The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, June 30, 1871, Image 1

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    Sffoc Qpotnntlxhtu
in tub OOI.UM1HAM iiun.niNa nkartiik
touRT ltousn, ntoounnunn, i'A nv
KDlTQn AND 1'HOl'lllKTOIl,
rorms-Two Dollars a Year payatlo In adraneo.
Ulnltdeserlptlona executed nitli neatness and
dispatch nt reasonable ratos.
... . . .
- .
... i .. im
Uu Inch, (twelv lUics or iu
Nonpareil tJT "l,uu"' ,,M
Onolnrli.... U.W '.
Tu-rtlnrlios 3.M 5.00
Tlirco Indies........ ,W
Tour Inches......... 7 CO 0.0
Quarter column.. 10,00 U.OO
lllfcolnmn....-U,00 HM
Onoeolumn...-..-30.00 80,00
20 00
ttflO lio.oo
B.00 lS.bO
C0.00 100,00
VOLUME V,-- -NO. 20,
.iinl.irUir, Notice, 13.00
Auditor'! or Assignee, Notice, IIW.
Local notices, ten cenu a imc
.. . .. .-.f.trf rtAlnmn.lS.O
I ... ....... r flrt two llne,and 11.00 for eo
U0L. DEM. - VOL. XXXV NO. 19 rational in...
Columbia County Official Diroctory.
jyrtitlent Jmtie WILLIAM llLWRLL,
A isociote J utlgctl n. M Dicnii, Ibaao H, Mom-
,l"j''olhmwlnru, tc-Wrt.LtNfiTON II, Ent.
MtaMtrJi A'ccondT Williamson II.Jacojiy.
Dtilrict AttarntgK. It, lKELKIt,
AAllOS Rmitii.
Knrnvor Ibaao Dhwitt.
lnrvircr luvm Eowrtinntn.
Oimmtutmcri WILLIAM U. QUICK, Cvllf.1
Cimimtutonrn' Clerk WILLIAM Klitr-KllADM,
llnMor U, J, CAMrilELL, A. J, AI.IIKUTHON,
llANIrl. I,KK.
r.iiDiirp Joim 1. IIoccK,
Jurii vommlutoncrt Isaac McllnitiK, Jons Mo
Loimlu Riipcrinlcnilcnt ClIAIU.KS O, IlAHKI.r.v.
Illnom VW liltlrltl Directors, H. II, Mii.lkh,
William Illnointlnui;, mid Johnson
Bloomsburg Official Directory.
liloottntntrn JlanUnrj O). John A. Kt'NSTnN,
Pii-slileM, If, II. (iitnrK, CnKlilcr.
Pint Xattonal Jlank OlIAS. It, l'AXTON.l'rcs't.,
J. l'.TllMTIN. CnMilcr.
t ttumbta Ctunfy Muturtl AViih7 Vml nml Toan At
inflation K, II, LITTLE, 1'rOH't,, C, W, Ml I.I. HI
Jliutmlttrn Hultillnfr nntt tktvlni Vml A mocio
tton John TltoMAi. l'rcs't., .1, II. Hoiiikon, Hoc.
Jlloomibitrff hm-lny Mind Atvxtnttim
.1. J, linowLii, President, M, Whitmoykii. Ktc'y,
Bloomsburg Directory.
1).!'i:u 1IAC1H Jnt received mid for mlo nt tho
TACOll MCTZ, dealer In tove aud llnwnro
rj Main nllcct,nbovo court hotiBo.
nAVIll LOWKNIlHItO, McrclmntTallor.Mnln
u ml., n uor nuovo .iucricun House.
WJI. MOKIIIH, Jlerclmnt Tnllor cormr of Celi
ne and Main St., over Mtllcr'n btoie.
ji '. t.UTZ, DriiESlRtandArolliecary.ilnlu nt.
'j, liclow tho Tost, Olllcc.
Ilrovcr'n block Main &t.
Ui:NltY?.UlTINOi:il, Watclie, Kpcclaclcs 4
Jewelry Ac., MaltiHtrcel near West at.
rt I!. HAVAdl
l Jewelry, Main st
denier In Clock, Watches and
jusi oeiow mo American
(IU1H IIKUNHAKD, Watch and Clock maker.
I J near southeast corner Main and Iron su.
CATIICART, Watch and Clock Makcr.Mar
ket street, below Main.
1,1 M.KNOItlt, Dealer In llools and Hlwei, latest
j. aud best styleH rni'r Main and Market
Hlretts, In tho old l'ost Otllce.
1-vAVIll llirrz.ltoot and Bhoemnlier, Main St.,
IJ below Ilarlmau'sstoie,wcst ofMarket.
Hn.N'HY KI.KIM, Manufacturer and dealer In
Hoots and Hbocs, Groceries, etc., Main street,
Hast lUoomsburc.
M. mtOWN, Hoot nnd KJiocmakcr,
Btrcut, under IJrown'H Hotel.
Ilt. It. C. Hownit, Kurgoon Di-ntlst, Malu St.,
1J U"
ubovo tho Court House.
DU. WM. M. UKHKIt, Kuiseoii ntut Hiyslcinu,
ljXchungoHlock over Webb's book store.
DU. It, F. KINNEY, Rurgcou Deutlst.-Teeth
fxtrnetfil without pain: ilaln bt., nearly on
I'osito i;plbeopal Church,
0(). IIAKI.i;V, Olllcc, 2.1
, lloorlu KxcliuurulUoclc.iunrthoMKxctiauuo
I II, McKKLVV.M. U.,HmKf"n nnU I'hislclau
I north bido iluiu St., helow Market,
T H. KVANH.M. P.. Humton mul I'liyblclan,
rJ botitli Bldu Main btrfct.bulow Market.
T (!. IltITTi:it, M. I). Hurgcon and l'iiynlclau
, Market at reel, nbovo Main.
11. ItOlllHtlN,, OUlco Jlnrt
, inau'H bullUluj;, Main htrcet.
,i ri'.TKUMAN, Millinery and Fancy Goods,
Ji. opposito i;plhcopal Chuich, Main hi,
bulldlna Maiu street,
ISS M. IIKHUICKKO.V, Millinery and Kancy
II HH, K. KLINE, Millinery nud Fancy Gooili
ill u
Jatu street below Market.
MHH. JULIA A. A BAIli: I1AUKI.KY, Ijullta"
Cloaks and Dress l'atterlu, southeast corucr
Main aud Wcststl.
film: MISHKH haHMAN Millinery andKuncy
1 (Jooils, Malu HI., below American House,
VUIIKS HOTUL, by T. Ucut. Taylor, cast end
1' or Malu street.
1 C. MA Itll, Dry flooils and Notions, south
J. west corner Malu and Irotihts.
DA. IllCCKLUY, Hoot aud Bhon store, books
. A stationery, Malu St., below Market.
JACOHH.CouIectlonery, groceries etc., Main
, fat,, below Iron
A WK1I11, Confectionery and Uakery,
1 wholcsalo and letall, i:xchauge Illock,
(HOWi:U, HatHondrapH, liools andHhoes.
Malu St., nbovo Court Houko.
K. MAIZH. Mammolh Oroccry, line (Iro-
rtTlPH. FrnllB. N'lllH. l'lnvUliin Ar ti
n nd Iron Htrects.
MIKKI.VY, NKAL ft CO., dealers In Dry (looils,
llroccrles, llour, Feeil, Rait, Fish. Iron, Nails,
... lull IMUIIt UIILI tllllKeb KIM,
O II. A HON, dealers In Dry (looils,
ii i,vei iue,-,iBmi., riour, nun, nnucs,
Notions, etc.,Malust,
CONMTA11I.1M lJLANKH for sale at tho Colum.
nia Iter, bhtVu's tflock Main Btrctt.
W. ItOIiniNH.IIqunr dealer second door from
nuriow est corner jiuiu uuu irou sis.
IJ J. TIIOHNTON, Wall l'apcr, Window Shades
II, uuu lis lures, ivupei t uioeK, juaiu si.
GW. COHKI.L, Furnlturo ltoonis, three story
brick, Main Htrect, west of Marki I st.
Orangovillo Directory,
A !,' m'P'HS".' .n''TIIKU,Carpentcrsond
A. Builders, Main St., below l'lno.
t)uwi:n a m:
J) (Iroccrlcs. Lu
Malu st.
Lumber nud general Merchandise!
BHICK IlOTHL and ren-eshment Halonn, by
Dtt. p, A.MI':IAltUKL,l;hy,lclnn nnUHargcon.
Main st,, next door to flood's Hotel,
IAVI1) ItKltltlNO. Flournnd Grist Mlil.and
U Dealer In grain, Mill Htrect,
L.F.DWAUtiH. 1'h.v.lcian and HurKeon, .Main
! st.,llrstdoornl,uvoM'IIciiry's Hotel.
TAMIll.IIAUMAN,CnblnetMakcr nnd Un.
J dortaker. Main Bt below I'lue.
I -V.'IAUMAN. Haddlo nnd Harness maker,
d, .Main st oppslta Frame Church, CO., Iron rouniers.MachlnbTts,
aud Muuuractuiers ofplows, Mill bt,
O Oralu cradle. Main Bt.
WILLIAM DKU)N(I Ulinemnltcrnl liiantiLic
tui cr ot Uric k, Mill Bt., west of l'me
F. DALL.MAN, Merchant Tailor, Second ht.
, ltobblus' lluildlug,
Hurt'cou nnd l'liyslclau
i, i.niiiiinn, mirL
JHecoudBt., below Main.
GIL11KHT A KLINH, dry eomls, Rroccrlcs, and
general merchandise, Main Blreet
J II. KISTI.IIIt, "Cattnwlssa House," North
. Corner Main aud Hccond Btietts,
1 KLILKIt, Illllard Baloon, Oysters, nnd Ico
17. Cream In season MalnHt.
MM. IlltOIIST, dealer In OcncralMerchandlsc
Dry Goods, Urocorles ftc,
fjURQIir.HANNA or Ilrlck llolel, H. Kostcn.
O baudnr l'roprletor.south-cast comer Main nnd
Mecoud Utrect.
M, II, AIIHOTT, Attorney at law. Main Bt.
llcliy nnd I nro Out.
A r.tnM IIAM.AD,
Draw up Ho pnpers, lawyer, nnd mnko 'cm Rood
nnd stout;
For llitUKS nt homo aro crosi-ways, nnd Ilotsy
mitt I nio out.
Wo, whohavo worked together so long ni man
nnd wire,
Must pull In slnulo narners tho rest of our lint,
'nil lite.
say yon, I swan ! it's
d us wo'vo passed by
"What Is tho matter?"
hard to tell
Most or tho years bclilni
verv veil !
Ilmvo no other womnn-sho lins no olherman.
Only w o lived together ns long as over wo can,
So l'o talked with lictsy, and Helsylias talked
with me!
So wo'vo aitreeil together that wo can't never
nj.reo J
Not Hint wo'vo catclicd one h other 'n nny tcrrlblo
Wo'vo lucn Kntherlu' this for jents, little nt n
Hicrownsa Mock or temper wo bolhlind for a
Allhourih mo nn'er suspected It would tnko lis
two n pari i
I hnd my various railings bred llllholleshalid
And l!cty, like nil gowl women, had n temper of
The llrsl thing that I remember whereon wo dls
agiteil A ns somtthln' concerning licaveu, ndltrcrcnco
lu our cici d.
Wc nrg'isl tho th Ing nt breakfast wo arg'ed tho
thing at tea
And tho nifrese arg'ed tho question, thomoro
mo didn't agree.
And tho next I umimter wns when wolostn
cow ',
the had kUkcdtliobnckitccttatu tho nucstlon
was only how?
I held my own opinion, and IVtuynnother had;
And when we welo douua talkln' wo both ot us
wus lund.
And tho next that I lcmombcr, It started lu a
Hut fuiluweek ltlnstisl.nndnellliernrnsspoke,
And tho next was when 1 seoldtd Ucuiuosho
brttko a IkjwI ;
And shesald I was mean uud stingy, and luidn't
auy soul.
Buck Horn.
MO. A W. II,
. goods, ulo,
rlrst store lu south end or town. ,linlpi-M In ,lrv
goods, itiomlis and general merchandise.
Jan. 171-ly
No. 603 Market Street,
(Abovo Firth,)
yAiNwniaiiT & co.,; uitoci;ti8,
N. E. Corner Second nnd Arch Streets,
Dcalors In
ti:ah, sYnurs, cokfkg, huoah, molassis
hick, Brici.s, m cAitn koda, ac, ac.
4i0rders will rccelvo prompt attention,
may 10,07-tr.
Ol'Ii IfKOVCr T.litx'H Drue ltnulilnun
rnrltpl HtieetJM door below Uuv. I). J, Waller.
Onico Court lIouso"Allev. below tho Coliim-
ian Ofllco. llmintlcs. llark-l'iiv mul Pensions
collected. llloomsburg l'n. Kep.'J)'o7
Otllco Main Blrret below tho Court House.
llloomsburg l'enn'n.
E. wi'i
burg anil
ItOHi:NBTOCK,l'liotoBraplicr,over Itobblus
o. i.fei s nioio, iuuui si.
I H. KUIIK.dealerin Mrnt, billow, Mp.,t
1 berllu'u alley, i ear of American lloiu.0.
RU. HIXUTiKit, dealer In pianos, orjians nnd U, W.CoreU'H furnlturo rooms
1AMIIEL JACOnY.Marblo nnd llrown Btono
n r.usv iiiooiusourg.nerwiCK roau.
W"' '.'.A'1". dealer In Inrnlture, trunks, coder
" w 111 ow ware, near tho Forks Hotel.
FO.STF.Ii.Gluo Maker, and Wlilto and Fancy
IJ II. Ill DLV.MAN. Agent ror Munson's Copper
U' Tubular Lightning ItoU.
TACOll DILFI'KNIIAUH iiroom Factory. Or.
il deisleltat his resldei'.e oral Miller A Bon's
tnro pi omptl y tilled, lltsl green Western brush
TAMl.s CAD.MAN, Cublnelmaker and Chair
I i muaer; rooms raiu sneik uei, iron.
ITOTI'. DOOKB. and blank NOTl'.H. Willi orwllb
Xi out eximptlon, for salo at tho columuian
if im c.
Light Street.
K. OMAN A Co., Wheelwrights, first door
TOI1N A.OMAN, Manufacturer and dealer lu
l IluotH aud Shot s,
j-.iv i . uciuiT in ury imhkjr uroceries,
Flour, Feed, Suit, Flsn, Iron, Nalli, etc., Main
ll i Ulu,sl1 " tJUJTCH BI1U 4 1 u wait) 1U
uti ii uiuut'uen.
II F. 111 Dry Goods,
utuwiivs, unu Kvuerui jueicusuuisu,
.1 It, WICHKIIUISKU, lloot and Hhoe Storeaud
manuructoiy, Shop on Malu Street on-
posuo mo suaui Mill.
W. KDGAH, Sut'iuCUMlUU I'loulllg Mill
Philadelphia Directory.
Business Cards.
I1I.OOM8IIU110, rA.
J-OFl'irr-Court Houso Alley, In Iho Co-
umiiian building.
1j. TU11NEK
Ofllco Courl-llonso Allev. below llio Cm.vM
IAN Olllce, lUoouisburg I'u,
ould nnnouucotn thocltlzcnsor Illooms
rirnild vie nlt v. that lio has lust received a full
uud complete assortment or
rixTUiiEa, conns, tassels,
and all other goods lu his line or business. Alt
tho newest aud most approved patterns of tho
day are always tu bu fouuil In his establishment.
uiitr.u, ey-ii iviuin ni. neiow iuaraei.
Neatly ami Clioaply Trlnlod
From tho Latest Styles ofTypo at tho
ULAlllC M, 11HUW.",
A full and rnmpleto assortment of ready made
just received and Tor salo at reasouuhlo rules,
varieties to sultall classes orcuslomers. The
oesi or worn ilono at auorl uotlco, as heretofore.
u , ,i,,,i n v, NHUi Oi
Main Street one door ubovo E. Meu,lenhall's
A largo assortment or Stoves. Heaters and
Hanues constantly on baud, ami ror min ut i ho
Tinning man us urauencs carefully attended to,
nut nuiisinviiiiit iiiHiuiiirvUi
Tin worn of nil ttiuua wuoiesale ana retail,
bit if requeued,
Jan 171
Xl THE undtuluned reupcctfully Inform the
tlinL Hipv keen all Ibo iflllirent tiunilicrii titutnvA
ciai huh nt'ifcii'u lump nun mr hiuivuiiik PUl
c1iiii uair wunii, iiujinmun inrin. iivuia
Co'h Furnace; with a tood pair or Iltitlalo scales
on tho wharf, to vtli;h coal, hay. and Htraw
l.mewisft a hoiHo ana wat;on, lo ueiiver com 10
thoKB who deKlro 1L Authev nurchae a la rite
amount of coal.t hey Intend lokti-panupfcilor ar-
iirie. ami ben ui inu very iowwi iiner. i
call aud examine lor you-8elven beioro purchuJi.
luueUewhere, J, W. iiKNUKHHHOt,
ai liiMiun Ai Anun
rpTTR inulor8lL'netl will tnko in ox
X chance for Coal and Uroceries, tho follow lug
namiHi ariirieH wiuai, ttye, uorn, uaiH, i oiu
torn. I.nrd irnm Hlinutitur tiiul i.I.Ia nw mL. Unite I
f;t8s, Jlay, Acut the hluheit cuhli prlcen, at nu
uiuut)j-y tore, aujoiniuif ineir coui yaru,
Uloomtburg Mar, 19,',
Into frtin aerinony, olfers Ills icrvlces lo tho
puuiiu ns il eel, urtiicit
and all other animal, for wtiieii iii- rhnrvp rn
moderate, Ho ran lUwayt bo iound intit Hide ot
uerwieu roau, near n. 11. Jitmuyu JtlurblO laid.
lllooiuHbiirif, Muyl'J, l&7l-y,
JT A ISkw Coukhk ok I.KTUHiuj.fta delivered at
the X'enna. J'oly technic and Anatomical Museum
VMS Chestnut bt., Ihue doom above Twelfth,
VhUadelplila. HubracliiK the biilijectgt How to
Llvo and Wiint to Ue furj Youth, Maturity
unu uiu Aifuvj ioauiiouu iiiiit'iuiijr iivvmweu
The raiue of ludlifLbtlont Flatulence and nerv
oui lHhiabcs actouuttd tort Marriage l'hllo
bophlcully conbldeu-d. Ihtke leciurti will be
loiwarucu on receihioiia ctnis iy auurehRiDK
Hieretury of tho iVuuuylvanla Polmkciink
dUHcutloiiH In
watt alvknjM
And so that bowl kept ponrln1
ud mi that blamed cowcrllter
ftcoiiiln lio:
Ho that heaven a woare'cd no nearer louKot,
mu ii k'vo ui n-iaiiooi Komeiiiinu itioiinutiu ,
limes us not.
nd to (lie thin kept worktn', nnd nil tho self
ham o vuy ;
IwnjMKOiuctliiu' tonrg'o and 1101111 fchnrn
to na v.
And down on uttenmo linleliborM.ncouplo dozen 1
And lent their kindest ecrvlco to help tho thing
And there lins been days togctlicr nnd many n
Wo both ol un croHH nnd fpuuky, nnd both too
nroud tn Kiirnlr.
And Ilmvo been think In' and think In' tho wholo
of I ho winter nnd i.ill,
Iflcnn'l Uokind wllha woman, wbyttluul
nun v 111, mi.
And so I'vo tnlked with Uetsy, nnd Iktsy has
talked with me,
And wo hae ngrcud together that wecan't never
Aud wh it Is hers bhall bo hers, and what It mlno
niinii no in no
And I'll putln thongiecmcnt, nud tnko It to her
IO blglJ.
Wrlto on tho paper, lawyer the very flrt parn
Ofallttiolarm nnd llvo block, that sho shall
iiiiuiivr nun;
'orshohas helped to earn It, through many a
wuarv dav.
And It'K nothing more than Justice- that Uetsy
una jivi
Give her the houso nud homestead; n man can
thrive niul roam.
Uut women nro Bktery critter J unles they have
n homo;
Ainl I lmo always dctermlntd,nnd never railed
to hav.
That Uetsy never Hhould wnntu homo If I wns
laucu away.
Thero Is a lltllo hard money that'a drawln' tol'-
tVcouploof hundred dollaia laid b) ror n rainy
Hnfoln tho handsofgnod men, and easy to get at;
ill in another eiausu mere, aim gnu nor nan 01
cs, I uco you fcmllc, hlr, nt my glvln her
much :
Yrs, dlvoico is cheap, lr, but I take no stock lu
True and fair I married her, when fcho was blylho
nnd young,
And UetNy was araysgooil (o me excepting with
jier louguu,
Once, when I was young ns you, and not so smart,
peri 111 px,
or mo M10 mlttcned n lawyer and buvcral other
And all of 'em was flu sic led and fairly taken
And I for u tlmo was counted tho luckiest man
I-ookcd m he did with tho ague, In tho Bprlng of
Two then you dropped In, pamont 'twnsn't
murhlhatWAK itald,
"Llltlo children love one auntber." but tho thing
was killed stone dead.
I should UUo to mnko confession j not that I'm
going to nny
Thofault wiw ull ou my hide, that novcr vm my
lint It may be truo that women tho' how 'til I
can't uco
Aro n trlllo more ngfciavatln' than men know
how to be,
Then, pnrson, tho neighbors' ine ddlln' It wasn't
ponrln' oil i
Ana the church n latwrln was worso titan wat
. ..cdtoilt
Add rvothowiht, nud so has Calcd, thouatt may
bci It was wrong,
If they'd keep to their own business, wo hhould
have got along.
There ttas Deacon Amos I'urdy, n good man as
wo know.
Hut lindn't n girt of Inhothi except with tho
Kcylhoand hoe;
Then ft load catno over In peach t'tiin from tho
Wllhut nelsfhiKVhood,
"Season of prayer," they called It; didn't do an
atom of good.
I'll tell you nliout tho helfer-one or llio klndcit
nnd bent
That brother Ilphratm gave, tho fall ho mood
out Went:
I 'm fren to own t nnt II riled mo that Caleb fchould
tlilnk aud say
Bho died of convulsions r cow that milked four
gallons a dny.
Hut I needn't have spoko of turnips, needn't
havo fcpoke so cross.
And said hard things, nut hinted rn If 'twas all
And Ml take il nil back, parson: tho flro shan't
never break out,
Ihough the cow wasihoked with a turnip, I
ncNtrhad n doubt.
Then there nro p'luts of docttiue, nud vlow s oi ft ,
futuie slate, t
rmwilllmzlo stop discusslu'; wo can both nf-
forti to wait;
Twonthrlnn tho millennium sooner, Otsputln
about when its due,
Allhoimh 1 feel an aHsiumico that mine's tho
Kcrlptural vlow.
Hut tho blenRodenttmlhsorthoHlblr, I'vo learn-
i-i, 111 tuiinti inni t IIU
In tho texts wo hunt with a tuindlo to prove our
itoctrlnt k b.
Hut them that come to us In borrow, and we're on
our knees!
So If Caleb won't nrguo on free-w11!, I'll leavo
muuu mu uicrees.
Quo nol Ion of Caleb's pnon, seems rather misty
I wWt If It comes convenient, you'd chnuzon
wora u nil ii rn.
Itdon'l (Utile Mnmtto reRsou, nnd ror gospel 11
lftii'i vlt nr.
Hint folks 1 Im c better In Heaven forliavlngaunr
l'o no Midi expectation j why, parson, If that Is
You neei.n'tliavc worked ro faithful to reeonello
folks lii'lou'.
I hold another opinion, and hold it straight nnd
If wo can't bo peaccnblo licio, won't bo pcacoa-
Hut there's tho rorjuent ho made, you know it,
Ilcfn' laid uiuier tho maples tint his own hand
Ket mi.
Aud me to bo laid beside hint when my lime
comes to go,
As if-as ir-dou't mind me; but 'twas thatun
nuiiutj un.' bu.
And now that lomo scilcs, as we think, havo
muen irnra our eyes.
And things brought Koto u crisis hnvo mode us
Imlli morn wlnn
Why, Caleb says, and so say I, till tho Lord parts
him nnd me,
We'll 1 e each other better, aud try our best to
Once, w hen I had n fever I won't forget 11 sooi
1 wus ns 1101 an u- ru.iMeu vuntey uuu eriny us n
Xever no hour went by when sho was out of
hho nnrsi-d mo truo nnd tender, and stuck to mo
uay unu uigiu.
Aud If over a houso was tidy, and ever a kitchen
Her houso nnd kitchen was t'dy ns any I ever
And I don't complain o'lktsy nor nny of her
Kxccnllu' when wo'vo ipuarrclcd and told each
UlIllT iilClM.
Ho draw up the paper, lawyer, and I'll go homo
And rend tho Agreement to her nud seo If It's nil
And then lu thoinoruln1 I'll sell ton trndla' man
I know
And kiss the child that wns left to lis, nnd ontlu
uiu woiui 111 go.
Aud ono thing put in tho paper, thatflrttoino
didn't occur
That when I'm dead at last they shall bring mo
bade to her.
And lay mu under tho maples I planted years
When shu aud I wcro happy, before wo quarreled
And when she dies, I wish thnt sho would bo
laid by me;
And Jylu' together In slltnce, perhaps wo will
agree, j
And If e urw o meet In heaven, I wouldu't think
If wo lovtd each other tho better becausuwo
havocjiiurrcied Here,
llclscy Destroys Iho Vai-er.
I'vo lnonghtbnck tho paper, lawyer, nnd fetched
Tosco that thlugs uro regular, hettltd up fair
ana ciear:
For I've been talking with Caleb, nnd Caleb has
hwti liillfiiiif ullh Hit
And tho 'mount ol it Is we're minded to try once
more 10 agree.
Ho I camo hero on tho business, only a word to
(Caleb is flaking pea-vines, nnd couldn'tcomo IV.)
Just to tell you nnd tho parson how that wo'vo
ennugcu our nuuu;
So I'll tear un tho paper, sou H wasu't
And now U thopatsoit Is ready, I'll walk with
Hint towuru uojuu;
want to thank him for some things; 'twas
kind lilni in cm hit.
Ilu's showed thu christian spirit.stootl by us firm
audttue, , , .
Wo mightn't havo (hanged our mlud, bfiutte, if
nca uten a mwyer too.
Thero! How 1,00.1 ttio sun feils, and tho gross
nan uiowui- irt'ru;
Bomethhig about them lawyers makes moftel
I wasn't iHiiind to state rartlculars to that man.
Hut it's right jwit hhould Uuow,parbon, about our
cuuugo ot piau.
WVd beon some days a-Avaverln' ft little, Caleb
and me,
Andwlsiud thu hateful paper at the bottom ot
the sea;
Hut I guess 'twas tho player last oveuiug, and
In, row wnnU m Miiht.
That thuwud the leu l.ttwvtn us, uud brought
iniugs tu u ueuu.
You seo, when wo camo to division, Uterewa.-
thllius that wtiiilil ikiL illviilu
There w an our tolve-y ear-old baby, sho couldn't
To go with uuu or thu oilier, but Just kept whim
t'lrlu' low
"i it stay wiiu mm uuu mamma, una. wutru
Then there wnsgraudslre'H Hlblo liodlotlou our
weildlng day;
Wo couldn't Imlvu theold lllble, unisltouldlt
im 11 r iiliiv f
Tho sluils that was Caleb's mother's, Iter sain
tlt r on thu wall,
With t.10 sw tet old vsords workid lu Ti -yphenu,
unu tuiueu, uuu 1 ttui,
U btgnit to be hard then, parson, but -H grew
Tul kin' of Caleb iktablUheU dow a at Me Henrys
Three ilollurs ft wcik 'twould eost 1 dm; no
mendln uor sort of care.
And boanl at the Widow Me. hum's a "woman
mat, wears laiso Jiair,
Btill wo went on n talking. I o.recd.. to kult
And mako u dozen striped shirt, and aitlrof
And ho was to tutu doorway, from tin I kitchen
"Havo you climbing steps much lu frost r weftth
Ho brought tho pen at last) I felt ft Me Jtln uud
Mr. Ellis was a man of kind anil ten
dor fcclinp, butqulck tompcrcdand 1m
pulslvo. Ho had a son, ten years old,
n bright, handsome, Rcnerous-heartcd
boy, who Inherited his father's Iraimls
ivo character. A quick tempered father
anil a thoughtless, imnulslvo boy aro
apt to get Into sharp collision nt times,
and so it was with .Mr. Ellis and his
lltllo son. Tho father'd commands
wcro not always obeyed, and ns tho
rather had somo strict notions in regard
to obedienco, punishments jarred amid
tho household harmonics rather moro
frequently than a wlso regard tojustico
nnd Immunity would havo approved.
Iho hasty temper and forgono conclu
slons of Mr. Kills mndo his disclplino
oftcner cruel than reformatory. A sin
glo instanco will Illustrate our meaning,
and that Is tho story wo wish to rolato.
It was a pleasant summer afternoon,
and Wlllio Ellis camo out from his
mother's hands, clad all In whlto linen,
and looking ns sweet and puro as intiO'
conco itself. Tho houso stood only
short distance from a river, on tho banks
of which tho boy was fond of sporting,
nud in tho oo.o of which lio sometimes
soiled his garments In a sad way, much
to tho discomfort of lilnnelf nnd his
'Willie," said Mr. Ellis, ns tho boy
passed out, " whero aro you going ?"
"Only to play," answered tho roguish
" To play whoro '("
" With Kddlu Wheeler, down nt his
" Did your mother say you might go
"Yes, sir."
"Very well: all right then. But
mind 0110 thing you nro not to go down
to tho river. Yesterday you camo homo
with your clothes soiled nnd wet.
won't havo that ngain. So remember
what I'vo said don't go to tho river."
" Not If Mr. Wheeler lets Eddlo go'."
Thero was a half-pleading look in tho
young, bright faco.
"No," was tho Imperative) answer
"I'vo said don't go to tho rivor, nnd if
you disobey mo I'll punish you to
Wlllio's step had lost somo of Its airy
lightness when ho moved on ngoln.
" Mind that you don't forgot I" called
tho father after him.
Tho boy heard but did not look back
or make nny responso, which n llttlo
annoyed Mr. Elll', who had grown very
sonsltlvo on tho scoro of strict obed
" It wouldn't at all surprise mo," ho
said to himself, "if ho wcro to como
homo In an hour all covered over with
river mud. Ho is so thoughtless, or
self willed I hardly know which. Hut
children must bo made to oboy. That's
tho discipline to cnforco,nt all ha.z.trds;
and If ho disobeys mo this time, ho will
havo causn to remember It as long as ho
Something had grown wrong with
Mr. Ellis, nnd ho was iu nstorncr mood
than usual. Moods of mind, rather,
than it senso of Justice, oftenest lntlu
enco our conduct with rcfereneo lo oth
ers, Wo act from it Btato of feeling
moro frequently than from considera
tions of right.
Mr. Ellis went away from homo soon
after and returned in an hour. As ho
stood nt tho door, and glanced nround
for a moment beforo entering, ho saw
Wlllio Iu n shocking plight, wet and
boiled from head to foot, slink through
tho garden gate. Tho boy noticed him
and was endeavoring to get into Iho
houso without being seen, Hut at tho
door whero ho hoped to enter unobserv
ed, ho encountered a stern nud angry
fuco. A fow quick strldos had brought
his father thero.
" So you havo been to tho river, after
all that I said."
Tho boy lifted n palo ftico and fright
ened eyes.
" Didn't I toll you not to gu to tho
A vico-llko grip was already on his
llttlo arm.
" Ye, bIt," camo through quls'crlng
" And you went for ull I"
" lltit, father "
" Not a wortl sir, I told you not to go
to tho river, didn't I?"
"Eddlo Wheeler " The poor child
tried to oxpliiln.
" I don't want to hear about Eddlo
Wheeler. Ho can't your tllso
hcillcnco. Come, sir, we'll settle this
business I" nnd lio dragged tho whlto
faced hoy after him, up stairs, to tho
garret, and taking down a rod, Bwung
it In tho nlr above his head.
" O father I Don't 1 Let mo tell you!"
A look, almost Ilka despair, was In
tho boy's faco. Mr. Ellis remembers it
lo this day ; nnd will remember it to
tho day of his death.
" 1 don t wish to hear any excuses,"
was replied, as tho lltho rod camo down
upon llio shrinking child, with a stroko
that mado every ncrvo quiver with
" O father 1"
Onco moro tho intld, nppeallng look,
so full of agony, was lifted to tho stern
faco nbovo him, but lifted in vain. A
second cruel stroko foil, and then a rain
of strokes, until tho father's ecuso of
pity, intruding between nngcr and un
forgiving Justlco stayed his arm. Ho
went down stairs, left tho boy lying in
tho inldtllo of tho floor, ns lie had drop
ped from his hand motionless ns If ho
were extinct. Ho met tho palo Buffer
ing mother below sho loved thn boy
tenderly, and felt every smarting blow
hut ho passed her without u word.
Sho had scon Wlllio ns ho encountered
his father nt tho door, and understood
tho punishment.
Mr. Ellis went out Into tho porch to
brealho tho frco nlr, nnd cool tho sud
den excitement under which lio Intel
been laboring. As ho shut tho iloor
behind him, in a kind of Instinctive
effort to separate himself from a painful
scene, ho stood faco to faco with Mr,
Wheeler. A hand grasped his hand In
a quick, strong pressure.
'It was n bravo actl He's a noble
boy I Whero Is ho?"
"I don't understand you," said Mr.
Ellis, looking bowildercd.
"Didn't he tell you?"
"Tell mo what?"
"How ho sprang into tho river nnd
saved my llttlo Eddio's life?"
" I heard nothing of it."
There wns a choking sensation In Mr,
Ellis' throat -his voico was faint nnd
" Aud ho didn't tell you ! Hravo,
uoblo boy I I fo camo over to play with
Kddle; and Kddlo wanted to go down
to tho river j but Wlllio said ho couldn't
go to tho river. I hoard Eddlo coaxing
him, but Wlllio was firm, becauso ho
said you had told him not to go. 1 was
so pleased with His obedient spirit,
Well, I lost Bight of them after n llttlo
while, but, as I learn, Eddlo would go
down to tho river, and your boy follow
cd him, but kept u distance from tho
water. Instoad of climbing over tho
logs and barrols, or getting into tho
boats, ho sat by himself n way off.
Then, sir, my Eddie, in leaning over
tho river slipped and fell In ; nnd your
boy. Instead of running away, half
frightened out of his scnsc-i, as most
children of his age would havo dono
sprang down to tho wharf, aud into tho
wnter after Eddlo. I wonder they wero
not botii drowned. It was only in Ciod
mercy thnt they wero davod. When
tho man who saw what happened got
to tho place, nnd looked over tho dock
into tho water, tlrcro was Willie, hold
ing on t a ring in ono of tho logs with
ids right hand, nud clinging to Eddie
with ids left. Such courago and prcs
enco of mind in a boy almost surpass
belief I Whero Is ho '.' Ho ran off homo
as soon as tho man lifted lilm from the
wator. I must thank him for this nohlo
At this moment, tho door opening
Into llio porch swung back, nnd the
whlto faco of Mrs. Ellis looked out.
"O husband!" sho o.xclamcd in
voico of terror, "como to Wlllio 1
quick I"
Mr. Ellis followed Ills wife, and tho
neighbor hurried after them. Tho
mother had found her boy lying insen
blblo on tho garret lloor, and lifting him
in her arms, had brought him dow
stairs, and laid him, In his wet clothes,
upon her own bed.
As Mr. Ellis camo into tho room, lio
miw tho deathly faco turned toward tho
door. Tho sjght seemed to blast his
vision. Ho struck his hands together,
shut his eyes, and stood still suddenly.
"Will you run for tho doctor?" said
Mrs. Ellis to tho neighbor.
Tho neighbor did, literally, as tho
mother said ; ho ran nil tho way to tho
physician's rosidenco.
Uy tho timo tho doctor arrivod, Wil
lie's wet garments had been removed,
Honsked but few questions as to tho
meaning of tho boy's condition. Mr.
Whoolcr had told of his heroic conduct,
and tho lnferonco wns that thero had
been an over-oxcltcmcnt of the brnln,
leading to suspendod animation, Still
tho caso puzzled him.
"Ho inayliuvo been hurt Jumping
from tho wharf," suggested Mr.
Tho doctor on this hint examined tho
" What Is this?" ho asked its long,
purplo stripe, lying across tho back nnd
shoulders met his eyes, "And this?"
ho added ns ho camo upon another.
Mr. Kills turned his faco away, nick
at heart ; ho could not follow tho doc'
tor's oyes.
" Ho may havo been hurt internally,"
Bald tho doctor, drawing back tho
clothes, and uncovering tho fair body,
that wrs marked with cruel lines.
Ho was right In that, but tho injury
was deeper than ho Imagined. It
was tho boy's tender Bplrlt which had
been hurt.
" This will not last, doctor?"
Tho palo Hps of Mr. Kills quivered ns
o asked tho question.
" I think not," was tho uncurtain an
It did not last. Thero ramo soon nftcr
Blgtis of returning vitality. Tho neigh
bors went homo tho doctor retired
nml tho father and mother wcro left
nlono with tho brave-heartctl boy, who
had been wronged so cruelly. Mr. Kills
could not bear to look at him. Ho felt
twlco over, upon his own heart, tho
lows ho had given. Thero was such
rob u I; o in tho palo faco and filuit eyes of
tho hoy, who had not yet spoken, or
recognized any one, that ho could not
stay in tho chamber. Every moment
o looked to eeo thoeyes open, nnd how
could lio meet their ga7.o.
Mr. Kills had been away from tho
room for only a few minutes, when tho
hushed voico of his wife calling lo him
reached his cats. Ho camo to whero
sho stood, half-way down slalrs.
Has lio recovered?" asked tho
" Yes. - Ho opened his eyes and look
ed nil around tho room, almost as soon
ns you went out. Then ho shut them
again, ns If to think ; nntl then looking
p, after a llttlo while, said, 'Whero is
father?' I told him you wero down
stairs, and ho said, 'Won't you call
Mr. Kills went up to meet his child
in n stnlo of mental depression ill 111 cult
to bo conceived. Ho could havo faced
almost any imagined danger with less
of shrinking than ho now felt in going
Into tho presence of Wlllio. Hut thero
was no holding back. What did tho
boy want ? What had ho to say ? How
would horccclvohlm? These questions
crowded and bowildercd his mind. Ho
pushed open tho tloor softly and went
Tho boy's waiting ears had heard tho
almost noiseless feet approaching, and
his eyes wero upon tho entrance. Mr.
illls did not bpeak, but eamo over to
the bed.
O father 1 I didn't do wrong 1
wasn't disobedient," said Willie, mak
ing nn effort to rise from his pillow, nnd
speaking with eagerness. "I tried to
tell you, but you wouldn't hear "
Ho was going on, but his father caught
dm up, nnd as ho drew him tightly to
his heart, answered, " I know it all, my
brave, bravo boy!"
Then Willie's arms found their way
(o his father's neck, und clung thero
tightly. His cheeks, when his head
went back upon tho pillow from which
ho had nrlsen, wcro wet, but not with
his own tears.
Could father or child ever forget thnt
day? Tho child might j but tho father,
novcr I
O hasty, impulsive, passionato father!
take warning in time. lio ou your
guard. Hear beforo you strike. I'un
ish not on any hasty provocation. Tako
nothing for granted. It Is n sad, sad
thing to bear through life n memory
Iiko that which burdens tho heart of
Mr. Kills whenever tho thought goes
backward Into tho irrevocable past.
fifteen l'olllcs.
1'insT. To think tho moro n man eats
tho fatter nnd stronger ho will become.
HiX'ONi). To bcllovotho moro hours
tho children Btudy nt school, the faster
they learn.
Tlllltl). To conclude that If excrclso
is good for the health, tho moro violent
and exhausting it is tho moro good Is
KouiiTir. To Imnglno that every hour
taken from Bleep Is nil hour gained.
l'irrii. To net on tho presumption
that tho smallest room in tho hcuso Is
largo enough to bleep in.
Sixth. To nrguo Hint whatever rem
edy causes ono to feel Immediately bet
ter Is "good for " the system without
regard to mora ulterior effects. Tho
" toothing syrup," for example, doci
not slop tho cough of children, docs ar
rest illnrhcoa, only to cause, a llttlo later,
alarming convulsions, or tho moro fatal
inflamatlon on tho brain, or water ou
tho brain; or, nt least, always protects
tho disease.
Seventh. To commit an net which
is felt in Itself lo bo prejudicial, that
somehow or other it may bo dono lu
your ca?o with impunity.
EltillTtl. To udvlso another lo take
a remedy which you havo tried your
self, without innking special Inquiry
whether all thu conditions nro alike.
Ninth, To cat without an appetite,
or to contlnuo to after It has been satis
fied, merely to gratify tho tasto.
Tenth. To eat n hearty supper for
tho pleasure experienced during the
brief time It is passing down tho throat,
at the expense of a wholo night of dis
turbed sleep, and a weary waking in
tho morning.
legend traces tho unfolding of tho first
yellow roso; butnn Ingenious gardener
grafted a whlto roso upon n barberry
bush I Tills docs not sound so grand na
nn old tradition; but my roadcrs can
find out If It Is true. They nro too Mo
by hundreds of years for tho flrststorlos,
but not for tho last. Tho barberry lias
clusters of llttlo yellow roso-shapod
flowers, and tho root and wood nro dyoel
so deep with yellow, that they cou d
transftno a Btroam of golden sap Into
thoBclon. Is It truo? Who knows.
Our Apprentice System.
A Now York Journal raises tho ques
tion : " Will tho raco of American mo
chaulcs dlo out ?" It Is not a now query,
but It loses none oi its linportanco on
thnt account. It is pregnant with In
terest to tho cntlro country, and wo nro
pleased to sco that tho subject Is being
moro fully discussed than over before.
Twenty years ago such a question
would havo provoked ridicule. It as
sumes a moro tcrlous nspost now It
comes befoto tho country invested
with the deepest interest'uhd deserving
the most i-crious conslderatlcn, for un
less thero be n chango-ln our apprentice
system, and that n Bpecdy one, wobco
no other alternative than uiai wo snau
In less than n scoro of years bo compell
ed to depend mainly upon foreign
skilled labor. Tho fact Is, a very largo
proportion of this class of workmen
aircauy occupy positions in uiu nui.-
shops and manufactories, and tho num
ber is dally Increasing.
Boys ato no longer taken as apprcn-
tlce-i. They nro hired embryo Journeymen-claiming
nil tho privileges nnd
Eleventh. To remove a portion of exercising all thosplrltof independence
tho clothing Immediately after oxcrclso
when tho nio-t stupid drayman In New
York knows that if ho docs not put a
cover on his horse tho moment ho ceases
work in tho winter, ho will loso him in
a few days by pneumonia.
of ftill grown workmen, nnd having
these rinhU as they are termed, ns fully
recognized ns in tho caso of tho adults.
Tho tendency of this system, If we can
dignify It by such a title, is too clear to
bo misunderstood. It gives to boys a T.. ..nnlnn.l (hot Wanan Spirit. OI HUSO lllUCpCniieilCe, mull 11
tho dirtiest children on tho street or oats mo most pernicious immuneo u,.u.,
hltdtwav aro heart v and healthv. there- their conduct, teaches them to no im
t lint, mill Inn nil tl'.illt nrnnjiipn
tiuro out-door air. In lovnus. unrastmln. employers. Their stay in a shop or at
liwoy aro hearty and healthy, thero- .u"i -
i It Is healthy to ho dirty ; forgetting PJcllt. nnd. al 1,10 m ",n0 '"A'F"
t continuous dally cxposuro to tho ont to their own or tho interest of their
cd activities, is such a powerful agency
for health that thoso who llvo thus aro
well In fmlln nt dirt nml filth
TimtTEENTll. To presutno to repeat 1110 lrnuo or caning, "u" ui'u"
later in llfo, without injury, tho indis
cretions, exposures, and intomperanco
which in tho flush of youth wcro prac
ticed with Impunity.
EouiiTEENTii. Tobellovo that warm
nlr Is necessarily Impure, or that puro
cold air is necessarily moro healthy
than tho confined air of a crowded ve
hicle) ; tho latter at most can only causo
fainting nnd nausea, while entering n
mnvm'nnpn li'lilln w-nllrlnr. lirttil-l,.
7,1 , , .!.., ,.,.,,
lowering a window, thus still exposed ji;u.uu m,
a particular trade is mado to depend
not upon any special advantages it may
afford them for becoming familiar with
amount of pay which they secure. If,
after having received a certain nmouni
of instruction in ono shop, they nro
offered a dollar a week moro in another,
in nino cases out of ten they will either
accept or their old employer is compell
ed to ndvanco their wages, nareiy uocs
it occur that a boy remains with nn
employer until lio Is of ago, as was
wont to bo tho caso j and ns rarely, in
consequence, do wo find ft thoroughly
to n draught, will glvo a cold infallibly,
edgo of his trado or calling has been
or an attack 'of plcurlsv or pneumonia! Balncd ln thb "".'.T A" tW SU w
which will causo weeks or months of strangely, and yet it is a mere recital of
Tho l'repcrty ami the Wealth of Statesmen.
Jefferson died comparatively poor.
Indeed, if Congress had not purchased
his library, and given for it llvo times
its value, ho would with difficulty havo
kept tho wolf from tho door.
Madison saved money, nnd was com
paratively rich. To add to his fortune,
howover, or rather that of his widow,
Congress purchased his manuscript pa
pers, and paid $.')0,0UU for them.
James Monroe, tho sixtli President of
tho United States, died in New York,
so poor that his remains found n resting
placo through tho charity of ono of his
friends. They remain In n cemetery in
School street, but no monument marks
tho spot where they repose.
John Qtiincy Adams left somo $150,
000, tho result of industry, prudenco
and inheritance. Ho was a man of
method nnd economy.
Martin Van Uuren tiled very rich,
Throughout his llfo ho studi
ously looked out for h' Interest. It is
not believed that ho ever spent thirty
shillings In politics. Ills party shook
tho bush and lio caught the bird.
Daniel Webster Fquandcrcdn million
ln his lifetime, tho product of his pro
fessional and political speculations. Ho
died, leaving Ids property to Ids chil
dren and his debts to his friends. Tho
former sold for less than $20,000 tho
laiter exceeded 2o0,000.
Henry Clay left a very 1 nndsomo es
tate. It probably excecdciUlOO.OOO. Ho
was a prudent manager and a scrupu
lously honest man,
James K. Polk loft about ?160,000,
$j0,000 of which ho savod from Ills
Presidency of four years.
John Tyler loft $.'(0,000. Beforo lio
reached tho Presidency ho was bank
rupt, In ofllco ho husbanded his means
nnd then marrlod a rich wife.
Zachary Taylor loft $luO,000.
Millard Fillmore Is a wealthy man,
and keops his money In n strong box.
It will not bo swallowed up In specula
tion nor squandered In vice.
Ex-I'rcsldent Plereo saved somo $50,-
000 from his term of service
suffering, if not actual death within
four days.
Fifteenth. To "remember thoSab-
bath day " by working harder nnd later
ou Saturday than nuy other day In tho
week, with a view of sleeping Into next
morning, nud staying homo all day to
rest, conscience being quited by tho
plea of not feeling very well. Hall's
Journal of Jealli.
iacts facts which cannot bo poo-pooh-
ed. Wo nsk the attention of parents
and guardians to tho points to which
wo havo referral. They are important
ones, and woll entitled to moro serious
and sober thoughts than wo fear they
nro likely to receive.
Whence Como the Hoses,
Thero Is an old legend that thero wero
In the Garden of Eden no roses but
white ones, until Evo tasted of tho for
bidden fruit, When tho roses saw her
do this, they blushed for ehame, In
every shade, lrom tho faintest damask
to burning red ; and over slnco there
havo been nil tho lively tints that wo
A different story, however, is told,
which denies that thero wero ever any
roses nt nil in tho world until, on a cor
tain tlmo, nt Bethlehem, thero was n
beautiful young girl who was charged
with a crime, and sentenced to bo burn
ed to death. They led her Into a field,
nnd piled fagots nround her and set
them on flro. But sho being Innocent,
prayed while they wero burning that
somo wonderful thing might tako placo
to show that sho was innocent. And
this is what happened : All tho fagots
which wero on firo wero changed
into bushes full of red roses, nnd
thoso thnt had not kindled turned
Into whlto ones, also full of llowers.
" And thc30, says an ancient writer,
"wero tho first rose-trees nnd roses,
both red and white, thnt ever man
saw." And tho country where this was
dono abounds with them to this day
Another story accounts for tho varie
gated kinds. Onco there wcro thirty
years of mlserablo civil war in England,
growing out of n. quarrel between tho
two families of York and Lancaster
about tho right to tho throne. It wns a
tierce and cruel contest, during which
somo of tho be3t blood in tho country
was shed, nnd noblo families becamo
oxtlnct. Tho wholo nation was divided
taking part with ono or tho other.
Don't bo too Sonslllic.
Thero aro somo people yes, many
people always looking out for slights.
Thoy cannot carry on tho dally Inlcr
courso of tho family without somo of
fenco is designed. They aro as touchy
as hair triggers. If they meet an ac
quaintance In tho street who happens
to bo preoccupied with business, they
attribute his abstraction ln somo modo
personal to themselves, ond tnko urn
brago accordingly. They lay on others
tho fault of their irritability. A fit of
Indigestion makes them sco imperii
nenco In everybody they como In con
tact with. Innocent persons, who never
dreamed of giving offence, nio astonish
ed to find somo unfortunate word, or
somo momentary taciturnity, mistaken
for an insult. To say tho least tho habit
Is unforlunato. It Is far wiser to tako
tho moro charitahlo view ol our fellow
beings, and not supposo n slight is In
tended unless tho neglect Is open and
direct. After all, too, llfo takes Its uso
in a great degrco from tho color of our
own mind. If wo uro frank and gener
ous, tho world treats us kindly, If on
tho contrary, wo aro suspicious, men
learn to bo cold and cautious to us. Let
a person get tho reputation of being
touchy, nnd overybody is under moro
or less restraint ; and in this way tho
chances of an Imaginary oflenco nro
vastly Increased.
Tho mantlo of charity ought lo bo
thrown around tho faults of our follow
beings. "Thy sins ho forgiven theo"
should bo tho answer for us to glvo
thoso who havo sinned against us nnd
wish to bo tnken hack to our bosoms
nnd lio as they onco were, puro nnd sin
less. Forglvo and forget; memory will
not let us forget but it is in tho power
of exalted human bonovolencc. Sad
dcnlng scenes will often press them
selves upon our uttentlon.ovcn when wo
do tho lest to prevent them. So scenes.
of Inharmony between ourselves nnd
our human relations will nrlso in tho
soul, notwithstanding the presenconnd
liilluenco of that prlnclplo of Christian
charity which should Inspire every Hu
man eoul with Its dlvlno effulgence
Yet memory howover faithful to her
trust, will not prevent us from bolng
lenient towards tho faults aud follies of
others and uveu to forglvo their depart
ure from a truo llfo.
The acrmans nro notoriously beer-
drinkers, but, with tho exception of tho
Bavalans, they do not, on the avcrago,
consumo as much lager as tho Belgians.'
In Muulcli, it Is true, each Inhabitant
during tho year, on tho average, drinks
no loss than 30 quarts of foaming inger;
but then that city Is noted as tho centre
nf ilrlnkln? and lirowlnp-.
Each party had n symbol to bo known ,, M th0 ,,lac0 m particular whoro
by. Tho houso of Lancaster chose a Kln nrtmbrinu3 holdi his court. Tho
reel roso, which wns worn by nil Its od
herents; upon which, that of York
took a white one. So famous did theso
emblems beeomo thnt tho war was
known nil over Europo as tho " War of
tho Hoses." Tho strife ended at last by
n marriage between a son nnd daughter
of tho rival families. And now comes
tho marvellous part of thestory ; which
is that, after that, red and whlto roses
nppenred growing on tho same bush.
Soinotlmes they wcro almost puro whlto
or unmixed red, hut usually striped,
mottled, or Biieckled In various nntl
beautiful ways. And n roso, qulto com
mon In old-fashioned gardens, has been
called to this day tho " York nntl Lan
caster rose."
If wo choosoto bellcvo tho nbove, wo
can account for all tho varieties of rosea
known becnuso gnrdeners havo tho art
to clianc.0 greatly tho shades of a slnglo
color all except yellow ones. Can nny
body tell us whero theso como from?
If bo, wo shall know also tho origin of
nil tho salmon and palo-buff tints,
Somebody who is n very convenient
authority boldly declares thnt they
owo their golden huo to no mystery, no
miracle, but to an experiment. No
average consumption of beer In Germa
ny Is only 18 quarts per head, while
Belgium consumes 01 quarts to each
Inhabitant annually. Each Inhabitant
of England annually drinks 21 quarts
of beer, which is moro than Austria,
that is satisfied with 0 quarts ro per
sona. Franco Bomowhnt abandons tho
beer ln preferenco of wind, and eon
sumcs only 18 quarts,)er capita during
theyear,niid Switzerland only 16 quarts.
Wlllio tho largest and leading brewer
ies of England each produce from sev
enty to ninety million quarts of beer
annually, the largest browcry in tier-
many un Munich) produces only about
twenty-thrco million (marts; and thu
largest brewery in Austria lias a capac
ity of about tilrty-clght million quarts
pro anno.
A raw Jonathan who had bced casting
at a garden In tho vicinity of New York
in which wero several mnrblo statues,
exclaimed: "Just ecu what a watte!
Here's no lets than six scarecrows lu
this llttlo ten-foot patch, uud tuiy one of
'em would keep llio crows from a five
aero lot."
uui iuuuuiaiiury.