The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, July 14, 1871, Image 2

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u utoiumlrimt.
nLOOMBinnifl, pa.
niio.vv Mimsixu.'lTihv u, is7i.
The AiiiciiilntcnU In ('inilnitr-rsv.
Tlio iirmtHlciipy or 11m uilvomitoa ol
tlio "now tU'imrlmo" In lliolruoimlniit
uttompta to crnm tliolr illtiltollcnl (log.
ma down tlio throats or n confldlnf;
Democracy compel-) dUcuaslon of tlio
subject, liowovcr ttnpfilntablo nt llila
particular tlmo. Tlio courso of tlicso
men, too, U In open tleflnnco of tlio pro
fe33lon mmlo In their own resolution:
that they "iloprocato" such discussion.
Tlio objection that wo lmvo to the
prlnclplo of tho amendments is
1st. Tlioy surrender to tho Federal
Kovcimnont tho power to regulate tho
clrctlvo frnnclilso within thoStatrs, to
iliiloimlno tho quallflcAtlons of tlio
volew, to send tho standliiff army Into
tho Stales to control tho elections, to
Biipsrvlio tho elections and tho returns
thereof by federal ofllecrs appointed by
(inico-hi)l(IfH from other Stales, who
may havo neither sympathy or regard
for our pcoplo or knowledge) of them,
and whoso wrong action cannot bo pun
ished or restrained by our laws. As tho
voting power Is tho political power of
tho State, all political power, which
rightfully belongs to tho States, is sur.
rendered to tho few persons who con
trol tho Federal Kxecutlvo power at
!M. Tlio amendments surrender tho
principle that thl3 is n government of
whlto people, and they compel un equal.
Ity of all, white, black, yellow, copper
or any other shado, which will extend
to tliojury-box, to ofllco, to domestic
mid all other relatrous of life, and will
thus degrado tho wholo pcoplo by mon
grellzlng them.
Tho foregoing Is but tho faint outline
of somoof tho grave and cogent reasons
against tho principle involved In tho
Amendments. Now thoquestion arises,
wmiu they ADOi'Tr.i) ? Wo say NO.
Tho Constitution plainly requires that
to mako any amendment tho proposi
tion must bo adopted by a voto of "two
thirds of both Houses." In this case
only tho voto of two-thirds of a fragmen
tary and revolutionary rump Congress
was obtained not as many votes as
two-thirds of Congress. This rump
majority was obtained by excluding
ten wholo States from representation
altogether, and by ousting members of
both branches who had been duly elect
ed and admitting men to tho same scats
who had been rejected by tho pcoplo of
their districts, and Insorao Instances by
overwhelming majorities. Tho amend
ments were, thorcforo, proposed in a
manner that was contrary to law, In
deflancooftho principles of tho govern
ment and violative, of tho ploln declar
ations of tho Constitution, and aro con
sequently fraudulent, void, and without
legal or decent oxlstenco. After being
thus proposed they woro submitted for
adoption to States whoso oxlstenco in
tlio Union was donlod by tho very Con
grcas that proposed tho amendments,
whoso substantial citizens, bona fide
whlto residents, wero denied suffrage or
any voico In regard to such propesod
amendments, whllo their olectlvo pow
er was conferred upon negroes nnd
others not citizens or justly entitled to
voto. Without tho concurrence of States
thus constituted it is not pretended that
these amendments wero adopted-States
not In the Union, whoso white peoplo
wero denied tho sovereign prerogative
which was conferred upon an alien infer
ior raco who had novcr boon recognized
as citizens under tho Constitution, and
upon Immigrant scoundrels who had no
proper rcsldcnco within their boundar
ies. Such fiendish forco and fraud was
novcr beforo attempted to bo palmod
upou a frco pcoplo, and nover can bo
whllo tho peoplo aro regardful of just
rights and havo courago to maintain
In tho faco of tho fact, too, that the
Constitution of Pennsylvania provides
that tlio clcctlvo franchlso of that State
shall bo confined to" white freeman1'
nnd that It shall not bo altered except
by tho votes of tho pcoplo, a majority of
tho Legislature of that State In palpa
ble disregard of their oaths, "ratlfled"
tho amendments and thus pretended to
niter tho Constitution of this State
without tho consent of tho people.
For these reasons tho amendments
havo no legal effect, and aro only sub'
mitted to under protest rather than
como In collision with tho United States'
army, calmly awaiting their rectlfica.
lion bv tho pcoplo at tho polls. Tho
way to get rid of them Is to elect a ma'
iority to Congress that will declare
them void. If that should not bo suffl
clout to get rid of them, appeal to tho
Supremo Court, and If that body de
cldes In a partlzan spirit adopt tho sug'
gestion of JEiTEnsoN In a similar case
and add a sufficient number of Judges
to tho Court to sccuro a proper decision.
Another modo of ridding tho country
of tho fraud would bo to call a National
Convention by law, to bo composed of
delegates elected by tho people, for tho
express purposo of deciding upon tlio
validity of these amendments If ncccs
nary or to mnko others. Tho peoplo
havo power ovor this wholo subject,
for from them allpoiver emanates. Tho
people have a right to alter or abolish
their form of government whenever they
please, or nnythlng appertaining 10 u,
Thcro Is our platform and thero wo
will stand. Wo repeat wo havo no uo-
slro to discuss tho subject at this tlmo,
but wo and thoso who beliovo with us
(nine-tenths of tho party) aro compelled
to it by tho courso of thoso who nuvo
wito tho "now departure," nnd who
mako It an Issue in their various nnu
absurd attempts to Justify themselves
Until tho election Is over wo aro win
lug to say "out, damned spot," If its
advocates will lot It rest until tiien
Hut wo cannot stand by and tamoly
permit tho Democratloparty to bo com
mitted to tho "now departuro" without
a firm and unyielding protest.
Prohibition Sluto Com cut Ion.
Tho liquor prohibitionists liavo called
n convention to assomblo nt Harrlsburg
on Wednesday, August Jth, 1871, for
tho purposo of nominating pledged pro
hibitionists as candidates for auditor
general and survoyor general, and effect
ing a thorough organization In ovory
senatorial and representative district
throughout tho Stain.
It Is wondered whether tlioy will re
fuso to support any but a " pledge pro
hlbltlonlst " for President t
The negroes of Haytl havo presented
n gold metal to Senator Sumneh I
grateful appreciation of his opposition
to tlio annexation of Sau Doming
Heavy honor I
'I ho Nomlii.itHiiH.
A number of cuiiilliliiU'i) for all tho
Important olllces to bo tilled this fall
havo hern beforo tho public for several
weokn past, though the iiomliinllont
will not bo inado till Augiul. Tlm'll-tl
wo publish probably riiiliriiii-ti all who
Will bo nut, hut nlliein may bo added.
An admirable nystcm of representation
and nomination has been adopted and
so cxtcnslvoly published nnd comment
ed upon that, In connection with its
simplicity and perfect fairness of detail,
It must by this tlmo bo thoroughly un
derstood by all who feel nn Interest In
tho sulijccti Undor It thcro Is no possi
bility of unfair action, of misrepresen
tation, of trick, or fraud, or unduo In-
fluenco, or machinations of rings or
cunning men. If tho convention, there
fore, docs not glvo perfect expression to
tho will of tho Democracy of tho coun
ty, It will only bo becauso tho pcoplo
do not turn out to tho dclegato elec
tions. Wo thorcforo tirgo all to TtntN
out, express their voico nnd glvo forco
nnd power to their will. Hy such ac
tion union nnd harmony, tlio essential
elements of success, will bo maintained
nnd tlio overwhelming Democratic ma
jority of Columbia county will bo still
further Increased. Further than this,
It will deprlvo soro-licads and empty
heads of nil source of complaint, for no
ono will deny that tho will of tho ma
jority, fully nnd fairly ascertained,
ought ft bo carried out, or that tlio mi
nority, under such circumstances, ought
not to yield to tho wishes of the major
ity as regards all candidates. A lull
turn out to tho Dclegato elections Is tho
great essential to harmony nnd conse
quent health and strength of tho party.
Wo beliovo tho candidates announced
nro all well known to tho pcoplo of tho
county nnd that all aro gentlemen
worthy of respect nnd confidence.
Whllo tho cholco nmongst such can not
bo a bad one, still pcoplo havo their
preferences, and theso can only bo con
centrated by convention. To render
such decision satisfactory all ought to
express their opinions nt tlio dclegato
elections. When lio nominations aro
onco mado tlio interests of the party
demand that they should receive unan
imous support.
Labor Union Platform.
Wo havo not seen this document In
full, but they nnnounco two leading
measures that shall ever rccclvo cordial
support from us, and which will bo as
cordially fendorsod by tho Democratic
party whenever its masses aro duly
heard. Tho first of these, that public
lands shall not hcreaftor bo appropria
ted but shall 1)3 reserved for actual set
tlers, lias already been endorsed by tho
Democratic National Convention, and
wo hopo to seo every Congressional
candidate of that party nt futuro elec
tions pledged to its support. Tho sec
ond is opposition to tho present modo
of National Banking or what would
bo better, opposition to tlio cntlro sys
tem. At present tho pcoplo pay nearly
twenty millions of dollars annually as
interest on tho capital of theso Banks
from which they derive no benefit
whatever. If tho Banks woro sup
pressed, nnd greenbacks Issued In their
stead, the peoplo would savo theso
twenty millions annually. Wo decid
edly favor that mode. But If this can
not bo carried let us nt loast havo a
modification of tho ovll, by destroying
tho present monopoly of powor In tho
hands of tho Secretary of tho Treasury,
who deals out Banking privileges to
whom ho pleases, and allow everybody
to bank who will put up a sufllclont
amount of government bonds to securo
tho prompt redemption of tho notes
issued. No good reason for tho monop
oly exists, and wo do not too why bank
ers could not by way of bonus throw
off ono-half tho Interest on tho bonds
they deposit. They could do that and
still make ten to twenty per cent, inter
est on their business.
Tho working racnjs Union, In regard
to these two measures at least, is on tho
ght track, and wo hopo they will ho
nblo to compel both tho principal polit
ical parties of tho country to ndopt
thoso two measures and live up to
The Wayno county Herald might
understand that when delegates who
wero elected for tho express purposo
mako nominations ovcry good Demo
crat will cheerfully support them, and
tho moro willingly and earnestly when
tlio nominees aro proper men. Ho
might at tho samo tlmo comprehend
tho fact that when dolegates elected for
that purposo get so far abovo their bus
iness as to dcclaro against well estab
lished principles and undcrtako to dic
tate a "departuro" from thorn, any
good Democrat has a perfect right to dis
regard such action nnd to dcsplso It.
For tho last twonty years thcro
has been no Instanco of a party faith
fully carrying out Its own platform,and
usually they aro not at all particular to
como vory near doing It. Why they
do not command respect or confldcnco
is thcreforo obvious. In plain truth
platforms set up by politicians nro
mcro traps to catch gudgeons. Albeit,
wo do not desplso but highly respect a
plain straightforward declaration of
principles which havo beon considered
by a party In tho election of delegates.
We regret to seo that Cant. Bkinneu
declines a ro-olectlon to tlio Legislature
from l-ranklln county. Whon a man
proves himself honest and capablo in
that body ho ought to bo retained, oven
m spue of declination, wo hopo to see
tlio tlmo arrive, and that right soon,
when constituencies will riso abovo
ofllco hunters and olect and contlnuo to
re-elect proper mon to Legislative post
lions whether they aro candidates or
not. Tlio ofllco, to bo well filled, cml-
nently requires experience, and whon
to this Is added proved ability and In
tegrlty tlio constituencies would do
well to udhcro to their representative
with tho tenacity that nny employer
will adhere to a tried, trusty and faith
ful clerk, agent or workman. When
voters ouco como up to that palpably
common senso standard corruption and
Incompetency and outrage will bo ban
Ished from our Lcclslatlvo halls. That
constituency honors Itsolf which kceji
faithful and efllciont representative
constantly In position.
Judge Handing, of Wilkcs-Barro,
has announced n firm purposo to com
pel tho local operators of Luzcrno to
carry tho mining law Into full effect
especially that part requiring two opoti
lugs to each mine. Several Injunctions
havo been Issued against operators who
havo fullod to comply with tlio law,
They aro vory properly required to
obey tho demands of tho law and of
humanity or Btopoieratlon3 altogether,
llulopotlll CM9.
Tlio lato French elections resulted
almost uiinutiiiuusly In favor of tlio
Thiers government so-called llepubllc.
Tho monarchists In tho Assembly
threaten to resign. Tho neat of gov
ernment Is again to ho (slabllsheil 111
Paris. lVnti) rctgrttt til. present, but
launch opinions of to-day airord lltllo
Idea of what French opinions will bo
Tho International society (commun
ist) still causes much apprehension tu
nil tho governments of Kuropo. Infi
dels who hato religion, thoy disregard
nil moral tics and look upon murder
and destruction of nil that Is established
for good as proper means of accomplish
ing their purposes. Gambotla has
pgain como to tho surface nnd from
being hated yesterday is now ono of tho
most popular men in Franco. Tlio
government that hunted him yesterday
as a felon now embraces him ns n pa
triot. Tho government of Netherlands has
ceded the Island of Now Guinea, or
Surinam, on tho coast of Australia, to
Great Britain. It contains about 00,000
square miles.
Tho Italian seat of government has
been at length removed to Homo. Tho
popo's bulls against this action, and his
excommunications of tho Italian offic
ials, styled " robbers," all aro directed
against tho "sub-alplno King" and
his confederates. As this Is not nn
official designation or any Italian au
thority, tho object may bo to leavo open
a road of reconciliation.
Spain Is still in a turbulent stato and
two or three distinct revolutions aro
threatened. Wero It not for tho fear of
tho factions of (jfich other, tho present
King's government would probably
not last a week.
The Philadelphia Press says :
Tho groat idol of tho Democracy
Thomas JcfTerson onco said : "Tho
less that is said about tho constitution
al difficulty tho better. Congress should
do what Is necossary In sllonco. I find
but ono opinion ns to shutting up tho
Constitution for somo time." Suppos
ing General Grant should say tho sumo
thing now, what would Tammany nnd
tho Democratic press havo to say nbout
Will tho Presi tell tho public where
that saying of President Jin'FEiiso.v Is
to bo found? Wo claim somo familiar
ity wiih his works, but fall to remem
ber tho foregoing or anythlug bearing
resemblanco to It, and tho sentiment is
contrary to tho general teaching of tho
great founder of tho Democratic party.
That ho had no respect for strictly legal
constitutional technicalities especially
such frothy frauds as set up by tho ad
vocates of tho "now departuro" ovcry
reader and admirer of JurTEitsoN well
knows. But as to "shutting up tho
Constitution for somo tlmo," wo beliovo
tho abovo extract to bo cither a down
right forgery or a gross perversion.
But as tho Press makes the protonded
extract It can glvo tho authority if It
has nny.
Check on tlio Unruly Member.
Slanderers would do well to poruso
tho following act passed by tlio last leg
islature :
Sf.otion 1. An action mav bo main
tained by n female, whethor married or
slncrlc. to recover for words hereafter
spoken imputiugunchnstity to her, and
it shall not bo necessary to allege or
provo special damages in order to main
tain such action. In such actions a
married woman may suo alone, and
any recovery therein shall bo her solo
nnd separato property, Xundry Jlx
changes. That tho Legislature ought to havo
passed tho abovo wo do not doubt, but
that it did not wo aro qullo sure. At
least It is not among tlio general laws
promulgated by tho Secretary of the
Thcro aro sovoral other so called acta
of tho Legislature "going tlio rounds "
of tho papers that never passed
amongst them ono to prevent tlio sale
of liquor on election days.
The President has pardoned C. C.
Bowon, tho Had leal Congressman who
was convicted of having several wives.
This Indicates a rather loose stato of
residential morality. Tho last wifo
waited upon tho President at Long
Branch and obtained a promiso of par
don beforo siio left. Sho is represented
to bo a lady of remarknblo mental abil
ity and accomplishments, of great per
sonal beauty, on tho bright sido of for
ty, and of captivating manners. AH
that being true, wo doubt whother tho
mantle of charity might not bo permit
ted to cover tlio weakness of tho Presi
dent's heart. Tho charms of tho sex
havo conquered greater heroes oven
than Gen. Ghant, and Adam's de
scendants evidently Inherit much of his
frailty. Besides that, it is mocking
Had leal principles to punish n carpet
bagger for crime.
It is stated that tho Labor Unions of
Luzorno county havo determined to bo
heard In political matters this fall and
that they will demand nominees, espec
ially for leglslativo positions, who will
cordially espouso their loading wants
In a leglslativo way. Tho prlnclplo of
this action is right, but let them bo
careful of tho demagogues who will
profess loudly to gain their favor only
to betray them. They must not put
their trust In an Incompetent man, or n
brawler, or ono who makes nil sorts of
promlsos to obtain their favor, or who
does not maintain already an establish
ed character for Integrity nnd firmness
of purpose. Any roprcsentatlvo'.they
may chooso will bo Boroly tried ana if
thero Is tho least germ or selfishness or
baseness In him ho will rail, to tho great
and lasting Injury of tho cause ho pro
fessedly represents.
TheCanceh Cuke. It was announ
ced a short tlmo ago that thu govern
ment had been officially informed that
a specific for cancer had been found In
Equador called Condurango. Somo
physicians In Washington pronounco
it a humbug, whllo others maintain
that It Is suro to euro canters. Tho ex
cltemcntruns high, and further export-
mcnts will bo required to establish tlio
truth. Vice-President Colvax certifies
that It cured his mother of cancer, but
the doctors say ho was mistaken as to tho
disease Somo learned men say It has no
medicinal quality whatovcr. In tho
mcantlmo speculators havo sent for
ship loads of It.
GenkiiaIi Mc0andi,e.s3 and Captain
CoorKH rondorod distinguished Bervlco
to thoir country in tho war. Tlioy
wero both inombcis of thu lle.scrvo
Corps, whoso undying belongs to
Pennsylvania. Theso aro tlio candl
dates of tuo peoplo against thoso of th
Treasury " ring."
( Itoheil C. Ni'liemK.
Tho Kngllsli malls Just iccelved glvo
full accounts of the reception nt Liver
pool of General Hobort O. Schenck tho
U. S. Minister to Great Brllnln. A do
potation from tho American Chamber
of Commerce, which Is rnmposcd of
Kngllshmrn engaged In commerce with
tho United Slates, walled upon General
Schcuck, to cougratuhtto him upon Ids
safe arrival, and to express tho gratifi
cation of tho Merchants of Liverpool nt
thu renowed prospect of a long contlu
unncoof n good understanding nnd a
frlondly lntcrcourso botweon tho two
great nations of tho Anglo-Saxon race.
General Schenck, In replying to this ad
dress, and particularly to tlio allusions
to tho Treaty of Washington, said that
tho negotiators, both British nnd Amer
ican, endeavored in nit their discussions
to deal with each other in all frankness,
and to keep steadily In view for tho
government of their decisions tho fol
lowing rules ! First to demand noth
ing which could not bo conceded with
out loss of dignity or honor to the party
making tho concession. Second not
to cavil nbout forms or phraseology J
nnd lastly, always to keep In mind that
a war between thu two great Kugllsh
speaking nations, which could bo reas
onably and honorably avoided, would
bo a crime alike against humanity and
civilization. Tlio Times of Juno u'th. In
commenting upon tho reception of tho
U. S. JI Inlstor, says tho wclcomo given
to General Schenck nt Llvcrpooi, was
tho oxpresslon of a sentiment heartily
shared by the wholo nation, nnd that
novcr slncothememorahlo Introduction
of Mr. Adams to Georgo III, in 1785,
has any American Minister sol foot on Britain wltli stronger
claims to nn honornblo reception. For
years past, the Times says, each success
ive Knvoy from tho United Stales has
been greeted with tlio assurance that lie
would carry with him tho good wishes
of tho Kngllsh peoplo In endeavoring to
removo every cause of misunderstand
ing between Euglaud and America, but
that In tho present caso General Schenck
Is to bo congratulated us ono whoso
mission had already been crowned by a
signal triumph of pacific diplomacy.
Tho Times, In conclusion, alludes to tho
disturbed condition of European poll
tics, and says that tho negotiation of the
Treaty of Washington Is, In truth, the
ono bright nnd hopeful event In tlio
darkest year within tho memory of tho
present generation. This treaty, tho
Times argues, was agreed to not solely
or mainly by diplomatic conferences,
but rather by tho Inward conviction
pervading tho great Anglo Saxon fam
ily, nnd stronger than prido or resent
ment, that no direr calamity tliann war
between England and America could bo
dovlscd by tho arch-enemy of mankind.
The Danvlllo Medium, a labor reform
organ and medium radical In politics,
supports Gen. M'Candless for Auditor
General. Tho Medium says:
Tho political out look for tho October
election, assoveral times stated in theso
columns, Indicates thoelectlon of Honor
ol M'Caudleas. Perhaps tho Medium
should correct tho statement inado, ns
to tho length of tlmo General M'Cand
less served. In tho army. It appears
from tho records that ho was In every
battle with tho Pennsylvania Iteserves,
from tho Peninsula to Spottsylvanln.
Ho was under McClellan from tho first
battle at Williamsburg, to tho last great
strugglo In Virginia, under Orant. Sure
ly n man who fought tho battles of his
country, in all tho terrlblo encounters
of tlio llcscrves, from first to Inst, has
an undeniable clnim to tho titles of pat
riot and soldier; and as such ho still
holds a warm placo In tho hearts of tho
gallant soldiers of Pennsylvania. Such
mon tho peoplo of this great Common
wealth delight to honor, no mattor what
political nartv mav nominate thcm.nnd
nil tho slgnsi f tho times now Indlcato
tnai no wm not do an exception. There
aro many hero who always voted tho
Republican ticket ; but who know and
icei me necessity or a change, and who
will daro to carry out their convictions
nt tho polls. It Is not endorsing tho
dogmas of tho Democratic party ; but
It will bo a rebuko to tho faithless Bo
publicans, ns well as a solemn warning
to tho Democrats, to heed tho popular
voice, or their repudiation will ns surely
follow on tho heels of success. Tho
honest working masses, nyo and tho
solid brains of tho country too, will do
mand fair and equal legislation, nnd nn
honest administration of public iifHiIrs
if necessary by n separate organiza
Leading Journals In tho South dc
claro that from present appearances
llltlo Is to bo feared by tho pcoplo of
that section from tho Ku.Klux investi
gations, and if tho power conferred
upon tho President by tho Ku-Klux
blrls Is over practiced, It will not bo for
tho purposo originally designed. Tho
investigations so far havo proved most
disastrous to tho party Interested In
maligning tho South, tho weight of
ovidenco adduced being altogether in
favor of tho peaceful condition or tho
South, whllo tho row Instances or social
disordor established arc, in tho minds
or nil candid people, far from Justifying
tho exercises of tho extraordinary pow
ers conferred upon tlio Prosulont.
foin tho tono of public sentiment in
regard to tho Ku-Klux bugbear at tho
North, it Is plainly to bopercelvod that
tho original design of tho zealots has
miscarried, not only In proving too
much, but in dovcloping asocial con.
dltlon at tho South much better than
they had beon previously led to sup
pose." By tho tlmo tho Presidential
election of 1872 takes placo, tho pooplo
will bo so pressed by Immediate issues
of a financial and business character,
that thoy will havo no room In tholr
minds to accept trumped up storlos In
relation to Ku-Klux organizations In
tho South.
The Pottsvlllo Standard swa It will
require n delivery of 615,850 tons of
coal per weok from this date to Doccm
bor, to furnish tho samo quantity fur
nished last year, Tho delivery of coal
this year, up to Juno SO, amounts to I,
5M,3 1 1 tons.agalnst 7,27 1,902 tons during
tho corresponding period In 1870. Tho
editor argues that it Is hardly to bo ox-
pectod that tho shipments will como up
to 500,000 tons per week, but that thoy
will barely reach 100,000 tons at best.
Tho fact that uny stoppago whatever
will still further decrcaso tho supply Is
used to enforco tho economy or laying
in noxt winter's stock now. Thero is,
of courso, forco In tlio recommendation;
but wo must not forgot, as tho rccom
mender cortalnly docs, that tho market
was overstocked last year. Moro coal
was shipped, or In store ut points of do
livery, than tho natural demand re
quired. When thai began to appear the
strlko camo and production ceased. Let
us hopo that the supply will nover
again bo forced so far boyond tho do
muud, since, so long us they keep pneo
with each other strikes aro not possible,
NoTWtTirsrANPtNci tlio heavy emi
gration from Ireland, tho lato census
shows mi lucicnsu of two millions on
thu population of tho United Kingdom
of Great Britain, Scotland, Iteland and
Wales, liven In Ireland tlio diminu
tion of tho population has been reduced
to a much lower per cent, thuii former
ly, Tho tlccreaso In thu ten years prior
to 1S01 was twelve per cent,', In that
between 1SC1 and 1871 only soven por
cent. Tho total decrcaso In tho popula
tion of Ireland for tho past ten years
was less than four hundred thousand,
an nmount which cannot ho regarded ns
extraordinary tinder tho circumstances.
That moro of tho Irish pcoplo aro re
maining nt homo than was formerly
the caso, is an ovidenco of tho Improv
ing condition of tho country. " Ire
land, " to use tho words of tho Times,
" exhibits tho wonted contrasts between
her various provinces. Ulster is still
tho ccutro of her energy and develop
ment. Whllo there has beon a dccllno
In tho population of Dublin to tho ex
tent of nearly ten thousand, Belfast
shows nu lncreaso of forty-eight per
cent. Tho Honmii Catholic nro still as
three to ono compared with tho Protes
lanls." From tho facta nnd figures fur
nished by tho census it Is very evident
that Great Britain holds her own.
Tin: Carlisle Volunteer says : "Wo
caro not a baubeo for tho resolutions of
a Convention, Jf a Convention opposes
our viows, wo will oppose tho views of
a Convention."
Wo aro also of that mind and havo
thought for many years that " plat
forms" do our party moro harm than
good. Tho record of tho Democratic
party Is good enough for any Democrat,
and to resolve what It is, is useless, and
to resolve what it is not, is worso than
folly. Tlio lladicals pay no attention
whatever to tho uttorauces of their
platform, but would hold tho Demo
crats to tho strict lcttor or our Conven
tion declarations. Tho day has gono
by when a row men can bind tho Dem
ocratic party to their individual opin
ions on any measuro of party policy,
and thoy may "deprecate" us much us
they please, yet will tho Democratic
press speak Its mind, regardless of
struclions from nny quarter. Perry Co.
The Philadelphia -KVcjiiii Telegraph
rovlows the career of Mr. Simon Cam
eron with saying among other things
"that Mr. Cameron's administration of
tho War Departmont was so notoriously
corrupt, that Mr. Lincoln was compell
ed to send him to llussla to get rid or
him nnd his ring or fawning cormor
ants. It records that In almost ovory
battle our armies wero badly armed,
clothed, fed and organized, during his
stay In tho War Olllco, and that during
tho same time, tho secrets of that olllco
were sold to tho Kcbels openly ; that
Its shameless traffic in contracts and
shoulder straps, was a dlsgraco to tho
nation, and that Mr. Lincoln is alleged
to have said that "whllo tho United
States government Is strong enough to
carry on tholtcbclllon and to whip tho
Bcbels, It la too weak to carry Mr.
Cameron." This outbreak is duo to tho
fact that Cameron is manreiivring for
tho vice-Presidency, aniMho lladicnl
party thinks It lias enough of bad nom
inations to carry.
It is a notorious fact that at tho closo
of tho lato rebellion numerous wnr sup
plies, including horsos, mules, Ac, wero
stored in tlio different government ware
houses, and that they havo all been
disposed of since. Yet not u dollar of
tho monoy has been accounted for to
the government. A bill was introduced
in Congress last winter requiring nn in
vestigation of tho matter, but it was de
feated'.' Simply becauso tho Radicals
knew an investigation would oxposo to
tho public oyo ono of tho most gigantic
robberies over perpetrated by a sot or
rascals wearing the guiso of "loyalty."
But tho tlmo Is rapidly approaching
when the people in their sovereign ca
pacity will bo called upon to answer tho
question, Shall tho Radical party havo
another lcaso of powor? and, in our
Judgment, it is not difficult to foresee
what that answer will bo.
It is reported that Ris.maiicii per
mitted tho leading Incendiaries of Hit
ropo who sympathized with tlio Com
munists to pass unmolested through
tho German linos to Paris, and then
refused egress when tho slaughter com
menced. Of foreigners tho Polos hold
tlio first place. Tho names of twenty
nro given who occupied military, medi
cal and political places. Noxt In ordor
camo tho Itallaus, who llguro to tho
number of nlno; then tho (lor main,
with six representatives; tho Wiillach
inns, two; and then tho English, Port
ugese Prussians, Hungarians, Belgians,
Spaniards nnd Dutch, one each. Gen
eral CIiUheuet, Delegate of Wnr, and
Dr. Witton, Surgeon Major of tlio
second battalion, nro sot down ns tho
Americans iu tho list.
It Is generally conceded by tho citi
zens of tho District of Columbia, Irre
spective of party, that tho now form of
government recently established thoro
is n failure Tlio legislature, ns Is tho
caso with tho majority of tho Radical
legislatures, whoro tho negroos nro nu
merous enough to hold tho balauco of
power, Is composod of corrupt nnd
Ignorant mon, who leglslalo only for
their own benefit, nnd for thoso with
whom thoy nro co-conspirators. An
effort will probably bo mado beforo tho
noxt Congress to change tlio form of
Viok President Coi,iax lias writ-
ton another letter to say tlint lio posi
tively will rcllro from'publlc llfo nt tlio
end of ids present term. Colfax's lot
tors about himself aro becoming too
numerous for n patient nnd long suirer
ing peoplo. Won't somo ono porsundo
that overburdenod Individual, who Is
worked to denth, to tako a trip with
Captain Hall to tlio Artie seas for Ids
The Now York livening J)sl Is so
voro on Its Radical cotomporarles. It
says: "Thoy carefully print tho do
tails of ovcry Insignificant quarrel In
tho Southern States undor startling
headlines as 'Ku-Klux outrages,' and
carerully excludo all nows that looks
liko peace- nud order, or oven rldiculo
PiiAcn tho Democratic party nt tho
head of tho government, nnd tho taxes
upon tho necossarlos of llfo will bo re
duced, If not entirely removed ; tho
number of ofllco-holdors will bo dimin
ished j and " economy," Instond of
" plunder," will bo tho watchword In
the public ofllcos.
Tituiii: nro sixty-emu dally nowspa
pors published In Pennsylvania, of
which barely n dozen nro Democratic.
Humor Slovens, or tho Episcopal
dloco-w of Eastern Pennsylvania, Inn
been enjoined by his physicians to
desist from nil mental labor,
Gen. Gcorgo W. McCook, tho Demo
cratic candldato for Governor or Ohio,
was born In Washington county, Penn
sylvania, In 1821.
Ge.veiiai, IIaiihv White nnd Gen
eral HAUTHANrr aw tho two promi
nent candidates for tho Republican
nomination for Governor or this Stato
next year.
tho worst enemies tho emancipated no
groos now havo, nro tlio Radical carpet
baggers, who omhraco them with ono
hand, nnd rob them with tho other.
The SavniiUtth llepublican, tho old
Whig organ or Georgia, denies that
thoso who ouco wero Whigs in that
Stale havo any disposition to Join the
Radical parly, nsti Tribune correspon
dent asserts they have.
I'osteu Br.oimETT, n Georgia RadI
eat and ono of tho army of Senators
applying for a seat In tho Senate, from
that Stale, has been Indicted for embez
zling thu Stato Road louds.
officials nro having trouhlo nil round.
Radical politics In Ohio look to the
defeat of Senator Sheeman. II ap
pears that this gentleman Is growing
unpopular among his political nssocl
nlos, and nnothcr man is anxiously
looko.l for to fill his senatorial cushion.
The British Government having rati
fled tho Treaty, on tho Fourth, tho Presl
dent Issued his proclamation declaring
It to bo In full rorco. Tho peoplo of
both countries nro gratified to know
that tho troubles between them havo
been settled without bloodshed.
Tin: Terra Ilautn (Ind.) Clazetle, a
Republican paper, speaks its present
mind very freely ns to Grant's ro-noml
nation, II says :
"Wo havo been a Republican ns long
ns there has boon a Republican p.irv.
and wo will not voto for his nomination,
nor lor mm it nominated."
CoxmtKtUMAN' Wallace, of South
Carolina, testified beforo tho Outrage
Committee, nt Washington , three
weeks ago that ho was afraid to go to
his homo In that Stato fur fear of tho
Ku-Klux ; but ns soon as he got his
fees us witness ho did go home, and has
remained thero sinco without molcsta
tion. Columdus (la.) S'ii.
Just bo. Tlio Erio llepublkan under
stands tlio situation in Pennsylvania
oxnctly. It says: "Russell Errett, who
Iiasbcen selected ns chair man of tlio Re
publican Stato committee, Is a Cameron
right bower; hence, whatever the result
in tho stato this fall, it will havo to lie
carried to tho account of that politi
cian." J
A cuiuourf result of tho whirling of
tlio wheel of tlmo nnd fortune id that
which has destined that tho house In
which John Calvin lived nnd died in
Ocnovn, should bo now occupied by a
Catholic school, wherein thn faith
nsjalnst which Calvin protested is
taught, unimpaired by all tho pleadings
of the ancient reformer.
A cahi: has como to light at Washing
ton which admirably Illustrates tho
modo in which tho government Is
conducted under our present system of
"great moral Ideas." Collector Spere, of
Kansas, defaulted for S1."S,000, when a
prominent Western Senator nud un
ox-Rcpronentntlvo had tlio caso com
promised fur $11,000, thus innking a
clean profit of if 1 17,00U on tho specula
tion. I'trr. somowlint startling statement is
mado Hint within tho Inst ten years
Congress has given away to railroad cor
porations as much land ns tlio wholo of
tho original thirteen States of tlio Un
ion, and what is not tlio of this
business, it is announced that prepara
tions nro making for tlio formation of a
larger land-grabbing lobby nt tho next
session than was over known at Wash
ington beforo.
OnACi'.Cfreonwood Is willing thiilclass
os of women should bo allowed to voto:
single women who huvo property, mar-
rled women who havo minds, and such
others ns might desiro to. A gootl watch,
well wound nnd timed, a clothes wringer
and a sowing machine, sho thinks should
bo tho property qualification, and tho
ability tu support their husbands will.
and tho faculty of keeping a good board
ing house, should not bo overlooked In
tho requirements of tho examiners.
Matters in tlio Republican camp
nro not improving. On tho contrary
tlioy seem to bo going from bad to
wo rso. Tho wrangles of tho Now York
branch, or branches, of tho party havo
becomo quito shocking so ruinous, In
fact, that tlio Tribune was moved tlio
other day to "tell Republicans, real nnd
nominal, Hint tlio business In hand is
not the construction of a party to secure
the re-nomination of the 'iesidcnt, but
tho preservation of tlio parly for tho
election of n President yot to bo noml
Tin: Democrntlc parly Is for a gov
eminent for tho people, nnd by tlio
peoplo, In which power goes through
accredited representatives, who, ro
sponsible to tho pcoplo for u proper
discharge of tho trust, aro chosen to re
licet public sentiment and enact laws In
accordance therewith. Tho Radical
party would organlzo a strong central
govern ment, that should wield n kingly
power nnd tend down lis mandates to
control tho masses consolidated Into ono
grand schomo, wlthStatesoxlatlngonly
in name.
Tin: Democracy of Northumberland
county have nominated for Assembly
Mr. A. J. Gallagher, of Sli-imokln. Mr.
Gallagher was not long ngo tho business
lnanncer of tho Anthracite Monitor in
. Tamatiua. tho especial organ of tho
worklucmen s organization, jus nom
I nation may therefore bo regarded as n
recognition by tho Democracy of tho
claims of labor to representation, nnd
It should teach thoso workltigmcu who
expect too much that moro can bo dono
for them within the Democratic organ
l.atlon than they can circct for them
wolves otitsitlo by working with n separ
ato combination of small forces.
EiiEcnoNS III Spain nro conducted In
about Iho bamo manner tiro Radicals
expect to conduct elections In Ibis conn.
try, under thu Ku-Klux bill, rrovious
lolhc lato clecllons In Spain, In somo
localllie", Ihn Republican candidates
wero arrested and kept locked up In
jail until Iho vol lug was over. In Ca-
Hz, out or seventeen or eighteen thous
and voters, only flvo thousand wore
registered nud nllowed to vole. In n
single ward or Madrid two hundred
and ninety out or four hundred soldiers
who voted wero under ngo ; and when
bystanders nt tho polls protested, they
were told either to hold their tongues
or go to Jail, Where tho election of
members to tho Corte.s was contested,
tho Ministerial candidates wero ndmlt
ted to tho scats In nil cases.
APiiiTOit oi:xi:i:al,
01'' l'HlIiAPELI'JlIA.
mmvr.Yoii anxr.n.w,,
Tho rotlowlti? person-, liavo lioen lntnct fir
nonilimlliin liy Iho lioxtPonmcriillo County Con
vcnllmi, All whn nro nniuiunc-oU In tills list
nro iiliili-oili"nl!ilo by thoili-chloi.nrtlio IIi-iiiih
emtio Coiivcnlhni.
rou iti:i'itKHENrATivi:,
sCoelATlf JUlHIll
Ilt.001 TIlWNKHtP.
(jiu:enwooi inwxsinr
nitr.r.xwooi) townihii'.
WHjMAM J i am on,
iirxms TOWXSIIir.
l-'r.LI.nw CITIZKNS: Ileitis lequested liy n mim
homflny nlcud-i ntul ndtuulntuiieoH throughout
tho eouiity. tonntiouueii tnVKelf ns n eiihdldiito
for thontlleoot Counly Comnil-isloiier, I would,
there foro.hnv. tlmt 1 will lu-cenl tlio noiiiliiiilloii
hy tlio liiMiiocrutlo County Convention, provl-
1 nir tnov Honor 1110 wit I lliclr Kiionort. Aim
would further Kliy, hhottld I lm elected I will lul
1111 mvilulv liniitiHtlv and Willi tlui liest of lu
ahlllty and Impartially. 1 nm fully nwnro thero
l-l ll prejuuieu exiHuiiiruiuniigii a iiumoer oi ciu
yeiis tlnouuhout tho eoulltv ucaln&t u man from
tho town of llloomsbuiK, but they do not con
Klder tho matter In inveHtlniattoiiastlinv Khntild.
Ah wo liavo not nan a couuiitHsloui-r irom our
towns h n lor a luuuuer o yearv. anu nsourdlK-
It'll I Is entitled to tho randldiile, 1 Ihlulc It nn
moiii mini list co woHhouh! havo one. Ami 1
nlso think that wo tuo entitled to luoro otllcem
liavo hy moro voter and pay n meat deal
In our towiisliln Ihnu tlu-v nru In otlnTii. hi wn
county, I tun decidedly opposed to canvnsHlni;
moro lilM-4 mail any oilier iiiwilsnip in mo
luucuuuiy lot eieeiiiioeriiiit purpose. I inula
t hat everv Miter known how to otn without he
lui; lectured bv every cuudld.itu In tlio Hold.
Thero has a gnat dcul loo much of It heeu dono
in mo p-iHi, aim inopuiiwiii no aoauaoneii in
tho Inline. Aud,lu inuclunlon, 1 would buy In
mv lellow-oLers. that thev must not exrieet to
hco ino on nil clecttoltt-crllitt tour thlotighnut tho
eouiitv. but. at tho hiimo time, not lomettlu that
i am u eaiioiuaiii ivneii j imi iwiu m iiui you
vote, i.espcciuiiiy.
lour uocuicnt Meravni,
JuncDts H. C. MlllVK.
rot- Suh-iTl)lhm to flip.
Iiliui,' for .lime, 1X71.
Itoubeu Uonihoy $1 ouil.NroscK Marltlo
I nl
II u
:i ml
'J on
li.iulel lliiKenhtich 1 Hi ll, .1. Johnson
loKi-nh Wei
lames V. Kcelcr
lohn l-'ouler
K. II. (lulo
I. C.Kiullli
SUllH Itt-SS
Dnnlet Hclui'f r
1). A. Kline
1! 11
1 111
1 on
lolin Kalehncr
(leo. Kramer
Pan K in-, ilee it.
1 Ut, lohi-ph Mnust
2 II)
1 S.'i
'J 00
Mh-hael Hens
I lt- lacob I,on
II imi! .hieoh I'nlpo
1 IMI1 Alexander Carr
H. H. Hhneinaker
Jacob Kultllo
W. M. Ilostkr
'J (II A. llehnder 1 III
Hnnil. Kelehnei
.1. llohlsnn lkeler
'J lie! I'. .1(11 Vandcrsllco 2 tu)
liiii.lolitiKiullii a no
Iiavlil ttrei ncmier
1 tu cliiMinu I,. Artier
Aimer A. Evans
1 in Isaac lillldlno 2 II)
1 lli John Havauo 2 (K)
Andrew I, on man
Charles Unwind
I iHh m rs. I.uclni a l.on
tleorKo Anile
2 lm, O. C. K'ahler, ,lr. 2 IU
HA.VAC1E At her rPKldonco, near Ilpatrloo, (i:i'ii
ciUHltV. JNchriliKil. .1L11IO .Ml. NUIIC V HlV
nf, nun I (rjyc.n-4, ID uinnlliH mill it 1 iv. Miu
was Horn iu foiumma coumy, ivnusyivaiii i,
(JrwiUJml, It U thy rutin Ino I w ill
That all u hn llvo si i All illo;
'lliun whynhouM itwUh lu-odtu-on lluill
Ol (Var when It ilrawn nWh?
Uroat Ooil, our ltinc.HU right, 'tis Inst,
That earthly frames should turn to titiit ;
Cinso, oasu to uiiiiiiul dry ynur team,
And shod no uiuio tho wlsluul liar,
Hindi. huli tho rlnn painful hiuhw,
'1 hfil would detain Ihv uinthd lu-iu;
Then why lenluo at find's decree,
'J hat rails thy mother homo (nun thoo?
ltloomuliur itlnrUet
Wheat ner bushel SI
ltvo ' 1 U't
Com " M)
OatM. IM
I'lourncr n.irre w
Oloveiprod W
1' 1 Ij!
ltutltr '
Kkrh 1(1
Tullow lu
rotatofs 1 O)
Dried Al'pU'H 10
11 mill 17
HI deft (WldHlmuldCTS - 1
l.nid m r i-rmtiil 1
liny ier ton M I'l 00
New Advertisements.
'Itm bulldlnsof thn llrido lately l.ild out at a
poiui nt'iir utuncn iuou s oor iiiuu j- iuiu
rrri'ii, u.'iwfi'u liiiiiHuii una .i i, ririisitni lOWll
hhlps, will ho lot on Thurd ly, July 'J7 nisi,
Tho htonu worlc to bo let hy the perch, uhut
incuts 12 tval hlh, stono rlosu hy,
Tho hiinuiHtruL-iuro to ho M tvat ho two no nhut
iiientH ai ton: tu hoadoublo arch envoi ed brldiro
to ho built on uhnutlho huuh plan uh tho ono
noxt below that noiut, called tho " Morduu
in hue."
Pronosul-i will bo repnlvp.1 until 2 o'clock P. M,
HtouoworU and hupcr&trueUuo each tu bo let
We will meet uttho sloroof Mr. J. II. HmuR
on kiiiu uiy, whero km patties iiucre.Hiea wu
I 'or fiuther'pnrtlcuhUH tnnulro at thU olllco,
sinuiiii imv iitiitwiuiiN ii iwnniHii in for tail
uonoHuU bo
dim wn Mtml
lnnau Iron brido wo Khali consider It optional
with u whether to havo u wooden or an iron
WM. (J. QUK'If.
OY1UIH lumillNH
il, .1, ur.hi'r.u, j
AllOht-WM, Kuickbaum, Clerk,
CoiuiulBuloueri'Oinee, July II, 1WI-21
v a r u a h i: u n a u khta t ij
In purauancoof nn Order of thn Orphans' Court
or Coiumiiiu couuiy, ra., ino unuermuntti, uuur
dlun nr Charles (Jem Imi t, Daniel (Jem hint, KHZ'
aboth (loarhart, nud HLephcu (Join halt, Jr., inln
nr children ol JueoU (ttmiluul. Jr.. Into of Aluhic
township, In Kald enmity, deeeaied( will rxpnHO
io puouo nine, on uiu piuiiuNCH, un umu v,:
AtitJUrt'l' h7l, in twelve- o'i lock, noou, tho
following duticrlbod valuable reul estate, lu wit
llll KlllV IBI HUM
situated In Malno township, haul county, bound
t n oy mini oi ivuouiiii niiinnun, jouu uuamui v
joun iMihH, uuu iKtuiei I'diMunnucner,
bo tho hamo more or lew. on which aro erected a
II .. 1. It,., n.i.l millmllil.
liiL'H. Thero 1 ulno upon tho premUes a una
fruit tree.
, Clerk,
Mn.-KiiTtnKav Hai.k. Ten nerceutofoiio-
lourthurthupureluwo money to bo paid by (ho
pui chaner ut tho strlU Itm dow n of tho properly.
Ouefourlh los tho ten pvrceut. to bo paid at tho
continuation Ol Uiu miuv. nu imm u iu uu J '
lu ono year Irom tho confirmation of sale, with
ii.inrod irniii tho tlmo tho miri'haber uots no
HCkNlou of tho said premlhos, 'Iho cralu lu tho
L-round to bo Hold wiiu ino jarrn. rohsoHKioii o
iliupu-mlbestohoiclveu on thollrnluay of Hep
letnhcrA.u.i.Ti. W,MJAM (,ui;ABV
HllU'llUM Ul-IAHlIAH'l',
IISTArKIIF MVNHA'l llltONI , lll.l .
in l iio uihlrmv L'niiit nt lb- i iiiniv ori'iihiin.
inn. 'i Iio Atiillltir ni'i'olnti ,1 hy llin ('mill, ti,
HiliiiliiUlmtnr or Maiiiias lluim:, laio'nV
JnntKim InniKlilp, rnltimliltl county ih-ii-, t
"tu iiii-i-i. nn ,rrnou-i inirrcili-ii, mr tm
1-m 1 1 is,, ,,r 1,1-, npiiiiiiittninl nt his nltlou 1,1
litiiiMiiiiiiurit.iiiiHiiiiiiil i 1 1 in I'M 1 1 ilnv nr Ani'iiM
A. I. 10 ti'rlntk n. 111. fir hjllit tin v At!
I'ltjim-i ImUnir i-tiilnn nunl list tho milil t-itu,.
will ho u-'iulivii to pm.elit tin-in nt Hint I line.
U W. Jlll.t.Hlt
July mi-atr.
n f'nmmnil l'UnHnT l?nliintll.i rnlltil v. K.
Fcbrniuy Term, ibtU '
Iilim dottier 1 ,
V, J-Alliw Huupoulm In IHvoire,
Ilcujnmlii Oolilcr, J
Hi ui You nio lirreby rrriulreott tuni-ponr on
Mouilny llin lmirth ilny of huplnnlmr, A. I, fi,
in llin wuUl Court, find answer to thu mil-1 mtn
ila1nt,nr Iho miUUT ha thPu ilfilernilinM
ex iartc. AAltUN HM t'l'll,
. Hlicrlir.
Hy order of tlio Court.
rrothonoLiu y,
llloomsbuig, July , B71-lt.
1) u J h i c a a T7k
vamuiimi niiAti i;htatu.
In nirsimncoof rut order or Iho OrrrimnV i.iit
or CnlumhU county, tho nndTKltnd )Mr
Hwiinlt, Adiuliilslintor, Ac., or ltt-iijam hi ('.unit,
dcceiiti'd, Mill uxioiu to puhllo kuIu on thu
premise, on
8ATUKDAY, AUdtf.HT Klh.lW,
nl 10 oVIortc In Iho lorr-nnim of ilny, id
following described real I'ultilu tu vll I All lint
T K A O T O P L A N h
Rllunln In Locust township, ('o1tinill;i umnly,
hounded and dOHcrlbud ui ttdhnvitt HyliiinU n
Adum rluyberner on tho vnnt, IntuW of U.uc
KlHlicron iliu north. Imiilt or W'lllhim 1'IimuIh..
hi I ho west, nud I anus or ii'iuu a Kolh on n...
hotilh, containing
moronr Its, Whoicou Is elected ft ono nnd ono.
nun Mnry
Dvi:i.i,!NO ltotwi:, iiaiin
nnd other out uitllulnipt. Thero U n koo I Appt.
iiiuiiiiiu on ino proiniii-s nun oilier una trii ,
Tlwio Ih il well ol irooil water ill tho tlnm-ni n..-
dwelling house.
L'onihtion.sopHat.k. Ono third ol' t in l.m
-luiMi money to leninlii elmrced upon the nu-mi.
oi during tho imturnl life, of tho widow or n.u.t
l uexinlu una ino interest in no n iniiii v nu.i
n-Rtilnrly p.ild to tier hy Iho pnreli.-in.r or pur
unser4 ntul in no rouipiiieil lloni uiu ih iiiy ir
'i-renioer, A. 11. 1MI.
Twenty her eent. of twn-thllds of tho Ptireli.u-.
money lu tie pnld ut llin Httlkln down ol tin
property, ono I hint of thu liiitntieo oftliopurehusp
iiouev to na nu a on t uoeniiurmnuoiioi inuhiiii-.
nnd Ihn hnlnnco of tho purelniKo money In hid-
)enr t letentter wl h lntoleit from thu Kt il.iv
of I.Veemlier, A.1I.1S71.
I'lirenu-ier in pay lor uei-u nun nuunp
1'i:ti;h hwa.vk,
July H',1 1 Adnilnlstmtoi,
si Komwm sun
aUATilTIK-S Op Tin-; i:i,IAi
ILilrawM tin nHlllcti ai you no ny niiui, otiu
iloliol. II Klvert llireail for enell stlteli ae ni.Ili
to tho thlcIilu-H-l ol latino sowen. oiner-i no imi
Jl uses a Mtralght neeillo nnil llin r lor ma
tlireail Ihnn unv other tnaelilno. Tho sllti-li i
alike on liolli hliles. 11 lias lu nilillilon lo tin -nil
iiilvantiisiH elaltueil hy oilier niai hlne, H
hns been letell unit is Known 10 on inn un,
iluraliln tnaelilno lu tho inniket. Tho rullhit
scwlnn inaehlnu men aro anxious to otitiitti tlie
nueney ol this nintliluo Is eoneluslMi i-vl-h-nre
tnai 1110 pillule nro laieeiy in wen in mis iiil-
i hlne, whlelt has not elianiiuil Us tirlnelple hu
lis lornnllon vUl Drawlus a stitch us you -hy
Hou on easy lerius ai.
C0I. f!2l AND 80S TiAOlvAWANN
Tho "lilh Hrhoolyear begin September t
Locution heallliiul. nttraetlvo mul well adui
to dovulopiiu-nt. l-'ico lioni lo-ih
idaceH nnd KiihtoiiH, thn ln(luencen mo mot
Moro than it.'NHi younw men havo here l
prcparvu lor i;ouet!o or iiusiuesi.
Tirnu moderate. Apply fur circular, to
1. D.STON'K.A M,
.t..!. l'A'rnntMON. m
ifutual Firo Insurance Cmji:n
At WootMm-k, lias been ilolutr laislnesn inm
oniiytaiH. Hliar-4lt has intit no ium iinun
ami tho avcnio into of nsHHiiit'ht diulntln
iiuriyonu yeaiK nan ien.';i rruri-Nr.
Tho asitKnieut tor tho year Ju-! ended is.'
ii- it t'KNi'., and Iho Company has a clear sm phi
ovtr nil liabilities.
noil iAMJ.-UoO acres hiumrlor Wiinii
' Timiiku land, near I,oi-k Haven, I'.i..
ucres IIfmi.ouc TiMiiiui laud, Poilir in V
V, V, HllUAI-'Mt.dooninlHl.l lAXli t, romuie, r
W lloU'hllllll
Ic, mid c
bttvetauo can bo easily inadu at nhout t
pt r Kiillou, with AK( llh.NliU It A Mil
ifi iiunii Hoot Itccrllxtnut, Ask lor It a)
store, or send 'Ji cents foruvlal and dti 1
to IU' Noilh Third Htieet, 1'hltiirilelphl i.
a;Ts V(t.Ti:n i.n tne
tiik aMascui.inu KitNi-rroN. Uy Oit. Nai'm
authority of "Tho I'livsleul 1,1 lo ol Woman,
lelateH Utlhcmatt' ex W lull ot new diets: dill
hot outsDokem nraellenl Htid nonular' hLlib
lliirsed; sells iiinldly. Hold by ubHerlptlm urn
i.xeiuxivo lerriiory, imni iiiicnn. i s.
Addrtss lor contents, &c. ., U, l-'Klttil'S A
Agents'! KoTul This!
WK Willi. I'.VV AI1K.NT1 A s.l, Mil
ill-' s:)ll I'llll WIll-lKniiil lltpni.i.. '
nllow a lurtfo eonitulsslon In i-ell our m w -'
louilerlul tnveullolis. AiMu-khM. WAlJNI.U a
1 11.. .Miiti,hall,.MIell,
A MlUlOiN 1)0 JihAllS-
Bilucwil but quiet men ean inalua foiiutu
tevtallus tlio tere'tof tho bitslneiis to n-ioiii
AiWress, KlitlAlt Mils,
'nX IlioailwioN.-w 1
Crl L'"L'S.
l!t.NIUUT ('ONL'IIUT r.tlj Distribute!"
Asjlmn of tin' Msli'i-
ol Cliurlty
Inlliof'ltv of New Yorlr, anil HSI.IIIKIW
KAll.dUs' llltl'lIAXS' llu.Mi:, Wiishluci
D. O., to ho belli 111 Waklllimtou, II. L' un
mul by vliluo of a penult. Irom Hon.
inlsslnuer of lillernal ltovcuue, nu Thurv'
July mil. positively.
Alter Iho Concert, tho Cnnituhhlnuci., ' "
nwaril to the bitecessiui iic'Uei.nouiei'4
S'tm TirKETH only will bo koM, nt si ea -i
lion. II. .MiCiillouuli. of Kllilon, .Mil., Mi
Oeo. T. t'.istle, llallliuore. Mil., Cointnlsiiloiiii
Hon, Jus. H, Ni-uley, .M. C. I'J ItsLiii njli,
ltelercneest Mnjor-Oen. D. Httnler, l.H .
Vasliliii!li.ii, I). U.j lion. Jus, S. Neley, rin
buiuh, I'a.; l-'irst National Hank, llimeisioiin
Mil.; Appleninil & Co., llnnkers, Jlai4erslni''
Upilet;r.iir Hous, lluueihtowu , lion. H. i
liient, lato Attorney. Ueneinl, linllluioiii t l
Abbolt, r.M., ill 1'. O. Ave., Ilalllinor.i; .luliil H
I'owler, i:u j W. II, M)er, ol V, II. Jlyir "
Ilro.. Kxcliatmo l'lace, lUltllnnie,
Deeits or tlio Ileal IMate, cortllle.l M '
eomihel, lu liauilN ol the Tl listen.
'i'lekets unil clieulaiii euu bo linil or V '
lli;Vlil.1. llen'l AKi-nl, Htulloner ant Print'
No. 31 Nasnu Htreet, New York. Tickets n "
C. 0, 1) , trile.lri J. Heml iorl lieulai-.eoiilaliini
ilei-crlpflon of piUe. TlckiU lor hale ul--ii "
lllley & Hiirtenl, ut their News KlaliJs, I'lm-i
ilolpbln, IlarrUbumli, I'litkbuiKli, ,Ve., uuu ""
lltiuol 1'euu, lliltlluutuudcoiiliccttoiis.
JAll'liMOltK 1'IANO.S.
Wo lcsncctrully call tlio attention or tlioy
deslrlni! to iiiiicliaio nur iiiaku or I'lauos,
aro n.ul!.lleil that in con Klvo nallsliictlon "
every cuke. Our worliiiieiiBklllliiluiul mpeti"'-ei-a
anil nro muter Iho ptional kuperlnteiuli ii"
of tho ineinbeis ul our Una. Wu uko only tl
best noasoneU tlnllier, anil Iho material lu Be"'
rill IS lllfcl eiuns. win . --. ......"..v -
liavo tho patent auralles urrnnifeiiient Ihroiiii
out, which lu Iho opinion or the inol roim
tent Juuites Is iironouneeil valuable, liy thin
irovemiitt u Vlano Is lundo nioio iluioblo u-1
leeps tlni lo-io louuer. Woclnluiforour lu i '
Menu that thcyuio kecoiul lo none, unit in J
col. bllioull tlioVsnenllal elcineuts Unit eoie-l
tulo mipcrlor workmiinslilp. Wo will uiu-
willten KUUiantFii for live yeum.
Mr. Comiaii I HKIMAN, lnetuber of our litt'i.
will visit llloouikbum lour tlnios a iar n '
pulr ana nllenil lo lituluu of nil '.hmos. 11
libselieo ol Mr. FlIKIUAN. Mr. I, K. MII.I.HJ "
iitleuil to our buslnoks fn llloouu.buri.' mul
nutliolizeil to rceelvo ntul kollclt orilors.
Wo cun Blvo tlio very bikt 'ftlTfo & ,-0,
lialt'linoro, M. I1- ,
l K. MiI.i.Kit, Heater In 1'lunos, orBiins me llooiUvonuil live Hop oil! i i
Iio Until alio, bolu at III". Tonus tuy, Juno -