktraLnr ltolandus Heibtilu.
'A jneuecuuiifc ui ' "'VV "(" '"'i.'" "
i. rue uuuuuiH'u
L.,., WtlllC.U III I
: tf,.iiut. towiikhln
1.UI." VJiX.i.t,r. HulandtiH Hurbuln.
7 ThoVccouiitof FuerK. Hwbelu, guardian
oi "lianuuh Htlue, u minor child of Ueorgo Htluo,
lato f Locust towunhiP, deceiuotl, nn lliud by hU
Admlnlstrntor, ltolandus Herbeln.
S Tho uccouut of l'eter K. Herbelu, Bimrdlan
of Charlen Hltue, a minor child of OeorgeH!lne,
late of Locust towushlp, deceased, uu tiled by
hU AumluUtiuwr, iioiauuun jiuruum,
W,H.JACQUV, mucr.
ItlwiuHhurtf, AU i, W1.
lly vlrluoof sundry wrlln of VrnitUhnt
tit. T.ovnrl Wfn nml l'lprl FflClAJt. Issued
mil of tho Court of Common l'lea of Columbia
rounty, nnu to mo directed win no cxpowi u
puuiiosnioni. inn umin iiousp, mmu mwuui
lUoomburff, on MONHAY, IhoillulayorHl'.lT.,
1H71. nt mm (Trior It n. m.. the follow lilt! prop
erly to Wit!
a renatii ioi or pieco oi inna muinirti n. i n
lln road lending from Mnlnvlllo InMlMlltivlllo.ln
Ml 111 In tomishVp,Coluinbla County, bounded nnd
described m follows to will On Iho Knst nnd
Moiitn ity lauds or Thomas Aton, on tho wesiny
litliils or Kllehnel (Jrnver. nnd nn tho North by
landt or diaries ICIlimermnn, conlalnlntc tweu
tynvo ncres.mnro or less, upon which In crsclod
now i ramo jioubo anu n t ramo anon.
Hoi zed. taken In ererntlon ntnl tn lio Hold ns
tho properly ot Samuel Bchwcppeuhclscr.
Tim fnllnwlnn real estatf. n rerlnln lot of
lumbta county, contalnlna nuo nnarler or nn
m-ro, moro or less, boundetl on the south by N,
it. i finai, on iuo m'sv iy mi oi iiuuson owt-u,
on thn north by publlo roatl, nnd ou the by
lot of Emma llelttcrlch, on which Is erectod n
two-slory Frumo Dwelling Homo Willi tho np
neiZCM, inneil Ml WJitTiiiiun mm in u num iui
io property of 11,1', Heidel nud John Cain,
Tim imilivlflAtl Interest nf nil that Heat K.H
lato sltuatn In Ccntro township, Columbia coun
ty, I'ennsylvanla. iKUintlcd nnd described m fol
lows, to will on the vest by lands of Philip
Mllh r, on tho north by lands uf Levi Miller, ou
ho can i iiyiunas orunvcr jwans, on mo sunwi
iy iiiq river, wnerenn is erecien n iiuiiw ituu
table, nnd other out bultdlnas. coutalnliitC tnreo
Heired, miten in oxecntion, nni m uo rohi m
(ho property of John .J, Webb, with notlco to
A lot nr ni eon nf cround situated on thn North
sldo of Keventh street In tho town nf lltooms
luirif. lirtv feet West nf first nllov east of Contra
Ml i cut, bounded on tho West by Hamuol L. l'ot
ter, Knappou tho East, nud by Incka
waunn nnu iiiuuiiii'uik jwiii nuiiu uu inuut in
It Is a Twotory Dank Dwelling House, six-
i'fi torn, win nmi iweiiLV-naven icol ioiik.
Hniroil. tnlteti In nxeentlnn mul tn bn sold ns
inoprupenyui uaniei xiuivo uuu snaiy nn iivi
mat lvcai jiuiumiuuivu iu uucuii mw n oiu ,
Columbia County, l'eunsylvAiila, bounded nnd
ilfMcrllinrl ii inlliiwH In wit ! On llin West bv
laiuUofJohnllarner. on IheBoulh by lauds of
John Uarner, on the Kast by laiuls of Hudolph
icastor, mm un ino r-mrin uy muim ui jjiiiih-i
Morris. .1nrLtntah Heott nud John Ycnaer. con
laming iwpuiy-uur acres, moro or less, nnu
known ns tlio Mlabtown Hotel Property, where
on Is erected a larso Frama Tavorn lmlldlng. n
avKo frame ma ino, nnu n rrnmo iiweinng
louse, sua oiner oui uuuuiugs.
A lot nf irrnnnd sit tint o In IhoTownshln. Cou Il
ly anu runiomoresniu, nojoiuini; lauus ui wusu
In a ton Yo nrer on tho north, tho Property nbovo
described on Iho west nnd south, and funds or
John ltnrner tm tho Gflfit. coutalnlmr nlKitlt ono
aero of laud, whereon nro erected a two story
ramo iiwel nu House. and rramo jjamwiui
oiner ouiuuii'Jiiis,
Jllll.Ull'r iril.'U Ui .1.1... BI.......J ... 4. IT,, 11.11. jr.
County nuauiAlo nforesalil.nilJnlDlnie IhikIh nl
Hudolph VeaKernu llionorlli. wanhluKlon Ad-
..-... . . , r .Hunt. ... n-., I..
mus on tlio Cl9l. J oil ii nuyuur uu me houiu, uuu
lonanl Ailaras on tlio wcut, coiilulnlnt! about
Lwontv..liThl. nrrpN.
neizou, inKOtl in oxecuiiou nnu io no hqihiii
llio lilntwrlv nf Ilnvltl WnirfT. Tim tract llrht
nlo o uoKcrluod Ih to bo Kohl mibjcct lo the wlil
ow'h dower noil tho recognlz-ouro In tho Or-
pnau s uouri loiuo ncirdoi joiiu loiistiir iinniiiu.
Kj Tlio scamp that took my siddlo out of K. II.
llgarsbaru last Tuesday night, wilt do wet 1 by
returning It or leavo It whero I can gof it, and
Ravo trouble, Thero ns ncen Kiiarpers ou your
iracK,uuu cioso ion, ijooit out- ior ureauers.
J Notlco Is hereby given that the account of
iieniamin r, i-oriner, uuinuiiiiuo ui wrigui
Hughes, nlunallc.ha been tiled In my olllco and
that tho samo will bo allowed bv tho Court. OU
Tbursilav. Hentember 7th. H7L unless causo bo
snowu wny iuo samo nuouiu hoi uo huuwwi,
nugt7l-im i-roinouoiary.
An exnminatlon of teachers for lllooms-
burLr School District will bo held on MONDAY,
tho t4lh day of AUGUST, 1871, nt ID o'clock, u,
In tho Old Acadcmv liu d ue. All nppu-
cauts not holdlnir professional or Ptnnauuut
uy order or tho lioaru or Directors.
K. It. IliHLlUt.Hecretnry.
Illoomsburg, August -1, l$71-'Jt,
X Notice Is hcrebv irlveu that M.K.JacUson.Esa
uiin u'fiH nnnot tiled bv the ()riliau4 (TnurL to t.ell
the Heal 1 lsta to of Samuel lilack,lato of Centre
township, .Columbia County, l'n,, has Hlod his
llrst and dual account lu my olllco, nud that tho
samo will bo allowed by tho Court, on Thursday,
the 7th day of Septemhor next, unless cnufao bo
snowu Wily fuiu uccnuni miouiu not uu aitoueu
lU'iJl'U lTQiuonuuuy
X 1'ubllo nollco Is hereby given that on tho
uny oi j u ui , ivi, i purcuaxeu nt uoukiii
bio's Sale, ns the property ol Levi Creasy, tho Tol-
In wine nrl h.h'S. to wit ! 1 CookinLf Stove, i
Chairs, 1 ltureua,2 Ixoklng Ulasses, 1 Cupboard,
2 lied Htnuls. 1 Tablo and 2 Piirs. and that I hai
loaned tlio samo to said Creuny, during my
pleasure, and nil persons aro cautioned not to
nurcilhu or nituuiu wiiu me tuiuo a ii ihihuikm i
Ccntro twp., August i, i7i. 'HMrTPii'
KNP1M1 JUM:IK, 1671,
Tax rnto 10 mills for School nml 5 mills for
luilldlug purines.
Ni t amount from collector ol taxes 8VW.77
From Counly Treas. on unseated lands . 1Ws.tu
ucuiraiiauisi, imi. oi ueiit iiuuii... sti.'.im
Stato Appropriation WH.1X
other huurccH ITI.oo
Amount to llalauce iaw
I'.Ud lord Teachers' wages
,.. 8'.,
Oi'tlets outsiamllng sluco last ear
Kilary of Secretary
Ti entailers Couiiulssiou
Fur Fuel, Contingencies, School Fu
ullure, luhurunco und Hepairlug...
l ij.:ii
Orders outstanding nnd unpaid Si.W
UlCHAKiiTHOH.NioN.Hect'y, uug.-l.l-yt,
vy FUND.
1S71. Dlt.
Anrit 1.1. Tn nmnnnt of ltond Dunllcntn
for 1870. fil.Mll 30
To Amount from County Treasury on
unseat eu huiui, ihjo w
To amount received from I'oor Fund, 817 l
Amouut to llalauco, H ti!
Apill 15, UU.
uy auiouui uiucaiou lanu lax returned,
lly nmount erroia and ezoucrntlous ou
lly amouut Collector's commission,
liy nm't to It. Thornton ex-sunervNor.
2.11 50
2t)2 ::u
I.UJ7 3S
Ilyarn't of Judgment aud eoMstoJ, if.
1.-2 n
100 W
Si so
liyum't io IVter L. Klfno debtor ISC7,
lly nm't of taxes worked on roads,
Uy amount of orders redeemed for work
aud expenses of repairing roads
duilng year,
lly nm't of liciuurcr' commission
on iieeunui,
I.9IM Cl
110 ou
lUIanco duo Supenhor,
Hxamlued and ccrtllled,
11 tr.'
t.'onynghain, A u gust I, 1871-lt.
VK, i
Dehimtv and Lmaciatiqn both rtvult from
tho lack of ability ta convert tho fuod luto nu
trimeut. How necessary, then, for those sufle
lug from theso alarming symptoms to Immedi
ately resort lo n remedy that will Mreuglhe
thobtomnch nud dIgesllo organs. For,',ns soon
ns this desirable object has been accomplished
tlio health Improves, and Iho patient resumes
ins usual perhonal appearance, Hostctter
Stomach Ullters havo attalued a world-wide pop
ularity In such canes, and, liavo been proven tho
licit nud safest menus of removlug consllpa
Hon, toning tho stomach, giving energy to tho
llvcr.nnd relieving overy symptom of nervous
ness aud depression of spirits. Its cheering and
benetlclul cllects uro highly sitoKenofhy thou
sands, who nwo to It their restoration to health,
No lestorallvo lu tho annul of medlcluo has nt
talnod tho same popularity lu tho short space u
timo it has been beforo the public, or has won
tho high endorsements accorded to this excel
lent tonic. Many other preparations, purport
ing to bo correctives und restoratives, luu o bee
Introduced, nnd havo perished ono by one. whll
the populurlty of Hosteller's Btoiuuch. mtters
conttnues to Increase, uud is now recognized ns
a standard household mMlcluo, Tho buccess
which intends tho uiie of Iho gutters evinces nl
once its virtues In nil cases of debility nnd dis
ease of the stomach. Certificate, almost with
out number, have been published, attesting its
truly miraculous power in removing those
painful aud fearful diaeuu'S, Andatthlstliaeit
seem s Jdlo to do more than enll attention to Hip
great remedy of the age, lu order to awaken pub.
lio attention, to lj excellence. Jt Is tho only
preparation of the klud that Is reliable ln all
cases, aud Ills therefore worthy of tlio OQUsld
eratlon of tlio aftUcted.
A 11 persons having tho registry of
XX-Deiiiocratlo voters for Iho dlll'trcat Towu
sliipu, eouiinonly called "Window Hooks." uro
roaucHted to return them ui tmre u t n
1IHOC1CWAV. Most of those for ISW.audnlifur
1S7U aro still out.
juua ti
Wo. will wirk Uuuljlu or iluule. inuulreol
m w. 11. KUUNH.
my 80'71-tf UluouuLurK, l'n.
In tho matter of the Mnpi
nftho J-
towu or ii looms burn, i
It'Mc lTit . 1ml
Ordered.that notice bo Riven by publication hi
two newspapers published In said town Hint td
map mndo by Hamuel Neyhard oxlilbltlint tho
IwundarleM of said town and of Its Htrw I
Irfincs nnd Alleys has boon placed In tho olllco
of the Clork of iho Court of iiiftrtcr Hosioup,
nnd will bo present tnl nt tho next term or tho
Ouirt fur Appeals under tho third section of on
AH UI inniiiiaiiiy piWHinii ITI
uy uiu vuiiri.
WcrA; Quarter AVJtioa.
The Act of Assembly referred to lu thonbovo
order of Court Is "A Hupptcmcnl to tho 11 looms,
burg Act of 4th March, 1870," tlio 3d Section ot
which ti ns follows!
Hkctioni). That tho map of said town nf
Itlonmsburjr now belnit mado by Hamuol Noy
hard, under iho nutltorttv of tho town council
exhibttlutz tho boundaries, streets, lanes nnd al
lev oi nam town, sunn wnoa eoninieieii oe sun
mltted for correction And nnnroval to thn con n
of quarter sessions of tho peace of Columbia
couuty nnd tho samo when npprovod by said
court hiiimi uo nieu oi rccoru nnu iiicreupou aim
thenceforth tho roads, streets, lanei nnd nlicys
set forth on said map shall nccordiuff to their lo
cation thereon bo lield nnd taken to bo nubile
highways, subject however to tho provisions or
inoiouriu sucuon oi mis net, j uesaiu couri rtnnil
hear nud consider nny complaint or objection
inado to It by nny citizen of unlit towu or owner
of real cstnto therein. Against the correctness nf
sum mnp nr ino location ni ino lines or pans
thereof prior to Iho Approval of thoinmo nnd
may tako such order thereon nnd mnko nit such
decrees relating thereto ns shall pertain to Jim
tlco nnd to tho public Interests nnd conveutenro
nnd tho said coutt when application shall be
ramie ior ino npprovni oi saiu mnp sunn order
public notlco thereof to bo given lu ftt least ono
newspaper of sAld town fornt least four weeks
prior to tho next succeeding term of tho court
nnu Huiui ueieriuriueracuon uponsucii applica
tion until the ra Id Riipeeedlntr term. Tim mil. I
man at nil times nfter llin nnnrnvnl of tho tnimi
by the court and any copy or du pi tea to thereof
whether upon the same r upon a largor or small
er scalo duly certified to be true nnd correct by
luvuiciA ui tuu Mtiu tuuii mm truimi uy mo
court seal, shall bo receivable In evidence In any
suit, prosecution or proceeding whatsoever In
which the samo shall be pertinent and shall lu
held as conclnslvn evldcnco nf thn trtin lorn l inn
of tho boundaries nnd highways of said towu as
established nt the dato of Its npnroval nml ns pri
ma iucio oviuenco or ino siiuniion nnu uonnunr
les or limits of lots, out lots, farm lands, canal
wharves, landings, railroads, bultdlRgs nnd struo
lines ui hhiu low ii ni iuo imuiu iiiuu nu iar as i no
samo shall bo set forth, delineated nr mentioned
on said map.
jjyorueroi me i own ununcu,
K. MUNDi;NHALIJ( rres'l,
F. C. KYEU, Sec'y. July 2i7Ml.
Proposing an amendment to the Constitution
ui 1'onnsyivnuia,
lit it Ilewlved bu the Nenate and 1 Taut a nt linir.
nenUUivtt of the Commonwealth of Jnnnttmniit in
uenerat mscmoij met, i uat me ioi towing amend
meut of the Constitution of this Commonwealth
bo proposed to the people tor their adoption or
relectlon. mirsuantlntho nrovlalontof tin tantti
nrtlclo threof, to wit:
Strike out tho Sixth Section of Iho Sixth A HI.
elo of tho Constltuttou, nnd Insert lu lieu there
of tho following:
"A Htnlo Treasurer shall bo chosen by the
qualified electors of tho Slato, nt suchtlmes and
lor such term of servlco as snail be proscribed
bylaw." jam KH II. WKllll,
npumterui iuo jiuusooi ncpreHciiinuves,
Speaker of tho Senate.
Domini ono thousaud clicht hundred ami seven-
ly-oue. JNO. W. tlEAUV.
Frcpnrod and ccrllfled for publication pursu
ant to the Tenth Article of the Constitution.
Secretary nftho Cotnmnnwnnltli
Olllco Secretary of tho Commonwealth, i
jiiirnnouru, j uiy oiu, 1041, 1
Tho FallTormof this Institution will open nu
tho 1th or August nnd continuo eleven weeks,
Orangevltlo Is n quiet and pleosaut placo. Few,
If any villages nro moro uoulthy than thl-f.a
better proportioned school room can hardly U
."".'i".'.""""111 ur u moro pieiumni, icK'Jiiiotl,
rrof. J, K, Hchoo.iovcr, Frlnclpal, Mrs, L. It.
Hchoonover, l'recoptress. These teachers lmvo
tho best of recommendations. They havo now
been hero moro than n year.aud tho students am
very muci attatched to them. They aro lou rs
of good order.
uoou nonni can no mum tied at a
low rate.
JUiy 2i, '7I-IIU.
Secretary of Trustees,
Wanted, six mala nud tlireo fetimln lernhM-u
for the public schools of Couynghatn Dlstrhts
for tho ensuinc term. An exaint nation of nnnh-
cants will bo held by the County Supurlnlendeiit
In tho now school house, near Coutralla out Iui
I2lh of August, commencing at ID o'clock a. m
i"A.iuii;iv,.'uii r,
July 2s, 71-3t. Secretary of Hoard.
T T Two nmlo londicrtt wnntcil nt CVntrnlli
Hclinol UNtrict. fimul HiilnrteH will lio p.ilt In
ooil lencliorK. All npnllcntilM must ho prctt nl
utnn cxntnlnntlon lo Vo lield nn Hnlui-Uii)-Hit
twelfth -lay or AUKiint, iK7l,nt W o'clock a. m.
lly order or Iho Hoard of Dlrcctorx .
C'KNTHAI.IA, July 11, 1K7I.-II. Hccreliiry.
C 0 R S E T S,
The Ifi-liono wove Coivct for 7V
Tho Skeleton Coivct for $1
The Piiniwm Corbet for Si
S?-Tho Paragon ia a (llovo-llllliix,
Hip-core, so bono Corflot, imnilminoly
flnlslicd and la tlio best corsotevrr nllVr
cd In tills town nt tho prlco.
w. r. LUTZ
Is the lixchtsirc uycnl for il in
M-SjirInK Skirt, !1 Inch Inpo 15 ccnl.
M-Sjirlng Skirt, 3-lncli tnpo (10 eenln.
You can find u full lino of
dji raoo as' a m notioxh
at norroM imuoi:h at