The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, June 09, 1871, Image 1

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    tc a!
Hi'Ui)i,iam:o iivtuiY kmdav moiininu
i'uuiit house,, l'A., 11V
tnrrnri ash rnnrnturon.
Terms-Two Dsllars a Year pay-Mo In adva-ieo.
Olnlldcscrlpllons cxoculcd with neatness nnd
dispatch at rcasouablo rates.
Orio liteli, (twelve linos or U euulvalont la
Nonpareil type) one or two luiertloni, 11.50
sr-Aoc. 1m. itH. 8M. eu. lr.
Onelnch... HM 11,00 11,00 W II0.W
Two Inches ...9,M 8,00 7,00 ,00 13,''
Threo Inches....... 11,00 T.OD 9,00 12,00
Konr liielien. 7 00 H.00 11,00 17,00
13,00 11,00 ZH,TO wyw
18,00 a) oo ao.oo eo.oo
80,60 iOflO WflQ 100,10
Quarter column.. 10,00
llalfcolumn...... 15,00
Ono oolnmn. .-WW
Executor's or Admlulslrator'n Notice, 11.00
Auditor's or Asslgueo' Notice, 12A
Local notices, tcu cents a lino.
Cords lnlho"IlnlnesDIrcctory" column, f'.OO
per year for the first two lines, and tl.OO for each
additional line.
Columbia County Official Directory.
PrriMmt Jailor Wll.MAM KLWSI.r,.
Atnciale JudtttMMt Dunn, Isaac H. Mon-
7Woiiof(ir).'fc-Wr'MNOTON It, Knt.
JieiiUierrt ltecortler Williamson H.Jacoiiy.
lHitrlct Altomtil-K. H. lKU.uil,
Hhcrtff AAUON Hmith.
yVffiinrcr liAvm Low-crmr-un,
Ibnmllilfn-icr" WlI.I.IAM U, QUICK, CYHUH
lllinlllNH, HlIIAU J. llP.FDEn.
lmimtuiuncri' tTerJk Wll.I.IAM KlllrKIlAlMf,
A mhlon U. J, CAMl'UKLl., A. J, AI.IIKIITSUN,
throitrr JoltW I), UourK.
J urn CVinmLKonirt IsAAoMclliilUE, John Mo
A NA I.I..
Ltmnty SiiiKrlntciutcnt CiiAiu.rj) O, llAmct.l.v,
llloam Jw M-'rlcr Directors', H. II, Mil.i.mi,
Wh.i.iam Kiiamku, lllooinshurg, nnd Johnson
J u f.t.KH, U recti wood, CHAllLls Lo.N.NI.K.Hcc'y.
Bloomsburg Official Directory,
liloomiUvra JlanUtiir Co. John A, KL'Nston,
President, II, II. Ukiitz. Cashier.
J'irti national Y.'rin chas. It. l"AXToN,Vres'l.,
J. I'.TlTSTIN. Cnshler.
(htumltlcHVunly Slutuat&trtnfl !imlantl toanAu
in(0)l i:. II, L1TTI.K, l'rcs't., C. W. MlI.I.Kll,
JUvmmbnrn UulUUna anil Savinti Vml Aiicma
onJiuiN Thomas. I'res't., J, II. Uoiiihon, Hec.
Jtloimihnra Mutual totvtnn ltml Awiallon
J.J., 1'renldeut, M, Kit. Heo'y,
Bloomsburg Directory.
pAVHIlllAClH Just rrceltcd and for into nt Ilia
1 Coi.umiiian Olllco.
TACOI1 MKTZ, ilenlcr In stoves nnd tlnwnro
Mnln street, nbovo court houso.
DAVID LOWKNllKKO, MerchnntTnllnr,.lalu
Kt.t I'd door abovo Anicrlcau Houso.
WM. MoltlUH, Mcrclmnt Tailor corner or Ccn
tro nnd Main tt., over Aimer's store.
1. UVTZ, im.EBlrU and Apothecary. .Main bt,
M.imoiiHT. dealer in OencralMerchatiillao
jury uuouh, Groceries &c.
tmoUnnANiVA or r.rirlc Holel. y. Kosten
bander l'ronrlctor.Houth-enst corner Alain and
ominu ninei.
11 rower '8 block Malu nt.
IIHNHYZUri'INORIt, Watches, Hpectncles A
11 Jewelry ic MUlnBtrccl near west si,
n 11. HA VACU1, dealer In Clocks, Watches nnd
J Jewelry, Main St., Just below tho American
I OUM lIKUNIIAUD, Watch and Clock maker,
I J near southeast corner Main nnd Iron Mb.
I) CAT1ICAKT, Watch nnd Clock Mnkcr.Mar-
J l. kci uiieci, oeio)v iMain.
ijoots"and SIIOES
below llartinuu'M store, west of .Miirltct.
I rKNHY KLKtM. Mfinurnrtuter ntul dculcr in
Jl llools niul Hbocw, Urocerlus, etc., Mnln street,
I'xlKb u.uuii.huurir.
n Mi UIIOWN, Hoot nnd Hltoumaktr, Mnln
, niruui, iiimer uruwii m Jiuiei,
IV 11. II. C. llOWI'.lt, Burgeon Dentist, Main St.,
II i
abovo tho Court lloilbe.
llt. WM. M. IH'.IlEIt, Hurgeoii nnd 1'hyslclnu,
iyr;xcnnugoi:iockover tuu' uimii store,
DU. 11, V. KINNIIV, Hureenn Dentist, Teeth
extracted without pnlu: Mitlu St., nearly op-
tt,M,u x.ini;u.'fii Guillen,
I (1. IIAHKI.HV. Attoruer-nt-Iav. Ollleo.
U. lloorlu lxchuni;ollluel,ncartho"llxehaiii;o
, unci.
"1 11. McKllI.VY.M. D.,Knrnenn nml l'hjslclan
j norm
i tldo Mulu St., below Market.
It. r.VANS, M. D.. Burijfon nnd l'liyslclan
buutlt sldo tuln street, neiow iuaraei.
T O. IIUTTEK, M. I). HurBeou and I'hyslclan
II .inriLci. Hiieet.uuuvu jiuiu.
f 11. ltOlllSO.V, Atlorney-nt.I,aw, Olllco Hart
, man's building, Main slrt et.
I'llTintMAN, Millinery anil Fancy Goods,
, opposllu i;piscopai wuuten, Aium si,
iss I.lZZir. llAIlKI.KY, Milliner, Itarusey
uiiiiiiiiiU .,iaui biieei,
xi IHS M. DKUHICKKON, AMllllnery and Fancy
111 v.uuub, Jiuiu hi,, uuiuw iiirut-i
i UK. 13. KI.1NK. Millinery and l-aucy Ooodn
ill diuiii hirt'ei ueiow uuruui,
ill CloakK and lroKa l'atteiu, 80UtUtat coinei
.u. im una werivsn,
'V lit
(.loods, Muiuht., below American f louse,
of Malu b I reel.
Taylor, cast end
I C. MAIIU, Dry Goods and Nolloutt, feouth-
est corner Malu and Irou Bin.
A, I1KCKLKV, Hoot and Hhoo htore.'boolcs
, i. n iiiviuu ury, itiuiu au, ubjow itiatKCl,
I.i JACOHH, Conlectlonery, groceries etc., Main
i fct,, below Iron
(iOX a V'KIIH, Confectionery nnd ltakery,
j ia .wiiiii hi,, uuuvo iuurt ilOUbO,
I H. MAIZll. Mntninoth Grocery, fltio Gro
ri i vnv, i'iuiib, niiiN, j, luvihiuj). rtl'i, iai
Hint 4 Hill ntllCLB.
MKi:iA'V, KKAIjtfr CO , denlers hi Dry Goods,
Groceries, Klour, l''el,8idt,t'lh. Iron, Nails,
iiitm tin, dim ii mm uui ttui
fj If. MILTJMt A HON, dealers In Dry Good,
i j uitii;t;iirri, i(iuTiiwHre, 1'iour, can, tMioef,
lllllllllin, t tV,UIMIU Bit
I lONSTAllMW ULANKH for salo nt tho Coi.uM
(i M, CIIUIKTMAN, Haildle, Ti link Harness
maker, Hhlve'H Block Main Klreet,
I l W. IlOHHINH.lltiuordeoIerseconddoorlrom
u iiormwLsi corner .Main anu iron sis.
P J. TIIOUNTON, Wall Paper, Window Hhades
j . i iiwivit iu.x, uii i iij'fr, i ikki w
, and flxtures, Uupert block, Mulu bt.
W COUKI.L, Furniture Koornn, threo story
t-ricit, jsnun nueti, wthi ui itiuraei hi.
i:yer'n Btoro, Main st.
', over Ilobblua
I H. KUHN.dealerlu Meat, Tallow, etc., Clicm
1 1 bei iiu'b alloy, rear or American jiouho,
At H. HINGLI1U. dealer In nlnnoM. nrcnnn nm G, W.CoreU'Hfurullure rooum
DAMITKI JACOHy,MarbI ond llrown Htono
i. j woruii, i:ast iiioomfcuurg.uerwlcit roau.
WM, ItAlill, dealer In furniture, trunks, ceder
1 1 willow ware, near tho Forki Hotel.
n KOHTKH.Giuo Maker, aud Whllo nud Faucy
U, Tanner, Bcottown,
I1 J.,'.1,I.T)Lr:.M.'N Acontfor Muumuu'h Copper
U Tubular LlKbtulng Itod,
T A CO Ii Dir. F F E N H A C 1 1 Uroom Factory, Or
.1 oeruli-ltaL Ills resldfrD . a n,niiiiii... un,,'.
loro promptl y Ulled. llest Krem Western brush
TAMIiS CADMAN. Cabinetmaker nnd Chair
l. jiiuucr; rouuis jium sireei oei. iron.
NOTi: liOOKB, nnd blank NOTIM.wllhorwItl:
mil exemption, fur sale, at the Coi.UMyiA
Orangevillo Directory.
II. llKUIttNO a HimTitrit i',,mi. .i
. llullUers, Main st,, below l'liio. A ltr.lllllNO, dealer In Dry Hoods,
uroccrles. Lutnlier nml .ii.mi i.,.. !,...
lalust. "
'i! J.".,TKr' "i'1 refreshment Hiiloon, by
UohrM'lIeurycor.or Mnln ntul l'lno t.
It. O.A.Mi:OAltOi:i,,riiyslclananilHHrgeoH,
Mnln st next door to Mood's Hotel,
AVID ItnitlllNO, FlonrnndarlstMlll.and
Uealorln Kraln.MlllHtrcet,
I..i:tWAUDS. I'liysletnn nml KurBcon, Mnln
st.,llrt doorabovo .M'llcliry's Hotel.
AMIS ,11. HA11MAN. Cabinet Makor niul Utl-
uu.M.nt'i. ...i.iu nt., neiow l'ine.
M. HAlt.MAN, Ha.ldlo and liaTness makTr.
Main st., oppsltu Frnmo Church.
ClItlYI.KH & CO., Iron founners..MachliilslH,
vaiiiiii v.iuuie. muiiini.
II.I.IAM nr.r.ONO Hhocmal:ernud lii.uni r.u-.
lurerof Illicit, Mill Bt., west oll'aio
r. HAM. MAN, Merchant Tailor, HecJndBt.
Itobblns' llulldlUK.
It. J. K. ItOllllINa. Hurgeou nnd I'hyslclan
BccondBt.,bolnw Main.
II.1IHUT ft KUXH, dry Roods, groceries, and
general merchandise, Main Btieet
II. KISTI.Klt, "Cattawlssa House," No
Corner Main and ticcoud btrects., lltllnril Hnloou, Oysters, and
Cream In season MaloBt,
yM. it.
AUIIO'IT, Attoiuey at law, Main Bt.
Buck Horn.
O.ft W. II. BHOKMAKI'lt, dealers In dry
uooiiv. erurtrir. mill ueiierui ineieuiiutiise.
Irst stoiulu south end ot town.
Philadelphia Directory.
NO. m BOUT1I B1XT1I yTltlU'.'!',
Jan. I'71-ly
No. t03 Market Street,
(Abovo Fifth,)
-yyAiNwiuaiiT & co.,
n uuLi;sAi.i, uituciiiiM,
N. K. Corner Second oud Arch Streets,
Dealers In
4S"Ordcrs will reclvo prompt attention,
may ll),07-tf.
Business Cards.
Q 11. 15UOCKWAY,
i Ok ficf Court Iluubo
UMIUAN blllldlllg.
Jj. TURN Kit
Mlty, In 11m Co
1'IIYHICIAW and Hiinaio.v,
OfFlC'K over Lutr'ti Druir Store. Tlr1ilii
MaikLMHtiei.t,lKt door below Hev. D.J. Waller.
ueeiu tv.
Olllco Court Houso-Allcy, IipIow Iho CoI.rjM
i.uui lies. ii.iini ay noil i-eiihitnii
llloouisttuli; I'll. sep.'O'tn
IHAN Olllie
Ofllco Main Street below tho Court House
IllonmshurK Ivnu'ii.
Olllco Courl-llouo Alley, below tbo CoI.UM
iiian unice, jnoomsuurg I'a.
M. KNOKlt.
lluvliiif itureliiihfd llioktock of t lie old Kvv-
hiono Hlioo Htore, nnd added tbeielo a lurK and
uelt selected new blot It l-i)iepuud to exhibit
inu ueai vurieiy in
evcrbroimlit to this place? Ho N also prepared
to maitu nooiH nnnouoeH muruerin wmjuifi
and best htylcM,
oilleo oulldlni
17 J. TI
would r
burg and vlcli
For enxli onlv. In tbo old 1'uh
intf. corner iiuiiiana inriiet Hireem
Dloombbmg, l'a. bepU TU'iy
finmiuli(, 1 n thnrltlyetlHnr Illooms-
Iclnlly. that ho hasjust received alull
ituu luuijiiuiu imnui inieiii u
nnd nil other cnoils In bis lino of business. A
llio jieuest and most nppinM d pallei its of tho
lay are niwnys to oe lounu in ins fHuiniiiiiiieii
linir.s.'d'.i-ir Malu HI, below iMxlkel.
Lirraui hiiadh,
iC, &U.
Neatly nml Chcaiily l'rlnlctl
From the Ijitost HI y les of Typo at tho
Siniiiiicr Is Coinlii.
Siiuimer's coining, summer's coming,
All tho tnrth Is drest In green,
And Iho llower buds aro opening,
llendy tu recelvo Ihelrriueen,
ll'en tho wooilland now rejoices
Llko tho growing, wavy grain,
And tho herds, so blithely feeding,
Walt to welcome, her again.
Hummer's coming, summer's com Inu,
Willi her long, bright, sunny d.i) s,
And tho sun lu golden torrents
Showering dowu his torrid rays.
Hut the calm, and cooling zephyr,
Sweet, rcrfishlng, playing nlr;
Fans her, llko a child In slumber.
Till her lectio checks aro fairer.
Summer's coming, summer's coming,
Nonoenn count her Joys I ween,
Though she's coming, suiely coining.
She Is yet to us unseen.
Hut Iho warblers alt arc practiced,
And they'll sing n sweet refrain,
And tho lays from pond, nudchlliiuey,
All will gladden her again.
Summer's coming, summer's coming,
All the brooks nlocalmand still,
And gaydovers walk bcsldo them,
Chatting loo's sweet themont will,
ltut sometime tin rolling thunder
Warns Ihern toasnfo retreat;
Then Iho lulu, (O, blest of summer 1)
Miikesnll ealth sopuruand sweet,
Summer's coming, summer's coming,
Don your best, Held, wood and bowers,
Hlinko your turban mljhly thunders,
Lightnings play ninld tho showers!
livery warbler sing his sweetest,
livery musician Join tho strain,
Summer's comt.ig, summer's coming,
(Had wo'lt wtlcomo her ng.iln.
for (lirco or four inllos over mi rtilinira
bio road, built through a tllfllctilt nloco
of country by a comimny only to tiutlco
n now wntcrlng.pluco ncccsslblo,
Tlicso roiuU nro lnncailnml.cil i pri
vnto cntcrjirlsa provltlcs steam Btono
crushers nml atcnm-rollcrj ; nml, you sco
constantly, near Onkl.inu, heavy wagons
Iadencd with crushed stone, which is
brought from it dlstunco of thrco or four
mile. AVe, in nnd nbout New York,
havo got Into such n habit expecting
lliu town or county nnd Htnto govern
ment to do everything for ui, that nil
private olVortnnd enterprise In crippled.
Hero in this nower country they do not
wnlt for the slow-moving government,
but do things themselves, which we, to
our own discomfort leave undone.
One of tho plensnnlcsl sights you can
neo near San Francisco Is In tho San
Jaw Valley. San Jose, near which lies
the New Almadeii quicksilver mine, U
fifty miles from tho city. I do not
know whether pcoplodrivodown thoro
but It Is well-worth whllo to go half
way down by rail, nnd then tako a car
rlngo the rest of tho way down, nnd a
driver who knows the country, nnd enn
show you somo of tho many lovely
places which nro thickly scattered ovor
this fair valloy. If you como nt this
season, you will find yourself lu a wild-
crncss of roses j tho roads aro fragrant
with tho bloom of tho acacia ; tho flower-gardens
aro gorgeous j and tho yel
low esckoltm, which wo with difficulty
vers, no mosquitoes, no poisonous rep- The Address or (lie Dcmnerntlr .Mrmliors
tiles j yot their roses bloom all tho year of tlio Legislature
round i "I do not know tho day in tho Tho undersigned present to their con
wholo year when I c.tnnotgallicrrt boil- slltuents nml to tho people of tho coin
quet in my garden," said dimly hero to monwcalth this statement of facts in ro
me; hi ono place In Oakland, saw tho lallon to tho Philadelphia registry law,
gasjneter out of doors near tho stable; Inthohopo nnd with tho belief that it
dwelling need no furnaces to wnrm will nrouso nttcntlon to tho pnlpnblo
them in winter ; nnd tho wholo cum- violation of tho right of n lnrgo nuin
brous machinery by which wo guard bar of our fallow-citizens tort volcoin
ourselves nud our animals nnd tender tho selection of their election officers ;
plants against cold Is hero unknown, to tho opportunities for fraud, corrup
Tho grcoiihoiHo nnd conservatory nro tlon nnd forged returns It nfibrds; to
only affectation ; tho oleander remains tho Incitement to vlolenco nnd blood
in tho ground tho winter through ; nud shed It contains ; nnd to tho desporato
the fan palm Nourishes everywhere. character of tho men who perpetuato
Tho Francisco complain their own power by these means des-
of their clluiato but with llttlo reason, plto tho wishes nnd tho bnllots of a ran-
Every day nt twclvo o'clock they get a Jorlty of tho people of that city,
stiff and cool soa brcc.o. If you go out Tho net hf assembly known ns tho
lu tho morning, no matter how wnrm It registry lnw'wns passed on tho 10th day
is, you aro warned to tako with you n of April, 1S09. Tho provisions thereof
shawl or overcoat; but for&cvcn months nppllcablo to tho rural district nro cs-
in the year you may lock up your urn- scntlnlly djfiercnt from thoso npplica-
brella; and we, too, havo dusty roads, bio to tho city of Philadelphia. An en-
but no constant alleviation of cool tlrely different system was created
brttzes. therefor. Under tho lattcr'thQ board
Moreover, a Journey of thirty miles of aldermen or Justices of tho pekco for
puts you Into an entirely dlfiorcnt ell- that city wcro vested with power t be-
mate. Tho San Joso Valley, tho Nnpa lect thrco canvassers for each election
Vnlloy, andothers, Ho behind tho Coast district thereln,whosoduty waslomako
Itaugc, and aro thus sheltered from tho out tho lists of voters nnd who had
ocean breezes; and here there Is no after- power conferred upon them tostrlko
noon gale, and nil tho winds nro gentle, from said lists or add thereto at their
Wo catno up from Ban Joso on a brill- pleasure, and such action was to bo final
iant warm day, which wo had enjoyed and could not be nppcnled from. Tho
by driving early to tho quicksilver board of aldormcn also nppolnts tho
mines, and later over tho lovely Alamo- officers to hold tho elections in each
grow In our gardens, linos tho sides of da, to Santa Clara. As tho train ncared election division, and by tho law they
thu railroad for miles, nnd lies in broad tho city, wo closed tho windows ; prcs- were directed to appoint thojudgo, ono
........... ,.r .. ...t.t.l. I ,.-.., , . . . .. I..-..,.-..... - ..!..... r-.
'ar ell farcMcll! our Intercourse Is ended "iirao.-. "i ji-uuw luni uiiinl!, WHICH lll-j cully 1110 mUlCS urOW SliaWlS nUOUt UlCm niaiitciui uuu uiiuiuiuiu iii3;i.i:iui iium
'1 ...... ...I,, 1,.. I . , i . m, 1 . . ..... . I iiit-.i ......1.1.1. i, i ii.
Contempt nnd scorn now claim infection's lJ iuiy "ear 10 luuii ui. ineru mm wncil WO Cot OUl OI 1110 cars at San inu iiuihic.u pauy whiuu jiunuu inu inn
is also a very long bluo nml wnlto lu- Francisco, I drow on my overcoat, and jorlty or tlio legal votes In tho election
pine, which, llko tho csckolt.Ia, covers wa3 glad to close tho carriage windows ; division nt tho next preceding general
the ground In broad inassos, nnd has a and wo sat by a firo In tho evening, election, and ono inspector and return
wonderfully pleasing effect. Thin, I am told, 11 Is nil summer ; nud inspector from tho political party which
liut If tho roses delight you by their us there is no rain, tho country, of polled the next highest number at such
abundance, immenso slzo nnd freedom course, gets dusty ; nnd in tho country- election
from- dlscnso nnd destructlvo insects, houses you find winps for tho neck nnd It will thus ho seen that this law for
tho orchards will amazo you. Such other appliances to keep out tho dust Philadelphia look from tho peoplo or
thrifty, full-bearing and well-grown when you drive out, and In your room caclylectlon division therein tho right
trcc3 I never saw before. Fruit culturo atiuecr sprinkler over tho wash basin, to select their own election officers, and
Is no doubt ensv hero: trees of all kinds wherewith conveniently to wash your vested in a tribunal whoso duties, un
grow with n rapidity undreamed of In lcad and neck, when you return fromn der tho constitution and laws, havo no
our harsher climate; 1 saw Norway drive. relation 10 inai suhjcci. umier mo
San Joso U a considerable place, but registry law lor mo rural districts i to
it lias nothing rcmarkablo that I know assessors ciecicu uy uio pcopio raa ;c
of, except tho quicksilver mines, fifteen out lho canvass lists ami complete tho
miles awav. to visit which vou should registry, mm ua. im i..u.u-,c
pi a co :
A. broken f.illh can no'er, alas, bo mended
I cuiso lho day when llnd I saw Uiy facet
Igavo llicoall my willing heart could ulvo llica-
A love whoso ucnUli thiougli lonely yiars had
. grown;
Its long.eloh.ed portal-t opened to recelvo thee,
And mad u Its tundertst, purest throbs thlno
God known 'lis fearful agony, this waking
To flnd.druui.'llki.', llfo'd ono great bliss )ms
I might havo known the IMen lovo was making,
as f ir too bright and beautiful to last.
Had aught foretold that ihou would st cer lum
From lovo that hung entranced on thy breath;
Or that, an now, with loathing I should wpum
I would havo prayed for madness or for death.
God only knows how true ray soul was to theoj
To molovo meant a bond whllo Ilfo should be;
I did not know what now can most undo me-
That some cm tiro of even constancy.
spruces nnd pines which were forty feet
high, nud had been hut suven years
planted ; nnd tho eucalyptus, tho Aus
tralian bluo Rum, which Is hero very
Justly a favorilo tree, has tnado a growth
of fifteen feet hi a Mnglo season
Nor Is lho variety of fruits on u alu
Then faro thco well; lovo such as mlno was glo plaCO less remarkable, We WCro
Upon a light nnd lltklo heart llkothluo;
Tuas Fato'H stem will love'sblUs should but bo
To mako moru sad this lonely lot of mine.
vUq at six, and set out at seven in tho
Ichooso their election ofilcers In each
mnrninn-. frrdtinr, VV1nh tn drlvn ClCCUOn uisinct. Alio law ior x iiuauei
you there, who Is ono of tho notabilities I1 therefore, directly in conflict
How often thy mock pcnltauco has moved nu
When studied coldness slung mo to rebel I
Would death had smitten macro I hat proved
And found I lovo 1 " not wisely, but too well."
OAY (Ikuai.h.
shown through nn orchard in which
apples, pears, plums, (without tho do.
testablo curcullo, which is yot unknown
hero,) peaches, cherries their boughs
laden down with fruit apricots and
nectarines wero growing sido by side
with figs of several kinds, English wal
of thu place, nnd takes great prido in
his hordes. Ho 13 nn honest Irishman,
who bcrved us so well, at such a reas
onable rate, nnd was so ready and well
Informed, that ho added much to our
pleasure. Tho hotel of tho place, tho
Auzeray House, is admirably kept in
overy way, so that no ono need fear the
The fit)-or Hie. Occident.
Mtiliti snJ n(ii(s on tin- I'silllc.
nuts lino, frco-crowlng trooj almonds Journey to San Jose, ami no ono ought
in full bearing; and in tho vineyards to omit it who ivishes to sco ono of tho
you find acres of tho vinos which wo plcasantest aspects of California life,
grow only with difficulty under glasj. At tho mines you will meet Mr. Itaip
Tho cauiclla hero remains out ol dall, tho superintendent, a young New
doors all winter; tho heliotrope is of Yorker, who will suffer you to sco tho
stout wood shrub ; lho gladiolus is al- lions of tho place, and, if ho is not too
ready mut its bloom, and is nlantcd in busy, may even show you around,
tho fall; nud you find it difllcult to Thuro Is not much to sec; but tho pro.
recognize in tho massive eight-foot high ceas of roasting Uio ores and ladling tho
Correspondence of tho N. Y. Evening Post.)
San Fiiancisco. May 11. 1S71.
Your first drivo in San Francisco is shrub, whoso brilliant bloom almost liquid silver Into tho iron bottles Is In
likely to bo to tho Cliff House. You may hides its foliage, and which Is used ns n tercsllng, nnd I was very glut! my chll
brenkfast there if vou llko: and ns nil hedge- or screen, tho scarlet granlum. dreu could seo tho sight. Uut tho drlvo
out-door amusements aro controlled by Even tho humblo littlo sweet alysstini, is charming, and worth taklug If thero
the climate, (tho cold sea-breezo making which with us creeps along tliogrouml, were no nunc ai tno enu. uu mo way
tho nttcrnoons uncomfortnble,) It Is a hero rears its llower spikes two feet wo saw thousands of n llttlo ground
pretty nnd srnsihlo thing to rlso nt six
somo morning, nnd seo tho sea lion1
whllo it is yet wnrm nnd still. Moro
over, you aro sure of n good breakfast nt
tho Cliff House, and you tako It on tho
verandah, with all China and Japan nnd
tho lIng of tho Cannibal Islands look
ing at you across tho broad Pacific.
Tho windmills aro a peculiar featuro
of tho California!! landscape. You seo
them uven In San Francisco, on tho
tops of houses; but in tho country
every place- lias one. Everywhoro am-
squirrel, which I Imagine lakes rather
larger tithes of thu farmers' crops hero
than they like.
Docs fruit pay'."' I inked a country
gentleman near Fair Oaks, when wo
had walked through his extensive or
"It does not pay me," ho said : "I sell
plo provision is mado for water ; and
If you havo children In onr nnrlv. on ono fino place near Mcnlo Park I
thev will not tiro of watchlnc tlm m was told at least half a inllo of water none. It Is my pleasure Hut somo
Hons, no mutter how long you stay. ll,os wcr0 llUI1- K,,ms 1,1 lllu,u " ,,mKU 11 "
And If von lmvn nnv if.iMi.vr I,, Irflcatlou is not practised except in business. Now you would not guess
w hi limn, s vnn w lm Loll, omii.o.i slice a ca'.cs: juti tiring inoiong (try wnai u is miu sua uusi uurmius,
upon theso two important points, wit!
tho law for tho other parts of tho State
It is, in this, destructive of a vital prin
ciplo of local bclf-govcrnmcnt, and
tramples on n right which lias como to
bo organized as a fundamental Amcri
can principle. Why wcro theso great
powers taken from tho peoplo of each
dlvWon and vested in tho board of al
dermcir.' Tho answer is found in tho
fact that that board was partisan 1
character, and could bo depended upon
to exerciso its authority in tho InlcrcaU
of n corrupt clique.
Tho mnjorlty of lho board of alder
man constituto lho board and that ma
jority has power to appoint nil of tho
election ofilcers, ns well thoso to which
tho majority nro entitled as thoso of tho
mpjorlty, yet nt the organization of that
board in 18C0, Its members by solemn
resolution at tho suggestion of the court
gavo to lho minority of tho board the
right to chooso tho minority of tho
election ofilcers. In this they nctcd
Justly, and tacitly admitted tho Injus
tice of this grossly partisan law. Thu
act of fairness lias been rescinded by
tho action of tho board, and tho Itcpub
Ucan majority now appoint a majority
of tho canvassers, tho llepubllcau elec
tion ofilcers and tho Democratic election
First. That tho minority of tho board
of aldermen filial! havo tho right to se
lect their duo proportion of tho election
ofilcers for each election division.
Second. Tlint tho Judges of tho Court
f Common Pleas shall havo lho right
tosupcrvlso tho notion of tho canvass
ers In making up tho registry list, and
to rcstoio lho namo of nny legal voter
Improperly left off, nnd to strike off the
nnincsofnny Improperly placed thereon.
Third, That tho board of return
Judges Khali meet to count tho returns of
election In tho presence of thonforcsald
udges, who shall havo power summar
ily to prevent fraudulent returns from
being counted, nnd to determine nny
question arising therein.
Theso provisions nro so eminently
tist nnd proper, that mo newspaper
rcss of Philadelphia, without distinc
tion of party, has approved them. Lead
ing members of tho Republican party
In tho Housoof Representatives havo
unqualifiedly endorsed them, but havo
been compelled by a party caucus to
vote ugalnst them and provent their
nacjment. Bonator Bllllngfolt, In his
laco In tho Senate, acted and voted
with us in attempting to bring ab .ut
theso necessary enactments.
Upon tho question to Indefinitely
ostpono tho Scnato amendments by
tho House, (which amendments wcro
tho threo propoblttonsspcclficd,) on May
10, 1871.
Mr. Elliott said ! I deslro to state that
I vote upon lho question In accordanco
with tho views of my political associ
ates. I vote therefore aye.
Mr. Mann said : Upon this question
I voto in nccordanco with my Judgment nssociatcs, nnd ngalnst
my own. I therefore voto "ayo."
Mr. Miller, of Philadelphia. In ac
cordanco with tho Instructions of tho
Republican caucus nnd ngalnst my own
convictions of right I voto ''ayo.''
Theso nmendments wcro Indefinitely
postponed by a strict party voto 17 to
il-cxcept that William' F. Smith, of
Philadelphia, voted with tho Democrats.
Wo havo labored during this entiro ses
sion to bring about this much needed
reform, becauso wo havo felt that it
would measurably restoro tho purity of
tho ballot box In Philadelphia, that It
would aid in preventing falso persona
tions and frauds upon tho registry, that
it would provent tho fraudulent count
ing and falso returns of votes, and that
tho rcstrnlnlng power of n judicial tri
bunal would prevent tho recurrences
heretofore occurring at tho meeting of
tho board of return Judges. Wo havo
failed in tho attainment of theso just
ends, and wo now deliberately chargo
that tho Republican organization, In
obedlenco to n party caucus, controllod
by a "ring'1 of Philadelphia politicians,
has prevented theso necessary reforms
and thus aided in perpetuating fraud,
raiso counting, lorgery oi election re
turns, nnd riot, bloodshed nnd murder,
Tho responsibility is upon them, nnd
not upon us.
Signed by tli o Democrnllc members of
both brunches of the legislature.
Spet'ch of Jeff. I)aik
As thero 13 much misrepresentation,
by incansof garbled extracts and other
wise, of thu sayings ot Jeff. Davis,
in a spit ill at Atlanta, Georgia, recent
ly, wo insert it at length, that every
ono may Judge for himself what ho did
say :
There arc many things which I might
say to you to night, my friends, but
which I feel It would bo imprudent for
mo to utter. If I should speak to you
officers. Under tho dictation of corrupt of tho past I should speak of memories
that aro sad. If I should speak to you
and desiierato men, this power has
grown to boamost fruitful bourco of Im
purity In tho elections of Philadelphia.
Men nro appointed ns canvassers who
know no law nnd rccognlzo no system
and nmtised nt tho hugo strntigo crea- season, which In,ts from April to Oclo- gooseberries and bomctlmes btrsxwber- j Qf moraa l)Ut tht! sllcccs oftlioir i:rty
turcs, which cover tho rocks two hun- ber, when it does not rain at nil, they ric.s. Peaches nud apricots nro a 'drug
dred vards from vou. nml lrok with preservo their lawns by sprinkling, in tho market,' ns tho reporter says.
their iitilnteii hnmN nn.l tiilnv l.mllos. and now plantations aro nlso freely "I fed tons of tho finest It.irtlctt and
llko monstrous mascotM crawlim? nnd watered. Artesian wells nro common ; Duchess pears to my hogs last year,
souli'mlmr: who lit, llk- .lenil thlnrM and tho windmill stands usually on lop sain ono gentleman lo me, nailing, "al
upon tho rocks : whoso howls and lionrFii of n tniil;, from which llio water is ins- nionus mignt pay, out, i pianieu omy a
discordant roars cross to you and mnko trlbuted to tho house, tho stables, nnd few, becauso they nro not wholcsomo for
strnngo music for vour meal. A seal an over tno gromuis, iiytiranis uchik inu cinuirun,-- volumes uru iuu iwiun-
I ii Uanium's Mtiunn isiistrancn Imnsl! placed at frequent intervals. From Uio daut nnd perishablu to bo vnluablo; tho
but tlicso monstrous inii-sliapcii crea- hydrant a hoso is led to a sprinkler pear crop, which with us is tho most
lure;', furious, wild, free, vawninir in wuicu sianus on mu.iawji, on ii tiipuu, vaiuauie, is iutu ma worm snipping
VOUr fllCP. lllisllllli. rnol, nil,, net, in tllld SOllllS OUl COnstaMty.-II tllltl llllll
.. ..u..., , . . . ,ll
c.uaire in'. Mii-kllnc llmlr vm,m. n.ll. linoiv UtVlUCil Sltiay. miuo garuoncr re
Ing oil' tho nreciiiitous rocks into the spii.1 moves this from timoio time, and thu
mako tho slirhl, mv even nv.r tho whole spacious lawn is watered and
beheld. If Gustavo Do'ro could seo them. koPt Kiccn and lovely as though it
lowotild add another weird pleturo to wcro In tho Vv hito Mountains,
his chamber of horrors. With such help, I need not tell you
and tho attainment of their own selfish
ends and those of their designing lead
ers. They without hesitation strlko
of tho present It would bo to recount a
talo of tyranny and wrong Hint wo hnvo
not tho power to redress, nnd under
which, therefore, It Is moro manly and
noblo for us to fold our arms nnd suffer
with quiet and patient dignity. If I
speak of tho future, then, I am liable
to bo misrepresented, and you hold re
thirty miles. Tho vineyards, of course,
aro profitable ; and this especially where
ono gets a good reputation. It is hero ns
lu Europo of two vinoyards lying lu
tho samo region, one will produce valu
able- grapes for wine, multhothcr will
from tho registry lH'.s tho names of sponslblo for every speculation that I
voters who nro duly q Mllficd, nnd ndd may chanco to utter. Hut, my friends,
thereto tho names m thoso who havo as I stund hero to night and look upon
no shadow of right to vote. your kindly, honest faces, I feel that
No legal power cxlststo prevent tlicso Uhero nro a few plnin vord3 that may
infamous wrongs. Ono member of tho bo received by you as tho expression of
legislature holds his placo to-ilay be- my opinion In regard to tho future,
causo tho names of ono hundred and Then, I say, I despair not of your lib
forty-eight legal voters of his district crty. I despair not of tho triumph of
wero struck from tho icglstry without liberty. Ibcllevothnt truth will livo
authority of law and for purely partisan eternally, nnd that wrong cannot al
purposes. Ways endure. When aallloo was bound
In tho selection of election, ofilcers to tho torture-rack for asserting his
tho board of aldermen tako especial care theory that tho world was n globo, and
tochoosonstutonnduuerupulousRepub- turned upon Its axis, and was thero
soon a3 tho scrow
WAIN MllfctT, UNLKU lllloW.N'U Hour..
A lull nnd complcto assortment of ready made,
boots and shoes lor inen. u.,,,,..,, ,,,i ,Mi,
J list received nml for knlo lit reasonnblo rnto.
viiruiii-s in Miiiuu classes or customers. Thu
best of work ilono at short notice, us heretofore.
Ulvo him ucull. fjunl'71.
Main Street ono door above K. Meudonhall'j
A largo assortment of Stoves, Henlors ami
flanges constantly on bund, nud for sale ut Us.
lowest rates.
Tinning In all Us branches carefully attoudeillo,
and satisfaction guaranteed.
Tin work of all kinds wholesale and rolall. A
vial Is requested.
Jan 1'71
Light Street.
HI'. OMAN A Co., Wheelwrights, first door
, above School House,
"IOIIN A. OMAN, Manufacturer aniuiealor In
0 Hoots and Shoes,
IJKTKIl J'.NT, dealer lu Dry Uoods Groceries,
1 Flour, Heed, Bait, Flsh,Iron,Nall,eto.,Muiu
Ktrcil. , ,
RB. KNT, dealer lu Btovcs and Tin ware lu
all Its branches.
NEW 0 O A h Y A It D.
Sim undersigned respectfully luforin the
citizens of llloouishmg nud Columbia county,
that they keep all the dlllerent numbers olstovo
cualaud selected lump coal for smithing puris-
.c", uu ineir wiitii i, uiijiiiiuiiK -i iteivx, l-n u
Co's Kurmice; with a good pair of ltniulo scales
Llliowlsonhoisu and wagon, to deliver coal to
those who desire It. As they purchase a largo
amount of coal, they liitond tokeep n superior ar
ticle, ana sell nt lho very lowest prices. 1'lense
can auu examine for yourselves lierore purcluw.
lugelsowbere. J, W. HKNDKIIHIIOT,
rpiIE undersigned will tako in ox-
iimui." mm iuui uqo eirneeiies, iuu louowiui;
mimed articles l Wheat, Rye, Coru, Oats, Tola
Uxa, Lard, Huiu.Kliouiiier.audsldu meat, Cutter
Kgga, liny, Ac, ut the highest rash prices, al his
mwwtj um,uiuiui tuuir cunt yaru,
, ' .. Jn, J.W.lIUNDEItSHOT.
llloomslmrg Mar.d'CO-ly,
1) K. UKKUtAllDA lu Dry Uoods,
II1 Uroccrles, uud general Merchandise.
fj 1'roprloto,- '
I 1). WKKKllKIBKlt, Hoot and Shoe Sloro and
ii'imimi.'iuiy, miop OU JUSIU BlllKIl Op
posite tho Steam Mill,
fl! ,W. IIDUAII, Susquehanna rianhiBMM
1 Ilox Manulkctory.
late frtm (Jenuany. oilers liU senlmi to tho
ihiuiiu uu ii cuitoraiLti
nud all other aulmals. for whh h his charges are
moderate. He cuuuluays bo fuuuil east side of
tie-rwicit inuu, liters. ii. Jacouyw Maruie luid,
Uloomsburg, May 12, l7J.y,
AltlODIl FOUNTAIN I'ilNS for lalu cheap at
bonjected; the soil Is tho samo; tho
. . . . . I .i.-i ., . . i r. vlnntt nrn I hn nimn ? I lin ptllhirn Is llift .. . .... - .. .. 1 . . . '
Wo lasted a bottloofCallfornlacham- "' iiiusiriiwiicrrygrowaiuiierieuuwi.. ncaus who win uo tno biuuiug oi tneir forced to recant, as
Itls larger and Ithlnk much sweeter u.y..o u , u. Jmrty fricjd nnd almost invorlably was relaxed ho criod out of tho deep
than with us. l am not, ai. nonie, ii - select llllterato, weak and corrupt men and Irresistible, convictions of his soul
strawberry lover, but hcrolhavorellsh-h'i-.i''""i.' ,,,,,, as Democratic election officers. In many " Rut still It moves." And so tho great
eil them without sugar, un ono piiicu ... v.. .- cascg , 0 . vloai0 tll0 plftln Iellor ortno ,,itcica kv vour fathers still live.
near Santa Clara, l notlccu nn ingenious " """ law by appointing Republicans Instead aiul tho principles thoy enunciated
arrangement lor irrigating:! strawberry i-j " """" . ,,' , of Democrats. Ono of thooll
bed of about thrco acics. A largo l'ficc inippemsiuiuu uuu n, uum
Rhnllow tank stood near ono end of this lay well to export gi-aiies and pears to
lnl. II with IU linllnm nrrn-K-nil :l UIO AtlallllU hUUCd at SUCH ratCS IIS
1 ' - .. nn..l.l l. l C... t.n... Il.n.. r. Il.nw.
e,uiiu. uu uuu lui nielli eiioiu, lui iiiuiu
would bo, III tho most extreme case, a
very largo margin for decay ami loss.
a n.
pagne, rim down to tho beach and dip
lied our hands In the great Pacific Ocean
and then drove buck to our hotel ovor
tho very best road In Christendom
Tho gieater part of San Francisco is
binootlily laid with wooden pavement;
and tho city Is approached from every
sldo over admirable roads. A Now
Yorker imnsln of Central Park mails till level with thu upper Clltl of lho rows.
ho has driven thirty mllo In tt brief " this was lui a main, which whs
forenoon, forty or fifty miles in u day connected with a pipe- running along
here, over tho best ways I ever saw. Go 'o wholo upper end of tho great field.
3 ofilcers of tho
recent Republican StatoConvcutloii was
a man who had been appointed and had
acted as a "Democratic" election officer
and for which they contended, still
move, ami will onco more bo felt, if
you will but bo truo to tho right. Let
no ono say that I counsel n recovery
wlieroyou will, witlilli fifty miles of tho
city, nnd you find smooth, hard, macad
amized roads, broad avenues, often, as
nt Santa Clorn, lined with long, double
rows of Bhado trees ; roads over which
you may drlvo at tho rato of ten or
Rutween overy two of tho rows n holoj
was mado In this pipe, nnd this liolo
was stopped with u wooden plug. Thus
wo tsaw only u long row of wooden
plugs ; pull out any ono of these, and
lho water began Immediately lo urn
at tho last election 1 1 Ry tho election nnd an enjoyment of theso principles
of shrewd nnd unscrupulous men upon by tho red hand of battle. I trust that
onosidonnd of Incompetent or corrupt 1 may not bo represented upon this
iblo men upon tho other, tno uoor to point. I shall die In tho firm faith and
fraud and wrong Is widely opened, nnd belief that tho era of truo liberty will
tho purity of tho ballot is utterly do- ere long dawn upon tho South. If they
Such has now como to bo tho who carried tho victorious banner and
twolves miles per hour, and do no hnriii 'ow" Iho depression between tho two
to your horses nor tiro yourself. ru6
A prominent und wealthy citizen of thu i'limati:,
San Francisco, drives Into town dally Of course, nil this nppllanco of wind
from his country-place, twenty-four nulls, wator-plpes, tanks and.rotintains
miles distant, nnd docs It In ono hour is posslbloonly in n country wheroiiicy
and fifty minutes. I wondered nt his havo steady winds nnd no sovcro frosts
endurance, until Isaw tho road ho drives With us tho tanks would burst, tho
over then I only wondered that tio Is pipes would havo to bo deeply burled
tho only ono who does It. in tho ground ; and tho wholo machin
"How do you get such roads," I nsk- cry would ha continually getting out of
ed; nnd discovered that, like almost order. Yet 1 couu not help seeing that
ovcrythlng that Is well done, It was pur common raYrfphilnt of rusty nnd
achieved by private-enterprise, Tho unpleiislng lawns during July nml au
CHIT House roud Is a toll road ; tho flno gust bo prevented, on tho fino places
avenues which you rldo over about llel- near Now York, by tho help ofn wind
mont, Mcnlo Park and Fair Hanks,
oveu to San Joso Valley, wero built by
private cntoiprlso, tho country road
masters only stepping In when a begin-
Hlng had been mado and n model sot
'them. Outsldo of Oakland wo drove
mill nud n tank, which might bo cmp
tied In tho fall, nnd housed over.
Tho Callfornhins seem to mo to enjoy
till tho advantages ofn tropical climate,
with but a few of Its disadvantages,
Thoy Imvo nbout hero no malarious fo-
pack wcro worth ono dol- l"u V0K0 ul peopiu is buuch uy iuu couiu uavo Known, wneii you cunu iur-
English pins wero blunt wIlw 1111(1 ""thlnatlons of lawless men ward and said that you had given up
uso whllo lho modem "-"Ii llll,llir -liu forms or nn unjust your arms and wero now ready to sub-
cs nro slim and with fino st'Ue. Canvass lists nro "doctored;" mil to tho laws of tho land, and .could
Pins and Hooks and Evr.s. Pins
nrn In eonliniial tlpmnml. whlln hooks
ntul nvfH nrn stililpot In lhn fnulrs nf biroLl!
fashion. In 183.1 pins which now bring caso m 1,10 cIly of I'hlladelphla, and exulted in the strength of their triumph
fifteen cents a nack wcro worth ono dol- l"u ul i"-uriu " mium uy mu cumu iiavu kiiuwii, wneu you cunu iui
lar. Tho old 1
and hard to
mil unin iuu oiiiu null 1111,1 miu i .
linliits Thorn nrn eirht uio futtorlos In ballot boxes mo btufted ; returns aro al- havo uuderilood how truo your word
tho United States, whoso annual pro- ort',1i forKCd nnd manipulated, and was, how high wcro your principles of
iinpiinii u n ?"n nno nnn ninq which nro fraud nnd vlolenco In their worst forms honor, tt would not havo been neces-
mado from brass, and from Iron, which "'u lra,au lu " u".. i mummm mu sary i" rxnci nuieii iniuji- uuu to pusa
u tu-pntv.tu-e, npr pent, than political supremacy of desperato and oppiessivo laws to bind you. Peaceful,
uvii meii, iiien, you uruutniiuus ui ueiug to-uay;
Tho truo remedy for theso wrougs peaceful you havo been, peaceful you
consist in restoring to tho peoplo tho aro ever. When human patience has
rights taken from them, and lu making sometimes given way. Micro aro thoso
tho general law nppllcablo to tho city wlio somotlinas tako the law into their
of Philadelphia. Wo wcro powerless own hands, becauso thero is no Justlco
to effect this In tho present condition of to bo secured In any other wuy; but
lho lcglslaturo,nud wohavonowsouglit theso nro mcro accidental occasions.
bo to amend tho law as In somo degrco Thoro Is no organization In tho South
to lessen thoovlls now so glaring. Tho thero novcr was whoso purpose Is re-
measures wo havo again nud again dur- Blstauco to tho government. (Avolco
lug this fusion proposed to tho Rcpub- " that's so.") Though wo nro com
licaus for enactment, nml which have polled to submit to tho presenco of
been Invnrlnbly rejected by them, nro power, yet our manhood ami our self.
threo In number. I respect can be prefer vrd, Peace Is what
brass, Thoro Is but ono factory which
makes lialr-plus, and that ono turns out
fifty tons a mouth. Most of thoso used
however, nro Imported. Sovcn facto-
torles, with a capital or SuOu.uOu, nro
now Idle, waiting for hooks nnd eyes to
become fashionable.
School children who lend tho news
papers nro found to bo better ncqiiianted
with geography, spelling, nnd tho
meaning of words, grammar, nnd moro
generally Intelligent thnn thoso who do
not. This Is u Mgnlllcant but undoubt
ed fact.
wo hopo for, pcaco wn desire, nnd
noaco wo will have. I hnvo nothing to
say to you to-night of polities, nnd, my
friends, I hopo you havo nothing to no
with them. ' You hnvo political power,
nnd its cxcrclso Is only postponed until
tho coming of Hint event which I ccr
talnly1 anticipate tho restoration of
your constitutional rights. (Applauso)
Let us, then, stand still nnd quietly
await developments. Tho men of tho
North, llko yourselves, lovo their gov
ernment nud understand their right,
and men of tho North have no Idea of
surrendering In their own country
thoso great bulwarks of constitutional
liberty tho right of trial by Jury, tho
right to elect their own officers nnd tho
right to determine their own Internal
policy; and as soon as their prejudices
and hatred ngalnst tho South aro re
moved, and they seo that by tho unlaw
ful action of thoso In power toward tho
South thoso sacred rights of theirs aro
In danger of being Invaded, thoy will
becouio your adjuncts, aud you will
hold tho balanco of power; and In that
hour your power will bo great and your
success will bo great. (Applause.) I
said, and I hero repeat It, that I despair
not of tho restoration of our liberties.
They are not ours only ; they aro equal
ly tho liberties or tho peoplo or tho
North and tho South, and when they
nt tho North seo that laws nro mado for
their oppression, do you not believo
that tho men who have descended rrom
revolutionary sires will rsMso their
voices against them '.' Do you not be
lieve that when they como to look
calmly upon tho question between tho
North and South they will foim parties
and platforms upon which you can
stand? And when that hour comes
then will como tho fulfillment of tho
promised era of constitutional liberty,
which I so confidently anticipate and
hopo for to-day. I may not 11 vo to seo
it; but, if I do not, I shall dlo confid
ently believing that it will come. I
know, my friends, that in this I run
counter to tho feelings that aro preval
ent In different portions of our country,
but I bollovo this Is tho truo policy for
tho South to pursuo at present. Tho
South cannot hasten tho day of her do
llveranco by attempting to nssumo a
leading part In tho politics of tho coun
try Fo-day. Let her peoplo quietly and
earnestly dovoto themselves to tho
worlt of improving and building up
their material prosperity, leaving thoso
who havo tho power to settle theso
questions among themselves, simply
saying to them, " Wo know our rights
know they nro invaded," nnd then
wait patiently unlltwo sco them divid
ed nnd at issue with themselves, and
join tho party nod support the candi
date and tho platform that promises n
restoration of constitutional liberty. It
is then that you will hold tho balance
of political power In your own hands,
and It Is then that all your rlgh'ts will
onco more bo restored and guaranteed.
(Applause.) I havo shaken hands with
politics. I am now engaged upon mat
ters of llfo insurance. (Laughter ami
applauso.) I would llko to lusuro all
your lives for a hundred years. (Laugh
ter nnd applauso.) I have, therefore,
my friends, vory quietly presented this
opinion, which I entertain upon tho
subject, that has been tho duty of form
er years, but not of present years. I
Ictiow I can do you no good. I am not
engaged in public affairs, but I hopo to
do you somo good by showing tho
world that, though I havo retired from
act! vo public sorvico,yet it is my purpose
to servo you, with head and heart and
and, as long as I live, Your Interest
mine not In a mero abstract and
general senso but in that devoted caro
which I havo foryour wclfaro aud hap
piness, and tho only reward I ask or
seok is that I may livo to seo all your
political rights restored and tho wholo
South prosperous, independent and
happy. (Applause.) Therefore, In
what I have said I havo only spoken or
what I consider tho best policy for tho
peoplo or tho South, under tho present
clrcumstaueos, to pursuo. Let tho peo
plo of tho North tako caro of them
selves. You went to war upon tho
samo question for which your ancestors
and theirs contended in tho first revo
lution against tho government of great
Rritaln tho right of commercial inde
pendent or Stato sovereignty. You
succeeded In that first war, and Stato
sovereignty must again bo restored or
elso tho republic of America Is a failure.
Despotism cannot bo exercised under a
Republican form of government, and,
my friends, if you can but wait all will
bo well. If any of us dlo beforo thu
day of peace and liberty dawns, let us
dio in faith that It will como at last,
Tho people of tho North will nover stir-
render their rights ; nnd when they seo
the danger at home then they will need
your nld nnd will como to you, and
then you will bo crowned witii victory
and triumphant success. (Applause),
I am not or thoso who " accept tho sit
uation." I accept nothing. Theso cant
phrases that wo hoar so much or about
"ncceptlng tho situation" and about
our rights having been submitted to
tho "arbitrament or tho sword" nro
but tho excuses of cowards. (Applauso).
I admit that power prevails over truth;
I admit that that power Is so great that
it would bo folly to resist U, and thero
foro I am In favor, myscir, or being
acquiescent, aud I ndviso you to tho
samo courso, but I do not admit that
our rights havo over been submitted to
tho arbitrament or tho hword. Who
has tho power to submit your liberties
to tho arbitrament of bnttlo? You
nover delegated that power to your
representatives. I, as your Executive,
nover claimed It, anil novcr, dying or
living, will I admit it. (Applaus-c.)
And then, my friends, about this much
talked of subject of "accepting tho sit
uation," Y'ou nro not called upon to
acknowledge that you havo dono wroug
unless you feel It. I don't believo I
did nny wrong, and therefore I don't
acknowledge It. All that n govornmont
has a right to claim from any of Us sub
jects Is that they will quietly submit to
tho law, Llborly or law Is their Inher
itance, and bubmlsslou to tho law ns
long as it Is such Is their duty and their
obligation, nnd It should bo their prido.