The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, May 19, 1871, Image 2

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I 6
Silttc Ofotumhinn;
l'ltll)AY..MOUMX(l, MAY 1!, 1871.
l.tbclltntr 1'nlillc Mm.
A ronTiMroiunr citontn tho illacmlltorihs
HnrrKbiirK IWromiiA.tho fact Hint It lately rub.
Holy retracted lw libel upon .Indite lllark. Tho
rrtrftcllnti aUKnlthat the olTenillnii article w
ii-tviii'ii wiiiiniu mo Pfiiior KlinwietlKa. mm
I llflt llfl tiellevr t hn dinrana wlllwtiil runmlnilnn
til rati, Tliln Iclractloli 1. not to the illvriHll tif
unrounded rharirc luntnit imbl la men, ntnl lr
iit-mifr. iniiiin tuny ni cinior to retract.
"'"'in inirm-u it juiiriuiilini WOlllll I
Kitlncr thereby. i'nltiIWinfi Imu.
Wo ncrco Dcrfoctly with tho Day
Tho prnctlcaof giving currency to fulso
stntumcuts ncnlnst public men, not only
Is disgraceful to Journnllsta personally
but completely destroys their power
when they havo truthful statements of
puullo Interest to make. With many
papers anil tho Ilarrlsburg Telegraph
unionist thorn no discrimination
mnilo between honest men and rogues
but nil aro slandered alike, when they
happen to bo not of tho editor's way of
political thinking. To bo denounced
therefore In such papers ha no terrors
for political men, and tho public pays
no moro attention to such denunciation
than it docs to tlio sayings of a common
scold. If newspapers dcslro to presorvo
Ihclrlnfluenco they must deservolt
they must bo truthful and reliable, and
If led into error must havo tho man
hood to correct themselves. All pcoplo
honor tho man who not only refuses to
bo tho author of a Ho but who ulso and
with equal flrmncsj refuses to bo used
as an Instrument to propogato untruth.
All editors, like other people, nro liable
to mistaken, to bo misinformed, to b0'
llovo that which Is untrue, but auy ouo
of them who feels n Just prldo In his
profession, or that degreo of honor
which nlono characterizes a proper man
as distinguished from a blackguard,
will correct any mlstako or error ho
may fall Into whenovor tho fact Is raado
apparent to him,
Tho retraction of tho Ilarrlsburg Tel
egraph, noticed nbovo, would havo
been far moro honorablo to tho editor If
It had been voluntarily made to bo
honest under compulsion Is no Heaven
born virtue, yet Is better than usual for
that paper.
Dcmocrnttc Convention-" Auditor General.
Tho Democratic County Convention
on Monday was pretty well attended,
considering tho season. It will bo ob
served that unanimous Instructions
wero passed In favor of Gen. W. W. II.
Davis, of Bucks county, for Auditor
General. Tho Democracy of Columbia
havo dono themselves credit In this ac
tioncredit in bringing forward n fit
candidate who was not pressing him
self upon tho party, and ono who emi
nently deserves preferment. Tho action
of tho county was spontaneous, not tho
result of effort orlntriguo, nnd wo trust
tho Btato Convention will bo controlled
by similar patriotic motives. Davis has
deserved well of his country on tho bat
tlo field as well as In tho privato rela
tions of life. Ho Is In nil respects a fit
man as n candidato and will prove as
fit as an officer. Ho was tho Democratic
candidato for thesamo offico in 1SG5, nnd
as such did energetic work to secure tho
triumph of hij party work that was
creditable to him and beneficial to tho
party that nominated him. Although
lilsyote tit tho election was a most rc
epcctablo ono, ho was overwhelmed by
tho largo Republican majority of that
day. It is but Justice to a faithful and
able man to give him another trial,
when there Is hopo of success, and when
tho merits of tho candidate will havo
so much to do with securing victory.
Xorth and West llranch
In another column wo glvo a correct
copy of tho act recently passed to Incor
porate tho North and West Branch
Railroad company. It will bo seen
that notwithstanding earnest attempts
wero made to cripplo tho bill by amend
ments designed to favor special locali
ties, it is passed in tho form desired by
tho pcoplo of Columbia county. Tlio
gentlemen named as incorporators aro
already taking tho Inltlatiory stops to
havo subscription books opened with
tho view to tho commencement of Im
mediate operations. Every citizen, es
pecially thoso of IUoomsburg and oth
ers residing along tho lino of tho pro
posed routo, ought to tako a deep inter
est in forwarding this project. Tho road
Is of moro interest to tho county gener
ally than any other that has been pro
posed, ns Its erection would glvo com
pleto railroad accommodations to tho
people south of tho river and nlso to
tho two Fishlngcrcek vallies, as well a3
to Bloomsburg and its vicinity. It is
hoped tho pcoplo Interested will tako
hold of tho project In earnest and drive
it through to successful completion with
hearty energy.
Sherman Itetreatliisr!
Tho whole administration at Wash
Ington nnd lladlcal leaders generally
"camo down'' on Gen. Suehman with
all tho powerof threats and tearful coax
Ing bceauso of his Now Orleans speech,
and they assert that thoy havo Induced
hlni to. say that ho was not correctly re
ported. Ahem! if Gen. Sherman has
been induced to this latter assertion
why dont thoy get him to tell tho pub
lic what he did say at Now Orleans?
Tlicro would bo forco In such an e.xpla
nation as that, but to say simply that
ho was not correctly reported,, without
othar explanation, amounts to Just
nothing. They attempted to get him
to deny tho main assertions In tho
speech but In this thoy utterly failed
Whether tho lladlcal battories can forco
him to retreat entirely from hl.s truthful
poaltiou remains to bo seen.
lladlcal Stato Contention.
This body met at Ilarrlsburg on Wed
nesday, and nominated Dr. David
Stanton, of Beaver county, for Aud
itor General. Tho Convention was
mado up of n majority of the adherents
of Gen. Cameron, nud no appeals by
tho moro modcrato of tho plundering
crowd was sufficient to Induco them to
nomlnato somebody outsldo of tho cor
rupt Treasury ring for Auditor General.
Having Belzed tho Treasury last winter
It was necessary to havo a tool In that
offico to glvo them full swing at tho
stealings. They already havo thoTrcas
ury lu tho hands of an agent of tho ring,
and If they succeed In tho election this
fall they will havo another agent of tho
ring as Auditor General to settlo his
accounts! There will then not bo tho
least check to prevent thorn from gorg.
lug themselves upon tho peoplo's money
to their heart's content. Such Is lladlcal.
Ism I Personally wo know nothing
about tho nominee
Now let tho Democracy nomlnato ono
of their best men and victory Is surol
Col. 11. P. Death, of Schuylkill eoun
ty, was nominated for fjurvoyor Gen
Democratic Counljr Comrnllnn,
llLooMsiiuitn, May lfilli, 1871. Tho
convention having met as requested by
tho Chairman of tho Standing Com
mittee, on motion, John G. Vwr.v.n:,
Ksq. was appointed President, and 0.
G. MunpuY and David Lowkniiiiiui,
Tho list of townships was called and
delegate presented their credential,
as follows, vl.i
lllooin.K. W.-H. II. Jllller, W. It.
KontH, and 1). LowcnncrK,
liloout, W, W. John (J. Freeze, nnd
Itobert K Clark.
nnd A. 8. Ikler.
Herwlck. John O. Jacobv.
Ilriarcrcek. Charles Heed.
Catawlfsa. Casper Ithawn nnd J. 8.
Centre. II. D. Knorr, Win. Shaffer
and Jcsso Hoffrann.
Ccntralla. C. G. Murphy.
Conynghnm. l'oter Luby.
l'ls ilngcrcck.-Sllas Mellenry and 11.
1' . kdgar.
Greenwood. D. Demott, John Leg
gott nnd Isaac Ikelor.
Jackson.-Clinton Lowis and Jeffer
son Krllz.
Mlillln. Samuel Snyder nnd J. H.
Montour. Wm. G. (julck and W. K.
Mt. Pleasant. John Mordan and
Joseph Ikcler.
Orange. John Snyder nnd K. liower.
Scott. John B.wngouml 0. 1'. lint.
On motion, It was unnnimously
Ecsohcel, That tho Itcprescntatlvo
Dclcgato from this District to tho Dem
ocratic State Convention on tho 21 Inst,
bo and Is hereby Instructed to support
Gen. W. W. II. Davis, of Ducks Coun
ty, ns n candidato for Auditor General
to bo voted for ut tho next goneral elec
tion. C. G. Muni'iiY, Ksq. of Centralla.was
then elected Kcprcsontntlvo delegate,
anu his election was made unanimous.
Capt. IIkes J. MiLi,Ann and J. S
McN'incii, wero elected Senatorial Con
ferees, with Instructions to support tho
candidato of tho county to which tho
Senatorial dolcgato belongs.
There being no other business tho
Convention adjourned.
Taxes I Taxes I
Tho farmer, tho mechanic, tho day
laborer, nnd all who cam their bread In
tho sweat of their faces, will bo ablo to
nppreclato tho following ballad In re.
gard to tho stato of tho times, under
lladlcal rule. In former day j when tho
finances of tho country wero under
Democratic control, things wero other'
wisoj but now tho rulo Is tho highest
prices for tho poorest goods. This is
tlio legltlmato result of lladlcal rule.
which to perpctuato its own power has
Immolated tho constitution of tho coun
try upon a party altar, and sacrificed
all its wiso and provident requirements
to tho baso interests of a partizan or-
ganlzation. Hut hero is tho "ballad :"
JaxcslTaiei! nothing but taxeaU
J axed ou all Mint n lunn cao pat
Taxoil on Ills Hour, anil tnied on Ills moat :
Taxed upon all that covers his back,
nu cotton urn i, to Ills broadcloth black:
Taxed on whatever Is pleasant to see,
To hear or to hmelt, to feel or to be,
Tbxcb! taxes! nolhlni; but taxes It
uuuuiuK our noses as suarp as our axes !
Why! Tho Hadlcal Parly to keep l.i repair,
fcjo that "hlg h-moral" scoundrels may each have
a share
In liusosteallnM and nick Imrs found everywhere!
I axes I taxes I Keimbllcau Taxes I
raxed on the collln, nnd taxed on tho crib.
On Uie old inau'a shroud, and the young brat's
To pamper the blsot, and fatten tho knave,
Taxeil Irom the cradle plump Into tho Bravo 1 1
Why !-To buy all tho rogues they can find far
and near.
Auditive every Congressman hall n million a
vear I
Taxes ! taxes I Republican Taxes I
f.or 'no rich meno shirk ; nnd poor men to pay,
l rom tho plttonco they cam by hard work all
Ily the strain of tho muscle, the sweat of tho brow
Uy the spado and tho trowel, tho ax and tho
., N..'? wiutari:thetaxe5for?
Whyl-lhe old ConsUlutlon to knock all
And to Jin every place-holder's pocket with cash
1.l!e?!fLnw Pud Liberty down to their graves.
mm vuru minions of I'rccmcn to cowering
HUrrah for thnTnr thn Inllv nl.l I
Dome, men, (jet your noses nlfgrnund Into axes
Uless Humner, pralso Chandler, Ueast Butler and
And all your big "Bosses," that Taxes havo
YO "mUll. Sills." In Vflnli-An " n) 11 n n tli rnnv" enl.l
lie quiet obey jour Baucy tongues hold!
When n vast majority of tho so-call
ed Ku-Klux cases aro Invcstlgatcd,tliey
prove to bo tho merest bogus coinage,
Issued from that mint of invention, tho
brains of needy, ambitious lladlcal pol
iticians. Every instanco of dlsobcdicnco
to law In tho South is labeled another
Ku-Klux outrage, and shipped to the
North and n market. Nono of tho ex
planatory circumstances aro given, but
old Sam is decorated with an extra coat
of black paint, In order to, tho mero
certainly, imposo upon tho peoplo of
this section. Not long since, a report
was telegraphed from Ilalelgh, North
Carolina, that a band of Ku-Klux ruf
fians had maltreated sotno persons In
that vicinity, and that soldiers had ar
rested several members of tho gang.
Tho truth of this case Is that threo
young men, not disguised, visited a
shanty wlicro white) women nnd negro
men wero herding together like brutes,
to tho scandal of tho neighborhood, nnd
assaulted tomo of tho parlies. For this
thoy woro arrested. This was no Ku
Klux outrage. It was only a dupllcato
or tlio common talo of popular Indig
nation and riot against thoconcublnago
of black men nnd white women. Now
York, OhloIiunesotn.and overy other
Stato, no matter how woll-T)ehaved, has
lurnlsneu examples of similar Intoler
anco of such an association of tho two
races, and may tlo so again, to-day or
to-morrow. Dozens of such acts havo
been chronicled in tho North.
Well SAin.-When, after tho olec
Hon of Lincoln, Soward boasted In tho
Senato that tlio Mongrel party would
"now tako possession of tho citadel,"
Senator Hammond, of South Carolina,
rcnllcd as follows:
"Tho Democratic party surrender tho
country without n stain upon her lion,
or, boundless In her prosperty, lncaleu
lubloln her strength. Wo havo kept
tho government conservative to tho
great purposo of government. Wo havo
placed her and kept her upon tho Con
utltutlou ; and that, sir, lias been tho
eauso of your peaco und prosperity,
Time will show what you will make of
her; but no tlmoeau diminish ourglory,
or your responsibility,"
, The Pennsylvania Reserve Associa
tion, celebrated tliolr tenth anniversary
at Phlladelpha on Tuesday Inst. Gen.
Meade presided, Tho annual address
was delivered by den. W. H. Est, of
Columbia county, and Is favorably
spokon of by city papers. Wo will en.
dcavor to publish it hereafter. Gov.
Curtin, was ro-olected President of tho
Association for tho ensuing year.
Gen. Grant has succeeded in defea
ting and ousting Gen. Looan from tho
command of tho Grand army of tho
Republic. Gen, Burkbide lias been
elected In hisplaco. Of courso nobody Is
to bo hurt, as tho latter Is great on a
parado hut perfectly nmlablo In n fight.
'Ilio Coal Troubles.
Much negotiation In regard to re.suinp
(Ion has been going on during tho past
week. At Cantralla tho miners havo
gono to work. Also nt Ashland nnd
Schuylkill county generally. Also In
tho Iichlgh region and in Luzerne,
except In the vicinity of Scrnnton,whoro
only i row mines nro In operation, Tho
probability Is that work will bo every
whero resumed In n short time.
Latkk. -Tlio collieries in Schuylkill
nro nearly all now In full operation
Tho question of wages for this year was
settled on the l"lh Inst,, nt rottsvlllo, by
thu decls'on of Judgo Kt,VEM., cstab
llshlng a basis for tho graduation of tho
prlco of labor, which appears to bo Just
to all parties, viz:
ltl nt fort Carbon, t 3 Ttvier ton for coal,
Miner, wage, by ilnjr work, 11 0) ner weclt,
Inshlo laborer. ' " II 10 " '
Uumlde laborers " " lu 01) " '
Contract Work to bo reduced 10 per
cent, below prices paid under tho threo
dollar basis of 18G9.
Wages to advanco ono cent for every
tlirco cents odvitnco In tho price of coal
abovo $2.7o, and to dccllno nt tho samo
rate when tho prlco Is below that sum
down to $2.25.
Ilnroncnn 'ew.
Tho Versailles army Is still battering
away nt the walls ond forts of Paris.
Tho former nro much Injured and sovcr
nl of tho latter havo been captured. An
attempt to storm tho city has probably
been mado by this time.
Rev. John Cain, a negro lladlcal In
tho South, says that "never had any
party n better chanco to do good than
tho llcpubllean party j and never did
any party do worso." Brother Cain Is
mad and had better bo seen to at once.
Ho sounds Uko n Ku Klux.
The Philadelphia Radical newspa.
pcrs nro bowolllng tho oxtravaganco of
Its city government, and want tho thing
to stop. It would havo stopped long
ago If tho pcoplo had listened to tho
warning of the Democratic parly. Thoso
who rush into tho lion's mouth with
their eyes open, get littlo sympathy,
and arc entitled to none.
The "Border Claim Bill," appropri
ating $100,000 annually for ilvo years to
tho citizens of Franklin, York, nnd other
border counties who sustained damago
to their property during thu rebellion,
has passed tho Senate. Tho object Is lor
tho Stato to pay thoso claims, and then
to obtain repayment from tho General
Justice Miller, of tho Supremo
Court of tho United States, is tho cholco
of tho antlGrant wing of tho Radical
party In tlio West, for President. It is
conceded by nil but tho ofilce-holdors,
that thoro-nomination of General Grant
Is equivalent to a certain and disastrous
defeat. Taxes and plundering will crush
his administration In n contest before
tho country.
The President has at length succeed
ed lu compelling ono yankeo to resign
a foreign diplomatic mission Geo.
Bancroft, Minister at Berlin. Lin
coln had filled tho foreign appoint
ments with yankces and Johnson un
fortunately refused to rcmovo them.
They disgraced tho country wherever
thoy were, nnd Grant is doing a good
thing In ridding it of them. It is said
a western man is to tako tho place.
The Berks county Democracy hold
their annual county meeting at Read
ing, on Tuesday. Resolutions wcrondop
ted denouncing tho Reconstruction and
Ku-Klux acts; endorsing tho speech of
Senator Schurz, nt St. Loulsr denoun
cing tlio "enormous freight charges of
tho Reading Railroad Company to resi
dents in this county" as n "gross viola
tion of tho Company's charter j" and
recommending as n remedy tho forma
tion of a labor union of working men,
business men and farmers within tho
Democratic organization, to opposo "all
unfair and unjust aggressions of capi
tal." Hon. Sharon Tyndale, has been
murdered in tho public streets of Spring
field, tho homo of Lincoln. Will General
Grant, who lately asked and got an act
passed, to glvo him power "to effectually
securo life, liberty and property in all
parts of tho Utiltd States," now over
throw tho Radical Stato Government
of Illinois? Ho did not Intcrfero in
Pennsylvania, when, threo months ago,
tho Radical majority In tho Houso be
stowed an ottlcoof profit and trust upon
n man concerned in the murder of tho
gnllant Union soldier, Colonel Riddle.
But If acts llko theso should occur at tho
South, they will bo greedily seized as
pretexts for establishing bayonet gov
ernment. Wo think there is no oxcuso
for it In any civilized community, In
time of peace. It is tho resourco of
despots and military usurpers, and
never was a euro for any soclal evlls.
The repeal of tho law which provided
that tho first session of each Congress
should commence on tho 1th of March
Instead of the first Monday of Decem
ber, was wiso and proper. Thero never
was any good reason for tho chango of
tlio old established rulo. It was ono of
tho tomporary devices of tho Republi
can party, of which tho country bus had
moro than enough. It sorved tliolr turn
during tho tlmo of Andrew Johnson,
but was found to boasourcoof Incon
vonlonco. Still tho Republicans of tho
Houso wero disposed to perpctuato It.
It was only repealed by a majority of
one, with nil tho Democrats voting In
tlio affirmative Wo hopo tho tlmo may
soon coino when tho last ono of tho shifts
nnd temporary expedients of tho Radi
cals shall bo wiped from tho statuto
That dulrUM sovereignties could cxiti un
der one government, emanating torn the
same people, was a phenomenon in the politi
cal KoMxchlch the what ttalrsnun in 'Eu
rope could not comprehend; and of its prac
ticability many in our mencountry entertained
the most serious doubts. Thus far the
friends of liberty have had great cause of
triumph in thcsuiccss of the pnnciphs vpon
which our government rests. Hut all must
admit that the purity and permanency of
this system depend on its faitlfid adminls
tration. The States and the Ecdcral govern
ment have their respective orbits within tchich
each must revoke. If either cross the sphere
of the other the harmony of the system w de
stroyed and its'strcngth is impaired. It would
be as gross vsurpatlon on the part of the
Federal government to interfere tciVi State
rights, by an exercise of powers not ddegated,
as U would be for a State to interpose Us au
thority against a law of the Union. Fcdcr
til Supremo Court In 1830.
Tho lu'llon of thu Radical Legislature
In defeating tho will of tho pcoplo, and
declaring Jewell Governor, Is ono of
tho most daring abuses of power yet
perpetrated outsldo of Washington.
Tho purpoio to commit this fraud nnd
to consuinmnto tho result was clearly
foreshadowed from tho hour In which
tho returns elected Knolish. Tho only
question was, how could It best bo nc.
compllshed? First, It was proposed to
glvo Jewell votes lu Cheshire, which
had been rejected. As that plan would
not work, then tho expedient of reopcib
lng tho boxes In tho Fourth Ward of
Now Ilnvon was adopted. And when
it was found that tho ballots gnvo Jew
El.LlOO less than was returned, by count,
Ing two packages of CO each as 100 each,
thoy fell upon tho despcrnlo resource of
going out on tho highways and gather
Ing In enough swift witnesses to swear
they had voted tho "Radical ticket'
not for Jewell, but tho ticket.
Although, oven with this hnrd swear
ing, tho number of 100 was not mado
out, still tho Radical candidato was
elected by tho Radical Lcglslnturo, Just
as members of .Congress havo been
elected by tho Radical Houso of Rep
resentatlvcs, whllo they wero In n ml
norlty at homo of many thousands.
It Is worthy of nolo, tjiat lu tho pro
tended Investigation, no Democratic
witnesses were examined or wero allow
ed nny part In tho proceedings. It was
allfjmrc, nnd against tlio constitu
tion and laws of tho State, which pro.
vldo tho formal modo of declaring nud
contesting elections. Tho wholo course
of tho majority, from tlio beginning to
tho cm! of this business, has been revo
lutionary, nnd, In that respect, consls,
tent with tho conduct of tho Radical
party hero and everywhere. They de
termined to gel possession of tho Gov
ernorship, by any fraud, however bold,
and nny violence, howovcr extreme.
This scandalous outra''o has already
produced n great rc-actlon In popular
sentiment ,Lan easier In tclligcnecr.
A Medley or MoimitIk.
Tho Treaty of the High Commission
has ono peculiarity which Is worthy of
special notice. Although that extraor
dinary embassy was crcaled to closo up
all outstanding differences between tho
two countries, no single question has
boon distinctly and definitively deter
mined by it. Every clnlm, disputed
right, or contested prlvilegohns been re
ferred to somo arbitration or commiss
ion, in which tho United States flguro
ns onoparty,ogain3tfouror two through
out. Monarchs aro to fix tho measure
of our grievances ; and, In fact, to decldo
whether thoy exist or not. They con
stitute tho tribunal of last resort, from
which thcro Is no appeal. Wonro bound
in advanco by their Jiat, whatever it
may be.
As this mass of majesty, to whoso
tender earn a Republican Administra
tion has consigned American citizens,
may crcato confusion in tho populnr
mind, wo havo thought it deslrablo to
abstract from tho overpowerlngTrcnty,
a brief that will present to viow nt it
glanco till tho matters nnd moaarcli3 as
they happen to appear on tho sceno :
Alabama Claims. Fio arbitrators, to
bo named as follows : Ono by tho Presi
dent of tho United Slates ; ouo by her
Britannic Majesty ; ono by ids Majesty
tho King of Italy : ono by tho President
of tho Swiss Confederation, nud ono by
his Majesty tho Etnpcror of Brazil. Two
Presidents and tlirco Majesties.
Hoard of Assessors to Determine Vali
dity anil Amount of Claims. Threo, to
bo named as follows : Ono by tho Presi
dent of tho United States, ono by her
Britannic Majesty, and ono by tho rep
resentative at Washington of his Ma
jesty tho King of Italy. Ono President
and two Majesties.
Claims of British Subjects. Threo
Commissioners, to bo named as follows :
Ono by tho President of tho United
States, ono by her Britannic Majesty,
and in caso of disagreement, ono by tho
represcntatlvo nt Washington of his
Majesty tho King of Spain. Ono Presi
dent and two Majesties.
To Determine l'rtec to be raid England
for Eishing Privileges. Threo Commis
sioners, to bo named as follows :' Ono by
tho President of tho United States : ouo
by her Britannic Majesty, nnd in caso of
disagreement, ono by tho represcntatlvo
nt London of his Majesty tho Emperor
of Austria nnd King of Hungary. Ono
President and two Majesties.
lb Determine the Title of the American
Island of San Juan. Ill Majesty tho
Emperor of Germany. Ono Majesty.
Washington Patriot.
SixauLAR Conceit, It Is a concep
tion with moro than n foundation In
fancy, that pcoplo como gradually to
look llko tho houses they livo In. Is
over a man seen whoso f.tco does not in
dicate tho stylo of tho houso ho has
long occupied? Tho denizen of n build
ing uupalntod and shabby goes about
unshaven and throadbaro , partly bo-
causo tho appearance) of tho house is duo
to tho character of Its owner, largely
becauso tho houso leavos its impress
upori tho man. Tho effect of association
is usually uuder-03tlmated. American
Hats and Heads. It is stated as a
curious fact among our hat and cap
manufacturers, that different localities
uso difforont sizes of hats and caps as
standard sizes. Boston-and tho Eastern
States uso tho smallostsizes, Now York
and tho Mlddlo States uso tho medium
to largest sizes, and Chicago and tho
Western Statos rcqulrotholargostslzes.
Goods manufactured for ono market
cannot bo sold for thoothor, only In ex
ceptional cases. Tho South uso n slmpo
peculiar td themselves and of largo size.
Philadelphia Hallway Guide.
Flowery. Columbus, aeorgla.must
abound In flowers, Judging from tho fol
lowing parngraph from tho Sun of that
"A gentloman tolls us that bo believes
his wlfu gathered at least ten bushels of
flowers from his garden on tho0th,nnd
Hint in tlio nucrnoon only tho roso
bushes showed any spoliation. Pinks,
&c seemed to havo bloomed sufficient
ly during tho day to supply nil losses,
Wo cannot recall n bensou when flowers
wero moro luxuriant, abundant, and
Greeny who sonds to Mr. Pt
I unk, or any other man, n dollar for
"a correct likeness of yoursolf and your
fortuno told," reeolves a small looking
glass, anu is informed that ho can tell
hla fortuno hlmsolf by counting Ids
monoy. Greeny then thinks that Mr,
Funk Is a knavo, but never suspects
that lio (.Greeny) Is n fool.
Pence Celebration.
Tho German Peaco celebration In
Philadelphia ou Monday and Tuesday
last, was probably tho most magnificent
nlfalr of Iho hind over held In tho United
Slates. Tho city was literally crowded
with strangers. Tho ceremonies of tho
dny wero opened by n salute of thirty
seven guns fired In Fidrmoiint Park by
tho ICeyslono battery, and tlio clanging
of bells.
As tho hours woro on thoslreots wero
lively Willi civic delegations moving
towards tho ccnlro of attraction, Broad
street. Tho clash of cymbals, tho thun
der of tho bass drum, and tho sonorous
blasts of tho trumpet, drowned all other
sounds. GrcafYehlcles, metamorphosed
by art Into fairy bowers or mlnlaturo
forests, wero drawn beforo tho wonder
lng eyo of tho looker-on, followed hard
upon tho civic soclctlo, nnd wero lost
in tho distance. Whorovcr u flag was
owned It was thrown to tho brcezo; nil
tho dry goods stores wero garnished
with vnrlcgalcd fabrics, and tho streets
over which tho procession was to march
presented to tho delighted eyo it per
spective of glowing coles.
Until tliohourofmarchlng Iho titpiost
ncllvily and excitement reigned. Col
umns of military, with brightly burn
ished weapons and unstained uniforms,
paraded beforo tho nwo stricken multi
tude. Civic societies In nil tho splendor
or glittering regnllaand silken banners
emerged suddenly rrom bystreets upon
tho great highway; great c.tvalcadcs,
with tho conspicuous rcalurcsof melan
choly looking hats nnd Immaculato
aprons, galloped over this Campus Mar-
Hits; almost Inlerinlnnblo caravans of
wagons, covered with refreshing ver
dure, nud drawn by gaily caparisoned
horses, slowly drew upon tho scene.
From Columbia nvcuuo to far below
Chestnut street tho prospect was that of
solid masses of humanity moving hith
er and thither, and thousands of flutter
ing banners extending beyond tho reach
of vision.
Tho newspaper offices wero all oxtrav
agntly decorated with American nnd
German bunting.
Immediately in front of tho cntranco
to Independence hall, nnd surrounding
tho statue of Washington, n largo stand
had been erected for tho accommodation
of tho city authorities, who had accep
ted tin Invitation to review tlio proces
sion a3 It passed. Thustiml was deco
rated in n handsomo and nppropriato
manner. It was occupied bythomayor,
heads of departments and city councils,
nnd tho usual marching salulo was giv
en by many of tho organizations in tho
procession, ns tho lino moved by.
Having passed over the routo tho pro-
ccsson arrived nt Pcnn square, where
tho singing of "Wacht on dor Rhine,"
and a Jubllco song, under tho direction
of Professor Hnrtman, tho leader of tho
Junger Mannerchor, were rendered lu a
splendid stylo. Addresses wero deliv
ered by Dr. G. Keller, Dr. Schmidt,
Rev. Dr. Furness nnd Col. John W.
Forney. After tlio adoption of a series
of nppropriato resolutions tho exercises
wero concluded with tho chorus "Slo-
gesgesgang dcr Dcutschen nach der
Tho festival was continued on Tuos-
day by a picnic nt tlio splendid park of
tho Philadelphia rillo club, located on
Indian Queen ianc, in tlio Twenty-second
ward. At ten o'clock tho affair
began, and then promenade nnd danco
music during tho remainder of tho day
and evening. At threo o'clock thoLin
den Tree, tho German emblem of peaco,
was planted, and tho Peaco Monument,
was unvnllcd. Addrossos was deliver
ed by Mr. Georgo Slegman and Dr. G.
Kcllner, and tho singing societies sang
"DcrSIegesgcsgang"and " Wcr hat dich
du sclioner Wald."
Philadelphia, May 13. evening
This evening tho city was nllvo with
people, tho streets being thronged. Tlio
German Democrat offico projentcTl n
magnificent nppearance,sovorul calcium
lights showing ofr Its decorations to
great effect. Tho Ledger building was
also splendidly decorated. Tlio Ger
mans uro happy and nro enjoying them
selves nsonly Germans can.
The demonstration outrun oven tho
highest and most florid anticipation of
Its projectors. Thousands upon thous
ands, nnd tens of thousands of men
woro in tho procession, which coiled its
gaudy length through tho streets, and
mado tho eyes acho and bewildered the
senses with adornments of all kinds.
Soldiers marched with stately steps j
turners displayed tho light, springing
tread which results from their physical
training; tradesmen, of nil classes, ex
hibited their occupations upon moving
platforms, appropriately decorated, and
vast columns of pcoplo moved in pro
cession, to tho sound of music and tho
shouts of an excited population, Whllo
this host of men passed In tho centre of
tho streets, tho pavements wero occu
pied by still greater numbers. Hero
men, women and children, of all con
ditions, gathered fortho purposo of gaz
ing nt tlio procession, and Joining In tho
gcnernl rejoicing of tho hour and tho
occasion. Old men fought their battles
over again, and women shed tcarsnt tho
return of peaco with Its holy associa
tions of homo, rest and contentment.
As a whole, tho demonstration was
worthy of tho pcoplo Who projected it,
and tlio event It was Intended to murk
nud commemorate. Thoso who partic
ipated in it acted in a manner worthy
of tho day, Its memories, duties and re
quirements, whllo peaco, ordor and pro
priety wero noticeably conspicuous
among tho spectators. Fatherland held
Its while banner of Peaco aloft, and all
her children gathered In loving concord
beneath Its shadow. And over all camo
floating tho words of tho poet :
O beauteous Feaco I
Bwcet union ofnHlatu! What Uso hut thou
Ulves bafety, fetrength and glory to n people?
Qeneral Fitz John Porter's caso
was considered at tho last meeting of
tho Fifth Army Corpi Society, and tho
following resolution was adopted, with
but ouo dissenting voto:
Eesolved, That in viow of tho Import
ant ovldonco bearing on tho caso of
General l'ltz John Porter developed
hIiico tho closo of tho war. which con
firms tho onlnlon alwavs entertained bv
tho omcers nnu souuers wno serveu
under him, u respectful potltlon bo pre
sented to tho President of tlio United
States, In tho niimo of tho Fifth Army
Corps, requesting him to ro-opon tho
caso of our communder, Fitz John Porter
lu order that Justlco may bo dono him.
The Philadelphia Press says, "thoro
ports of tlio Ku-Klux crimes btitlniio
to multiply." Of courso thoy do. Thcro
has been u man appointed In overy
Southern county to put lying "reports"
In circulation, and thero Is no reason
why thoy should not "multiply."
North and West llrnneh Itnllrond.
llllANl'll llAILtlOAII CO MI" A NY.
Section 1 Ee U enacted, Ao, That L.
D.Shocmakcr, Benjamin F. Pfoutz nnd
Peter Purslll of Luzsrno county,
Michael Moylcrt of Sullivan county,
Benjamin 8. Benlly, John 11. Bock, Geo.
W. Lents, William Brliidlo of Lycom
ing county, Michael Grovo of Montour
county, nnd William Ncal, D. J, Will
Icr, James Masters, John J, M'Honry,
Dr. J). II. Montgomery, Robert F. Clark
ofColuinblacounty,omny Ilvo of them,
nro appointed commissioners to opon
books, recolvo subscriptions and organ
Izo n company with powor to construct
n railroad from tho borough of VIIko3
barro In tho county of Luzorno, nlong
thoeouth sldooftho North Branch of
thoSusquohanna river, to a polntoppos
Ho tho town of Bloomsburg, In tho
county of Columbia, and thcuco by a
bridge over said river and by tho valloy
of Littlo Flehlngcreok to tho city of
Wllllatnsport, by thonamo vtylonml ti
tle of tho North and West Branch
Railroad Company, with power to
construct n branch from near tlio town
of Bloomsburg up tho valley of Big
Flshlngcroelc to connect with nny ex
isting or pro)ectod railroad lu Sullivan
county, with tho right (o connect with
or cross nt grado any railroad now mado
or hereafter to bo mado within tho coun
ties of Luzerne, Columbia, Montour,
Sullivan or Lycoming, and with tho
right to build branches not exceeding
ten miles each in length.
Section 2. Tho capital stock of said
company shall bo two millions of dol
lars, divided Into shares of twenty-five
dollars each, ono dollar on oach sharo
to bo paid nt tho tlmo of subscribing,
tho residue to bo paid In Instalments nl
may bo required by tho directors, with
tho privllcgo or increasing tho capital
stock of said company from tlmo to
tlmo to nnnmountsufUcleut to complete
said road nnd provldo tho samo with
necessary cars, locomotives, machinery,
water stations, depots nnd whatever is
necessary to u proper construction and
working of said road.
Section :). That In caso tho president
and directors of said company may deem
it necessary in ordor to completo nnd
equip said road thoy nro authorized to
borrow a sum of money not to oxceod
In amount tho capital required and to
Isstio bonds therefor on tho faith of tho
road of not loss than ono hundred dol
lars each, at a rato of Interest not to ex
ceed seven per centum, nnd to bo re
deemed nt such times us tho president
and directors may agreo upon; said
bonds to bo secured by a mortgage upon
said road, its rolling stock, real cstato
and the franchises of tho company.
Section 1, Said railroad company
shall bo empowered to construct u safe
and commodious wagon way In connec
tion with Its bridge over tlio North
Branch, and in tho event of tho com
missioners of Columbia county paying
nt any tlmo n sum equal to ono fifth of
tho cost or sild bridge tho said wagon
way shall thenceforth bo maintained by
said company as a freo brldgofor public
Section 5, Whenever any portion of
said road or its branches shall bo com
pleted to tho oxtont of ilvo miles, tho
company shall havo full power to uso It
as such to nil Intents nnd purposes as
rar as completed.
Section 0. Tliosaldcompanyshallbo
entitled to all tho privileges conferred
upon nnd subject to all tho provisions
of an net or Assembly entitled "An Act
regulating railroads," approved tho
nineteenth day or February Anno Do
mini ono thousand eight hundred and
orty-nino und Its several supplements,
except so as tho provisions or said
net nro hereby supplied. Approved,
Jlay S!h, 1S71.
Bound to Exercise Care. Per
sons aro apt to bo too careless in re
gard to the manner in which they sign
notes, checks, or legal papers, and tho
manner in which they nro filled. Somo
think, too, tho responclbllity or all
changes In such documents falls upon
tho person receiving tho paper; but
tho following decision puts tho matter
in a now light, and shows that thoso
slgnlngnny such obligatlonsaro morally
as well as legally hold for tho exerclso
of till tho caution they can use. Let
this decision bo a warning to nil par
ties: A man drew n noto promising to pay
ono hundred dollars. Ho used a print
ed rorm, but did not closo up tho blank
dovolcd to dollars, nnd after It passed
from his hands and became negotiable,
paper, somebody Inserted "and fifty"
after tho ono hundred. Tho noto thus
nltercd got Into tho hands of an Inno
cent parly, who presented, it to tho
drawer, but payment was refused. Suit
was brought nnd tho Supremo Court de
cided that tho maker of tho noto was
liablo for Its full face, becauso, through
negligence, ho had not drawn n lino bo
tweon tho written word "hundred" nnd
tho printed word "dollars." Any tes
timony tho drawer might offer to estab
lish the fact thathogavoa noto for only
ono hundred dollars, must go for noth
ing, as "thero was nothing on tho fuco
of tho noto showing that it had been
altered," Evldenco of un alteration on
tho faco of tho noto would havo chang
ed tho rase. Let this decision boa lesson
to nil drawers or promissary notes. No
ono can bo too careful in such matters.
Lutherans. Tho Interior says:
"Tlio Lutherans aro rapidly becoming
ono of tho largest religious bodies in
this country, and If immigration from
tho Lutheran countries continues at tlio
present rate, they nro likely to bo tho
most numerous of nil denominations.
They now claim n membership of four
hundred thousand, ranking, perhaps
fourth among Protestant churches in
tho United States.
I probably have as good means of informa
tion as most persons in regard to what is
called the Ka hlux, and am perfectly satisfied
that the thing it greatly over-estimated ; und
if the Ku-hlux bills were kept out of congress
and the army kept eit their legitimate duties,
there arc enough good and true men in all
the southern states to put down all Ku-ltlux or
other bands of marauders." GENERAL
A Correspondent of tho Jlural A'eif
Yorker says that to kill rats, prepare
equal parts of plaster of Paris, prepared
for dental uso, and corn mcaj. Soon
nftor being wot, tho plaster becomos
hard nud Indlgcstlblo, killing tho rats.
YouNa Men Beware. A cat licked
tho faco of a lady In Now York and
died In iv fow minutes thereafter from
tho paint which It had gathered from
tho rosy cheek. Let all young men tako
warnlnit by this sad cat-astropho.
'TliochnrKO for announcliiK candidates i Is nvo
dollars cash, All who nro announced In this list
nrn plodded to nbldo by tlio ihclMon of tho Demo,
crntlc Convention.
risiiiNcienuKK township.
Rtm.TI'F PltRemnf .T At llm rnst.liM.r-e of tlio
l.rldo'H father, AInroli fM.Mr, Ira U.Hiitllir nf
rulrmotmt, to Mtis llllzabctli l-'resscot, nf
OOl-T-WOOIAVOHTir-At tho resluVnco of tho
lirltlo'H brother, .May llth. by ltuv. . Klnir,
Mr. Iflrnm H. itnll. nf fntnrnn M1IU. Hltlheil
r-uinly, N. Y., to MI11 iM'iry H. Vx thvorlli, of
union, imzcniu county ,
JAMHON'-CIIAPIIV-.U ih rpsMrnro of tlio
hrhte'tt fAther. Mm llth. hv Hot. ll.l' Kltiir. Mr.
I so lull ,i, Jainlum, of Wtitiiitmlnn, P. i,M to
JIM inrion i'. oniy unuKiiur 01 u. Li, una pin
Hew Columbus, Luzcruo i-ouuly, l'a.
llloniuslMtrfr Market.
Wheat per bushel
Rye '
Corn " "
Oats. "
Flour per bartol
Flaxseed H
Hut I IT
Dried Al'j'les
JI11 ins
hides and Miimldcrs
Lard per pound -
liny per ton
... CI.10
.... I 10
... 8 W
... r. w
.... 1 00
.... S3
.... 10
... lu ou
coiiiti:cn:i m:nKr,r jiv
.11 Inch Apphittm "A," per yanl -
" by tho bolt,.,
" " Aususta "A," per anl
" " " fy iho holt...,.
Agawnm "i per yarn..
' ly tho bo
lv Iho boll
Hxetcr "A," per yard
AtiRitsta "A," peryunl
l'eppercll 'U," per yanl
iy tho bolt
l'cnJuotuV peryunl
Mouadnock per yanl
1 (loll coin, per yard
" by tho bolt
WntnButla, per yanl
" by tlio bolt
1'rult of tho Loom per van!
" by tho bolt
Lomdale, per yard
' by tho bolt
Cliupmiui, )urard
by tho bolt
Itorhdaln, per yard
lttd lint) lc, per jurd
Urcen M11 'I. (o. "(I," tcr yard..
Hamilton "A,M per yard
Hoekvllle, per yanl
J'oot "X,,f per jard
Krult ot Urn Loom, per yard
Monad ww 1c, per yaul ..
lVquot, per ymd
Chrek Ktiirtttif;s form
htripy Hhlrliurilroin
tneli Mlnnehiha
" Omesfojia
" Wire Twist
Otiu-KU "IV
LUilah Valley "Jl,"
Shtrllnti and Mourulnc
t'oehoe, iMerrlmaelc nid hpnuue
American, Itlclnuond ami Manchester..
1'lnlcH and 1'orplcM
Uarners, Amos Hung und Arnold ,
La n canter IS
llalrd'8 Heotch "
JteHt M 23
Nonparicl 1-;
Delaines 1C 13, IK, 0 22
Lawns 15, IS, HJ li
Pink, Uluoand Hull I'leuch Li'.wn 1')
Hull t'hlneso (Irass cloth
llUtrLlUCUM lor NUltb tf-' i'i
Marl Wash I'oplliw is
Philadelphia Poplins, all colorn Hi
lied Lion Jllaek Alpcnsa"). Ij.OU.WI, 73,10 y tU
Colored Hllk strlpu (JrenadlncK :w
Alexander Kid Gloves t.
" " two buttuns 1.75
Augusta tXm
Hohallud :i'2"
Hnltaua (htrlped and plain centre,) 3 71
Ulstorl " " " " .7
Itero 3.73
Printed Imitation Paisley IU0
Palhley (led und black centies.) $.imo$li.U)
lllack Lace 81.3'J to 5 Wi
Printed I'ercale 73, 81.25 0 U-W
summer Felt
10 Itoue, French wove C01M.-U 7J
Dickens (cloth lined,),
A slur..
Napier (roversablc) -1)
Chromo " 60
Alexander Klni;s,whltoaud eolored,2('0yds, 4
' " per it ok, 1
J. & P. Coats " 2o.Jyiln.
" " M per do,. t0
Clark's O. N. T, Machine . bQW
Adnmauttno per paper 4
Needli) point " 8
UcfctNtedles " IS
n piece Piques 14 to ft)
HUhnp Lawu 40tuV
Victoria " 2-1 to 50
Plain Cambrics in toft)
h tripe and Plaid Cambrics i-5 to ft)
-Pi Inch Milt tin I ah j)
Plain NtilnKook .,....... H
Platd und Mrlpo Nainsook 33 to 115
M Inch India Lon Cloth r
Mull A. La Hulhsu 15 to 53
laueinii!, wniieuud eoiuien ,
Cotton Wovo 20
White Tilmuiluijs ato'J)
Towels 10 to ft)
Napkins, pordoz jl.2.5 to f.VM)
Table Linens 4 to I.UU
It ed H pr eail a $ 1 ,75 H 3.75
Noltlmdum Lace Curtains 20, 2o,W,W, 10, 45,60,
t5 nnd W) cts. per yard.
In addition to tho nbove, LUTZ has a full lino
nf Jllack Hllks, colored French Poplins, Hummer
DrcHM tloodu and Hult'iim, Hosiery and (llovea,
Ijico nnd Linen collars and cult. Umberella.
Parasol, Pans, Hoop Mtlrts, At)., which would b
dltllcult toiilvo tho Vrleo of, an tho luoiortHicut lo
oxtemlve. M. P. LUTZ, IlloomsLurK, lu.
JnJlrnwer's ltlock.uuxt to tho Court Houso,
upr 2P71-lf
New Advertisements,
lly virtue of a writ of Venditioni J?jrionatt Issued
it nf tho Court of Common Pleas of Columbia
county, ami to mo directed will be exposed to
Kale by public vendue or outcry at thu Court
House, lu llloonihbura, nt ono o'clock In tho
ntternoonnr MONDAY, tho )2tli dny of JCNIC.
1471. tho tollowlm: teal estate to wit:
All that lntorost lu n piece or parcel of ground
Mtuate lu Kenton township, Columbia county,
Pa bounded und described ns follows towltr
Ou thu west by lands or Kumuel Applenian, ou
tho north by Inmli of William Holme, on the
east by lands or H. V Davis, nud on the ttouth
by tlio laud of (Stephen Lizarus, containing
three quartets or nu acre, inoioor ltau, ou which
Is e recied n pUulc dt cllluif house.
He 1 zed taken In execution and lobe sold as the
Interest of John Lumou. in the above described
At I ho samo time nnd place, by a writ of At,
Lev. J-icta4 the iollowlntf leal estate to wit t
All that uertalu loturpleue or u round bltualo,
lying und belug in Oraneovlllo, lu the county of
Columbia and Htato of Tennaylvunla, bounded
and described ns follows, via: bouuded ou Iho
Mouth by a lot of Bjiuuel Coleman, ou the east by
tnuds or Nathaniel Hpuar, on tlio north by the
louds of Nathanlol hpuar and on the west by
Mulu street, of thu village nt Orangey! lie together
with tho heredltmcuts aud appurtenances.
He Ued, taken lu execution und to bo sold as
the p,operty otUeoru U tiMITIr
inayl&7M. ttUerllr,
MnilV n. hotonii lirlncr linn Vinfd nwni'. r,w
whfwn denlli thero was nu other rennon than tho
m'Kif-n in Known ntm innnniiianiy proven
mcainof run?. 1hoo nrnr ntul dear to family
and friends nro Mleeplni thn dreamless slumber
Into which, had they calmly adopted
and availed Uiemelvps nf Ids wonderful rfTlcu
clous medicines, they woutd not Imvo fallen,
Or, Srhttuk has in his own caso prcnenedtlmt
wherever Milllelent vitality remains, tlmt vltall.
ty, ly Ids medicines nnd Ids dlrcciloiiR for their
e. is (juirKcncii 11110 iicniumii vmor,
In thm ntatemcut thero Is nothlug presum ptu
s, j o tho la 1 in 01 mo invniui is mmio 110 ie
iree ntntlou that Is not n thousand times nutu
idantlated by living nhd llblo worku, Tho
theory of tho euro by Dr. Hchenck's medicines is
nsxlmplons It Is tinfalilntr. Its philosophy ro.
quires nu argument, It Is Belf-nssurlug, self
1 no rsenw oou Tonic nnu innurnuo run nro 1 110
first two weapons with which tho citadel ot tlio
malady Is nssnlled. Two thirds of tlio of
cousumntlou nrlghmted lu dyxpepsta nud 11
fiuictlonally' disordered liver. With this con
dltlon, tho i-ronehlal tubes MHympathl7o', with
11m vuiuui-ii, j Mii,r rcnptJiiu 10 1110 inornnic
action of tho liver. Hero then comes tho culml
natlug result, nnd tho ftcttlug In, with nil 1W
dKtreslugnymitu:nsf of
Tho Mnndrnkn Pill are ri)tnm4l nf nnn nf
Nature's noblest gifts thn PnJophlllum Pcltu
turn, They poiess alt tho blood searchluc,
alternllvo properties of calomel, but unliko calo
mel, they
Tho wo ilc of cure Is now beginning. Thu
vitiated and mucous deposits lu tho bowels and
In tlio alimentary canal nro ejected. Tho liver,
lllton elock, Is wound up. It arouses from lis
torpidity. Tho stomach nets respomlvcly, nud
lliupnlient begins to feci that hots gottlng nt
Tho Kenwood Tonic, In conjunction with tin.
Pills, permeates nud assimilates with tho foil,
Chyllflcntton is now progressing without lis
nrpvlous tortures. Digestion becomes mlules.
and ttioure Is seen to bo nt hand. There Is no
Ilioru llunut'lii L', uw lajvvi iwuuhui iiiu niiMiiitt'U,
Now conies tho greatest lllood Purlller ever
yet given hy nn Indulgent father to sull' 1 In -man,
Hchenck's Pulmonic Hyiup comes lu tu
perft)nn Its luuctlons and to hasten nnd com
pUtotliocure, Hentersntonce upjn Its work,
Nature cannot bo cheated, It collects aud rlp tis
tlio Impaired nud diseased portions or the luni.
In tho hum or gatherings, H pie pn res them 101
expectoration, aud lot in u very short tlmo l.nt
malady Is vanquished, tho rotten throuo that It
occupied U renowned nnd made new.nud tho
patient, In nil tho dlgulty of regained vigor, steps
lorth to enjoy Iho manhood or the womanhood
that wns,
Tho second thing Is, tho patients must stay In
a warm room until they getwcllj ItUalmoitlm
poslblo to prevent taking cold when tho lungs
aredlseused, but It must bo prevented or nemo
cannot bo ei reeled. Fresh ulr nndildiugout, es.
peelally In this Bcctlon or tho country lu tho rail
nnd winter dcason, nrn alt wrong. Physicians
w ho recommend that oourno lose their patients,
IT their lungs nru h.idly diseased, nnd
eauso they aio In tho houso they must not ml
dowirqulct; they must walk nbout the room ns
riiuchaud as fist as tho strength will Lear, to
get tip u good circulation or blood, Tho patients
must kttp In good spirits ho determined to got
well. This has n great deal to do with the appe
tite, nud Is the great print to gain.
To despair ot euro utter such evidence of Its
possibility lu tho worst cases, aud moral certain
ty in all others, is sinful. Dr. Hchenck's personal
statement to tho Faculty of his own euro wjs lu
these tnudest words;
"Many years ngo I was lu tho laststages nfcon
sumption; coiillued to my bed, un ) nt one tlmo
my physicians thought that 1 could not liven
week; thin, Uko 11 drowning mnn catching at
hiraws, 1 heard ofunil obtained the prepaiatlons
which 1 now oiler to tho public, nnd they made a
perrert euro of me. It seemed to mo that 1 cnnld
leel them penetrate my wholo system. They
soon rlpeiitd thu matter lu my lungs, nud I
would pltup moro thin n pint of nileuslvoyil
lowmatlcrecry morning for n long time.
As soon ns that began to subsldu my cough,
fever, pain und night sweatsuit began to leae
me, nud my uppctliobeoamo mi great Hint It was
wltn dimculty that I couul keep rrom eating too
much, 1 H0011 gained my strength, aud hao
grown In tlesh ever since.''
"1 was weighed tdiortly nHcr my recovery"
aildeil tho Doctor, "then looking llko a mere skel
eton ; iny weight was only nlnety.nevcn pounds;
my present weight Is two hundred nnd twenty.
tlo (ifiii) pounds, nnd lor tara I hjwo enjoyed
uninterrupted health."
Dr. Hchenck has discontinued his proresRlon?!
visits to New York And Ittou. Ho or Lisbon,
Dr. J.H. Hchenck, Jr., still cwiitliiucs to fcco pa
tients at their ollice, No. 15 North Hlxth Mreet.
Philadelphia, every Haturday from I) a, m., to.l
r. 31. 'i hose who w Ish n thoiouh xamlnalIoii
with the llesplronuter will bo tlmrged S, 'iho
lUsplromttcr declaicsthe exnrtconultlon of tho
lungs, nnd patients can readily learn whether
they nro curablo or not,
'Iho directions for taking tho nfcdlclnei aio
adapted to (no lutelligcnco oven ot n child. Fol
low theso directions, and Kind Nuturo will do tho
lt-M, excepting that In borne cases tho Mandiako
Pills me to be tnken lu Increased doses; tho
threo medicines u ed no other accompaniments
than tho uiiiplo Instructions that accompany
them: First eieato nppetlle, or returning health
hunger Is theinoit welcome symptom. When It
comes, us It will come, let the despairing ut once
boot good cheer. Good blood nt onco lollows, the
cough loosens, the nlgut sweat Is abated, lu n
shdittlmo both of theso morbid symptoms aio
gone lorever.
Dr. Hchenck's inedlclncsnro constantly kept lp
tens of thoiwuids oi f.uiilllcs. As u laxative or
purgative, tho Mandrake Pills aro n standard
pieparallou; while tho Pulmonic Hjrnp. ns u
1 ut 1 rot coughs and colds, may bo regirdeil ns a
PiophylncteilcoijalUbt consumption many or Its
Prlco or tho Pulmonln Ryrup nnd Hcawced
Tonic, $l.M a bottle, or 7. 1 )n half dozen, Man
dinko Fills, T5 centa a Lox, For tnloby all drug
gists ami dealers,
Johnson, Hollaway & Cowdcn, C02 Arili stm t ,
Philadelphia, wholesale agents. may P71 ! .
pk.nt iNsuitANcn Companv, of Haidford, Con
necticut, paid 29,000 ou W. II, Forbush and Wm
C.Curry, victims of tho Now Hamburgh lallioml
accident ; i5,WQ on tho lato Jns. 11. lllako, mavor
or Worcester, Mass.; nud Jj.OOC
Lewis, Jr.,ot Ht. Albans, VI. All tlieso necldeiu (
occurred, nnd tho Insurnnco was paid, within
threo months each claim being paid about hixly
days before It wns duo by tho terms of tho r"Hcy
Tho hns paid Hl.Vl'N HUNUltl i
DOLLARS A DAY In beneJlts to Its pollc -holders,
mr death or Injury by nccldcnt, Un
ecry working daydurlug tho past sovon jears.
The, Trayclkus Jawi: and AccibKNr Is , -itANCE
Company, of Hardfotd, Conn., grniiU all
tho usual forms or LIFU nnd HNDOWMFNT
Policies, on exceedingly favorablo terms. Au
ru! HncuaiTV nnd Low Uates.
uoB.iaiAV.siu;ui; sbmiii.v;u1v,"
Dr, CrcoV;
A remedy which hs hi en tested
for 10 years, und proved lu thous
utids ot eases capable of curing all
Diseases or tho i'hioat nud Luiitf,
perform Im many remarkable, t un,
hum its a trial irom nil w ho nro Mil
lerliiK Irom similar ullectloiiH aud
alulv feiklliii relief. Will von 1,-L
nejudico prevent jou Pom being cured also,
'murhs und Colds. 'Iho DrnirtristH it riint
them nil. AMhm 'the rellei nud cures of It inn
inanelous. Ilionchltls. Kvery sutlerer will tlud
relief and cute. '1 hi oat Ailments rcquliuonly 11
few doses.
Lnufi Disease. Has cuifd cases pronounced
lucuranlo. Debility. U ienovnlen and liivlym
ales tho nyMim, Liver Complaint. Most Uhr
Uve regulator of lids organ. Dyspepsia. Its
healthy action on thu utoiuucli cuies it, Appe
tizer. It U healtu ulvlUK nud uypeilleicstori)iu
Urinary Uraans. Action on thtm ijiiii.rjetl ana
promi t.
medlclul qualities of Tar, lomblutd wlrh i-nela-blo
Injiitdleiitsot undoubted valuo, which uuiko
it uiisuipusHed, 110c only for the couplulnu
enumerated, but It rapidly restores exhausted
stiengih, cleanses tho Mumach.relaxesUie Liver
nud puts them to work, causes tho lool to digest,
auil unites puro blood, and begets n vivacity up
prccluud by both bound aud sick, Jt 5011 aro
alllicled lu any way, wo know It you Hy tho Hie.
(ilvintf tonlo propetttes 01 Dr. Crook's Wine or
Tar, sou will add your testimony to Its great
vuhm In correcting any "ills that llesh Is heir
to." Piepau-d only by OLIVHH CltUOK & i t).
Hold by DmuHlsts ovury whero. Hai.i& Poitnuc,
Junct ou City, Kansas, WJiolo-alo aluiIs.
For ticiulula, Kctululous Tuiuots,
Hcrolulous Diseases of tho Kyta, or
Hcrolula in any lorm, Kheuuiathm,
Disemcs of tho Liver, DM-ases ot tho
Hklu, Kcahl Head, UleeiH, and old
Holes, or uny disease depending nu a
depraved condition or tho btoou, ti'io
Dr. Crook'rt Compound Hyrupot Poke
Hoot. Jt Is combined with tho best
tonlo preparations of Iron known, nnd
Is thu best AlteratUu and lllood Pur
ltlermade. Cleanse our lllood, Try
ono bottle. Hold by diueirlsts. Pru-
JlitlVlt Mill) SJ) UIJI I liV VtWV 1 IjV.,
Dayton, O.
nlllJAP ADVHUnHlNO.-Wo will Insert un
Uadwrllscmcnt in kiuiit iiu:witK American
One Hue ono week will cost HI x Dollars, Two tines
will cost TweUu Dollars, u'nl Ten Hues will cost
Hlxty Dollars. Hend loraPrluted List, Address
UFA). P. KOWIXL A CO., Advertising Ayenls,
NoMlPrk How, New Yorjt,
Tlio Vico of our ago in Fraud !
Never thelesB, thoro nro ilvo honest P.ilont
Agents, eeu nt tho Capital, of whom Is tho
undersigned. Patents for 17 years obtained ut
rousoimblo rates. Aveuts van tod, hend for
ctrculuis. QUO. II. llltOWN.Couusotlor.nt.Law,
I17 tl Htrcet, cor. 11 , Washington, D. C.
rlenu Kit! llluNt'i una nil IcIiuU ul Ciullii. nut!
Clotlilnui lemovos 1'alut, UleCBe, Tnr, Ac,
iiHtataii, without the hunt Injury to I lie Hiil'mi
rubric. Hotit liv DrugKUti 11 ml I'micy (tout
DLMlim. l'HA(ilt.NT H.r01,li;Ni;i.'(i., 3.1 Bar
clay ht.. New York, jo I,u Halle HI.. Chicago.
Agents! Head This I
(IF 831) I'Kll WHUIC ami Hil'tii.i-., or
nllow 11 large commtanlon to. Hell our new ami
wonderful Inventions. Addles M. WAUNlIH.i
yu.. inaraiiiui, juich.
d'lllf. A 1IONTH liora.i and Currlaiie fiirnUh
yiifWl) ill. Kipennciipald. 11. HUaw, Allied, ile.
A llAY'l'Oll A I.I. with Hteucll TuoW,
Addrewi A. K. uiiAiiAM. Hiriueiieiii. vi.
Hhrewed but quiet men can mafao u fortuuo by
revealing the secret of tho busslness to no one.
Address C. H. WHLDON,
1, iiv iiroauway fluff 1 oris.
I W, VANNAMFH, M. 1., fcuoceitsruliy treats
tJ nil clashes of Chroulo und Acuto Diseases,
Head blamp for circular contululug nartlculais
uud Usllmuululs, Address Uox6Kt),Nw orlc,