The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, May 12, 1871, Image 4
THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMO Oil AT, BLOOMSBUliGr, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Miscellaneous. Books, GKNTrf WANTKI) ! Kail Ronds. Drags and Chemicals, Clothing, &c. Dry Goods & Grocorios. Miscellaneous. Humorous.- Only a llov. Only n boy, with lil nolso and fun, Tho veriest my.lcry under tho sun An brimful of mischief, and wit nml kIw, A. over ft human frame can be, And as hard to manage ns what? nli,inot Tl.hard to tell, Yet we love him well. Only a boy, with his fearful trend, Who cannot bo driven must bo lot, Who troubles the neighbors, dogs and nls, And toars more clothes, and stxrils moro hala, lses moro kites, find tops, nnd bals, Thau would stock n atoro For h ycaror more. Only n boy, with his wild, strange, ways, With Mlo hours or his busy days, With his queer remarks nnd his odd replies, Sometime foolish, nnd sometimes w Ise, Often brllltaut for one of his slue, As ft meteor hurled From the ilanct world. Only n boy, who will ton man, If nature goes on with her first great plan If Intemperance, or some other snare Consplro not to rob us of this, our heir, Our blessing, our trouble, our rest, our care, Our torment, our Joy I 'Only it boy i" Tlio Slanp of Our Hay. The slang of our day Is n poszle, Invested by ah, who can tell? A ilrlnlt Is n "smile," or ft "guttle," A swindle Is merely n "sell." Ono tells n tale you can't "swallcr," lfe tells you "by thunder" ftts truo ; You bet him your last "bottom dollar," "lly thunder," th&t's'nll you can do. They ask you "how goes It?" on moettng, "lake care of yourselr," Is adieu; They subs'ltute "beating" for cheating. And sometimes combine both the two. If foolish, your "head Isn't level," Or, may be, your "head Isn't clear'," Instead of say log "go to the devil;" They tell ) ou "walk off on your car." To praise you they say "you nro bully." Fur honest they nickname you "siiuare ;" Although pleaso to understand fully, There's not many that way, "1 swear;" While robbing they call "going through you," And "go for him" means an attack. Wben llnanclal troubles come to you, They siy, "oh, he's on his back." "Fusil oil" Is the new name for whiskey, "Spondullx" cognomen lor pelf, 'You've beou there," when chargod n too frisky. Well, "you know how It Is yourself." And If n reproof you should offer They tell you "that game Is quite played," Hay, wall: off you "big, dirty loafer," Or a largo "mansard roof will bo made. Thensomctimcsyou're"cornercd"or"euehcred," That is, If you get in a "Ax ;" They call you "galoot" 1( untutored, In every galcot's knavish tricks. Thcronro "that's what's tho matter Willi Han nah," And "dead beats" on overy side, If tho "skunks" will not nller their manuois, I don't caro ft "cuss," "let 'cm slide." Open to conviction A burglar. A lost art Family government. A green grocer ono who trusts. Steady on his pegs A shoemaker. Financial barbarism shaving notes. ' Tho best thing out an aching tooth. Coin from nature's mint Penny royal Fast team A team stuck in tho mud. A miss Is belter than a mile of mis ters. Don't go to law unless you havo uoth Injr to loso ; lawyers' houses are built on fools' heads. Ono of tho most obedient men in tho world is an auctioneer wo know, who attends to everybody's bidding but his wife's. Captain Bona Ens, an Engl ish officer In India, has luventovl a tiger trap "to be baited by a woman." Although this mav bo cheaper than a divorce, it does not speak well of civilization In India. Eve was tho only woman who novcr threatened to go and llvo with mamma. And Adam was tho only man who nover tantalized his wlfo about "tho way mother used to cook." An Irishman was onco brought up before a magistrate, charged with marry ing six wives. Tho magistrate asked him how ho could bo so hardened a villain. " Pleaso your honor," said tho Irishman, " I wai trying to get a good ono." "Now, O.ENTLKMEN," said Sheridan to his euests. as tho ladies left tlioroom, "let us understand each other. Aro wo to drink liko men or beasts?" Some what indignant, tho guests exclaimed, "IJko men. of course." "Then." 'ho re plied, "wo aro going to get Jolly drunk, for brutes nover drink moro than they want." Ayou.vo ladvonco observed. "When I go .to tho theatre, I am very careless of my urcss, as me auaienco aro too nttcntivo to tho play to observe my wardrobe; but when I go to church I am vcrv particular In my outward ap pearance, as most people go there to seo how their neighbors dross and deport themselves." TiiF.rtE is a man In Glenn's Fallswho won't hollovo an v. stories about tho sa gaclly of dogs. Ho gays dogi havo not common sense, in proof or ins asser tlon ho relates how ho poured keroseno on a dog, and set it on lire, just to havo a llttlo fun, ns ho was lonely during his wire s absence, anu unu mo uog actum lv ran nnilor a barn belonclnir to him nnd laid there and set tho barn on Are, though tho man whistled tn liitn to como out. it u etiougn 10 maico n man loso faith In dogs. Appmpos of high rates of Interest, tho following: o Who'll ruin tho farm? I, Raid Ticelee per cent. With direct Interest, I'll tako tho last cent, I'll ruin tho farmer. Who'll ruin everybody? I, said Twelve per cent! When Farmers aro spent, None can rn!?o a cent, I'll ruin everybody. The Luxury of Laziness. Some vears aero a Lazy Man's Society was or ganized in London, Eng., and ono of tlio articles required mat nomnn oo loneinc to the society should ever bo In a hurry. If ho violated this article ho was to stand treat to tho other mem bers. Now It happened on a time that a member, a doctor, was seen driving post-hasto through tho streets to visit a patient. The members of tho society saw him and chuckled over tho idea of a treat, and on bis return reminded him of his fast riding and violation of tho rules. "Not at all," said tho doctor, determined not to bo out dono; "tho truth is, my horso was determined to go, and I-was too lazy to stop hitn," They um not cutcii uiuuuciur uiui nine. An unfortunato gentleman in Eng. land, against whom it was proved that he had married threo wives, taking to himself a second and a third whilo Ills first was still llvlnf. pleaded. In miti gation of punishment, lately, that ho Had raarr led neltner 01 uiem lor money. and that ho had, up to tho moment of being arrested, "been at tho oxpenso of maintaining tiicm," Apart from icgat considerations, it might no doubt bo ureifed. with somo show of fuirncss. that It is nobler to support threo wives in com ion man 10 nuanuon ono in in digence. But theso aro tho principles 01 luorrauiiism, uuu navo noi yet prcn generally adopted In England. Tho view held by tho accused was that, far from liavlnir failed In his duty as a hus band, he had, In fuct, performed It three, mm, i . 1 1 1 , r, I . , . 1 , . ,a 1. .. ,1 l,nn In a position to dccldo tho matter In tho samo spirit, without refurenco to tho uero Jaw on mo sunjcct, no might ap propriately havo sentenced tho man with tho threo wives to dwell with them all together. Thcro is a llusslan fablo on this subject, In which tho very pumisiimcni wo navo inuicatcti is pre scribed. "That was no punishment at ell," says eomo thoughtless person to wiiuui mu mury 13 supposed 10 lo told, "Was It not?" rcilllcd tiin tinrrnlnr. "In ten days tho man hanged hlmselfl" HOIIKNCK AlJVIHKH CON. HtTMITI Vl'J4 Tfl (111 T( l.TnUtlVl IV W INT 111 L HAVitiKfor thoiARt thlrtv-flvo rears devoted ny whole time nml Attention tn tho study of uiHfHKf mm cuiiiuiuiHiou, i icei Hint i iiu tiers t nml fully the courno that ought to pursued to restore a tolerably bail case of dtsenftcd limit to healthy sound run , The 11 rut nml mo'tlm portant step 1 for the patient to avoid tnklni cohl. Anil the bent of nil place on this continent ui nun puri'unu HI HlilllT, in I'itirum, wni ui'n 111 the Hluln. wliprn tho tpmnprnturR 1 rcuillnr. nml not suhject to such variation a In juoiu iiui 11 tern iiumiiie. ininiKii m h imiiih i mn m commend. A good hotel M kept there by rotor innii. IiOst wluterlwiw several person there whimeluuK'hml been badly diseased, nut who. timler tho hcnllnjt Influence of tho climate nud my medicine, vero netting well. One hundred miles further down the liver li ft point which! would prefer tn Pulatku, n tho temperature ii more even nnd thonlrury nnd bracing. Mcllonvllle and Ihiternrlao nro located there. I should Rive a decided preference to Mcllonvllle. It Is two miles from river or lake, and It seems almost impossible to take cold there. The table lu Florida might be better, and patients complain at time, but that I n gnnl sign, a It Indicates n return of nppetlto, nml when thl Is the case they Renerally increase lu lien, nnd then the limits must heal. jRcUMOiivllle,Ult)erula,llrceu Cove, ami many other nlaces lirvnrlou narts of l'lorlilu. can bo safely recommended to consumptives In winter. My reasons for saying no aro that patients nro J cm liable to tnlco cold thcro than whero there I nless even temperature, nnd U Is not necessary to say that w.iere ncoHsuiuptlve person expose himself tn frequent colds lie 1 certain to dlo shortly. Therefore my advice I, ko well down Into theBtateoutof the reach of pervading east winds and fogs, Jacksonville, or nlniott any other ot the local it lei I have named, will bene- iit limit wim nro irouuieti wiin n inrpui uver, n disordered stomach, derauKed bowels, sore throat or coukIi, but fur those whoso luussar distused a more southern point la earnestly re comment1 ed. Kor iliioe j years prior tolSfi?, I wa profession ally In New York, JJoston, JUKI moro nnd Plilla delphla every week, where 1 saw nnd examined ou an aveiaifo live hundred patients ft week A practice so extensive, e.ubruclug every possible phasoor luiiKtllsease.hiMeuabletlme to under stand the Ultteuso fully and hence, my caution In legurd to taking cold. A ersou mav tako vast quantities or "ricicnck's Pulmonic Hyrun, HeuMidl Tonlo and Alaudrnke Pills," nud yet Ule If he doe not avoid taking cold. In Florldn.nenrly every body li using Hehenclt's Mandrake Tills, for thecllmato Is moro likely to pioduce bilious habits than more northern lati tudes. It Is a well established 'ict that native ot l'lorlda rarely die ol consumption, especially those of thesoiuhern part, on the other hand, lu New i:hglsnd, one-third, at least, of the popu lation die of tnls terrible disease, lu theMldle Hta. s it does not pievall so largely still thero aromany thotu.,indsof&i-soatlieie. WuuL nvatt Perce Wage of lite would be wived If cot. vi nip lives weren easily alarmed in reg'iid to taklmr fresh cold a they are about scarltt fever, small pox, ac. Hut they aro not. They take what they te-ni ii llttlo void, which tliev nro credulottj enough to believe will wear oil lu n few das. They pay no attention to it, and hence It lays tho foundation for nnother nnd nnothcr still, uulll theluujis are Ulsenbed beyond all hope for cute. My advice to person whoso lung nronfTeeted even tdlgntly Is, to lay Inn stock of Hcheuck's Pulmonlo Hyrup, Hchenck'HHcaweod Tonic uud Hcheuck's Mandrake Tills and po to Florida. I recommend thebo particular meillclnet because 1 am thoroughly acqualutcd with their action, 1 know that where they are used In strict accord unco with my direction they will do the work that Is vqulied. This accomplished, nature will do the rest. The physician who prescribes for cold, cough or night-sweats, nnd then advises tho patient to walk or ride out every day, will bo ki't-e tohuvua corpse ou his h.mdi beforo long, v My plan Is to glvo ray threo medicines, in ac coiUaueo with tho irlnted directions, except lu Koine cities whero u freer use of tho MaudiuUe Pills U necessary. My object Is to give tone lo the stomach to (,et up a good appetHe. It H al ways a irond bIii n when a untleui ben In to urow hungry, 1 havo hones of such. With a lellsii lor lood und the gratltlcatlou of that rollsh come Rood blood, ami with it mote tlesh, which is closely lollowed by n hcallut; of tho lungs. Then ine cougu loosens ami auaws, mo creeping uuiiif and dummy night-snouts no louger prostrate and annoy, ami the tmtleut tets well, provided he avoids taking colt.. Now there ate ira ly consumptives who have not the menus to ko to Florida. The question maybe nsked, Ls thereuo hope for such? Ccr tululytheio Is. Myudv.colo such is, nml ever has been, to May lu u warm room during tho winter, w itli n temperature of nbout seventy de giees, which should be kept regularly at that point, by means of a thermometer, Let such n put lent lake tils cxciclse wUhlu the limits of tho room by walking unnud down as muchns his htreuulu will penult, lu order to keep up a healthy eueulatlou oi the blood. I have cured thousands by this system, nnd cau do so ngnln. Consumption Is na easily cured an any other dis ease If U is tnkeu In time, and the proper kind of treatment is pursued, ihe fact staud undis puted on record that Bchenck's Pulmonic Wyrup, Mandrake PJlls, nnd Hoaweed TOnlo hnvo cured very many of what seemed to bo hopeless cases of consumption. Oo where you will, you will bo almost certain to 11ml some poor consumptive who has been rescued from the vey Jaws or death by their use. Ho tarns the Mandrake I'll 19 are concerned, everybody should ktep a supply of them on hand. They net on tho liver better than calomel, nnd leave none of lu hurtful ellecta behind lu fact they nra excellent In all cases where a pur gative medicine Is required. If you have par taken too fieely of irmtund dlarrha-a ensues, n doseol tho Mandrakes will cure ycu. I r you aro subject to sick headache, take n dose of tho Man drakes and they will relieve you In two hours. If you would obviato the rllVctoln change of water, or tho too free Indulgence In Jrult, tako one of the Mandrakes every night or every olher night, and you may then drink water und eat nHienuciuuK, jie.irii, iippies, piuiiii, puacues or corn, without tho risk of being mado sick by them. They, will protect those who llvo lu damp situations ugalnstchllla nnd fevers. Try them. iney areperieciiy uarmitss. xney cauuo you good only. I have abandoned my professional vlslU to llos ton nnd New York, but continue to see patients at my otUce.No iSN. HIXl'U htrect, Philadel phia, every baturday, from y A, M, to a 1. M. Those who wish a thoiough examination with tho Keaplrometer will bo charged five dollars. Tho Hcsplromcter declares the exact condition of the lungs, and patients can readily learn whether they nro curableor not. Hut 1 desire It distinctly understand that tho value of my medicines depends entirely upon their bclu taken strictly according to directions. In conclusion, 1 will say that when persons takemy medicines and their sj stems nro brought into a healthy condition thereby, they nro not so liable to take cold, yet no ono with diseased lungs tan bear u suddtu change of utmoipheie without the liability of grejler or lesi irritation of the bronchial tubus. Full directions lu all languages accompany my nudlciues, so explicit uud cleir tint any ono can use them without consulting me, uud can bo bought Horn uny di ugglst, J. 11. mjuunci:, M, II. No. IS N Sixth street, IMlladulphia. novlP70 I3t, gLOOMSUUHG MAUBLE WOUKS. GUNTON & STKES, tKuccessois to A. Wltmau,) lUspcctfully Inform the rmllo that they aro now fully prepaied to do all kinds of woik lu their line of business, upon icasouable terms and short notl;c, KatU.'acllou warranted in all wses. ijau,tJ.'7J-iy B ARGAINS BARGAINS. QUICK BAl.m AND SMALL IMtOFtTd. HA V fci lUUlt MON1SY. On to IIKSKY YOST. Cast Hloonihburg. Pa., for all kinds of thebcfct uoiue uuu cuy ni'iuo KUH.VITUUK, Prloea reasonable and tho best work done, Jan P7I-tf "rANTKI)-Acnts lin(1 ivtltllcrsto t t sew n inorougmy grwat uomestio nriine, wanted In every family, Nn compefltlon. In clusive territorv ulveii. ltoxlne vrv ult'imniil. Agents have hold a dozen, netting $111 jirtllt per day. One sold Inn small town, another lihKI lu llvo towns. another 31 In eallim; otiU:ltainllli!N. Outfit t No danger of Imposition. Ilest of reierence given. Heud ror circular to l-ja Wash Ington street, Jlostou, Mahh, apr7,71-Jt eow ItHTLKFlKLD A DAM i. AIL IIOAD MEKTINO I 'J hero will lw nnnhll tf(sltii" Vn-.1.1 n MKNION, ColuinbU county, ou the Fourth day of May.lsTl, All lriends of the enterprlzo aie itt1Ufiu'u 10 in atuiiiianee. ns uusinessur nn DOrUlllce to tho Inicrftit nt llinrnn.l will I in trnn . UCtttl. It Is lietcietiirv thntlliMrn thniilil hftiititll lurnoutoftho people Inttrcsted lu the welfare of ruiiu. Aueonie, Able speakers will ndd'ess "Vf AG AZIN 1, DA I IiY & WEEK IA' rrr.iii or ALU KIN1H AT THE 1131K ST011E OPl'OSITE THE TOUKr HOUSE. Also nn tuHorlmcnt of I'urtrmonnalci, I'jss Hooks suit Account UooUn, criiistaally on imdU. Hooks nol on httnil obtalnbtl on khorL notice. New tlooks oriMonsliiiitly beloic niHleil lo the " llloomsbiirir Ulrculallni! Library." Amnnctue Intehl are "Uullt and Iunofetiro." 4Mnlhcrl.-ku "Mr Harry," ' Hot Spur of lliiiublctliwuu," nnj iiirr'jucm," uio. opr , 71 II Tit) E NOTICE la lierebi' elvenbv thnnnimnlsBlnnprii oi me jiumorK i vieea una 3iuuoy jumroati that books will bo opened for receiving suhhcilp' lion tn tho capital kiocu of tho tuld company, ul tho nublla house of John Koons. lu the borouut; of New Cnlumlms. I.uzeruo intuit v. Pa., on Moo- day. May &H, JK7I, to be kept open three days lu succession innii v u ciock it. ni., iu i u eiocK p, or tacli day, JDNAH DOTY, MItlON KKLLOWA, AMNI HAltltlaoN, apr2h'71. Conlmfssloncrs EV OUQAX AND PIANO W AUIUIOOMH, OUHAStf A 1'IANOS iOK MAMS OX INHfALl-M i:NTS. IHana from all firt-class makers, from &VQ to iwu, uryiuis irom jiu to f7w. A spiemim urgan fiijcmvf, i )v neus, nml tremwlo with puncicu Klack Walnut due. alv Sham MlnEle rred me case as above, Ituu, I have made arrange mcnts to have the latent muslo on hand us mhjii hs puujisufu. ieacuvrs Ruppiteu at regular tils count, Wuierooms, Maiu stnet, ntur FuiUi Hotel. tr. I.W.NlLia, TIIILOSOPIIY OP MAIlUTAn. X A New Coukse or Lkctuui.s, as delivered at tho penna. Poly technic and Anatomical Museum I'MS Chestnut ht., lliree doors aboveTwelith. Philadelphia, embracing the subjects I How to Llvu ami Wtint to I.Hm fort Ynntli. Mnh.r(i and Old Age Mauhootl Ueuerally UevIeweUt The cause of Indigestion; Flatulence aud nerv ous lllfcfHkCH unmiiiiteil tori MurrlmH I'lillr. suphlcally considered. These Itctures wilt be lorwaruiu on receipt or o cejus uy nuuressing Pecrelary of the Pennsylvania Polvtechnk nil AflAlUUIt'AU it)USfe,UH, lJ L.11VSIUUI Ol, T KAHFH, (blank) for kale at the Columuian g JVJ1ULP, pKCKUT 1100KH for Mile ut tho CoLVwuiAN lb unite, a lucir nuiiUtt anoiim: women i PJCTOlUAIi - r a m b iiX it a ft ii i:, .Wltll OVKII ltOOt) II.I.rSTItATIONS. r,(,ooo it b: r 1: it i: s v v s, A FAMILY 11KC0UI), and FAMILY A L It V M. Till: P1CT0HIAL FAMILY IlItlM! contain a storehouse of information that can only reach tho mind throiuh the eye. Its Illutrallou9carry ono back to the most Important era of the world, and nro of themselves a comprehensive review of the Hcrlpture, representing tho most interest lnKVIcwstCharacters,SymboU,lIItorlcaU:enl, IjandscapoHeenc, Anllqulllcs, Costumes, .leasts, Ulrds, Insects, Plant, Minerals, Coins, Medls, Inscriptions and Incidents referred to through out the Hacreil Text. Theynltrnct the eye, correct erroneous 1m rcsslons, awaken new thoughts nnd furnish cleaicr views of lUvlno Truth. A a help to Parents, Ministers, nnd 8,ibbathnchool Teuclurs lu fultltllng the duties oflhclrBcpirato nnd high ocatlous and to nil others to horn lmmorlnt kou!s nro inlrustcd till ttpU-mlid Vohimoc.uiuotbeoctcttmatod. His tho lMltlon Most Pultablo for tho Famllyt Most Valuable for tho Hludents, Most Instructive for tho Teacher, Most Appropriate for tho Child, Most Useful for tho Minister, Most Intcreslltic for tho Farmer, Most Klegaul fjr tho Parlor, Most Profitable for tho Btudy. TJIlI PI CTOUt.VL FAMILY MIILM, In nddlllou lo tho features already ntlnted to, couttiins tho Apocrypha, Concordance, Pnalras tn Metre, n nummary of tho Sacred Truth ns taught by tho Inspired liook, together with numerous nnd comprehensive Tables nnd oilier Historical nnd lixphuiatory Matltr, embodying 'tho labors or many of tho most eminent Illbllcil scholars. It Is printed ou tho lluest caleudercd paper, from clear an I open type, In ono largo aud handsome quartoolume,nnd Is bound lnlho mostdurablo nnd attractive manner, while the prices nro sfll clently low to place It within everybody's icach. KXPiUUi:NCi:i)A(lt:.NTSnro wanted through out tho country for Its tn!e, with whom liberal arrangements will bo made. An opportunity ol equal promise Is rnroly or never presented. Its sales will not be limited to ntiy period, but will con tin uo for a lifetime, constantly Increasing with thegtowthaul Intelligence of tho country. Ills therefore deslrablo that those who engige with us, Rhall do so wllh n view to maklnj the business a permanent ono. MINiaTi:tl3,TEAClHUtS,STUDl':NTrt,FAnM. KIW.YOUNU MCN AND VOMKN-thoie who would meet with Iho most profitablo of nil cm ploymeuts aro lulted to correspond with us with a view to an ogcucy. Not a few such aro now averaging from E3c3oto fTUW annual profit In Its Bales. Thcro Is n great want for tho book and a rich field ollercd, whllo It will elevalolhe spiritual condition by constant contact wllh aud Ions upon Its beautiful nnd eternal truths. AOXN'TiJ OK Till! INSTALMENT PLAN will bo furnished tho wot k in lino bindings. This plan Is qulto iKjpularnnd prolltablo in cities and large towns. W'o havo an edition of tho book, superbly bound, with masslvo panelled sides, which has been every whero received with matted favor. Hub- scrlptlons for tho Pictorial Ulble, In this stylo nnd In thla way, can bo obtained to nu almost unlimited extent, as thcro Is no outlay of money that tholllblo leader can make, which will yield him so rich a return. Vo aro also iho Publishers of POTniU'H STANDAUDUDITIONa of Famlly.PulpIt.Pocket nod Photograph Ulbles nnd Testaments nearly SOOdlirercnt fctylcs so well known everywhere for their accuracy of tcxt.bpauty of finish and Aurabtllty of binding. Always nsk for Potter's Standard Kdltlous, and gt tho best. Catalogues containing stylos nnd piicss furnUhed on appli cation. For Circulars containing n full description ol The PiL-roitrAL Family Hiiilk, with sampte sheet, nnd terms to Agenta, address "l'otter's btaudard lliblo nnd Testament House." JOHN U POTTi:it & CO., Publisher, 611 nnd C.7 Sanson Sttict, Sl'71-3m PmLAni:niiiA, aqei;ts Wistei ft: Twclye Years v Wild Mans & Plaiiis. Hie rt mnrhnbln ndvrnlnreH of tlio fi.mmis WHlTi: ClllKFandlilOWAltniOUlho Htd hklns. 'Ihrllllng accouuls of Uicut Huutst Hairbreadth Ksc:tpts and Terrible Contests with the big gamo nnd hostile tribe J, Splriuddesurlp Hons oi the habits und sujierbtltimis ot that strauijo peple, Thtlr Hh)-ih, LraKNns.TnADi tionh. How they Woo and Wfci),hCALi,Dociou, WoiwiUf, Ac. New, Fresh und Pojiulur. l'lttCK Low. Jt is selllmr bv the thousands w It li won deilul ui)ddlty. Ageuts nro making Iiom 5fJ to tiw per vitk. inuu-e neio jei Micani. iL.euu at once for samido chapter, Iliustrntlous and pat- vicuihih in d, ii. iiu liitAii, i uuusiiei, Jaun'71-tf. 4uo chestnut bt Phlla. GKNTS WANTED lo maito e&u to ijjj per Moniu by fceiung g it i: a t r o it r ar k i: s. And How They Vi:un Mape, lly J. I). McCabe, Jr. Pi of it so Jy illusiiatedand beautllully lound Tho most universally souhtalter book Issued lor years. It shows how a puor schoolmaster UKule JW.tWO.UiA'; how n poor half-blind sailor be came a great banker, a butcher's uppreutho the weunuic&i inuu iu Aintrici, an uuituowu me chanlo a mtlliouaro in seven years with many innro sueu exam nits: now cntrm. talent, una i- tu'tit intlwitriJ haie utwaus met with kitccius utat ptvptrly vxirted; how money um Ic made honestly unu u uiuui ttivrtjn.v v rinciju; otim lor uiiLUiar, i lc.tiud notice iny extra terms. OKa. .Maclun. 7iU Hansom Ulreet, l'hllndelphla. irTim-.-a-aiiM i-ii.M' tt Ahvv iiuuiv ui inu tiieattin, iulei.mnu iiu port mice. Written Horn a high moral und physi ological standpoint, by an eminent phslelau anu medical piofessor. It shows ho v.' iNitan Is wurin out inssuoue aim uangernus uesigus thriilll'h mil mo-L h.ieitil iIdhk .tln nml .ncijil rr- ialloim. Pure-minded, but oulspoUeu and ag greslvo,tuo author hamlles tho ilelUatosubJecis miucu oi wunuuiyivita, out in sucn n not uner ns not to minister to a prm lent curiosity, TheJ'hyu icul Jiiyciurutionoj the Jtace, is a subject Justly enlisting the luterest and sympathy of ail true tiiiiuuiiiiiii&,a, mm i-iiim uuuii, ii, m ueuevto, Will eootllljillo lo tliut t'lul UiL In iiroinirlliin nu It has leaders. A circular sent tree, containing a lull description and s uopsU of the woik with liberal extracts. c, F. Vi:NT, PublUher, fcei 1-T7U 1 S College Place, N. V, 3Bsrr!rSt..T.ornBW.4thSt..nnrlnnnll,n. If llicy want the inost ropulnrnml Ut ulllna lulwrlpUon books rublMml.nml UfvioUli trnllemu. Hond for circulars. Theywlllcmtyou nnililnn ami maul r f i.r.,n ........ii. ' owh WVt.lLUk MUVU. IU JOU, leblP70-ly. "y ANTED AGENTS I'Oll cjiiimt roitTe.i:s. Ann How Tnr.r Webk Madki cm tiii: Hriinn m.M aniiI uiuuriis or ouk hki.f-Madk Men. lly J. Ii. MiL'ubc, Jr.-l'rofuily lllinlruUil noil ucnutllully touu.l. Tho iuot taking, liisiructlvo ana iiulvcrhully houuht nllcr IjooK lucd lor yean. 1'iitclnatlna in lluton, nuihentla nn III. lory, iiractlcal n "l'oor ltieharU," wllh Icbsnnn moro elcvaltiitt for imnilar pariioso., than Iho rrotoniiu'c.t iililloo.liy. Aiscnl. nru clonrlns If!'," '.""I" tamper month. In nie r ,mra linu fccnJ lurClicular. i;fr.,an,l iiiiM,xir.itriii. . (I hi). MAl'I.HAN, 1'ublUl.iT. 711) Hansom Him-i, 1'hiin iel.lila. mar.i 71 m, 0. IIOWKIi, has up opened a first-class BOOT, HHOC, HAT CAP, AND KUH HTORE. at the old stand on Main Htreet, llloomsbui B,afew uirinvuuuYn iiiuiuiiu miiihc, j i ia Nbutu IHCOin- nosedofthevery latt'Ktand bestfttvles ever ofitr. fail to the nltlzens of Columbia Count v. llns-un accommodate tho public wllh the following goods stoun boots, men's double nud sin ule tan soled kip boots, men's heavy ktoga shoes of all kluds. men's Hue boots ami shoes of nil grades, boy's double soled boots and.shoca of nil kinds, men's glove kid Hal moral shoes, in en's, women', boys's anu mihe-ihuiik Ktutr, vomeu giove Klu I'ititkh verv flne.women'siuoroccu ltaliiMtraluami calf shoes, women's very tine kid buttoued gait ers. in snort uoois ui tut uesLripnons uoin peg ged aud sewed, lie wouU also call attention to his flue assort' tneut of ATH, CATO. VVUH AND NOTION8. which comprises all the new and ixmulai varl etlesat prices which cauuotfallto suit all, 'Iheso KOfMin ure oneieu ai me juwesi casu raies and will be guaranteed to give satisfaction, A call is solicited before purchasing elsewhere as it is believed that better bargalus are tu be loind hiru m nuy uiuer piace iu me county, Jn 171 BIcfSWt1 1 ACJ.CAWANNA and a J I lllMtd UAH.ItnAI) On niulviu Nqv. ai, 1870, Pasaeuger Trains will rutins foiiowsi Going North. ArrlVo Arrlvo OoltigPouth I,oavo I.cavc 1 p.m. n.m 8,25 6.S0 t,t nvo lit 7.S0 4M 7.V0 1.11 3.1I Kl r..vj u.:t f (MO Arrive Arrive (I.IJ M.'J Mcranton,. 2.13 Plttaton I.M Kingston 8.1) UM Plymouth KM 1,17 Hhlckshluuy,.., 7.fil li.W ileruiclc - 7.v:l U.ol l.loom U.1 Pnuvlllu 0.1 J 11.0) heao Leavn North'd - fl.J HUO Couuortloii made aiHcrantnu by the lu.u a.m. Iral't lor Ureal llend, UlUKtintutou, Albany nud all points North, list und Wet, t a'.T.HOUND.hup'l. NOUTilKUN OKNTub It Alb WAY, on nnd nrtor December 4th 13T0, Train will leave Bunuury as follows I NOUTIIWAUlJ. i.13A,M, Dally to Wlltlamtiport, Tor lllmlra Canandalgua, Uochester, Ilullulo, buspenslou llrltlge, nudN. Falls. 0. 5) r. if., Uatlycxcrpt Sundays) for F.lmlra ant. llullalo via lirlo Italhvay Irom Kim Ira, 1. U r. M., l)ally,texceitMuuddys lor WUll'inis- V'itU TUAINH HOUTHW'AUD, 11.0) A, M. Dally (except Monday's; for llaltlinot t wii.MimiroN and phidadflphia. 11.2 P.M. Dally (exceptHunday'sjrorllaltlmort Washington aud Pultadelphla. I ID. H. YODNtl. Oeneral PasKcnger Ageiu, A LP i a: l It. FI3KC, Uen'l Hupt., pATAWISSA UAlIiUOAU. 1V0. wiNTint auuanoi:mfnt. iko, Passenger Trains on v111 run as fol lows! tuns-nth, Ia. H.2n,m U.W) " M 9.1) M " lU.'Jt iu.:ts " " la.ti " " 11.5) ", I2.:tl staiio:is. Wlllhimport, Mu Key, Mllbm. D.iuvllto. llupert. t'auiwlssa, Ulngtnwu, Hunnult. (luakake. i t..i. ...... t,... Mutt forth liVt P.Mp. m CM " ' fl.10 " " i.:i) " 4.1 J " " 4Mt u " 2.M " " 2.10 ' " 1.11 I2.M " " i".iJn.ia, " 1J.M 'Dlnc.TiiniJiqu-i, Dine, " i:a " ltMading. " 3.11 l'oltsVTtlc "km Phlladeliihla. " 8.1j ' " Til "dino Majch Unlink, dine" '.u p. tn, 2.TI lleth'eheui, I2,oo noon " 6u-i " Phlla, via llet'ilehem, a, m " Fastnn, " 11,35 New York, 11. Liberty st., " 6.1) " via Ii. v H, it, It, " 0.00 " ni " " lu Valley It, It, u.o-i " 6.5J a.m. liostou, " tuo p.m rasscngcrstaklr g tho 8.2i train frnui William sport, will havo two hourMu New York,ior sup per, and arrive lu llostoit at fi.M) a.m.. eleven hour- In advance of all other routes. New day coaches accomniuy all trains bo tween Willlamsport, New Yoric and l'hlludel phla. Trains run through by daylUht. oiia ui:aii,Hupt. PKADIXO IlAlliUOAD. BPIUNO AIUtANUEMUNT. Monday, April ;t, it'U Ureal Trunk Line fiom tho North nnd North West fur Phlladclphla.New York, Heaulng. Potts. Vllle, Tumtuiua, Abhiand, Hhumoklu Lebanon Alleutowu, Uastou, Lphrala, LlLlz, Laucastur Columbia, Ac, Trill us leave Harrlsburg for New York, ns fol lows: At 3.10, K,It u. in., nnd 2,u0 p. m., con necting with similar trains on Pennsylva nia llallruad, nnd arriving at New Yortc at HMO, n. m., 8,!W, and lo.ou p. tn. roHpectively, Wleeplug cars uccoiupany the 3,1 (J u m. tiulus without change. Upturning: Leave New York nt D.OOn.m.aod 12,05 noon nnd 5.W p. m. Philadelphia at 7.H tCW tu in, nud a.oU p. m, (Sleeping cms nceompany tho 6,00 j.iUn trains Irom N N without chatigo. Leave JIarilsburg tor Heading, Pottsvlhe, jh miuiua, Mlnersvllie. Ashland, tihamoklu Al leutowu und Phlla'il. at 8,10 a.m., aud 2.UJ nud 4,03 p.m.,Htoiiplng nt Lebanon nud principal wny station; the 4,05 p.m. train connecting lor Phll'a PotlsvUle nud Columbia only. For Potts ville Bchuylklll Haven aud Auburn, via Kchuylkill and Hus',uehauua,leao Harrlsburg ai 3,40 p.m. Host ivnnsylvaulaltailroad trains Icavo Head Ingtor Alltntowu Kaston nnd New York ntfi.oO, lu..w, n. iu und 1.03 p. in. Heturnlng, leave New uikat D.'jO a. in,, 12.00 noon and 5.iw it, to, and Alleutowu at 7.20 a.m. 12.25 noon, 2.15, 4.20 an-'S.43p. m. Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia nt 7:wa.uj., connecting with similar train on rast 1 a. rallioad leturnlug irom UeadIugatG0p.m btopilng at alt stations. Leave Pottsvlllo at P.OO a.m.. nnd 2.30 r.n. Hcrudou at 10.00 a. m., Hhamokln at 5. 10 aud a. in., Asuiauu ut 4,vo a.m. uuu U',u noon Mau auoy City at 7.31 a. m, aud 1.2J p. m. Tamaqua ai n,.ii a. in., Hiid2.1Jp. m. lor Philadelphia, New York, Heading, lIarilsburg,At. Ieave Potuvlllo via ttenuyiklll and Busquo hanna Hall road at 8,15 u.m. lor Hanlnburg, and 12,0a noon, tor I'iue Uruve aud Tremout, llt5allng Accommodation Train lenves Potts" vllle at5.40 a. m., pussies Heading nt 7,'M a. in., ar rlNlug at Philadelphia at 10.20 a. m. Holurulng leaves Phlladulphia at 0,15 p. m., jiasslng Head ing at 7,5jp.m., arrivlugat Pottsvilio p.m. I'ottsLown Acco.umoiiatlou U rain, leaves l'otts town ato.W a.m., rtturuing, ieas Phlladelphlt at 4,3) p.m. Columbia Ha 11 road Trains lcavo Heading at 7,20 a.m., ami t.I5 p.m. for Kphrata, Llllz, liu cra ter, Columbia, &c,, perklomen Hall Hoad Trains leave Perklomcn Junction at 7.15 U,l5a. in., a.W .v 0 00 p. in. leturn Lkiti Icvo ltlnveuksvlllo at wo, K.10 n.m., 12.50 noon A 4.0 p.m., connecting with similar trains O" Hendlug lbtllroa.. Colebroukdale hatlroad tiulus leave Pottstowu at lUUa.m,& J. 15 U.ii p.m. returning leave Mount Pleasant at 7.ooauu n.-jja. in., ham p.m. connect lutf wiin similar trains ou Heading Hullroad, Chester Vullcy ltalltnad'iralus leao fiiiUo portal k,:W a.m. nnd 2.05 and 5.2 p. in. relurulng. leave Dowulugtun ut o.w a, m., 12.45 noon nnd 5.25 p. m., connecting with blmllar traluu u Heading Hull toad. On Hutidays, leave New York at 5,00 p.m.. Pull phlaut b,0J n.!ii.Hiida,15p.m.,(tlie?)tii.m.lraiL ruuulng only loHtadlngOleavei'oltsvlllo 8,00a.m.: Huriisburg at a. 10 a, m. aud 2.W p. ni, and leuvu Alleutowu at 8.45 p. m aud leave Heading at7.l5 u.m, nml lO.u'i p. ni, for Harrls burg, ut 6,00a, m, for New York,audat D.D a. ta. nud 4.15 p.m Iim Philadelphia. Commutation, Mileage. Season. Bchool -n. Kxcurslou Tickets to uuu Hum all points, nt re duced rates. Haggage checked through; 100 pounds- allows each pusjvugcr, J. F. WOOTT12N, Asst. Supt. iV Hug. Much'iy. Heading, P.v, Api II i, 1871. EW imm AT OltANOKVii-LK IRON FOUNDUY AND AGUICUL TURAIi WOIUC3. GREAT 1 M PHO V KM KNTS IN TLOWS AND TIIHUSIIINO MACH1NRS. Mr. Jacob Trlvleplcro having purchased tho interest of Charles W. Low in the above named works, the business will bo eo itluued unuer the firm namoof William icjiu i.kii a Co. llavln1; discovered sovcial Imperlectlons In tho plows manufactured Iu JS7D, they havo stieugthened nnd lmpiovetl them, nnd added somo en i Uo new patterns. They will open theSpiing trade or 1S71 lar tundvamu ot nn thing ever tilUred to the uiuiir.ueiDg noiri practical mcvnanics, nnu nav n ir their wmk nil done under their own suner- vision they guarantee their uorl: superior lu material and linbh lo any heictofrru oireretl, Dtalers should not accept of any other agricul tural Implements until I hey ImNo examined our Manufacture. Fanner should try our plows before bu lug any other. Iheyulso manufacture ALL KIND OF UAHIINCJH, usually mido In first class Foundries, saw nnd grist mill eastlugs, made nud lilted up to order THRESHING MACHINES are made n tpeclalty, and somo vcrv decided Itn pioeiucntH have Ik en Intioduccd Into their ma chines. Prices lower than mei; nil kinds of country prmlucoandold Iron taken In cxihatigu Order dlmtlmm the mannf-ictury. Old ageu-clc-s supplied during tho winter. Yuuress an uruers iu WILLIA5I SCIIUYUJll & CO,, Aorticurnm.u, wonics, ok.vkogvillk COI.UMWA COUNTY, l'A. Jim 171. QIXTY-KIVK FritSTWlIZK 3MEU- KJ AIM, Till: GIUUT HAI.TIMOItE PIANO SIANUKACTOUY. WILTJAM KNAIJK & CO. MANUKACTUUK1W OF GUAND, BQUAUi; AND UPItiailT PIANO F O It T E S , HALTIMOHK, Ml). TIiobii 1 ticlrmtiPtitH lm volifpn lirfirn t hi tiiilillo fur iifiii-i v Thtri v vcftrti. nnd unon their excel lence alone at tallied unintrchtwett pre- minence which pronounces tueiu uueipiaueu, ineir TUNW cnmiilnpH (ttpal nower. Bweetnes- nnd fine slna- aud suet tut hs thioughuutlhetutlrebtale.'lher TOUCH iHtillaiitnnd rlntie. and entirely free from the biuiuchs loumi mho uiauy i iuuun IN WOUKMANS1IIP they nu unequalled, using none but tho very behtcao)if(f7(itrf-i, the lurno capital nn ployed In our biiKluchs enabling us to keep continually uu iinmeufcobiocu oi iu inner, ae.t uu iiauu. tnAll our ttiuare I'ianoei have our New Im proved OvtuaiKUMi hcAi.u und tho -flfyruT SfVttf. V'o would eallspectal attention to nur late Improvements in UltAM) MAfliOS umi tiOUAIiK UltAXHS! l'ATUNl UU AtU. U. hUl, which brlniitio liaiio nearer peifectlou than ua4 yet beeu nltalued. IIveuv Piano fullt Waiiu anted rou 5 Yea us, Wo liaye made nrranecments for the Snte WhiilcHite Anencu for th mot (Vie bluted PAH I.Olt I'ltOANH ami MKLODKONH, which we oner Whonsaio ami KMall,iu lowest mctory ocl70-Cm, Kaltlmore, Md, KMOVAlTl C.H.rUUMAN.haddler, Has removed Ids bhnp lo Itn port's Mode, on Muln Htieet. onnoslto the Post Onlce. where ho Is prepared Ut do all kinds of work Iu hW line of VV2Si IlLANKH promptly printed to order, uu any quality of paper, at this Olll co, A GREAT MEDICAL DISGQVEBY Dr. WALKER'a C ' LITOniJ'A YINEG-AB BITTERS d Hunarcds of Tlionsands 5 JJ ut"r.o,K.,nto ui p; WHAT ARE THEVT ggg 525 Eo ?3 OV S TOT3Y Aim K0T A VILE ' II Sa FANCY DRINK. HaJoof Toor Itnmi WhtfUer Troof Rr-lrlln nud Itcfiiso J,lQUorOoctored,riccd andewect ened to plcftflotUo taste, cftllcdMTonlca,""AppctI cm," Kostorctf, e., th&t lead tto tippler n to drankenneM and rnlitootaroMnio Medicine, mado from tho KatlTO Hoots and Herbs of California, freo from ntlAlcohelle Hllinulnnts, TLcyttto tlad (JItr.AT 11LOOD riJJtlPlEIt nud A l-llT. (UVINO l'ltlNCll'Jit aptrfect licnovstor nnd Intlcorator or tho fiyitcto, carryuis off all polaouoca taattcr nod rcEtoring tao Mood to a hcoltby condition. lio pcrton can tato theso ElttcrJ tccordlijj to iric tloa undrcmMnlcts tinwtU. C1U0 will bo given for an Ineurabla cue, provided tho bones ero not destroyed bjr mineral pcUon or ether mcana,acd tao Ittlorfiua waited beyond tto point of repair. Vur Inflammatory nnd Chronic Khcumn ttsm nnd Uout( Drspcpsln or ImliscntloOt Dillons, Iteuilttcnt and Intcrmlttcut I'cvcm Dlvcnscs ut' tho llloadf Llvcri Kidney, nnd liladdcr, tncfto Ulttcra Lavo been tnoit snccctc fat. Bach Diseases aro enmed ly Vltlntcd Wood, which Is generally produced byCcransciactt cftlio UIscBtUoOrgnns. DVSl'Ll'SIA OR INDIGESTION, Hctd ache, rain la tho Shoulders, Conghs, Tlfihtncea of tho Chctt, Dl2zlcc63, Eour Eructatlona of tho Etoinach, Tadtaetolatho Month, DiUous AttacLs, ralpltattca cf tho Heart, InflacaitaUoncf thoLnnei, Pain In tho rrclona of tho Kidneys, and a hundred other paisfd ejmptoma.aro tho oCEprincflof UyrpcpBia. TlifyluvlgorctQ tho Btomacli and ctlniulato tho to pldllvcracd bowclB,ivldch render them ofnnoquallcd cClcacjrla cloanrlnj tho blood cf all Impurities, and lu:ptrtlns new Ufa and vleor to tho wholo lyetom. I'OIttilviN IHlsKAHES.Eraptlona, Tetter, Salt I'.hcnin, UlotthCB, Crcts, riiaplcB, ruEtulcB,DoiU, Ccr I unclca, nine-Worms, Ecald-lIcad.Bore Eyca.ErjElp tlas.ltcli, Ecurfa, DiflColorttlocB of tho Bkln, Humors nnd Dhcoccs cf tho bkln, of whatever namo or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of tho ayattm in a chert timo by thouaoof theso Blttcra. Ono tottlo li t nch cubcs will convlnca tho raoet Incredulous cf their curative effect. Clcaneo tho Vitiated Clooi whenever you fled Its 1 ie parities burttlnc thrcugli tho tiln lnllmples, Erup tions cr Sores i clcaneoltwbcn youllndltobetructcd and sluggish la tho veins t clcanso It when It la foul, and your feelings will tell yoawbon. Eccp tho blood puro d tho health of tho cystcm will follow. 1'IN, TAl'EandotharWOUBlH, lurkmglatho cystcm of so many thousands, aro effectually destroy cd and removed. Tor full directions, read carefully tho circular around each bottle, printed In four laa Cnages-Ecgltsh, German, French and Bpanleh. J. STALKER, Proprietor. E. II. MCDONALD & CO., Druggists and Gen. Agents, Ban Francisco, Col,, and 83 and 81 C o tumor co Street, New York. C5r0LD BY ALL DEUQGIST9 AND DEALEEfl. OCtSSTU-tf. i oo not. wisn to inform vou. reader, that Dr. Wondcriol. or anv other man. has discovered n remedy that cures Coubutnpllon.when tho lungs are unu cons inn cu, in boon, win tuiuuii iiisuut-i-H whether of mind, body or estate, maho men work, and U deslgneil to make our mi bin nary fcpheroa blissful Paradise, to which Ilea veil ItKell shall bo but abldo bhow. You have heard enough of that kind of humbufruery, Jiut when I tell you that lJr.nage a catarrh uemeuy wu jyjtuivc hi cure the word cases of Catarrh Iu the Head. I only assert that which thousands can testify to I will nav fiou Howard lor a case that I catiftot cure. A pamphlet Klvln symptoms ami other luiormauon h.m ircoio auy uuuress. ima rem edy Is HOLD BY M03T DTlliaOIftTS IN ALL PAUTH Of Tllli WOI.L.U. Price 50 cents. Kent by mall, postpaid, on receipt ol sixty cents, or lour packages lor twodolhns, llewnro of countertits an! worthltss imttatiotu. Heat hut my private stamp, which Ih a jtostttve guarantee of Uenutntniaa, it ujion tho oultddo wrapiicr. Hen. ember that this private Ktamp. Uiiueil by the United Stiller Government express ly lor Btamplng my mcdlclucs, has my portrait, name and address, and the words U. S, Cert Id eate of Uenulucness" tngracd upon It, uud need not be mlMnkcu. Don't bo hwlndlcd by ttavelers nnd otbeis representing themselves ns Dr. Kaira lain Iho nulv mnn now llvlnu that. has tho knowlcdgoniut rlghtto inaiiulacturo tlio Genuine Dr. Mage's CnlariU lU'medy.aud 1 novcr inn cl to sell this medicine. it. v. rn;ui"u, -m. i. oct23'70-ly. 131 Seneca slrect, ilullato, N. Y. glCVKN ItUASOXS WHY Is the IIest Liniment in the Would TOR IIOItSKH. Vrnqr. It Is romnnspil of thnmnut I'OWF.nviTi and pKNKTKATiNn llquldt known In Chemlstrr. Hkcon n. Combined with the above Is a Medi cinal Oil, mado expressly for this Liniment, and mixed by un entirely new process. l m nu. i ne unuui iiw jmwcrj m uim j'cneimunrj Ingredients Is to drive or force In this beautltul Medicinal Oil, which lubricates the joints aud muhclcs. and Immediately throttles the disease, aud compels it to loosen its deathly, blcktntug and poisonous fangs, Pouhtii. This Medicinal Oil Is ued for the same reason that a pood mechanic always use oil to make his machinery work with en.e and precision, Ho in the samo way tno muscios aud lolntH of our animals tdiould be lubricated If wo wish to havo thorn ttavel with rapidity and ease. 1 l r n i. i v is very hooiniug in ius uciion, wiii not burn or blister the animal llko most of the Mil hoi" liniments ot i tie my. Uittii Vfil nun .Iritti nf I i 1 1 rt it rn nf pnvcnnn or led pepper cau bo louiul In Its coin position lor wo I uuu i nut uu moment can vi em-eiivu which bums and blisters tho animal until the muscles aieh'irdnnd dried almost to a crisp, wr.VKNTH. Kvery boitie Is wAnitANTi:n to glvo good s'lllfttactlon, or j our money will be refund ed. This shows conclusively thatth prooile lois have lull conildoico in this prcpniallon, and proves lor theicenth timethat (i.K.H.H. U tho I test Liniment In the world lor Jti'iJon t umtw iour Jierrhnnt to ixumorr line- tureof Hid J'cpptr uiul Jlartthorn, or other trmh on yon, but rtiA Jor 0. 7.'. H. .V.01 Horses t una take no other. Hold by all iliugiists, D. U. CAitllY A uu Proprietors, sept2'7l)ly V1 WaihluatonHtrtut, New York. II K M O V A Ii, Tho firm Al.M:.-4 A Nrrm.s bavin ' heoli ills- solved on tho luth of Nov. IS70. 1 would Inform my friends uud culomeis tlmr. I mu NOT OUT OF IIUS1NESH, ay has been reported, and call attention lo tho following mllclcs: GOVERNMENT DEl'OI'. A'o. i I'laiuviAX cir.ixo, GROUND IIONE.aUAItANTEEDrUltn. FISH flUAKO IN 111ILS. Poudrctto. In Hags, llurrcls and Dulk. UAW DONE PHO-il'HATE OF LIME, Prlco, 5) per Ton, LAND PLASTER IN HAGS AND 1111LS. Taii, In 1, 2 A a gallon Cans, OILH3AP, for washing Tices, lu 3(S. boxrs, COri'ON SEED ME.VL, Excellent Food for Cows, Increasing and enrich, lug Iho Milk, In lUiis, iw.Ui. Each. 0 It A 0 K LINO S For Hog nnd Chicken Keed. ti'llil ENT. Agency for Coploy Hydrnullo Cement, For Its supeilor quality I refer to J.W.Btahk A hum, i.uwueu, s, u. A LlllEUAL DISCOUNT TO THE TRADE. JOSIAII J. ALLEN, (Lnto AI.I.EN A Nkedies,) Uem'oved to i SOUTH DELAWARE AVE. mar 10'71-lSt. Piiii.ADitLrniA, TEE 1JILLS. Junt printfd on KnP-l pniier nml In tho neatest Klylo,JUSll(Ji;'.SHudOuNTAIlLi:,Hl''Ki:iIiLIH and fornBle ut tho Coi-UMlitAN tttllce. The law renulrivH JiutlceH ot the liue to haven 1'ee Hilt pia up In their otllroM, under a tenaltyot flUaud 0U1ODK FOUNTAIN WINH fur ale choap at thU GAlce, ill I 85 k i JKW STOCK OF OliOTHINQ. Krcsh arrival of BUMMEIl OOODa. DAVID LOWKNDEllO Invites attention to his stock of C1IKAP AND KAHHIONADLE CLOTHING. at his store on Main Htrcct, t wodoors above- tho American I Ion so llloomshurg, l'n., whero no hiw Just received from New York and Philadelphia a full assortment of MBN AND DOYfl' CLOT1I1N0, lncludlns tho most fashlnnablc, durahle, nu'd hniiUaoino VRKSV) 000D3, contt.tlng of 110X, SACK, 110CO, OUJf, AND Olt.-GI.OTII COATS AND l'ANi a. of nil r.otts, sizes nnd colors. to ha.i also rcplcm UheU his ntromly lnrgo 6tock of AND WINTEll SHAVI.j, HTUH'KD, FlUUnilD, AND ri.AIN V1HT8 HHIHTa, CUAVATH, BTOCKH, C0LLA113 IIANUKIlnCIIIUFH. (UiOVES, HUSriJNIintW, AND FANCY AIIT1CMW Jlo tM const Atitly on hnnj n larco nuil mtpINsC' eclwl nHorlmcut of CLOTHIl AND VIMT1NM3, which ho Is iircpnrca lo ranko loonier Intonny kind of clothlog, ou very short noltcp, nnd tn the host manner. All his clothing Is made, to wear, nnd tMosl of It Is of homo manufacture. GOLD WATCII12J AND JF.Vi.r.Y, otevcry tlcscrlntlon.nnoand cheap. Ills casool Jewelry Is not surpassed lu thlsiplaco. Call and cxnmlno hlsccncral nssortmcut of ct,OTinNa,WATcni,.s juwni.nY.Ac. Janl'71 DAVID I.OWKNUWIO. Bakery and Confectionery. JOHN O. JACOUY'S BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY! IICHWICIC, l'UNN'A. Thn lititterKtifliil u-itul,l rn.itrtfnllv Infnrm Iho Clllzens of llerwlclc, un,l vicinity, thai he lias onencu a wouiceuonery uuu liuuery in ODD ra,WH ItALIi, llerwlclc, IM., whero ho Is prepared lo mrulsli UU K1UUS Ul 1'IiAIN AND FANCY CANDIIU, FF.IINCII CANDIF.S. FOUIIIU.V AND DOMlMTICritUITH OltANCllM, LUMONS, KAIisINS AC, Ac, Ac, Ac. by yrnoLiaAr.n and iietaii.. Anion; tho nssortmcut will fonnd Cream Nuts, Ihigllsh Walnuts, lVauuls. Almonds, Fil berts, Fl, Apples, Cocon Nuls, Jellies) of dlller. cut Iclluls, Muslard, Catsup, I'lcllles, Chocolate, CanUHl Fruit of all kinds, Corn Htarch, V.w Ills, cult, Noda Crackers, Oyster Craclters. Cheese, '.', titiuy A.,,er, iigitemuui, i-,iperH, j.u vulocs, FISH AND OYSTEItg, And proiluco nf all kinds. Fresh llrcad and Cakes every day. Ice C'rentn in Hcasou, Your I'uiiuuuue is souciieu. , ... joiin a. jacohy. llerwlck, Jan P71 tv C ONFECTIOHE It Y . Tlio tiuderblanevl would rcstiectfullvaunounco iu iuu puuiiu iuui uu uaa ope lieu a F1I13T-CLAS!! CONFIXTIONKltY STOllE, In tho building lately occupied by Fox A Webb wuero uo is prepartuio lurnisu au Kinds o PLAIN A FANCY CANDIli), FltUNCH OANDIIW, FOUEION A DOMKSTIO FItUITH, NUTS, l'.AlSINS, AC, AC, AC, BY WHOLESALE Oil IIETAII,. In short, a toll assortment of alt roods In his Hue ol business. A great variety of DOLLS, TOYS, Ac, suitable for tho Holidays. Particular attention Kiveu iu 11HEAD AND CAKES, of all kinds, fresh every day. OUIIIST.MaH 0ANDIK8, OHIHTMAH TOYS. A call Is solicited guaranteed. und satisfaction will b Jin Pil-ly ECKHA1VT JAC011S. Hotels. M ONTOUU HOUSE llUl'KliT, WILLIAM UUTLi:it, l'lojuktor, ThN IIousohavliiKhcon put In thoroush repair U now open for tho nrtptlim of kuoIm. No pains will bo hpm-dto ensuie tlio perfect com fort of tho traveler. Tno 1'ioprltlor holiolts a share of puhlio atronjijte. Tho lur will le ctockod at all Hints with lino liquor and cigars, Juul'71 E ENTON HOTEL. W. P. PIATT, Proprietor, DENTON, COLUJ111IA COUNTY, l'A. This well known llouso having been put lu Ihoimiyh ii p.ilr Is now open lor Iho rieeptlon of vtsltnis. No piilliH have been spnutl to cnsillo tho ptrhct com lm t ul kufsim, Tlio proprietor also runs u Stiiyo from thu Hotel in lllnomsburi! and Ititeiineillittu points ou Tuesday, Thurliiy aud Saturday of each ck. Jau t'lOTl 'JpilE ESPY HOTEL. ESPY, COLUMBIA COl'.VTY, PA. Tho unilersUued would Inform Iho travelling public I hut he has tnken the nbovo liaiued eslab mhineut and tholuugbly relltted tho same for thy perrecl.convenleucu of hlsguests. His larder will t,o stocked with tho best tho market affords. The choicest liquors, wines aud clgaisaluays to bo found lu his bur, WILLIAM rETTIT. Jin 171 Espy, l'a. gHICK 1IOTKL, OUANUEVlLLi:, COLUMI11A COUNTY, TA. IlOIIll Ji'IIENHY, Proprietor. ThU well known House, having heen put In thointigh irpiitr, li now open to the trnvi'lllnii public, Thodmr Is htorked with the eholctt-t l.luo.xand'lk'fiiK,undlho tntiln will he. nt all t Inu h.Kiimil ltd with the tlellcacieK of the hcaxou. N paiiin will be spared to Insure the comfort ot tJUfhU, Oraugevllle, Jan. 1, 1871 Washing Machines. JOTY'S WASU1NU-JIACIIINE, LATKLYMUCII IMPKOYlin-ANI) TIII3 NKW UNIVKUSAL ChOTlIKS WUINGEH Improved wllh Howell's Patent Double Cog whvelM.and the l'atent Wtop, aro now uuqueH tioimblv far Miperlor.t4 any upparfltus for wanh lnt; clothes ever Invented, nnd will save their cost twice a year, by savliiu labor uud clothes. Tho Ildltor of thU pnper, who purchaAcxl a WHshcr und Wringer, tlum toitltic unto their aluej "Wo havo had In wo in nur family for Botn time past, one of Doty Clulhes Wnsliern nud WrhiHerH, aud are prepared to hear tetlinony as toils nur Its, It Ih emphatically a tahor-uaxtntj machine and docs its work lu thoiuofct thorough manner. For fainlllctt who havo lartre watdies Hicho innchliu'H would he invaluable, Coluh HI AN, Jail'. I1JM7U. miCES-A FAIH OFKKK. If tho McirhnntHtn your place will not furnish, or hcutl tor the MuchlncH, t-cndun tlio retail pi leu, Washer 811, Kilia Wilnner fy, and wo wlllior wurd either or both mnehlnoH, free of freight, to plucoH wlii-ronooueU H'lllnt;; and uobiiroare Mollies' will he liked, that we aKreo to refund the money If anyone wthhe to return tho ma chlneH fitoof irclaht, alter a juoath'u trial, ao coidltij to directions. No hufchand, father or hrotht rkhould permit ihudrudtci'iy ofwiifchlna wllh the ImnTtn, Hlty two dayttln thuyt-ur, when It run hndouo better, moro eziiedltloiuly, with lct.H labor.uud no In Jury tn lheganinntn,by a Uoty Clot lien Washer, uud a Universal Wringer, Bold bv dealers fenerally, lo whom liberal dis counts are made. a HUOWNINO. Gen. Agpnt. oct7'70-tf. 2 Cortland Btreet. Now York. MBUBANOE AOKNOY. Fvomln? 1 211. OKI .t:!lia 4,'nm.o.iC Kultnu N. V 1)0,0 0 Norlll AlnKrlfH H'ULimj! Kultf.u N. V 'lly tM.IHi) InlernatlouHl N.Y - 1,jo,u.o maga.a n. v, J.uij. Aiuieu.nia Hprlngn.ld Furmcra' l)auvllle,N,V.. kto.ii n 6Tu,jo ajuuuv city 4uu.uiio Danvlllo, Homo Then.............. .. Mutual. Atlantic, N. V Otnuanla, N, V 6jju,uxj VHKAH JIUOWN, Avinl, roai2ni-y, Hloombuuuu Pa, q o. m a a a havojustrecclvcd from the eastern iDAtkeu) a largo nud well selected stock of D 11 Y OOODB, , OOltBlBTISD Or Casslmcrs, Jeans, llcst bleached A llrown Muslins, Calicoes, Tlcklues, Tablo Linens, Cotton A ' All wool flannels, tc, Ac, A good stock of Ladles dress poods, Latest styles a patterns. or all kinds, Uood slock crocerles, tiueeusware, Stone ware, Worn! A willow wnrc, Vlonr A Chop, Also Kitchen Crystal Snap for cloning Tin Ilrass.Ae. All Roods sold cheap for cash or r' Uuce, tr.,.,1,l a.. It ,l,n .ILnllnn nt 1ll1ers to til. ll n.,.l n,.nr,IW ntDfn,l naanrltilpnt Which eomprliesovcrylhltii! usually kept In tho coun try, rccHuk connuent mat no can sen nirm cooils at such prices as win cmsuro sausiacuou. jan 1 71 tr v, u m.aiiiv. TyriLIiEU'S KTOItE. S. it. Jtll.LKIt A SON, havo removed their Storo to tho room formerly occupied byMcndeiihall.ouMnlnstroet.lllooms. 1.,... ,.nM.lln II, n I'ltlarnnnl (Milircll. .,..K, ,J ... , -- - wno ro they nro ucierniincuioseiionnsniuocruie terms as can bo rrocured olso whsro, Thler stock comprists LADILS' DllKrfS O00DS nf tho (holcest styles nud latest fashions, together wltll ft large assortment of Dry Goods aud Gro ceries, consisting of the following ft rtlcles CarpctB, Oilcloths, uths, Onsslmcres, Shawls, Flannels, Silks, Whllo Ooods, Linens, IloopHkl.-tt.. Musllnj. Ilollcmwarw Codsrware liuccnswaro, Hardware Hoots nud Shoes, Hats nnd Caps Hoop NeU, Umbrellas, Looklng-Olassoi, Tobacco. Coffee, yugars, Teas, Itlce, Allspice, Ginger,. Clnnimon, NnUneKS', AND NOTIONS GENERALLY. In snort, everything usually kept In country topjs, to which thoy Invite tho attention of tho public generally. The highest price will be paid or country produco In oxchnngo for goods. B. II. MILI.Elt A SON, Illoomsburg Pa, npr 571 If 10METIUNQ NEW! Tho undersigned wonhl hereby clve notlco tlint ho linn Junt completed A 1'llWT CIAHJ lUIAHSK.nnd that hehnntho!neilltlesforcnrry ItiL' on the ImsliifSH of UNDKHTAKINU in all uu nrauciius IN C I T 1 BTYLK, Ifo has cuftneed experienced persons who w 111 tako charge of the IkhIIcm of the ilcccnsed ns noon k they "hhuttloof IhlH mortal coll," and attend tn wnshlni! f heiii.fdiavlnr. drt'SHloi. Ac. Khrouds furulHhed also to order. At much expense ho mm hiu procure u uu I It O N ICE BOX, - In which bodlcw can l-n preserved lu a cleanly und div condition. Cnrrlnues JurnlKhedfor lu neral occasions. In short, he ts prepared to take cinirgi oi a corpse iiniiHHiiiiieiy liner uchui, unu wave friends and retails en all further trouble lu -reuanl to it. Ho also carries on tho business of GAMINE a1 MAKING (me, roHcatlng eune lioitnuail fhulrH.Ac, Ac 1'iuce ui utihiuehH ou jioii riit ct, in inw Ainin. UOHKltT I CO AN, llloonihhurg, July 22,UST tt. ARION PIANO. 'Tho only prrfcet Instrument In tho World, It ntinetjtmlUd lu ltlehntKH, Tower, llrllllnncy and SHirnblUty. Hpeclal terms to Teachers. Marked i .ivors to Cleiyyiuun, Hend for llluMruted Arion a uiupiiiei C. -W. I'ObTEn, (JenernI Aj;elit. mat 10'71-tf. MaucIi Chunk, I'a, To any peitton nroduclng any Medlcluo Bhow JT4T half many Uvlnir. permanent curew as Dn. I'lrll.KU'H VFQhT.VIILK ItIli:iIMATia llKMUUV. l!fl Imvartll! only. A iIcat,ant Medicine, freo Horn Injurious drugs. Warranted, under oath, lo h ivm itermanently cureduilu every 1W) hutleula Ireatcdln tho iiuit ten years. (w-o testimony.) '. Filler, Jt. l.,u riadunto of tho University of 'enosvlvntitiL A. II. lvitn.iv.. .mn r ii,n.t,.t. Penusylvaut I'lui, m iMue.b ii'Kuiiu siciuus.nuii I'roiestir or t'hMulHtry and Tuxlmlogv, who hioi mado ih-fcsor of Nturnlghi, cnroulouud luilainmalory lthcumn .-.viiiiuKui, uiniiuuuuu jiiuainmaiory itlicumn Usui tlio speciality of his tnthe lirnlesslonal lilt a fact ouehed for bv Iho klinintiires n,v,im. vauy lug each bottle, ol many prominent renown id physielaus, clergymen, audotherteslluiouljilH. I'lo.i-i.-. stuieii-is iiooi ioisuinus (luaca mm. uums and useless oxpcudlluro of money, a legal .i,iiui Ku,,iiiiiiee,svaiinioxiu,i. numueroi notlles warranted to cure, will bu furwurled gratis to Iln!'.1l",;rei'l";ndlug by letter ft lull description u iimicnnu. in cjtsoot ralluro lo cuic, amouut I'yntiiv-iljr lUlUIKltHl, iUeUIClUU belli UUy. whero by express, collect on delivery. Allllcted Invited lo wrlto lorn lvlco; nil Information nnd ine,dtcal advleo sent by lelter grails. Principal mn-.iu houtli Fouilh stieel, Pnll.idelphla, l'a. iho Itenifdy Is sold or ubtaiued by Diugglsls, uurt'71 ly QOOU3 DELIVEHEO FllEE OF 1'OItTEltAtlKTO DEPOTS OH 1IOAT.1 IN PllILADtLl'HIA. lly tho dissolution of thn firm of Ali.cs & Nei:hi.ks, on tho luth of November, 110. tho undctslgucd hecaino solo ownorof tlio Factory, slock uud Hachlueiy of tho lato llrm and will ooulluuo IheniauutHelurounrtsaleof 1'ertlllzers. My personal iillentlou Is iilren to lh1)tnluess. nud aided by tho best chemical and Mechanical hklll the high quality of my urllcles will bo inalutulned, Thu fiUl'EU 1'IIOSl'IIATE OE LIJIE, AND AMMONIATED EEUTIL1ZEU aro sold at a very low price, HEND I'OH CIltC'ULAIt. NO. I PERUVIAN aUANO, irurrftrtfeu' Pure at imported from the Jtlwttts. I I 8 II UDAItO, Puro (1 round Hone, Land Plaster.Cetnfnt.Hnerm, Ijird, Whale, Lubrleatlug iiiul Coal Oils, Hlaann, Adamanlluo uud Puruilluo (.'umbos, lo Mlilclt 1 rospiclfully luvllti tho ultentlou or the public. UI'CCIAL D1SC0UMJ TO TIIK TUAI1K. WM. N. NEEDLES, A t ih CU llanit oj AIXKN & NKKULKS.) .tiouth liuluwaro Avenue, Philadelphia. roil BALE UY HLOOMSIlUIta I110N COMPANV. mur.3'71 13w. 11LANK MOItTUAUUH for tho liso of Having J) Kuud aud Ixmu Associations, tor sale at the L'ULUUUIAN OUICV. JUHTICIM HLANKH.-Kummous, Elfcutlnu. Kubpu'iios, Wurrauls, do,, constantly on naud und for sale at the Culumuian Ul v pATENT EKt'OM.MUNDKI) AMI BNIXIItgRIl It ovuu 8kvi:n utirimi:!) nociona uu, i-Tiu:xci:s couroUMn ttuin kxtiiact or KOSKOOl THE uuiLvr HEALTH HE3TOnEUI Not a Secret Qurtck Mctllclno Eormuli Around tno liotiic, rncrAMKU bolkly; nr Dr. J. J. LAWltENCE, Organic Ctaomlut, Viuos, North Carolina. KOSKOO fUlUtU-.S AT TIIK HOOT Of IllSKASK 1'UIUKYINQ THE 11LOOIT,- Ur.STOHI.N(l THE LIVElt AND KIDNE. TO A HEALTHY ACTION, AND 1N VIOOItATINa THE NEU. VOUH SYSTEM. This ia tho Gocrot of ita Woudarful Success -in Curing CONSUMPTION IN ITS EAltLY STAGES, HCItOFULA, SYPHILIS, DYBPEPrtlA, IIVEH COMPLAINT, CHUONIO RHEUMATISM, NEU11ALGIA, NEltVOUS AFFECTION, EHUPTI0N3 OF THE SKIN, HUMOIW, LOSS OF VIOOll, DISEASES OF KIDNEY AND llLADDElt. AK3 AI.I. BISWASES CAUSED BY A BAB STATIC OI' Tin: BLOOB. It thoroughly eradicates every kind of Humor nnd Dad Taint, and restores the cntlroffystcm to a healthy condition. It Is beyond question tho FINEST TONIC IN THE WORLD. Thousands havo been changed by tho uso of thlsMedlcIno from culs, sickly, sutlerlng crea tures, to strong, healty, nud happy men nnd womeu. Invalids cannot hesllalo to glvo It a trial. No Medicine has obtained such ft groat reputa tion as this Justly celebrated compound. FOIl TESTIMONIALS From Physicians, Eminent Divines, Editors Druggists, Mo rchants, Ac, seo KOSKOO AI.MAw NAC for this yenr. MICE OXK 1WM.AK VEll ItOTTLK. t on S.U.K IIY The Principal DrugtjUta in Uu Cim'ni Slates anil British Amctiea. Dit. Lawuknck's Wosi.vsM;Fiiiiib Cures all DIseasea peculiar to Females. Jan.niy. T looms ii una STATE NOIvMAL SCHOOL AND LITEIlAltY AND COMMEUCIAL INSTITUTE. This Institution olTers good opportunities lu overy department of Llteraluro und Hcle-uce, In addition to tho Excellent NorilinlSchool Classes, havo pracllco In t house of Surveying and Engin eering Instruments In tlio Hold anil mtno, under tho Instruction of Iho most competent Professor. Tho faculty nlm tu no very thorough lu their In struction and to look: carefully alter tho heallli, manners aud morals or Iho students. Thu rules nud regulations of tho school nro such as to command tho respect of tho students nud consequently not many loci that they can altbrd lo vlolato laws which nro calculated to proinoto their succuss and happiness. Tho Mus ical l)eMirtmcnt a thirds as good opportunities us can bo found In uuy of tho largo cities nud at . much less expense. Spring term commences April 3d, l!$71. For futther parlluulars, address John ii. Fuee.k, Esu,., .VocV, or L. li. Hui-cftT. VV. oir HES'UY C, A. M., Principal. Dloomsburg, Jan. 11, IsU-Uiu. Jacoii K. Smith, J. 11. Sei.tzkiu g U I T II A S E L"T E II, Importers nnd Dealers In Foreign and D rr, HARDWARE, QUNS, CUTLEIIY, AC, K0. m . THIItl) HTBEET, An.CALLOWJIILL, janl'71-ly r'LriIIA. QARRIAQE MANUFACTORY,. uioominurg, l'a. JI. C. 8I5AN mtOTHKIl Hai'o ou hntid nnd for ale nt tho moot rr)nft hie rates a uplendld block of CAHHIAOEfl, nUMOIKfl. and every description of Wagona both PLAIN AND KANCY warranted to ho mado of tho best Nnd moat dor ahlo maturlalH, anil by tho most experienced workmen. All work hunt out from tho CNtub llbhmcut will ho found to be of the hlghont clasu nnd Huro to nlvo perfect nails fact Ion, They havo also a fluo nKhortnient of S LEIGH B of all tho newest nnd most Inshlonable Htyles welt and carefully made and of the bent mater lain. An inspection of their work la naked as it! believed that none hUDertor ran bofnitml lntim country. juu 171 P MtMF.IWI EXAMINE AND BUY T HE ORiaiNAIi, llAUUH'S UEINO Tub Fiiist Haw Done Piiosi-hatk Mauk, All others aro Imitation, II A U G II ' S KAW BONB SU1'J:U I'UOSl'IIATIJ OF LIJIE. MARK FALL, 1870. Thin Manure Is made nf Itiiw nr ITiilitirnfil rlnli In V ll - .11. t ... Oil of Vitriol. preneulliiK the ilono I'hoNphute lu u hltfhly Holuble and quickly available form. aud 1110 Aiiiiiionia in nucn pronriion u 10 luuuru a prompt und vigorous action upon the crops. Where liaUHli'tt photiphate wau applied the nant hUAnnn. the intllrutfoint. without tiicentlot are that It will maintain lm well earned repuau lion. We reuueiit all lu need of a Fertiliser to live thli article a trial. D A U O II A BONB, MANUrACTDUEUS, Orric No vo H. Delawaro Avenue, l'lIILAUKLPHIA, 15 70-tf. B LANK I)Ki:iHJutprlntea wud for vale tho mm