THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMO CHAT, BLOOMSBU11G, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. t oimnlrinm IlLOOMSBUUG, VA. I'lMD.VY MOUXINH, MAY lift, 1S71. Tun mltlrcfw of flen. Knt will nniily rcpny iionisal, nnd fully Jtiitlfli's tlio fitvornlilo comnipiits boslowi-il upon It ly llioso wlio liranl It. Thoso who fought most limvely In llio wur nro llio fort'inost In llio utterances of Kcncrous Kontlnicnts towards tlio conquered, nnil tills Is n leading fpaturo of tlio speech. Hut tlio wholes speech is Interesting niul worthy of nttontlon. Tlio Coiivenllon 11111. Tlio nlno million tliloves finding Hint they could not Rctntwo-tlilrds nmjorlty nt tliUsessIon for tlio bill to ennblo them to rob tho Sinking Fund, next gnvo nttontlon to tho subject of n Constitu llomil Convention. They well knew Hint If such a body nsscmblcd It would forever prevent tlieinfrom reaching tlio nlno millions. Under command of Gen. they thereforo went to work to prevent tlio paaiago of tt bill calling n convention nt onco nnd In this they suc ceeded to tho wholo extent of their wishes. In this they wcro of course nlded ly Ucii.Cami.ron', whowanUtho Treasury to ro-elcct hlni to tho U. 8. fk'nato, ond nlso by tho corruptlonlsts In tho Democratic party, who want to mo It to tho samo end. Whllo the thluvrrfwcro having a gala tlmo over their victory, Mr. throw bomhsliell amongst them by offering n bill to permit tho people to voto for or against n convention nt tho ensuing October election. Jfany Senators had committed themselves to that idea when they could uso it ns an objection to pend ing hills which did not contain It nnd ns nn excuse- to votoogalnst them. Tho bill thereforo passed tho Senate. Whether tho thieves cau defeat It In tho Houso remains to bo seen. It Is only to bo regretted that tho effect of tho delay occasioned by first voting on tho proposition to call a con vention postpones tho amendments and their ratification for ono year, thus giv ing tho nlno million thloves another session of tho Lcglslnturo during which to effect tho robbery, and it also gives tho eorruptionlsts tlio uso of tho Treas ury of tho Slato nt tho noxt Senatorial election. These aro Important points that would havo been defeated by call ing tho convention Immediately. But oa that could not bo done, tho next best thing Is to call It as soon ns possible. During tho discussion of tho present bill In tho Senate, Mr. Buckalew Is re ported ns saying that ho had been will ing to havo a voto on a convention taken directly, and was willing to adopt tho opinions of others, especially ns ho wanted to mako all po3slblo progress in tho matter. Thqsubstltuto ho proposed provides for voting on tho question In October, nnd then tho Legislature, nt its next session, If tho voto was afilrma tive, could fix tho day for tho conven tion. Ho believed that tho largo ma jority of tho peoplo would approve of It. Ho then called attention to tho small amount of legislation transacted In tho Ohio nnd Illrbols Legislatures, and ho thought, with proper amendments to tho constitution, wo could get nlong In this Stato with ono or two hundred laws nt each session Instead of having nearly two thousand, as now. Horace Greely Is In Texas! Yes, in Toxas, lionizing, speechifying, feast ing, &c. His Tribune, at home, In tho mean time, Is fulumlnatlng nil kinds of' extravagant statements about Southern Ku Kluxf" who murder, mob and other wlso maltreat every Badlcal who dares to go South.- Yet Mr. Greely does not Inform tho publlo that fie, tlio arch fiend of 'tho abolition pack, who so savagely cried for blood throughout tho war, has bccn-In llio least molested by Ku Klux, or has seen or heard of one in his track, and that too whllo revelling In tho most lawless of all Ku KIux regions, In tho very heart of Texas Itself I If any man deserves ill of tho South it is Gueely, for ho labored for half a Ufa to array tho north against tho South, which ro sultcd In tho destruction of tho fortunes of nearly all her people, In tho death of thousands of them and in tho annihila tion of nearly all their rights under tho government as well as their Ideas of public polity. It this man can travel tho South uuharmcd, oven petted, and feasted, and honored as ho travels, does it not glvo tho Ho direct to all tho silly nnd Infamous statements nbout Ku Klux, tho personal danger of Itadlcals, Ac? Sergeant Bates traveled through all tho Southern States unharmed, witli out a penny In his pocket, carrying tho Aallonal Hag. Hocamo out safely, well fed and well treated. Horace Gueely, of tho greatest amongst their enemies, is now lecturing In their midst lo largo audiences, and is feasted as ho goes! Yot Radical papers havo tho effrontery ' to tell tho people, that a northern man Is not safe In tho South and requites tho standing array to protect him from secret oath bound conspiring murderers denominated Ku Klux, and thcro nro northern fool3 to bollevo thorn I Tlio Radical Xomliiccs. From biographies In Radical papers wo gather that their candldato for Au ditor General, Dr. Stanton, was born nnd reared In Ohio, from whenco ho immigrated to this State. Ho belonged to tho old abolitionists and was thero- foro an original cnomy of tho Union Ho Is a rolatlvo of E. M. Stanton, ono of tho basest of American Statesmen- blood-thirsty, treacherous, falsoand ty ranlcal. Tho Doctor mado a speech bo foro tho Convention that nomluated him which proves him a bitter, vlndle tlvo and relentless partizan and an un scrupulous falsifier. It is not pretended that ho has any experience. In or knowl edge of Stalo affairs, or other special qualifications for Auditor General, and lsa3llttloa Pcnnsylvanlan Inscntlmcnt lis by birth. Col. Death, tbo candldato for Sur veyor Gencrul, was a cuffy Lieutenant during tho wur, is n Philadelphia!), but has recently been employed by tho coal operators of Schuylkill as somo sort of clerk or agent. His nomination Is a Radical bid for tho Influence of tho coal operators as against tho miners. That ho knows anything about tho landed. system of Pennsylvania or Is In any experienced In Stato affairs, Is not alledged. Theso nominees aro simply tho can didates of tho Cameron wing of tho Radical party, nnd If elected will bo tho tools of tho Treasury plunderers. Tho taxpayers havo a strong Interest in this business if thoy want to bo plundered, t hefio nro tho candidates for them I t'ntlnl Stales Small1. Tho U. H. Hcnalo hns been In session for nearly two weeks, mainly for tho purport) nf deliberating upon tho treaty recently mndo by tho Joint High Com mission. Very slow progress has been mado In roncitioiieo of tho prematura publication of tho treaty by tho New York Tribune, whose correspondents by surreptitious meanH obtained n copy heforo It was nuthorl.ed to bo given to tho public nnd whllo It was yet i "Stato Secret." A coinmitlco of Investigation was appointed, tho correspondents wcro promptly brought boforo It nnd ns promptly refused to tell from whom or by what means they obtained tho trea ty. They wcro then ordored Into cus tody, whero they still remain. What tho upshot will bo remains to bo soon. Certain It Is that the correspondents will novcr divulge, or ought to bo shot If thoydo, nnd that tho Senato lscn gaged In n very small business. Tho trcnty'wlll no doubt bo confirm ed whenover i voto Is reached. Of lis Intrinsic merits thcro Is much difference of opinion. Tho plan adopted for get ting rid of absurd pretensions Is arbi tration a good plan In Its way, but dangerous when crowned heads and their appointees nro In each caso tho solo arbitrators or appoint a majority o'f a board. An Immedlato good that tho treaty cirects Is that It takes tho ques tion of tho Alabama claims out of tho hnnds of tho dirty demagogues who havo been using It for partisan purposes. Upon tho whole, tho treaty is n fair Il lustration of Had leal Statesmanship making high pretensions only lo grovel in tlio mud to cscapo their consequences I Practically, wo do not doubt, every question will ho ultimately decided strictly In tho Interost of Great Britain, and for this tho party must bo held responsible. Their bungling states manship disgraces tho nation in all Its foreign Intercourse oven moro than In domestic affairs. European 'ows. Tho nrmy of Marshal M'Mauox has at length entered Paris, crushing nil op position beforo It. Tho cannonading previous to entering tho city Is repre sented ns treuiendocs. Although tho storming forces met with less deter mined opposition than they expected, there was still much severo fighting In tho strcols. Nearly nil tho Communists not killed aro prisoners, nnd tho leaders will no doubt bo executed, ns they aro murderers and assassins as well as rebels. Many of them aro Poles and other for eigners who had no real interest In Paris or Franco. Paris being tints ef fectually subdued, a permanent govern ment may now ho settled upon. If a Republic Is adopted In form It will bo littlo less exacting or tyrannical than a monarchy. Much turbulenco begins to exhibit Itself in Spain, and an attempt at revo lution appears Imminent. Other iiiuropoan countries aro nppar ently peaceful. Mining Operations. Thcro Is an end nt length totheslrlko of tho Coal Miners. All tho mines arc again In operation in full forco and very nearly all miners aro at work, henrtly rejoiced that tho strlko Is at an end. Much of this good result Is nttrlbutablo to tho Judicious ruling of Judgo Kl weli., tho umplro chosen by tho par ties to tho battlo. In speaking upon this point tho Ashland Advocate ex presses tho universal sentiment of thoso interested and of tho newspapers In tho Coal regions when It says : Judgo Elwell's decisions meet with general and approving acceptance. Wo congratulnto him on tM unqualified confidence which nil concerned, and tho public at large, reposes In Him, It Is to bo hoped that under this sys tem of arbitration there will bo no oc casion for strikes hereafter that they will, Indeed, becomo Impossible. The Alabama Treaty. Tho letter of Hon. Roverdy Johnson to Senator Bayard, of Delaware, In referonco to tho treaty now beforo tho United States Senato for tho adjustment of our several controversies with Great Britain, ad vises that that Instrument should bo ratified. Tho various po!ut3 of tho troity aro briefly dlscusso 1, nnd Mr. Johnson assorts that tho several controversies embraced by it have been of long dura tion, have at various times threatened serious consequences, and that their set tlement is demanded by tho prosperity and tho honor of both nations. Ho asks what apprehensions need bo felt that tho various boards of arbitration will not perform their duties wlsoly and Impartially, nnd says In thp nbsenco of arbitration thcro nro only two courses to bo pursued, to wit, either continued submission to thArrongsdonousorclso a declaration of war. Beginning a Good Work. Two of tho Commissioners of Allegheny county havo been held to ball to answer a charge of bribery. This Is much better practice than the vaguo charges of bribery tho public so often read, and wh'ch should always be prosecuted if tho allegations bo true. Thero Is no bad Influence which this county has so much to fear as this ono of corruption in public places. It Is tho source of Innumerable ovll3. From this comes tho rngo to get Into public offices on tho part of men who nro utterly unfit for them, and who would not bo employed Inanyresponsl- uio positions in prlvato establishments, They seek ofilco for tho solo purposo of getting money, and If tho oillco docs not yield It by fair means, they will get It by foul means. From It also comes the incessant Jobbery In nil public works, whero tho poorest work Is douo at tho highest rates or pay ror tho best. Then follow heavy expenditures, heavy taxes, wasto or public moneys, extravaganco demoralization In all other branches o tho publlo bcrvlce, piles or public debt with little or nothing to show ror It, There Is no end to tho chain of evil and disastrous results. It Is thereforo with peculiar satisfaction that wo hear that at least ouo prosecution has been com menced ngalnst parties accused or this iiytira-iicaded crime. Our Devil Insists that llio only Ku Clucks about hern nrn thn old hens. Guess ho Is about right. So says Dr, John's A'orlh Carolinian. It Is very much tho samo class about hero who believes Ku-Klux yarns in Radical papers. Can not tho Radical friends of tho Dr, around hero bcllovo him when ho is telling tho truth'.' It is now n disputed point whether tho bill for tho provcntlon of tho saloof liquor on election days has passed or not. Tlio fact will scarcely bo ascertain cd until after tho final adjournment of tho Legislature. DciihktaIIc Slato Contention. (Ikn. Wm. M'Oandmish or l'hllldol phlrt for Auditor General and dipt. James II. Cooper of Lawrenco county fur Survoyor General. llAitntsutmo, May 21. Tho Demo cratic Convention met in tlio hall of tho llouso this morning, nt 10 o'clock. Tho rmivonltoii was culled lo order by W. Mulchler, Chairman or the Stale Central Committee, llomlilrrvwil llio conven tion, n'.d staled that the defeat of tho last Stato ticket was by the odious Registry Inw. After tho usual preliminaries, live persons wcro named for Auditor Gen eral. On tho fourth ballot Gen. M'Can til ess received "S votes, nflor which tho Convention unanimous!! doclared him tho nominee. Capt. Cooper was ono of thirteen per sons named for Surveyor General and securing n majority of tho wholo voto on tho fourth ballot was then unant mousty nominated by tho Convention. Tho nominees nro both men of ability and unswerving Integrity, andglvo uni versal satisfaction. General McCanm.ess entered scr vlco nt tho beginning of tho war ns Major of tho 2nd, Pa., Itescrvos nnd was subsequently promoted to Lieutenant Colonel, then Colonel, and afterwards commanded tho first Brlgado nnd fre quently llio Division. ,Capt. Cooi'EU entered tcrvlco as 1' or com pany B. First Pa., Light Artillery and wassubsequently promoted to Second Lieutenant, nnd afterwards to Captain. Both wcro officers of tho highest stand ing nnd desorvo the positions for which they havo been nominated. Aflitlrs nt IlarrKhurg. IlARRialiORO, May 22. The senato to night undertook to call up a bill, re ported rrom tho financo committee, for tho reformation of tho management of the Stato treasury, directing tho Stnlo treasurer to loan tho money In tho treasury io tho highest bidder, etc. To tho surprUoof tho clerk of tho senate, tho speaker and tho members, It was found that sluco tho. adjournment on Saturday, tho clerk's desk had been ri fled and tho original bill stolen. Action was, of course, postponed on tho bill. This oulrago will necessitate n recon sideration or tho senato resolved to ad journ slno die to morrow, rs tho senato is determined to rerrct out tho authors or tho theft. llARitisnuiia, May 22. During tho wholo afternoon tho members or both houses or tho legislature assembled In and around tho capltol, discussing tho probablo action of tho republican nnd democratic parties. In tho evening, nt 7 o'clock, tho rc3pcctIvo caucuses assem bled. It had been evident during tho day that ono of tho movements or tho democracy would bo to pass a houso bill which required tho republican Stato treasurer to doposlt all tho Stalo funds In banks offering tho highest premiums, Tho bill was suddenly discovered to havo been stolen after tho senato had assembled and had passed it to third reading. Tho tactics which wero re solved upon lu tho democratic caucus havo been kept scrupulously private, but tho senato Is evidently disposed to mako a bold and aggresslvo warfaro In support of its demands for a revised registry law. Tho lepublican house caucus held a prolonged session, and tho members did not reach llio chamber of tho houso until after tho usual hour of meeting. They determined in substanco absolutely to rofuso tho transaction of all business until tho senato forwarded their resolution providing for final ad journment. In accordance, with this policy nothing was dono in tho houso but tlio reading of tho journal. Tho clerk of tho souato twico presen ted himself. On each occasion the houso members anxiously awaited tho an nouncement or tho senato action upon final adjournment resolution, and lu both cases wero disappointed. Tho fu ture movements of both senate and houso aro uncertain, as well ns the day of final adjournment. Tin: advocates of llio temperanco eauso aro preparing to mnkqa move ment in favor or their lnudablo object, In a political direction, that Is, they nro resolved totako tho Issuo into tho polit ical arena, and thero endeavor to accom plish by legal forco (what should bo left to moral cuaslon. 'All efforts llko this will fall, and ut tho samo tlmo call forth fresh opposition to a good eauso which, under other cirtumstnnccs, might novcr have bscn elicited. Tho triumph of tho temperance cause, llko that or tho eauso or religion, or any other moral rerorm, must bo a matter or discussion with the pooplo, left to them lor acceptance or rejection. Tho moment you couplo a legal coercion with n question or moral ity, rollglon or tempernnce,you deprlvo It or Its dlvlno attributes. Men who flourish with tho sword, dlo by tho sword. Tho motlvo ror legislative ac tion changes with tlio changed circum stances or men and business. If you leglslnto llquorout or existence ono year our word for It, It will bo revived tho noxt, Just becauso men will not bo legal ly checked In what they deem they havo a moral right to do. Therefore, wo liopo our temperanco friends will not attempt to push Ihclr cause Into tho political arena. So says Gov. Geary's organ, tho Male Journal. Call for a Labor CoiiU'iitlon. Headquarters Labor Union, No 1 Danville, Pa., May 15, 1871. Jb allTratk Unions: Believing tho tlmo to effect a thorough organization of tho worklngmen of Pennsylvania, under tho platform of tho ltlounl Labor Union, has arrived, by tho power vested In mo by Jt. p. Trevelllck, President of tlio -MUlonal Labor Union of tho United States, authorizing and directing mo to call together without delay delegates from all trades unlona or labor associa tions throughout this stale, I do hereby request all unions, trades or labor as sociations, to appoint two delegates, to convene together at Dauvlllc, Montour county, Pa., ou Tuesday, tho 27th day of Juno, 1871, for thofyurposo of forming a Stato Labor Union and to transact any business that may come beforo said convention. VICTOR A.LOTIER, Exccutlvo of Stato. The caso beroro tho SupFemo Court or this Stnjo, Bitting nt Hnrrhburg, bo tweou tho Pennsylvania and Cntawlssa Railroad Companies, was decided last woeklnfavorofthoCatawlssa Company, Tho effort of tho Pennsylvania Railroad Company was to provont the Catawlssa Company from crossing the track of tho Philadelphia and Erlo road, at grndo, In constructing their extension from Mil ton to Wllllamsport. (icn. liiillcr on tlio Now Trcnly. Boston, May 22, General Butleu nppearcd beforo tho Leglslatlvo Com mlltcoon Federal Relations, nnd road a letter, making n Iwcnly-four-pago pamphlet, vhle.h ho had nddressed to his Hon-lndw,9oiiator Ames, of Missis slppl, In which ho elaborately revlows and generally condemns llio treaty of Washington. Mr. Butler first criticises (ho Kettle incut or tho fishery question, In which ho saysi "Out of tiio four hundred thousand barrels of Mackerel caught between Capo Mny or tho thirty-ninth parallel and the northern extent of their limit by our fishermen, only boiiio 30, 000 barrels wcro taken last year cast or Malnoln all waters, British or other. In frankness It should bo stated that owing to tiio nnnoynuces our fishermen hnvo suffered, and from other special causes, that catch was smaller than usual, but It may be safely put at an average not much cxcocdlng ,10,000 bar rels. "During tho reciprocity treaty, nnd slneo its abrogation, when Ashing under full British license, our fishermen tool; something less thanonc-fiftli their catch within tho threo-mllo lino, so thnt.tho amount of tho concession by tho present treaty to us Is tho right of Great Brit ain to 0,000 barrels of mackerel when swimming In thesca within thrco miles or her shores. Now, ns fishing Is only nbout a 15 percent, business, or, lu other words, as 85 percent, of tho valuooffish taken consists In tho uso of capital em ployed, labor oxponded in taking, cur ing,' packing, nnd preparing for market, 11 will bu seen howlucousidcrablols tho right actually attempted to bo ceded to us by tho present treaty. Its extent Is, In fact, when reduced to money value, from $5,000 to $7,000 nnnunlly only." In this connection tho General contin ues: "I poo it stated, lu what purports to bo tho protocol to tho treaty, that the American commissioners opened tho negotiations with nil offer to pay $1,000,. 000 in gold for this right, or $00,000 nn nually ror all tlmo ror tho right which Nova Scotia offered to sell and did sell for $7,000 n year. Whero our commiss ioners got their extraordinary valua tions It Is difficult to conjecture. "II is not wonderful that tho English commissioners thought they had some thing too valuablo to dispose of, when Yankees would olfor a million dollars for tho right lo begin with. As tho En glishmen had ulterior objects to bo gained, they would put no money value upon tho fisheries, 113 they Intended to forco open our ports bv all means." Further, General Butler says: "It cost tho British government $SOO,000 to guard tlio right of a vnluo of $7,000'-l!er annum, which amount will bo saved by tho ratification of llio treaty to tho Im perial Government and Its adjuncts. Wo aro, by tlio provisions of tho treaty, In exchango to permit for this $7,000 all British fishermen to fish In all our wa ters ror nil kinds of fish except shell fish and river fish, and to land on our shores to euro theijflsh and dry their nets from tho 15th to tho 30th parallel, or from Eastport tothoDclawaroBay." Tho opening or our ports to British fish ftco or duty and competition with Brit isli bounty or ono dollar per quintal and French bounty or 10 francs, and other features of tho treaty, tho General be lieves will substantially ruiiipurflshlng Interests. In concluding Jhls review of tlio fish ery question, General Butler says: "I grieve, therefore, that so completo an abandonment of American fishing In terests should hnvo been wndo by our commissioners, nnd I trust tho Senato will not intify this portlonof tho treaty nnless thero shall bo round nnother por tion sufficiently countervailing the ad vantages wo can afford tills great loss. Itls expressly stated In tho protocol, however, that tho fishery questions wero considered by themselves." A Man With Nothino to Do. Somo of tho friends or T. A. Scott aro n littlo solicitous lest ho should bo out or a situation this Summer, nnd aro engag ed hunting up railroads, two or tlireo hundred miles long, to cuablo him to take tho Presidency, just to keep his hand in. This is well enough, as iio is only President or fl vo railroads, Includ ing tho Union Pacific, Vico-Presldcnt or twelve, Including tho Pennsylvania Central, Director in thirty-three, and General Consolidation Agent ror tho balance. Ho keeps rour Secretaries busy looking after his Iron, oil, silver, gold, quicksilver, lead, slate, steel, coal and wild land interests, dovotcs n few lcls. uro moments to steel rail nnd locorao. tlvo manufactories, steamship lines, bridgo building and engineering. Finds relaxation in running tho Pennsylvania and Virginia Legislatures, and entire rcposo In directing Congress, tho Prcsl dent and tho Supremo Bench, In nil that relates to his cliuln of roads throughout tho land. Independent of all this ho is married . His locks uro slightly sprluk led with gray, but this comes or years, not cares. His raco wears a sunny Biullc, and Is a checrnil as n robbln in May. It is well that his friends look after him and bco that tlmo Is not permitted to hang heavy on his hands, l'ittsbury Post. John 11. Brill, recently convicted and.scntenccd ror altering election ro turns In tho Sixteenth ward or Philadel phia, has been pardoned by Governor Geary. Tho caso was an oggravated ono. Thcro was no derenso, and honest men of nil parties rejoiced otthoscrt tenco asn proper vindication of thelaw. But no sooner nro tho prison doors shut upon Brill, than Bunn visits Harris "burg, and Governor Geary pardons tho man who deliberately falsified ro- turns, in order to secure, tlio election of Bunn. This Is tho most ilagrant abuse of tho pardoning power over perpetrated in this Stato. It says to tho ring of election clients and thloves, "voto as often ns you plcasoj stuff tho box with spurious votes j niter tho returns, and, If you nro convicted nnd sentenced, I will pardon you." Thoy so understand it, and nro Hinging that fact in thofaco or Democrats, ond boasting that with tho Registry inw, nnd tho nssnranco or Governor Geary, they can carry tho city by ten thousand majority. Tho Governor has most shamefully abused his high prerogative, nnd plnccd a blot upon his reputation which nothing can remove. Ho has struck hands with makers of fraudulent election roturns, and disgraced tho ofilco ho holds, In tho oyca of all honest men. Age. It Is now well understood that tho "Ring" which controls General Grant, nnd shapes tho course of his ndmlnla trallon, Is composed of Senator Camer on, Senator Morton, nnd General Hut ler. What can bo expected from such n corrupt combination V Illness or llio Vlco l'rcl(lenl, Vlco -President Colfax was takon suddenly nnd dangerously III on tho 22d lnst.,whllo presiding lnl ho Senate. Tho correspondent of tho TrilWtc gives the following account t (lullo nn excitement was cro.llcd by tho puddcui nnd, for u time, rather Manning lllnms of Vice-President Col- r.ix. Aiioill ii o'eloeic UiH arternnnii, feeling considerably oppressed by Him vitiated iitliinsnhcrn of thn Hennln Ciiamber,whlcli Induced a growlngsouso of dizziness, Mr. Coirax desired Capt, iinssct, mo Doorisccpor, to nsn air. Pomcroy to tnko tho clialr. As tho Senator did so, Mr. Colfax was stciinliii down from tho dais, when ho suddenly staggered, and would havo rallcn to tho ground-hut ror Mr, B.isctt, who caught nun. no wnsimmcmaiciyconvcycu lo his reception-room. Dr. Tuft, tho Senato Postmaster, w-unt onco summoned, and Dr. Bliss, Mr. Colfax's physician, soon nrrlved. It was nt first reported that tho Vleo-Prosldoiit had been striken with paralysis, but Br. Bliss pronounced It n sovero nttuck or vertigo and Irregu lar action or tho heart, caused by n do bllltuted condition of tho system, men tal excitement, under which the Vice President has bcciKorn week mist, and sitting so long in tho foul ulmosphcro or an Executlvosesslon. Senators mako martyrs or thomsels'cs for dlsinlty's sake, and on theso days of early Sum mer, sum incmscives up in uio guued iron box which constitutes their cham ber, with all tho doors elosid. and tho sun beating down on tho glass and Iron rooinuovo, listening to suen spceciics ns wero mado at to day's session, which alforded no counter-irritants to tho unmitigated foulness of thuntniosnhere. They want apparently to mako n mar tyr oi somo ono, in nruer to prove llio faith that is In them. After Mr, ColTax's removal to his room a pallet was obtained. Ho still'ercd from nausea, which produced vomiting, nnd on tho slightest motion was seized with vertigo. For nearly rour hours this Ir regular action continued, tho stomach rclusing to retain nnytinng. Tho akin was cold, tho pulso low, and attacks or vertigo wero threatened continually. About 7 o'clock bo began to rally, and befoio Dr. Bliss temporarily left him, tho symptoms wero subsiding, Mr. Col fax has been suffering for a week past from n malarious attack, nnd n sovero catarrh. Thoso had acted injuriously to weaken his system, nnd left hlni ex posed to tho still moro dangerous mala ria of tho Senate's Exccutlvo sessions. After tho Vice-President had been re stored lo consciousness and strength had returned sufficiently to enablo him to speak, ho expressed tho belief that ho nan ucoii stricKcn witn paralysis; nut when tho physician nssurcd him that such was not tho caso ho seemed greatly relieved, no nan oniy strengtii to givo tho address of his wifo at South Bend, Ind., and express tho wish that shu might be informed of his illness, and assured that his condition was not dan gerous. At 8 o'clock ho was quietly resting, although still so weak as to bo unablo to speak. At 10 o'clock no ehango had taken place, except that his pulso had Increased to 70. At 12 o'clock tho Vico-Presldcnt, although not sleeping, was without pain, nnd his condition was pronounced to bo Improving. Tho physicians havo no anxiety about his recovery. Senator Wilson nnd Robertson and Dr. J. P. Newman, Chaplain of tho Senate, together' with Dr. Bliss and Sorgent-at-Arms French, will remain with lilm during tho night. It is thought Mr. Colfax will not bonblo to bo remov ed from tho Vlco-Prcsidont's room for several days. Tlio Wyoming Coal Trade. In an nrtlclo ono tho early coal trade of tho Wyoming vnlly, tho Wllkcs-Barro llccord of the Times gives tho ruflowlug remlnlsconco or Its early history : For more than thirty years wo havo watched tho coal trndo or tho Wyoming reclon struzellnsr for recognition nnd for oxlstcnco.Clinrles Miner wnsono of tho pioneers whogalncdoxperiencont heavy cost and loss by running nnthrnclto lu arks down tho Lehigh and tho Dolawnro to Easton and. to Philadelpnln and by his sido wo trncod tho groning trado, in which ho had great faith. Nearly forty years ago when tho Schuylkill Cannl was tho great bopo of that region, and tho Delawaro & Hudson Canal stock n "fancy" in tlio market, wo heard him say to thoso who laughed nt our efforts in Northern Pennsylvania, "Tho tlmo will como and that soon when Delaware & Hudson Canal stock cannot bo pur chased." Ho lived lo sco it doublo in tho mar ket and pay sixteen per cent, dividends. Tho trado outgrow Ills most sanguluo anticipations and predictions whllo ho still watched Its progress. Individuals havlngcoallandsattcmpt cd tlio business, paying miners mid la borers, tolls and transportation on the canal, wharfngo and commissions nnd lost nil. Thcro wns no Union nt that day of gentlemen from Wales to demand their right to share tho loss. .How many will remember tho efforts of our old friends Col. John. L. and Lord Butler to establish tho coal trado in Plttston and tho disastrous results. As sociated capital was needed, and Luzemo held open arms to tho Delaware A Hud son Cannl Company With thotliBWurtses on tho cast, and to tho Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company with Whlto & Hazzard on tho south to welcomo them as deliverers from tho wilderness and from poverty. Llko tho in tlio beer vat, wo wero ready to promise any thlns? for relief. Tho history or nil efforts to develop our coal fields is a history of failures ami ruin to mo pioneers, capital thcro was nono, nnd fow had means to open mines, or credit to carry their coal until returns could bo realized. Enter prising men commenced business with fair prospects, but n rault a full market or a defaulting agent, wns sure to nip tlio uua oi promise, bumellmesn uoat load of coal could bo sold, or exchanged for boots, shoes, dry-goods nnd grocorles, with ncrhnns enouuli cash promised in sixty days to pay tlio tolls. Unablo to get cash, and anxious to keep his men em ployed tho operator would oner them such L'oods as no secured In nay. Then canio laws to prohibit tho payment of wages in storo-oruors or gootis, as n tno legal tender net wcro not sufficient for all legal restraint. It was n lone strucRlo In tpo Wyom Ing region under which many stout Hearts wcro broken and many millions of dollars wero sunk beforo tho trado crow Bulllc entlv to elvo us a market. Ask Jameson Harvey and his sons, with tlieirmmcsmost nuvantageousiy situat od for Southern Canal trado. Ask any early Plymouth operator, or thoso wdio worked tho Leo mines nt Nantlcoke. Mr. Harvoy'slmlneson thu west sldo nnd tho property oi uoi. JjOO on mu cast oi uio river, with many other lands hnvauono into tho hands of tlio Pennsylvania Rail road Company, now owning tho Canal, and In tho Bale brought wealth to tho former owners wnonaii neon so loriun- ato as to savo them from the Wreck whon others failed. But how many years ol labor and care, not grudging work of eight hours, or less, but of patient toll from early morn ing to night, nnd by tho plno knot's light, wero required to s.ivo tho wild mid almost worthless lands until tlmo and tho united capital of Incorporated companies could develop uicir vniuo, Many of tho men who lend tlio present suspensions can earn more money In ono inontu oi siuuuy empioj im.'iu, mm ru eelvo tho cash on nav day. than ourold tlmo land owners and farmers bandied Inn year without carting a load or wheat sixty miles through a wilderness to Easton togctlt. And this mining labor, by tho samo Industry and economy, could save In tho samo number or years lareer fortunes than tho avoraco or indi viduals whom thoy now denounco as tyrants ana enemies to moor. If you want to pleaso a newspaper man, learn tho art of making a long story short boforo calling upou him, or writing to him. An .enthusiastic Radical papor winds up a long nrtlclo, favoring Grant's re nomination, by saying "ho ls bound to lake." That is tho principal objection to him, Ho takes ovorythlng that Is olfercd to hlm,fromn pint of peanuts to a $100,000 houso. Another horrlhlooulrtigooriho Ku Klux Isrcportod lu North Carolina. It was nu attempt lo Intlmldalo n minister or tho Gospel I A negro preacher In Lin coln county has received tho rollowlng annonymous letter t Rev. and Dear Sir: You must either quit preaching or quit stealing hogs. K. K. K. Petticoat Reuellion. Tho great woman's rights spcccli, last week, In Now York, was mndo by Mrs. Victoria O. Woodhnll, who said that IT tlio very noxt Congress does not withdraw every obslaclo to tho most nm'plo cxcrclso or tho franchise by woman, "wo shall pro ceed to call another convention oxprcss ly to framo n now constitution nnd to erect n new government, completo In nil Its parts, nnd to take measures to main tain it us effectually as men do theirs. Wo mean treason I wo mean secession, nnd on n thousand times grander scnlo than was that of tho south. Wo aro plotting revolution 1 wo will overthrow t his bogus republic, anil plant a govern ment or righteousness In its stead.'' Accordino to tho Inw or England, ns Interpreted by tho Court or Chancery In n recent case, a dead father has moro Jurisdiction over i child's education than n living mother. A widowed mother has no rights Hint tho relatives or a deceased husband nro bound to ro sped. " Her duty Is to bring up her child nccordlng to tho faith which tlio father professed when ho was nllvo, oven though sho Utterly disapproves of It," says tho Court. An Iiullan Talk. A Washington correspondent thu3 de scribes nu Indian talk: Flvo of tho chiers were present, and tho greater part or tlio "talk" was dono bv "Littlo Raven." po.ico chief of tho Arapahoes, nnd "Buffalo Qood," chief or tno waeiiims. commissioner 1'nriter nnd Secretary Dolnno each spoko to thn Indians in a firm but kind manner, giving them good ndvico, and promis ing Just rewards for good behavior, and especially endeavored to impress upon them tho importance or making great cllorts to iiccomo civiuzeii nnu peacca bio; to glvo up hunting and goto farm linr. becauso tho courso or march of clV' llizAtlou could not bo cheeked ; it would eventually spread over the entire coun try, nud railroads would bo built lu all directions. Littlo Raven said It mado his heart glad to como to havo n talk hero, and ho would go back to his peoplo and counsel good behavior, but ho strongly urged that soldiers should bo kept away from their country, and that bad whlto men should niso no Kept away irom them. Ho said they wero tho main causes or difficulties, nnd lr they wero kept away from tho Indians, ho und tlio other chiefs would havo less troublo with tho young mon of their tribes and could better manages them. Buffalo Good said ho did not know where no was. no was neither nu in dhiii nor u whllo man. Ho was between tho two. His trlbo has always been peaceablo and friendly, but they nro very poor. Tiio lands which wero onco clven to his trlbo havo been taken from them and given to Indians of other trlbes.niid now tho Waehllnshavo none. no said, l nnvo on now agooucoat and pants and hat, but I havo no croon- backs in my pocket. Tills is what I want. 1 want to know what Inm to ex pect. I havo hoard it said that tho com missioners hnd mndo many irood prom iscs, but 1 did not bcliovo thoso stories, for I never had received much benefit from Washington. But. .now that I hear tho commissioner say theso things, 1 beliovo thorn, ana leel nappy." Aim ho said ho would go back to his pooplo and tell llicni that "Washington" meant to do well bv them. This "talk" was mi Informal one, nnd lasted nbout nn hour nnd a hair, nnd ns tho chiefs all expressed their wish to got through as soon as posslblo so thoy migiii go nomo nnu tiiicnu to incir crops, etc., It was suggested Hint tney go immediately to seo tncir "great lather." They concluded not to do this, as they wanted to "fix up" for tho occasion, and would rather go to-morrow. Littlo Haven is an oiu man, sixty- seven years of age, nnu say3 ho is get- line feeblo nnd cannot rido ponies uny moro, but tho other chiefs nro younger men. Buffalo Qood Is a perfect athlete. Ho Is about five feet eight or nlno inches in height; weighs auouttono Hundred and tlilrty-llvo pounds: 'lias remarkably small hands nnd foet, lino broad shoul ders; clean, muscular limbs; n keen, black eyo : Intelligent fuco; and Is, with iyi, a handsome man. CANDIDATES. ITIiq chiiiiro for iimiiilinelni' cimllil.lteH !! flvo dollar r.u.. All vlu ntouunuuueoj In IhUllht met ::t, to nblilu nv llio utcisiouot ino iicino- erjlllc Cuuveutlon, rou unritiSENTATivi:, OIIAUIaES 11. imOCKWAY, lll.OOU TOWNbllir. E. J. MolIENUY, XlSIIINOCT.ltEi; TOWNSHIP, COUNTY COMMISSION!:.!, STEPHEN I'OIIE, OK.NTUE TOWNSHU'. JACOB S. EVANS, anuBNWoon townsiiit. WILLIAM SIIAFI'EH, CKKTllK TOWNSHIP, ASSOCIATU JUDOll JAMES LAKE, BC'OTT TOWNSHIP, DAVID DEMOTT, IIUCK.NMOOII '10WNM1IP. I HAM DEUIl, JACKSON TOWNSHIP, JOHN It. YOHE, MIIFLIN TOWNSHIP. TilUAKUUKIl, JOHN LEQGOTT, anuiiNwooii TOWNsmr. WILLIAM LAMON, IIUIAUCKEEIC TOWNSHIP, IIIItAM F. EVEKITT, IIHNTON TOWNSHIP. 11WTKICT ATTOlt.NUY, JAMES UltYSON, CENTUAMA. MARRIAGES. linsTON-IiAUllACJII-Oll llio llth lnt..ItGV.JJ Hnur, Mr, Kurt lloHtin.ti.MlMH.illlu Ijuib-ich both of lluuton, Columbia eouuty, l'n. uivnj7pinii'n ftu l.n 11,1. I..-, l... al.n Il'ov.'rf, Kpoar, Mr, O, I,. Kmils. lo il Mury .uiuiur.uoiu oi aii,i-ieii4iiuit loiuinmu county, DEATHS. llOGAltT-In Clreenwnoil on llio ami tint., Ihuno K llonurt, ago,! II year,!) mouth, uua la Uuys, MARKET REPORTS. UlooinibiirK Mrkt Wbent per bushel ... 11.63 Uyo " 1 ci Corn " - M) OatM. " U Klour per barrel...... H R w Cloverkeed - U) Flaxfceed.,M I M Hu tier - in Kkci.....h.....m. HH H . U Tallow 10 Potatoeit . h - 1 W Pried Apples ............. H.. h) Hams 17 Hides nud Bliouldem .,.,.. Ii Ijird per pound,, ..,.., MMH,..., HM 10 lUy per toil . , 10 w Now Advertisements. - "M" OTIC E In hereby nlrrn lo nil Intcrrttnl Hint llio Uom mHtlonrrrt iKimeil 111 tlio nrt or A"clubly, up iirovcU Mny l. 1171, cnllllcil nn net In Ineorpor nlo llio North nnil Went Ilrnneli Hull Itoiiil Coin- inny will meei ni xno numa uoiuo in ueuin' Drawn In llio hornnah nt lllootmbnrH, CnliiniPliv coutny, on Wcilneiclny, tho lltn ilny or Jiinn 11PXI, III HI n riOTK, A. M ., iiihi umi. mu mwi.i, ... 1 11..M i ,., liv llmm In rneelvn KuliierlpllotiH to tho I'millnl Hl( k nf mlil enm- tllliy, II mi null. RIIH I ,,iiimii',!niiri n n in i ,,.. ....... m fcuHHlrm nt thn nlmvn lintneil nlnre tlnrlnc llio 1 it It. IMIiniiil hlnrjiino noxt. nnil Ihnt on thn IDMUWlllK iuonuuy nun 1 iiesuiiy. u mm mm 'Ailti.Mlil booln will booponeil for mv -urp(Ho fiMliiwInn Jlomlay nmt Tuesday, Jiinn lutli nnd ami nil 111 U11UK IllU'y IIUIIW 111 i ll mm he terno county, ntul on Wnliiomlay niul Tliiirs tiny, Jnno2l tuidiw, lUzemo laMbonkn will lie ripened for mM imrpoo at th6 City Jlotcl In tlio City of nhaiosnbficrlhM Rt tlio tlmo of BiiWriptlon in WliJiamnpori. una iionnr iu no im im win ficconlinioo Willi AcmiAswnuiy in mcorporuv- liiKRild Company. jtyornrr oi i no i;ommiHi ion cm. Jl. H. IlRKTLY, President. Alien 1 1 Alt PiiiAii, eecrcinry H OltSH l'OB SALE. A lino vonne W.ACK HOItlB In onered.for snlo. Will work ilouulo or tlnglo. Inquire nl llloomttbiiri!, ru. w . l. Iuui,n, mny 20'71-tf N1 OTICE. 'K,lltn Uriprnliv I'lvfn Itiftf nn tlift Hlh dnV of MnvlHtl.I iiiirfhimfd flU 1 f o 11 ir r il V enlt t W O t(iT old of Hiunuel Bchweppcnhlnr. of Mill In tnwnj Hlilp, Columbia county, lu wlilcli I hnvo loaned during my plerwurp. Alt permi nro notified mm Mini roii uatr ueium;s iu "i"t nmy ii ir JAJir,fi itwj 11 ABE CHANCE. I'on HA tE A seeonu-imna "Arlon" iilnno.rorlo, Iriro f J73, cost VM. Till" miperho Inurnment Will, (lUllUtll III II II IHIL I l"ll "l I.' inmi.u ,-. In New Yorlt, nml hnil been bill n few voekn 111 lino. It Ii In jTecl oriler nnil in rtriyrMiieri equal to a new plnno. Terms possillvcly cash In nilvuuco. Address for ono week, lnny:0'71-tf Muueh Chunk, 1'n. EW 0001)3 at TltK Old) STAND. JIcKKI.VV, MS Ala CO., nro now opening nt their ol 1 stnnd pornor of H MS AND UAKKKT HTItKHTS, lll.OinHlll'IUI, n full lino of new go d cinsWIuj of liltY OOODH, OUOUEllIIM, HAUlWAlti:, ClUUnXSWAUB, nnil nil ol)ior articles leijulrod to meet tho wnnts of tho public. may uni it. A DMINISTltATOIt'S NOTICK. T fillnro' mtiiill.lulriillr.t1 nil I lltl Ptttlltfi nf Anna Vunhorn,lutoof CntiiwIsHa twp.,ColumbH count v deo'd.. Imvobeen Granted by tho Ueulster of riiM county, to John It. Vunnorn of CAlawUHii lowhsmp. Uoiumuin county, x-a, nu permm having clnlnm or demand ai?alnKt the decodent nro requested to mako thorn known, and thoio Indebted to inako payment. JOlINll.VANHOUX, may rc7I Gw Administrator. 4 DMlNISTJiATOIt'S NOTICK. t.lTATE OP DAVID It. AI.rtl.llTflON. IM3 I. itrr itt Ad mlninlratlim nn tho cut ft to Of Tivl.t tl AlhnrlHmi Inlnnf KUhllitLTrrf K InWIlfdlll'. Columbia county decenNCdJiavobeen granted by tholUcNtcr ofpnld county to lllrnni It. Kline. All persons having claims iicalnit llio eilntoof tlio decedent aro icniieHted to present them fornct tlemcnt.nnd thoso Imlebtedto the estate to mako payment to tho uudtrf luned, ndmlnllrator, Without drlnv. 1IIKAM II. KMN11, may "(17 1 ot Administrator, U1JLI0 9ALK or It V. A I. V A It U A 11 1. K i:htati. lly order of tho orphans Court of Columbia county, theru will ho exposed to public vendue, on tlio premises, on SATURDAY, JUNE 17th, 1S71, tho following descVlbcd real estate, viz: A cer tain tract orland lying In Locunt township, In Colunibiii county, aim adjoining land of Han nud Hampton, land or John Hnyder, laud of Leonard Adams, and others, containing r i r t y AO ii r, s moro or lem. whereon nro erected a log houso nndaMnall HANK 1IAUN'. Them nro on tho premises npplo nud cherry trees, and n sprint; of excellent water. And to be Mild n tho K statu of Sniimcl U. l'Jlklngtou, deceased. UENJASIIN WAONMUt, Administrator. TT.UMS OV BALI?, Ten peT cunt, of tho one r.mi 1 1 nf t lut nnri'huHn iiinnt'V In ho nald on htrlU Juki. own of tho niopertv one-fourth, less tho ten percent, onllio eonllrmntlon ; und tho ro inutiniiii tbu'O-fourths in ono year theronfler with mieresi irom inn coniiriiiiumn, nut, WKLLiNuroN ii.i;nt, Ilr.ooMnuun,May 10, 1S7I, Clerk, T)UY GOODS QUOTATIONS. coiu;i:ctj:i m:nKi.rjir M. P. LUTZ. 1IIIOWN JIU8L1NS. .10 Inch Applcton "A," per yard liy llio Loll " " Augusta "A," nor yard " liy tlio bull inn ' Apnumii "1-V her vaul , Ilxclcr "A," ror yard 11) luu llllll,. " liy uio holt AuciiRtJi "A," perynnl lVlipcloll "IS," por ynnl ' l y tho bult.. l'enuot "W," per ynnl Monaduock per ynnl. 41 1U-I ' BLEACH MUSLINS. Inch GoM cola, per yard 21 oy mu nun.. 21W Vnmsutta, per ynrd ' bv tho bolt 21 I'm It of tho Loom i tor i omiernrd is oy tno Duiu 17 Lonsdale, ror ynrd.... bv the IhU 17 ItJ 15 11 Chapman, pur yni'd by tho bolt llochdnle, per yard Ued llauk, per yard Urttn Mn '1. Co. (.),' ier yurd.... llnmlllon "A," pcrynid , Uockville. per yard - Hoot MX," per ynrd in 1M l"j f ruit oi uitj amount, per j uiu , lonadnock, per yad 3S l'equot, per ynnl & 10-1 1 1U-1 Chf clr ul rt 1 ngs form 1C, 3 . 22 (3 26 hi l ripe Hhlrtmus horn is 23 TICKINGS. Inch Mlnnthiha 31 " ronntoL.a 2, 3J ' WlroTM 'Jl HI " OlnoBn"!','' 1M V " latlllllll Valley "11," 12 ntlNTS. Shining nnd Mournlne 12 Cochoo, Mcrrlinnck nnd Hpruuo m Vi Aincrlciin, Hlchuioud and Munchentor l.'l IMulEH and l'urpleH 1'! (lurucrK, AnioiitiLiit; and Arnold lo Columbian 8 Wellington Ut aiNOIIAMS. Lnurnster llalrd'. bi-otcli... Host " Nobparlel IS r, ir, Delalnot 12JJ. 11. lS,a)Cri IlMllH 2',i, 15, l,2lt!- rink, llluoiiuil Dull French Laui 40 Huiri'hlueKO (luiHH cloth ""i llutf l.lm-tm tor knits SJ(35 MurlWn.h I'opllns H l'hlladelplila llotillnH, ull eolotN 'M lie, ll.lon llluult Alpacaall'i. 13,00,00,75,110 ll.WI i uiureii niiK rtiripu ureuuuiuei, Alexander Kid QloviH H. M two hullons.. H1IAWI.S. HI . 1.75 Augusta llo.ullQd Hullana (Htrlned nnd plain centre,) HlHlorl " " " " Hero ..5.1.011 ... 3.25 ...3 75 ... 3.73 3.70 ... 1U) rlnted llnllutlon I'nuiey IMIaley (red and hlaek cenlri'H.) $UI In llu.ol lilaeUlvace H.iJ to t --5 8KI nra. lVlntod l ercalo .75, I.S3 0 Jl M Huuiiner Tell 'J. lit lloue, French wove l'urt,cUi , 7J FAI'Utt CO LI, A It8. lllrUena (cloth lined,) 10 Ituhy AHlor l'Al'KK CUKFH. Nnpler (rovcrsablo) Cliiomu ' Sl'OOI, COTTON. Alexander Klngn.whlloaud culored.SOOyila. ., ., .. " perdue J, & 1'. CoaU " w yon. ,t t, .. ., jier doi. Clark's o, N, T. Machine 6 riNrt. Ailnmantlno per paper Ncedln puluU " " Heart Needle. WIIITC 000D3. Iilpleec1 riauen MUliop Iiwu Vlrloila " ... rialn Cumlirloa Hlrlpe mid 1'lald Culubrlca, 43 lueh fcoll 11 ii lsli l'luln NalnRook . lSlo.'JJ , 1 J lu .VI , lt to 50 , 14 to&o . .'5 to fin II 13 . 31 lo (1 15 , 13 to 55 l'lntd nnil htrlpe Naiubiiuk m Inch India Long Cloth , iuuu a. ijamiisse Turletous. white nud colored, HI lrun Linen nom 2,saiu,w,ut,7J,fi.wi;i.2. I.udli'rt Linen UdU's, 6, 1U, 15, 1, 25, HO, &j, H), SJ Hunts hem'd. 20, 25, 35, 4j, 5u, und t1 Llueu Hblrt fronts 25. 35. 4a 45. a), 63,00. U5aud 75 Cotton Wove 20 Whlto Trlmmlugs 5to20 Towels H) to ft) Napkins, perdoz 11.25 to 15.00 Tuble Linens.,...- - to 1.00 lied Hpreads 11.75 lo 3.75 NottliJiiham Laco CurUlus JU,25,ao,B5, 40,45, 60, ts5 uud UJ cts. ner yurd. In addition to tua above, LUT. lias a full Hub of lllack HUtts, colored French Poplins, Hummer Uress UooiU und HuIUubs, Hosiery nnd Gloves, Una und Llueu collurs nud cutf. Umberellas, 1'arasoU, t'uus. Hoop Hklrls,4o.rwhtch would b dlillcult lo uWo tbo price of, as the assortment lo extensive. M. P. LUTZ, Hloomsburg, Pu. InUrower's llUKk.ucxl tu tho Court House, uir 2P71-tf A LI KINDS OP JOB PUINTlNa t neatly executed nl Tui Oolukbiah Uteam Priutiut omce. lojv.sir,MPTio:v, ITS CUItli AND ITS 1'Iir.VHNTlVli, BY J. H. BCHENCK , M. D. Many n lmmnu being lms pnitsed n uny, fur tthoto death thero wns noothor reason than tho ncttleet of known nnd lndlsputnhly proven oi curi', i nno ncnr mm near 10 Ui hilly ends nro slcrnlmr thn ilrcnnilcNfl n.iTii,..r Into which, had Ihcr calmly tutopted lilt, JOHttlMf H.HrilKNOK'ifhlMl'I.i: TUlIATaMKNT, nnd nvnlted lheraclveti nf his wonderful Utlcn clous modlcluei, they would not havo fallen, Dr, Hcbcnclt hns lu his own enso preserved that wherever nuinclent vllntlly romnlns, that vltnll t.v, by ins iimiicines mm nis tnrcciioun lor their uso, Is iiulckeiiod Into henltnrnl vigor, in tins Riniemeniinern is noming presumptu ous. To tho faith of tho invalid Is lundo no re nresontnllon Hint Is not n thousand times huh Klantlnted by living nnd vlslbto works. Uio theory of tho euro by Itr, Hchcnck'n medicines H ns slmpto as It Is unfailing. Its plilloiophy re quires nn urguincm, it is Heii-asaurmg, rcii convicting. Tho Hen wood Ton In nnd Mundrnkn IMMs nro tho first two wenpons with which tlio citadel ot tlio malady is nssnllcd. Two thirds nf tho cn&ci of consumption originated lu dyspepsia nnd n uiuwiy iimuruLTi-u iivtr, vmi mm com . tho bronchial tubes "svmnathlzo" with tho kiomach. They respond to tho morbific notion of tho liver. Hero then comes ibo eiilml natltiff result, nnd tho KCttlua In. with all Hi dtitreislng symptoms, of CONSUMPTION, Thn Mandrntcn fills nro cnmiH)M nf nnn nf Nature's noblest Rifta tlio rodoplitllum IVIta turn. They possess nil tho bloixl searching, nltcrallvo properties of calomel, bulunllko c.tlo. me i, u icy "LIIAVE NO BTINO 11E1IINIV Tlio worlc of euro is now bculiinlnc, 'Jim VllUtod nnd mucous deposits In tho bowels und In llio nllmentary ennnf nro rjeeted. TIiuIIwt, llko ncloclc, Is wound up. It arouses from Us torpidity. Tho stomach acts rcspousivelv, and thopallcut begl us to Uv that hols getting nl last, a BurriA or aooi) iilood. Tho Htnwccd Tonic, In conjunction with tlio Pills, permeates nnd assimilates with tho foil, Cbylltlcntlon Is now progressing without lit previous tortures. Digestion becomes pnlnteM, und tho euro Is necn to bo nt hand, Thero it tut moro llatnlcnco, no cxacei ballon of tho Btomaeh , Anappctltosetslu. Now comes tho greatest lllood I'urlller ovr yet given by nn Indulgent father to ruiIIViIug ninn, Hchenclc's Pulmonic Hyrup comes in to perform its (mictions nnd to hasten nnd coin, plttothocuro. ltcnlcrsntouco upon Its work. S'ainro cannot bo cheat ed, Jt collects nnd rlpi ns tho tmpnlred and diseased portions of the Iiiii'm, In tho form of gatherings, it prepares thorn for expectoration, and lot In n very nhott tlmo tho malady Is vanquished, tho rotten throno that ti occupied Is renovated and mado ,tww, nud tho patient, in nil tho dlgulty of regained vigor, stepi forth to enjoy tho manhood or tho womanhood that was, OIVI3N UP AS U)3T. Tho second tiling Is, tho patients mmtstnylu n warm room until thoy get well; It Is almost im. possible to prevent taking cold when tho lungs uro diseased, but 11 must bo prevouted or n euro rnnnnt. Im riTctcd. KrCHh air nnd rid in ir out. cm. pecially lu this section of tho country In tho f.itl und winter nensou, nro nil wrong. Physicians who rccommena mm courna lose incir p-uients. It their lungs nro bully diseased, nnd yet, be causo they nro In tho houso they must not sit down quiet; they must walk nbout tho room n muchuud itsfist as tho .strength will bear, to get up a good circulation of blood. Tho patents 1UUSI ii rep in gouu itpiniB-uo tieiermiuru m get well. This lrw u great ileal to do with tho uppo- tlte, nnd m uio great prim logain. Todestmlr ol euro utter such cvtdcnco of Its possibility In tho worst cases, nnd moral certain l lu nil others, Is Kluful, Dr. Hchenck's personal statement to tho Faculty of his own cuio was In Ukko inodosl words; ".Many yeamngol wasfn tho lust stnges of con sumption; confined to my bed, niul nt nuetlniu week; then, llko n drowning man catching at Illy 1I1J HICUIII1 IIIUIIUUL UlHl 1 COUlll llOLllVOIl kiraws, i ui'iiru mium ununited uio preparations which I now oiler to tho public, nnd they mmloa lerreet euro oi me. it seeniea to mo that I cnuM vnl thrill Donctrata HIV whnla KVKtnni. Tli..v soon rlpctud tho matur lu my lungs, nud'l would Hpllup moro than n pint of ollenflvo yet low matter every morning lor u long tlmo. ah soon us mat uetrau to fiuosiao mv comm. fever, pain nud night sweats nil began to leavo me, nnd my nppellto becamo so grent that It was with dlltlcully that I could keep from eating to- mil c ii. i isuuu guiticu my Hiiuugui. unu uuo grown in tiosti eer Mnco.'' 'I wns weighed shortly nflor my recovery." ndded llio Doctor, "then looltlngllkonmcrotdtcl- etou ; my weigni wns oniy ninciy-Kovon poutuin; my present weight Is two hundred nud luciiiy Hu (2i) iounds, nnd for yeura 1 havo enjoyed uninterrupted health." Dr. Kchenck has discontinued his profcssIonM visits to Jicw Yorlc and llihton, lfu or his son, Dr. J, H. Kchenck. Jr., still continues to neo pa tients nt their oihce.No. n North Hlxth mrret. Philadelphia, every Katurday from 0 a, sr., to ;t r. sr. Those who wish n thorough examination with tho UcHpltonieter will bo charged ?.. Tho ltesplrometcr ileclares the cxnctcondlllon of tbo luugs.nud patients can readily learu whether they nro curablo or not, llio directions for taking tho medicines nro mlaptcd to tho lnlelltgenco ccn of u child, l-'nl-low thesodltectlons, und kind Nat uro will dolho reRt, excepting that In koiuo cnsci tbo Mnndrnko Pills uio to bo tnken lu Increased doses; tin1 three medicines need no other accompaniment than th nmplo Instructions that nccompanv them: rirslcrentoapnetlle. Of returning health hunger is tho most welcomo vymptotu. When It comes, ns It will como, let tho despairing nt onco bo ol good cheer. (Jood blood nl onco follows, tho cough loosens, tho night hwenl lsnbattnl. In a hborttlmo bolh of thcbo morbid Nymptom.suio gono forever. Dr. Hehenck'H medtclnosnro constantly kept In tens of thousands of f.imllles. Ah n laxatlu or purgative, tbo Mnndrako Pills nro n htnudaid lueparntlon; whllo tho Pulmonic Hyrup, as a i urerot coughs and colda. may bo regarded us a prophylncterie against consumption in any of Us iorniH. Prlco of tho Pulinonlo Hyrup nnd Henwrtd Tonic, 91. iV) a bottle, or$70a half dozen. Man drake Pills, V5 cenU ii box. Por bale by nil drur Ulstsuuil dealers. Johnson, Kollauay A Cowdcn, G02 Arch sttu t , Philadelphia, wholeunlo aguilx. may 1171 1 rpiIIllTY THOUSAND DOLIjAUS X X'All. Tho TltAVKLKIW LllK AM) AlTl- iient Insukance COMPANY, of llardford, Con ncctlcut, paid W.QM on Porbush niul Wm C, Curry, victims of tho Now Hamburgh railroad accident 85,000 on the Into Jas. 11. ltl.iWo, mawir of Worcester, Mass.; nnd t!i,WG Lewis, Jr,,ol Bt. Albans, Yt. All theso accidents occurred, nnd tho Insuranco wns paid, within thrco months each clalmbelng paldnbout hlxly day a beforo U was duo by tlw terms of the i ollcy Tho ThAVEI.ehs hns paid KKVn.V HUNIJlirH DOLLAlta A DAY In bcuelltH to its policy holders, for death or Injury by nccldent, Tor every working day during tho past seven year-, Tho TlUVKLEItS LlFK ANU ACCIDENT INSL- kanck Company, of llardford, Conn., urnnts ull tho usual forms of LIFI3 nnd IlNUOWMlINV Policies, on exceedingly fnvorablo terms. Am-i-r.E Security nnd Iow Hates. HOLLIIJAYSIIUHU, PA. Dr, Crook's' A remedy which has been tested for 10 vcura. niul nrovoil in tliniin. 1VIXK ISO J. nuds of casCH capable of curing all llliinnciiu nf 1 Tlirn i I tit.,1 I i,.,u . perform luu many remarliubN' cm i , merits ii trial Irom all who uro suf forltiK irom slnfllar nfU'ctloiiK nud vainly set k hie relief. Will you It t nri'lnrtira nreveui vou Jrom belmr cured iiImi. L'ouL'tis ami Colds. Tho Drni'i'lstH miv It rnu-n them all. Asthma The rellel uudcuiesof Hani marvelous, llrouchltls. Keiy sutlertr will Hud relief nnd ouru. Throat Ailments lequlro only u few doscH. Luun DlsenKcs. Has cured enses pronounced Incuraulo. Debility. It icnoMiles and lnvlKor ntcs tho system. Liver Complaint. Most tiU-e-llvo regulator of this organ. Dyspepsia, Its healthy action on llio stomach cures It, Appo tlzer, It Is henltn-glvlut; and yppeilte-ioHiorln Urinary Organs, Action ou them li marked and prompt. Dlt. CHOOK'H W1N1VOFTA11 Is rich In tho medlelal qualities of Tur, combined vlth i-ela-blo lugredientsot undoubted vahio.'whlclt iiiuku It unsurpassed, not only for tho complaints enumerated, but It inpldly restores exhausted strength, cleanses tho stomach, i duxes the Liver nud puts them to work, causes tholood to digest, and makes puru blood, uud brgcu a vHuelty up pri'dated by bolh sound nud sick. If you uto n til let ed lu uny way, wo know If you try f ho life Ktvlug tonlo properties ot Dr. Crook's Wlno of Tar, you will add your testimony to its great vnluo In correcting any "Ills thai ilesh Is heir to." Prepared only by OLIVLH CHOOIC & CO. Hold by lrugi:iKts everywhere, JlALt, A. PuurKit, Junction City, Kaunas, Wholoialo Asents. 1'or Bciolulu, Hcrolulous Tumois, Rciofulous Dlseu&cs of the Lyis, or Hcrofula In any form, HhcuiuatUm, DIsluscs of tho Liver. Dl eases of tho Hkln, Hcald Ifcnd, Ulcers, und old Bores, or uuy disease depondlua ou a depraved condition of tho blood, turn Dr, Crook'a Compouud Hyrup ol poko Hoot. It Is combined with tho bet tonlo preparations of Iron known, and Is the best Alterative nud lllood Par tner made, cleanse your lllood, '1 ry ouo buttle. Hold by druuulsts. Pie psiedonly by OLIYKH CUOUlv A CO., Daytou.O. HIIHAP AD"VKHriHINO.-Vo "will insert nil advertisement lu eiuiit iiUNhltuu American NUWHI'Al'El.Sfor8IXI)OI.LAUi l'UU MNKper WCelC. Ono lluoone week will cost Hlx Dollars, Two Hues will cost Twelve Dollars, and Ten Hues will cost Hlxty Dollars. Kend lor uPrlnted List, Address (JL.O. P. HOWKIJi it CO., Advertising Aueuls, No. 4 1 Park How, New Yorlc. The Yico of our ago is Fraud ! Nevertheless, there aro flvo honest Patent AceuU, even nt Uio Cuplul, of whom Is tbo undersigned. Patents for 17 years obUilned ut reasonable ratex. Anonts wuuled. Hend lui i circulars. Ql'.O, I-!. llltOV'N,CounseiIorutLaw, 817 U HtreeUeor.tJth, Washington, D. C. ""FlUGRANT , "SAi'pLlJSNE Clean. Kid Uluveit und nil kind, ol Cmltm and Clollilntct remove 1'alut, Oree.o, Tur, ilc, liutunily, without the lcut Injury lo tun fliul fabric, bold by llruuKUIa und Kunfy Uoodn Dealer.. FKAURANT HAI'OMUNi: ro.,SJ llur clay HI.. New York, 10 Iji Halle HU. CUIi'iiK". Agents ! Head This ! Wi: WIl.ta PAY AC1K.NTH A HAI.AllV Ul' fJU I'lSll U'KUUaiul Ullielum, or allow a large commtR.lon to .ell nnr now and wonderful Invention.. Addre.aM.WAUNKlt, A CO., tl.r.liall.Mlch. $325 A MONTH Home und Carriage furnlnh. cd. llipemeapald. ll.Huaw, Allreil.Me, $10 AildreM A. K UllAIIAM, HprlllBllelit, V I, A MILLION DOLLAllS. Bhrewed hut quiet men can make a fortune by reveallnir theaccretof the binmlnaH. to uo ono Addrew . O. li WllLDON. , , l,yiu jiroiuiway, new ii m, 1 W. VAN.NAMK ill, M, 1)., .uccc.nfuliy ireitu Cliroiiio anil Aculo l)Keiios JaBll cla..ea of Cll ei end ttaiun for clnular coutalulnir iwrtlruluia uud ItBllnionlali. AUdrtas llox 0I.U, ow oxk. 4 wi fir