The Columbian Bloomsuurg, Friday, May 19, 1871, (Iro.r. ItowKt.i.A Co., 10 l'nrk llow,nr-nnronly kiillinrlnil AdvcHMng AnentRln New York, l,or.,VKTimiii.i,.u;o.,No.fichelniu street, n.oiinr nnly nulhnrlreil A tent In 1'Iillndclphln! I!. II. JIUlil'llY, In b our niillinllrpil Audit nt Crntrnllntn tlansnol nny Imslnc-vi nurtnlulng to MioCui.iiMiHANUnice. 3- Alliiilvcrllemontifnr llio forgoing lornll lies must bo endorsed by these Agents, ur they willrtrclvoiioattctitlun. If. Wi: never know a town of llio nzo of llloomsburg, or a county of tho sl.3 of Columbia, whero thcro wns so llttlo lo cal nines worthy of public mention us Is to bo found hero. Tho can-so for this la to bo found In tho slinplo fact that tho pcoplo In question conduct themselves In general villi on tiro propriety bo lnivo themselves and nro In no wise prono to mind other people's business. If thoso who find fault with tho local papers for not giving moro homo nows will coma to town nnd kick up rows half n dozen times a week, spend a lib. era! portion of their nights In tho Lock up and days In Jail, frequently havo themselves bound over to keep tho peace and appear tit court, and steal, purer, swindle, gamble mid cheat generally and promiscuously, wo will employ a local reporter nnd gratify tho most vo racious taste In giving local news. Ilut our manufacturing propensities do not Includo tho nows line, nud wo havo as llttlo Inclination to write about split milk or broken clothes lines, and llttlo nothings generally, ns senslblo pcoplo havo to read such stuff. Our advertis ing columns furnish tho most Interest ing local nows to bo obtained, and aro most profitable reading. Ur-ooMsnintn Noiimal School. At Iho election on Monday, May Oth, 1S71, tho old Hoard of Trustees was re-elected without opposition, ono hundred and eleven votes being cast. Tho Hoard met nt tho office or tho Trustees In tho Normal School llulld. ing, May 12th, 1871, at thrco o'clock i M., nnd organized by electing Hon. T.koxakii II. Uui'intT, President, Col. Jons O. Fiiee.e, Secretary, nnd li. F. Hautman, Eq., Treasurer. Tho prospcclsof thoschool havo never been moro satisfactory than they nro nt present. Tho pro&cnt session ends Juno 22d, and already tho applications for tho Full Term nro being made, which Is advisable, asthofcchool Is likely to bo full to oversowing. Uponconsullnllon with I'rof.CAliVEit, tho Principal, It was determined to open tho Fall Term, on Monday, Au gust 21st. Applications for admission bhoilld bo mado to him promptly. Tin: llazIetoiwSViiMicniusbeen much nlarged nnd improved, and Is u credit to tho pluco It is printed as well as to tho enterprising editors, Messrs. Moouc & Baxdkus. It deserves gencioussupport and no doubt receives It. Uememiieu tho Sabbath .School Con rent Ion which meets nt Catawlssa Tues day, Wednesday nnd Thursday, May 2.1, 21 nnd 2.j. All denominations nro expected to take an ncllco part In it. Tho Programmo will bo p-ibll-ilicd this week. Tin: (Ihrhtian Intclligc.iccr asks; "ijj,1 (hero no way of slopping tho murder ous fctylo of singing which cfmitetfeomo of our best hymns, or rather yurrotca them, In tho following alylo: 'Tho yo ho-ho-bo hear of Jow-lillly, of Jeiv Illlly, of Jow-ow-ow l!llley-ey, Jo-ew-ew-llille, ho bo Is come !"' Teaiunci Dow:; IIandih li.s. Hoys, and others not boys, who havo been ac customed to tear down showbills, hand bills, posters, Ac., must look out now. A hill has passed tho Legislature inflict ing n heavy penally upon all persons who may hereafter bo guilty of mutilii ling or destroying such property. Tin: Albany Argus recommends that persons who wish to drink bo obliged lo tako out a license, nnd that whenever a man wishes to imhiho ho produco his parchment. Any violations of tho law should bo vigorously prosecuted, Tho Argus thinks Ibis would bo a better plan than now pursued by licensing tho seller. AcmicuiruiiAii Meeting. Tho annual mooting of tho Columbia County Agricultural, J lorlicuUttral and Median ical Association, for tho election of olll cers, for tho ensuing year will bo held In tho Court IIouso in llloomsburg on Saturday tho 20lh day of May, 1871 nt :i o clock l'. ji. Hy order of tho Executive Committee. Tin: fenco laws of this State, which even with tho legal profession, havo ro eolved various and conflicting Intorpo- irations, wero eanslilored by JudgoEt,' well, in tho cam trid ntTunklmnnock recently. Tho quostlon nroso in this mho ns to what constituted such a law fill fenco and enclosure, as. if broken into and through by cattlo nnd loss or Injury to crops resulted, would entltlo too Injured party to damages In an nc- tion of trespass ngahist tho owner. In Mimo of tho early statutes thcro nro al liHlnns to fences of specified materials and height, which it seems havo rather misled than informed tho people ns to wnai constitutes what Is usually denom inated n "lawful fence." Tho fenco In controversy wns ono composed In parts of logs, rails, bush and-stono wall, with mm without stakes nnd riders. Of course no statuto over described a fenco mmloofsuch varied rnatorlals nnd of such various heights as this ono scorned to havo been. No reported decision of uio courts was cited which appeared to rule tho ease. In this dilemma Judgo Ef.wEl.ii look tho animal by tho horns ami ruled tho caso on principles found ed In common sense. Wo do not nro tend to gls'o his preclso lnnguago nor tho dellcato bIiiuIos of meaning which it may havo had, but only Its substance, IIo decided nnd charged thojury that a tujlclcnt fenco, such n ono ns would stoji and turn ordinary cattle, was required That no particular height nor materials could bo taken as a posltlvo gulilo In tho matter. Tho quostlon ns tothosulll cieney of tho fenco, nnd tho peculiar habits of tho cattlo whethor breachy or not wero left to tho decision of tho Jury as matters of fact under thoovl denco In tho caso. As will appear in our report of tho trial olsowhcro, tho Jury found a verdict In favor of tho owner of tho fenco and against tho owner of tho cattlo. Exceptions wore taken by tho defendant's nttorncy to tho elmrgo of tho court, and It is said that tho causo will ho removed to tho Supremo Court for further considera tion. Wyoming Democrat, THE JtAtt.UOAl) MnKTtNd at Huntok. On Friday tho 12th Inst,, nbout noon, thero wns n largo meeting of cltlzons as sembled nt llenton, Columbia county, Pa., to tnko Into consideration measures necessary to complete- tho survey or tho Ihitilock's Creek nnd Money KallHoad. Hon. Wm, -tuimm, of Muncy Crook twp., was elected Presldont of tho meet. Ing. Messrs. R Cooiti:, orMuncy, Koonh, of I.uzerno county, nnd CitAPi:.v, of Columbia county, wero elected .Sccro tarles of tho meeting. Tho survey having boon prosecuted from Hunlock'sCreek to Kenton, tho Commissioners worn requested by tho meeting to order an early resumption of thosurvey from llenton to Muncy. Tho cost or tho survey will bo about riftccn hundred dollars. Of thlsumount tho Inhabitants along Llttlo Muncy Creek will bo required toralso flvo bun dred dollars to complcto tho survey. In order to secure tho Patent, sixteen hundred shares of slock must bo sub scribed at $2", per share, and ono dollar on each share or slock must bo paid In at tho tlmo or subscribing, which will nmkotip tho sum or four thou-unrl dol lars necessary to secure tho Patent. Tho Commissioners will open tho Hooks of tho Company on tho 221 Inst., nt Kow Columbus, In I.UMrne e unity, and ndjourn from tlmo to time, and from placo to placo along tin, proposed road nnd lis vicinity, until tho necessary amount of stock has been subscribed. Tho meeting adjourned to meet nt l.alnlsville, In thlseounty, nt 12 o'clock noon, on .Saturday tho 27th Inst, at which tlmo It is expected tho engineers will havo reached that point on tho route of tho survey. All who nro Interested In tho construction of this road nro re spectfully requested to ho present at this mooting, Muncy Lumlii'try. Tho best way to build up n town, is Tor every business man In tho placo to ad vcrtlso his business in tho columns or tho local paper, and thus present an ur 'ray of busiuojs houses equal to tho num ber of houses on the street. It draws trado to Iho town, draws emigrants to tho town, draws producj to the town, draws money to Iho town. If u man wants to buy anything, ho goas wero ho sees tho most men trying to sell that ur tlclo. If ho wants to soil anything, ho goes where tho most men nro buying. Ifa man wants to buy groceries or sell produce, bo goes to tho business man that advertises, for ho knows whore to llnd him, anil what ho has to sell. Ex, Tin: Sellusgrovo Tribune says about two years ago John Ssunurc, of this place, lost n poekot book containing nbout $70 lit money, nnd notes amount- lngtoabuut$100. lloheardnothingof tho missing property ,aud never expected to. but much to bis surprise, a few days ago, bo received an express p.ickaga from Millersburg, which, when opened, contained tho amount of money nnd the missing notes. Tho transaction Is a strange ono and has ciused many stir mises ns to why tho money was returned at this Into day ; wo prosit mo however that John realizo tho foreo of tho adage, "better lato than never." i: wonder bow many Inf.dllblo "eurch" there nro for "rheumatism." Just 03 wo wonder how many diseases there nro called "rheumatism," because tho doctors can think of no other nnmo for them. Tho Inst treatment fur this mysterious complaint is to glvo tho pa tient n teaspoonful of salt and water, nnd then to placo a pinch ofsalt in each of his stockings. As no medicine h good for anything which will not over throw nt least two entirely dlirereut dis eases, wo nro happy to nnnouuco that tho salt nnd water nud tho salt In tho lockings havo been found equally clli eaclous In cases of fovcr and ngue. Tho general principle; seems to ho that If salt will cure meat it will curoany thing ; and it is about as sensiblo ns u great many medical principles now in vogue Sunday School Com cut Ion. PnotiitAMMi: of tho Columbia eoun ty Sabbath School Convention, lo bo hold nt Cutawis-w Tuesday. Wediipsdnv. nnd Thursday tho 2.!d, tilth ami 2.jtli of Jiny IS71. Tin:sAY MoiiNiNfi. Kcception of delegates anil Mlsccllanlous biisIncs- appointment of Committees, ele TUESDAY ivl- i EI.XOOX. 1. lillslnpss Resolutions nnd miesllons dl-omil or; 3. Cionoral diiCiHslonj Thg Sabbath School j Its.ohjoels anil alms, opened by liCV. i. .11. IVI'MUT. TUESDAY LvK.NI.Nd. 1. Questions nun HOSoiuiionsuHposeuolj l, Ueneral uisciHsioii ; too menus oi tho SaUhatli School, who they are, who they should Doanuwniu mcy siioinii no. upeneil ny uov. unci urn vex. WEDNESDAY iUOlt.VIXd. 1. ISll- ness : 2. Questions anil lU-.solut bus ills nosed of: !i, General discussion: Tim Sabbath School Work ; how to do it and now hoc to no it. upened uy Jiev. 7VI rrcd liurliniaii. Wednesday Ai'teknoon. Chll (Irons Meeting, Addresses by Itev's H. H. Crovcr, H. F. Alli'innn, J. H. Akcrs, .1. ilowllt unit J'rol. I. O. lie.-t. and oth ers will bo expected; 2. Husiness: I) Questions and ltesolullons disposed of. Wednesday Evknixo, 1. Que lions and Hi-solutions dlsimsctl of: 2, Oenernl discus-Ion ; Sabbath School helps. Opened by Itov.S, 1). Hicky. TllUIlSDAY MOKNINd. 1. IlllsillCSS 2. Questions mid ltesnlutlnns disposed of: Ueneral discussion; Tho Sabbath School and its influences. Opened by itov. D. J. Waller. TlIlMISDAYArrEltNOON. l.Huslnes3 inciuiung election of Olllcers ; 2. Ques. tlons and ltasolutiona disposed of; :i wuuuiui uisuiKMuii, rsaooaiii bcnooi or' gatilzatlon and how to promote It Oliened by Itov. J. P. Tustin. Sessions will bo from U a. m., to 12 .M 11 v. m, to 1 v. M.. nnd 7 p. jr. t nl p m., except tho first session on Tiiesdav ...t.i..i. i t.. ... ... . lYJIli:il Will DL''lll III III A. .M. All sessions will booponod with Scrh turo and Pravcr. Thev wlll'bu einw with tho Long Meter Uoxology and tho jn'iicuiciiou, Music will bo liilersncrscd throughout nil sessions. Questions nud resolutions may bo handed to tho Secretary or deposited 111 IIIU llUCSUDll 1SO.V. All live working Christians nro ex pected to attend If thov nossiblv vim. Sabbath Schools that cannot send all their olllcers nnd teachers should send ns lariro a diili-irntlnii in tm.ilMi. Thoso attending tho Convention will -"luoi tinned by tho citizens or Cat Wlssa. S. CuitTis, President, J. 11. Itoiuso.v, Secretary. Illl'n TV til,... 11 Ainj x oDit house, a man recently died In tho Schuylkill county Poor Homo, and tho ndmtnHtrator.s of ins estato nnvo thus far found two than. sand dollars of his effects. Ono thousand li'dj In nn,n.j .1,.. .1.111. .. . ..... ... iimiojuuuuiH,, l-ui,, an penuct ly soeuro, nud nnothor thousand was In cash, deposltod in onoof tho Pottsviiin Hanks, Tho man formerly resided In tho vicinity ofTromont, and felgnlne novor. ty, was sent to tho Poor IIouso whero ho diod and tho papors wero found upon hi person which led to tho disco vory of his nnnnciai condition COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, An Adjourned Court Is to hn bnlit In llloomsburg on tho 12lh of .Tiinn. fr tho trial of tho following causes! Murray, Wlnlock A llandnll vs. Tho North Hrlllsh Mcrcnntllo Insuranco Company, nnd tho samo parly vs. Tho Imperial FIro Insuranco Company. Hon. F. W. Huanus will nppcnr ns at tornoy for tho Plaintiffs. Tho follow Ing Is n list or tho Jurors drawn, viz s iiioom-i nomas Knorr, .Tcrcmlli Item. 1 Mnrcrock-Hiunncl H. Ml' Irr, H, lCelchucr. I I.Tvvlcn-M i:. Wnli.,ii, Isatsh lloiver. Kenton Ellas Mcllenry, Centre-Levi Hutchison, Stephen Point, l;lshhigcrcek-Siimiiel llutinnJ. II. M, Alder, Jr., John IVuicr, lllriun Murklp, W.N. Hosier l''raiiklln-.llcliacl.Mensh CiroeiiH-rwj.1 .lolm It. Mhi.ii llt'inloek IVter Work hclser. .Inrkaon MIim W. Mcllenry. li'inist ticm llnrlnmli, lfeiirv l'lnlr. J. Vnstlno. ,. ll"vl !!, !l'nninii,A.C.MIIl!iii,Jolm II. .Mnllii. Hfi'litiitiii, i-1....... M iilison-J.Miatlmn Johnson, Jnims DIMInc, Montour James llitrlon. Orntiijn-S.iinuci Hcybert, Cnlvln Itcrrlug. l'lna John limner. Si'utl-Sjmllel Hutchison, licubeli Culp. Sujarl'j.u-Juhn limz. 1 Tin: "malevolent potato hug" Is an nounced by n contemporary to bo "sit. ling in Western fence comers and wait lii( for business." Wim.i: settling a woman's estate at Worcester, Massachusctts.tho other day, nu Hem of .! was allowed her daughter for unending her funeral. Michael Harlzcll, of Columbia county, on Frlil ly, wns sentenced to tlio peniten tly for II vo years, having plead guilty to passing counterfeit money. Tiiinus that aim: Vi'.iiy Foot.islt. For a young man to think be does himself credit by hanging around tav ern-doors, smoking bad segars, nnd paying for expen"ivo suppers, In order to be called "liberal" by a clique of youths nssoltln tho brain as himself. 'or an uulloilged clerk to think ho must buy extravagant gloves nud cravats for ery festive occasion, Ik-ciuso Tom ones whoso father Is worth JI ft y thotis nnd dollars does so. The b way of proving his manhood would be In li t such things entlrelynlone; self denial Is better thauu fortune. For a girl to think shoiscstabli.shiti her character nsnyoung lady of fashion, by allowing her mother to toll through nil tho drudgery of tho house, and then Investing her money in gaudy brooches and flowers. 'or n man to suppose himself n gentle man uccauso nu loueiics his nat to u party of splendidly ilre.-sed ladies, while ho scorns to loud a helping hand to the old upplo-womiui struggling across the rect. Tnt.N'113 that auk Vain. The cil'orls of a blockhead tocrealo tho impression among sensiblo iieoplo that liu knows something. Tho efforts of some peoplo to establish u reputation for piety when thoy aro known daily to violate tho first principles of religion. Thcaffurls of would bo critics to disparage tho literary productions of others, tho subjects being such ns they know nothing about. The pretentions of people who havo nothing to base a pretence upon, not oven sense local :)tici:s. New Uooiu ut S. II. Mi i.eei: A Sons. I. W. llAUTMAN has tho best assort meiit of Grenadines In llloomsburg. M. 1'. IjUT. has lint iCTcivod nnnthe largo lino of Spring Shawls. See bis price lUt. S. 11. Jln.r.Ei: A Son havo I list onene a laruo stock of Shawls which they In tend to sell low for cash or country pro mice. New Hooks in tho Clrculatlm: Libra ry. "lilnx lialiy :" "Jiiiek of lloariiiL' uniili: ' "liret iinrtcii" "Tim tttor.v I.izxiuTold." "Mrs. Prentiss:" "Our Cilrls;" "l)loLowisj""l)e."k A Debit;" uuver optic. ' Tin: New Famllv Siir'er Sowing 51a- chines in dally use, year after year, at tho homes of tho peopk1, whero real merit is the test, has proved to bo tho best costructed, most durable, simple, and reliable. Sewing Machines that havo ever been made, 'heir pules tiro ono thousand a week more than nuy other company, without misrepresenta tions orweret promises oettig mane ny ineir agents. niu 11 Tin: Amateur Choral Society which was ortianized early last winter and has Much been under Iho direction of Prof. I. v- Nn.ES. intends ulvlug a Concert lu thn Court House, on tho evening of tho iiith inst. Tho Society comprises nearly all tho musical talent which our town posses.'es, and tho concert which Is to consist of both vocal nnd Instru mental performances, will undnuhtcly iillord a rich treat to all lox-eis of music, Let them have a full house. nitwit Tun nll cono reeling which pcoplo Kiiiietlines t-peak of, is caused by want nf proper action nf tho liver nnd heart. rneso may no nssisieii, ami mo noweis regulated, hy J'trsons' l'uryatlve J'ills lu small doses. Corn and Hour nro slaplo articles; but not moro n than Joimon's Anodyne J,immcnt. whero known. It is mind for children or adults, for nny Internal sore ncs of tho chest or bowels, nnd tho hist Pain Killer prepared, under whatever name. Dit. Saoe's Catarrh Kcmedy Is no Patent Midlelno humbiiL' trotten tin to diipn tho Ignorant nud credulous, nor Is ic ropic-emcu ns iieiug "composed 01 raro nnd precious substances, brought from tho lour corners of tho earth, ear- red seven limes across iholircal Desert of Sabatah on the backs of fourteen e.tniuls, nud brought across tho Atlantic Ocean on two Miips." It Is a simple, mild, Miothlng, pleasant Kemcily, it perrectspccuinlorchioiileiva-aiuatarrii uoiu in tiioiieau," uiiii Kiuureii ins- oases. Tho proprietor, J(. v. Pierce, M. 1)., of Uull'alo, N. v., oilers u reward of OuOUfortt ea.Hi of Catarrh ho cannot cu re, l or talo by mi t druggists every- xrliorn. Mont liv mull, liiisllintil. fnri-lx. ty cents. Address tho bolo proprietor as Buove. rulMiiiniis Mtilli'liii's. Tho theory that tho viiui ot dUeaso can bo safely counteracted by doses of poison, Is false ami dauyctou. Within tlio last twcnty-ilvo cais, not less tlinn n scoro of xlrulent poisons havo been added to tho poidtnry of Uio iiH'dlcal proiussiou, Theyaio clveii lu small dosei.. other wlso they would destroy llfo lininedlately but even lu tnuiuto quantltios, tbey produce, ultl man ly, x cry dttuntiousoUc-ils, It Is uiiwlsouiul tiuphllosophlcal to employ, as remedies, power lill nud innldlous drills, which, lu eubJugallliK ono tllscise, how tho seeds of utiottier htlll moro uumanai; cable, Nouoof tbeso tclllblo mn-llca lueiits operatis wltli as inucii directness mid certainty u ptui Ihocuusesofdlseasuasllohtetter'H bloiii ach lilt It i s, a tonla and corrcollve, wUhout ti Uiiylt:ih,htcrlt.iuiifrtilenttnucomioiUion, Arfco iiloaud iiulnlaiuu given for lutcriulttcutsi tiro mldoof poUisslum tor nervous disorders; strych nlno nnd prusslcaclilforueneral debility; iiiercu ly, lu varlotu forms, for llvir complaint ; preini' latlonsofchlortirorm and opium forslccplessuess; uud yot llioso tleully drutfs da uot comparo, fib specllles for tho dUeuses abovo euuuierated, with that wholesome x t'-jetalilu luvliforatorand altora tlve,xvldlo they nru nil ko pernicious that It Is tutouisiiiuis any piiysiclau bhould tako tuo ro sponslblllty of prtscrlbluir them. Let Invalids iur their own mikes, try tho Hitter beforo they resort to the poisons. The relief they will ex- perlencorrouiu coursouf tho hnrmlebs spcclllc, will render u rccourhototho inmate preparation retcrren 10, ijiuioiinucws.'iary, SECOND ANNUAL STATEMENT nu UINVSIIIIAM ANIIOENTItAliIA TOO I sill irr. roit tut. vi'.ah mnihhm ai.imi. lOtll 1171. Wlt.T.IAM fln.mUAM .Tmhii... count with salil Dhlrlcl. DP.. Th ninnnnt rcrelveil Irom ilvirllcal of t'onyiiKliniii township Ti amount recelvnl from Uupllcato of Cenlrnlla horouli To nmouut rrom County Trciuury for I5.S73 n MO 41 :,rs2 io IS 00 121 II sm lo iliini'iuuil llllltl Lllxi-S T.i tuiioutit rcceivca irom Orntigo Poor District To ntuount rocelveil from Coal Poor Dimrlct To total nmotitit rrcolved froinmdpiof idrm jTouticu uuriUK uio ymr Clt. !l,.-'J) M 115 nmounlof onlerH roaccmoa during uio 3 iur Uv amount of Treasurer commission tO.tlX) C7 IS) 13 M 60 llicroon w two percent. Uy nmouut of bamuco lu Treasury 83.VIS a! On exnmlynttnn til Ihn f.-irrtrnlnt, ne.nmil nr in uiiiDoi nan. i rcasurorni uonv nu in n inu Centralla Tonr lilstrlct, wo find It correct. JIAItTIN l'l.ANlOAN, " ANIlllKW llOll.VKY, I no.Miii uoiiuiivi;, i'.'i itioic kii,i.i:i;n, IIWIIl WAI.SII TIIO.MAB MUltl'llY, ATll 10th, 1S?I. AlUlton, utiiEoroiiH oi' Tin: roou in account WITH LU VnilllA.M AH II I'ENTllAI.IA roou DisntiuT. lilt. I'o nmnunt Irom duplicates SO.Iftl U'l 3,1.11 II " ointr mouii'cm tit. 0,5W S3 COS 51 lly nm't pa lit ilebt of last year to Mcsnri, Oooiliii4ii no ITIiorntoii llvntn'tpaMof last ycara fialaryiluo M 19 J, 11. i.iuiit. ly nm'i pint lawyer's fee, iluo hlnco IMM on -i llynlii'tpal'llialancolii lull of hind V1II1 lUll'IVI, lui milium- IIIIUl.lUI, laL velir lly nm'tpalilMarllu Munaglinnforout iloor rellol In ItlS lly nm't palil ilebl of 17 to township Ml 71 817 SO 1,1.0 3S S7 0) CJJ tlj llll.l'l I Ulltl lly mn'l paid Installment nn frm lor lariu worn nun coiuns In IWJ lly nm't palrl firming ntensIN, Inrnt-tun.-, alodcana repnlrluitilurlnc-ycar lly nm't puia to Aslum lor lusauo I'Hliper's Hoard lly ain't paid for medical fees nud .ViS P7 M WSJ 1,11'J IS 1,'u: 8) is: 12 uieuii'ine lly nm't paid for lnmranre lly nm't paid lor support of raupen, work on nud merchant's Mill lly nmouut paid other miscellaneous I'XJiKuyi's niviiiiw i uui 111 1 inu j I'll r lly umuunl paid Treasurers cominls kIoii a'J ncr cent on 5'J.lo I.U7 nalil out lly nm't of hjlaiuo du-jlrom'lrcnsuier :m si (9.6US .15 ;i:ai. ustate with ueoen't mritovi it. lly Parm nnd liult.ilnss Milticd ut $5,010 no ill m l'J7 IS nil '.n ll-liairN io imiitiuiK'- llonvuhold luruituio Farm utensils Hay, ur.tln and straw Manuio Morses mid cittle l'li-a 1'i.ultry I'nlaloea ileal 7 m res of wheat nnd I ryo liiijrnund nnlalif-i' tin .' Irom '1 leaiurer ill I l0 175 IK) 7.7 I" III I 'J li 00 5S CO fi7 iUI Ml (HI SUB M S,SIJ I.IA11.I.IT1ES. llv bilauco due on farm bonds S2,:m so in lavortn t uirui 0,01, Ss.SII i -no injurs of TAUM IK 1S7J. l.J tnnnf tiny AS Kill I s bushels t wheat SI. 10 ITU " " oaiH wi ei-nt " corn ems ii. ii eeii M ' " rso faitl.t I ' luitnloes M, 7 cents H loads of corn fislderfm S1J SIS lis or poikf-6 11 cents IPM heads or cablni;o tm 'i ceuls liuiler, CKs nun Mgjui'iieH l.lvn sltiek ral-ed )'t lnlliel of clover teed ;i Xo. of paupers now lu l'uor Ilntnt VI " udlillttcddurlnjjji'iil II linn, " i i " died " " 1 WIl.I.I.UtHNYIiEU, 1 Illreelors rxTiticK iuiiiKi;. y "' WI1.I.1A.M (10OI1MAX,) I'oor, Atttit C. 0. Mrnl'ltr, CUrlr. April lull, 1S7I.-H 13 U 11 li I O S A Ii E VAI.UAl'.I.r. PEllSOXAE I'llOPEIlTV. Thero will bo exposed to public sale, at the lain resltienct, oi .laeoo ivosieiiiiaiiuer, tH t'tnstii, I rn tile I In lownsllln. Coliltnbla t'Olltltv. I'.l.. TlH.SD.VVnnd WEIIN hl)A Y.May Ibih and I7t lsil.uioo'eltifk In tho louiioiiii tho lolljwlng l'ioieny io win SEVEN HOUSES AND ONE COET, five cowh, rouniiEAiioE Yor:r CATTLE, 11 HEAD OF FAT ItEEF STEEUS, 1bliteluhti.heen. two btecdln-z hows nnd nlizs. six hhoats, mm t-rto-horso wuon, (Iron uxlo.J ono oilier lm o-ntiiso Wilson, ono lour uurso whkoii I wo liuizleH. tun bolisleds. ono sleli-li. ono tour. horso leor power IhrcNhlin: machine, ono urnln u nu, ono corn Mieucr, nay lorn, ropu nun pulley, ono lluekeyo lleaiier and Minier. one Kevstont' Cider Mill, liny lake, MntihiK mill, threu Iron beam plows, ii lot of oilier Wow, harness, corn plow, ulllvators, six heta lieavy harnesH. four t.cla ui;iii iiarncK-, unlit liarnehs, uy nets, elinlus, iiiras, huovcis, nun raues, w uu u inr!;o vaileiy i.irmnu impieinenis ion nunierotH to mention, vino, ii luL in iiiiiirirr turn lis iiinni-i. nrniii lno, a lotof lumber such ns huirds scaulliii. o.ik and piuo plank, shingles, UallKMd hUN, 13,000 FKKT WHY 1INK 1JOAKDS, two ihousnml feet of pnnel htnlf, framo timber, haw log, a lot ot timber on tho stump, (un land hold tn Holomon Artley.) nlnn on lot known us iiioiuonias r-diooi iiouho loi.'" Also a inioi lll.ick'mllh'rt toln. uno borlliir machine, lot ot ham, r-houldfr tnul side meat, Urd, talUw, lour baruls of lnear, 10U BUSHEL OK WHEAT. twt hundred nnd flfty biuhelsof corn, ono hun drill nnd leptyllebuliesof oats, lot of clover Mtd, in. tit iocs I y th' l-Ufehel. liny ly tho ton, nud hlx Minims of bus. Albo.hoiehoht and kitchen UULilure, biich ns IllIDH, IIKDDINO, TAI1LFH, CHAIUS, utaiuN, nnd pipe, meat tuln, barrels, wltli a atlely ol articles loo tedious lo mention. tH' HJUUinuiiH v-j 'in i'u Jimur Kimu ii un nnv ui hiiW. O, D.I,. KOK'lF.NUAUDlIlt, .1, H, KIMl il.!,, Franklin twp , May 5, b"l. Adinlnlntinlors, oiu U'lfAN'S COUItT SA1.U ur .i,u.iii.j. in-..i, Will La sot 1 nt riutdli; vendue, on tho urc tnlsoH. hv villus ufun older of liiO Urhlrtlih' ( 'nil it ol t'oluinhia co., on Fiidny thoJJlli d ivni May, 171, at 11 o'clock in tho forLtioon, ihe lollowlu;; dih ei Hied pioptity to Mlt : '1 he equal undivided ono hallpaitotn Til ACT OF WOODLAND, (dtuMo In Catawl'iMi townsiiip, Columbl i county. Ph., biiuudtd and dthci lbed ns follows, viz: H (,'lnuliuat a uhlto oak htuuip, n eomerol lautl ol JuM'pli lirMi, ntul m lining Ihrueu hv mine and laud of (ieoro (iowman south llflylour and tlme-fpiarier demurs Mhiono nunuru nn-i tliiity perches lo a Mono, llieueo hy latid of KU'ibelh Iteetleraud himlof H. ILHeedwlu smith foityne and a fiiiarler degreid east eighty ptr cliei to a lwmt, th lice by lauds lelonglng Io tho neirit oi ii nam imvimui, ui ceaeo, hoi iu iun$ lour nnd t hi ccu uti rlc r ilem tin east ono hum! ml nnd thli ly 1 1 rdies to a post, lu lino ol land ot joM'pn jtieiMii, uieucu ny iini H'uu iiuih iinuu loit.-nn nnd thue-quiuler ihgites utst clglnj pert lies to llio plucouf bfgiunlui;, containing SIXTY-FIVE AGUES, htilct mrnKUie: Into the estato of Mat tin 11111- nivt r, (kTeneil, Thu fori imlnit tract of land Is veil timbered with tho he-st quiilitj ofWllin; OAK T1M1IKK, Tills land lies w ithlu a mllo and a quarter ot the town of L'ntuw bbit, and is theietoio eonuu- R'JH in uiu raiiiouo. Uu- Ttrnm uud (ondltlotiK mntie known on day ol sale. PKTKK Hll.LMVllIt, May Ht 1S71, Adiululstiatoih. JjJXCllANOK BAKERY A X 11 C O X V E 0 TI O X E It Y , 1II.OOM.S11U1U1, PA. Tho undersigned, huccessors of F. Whlinver. would ustiertiullv anuuuuco tlut thev lme taki n thn vtdM siahlisiu d stand leeently oreii pimnyiiio nooo iiumtu, in iiioomsourir, nuu piet'iticd toeoutluuo thy builliens of lUHUlll.ic turlug and belling, hy WHOL1MAMJ AND XtF.TAIL, I'onftcllonery of every stjlo and kind, AU t, thev vlll have at all tlnu-sa coiuidete sunnlv "1 thobet and fi chin st llund and Cake, Parties ihsnii an) thing In this lino will llnd It to tin lr auvauiagu io tiui on us, AX ICE OltEAfll SALOOX Is added lo thn estahllshment, nod ladles and oiiiciN wno m.iy iaiiouiti us. miiv reiv un u upon reilvlng proper allentlon, A rea-nnahlo shine of p'jhll" pat ronnt:u Is lespoct fully hoUci led, Kaphtiry, Lemon, and oilier Hymns, lu laigj IU1W aniuu iiuiiiuiiiL'a, i iiimiJimiy till H'tUU. , , HUKUIt A him:iax. Muyu. 1S71, iiril'l-lMOHYmiil FANCY IIOOIM, .MISSUS IIAIHIAN Hiwo Jiihi roci'lvcil n new ami fnhhlnunlilu n-v-ortliU'llt ol Milllnor nml LiiiIU-k' I'linfy UiiihU. nf Iho f'liok'1'l.t mill tlelllMt htl-liw nliil jintli-lliN, wliUll theyoltir to ClUtoiiHIH till llio 1IIOI.I ri-uhounuiu It'llllH, UOXNIITd AND HATS, IiACTH AN1I I'LOWKUM, KID AND KIll.riNIHIIi:i)OI.OVlN, JIILMNllUV (llll)DH IN UIJNDIIAI,, J'ANUV AltTIC'I.lIH, IjAUI AN1I Ol'UL'H L'OI.LAIW, nml nil oIli-frgooiN luunlly Itent In u llr.l Mllllnt r y (mlieul. 'ull una ur, Mnln Ktrcit, lliriifnoorii ubovo Ceiiliu, jiuij- 571-Jt puis JUSt p! HILLS. nrlntedoil UOod nniter mid In f Im im-ilt. BtylOjJUH TR'Il'HnudCuNVrAllUl'HFKKIHIdjH aud forsalu at thu Comtmuian Olllce, 'ihu law requires Justices ot thu Pcaculo liuvun Feulllll ul up In their olll cts, under a j anility of JIUuud Uouhlo Iheuinounl oft ho fees ihniigts). ELOOMSBUIIG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, 1ST OF DEALEltS OK ' Oor.UMllIA COUNTY I tierobv crrtlfir that thn follnwlmr list nf iUnl crs taken, returned and rlasslllod by me. In a" cordaneo with the several nets of Assembly, In i Kir uio rouniy oi ioiiiinoia, lor meyenrone thousand eluhl liundrod nml snTenlv.niiA. Is correct lo Iho best of my fetiowlO'Jgo nnd belief, 11I.0OM TOW8ltll. Class. Tux. Isnlali llsaelibuch, H. II. Miller A on, William llabb, A. J. Evans, W. ll.llrmtn, c.e:. .Marr, lluionn A Wardcu, Tlnwaro II $ 7 no riorn i.' l-'iirnlture II ClolhlnirHLnrn 11 14 -TtO 7 00 7 no 7 ui lo u, ID 00 1.' lill 7 ("I 7 () 7 IIU 7 SMI 7 m 7 1)1 7 (0 7 U) 7 l 7 110 7 10 7 no 7 isi 10 00 1 I Ml 7 OI 7 IW 11 m so oo 10 III) 7 00 7 IK) MM 1 00 7 ll 7 00 7 U) Hi l"l 7 l) 40 UO 1 1 Htoro Ilardwnro Htoro Cabinet CiothinuHtore Millinery llrocery Confocllonery UookHlnru UtUKLllsIs Wioo Htoro Tin .1 Hioves Htore Tin A Htoves Conrectlonery Htoro Kurnlturo Hioro IlniKitltt Mtoro lames Cuil'tnati. Ilavld lyiweutiiir. Jllsses.llarnian, .1, II. MHUl, Decker AJSteellle, M Ins A. 11. Wei.!, .Moyer Iirothers, E. M. Kliorr. A.M. Itllpeil, ... . .11 Mill, Mrs. H.IVI1 Jlrobtt, .1. U. Ever. (I. W. I'orrell, Joseph Ccrrell, E. I'. Lulu, I. W, iiartmaii, M'heivy.Neal Vt Cj. M. ! I.uii.. 1. A. Hockley, Uoolc Htoro Hhoo Htoro Hioro DriiKttlst Cotilectlonery Hioro Minreclloncry Millers 11. .1. I'lnMf.' N, .1, lleuiler&holt, ... dllLIMIS, W. I'. Hess, ox Webb, 'ilxtiili A llnrmmi. Henry Klelni. Hloomsburi; iron Co, t). A. .larntitr. Orticery HtDro (irocery 7 10 7 00 7 ISI 7 00 Ilelidersliiiit it Mason Healers 111 Coal t . i.. iinn.ri. iiriirprtr C. W. Meal .V Ilro. Dealers In Cont lli:XVKIl TOW.NSIII1", J. 1'. Trey, Htoro 7 no 7 00 . ..nnumnn, Abriili.uii illpi.. W. H, Iionfjenberner, nnitwicK liouoinit. Thomas. I Jane, Mlllcra Htoro Tln&Htovca IStora 1J .V) I: .mi 7 I") li fill 11 .VI 7 U'l 7 UO 7 0) 1 1 Ml 7 nu lu no 7 ll 7 00 7 00 i..x K.H, ii.iwer, M.Heesbtilu, Hiiumitu AJucksou, .'inter, iiiuius iX l.ti. DruifKUts J. II. HoUon, nuiitv it .t-iiermau, N. N, Hlecker. Dry (loods ,le. II Cabinet A Httncs II .hiss lieu lltrtl-nin, .Ifleksfiti Ar U'onil.-tl. Millinery Htoro Confectionery TobatvoDlst Tin ttHtocs J. O. Jncoby, ii .'i. iiocitiiinu. U. A, Uurklni-tmm, lllllAI'.CIIEBK TOWNSIIll', Mrs. A. W. Eaton, Bloio 7 00 7 110 win. .m. Kllnclob, l'eler, Miller i.rncery Miller .iiinits i, i nate, ll.C. I'lttise. 7 OH 7 III 7 UI Win. 1,. 1 lease, IIENION TOWNSIIll. Hainut 1 Heaeock, Sloro II 11 II li II 7 (10 7 (HI 7 00 11 111 iieiijuiiiiii t.oie, Colo it '1 liomns, J.J. M'llenry, H.M'lIenry, Miller fctoio 10 OJ CATAWIS3A TOWNSIIll'. M. llarinlniter, Millers II II II 11 II 12 II II) 7 00 7 no 7 oo I, r. .11 vllt'U, ,1. M. Mnlth. llrii-jslst. I. John .X Kim Htnrii ll HI llartinau ,t cleaver, " 7 I.I 12 fiO 7 00 '."I 00 7 00 7 ID 7 in UO 1)0 Weiix er a I ti'lchclderfer (1 1 ocery tlllbcrux Kllno, Htoro l.u. ileesliiillz, XV. II, Uriiime, lleorni' Manh.irdl, J, It. rS! arpless A Son Thomas E. Harder, Klouct l'ted II Conret lloueiyX':! I Hhoo Htoro II Id Htoro Cabinet Hioro Dealer e'liblnt-l II II II II 7 00 10 IX) lleoriiil Itl'shel, ' ' XViii.lIiiitler, CENTr.K TUWN.SIIII'. W. M. .1 d. r.. f.ow. Htoro ili-ot-cry htoro 10 l) 7 III 7 00 7 III Mnnmel HUtU-llf li, 1 "11 1 1 1 1, ll.nrls. Jacob Hpu.isler, iiieas, II. II. r.iwltr&Hoa 7 im 12 IW x luuilro & let wine, c-i:Nrr.Ai.i.v nouocuii. Wm.Torry, Mnitln Mouaiilian, W. 1). Melllilt, Ciiurnd l'olnud, 1 link, n. II. Mlll.ud, 1. II. EJuar e-o. 'J hotiias M'aborn, A. II. I'oitner, D. l Hlaelt. J. J. Hiiaijland, Btoro 1 (111 10 01 7 IK) 7 00 HriiRslst Conicctloueiy Htoro Cnblnit llroct'iy Tinware l-'lour A Ietl Htoru 7 lb It A, 7 00 7 01 7 Ml 7 in IJ CO l'llANKI.lN TOWNSIIll'. Mcndtl.lllll.t Dm. Millers )'HlllM:i'itl:l.K loWNsmr. D. M. M llmry, H'.oro J. T. .M'lleniy, It. M Hum ell, " Hwazy at K'ramfv, " .1. M. Ainliierui.iu, " Holouinn llu-is " l-'. J. 4 U. I'. .xi'Hcury, Mlllsis citr.nNwooii iim-s'iui'. Wm. Eyer A Hon Hbno A. 1'. lit Her .X Co. .XI. .1.1. Leidy, " Ellis Ees il llios. " Wm.Masleis, ' Mrs. Hannah Henry, " I'. 11. Illat I:, " Hojt in a Kramer, " James X', Wllsou, " n II II 12 12 II 12 II II 10 00 7 IS) 10 IS) 1 U 50 7 UO 12 50 111 Ml 7 00 low.Nsmr. Htoro Jacob IfarrN 7 (H) 10 (1) 7 IM 7 W m.u.a v Ml.Hhotmaiccr, " Win. Kline, Miller John O. M, U.Mgle, " LOCfsr TOWNdllll, II. Vaitlne. Htoro 7 OD 7 IO M tti 7 UO 7 W 7 IW Charles, " Yocum A Co. " Henry Oahle, Br. " Jacob Y eager, " maim; tuv.'ssiiii'. Win. llaiuk, hbro CilUplif-ll A I o. " J.D. Kllngtr, Mtrn in Tiiw.Nsiur, J. II, Ciensy, Creasy a IlioWll A. II. Iltttler, Htoro 1.) (in 1'J no pi on 7 0"J C.ibliul Moxiofi: Tosmr. It, Margt rum, "rocuy Htoro Di'iilt is MUteis 7 fO 7 WI :ni mi A. J. Aluiiiermiiil, raxton .t iiariuuii, ll.ii ton a Co, MOLf l'l.HAWVNT 'loW.NSIII 1', J. V.. faints, ' Hioro MAUItOX TOWNSIIll", Htoro K reamer. Ill (0 1 I INl Wm. Oen-ih's, .Mis. M, .. Watson, Millinery OH.NQ(i: lOWNSHIl", Htoio D. K. Hloan, II. .1, Uoner. n im 10 If) 1 I Oil 7 IH 7 Oil 7 in 7 CO 7 (II 7 OH 7 A. II. Stewart, 1). 11. Johiisiiii. (irocery Milters H.ivngo.i Kdltr, in,, IVter Knt. Hnilih a. liro. Tin . Stoves Hloves 111 ocery llnhlilns .t i,mw, Mlcfael KelUr, I'ISi; TOWNSIIll'. I!. W.Lyeus, Htoro KOAlilMltT.BFK lOWNillll", ( w ii chenlntitoii, Klrro J. li. Kllnger. t-fdAltl.oAl' 10W.NSIIU. M.Co'e, htoio brorr lowNsiiip, II 7 I'O A. It. While. Hioro Tin A Ktovt s liru.KUt H'oto Mlllfi-s htoiu 7 0 7 WI 7 10 M on 7 ID 7 00 10 IO lo no &' 0) luhtrt H. Knt. J. It.Goidner, I. A. Creusy, Kelehuir a sun hftmtu i A. Woi man, 1 r . Ul'l-KI'lllU, M lllatd A Tingle r. s. Kowler. Miller Slide loro Grocery Htoio J. H. WurkheUer, (1. M. Maker. II 7 10 II 7 oo (J. W. Cievellllg, i. i: 60 All inMiiiiu i tin mnv fi el mm t ii )iv tho aboo ( l.wt itlcatlon can h.ivo an opportunity nf appe' cullliiK upon Iho undeislned at his i M'lenee, in i' isuiimcuea iovusnip,ai any iiuio until May i'Jttli, 1S7I, at vhlchtlmo an appeal M ill uu lie in ill lliu tuuri IIUUSH in itiuani'huiiii;, joun Huno.N, .Vm-onfie Atitnuxer, Htllluater.Apiil2.MS71. G li O II K M U T UAL LIFI-1 IN.SU11ANOE COJU'ANY o r NEW YOHK. I liny I'rpiinnii, rrtslilcnl, II, C, Krcrrimii, Bcc I'asli cuiuiftl over J,l)00,C(Xi, nil imlil, J. 11. ItOUISON, IlLOOJISIlUlia, l'A UIJNUK.M, AUIiNT, Korl.iHcruc, Lycomlnunnil L'olumlila COllUtlt-H. AUB.SI.'C'J. cjiioaHnTEsT' UO TO V. II. 11HOWN, Corner of Mnln nflil Iron Hlrectn, I'Oll A 1'I.Nll ASSOIVl'MlINl' OK FJi'MSU GllOCEllTES, I'OHKIHN AM) I.OMU1TIO I'ltUll', with u vnrli-ty of nil klnda ol O-A-nsnxrEiD PBXJIT; AUo a Fine Asoitmenlof tlUr.KNfl.WAHK, WOOD A WILLOW-YAUU Uest llrlKht d'oldtn Drips Hy run MolnsscH nt cents per gallon, itiu COf Fi:i; at cents per pound. Wtilto huk ir at 1 1 eeuts, ami llrovu Huar ut lit cents per iouud. CJ- 'Kl l'UDII i;s...Ci.iiutry Produco tnken In ixehanuu lor iijociilcs, Ciuh puld lor Hotter and iisn. , luprI'VTl'liu, PHINTINO Neatly .leeotM nt thu ouiro ; CLARK'S COLUMN. 1S71. SPRING. 1871. IE. CliAItlC UAH 11ECEIVED Ills SlMtlNQ G O O D S H0U01IT AT I.OWUST CASH l'UIClX, nnd will AT A UEDUCTION llcgardless of any Prlco ElsU CAltl'ET CHAl.NHnt Hl'Itt.Ml ClIAI.I.IESnl ... HO cents ... 12 cents .i m.miim:'i: m.r TIJAX A SI.01V Sllll.l.l.VCI. ri:it n A P Ii It U I P 0 O P IN H g- o o r s. H J. CLARK lias opened .VICE PKESIt hioci; (lOODS AT VEHY LOW l'llICES. NOW IN STOKE TJ AUG A INS MATTINU CAltl'ET, 1.1NEN 1SIIAXVI.H, NAI'KINJS, DIAl'EIl I.INENH, TOWEI.4. HANllKEItClIirH, HI.EACIIEDMUSI.INH, HKIUES, c. &C e. &e. LOOK AT OUR V II I T E GOODS, HED Hl'ltEADiS, AND HOUSE EUHNISIIINCI GOODS. KO Tl'.OUIII.t: IO SHOW OOODH. CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES. i:i:ht is tiii: makkkt at vi:kv i.w rmrrs. THY OUU $1,00 BYIIUI. Nor.oDV it ah iu;tti:i; corriuw, luo ntiJ li csh. Wo ran nuly mention a ft w lemlliiK ntilclcE, Como ami n u us ana wo will I'O YOr (on. issoitinciit of all shinies al 1() cts. per yard. Ci'VUichas onUrcil and will liavo In htoro a Booil avsorimeut of IMfiues for Hprtng and Sum mer, wash I'opMxa at IS ct. CI.AIli; lms In Ktoro a line fctocl: tf M'.NV CAH- IMi:ili:s , to M'll-Uown, Down, CLAItlCwm keep at all limes a full Iluo of UUOCnUIUS.TKAH at 51.00 per lb. to tlio best In marlietat51.'0. CALIj AND BlHi a largo and well assorted htock of notions, hosiery, gloves, umbrellas, ic, CI.AUKS ALLOWS NO MISHUIMIU'SIINTA TION Or 0001)3. nor makes noao wlicntellluff If lio knows It, And utiy crroia mado ho lsal- waj'H wlllluKtoadjust. 1'rtiiey Hoop, rnbbltt'H 1 est, Olyceilue, llouey uiiuie, wniLO auacojcifu. You will llnd a full and hiro stock ol Genuine TItA FFOIJD CAIIPKTCIIALVr.tCLAUK'H. Ifeavv I.ncftl eurlalns at M nud 75 cents pcr yard. OlLir Cintulim In stoik. For a full Uock of Dry OooJi, go toCLAKKS, 1 n fit oek, COTfOX, a good and larco fclocU of QUILTING Ltdles no lo CLAltK for your g2 00 galtors. In tho Hue of MUHI.INS, both bleached and unbleached, ho oilers as lar-J a stock and as well nssitrtcd, and at tho bottom rates. JUeter yard wide, 1J cts by the bolt and lifjjby the yard, Lnconln, the Mimo as Fruit of the Loom, Mills & Idem. Gents iro to CLUKH for your uohy Hummer Hats and Caps. Flavoring extracts, Ladles l'o to rrj.VItlv Ifvrm want a neolHliawl at a low prlco and sood t;ooils. l-'orrnrni1!!!. CI.Alllv lins vow In Ktoro Diich Wool, Iimmln, III) Kliii'li lli"r rnrpolK, tlutt In quel io nuj -oonui r .MiiKo, !u . j um. jn-r j niu. TUAl-'KOlllr t'AItrirr CHAIN, tho lent In market, nt 3) cts, per Ih. hy . ,'ljlit. (lo to Cf.AUKS for you) i.inert. ehonreit In Inwn, u lull iiH-.ortnu'nt .n hntut Tor Iji'lles MlKseH mill ChlUlleni, CfiAiiK lias received another lot ot Lasting Polish nml Congress Gaiters at a pair for ladle. Call and fco them. Anv co-tili vmi mnv wnnt mil on riflrlc nml If no hum koi iiieiu nu mii no pieiiBoo losnow ineni, Inttnclc, ft full iikvirtmcnt ol I'rccch 10 llono COIWr.lHntTOcenls. (.'IiAlllv will reeelvo n lariro fctoclc of Lnilles' Pprlnu filt bKIUTHof tho Inlest Mylonnd imt- lerns. t'l.AIUC Imi rerelvcil nnothrr New Hlylo of IJU1.SH UUOII', CI.AltIC linn leeclved nlariio Block of TOCIvCT KNIVI'.S for Ijidlei nnd (leiiU.lncliidliiK tlio old lurlow, Ci.Aitit Uceiis tlio larecsl stock of uarpeis in town, irom lu cts lo l,7.j per yarn. Yon will llnd n full stmlc of DII11S4 OOO Ua In henson, kucIi ns Alnpnkii, I'oiillus, I laid, Herges in piaiiunud btrlpos. A Inrno lino of Ioklns (llaii.. A full kloi ic of WI! I l i: U00D3 on liaud. IKISIl I-ori.INH, 8111c TopHus, of nil colore. Mlk Dlnulics Hobos. ri.AUi; hellsnfairOrccu Ten nt M cents ner liouild, Duo of teo lieU and larBCkt ktocka of Llaclt nud strind Aia-ACAH lu tuwn. Now In moron larso Hiortc of Hooji bklrls, MUsn' BklrlnSJ cts., Lndiu' 11 cents to JIOO. TO aUN'lKClnikcircrsafullIlnoof the very best nnd mot fushlonulilo Hock of rmn-r Collar, lAlluilr, i.lntn-faccd, bhukei-jHare, Jlvs, und &lll'JV HelN I.A11IIS' GOOD HOSlInt S3 cts., Gents' Hrlllsh II01.U at .5 cts,, nnd Howards. l'liriiliiisoaiiil llnoakkorlinent of NeckTlet, cheun, cull nl UI.A11KH. ' CI.AHK oilers lo lhoFAUMi:UH a lull stock of uooas wiucu Ho will sell them for produce iu low ns iur uio cam. (.'all nud kco for yourselves. Clauk sella n heavy ono yard wide stiindnrd muslin at 12j cents by tlio bolt or 12 cents by tlio yard. lllnntiUburg, March 17, Logal Notico. ADJIINISTllATOIt'S NOTICE. wir.l.MM iikm. ueu'ii. letters nf administration on tho eslnlo l William lless, lalo nf HUKarlonf twp., Columbia county.deo'd., have been Kranioi ny ino iitnisier ofsaldcoutitv toJoslalin.Vrllt.resldlnBlnHunxr- ioar townsnip, uoininnia eouiiiy. .u i-urstnin havlna claims against tho estalo of tho decedent lire If fllltsietl HI ireseiii. tneiu h i n...... and thoso Indebted In the cslnto tn makp pay mint to lbeuiidcMloicd.ntlmln!slrtor.wllliBUt delay. JIWIAIJ It. Klinz, Opri7l,71-UW liuiuiumi."". A DMINISTItATOIl'S NOTICE. I.STATKII1P JACOIl KOSIKNHADtK, llEO n. lA-tlersofnd.iilnlslratloli on thecstato of Jacob Kostenhader, lato of l'Tnlikllu twp.. Columbia county dio'd., havo been Krnntod by tlio ltcxlster ot 8ld county, to 0in D. Ii. Kostenliailer and Joseph 11. Knlttle or Franklin townshlnlp. All persons linvlnit claims or dclnantls nftnlnst Hie decedent nro retpiesled to make them known nnd thoso Intlebled to make iiaymen., without dolny. OWEN 1), I,. KOHVENUADElt, Vl.71.L lt Jl. JviSll I 1.1., , npr2Vl-0w Administrators. IXEOUTOIIS' NOTICE. XU ESTATE OF JOHN ltOIIISON.Iirc'l). jiTiicrs lesiameninry nu too estate oi joun i.tiuistiii, iiiiu ,u tst:utb t.w i, hi, i viiiiiiiuia t o.. tleci-aseil, havo been granted by tho Hetilstcr of said county to Huston Hoblsou, and XVlIllam C, Itooisnn. ill jiersons iiiiviuk ciniius itcninsi tlio eslalo nro requested to present lliem in tlio Executors In Columbia ctiulitv. Thoso Indebted to tho estato either on note, Judgment, mortgage nr book account will make payment to the Ex ecutors without delay, nuniu.-i itiiiiinti.-t, V.M. C. IIOIIIHO.V, May 5, 1871-Ow, Executors, Miscellaneous. M: Tlio puninier montlis will verv soon bo fairly u shorn I in with their sultry wtntlier aud lon can tin utile in recuperating our cxiinnsioj strenth, nud when wo nro required tn fortify our pnygKiuo hriiiiisl ino mill-Kern nrisiiiK iruui nits unlvtrKnl pruvaleney of Mcliness 'J lie only true snli tiunrd I tbnt a.ire uud reliable tonic nnd lu vtnurator.MlrtllLKU'rt HKHU JUTI'KIW, which Is lndorHcd and recommended by iho mcdlcnl l.iculty and by unnumered tliousnndH of penon in every city, town and vmngo m tuo country, Its aid, preserved or recovered their health. It u-lll iHirilv Ihn lllnnil nnd Hprret Inn rnrn cverv form ((flndlffeMlonnd ntlord Immedlnto relief In emeu of Dj senlery, folic. Cholera .MorbuM.aud kindred dlfleuoit. l'rovlde youritlf now aijalusl a time oi uetu. neiayt) aru uucu tin u serous. pj-OTlCIi aii uersons indebted tothoMib'icrlberforruent, nro ln'ieby lurorined that I have lelt my books with Joseph l.lliy. l.,nt Llcht Htreet, lorcollec tloU, null linvi I., li, iiuu in un jiiuKtr in nnuui. may ii'ini' ouu f A S 1' E E N D I D v 1. 1. v a v i: o n . a XVIT1I TWO SETf HEEDS -4TIIIIEE S'lOl'rf, can He bo.tglit for Ql'iO al l'iiiuo XVariTucms'iicftV Korku llottl. ii!ij-12'71-Cm. TUOTIOE. iHiitrcbyElvcn Hint mi tho S9.l Jay or April, IWI, I imrcluMtl nt CimjHiblo Hale llio rollowlnu ilexi'ilbtil niiii-rly, sola oh the property or Junepli l-vtl-E-r. nr LViitro townshln. Columbia county. nml which 1 halo lonueil t lilm durlliK my ilf-nsure, to wit l nomeH, came, wiiuouh, piown, iiiri-nuM nml nil f.irtnhiii utenHlls on Iho farm wlu-ro ho rcblilcH, ntul nil the householil furniture In tho Iiouko occui letl by htiu. AIro, bin ehnro of r.iln In tho crouiul on tho Heldler farm. All nemon- nro iioiiu-u iimv amu iiui'i.-iij ii. LilouuHtninli. may .j, jum.i-u iwu 500 VOLUMES IX ON'U . Tiiu LiuuARV ori'oirntY and hono, Ileitis Choice Helectlou from tho Det 1'oets, KNUU3II, SCOTCH, IKHII AND AMESICA-V, With un Introduction Ty WILLtAil CULLEN UIlYANr. Under whoio critical supervision Iho volume was eouipneu. Thn handsomest nnd choAuest Huljscrlntlon iinr.if i.inni. tiverwx) I'ltiuew. bejiiifullv nrlntod. choicely llhihtralt'd, luiudsoinely bound. A Libra ry of oicr ujj votuuus in one vwk, uutu i-iiuiculh, ot no ephemeral naluru or Interest, will never Crow oi.i or stuie. 11 can ue, uiui win ue, reaa nnd iertad with plo.iur by old and young, as lon as lt leaves hoi 1 uuelher. "A perlect Mil pi 1 -e, hcireely nnjthlnj at nil a favorite, or ut nil worthy of placo here, Is ueiileeted It Is a boult lor evtry househoid." -A', r. mm. "Wo Uuuw of no similar collection In tho copiousness aud lellcl ty of hi lection nud arrnnKeiuent, can at all com p.imwlth It," A', 1'. Tribune. Ttrms liberal. Helling very rapidly. Send for flreiilnr nnd terms to J. 11. t'OUl) it CO.. i.7 lMrk I'luce, St V. may 1271 H TATENTCD llBcBMUCn 7T11, lS6j. OUR CLLI'.UUATr.D GOLDEN FOUNTAIN PEN. Iaml1acoll. A Liiom tf!Tel rII who hflVQ lifted ll f u In tbo lipt IVn fiuitfi or Mild In tMaeouu i try I 111 nul ror'HH'. hit nnm nnnn S Million IVnriiil H 111 uutw-ur bIumii ! bt M4t-I IN ii-. Put nil ' nt lHr boiki. I nill.ll liMVIU t "iTi uiid fur J 1 S, rciiori hut 'it-rj:f ! (.rHiiit ini roiilur t aiM per tuontli. i'rf.litrli.t iifrunl.l "2 1 MuitiiMt!o I " ii, lili.'im lunhux'siii) io T Dw lin.. I1.UUI Lull. fj ti.OO. AJJrt-, ' Vr.TKKN ri'llLISHIKO Co. M.mi.f i.iuri.ri' rue.lmi-Ji, r. 1 Jn I fUrTlUV-Tlteirwi t f pwlnrltTrl.f e t rlur mi nl it v. Ilnv ni'lr (tit itciiulnu I UI .N I l oiii ii tiit uiirrn?. in ri. . iuj IV r I'ona it I v jnur .Viite. '1 imiii Cojnt) , mil hihii, ii In tily rill tn, ifid trikr vtlll uiwot vtliU Iironijif ntU'iiUeiu JanJ071 ly OSCJ Cf J. B. DDSBIWS, 420 North Eighth St., Phlladn. YecetableCI A color and dressing that willK not burn tlio hair or injuro the head. It does not produco a color mechanically, ns tho poisonous preparations do. It gradually restores tho hair to its original color and lustre, by supplying now lifo and vigor. It causes a luxuriant growth of solt, fine hair. Tho best and safest articlo over offered. Clean and Pure. No scditneut. Sold everywhere. ASK FOR DOBBINS'. lioyU'70-em, gl.OOM FEItKY. 'Ilie lllooin Icrry company lms lind lis HnU nnd 1 imiK thorouuhly upulred nnd U now In i cniiiiit-HH io nu nu uMim it-iryini; ui auv renson nhlu hour. 'I'lio ll1HlmlL'iir..l will Im In ittlon ilnneo nt uny tlinotownlt upon ciiktouieis nl call. ui'i .i-n iy dull?, li, liUluK. n I, a it k in IIEL'-UIVIUU AN 1) NOW OITNINU A NUW HTOCK 01'' H V II 1 x ; U ) () I) S ! CAI1. AM) BEK. April 11, 1871. TNK! INK I! INK! It Pi f w OF TIIU Wi A.GE1 lly Muli'is (lihr's relihrnUil Ink I'.iwilcm, Vntl Hill HllLnll.l- ri.,l...llinli l.nllll nnd iur mpctlor lo unj ililru id In use. Will Hamiilo piitluitu suiilcltnl lor ono pint ol Ink "lendatory lcltirs, many of w hich aren-om th will l;u sent by e turn mail lu nuy ono sendlug highest tources, Including eminent l'liyslelau iini. i-.iirout. kicei en., i-rii-Kiui: will uoi injuro. luity-no cejits lu 11, W. Miss, apr mi-Siu llleiirsburg, Tn. rivri'.iiixAHY. AUGUST Fllir.NI). liln frem nerinnny, oirers his services lo I'.IUIIU 11. I. lUlLUilllUll 110HSK AND COW DOOTOlt. nnd alt oilier animals, fur wlil.n nia ni.,,.. miHlernte. He can uluavs bo f.iuuil eal kldo ..... (uu, iit-r n. u,.iaeou) -s inrtiie uiu. '.v.v....utg, ...ay i3li-iy. JUSTICE'S HIiANKS. Wo now linvoon hnnd n Inrgo nenlly prinl.l f,'.".".'.''. of Jl'STlCl Snud LONS'IAIIMM tiieso eiUkvi-s. WU "n"U "' u,le"llou of Patent Modicinos. TTKNilY T. HKIiMHOUVe. OO M POUND FLU1D EXTRACT CATAWIlA 0 n A V K P I h L s. Cinioiient 2trh MhM Jhtract Hhubarb and tutit traet Ottanba Uraxi Jtttcc, FOIl MVint COMI'IA!Nrd,JAUMDICi:, J1II. IOUH AtTKCTlONS, HICK OH NKIlVOUd 1IKADACHK, C04T1 Vt:NESHf KTC. TUIIIXV VIlOnTAIUiK.CONTAINlNa NOMKUUUIlY MINKItAI Oli Di;M3ri2UIOUH DUUOS. TJiene rills aro the tn 5st delightfully plcasnnt purgfttlvo, Biiierfpdina castor oil, sal In, mng nesU, cte. There In nothing moro acceptable to tho ft torn nc h, They give tone, nhd cnu neunrr nausea nor Krlphiff patoN, They arc compo&etl of lhalnctt ingredients. After a few days' una Ihcni, fcuch nti liivlgoratlon wf tho entire Hystcni takes placo nu to nppcnr miraculous to tho weak and enervated, whether arising from lmpru denco or disease. If, T.Ilolmbotd'ii Compound FlutdlxtrnctCatawbaOrnpo PlUsoro notsJ r coated, from the fact that Rtisar-coated l'lnndu not JUolve.but pnM througu tnostomncn without dlKsolvlng, consequently do not produco the do Iredctroct. THU CATAWHA (JltAl'i: V11.M being pleasant In taste and odor, do nut necensl Lato their being sugar-catctl. I'ltlCH FIFTY CUNTS BOX. JlKXllY T. JUtMlIlOLrSX. lltailLY CONCt.NTr.ATED UOMl'Ot'M) FLUID UXTUACT 8 A 1 LS A FA 1 1 1 1 j I A Will radically cxttrmlnalo frcm tlio nytcm Scrofula, Hyphllln, Fever Sores, Ulcers, HorcFljcH Horo LcgK, Koro Mouth, Koro Head, Uronchltls, Bklu D1h fc-, h'alt HI it urn, Cankers, Uunnlugi from tho F.ur, Whlto Hwelllngs, Tumori, Can cerousAtlectltins.Nodcw.nickctF.OinndarHwet lugs, Nlht Mweats, lt.uh, Tetter, Humors ol a KtndH, Chronic Uheumatlsui, Dynpepsla, and al ilUeu tliut h u htetl entablUhed In Ihu hi'ftteiu for it'ii r. UelhgproparcdnXl'llI'.'iSLY forthonbovecom p nliiU. ltMlilJOIM'UUIFYINU proprieties aio greater thnn nuy other preparation ot Saruppi nllfl. It gives the COMFMiXION a clear and healthy color and restores the patient to a state ot 1IKALTII aud l'UUirY. For Purifying thu UlooJ, removing all Chronic Constitutional Dis eases nrUlng from an Impure state of tho Mood, And the only rellubleandefTcctual known reme dy lor tho euro of Fains and Hwelllngs of thu lloncs, Ulcerations of tho Throat aud Legs, lllotches, Pimples on tho Face, Kry at pejus and all scaly Kruptlonsof theHkln,and lleautifjiug the Complexion. 1'rlce, S 1 50 per Hot 1 1 e. lONL'l-.NntATKI FL USD EXTRA 0T JJ UQIl U TIIH OUUAT DIUUKTIC, has cured every caso of Diabetes In which It has been given, Irritation or the neck or thellUddir nnd Inflammation of tho Kidneys, Ulceration or Iho Kidney" aud llladder, lie Ion Hon of Urluo Diseases of tho Prostate Oland.btono lu the Iliad dcr, Calculs, Gravel, Drlckdusl Deposit, aud Mucous or Milky Dlcharges,and for Eufctblud and Dellcato Constitutions of bo:h Saxes, atten ded with tho following ayinpton.s : ludisposl' tlon to Insertion, lois ol Power, loss of Memory, Dllllculty of Breathing, AYcak Ncrcs, Trun hllug, Horror of Disease, WaUcfulucbs, Dimness of Villon, Falu lu thu Duck, Hut lluuds, 1-lush ing of the Eody, DrynobS ol tho akin, Lruptlou tho Face, Pallid Countenance, Lulvtrml Lassitude of tho Muscular Syttem, etc. Used by per.sous irom tno uges of Llghteeu to twenty-live, aud Iroiu thirty-live to lUty-ilve oi lu the dccllao or change of life; after confine ment or labor palus; hedwcttlng In chllircn. lU'linliold's Uxtr.tct lluchu Ii Diuretic and IllooiM'urllylng, nud cures nil dle.-Moi arising from Habits of Dissipation, nnd Excesses nnd Imprudences in Life, Impurities of the lllood, etc., superseding Copnbla In nlTectlons for which It Is used, nnd -Syphllltlo Affections In thcuo diseases used In connection with HEI.MBOLD'M 110SU WASH. LAUIIW. InmanynlTectlous peculiar to ladles, the Ex tract lluchu 1 uucriuallcd by any other remedy ns Is Chlorosis or Retention, Irregularity, ruluess or UnpprcsBlon of t'uktoniary Evacua tions, Ulcerated or Kchlrrus SUile of tlio UteriiK, Lencorrha'a or Whites, SterlHIy.nnd for nil com plaints Incident to tho sex, whether nrlslug from Indlscietlonor UahlUof Ulsslputlon, It Is pre- kcrllei extcusUely by the most eminent phj sl- lans and Alldwlvcs for Enfeebled nnd Ucllealo Coustltntlons, ol both sexes nnd nil nges (ntu-u ded with nny of tho above diseases or symptom. 11. T. HEI.MIlOr.D'S KXTIt.VCT CUC1IU f'l'UES IIHEASEM AIUSIXO 1'UO.M IMrllU- m:.sce, iiaiiith ov dissh-ation, etc.. in nil their stngcs.nt lltlloczncno, little or no cluintro In diet, no, nnd no ex purine. It cniucs a frequent def Ire, nnd glvis sin nlh to Urlnntc, thereby reniuvlug Obstruc tion, rri'(-ntlut: und Curing Strictures of Ihu Uu tin. Allying l'utu aud Inllnmmntlon, so frequent in this class of dhenses, nud expelling all l'oUouolis matter. Thousnuds who havo been tho victims of In competent persons, nnd who havo pnld heavy fees to bo cured lu a bhort lime, havo found they liavo been deceived, nnd Hint tho'Tolson" lms, hy Ihe uso of "powerful astringents," beeuulli'd up in tuo system, to break out In a moro ut'Kri- vated form, nud perhaps niter Marriage, Uso HEI.MIIOI.I) B EXntACT 11UCHU for nil Airecllous nud Dlsenscs of tho Ulluary Ort:ans. whelher existing In Mnloor Femule, from what ever cnusu originating, nud no matter of how long standing. I'lllCE ONE HOI.I.AH AMI I'li-rv cents l'Eii norru:. IIEXHY T. HKLMnOMVS TM 1'IIOVKD nOSE NVAB1I ciinnot bo mrpnssed ns n FACE WASH, and i.l bo found tho only kpeclilo reme-dy In eery species of CUTANI'.Ot'H AFFECTION. It Lilly erndlcales l'lJU'UW.hl'O'IUKCOllIlUTH imYNEh.S.lNLUKATIONSof tho CUTANEOUS MEMIJllANE, etc., dispels llEDNESS nud IX CIPIENT 1NKI.AMATION. 1IIVIS. HASH. MOTH 1'ATCIIIX, DHYNESS OF SCAl.l' lilt SKIN, rilOSTUITia. and nil purx)ses for whleli SALVES or OINTMENTS nro used; restores tho skin to ii stalo of purity nnd softness, nnd In. suroi continued healthy nctlou to the tissue nf us vthsels, on whie-li Uepeud tho agreeable clear ness and lvncltyol complexion so mu :h kou. d aud ndmlred. Hut however vuluablo rui remedy lor existing defects of tho skin, H, T. Helmbold's I'.cko Wnsh hns long sustained lis principle claim to unboundeel patronage, by potsckklngqunlltles which render It a TOILET Ari'ENDAOE of tho most Hnnctlntlve uud Congenial character, combining In nu elcguut formula those prominent ri quIslts.SAFETV and El'TIUACY llio Invariable accompaniment ol Its uso ns a Freseriatlvo and llefresher of tho Complexion. It Is an excellent Lotion for eU-i-ciisisoruSjphllltloNntuii), nndas nu lnjeetlou lor diseases of tho Urinary Organs, hrlslng from habits of dissipation, usod la connection with IhoEXTltAtn-HBUCHU.SAIWAVAIlJLLA.u'id CATAWBA UUArU l'lLLH.In such diseases us recoinmeuded, cannot bo suipasscd, riiHl. ON E UOl.LAU VEU llOTTLl Full nud explicit directions nccomnauv Hi medicines. i.-wucueu or ino imt responsible nnd rcllahl cluirucler furnished on application, with hun dreds of thuufcniidt of living wltuckk.s.aud up warn or mi.uxi unsolicited certificates ami rccom Ucigymcu, htntetmen, etc. Tlio proprietor li uoverrcsortcd to their publlcntlon lu the uvi lapersi ho does not do this nom the fact tlx. his articles runic as Btaudaid ricrajatloiis.un do Lot need lo bo propped upby certificates, IIciuj T. Ilelniliolil'N RcilillllK I'K'lUUlltioUN. L'lllvi-iedlonuynddiess. Hefuro Item cbkn vttlon. Eklubllkhcd upwards of twuly year,. Bol Diugglsts t-vcry where. Addre. lettera for In forniatlou, In conlldence to I1ENUY T, HELM the nrn uf hold, urugglst end Chemist Ouly Depuisi H. T, HELMBOLD'S Drug an Cheiuleul Wurehouke, No. tai llri'ndwuy, Ntw Yuik.orto 1I.T. Ill I.M1:0I.I)'S iiidieul Dejul 101 South Tt nlli mud, rhlladclphlu, I'O. llEWAltE 01' COUNTEUl'r.n r.l!H. Ask for Hl.MlYT. HULMUOI.IVH TAKK No O'llll lt 1