THE COLUMBIAN AND ' DEMO CHAT, BLOOMSBUllG, , COLXJMBIA COUNTY, PA. AItRICULTURAL & domestic. Mum Trees In l'cncliOrcliitrilj. 'J'lio lurcullo In 1ccotiiln ulinobt imlo. Blrticll vo to iicaclie- ns to jiliim. 1 1 Wnl. most Imtiosillilo to tlnd it nltili poach uninjured by llite Infect, soma yours. Tliopasl ftcnsoti, on account of tlio Intos Rant heavy rains, tlicy did not Injuro tlio crop na inucli ns usual. Sj much rain thinned out numhers. Jlanyof our most intelligent peach growers nro rotilly nlnrmcd nt tho prospects of raising mar kctahlopeachcs,nndaro dovlslng means to provent their destructive ravages. Dr. Hull, of Alton, recommends planting n few rows of plum trees In tho peach or chard. Tlio curcullo tiro attracted to tho plum trees. They seek tho plum in pre ference to any other fruit, and will leavo tho poach for tho plum tree. Now, with sheets sproad under tho tree, or with Dr. Hull's inverted urabrellaon wheels roll ed under oachplum trco and tho trco Jarred, tho llttlo "Turk" comes tumb ling down, and Is caught nnd destroyed. If tho plum trees nro closely watched uiidj.urcd two or thrco times weekly and thu curcullo destroyed, tho crop of peaches will bo comparatively safe. Uy having tho plum trees in thu orchard, it saves going over tho wholo peach or chard nndjarrlng tho trees. If tho plum tries nro not there to draw tho curcullo, till Jarring tho peach trees in many localities is indispensable. Tho largest, finest, HomulcHt fruit brings thu bast price, nnd fruit growers will learn sooner or later that It will pay, not only to de stroy tho curcullo, topreventitfroradc slroylng their peaches, but that It will also pay to thin out fruit, to get tho lar. gesl and finest specimens, so as toobtalu tho highest prlco. A trco will produco a certain number ofbushcls or pounds of fruit. Now, what it hicks In number it will niako up In sizo and quality. If allowed to bear too many, they will be f-mall and of Inferior quality and will command a low price. If juattho right number nro left by thinning out, they will bo large, showy, high colored nnd delicious, commanding doublo tho price of inferior ones. Miuccllausouu. hit. HCIIKNdK IJ HIIMITIVIIH ADVIHKS CON. 10 nu 10 riAMUI'A IN WISTI'll. Having lor tholat thirty-five year derotwt m.wl..L llnni..l In llif. llir III lung illKcnNi'flnml cntmiliipllou. 1 feel Hint I un derstand fully tlio enlirso Hint oug htto pur.HMl to rcsioro a tolerably bailcoinof dlen.ied Hint tiihcatthy Mmnilno. 'lho Hint nud nirslt llll imrtnnt men I ror lho patient In nvolil laktni cold, nnd tho liet of nil plaei nil this enntlnetll III the Hlale, micro tin) lcniieraturo U regular, nml not subject In snrh'uiion n In mnro Northern latitudes. lItra I n Mint t itn ro mmmriHt. A Rood hotel I Kept (here liy IVIer man. I.t whiter I wverM erson there whoso lung had been badly diseased, Mil who, under lh hcnllng initneiico or lho cllmato mi l my medicine, we ro getting w 11, One hundred mile rurther down thMlver 1 n point uhlchl would prefer tn l'alatka, ni tho nmnr.hirn u lnnro ovt'li nnd thoalrdrv nnl bracW. Melionvlllo nnd Unterprlsearo located ihere. I should Klve n derided preference to The Teclli of a Horse. At flvo years of ago a liorso lias forty teeth. These aro twenty-four molar, or jaw teeth, twelve incisor or front teeth, and four tusks or canine teeth, between tho molars or incisors, usually wanting in tho mare. At birth only tho two nippers or ralddjo incisors appear. At n year old tho lucisors nro all visible on tho first or milk set. Bcforo threo years tho permanent nippers liavo como through. At four years old tho perma nent dividers nest to tlio nippers aro out. At flvo tho mouth is perfect, the tccond sot of teeth having been com pleted. At six tho "hollow under tho nippers, called tho mark, has disappear ed from tho nippers, and diminished In tho dividers. At soven tho marl: ha? disappeared from tho dividers, and the iicxt teeth, or corners, aro lovel though showing no mark. At eight tho marl: has gono from tho corners, and tho horso is said to bo aged. After thi3 time in deed good authorities say3 after flvo years tho ago of a liorso can only bo conjectured. But the teeth gradually chango their form, tho incisors becom ing round, os'al, and then triangular. Dealears sometimes bishop tho teeth of old horses; that is scoop them out to imitate tho mark; but this can bo known by tho absenco of tho whito edgo of en amel which always surrounds tho real mark, by tho shapo of tho teeth, and other marks of ago about tho animal. Remedy roit A Fixon. Many per sons nro liablo to cstromo suffering from fellons on tho finger. Tho following prescription is recommended as a sure euro for tho distressing ailment : "Take common rock salt, such as is used for salting down pork or beef, dry it in an oven, then pound it fine nnd mix with spirits of turpcntlno in equal parts. l'ut it on"a rag and wrap it around tho part affected, and as it gets dry put on more, and in twenty-four hours wo aro cured ; lho felon is dead." It will do no harm to try it. Jelly. There may bo somo who do not know that elegant Jelly may bo mado from tho parings aud cores of apples, which aro usually thrown away Boil them in Just water enough tocovcr them, and when they aro soft, strain off tholiquid and makoliko any other Jelly. Tho prusslc acid in tho seeds imparts very agrocablo flavor. Countiiy Put a layer of slnlo bread crumbs in tho bottom of your pudding dish, then a layer of tart apples sliced thin. Sprinklo a llttlo sugar over tlio apples ; and another lay or of bread crumbs, nnd another of apples, until your dish is full. Crumb? hlmuld form tho top layer, pour a cus tard (made f.amo as for pies) over It. IY.kncii Toast. Beat four (ggs very light, and stir with them a pint of mill: ; bIIco como baker's bread, dip tho picccn into lho egg, then lay them In a pan of hot lard and fry brown; sprinklo n llttlo powdered sugar and cinnamon on each pieco and servo hot. If nicely pieparcd, this is nn excellent dish for breakfast or tea ; quito equal to wal'lc. Feeding Horse too Much Hay. Of nil our domestic nnlmals there, uro nono that require moro systematic euro In feeding limn tho liorso. A hoito should L'o fed regularly aud in moder alonmouut,and when worked hofdiould bo worked Judiciously. A horco fi-d in this way may bo kept at a modernto cobt, nnd will bo moro healthy nnd per forin moro labor than if fed highly, or a high aamanyaroin tho habit of feed Ing their horses. IIor6ea will cerfulnly cat hay enough them If they can get It. When hay is kept constant' ly beforo them, horses aro apt tp upend 111011 tlmo in throwing it around top'y turvy lu tlio rack; they toon btcomo dIfcHatitflcd with their food, and lose their usual keen relish for It. Tho gon crnl practice should bo to feed regularly threo times a day. Cough in JloKci. Q.-My liorto is afflicted with n cougli will youglvo mo a remedy for It througl: your paper? A. Cougli may bo ocen' stoned by toveral different diseases In tho several cases of which, tho -diseases themselves must bo removed, when slmplo cold, slippery elm or llax seed tea is useful, andllquorleomay uoauuea But nurslntt is tho creat remedy, l-'eed Hucculcnt food only if In winter, moist ened cut feed ; if In summer, Juicy grass or clover. Work very slightly or not nt nll-novcr sweat tho animal. Blanked wlicro thcro Is tho least cold or chilliness, Attend to strict comfort, and tho horso will doubtless recover. Ittjcct nil tho numerous prescriptions or kitui neign lmrs! thcro Is often cnouuli lioworful medicino recommended in such eases to 1:111 nny well horse. mmiry uenuemun MnlinmlUn. it 1m two inllnlrntii rlvpr nr lake. nml u wmim nlruot lmKmlble tn take, cold ftinrn. Thn inhlna in Klnrldii lnltiht be licltt-r. nml pat lentil coin plain nt tlnu-a but that 11 n tfmiil Mign. It Indicates ft return ornppeille, nml when Dili U tho case they vcnenilly lucrease lit lleih, ami then the lunus must heal, -.MUHI-tJI) V II IW, 1 I IUKII1IH uin'ii i hiiu ,iiiii j other pluec lu various parts of riorlda, can Uts Haieiy recoiuiueuueu 10 i-uiinuiuputt-n in wiuicr. iiy reiMoui lor saying so are inni puiiviiisuiu 1i-m Until" In Ijikii t-nlil there thnn U'IilTO theio li ft leM even temperature, ami It li not neec-s-tary to hay inai Mneio neoniuiupiivu jtersuu vnpo-ien nlmielf to frequent rohli lie. 11 eeitaln tn dlo shortly. Therefore niynlvli-e li, no wi-llilowu muj luo niaie uui ui uie reiii-u in ivnu-iu-K vi. wlml noil rm.. .Inelcmiivillp. nr amnt nnv other of the localltlei I liavo liameJ, will houe- tlt thnie who nro trouuiea wuu ft torpni uver, n disordered stomach, deranireil liovrcli, sore throat or cough, but for iliowi whose Inueiur dlsenscd ft more s-juthern pulnt licarucslly le commended. For iltteeu venri prior lo lw, I wai profenlon- stlv In N'nw Vnrlf. ltnvtnn. llnlLlmure and l'lilla- defphhi every week, w hero 1 saw mid examined on an nveratfe no uuuuien aiii:hiii re- .i practice an extensive, enibracinir every poilblo phase of luuRdUeaift.haseiiablodiuo lonnder staudthe disease fully, nnd hence, mjf Clllllcili In reitard to talcing cold. A person miy tuko vastiiilantltlesof "richenftl'a l'nlmonle Hyrup, Heaweed Ionic nml Mandrake rills," mid et. die If hodoel nol uvold taUlliff cold. In Florlda.nenrly every boily Is uslintRehenck'H Mandrake l'llls, fur the climate Is more likely to produce bllloui habits than more northern lati tudes. It is rv well established f.ict that natives ot Florida rarely die ot eonslimpttou, esiiecliilly those of the southern pari. Uu tho other hand, luNow Khglsnd, oiie-thlrd,nt least, of tho rioini latlon dleof this lerrlblo dlsaise. InthoMidlo hlfttes It does not prevail fin largely still thcro are many thousands of cases there. wt,al n vast pelcetitiigo of life would be saved If oor.s llnp lives weio ns uwlly alarmed In renard to taklnz fresh cold ns they ure about scaikt fever, small iiox,Ac. Hut lliev are not. They tako what they term u Utile cold, whlcli they uru cre-lutulu euou.h to lielleie will wi-itroirlu ft few days. Hiey imyuo utleutloii to It, mid hence It lays tho fbuudatloti lor nnothrr nnd another ktltl, until the lungs tire diseased beyond ull bupu for cure. My advice to persons whoso lungs are affected even slightly Is, tn lay Inn slock ot htlieuck'n l'ulmonla Hjrup, ifrlienclc's Heaw.-e-l 'Ionic mid bchenck's Mandrake Fills mid ko lo Florida. 1 recommend theso iiartlcular medicines beeiuso 1 nia thorouithly ttcqualuled wllhthoir action. 1 know that where they are used lu strict accord ance with my directions they will do lho work that Is renulrcd. This accomplished, uaturo will do the rest, lho physician who prescribes for cold, cough or ul&IH-KWt-nlfl, mid then advises the patient In walk or rido out ovcry day, will bo suro tubmen corpse uu Ills bauds befure long. My plan lstoglvo my llireo medicines, In nc cordauce with tho printed directions, except In some cases u hero n freer uso of the Mandrake l'llls Is necessary. My object Is to plvo tono to the stomach to net up a good appetite. It Is al ways a good sign wlicu a patient begins to grow hungry. 1 have hopes of such. With a rcllsu lor lood hnd the Rratltlcattou of that relish comes good blond, and with U more Hesh, which is closely rollowed byn he-iliug of tho luugs. Then the coughlposcns and abates, the creeping chills and clammy nUIU-swests tin Inni r prostrate aud utiuoy, and tho paLlcut gets well, provided he avutils tnt:lii-r rohl. Now there nro many consumptives who liavo not thu int-austo go tn FlnniU. 'the question maybe a-kt-l, Is there nn hope for such? Cer t.ilulylhuie is. Myudvlcoto such Is, and ever tins lieeu, t-i stny lu a warm room durtugthe wluicr, w nil a Uuipt-raluro of nbout sesenty de- giecs, M-uiL-u suoutii no itepi rtguisny iiuii iKiftiL bv means nf n tliermnmeler. Let such a patient lake his cxerelso within the limits of tlio room by wulklng up mid down ns muchns his sirengiu win pcriun, in orucr in Keep up n lientthy circulation or the blood. I liavo cured thousands by this system, nnd can do so again. Consumption Is us easily cured as any other tils ease If It is taken In time, nnd tho proper kind of treatment Is pursued. ThafttcLLluudsuudts- )uini on leeuru liiiii- r-ciieutn. l uiiiiuuiu at i uji, .Mandrake Fills, and SeaweftTTonlo have cured ery many of what seemtd to bo hopeless cases ur consumntlou. Uo whero vouwlll. jou will be almost certain to find somu poor consuniptlvo won uus oeeu rescueu iruiu luuit'j-jiiiaui ucaiu hv their use. Ho lar as, tho MnudruUonlU are concerned, everybody should Imp a supply of them on hand. They act on tho liver bolter thau calomel, and reave nono of Its hurtful oUecls behind lu fact they nru excellent In all cases whero a pur eatlvu medlcinils renulrcd. Ifvotl havo oar- taken too freoly of lrult mid dlarrhwa ensues, ft duseol the Mandrakes will euro ycu, lfyounru suojecL lo sicik ueatiaciie, uiao a uosu ui inu .'lull drakes and lliev will relieve you lu two hours. If you would ouviato tho ellcctofft chaugu of water, or tho too freo lndulgeuco In fruit, take ono of tho Mandrakes ovcry night or every oilier night, and you may then drink water and eat watermelons, pears, apples, plums, peaches or corn, w tnout the risk or bi-lue: mailo sick bv luein. iney win proicci tnoso ivuo live in iiamp siiuuitous against cuius unit levers, .i ly tin-in. They are pcriectly harmless. They can do ou ;uou uuifi have abandoned my professional visits tn llos- lon and New York, but continue to seo patients at ray oUlce.No liN.HIXl'U Street, l'hlladcl- puia, every Daiuruay, irom u A. 41. tun i-, 41. Those 7ho wish a thorough examination Willi tho Hesplrometer will bo charged llvo dollars. The Hesplrometer declares tho exact condition of tho lungs, and patients can readily learn whether llit-v nrortiiabJcoruot. llut 1 uislro 11 distinctly unilursliiuil that tho vulue of my meuiciDes tiepeuus c-uiirciy upon iiieir oeiu.; taken strictly according to directions. lu conclusion, l will sav tnatwnen nersnus Inkemv medicines aud their svsteliisarubrnunht luto a healthy condition thereby, they are nut so liable to take cold, set no ono with diseased lungs can bear a sudden chango or ntmospheio wiinout mo iiauiiuy oi greater or less irriiutiuu of the bruuchial tub.s. 1-ull directions in ull languages accompany my lueuiciues. so explicit una clear tuitt uuy onecan use them without cousuiilns me, und can bo bought from any druggM. j. 11. nuiii..ui, iU. II, N'o. 15 X Sixrn street, l'nlludelphia. novllVU-Ut. Books. UKNTS WANTBD 1 a nimi yiKt.bil " onuit t Tim nr.vf lMOTOHIAIi V tt I It I. r a .11 i i I wmt ovmt 1,(11)0 ll.l.l'STIt.VTlO.NS, r.o,o(i) n t: v i: n i: s n s, A I'AMII.Y m:t,oiu, mid rAiiitv a i. n u :i. Till! l'KTOIUAI. I'AJIIIiY llim.r. contolni n Rtorehouso of Information that can only retell Hie wind through llioeyo. Itsillustrallonsearry one bad: to the most Important em of the world, and nro of themselves ft comprelicnslvo rovlow ot lho f crlpturcs, representing the most Interest- lnRVIew,l'liaracter,Mymbol,Ilstoricni Events, f.tndscnpo Heches, Antlqulllcs,Coiluine,llensts, Ulrds, Insecls, 1'lnnts, Minerals, COiui, Medal, Inscrlnllonsncd Incidents referred to lhronli- out the Sacred Text. They attract tltocyo, correct erroneous Ira imIoh, nwnken new thought nnd furnish cloarcr views of Divine Truth. As n help to lMrcuts, Mlulstcrs, nn t Hibballi-schoi.1 Tcaehirs In fnlfllllng tho duties of their separate and high vocation (Hid to nil olhers to whom Immortal souls nro Intrusted UU splendid notorial Volume e.innot l overcislllnntoJ. It Is the lMltloti Most BulU-iblo for tlio l'limlly, Most Valuiblo lor lho Students, Most Inslructlvo for tho Tcnclu r, MoRt Approptkil for the (lilltl, Most Useful for lho Ml ulster, Most lutcicstlr-e for lho Farmer, Most i:icgnl for the, r.ulor, Most l'rolltablo far the Study, Tin-: ricToiu .vt.rAMir.Y nini.t), in miaitinn to tho feature already alluded to, contain tho Armemiha. Concordance, Fsnlms Hi Metre, n Summary of lho Bocred Truth ns tnught by the Iiisnlred Hook, toaether Willi numerous mid comnrehcuslvo Tables nnd oilier Historical nnd llxplanatory Matter, embodying lho lauols oi many of tho most eminent Ulblloni so.iomrs. it Is printed on tho finest colonderod parer, from clear an 1 open tyre, In one largo and hnndsolno quartii volume, nnd lsbouud Intho l.iojtdurnblo and attractive manner, whllo tho prices are sttl-ei-.-utly low to place It within everj bdy leach. r.Xl'EIlHINCi:!) AaUNTSarewnutedthroush outtho country for Its kale, with whom libelal arrangements will bo made. An opp-nttmlty ol equal promlto Is rarely or never presented, its sjles will not bo llmlled tn any period, but will i-oulluuo for a lifetime, eonitnutly Increasing with theRiowtliond Intolllgenco nflho country. It to therefore, desirable that those who engage with us, shall dobuwlllin view to making tho business ft i crmaueut one. iisisTi:tis.Tr,Aciti:i!3,sTt7i)teSTn,i-"An. KIW. YOUNU JIUN AND WOMKN-lhoso who would meet with tho most profitable or ull em ploymouls-aro Invited to correspond with ns with ft vIom to nn agency. Kot ft few such are now averaging from -XflOlo ;u00 nnnnnl profit Inltssalcs. 'I hero Is n great waut fur tno uooi: and ft rich Held offiirod. while it will devato the snliltual condition by constant contact with and conversations upon Us beautiful nnd eternal truths. AflUNTd ON Till'. INSTALMENT l'LANwllI be furnished the work In fluo bindings. This plan li quito popular mid profltablo Iiiclllcsnud largo towns, wo have nil edition of tho book, superbly bound, with massive panclloJ sides, which has been everywhere recelvodwitll malted favor, Hub- bcrlptlon for tho Flctorlal Illble, In Ihis stylo aud in this way, can ho obtained lo nu nlraost unlimited extent, ns thcro Is no outlay of money that lho niblo leader can malic, which will yield him so il;h ft return. Wo are also tlio rub'.lihers of I'OTTnit'H STANDAItl)i:i)!TION8ofFamlly,Vnlp!t,l'ockct nnd rhotograph lllbles and Testaments, nearly aoodlO'ercnt fctylcs so welt Unnwn everywhere for their necuracy of lext, lmauly of finish nnd durability of binding. Always nsl; for Futlcr's Standard IMIllons, nml get lho best. Catalogues contnlulug stylos mi l prices furnished on application. For C.rculsrs containing a full descilptlon ol Tub I'lCToiirAr. 1'ajii.v lliur.i:, with baaiplo sheet, and terms to Agents, address "Fuller's Ktaudard Illble nnd Testament House." John h. rorriui & co Fubllsher, CI I and C.7 Hansom Street, n. nr SF71 Sin 1'iiii.Aiir.i.nitA. pi.O0MSl)UltCi M AUliliK W0U1CS. C1UNT0N & STr.C-", (Butctssors to A. Wltman,) Ilebpcctfally Inform Ihe public that tiny nro now lully prepared to do all kinds of woil: lu their lino of business, uion rcisunable terms nndbhoitnolI:e, Hallsfactlon warranted lu all cascs. . u-in-i 'i-iy AKGAINS IJARGAIX3. QCICK KAI.E.1 ANI SMALT. I'KOl'ITI. tin in nrsiiY yost. East niootnlinitf, l"a., lor all tin W of the wu home auj city in ua V V It N I T U U K . Price ref.K')uablu und the bobt Vurlc tloue, Jan ni-u TrANTK!)-A','cnts nnd PctMlers to IT cll a Uinroiulily gooU UomcMto mtli lo, vuaiiHi in every i.tiiuiy, ,ti rumppiuiou, luslvo territory ulven. IIu-lnci very'iisnut, AuentM hao fcolil J duen. tiei I iuir dJ urotlt th i il.iv. One fculJ vi:j In it Miinll town, unotlar lixiU in i vo nw ). anoint r si in r nu u n mm lie. uiiirii J, .o unpyi-r or iijiiiuduioii. ii o: refereiu-a Blvtn, Soiul fur rlroalar to Wash ington htrt'ct, Jinstou. Mais, HO AT) MEETINO! 1 V) i nero win io apnuiio i;aut;oau ic-euus icui ni lllNTON. I'oliiiiibiii L-iumtv. oti Ibrt l'ourtli il.iv iit.Muy.iui, ah jiien'iH oi iii9 inmrjuizo uit rt'OUf-HlLtl Ui 1 111 uLtC'inlniH'f. ILK IllUilllt of llll nortancH Ut tno lnii-rfst nf itiBrond will bo tmiih- il IK iif-ppHMiirv i ii ii l 1 1 (ni Niinuiu itn 1111111 urnout of tho iopie Inn rested In thoweltnroor Twclyc Years 57?;3.Vi!il wm& Plains, The rcmaiknblo adventures of tho famous ,'IIITI: fllli:l--nnd Hill WAltUIOltlho led hkins. ThrllllUR uccoufits ol urcut Hunts, iulrbrcadlli i;scapes nun lerriuie c-ouu-sis wuu hi- hlf. L-.uner.udLi)slllotltbcJ. HlilrlUddeserlD- lions oi tho habits mid suf islltlons of that strunao people, Their sports, I.i.(ikmis,Tiuiii tio.s. llowthey Woooud Vfcli,hfALl',l)oe-lon, woksii il', Ac, New, l-risli anil l-upuiar. l inen Low. It Is senium by llio inousaiius sriui un lerlul ruuldllv. Acenis nro liinklni: from Sluto Elto per week. Cliolco llelil yet vucunt. Scud nt om forsaniplochaplets, llluctiutlons mid pai lleulars to A. 11. UUllllAllD, lllbllsher, jau'.T7i-tr. s w uuesiuuv mi,, ijiu.i. id inai.o tiVJ 10 i-ujper uouiu uy ouiiui t; it i: a t v o 31 rr u ?; s. :;i How They V.'i:i:i; Made, liy J. 1. McCnbo, I'iolusulv llliutraU'iluud Ueautilully boimu Tito inuht uulverbJlty Noiihtaller boulc isUfil lor years. It snows how u poor fsciiooimasiiur laadu i lj,(0(',uj';hoir a poor inilf-bllud bailor Ijo c imo a yreat Laulicr, a uuicnti i uppieuiicy inu wt.iltbiLit man in Ameilci. uu unknown me- clmulcamHllonarii lu bevt-u yti with manj' inoro buuu examples; iviv vnvrnv, iuim't vim Umt iaituntry hate utwayt wet utth snrcc ulicn up rt cj' it (; how Hiont'i can tV viaite how My ami uUUout 'crtjlcc of prim ij(c. faud lor I ii anai, et.,nud uollou my ejtim teun. UKj.lACLiwV:', nausuui tau tti, i'niiauuipuia. "jrAGAZlNES(l)AITAtfc WKEKTjY AT Tlin 1150IC ETOKK OVI'OblTCTIUi CQUKT JIOUSE, AIM) an nssorlincnt of I 'urt cm on nates 1im OIJKHAUUACCOUUl UOnltB. Hm.l llorUH not on hand obtained on bhort iintipu. jsew iioouh uro toukiuniiy neinc added to the iHinjiiihUiirn t-irt'uiUMiiir l.iuriirv Ainnno tin uni si inu (.iiuii. tiiiu jiijuiiiiiit.-, --ioineru'e8. Mr narry," " Hot Hpurof ilumiilcthwait," am "Mtrquem," etc. aprw.'Tl tr OTI (JK. NOTiri; la licrehv civen hv tlioCommtfclonrrH oi mo iiuumih. n irifit ituii isjuncy jtauroan i mil oihikh win irti njientHi tor riteiviu huuhcnp' Hon in tho ranttal itoru of tho Kit id romnanv. hi tho pubJio housoof .Ioiin lu thu boiuugh Cil M-w umimiiiw, i.iiKfiut) eunuiy, 1'ii.ion .noil' day, Jlay Jd, IKTI, to liu Kept open three day HitccewKton irom y o'clock a, in., to :i o'clock p, 1 of tueh ilay, JONAM IHirv, .. r, 4n. UU(., MI HON FKU.OWK, AMM IIAKltlriUX, JOHN KOONrt, OpriaTI. CointnlMlnuc- jq-EW OKOAN AND PIANO OUfJANa APIAN03 FOtt SALE OS IN.STALLUENTH, rinnm rrnm nit flrat .rlflsf. malcem. from 83-"i0t JlUW. Ort-nti rmm 6M1 tf r?7LO. A M.leildld Omai fioctavp, 2 net rcidit. nnd Ireniwln wltli punch d Itiack Walnut Owe, only $U3.w. hlnglo ired Hameraxa an aitnvo. stint. T havo made uirauiie nit-ilia iu iiuve Hie laicfcl inusia oil aanu 111 mvu lUt DUbltfcllfd. ' kminlled at rctllllur (IU- couut. M'aicrooiQtf. Muiu btrttt, in-ar I'orlis I frit -1 r ' I llf V'lllV THIILOSOIMIY iW MAltlUAGE. I A New (ouit4KorIjLfvrmiri n iiiivcr(ti tho renna. Polytechnic and Anatomical Mtucum 1JU5 Chputuut Ht., three door aboe Twcltth, l'hlladelplilfi, tinbrucluu the fcuhjecut llow to Live mid What to U fort Youth, Maturity nnd Old AV jnantioou uwitvndly Hcvleuedj iiinrnuauui .uuiiiniiuiij 1 itM ii.- Him iierv ouu lJUeiutH actounted fort Marrhiuo Phllo- bophlcHlly couttldficd. Thcbo luciurfM will ho forwarded ou rtct'ini 01 ;a cenu py tuidreMdnt:! rwi uirv fir inu jTimnvivunm i-(i.ytici'iin in Hnii anatomical Muheum, ln'i ChiititUUl Ht., jeai7-iy, Rail -RonclB. r.AblCA WANNA AND DLiOOMS- II1I1UI UAtMlflAll On audnlt.r .VoV.SI, ISTO.I'asscnger Train will 1111 iis iiiiiuwm Kcraulon,. UolngKorlh. Arrive Arrive 1' n.m. .... P. 15 I'ltlslon KIliKSlon ris-mouth Hhlckshlnny..., iierwicie llloom U.llivlllo Ml Mi T.M ?.1 0.1 J 2.1 l.V) 1.9 1.17 1 UM1 11-11 11.01 tiding Hautli I-avo I.csivc in. I j nv n 1.11 .lt 0.1 1 fi.'lll 0.10 Arriso CI.IU n. 111 i.V a 7.3) Wli f,81 WW Ml Arrive lD.iTJ frfsivn Tjmivo Norlh'd - S.80 10.10 Connection mado titHcrnntnn by the 10.40 a.m. train tor UrcntUcnd, Illnitnamiuu, Albany and nil points. Nor lh, lrnst nnd West. Ji.T.noUND.Bup't, NOUTllKltN OENTltAJi KAHj WAY. On nnd alter Ueceiuber It Ii 1870, Trains will U-aveMUMitiitY usfolluiTSi WOUTllWAnii. HJ.v, a., Dally lo Wllllnmsport, for Llmlra ('miiiudalicun, Hochcster, llullslo, Huspcuslon Ilrldie, and W. I'nlls. O.W i". M., lially.feiceia Kundnys) for Hlmlrn anu ituimio via l.riu iiauway u-om l-.Mlura. I.M p. it., lally,teiceptMuudaysj for Williams- port. THA1S3 HOUTIIWAlll). 11.0S A. M. Dally (except Monday's) for Ilaltliuuic WILMINGTON AND rill-I.ADIII.VIIIA, 11.34 l'.M. DaliyteiceptSMnday'sjforllalUnior- ivnaniuitiou iiuu l-uuaue-ipiiia. Kll. H. YOltXU, tlcileral l'lihsciigcr Aqeni. LPnsn 11. risuc. Ucu'l 8upt pATAWIHSA ItAlIiUOAD. lj,o. WINTI'.ll AllUANOnMI'-NT. l'asseliKQr Trains on this rn.ul u III run n rot. lows I 170, .l.l.l ,WA. I,v. s.-in,m " u.l) " 1U.51 " " lais " " Ki. I ' " 11. .W " " IJ.Sip.lil. " 1.41 " l,) " " !U " 7.U) " 1.111 2.11 " 6U " U.)o HrATiONH. WllllamiKirl. Muncj-, Mlllun. li.mvlllo. Itupert. t'atawlssa, Ulutowu. Bitnimlt, OiiflkaUe. 1 1,. Mahony June. i)lne.Tanifiua. iiiuc. 1 ItlSUlilltf. LMiisviiie. Hail .Vorth l.v, fi.i'ip. ni " " S..II " '4.12 " 4MI " " 2.5.1 " " S.2.1 " ' 2.111 " I.IJ " 12JI2 " " lu.l'J n.m S.I) i.. ii b.r) a.m. Hhllailelnhl'l. 1 illno Mauetl t'utiuk. dtno1 llethkhciu, I'hlla, la lictlilehein, ' lston, lev York, it. Liberty bt. Via l s. It. it. 1,. valley J I. 11. .l ' ?.u n.m. lioo noon v.r a. in ' ii.uj - I. llolon, (1.(10 li.O) ll.W) rasseii2irst-ikli g the F.2i train rinm Will lam sport, will have two hiiurslu New York, lor sup per, nnd arrlvolii Uoston nt 5.1:0 u,m clever hour- lu advniu-o of ull other routes. New dav co.ii-hifl nccolnnnuv all trains be tween Wllllaiiisport, New York nnd Phltadel- piiiti, 'iiulus run through by daylight. llliU.'Upt. T uadInci "uaiLuoad. L SL'.M.MlHt AnitANOEMIINT. JIOXPAV, ilny 15, IS71. Oreal Trunk Lino Iiom the North and North Wi'Sllorl'lllludclnhl i.New Yollt.ltendln!!. I'olts vlllo, Tniiiaqun, Asblnlid, Shamoklll Lcbanou Aliening u, rasiou, i.puiaiu, L.IUZ, l.aucustcr Columbia. Ac.. Trains tens o llarrlsburg for New York, ns ioi lowsi At 2.04. s.lli. a. in., aud 2.00 p. m.. eoll- netttui with similar trains on l'ennsylv.i ula Kullroad, ntid arriving at New York at lD.ol. a. lu.. 3,'iU. and li.'W p. tn, rcspecttveli. Mleeplui; caia r.eeompauy the 2,1) n, m. trulus without change. lleturnliiu: Leavo New Yolk at fl.OO n.m, nnd 12.JJ ii'on mid O.uo p. in. Philadelphia at 7.0.1, h.ou a. m, and i.-0 p. hi. bleepliik ears uccompau) the e.iH) p.m., Italus Irom N i without change. Leavo Jlarilsburglur lteadlny, I'oltsvltie. ih maiUn, 3Ilucrsllio, Ashlaml, hhnmoklti Al leuuiwu and l'hlla'd. ut H.lon. m., and 2,0) and 4,)o p.m.,stopiiltiK nt Lebanon nud principal way stations: tho 4.u.j i'.m. train conueetlna lor l'hll'u l'ottsvllle nnd Columbia only. I-'or i'ollsvllle chuylktll Haven nud Auburn, via Hchuylkill and i3UsiUcluiiiu.t ltallroud, lea o liarnsburtt ul J,l) p.m. Ju-tl'elinsylvnnla Railroad train leave Head ing lor AUeutuwn lastou and ,iav Yorkut 1.32, lu.), n. in., and 4.0j p. in. Itctuinlmr, leave New Yolk ut ll.o) ii. in., 12.30 noon and fl.uj p. ro, and Allentovu ut 7.20 a. lu. 12.J3 noon, 2.15, 4.15 S1I-' p. m. Way I'ussuuger Train leave I'lillndelphln at 7,s)a.m., coiuieetlns with similar tiuln on Hist la. inllioud leturnuig irom Heading nt 6,20 p. m. slojiplut; nt all statluus. Leave l'otlsvlllo at 0.00 n.m., and 2,30 p.m. llerudim atlo.oja. m., Sliamokln ut 5,IOaud J 1,15 u. m., Ashland at 7,05 a.m. nud 12,11 mum .Uuh nnoy City ul 7.13 a. in. aud 1.2) p. in. Tuiuaqna ul s,.i n. in., and 2.10 p.m. lor l'hliadelpliiii, Now Yoik, lie ulliig, lluulsburir.Ac, l.cuvu l'otuvlllo via cuuylkfll nud Husquo baniit Uiaiiiindats.15 n.iu. tor llarrlsburif, aud 11,1 1 noon, lor 1'lueUiovuuudTrcmout, Heading Accommodation Train leaves Polts vllle at 5.10 a. to., passes ltcadluc, at 7,-KI a. in., ar riving nl l'lith-de-lphiant 10.20 a. in. lletnrulu leaves l'hlladelphia ut fi,13 p. in., passing Head mts nt 7,5-jp.iii.,airlvlnt;at Tolls villu iiiu.lop.iu. Totlslowii Ac-eumliiiidatlou 'i'liiln, leaves Polls town at O.o-J u.ui., returului;, leaves I'iillade-lphL? at l,:l) p.m. Columbia lt:illloaI Tlalus leavo Rending nt 7,20 a.m.. and p.m. for L'phralu, LU12, Mncas ler, Columbia, Ac, IVrklomen llall Koad Trains leave l'erklonitli Juuciioa ut 7.15 u.ui a. in., y.uo .':0 w) n. ni. return ing: leave behwi uksvllle at(i..)o, c.l) a.iu., 12. ,0 uoon A 4.4i, connecting vvllhetuillur trains on lte.l-11112 Itallioad. Colt-bioukdnlo lliilnoad trains leave Pottstowu at O.IOium.u: 1.110.41 p.iu.ieturului; leavo Mount rie.i-.aiu at 7.00 and It.u-iu. 111., y.oj, connect ln-i vvitn blmiUrtialuson Ueadlng llallroad. Che.ter Vulley llalliiiad'liiilus leavo lli.uito port at h,'10u. lu. nud 2.05 and 5.2 p. 111. returning, leavo llovvlilligton at 0.40 a. 111., 12.15 noon and 5.vj p. lu., couuecttug with similar Uali.s 01 lli-nding Knllioad, On Kuudays, leave New York at 5,00 p.m., i'hll phiaat s,oo 11.111. nud ,15 p.m., (thuboa.iu.trulL ruunlnsouly tolleadliij;)leave-l'otlKvlllo8,wa.m.: Harrlsbur at 2.10 a. 111. nnd 2.10 p. 111. and leavo Allentovvu at 1.2-j and b.ljp, m.,und leavo tteadlu at 7.15 11. in, nud 0.5.) p. in, lor Hums burs, at 5.00a. in. lor Ncvp York, aiutat 7.2 and 4.15p.m. I01 l'hlladelphia. Commutation, Mileage, henson, (School -ue r.xcurslou Tickets to and lium all poluls, nt ie dlli-ed ruti-s. iiaegago ciiccitod mroii&u: joo pouutia aiiovvc each pavuuger. u . J. . CIU1 I1..I, Asst. Flint. A Hun. Mach'iy. Ilcadius, 1M., Aprll.3. 1671. ami AMW'lIOUK of tho t;r-aicftt liilLrt--,i una im nuri.iiicc. 1 1 iit'ii iium 11 11 mil iiji'i inu At' uUi(,nal aidpolnt. It nu eminent. phjlci..u aua iutdi'':l it thow how h.a.i'i is wontin:; out lushULti- una uatigiTons u Muh through our most naciel domchtto and boclat le-Utlon-i. l'uic-niiuded. but outbnoken and au KiehhUe, tno author haudU-H l lu ilcinatcbutijccia trtatfd ol without yloves, hut In buchu nmniiHraa not to minister to a prurient curiosity Vici'iy icttt J ir aim ration ol the Ihtec.i UbuPJtct Justly euIUtliij thu IntciOht and byinpalhy ol alt tniu pniiauiiiropmiH, aim mis uuuu, it in inncicu, will contiUiute to tout end Justin pioportlou iw lb UWt 1 riuiL'i 4k ciii'niar nt-'Jil in. --, lumumiiu a lull description und nyuophli or thu orlc with liberal extr -Is. 0. 1 . Vl-.NT, 1'tihtlsher, bcpU'Ti) ly 6 Colleu 1'lace, N, l. iilifJiEB ft HarcUySt.,h.T.orn8W.4thSt.,(Infnnflti,0. If they want the moht xpularand UtslMlllnif n.twciiptlon tmnUx pulilNti(d. nnd tiiPTdtufiO. trattcrms. tVnd forclrcularn. TTicywlllcostyon nothttic. J may bo of great bcneilt to you, icbino-ly. XTANTED AGENTS FOH Avti llnw Turv t'i:K MAI1E! Oil Till'. iSTItUfl i.l. ivti rl'.iiittiiiu oh' (if it Nn i.v. Madk MrN, liy J. li. Maibe, Jr. I'rnlunly liHuliatid nnd lu-nulimllv i. run .I t tw iiu.Kt tuklnir. ItibtiurtlVO nnd unterMilly bouglit niter hooit Unued lor jiam. raclnatli)K a notion, authentic an hW lory, practical ns poor Itlchard," MiUi lcbMms more elcvatlim lor popular purpose, than lho protuuuuuMi. puiiukopny, akuihh hiu i-iuhi im, from Swl to SCfMnt r inimlii. In nf lllird UllH" helln Idfct m.d tablly, nnd delivers bplendldly tscuu lor l ucuiur, eic nnn notico exira teriuBi (ii;o. m.uu;an, I', "I'J SiHom Mirtot. l'hlhWclphln, mar.TTl Cm. KV FlUJr AT OHAXGKVihliE Druga nnd Ohcmicala. A 6BEAT MEDICAL i.v- $ Dr. WAlKErv" " 0- YINEG-AE MTTEKS rJ 4 Hundreds of Thontanda 5 k, 2" DcurtrillmonytothHrWomlcr. n c tf llll VDrSUYO L.UVC1.I i a MHAT ARE THEY? b v 9 '1 aA I! UBLf til W?$mmW tff .,.o nil- u ii ii FANCY NOT A VILC g 5 I DRINIC. VFA Vaor llnnii Whisker Troof MrMtn nml Itctiiso rUuurodocturcd.LMccd andiWfLt cocl to plcMfltlia taste, callea"Ttalci,""Arpi.Ui crr,M M Hfitorcn," &C., that lend tho tippler cn to iirtinkcntc63 t.nd rclij.ttit aro fttroo Medicine, rntido froalhoKatlTO r.ocutLHd Ucrbiof CallforcJa.rrco front nllAlcoludlo HllmnlnntB. Thcytro tba (1UUAT 11I.OOI) rUJtlFICIt nnd A Mi'li (ItVINO I'llINOiriXorcrfcct JnoTator aad lnrljoratorof taoEritcia,carrrlii2 off nil polsonotu tetter and rcstorlcs tho Vlood to n healthy condition. Lopcrioa taataho tbcoo Bitters tccordiaa todlrec tlon Bad remalaloiicnnwcll. 01UO Trlllbo clvcnforaa lacarntlocaic.rrovldcd tho bones aro tot destroyed ty mineral polsoa or other jncaae, and tho vital oracs Trailed beyond tho I-o.nt of repair. I'lirlcllninmiitorr nnd Chrnnle llhcnmn llsi:i nud Ooutt Dyvprpnln. it Indlcetttloe, lllllou!", lit uiltlcnt nnd Intermittent I'ctcrs DltcnBCBof IhoIIIoCHl, I.lvrr, Jt!tlncyf nnd Il.nildcr, tno Hitlers lao been raott inccctc fal, Huch 1)1 scone n tro canted ty Vitiated lllood. wulch is ironcrally irodaccd by dcrassinctt crtlioDJjpsttvoOrcna, DYHrKl'SIA Ull lNDinnSTIOS, Head c.chc.l'aiatatboBtouldcrfl, Coughs, Tlfthtccta of tho Cat, Plxclncss, Boer Kmctctlom cf tho Etoncch, LultiteIalho Month, riUons Attache, Talrltatlcn cf tho Ileal t. Inflammation of tho Ix&ci, Pain la tho u'lonB cf tho Kldncyfl,ttndaliuctircd cllcr lalnftl t ; nrtcma, tro tlio t fTcprlEes of Dyipcpcla, IhryiLViircrats tho Stomach tsdctlmulato tho tor jMl.vcr&cd 1ioTrclP,vrhlch render them of unequalled ti.icaryla clcansins tho blood cf alllmpurlUcs, and lu parting now hfo and N Igor to tho nholo iystem. L'OXl!'UUN2)tt3i:AHi:Sl Lrnptlona.Tcttcr.Ealt i:iiui.i,Ictcl.cB(ErotstruplcB) rudulcp.nollfl, Ctr Ir.nclccKitc'ftorcis, Ecald-Ucod.Eero Kyca, Eryslp tl is, lt.!i, fenrfj, Dlscoloratlons of tho EUn.numcra r.nd Dioctvcc cf tho bkln, of whatever nnmo or nature,' IUcrall7 das -p &d carried out of tho system la a Ehortthncby the woof theso Dlttcrs. Ono bcttlo li iccb cases will coavlcco tho mt ltcrcdnloua of their ccratlvo cCcct. Clcanso tho Vitiated Blood TrlicncTcr you find Its In parities bnrttlns throngh tho t'-cln In rimples, Ernp. ticta cr Ceres t clcanso Uvrbcn yoa find tt obstructed and tlusctsli la tho ulnat clcanso it when It Is foul, and your feelings will tell youxrben. Keep tho blood ruro and tho health cf lho ystcm will follow. IMS, TAVEcndcther WOltMS, lartloglntho tyttcm cf so masy thousand?, aro cffcctaally destroy cJ and removed. Tor full directions, read carefully tho clrcnUr around each bcttlo, printed In foorlau CuagcB-Engllfh.Ccrman, Trench and Spanish. J.WALncr., rroprlctor. n, n. HcDOIwVLD & CO.. DrncffUW nnd Ocn. Agents, Can Tranchco, Cal and Zi and U Comcicrco Street, New York. trrtoLD nr all di.uogists and dealles. octv;u-t. Clothing, Sec. "TVTKW HTOUK OV CLOTHING. Ficflh arrival of fiUMMHtt (10ODH. DAVID LOWKNIinitU lnvlici nUcntlnn to lit Block or CHi:Al'ANDrASniONAIlU:C1.0THIN(l. nthlifttoro on Mala 8lrcct, two doors above tho American Houm 11 too i unburn, l'n., whero no h.n Jnsl received from New York and l'hlladelplila a full nssorlincnt of JIKN AND HOYS' CLOTIIINU, liichidlnfT tho raost fashionable, durable, find haudsomo D11US3U00DH. eon-Ming of ltOX.HACIC, UOCCl.aUM.ANDOlL.OLOTlI COATHAN1) rAKTH, of all ortfl,Rlzcs nml colors. Ho has n!-o replen Ished his nlrcndy largo ntocli of KALIj AND WINTEK 8ttAWlM, htiw:d, riuuiinD.AND riAiN vkhts 81UUTH, CHAVAW, fsTOCKfl, COLLAIW n.VNiJKintuniKFB, oLovrn, HUSri:NDElW, AND KANOY AHTICI-EM llu nna constantly on hand n larso apd woU-bc ectci nisortment of CLOTHS wVND VOTINGS, Dry Gooclo 8c Grocoriora, kind of clothing, on very fcliort notice, nml In tho liet maimer, All ht clothing 1 made to wear, and most of It 1 ( homo liiamtfactnrc, Oor.U WAtCHlH ANU JEWil.V.V, ol every description, flno nud elienfi. His envo ol Jewelry Imotsurn.vsi.ed In tlils;plnjo. Call nnd oTtamluo hlsfjenoral asorlmcnt of Cf.OTIIINO. WATCIim JKWr.LUY, AC. Janl'71 DAVIIJ IiOWIINIir.UO. I uo not wisn toinform you, reader, Hint Dr. Wnndorlul.oriiny oilier man, ha dlhcovcred n IC'Ilieiiy II1IIL CUI CM IUIIBIII1I1IIIHII. . .IV nro Imlf eonsuiued, In short, will cuto nil illiem ih wlictherof mind, hody or inline, malio men Uro foi over, nud leavo Ucnlhto ).lay for want ol wnrli, nud is ilcslaued to lunko our bliblunary sphere n blissful l'urndlsc, loi lilch Heaven lUc-ll sliiill bo hut ft side show. You hace heard eniiiiiili ur that kind or liumbuBKery. llut when I till you Hint Dr. Hazo's Catarrh Itemed' viujwbuiic' It aure lho worst eaves of Catarrh In tho lluad, on iv Aivirt. Unit which thousands en 11 UhtlfV tl I will 1'iiy vVn) ltcunrd lor n ease that 1 cannot cure. A iiuiupulclKlvlns nymploms nnd other edy 1 SOLD 11Y MOST DliircWISTN IN AI.I. l'AHTS Ul'' U111J ViUllUU, Trice 50 cents, Sent by mall, postpaid, onTccel pt oi sixiyceuii, iiriour iaciiui;e3 iur inu iiuii.iis, Ilim-.-irii nT ruinit, i-Aifl nnd llorMflT (Jlfl(W71. Nfntlnit. mv lirlviito Htnmn. which 1 II vosltlve (tiantntce of C. numcitew. 1 upon lho oulbldo wrapper, iteuieniucr inai nils pnvniu niuiiip. Issued by tho LTultedHtntehCiovcrumouteipics- ly lorfciumpius my iin-uiciuti., nun mj r"tl,tlil ;,in,n nn, I ii.l,l,rn. llllil llin Uiinls II. R. CCTt calo of dciiulncuess," engraved uim II, nnd need not bo mlstnlun. Don't bo swindled by travelers nnd ulhers leprcsimtlm,' themselves u Dr, Is.iko; I urn tho only lunu now ItvitiK Hint has tho Iinowlcdiioninl runtlo mniiui.iciiiru um iit numc nr. Mimu's Catarrh itcinedy. nnd I never travel loscllthlsincdlelno. , li. , ru.ui i', .u. w. ojCj'TO-ly. 1 :! Seneca street, llutulo, N. Y . OKVEN r.KASOXri WHY r a. ji a n it havojustrccclved from lho rnlcrn tmrUel ft liruo nnd well peleclcd slock of 1) it Y (10 0 1) H , ooKslHTtso nr Cn.slmers, Jcnns, ltcslhtcncheil A s Ilrown Jlustlns, Calicoes, TICltltlB, Tnblo I.lnem, Cotton A All wool flannels, AC, Ac, A'rjood stock of I.ndlesdres goods, . I,nlet style A pattern. HpUes of nil kinds (lood stock Kfoccries, Uueensware, tilono wnre, Wood ft willow wnre, l'lour it Chop, Also Kitchen Crystal llo.ip for cIcAiilng Tin, lrns,Ac. All food sold chenp for ensh or pro duce, Hn would call the ntlcnflon of bnjers to hi well nnd carefully selected, nssortment which Miocollauoona. 1 ) MCOJIfll'.Mll'.ll AMI n.MIOllNllll f JLVovuit suvn.v ima'imisn i l DOCTOIt nit, i,initr.. r.vs COM I'OUJfll FI.UI11 KXTItACT Of KOSKOOl nn: ouiiat iiKAiiTir m:stoiikiu Not ii iSwrcl (iimck Jlcdlclno l'oriniilu . Aruuutl tlio Dottle. which ho I prernrod lo make to order Into nny comprise everything usually kept In tho conn- try, fccllnti confident that ho can ten mem good nt such prlces will oumiro snllsracnon janl'71-lf v.u -sivun. M1 Bakery and Confectionery. JOHN O. JAGOIiY'3 13AKKUY AND COXKHOTIONKHYI nnuwicic, ri:NN'A, Tlin undersli'iiMl would n Hnertfullv Inlorm tho t'lthCL'iu nf Itorwlirlc, nml vicinity, that ho una openeu n uoniccnoat'ry auu ji.iavry in ODD VEXtWWW HALL, llprwlclr. I'a.. whero ho Is nrcnareiV to furiiUh wiain and 1'ancy candi138, iiii:ncii caniiii, l OItniU.V ANDDOMU6TIO 1'ltUlTS OltANMl.I.mtONS, li.VlHINS AC, Ac., AC, Ac. 3tY WlI0I.13AI.n AMI llKr.WI.. Anions tho nssnrtment wilt ho found C'rofitu Nuts, KiiRllsh WalnuUs, IVntmtit, Alinondo, I'M- ! hertn. Klin. ArnlcH. Cocoa Nun. , Jellied of dUter nil Ulnd4, .Mustard, CatKii). l'lckteH, Chornhttc, Canned 1'intt nr nil Kinds Corn match, Kg IIIh cnlt, hoda Crackers, Oynlir CracUcrK, flu'rnc, ftmp, ruing iiti'tr, iiyrtcuicui iiijilis, jh VUlOJltM, FISH AND OYSTKItS, Anil nrodnro of nil 1; lnd. 1'rfsh Dread nnd CaUi's i-very day. Uu Cuam In ben-ton, Your imtrunjiyo Is solicited. joiin a jAuonv. Derwlcl:, Jan 171 tv C O N F KOTIONEKY, glVLU tO IllOX 1'OUNDItY AKD AGlUCUri- TUIIAL DORICS. Git DAT JMt'DOVESIDNTS IN VlJOWH AND TIinHSHINU MACHINKS. Mr. Jnenh TrK lordprn havlns nurchascd lho Intercut of lluults w. Low in lho nlxnoimmoJ works, tho hnslnths will Ijh co.itlnncd uii'icr lho Hriu nanioof Wl i.liam Sciiu Yl.i:ii & L'o. Havlnc dUcovcreil f.cerul lnicrlectiunH In lho iiIowh inannmcuiri u in if", iney invo hiri-'jiinfin-'u ami lnipiuvt d them, and added hnme entlro new patterns. Hiey will upen thoHprlnt; trade ofIS71 lar Inndvancti it im tiling oitVied to tho mbitc, Ufiiu t)oin pmciuui iiii'i'iianies, ami nav n their wrl: all dono under Ihelr own supt-r-,'lslnn fhiv Lriuiliiuliu llidr wm!: mil it rim In muttilal ami UuUh lu tiny heietofM'u oilcicil. in-a rs h ton id not ncrrnt or any utiior imricui ttintl iiiipiuiuuutti until I hey havo examined our Maiiiii u tnio, raimt'if should try our plows ht.'l ix Lujinani olhtr. Iht-yalso manufavtuio ALL KIND Or CAS1 INCJ.-t, tisuilly mndn In first Hans I'ounilrlcs, t-aw iyd KH-. i mm I'tuniign, niauo una mwa up 10 oiuvr, TJ1HESHING MACHINES aro maJo abpcclalty. and homo vcrvdoelde 1 Im- hliua. l'rlc h lower tlmu over: all kinds of rountiy pioducoaiiuoiti jion taiCLiun i-xiiuuku urutr uiMCiiroin mo iii nuiiitriifirj . um ut,'u' cles supplied during thu winter. auu i whs nu oriiem iu WILLIAM BCIIUYLKIt & CO., .VGUicuLTrr.L woiiks. ouanodvilli; CULUIIMIA UUUNTV, DA, Jan 171, U tub Dest Liniment in thu Would rou nonsKB. KinsT. It Is composed of tho most rowEnrut anil 1'KNKTKATiNn linuitis Known in cneiniMry, Hecond. Combined with lho atwjvo 1s n Mkdi cinal Oir., mado expressly for this Llutmeut, nnd mixed by an entticly new process. Till itn. l neuseoi mu j'icrriti iiiii jicii trniMiv lncredtents is lo drlvo or foreo In thlM heautllul M KDit'iNAit Oil, which luhrlcates tho Joints and muscles, and Immediately throttles tho license, mid compels It to lousen Its deathly, hielitnlna nnd poisonous f.incii. l-'oUiiTH. This McDiciNAl. Oil Is URcd for tho Kamoieason thatacoi.d mechanic nlways uses oil to malso Ills maehlnory worlc with easo and in-ecliUn. ko in mo tiamo wnv ino muscjos ami ,Ut nr. ur animals t-hould ho lubricated If we wi-di to havo thum travel with rapidity and easo. I'IKTir. it W very Eoothlng In ttH nction, will not bum or blister like moht of ihu Tf d hot" iinimynis nt inu nay, Hixiir. Nut oue drn ot ttmture of cayeuno or ml pepper cau bo louml in Its coniponltlon ; tor wu nun iiiitvu" muiiii-iii. v.iii u ni' iHiu u'htfh burns and bllbterstho auimul until lho (iiiTvniru nm lini il nt ul ilrlfid iilnioL to : cristo. hevkntii. Kery bottlolsWAitu.NTt.ntouIvo Unoa haiuiaciiou, or your inuurv m uiwiiimi ir.r iifiA-it full rontIdinco In this ureruiliulori nnd proves lor lho hevtnth tnnutlut O. D. H, H. is inu oeKi jjiuiiiieiu in uiu numi lur inuii-. f-s.irni'i fitkuti uaitr Mr.rclimitta uali.i off Tinc ture of Jieil J'cj'iHrtuut JlnrUhurn,or olfur tmh CIXTY-F1V13 KJllSTI'RIZK SIIU) KJ AIJ AWAHDUD, Till". CUE.VT IANO OltV, Ml iiAinMoitr, i1 W MANUCAlTi LKABGH, (Wank) for tale at tho Coluhiiun Olllce. IX'KIIT 1I0OKH for (.nlo lit lho .CoMJMIlUN Clinch', 11 SC. 110 W Kit, ipeued a flrt-clats I30OT, BHOK, HAT CAP, AKD KUH HTOUR at theolditniidon UaluKtiecttDloomshurtHlcw doorKiibovo lho Court Houke, 1IU itloek Ucnm nni.tilnf the verv latent and best nt vies ever otler. in ilinclllzpuit of Columbia Cunulv. Huean aecnmmodalo the public vrllhthefullQwIncKoodti at the lowest intcu. Men's heavy doublo t-nkd utnt'i linritu. men's double nud binule tnn holed kin booU, meu'n lieavy ittosa hho( u of nil kinds, meu'ullnB ItuoU and khoen or all uradin, boy's double fcoled boots nud.Bhocn of all Kinds, men's glove ktd llalmorat shnes.iuen'H, women's, boys's HUM lllle- ibviu tan cm, wuiiif n n kuu i I'ollkh very tine,women'sinoricio DnlU'oraUand calf shoes, women's -ery line kldbuttoiuU gait ers. In Miort boots ot all ducrlptloua both pea tied and vowed. llo woaU ahjo call attention to UU Huo assort ment cf ATH, OAI'H, KUIIB AND NOTIONH, which comprlBCH all the now nud pomilai vur! etlesat prices which catinotfalltOKull all. Theie KOfnU aro otieied at the lowest cash ralen and will bo Kuaiunte-ud to tflvo fatlsfaetlon, A call Is solicited before purehBslns eUo whero as It Js hollovod that belter bargain ure to be found than at any other Place lu the county Jan 171 WILLIAM 3CNABK A CO. JlANUFACTUllEIt'i OF OUAND, KtiUAUD AND Ul'UIUUT V IANO P O It T K B RALTIMOUD, SID. Tliftn Tuklrunir-ntfi lifl fthfoit lipfni'e imbllo for litany 'jinny yearn, nna upon ineir excei' lenee; mono m iiiiiieti tin uuiiurrnttxeti jrwt tnnttiu which prououuees them une'iualteil. Their tom; nmldiif. frrnt Tinwer. hw( etneXH and flno hlniT' 1uie nunllty. as will tiHKual pui li yoflntointt Ion and sweetness t hruntliout the i ntlickt ale. 'J her TOUCH Ispllantnud elntdlc.nnd entirely trco from lho IN WOHICMANHIIir thevnic unffiualled.iiRlnK nono hut lho very i.s.i t, mnntil tufifti ialAlioUimo cuulltil eimdoviHt "in our htihluehH eiiahlliusus to keep eontluunlly an immentiosiocit m lumuc., iu.,uu uuuu, . Ait nnr sb-mnrm J'lmiort have our Now Im- piovld OVKitliib'jfi fccALB und lho Auntjfe vVo would, cnll (-pedal attention 1 our lata Improvement. tn UliAXh V1AXOX unit kQUAJli: UK A MX S 1 ATfcNTEu AUd. 11, which bring tie lMano nearer pertuctluu than has yet been utiutntu. DVEttY I1 A NO WAKUANTED TOU 3 YEA!'.) Wo havo mado arransemcntn for tho kWe M'l"!ctt Aamcy forthemutiUVlebinted 1'AH- I Olt (ili.UKM mill M KI.(ll)L()NK. uhlcli t otli-r Wholesale and Lowtt Factory octJb'70-Cm, Italtlmorc, Jtd. l)KMOVALI C.B.I-'UUilAN.haddlcr, llli uilliiiVH iitu oiiii jviii'ii m '(u, i. Mill n Wii-i t. nnnnnHo Ihu I'omL Olllce. WlieiH fiO prepait d to do iill kinds of work In his Hub of LiMntstf, ut fulr prices. Imar 2171 Im Wrr-j. ULANKH promptly printed to order, fZZ on nny (.uulliy of pupur, nt this Oihce. 'rne umlcrshrnwl would roHpoctfuUy announce lo luu puuiic i uai in- ua opeuuu u riiWT-cuvsa coNrrcnoNDUY Hroni:, In tho huIldiDB latoly occupied by Vox A 'ebb wnere no is prcparium inruisn an kiuui ui 1'LAIN t I'ANCY CANDIUS, rilUNCH CANDIDS, I'OI'.IUCIN & DOMESTIC I'ltUITS, NUTS, HAIfilNM, -C., AC, AC. BY WltOLKSALE OH UKTAII.. In nhort, n full assortment of all cooda lu his lino or bnsluess. A Bleat variety ol DOLLS, TO YH, Ac, sultahloforlho Holidays, l'aittcnlar attention It It K A D AND CaKIIH. of all kinds, fresh every day, CHIWHTMaH UANDIEH, OH1HTMAW TOYH. A call la solicited, and satisfaction will b KuaiHiiteed, Jan l'U-ly KCKHAUT JACOltS. Hotels. M02CTOUH IIOUSK XX nuriaiT, da. WILLIAM DUTLint, Droprlctor, This Hon'.ohavlnKhecn put In thorough icpnlr Is now open lor tho iiecptlou of cucsls. No pains will bu Rparidto (iiauro tho perfect com fort of tlio trawler. Tno l'roprlttor hohcihs n Klmro nf public patronage, Tho bar will ho stocked at all times with iluo liquors undclgara. jaui'Ti JKNTOX HOTEL. W. F. PIATT, rroiniWor, DDNTON, COLUMIHA COUNTY, l'A. This will ltnowu IIouso havlnu been rut In Ihorotmh repair Is now opi n hr llm reception uf VlfllOlM. t I'UHIH JJIl U Ul't'll BjnilU lUfllHUIU thn perk ct coiuiurt of K",,t, J'h iioprletor also i uns n Stat;o from thu Hot I to Hlnomsburg and Intermedlato iKdutH ou Tuesday, ThurMlav auu nauiruay oi eacn ivecic, ijiui nan ILLKH'S STOKK. M. II, MILtUlt A HON, imvfl removed their Htoro to tho room formerly oocttplcd byMcndenlnll.on Main sticct.Dlooms. hurt, nearly opposite tno i;piseopai uiumi, whoru they aio UeteriulncdloKcllonnNroodeinto terms ns can he procured olso v. liere. Thh r atock comprises IVDIUS' Dttl-SS OOODJi of tho choicest stylos and latest fanhton, together wlthalirgo nsortmcnt of Dry Ooods nud Oro cerlcs, consIstluR of tho followluj rtlclfR CarpotB, Oil Cloths, otlm, Casslmtrtts, tfhawls, Klanhdlri, Hilkn, White (JotKls, Linens, Hoop HItlrlH, Musllnf, llollowwuro Cedarwpio OueenBware. uarnwnr- VnU and Hh ocr, Hals nud Caps Hoop Nets, (TmbrclhiH, I,ooklns-01nMrt, Tob.icct . Ob It cm, ii tear ft, T:w, r.ic. Allspice, Oimcer, Cinnamon, Nuiiiujit), AND NOTIONH UENL'UALLY, In Bliort, overylhtnc usually kept In couutry toreft, to which they lnvitotho attention ortho public generally, Tho highest prlco will he paid for country produco la oxchan;jo for noons. Dloomsburi; 1U apr571-'.f s OMUTlIlXa KKWl 1'itni'AliKii soLKi.v nr Dr. 3, 3. i.AWItr.NCK, OiuhiIp Clicniltl, Vll.n. Norlh I'nrollim. K 0 S K O O HTIII KF AT T1IK KOnrOF IHHIIAMI; 1'uitiryiNO 'run iu.ood, ;iToitiNd Tin: i.tvint and kiiim v. TO A Iir.AtiTItV ACTION, AND IN VKIOIlATINU Till'. MIIIl VOUrt BYHTKSt. This i3 tho Secret of its 1 Success In Curing CONSUMITION IN ITU IiAl'.I.V STAOI.'. BCUOKUIiA, BVl'JIIUS, DYHflH'.ilA, LlVIMt COMPLAINT, CIIKONIU l!IIi;U.MATISM, NlIUItAI.OIA, Nint VOL'S AlTr.CTION, wiurrioNM oi' tiii: hkin, humour, i,osh or viaoit, DisiiAsra ov KIDNHY AND llfiADDHIt. i)isi:.Ki:s CAUSED JIV A JiAP h'ATi: OF TJUCJILOOI). It thoroughly crmllcnte rvcry liliiilof-lluiiioi nml lliul Taint, mill restore tho cntlro system to n hcnllhy eomlltlon. UNheyoilil question tho KIN HUT TONIC IN Tlin woiti.i). Thousiiuils h.ivo been cliaiitsc-d by tho use 1 1 this Mcillclno from wcnl:, sickly, suirerlns crci urcs, to slroii, hoiilty, nml hnppy men iuhi women. Invalid cannot hesltnto to give it u trial. NoMeilli'llioliasohlalneil such ft ureal reputa tion ns this Justly celchratcil compuiuul. VOll TK8TIJIOXIALS I'rom' liyslclans, Ihiilncnt Divines, Lilltui DruitRl.ts, JIorohants,.te.,sco K0SKOO AMI NAOfor till ) rar. Tho undersigned would hercbv clvo notion Int ho has hint completed A l-'IHST CLAW lli:AKHi;,And Hint hofiaKtbeliirtlitleH lorearry rpilE LSVY IIOTKfj. TAV't COLUMDIA COUNTV, DA. Tim nndertdEUod would luform thotravelllnc public that hu han taken tho aboouanud ihtaii iNlititrnt nml lhornti'hlv re lit ted lho ham n lor the perfi'Ct.convenleneo of his quests. Ills larder will bu titueWcd with the bott Ihu market allordh. Tho choicest UquoiH, wines and clamalwayB to ue iouuu in nm oar. vil.l,ia1 ri.iiiy. Jin 171 Kupy, l'a. gltlCK IIOTKIi, OltANGDVILLD, COLUMDIA COUNTY, DA. HOIIIl MUiENKY, Proprietor. Hits well known Ilmue. lmlUL' bceu put In thoronah repair, 1 now open to tho linvilIuiK lUblU'. M liu lnr is wun ino enoicesi oti.t fh-iirK. nml tin tublo will tie. at all ihiH-M.ktioitliod 7Ui lho delicacies of the heaaon. 7 : . . . i - . ... i .-( pains will ou boureu 10 umuro iuu utituwinn KiieMS. uruuuuvnie, duo, 1,131. on jou, lut mli jur 1 K.ll.l I IV llll ili-llUUIKtO. D. 11. iWilKY A cii..Holo Dronrletors. HenirrO-lyl 17:' WinhlnKlourttroet, New York. imtnnr'a R n :.i o v a ii, The 11 rni A Nitr.ln.KH having heen ills- Mil veil 011 lho lath of Nov. ts-'J. I would inlorm uy 11 uiui nua ctuiomtir. tnat 1 11111 NOT OUT Or HUHINIISS, lis his been reported, nml call attcutlan lo lho iu him 111 j miicivft i UOVKItNJinNT DIU'Ol'. XO. 1 li:UUV3AX GU.lXO. tll'.OUNIl liONi:, OUAltANTlICD 1UUC. KlSIt Ot!ASO IK IIUM. 1'ouUrctto, lu IMS, Ilatrels nuil Hulk, IlAV,' l'.OXi: WIOWIIATU Ol' I.IMB. I'rlci), M per Ton, LAND IT.ASTIU'. IN I1AOSANU I1I1W. Taii, In I, S & 3 Billion Cans. ' Oil, M.)Al, for wnshlliB Tiecs, lu 3H1. bolts. COTTON Hi:r.D MHAI., i:cellfiit I'ooil for Cows, Inert aslnj! nml enrich llitf lho Milk. IN lIAlla, IVjIIi, JUC1I. CHAOKIiINQS For Ilotf nud Chlelren Feed. CIS Jin NT. Ateney for Copluy llyilrnullc Cement. For 11 fctiperlor iiuallty I refer to J.W.IlTAiut bos, Camden, N, J, AI.lllEKAi. DHCOUNTTOTItl-TltADn. JOSIAII J. AIjLKN, (LntO AIXES i NEEOLE3,) tteraoved to 4 (t' i BOUTIt Dr.LAWAUK AVU. mar 1071 1st. riilhAiiKii'llIA. hilt on tho business of UNDKllTAKINO 111 nil us orancne ' IN C I T 1 8 T V I. li. Itn Im eiicneeil experienced persons llho will ISKO CUIirttO III l HO IIUU ICS HI lllll lliri-ICI lis ..mill as they "Minnie or im morini eon," nun iiiiein in ci'iihliliiL' tliiin.i.liavln. iltihslni;. Ae. Sliriitlit' fiimWheil nlso to order. At much expenso ho lias also procurcunu IKON I OK 15 OX, In which bodies can 1 o preserved In n cleanly nud dry condition, unrn.nijts iiiiuisnen mr i ii nrrnl oernslons. In lliort. he Is l.ri Ullll'd to lain chart'o of a corpe Imiiieiihiti ly after dealli, nnd savo lilend and relallvesall lurllitr iroubioin remrdtolt. , , no niso carries on mo uiuiucss oi C A 11 I N K T JI A KINO Unholsterlnz in all tt branches, lernilrlnu furnl tore, ren iillnit eano boltonuit cbnlis.Ae., Ac' l'laeoot bUMUcsson Hull htlei I, lielnw .Mum. Kl)ii:i.l llUAr., Hloomsburs, July ISTii tl. pATEXT ARION PIANO. Tim riTiK itfrtect Tnsiriimrnt hi tlin World. 1 Is vnctjunUut in 1th ImihH, 1-oucr, llrllllnnry nud jhirablllty. Hpeehil tcnus to Teaehein. latUid lavort; lo ClcrgyiULn. bend for Illustrated Arlou rainpnici, inar 1071 tf.J Mavcii Chum-:, l'A, Weighing Machines. M U - -- ")OTYS AVABIIIXG-MACIIINK, LATELY MUCH IMPROVl!!) AND Til IJ NF.W univkhsaij eumiKs wkingeu Imnrnved wllh Uowell'H Talent Double Cog- wheeli.nnd llio I'alent htop.aio now unqueM- tWitiriliH' kimrrlnr tn nn v nmuiratlll for wilHh Inif elothei evir Invented, and will savo thtlr cost twice u year, by bavlni; labor nud clothon. nnv nerson tiroducliu- anv Medlelno hhoW' Inu h.m ns many living, lurnnuunt cures a Hit, I Ill.hUhi MihrAIII.h ItHlLirATIO ll!'Mi;iV,- L'ftl inu ctr '' only. A ph iifcant Modlclne, fre 110111 11)111110111 dinirH. wiinnntciL under oatl tohaVH permanentlyfuredU'ilueMry It patient itfiiu-it lu tho i'jLt len veam. (Ji,n tfsllmonv. ii i mo heieuiinr preiription or I'roijhMir jos, I. I Hler, M. 1)., iv riuduatu of llio University l'eunwUantH A. D. Is-t. now ono of rhll.ule phU'H oldenl iei;ularplo.lelanii,and ITofehRor of i iifiunir) ii uu j uieoiouv, woo iiks jiiiiik reura ii .i. eiirtiine ana l i n n aiurv iiiieiiimi Usui tho hpLclallty of )i!h entlio jirolesi.lonal me a iitti toui'm.-u iur uy inu kiiiiiaiure aecoui' pauyinKi-ueu uoiiu, oi many piomiuem renown I'd hlivsiclans.c leruvinen.nndot hertist inon ul Toorotuet sutlureri Irom unisonous ooai-lr iiom. iruiiiH auu ii!cie!s expeuuiiuui oi nioiu-y, a mini hlmud Kuurautee,btalln exact number of bott lei warranted to euu will bo lorwardol KraiH lo ii ii j Minn kv ft riming uy ji'iier n inu uesri ipiion of allllcllou. In ot failure to cmc, nmouu paui pohiuveiy rumnneu, Aicuiciun heui nny wheio by espresM, collict ou delivery. Allllclei Invited to vrlto lur n lvlcn; nil Infni-mjitlnii Hilt inedlcul ndvlco nent by litter uratli. Principal oiiioe,;u wuiiii 1-our 111 t( Utt, I'UUadeipnni, 'llio lteinedy la hold or oblaliitd by jmitfiiUI-. nurLi7l-ly QOODd DKLIVKHKI) vhva: or roitrniiAOK to diipoth ou UUAT.i IN rillLADfcl.l'UiA Tho IMItor of thli paper, who purchased a n (nkW.intton of th Arm of AtbES A Watdier and Wrlugur, thus leslltloa nuto their vlVi kh 1 !n t hi lith uf Noeinber, 1n7U, Ihu valuoi umUT l-'aetory. "Wo havo had In uro luour family for fcotno htnelcnud Machinery of tho Into Hi m and will limn vifikt dm. lUilv'u (Mill hiu U'liuliiirn nml 1 i iui I it mm ill Mllu Of 1' el t II Uera. WrlntjetM, and nro prepared Uibear testimony ns I Mr nerhonal alU-nliou IhhItcu to lh buMlneHH to Um merits. It I emphatically n taborvuinr nntliilded bv lho bist L'hemlcal and Mtchanleu inaeuiuu aiiii uoik ui wur in 100 inoM luorouiiu ,Sulll lho hit!11 tio"1 " '--" " j mauuer. i-or lanuiu'n woo iiavu mriio wioiiies i luiilntalueu. ino I linen i.i(ili l,i ii-nil.l in. 1 ii Vntll ililfi ''f'n i ttu. I JUAN, Jan, 11, 18TU. PIUCES-A F AIR OFFKIt. B IiANK DKKDS. .'n nnvv linvnllin Ihint imiinrtineilt of 11LANIC UKKDS on hand ami for fcnlo that weru oer kept lu Jiloomnburtt. Lurito Mva on In hi parchment paper, Coinmuu Ik eon, Lxeculor'nnnd Admlnls iruior'H tfuU-Miinll aUa liood paptr (theup), Co in I mm Du-dH, Ae, Tf lho MeichantBln vouriilnceulllnotrurnlKh. or hend tor lho Maehlnes.tsintlns llio retail price, Windier $11, Kxlra Wrlncer f'J, and wo wilt for waut either or both iiiachluiH, ino of freight, to plaeeH wheiu no one In m-HIuui ami bosuroaro wo they will bo llkid, Hint o nirreo to refund tho money if any ono wltdief, lo leturu the ina chluid trtoof ireJaht, idler a moQth'n trial, uo cording to dlicctlouH, No hmlmnd, father or brother bhould permit thodruduery of washing with the hands, mty. two daMln lho jenr, when It cau ho done belter, moro t'jEpidttlounly, with Jew. lalKir, and no ln J.iry to ihe KuirmniH.byaDoly Clothes washer, and a UnUeual Wringer, Sold bv dealer generally, to whom liberal dis counts uro made, It. O. DUOWNINO, (len. Agent. rtct77(Mf, b'l t'ortUudBtn;t,Now Yorlc, NHUKANOK AGENCY, Wyoming AUnn Fulton N. Y North America Iiiteru'a'tion'ai N.V Niagara N. i Moichauts Hiirlutiilolil Fanners' Pnuvlllu.N, ... Albany City Danville, liorso Thcll Atlantic, N. Y ueruiauiJ, 1 I'llUAH 1IUOWN, (itn(, muiSI71-ly, IlLOouauuiui (211.011 ,1(11,0 o t'yj.wo l.iut'.uti l,iiou.iio ICO.OlO 671I.0LO b91,li4l Jlulunl. lto.mi l'A. PUPKIl I'lIOSlMIATK OF LIMU. AN l) AMJIONIATKl) FKItTIIil ZUR aro Bold nt a very low price, HUNll I'OIl ClIlCULAlt, NO. 1 I'KHUVIAN QUANO, Warranted Vurc at imported ran the Jtlandi, V I S II U V X X o. ruroOrounaIione,ljiiidriaster(Conie!it,Hperin, Ijird, Whule, Lubrleatliia and Cisll olls.Kperiu, AdaiiiAUtliio and 1'uriilMtib Candles, to uhleh I uspectiuiiy invito tuoaitoniiou oi ino puuuv. 01'cciai. iiisc0um1 to tub tiui1e. wm.a!. ni:i:i)les. MIlaeoMllanrft Ar.I.KN & NtKIiLM.) d-iMruilli llilawnro Avenue I'lllladelphla. rou SALlt uv llLOOMSllUItQ IUON COMPANY, niar.311 Ww. vnwi: oxn nor.r.Ai: vr.u jiurrr.ii. ion SALE 11 V Tlio JVinctpitl Druggists in the Uiiilul Stales andJintish America. Die, LAwnnscK'H Wuhan's; Fitn:x H)lseae peculiar to Female. ELOoMsnuna ANI LiTi:nnv and commkuuial insthi h ThU ItieHft.tlnn nl1',ir4 L'OOtl OOOOrt lllltt Iff II) every department or Ltteraturo audHi lene. i luldltlon to thui;xcellont NormalHchooti'tii' - . havo pructlco In thousoof HurveyhiKaud Liu n eerlm; Instruments In tho Hold and mine, mm llm Instruction of tho most comnctcilt ITol. -s D The faculty aim to bo very thoroith in then m alructlou und to loolc carefully alter tho In . luiuiierHiiuti nioraiH m ino muiicui-. Tho mien and reiiutations oi ino mwiooi such as to command tho respect or tiiostu u n aud couieauently not manyleel tint the em ullord to iolato lawn which aro It iroiuoto their micam an,t n,ippiuoii. 1 in- -nus-fill lii'iiiriiooTit. att.iriUni eooil oonorttuiiM an cm bo found In any of tho inrgj citk an i r much Icih expense. npriuK term eoinuiencji ptu ou, ia i. Tor further nartlculars. uililieni John u, l'itut:zj:, ll-iu., Wji.or U It. liUI'l.KI t IIKN'UY OAUVlUt, V. M li uu i llloomsihuri;, Jcin, 1 1, li71-tim, Jacoii K. SMITH. J. It. Hl.i Ml Til b E L T 7i J3 It, Importers nnd Dealers In Foreign ami I) oi, MfMm & II A H D W A II 13, 0 U N B, 0 II T I. K It Y, AC, NO. IUII N, THIRD bTllEKT, A11.CAI.I.0WH I I.L.. , ., , l'lIILAUUt.l'IIIA. Jan I'll ly QAItUIAGE 3IANUFACTOKY. Bloomsburc, Fa. M, C. 8LOAN A DUOTHKIt liavo on hand nnd for miIo nt tho mtut reaf-on. bio rates n Hpleudld block of CAituiAOiis, nuaniEH, nud every ilcbcrlpllou of Wagon both 1'LAIN AND FANCY warranted to ho mado of tho best and most dm -ablo materials, and by lho most woriiiueii. Aiiniiru m-iii inn uuiu uiu i-mit" llshnient will bo found to hoof tho highest cla-o nmlhurotoclvo pei feet satisfaction, TheyhaNt also u line ubaortmont of H L L I a II S of nil tho newent nnd most tashlonablo btyb1 well nud carefully mado nud oilho best muui laK An Inspection of their work Is akked ns It i believe! that uoue buperlor can bo found lutiie country, Jan l'"l F ltSIKItl lUCAMIMU AND UUY T UK O B I O I N A Iii aiuaii's m:iNa Haw Honk 1'iiosi'iiate JIvp All olbciK aro Imitation, ii a u a n ' s BUI'KH FAIJi, kaw Hour. 1'IIOSI'IIATE ' .ndDE MARK in.- of luu:. 1S70. DI.ANK MOHTUAUI'J for tho uso or wring J I Fund nud lionu AuoclatlouK, lor iulo at tho lolumiiian Olllce, 1UHTICIH lir.ANKH.Rnninionii, lecutlons il nubp(ena,Wniraiit,e,,eoniuiilly onliond ami for kalo nl tho Coluhiuam Olllce. This Manurr la mado of Haw or Unburiieil ltnuim, l ic Ii lu NltrogenotiK inatlcr. dUkolvid In Oil of Vitriol, presenting lho llonn Phosphate In a highly .olubleauil nulcltly available loiiii.aiid lho Ammonia In such proportion as to liisuio a prompt and vlgoroim action upon theeropH. Whero llaugh'ii l'liosiihato wan applied the past season, tho indications, wllhout eieeplloi aro that It will maintain Its well earned iepu in linn, Woremioat all lu need of a FertllUcr to Ctve this article a trial, 11 A u a II & SONS, Manukac-tuhcrs, OrriUK-No so H. Delaware Avenue, rillLADEU'lIIA. 1570-tf. li IANIC li:Kl)Hlukt printed and fortalo tit tho COI.UMIIIAN UIIIC,