The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, June 16, 1871, Image 1

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Ono Inch, (twelve llnc-i or
Its equivalent In
couiiT hocsk, iitooinneiia, l'A., ny
Nonpareil type) one or two
Insertion, II. SO
PACK. Ill, 2at.
Onelncli.........M 13,00
Two Incho. .,..... 3,V) 6,00
Threo Inchon........ 5,00 7,00
Four Inchon. ........ 7 00 ,00
Quarter column. .10,00 13,00
Half column....... 15,00 18,00
One column-. ..80,00 80,60
SK, K. IT.
11,00 M.00 110,00
7,00 ,00 15,00
9,00 13,00 11,00
11,00 17,00 56,00
14,00 aoo o.oo
SO 00 80,00 60,00
40,00 00,00 100,00
itDiion Ami mor-ntitTon,
Tsrms-Tw o Collars a Year fijiiU in ulyanee.
Executor"! or Administrator! Notice, 16,00
Andltor'a or Aaalgneo'a Notice, 13.50.
Local notlcea, ten centa a line.
Cnrda lnthe"lloalncaa Directory" column, t,0
per year for the flrat two llnea, and UX for eae
additional lino.
Of nlliloscrlptlons executed wllli ncntneas and
dispatch nt reniotmblo rutca.
te afolumbimt
Oolumbia Oounty Offloiol Dirootory(
JTmtiUnt Jwlffe WILLIAM HLW-atL.
Atsoctale JuJoM-liiAM Ditiui, laAAO H. Mos-
n'olhmotnrii, .te.-WKi.MOTON H.Knt,
Jlrainmt ltcconltr Williamson tl.JAeoiiY,
District AUornryV: U. IKKI.KII.
jficrUr-AAIlON Hmitii.
Hiirvcynr Ihaac bP.WITT.
'JreaurcT DAVln IjOWKNnKIia,
ItnnniNH, ninAii .1, ukkiif.h,
AvitUanV, 1. UAMrilELL, A, J, AI.IIKUTSON,
(troner John p. KourK.
.1117 Vommlttloncri ISAAoMclllUDK.JollN Mc
Anall, (oimj 8upertnlaHlmtCnkKt.m O.,
tllnnm fnn f)W11li-..-lnr.. H. 1 1. M 1 1 .Mrn.
William Kuamku, llloomsbura-, and Johnson
j k ki.ku, urcenwoou, III.MILK.1 CUNKkK,nCC y
Bloomaliurg Official Dirootory.
Orangovill'o Directory,
11. lIKItniNtJ A nU0TItl-:it,Cnrpcnternnd
llnlldera, Main at,, bolow l'lno.
irn nanktnti Cb. John A. HINSTiin,
11 11, IIKtll 7. VH-llier,
l'reildcnt. II.
Yril national Jhtnk ClIAS. 11. lUXToNiTres't.,
J. 1'. Tl'htin. Cashier.
CttlttlHbUttyjunty MiiluatSavIng Jwiltltut TsKinAl
.oclnffon 11. 11. Little, l'rcs't., C. W.,
Jttonmjibura fiulUUnn nnd KaHntj lmil A mociii
((on John Thomas, 1'ren't., J. II. Hoiiison, Mcc.
iitoomMtura .Milium attunff -win Alsoctallon
J, J, HltOWLK, 1'lesldcnt, M, WllIT.MOVKll.HCC'y.
Bloomsburg Directory,
llAlM'.ltllAQS Just received and fur Mto at the
HOWEIt A ItnillltNU, dealer In Dry Uoods,
Groceries, Lumber and general Merchandise,
Main at, '
BIttCIC ItOTKIi and refreshment Halnon, by
ltohr M'llcury cor.of Main aud l'lno at,
DU. O.A.MlKlAUOIX.lMiyslclnnandBurBCon,
Main at., next door to Good's Hotel,
DA VII) ItllUUINoJ'lonrandariaTMlil.and
Dealer In grain, Mill street.
f I..KI)WAHl)S.l'hyslclanand Humeon, Main
! sL.ilrstdoornboveM'llenry'allolel.
TAMKH in. 1 1 AtlM AN. C'nbl n rTMaker anTun".
J dcrtnker. Main Ht below l'lno.
T M. 1IAKMAN, Hb.MIo and llnruess maker.
(J. Mainat.,oppsUo Frame Church.
QCltUYI.EIl A CO., Iron founders, Machinists,
kl miu .Muiiuiiiciuicra Ol pinWK, juill Ht,
Uralu Cradle. Main HI,
WlI,MAMDr,U)N(1 Hhoemnkernlut mnutifac
Hirer of llrtck, Mill Bt west ot 1'ino
CoLUMllIAN Ulllce.
I) 1'. DA t.r.MAN, Merchant Tailor, HecondBt.
I Ut imi
, Huh bins' llulldlug,
1AC011 MI1TZ, dealer In stoves and tluwaro
i Main strcet.aboyo court house.
Dlt.J. K. KOlltllNH. Hurueon and Physician
Second Bt below Main.
-(IMIllIlT & KMN'K
U Be
general mercliandNe(
dry goods, icrncerles, and
Mulu Btreel
DAVID LOWKNIIimO, McrchantTnllor.Malu
st.,'Jd door abovo American House.
WM. MOIlltlH, Merchant Tailor corner of (Xa
tro mid Main st over Miller's store.
(i 1 T.UTZ, IirneRlst and Apothecary, Main st.
, below tho I'oht Olllce.
rower's block Mala st.
f IJ. KltfTLKU, "CntinwlMn Hnume," North
J , Comer Main nml HccornJ Stream.
T KKIIil'.lt, nillnnl Hnloon, Oystcru, ru.1 Ice
Jj. Crt'nm In fctftson Malum,
M. nitOHSTjilciilerln OencralMcrclmmlUo
Dry UooiIm, (irocerfts A a
trsQUr.IIANNA or llrlrlc Hotel, S. Kontcn.
1m inter rrnt)rlctor.Rotitli(atcun.crMnlii(iiul
hecouU Ulrect.
M. lr. AUUOTT, Attorney nt lnw Mulu Ht.
1 1 KNHY ZUl'IMNd Kit, Wntchcn, KprrtncU'S i
Buck Horn.
t'wolry Ac, MnliiMtroct near Went at.
1 K. HAVACHI, (Irnicr In Clock
U Jowulry, iluiu st
Watches ami
Just below tbo American
0. A W.1I, Hno;MAK;H, 1iater in dry
uonutt. uro-erb m nnu sent nil mereliamllse,
iri-t (.torn In outl. enl ot town.
I OUIH nr.ItNlIAUn, Watch anil Clock mnlier,
II near Nonincasi corner jiuiuiuui iron his
CATHCAUT. Watch and Clock Maker,
, KC'i street, uciow iain.
i ) below Hurt tnan'HHt ore, weHt of Market.
HKNHY KM1IM, Manurncturer ami dealer In
llootft nnl KlioeH, Orocerles, etc., Main blieut,
UiiKt Hloomsbiirg.
JT"M. UUOWN, Hoot ami Bhoemuker, Main
U Mtreet, under UrownH Jlotel.
Philadelphia Directory.
Jan. 171 ly
(Irnn(irutln?ri Ilnrn.
O don't yon remember our Brand father' him,
Whoro our cousins and wo mot to iUy t
IR)W wo climbed on tho boimn nud thOHCnirold
ho high,
Or tumbled at will on tho hay ;
How wo aat In ft row on tho bundle of straw,
And riddles and witch stories told,
While, enmo In through tho crack a
at the south,
And turned alt (ho dun t Into gold?
How wo played hldo and neck In each cranny
and nook,
Wherevern chttd could lie h to wed J
Then wo made m ft coach of a hogshead of ryo,
And on to "Jloiton" wo rode ?
And then wo kept store, and sold barley and oats
And corn by tho bushel or bin;
And Htraw for sister to braid Into hats,
And flax for our mothers to sptn.
Then wo played wo wero biddies, and cackled
and crowed,
Tilt grandmother in hasto camo to seo
If tho weasels wero killing tho old speckled hen,
Or whatever tho matter niljht bo,
IloWrsho patted our headi when sho saw her
mist ike,
nd called us her sweet "chicken-dear 1"
Whlleulcar dimmed hereyosKlho picture ro-
The scenes of her own vanished ycari.
How wo littered and swung, and played nur ting
and school,
And Indian, aud soldier, an 1 heart
While up on tho rafters tho swallows kept homo
Or sail fed through thu soft summer air,
How wo longed to peep lot their curloui neU'
Hut they wero too fur oLrhead;
So wo wished wo were giants, or wmgi-d llho tho
And then we'd do wonder, wo s-itd,
nd don't you remember tho racket wo nu lo
When selling at auction tho hay ;
And now wo wound up with a keel-over U n
From the scaffold down Into tho bay ?
When wo went Into supper ourgmndfalhcr said,
If bo had not once been a Ixiy,
Ho should thought that tno Hessl.iuH were sack-
tog tho town,
Or nn (arthquako had come to destroy.
low tho years have gone- on blnec In grfttuir.ilh
erN tarn
Top!ay with ourcnuMns we nietl
Our eyes have grown dim and our locks hao
turned gray,
Tho golden, tho brown, and tho Jet,
1 et Kt 111 In my heart there s an ever green nook,
Whero childhood's sweet memories stay ;
And no music to mo has u charm that tan thrill,
hike the voices of children at play.
iU. H. O. HOWKU, Surgeon Dentist, Matust.,
1 uijovo tno uouri iiousv.
DU. WM. M. UHllKIt, nml Physician,
Ktchniigo Itlockover Webbs biH)k store.
No. E03 Market Street,
(Abovo Fifth.)
x It. It, F. KINNKY, Surgeon Dentist. Teeth
IJextmcled withoiitpaln: Malust,, nearly op
ponlto j:pUeoial Church,
CI (1. HAHKIiKV, Attomey-nt-Law. Otllco,2d
I, lloor In Kxchangu lllock, m ar the "Exchange
r JI. McKi:iiVV,M. D., Surgeon and Physician
J , north side Main St., below Market,
f It. I'.VANH. M, D., Surgeon and Physician,
(I soutnNhloMalUbireci,ufiowMuruev,
T !.
r J . Market street, abovo Main,
"VyAINWlliailT & CO.,
wiioi.KHAi.n anocmiM,
N. K. Corner Hecond and Arch Btreots,
Dealers lu
thas, sYnury, cokfkc, huoah, SIOLSSKS
-Ordcrs will rcc.lvo prompt attention,
may 10,07-tf.
II. HOIIISON,, Oillcollart'
loan's uuuuiuk, itiaiu sireei.
BusineBB Cards.
IlI.OOMbllUIUl, l'A.
a-Ornrr Court House Alley, In the Co-
LOMiiiAN building. Janl.'CT.
n I'KTKKMAN, Millinery and Kaucy Uoods,
l'j. opposllo Kplscopal Church, Mulu st,
ISH I.lZZIIl HAItKI.UY, Milliner, Itamsey
liulkunt;.Maiii sireti,
1SS M. DHUHICKSO.V, Millinery and Fancy
Uooils, .Main sl., ueiow juintei.
1 1 iw. i:
111 Main htreit below Market.
L'loaksandliresH 1'tttlcrnJ, houlheaatLoiner
Main nud Weklkts,
llLOOMSllUlta, l'A.
OrrirF. over I.utz's DruKHtore. Itovldene
Maikcl Wlreet, 1st door biluw litv.ll.J. Waller.
MISHI1S HA11MAN Millinery and Fancy
hi low American jioube,
1 (J(H)llS, MainM
Ollleo Court Houso'AlIey, below tho Col.UM
niAxlllllcn- l!nmillfH. llnck.l'av anil Pensloni
ciillected. llloonisburi! l'a. Bep.'J0'(17
7 - 11'
pouks noTi:h, by t
i' ot Malustieet.
Kent. Taylor, cast end I
Onico Main Street below the Court Houso.
l C. MAHH, Dry Goods and Notions, south
Ij weht corner Mulu uud Ironsts.
i A. JlF.CKIji;Y, Hoot and Shoo store, books
17, a. stationery, inim m umow iuumei,
1 JACOI1H, Confectionery, groceries etc., Main
It st., below Iron
l.iOX .t Wi:i(M, Confectionery nnd liakery,
V wholesalo nnd retail, Exchange lilock.
CMIOWKIt, Hatsond Caps, Hoots andShoes,
, Main st abovo Court House.
i 11, MAIE, Mammoth Grocery, lino Gro
rj. ecrics, rrultH, Nuts, l'rovlslou, Ac, Mnlu
niui iron ntreiit.
Illoomsburg l'cun'n,
hjj II. LITTLE,"
omen Cnurl-HnusB Allev. below the COLUK
uian uiueo, luoumtuur l'a.
which liokniit to liUorleliml nml only Tho women who mnko deep Iinnrcs-
lilfin. Such n mnn could not hswo two slon? who enrry with them nn ntmos-
ways of doing n thing, or hnvo nny pn- phcro of their own who mnko soclnl
tlenco with modifications or deviations listeners for themselves, nnd would
from his plan. When walking ho inako revolutions, If tho tlmo wero lit-
Bllghtly bends, nnd moves slowly nlong ting, bear no badgo of beauty as on
In n straightforward direction, ns If try- emblem of their power. Their forces
lug to keep n bco-llno. Ills gestures nro nnd f.tsclnntlonsnro Invlslblo to tho eye.
qulto angular, nnd ho has in general n Tliclr mind, their mannor, their pym-
stiff nnd nwkWdrd way nbout lilm, Ills pnlhlcs, their Instincts, their spiritual
hair, which Is grey, Is kept cut short, Insights something of nil theso llx,
la malcontent. Ho drusicj In plain mould and sway tho tinturo of others,
uniform, and would not In tt crowd bo nnd inako or unmako fortunes nud ca.
signalled out ns If Importance. As n recr.?. Their power for good or evil Is
tiik rm:i: vote.
llectoral Hrfurm In l'rnn)ltinla Hon Sllnorltle.
Mar Ij. lhpresrntcil.
(Correspondence of tho Now York World.)
tho Democratic voters In tho county
Instead of but n part, and eaclt candl
dato will bo enabled to exhibit his just
popular strength In convention. Tho
oxpenso of h canvass of tbo county by
statesman, Moltko has not been with
out Influence. Ho bad much to do with
tho original development of tho plan
which has led to tho pleasant elevation
of Prussia. It was n civil rather than
n military Idva that moved him, oven
tin mcasu red , nnd cl rcu instances detcrm
ino which It shnll I).. Strong men bend,
Icy hearts tnko lire, breasts of ndatnnn
tine melt before them, nnd yet no out
ward sharpo of beauty assist nt their
spiritual conjuring. They work their
prior to the S:hleswIg.lIol. ,t ., b . t lo ,
jiAnuisiiuiiu.duno-Tiioscssion oil ,,,.. ., . .,,, , ,,n
tho Pennsylvania Legislature which UlIriHi nmi ,,uro ntui sat,ractory nom.
closed last week, produced nn important natong may bo expected to result. It
net in rcla on to municipal government bclnK ovl Jotlt thnt rcform ln tbo legal
Ayhlch well deserves not co. It is on- ccclorl3 wm not )Q gunicient unless it
titled "An net for tho further regulation 8,mU bo nccom,,anieJ or followed by
of boroughs." Its third section applies rcform , tho prlmary onc9 nl30( iuis
the freo vote to tho nnnual elections of cxpcrlmont of (i10 frco Vgto in the
councllmcn In nil boroughs throughout cho!eoof nomillatit)g delegates is most
tho Stato which brtvo been or shall bo mportant nnd timely,
hereafter organized under general laws, Tn, rrjAN. xxfi.aixcd.
"s .T r ."V To those unfamlllnr with tho frco
V.. v,,u; r ".f." o.'u '"uu"'3Uur "Myoto some explanation and illustration
mi oi, ic.u. u b necessary in order to Its
In order to n clear understanding of " :.' i,. .i ,rt,.i i,
tho rcform intruded nnd secured
ttdvocato in tho Prussian Diet tho build
lug of a central power under tho King
of Prusil.i, wbO'io mUslon should bo to
protect tho peaco of Luropoj for bo
claimed that, under tho States which
then had tin) supremacy, thero could
nover bo u peica lo be relied upon
bv tbls comprehension nnd approval by
to dm H'cnii Under tbo old plan of majority ventures, as to others
third section, and nNo tho proper clauso
maintained openly, thcreforo,that Prus
sia must pmiaro herself to take the
lead lu European affairs, lie then set
on foot tbo famous military reorgaulzi
voting, whenovcr two or moro persons
1 1 , n.1 1 n.,nMn tn ll,n.n,n
e .1 I .lnl..,n ln ...1.I..1. I, .., liruiu UUCIUUICII UIIUIIIUU LU IIIUOIUIIU
,, " . ' , .:."; , " ; , ' .' . oOlconnd for tho samo term of service,
' . "J;. " r . , tholaw assigns to tho voter ns many
town councils each voter mav nt bis voles as tho number of persons lo bo
option bestow his votes singly upon six cho3cn,nnd then commands him to dis
n.ntllfl.itpj. nr rllltmlnti, thfitn lltinn nnv fftlmln llintu alnrvK nmnnff rnniltflntns
tago of less cost per pound; In all other low number In tho manner authorized jt restrains and prevents him from ex
respects copper is bet icr. Ooppcr is the y inoiov rui " ,V'U "70',",f ercUIng his own Judgment as to tho
better conductor, Is easier wrought Into "J of polling his votes, and. ln
form, and is less llablo to rust. I ho .,ml vacancies in any such council shall fact, undertakes to Judgo for hlra and
Mt'lilnliib' t'oiiilncloi's.
A lightning conductor Is always mado
of tho metal, uud of tho metals which
nro nvallablo tho choico lies between
Iron and copper. Iron has tbondvan-
11U I , ,
It.... t I.IIJ .1... II... .t UUIIllllUUIlL- IIUWCl ilL'n 111 II1U SU UlU i U lin I 1 1 111 IIIU IllUIlllUr rUVlUCU III IIIU A , n n.M nn In n.lonnm tl'lint IV ItO
IIUU UV 1U11 IIIU X lll-,nillll UllllV 1U13 . ... ... ,l r.l . lu III. HI till IIU 111 liniunvu ,... ..... -v ,
been brought o Its pr&entslato of per- tube Is as efflclent as a solid rod of the fifth section of the same act. umcr n cIrcum9lallCes, a Judicious
foction. Sostonglywas ho persuaded sa'o aiametcr, and a strip or ribbon Tbo clause of tbo Illoomsburg act an- mcnlm of ,iIf) r ,lt of 9Uffraf?0. Bnt
of tho necelW of this policy, and so which presents the samo amount of pllcab o to tbo annual cholcs of six , lhIa u mullt blunder extremely and
Wrongly had Land his colleagues lm- snrfaco is e.iual In power. conncilmcn is ns lollows: constantly. For ns tbo lawmaker can-
preyed tho mUlty on tho King, that , The ribbon form of conductor s ovl- J'oV'mayX ono wt. lo ch "f t future. raot hom 8hccr
.1... i.-i i,..L.i.... , i i. i. .if. i. dent s- tbo most econom cat In tho eieii voter maj (,no ono oio 10 l.ilii ui . ii, inin rorf. .mmnt. la
oven contrary! to law, over tho opposl- amount of metal aud It lias beside other onch of fullr) Uvo votw (0 each of three, over changing conditions, ills injunction
ii.,,, f ii, i i.,,1,,11,.,, ii.. u'linn ovmcni nuvantuges. 11 is mora eoni
he stw that this was likely not to sue pact for transporta Ion, Joints aro more
toed, and Hurt tho Iteprcsontallves caIly and perfectly made In It, it can
would not conciliate their opposition, ho put up with less labor mid moro so-
bo losolv. .1 1,. nlnllrato imtirol V : and. 11 s01lu r0" n" wc" erecl'
tlireo votes to each of two, or six votes
to ono.
In other words, each voter may dis
tribute his six votes among candidates
ns ho shall think lit (giving an equal
opposition gave way, nud tho recognl-
zatlon of the urmy was commenced.
Moltko has long had an honorable place
in tho legislative halls of Prussia nnd tho
North dcrmai Reichstag ;nml, though
for that purpo.-e, had already arranged les, in tho way and so less llablo support to each), or eoncontrato them
with tho Crown Prince to succeed him " iJry. As ho 1 tlo metal Is required upon one; tho praeticil result being that
In tbo rc-eney, Then llrst It was tho ' 1,10 form of 11 tlbbon wo CAn n,rr(1 to Cllch lu,rtv of "' nsl.lerablo magnl-
use copper, l'or tneso reasons wo pre
fer a copper ribbon conductor to any
thing eho which Is In me.
As lo insulatiii! tho conductor from
or command to tho voter must bo pure'
ly arbitrary, and must bo often or com
monly unsulted to tho circumstances to
which it shall como to apply. Ilcnco
tho virtual disfranchisement and actual
non-represeutatlon of n largo part of tho
voters is a common fact in all constltu
nnlna Inrr-n nnd mnall. throughout tho
tttdo In a borough (whether political or rnllntr.. tho inevitable consequences of
local) can certainly obtain Its duo sbaro whlpl nro ,icrl,iy injurious and truly
ofcouucllmcn by us own voles. iiotilorablc. Mtsuovernment, inlastice,
This borough supplement underwent Tlolenc0i corruption and discontent, aro
1807, n species of minority representa
tion in ovcry election of a Court of Ap
peals ; and In 1872, by vlrtuo of th6 new
constitution of Illinois, tho samo kind
of representation Is to como Into play
thero with tho election of mombors of
tbo lower houso t but, ns far morogon-
oral In Its operation than our Now
York provision nnd ns of immcdlato
cfllclcncy. whllo tho Illinois clausols in
futttro, "tho boroughs net," as It Is call
ed, of Pennsylvania, Is rcany moro im
portant than oven tno constitutions,
quoad hoc, of tho other States. Tho
reader Is of courso nwaro that minority
or proportional, or personal representa
tion, ns It is sometimes termed tho ap
pellations amounting to tho samo U
tho end, nnd.thnt tho cutnulativo voto,
list voting or tho preferential vote, tho
threo cornered constituency voto &c.,
nro merely differing means j nnd in this
view It is interesting to know that tho
cumulatlvo voto Is tho ono which finds
favor In tho Pennsylvania act. It is tho
samo form which received such approv
al In tbo discussions ln tho lato South
Carolina tax-payers' convention, and
has ns Its principlo simply nn entlro
freedom of choico. If six members aro
to bo elected you can voto six votes for
oao of tho six, or ono nnd a half each
for four, or two each for three, or threo
each for two, or ono each for six. Tho
only thing ln tho nature of a restriction
and this is put In for purposed of sim
plicity in practice Is that yourvotos
must bo equally divided. It Is to bo
added that tho system Just oxtonded to
all tho town elections of Pennsylvania
was llrst tried under a special act of
Marcn 1, 1870, nt Illoomsburg, nnd
worked so well thero that It was artcr
wurds extended to several other bor
oughs, and, meotlng approval In pro
portion to tho sphcro of its operation, 13
now mado general throughout tho Stato.
long had In vlwnti ciidsim
MiKHIA'V, KKAIj A- CO., denier In Dry flood.,
(IrocerlcH, Flour, Feed, Halt, Kl.h. lron,NulU,
ete.,N. 11. cor, Mnlu und Alnrkel kts.
CI H. JIII.LIIU A HON, (tenlerk In llrydnods,
ii. (Irocerles, liueenHwure, Flour, full, BhoeH,
Notions, ctcMtiluht.
t jr. Kxomi.
navlm.'1'urchnscdllicKlnclt of the old Key
.l.maUhnnklrir. nn,l I) ,1,1, ,1 I lllTI I O II 111 TUP HW
well Kelecleil new Hock i prepured lo elhlblt
mo ueHt vnrieiy m
evcrbronaht tothliplnco. He Is nlno prepared
lo make ltoutN nnd Milieu to order 111 the hiU'H
nml UchlMylcfl. Fur only. In the old rnit
Olllce buililluir, eorucr Jlulu nnd Market M reel a
lilooiuhburg, 1'n. epO ili-ly.
. n .r. Tiroit
, J.l. would nnnouncetiithccltlrcnHof liloomK-
, burg find vicinity,
nONHTAllI.US llLANKHforfcnlent tho Col.UM
J UIAN Olllce,
l id. CllItlSTMAN. Sndille, Trunk A llnruei,.
yj. maker, Hhlvo'H llloclt Mulu Htreet,
W. HOliniNB.llqunr denier neeoiul door Irom
northwest corner Mulu nud Iron Ma.
J, THOttNTON, Wall l'nper, Window Hhmlos
, nud tUturcH, Hu pert block, MaliiMt.
GW. cortEI.D, l'urnlturo Itoonm, threo Hory
brick, Mulu htiect, west of Murkct nt,
1 1 ItosENHTOCIv.l'hotogrnpher, over Hobblus
!! v l.yer more, mum u
I H. KlIlIN.ilealerln Meat, Tnllow, etc., Chem.
1 berllu's ullcy, lear of Ainerlcun lloimo,
R It, HINQMIH, dialer In plnnoK, orgnliH and
inelodeons.nt O. W. Coiell'd lurnlturo rooiun
SAMUlir. JAConv, Mntbln nnd llrown Btouo
WorkB, F.nKt l!loomsburg,l'erwtck rond,
Hint ho hnHlusl received full
nuu coiupieiu ubMuruucui ui
nuilnll other Rood In his lluo of hUNlntnn. All
Ibo nowent and inoKt approved patlei iim or llio
dayiirunlwaya to Imi found In hit cutnbllnhlneut.
niar.5,'C'J-ir .Muln Ht. below JInlket.
Lirrrwi hkads,
Neatly nnd Cheaply Printed
From the LatestStylenof Type nt tho
A lull and com pit to n snort nunt of ready made
boo t and tthotufor nien. women uud children
I nut rcreled anu for nu e nt reiiHoiiftblo mifii.
vurktlcMto suliall chunci of cuhtomers. Tho
bet of u ork done at thort notice, an licreioiorc.
UiVU II 1111 ttlttll JUI 4 Ii
wm. UAim
" willow
... ..". I in.llll III ni?WI1ITmi
inAinu ,.ut..i,iuw.i,
Mnlu Street ono door above E. Mcndenhall'B
Urgo assortment of fltoves. Heater, and
Ilaugei. coiihluntly on hund, and for tale, at tho
lowest rutes. ,
TIllUlUK 1UUII US urniii:iiwiii in3ii.j aiwuuni hi.
p, (lino Maker, uud Whllo aud Fancy
VI. -uuuvr,nyuilouu
i.i II. IIIDI.F.MAN, AEent for Muuson'a Corpcr
l'j.Tubulur UghtnUu Hod,
1ACOI1 Dir.FFENIlACH llroum l'nctory. Or
I dersleltnt lila realden.e or lit Miller . Kon'a
loio pronipu y nneu, jim uiceu Western brush
TAMKH CADMAN, Cabinetmaker nnd Chair
,1 maker; moms Main street bel, Iron,
XTOTF. IIOOKH, nnd blank NOT1W, with nr with
ii out exemption, for sulo ul the Columuian
n...i i.rnil,,ii I'linrimlcpil.
Tin work ol all kiuua wuouisum uuu ivwu,
'tul Is requested
Jun TO
Tiik underslgued respectfully Inform tho
cltliens of llliKiinsburii nnd Uolumblu county,
tluil they keep nil the dlllercnt numbers ofslovo
coulnud selected lumpconUcir smlthlnii PuriKj
scs, on their wharf, ndjolnlni! M'Kelvy. Icul &
IVi'm Kiiriiiin ullh iiuikmI nalr of llululo scaleH
1 nn .1... .. i...;r i.. uv,i..i, imv. mid straw
rpiiE undersigned will tako In ox-
Light Street.
ijt. . i.n aT.i i , umiri in iny iiiiouh II rot rr it !, 1
Klour, Fettl, Bait, FUh.Jiou,KolU,ctc Main
H. KNT, denier lu Btovea und Tin waie lu
atllUt btuuehea.
1 cbalico for nnnl nml Ilrneerlea. the following
nuined articles iWheat, llye. Corn, Oats, 1'oUi
toes, l.urd, llam.Hhoulder.uiidsldo meat.llutter
1-Vlls, Hay, Ao,, at the highest cash prices, at hla
Urocery Hlore, adjoining- their coal yard,
Bloomsbnrii Mar. 10,'C9-ly,
I) F. HUiailAltD.ft llltO.,ileuler In Dry Uoods,
uiwtima, nun ui-utrui iiit'iciiuuuise.
ii I'roprlelor.
I 1), WMJIKIIKIHKU, liool and Hhoe Ktoreaud
u loanuluctuiy. hhop on Malu Blreet op.
rp W. KlJOAlt, Husquilianua, l'lanlniTMUl
I llox Mnnulactory,
AUdUbT 11U1.NI,
late frcm Oetraniiy. oirer hla acrvlcca to tho
publlo as a eeUbrulid
niwl nil rtlliv nnliiiiilu. fnrwlllcll Ilia chnilieS nrO
moderate. He can bo found east side of
Uerwlck road, m ar K.H. Jncuby'a Warble Yald,
llloomsburii, May 12, IMI-ly,
rvlUOPF. FOUNTAIN 1'KNS for tain cheap al
j iniu umc,
Sketches of Count lUsuiiu'ek nml (
Von Jloltkc.
Iil3marck is an immensely largo man.
When ho goes through ono of tho doors
of the Chamber ho fills tho wholo space,
and must stoop beside. Ho Is tall,
straight, nnd well-proportioned. Ills
broad shoulders nnd full breast bespeak
Immense force. IIo Is not fat (where a
Ocrmnii ought to bo fat,) but bis checks
aro so fat ns to almost closo his eyes,
though, sineo tho war, ho seems to have
grown a Ilttlo thinner. IIo has a largo
head, which is bnld on tho top (tho
comic papers Invariably represent him
with threo hairs,) and on tbo sides has
a little short half-gray hair, which Is In
marked contrast with his full whllo
moustache. Ills noso is rather thort,
and his eyes embedded tinder n heavy
brow. His face Is almost as white ns
his moustache, and Is full of vigorous
expression. When ho bits ho commonly
leans forward, ns if Ju3t ready togetup;
and thceo portraits of him appear most
natural which represent him in this
position. Ills only Joint would seem
to bo in ills loins, for liis back nndnecl;
aro always kept straight. IIo is com
monly in uniform, nnd his coat bhlne.i
nil over with bright buttons nud bril
liant badges. IIo is a man that any ono
would pick out of a crowd as a loading
character. When ho enters tho Cham
ber, every eyo Is turned to him, and
many show him special marks of honor;
eo that his llrst movements on entering
aro to politely return thcoo signs of ro
spcct.both to tho members of tho lteich
stng and to visitors. For, us often as
ho lias already appeared in the Reich
stag, tbo general curioolty to seo him
has nover abated, to that everybody
must look when Bismarck come. IIo
always sils at tho JllnWer's desk, and
seems to pay Ilttlo attention to the du-
bate.thougb ho Is always rimly to speak.
Illssneeehes aro generally snort, mm
always go direct to the point. Ono need
never wait long to know what no is go
ing to talk about, or what vlow ho Is
going to tako on tbo matter. Ills
tmarklo with strong, bold
nolnls. and ho is always interesting
Ills voice Is rather high anil broKen.uuu
is not very btrong. IIo hair mumbles
his words, nnd, from Ills fast speaking,
is often n ilttlo indistinct. Jlo gesticu
hit but little, and swings his body
liahtlv backward and forward while
speaking. ' When ho rises, nil tno noiso
nf tlm Chamber at onco subsides, and
nvervbodv listens with groat attention,
though, during most of tho speeches,
tho members carry on their conversa
Hon as if tho Uelcblag wero not in bCS
slon. IIo sneaks often, writes a good
deal, aud is much engaged with differ
ent persons lu conversation. After tho
session is adjourned no is tno nisi io
leavo tho Chamber, for ho seems to
havo business witli almost overybody.
Very often ho Is called from his placo
lurlnD- tho session to wait on somo mcs-
sago or messenger in mu umu-iuum.
give an idea of tho Immcnso amount of
work lllsmarek performs, i migni men
tion that, in an olllclal report lately
mado of tho letters Issued from tho bu
reau which accompanied him to tho
Hold, tbo monthly average was over
1,000, reaching In January to l.KO,
Theo,Ifnot fully written or dictated
by him, wero yet required to puss under
his supervision lie Is much aided In
bis work at present by the powerful
chancellor ofllclnls, which ho lists nsMmi-
bled around him, at tho head or which
Is that chief of bureaucrats, Mr. wei-bruck.
Moltko Is by no means a man of llko
nrenossesslng appearance. In fact,
from his personnel, ono could not con
eedo to hlra any Bpeclal ability. Ills
head mipcars to bo smaller than tho nv-
crngo. Ills faco Is long, and his chin bo
projecting ns to glvo him nn nppcaranco
of merely stubborn persistence, such ns
Is often found in qulto ordinary person
nges. If wo wero to Judgo of tho char
acter of ids military ability from his
features, wo would nay that hla success
has been duo to tho resoluteness Willi
which has now, under his generalship,
been reached.
I'liiialp Hcanly.
In society men havo, from tlmo Im
memorial, ravfd about beauty In wo
men, and pocle In rbymo and romances
tho building, tho question Is of Ilttlo thorough ueuato anil received iuh con- crcalC(1 nmi increased by an unneces
mvlm- nml wriilm. bnt Ilttlo. ho has Importance. Good Insulation, if it sideration In each liottso o tno i.cgis- sary anj absurd restriction upon elec-
" o - .,..!.. 1. 1 I , ...I. ..It.. l...Hnltnf,l.n Inli, rn nml Ita nil (IP I inPII I. IS I II 1 1 V fill. ... . - i 1..11
11..- 1.. ic u iiuaiuiuii-. 13 i iiuii.v 11111n.1v11v.au11.-, ....... .... ... ...... ....... . tnrn irnni nin ! nv n wiiiinv irriiiuiLuua
IIIU III UMl . " - , .... . . , .. ....I..!.... I. ,!.. Il " ' ' . " I
Tlioso who manon great auoououi glass mineu uy iiuunu uiumuu. icmuiy i nml impertinent Interferenco of law
insulators, ought to try n few expori- consideration In tho Houso of llcpro- wtll tho fm) ncton 0f t10 citizen ; by
meats with an ordinary electrical mn- sentatlves tho following interesting com- ftn , nml pa,)ahlo violation of tho
ciiine, nnu uctior unuerstaniiinoiiaiuro inuiiicauou vran, lu lluu:'u principles of self-government upon
r.r 11,-liiiittiif A lli-liliilnr-cnnilnolnr If Afr. Rtrnnir. nn tnlluontlal member who ii u.i.,i iiiiii-
n WHICH HII uui l-uiiui-ai iiiiisiiui ... , ,,,, KlQnlno
properly constructed nml put up, will was speaKcr 01 mo iiouso nt a 'rmer f ln(,C(, 0ny wll0n a constituency '"u"v' u"" "".' "
furnish tho most direct rond for all tho session. It is worthy ofnotlco that the . .. b unanimous or nearly so. in idea that theso syrups are tho pi
Bigneu uy uuugu 1 opinion nnd notion can tho tho enforced
llrst Jurists Of tbo ,ii4iri,uHfin nf vntps Hlnclv nmnnir tho
cnumplrolnthocoal , ,,mI,r llf randldntes onorato
tbo publishers of tho ,. nll nthnr cnsrn It must rpsnlt
hearts throiigli their eyes and women its connection with tho ground. Unless two newspapers at Uloomsburg which m tho non-representation of a part of
through their ears," not only corrobo- proper connection Is made, tho con- reprcscnt both tho political parties of tno eIeclor9( nml in consequent Injustlco
uuuiur ii wuiau liinu uiyitwa. aiu L-OlUuium uuiimy ; and OVll.
in tho ono pc.-,Iio Intellects predoml- ay " """" Iir.ooMsnuno, May s, ib,l.
nate. Men set Hulllclcnt store, tho gods ,au'"V"", i"u'"'"" r . Hon. 11. H. attang :
know, upon physical comeliness in wo- hkk - -
' .!,,:',, i. , i.i do Insr great damage. In cities tho con-
have so sung ts prabes that it would electricity which can got into ltm ns communicauoii is
lin nlmnil n nitnliinnliln inUtoU- for nnn Dollltcd Clld. Elwcll, 0110 Of HlO
iMnnni,in,lu. iK- lnvniii,. i ii,n Tho most Important point lo bo at- stato (recently ehos
t An.i iii..Ln..nri. M..r. w, ( i,ir tended to In setting up n conductor is troubles), nnd by
ns nn ell'ect rntrfir than as a cause, and
is out-weighed by a dozen other quail
He. I
Ueauty comtiends, but it docs not
win ; it attracts! but it does not hold
And if It bo not answered by somo 1
ward beauty, i soon disappoints, and
may, by constant suggestion of dishar
mony, at hist repel, just as a fair llower
invites us ; wondmiro Its form, its col
or, its daintiness, but when wo pluck
It, and find it,ccntless orofan unpleas
ant odor, n reaction comes that borders
on dbgust. Wo feel wo havo been
cheated by a icunlerfuit.nnd tho llower
fares worso tljan Ii it wero less fair, but
then, as thomitthor of "Citiesso3 at
Truth" rcmlhds us: "Tho bright aro
sometimes p-jisonom, but wo believe,
never tho swut."
Ho thero mtfct bo bomethlng moro a
vat deal moio than personal beauty
in woman lo make her, for any length
of time, oven pleasant to our eyes,
much lfts grateful to thu heart. What
that bomcthirir K it is hard to say ; but
It is expressed ln the word Interest-
Tbo frco vote, however, enables any Sih: Observing that on your considerable number or voters in n con
motion tho session of tho Houso on gtituency to obtain representation for
weunusuny uvu iiuK ui inn wcua. is m themselves by their own votes. If two
oo uevuiou 10 inu coiisiuuruuiiii ui mu , , , rt, .i.u.. p
Hornuffh Sut.nloment bill, which nmong persons nro to bo chosen, a minority of
ntiioe nsnfnl rhnnL-es nrovldos for tho votesexcoedingono-thlrd or tho constit
Wheru thero aro no water or introduction to n certain extent of tho uency can elect ono caudidato by cum-
otcs upon him ; If threo
boelioson, a minority ox-
fourth can elect one, nnd
ductor should tcrmlnato on tho gas and
water pipes, c.iro being taken that tho
joint hai as mucli surface 03 tho con
,1 gas plres the next best thing is to lead frco voto into borough elections, we aro uiatinc their vi
" tho conductor to a btream of water or induced to address to you in few- earnest h to ,
Hi to a well which Is supplied by a spring. luSTnoTao'oV0 th'a't b eetltngTnfo
Ordinary cisterns aro not sufllclent, ns
tbo wood or cement of which they aro
mado might not allow tho electricity to
pass through them fast enough. When
thero Is no body of water near at hand
will securo moro of rcform and im- when tbo number to bo chosen Is greater
provement in boroughs than any other ti,an three n still smaller proportional
measure which tho Legislature, could I . ,,,, ',,!
enact, whllo it will ramlllarlzo tho peo- , .". ""'"
plo with tho now plan of voting, which And it is lnevltablo that in practice till
hna linon Hnciieoossful and patlsfnctnrv In nnrlloA nntltled tn reiirrsentntlnn will
tho luwer end ot llio conductor may bo our recent Uloomsburg elections. After concentralo their votes upon ono or
attached to n plato of metal of several having carefully ' observed tho working ! r(J camluute!) accortnni; to nn estl-
Ol IIIU IIUW IIIUU l nun liui miu iiui:iii;.ii , , , , , ,
i ;. u i,na i,..M kmn!,! i..n malu of their relative strcniith. and
a few feet long, laid horlzintally in tho 0cct'iun8' wo Hr0 ready to approve It avoid In all ordinary cases tho polling
nearest moist earth. and to declare our opinion Hint it posses- 0f fruitless votes.
Tho conductor should present tho ses great merit. It Is readily compro- jn (ho caso of Cbambersburg borough
same amount of surface at nll parts of hemic, voters wl c? ioy , o wllh 57i) itepubllcau and Ml Democrat-
Its length ; If any part of it bo narrow- " oionco In tii I cases, and it Is just in its ie voters, it Is certain that each party
er, which often happens with old-fash- 0pCration, giving to every considerable will nomlnato and elect threo Council-
ioned rods at tho Joints, U is but ilttlo interest representation accord I nu to its racll Kacli will voto for tlireo candl-
bettcr than if It wero at every other w""v" dales, nnd no candldalo will bo beaten.
part of the contracted sto. system cwr adopted in this State, the Tho tickets used will bo in form :
It a miiiuing uo in u icngui iwu ui tendency of tho new plan Is to check, If
threo turns its wiuiu u suouiu nnvu iu not wnouy prevum,iuiiiriiper uuiiiuiim
least two conductor, for reasons which Hons and corrupt practices at elections,
' I .-...i ft.. i,n(iiln rifttistt inner t t in iiri.
which, lo convey tbo exact idea, should Z , Iw,
bo liilerestedneis. How or why any
ono Interests i wo not determine.
Of tho fact vi) aro convinced beyond
argument, but, wo aro Incapable or an-
nfyziugtho bu)Hlo agencies that pro-
iliicoiliocueci.t 'inn capacity mum:.. . . ,,.., ,1PP,. rn,imi t0 a
est Is not a nacorwiry concomllnnt of 1 J. ....... ,.. . ,., .m. n,..
personal eomi'liness, but on tbo eon
trary, Is generally Independent or it
btruckiiittbo rear end whllo thosplro
was provided with an efficient conduct
or. Scientific American.
Tin; U.nitki) States Army, it lire-
at least, is bo Mrong and subduing in
Influence, that tiero rorm or reaturo no
comes either tewndary or is lost sight
of altogether.
No doubt Mich a thing as Interest,
nnd of a generil kind, belongs to Indi
viduals as It do;s to books Is us iiiucn
peaco footing, In aceordancu with tho
act of Congress of July 15, 1870. Tho
regular army will now consist of ono
general, ono lieutenant general, four
major generals, aud threo brigadier
generals, with their respective- staff or
ganizations for Held service. In addition
iliico reformed administration in muni
cipal ailalrs. These, with many other
considerations Which have, no doubt,
suggested thomselves in your mind, in-
iluceit us to nopu i in i juui vnuiia in
procure tho liu.-sago of tho bill through
tho Houso will bo crowned with tuccess.
With great respect j ours, &c.
WlM.lAM Kl.WF.LIi,
President Judge.
D, A. liKCKI.EY,
Editor Utpublican,
llY. h. DlElTENHACir,
Editor Columbian.
A - votes
11 2 votes
C 2 votes
and they will bo qulto ns conveniently
prepared, polled and counted, as tickets
In tho old form.
In Turbotvilloborough, n small town
with but 111 llcpubllcan and G3 Demo
cratlc voters, tho minority will voto for
but two candidates for Council nnd tho
majority for four. Hero tho tickets will
differ In form, tho minority ticket bo
A 3 votes
II - :i votes
whllo tho mnjorlty ticket will bo ono
thero will bo ono adjutant general, ono UorolRh of iicrwiek, in Coluti
quartortmisler general, ono commissary t,( nn(1 ,0 tllu i,orouRls of
lly special acts passed at tbo session and one-half votes to each of four can
of 1S70 tho frco voto was applied to tho dldates.
mblacoun- in Mount Carmcl borough, with 170
nf Hlllllllirv. llnnnli1lion nml lull 40 llimnftMlti
,.n..n.,l ,wt ri cnrrmmi (rPtinml. Wlttll ... . . . .... , n . .. ... ..... .. .
rii,nmis niiilalillllv uourte-v. K ' h.. i onamoKiti, iMotinr. uuruiei, juriuuiu- voters, tno minority win uo compciieu
" 1 . " . , .:. .. .,. ., ... tlicirsuuoriiiiiates. xiioiirmj l'l"-' i,er bind. Milton. McEwcnsvIUe, Tur- to concentrato upon ono candidate for
w vh-jv, w. I V I PI I I'firiH tH VI lUlllLTin. II" I I. 1 1 1 TIT.. 1 I In Vrt.M. II 1 .... a . 1.
.im.ii t nirne f wltliniit ilf'Mlrp. 1 . . uuiviuu. mm uiumun ii m uui m- i cuuiiuu nuu l-jisi iui jiiiu u voira vwen
uimn-.., v , - - . nr(i,milcu iioiKirtment. Uioml'IKU conn, r....,i,.. i, n.c thn n ...m t n n
11I1HJ1.II11II1I VUUIIl , H I'll" ,'vi ii, i, U 1IIV7 IIIHJWI I 1J- l.lll YUIU IU1 IIVU UI
choice of councllmcn, nnd In somo to Ulx.
tho choico of nil borough officers when- Ordinarily, councils elected undor
aver It can bo iif ed. It was also applied this plan will stand politically a to 3, or
to the choleo of poor directors (threo in M to 2. In raro eases tho division will
Sparkling Soda.
Somo chemical scamp, who evidently
has a grudge against tho soda-fountains,
and despises tho fluid that flzzos and
don't Inebriate, thus lets us into tho
secret of tho manufacture of this popu
lar blood.coollng bovcrago. As tho
soda season is now In full blast It may
Interest tho reader to know what ho or
sho is drinking. Our chemist says:
" Every popular fruit has Its repre
sentative syrup, tho customer paying s
pure ex
tract of tho fruit Is a popular delusion.
llutyrlc ether is tho baso or all fruit
syrups, uutyrio oilier is muuo souiu-
times of rancid butter, tnougn oiu rot
ten ebceso is generally preferred, tho
loudest variety of Limborger affording
tho best quality of ether. Tho chocso
13 treated with sulphuric acid, and if a
particularly nlco and finely flavored
ether Is desired, a few chips of old
loather Is added. Any sort of leather
will do, but old boots or shoes aro pre
ferred. Strawberry syrup la mado of
twelvo parts of butyric ether and ono
part of acetic ether, diluted with alco
hol and water. A pint or real straw
berry syrup added to tho gallon of mix
ture, will improvo tho syrup, but it Is
not absolutely necessary; color wltu
Ilaspbcrry syrup is mado after tho
lino formula, except that a pint of real
raspberry Byrup Is added, if tho chem
ist lias It. If not, ho takes n Jar of bis
trawberry syrup, colors a Ilttlo darker
and changes tlto label.
Sarsaparilla is tho simplest and nast-
est of tho syrups. Molasses is Its baso,
!l!i a Ilttlo cssonco orsassarras ana
intergrcen ndded. A fow roots of
Lirsiiparilla " bllcd " In tho mixture
will do no barm and no good.
Vaullla syrup Is mado of tonqua
beans and fresh hay.
Pincapplo syrup Is mado of butyric
and formic ether. Formic ether was
formerly mado by tho action of sulphu
ric acid on rod ants, but latterly It is
mado of glycerlno and soap.
Peach syrup Is mado of blttor almonds
and acetic other. Twenty drops of oil
of bitter almonds will kill a man.
Nectar is formed by mixing various
syrups and auumg n uiuo juaueira
wine tho wlno being compounueu oi
neutral spirit, logwood, sugar and ras
Lemon syrup Is tho purest that can
bo obtained. It is mado of citric acid
and sugar, with perhaps a fow lemon -
peels. Tho citric acid is mado of lomons.
For peoplo who aro not anxious what
they drink, tho abovo are " perfectly
harmless " bovorages.
.in.,.ivl,ntit Iim i-li-nfil onrns.
or even without consciousness, almost regiments, 11 vo artillery
universally attract others. Wherever ' tWL.nty.flV0 infantry rcgi-
they go their triumpus lonow me..,. - . .. .u, , ncademy and tho
Wo havo all of in mot such persons. TU(J eillutctl m0n aro
Wo can think oi naii-ii-uozen, ui k'.im, , ,n numb iWMciX nearly ai
of our acquaintances, who interes near- foj, m cn,.iia,crs, 3,035 artillery-
ly every ono li.ey meet, regiiriiii'ss ui 10.u0o cavalry. 15, 000 infantry, blx
non-commlssloneil stall, nnu inirtyoru
nanco sergeants. Tho Inditn scouts aro
about 1,000 in immbor, tho employs of
tho Ouartcrmastcr's Department 2,50(1,
nnd company laundresses 'l,700. Tho
total number of rations Issued ror enlist
ed men nud nttaches amount to 35,2$ i.
It is anticipated that 0,000 men win
havo to bo enlisted to keep tho army up
to tbo abovo standard.
number) in two poor districts In tho bo 5 to 1, or possibly a third party or
bex. Tills IS piriicuiariy iruu oi cei
tain women ; and yet how few of such
nro beautiful, or handsome, or even
pretty, iu tbo tuually received benso!
Nature, to her sons and daughters, is
a trltlo niggardly, savo when sho seeks
to show thu splendor or her bounty, Do
ing rarely willing to glvo two great
gifts to tho samo creature. When sho
grants physical beauty tho mind accom
pany It Is apt lo bo interior, ueniuses
aro seldom beauties, beauties seldom
samo counties.
At tho recent session of tbo I.cgi-la-turo
It was further applied by special
enactments to tho populous boroughs of
Cbambersburg and Unlontown (tho
county seat of Vrauklln and Eayctto
counties), and to tho now boroughs of
Hlversldo and Snyilertown in JNorin
umberland County. A bill for tho
choico of school directors throughout
tbo Stato upon tho new plan also passed
tbo Sonato unanimously, but was not
irw to do ui-Biiiitr Hosomu. Wo acted upon in tlto House. Tbo Stato
'onliisos. It appears, too, that women havu nflcu heard ladles expressing n do- Superlntcminni oi common ncnoois is
of lino persons como to prlzo their Br0 t0 know by what process tho lino strongly In favor of tho chango, and It
comeliness so much as lo neglect their Ki03d observed on now linens, shirt bos
mind nnd not unrrcqticntiy tneir inun- 011is , etc., is produced, and In order to
iters permitting a naturally good mi- R ratify themf wo subjoin tho following
derstandlng to run to wnsto for lack of rcCeipt for making gum nrabio starch :
common euro und culture. Heneo it is Tl(i;o two or tlireo ounces of gum nrabic
that tho very prettiest women of socle- p0Wder put it India pitcher, nnd pour
ty whom men optically admire, unit oi 0I1 It p. pt of boiling wnter, (according
whom vou hear bo much, rarely exclto )n tho .legreo of Btrcngth you deslro,)
any profound omotion.or win mo ni'.uio nn(l then, having eovcreil it, lot ll stanu
of btrong or positive men. 'inoy carry all nBht. In thomornlng pour it caro-
in their train many followers oi lasn- fniiy from thodregs Into a clean bottlo,
Ion ; aro looked nt and lauded as a cur- cork jt mul kcei It for uso. A tablo
ious pattern of furniture would bo iu Sp0onfu of KuW wator, stirred lu a
tho drawing room. Hut no ono loves j,jnt 0f starch that has been mado In
them. No dlvlno llrols burned on tliclr tbo usual manner, will glvo two lawns
altars. No elements of high poetry or (cjther wblto or printed) n look of now
grand tragedy tiro enlisted in their whon notlilng clsocan restore them
lives, They dwell in an atmosphere of I nfter washing. It is also good (much
flattery uud folly j are hauutcd'by cox- ,ini,ted) for thin whllo muslin and bob-
combs, nud wedded to roois. inot,
will no doubt bo mado at tho noxt sos-
slon. Hoards of school directors consist
of six members, two of whom aro cho.
son annually for threo-ycar terms.
the ruEK votk in nominations.
An Interesting application of tho freo
voto has been mado In Columbia County
to tbo nomination of candidates for
office, or rather to tho choico of delo
gates to nominating conventions, a
Democratic county convention iieiu hi
December last established tho freo voto
by rule for tho choice of all convention
delegates In rutttro. There oro twenty
Eoven election districts In that county
and each district is allowed two, throe,
or four delegates, In proportion to its
patty voto. Thus county convention
of -slxtv-BOven members is mado up,
which will roprcsont tho wholo mass of
Interest Interposing In tho election may
carry ono or two councllmcn. Dut i
all cases wo will havo (as nearly as may
be) each party or division of voters iu
n borough fairly represented in tho leg
Islnturo of tbo town according to its
magnltudo or number of voters.
lly tho recent borougli supplement
and according to tho Uloomsburg act
any vacancy In a borough council Is lo
bo tilled by tho Court of Quarter Ses
slons of tlio propor county by tho ap
pointment of nn elector of the borough
"who shall liavo voted for tho council
man whoso placo Is to ho filled." Thus
tho proper division of power in a coun
cil, as determined In tho election of its
members, will boat all times duly pre
served. O.
Ahout IlYDUOl'iloniA. Tholloston
1'ott, discoursing of tho dog question in
that city, says : "Tlio tlmo nas como
for tho annual and cruel proscription or
tho dogs, nnd for muzzling processes
and enforcement acts for real and Imag
inary offences of which they aro com
paratively innocent. Prices aro set upon
their devoted heads, nnd thoy nro doom
cd without warning to every species of
exterminating cruelty, by those who
under nppehcnslons of canlno madness
becomo themselves Insane." This has
n wider application than Boston. Wo
shall soon seo symptoms of this species
of Insanity among us; it breaks out
annually about this season ; though if
there bo anything certain in tho very
muddled subject of hydrophobia, it is
that there Is no greater risk of It In hot
than In cold weather. That fact, at
least, seems to bo discernablo through
tho fog of Ignoranco and superstition
that lias gathered round tho subject.
In commenting on this subject tho
In tbo passngo by tbo Pennsylvania
Legislature an net extending tho sys
tem of cumulatlvo or freo voting to all
tho borough or ns wo would say, town
council elections throughout tho Stato,
another groat btcp has been takon to
wards a truer representation than that
heretofore known to our electoral law,
In Now York, it Is truo, wo have, by
means of that Judiciary nmendmont
which tho pooplo adopted when reject
ing many other constitutional changes
proposed by tho Btato Convention of
Anecdote oi' Thau. Stevens.
Upon ono occasion tho old veteran,
(who combined tno elements or satni
and dovll remarkably in his composi
tion), encountered Dr. Pancoast, upon
Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, when,
after salutations passed between thorn,
tho following conversation took placo :
Dr. P. "Well, Mr. Stovens, I seo
you nro going; back to Congress; but
you told rae, tho last tlmo 1 Bnw you,
that you would not bo n candidato for
Mr. S. "Yes, I bellovo I Bald bo;
but I changed my mind. An old farmer
from tho country convinced mo: lie
taid it would be a pity to tpotl a ieu
man I"