CotfiisiHn mom rtnrn vauk. tnnu a tirothcr returning to Ills kin", ilrcd from nfur o(T, blroing (Jod Hint Iio llnih nil pnfo nml cotiinipmllnRntl In tlm Ood who has unlit up our Zlnn. In tho ovonlnp; our wliolo parly wag Invited to Uio tlirrttrp, wlii-ro I mw tho celebrated rocklnR-clmlr placed hi ono of tho nlslcs-on which Young alts j nnd hU own prlvnto box, which wm occu. plod by nlno or ten younjf Rtrla nnd somo young men, who, wo wcro told, wcro llrlRlinm's children. Two of Ida married daughters took prominent parts In tho play. Tho houso wiw thin ; nnd during tho performance thrco officers lulotly removed nn cscApcd prisoner, who had sought safety In tho theatre Tho next day, of courso, wo saw tho lions of Salt Lako City. Tho plnco is laid out with very broad strcots, nnd lies on n hlllsldo. What strikes you as 11 pleasant arrangement Is that down every gutter a torrent of water rushes. This Is for Irrigation, nnd Is turned oh" Into the gardens by tho way, doing Its Work by tho watchful caro of " Water Masters, In turn for every one, poor nnd rich alike. Tho dwellings nro generally small, mostly of adobe, or unbumed brick, and placed In gardens, In which fruit-trees of various kinds wero budding nnd blos soming. I ato hero apples better by fur than any I havo tasted for yenrs In tho Easti nnd Salt Lako is famous for lis flno peaches, pears nnd npples. In ono garden I saw strawberry plants In mag. n I Dec nt condition, nnd tho fruit-trees everywhere looked very healthful, though they havo now for flvo years suffered from grasshoppers. In tho upper part of tho city some what overlooking It, nnd spending along nlmost its wholo brcnth Ho first tho Tnbornacle, then tho vast grnnlto foun dations of tho Temple, then tho Tithing Houso and (Jealously enclosed In a high wall of stone) Urlgham Young's houses, nnd further on his s'tnblcs, his woolen mills, and tho houses of somo of his wives. This enclosure, within which you get peeps only, through ono or two narrow and hnlf-closed doors, nnd which you cannot overlook from any convenient plnco above, has tho nlr, of nn eastern harem. All Is still and apparently life- lcswlthln. Tho two largest houses nro marked, ono by n bechi vo nnd tho other by a lion, nnd with nn odd fr.tnknc, if it was not mcro heedlessness. Brigharn has put over thogato which leads to his enclosure nnd to his factories, a beehive In tho claws of an enormous and rapa elous-looklng eagle. As I mean to bo In somo sort a guido for thoso whomay travel this way hero after, I may as well say hero that Salt Like need not hold any mcro pleasure traveler moro than a day. You can drlvo all over It in two hours; and when you havo seen Tabernacle an admirably-arranged and overy ugly building which contains an organ, built in Salt Lako by nn English workman, a Mor mon named RIdjes,"whlch organ is sec ond in slzo only to tho Boston organ, nnd far sweeter in tono than tho organ of riymouth Church ; tho menngerio within Brlgham Young's cnclostiro, which contains soveral bears, somo lynxes nnd wild cats, natives of theso mountains, and a small but valuable collection of minerals nnd Indian re mains, and of tho manufactures of tho Mormons, tho tcmplo block, and enjoy ed tho magnlficlent yiow, which is seen from tho back of tho city, of tho valley nnd tho snow-enpped peaks, which Ho on tho other side a viow which you carry with you, all over tho placo, you havo dono Salt Lako City, and havo tlrao If you havo risen early to batho at tho sulphur spring. Tho lako lies too far nway to bo visited in ono day. If you stop, as our party did, at tho Mor mon hotel, tho Townssndj Houso it is called, you will find an abundance of good food , admirably cooked , o ud plain ly but well served ; and you may per haps, if you keep your eyes open, seo un active-looking, vigorous young wo man eating her breakfast alone, who is ono of tho threo wives of tho proprie tor. Scandal relates that this ono man ages tho cooking and service ono of tho others being too old, and another too pretty, to work. Thus at tho Town send you may chaneo to get a peep at Mormondom. For my part, I roso thanks to tho boisterous care of a friend at 0 o'clock, walked over nearly tho wholo placo be tween that hour and eight, and drove over it all again later in tho day, and I glvo you hero, with somo dlflidcnco.tho Impression it mado upon mo. In tho first place, considering what nn Immensoquantlty of good land there Is In theso United .States, I should say that Ilrighara Young mado what they call Ju tho West "n mighty poor land speculation" for his people "If wo would stop irrigation for ninety days, not a tree, blirub or vino would remain nllvo In our country," said a Mormon to mo as I walked through Ms garden. "Notatreo grow In our plains whon wo carao hero, and wo had and havo to haul our wood and timber fourteen to twenty miles, out of tho mountains," (aid another. Tho soil, though good, is full of stones, and I saw n terraced garden of about threo acres, built up ngnlnst tho lilll-slde, which must havo cost ten or twolvo thousand dollars to prepare. That Is to say, Young look his people a thousand miles through a desert to settle them in n valley whero every aero must havo cost them In labor and money to got It ready for agricultural uso, I should say, not less llian from ono to two hundred dollars. An llllnois.or Iowa, orMlssourl, or Minnesota fanner who paid a dollar and a quarter, an ncro for his land in thoso days got a better arm, roauy mado to Ills hand, than thoso tooplo got from Brlgham, their leader, only after tho expcrlenco of un told hardships which wo will not now count in,) and of at least ono hundred nnd probably twohundrcd dollars' woi th of labor per aero when they Reached their destination. Tho wholo settlcmcrft of Salt Lako City tolls of this. Thoro is an air of strain and hardship about everything. After twcnty-flvo years of hard work. unceasing industry, their hou3os nro small and mean; tholrgardcnsaro badly kept ; tho wholo placo has tho cheap, (shabby nnd temporary look of a now settlement. Tho tabcrnaclo Is a huge. u vast building; It will accommodate thirteen thousand peoplo with scats ; but tho plaster Is rougli ; tho pows models of comfort In their shape aro unpalntcd ; tho magnificent organ, which it took flvo years nnd a half to build, has n caso very well shaped, but or siiabuy stained plno; and In tho wholo city, tho high wall around Brig. hnm Young's houses Is tho only pcrinn nent nnd respectable structure I mw- tho only evidence of luxury -for It Is n suhslnntlnl wall. Moreover, unless I nm deceived, tho younger generation the rhlldreii of Utah , show In their forms tho bad fruit of this hard life. They seemed to me, ns I studied them hi tho car coming down, nnd on tho streets next morning, under-sized, looso built, Hubby. Cer tainly tho young girls wero pale, nnd had unwholesome, wnry complexions, Tho young inert wcro small nnd thin, nnd looked woak. Now this Is not so Clentllcs hero say tho result of polyg nmy ; and I bollovo this. It seemed to mo more tho result of poor living In tho early days; of a too-hard strugglo with llfo while theso youths wcro habc.s. I should say then that Brlgham Young, prophet nnd leader of his peo ple, mado n hugo blunder when ho brought them so fur for so little. Motes led his peoplo through tho wilderness, but ho landed them In Canaan, (lowing with milk nnd honey. Brlgham was a very poor sort of Moses. But, said a Mormon to whom I gavo theso impressions, "President Young's olject win to Isolato tho peoplo from tho world, and this ho accomplished.'' To that 1 should sny polygamy was tho only reason of tho secludlngof tho Mor mons. If it had not been for polygamy every Stato was open to tho Mormons, nnd their Industry nnd thrift would havo been welcomed In Missouri, Iowa or Minnesota. It Is to polygamy, then, that tho long Journey nnd tho lasting hardships, tho too.scvcro toll, tho un dcrslzed clilldron have to ho charged. Well, not one-tenth of tho men In Utah nro, or can afford to bo polygam Ists. 1'olygamy Is In tho nature of things, llko shivery, nn aristocratic institution. Bingham Young can afford sixteen wives; n prosperous hotel-keeper can afford threo ; n merchant may, If ho does well, support several women ; but tho laborer, the farmer, tho poor man, struggling to make himself a home, cannot afford to undertake to mnko him self a halfdozcn homes for half n dozen wives. I should say, then, that It is for tho luxury or tho favored few, for Young, for his elders nnd counsellors and the prosperous Mormon leaders, In order that they might gratify their bestial propensities, that this cruel migration was set on fool ; nnd this is tho only plea which Brlgham Young can offer, to shield him from tho chargo of n dis graceful blunder. ' And now, if he lives to bo eighty, ho will scolds wholo system crumble Tho Utah Kailroad and tho Utah silver mines nro killing polygamy, and when that Is broken up, Mormonism, no lon ger peculiar, will takonn Inconspicuous placo among tho lellgious of our conti nent. A friend said to mo this after noon: "I saw n great chango In oalt Lako since I was there threo years ago. Tho plnco is free; peoplo no longer speak in whispers. Threo years ago it wns unsafe to speak aloud In Salt Lake City nboiU Mormonism, and you wero warned to bo cautious. Now the Gcnlilo may say what ho likes." But Brlgham has groat Influence over his people. Hero is nn Impresaivo cx- nmplo of it, as nlso of tho way in which ho uses it; somo years ago nn outlying settlement of Mormons was iormcd, near what they boliovcd to bo tho Mon tana border but safely within Utah. With tho patient industry of theso peo plo they mado themselves comfortaulo homes, planted as Is their way, vines and fruit-trees and gardens, and hav ing conquered tho wilderness, began to bo prosperous. TJiis year their vines wcro to bear their full crop, and they looked forward with joy to tho ovent. Six months ago it new survey of tho Stato lino showed this tcttlement to Ho wlthyi Montana. The news was car rled to Brlgham Young. Threo months ago tho wholo of theso Mormon settlers abandoned their pleasant homes, leav ing behind houses, tilled land3, fruit trees, vines, all that their patient labor had created, and at Young's orders re turned to Utah. That Is Mormonism. C.N. Booka. Wye Years wpjdim&jita. Thorcmrfrltnhlo niKpn1nrcHftr"tlio famous WiUTK (JlIJKFniiaillU WAlU.lOUllio Iteri HblnK. 'J brill Inn nronuutx nr Orent llmiti, Ila)rbrHdtU KhenpeunnU TtiTIlleContost with the biff EfimeniutliobUle tribes, tiplriteilUescrl,) Usns of the habltH nml htiperatltloiin of th. Htranite people, ThelrHporu, Legends, Tkaih tiuns. How they Wooana VtD,hCALil)otTou, woiuiui', Ac Kew, I'rt-srt BDd l'opular. 1i:ick Low, Ills Bell Inn by tho thousauiis with uou deriul rapidity, Anems ato maklns from $30 to $UKJ per Meek, Choice Held yet Micant. Sendiit once for samplo cbnptf rR, IlltjKtratloiiH nnd pur UcutftrH to A, II. HUllItAHl), rubllslit r. Jno277Mf. -iOU C'heatuiH Ht HilU. V,1"cl'' . -1. r 38 W. 4t h Kt., Cl.t 1 1 , I, o. 'hey wont the mohfpopular and Ut sellliii! luhBcrlpUon Iskikj pnbllslnsl. and Ihomoiliil!: ral lermt. Hcnd for circulars. Theywlllcostyoq wuu j uvi.(iiui isuvui lu you. lobU'70-ly. yrANTKI) AUENTH I'OK OHK.IT rORTKXKS. Anii How Tiikv Wf.yk Made; or the Hrucn- llt-EHANIlTlllUSIfllS OK OUIl H II.K-.M All K MN. Ily J, ,11. MCL'abe, Jr.-lTofu.y hlnstriited nud Ueaulirully hoiiLd. Thu mokt taklnu. Instructive and universally sought ufler boon lxtued lor years. 1'iu.clnallni! us fiction, nmhenllo ns his tory, practical as "Poor HlcLard," with lessons more eloviulnc for impular purposes, than tho profoiindost philosophy, AbmUs aro clenrlnir lrom SHU to tamper mouth. In spile of hard limes. Hella last and easily, and delivers splendidly. Bend for Circular, etc. and notice extra terms U:o.MAUI.i:AN,l'uUUUr. 719 Hunsotn blrect, Philadelphia. mar,T7l m. GENTfcJ WANTED To maUo (80 to 120) per Month by selling . ; ii i: .v t r o n t v k ij h. ANU How THEY WkHE Madi. Ily J. I. McUaho, Jr. Profusely llluslraled and beaullfully bound Tho most universally souifhtultcr boolt Issued for years. It shows how a poor srliooliuosler mado SKI.ouO.islC: how a nonr tiulf-hllnd sailor be. camou treat banker, n butcher's apprentice tho wealthiest man 111 yimeuea, uu utiKnouu me ehuula alulllluuara lu seveu years h 1th inauy more sucli cxiiiunlcs: how earrw.lalenL itntt ihu tfcrit iiulunlry una tituayt mtf wtth .urccx. uiet jnoiiertu tinted: how money rttn lit liuitle hunetity unu uiiiouc .(icryice vj jiner;ie. ninu lorircuiur, et-., and notice my extra terms, uko. Maci-eam, Ti'J Hausoiu Htreet, l'htladolptila, !. IIIHII M.I.H.1M I NIM 1V U Ml rMniiBiiguimi-iii ANKWllOOK of tho Ereatest Interest and tin- liOrUltlCe. Wrltti.n Inxn,, lili,li mnriil mnl nlivitl. oloulcal standtMjlnl, by an eminent physician and medical professor. It shows how Batan Is worklnv out his subtle and dangerous design, through our most sacred dumestlo and social re lations, l'uru-mlnded.liul outspoken and ag gressive, tne author liaudlesllie delicatosuhjecu treated of without twi, but in such u insuui r as not to minister to a prurient curiosity. TieJ'liyt icttt Hcotixertttion oj the Jtncr, Is asuhleet Justly enlisting the Interest and sympathy of all true Ihllanlhr(lsU, aud thla book. It Is believed, .in tuuiimuiu in inui vnu jusi in proportion as It has readers. A circular sent free, containing a full description and synopsis of the work with liberal extracts. C. K. VKNT, 1'ubllslur, seii'7e y 6 College I'lace, N.y. TUSTICE'S BLANKS. Wo now havo on hand alamo tienllir assortment of JIJMTICII'H and LONHTAhMM Itr.ANL'U In vajA Invito llm nl ti.nllun ..f THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCllAT, Miscellaneous. 111, HCHKNC C ADVISES CON i j Hii.unvi'.H to cio to ploiuda in Having for Iho lnt Ihtrly.flvn years devoted my whole limn mid attention to tho study of unit diseases mm cnnsumminn, i red timt I un ilcrslnnd fully IhocnlirsnlliAt imutil In inir.iin to restore n tolerably badcasnordlsonsed lungs iiiucnnuy soimuness. 1110 ursi mm mosi im ItnrtnllL slot, Is for tlm lulllelltlii nvnlil tnlilm cold, ntiri tho best or nil place on thlscnuilucut fur un. purpo".,' in winter, i. norma, wen uown III HID nillll-, l.tlLIU IHU ,U,llCllllUIU i. ii'KUini, nnd not subject to such vnrlntions ns In morn uriiicrii nullum--, laiuiiiii i. pomi i can re commend. A com! hotel In kept there bv l'eter. Inntl. Lust winter I saw several persons there wno.o lulls;, mill ueen oimiy iii.vnM'ii, mil WHO. unucr me minimi iiinuenou i'i inuciiuinio nn Ono htiuilreil miles anther dnitu Iho ilver Is ft point WHICH I woui.i preier in mimic l, ns t ll temperature Ismorumeli nnd tliaiitrdrv nin lirnclliiri MellonvllleniHl llutcrprlsonro located Ihere. I should Blve ft decided prorercneo to .Mriiouune. 11 isiwoiniiesirnm river nr lone, mnl It .(-nm. nlmnsL Imno.slhln In Inlta .!. Thn In l'll.rl.ln .. !-.,.. I.- ........ nnd lilulents complain nt time, but Hint is n gmsi sign, 11. it iiiuiwiii;! '- iviinii ui iippcillc, IIH1 when lhls Is tho case they generally Increase In Ue.h, nud then Iho lungs must heal. -Incksonvllle, lll!crnlu,Urccu('nve,aud many other places In various purls of Florida, can ho safely leconlincluled to consumptives lu winter. Jly lemons rurs.iylnit mi nro that patients mo lens liable In lake cold thelo limn wlicro thele Is 11 less el en temperature, nnd It Is not necessary to sny that whero ncoiisuinnttvo icison exposes himself to Irciiuellt colds ho Is certain to die thorny, incrcinru iny niivico Is, go well down Into tuetitaloout or tho reach of pcrvndluj; eait vluds nnd fogs. Jacksonville, or nlmost nny other or tho localities 1 havo named, will hene llt those Mho nro troubled wllh n torpid liver, n lUSUllU'lf! nmiuuvii, tll-litllKOll UUlTeiH, BOrO Ihroul or cough, but for thoso whoso liinss ur diseased iwnoiu sjuiheru point Jh earnestly re Tor UK en'vears prior tolfini, t was profession' nl v In Sew lorl:. Ilostou. ll.ilttmorn mnl imiii.i. dclphu every week, whero 1 siw mid esiuulned 1111 an n cruse, 11 w hundred patients it week. A practlco so extensive, embracing every posslblo pnii-u ui iuiii iii.eai.ti, iiit. eiiauiui.1 1110 lo llllllcr- vlnnd tho ill.cnso fully, nnd hence, my e.iutlou ill rcuard to lllklmiculd. A liersmi miv liilrn vast ipiantltles of rfehenclt's Pulmonic Hyrup, Hcnivccd Tiiulc nnd Mundra&o Tills," uud jet 111 it 11 lie iiucs noli ill 11111 mi. 111a null. in Moruia.neuriy evernody is using Hchonck s Mandrake Pills, for thocllmnlo Is mure likely lo I 'intuitu union, iiiiuti. until inui u iiiiriuern lau udis, Jtlsnwell established fact that natives ol l'lurltl.i rarely illo 01 consumption, especially thoso or tho southern part, un tho other hand, lu New JaiKtsnd, ouo-lhtrd,nt least, of the popu lation dlouf this tci.lblo disease, lu lhaMlillo rit' It does not prevail so largely sllll thero lire many thousands of cases there. Wl.iit a vast ;itrce ita'ie of life would be saved If cot-sJtnv .if s ttcio ns eusllv nhirmed lu rct-'ird In ink lint fresh cold as they nro ubout sc.irlet fever, suial pox, iic. Hut they nro not. They tiiko what l.iey term a little cold, whlcli lliy nro crcdulotii enotiyh to believe will wearoif lu n fuv ilaH, Ihey paytiu utteutlon to it, and lienro Ul.ns tho foundation lor another nnd nimihur mill, until the lunyi aro dUeascd boyund tilt hopo tor cute. Myndvico to perion whoso lunsi nro niroetc-l oven fcllglitly Is, lo lay In u stock r HcheneU'j L'ulmonlu Hyrup, &chencU'ti He.iwec 1 Tonlo ami Hcheuek's MamlMko l'Uli nud to l-'lorlda. I rtcoiumciul thuso inedlolue bcuiittse 1 nm thoroughly ticiiu.itnted wllh their action, I know that whore t hey ftie used In Mrlet nccord uncuwltlimy illroctloiis tliey will do tho work that Is riquliod. This accomplished, nature will do the rest, 'ihe physician who presenile for cold, cough or n!ght!iveal8, utul then advlsei tho patient lo wnllc or lido out everyday, wilt bo turo to have u corpse on bin lund-t before loot;. Mr plan It to glvo my threo moillcines, In nc coulance wlh the printed illrecthm, except in koido eaes whero a rreer iho of Iho Mandrake Pills ! necessary. My object Is to ghotono lo the htomach to get up a good appetite. H 1h nl wjivh a irood glim when n imtlcut bcslim to irrow hungry. I havehopos of hticli. Willi a rcllnn lor tootl and tho cratlliciitlou of that relish comes Kood blood, nud wilh It tuoio tlosli, which It closely followed by a healing or the lunjjH. Then the cough loosens and abates, tho creeping chills and clammy nlght-swo.tts-iio longer prostrato aim iiuuoy, mm mo puiieiii ijeis wen, piuviuuu he nvohls taking cola. Wow there nro inanv consumiulvcs who havo not the means to no to riorlda. The question maybe asked, Is there, no hope for such? t'er talnly there is. Myadvleoto such is, nud ever has been, to tdny lu a warm room during tho winter, u 111) a. ttninerutir nf about SBVentv tip. greet, which tvliould be kept regularly at that point, by menus of a thermometer. Let such a patient take hU exercho within the limits of the room b walklm no nnd ilown ns much as his stienglh will penult, in order t" keep up u healthy circulation ol tho blood. I hae cured thousands by this system, and can do so again, Consumption Is as easily cured as any other dis ease If ll is taken lu time, and the niontsr kind of treatment is pursued. Tho fact tt.imls undis puted on record that Hchenck's Pulmonic Hyrup, Jlandrako 1'IIls. and heaweed 'lonle havo enred very many of what teemed to be hopeless eases of consumption, tlo whero you will, you will bo nlmost certain lo find somo poor consumptho wiin nas ueeu rc&cucu uoni mo veyjawsoi aeatu by their use. tio tar as the Mandrake Fills, aro concerned, everybody bhould keep a nupply of them on hand. They act on tho liver belter than calomel, and leae none of Its hurttul e Heels behind In fact they are excellent lu all cases whero a pur gative uicdlclnols renulred. If on have par taken too Ireely or irultand dlanhcea ensues, a dofcool the Mandrakes will euio yen, Ifytnuue huhject to sick headache, take a do of tho Man drakes nnd they wilt lellovo you In two hours. If you would obviate iho ulectofa chaugo of water, or the too freo indulgence lu irult, take one of thoMaudrakes every night or eery olher nlKht.and you may then drink watt ruud cat watermelons, pears, apjiles, plums, peaches or corn, without the risk of bung made sick by l hem. They will protect thoso who Uvo In damp situations against chills nnd fevers. Try them. They are poiioctly harmlebs, Uhey cuu do you good only. 1 havo attamloncd my professional visits to IJos lon nnd .Now York, but eoutlnuo to too pathmts ntmy olllce, Xo I5X, HlXI'Jl Mtreet, i'hlladel phla, every balurday, from u A. M. to a 1. M. I'hofso who wish nthoiough examination with tho ltcsplrometer wilt bo charged llvo dollars. Tho Uespiiometer deelnres the exact condition of tho lungs, and paikulH can nadily learn whether they aro curable or tml. Hut 1 dtslro it distinctly understand that tho vnluo of my medicines depends entirely upon their btlug taken strictlv according to dlreetlous, lu conclusion, I will say that when pcrsous take my inedlclues nnd tlielrs stems aui brought into a healthy condition thereby, they nro nut ho liable lo tuke cold, yet no ono with dUeuted lungs can bear a taiudtm chanjo of atmosphere without tho liability or greater or kss Irritation of the bronchial tubes. l-'ull directions lu nil languages accompany my medicines, so explicit and clear that any one cm use them, without consulting inland can bo bought lrom any druggist. J. ii, huuKXcrCM.ii. No. U N SixrJl titrctt, lUilladelpUla, novIIViMSt. JgLOOMSBUKG MAltliLC WOUICS.' O UNION & HTIIKS, (Ouccessora lo A. Vltmnn,) Itcspectfully inform tho rtibllc that they nre now i ally prepared to do all kinds of woik in their line ol bu&lnebs, upon leasonnblo terms nud short notice. tSatlsCuctlnn wurranUd lu nil cses. tJan.n.'71-iy Aita ains-15 Ana a i ns. QCICK HAI.FS AND 8MATJ PRO KITH. - (Jo to UIINUY VOHT, r.ast llloomsburti. l'u., lur all klud' if the best home una city ni'ule. KUHNITUllll, Prices reasonable and tho best worli doup. TrANTED-AeG11's nnd Voddlers to T sell n Ihoroushly good domesllo nillrlo, wanted In every 1 1 nil Ij-. No compelllloii, l'.x. cluslvu territory itlven, IIusIik-hs M-ry plensittil, Auculsliave sold J doyen, Helling j.jj pn,,H t er day. Uuuold 850 In u stiialt tovu, another lout) In llvo tnu ns, another 31 lucallliuiiinSJIauillles. Outfit ii. No danger of Imposition, l'.est ol reiercnce tiven. Mend for circular to 1C Wash. luutou slleet. llostoo. .Miss. apr7,'7l-lteow 11 l'l'IXl'int.D i llAMII. AILi llOAD JlEETINQ! i lierO Will llO ll Mnalim. Ii I t ItllN'lON. L'ollllubliL rnmitv. nn tlm l.'i.nn l. or May, ls7J, All irlends of tha culerprizo nre requested to be lu atli mlance, ns busings oflm. poi tHmw to tho lmerest ol the mud w 111 bo trans acted. It IS llteLkllirV tlml. Ihoi-n I hnulnll t urnout of the people Interested 111 thewellaruof thwrotul. All tome. Able sntakers will add'ess " ""-""a. piprs 7i, MAGAZlNKH.DAUiYifc WKEKIjY l'APKltsOl-ALL KINIM AT THIS I130K STORE OPPOS1TS T11K COUUT JIOt'SK, Also an nssortment or rorteiuoiiuales, I'ass Hooks nnd Account llonlts, constantly on hand. 2ew ilooltii uro coufctantly bolus added to t " Itlooinsburi; Clrculajln,; Library." Amount latest aro "Oullt nnd innocence," 'Molhcriehi " "n "ii ""illllinu I Ml Mil 1 1 HOllCe. the tne 'Mr Jlarry,1 JLot Hour of Hiitiihlctiivvtiit " nn,i ierijuem( I OK. NOTIIi Is herebv elvenliv thftPmtnlitlrtriou "i mo iiuniocK a iieeic auu 3iuucy Jtallrond tlou to the capital sloe n or the said cmniany. at ol fti'w Columbus, l.uzeriio couuly, l'a,,on Mon day, iluyil. 1871. to be lccnt onen thre dnvs in snereKslon hum M o'clock a. in., toil o'clock i, in., of iaeh iliiir iiiuau i.fii'v 1 ' AM, H. AIONlloK, JllltON KKM.OWH, AMNI HAKKIKUN, JOHN KOUNH. opnsii, Cuiuniisslnncrs. jV-KW OUOAN AND PIANO WAHr.HOOMH. OlIQ.tN A PIANOS 1011 HALI1 OS INSfAt-LMKNIS, if'i?"it!l fr"'n,al1 fl..'',!,cl""', "'alters, from 81Mto fiiH-lave.a set reeds, and tlem.lo with imuelcd lllack Walnut Case, only la,li. Mluglo ritsi sumucase as above, mini. I huvo made urranire- inents In havo Ihe latest musloou hand as sis as published. Teachers supplied at reuulur dl count, Wurernoras, Mulu street, near Foil 'IHIll dl. 'oiks I. W. NIMH PHILOSOPHY OF JIAHHIAQK. X A Nnw ("ouiisb nir I.KCTtiiiKS, as delivered at nm i-enuu. i-oiyieciliueaiiu Aliaiomiclll Jlluseum 1213 (?hestUUt Ht.. IhreH Tu'.mh riilladclnhla. embracing tho subjectst How to Uv end What to Uvo fori Youth. Maturity nnd Old Agej Manhood (leiiernlly Itevlewedl The cause of Indigestion i Klatulenca and nerv ous Diseases ueiounled fori Marriage l'hllo sophlcallv eousldered, 'these lectures .will bo forwurdeu nu receipt of to cents by addressing! Tecretary of the Pennsylvania I'ObYTKClINlu Ahlladelphla, I'cnusj'lvuuLa. ' jen je-iy. 1 KAHBH, (blank; fur sale ut tho Coluwuian j.vjinue, 3. IWKIl'l' 1100KH for nlo ut Iho Columuian Hail rtoaclfi, T A(KAVAIsiNA AND iJUXKMS On ainUit-sr Nov,2l(ls70traM6nser Trains will 4 un itn miioitnt doing North. Arrlo Arrlvo Uottig Month Lmo Leave p.!U, p. K.crnnton rtlIton..... Jvlugslnn riymouth Khickshluny., Ilerwtck ......... ! in. in :i.'i Lcavo iWo (.11 i.'A) 4.H fi.V) (J.1U Arrlvn ... ., WW .. 7..M 7.l KM Ktti 1.17 W.I 1 1 0 7.50 7. tUfi iiioom O.VJ n.;n 11.01 D..I0 D.n Arrive Danville d.lJ I.onvn r.nvn North'd - a.ail io.4ii (1.10 ( h tuipl it in ill fill n ill Mfrn tttnti lit llm in inn ... liiil'i for llrcat Itfii.t, Hltitctmmtan, Albany nud' ' ' D.T.lldUND.Hup't N OUTIIEUN OKNTIlAIi UA1L. WAV. On and alter December ttU ls70. Trnlus ss til leavoMUNiiUKV ns follows I NOHTIIWAUI). J.13A.M., lully to Wllllnmsporl, for Ulmlrn t'iUmuihilxiia, Uochesler, UuUalu,Husiieuslou 0.5) v, ., D.illj-.fexceiit Kundays) Tor T'.lmlr.i llullalo via f.rle Ifnlllviiv ri-nlii l.ttnlrn. J.SS v.iu, Dally, (excertHundajs) for Williams TRAINS SOUl'lIWAltl). 11.01 A.M.I) illy (except! Monday's) for llnltlinou WII.MIXUl'ON AND flllLADCU'ltlA. 11.25 l'.M. l)ally(exccptHnnday's)forl!altliiiort i iisiiiuuuiii una i iiuauciiuna. Ill), H, VOUNtl uenornl Passenger Agent. Alphkd H. FisKn, Uen'l Httpt.. QATAWISSA UAUjUOAU. 1.0. AVINTI'.lt A II II ANu KM t;NT, 1K70. l'assen jerTralna nn thUrtu 1 wilt run . r..t lows I Jfllll ,'ijlth. BrATlONS. Matt A'orA I.v, r.i a.tii Wllllamsport. I.v, Clip. m Wllllamsport. Money. Mlllon. Danville, lluperl. ruiiiw Is.a. Uluglowu. .Summit, oualtako. 1.. .Maliiuiy.Iune n.ui u.u " ln.31 " M. Is " 11). It ' 11.5) " l' p.m. 12.11 O.OJ 6. ID " 4..I) " 4.11 t.UI " J.'iu " V.IO ' " 12.5J " 1'J.u a.m. 8.I-. ' !.ll"i li. ni. 1J.IS 1,,'iu "Dine. Taniiimia. Dliici lteadllitf. 7.W) l.lli .:n filli 1 lVttsvlllo. 1 ' l'lillailclphla. 1 V.lnc Mauch Ciiunk. illun1 ' llcthleliem, ' riill-i. vlalleihicheni, ' Kision. 1.1)0 noon 11.11 a. lit New York, It. Liberty St.. 5,'H ' via I., iv H. It. It. (l.'oo " (..'il " " I.. Valley It. 11. " o.oo I,, valley it, ll, 3.x) ii.m, Ilostou, " IM,!) p. in ruHscmrcrstaktra tho train from win am. sniiit. Mill havo two hours 111 New York, lor sun hour- lu ndvanco ntiitl other routes New i .iv coaches uceomiialiv ;s ucc all trains he. tweeu Wllllamsport, New York auu t'uiiadeP pillll. Trains lun throush by daylight mo. wi:nn,supt. i 11 j:AUlXa IlAIMtOAD. HUMMIIU AUUAMJr.MKNr. Monday May 13, 1871. (Ireat Trunk Mmi from thn N'orllt utul Mm-th. West Mr I'hlhuU-lphla.Ncw Vftrk, Henum;, I'otts vllle, Tanianun, Ashinnd, Hhamolcln Lebanon .UL'iiiu, 11. rabLon. i.i)uinin. i.itiz. linoitiipf (Joluiubla, AC., Trains imvo llnrrleburc for New York, ns fol lows! At 2.4 f.ll', u. m.t aud 2,00 p. in., eon necttnn with blmllar trains on I'cnnsylva nln ltailroad, and nrrlvlna at Now Yorlc at ly.Uj. a. in.. 3.60. and 9."!,l n. m. losnrctlvfli. Hleeplny cars nccompnuy tho 2,19 a. ui. tialu lieiurninu; ijeavo isew oricni u.uu a.m. nnu noon aud 5,00 ,i. in, I'lilinilelphla ut 7,W, m. uuu ti..tu i. in. tsiccniuic ears accoiuoauv iuu 3,w p.m., irum irum i wunoui cuauKe, Jeave Harrlsbuij; iur Heading, Poitsvllio, ia- iuuiiut, uiiiL'inviiii-. xHiiiuiiu, niiaiuouiu ai lentown and 1'hllaM. nt a.iu n. iu.. and huj nnd i.W p.m.. stopnltn: at Jjebanon aud nrluclnal wov Hiuiious: mo i.uj p.m. train connecting tor I'uii'a I'oltsvlllu nnd Columbia only. I'or l'oltsvllle Hchuylklll Haven mid Auburn, via bchuylklll and Hus4Uth.iuna Uallioad,lcuolinrrUburi nl ,m ii.m, Kait l'ennsvlvanlaUallrniitl trains Innvn Itnnit. lint lor Allciilowu Ilaslun and New York nt 4.32. Id. k. n. m.. nnd 4.0i n. in. lietiniiimr. ioiu aud Alleutown at 7.2Ua. m, PJ.2. noon. 2.1o. 4.V5 ii k.j p. in. Way l'asienner Train leavi-s PhllfidPinhtn nt H) a.m.. eonnecttne wllh similar tralu on Kasl I. rallioad returulntr lrotu Ili-fi.llinf nt (t m u. m i.euvu t'uiiMviiiu nr it iki n.nv . ntui '? 'ai nn Herndon atla.UOa. m..Hhamokln at 5.IUand Jl.n u. in,, Anuiium ui, 4,vo a. in, ami u,u noon iuau nnoy City nt 7,15 a. in, and l.'Jj p. m. Tainaqua nt n. m., nud'-MJp. m. lor l'lilludelphni, New Yorlc, Heading, HaiiUbnrif.Ac. i.euve i-ousviiio via peunyiKiii anu Husque hanua lUllroad nt H,l 3 a.m, lor llairlsburjj, and 11,1 a. in,, lor i'iueUiove and Treiuout, Heading Accommodation Train leaves I'otLs villo ut 5. tun. m., passas lleattinant 7,:Wa. m.,nr rlvinjj nt l'lillailclphla at 10,10 a. in. Ufeturnlua leivcs Philadelphia at C,15 p. in., passing Head lu'4 at 7,Up.m., urrlvlnu at I'oltsA lllo at it. U p.m. l'oltstowu Aecominoualton Train, leaves I'olts town, rtturuliit;,'leaves 1'Ulladelphla at J.lfi p.m. Columbia Hall road Trains lenvo Heading at 7,20 a.m., and tf.lj p.m. fur Uphrata, Jjltu, Lsincas ter, Columbia, Ac., IVriElomen Kail Uoad Trains leave Pcrlilomen Junction at 7.17 V'i a. m., a.'W A o.oo p. m, return ins: lease KhwcuksMllu alU.t, n.lO a.m., V2.W) noon i'i 4.1'i p.m.,couucctlui; wllh similar trains o" Ucadlnu ltailroad, Colcbroukdale ltailroad trains leave rotttown at a.m, i.lj b.i'i p.m.returntus leave Mouui 1'le.uiiiit at 7.'W and 11.2.1 a, m., 3..W, connect linf wiin similar trains on Ueartluu ltatlro.ul. Chester alley itaiiioait 'J talus ltae Jtude port at s;j)u. m. nud 2.05 and 6,h2p. in. reluinlnji, leave Iiownluuton at (J.l'J it. in., 12.-I5 noon t ud 5.i.'j p, in., ronnectlui' with similar ti.ilLS ur lteadluu Hal I roe i. On Huudeys, leave New York ntfl.'H) p.m., luli phta ut f ,00 a. in. nud 3,15 pjn.", (Iho ttw a.m. tralL, runnluijonly toUeadliu;)leael'ollKvlllet(,00a.m.: UarrUburu nt 2,40 u. in, and 2.C0 p. m. and leave AlltntoiAii at 1.25 nnd b.:n pm.,and leave UeadliM at 7,15 a.m, aud H.&o p, m, tor Hauls buijj.nt B.00a. in. lor New York, ut 7.20 a. m for Alleutown and ntu.10 a. u,' aud 4.15 p. ni. :oi 1'hlladelphln. Commutation, ?IllenK Heason, Hchool -.i-hxeurslou Tickets to nud lrom all points, at re duced rates, HugKaao checked thronj,h: 100 pounds allowed each ias.eutr. J.I.. WOOTTIIN, Asst. Bunt. -!c Kug. Alnch'iy, UcadlUif, r.u, Apill 3. 171. KW FIUM AT "OJtANGEVJLLE IRON FOUNDUY AND AGUICUL TUHAL W011K3. OUUAT lMrKOVKMi;NTS IN I'LOWH AND T1IUU41IINU MAC1IINK9, Mr. Jacob Trivlenlcco having purchased tho Intel est t Charles V, Low In iho abovo iiamud woiks, the burslness will bo eo itlnued under the firm name of W'ilt.iasi Jciiu vi.j- u tt Co. Having discovered social Imperfections lu the plows manufactured lu 1&70, they havo btrencEthcued and linpiovedthem.imd added some entire new patterns. They will open the Hprln trade of 1671 Mr In ndvanro nf anything ever oilared to the public, helm; both praitical inechaulcs, aud ha v wa their work all done under their oivu hiuev vUlou they unarantiio their work superior In inattrlnl and linUh to any heretofore ollered. liealers should not accept of any other nyrlcul tuiul linplemtnlsuntillhey havo examined our Manulaetiue, Karniers should try our plows befoio bujlnaany other. They also mauuluctuio ALL KINDt Ol' CAttllNGS, usually inadelullrst class roundriis, haw nnd Sirlst mill citings, made nnd lilted up to older, THllE.3III.Xa jrACIIIXES nro made a specialty, nnd somo verv decided im provements have been lidmduccd lutoihelr ma chines. 1'ilcis lower Hum ever; all kinds of country produconnd old Iron taken lu exilmno Older direct lrom the inanufaeiuiy. Old agen cies supplied durlna the winter, Additss nil oidcrs to WJLIilASI BCHUYIjKU & CO., AOIlICUI.TUrt'Mj WOItlCH, 01lANaBVlM.n COLU.MIII.V COUJITV, l'A, Janl'71. QIXTY-KIVK FIHST VHV.K 3IKI). 0 AI-H AWAUI)i:il, fBSfci 'nlKalll:AT fel UAI.TI.MOltn 1'IANO CJJ MANUKA CTOKY. WILLIAM 1CNAUK & CO. JIANUl-ACTL'lIKILI OF GItAKlJ, SQUAItK AND UPUIUUT PIANO F o n t r. s , haijTimoki:, sin, Theso Instruments havehecnliefoiothe pnbl'e for neiirly'l'lilrly yesrs,nnd upon iheiresce). lence iitotiealtaluedoaioiMoWi(M. if vre.emtiunce which prouoiiuces them unequalled. Their TONU ( ureat power, sweetness nnd fine slnir Inirtiuallly.iis well us un at purity of llilonai lou und sweetness throuithoiit the eullio stale, '1 lur TOUCH is pliant and clastic, nnd entirely freo from tho stillness found lu so many l'lanocH IN WOltKMANSHH' theymu untriualled.iislni; nono hut tho very best letiaoncttiiiuUTltit, the larno i iipltal e mployed lu our business cnahlliit; nsio keep eonilnually an liumcuso stoclc of lumber, Ac, on hand, tin.AU our tojunrc J'innoet haveour New Im proved OVKliatKUMU KCAUC und the Aunijre XrfUe. , 4-WewouldfnHspeclalatlcutlon to our late llnprnvemeuls In OKAtill J'lAKOX unit MtUAlli: UKAXDS: lUTKMTril AUO. II, IWO, which bring tie I'lano nearer iierlecllou than has yet been aitalued. KVEKYj'JANOyULLYWAUltAKTKDtOIlO VeAHS, We have mado arrangements for the Note Mhotemte Aptncy for Ihe most t'elebraled l'Alt LOH l.lltlANM and MKUJIIKONM, which we ollir wholesale mid Hetalhiit lxuvest factory 1 rl,,.t:", . W1M.IAM KNA1II1 A CO., ucta'70-Cm. Haiti more, Md, JKMOVALJ " C.B.I-UItMAN.fcoddler, fas removed his shop to lluperfs bloilr, on Jlaln Htreet, opposite the 1'ost Olllee, where he Is prepared to do all kinds of worli lu his line of lmsliicss,at fair prices. mar 2171-lm WKS, IILANKH promptly printed toonlerf on any quallly of psir, at this Olllee, BLOOMSBTIRG; COLUMBIA COUNTY, Dings and Chemicals. A QHEAT SyiEDlOAiL DISfei )IY Dr. WAtKER'-l 0 Z'VC r : VINEG-AE KLTTEltS .! IlnndrctU of Thonscmtlo 9 F, n S Bear tntlmenjr to tliplr Wonder, fi It tf fa o ful coratlTo Lllicti. li hg fH WHAT ARE THEY? sglj Tirnr aiie kot a vilr ii FANCY L t i I N k i'isef loor Ttnmi rii1fthor Troif Brlrlln i. ml JtefoBO I.lcituru doctored, irlccd and owed cacd to plcasotho taste, ctlle(lMToolce,,,,'ppctl2 rrn," "r.cstorcrs," t.c, that lend tto tippler en ta dnmkcnncil bod rnlti(tUttrontnio Medicine, mada fromtlioK&ttTO llooU&Qd Herbs cf Callfcrcla, ftco tnnu nil Alcoholic KtlmnlnnfB Tbcrtro thn (JUl'.AT IIT.OOl) 1'tJltiririt nnd A l.XVU (JIVlNtl ritlNCIl'LEapcrfcct I'.cnovctor nnd lavlcorator cf tha System, carrylnff off nit poisonous rj alter rectories tho Hood to n l.caltly cccCltlcn, ro person cantata the? a Clttcrs tccorClug toClrcc lion and rcmftlalooc unwell. UlOt) vlUbo chcnforfli. InfnraMo case, provided t1io tones aro not Ccitroycd fcy mineral polion or tlJicr means, and tho vital orsana wasted beyond tho point of repair. I'or IiiUntiitmitnrr nnd Chronic Itlienmn t If i'i nuil (3ont Ilrntcpsla trr laillccitlot! lilllcuxi Jtcuilttcnt nrtillntunnlttcDt Tovcia llldcnBCQorthoUlood, LHcrf Jtldncyf, nml llltK.stcr. tacia Hitter haro been most encccrs fat. Buch I) I sea hps tra enctcd by Vltlnlcil IJlootl. rrhch U ccncrolly r roCoccd by Ccrarxcnctt iltlio DIccPiWo Orvann J)Yl'i:i'fIA OR INDUIESTION, Head ttliP, Tain In tho Etonldct CooBbs.TJgbtcctsof tho CIitEt, l)lz2lscE8, Eocr Emctntloni of the Stomach, LadUctolatho Month, UlUous Attacks, t'alpltttlcn cf tholicart, Inflamcatloacf ttio Longs, I'alntntha rccloca of tho l.ldncys.ftnd a hundred other rnfat ryinptoLie.aro tho cffsprlccsof Dyipcpala. Ihfy lovificrata tho Stomach, and stimulate tho tor pldllTcrond bowels, rchlcli render them of nncQuallcd iClcicyla clcanslns thoUoodof all Impurities, and .j ,rllc new llfs nnd Tiff or to tho holo system. l-O.tHUlNDIlIASLy, Ernptlons, Tetter, CaH M.uira, lilotches. Epots, I'lmplcs, ruitulcs, Colls, Car lL:iclcn,i:in2lVorciiJ, Ecald-IIcad, Core Eyefl.Erysir i 1m, 1 tcli, Ccurft, Dlscoloratlona of tho Etln, Uamora and Dlouisca of tho L kin, of whatever r.amo or nature, r.r j Ktcrully das up and carried out of tho system In a thcrttliiiobythouBOOf theso Hitters. Ono bottla l ruth races u UI convlnco tho uoet Incredulous of their custivo effect. Clems o tho Vitiated Elood whenever you find its Is parities bursting through tho BlUn la Tlmplcs, erup tions crficrcst clcansoltwhcn yoaQndUobtltmctcd and slassl'l- la tha veins i clcanso It when Ills fern, and yenr footings will tell yon when. Keep tho blood puro and tho health of tho system will follow. TIN, TATE and other WOItMS, lnrklnglntho rjstcnt of bo many thousands, aro ciTcctually dcBtroy cj and removed. I'or full directions, read carefully tl.o circular around each bottle, printed la four tan-guflgca-CngllEh, German, Trench and Epnnkh. J.WALKEn, Troprlctor. n.It.McDOIULD & CO., Drngglet3 and Gen. Agents, Can rronclsco, Cal tui 84 and U Commcrco Street, Kew Torb. tJTCOLD UT ALL DIIUGOISTS AND EHALLR3. oct2870-tf. Itionot wisn tolnrorm von. rculcr. that Dr. Vntidt7rluL or anv other nutu. iins iliscnvernl ii roinudy that cured toiibiitnutlun, wheu t.iolunv aro Imlf ruiiHUinetl. In fchort. will euro nil ill sens rs w.telher of mind, body or ustntu. muko men llvo fo rover, nnd leuvo ilenth to jHy for want ol work, nnd 1h UeHlgned to nmUo our bublmmry BDhorofi bllftsful I'unullse.tu wlilchllDuvcn luofl Hlmtl botmt ahldo thu, 1011 huvohunrdcuough of that kind of luiinlmgucry, Hut when I tell on umi ir.i--nge a unuirrn iiuinpuy win positive 'icure thownrht ensos of Catarrh In tbo llnml. I only tuner t that which thouKtiulH can testify to 1 win nnv rjw licuiirii i(ir il ruin 1 mi i niiHni cure. A ttauiphlet rIvIuk fyttiptmuu and other iiiiormniion beui iruo 10 any aaurL-ss. iins rum edy la BULU BY MOST DHUGfJIKTH IN ALL TAUTS Of Til IS WUKL1. I'rlco 50 cents. Sent by mall.postpnld, on receipt 11 ni.vij inn.s, m nun i'iiiuui'is iui m u siui ui IN, Itownru of counterfeit and worthier imifitllaiu. Heo that wv prlvnto Htnmn. which It 11 vosiiue uuantnltc of iienuliwieaj, in upon tho milbldo wrapper, uciueiuner inai init privaio nianip. j is uuu uy iiiu uiJiLuuniiuctuoveriiniuuiexpreH ly for fct.implny my medlclneM, lm my pfr trait namonmladdifHv.aud thowoKW U. H. Cert 1 li eu to of Genuineness," tii-imcd upon It, nnd nee.l not bo mistaken, lmn't ho KWtndled by travelers nnd others representing lliciuselveM ilh ur.mL'u i 11 111 iiiu oiuv 11111 11 now jiiiiit iihil has thu kuowled'onnd rfitlilto innniifarturothe tr.ucl lo sell this medfeino. ' k. v. nuiii'i;, m. i). oct2S'70-l. UI Soucci htteet, lluttnlo, N, V. s KVJJN ItKASONS WHY la tiik Uest Liniment in tiik Would I-'rnsT. It Is composed of tbo most rnwcitpnr. and 1'KNKTiiATiNtt llnultli known In Cheinlntry, Hix'ONn. Combined with tlio nbovo Is a Medi cinal Oil, made oxprc.lyfor thU Llulment, and mixed by an entirely new process. '11111.11. ineusuoi mu jwvcrjufmui peneiraiing hiKredieuta Is to drlvo or force In till beauttliil MudicinalOIL, which InbrlenteH t!io Joints and mu 1 oh. mid Itnmeillalelv lhrntllnt Din HimnitA nud compels It to loosen Its deathly, sickening rouilTH. ThU MKIiiriNAL Oir. a nnod fnr tb fcnmorcaHon thatn,Kood meclnnlo always uies oil to mako his machinery work with oa-so nml precision, ho in Ihn hnino way the musclon nnd Joints or our animal blioulil bo lubricated if wo wish to Imvo them travel wllh lapldlty and eavp. Fii'TH. His very BiMjlbliiKln Its action, will not burn or blister tho animal llko most of tho mi not" iiniiueuLs i uiouay. HlXTlf. Not ono ilron (il tliiehirn nf invnnn oricd pepper can bo found lulu composition; for wo hold that no llulment can bo etlectivo which burns ami blisters tho animal until tho museies nio nam auu unoa almost to n crisp, Hr.VKNni. Kvery bottle Is u-Aiiitivi m in ,tive good Mitlsfactlon.or jour money will be lefund td, ThU hhnwscoiu'luslvoly that the propilo tors havo full cnutlcleneo In this preparation, nud proves lor tho seventh tnnothat u. K. ti, ti. Is tho best Liniment In tho world lor horses. AfDnn'tultoiv your Merchant to jximif TVnr titrro Jiett J'rppcr uiul JhtrMiom, or uthtr truth ontnutbiitatk fur (J. J. Jloites, una tuKe no other, Hold by all duitjists. V. o. uauuv t o., Mole Proprietors, pt2'70-lyj 15 Head HI reel, New York, Tlip firm A1.1.CS A Nf.rtn.ya li ivli... I,.m, ,l!u soiled cm iho luili or Nov. ISW 1 wuuhl llifoim iny IrlcnUs unci custDiuers that 1 am not out ol' nin?, ns Ins Iicch rrpnrlnl, nnd cull attention to tho lu.iu.. iiijr ui IK its J GOVKUNMIlNT llKl-OT. XO. 1 PKUUVI.IN CjU.iA'O. (1UOUNI) llONE.aUAUANTHUI) I'UUC. risii uuano IN nm.s. I'ouilrctte, In llnss, llarrclsaml Bulk. ItAW 110NU I'lIOil'HATi: OP I.IMi:, rrloe.tsarcrTou, I..VN1) lT.ASTl'.It IN I1AGS AND UU1.S. . TAi!,lnl,2&3callonCuiiB. Oil, H3AP, for ivashlui; Trees.'ln 3CID. Loks. corroN hei:o mixiMj, Jxcellent Foo,l for Cows, lnertaslitK nml enllcu- .HU IIIU illllK, lit J1AUS, 1X1T, liACll. Oil AOKIiINQS I'ur Hoc nml Clikkcn I'toJ. OKM UNT, Aeeiicy for Copluy Hj-drunllo Cement. ur Its superior quality I refer to J.W.Btaiui A auMs. uuuueu, xs, j . AMllttllALIllSCOUNTTOTHKTRADU JOSrAII J. ALLEN, (Late Allen & Needlkm.1 Hemovej to . i BOUTII DKLAWAIIE AVE. mar 107l-J!t. riliLACEU'liiA, gLANK DUKUS. Wo HOW linvA Ihn flllA.I rtfTir. A VL' Itl:l jLS on liana ami for sale that were ever lie l ... .,.v......u,Kl ..uiKu ni.o l. oi'Si luiivilllieilv paper. Common Deeds, llxecutnr'sauu .tdmluls tlalor s Deeds Slmill slzti L'on.1 nnnerl Common Dmls, ac, '" tl ojll af.n Tircr aiie kot a vilr s g t4U FANCY DRINK. Clothing, &o. JlEW STOCK OF CLOTHING. Fresh arrival of HUMMint 0001)11. DAVID LOWUNUlUtU Invite attcnllon to his stock of Clir-APANDFASIIIONAIILKCLOTIUNO, nt his storo on Main Htreet, two doors nbovo tho American House iHOomsuurg, rn., whero no haa Just recclvej from New York nnd riuiadclpliln a full assortment of Jlf.N AND riOYB' CLOTIIINO, Including tho most fasulonablo, durnulo, and naniisoino conslstlm: of llOX.BAtft, I.OCa,aUJt,ANDOlI..UL0TH COATHAND l'ANTIJ. of nil sorts, sizes nnd colors. Ho h.ianlso replen if nca nit nirenuy inrco stock or FALL. AND W1NTF.H BHAWI.H, HT1UFED, l'lUUltED, AND 1'LAIN VlilTH HHIItTS, CllAVATH, HT0CKH, COLUMlS ItANDltnilCIIIUFH, OLOVI3, SUSl'KNDnilS, AND FANCY AUTlCI.) llo nas constantly on hand n larjo and well-so- cctiHI nssortment of CI.OTHS AND VIHTINOH, which ho Is prepared lo mako loonier Into any kind of clothing, on very short notice, and In tho best manner. All his clothing Is mado to wear, ami most or Ills or homo iiinuuractnrc. OOM) WATCIIF.4 AND JKW'i.ttY, olovcry description, flno nnd tlienn. Ills ensool Jowelry Is not surpassed In thlspiacc. Call nn oxamlno his general a.ssortmcnt of clotiiinq, watches juwin.nv, ac. Jnni david i,ovr.Nni:na. Bakery ancl Coafootionery, JOHN Q. JACOISY'S IJAKKHV AND COXKKCTIONHIIY1 11F.11WICK, lMlNN'A. rho untlerslL'tiod would respectrnllv lnlorm llm (;lil7.ous or HtTWIelt, nml vicinity, that he wis upeneu u uomecuoiicry ana lliXKcry lu ODD Fiir.LOWtl' HALL, llerwlclc, l'.i., whero l.o Is prepared to furnish 1'I.AIN AND FANCY CANDIRS, FltliNCIt OANDIIN, F011UIG.V AND DOMESTIC FIlUITrf OIIANOES, I.llMONS, KAISI.Nfl Ac, Ac., Ac., Ac. UY WHOLESALE AND HSTAIL. Among tho nssortment will ho found Cream ...t.n, j.iiKii.ii .viuiiuis, l enuuis. Aimonas, i-'ii. Ijerts. I'lus. Annies. Cocoa NiiIh. .tiii,4 r ,nir..r. cut kinds, Muslnia, Catsup, l'lckles, Uhocolale, Caniifil l-'uiltor all kinds, ComrltJiuli, nggllla. cull, Hnjln Crackers, Oyster Crackers, Llioeso, 'l'. nmiiij i nper, agleemenl 1'apcrs, Kn 1'iail AND OYSTEUS, And ntvhhirn nf nil ithnlw. l-'ruli Tim't.i im.i CnkcHevery day. Jce Cuam in Htniou, Your pairouiujo is sonciicu. lterwlclc, Jnu l'7l 1 C O NKEOTIONU11Y. Tho untlerslirnrtl would r.inn'triillvnntiMinM .w ..... I'XUl.U lUtl. .... Illkl US'UVU 11 FIIIST-CLASS CO N FACTION II UY BTOUK, In the building lately occupied by Fot A H'ebb .yiiuiu uu ia I'lepurt-uiu mruisll nu mnus OJ 1'l.AlN FANCY OANDIIJJ, FIIKNCII CANDIIM, l'OF.KlUN A DOMIMTIO FltUITH, NUTH, 11AISINH, AC, AC, AC nv WHOLESALE OK ltKTAIX.. In short, n lull assortment of all roods Iti nis uuu oi uusiuess. a grcui ai lety or 1)01,1,8, TOYH, Ac, snlluhlorortbo Ho'.ldoys. l'aillcular utteutlon gien lo 11 U II A 1) AND OAK ES, of all kinds, fresh every day. UJIUIHTMaH OANDIHH,. UUIHTMAH TOYH. A call Is solicited. Hnd NaMHr.Atln,, will I, Kiutiuubeeii. J.m I'il-ly KCKlIArtT JACOI1B. Hotels. MOOTOUK IIOUSK JA1 HUl'UllT. l'A. WILI.IAJI HUTLIUt, l'loplletor, Tills lloiisnlmvlnt. Itfrn ,.nl In llinm,,.), rnn,M Is now open for tho licepllon or gucslN. No (".,.,'. . ... uu l,;tIlu ii, eiisino iiih perieci com :orl or t ho trninlcrs. Tnr, l'r, u..I,aI,u.. sh.iro or public palronni'n, Tim bar will bo siovKiMi at nn iime3 wiin nuo liquors and cigars, B ENTON HOTEL. W. V. I' I ATT, Proprietor, llUNTON, COI.U.M11IA COUNTY, l'A. This well known Honso li'ivliirr l.r.ii ,.nt l tlmroiigli lepnlr Is now open for thu reception or . .... ....... ..... I'litus ,ihu oeen so ueii to insure thu perlcct comlort or gmsls, Tin. proprietor . ."''. " ..i,," .uu in j.ioniusuiirg and llilerinedi.ite points on Tuesday, Thursday nud Haturdny or each week. Jan I'lsTl rjpilH ESI'Y HOTEL. K9PY, COI.UJ1I1IA COUNTY, PA. TllO lindcrslirned WOUld ltirortu tlin trnvnlllnn public Unit ho lias taken the above named estab lishment and thoroughly lelllteil tin. Kn,,,.. t.r thn perfect.convenlencoor hlsuuesls. Ills larder will ho slocked with thn best thu market iillurds. . WILLIAM rr.TTIT. Jan 171 ii,py, JKICK HOTEL, OIlANOIlVILI.i:, COI.UillllA COUNTY, l'A. KOIIll M'HENIIY, I'ropriofor. ThU well known llnuhn. linvln" torn tint In tborotiifh lepair. Is now open to ihe tnntlllni: uhllc. The b,ir is Hock id with tiio choicest tlaifs.tsupplbnl wilh Hie delicacies of the tieasou. No pama will bonmred loliuuiu thu comfort ol utauijeviue, Jan. j, Washing Machines. J)OTY'S AVASIIIKUOrACaiNK, tiua mucu uirnoviin-ANn Tin; ni:v UNIVJ3RSAL CLOTHES WIlINaEIl ninroved Wllh Itowell'n 1ntfnt. Uniihln Prifr. wheels, nnd the l'atent Htop, are now unques- luiiiiuiv uu Mij-ci nr iu iiuy appaniiuii lor wasu mi cld lies ever Invented. and will ravo thrir cost twice u year, by natlng labor und clothes. The Ivlltor of this paper, who purchased a Watther nnd rlnat;r, thiw teittltlci as to their llll'C i ' Wo have hnd in tun In nur fiimllv f,r i.ntna time past, one of Duty's CIoHips Washers nud Winners, nnd are prepared to bear testimony us to Its merits. It Is tmphntlcatly a tnuor-mitna jinn ii i uu iiimi umnii- wtfi n, in iiiu lllllll IQOIOUKlt manner. I'or lamlliPH who have Iwrn unj.oj thvho maciilnes would bo luvuluablw." Colum. in ah, juii. 1 1, isir,t 1MUUES-A FAIH OITEU. If the Merchant In your placo will hot furnlMi. or (send for the Machines, Heiul us the retail price Wnhher H, Kxlni Wrlnirer fit, ami we will for ward either or both machines, free of freluht. to places where iioonola htllluti "1 hohureare wo lluy will bo liked, that ve ncree to refund the money If nny ono wishes lo return the nm chliies frioof irelKht.alltru mottth's conllng to Ulrectlous, o hiifcbiind, father or brother bhould permit hedruilirerv of uiik itmr uiiii ihn lmiwiu HUv. un (Java In thu vir. ulion n r-m. i.n,ii.n titr nore exnedltiouHly, wllh Khs Jahor.and uoln- ml a Uutvertial Wringer. Hold hv dealers eenpi-fitlf in wlmm liberal din. counts are made. It, 0. DIlOWNINO.Oen. Agent, 82 Cortland Htreet. New York. oct7' I. NSUIlANOE AOENOY. vomlntr .:. 2ii.nm VlClna.H , ,.M..H , jHMi.mic ullon N. Y lu.ilii North America an,isxi city iui.uu nternnllniial N.i l.lltfi.iim Niagara N.Y. i.ism.tjo Alercnania , U30.U0 prlugnelii H HH. fi.u.tMj 'armurs' Dauvllle.N.Y.... Albany Clty.....w HM 4uo.uim) Danville, llnrso Inert... Mutual. Allautle, N. Y I.iwi.k.j Uermanlu, N, &jt,ixj FItKAH lillOWN, A(itnt, liLOOMUUUKU l'A, inarSI'71-ly, PA. Dry Goo do Si Grocorioa. q a h a n n Imvejustrecelvod from tho eastern nmrltels n lartfonud well selected stock of D It Y GOODS, ooNBimiNd or CaMlmers, Jeans, Heat bleached A llrown MiirHiii, Callcoei," Tick Inns, Tablo Linens, Cotton A All wool flannels, Ac., A' good stock of Ladles dresi goods, Latest styles patterns. Pplaes ofall Itlnds, Hood stock grocer Jen, liueeuiwarp, Blono ware, Wood A willow ware, Hour A Chop, Also Kitchen Crystal Boip for clvAtilns Tin, r.nun.Ac, All good noIJ cheap for casli or pro duce, JIo would callthe attention of buyers to his welt nnd carefully selected assortment which comprises evcrj thing nsitnlly kept lu the conn lryt feeling confident that ho can sell them tcoods ut such prices as wilt eusuro sntlsfacttou Jau 1 71 tf CO MAHU. jTILLEUS BTOllE. S. II. MlLLnit A SON, havo removed IhelrHtoro to the room formeily occupied byMcndcnImll(ou Main street, lltooms burtf nearly oppoilto tho rplscopal Church, whuro they nro ilctcrmlucdtoEellonnsmoderate terms as can ha procured else whero, Thlur stock comprises LADIW Dill S3 GCODI3 of tho choicest elyles nnd latest fashions, together with a largo assortment of Dry Goods and Gro ceries, conslsllns of the foUowlnc a nicies Carpels, Oil ClothR, otho, OKwtlmeros, Mhnwts, rinnnels, t; lilts, White Goods, Linens, lloopKklrts, Muslins, Ilollowwnre Cednrware Queensware, Hardware Hoots nml KliooK, tints and Capa Hoop Ntts, ITmbrellan, Looklng-Glase!, Tobacco, (feffce, Sugars, Tens, UIoo, Allspice, Ginger, Cinnamon, NiUmecs, AND NOTIONS GKNUltALLY. In Ehort, ovcrythlng usually kept In country tnrts, to which they invito tho attention of tho pubilo generally. Tho highest price will be paid for country produco In exchange, for goods. H. II. MILLKKABON, . illoomsburj; Ta, npr571-:f OOJllITHINO NEW I Tho imderslirnpd would herebv ilv nnfln Mini ho has Just completed A Klltvr CLASH in. a i mm mai no nas imp inciimes mrcarrv Ini; nuthe busluess of U.N'DLKTAKINU In nil us uinucues IN C I T HT YLIJ, Ho has encaced exrerlcnecd nersons vim will tulco charire of the hndtcH of the dfcciiknl nn unnn as they ,bhullleof this mortal coll," and nttend 10 wasning inem,r.uaviu, iiressimr, Ac. Hhrnuds furuNhed also tooidir. At inticli expeuso he has also procured an I II ON I OK BOX, In which bodies enn bo preserved In a cleanly unit drv condition. CarilnirtN furiiiOif-.) rtr rn. neral occasloiiH. In short, bo Is piepaied io take on.u i Hima uuu 1 1 nuo in itii luriutr irouuieiu ri'kJini uni. ilenlso tarries on the business of CABIN E T 1,1 A K I N O Upholsterlns; In oil Us blanches, repairing furnl linn, t-iiiiv uuiiinoi'O (liaiIS,AC., AC mvsj ui uuMutta uu iron mii'ci, nt j'.w iaii. Uloomsburs, July22, l:o 1 1. OATENT ARION PIANO. The onlr ncrfert Inslrnmfnl. In llmlirH i Is unetfunUul tu ltlehm ss, power, Hrtlllancy and iJurablllty, fspeclal terms to Teacheis. Marked f ivors , io Clergymen, Send fur.Itluidrated Ariou I'amphlet. u. w. rusi'i jJK, uenerni Ajrent. mar 1071-tf. Mauch Cuumc, I'leusaut J mm In nrloiis dm Wlirilllltl'il. nmler njtlh it. ii.ivm nli.ivn i'irmuneutl)(iuieilUilueiryltOialleniK lialeil In llm past ten years, (tee testimony.) t s tlioMleiitillo pri scrliillcn of I'rofessor Jos' . l'lller, JI.Ii.u ciuilnatu nr tlm University or 'eniisylviinla A. ll. lsl.l,-nmr tmo or I'lillailel illlll S O (lest it'i'll ill' 1,1,1 kllo.iu ,,,l lr..r..ucnH ..r 'lieiulstrv nnfl ',',,t,. .i... i,.w ,.. Jseuralitl.i, Clirnnlo aiul lull immatory lllieuma lm t ho speciality of his enllro professional lilt ii laLt voneheU for liy Iho slunatiires aeeom. piinyliiKoi.cli bottle, ol many prominent renown. t;. iMijsiiiiuis.i-ierByiiieii, nun oilier testimonials, loproleet sullereis lrom poisonous miaclc nos. Illllus iinil Useless expenditure or money, illeiril sli!iieJKii.iriinli',stailii','eiiietiiiimlieriifbotireH warranteil to eur... u-ni i... i.. r.u.. ....., ......... ... l,y.'J,l.Vrt'r "s""B hy letter n lull description " i ' '.'!': i snol fallliro lo cuie.llluount , - ...j .vi.tu'icu. iiieoKsiiu sent anv n lieru hy express, eolleet on ilellvery. Afflicted J JJ 1 Jv'''u tor ii.lvlce : nil Information and hied ejl ndvlcn .,,( I,.. i.,,.. .....,.. , olllce.iO Niutl, 1'ourlli Islreel. T'hllndeli I a 'a LlV si'M-ly r obt""IL'a l"lt;B'ls. Gr OOD3 DELIVEltED i'iu:i: op PoriTiiiiAdi; to nr.l'ors on 1IUAT.S I.V l'llILAUKLl'lllA. 111' tho dlssnlollon nf dm firm or AUKS A NfKm.fcS, on Iho Will ot November, 170, thu UUllurshfllu,! becamt, solo owner or lllo Pnetorv. stock nml Mnchlueryor thu lalo llrm and will con Unity tho miiuuiscluruandsaleor fertilizers. My persnuul intention Is gtreli to tho business, nud aided liv tho best chemical nud Meelianlenl Willi Uil high qunllly of my articles will bo SUI'EH PHOSPHATE OF LIME, AND AMMONXATED FEItTILIHEH aro sold nt a very low price, HKND I'OU CIItCUI.Alt. NO. 1 PEKUVJAN OUANO, irart'aafcil 2'umit imported froux the JtlamU. FISH G V A X O, pure. Oround Ilono, Ijind Plaster, Cement.Hpcrm, iJlnl, Whale, I.ubrlcallng und Ooal Oils, Hpenu, Adauianllne and Puralllue CnudleH.ln xblcli 1 respcctrully Invito theallentlou ol llio pubilo. UriCCUL UliiCOUKTJ TU TIIK TllAlA:. WM. N. NKKDMCH, (lll'ieeMriaile Amis & M.Kiu.Krf.) ij Huulli litilaware Avenue, Philadelphia. roil balb UY W.OOMSHUllU II'.ON COMPANY. mar.3'7l 13w. 11LAN1C MOitTOAUW for the uso of Having 11 Fund aud Ixmu Associations, for sale at thu COI.UUUIAH Olllee, 1UHT1CIM lir.ANKH.-Kuiniuons, Kucullons il HubjHuuas, Warrants, dc, constantly on hand and lor salu ut tho Colvmuiah Olllee, Tnaiiyiu'i'sonvrniliiclnB nny Meillelno show nit linlr as many llvlnij, permanent enns ns Hit. I'lII.Bll'H VllUI.TAIILH XiliKUHATia llEMUliy, '"il immntty only. A nleusnut .Muilli'lne. Ireii MifjcollniioouB. 1 WCCO.Uj U.VnUI) AND K.MlOUNl.l, v XVovisu hi:vi:n iiuk'huko iioci oh. im. i.AM'iti:cr.'s coai'ouNiir,uiiiRxTiucTor K O S K O O 1 nn: aiinAT HKALTH ltKSTOUEUI Not a Secret Quack Medicine Formnl i Arountl tlio Uoltlo. l'ilt;r.lni:i) sor.nt.Y nr Dr. J. 3, r.AWItl'.NCi; Organic Clinnlst, Wlt.soN. Norlli Carolina. KOSKOO HTIIIKriATTIIR 1.UOTUF IHMIASI: l'UItll'YINa TIIK IJLOOI), Tin: i.iviiu and kidni.vm TO A llllALTHY ACTION, AND IN. VIOORATINU THi: NKit. VOUM SYSTIIM. Thi3 is tho Secret of it3 Woiutorfu Success in Curing U0.VSU.M1TI0N IN 1TH l'.AItI.Y BTA01SI, HUllOrULA, BYl'ftlLIS, DVSl'lUWtA, LIVKH COMPLAINT, CUllONIU lUIIIUMATISM.NnUnAI.aiA, Nnnvous Al'I-i:CTION. Kiiumoxs op tiii: skin, humoiw, 1.03S OP VIOOIl, DISIIASEM OP KIDNCV AND lll.ADDKH, AXa AM. IWKASKi! CAUSKl) J! V A JIAJ) STATU OF T1IU J1LOOD, It thoroughly eradicates cverltlndof lluinor nnd Had Taint, nnd restores tho eutlro Byslem In n healthy condition. It Is beyond iiuesllnn this PINHIT TON 1 0 I.V TIIK WOULD. Thousands havo been changed by tho uso or this Medicine, from wcnk.slcitiy, Mirroring ilea lures, to strong, lionlty, ami happy men and women. Invalids cannot liesltato to glvo it a trial. No Mcdlcluo lias obtained such ft great lepul.i. lion ns this Justly celebrated compound. FOU TESTIMONIALS Prom 1'hyslclans, Eminent Divines, Kdllnrs l)ruBglsts,Merchauls,ilc.,Kco KOHKOO AI.MA NAOfor this year. vjttcj: oxi: hoi.laii vi:u nomi:. von SALK 11 V The Principal Druglists in the Unitul Stales ami Jlritiah America. Du. I.Awnr.NCE'K W'oMAN'rt.PiiiKNn Cures nil Diseases peculiar to Pemalcs. Jan.niy. B LooMsnuna STATE NOKMAL SCHOOL ANn I.ITKIIAUY AND COMMEIICIAI, IN-iTITUTi:. This Institution oll'grs gootl opportunltlfs lu every department or I.lteruturo nnd Hcteuce. lu nddllloll to tlinUYCellent Normal HchooU'lass, s. have practice lu tholisourHurveylngnnd llinctn eerlng liislruments In tho Hold unit mine, under the Instruction nr the mostcoinpetent Professor. Tho faculty aim to i.o very thorough In their In struction nud to look carefully alter the Inallh. mnnuers and morals or tho students. Thu rules and regulations or n,n .oiw,r,i r.. suelins lo command tho respect or the students and couseoucntly not many reel that tlieyr.ui allonl to violate laws which aro calculate. I to I'loiuoiu ineir success utul Happiness. The .Mils leal Department tiflordsns eonil ion,,niiiM,w as can bo round in liny or tho largo clllos an 1 at much less oxpense. ni-iu k icriu cniumeuces vpru :id, 1S71, 1' or furllier i trl L,, luru ,wl.l..,uu John u. I'iikkzi:, kq., Aec'y. of ., n. il iiuiMiKT, j-m i. or lIi:NltY OAItVI'.ll, A. .M llloomsburg, Jan. IJ,, JACOH K. HUITll. J. K. Hm.TZKU g M I X IX & B E L T Z E K, Impoitersnnd Dealers In Furclcn nnd Dome II AUD WA It E, aUNB, OUTIiEItY, 4C MO.-IM .TIIIKDSTltKST,An.CALI.OWIllLI, janl'71-.y '"I1KUW.1. QAIUUAGE MANUPAOTOItY, Illooinsburg, l'a. M. O. HLOAN A BKOTlinit Ilavo nnhnnd nnd for sale nl the most rcasmiii ble rates a sjdcudld stock or UAItUIAOES, llUaUIES, and every description of Wagons both PLAIN AND FANCY warranted to bemadeoftlio best nnd most dur able, materials, nnd by the most expeilenced workmen. All work sent out from tlio esliili. Ilshineul will bo found to bonftlio highest class nndsurutoglvo perfect satisfaction, Theyhao alsoutluoussorlmeutor HLuiana ofiill tho newest nnd most Inslilonal.lo styles wll and curefully made und oftho best miitei- An Inspection of their work Is asked ns 111 ueiioynl that none superior can bo found In tho country. Juu i,;1 F AltMP.ItHI KXAMINF. AND IIUY T HE O 11 I O I N A L , IlAUOH'S 11KINU 1'lllST ItAW IlONB 1'llOSl'lIATK Jl All others nro Imitation, Tint DAUaiPS HAW HONK PHOSPHATE OF SUPEU LIME. FALL, 1870. TlllU Milium ! trtn.ln nf llnw r.r U,,I.,a,I Hones, rich lu Nitrogenous matter, dissolved lu Oil of Vitriol, presenting tho Hone Phosphate lu ii highly soluble and quickly available lorm,nud the Ammonia lu such proportion ns to lusure n prompt and vigorous action upon the crops. Where llangu's Phosphate was applied tho past season, the Indications, without excepllot aro that It wilt main tain Its well earned repiian lion. We request all lu need of u Fertilizer to give this article a trial. It A U O II it SONS, MANUITACTDltKlUI, Orricx-No SO S. Delaware Avenue, PHILADELPHIA. 1570-1 r. BLANK I)i:i:i)!s lust printed nnd for salu ill tho Culuuuiah Olllee, 0."V liJ t.tTT'Tf.K. t .-,i i - a s kli :uM v tP.kdt