The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, June 23, 1871, Image 3

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The Columbian,
Blooinsburg, Friday, Juno 23, 1871 1
(I ro. r. Ilnw itt.i. A Co.,4il Tnrk Ilnw.nro ntir only
nulhorlred Advertising Agent In New York,
('oE,WF.TIIKIIIt.t,ftCi.,Nn.fI7('hotnut Btreet,
nro our only authorized Agent In liiilndelphla,
0.(1. HuiifiiY, Kan, I our nittlinrlred Agent nt
I nil In Id trnnsnct nny business pertaining to
JliT" All ndVcrf lspmcnf for tlin fnrirnl,,.. Irwiilli
lie inuslhocadnrscd by theso Agents, or they
Railroad Tirao Tablo.
doing North, UnlniiHnnlli,
Ih'tiA. M, ll:JIA,M,
d:M T. JI. fciO T. M.
lining North, doing Hnuth.
s:ni l. ,M, iu:us A. ,M
Vorlli nnd Wet llrnncli Hnllrnml.
Subscriptions to tlih roml nro bcliif
innuowllli rcasonablo llborallly, Tho
road Is Mncclally Important to tbo uoo.
plo of niooiusbiirff nmt of Culumbln
county. Tlicro la no town nny whero
nioro pleasantly Bltuatotl or better
adapted loiiianiifiiclurltiRpurposes tban
llInoinBUuri?. Blten for building of nny
lilml exist nil nround us our Iron is
cijunl lo nny in tbo United State), nnd
mpcrlor to most of it superior lo nny
In this section and nil oilier matorlnls
Tor ninntirncluro nro abundant. Tbo
agricultural regions nround us nro sufll
dent to supply tbo markets of a largo
city. With tbo construction of (bo
North nnd West llrnncli llnllrond,
Illoomsburg will bo u railroad centre.
connecting with nil tbo great roads of
tlioblalo liy direct routes. With n rapid
building up of tbo town tbo wbolo
country around us would bo benefitted
lo tbo greatest posslblo extent, and
everybody, therefore, In Ibo whole re
gion is directly Interested.
Wo call tho attention of cjpltnlisls to
the f.tct that tbcrols ngrent demand for
inoru dwelling bouses, store-rooms,
shops, etc., In tbo town. Within our
own knowledge, several now business
places would havo been opened last
Kjirlng by persons from other localities
ir it had been posiiblo to obtain proper
buildings, llulld up, nnd tbcro will bo
plenty of tenants to occupy tho struct
ureseach now addition will creatotlo
innud for others and Uloomsburg may
soon bo madoouo of tho most populous
towns In tho Interior of tbo Stalo. Tbo
first great step to tako is to securo tho
construction of tbo North nnd AVest
Branch Hnllroiul, but lit tbo mcnntlmo
let building not bo neglected, Clvo tbo
natural facilities of tho town n f.ilr
cbanco for development nnd wo will
soon boast of city dimensions and nctlvo
anil lucrntlvo business for all. It is sin
gular, indeed, that tho natural advan
tages of tho placo havo so long been
neglected. Energetic notion will soon
bring them into full operation, nnd
then astonishing results will necessarily
llloonisburs Tonu Council.
Council met on Juno yd, 1871, nearly
nil tho members present.
On motion, tbo artlclo c.f ngrccmcnt
with Samuel Neyitaud for perform
ing tho work of Engineer in tbo grad
ing of tbo streets, Ac, was approved.
A book for tbo uso of tbo Treasurer
was ordered to bo purchnfo.l.
Tho commlttco to purchase booO for
tbo uso of Friendship j'iro Company
was continued.
Exonerations lo tbo amount of $71.00
on tax duplleato for 1870 wero allowed,
A resolution to pay tbo town nudlt
nrn was passed,
Tbo Street Commissioners account for
May, amounting to $290,03, wasorderod
to bo paid.
A petition of citizens of Market
Street praying for tbo paving of that
strcePnnd tbo removal of tbo bridge
across tho railroad, was presented by
K. It, Ikeleu, Escp, and ordered to bo
recorded. Adjourned.
Nnwsi'Ai'JiitnoM. Wo regret that
tho editors of tho Northumberland
JJcmoerat felt compelled to dissolve
pailnership, a fisticuff having rendered
that step necessary. Tho paper Is con
tinued by tbo senior proprietor, J. E.
Kicholtz, and has lost none of its in
terest. Tho Wnynesburg Messenger, an old
and steadfast exchange, and always a
good paper, conies to us greatly enlarg
ed and otherwise much improved. Tbo
editor was a candldato for Surveyor
(ieneral, but having failed to receive
tbo Democratic nomination, gracefully
Tbo Independent Is n new paper Just
started at licrwick, by C. F. Snydek.
It is a well printed sheet and professes
to bo independent, neutral, or somo
thing of Ibat sort, in politics.
A Suiti'iusi:. Tho llfo-liko appear
ance of tho dummies in dry goods
stores, used to display articles of lady's
apparel, will sometimes deccivo tho
unwary, but wo had not learned until
recently Ibat any of them could Imilato
vocal powers. In tho hurry of business
a few evenings since, ns wo learn, ono
of our most fashionable clerks put bis
arm around Ibo waist of ono of these to
lift It out of tho way, but to his horror
and astonishment tho thing srjualkcd I
Of courso tho modest batchelor dropped
bis load with most solemn emotions
and quickly assumed u dufenslvo ntti
ludo behind tbo counter. Moral lay
bauds cautiously uisoh ladles habili
ments, whether upon dummies or some
tiling else I
Tun rosebug Is moro destructive in
Illoomsburg tho present year than wo
over know it anywhere It Is confidently
stated that wblto hclleboro powered
over tho bushes early in the mornlug
will destroy them. It may bo obtained
at any druggists and Its cost Is trifling.
Scotch snuil'ls nlso said to bo a remedy.
Certain it Is that cither n remedy must
be applied or tho most beautiful of all
Mowers must dlsappeur,
Tho most effective enemies of nil
manner of Insects aro tho birds. Let
them bo protected nnd every enemy to
them bo destroyed. If properly pro.
tectod and especially If tho cats that
ucsiroy them wero killed tho town
would soon bo nllvo with birds, nnd In
Beets would correspondingly disappear.
A violent storm provnlled iu this re
gion on Tuesday afternoon last. Wo
learn that a now hotiso belonging to Mr.
Bamuel Sitliui, In Ilorwlck, was
blown down. Also, a barn lu Urlar
creek, belonglngtoMr. Aauon
Nun, Tbo npplo orchard of Mr. Jeii
r.MiAU IIacienjiuch, of Ccntro town
ship, also sutler ed severely, near a htm.
drcd trees being blown down. Much
Injury wnsdono to fences generally. At
f omo poinls tbcro was considerable hall.
1 but wo have heard of no EcrlGua Inlurv
from Uiat cnuto. Much moro tlamngo
Was no doubt dono but not reported to
Iliilli-uiitl Mt-eltiur.
A meeting favorablo lo tho construc
tion of the North nnd West llranch
Itallroad was held In Illoomsburg, on
tbo ICth Inst. Hon. Wm. Klweli. was
chosen President, and 1), A. Uecklev,
Iiso;., Secretary.
Mr. Walleii slated tbo object or tho
meeting to bo for tho purpose of taking
In consideration tho building of (ho
North .t West llranch 11. It. Mr. Neal
then being called upon gavo an account
of tbo progress of tho subscription with
9trong nrguments why tbo citizens of
Uloomsburg should subscribo very lib
crnlly to tbo building of tbo rocd. Mr. set forth tho Importnnco of
tho road ns a national thoroughfare be
tween tho cast and tbo west, which fact
bad not escancd tbo nnllnnrif llo.ll Unml
men in other States. Ho discil3sod tho
sources of business for tho road nnd
showed that tho lintiiotisn dotirult. nf
coal In Wyoming Valley lu itself, would
no n perpetual supply, apart from the
local trallc. To carry Ibis coal to mar
ket only ono road passes tlnwn Mm vol.
ley of tbo Susquelinnnn, wbllo seven
aro nircntiy running North nnd East,
llo llkowlso showed on nccount of tbo
undulating nlluvlal deposits, that n
better crado can bo oblnliinl nn ihn
fcouth side of tbo river than tbo north,
lo staled that tho umdes betwrnn
Wilkes-Uarro nnd Wllllamport with
ono solitary oxccptlon nro less than tbo
up grauu oi mo lj. & u. ll. n., between
Wllkcs-Uarro nnd Illoomsburg. An
other reason for its construction is Unit
thero is no continuous road between
Wllkcs-Uarro anil Wllllnmstinrt. Hi.
demonstrated that tho road mint pay
mo stoci; Holder ns an Investment. Ho
showed most conclusively tho great
Interest 'that Uloomsburg has In the
road, as the natural location for repair
shops, Ac. Hon. Wm. Klwell follow
ed in a speech endorsing tho views
iresenlcd by Mr. Wamdii. and n-.ivn
other reasons why tho road should bo
uuiit, as part ofa grent tlirouc i nasscn-
gcr route.
col. John U. FnnLiiiinlso addressed
tbo meeting lu which ho reviowed tbo
progress of Uloomsburg for tho hist
twenty years. Ho snok 0 nf llin flnn.
graphic linportaneoof tho road ns being
in an almost direct lino between New
York and SanFranclsco. Ho showed
that other towns havu been greatly ben
efitted by similar Improvements.
-nr. ii;.r, nominated David I,ow-
enheiki and E. nj
committee to canvass thu town (o pro-
euro sioeic subscriptions and report to
Mr. WAr,i,i:u and Mr. Neal by r,
o'clock on Monday. They wero unani
mously elected- Subscriptions wero
then called for, after which on motion
tbo meeting adjourned.
Adjourned Court.
On motion of Mr. Clakk, ai:onai:
ni:B. Keim nnd Geohcib It. Kakuch
Eit, Esquires, of Schuylkill county,
wero admitted to ptactico law iu tho
soveral Courts of Columbia county.
urdcr of talo of real estate of lllram
Cool for payraont of debts, made.
Order of salo of real estato of Jacob
Kostcubatler for payment of debts,
Order of salo of real estate of Matthew
Mather for payment of debts, mado.
Inquisition of Lunacy against Thomas
Laughlln granted, and J. II. James
appointed Commissioner.
On petition to change placo of holding
elections In North Conynghant district,
election ordered for Saturday, August
Mh, on tho question.
Murray, Wiulack & Itandall vs. North
Uritish Inatiranco Co., and Imperial
Flro Insurance Co.
The-o two cases on two policies of In
surance, wero by consent tried before
tbo samojury. F. W. Hughes, Cleo. It
Kaorcherand John O. Freeze, Esquires,
appeared for tbo plalntllfs, and J. W,
llyan, Geo. dell. Kclm nnd Itobcrt F.
Clark, Esquires, appeared for defend
ants. Verdict of tbo Jury In each easo
for tho plaintiffs tho sum of $3,!Ui00.
Tho report of vlowers In tho caso of
Wm, McKelvey vs. tbo I). II, & W.
itallroad Company wassctashle.Mcssrs.
Ulaiik and Fheeze, plaintiffs counsel
consenting thereto, Tho act of Assem
bly of 27th May, 1871, puts tho Compa
ny, as to tbo assessment of damages,
under tho general Ilailroad law and its
supplements; nnd appointments of
viewers under it will not bo mado In
any of tho cases until tho September
Term of Court.
Tin: following I'reamblo and Itujolu-
Hons wero ndopted nt a meeting of the
Reformed Sabbath School, of Ulooms
burg, Juno lSth, 1871.
WlIF.UEAS: It lias lileaseil Atmlcrhfv
Clod, in his wlso providence, to rail
hencoour beloved Urotlierand follow.
servant in Christ, C'r,Aiti:.'(;uIIi:s.-, who
was a faithful teacher and officer, iu our
Sabbath school j
And wlioreas. 11 sl'Ooi! oxamn o w 1 In
living and laborimr nmoiiL' iw is u-nrihv
of imitation by all, especially by those
connected with our Sabbath scliool as
loacners and oiitcers ; And bolloving
that our loss hero Is His eternal gain,
Hesolccd. That wo bnwwltl, immliln
submission to tbo will nf Dlvl nn tirivl.
denco In removing him. feelliiL' that
whatsoever tho lord dooth is well done.
Jicsoti ca, Tliat wo heartily sytiipathlzo
with parouts and friends of tho deceased,
praying Clod to stretch forth Ills hand
lp condole them In this their sort) ntllle
Hon, JiCSOlVCtl. That tho PlWltnhl,. nml
Kesolutions bo read at tho funeral obse
quies of (ho deceased, and that (boy bo
Inscribed on tbo minutes of our Sabbath
Jtcsolvcd, That n copy of tho samo bo
sent to tbo bereaved family.
Uy order of tho Sabbatli School.
ji:ssi; lor.EMAX, 1
David Ui'.tz, tCom.
tnv Fou.wvai.d, J
Editou CoijUMMAXt Tho attention
of tho Town Council Is called (o tho
miserablo stato of (ho board walks lu
Uloomsburg. At best thoy aro a nuis
ance, and in tbo present condition of
most of them thoy nro dangerous. Tho
town Is responsible, by law. for any In-
Jury that may bo occasioned by them,
ami ir tiioy should causo a broken arm,
ug or nccK, tlio damages tho town would
bo called upon to pay might amount to
moro than would substitute good pavo
monts for thorn. Tho Council could not
oven plead ignoraucoof their condition.
Wu learn that n fata railroad acci
dent occurred ncarCentrallnon tho 20th
Inst. Sovcn men wero working on tho
road when a (rain of cars approached.
Thoy stepped ofr to let It pass, but wero
horrified lo seo ono of their number,
Patiuck Muni'tiv, tinder tho cars.
How bo got there, having previously
stepped oir, tho others cannot tell. An
Inquest was hold but no additional In
formation was obtained, Tho unfortu
iiato man was a comparative stranger.
llcwnio of (Irtiiibllnsl
Editou op Cor,ujinrAN!-Vou will
much obllgo many of your patrons and
frieuds, and promolo tbo eauso of mor
ality by Inserting lu your pnper tho foi
lowing letter in relntlon to 'Church
Fairs" a specloj of gambling Hint has
becomo lamentably provalcnt, Tho
names of persons, places nnd pnrties aro
omitted, In order that your readers may
glvo tho subject nn Impartial nnd tin
prejudiced cxnminntlon.
Yours respectfully,
Dear Sir: Though I havo not tho
pleasure of a personal acquaintance
With you, I am Impelled by n sonso of
duty lo nddress you this lottor.
I have learned, upon what I doom to
bo good authority, Hint corlnlu persons
moved, doubtless, by what tiioy regard
as worthy motives, contcmplnto holding
on Friday nnd Saturday evenings of
this week, a "Fair," to ralso money in
nid of tlio erection of n houso of wor
ship for tho Church in . I
beg to nssuro you Hint I urn not In tho
least opposed to thonnd sought lo bo nc
compllshcd. Tho members nnd friends
of tbo Church or nny other
church thanks lo tho free, civil Institu
tions under which wo live liavon per
fect right to build ns many bouses of
worship ns liiey may deem necessary,
and any other who may desire to con
tribute money or material to aid them,
ureal perfect liberty to do so; nnd no
word or net of initio will dissuade them,
provided tbo donation is mado directly
and specifically for the pttrpo'o named.
lint "Church "FnirVns usually con-
dusted nro ofthonaluro otgamliling
aim aro among tlio most pernicious and
demoralizing iiilluanecs at work in
modern rellgloussoclcty.and It becomes
every person who deslieslo promotoa
sound and ptiro morallly in tho com
munity to speak out In uiitnlslakablo
Inngtiago against them.
What aro tho "drab Hag," tbo "For
tune Tree," and (bo "I'riza Cake," but
lotteries, n form of gambling specifically
condemned by tbo laws of tho State ;
and its promoters subjected to both fine
and Imprisonment. Nothing but the
fact that most of our Judges and Jurors
aro cither members or (ho friends of re
ligious organizations which sanction
this form of gambling, prevents tho en
forcement of tho law against It.
Tho salo of tickets entitling persons
to vote for tbo bestowinent, upon their
favorite, of canes, nlbunis, and other
vaIuabloattIc!cs,lho"Sham PostOfllco"
and tho many other projects for getting
money from persons, for religious pur
poses, by indirect means constantly
resorted to nt theso "Fairs," though
not in form so Identical with gambling
as tho "drab Hag," tho "Fortune Tree"
and the cako with n gold ring In it, aro
not less so in spirit. Thoy aroall tricks,
and stratagems dlsingcneous, Indirect
and circuitous modes of raising money
artifices by which lo Induco persons to
part with their money who would not
do so voluntarily and without theso dis
rcputnblo appliances.
All tho surroundings of a "Church
Fair," aro demoralizing in thooxtromo
and tend to the encouragement of other
forms of vice. Willi what faco can any
ono who has sanctioned such scenes as
aro enacted nt them, robukotho playing
of cards faroc, and other games of haz-
zard ? I f you and I differ in our rellg-
lous views nnd lunching, thero Is cer
tainly no reason why wo should not bo
agreed inn wish to promoton pure moral
sentiment in tbo community.
Iu 1017, Martin Luther nailed to Ibo
door of Ibo church In Wittcmbcrg, his
thesis against Indulgences. Ho was
prompted to this step quito ns much by
tho demoralizing tendency of tho salo
of indulgences, as by nny theological
heresy underlying tho traflc. Hut where
in aro "Church Fairs" less pernicious
morally than papal indulgences! If tho
latter wero received as licenses to sin,
tho former nro tin itself. How many
hundreds of young men havo received
their first Impulso lowardsn life, of dis
sipation by tbo hilarity, excitement and
bazzardous tricks and games of the
"Church Fair." It has becomo ono of
tho gigantic evils of our ngo-n shame
and a disgraco to religion, and a fearful
sourco of immorality and vice. It is
infinitely moro pernicious than tho or
dinary forms of gambling; because it
allures tho unwary and Ibo well-mean-Ing;
because It has tho sanction of min
isters nnd churchos,nud bccatiso tlio end
sought to bo attained is supposed to bo
a good ono. Though it Is evil, U is doing
evil that good may come. This thought
quiets tlio conscience, Ilesldes being
in somo of its features a formal viola
tion of tho law of tho land, nnd In oth
ers, a violation of its spirit, it is nn ap
peal to every unholy passion In tho hu
man heart. 1'rlde, vanity, self-love,
approbatlveness, and still lower pas
sions, aro called Into requisition, and
oven tho holiest affections and friend
ships are perverted into pernicious
channel, lu order to swell tho coffers of
tho church, regardless of lis blighting
and withering effect.
In brief, It Is n dlsrcputablo method
of raising money for religious purposes
or for any other purposes. Any man
who seeks to ralso money for Ills own
prlvato uses by such tricks, schemes,
and stratagems as aro resorted to In
theso "Fairs," will bring himself into a
deserved disrepute amongst all high
minded and honorable men, and when
churches which ought to bo ensamplcs
of morality at least resort to tho samo
kind of practices, why should not tbo
public reprobation bo equally severe ?
hot those who deslro to aid you In
building your house, do so In ustraight
forward, open aud honorablo manner.
Lot them glvo their money directly for
that purpose Let them avoid those
blind, circuitous modes of paying for
tno privllego of maklngn grab lu n bag,
of picking an egg shell (tilled Willi n
lortuuui irom n tree, of purchasing a
pleco of cako, nt an enormous price, In
prospect of finding a gold ring iu if,
nnd tho namoless other tricks resorted
to on such occasions. "Ho that ulvotli
lqt lit in do it with simplicity." Horn, 12
s. "i'.vcry man according m ho pur
poscth in ids lioart, so let him glvo, not
grudgingly, or of necessity; for Clod
lovelh n cheerful giver," Cor. t), 7. Tho
crooked ways of getting money nt
"Church Fairs" do not, iu any respect,
coniorm to theso sacred admonitions.
I trust, therefore, you will readily sco
thoproprloty of exerting your influence
to prevent tho holding of this "Fair,"
nnu to nvort irom tlio cause of religion
generally, tho scandal and reproach
liccosstiruy resulting from such proceed
Ings. Help to save tho young mon of
wits piaco irom tho temptation nnd the
encouragement (o gambling thereby
held out. I am (ho moro earnest In thus
entreating you bccatiso I havo no Idea
that those engaged lu this matter havo
the slightest conception of tlio Injury
thoy nro nbout to porpctrnto, to religion
and morality; or that thoy would per
sist In It ir thoy had. Their motives nro
doubtless, such ns their consclenco fully
npprovo, nnd ihey would promptly de
sist, if convinced of tbo ovll tendency
of what they nro nbout to do. They
will listen to you; nnd your nd
viconnd ndmonltlon will havo weight
with them, nnd Ibo cntlso of religion
nnd mornllty will bo saved from ono of
tbo most pernicious Influences that can
bo brought to bear upon it.
Ucllovo mo, very truly yours,
Facts havo recently como to lltrht.
showing that French Communism Is
notnn isolated fact, a dlseaso springing
from Ibo Blums of Paris. Tho principle
has cropped out in Germany nnd Italy.
In England It Is reported to bo gaining
ground, nnd n meeting of sympathy
with tbo Communist refugees In that
country, opposing their surrender to
tho French Clovcrnment ns criminals,
has been held In London. The land
question lu England is said tondd much
lo tho strength of tbo dUaffectcd classes.
Tho land of Hie country Is now In tho
hands of about thirty thousand propri
etors, wbllo moro lliiiti twenty millions
of persons llvo on tho soil. Such fncls
nro being used by (ho English ngitniors
(o stir up tho working classes, and, un
der the manipulation of adroit agitators
may bo mndo potent elements of mis
chief. When Communism Is engrafted
upon such n trunk, tho fruit caunot fall
to bo dangerous. Age.
IlEsor.uTioxB of Co.Niior.ENcn.
Wheiieas, It has pleased tbo Almighty
God lo remove from our midst our lato
Urother James IlAititY, of N. L. U.
Wheheas, wo deeply deplore his loss.
Yet wo humbly bow lu submission to
tho will of God, therefore bo It,
Hesolccd, That our sympathies bo ex
tended to tlio berelved relatives, that a
copy of these resolutions bo presented to
tbo lelatlves of tbo deceased.
Hesolccd, That tho hall bo draped in
mourning for thirty days, tboso publica
tions Ira requested in the Colum lian and
J. Itl.NKEU, )
It. UuciiAjfAN, Committee.
J. H. Casey, j
Ai,r, orders, societies, Ac, which pro
pose to join tho citizens of Illoomsburg
in celebrating July 1th, aro requested to
send prompt notica to 0. U. HuouicwAY,
Chairman of Committee on Arrange
ments, so that they will bo properly
Tin: OitANonvir.i.r. Savinh Fund
and I.oAN Association. Stock will
bo sold nt par at the next meeting of
tho Association, Monday, Juno 20th,
1871, After that time tho premiums
will bo added. ISooks open Irom 5 lo
8 o'clock 1. M.
Mit. I. K. KnicunAUSt has editorial
thanks for a lot of very laigoand lino
cherries, from ids premises, hanging on
a small limb about a foot in length.
We Judgo thero aro near a quart on tbo
It is quito abtonlshlng that tlicro nro
so many railroad accidents c.iu-ed by
tattle straying upon tbo tracks. Somo
means should bo adopted to prevent the
further occurenco of railroad disasters
from such cause.
Tun Democracy of Ilerks at their late
county convention unanimously in
structed their delegates to tbo next State
Convention to support Gen. W.S.IIan
cock for President.
A i.ioht suit of Summer clotblns Is
n delightful thing in this warm weather,
A very duo nnd general assortment.
wncro nu can suit lliemselvcs In slvle.
quality and price, will bo found at tbo
well-lllled cheap storo of D. Lowi:n
ni'.itci, on Main street, Illoomsburg. A
trial will satisfy and pleaso doubters.
ns well ns others. Cloth clothing nlso
on liana lu nuuudancc.
Tooth aciik proceeds from nguo In
mo nice, operating upon llio exposed
nervo of n decayed tooth. Jtuh llm
gum tiiorouglily Willi llio linger, wet
wiiu juimsoH s sinoaync Jiimmcnt, neat
tho faco well, and lap a llnnncl wet Willi
tho liniment on (ho face, also put n lit
tlo of tho liniment into tho cavity of
tlio tooth on cotton.
Tho system frequently gets out of
order nnd should bout onto leiiubiled.
else other troubles will ensuo j when
piiysie is neeucii iai;o j-arsoirs l arra
tire Tills; they aro a safe, wholesome,
and natural medicine.
Tin: flrbt Sowltifr Machine with shut
tle that wo liuvo nny record of, wns
nintlo by Walter Hint In". Thero
was in tho jiatent olllco at Wiislilngton,
In IS 12, a inotlul ofa machine to sew
HtralKlit seams, with name of James
Clrcnuueli. Inventor, AUo two moilols
invented by Q. II. CorlN and 11. V.
lloam, in JSI.'lj ono by Itogers In 1S11,
and ono by Howo in 1S10.
It In evident from the abovo that
Walter Hint invented llio (list Bhultlo
or Lock Slltcli SowIiik jrathlnc.
' 0. C. Maiiii has just received a larfjo
lot nml latest styles of light Calicoes.
Cull anil sco them,
Jin. 8amt.'ei CocanAN, IruvcliiiK
iitreut for tho Singer Manufacturing
Company, gisxa notice lo the residents
of Columbia county that J, A. Doiian
U tlio duly authorized agent for the salo
of tho Singer Sowing Machines in tho
nbovo counly, l'arlics wishing to pur
chase said machines will bear in mind
that thoy cannot bo had from dealers In
other machines, except second handed.
On. Piimcr.'ri Alt. Kxt. or Golden
Medical Discovery, will not ralso tho
dead, but it will henctlt and cure tho
living. For nllsevero Coughs, Throat
mid llionchlal diseases It Inn never yet
been (ciiialed. For ' Liver Comnlnlnt"
or " lllllousncss," and Constipation of
uiu ixnvuis it is ii never iniiing remetiy.
Sold by druggists.
ItiiMrMiimt C. C, Mauii's cheap Gai
ters, runs, I'arasols, (iru-is Clotli Lawns,
Situation Wantkd. An experi
enced Clerk, who can furnish unexcep
tionable recommendations, Is lu wiiut
of a situation. Address box ,"oil,
Illoomsbuig 1', 0. or Inquire nt the
Columbian olllco.
Tin: Young Men's Christian Associa
lion will serve Jci: Cjuiam every oven
Ing nt Snyder's Hall In Illoomsbtirir
Tlio object is to ralso means to purcluiso
it library, and thu public patronugo Is
respectively boiiciieu.
1''I'.STIVAI,. Tlicro will bo nn Ico
Cream festival held In tlio Masonic Hall,
nt Catnwlssa, on Vrltlny uvenlng, Satur
day nfternoou nud ovenlng, Juno aid
nnu -an. x'roceetis lor ucueut or jm,
li Sunday School,
Von Sai.i:. Ono hundred filncer
Sewing Machinolioxcsi those who havo
nougui wingers miring1 mo last six
months can obtain one wlthot chargo at
inoomce, j. a. wouoN, ai
Tin: Singer Manufacturing Company
havo been making Six hundred now
Family Sowing Machine? n day, which
Is ono every minute during working
hours. This number appears larger,
but seven hundred a day would not
supply tbo present domand.
Wanted. One hundred cords of
wood In exchango for stoves, tinware,
plows orcastlngs, ittSllAm'l.EssifeHAH
.man's Foundry. n20 2v
C. 0. Maiiii, has tho greatest variety
nnd cheapest Shawls In town,
COItKr.NS-llAU('HKIl.()n Ilia 'lSUi'lniitnTitl nt
llioretlilencoor Ihe brlilo'n I ill her. In llrrwlclc,
liy llio Ilov, A, llrltuin, 11 r, l'rnlilt Unrkcm, of
Ciilironil.1, to mim l'nnnlo Jlnuclicr, uf licr
wick, HirAimnrrH-KEI.CIINEIt.-OnTucjilnycvcn-log,
.1 ii n (i 1.1th, 1871, ut tho nillcuco nf tlia
brlilo'a fnlhcr, liy Itcv. II. P. Alkiniin, llcv, II,
A, Hlmrrclm, ol Light Hlron, l Wm, V.Wrti
Kclctuitr,uf llrlar Cie?k,Columhlncoutily,rn.
CUIAT.UHAltllM0X.-0n Juno lith. nt Town
Hill, by Hcv. i:. WnclKivortli, Mr, J,,N. Culver,
uf Kingston, to .Miss ill, E, lfnrrlaoii, of Union.
lIi:iAV!U.-oTitho 10th Jny-cif"jrincy lMlTat
IntnuNnn, MlnsNclHi) Ililwlf, ngullj ycun, II
month unit 0 days.
lll:SH.-()n tho 17lli d.iy of Juno, ls71.nt Iho rent
ilr mo of hlaiiitrcnu, in lhl ilnn',.Mr.CM!fiU'e
Hoi, ni;eil wiyoitrs, 10 inuntliH nud 11 d:i) n.
Illonmitiurg Alnrbet
Wheat tcr bushel ,
Hyo "
Oat i. "
Klourpcr I'Hrrul
KlfiXhi-eU ,,
t'ulIdV ,.
I'OtfllOPS M
DrlcJ At'plLM
. 1 hi
, H 00
0 Kl
. 1 M
. 10
, 1 01)
HIlM linilHIlollllUtl 11
Liird irer pound id
Jly ion 1(1 iw
O or
William Pencoelc, Treasurer, In nccount with
niuuiunifuiK ocuoui uiiirict lor llio circuit
luj Jimp. 171. in.
To amount ruceUcd. fiom fonmr
Treasurer II
To amount received from Jacoli H.
j.vaus, purcliafio money on salo
OfSlIlOltctnwthHchnol Int. H? TJ1
To amount reccHed from C.J. TUo-
man, on miiiio ys 12
ToSlatoilipropii..tlon. SOI yj
To amount received fro.a K. C, llili-
lou, puiciuiho money on k.uo of
Kcotloivil nud Illnnin l'llrimrn tutu ILl lift
To amount received from Jcsso
isiuimion, Collector B 7,017 'J2
810.7JI OJ
111- older redtcnicd S 3.015 23
liy Commission on abovo ol
i pci-ccui Wti VJ lmmlMof Ticasunr , ftn) 12
ilO.TJI GO account with Ulooniu-
i'uik ncuuoi iJibiticwui inuyeur cuuiui; Juno
To haltincoou Duiillcito'fiOand '7(1.
SI.S70 01
7,111 11
lo amount of Duplleato of '70 and '71.
S.,0io 17
liy exonerations and rlmlo-
mcnu 100 t0
Ily ciinniilsHioii of 6 cr cciu,
on 87,01 1 67 371 i
Ily iiiiuiuut paid 'luaauier. 7,17 Hi
Uy Inilauco In hatr's of Collec
tor 010 07
Amount paid tentlitrs ?J,0t0 CI
k uvi, iunj'3, ciiuriK, juimur ii mi
coutlnKencleu -
To niljoiulnd district i lor lu
ll Ion
To Ti ensui er'i per ct nt i jo
lo ColU-ctor'B commlsHlo.i
To Secretary lor ber Ices
To building
$&l 01
-io r,i
P)S U)
3 VI 72
10 1 Oi)
4,1)11 V)
Tu leiLitrlmr. A.a.
17 1
ilalauco in hand of 'treasurer.
S1.W3 CO
Attest', T."Vt HAHTiii:X, Pru-ldeuU
i;. lUUCKLKR, Secretary.
Wo, Ui u uudcrljrucd. Auditors for tho Town of
iSIooinsbiirtf, bavo r-xamlued tbo atovunecount.H
cd (Lie fccbool fund!) of UhHtiiihbnrrf Heliool DW
irfct.nud llnd them correct according lo dupli
city and vouchers,
r. r.,
.1. II. Uasly,
Kl'llllAIM 1. LtT.
llbHimKburg, Juno Slh, 1S71. Junelbtf
Legal Notices.
I.cltfrs nt administration on tho estate nf
Anna annorn, miooi unHvis.a iwpomimnii
umnty dec'tl., nave been nranteil by tho Ut'Mer
of bultl county, to John 11. Vauiioru of Cataiss.i
township, Columbia eor.Mty, pa. All pprKOU1
bavlnu lJuIuih or dt manns ttgalust tbu dcrrdent
lire rco,ucMC(i io maito uieiti unouu,auu niooo
Indebted to make pajimiit.
may EG71 Cw Admlnlstiulor,
r i'-r.ii i: oi' nAVlli n. AI.111.1.1SON. l)Lt:'l.
Lcttirt of Admliitstrnlloti on llio csiatu of
David It. Albcrlhiin lulu or KlshliiKCUcK township,
,'..1 I.... nn....,...ln..unL,..l l.l-u urilltl...! 1,U
tho UixUtcr ofnild county lo Hiram 11. Kline. All
pcrboun halng clalmii aalusl tho ckIhIo of tho
dcccdiiit mo leqiufaUd lo prchcnt them forsit
Helmut, and those Indebted lot he estate lomnko
payuulit io 1110 iinutrMKiiiu, iiuiuiiiimiiiiui,
without delay. lllltAM 11. KU.VH
may t:o'7l ut Administrator,
KhTATE OK 1IAN1I 1. 1.11:11V, lirc'l).
Littcri of nd'nliiKtratlon on Ihee.talcof Dan
111 I.lcby, lalo oi Locust iivnw!,hlp, Colunihia
oounly dtc'il., lnivo been i;l allied b thol'.eaKter
of hald county, to Ilcniy Keller.ot Locnit twp.
All pelMins havlni; thiltni or demands unllltt
l lin ilecrdeitr urn reuULSIcil to inako them known
and thoio Indebted to makn o'lvmen', wllhonl
dtlny. lilMit Jiia.i,i;bt,
Juutll,'7I Cm Admlulslrutor.
111 Came to tho prcml-oof tho subscriber, In
Locust township, Columbia county, on 1'ild.iy,
June nth lfc7l.lwn voumr lielft rs. ono black atnf
wiiiio aim inooinerrtii ami wnuo epoueu, ino
owner In rcijucsliHl to como lormaril, proo pro
petty and lako them away or they will bo sold
accordion to law. JllIIN KUIUIIKIt.
Locust township, Juno l(i, lb71..1t.
In the Court of Common IMwim of Colnihbla
county, No, iyz JIuy Tenn, 171,
jami;siuwm, )
vm. y Allan Pub,, tu Dlvoice,
ANN1I3 K. Jtl'SH, J
t Subpoena nnd alias Hupnocna returned on oath
bill tbo Defendant could not bo found in tho
iald county. To tbo respondent : Madam You
me hereby requested lo ho aud appear at our
muh tuuy ui uominuu i'ichh iu aiui tor muu
eimnty, on tho lit Kt Monday of Kepteialw r next,
toauHwer to tho fcnldcom plaint of the hald llbell
ant, or tie llablo tobavottio hhiiio deternilni'd by
ineKuu i oun expartc. A AUuri W.mi j h,
jiiuuuibiiurif, jujiu hDiriii.
gunrcKXA ix mvonci;.
In tho Court of Common I'lcn-i of Columbia
Counly, No. 13J.J May Term, 1671.
vm. Alius Kcb, In Dlvorco
II A UK V l ItOlllNSOX. )
Subntena nnd alias Kubiwnri rcluined on 0.1U1
that tho Doleudaut could not bo touud lu tbo
Hitld cimnly. To rthpondenl j Kir You aro heie
b rujniri'd to bo and ape.trnt our wild Couit
oi Common 1'Ieat in nnd lor nald county, on tho
ilrht Monday ofKepieinber next, to ainwer to
llubto lo liavo llio fcamu UetiTinliu'd by Ibo kuld
Vinnlvxpaitc. A A HON HMITII,
jiiooiuauurK, June niii'riii.
line younir llAClv llOUII Is ollerod for
tale, IU votk Uoublo or ftiuuie, inquirooi
AV. 11, KUONrt,
may 2071 tf lJloonuburg, l'.i,
All persons nro cautioned not to buy a certain
jinmiienui y uuiu ' ,iay iui ia i.
(,1V iiuiiilbs altir dato, lor ono bundrtd aiui
ninety. llvo ($IU") dollais, pujublo lo Nnthuu
Hlniily. uh 1 lmo tuclnd no alue.
ANI)H1'.V I'll 1TIT,
North Union, tctiuylUlll county, l'.i.
Jnst prlntpil nn eoodrnnpr nnil In llift npalpRt
nml ir biilu nt llio L'ui.UMiiiAN oillii', 'Iho law
UMlllrc-H JlmllooH ill llio IVlU'O In Itiivon Kin Hill
imi up In Uii lr ullkes, unili r 11 ininulty or 810 una
dimblu tlio amount or tlio 1on itiiiutft'il.
WO HOW bavo tlio ftnrkl nciinrlmrnl nf IU. I VI."
DK1.HH ou bund aud for sale that were ouv kept
In litoouihburg. Iurco id'o on best pnichmeut
itupir. Common Duu, Dxtcutor'suud Aduiluls
tiutors Dt-edt. small kl?o gooil papvr (cheup).
Common Deeds, Ac,
I ) LANK MOHT(IA(UiJuhtprlnled tiud forsalo
j) U Iho CbiiHiMun'olllce.
T i:AHrH, (blank) for mlo ut tho Cui.umiuan
1) IX'KUT BOOKS lor snlo at llio CoiusiniAS
11 '
1 USTjens Iir.ANKB. huinmon,, Ilxrcullona
iJ hubucpnaH, WiirifiulM,Ao.,ronhtanllyoulianil
aua for halo ut tho ( oi.uu ihan orilce,
BLANK MOH'IOAUIiH for tho una of havlim
1 unil ami Iurn Atisoclutlous, ror kale at tho
Yte1?2 UI.ANKH promplly prlntcl to order
r on auy quality or paper, at this Olllco
BLANK l)i:i:i)H lutirluU4uud?urIuiout tho
(xauMMAN Ouici.',
vounvciiM m:kict.r nv
Inch Apptelon "A," iwr ynnl..
" .. by tho bol
ner vanl..
oy Iho holt 1
I v i i,n Imll
Kxctcr "A," per yard
" by Iho bolt
Aiigumn v, per yarn..
rctereU UX2,U per ynrU H
J f ,( by tliebolt l
jonnunocK per jnru 31
Inch Uom coin, per yard ,
" ... " hy llio holt
" WAtnautU. per yorJ
,t ',' hy llio bolt
1 nut or tlio Lfioin per ynnl,
V, T " , ." " llioliolt...
" Jjonsdalp, r er yard
" " liy tho holt
" Chspnmn, ierynrd
!. , . by Iheliolt
' ttoflntnle, jcr yard
" U U Ilnnlc(er ynrd
!! "?, Mh ;i. :. , per yard
" llnmllion "A," perynrd....
" Itochvlllc. per yap
" rdofX'perynid
t- mil or t lit houin, per yard
" Mdiindnock, peryurd
" l'tquot, per yard
t'lurk shirting rorm..,
Hlrlpo HIilrtniKs from.,,
13 &t 1
tio Ineli Mlnneliflhn m
' " I'nncsioda -a-,
.11 " Wire Tulst !.V..r. . . . 2
:i) " OineRa'HV'
-7 " I.hliili Valley "ll,: ', ji
Hhlrtlllir ntl.l Mn,,rttt,t ,nl
CnCllOO. Mcrrltnftr-lc nrwl Mnrntmn
American, Ulrlimond and AlunclieslerM.V.'
I'ltikft Rtid 1'urplef
(JnrnerK. Aino-iUcng and Arnold ,
I'nlmnlifnn ,
llnlld'8 Hrntcll..
llftxt "
- u
.15. i, m, JJ w) 2
..12&15. lS.21i
link, rtluoVrnd li'uVi'Kren'c
mm tyniiit"(jurinrijui ,
jinn i,i iiens ror hums,
MnrtWfMh l'opllns 1.!".. IS
riillndelphU lluplliiM, all noloiH jw
lied Mon HWicU AIpienHlt'i. n.ui), W,T-j,Dy (1,01
vMiinm-iiii rn ii vi VUUI111IVM., ,
Alexnmlcr Kid Gloves
" " " two buttons.,,
.1 M
:i so
Aug n fit a
Kultfttm (striped nnd plain centre,)..,.,
lllHtnii "
i iiuit'u iiiimiiinn i-aisiey ;i.7i
1'HtBlev (red and black en run,) $.noto
UlackLucu fl.Wto$2.'2j
Printed Percalo ,73, tl.C3 II. .10
Hummer Kelt a.itf
1(J Hone, 1'rcnch wovo L'orsoUi 70
Plelicns (clotli lined,) 10
Huby M " w no
Aslor ( 2j
Nnpler (rcversable)
sroor COTTON.
AlexanderKlnss.whltonnd colorcd.a t)ydt. 1
" ' " " penloz, Vt
J. A 1 Coats " ayds, H
" " " " per ilo. tm
CUlt's O. N. T. Machine . b yu
Adamanllno pfrpnner 4
Netdlo points 8
iitisl NteUles " " 8
40 pbces IMques IS to 51
iimuop Jiiiwii 40 lo W
Victoria " Hi to M
Plain Cambrics is to GO
Htrlponnd I'lald Cambrics S3 to f
4" inch Hott tlnlsh -li
Plain NalnHook i
Plaid nnd htrljo Nalosoolc a to d-'t
inch India lxmc Cloth 4
Mull A. Ln Suisse 13 to &i
rnrletons, white nnd colo.ed 40
Irish Llncu from
S.4D.5lt. li).
Ladles Unen lldlc's,
dents lipm'il. "
s, io, I?, ii, im, as, :s, 4o, 5 1
;vt"y, iii, &i, aud vi
,3.3, 10,43, W,fi.3ttU, It3atid73
Linen Milrt tronls 25,
Cotton Wove
Wlilto TrlmmhiKS
Napkins per doz
Tallin Linens
Hod Spreads
Nottluuhum Liu a Curtains 'M,
c5 and W cts. per ynrd.
Ill to 5)
.... l.toS3.liO
43 to 1.0.)
Jl.".ito 3.73
In nddlllon to tho above, LUTZ has n full lino
or marie S lk. colon l Mi-nrli 1'onlinn. siimm
Diess Goods nnd MilUugH, Holtry and UlovtK,
r(o nud Linen collars and cull. UmheiclUs,
i-arasoix, t oum, iKKp MiiriK, ac, w men wouiu i
ditllcult tolu tbo ) rlceor.ns tfiunssorOnentlo
uAitiinu', ji. i; iiiiij, liioninsoui, in.
In llrower's lllot lc.iier.t to the Court House.
Tho summer months nro here, nud nn usual
brlritfi a lorn; tin In of dlM'.ist many ilan2ious
ami 1a1.11. u ih ino seusou unen 11:1111 ro ean no
little In ricuptintliii; ourexliausud utrnmlli, uud
vi hen we mo lequlred to loillly our phyhlquo
ojMlnt Iho d.mgers iiilslnw from Iho universal
pi evakney of sick neoH, l he on ly t rue hategu.ird
U that puro and icllablo tonic nud luvlgor.Uor,
MltfHLbllfrt HKltlt HirriUlS, which is ln
dnrsed and recommended by tho medical faculty
and unnuinborul thousand1 of persons In every
city, town and viloco lu tho country, who have
tested Uh lenudlul virtues, nnd by Its aid pre
served or recovered their bialth. It will pnrliy
tbo Hlood nndacretIons ; euro every form of In
digestion, nnd nlloidlminidlate relief In cases of
Djheultry. Colic, Cholera Morbus, and kindred
disease. I'rovhlu yourself ii&Kafalnst n. time of
need. Dclavs nro otteu dangerous, l'rico ono
dollar per bottle. Hold by all druggists
PATCNTnn IlnciiMniiR 7T11, 1
our cr.Li.iiR.vrr.D
t Will not forroJf. MUV 11
I u ink 1 it 111
-It lllBI.II
1111 UP
nt nidi)1 ho ir. I
riMiaou Miiy t"neri;'iH' v i rt uhp -'l(0
per month. J'roCto r UIMt ucr vvul.t j
'1 (muiniilo li ns Klio'l 1 !( AO to
irnUl riMi tiutci, tt.tltf teho boxi's
J.OO. AttJi-t-s V)
-illNG CO.
Manufacturers' Ape-
Piiuburgli, Ta.
I1 II hs ll-J til fllUI
rlop iiimUiy. J lit v milt lli iri'im
I'tIS I'KXnntillii ihUI'muhiiii
1 11 u rU
f'ciinlt. unit
bUU, i,tulnly m rlttoii, wii 4 orJti Mill iubi.1 ulUt
pro 111 nt iiUt Hlluu
Jan W71 ly
A Cliaplfi of I'ni'ls.
Piaco In valuablo In a newspaper, ami It is
therefore pinposeil In thUailvi rlleineut to eon
ilcnkoa vnrlity of f.ictn, Important to tho public,
Into a fcmall cnmpahR, Ihoso f.iclH rcftr lo llos.
tetter's Htornncli IlltlciK what Hint eelebralcil
meillclno la, anil what It will ilo. In lh tint
place, linn, Ihoaillclo Is n stimulant, toulo anil
alterative, cohsMIiib of n combination of nn
absolutely puro rplrltucus aecnt Willi tho most
valuablo meillciunl veuclablo eubslances that
liotanlo rcncaich lias tlacdl ut tho dUpouil of
thochcmlKt nud tho ptiytilclau. Thet-o lugrcdi
enls nro compounded wllh gicnt care, and lu
kuch proportions ns to produce n prcpaiatlon
which Invluorntes without eicltliiB llio general
Fystcni, It tones, regulated and controls Iho
ttomach, tho bowels, tho ller, and tho minor
feecretlo organs.
Wlmt this great rcbtorallve will do must bo
gathered Irom what It has done. The cuio of
dyspepsia, or any other form of Imllcestiou, Iu
which 11 nas i-ccn peisutently aduilulstorcd
without ellcctlnz 11 radical cure, Is yet to bo
heard from, and tho samo may bo Mild of bilious
dlsordcis, luteiuUlleni fecr, nervous nllectlous,
general debility, ennsllpallun, slclc headache,
meutnl dlsabllliles to which tho feeble tiro so
subject. It puillUs all tho llulds of tho body, In.
cludlni! tho blnml, and tho gcntlo stlinul.inu
which It imparls in llio neivous system Is not
succeiiliil by llio sllghlest leactlon. This Is a
eliapler of fact which readets, for their own
Minis, fciiDuid marie aud lemeiuber.
puniiiu baLTE
.T.!'1,?' "f U.',V Jrt'l""' Couttof Coluinbla
ouulo5;-. "!nle,s.'olu,,U tXlma ,'"b"0 "
SATU11DAY, JUNK 17th, 1671,
tho following described mil estate, Mzi Acer
lain tract 01 land Ijlng In Locust township, in
Columbia county, nnu niljolnlnglnnil or Hainuel
llnmplon, land of John hnyder, land ofl.eonard
Adams, nud others, coulaluliig
1' I I' T Y .1 onus
nn7,.0.f,aYl"n.v,N,rai''. MCC,' tt l0 "ou-'
Time 1110 on iho picuilsps npplo and cherry
llees. nnd a spring ol excellent waler. Amlti
bo mid as the Lsialo wf riuiiiuel U, 1'llklnglou,
dtccasil. '
., . Adinlnisirator.
TI'ltMH OF HAI.II-Ten percent, of tho ono.
fou rlh of tho put cause money to bo isild on strlL.
Ing uowli ut Iho prnpetly iino-fourlh, less tho
ten percent, oiuho eouilrinatlout uud llio ro.
lualuing Uireo.fouilhs lu ouo year lliouaflor
wllh luleust Irom llio coullrmnilon, nut,
llLcomLtiiO.Miiy U', l7I. Uerlr
nml will
IlcBimlli of any l'rlco Lint.
i;Aiiri;r t UAINBnt a) cent
Hrill.NU llIALt.IllMat...
. l'l ccnU
a m.hiii.i: iii:n i:it
rn.i.v a si.oiv;.
A 1'
r mSrr
Haft opened
Sic. &r, A:c, &r,
iroasn FuitNisiiiNo aoous.
Nl) TllOL'IlI.i; TO SHOW OO011H.
Nononv uas nnrmi corrnus.
Pino nml l're&h.
Wo can only mcutnn afewlendlnc nrtlcles.
Como nndfceo u and u wilt 1)0 YOU CiOOD.
IMillntleliiliiu 1'oplltis a laro
issortiiiciU of all ftlitidcN at IO
cIh. per j a
CbMuclms ordered nnd will havo lu store n
,sood nssnrlmcnt of l'lques for Hprlng nnd Hum
mer, wash 1'oi'I.ins ut is cU.
CfiATtK basin store a Hue stock of JJKW CAH
IMi:itES , to wll-Down, Down.
CT.AUKwlll l:up at nit tlme.HnfuU Hue of
aUOCUUir.s.TKAK nt 1.00 per lb. to the beht In
market at SI. lit.
CAIJj AND BKU n largo and well assorted
Moelc of notion, hosiery, eloves, umbiellas, Ac.
TION OK OOOD.S. nor makes none when helling.
If lie knows It, And nny errors made ho Isnl
woys wllllmjtondjust.
I'ancy Snap, Jlabbllfs besi, Olyccrlne, Honey,
C.isllle, w hllu and colored.
You will llnd a full nnd largo atoclc ol (ienuluo
TiiA l'ror.i) CAiti'irr chain at clauk's.
Ileavv Laced inrtnins at fio aud "j ceuls per
yard, Ollur Cuiialns In stotk,
l'or a full stock of Dry CIoo.I., ro Io ULAI1KH,
In Etoct, a good and larjo slncl; oftll'ILTINO
Ladles go to CLAllK r .r your 2 W guitars.
In Iho linn or JHI.SLIN-l, both bleached nnd
million hid, ho oilers as l.irgo n slock and as
well assorted, nnd ntlhn bottom rates. lUeter
1 yard wide, 1 cts by llio bolt and li'JJby tho
j-nru, uicoui.i, iho sumo ns 1'rull cf tho Loom,
.Mills & Idem.
flouts goto CLM'.KS for your noby Sunimer
Hats aud Cnps.
l'lavorlng cxlrncts,
fjnlles go to CLAKIC Ifyon want a neatfihnwi
at a low prlco and good goods.
I or Carpets, CLAHK has now In sloro Pncli
Viool, Ingrain, iliu Knnils Hag Curpels, that Is
cqucl lo any Country Mnke, at 73 cts, per yard, cAnrivr chain, iim it in
mnikct, at SO cts, per lb. by w eight,
(Io to CLAWCS ror your Shoes, clicarou In
town, a lull assortuieut ou hand for I.idlcs
M Uses and Chlldreus.
Clark Imi rccolveil another lot ot
Litstliii; Polish nnil Coukpchs Galtera nt
$2 a ralr for Indies, Cnll nml ioa them.
Any goods yon may want call on Clark ami If
ho has got them ho will bo pleased toshowtuciu.
In stock, a full Rtsortment ol 1'ionch 10 Ikmo
COItHHlHntTO cents.
CLAIM? will reeelvo n largo stock of Ijidlcs'
Fining felt HKIHTH nf Iho lalcst Uylo and pat
CLAIIK has received another New Btylo of
iJllIVIS 1, nun.
CLAIIIC hns received a largo stock or POCKCT
KNIVES for Ladles and Ocnts.lncludlng tlio old
Clauk keeps tho Inrpeft i.toek of
v-iirpuis in town, iroin -ill cts to fijapci
You will flud a fullstiiek of HltlS aooim In
season, such ns Alapaka, l'opllus, rialds, Berges
in piams aua stripes.
A largo lino of Looking Olassea.
A full stock of WHITE GOODS on hand.
HUSH rori.INH,Bilkl'oplltis,c.f alltolois.
Bilk Dlmdecs Uolics.
CLAUK sellsa fair Oreen Ten at U cents per
Ono or leo bi st nnd largest stocks of black anil
ttrlped ALl'ACAH lu lown.
Now lu storo a largo Btotlc of Hoop bklrls.
Misses' Bklrls SS its., Ladles' 41 cents to $100.
TO aENISClaikiiflirsalulllluoof IHo very
best and most last.lonablo stock of Taper Collars
Lotlttttr, Llnen-lnctd, thakttjitare, Jict, ami
Bells IiADILS' 0001) HOSE at 83 els.,ticuU'
Htltlklt Hose at !i cts., and upwards,
Foralatgeand tine assortment of Neck Ties,
cheap, call at CLAKKB.
CLAHK offers to the TAUMUUS 11 full Hoclc of
floods which ho will sell them fur pioduco us
low 3 for tho cakh, Call nnd 0 for yourkclvcn.
OtVTiK Bolls 11 heavy ono ynnl wldo
Btnndnrd muslin at 1!: cents by tho bolt
or 12 cents by tlio yard,
Uloomsburg, March 17, Ml-tf.l
Patent Modicinca.
it I ono of the rrmarltfiblo faeU or this rcmar
kablo BKe, not merely that so mouy persons nro
Iho victims of dypepftla or lndlgentlon. but lit
willing victims. Now, wo would not bo under
stood to sny thnt nny one reKnrdidyapepitii with
favor, or leols dlxnoRod lo rank ft anion a tho
luxuries of life, l'ar from It. lltose who nnvo
oxperlettcod lis torments would nrout such nu
Idon, All dread It, and would gladly dHponsn
with Its tinnlensnnt familiarities MurkTnpley,
who wm Jolly underatl tho trylntfclrcnmsUincri
lu which ho wait plnced. never had nn attack of
ilyspepRlit, or his Jollity would Imvo S)Mudlly
larKiikonblm, Men nnd women somctlmrs MiuVr
Its tortures uncomplnlnltiKly, but whoever tienid
ofn person whonnjoyod themT
Of nil tho multifarious disease towhpJi tho
liumnii ftystcm I liable, thero Is pcrttnim bo ono
so Rcnernlly prevalent ns rtypejsltt. 'Jheronru
diseases mora acuta nnd painful, nud wide h moro
lnuuuiHi provu lain i ; oui none, ino cut'ri or
wnicn are m ueprossiiu to tno ininii mid
I so
hbiu veir uifliruflsinR io ino ouy(
wretched bclua la thu world It ii
Jf thero 1h n
Tlut It U not our Intention to dlscsnlou tbo
horrors of JJjspcpsla, To describe lliem truth
lully Is simply nn Impossibility, It Is potblo to
nolnt nut n renltilv. Wo Imvo saitl thntdrsnett
kIii Is perliaps tho most universal oi bit man du-
tii.f. i ma toipuuncniiy uio cn in wie k, ui
led HtaleH, Whether this eneml prevnlenco H
duo lo tbo character of tho Jood(lbe method of
Its piepfirntton. or tho hasty manner lu which It
Is usually swnllowcd, Ii not our provluco lo ex
Plain, 1 ho gnat fnct with whlcu wo aro culled
lo dent is this t
UYHI'lirrflA rUKVAir9
almost uulversallj.
Neorly every otner person yon meet in n Vlo
llm.and apparently wllllnsf ono; for wero this
not tho cano why no many sulleiuis. when a cer
tulu.ftpecdy nud afo remedy Is within tho rosy
rench of nil who deslro to aval I themselves of It r
Hut tho rr.n orlty will not. minded by prejudice,
or dolt rrtd by sumo other unexplained Inilueiice.
thoy refuto to accept tho relitf proirered them,
Tliey turn n deaf cur to tho testimony or tho
thcuumds whoMJSUlleilngs have bceu alio via teU
nml with strauKo infatuation, appear to dlntf
with depcrnta determination to tneir rnth'esH
tormentor, J tut nays a dyspeptic: What Is thin
lemedy? uj which wo reply t 'ibis fire-at ullovm
tor oihuiniin Miilrlnn is iilmoit as widely known
as t'o K'lulish InneiisKe, It has allayed Iho
at'onks or thoUhnnui, uud Is lo-!ay carrying
comfort and encourage men I tu lhuurambt of
others, 'ihii acbnowieUucd panacea It nono
other than
Un. H00.''I,.VND'8 OUltMAW HITrElW.
Would yoa know moro of tho mcitls of thli
wonderful inctllclno than can be learned from
the experhnco of others? Try It yourself, nnd
when It Ins railed Hk fulfil tho neenmuco nl its
eillcacy given by tho propletor, then abaudon
lallh lu It,
Lirr it nu ncMUiinEiino,
flrstofnll.that IIOOrLAND'H CIEUMAN I1IT
TJJIli Is not u rum beveraae.
'Ihey aro not alcoholic In nny senco of tho
term. They aro composed wholly of tbo puio
Julco or Mtul principle or roots. This Is not h
jucio iiHtteilloi). Tho extracts from which they
are compounded aro prepau-d by ono f tho
ablest or German chemists. Unllko nny other
Hitters In tho martpt, they aro wholly free Irom
sprlrltuous lnKredicuts. Tho objections which
hold wilh mi much force naalnst preparations ot
this class, namely that u deslro iorintosiciitiii
ilrlnki Is htlmulatnd by their uo,nre notvaliu
In Ibo ci4Qor the (iertoau Hltterrf. Mo lir Irom.
t neouraslmj or inculcating n tasie or demro fort
liiebrlntlnu lorrai;es, It may be conlldontly
averted that their tendency Is lu n dhtmerlcilly
oprosllo direction. Their iirecUcan bo
In nil enst-s of tlio biliary tiystcm. llooftmd'fi
(icrmau Hitters Bland v
without uu equal, nctiiii;
luomntlv and vlirorouslv unou tho Liver:
remove Its torpidity and cause healthful mh.'c-
lion oi ono
I hercbv Klinitlvlnir thn klninitrli u IlIi
tho most lndls peusablo elements of toond til
cestlou lu propir proortloiiK. Theyjttw tmio
to the htomncJi mmulitiuj; its xumii"tii,nud
enabling it to perjorm Its autlts hs nuUno de
binned it should do. They lmpait lor ind
htieugth to tho eutiro nystom, cnimni t lie
p.itluit to leel like another being lu faoi, i iii'j
hlra n, now lcaso of life.
Tiitv 1'uniFY thi; m.aoi),
clonnslns tho vital fluid of all hurtful lnipurl
ties nnd supplanting them Willi Ihu element of
genulno henlthruluess. lu 11 word, theio Is
scnree'iy n uiscaso in wnicn tuey cannot uo saliiy
unil beucllclnlly employed: but lu most
lienerally prevalent UUtressins and dreaded
ulease, Llysrcpsln,
Now, theio nm certain rl.iisos or peisotm lo
whom pxlumo Hitters uro liot only uiip'iliilnblo
but who llnd It Impos'lblo lo lako tlteni without
poslth o dlscumrort. l'or such
Dlt. 1IOOFLNI';5 atUlM,N TONK"
has been specially prepircil. It is lnlcn led
itko whero a silt-lit nlcohotlo Is re
quired Incouneeilou wllh IhcwolKkuowirjiinln
properties of tho puro Ueriuan Hitters. This
1'imtc contains alt tno Ingredients of lha Hitlers,
but so llavored as to renuivo tho extreme liltler
ness. This i.rcpirallon Is not only pilalable,
but modiilcd rorm, nit tho vlituos
or tho (lennan Hitlers. Tho solid ixlracta or
somo or Naluro's choicest restorall es are hold
In solution by a spirituous ugentnr tho pnrtst
iiunllly. Incasesol languor or excessliodeblllly
where the sj stein appears lo havo bee-jluo lx.
hausled or Us energies,
acts with almost marvelous tUVct. It not only
stimulates tho llnggliu nnd wasting energies,
but Invigorates mut permanently stiengtUeiis
IU action upon tho Liver and Ktomacli thnrju h,
perhaps less pninipt than the Hitlers, when llio
samo quantity Is taken Is none tho less t -it 111.
Indigestion, llllllousuoss, liiyslcal or Nervous
t'loslrullon, Jlehl leadlly to Its potent liilluelie',
ItVlvss tlinluvnlld n new and stronger hold up
on life, rc:noes depression or spirits, nud In
spire: chcertulness. It mipplnnts ihoptlii nrdl
t ase with eomlolt or perieet
It give., sticngth to wialiuess, lhroirs despi u
deney lo tho winds, aim starts tho restond In
valid upon a nowntid gladsome career. Hut l)r,
llnotlund's beni'f.K'tlons to tlio human raejaro
nut c jiiilued to his telobi'atcd
or Ills Invalualjlo Tonic. Ho has prepared
another itledlcluc. which Is rapidly winning Its
way lo iipular lavor becauso ol Its Inlrinslo
meills. This Is'
n perfect substitute for mercury, without nny or
...v-.vit.j a v, ., .guiiti ilea.
Theso wonderful Pills, which nrn ltitri.lo.l Irt
act upon tho Liver, uro mainly composed or
Todopiiyllln, urtho
vital rr.iNCiPLi: op tub manduakh
Now wo destra thn rend.r tn.llfct tnptlv n,.,lr,r-
stand that this extract ol Iho Mandrake Is ni.inv
nines more powtrnu 1111111 tno Alanilrnko Itseir.
It Is 11 meillclno virtues ol this liuallli-glvlni!
plant In n perfectly pure nnd hl'lily eoneci
Imted rorm. Houeii tt Is that two or Iho Todo
piiyllln Till constitute a Mil dose, while nnv.
whero six to eight ora hamiml or preparations
ol tlio Mandrake nro requited, Tho l'odoph) llin
stlinuliithu Us rmicllous and canting it lo limits
Its bllury Frcrettons lu lognlar and piop'r
iiunutllles. Tho Injurious results which luviirl
ubly lollow llio uso of mercury huniliclynvol b il
..j 1111-11 ue, i.iii 11. 1101, upon 1110 i.iveroiue
that their powers aro excited. Tho evlract ir
Mandrako lontaluo 1 In them Is skllirini cum
blued wltli lour other extraots, ono ot which acti
upon tho stomach, ono usn tlio uiper b.i 1 ,
0110 uis-ui tho lower bowels, uud 0110 pnvt i's
any griping eifti t, thus pro luciiign pill th t 1 -lluenees
tho eutiro dUestlvo nnd ailment, iv
stcm, iu uu tqual nud liailuoulotis mautii r,
and Its nitlon entirely trie from nnuseii, vimuL
lug or griping rulua commou t j all olUtr pin,, i-
Tos'sesslng theio much doslrablo quallU. tlio
Tudupti Uiu bocoiues luvatuabU Ui n
No household should be without them. They
ate perleelly site, require but two lor an ordl.
nary dose, are piompt and eltlelent In ncilon,
uudwiicnusiilln connection with Hr. llooil.tu Vh
Oermau Ullters. or Tonic, may bo regarded as
eeltalu specltles lu all eases or Liver Complaint,
Dyspepsia, or any or tho disorders to which tl.o
k stem is oitlluaiily subject. Tho
act upon tho stomach nnd bowels, carrying oir
improper obstructions, while llio UltleuorTiinle
pitrlf Hie blood, slreugtheu and Invigorate tin
liatue., glvo lone and upisriliu in tho klotuucn.
and Urns I. nil, I up the InValld nnow. '
Ur. llooUand, having provldnl tun-mil rente,
illea loy dlsenses, has given the w 01 Id one unduly
lor external application, In the wouiliAlul pie
1 million fcuowu us
du. HijonaNU'.iauniiKoiu
aH,1l'.Uo.1.!lik'.l,'iJ.VtrC,iiU y'" I'alns aud
llht umatlkiu. Ni utnleln. Tnntlmi-1,0
Kprulus, lluins, Tain In tho Haik and Loins
J lngw ornik, .so., all ylcd tu iu e-xlernol appllea
tioii. 'Ihouumberofeurisieliicloa uyltuuston.
l.hlng, and Ihey nro luereaklng e erv day.
Tnktn Is a cure for lleui.i,f.
Kidney Diseases, bliU Hendaclu-s, Colle. Hisin.
lory. Cholera iltnbus, Clamps, i-alns lu ibo
Htoniach, Coles, Akthluo. c.
Iho Mrtek Oil Is coinisistil entirely of healing
guius uud ei-kint ul oils. 'J he principal Ingiedt.
cut is nil oily niUlanee. j icuud lu tho koulli.
era pnrtortfrieee, nulu-ti us a desirojeror
luiln are tin v n-nu ,u . 'i i,,..,.,m.,i. i.. 'i.. '.:
Iv".'!1,1"! !JJ;,!l'!,u"'''"'.".ft,llul u thokowhoaiti
ivX tl lll heioughl eonyliJiu ul lu
Inestimuhlo vnluo.
Tlitko lleuiidUs will bo sent by rxprtss to
; luf y,vl"H." "I'l'lleallou lu the I'lllNCI.
iiHvl'n-iiJV.-';."u."'.. lll;"?'AN MhDICTNI-i
CIIAS, HI. I.V.iAri, l'ioii It-fur.
llitio HtiucdUtaio lor inlo by DtuigUls,
8Uirekcci-ct,audMidlcluo Ucnltismrjttliiit