The Columbian, i31oomsburg, Friday, May 12, 1071i (lpo.r.llowi!i.t,Co.,Ml,nrk Ilowvirn pur only IIIM Kiiifni iKIH IMMIlli IIK'iiniU iltW 1 lint. Wktiiehii.i, A Co., No, Mi7('liclnulHirri t, THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, ELOOMSEURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, CltUIICII Itoilllllll, Oil WodllMtlflV ltpo'lctl ftp Iho CutTitnblnn. Might Inst Iho Ki1lscop.1I Clntrcti In this -'oiil'l. I'rorccillnlr. iilaco wnshuroliitlously entered throiich TiiimiUAY, May I. 1871-1'elltlun n window nnd robbedof tlio nljlo cupola Kor reviewers of a rond In Orecnwood niui muio cover. rsothlnBelsowfts tnken lo"nsl"l'i eir ueorgo ji. Tiiomus, from the church except ten cants, the wiwnm siitmz, uoorgo llcngo niul Pur qhconi) annual POP CONYNOltAMANIIi: filsrmtrr, roit Tin: yiiau mil IS71, WII.T.TAM uoo counl Willi cild District. nn. HTATKMKNT HINTIIAt.lA POOIt Alt UNDINll Al'llll. IMI, Hlf-ftM. nrn fintUni.l,. -I i. vlti Mtutaltni- ni.(.nlttln.l n..l. imrnrtiv nnlhorlredAnenta In Philadelphia. v '""'Wxl WHICH ; iuiui-ia, Ccntrnllii lo i rtinn (t niiy iVuViik- VtVtJilMliiit to I ..."T V ,' ........ ' tho I'tiMrstltlAN llllli-r.. , Cli Alt advertisement fur Iho fomolcit loroll lion limit bo endorsed liy tlioso Agent, or they will receive no attention. If. wm fotnul lyhiB on tlio iiulnlt Itlliln, foitrlvn 11m Wnrnlin, n.i n"" eiiniuci iiA'crctt nppolntctl vlowers. tlio c-firtiut fnr'l stood In Died of It bud n l'ttltlon for n bridge In Main township, To amount rerolvcd Irum ilurltcilo of CotiyiiKlinm township To amount received from duplicate-of Ccntrnlla horoualt l'etltlon to vncnto n road near Oooriro rlXl'Xl)!I'X'.aly V"' ' Omrm'a i David llcrrlnrr, Mlclmol Keller T,i,?",Vi0V11 ncc,s'"1 ,rom oranjo i-oor To nmnunl received from Colt 1'nir District To lotnl ntuomtt received fmn s-iljsof irm proiiuco titiriui; the year ntilVI live lii Mlllpti my name. In Mary, near Jacob Bhumnn's: John Kcliror, The school homo In tho mar nf ilm Mntlilm Ilnrtinnn nnd Ablo Tliomns church was nho entered and robbed of a Tainted vlewew. clock, n plcturo of choir boya entitled 1,1 1,10 matter of tho brldgo built over Ilomucrntlc Victory at Wllllaiiiipoit. Tho Democracy revolutionized Wll llainspoft at tho recent election, by olee- lint' -lliolr nimlltlntn fiir Af-ivnr. wlin takes tho nlaco of 11 radical. Ho wo go 1 "Wo I'ruUo Thee, O Clod," and Homo Uonrlricrcck by Jacob Koslcnbauilor, willing papor.-tfiii6i(r.v Jkmocrat. mu viuwcrsnaving passed it, mo county uommissloncH oirerod to Mo exceptions 5,573 n HI) 41 if. 15 CO 121 11 Ml 10 LSI1 OK DUALK1W OF OOnUMllIA UOUNTY 1 lierfthv rerllfir Ihftl tho f.iltnnrlntf llsl of itenl. rr token, returned nnd classified by me, In ac cordance with the several ael of Asscnitily, In iiiui lor llio cotiniy 01 i;oitiinuin, ior 1110 rnr ono lliolmniKl rfalit lilinflrnil ntiil unvcnlv-otio. I correct to the bent of my knowloJge Quit belief. l.I.OOM TOWMSIIlr. TlnwAro II Hlorn 3 J'lirnllwro II riolliiniiHtoro II C".ifi', II Ily amount of onlcrn redecmod dorlns the yeur Ily nmoiint of Treniiircrn commlMton theroon two itr cent, Ily Amount of UaImiko In Treasury Ofl)i IB WW CI 11! 13 fin to Town SIattiiks. On tho lint pago wo lHililIsh n bill which recently passed tho Hennloln referenro to the Town of Jllcomsburff. It will no doubt also pas's C.1.VH US WniiTiiv n. Intl.,. i.nn,.nn i i.. ..... ''tV'i"nll'in mo f.irfKOIna necouni or A,t lUI ill II IIIU I " vtiu .v.'U.I. inulUJU II UV 1I1UUU1IL L 1 111 I V I I I'l 111 I .flOtl 111 A tl . 'I mn&ll TAP 1.T I Mil V 111 IU O I 1111,1 lA'niruim i oor iMHiriet, wo una n cornel MAUTINrt.AMOArf, t ANIllll'.W HOONKY, I i'athici; Kii,t.i:iiis ' AuJiiot. llVIII WAIMII I T1IOMAH JlUltl'llY, J Airll Kill, 1S7I. IN- ACCOUNT Willi UJM .M1I1A.1I ANII i;UTltAIilA 1'llllU illHJl(1171, "Alleglmnlans" concert tour through specifications had not been fully com England. Ireland nnd Scotland, tlinv hilled with : but under thn net. nnd lbn uio iiouso nmi necoino n law. 'inn Dill were endorsed by tho press both secular opinion of Judgo Monroe, tho renort comers now powew nmi duties upon llio ami religious, ffo copy tho following w-ns eonflrmed, notwithstanding tho Council which may bo cfllclenlly oxer- extracts ! proposed executions, nnd dissent of the viiii'ii iur iiiu iiiiuiiu goou, or may no ino umgrcgiuimuuw, Kcollnnd, says: uomtnissloneM on tho subject of tho umr.oToiw tw rut: i-ooi: llrtn nn n, ntt, ,nr, ..i.,...n .n " IV IIIIV'O llllf. Atllt M(.,Mlulin,l ... I I l I l Wil l L . 1 . A iu(,,i-vivii iiiiu ij.vj.uiuiu jhuvu uii;ie-:a. Vi , , . wui- uri;illlll cuiliruci. Town Councils nro ofilclal dlgnlliirlcs i ?rX?c"" " f VMion f"ra roa1 1,1 Cu,,lro tow"- nnd bodies polltle Hint nro often useful, Th'oltov. Mf.Hpurgeon says: "Xo ship, enr William ShnlTer's: John 3t. ih often Imlliretcnt, nnd, toinctlmes t liuinnn tonguo could dijeou'rso' moro Vohe, Samuel Snyder and ChrUll.iu Wolf appointed viewers. Petition for n road In Franklin town ship, near Kouben llelalo's: I'tltr llio honorulilo Council of tho Town of tho public." JJloomsliurg had not ilono nil tho good mo uonipany will nppe.iriittheCcitirt iiouso wuiiuestiiiy eve nun' jMiiv it i. every 0110 should go n.s it Is furlliti bene- III 01 llio i. M, u. A. nuisance. The condition of lbn (-lronta inellliluous music." nnd pavements (and want of the latter I n"011()r'l.,.u,l1' H' l'""!' Cliuroh, i npcL't mitl tiilrunnKO of . "? m n VIHtU lit I lii mauv Instance, xvould ludlcatn llml 1 ..............i .i.. . . . . I emiiienuy j " ' UIMIJIllltllll lliu 1 1)11. To Aliiuur.l lloin duiitleat. " " other Miuri. fit, that such bodies nro or ought to bee.uia bio of, but this may hnvo been for want of power rather than of disposition or public spirit. If tho former, then tho want Is supplied by tho act now pub lished. This town Is most beautifully mid pleasantly situated mid good stile walks would mid much to llio ordln pleasures ol lis people. As they nro they nro broken, I'ntched, Irregular, tin even and disconnected, With their proper Improvement on Second,Mnrkct, Ci ntro and Iron Streets, nnd their eon st ruction along tho cutiro length of "ith Avenue, tho great town want of pleas nnt promenades would bo amply sup plied, nnd llloomsburg would nt onco becomo ono of tho most pleasant towns Tor the Columbian. DutAiicmrcr.i: May, 7, 187 l'A. WlinitlUK, Homanism, thesubject of ,,.,,,,, ,,,,-,011 11,10 the lecturudellveied this evening, by !'mJ , ' 1 ' 1L , , ! ' Mr. J. Uowman, Is exciting tho pub- U- Ivllnc, David ; Swank, I.conard Adams nnd John Iiaruer appointed vlewew. Petition to view nnd vacato a road In Locust township, near land of Reiiji- mln Wagner: Michael Moiiseh, Peter Campbell nnd Jackson Cleaver appoin ted vleweis. Petition fur n road In Klahingcrecl; Still Water church : If. chenbach nnd John Megargcll, nppolntctl viewers. Petition to vacato n road in Pino township, near Shaderlck Kvcs: Win. Lnwton, Wm. Ungernnd James Ijck- lie mind at ptesent hi this county. Therefore. Jtesotmt. That wo have listened with great nleasuro to his very able and olo- Mtlent iiddrch.s. nnd hereby tender our warmest congratulations to the speaker, erl, appointed viewers. Jicsou-ca, 'mat wo unbosltatlngly Kuvlowof n rn.ul nearMIchael StlnoV euiiiiiieiiu nun loouicrcoiiimuniues u i i-,.i. ,..,. m k h,...i 1 Hill lilriwnvlnntnif irMiit .mniml, nx.l "'"-' iwirau.iu.ia, -i. w. rclleollou on tho subject. and Is, P. l ortner, appointed review icesoiecfi. rnal tho rrenucnt anil Hat- eis. terlng notices of tho press In regard to Report of viewers of Centre Htre"l Ily nm't iiKldtbr cflaityeiir In Mi- u-i tl.Hidnun an I Tttornlon ltv nm't piM of hut yoiiH dil.i .1. II. l.onRjKtewnril Ilv nm't p.ud liiwyqr's feel duo uliieo I it year Ily nm't pall b't'anco In lull of biiidl mill lutcreit r.,r building nldltlou lait yiar liy am't .Id farlln Monaghan for out door reilei In NjS 11' nm't liild debt of 1S07 to tiwnshl.i 1-iinil Uy nm't paid Installlncnt nn firm " " " rorf.lYinworlciindconins InHVI Ily nm't paid firming nlculN, lurnl- iuri MocKiiuu ri'tiiiiuuiiriilyear ny nm't paid to Asylum for lnsatio I'auiirr's 11 i.ird Ily nm't paid for midlcil fee and mcdii'ino Ily nm't 1 ntd for lie ur.viro Ily nm't paid lor (support of pAupcr, worlc on and mereh int'H bltU Uy nmoiint paid other mlceltaneoin exptliM'S lueurred durltn; tho year Ily amount paid TieaurerH romlnlft- i.lon fm'J per cent on S'.i,lui,ir; paid out Uy nm't ol bitniKO du.j.ronv'lieatuier C',VH M f as .11 Ki 19 ITS tO cm 30j: SI7 ID . l.l'.O .11 87 CO mo m 3JSM Twalah Ita(fnbtieh( H. II. Miller .t Mm, William Ilahb, 1. i.vniiH, . II. Ilroun, C. Mnrr. munn A Waldcli. John Wolf, .inme ifiitnnti) llivld IiKeubuv, .oii'vi. iiuriiiaii. .1. II. MnU, l)prker.VKleeklo. Mill A. I,. WVlili. Moycr lliothcr4, M. Knorr. , m. Huron, K.dlllon, h.Wliarv. Mt. ll,ivldllriilv.l. .1. K. liver. (I. W. l ontlt. iloeph correll, M'htlvy, Null A V). i i t 1 .in., P.A.lIicktoj', iMMinwor. .1, ( l.ti lr, .t.lIeiulcrHiott, .lll?ll K. XV. I'. 11 tx A. wrim. 'jlXtull A lint Hi ill. Henry Klclm, ( I. A. -Ifll lllltr-. llciiiJirrtHttt Mimon HoilL'm In (Vnl U II. HmiPcl, (Jrnctry . tsviu a iiro, j;riiKM iu v Thcso Imiiroveinenls M.r''s lectures abroad in-ijilro Hloomsbtirg confirmed. In tho State would Impel others and Iho pcoplo themselves would soon bo surprised nt their extent. All properly would bo coino morodeslrabloaiitl mora valuable, Htrnlngcr.s would bo attracted to tho town to settle in nnd enlargo it and In ere.iso Its business, and 11 great Impetus would bu given to its prosperity. All board walks ought to ho lorn up nnd prohibited, as n first claw nuisance, on genderers of tilth, disease and ditcom fort. Fifth Avenuo can bo mado a bplendid proinenado by slight grading and proper paving and tho wholo town ought to feel nn Interest in accomplish inglt. It Is hoped our authoilties will tako earnest hold of tho matter and ac- COIUpllidl it At tho recent term of Court, tho re port of tho viewers to lis n valuation upon thn Foundary of SilAni'i.uss & IIakman was finally continued, and, wo nro informed, Immedl ito tleps will be taken to removo tho building from Centre Street. It Is hoped tho citizens will tako Immediate steps to hnvo tho street graded and tho i-idu-wnlks sub Htantlally paved. It will then soon bo eomc one of tho prettiest narrow streets In town Witn.r. wo hopo that tho ablo editor of the Alloiiinn .S'lW does 110 moro than Justlco to tho frankness of thu editor of tho Coi.UJiiiiAN, wo can not consider this nn opportune tlino to enter upon tho discussion to which ho Invites us. Nor have wo the least ido t hat wo eon Id glvo the editor any Information. When 11 doubtful cnnvais is not Immediately pending, demanding till our btrength and every fibre of cveiy mu?c!o as well as every sacrifice, It may be well to within us nrldo nnd nleasuro. ho belntr it citizen 01 our community. Jiesolvctt, These resolutions bo print- en 111 inu papers 01 our county. .1. w. llcuhi(lons of CuailolfiKT. Whkuhah Through tho dijpen-n- Hon of an iilhviso Providence, our late nrotner Closes tollman lias ueparteii this llio, tlieielorc no it Unsolved. That In his death our Or der has sustained an Irreiurablo loss. tho Church 0110 of Its pillars, society u model citizen, and his family ti kind ami indulgent husband '.mil i.uner. Jtctolecd, That our heartiest sympa thies bo extended to the bereaved fam ily nt this trying moment; that wero tho power given us wo would gladly drop tho balm of consolation into their inclining uomms ; umt 1110 ijougo uo draped In mourning for thirty days ; that inoso resolutions no entered upon tlio minutes, their puiillcatiou 1 equall ed In tlio Cor.UMiiiAN and Jlepublkun, find that a copy bo presented to the fam ily 01 llio deceased. C. li. JIltOCICWAY, IIknhyO. PlIILU'-S, K. II. Ki.nui.cii, Committee. I.OC.H, NUTICUS. Ni;w OooiisntS. II. Mir.i.KuiSo.vs. I. W. has tho best assort ment of Grenadines in Uleonisburg. M. P. IiU'rz has lust received another largo lino of Spring Shawls. See his prieo Hit. S. U. Mir.r,i:u.tSoN havo lust opened a l.irco stock of Shawls which they in tend to sell low.for cash or country pro duce. Nr.w Hooks In tho Cireiilallna Libra ry. "Cilnx ll.iby ;" "J.uck or uoarlng Camn:" "llret Ilarte:" "Tho Story Liz.lo Told." "Mrs. Prentiss :" "Our "clear tho decks." Then our sensltlvo Olrls;" "DIo Lewis'," "Desk t Debit ;" friend shall bo gratified. "(Jiiver uptic. ' Afir.NCii:s. Persons In cities doing 1 HAvn ,. full assortment of snectaclcs Imslness with this olllco will oiiservo with preserving lenses nnd with com that wo havo reduced our agencies to Iload near Adam Johnson's In Lm u- t township, confirmed Iteport vacating a road near Mary Hickctts', In Orango township, confirm ed lleport of reviewers of n road In Scott township, near Treneho'.s dam, lvpor ting ngalnst a road, confirmed Report of viewers vacating an alley In Portioblo, confirmed. lleport of a road In Orango township, near Mary ltlckells', confirmed Iteport against a road near Win. Pat terson's confirmed Catherine Street, litoonislmrg, eon firmed Koad In Locust town-hip, near W. Kostcnbaudcr's, confirmed. lleport vacating n road in Greenwood township, near Wm.llobbins', confirm ed. ltoad In Madison, ncur 111. I-airl man, confirmed. John Pooley, appointed guardian of Philip, William and John Tabb J. 15. Knlttle, appointed guardian of Kmmn Kostcnbauder. Samuel Kontcnbatider,nppolnted guar dlau of Clara nnd Wm. K. Kostcnlmu- iler. John Locknrt, nppointcd hupervis or of Pino township, In the case of Anron Person vs. Sam ucl Lelby, the Jury rcturnid 11 verdict In favor of the Plaintiff. Tho Sheriff reknowkdged n deed to Daniel V. Scybcrl for a lot of ground In llrlnrcreek township. On motion of M. 3'. Jackson, K-q ItoiiKUT It. Littm:, Ksq., of Wyoming county, was admitted to practice law in the several courts of this county In tho caso of C. D. 1'owlcr vs. ltf il licit Miller tho Jury returned a verdict In favor of tho defendant Satuiuiay, May 0. Petition of Jacob Kostenhauder's administrators 1-7 57 s,i:o is 1,'M 8) mi 1: Ml) OS fn.yjs ai IlIIAt, ISTATU WITH I'.IICCNT IMI'IIOVH- II..N It. By I'aVm and UiIMIuk atued nt 53,0,0 00 ' lli-pali lo liiiIldtos 7 ll " llou.ohold lurnlture IWH 1'arnl IllrtitlU tl.'i " llav, craln nnd ulraw mi t-o ' Mmiuio 17-i i ' 1 1 ors and oat la 7i7 0J j'le-t "I") l-initlri" l"i (') " IVil.o. i, -s M 01) ' Mei'l. - . MM ' 7 lu-res of u heat and I rj e Ini-rouiid Ml 00 " 11 ilaluo tin-, liulil 'liva-ulii' oO'J 6(1 i.iaii i.tnr.s. Il-1 tl e-ee duo on film b-nuU " " Inlivoroi.-liirl t VilOIlUi.TS Ol"' l'Al'.M IN h70. I"i Ioiih of hay GftJIS.'ld rs bu.-.b--U of wheat 14 1.11 170 " " o-lU (ft 1.0 cent 1175 " " corn oari O 3' en's 70 " " ryo iSl.l i ".S " ' ItolatoeHl,. 7ii'iilrt S loiidi nfcorn lod I r w CIO Vis i-ih or p irk 1 3 t-ent Ml lieltdi of eabba;o ft ti eeula Ihitler, c cs and a i i-etabUa l.lvo aloelt raised J5 bushel ofelovjr ree 1 SS.SI3 S.',7C0 r,1 0.017 '.' t:;o to U7 ) 101 I 0 m m 171 1 HI 111 Ml fit as i o 111 to DO 110 n t-o si.'- No, of paupers now In l'uor Ho'.:-.! 1 1 ndlnllteddurirEe ll II .. (iiVJt .. .. i 1 Directors rA I kick iiuiiki-:. or WI1.I.1A.M UOOllMAN,) l'uor. Allert C. O. Mtim-Iiv, Ulerlr. April loth, l-.71.-lt pUIihIC SA L K vaia'aiim; rnivsONAii l'ltofmu'V. Thero will bo exposed to public sale, atllie rcHiot ueo in .laeoo josieunauuir. ii.eeii-.tii, rralikllu township. Colmtibla rountv, l'a., TIM-SI II A U'lIIINr.MlAY. ?.1.1V llllbanil n 1S7I, at 11 o'clucl: In tha fuienoon thu iollowln piopeity lo wit : SHVKX HOUSES AND OKE COL'I i-'ivr. MiU'ii cowh, roup, iiiiaii of you C'ATII.E, 11 I1KAD OF FAT 11KKF STILUS, IhlitVM'lulit kIipcp, two brt'fdlns iowh unit pls-t, hn sliniils, ono two-liorso wnuii, iron axlo.) ono iitlicr two-liuiso won, imu lour hoi'itu HKon, two Liuirltw. 1 ml j-si 1'tl s. ono slf Iirh. ono lutll'- linrsa lecr power lliicshlim nii'lilno, one trnln drill, one corn shellcr, liiy inrk.iopoutul put ley. fitio liuclipyo UuipiT ninl Mower, ono KojMono (Mder Mill, hay ttikc, lannlnt: mill, tin eo lion Ileum plows, a lot ol other, lmriu, roin plow, t'Uiuvtuors, h hcis nuiivy 11:1111 ehs, iuiir fceiM ngiiL imnu'S', iikiii. ii.irni-hH, ny jiuin, innias. loritH, hnoei', nun iiikis, whu 11 mrj;u vnnii y 1 r.irnilnu liunleino.ilH loo nutncious to iiientlni Also, 11 lot of lumlor hiich nn IkiuiW, hoantliny, oaii ami piuo piaiii;, BiimgiH, ii.iinoaa sin 13,000 KKKT DRY CLARK'S COLUMN, 1S7U SPRING. 1871. Hlo.n Hardware lltoro Cabinet cioihiiutfstora Mllllni-iy Oiocery Conroctloncry Hook Hiora Jriimjlsl' HltoeHloro 'lln Atllove-s Hiore Iln.tMlovcM Coufectlonery W010 Kiirnlluro Hlnio lirus'lut Htnro lloolt floro Ht-ou Hlot'o Htoro JiruiiuM, Conree'lonery f loro Copfrcllowery Mlllern (Jroei-ry nolo (Iroeery 8 7 11 I i I J 7 I ) 7(0 7 (1) 10 01 10 I ) II n 7 1 1 7 1 ) 7 10 7 no 7 II 7 I I 7 10 7 in 7 I ) 7 I 1 7 1) 7 I I 7 I I 10 0) 10 1 I 7 I I 7 (0 12 6) jil 00 )0 II 7 1-1 7 10 12 bit 7 I I 7 I I 7 I ) 7 IJ fn I ) 7 I I 10 0J 7 10 7 01 7 ( ) 7 tl J J. CLARK HAS ItKCKIVim lim SPUING GOODS noutiiir AT I.OWIMT ("ASH MICH, nml Vi it ' AT A UNDUCTlON Itrgnrdltu of any 1'ilee, 1'. rr ry, A.Hliilril&n. -Mnnham lllee, W. K, Lortjetiberer, 1nuvr.11 To7Knn-, Kl-iro II II II 11 lir.mvKi: nonoeati. Thomai A.lano, i..v 11. 11. iiower, M.F,-(Bl-lllZ, iioitiujto iii .MCKKon, .Miller, llllKhs A Co, .'. 11. T)o!on. . Hhaw Aekerman, N. N.KI t i la-r, .Miss Hell lierirnm. laelc-ou .v WooJiu, J. I). Jacotn. II. M. Iloelimali, .v. nueKinaniii, U 11 II 11 II II II Dry (locals ,le. II Cabinet A8U1VCJ II Millers Hi, on Tin AHtovcs Htoro Irilifg!l ' Mllllnery Hioro Cniifecllonery 'I'obaeeoalst 'lln A-Hlocs 12 6) 13 f 1 7 I 1 12 I.I llll 7 01 7 I I 711 10 I I 7 (HI 11) 01 7 II 7CI 7 1) llKIAnCKUEK TUWKHall'. Stop) Miller Mrs, A. W. Calon, Wm M. Klineloli, 1 ir llavinau. Janua 1. I'rense, 1 1, , 1 reitsi, ini-i Wm. I., rrutfio, ' llUNIO:! T0WN81III' Kai.inel Ueacoc'.:, Storo ieiij.t mill l oie, 'oh-A Thotuaa. Miller . .1. M' Henry, Moro 1. M'llenry, II II II II II CATAWIHSA TOWjISlIIr Mlllcl.4 l)mM ist-iro M. llarmliuer, J. is. .0 ineo 1. M.ismltli. I. Hon Kail man .t cleaver. I. Jl. Urnlmt. Weawr.$l!ctclulderfor (.'rocery iiin.vri re j v 1 llll-, j . j 1. oi't-aiiuiiz, W. II. Oranzo. llioii;o .Manhardl, hhou hloru li. Buarpiesii j. -.mi nioro II Slora 10 Hoor.t I'.eil II Coiifnellonery.t'-ll Tliomaill. Harder, lv 11 11 tie a nuti loan, (looro Itlnbel, m. uaroer, Cabinet Htoro , Iljah'l' Cnblnet 11 11 7 ( I 7 til 7 10 7 01 7 10 7 U 7 00 7 I 7 II 111 7 r 12 ii 7 1 -.I CO 7 I 7 1) 7 o a i 7 r 10 01 ersTin: township. II. W. M. A O. I,. Low, i-iiiiittcl lltellerleh, l'lilllo Harris. Jacob Siioahler, .lesu Ulcus, 11. II. 1'im Itr & Knit Wluuilreif.rwlne, Htoro (iroceiy isttiro Wni.Torry, .Mart In Munui;Uan W. 11. Mt-lllik. Cotnad l-'olaud, 11 (' IHPl t OOlf. (I. II. Mlllald, I. 11. liuiiar ,v in. 'J Itoin-is l-t -vboru, A. II. l oituir, II. 'l. Itlaelc. J. J, Ho.itil.tnd, CKSTRALIA ltOltO'JOU. btol O moil lciises. Hpeetticio frnnies glussed for f'peeifie performaiico of contracls ono in each place. It will be entirely useless for any other advertising agent, or nn ndverliser himself, to send us ad vertisements, from those places, unless endorsed by tho agents at tho head of our columns. Wo nppolnt nouo but rc sponsiblomid capable ngents, and wo have no notion of sotting up two or moro to rival each other and thu3 red ueo pi lees. and good glasses (lenses) framed in sll ver. hleel or n aleit mental. All kinds of watches repaired nt least as good as In llio cities, ueo earn. nr.NitY .uri'iNuia:. 'I'm: Now Family Singer Sewing Ma chines in dally use, year after year, at tho homos of tlio tiennle. wliero real merit is tuu test, lias proven lo do tuo best costructcd, mosl duraoio, simple. and reliable. Sewing Machines that has'u ever been made, their sales are one thousand a week moro than any other company, without misrepresenta tions or secret promises uomir maiio ny lll'J-ll Tin; Odd Fr.i.i.owa. This excellent beneficial society on April 2Glh celebra ted tho fifty-second nnniversary of the jj,ejj. llKcut3. lurinaiioii 01 1110 urucr ill tins country. in lbui), according lo oilUIal rolurns, I. W. IIautman expects u largo lot ineio wero a-is lodges, with 17:J,S18 01 Hiinwi.s inw wceit, can mui seo them. members Iclonglng lo tlio Order. For tho thirty years ending in 1SC0, tho to tal amount paid out for relief by tho Order of Odd Fellows amounted to $8,178,02$, nnd for 18C0 alone, nbout six hundred thousand dollar.!. Acmrdliit. in tho Sitli Inst. Tho Society comprises tho last published renort of tho Grand "early all tlio musical talent wiiieii our r, i,. i ictii ,.. .., , , town possesses, mid uio concert winch . r'. "'. 1 lu,u ' 1U"K,,S s to consist of both vocal and instru In the Order, and tlio revenue for that niontal lierformanees. will iindoubtelv year amounted to lf-,71 l.lS, nnd tho nll'ord a rich treat to all lovers of music, relief money paid out to JSJfl.OOS. Junvsi'Ai'EHiioM. 77a Four Quar Icra Is tho title of a now fuur pago Demo erotic weekly Just issued in Philadel phia by J. T. King and O. X. Smith. lloth aro experienced editors mid their paper promises to bo nn efficient tulvo cato of tlio great cause of llio people ngalust fatuities nnd plunderers. $2.50 per nnniim. The Jltvcrside Is tho naiuo of u small fcheet, looking amazingly llko u branch oi ino .Montour Iictic, published by citation ordered to bo served on all par ties in interest. In tho Kslato of John Yeager, deceas ed, petition for pailltlou Partition or- dered. In tho ease of Sarah A.Cole, vs. m. Mosteller and Jacob II. Fritz, Jacob II. Fritz subrogated to Use tights of the plaintiff. W. A. Thomas vs. James V. Gillnpy and Wm. A, Kline. Wm, A. Klino subrogated to tho rights of plulntlll'. In tho cao of Robert Gorrell vs May MelJreaity, Jury returned n verdict in favor of tho dofendfuit. Rebecca Kagle's administrator vs, John Cain. Jury leturncd a verdict In favor of plaintiff. John 11. Caey, appointed court crier. ltr.i'oitT or tiii: ouand juuy. To the llonorubtc Judges of the OourloJ Quarter Xcshioiis ol the J'ence. in auu fi County of Columbia, l'a. Tho Grand Inquest of tho County of Columliii", In tho Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, enquiring for said body respectfully report : That wo have, pursuant to our io- quired duty, calmly and deliberately I. W. IIAUTMAN Is receiving a lino Invpstlcated nil bills of Indictment pre- lot of Carpets for Parlor.DInlng Room's, s ,ntt,a f(ir our consideration nt this term Chambers and Stairs. , ,.,.. n,... ,,iu illlll llil U jl.lri 11 ll"l'l l. .1.1.. PIXK HOARDS, two thousand feet of panel Muir, fintno timber, h.iw It ks,.i lot ol tllnbcrtiu Ihu hllimp, (on laud Mild to Holomoti Arlhy,) aUo on lot Uuowti as tho "'i'hotiins School llruso lot." AI-o n lot of lllacle--mllU's tools, nnt. boring inaelilne, lot fit bam, Mtnuliler anil t-ido tiual, lard, tallJW, four barriN ol Vim-jar, 150 I!USIli:l.S OF WHEAT, two hundred nnd IKIy bttslii Kof corn, one hull tlnd and lueiily-IHo Inishi Is of oats, lot or clover Med, potatoes I y Iho Lllbliel. bay by llio Ion, nnd t-tx swuiuis of l-eis. Alio,liou-cnGl 1 nnd lillchltl luiuliiui', Mti-li as i:i:iitf. iii:ni)iNO, taiilcs, ciiaii'.s, hint! Is.hlovas and pipe, meat tubs, b-ttrols, with ii vnrli-ti- tit nr lli-lt s Ion ti'dions to mention. litr Col.dltiOim will ho mado llll d.l- of M'l-, 11, 1). li. tvlll l.i liAUlJJ.ll, .1. 11. KMITI.I-:, riniiullii Imp i May 5, 1-7I. Adiiiinl.s'.lators, Ii.ujtslst Conleetlonciy Kloto Cabinet (lioieiy TlllMttIO l'lour .w 1'ild Stolo i a.v:ii:Li.v tovkjiiii-. Mtn-lllllnll.'iL'lo. Millers i iiiiixin-.-ir.F.i: tohiiii'. II. .t M. M'llruiy, Hloro J. !'. M'lli-ni-y, tl..M.llo,ell, . swa..y A Utitintr, " .1. M. Ainmi-rnt.iu, " K ilotno'i I'.usk, " K. J.tO, 1'. .M'llcur. Mlll.ns OIlKIlNWUOIt TOWN- II 1 1-. Win. i:yer A Hon Solo A. I'. Hi Her re Co. " M.A I. l.rldy, I litis I'M S ,i nrof, " Wm,Masli-is, " Mr-, Hiiiiii't'i IIiMtiy, ' 1'. 1). Illat-k, " IIok in a K tamer, " .lauici V, Wllhoa, nr.2;t.O(K ti.w.shiiii'. Tae ill ll irrls Hloto M.ii.a NMI.v.iaLiuaker, " Win. K'llno. Miller John ,5 U, M. Ilungle, " II. Vnsllue. fS'-nro Ch.ttUH l-'ilU-ililin, " oeum .v uo. Ienrv (lable. f?r. " Jacob Yuifcer, " TiAixr. Tor:,siiti-. Wm. Ilai-.Ui, I loro nipiHii.vco, II, Kltnur, " an pi.iN j'ow.vimi'. II. Cteasy. Ktoto L'ressy ,c llrowii. " A. II. Ilelller, " A, J, Ilelnlr.t-r, Cabinet io.-.rorn Tow.Nsiiii-. II, Marcrmn, A,. I. Aiiiioerin.iii, 'axioil A uurnitin, trton A Co. iTfcRPJIAN'rf V. V Al.l, AHUl. 1.1..1I. or COURT SALK UiTATI', Tm: Amateur Choral Society which was organized early last winter and has sineo iieen imuer ino direction ol i'imi. J. W-N'ii.ra. intends giving n Concert In tho Court House, on thu evening of Lot them have a full house. nl'J-2t For Coughs, lirancliltls and Con sumption, In its early Mugcs, nothing equals Dr. Pierco's Alt. Kct. or Golden Medical Discovery. It Is also it L'rent blood purifier nnd strength restorer or tonic, and for "Liver Complaint" nnd Costlvo Conditions of tho Ilowols It has no equal. All Scrofulous and i-kiu ills- to their merits. That wo havo ciaminul tho Public Uulldings nnd find the windows recom mended by n former Grand Jury lo bo put in the vaults of tho Prothonotnry's olllco nro still in a had condition. Also find tho Jail and yard In n bad repair, F.rvslpclas and Druiitlons. vleld tin unnamed party, at tho now village woniiciiui properties, aoiu ny oi mverslile. oppos o lo. II nro. K'"1' lesses io do "independent," but Is o Radical inclinations. No terms stated l'ivo hundred ttiidthlsty-onoswlndlers quacks ami humbugs havo their names. luiiuess auu tpcalally given In tho "Star Spangled Jlaimer" for Juno. Tho "Jlanncr" Is a largo S oatm .to minimi eases as Pimples, lllotches, Salt Rheum, ultliough tlio uttention of tlio Cominls- "I US t.,.., I,,,,.lr,l 1,, r-,11,,,1 liillii.ii lIl'U" OIU'IUIO llllllllllllllllj I'lVII l.HIV,, .w,... repiurs. u leeoiniiienii uiu munu uo repaired, nnd that theyard and tho yard Tier. Timet says Dr. Walpolo has lost wall nt tho Jail bo put In repair mid his beautiful chestnut mare. Sho died suddenly in harness, it Is supposed from Dots or pin worms, n mo uoetor had used Stcr dan's Owalr.i Conddion 1'nw ders, ho would no doubt hxvo had his maro to day they nro death on worms. unappcti nanus nro very common illustrated paper, overflowing with tales, with tlioso who have their bauds much sketches, wit, humor, fun. It fearlessly 1,1 wtor. A fowdrops of Johnson's 1,,...,1j .... fl.n tln.nj ,1 .1.1 ll'lll Ir, M'oi-u Tt ..-III l. . ..inu i.iu w. in iu i lira . , mil -.... v hi v.7. i. iii wo neitt oil l l.-ontt 1 Itnnt Hnrrnrtil while. I.' s horitieti trial tluoo months, Including Juno num. sailors, and others will do well lore her, for only ton cents. Address Staii member this. Si'ANOM'.nlUNNKit, Hinsdale, N. II, cleansed of rubbish. Wo also recom mend that tho water closets in tlio Privy us well as tho Privy be cleaned and kept so, wo find It In a condition not lit lo go Into. . . . . All of tehiclt is reipedfuliy submitted. May ad, 1871, L. D. Riut.kt, J'urcmun. Oiiown reservations aro beginning to fall beforo tho march of Liberalism In Rn gland. A portion of Fpplng Forests lias been token ns n public park. During Thi: . M.O. A. CoNai:itT.-A great tho debate upon this question in tho - musical treat tho old favorites coming lI,lco nfCtlliimntta It u-L nn-etl nn the T f ILLI? -Tho Alleganlan Vocalists and Swiss 11(l' 0 " Knoii3 It was - W on the Will bo sc-M nt publloetiduo, on the premls.'h, l.i- vtrtti.i iifnti iitili'i- of Iho ori.hnns' Conn ol Columbia eo.,tiit l-'rlday thoth day of May, ls7l, nt 11 o elocic 111 llio loin:iion,-uio looowio erlbed pinpcwy to wit : 'llieniualuiidlvided one half pat toi a TRACT OF WOODLAND, Kltualc In Cataw Issa tuwitihlp, Colli ntbl l county, I'J., lioltlliUdltllildcbe.lbed l.a be tiluuliMut awhile oak Hump, a ioi tier ol land ,,t .bisi'iih lh-euii. mid ruutiln thence hy Mime and laud of (jioiko iIo-.mii. hi mi.iIIi Illty-loiir nnd thlie-ouarler Uignes wisiouo liuuoteti an i 11, till, i,bi,l-,.j lit ii Limit, thetiri! Ill hllliU Ol l:llalielli Ittedn aiid landof II, ll.Siedn l- mhiiIi I,, itv. nn, n. nl n imiitli-r ili-i'ti i-s 1-io.t l Li ltv lu-r- chei ton tiost, hi ueo by Innda beloiiKlit!; lo I tie heirs of William Pnvlsi.u.diccaMxl, ninth torn lour tin d thrt e-iiuai ti r di uiock taut ono bund it d iiiui Ihlity la tilit-s lo a put.1, In lino ol landnl loM'plt lllilsli, Ibtneo by Iho Slid land nonh loiiy-ile nnd Hiiee-iiitniier tb bu ea w t .it lain pelclus lo iLuplateol utninuiui,', eoniutuiou S1XTV-F1VK ACRF.3', stilcl incniiute; late tho Cblata of Multln 11.11- milcr, ilieeaieil. .... ,, ., , , '1 ho f.iimoins unit of land Is will llmbm-l with Ilm lsl quality ol WIIU'K OAK Tl.Mlllltl This landllesullliln n mild mid n rimi.t.r o tho liiii'ii of I'ntawlssa, nnd Is llicu-fuio coiuiti- l II, n i,illr, 1,1,1. CS- Tel ins aud totldlllons mailo known on d iy olbale, ri;i r;it hii,i..m, MAUV llll.l.MVI.I.. tLfxyS, P7I, Admlnl-uni"! jXCUANGi: 11AKKUY A N 11 C O N !' K CTIO X E R Y , 1II.00.V..S11UUU, l'A. Thn ii.i.leislL'npil. mteecssora of V. WIlluM would rinpei-llnlly anilolllico lhat lltcy haie takt'ti Iho wtll-iHaiiiniiui nann imiiiiyinn--Pltdhylho almvo uainml, In Itlooi.ikhuru', and ini pau-d lo lotitliiuo tli.j btmnois ot m.iittii n- Itlliunauo m.'iiiuk, WllOI.DSAI.i: AND UIU'AII., i-.,i,r. i.-iimi-ri- or rverv hlvln and kind. Al-i lltey will have lit nil llnicsa completo httpp i ol tho bifcl nun lli'slteht luean Hint i line, l anit s il, -llln; nlDtllbil,' In Ulis lino will Ilnd It to their u.linulnuo in cuu on us. AX ICE CREAM! SALOON Is added In llio establishment, nnd ladhs and i.ttu rs utni niiiv niitioiilfo us. inav rolv tin in upon ricclvlnir proper allentlon. A iiasonniilo Khare of puhll" paliomiols iesi oi-llutly unlit-hid. Uai-pheirv. I.elinin, nnd other Syrups, In l.iifcio nnd muall iiuautllles, i oust tuny on nann. iu:cKi:it (sti:cki:i.i May o, ISil AtuucuiruHAii Mki:tjn(i. Tho annual meeting of tlio Columbia Count! agricultural, JlortlctdturalamUleehan- songs, now quartettes, now duetts, now perty belonged to tho Ciown, while tho Hell Ringers nro coming, with new I iirt of tho government that tlio pro- icul Association, for tho election of olll ccrs, for tho ensuing year will bo held In tho Court Iiouso in llloomsburg on Saturday tho 20th dny of May, 1871 ut a o'clock l. m, Ily order of tho Execiitl vo Committee, TEMl'HiUTimu of April. 1871. nt Jiiooni9i)urg, observed according direc tions from tho Smithsonian Jnstituto: lUllXIIlUIIll Hi' oil tlin Kill, mill nn Ilia nnlsauwl lain mention llo u..,ii.,. nil. . . , . . ...u . v a . , m ... .. ..... iiiu., ioi, ui,i, i,i i-. ju, nicnt. Ji is not o v me od nna. tut bell pieces, nnd nu nddlthm of now Ar- nsis, xney w limiear nt t in Court iiunsi. n i-iiiiiisunv. aniv l7tn. lnr lien. ..r 1 1, nr i" " etiiiii inu x. au, u, jt Tho London Kntr.l ll.illv Times.' w hoso correct musical is urn copied over tno wnoto continent of Eu- rone, snvs oi iiieiu : "No such performance on hand-bells lins been heard in Loudon within our I memory, to say inni tno music pro- ducou uy iiiesooxiriioriiinnry Uell-rlng- opposition contended that It belonged to tlio people. Tho forest In question was declared, by a ISonrd of Commis sioners, to bo royal properly as early as 1787, but times havoehanged since then, and now thu people claim their own, and Imvo tho power to enforco their will. Tut; Sullnii of Turkey has sent Presi dent Qrant a $10,000 carpet, to cover tho iloor of the East Room of tho Whlto INEIty and FANCY (I001W, MISSUS HAUStAN Havo Jnl leci'lved a new nnd fashionable assortment or Milliuciy nun i.auie i amy 11iii.ij ,,r thn i-liiili-i.sL nml iinntHhl hliles and patterns, which ihey oiler to customers on the uiobi reafcoimoiu ii-iiua, 110NSKT.S AND HATS, LACIIS AND I'l.OWI-.KS, KIDAN1) KID-1'INISIIKDIII.OVIM, MILI.INIIKV (iOOI)S IN (lll.N'iaiAIi, KANUV AUTIUMM, I.ACI! ANI)0rlIiait'0I.l.AUS, atid nil other go-uls usually l.-ept lu u llr.t cl.tM Millinery ti.tuhlUhlii-'nt. Call and t-cc, M-tlu hllctt, ihleo doom nbovo t'entri'. may 0'71-ai 1) LANK DEEDS. W o now navo ino iinchinktioiimrnioi niiAise aiiiiimiim tn fi.nm. 1 1 .1- t ' 1(1 I. n in a X, "','" 111" puro, iei.iier,syiiimiiiciic,iiiluexpro.,s- u T, ,..,.,,nvM.,. ..inPI.,,, Ulil II Ss on hand mid forKilo nerooM-r kept loin, m i a. m. ive, and expressive ton degree to wh eh 10Ua0' -it was over a jeiu in niauiiig, j,, niooiusbuiit. unuu kUo on bet panhuicnt A vmiiim eF t ,n .n..ll. or... .1 , I ! ... .. '-' 1 t . ...... , ... , .,..r..i I . 1 1. ,..iu l- i.iii,,i-v i,i,,1 I .li.ilnlw. l.II1VnuT8deBe8um,,'''ly,u,Vr uu "ul u' vt,y ,u'lu"u ri, jwsitvvi .vv,. tv,,,! .i'ih'i i uiiii;aitiilv.Vt l couimuu iiii-u-s, av. II 7 11 11 7 tl 11 10 ( - II 7li II 7 1) II 7M II 7 f I 13 12 f l II 7 O 0 1(1 II 10 1 II 7(1 II 7 0) II 7M) II 12 !rl II III II 7 1) 11 7 10 II 7 01 11 Ut) 13 IOC) II 71) II ill II .7(1 II 7 11 II 7 01 II 7 CI 11 7 Ol n low II 7 11 11 10 IJ 12 12 51 12 12 '1 11 711 12 12M 1.1 1.) I I ,11 711 II 7 CM 1 1 10 (r II 7li II 7 01 II 7 CI II 7 11 II Mm II 7 01 II iW II 7 CI II 701 II 7(1 MiGcollanccmrj. THE SCHOOL More lirenly by Ynttnn Mmi lltim nuv oihtr for n Uiistui-ss or Aoadc-ui o lldncAllon ll)ilina'i College, rotiKiikomalo. N, V. H Is the oMctf, tiot, mott rrntmablr Jacttmt Hchool In the Unltud Mites, nnd tho only ono providing MtitAtioim for Oinditntri. llofr lo patrons In every Btato. Addrois II. 0. 1! V8TMAN, Iit.ll President. taoi.tMUAMTJuricj st:.Mi.VAii, IIU1.1 . 1 1 1 A I is it u 1 ttCA, .ItrilT RltAINHnt ItINO (.llAI.I.II.Snt ... ,.... HO cnls 12 cents kimhm: !si?;t,i:.!i:,i:r.TT!:it TSJAIV A HJ.OW Hill S.I.I AG. 11LODM1NGTON (ILL.) NURSERY. linn Yinr. wrJAcrcn. j urppnuonfei. jiriresi Aortinciil nit bIzoi, IletHtockt J)W Prices! Wrmiu u lcnow WiiH, When. JInw tolMnnlt Hrettlitigi, (iMjrc'lMnnt", Apjil0 Hoc!, llntly llmo i-iiiiiww, r-im.u,HOH, ureejjno jumii'i unriicn . IHUI. iTf ftP 1 J,OWFH f 11 V J.OI.I AIII.K I hrfdhi 1'lufsf. nn IVillprtlon-aorM nnd qtinl- ILj. Kfhtl iu rmtM - r New, Jlliliiraied, l)a ncrlptivo Cntiilri'iic 'Himgnu, fjfml stamp, each, for 1'utaloEurn (if Hc Jk null pliln Olrrcllons 01 frtitf a t HuMliit :inu (Iftrlcii l'lanl Q'i ywgv, ft i ti I Wnnlfisfilo I'iu'O J .-'JI ttntt , AUttrtM i.lllh Oil, K. rilUlNlX.r.l rnli ,.wwi.or iuvtar.-t, nnd rr.mii in liioun A P h It ituiiuhia tso. Patent Modioinos. He: v o P IN "JD jr-st GOODS, H. S. CLARK lias opened I'UI'.SII hi out: OF (IOOIM AT VllltY I.IIW 1'itieiis. NOV IN ST0R1C. 11 A 11 GAINS IN MATTING (JAIUW, litNICN BHVWI.H, NAM?IN:t, l)IAl'i:it I.IMINS. towi:i(, HANIl.sKI'.(.'IIII, i!i.i:A(;iii:iiMuei.iNH, l'KlUIX, A.0 (it. iv, Ac. LOOK AT OUR W II I T E GOOD3, I1K1) Bl'Itl'.ADS, AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. NO TUOUllLi; TO SHOW (JOOPM. 0H0I0E FAMILY GROCERIES. nisr in ijik -tAiti;i:r at vkuy low vincEti, THY OUPw 1,00 RYItUl'. ?;ononY has jjlttiu: corrnua, Wo cm only incnllon ti tw h nUlng attlcks. Come ana no nml wo will hO VOU GOOD. usmm linen! oi all HU-UlC.i cts. tier j aril, laxsc CLAr.ic Inn nrdtrtil niitlwill liovo In ttoraa son l assortment of lMquos for Spring nml Kum nifr. AVakh roi'i.iNnatHctB. himIs of c-.M'B cah'ililo f curl lii? fill pel fiirinlnK many runiurkabievurifi, hiordi n trial irn'ii nil who nro suf lorliiR Irinn uliallar iilli-cilonn mul ulnlv i-fiktu ibllcf. Will voit li t it, 'Jim ice iirueiii jn'i inun IivIdr cured (Uho. CohiiIw nml CoMh, llio ltrugaititH my It vvrvn Ihfclii nil, AHihni 'i lie re I lot ninl ernes ir It uru nurielmiK. l)oiicliittn Kvry mil'eier will itri'l lulicf tin 1 erne. 'Jliruit Ailnieiilt iviulru only a Tpwrtoft. I(u(, Dirpoiiom Ilai cuiearao i-ronounce'l Ineumolo. ltiillny. JHonoateM mil IiivIkoi ..i. u tii tviiii iii. l.H'Ar I uiiinlitiii! Mnkt el tie uvo 1'egn'lhUir of ihh o.Httii. J)5pi'iitln. Itn I iaitiiu ,im inn tut IIim'i rtni'H it. Annu llf.or. It n healln il v hit; and iiiiitliL-reii(irinn Urlnii oruaUH, auII-ju out Uku ! tiiirkuil una ivrotnr f. UlL OROOirri W'Wn OV Tn Ih reli In tho meUlclnl nimiuif s of Tar, toui billed wii'i Netftjtiv bo lugrLtlluntfiul undutibttHl vuluu, whlclt tualta it iiuiurpAflttd, nut u.ily fur tlio oon .Iuluis onumeraied, but 11 rapidly lent rv i xbuntUil Mitngili, clctinneH thn Ho'imcn, .flaxen tlio LI Ver and i-ulH thoin wokfOniue-Htl'u tuml to Uliteftt, nud i uro blootl. nnu bcuuts i 1'v ap prrcl.iUd by Imtlt noend nnd ilt, If JOJ nro i.HlifltL'd in nuv wpy. we know If voj Uy tliu llfo- Kivnn; tan in nrvi-rtes nI Ur, Liolt' Ino of iur, joii Mill iiiia jour tOHtimouy to lis urtHi vhluo lu ooiiwUni my iili l hi llult ih licilr In." I'unrfivil oulv bv ULlVttt l.'I'.OOlC A LO. Hold ny Drugtflult evmy wticiu. Hall, A i', KorH erulaln. bdidninui Tumor Kcrofulou Hlbeuftea cf thn i:jit, or i ncrnium in nuy juiiu, inii'miiiumiii, l)ltcniif.i f,f thn fd'i?r. D1-L.16CH nf ihu Mkin, Scald Jlcad, UIcpi, and ntd Hoic, fir nay dls-uno deluding ou a iIo.irnved onn 1 11 tun of thu blutcL ta'ie Dr, CrooIt'H C'liruiwuiid Hyrupof l'oke H'tot, It in combined with the best tonic preparation! of Iron known, nud n 1110 lll aiuriliiv'j ui'jt"! i ui- Kit r muii'. cle-inst your lllord. Try mm Lottie, b-thi hy uuj:kis;i. rre- r..u, oi.ivr.p. 4!U'jUir A CO.. IJ ami 40 pJwltH, lted Jlorto 'iradp Mum.) ir't curidff (HantU-rit. Anron Hiyi'er'M, U. S. AHitxiH Aeisor, Mount jKtun, l'.u.C. Ilucon liUtry and KxehftiiRO wible. Hunburr, penu. iri ,r,l t .hnr.-W,tr A Wlltiellil'M. D.uivlllo, Ph., A. iniln'n, Merelimt, Wa-ililnatou- vllle, I'll., .1. P-leo ritmniuiorn, jerey nnu.e, l,i H.,rx furrtl tit I.UiVl 1'eVCi. llPSi A llro'K. LcwlKbtuv. lV, Jfoi .e cwed f 0Uc Thomai I'llnafOn'u.Unifei co.,l,a. 11 j ri a ff Cholei a. II. IWrt'i. It. A A. Cad waimdnrri, Milton, Vn, Ours airrtt Or. JlXIt ery. .1. It. M CornucV, Jlllf H, IV. ('luekintcuiednf U.olcut (itri (VffW. iir- ii T t.rilV. v litmmtnU'li. l'a.. Dr. U. O.. I)vl4, (.'. W. Mtrk-ker, Jolm and Jutnej Kmnpyrn Milton, l'a. Hmidiedn more imue could beclteil ti-lina. U-UHnViwI llVliHltlL! tllH Ited HoIaO I'ow-ttr prepniud by CYUUn IlrWWKt DiuiuM. I t'humlst and lloiwiniui. nt hti holsah and Kelilll DruganaU'ienilo-ii l-wijiorunu, i loduwujf, JlllIOll. l'A,, IU I If 111 nil ou" " FOR i?'rER LINE, Wc Villi li'M-rt nn sdvcrlUement ONI! MO.N'lll III (tie Ilandnsl it lid l'iftj-.tlvc I'lrsl-el i- s l'J .NNS VLV A N I A NIA, M'A 1 Ellis, InclliJInf Eleven Dnlllos. Wo rifrr to the pildlsh. r it this purer, wliu.ii ourrmionstiitllty Is mil known. i.isruKSTiri i.. Ad In i-s OT.O. I". 110WISU, CO., Advertising Agentii, Nos. 10 A 11 l'nrk I'.ow, New Yoils. ENRYT, HELSIIlOLD'i. k ourous l) v hit IU llXTnACT CATAWBA O 11 A 1 13. 1' I li Ij 8. Oompiinml Pjri-7WJ lUtratt JThHbirti anil t Mtl Iran OMau ba Urttpt ." JJtre. ron Mvcri cosirijAiNT". jaUndici., tm. 10UH API'IXTIONH, MICK Oil Nrttvoi i ni:ADA0iii!,cosTivnNi!S3, i:tc. rrm ly VnoiITAIILB, CONTAININU NO Uniirt'llY MINKItALS Oil IIF.M5TEIIIOU8 IlllUO?. Theae I'lllt) nro the. hint tUlltlitfully p'-.i- i t pnritAtlvc. fttitricdlns castor oil, Mills, i neiil.i, el. Tlicro la rwttilngmcirtinccerlnMi t tho iitnniacli. Tliey elve tone, and catiiic neither tintisen lior griping 1 alnM. They nro romi"scd of l'a final tngrtdltnll. Aacr few dnjn' li o them, Euch au Invlgornllnii of tho entire. hv tallow jitaco as lonppear inlmetilous lo tho v.i nnd Dici-vatod, vfhether Arising from Impiu denco or disease II. T. Itolintol-raCuinpouiii' fluid nslrnctCiUiwbaUrapo I'illinro notiK r ooatod, from the fact that kugar-coated l'.ns '' nt dlsolve, but pass tltrntigli the itoniMh with' 'llssnlvlnrf conseaiienlir tlo not nrodnc- iiien alro.ltiru.-l. Till! CATAWIIA OIIAPU r:i.L hclne plcraianl In Ustomid ndor, do nnt m i -is, Ute their iKlnu fttgnr-OJUtf.'. rUKT. t'H-n CR'JTrt l'l-'.'l 111 iX. IT.AIHC litis Inslnic n lino ttnafeof i' UW PAH-IMi:i:i:-f, I isi-ll-Uown, Down. CLAW: will l:cep nt nil tllncn.ifull lino nf allOCl'.UIlN.T.'IAS nt !1.C0 per lb. to tlio licit In market nt SI,"). AND SI'.I'n IntKO nml well nssorled stoels of noilnns, limlery, ylovcti, niitbie'.l.'ts, Ac, CI.AT'.UH ALLOWS NO MISUni'IUIil'.NTA TION Ol-' OOOD-s'. nor malroH nnno when sdtlnjr, If ha l:rows It, And nny crrnrd mndo he Isal waya wlllli-tjtotidjtist. riiney Snap, TJ.tblillt's l-eat, (ilyceilne, Ilnncj , Cast He, whlioandt-oliMTd. Yo-i will llnd n full nnd law stock ol Genuine tiia rroiiD cAiii'irr chain at claw;'. Omar Murn DfiilelH .Milk-M 10 (1 III--) III ( 7 13) T n 7t) ft) (Hi i 11 lle-lvv t.ncetl enrlnlns n ,V nud yard. Other CurhilUK In stoil;. I'oi- a fall (lock nf Dry Unn, p;l to CI. MtKR. In stnelr, n f?ond nnd Inrso ttock of QUILTINO COT TON. Li lies so lo cr..vm: for yonr t2 (3 Editors. In tho lino of MU.iI.IN..liotli hi. ached mill nnbleaelisil, ho oirVrH ni laraa n stuck and as well neaortod, and at tho bottom rates. Jailer I ynrdwldJ. 13 cU by llio holt mi l UUuy tho ymd, Lnton'n.tho sme ns rrultcf Iho Loom- Illli&Ucni. -IOC-NT PI-CVS-VNT TOW'Slll-, J. II. Ki.nds, - Mi-re m .in i so:; Towtim-. Kieniuor. Ktoro W in. (!ngles, ' -Mri. Jl.A. Walstn, Millinery T0V.KSHU-. hloro nin li l-i 7 l'J Ii. K. hloan, i;. .i. linwcr, A. 11. Klewnrl. M. It. Jiihiisun. KiiMigo A ICeiler, Win. llowiii-iu, 1'dir l nl. hinllh A llro. unliiilns . ir.v, Jliesnel Kcllir, Orceery :niie- Tin . l-'tijvts- Mnvi s (lioicry i ini: ira'smni', ,V. Lyi.ns, Stoio i:o. iiiNticitv m; 'i u'.vns nil'. Ow.-n f'liPTrlnston, Stnro J. 1!. Klli-ijer. t-PU.UII.OAl- TOW.Nbllll'.'e, Hoto srtrir township. storo Tin ,l Rlnvca Druviilit Is 11 1 l! Jllllers III. no n oi la 1 1 I'M I 7 I I 7 I I 7 I I 7 I'l 7 I 7 I 7D Oenlsiiilo CLAI'.KS for your noby Binniner uainuun i.ips. I'lr.vorlus extracts. Ladles no to Cf.Al'.i; want n iiratShnwl r.i n i nr price una iun goous. l-orrnrnnls. CLA11IC las now lu Moro Dae'l Wool, Ingrain, I'll llnnds 11-or Cnrptils, Hint Is ijuel lo any country .iauc, mi , j cij. per j itrj. TKAI'I'dl'il) CA111T.T CHAIN, tho lost In innil;et,nt30etf. weight, ,. 11. While. lloherl H. Ihu, j, ii.iiimiuer, D, A. I.'reiisy, Keleutter A is(,u Kiit.iin-i A. Wntnian, Ii. K. iieiei iirii, M d. t 'tingle I , is, i nwii'l , ,1, Ii, Win Iter, W. Lleu-llhK, .Miller KhooMoro tllnoity tlltllO 7 () 7 I I 7 I 1 in i i 7 10 7 I I 111 I 111 13 Itt .'.,,. ...I n ...n- f..l n.rrt... . .1 1,.' tin nhiisii 1 1 .in cuu luiM-tm tmniirltlnllv iippeilli!iu,i'y i nu in ii rou uio iiuueisiiiiieti ni ins I est toil' I', III I isuiimi-iii'ii inn iisiup, til titty tune tlltltl May t'.Mh, ls'1, at Mhlt-h tltiio mi itppinl will no i cm ni lueuouii iiuusii ut 11111.1'iiMinr, .ttui.N siniti, .iticiin(ia- jipjirawi a rtiiiii.iit-r, .-iptii iii. Q h O II E M UTHA I. DIKi: INSUi'.ANUE COMPANY 11 v NEW YORK. l'lliiy l itcmBii, l'resldnil, II, (!, I'ltimtUili t'usli i npllal over JJ.OCO.OOM, all paid, J. II. RORISON.DLOOMfiRURO.I'A (IIINIIUAI. Allll.NT, Kor LU.CI no, I-t-oialne and I'olumhla counties. Auc.UVl-D. GIlOOEJtlliS! GO TO W. II. DROWN, C.ii-ncr of Mu!n and Iron hlroils, roit a riNi: ASsoitTMKNr or FIIES1I fUlOCEKTES, l'OUllKIN AMI l'l).Mi;vnc l-IUUT,-v. lth n vailely nf all kinds of Alio a 1 Ino AKsnrinient of o.ui:i:nb-wauj:, wood willow-wahi Ilesl llrluhtlloldeii Drliis HjiiinMnlnskts at eenis pir vuunu. inu till-f i:i:ni au eenla per p mtui. VA nllo sumr nt 1 1 eenln, aiul lliown Miuur at to cents )ter pound. J-KI I'llDIUPs.-Crutilry 1'iodiuo taken lu ol, lol uticetiou. (.lull pall lor llllltl'i uudi mis, iipi:)'7l-lni PHINTING Neatly eiaouled at ttiU Onlro I 1 nni' lISK'IIII'."VK(IBTAllLr. lSVll IU11.1UIAUV I1AI.S.AHI, '1 lii old rtnndaul unn Uy for I'ounhs, (.' sunil'tlon. ".VtX'niiii t.lcr.'' uuus, a I lllistllll. "wit Ann a t s a vomi v, rlctins Kid aui i nnd nil Kinds tit (l.uths nml , i iiiii I'ltnt. (livese. Till. &c.. (inMiiljVwIttniut Iho Unit Injury In tho lluo.t l.thrie. Sold hi- DrnifRlsts nnd l'unev ( Deuh is. l- KAOHANT isAl'OI.I LSI; ( il.,i:i tar elny St., Ktw oti:, in ii nai'n nt.. i. iiu-ii-tii. ."ii l A HAY l-'OlI. Al.l. Willi rsieneti tuim, 1 Addns.1 A. I'.OUA.lAM, f Plliiull.-I.l, M, " llliythe n If l'a it r.l nn tad Mln r l'rleo ?.M'. t-i.tti- A MOMll lloth1- and ( ..rr..e:-i tiirnlsh plEiO c.l. i;xj enscspald. lI.Hhaw, Allrcd, Me. ArrcnU! IJcad This! TI'll WII.I. I'AV A15S3NTS A .'lAT.AU'i l .ii.- h.-tn IVIIIIII nml llxDinsei. allow a l-iliio coinnilhslnn In i-oll our my.--and w miller 'i-1 Invent ions. Atiurosn ai. au.-i i.u. c; CO.. Umlmll. Mlell. CUT THIS OUT! a n,i Kf-nii Twintv.ilvo Cents fur a Ticket and Uiila-il iVuti-h. hen ntr Machlnn. I'lann. ur solno ii ecnis per tittlejoiil in'ue ,-n uinnns, ,-six ior un iiiutar, Adilrtss I'ACl-iAllli uo., uiueiunaii. u;no, nr.xnv t. ju:mim)jD'x. 1IIOIII.V COKCaXTItATCD c.Mror.Mt FLUID UNTRACT S.VRSAI'AniI.LA Will radically esti rmlnale from tho sj i leroful(i,)-p!ir,ls.l'uver8orel, Ulcers, Iini--1 More Lege, More iloutli, More Head, Hron i. , Hklu DIs-nsee, Salt Rhcnni, Cdukers, llun.i, from (l.o litr, White Swellings, Tum'ir, ( ccrousAIloeil i. is, Nodes, ISIokets, aland .r . - luess'tgtil sweuu, rtash, Teller, Ilumoi s ui n Kinds, chronl" I'.'ieumntlim, Dysitis'a, and al disease that h s been established In lh ti. Klb.ii (or j mil s. lleMiiremuiiCXPrtli-MLYfurtlienh' '. ' co a- p.nlnls Its LI. JOD-l'Ulttl-'YINa pTopii l'. .tuo ure tier lltan any other prernratlon ot H i p -rllla. It Kilos the COMl'I.l.XlQN n clear nnd hntllhy color and restores the J allcnt to a stuto ol HEALTH nnd l'UItll'Y. Vor I'urHjlUi tuo, leiuovlng all Clironle Constitutional I)H- inseM ailslng from nu unpnro state of Iho idoou. And ihoonly reliable audiirectusl known rem- ly lor the euro of ralna rnd tivrt-lIlnKS ol llouos, Ulc-crnltdUS of tho Throat and Li j, lllnlclits, l'lmplcs on Ilia Vac. Ho'slpeUis a d all ecnty nruptlonaof thehkln.rind l)uauTlfi!i IheConiplexlou. l'rlw, It Wpr llottle. HENRY T. HELMIJOLIV. COKt'EliTKATCD fl am nxTRA. cm ucn u, thu ani:AT Diunsrric, has cured every caso or Dlaboles lu which It haa been given, Irritation of thentck of thollladdtr aud Inflammation of tho Kldinys, Uic-rutlon or His KlJusys nud Illaddtr, ltetentlou of Urine DUcasesof thu rrolatc(Jland..stouo lntnelilau- dcr, Calculs, Oravel, Ilrlckdusl Deposit, nnd Mucous or Milky DUchafgcs, nnd for Lnl iKleu nnd Dollcatc Constitutions of boih Pesos, ut'on dod with tho following symptoms: Indlsiiosi Hon to Kxeltion, loss ol rower, Ium of Memory, Difficulty of llreathlng, Weak Serves, Tiem bllnir, Horror of Dlseafe, V,'okefulnc6s, Iitrguess of Vision, 1'nlnluthu Hack, Hot llnudu, l lush HUof tho Uody, Dryaoks ol thu HUlu, truptlou on tho 1'uce, l'allld Countennuce, Umveual Lassitude of Hie Muscular System, etc. Used by persons ironi tno naea of cl.huen to twenty-five, nnd from thlily-ilvo to llfty-flvo oi In tho decline or change or life nftcr oonfluc mcnt or labor pales; beil-v. tttlng lu dill lien. '6 OF TIIE V vj, i: AGni TATCKTErj llBCgMtiga 7Tli, sS5. OUR CULLBRATrD GOLDEN FOUNTAIN PEN. i.cil U l J he die twt IN K wflSuilBlVatloflfkt utu .n-wIf'(reJ W lwlinl.TS l'iMjc, (In to CTjA'nKH fo- voir tmvn, a full nhsornnent Ml-sscs and Child runs. linri, chcirrst In i li:iud for Ladk'H MIU l.-NLV tl Al!bVl !' H 1 ri'Ufton ui y .ntrut-U ftrtu cuu ruuiua VJUiHri tt. Vtlton-rVln per wl ' 1 'Inonimt.K I't'tm, lirrtntit lnilii.6l' ir.iUt Cn L..m-s VLfVI Lwu, WitbTcnu rcr.L.-saiNO Co, 1(111 ii r. ;i:.-....,,iii . if... I ntt 'U I ." Bivo .r .u v Cii.vnic Imi vecrived another lotol Eistini? i'olisli nitil.CnnRrcss Odltcrs at $11 n pair fur lartlod. Call nml i-co tlicm. 1,1 1. iinw... r,,., ,-. ..rf Htmc J.lHlnli- nvlLin. mitl urunl liUl lutel slit romi ilttlcalloii. Jail 20';i ly 02:e cf . 13. 420 North Elahth St., Philncla. Anv tro'-ils vou mnv want rail 011 clirkrnd If no luts ijol llicni 110 will 00 pietiKcuiosutiw tueiii. Instoel, n full naMurlmcut ol I'rencli 10 Ilono I COlWll.HntTOcenls. CLAW; will Vfcalve a liniso slod: of Ladles' FprliiR Ml HKIItTHcf lliolnict hljljnnd pnt- tiins. DdbWiis llMm 'ECETABLEsa4lfl CLMI1C Ins leesived nnollier Now Hlylo cf imisss (looiH, CLAIti; has iKdvedn large fctcd; of I'OCKriT KNIVl'B for Idlis and aoiils.tuoltitlliig the old HirlniT. Claiiic liri'iM Uio Inraosl Plntic of i.. iA.., r...... mni. int-:, l.lll (H IS 111 lUlt 11, I1U1II U WtD IU Tliv 1'S. urn. You will find a full att ck of MHWH HOOD 4 lu season, sneli m Alnpoki, I'Dpllns, rlalils. Ueig( In plulds and slflpes, A I.vrge Hue of Looking Ulawe. A full slocl! of Wllj rn a00IH3 on hand. A color and ilrcsiug tlint will not burn tho Lair or injuro tho head. Ii (loci not Tirculiiccs a color mcohanically, n3 tho poisonous in'oparationa lo. It gradually restores tlio hair to its original color and lustre, by supplying now lifo anil vigor. It cauoes a luxuriant growth of soft, fiuo hair. Tho host and safest article over offerod. Clean aud Pure. No sediment. Sold everywhere. ASK FOR DO-BE-INS'. novlITO-Cm, Ilclmbold'd r.Mnict, Htmlm Is Dlnrt-llo aud Jllodd-rurlO lug, nnd riiren Hdhw.fS arWn; from llal.ti ut l)lH', ( at Ion, and Kxccf si u. Imprudonces In Life, I in purl tlo ol tli I o.h1, etc., Hup rit'dluf; Copabta In airucllona for ulilf h It H, and yyphllltio Afn-ctlonn In thcso dNinscs use it In conncttlon with IILLMnOLD '.S nohi; v.'Asn. i.adius. Ill many niTectlons peculiar tn ladlea, the Lx tract Kmhu Uunc-fiuallodbyotiycth'Tr mrdy tm Ih Chloronl-i or Itcteiilioc, IrroguUrdy, l u fulucBH or Hupprcfcslon or Cuslomaiy lacu -ttons, Ulcrratcdor fschlnns &tata of the V t Lcucerrhcra or "Vlilteii,Meillily,nudi'jr all tot. plaluts lncld;nt to the bcx, whether or,-, is- frL.ii Indiscretion or IlnUUn of Uhtolputlou. it Ih pre scribe 1 cxtiusHcly by the most cinlntnt phj laLS and Midlives for Knlccblcd' aud Dil'ciu, olbcth Mies and nj I nL;ei(nrt n- JcU llh any f the rbove diseases or iyinpt itn. 11. t. urxMnoLD's nvrnu ltNc::, uauits or dismipation, etc., Hi nil their stages, nt little expenf-o. li 'loor ni uii.tiifc In dlut, no Inconvenience-, and no ex xiMir. It causcu a irtquwit di&lre, and KttH sir utth to Urinate, tbcrt-by remo Iny Olitnie- I tl.inK, lieventlng and Cur in a Htrlcturea or tno Urtt1 n, Alias Ins T.iln nml Intlammatlon, so frufpit'ut In tills elot.HorilhiUQ&tK, and t spilling all ruUonoua miili r. Thousnndd who hac been tho victims of m- compttent persons, and win liavo paid hi AVy fect. to be cured In u bhert time, liavo found thi j luvo btcn UtccUcd, ui. 1 that tho"I'olKon" has, by 1 lie uo of "poworlul ii'titnaents," been drif d up In Iho pyfittm, to brcok out In, n moro atsn vated fjun.and pfrh.ips aKcr Marriage. lc HKLMtOLB B K.VUtACT liUCIIU for AlTcttlons and DIscomis of thu Urinary Or aim, vliether existing In Male or Female, Irom whut ever cauHo ortglnatlUrT, and no matter of h iw long btandlng, 1'HlCi: 0E DOLL All AMJ niTY cEn-.i n:it uottlu, IIEXUY T. IIKTIBOLB'S IM- PitOVKDltOSl-nVASIt cuunot bo mi r patted na a FACK 'U'AHU.nnd w U Lo fouud thu only sptclHc remedy iu c t v species of CUTAM'.Ol'H ArrKLTlOK, It I dlly nadlcatf I'IMI'I.ES, HI'OIS, hiOIUU IX DltVNlHJNDVUATIUNHofthoCUTANi JT H i Mi:UlUANn,etc., dUpela ItEUMS und IS CiriKNT INKJ.MATION, IUVi:, It it. MOTH PATCH D. DUYNnsB OV fit AU 1 ' hKIl'K()HTliI;,andallrurpose8for, h S.LYi;t4 or OIKTMJINTS aro used; rebtor -H iu tUlti to n btate of purity and softness, and Kuros eonllntUHl JieaUhy action to tho tl u f IU vtfc:iul, nn which depend tho arcablo c it nMJ aud tvftetty ot complexion so mid Ue m it nnd udmlrtd. llr.t liowter wluabie rmely fur tXlslh.jS dcfels of tho tliiii, II T. lltlmlinld's Kom- ah lam lon mstu. ltd Iti I vrluclplo ilaini to unUnindcd pationflt;o, by lo-fotthltiR quftlltk'H which under It a 1uuA:T AI'I'KNlAfiK of tho most 8uptrlatlvu and Congenial cbaracttr, combining lu nu elegant j foimulalho'-epromluent rtqulsltB.HAFETY mid F.ITICACA the invariable accompaniment of IU ufo ni a Fie-maUve nud Hefrehrrc 9 Cuini'l-ii-nt. a 14 M excellent Lotion for 1 east KofahyphiUtlo Nature, nnd ns an iuj IJ u lorili-eaibt)f tho Urinary Organs, arL.uig Iirm hubttM of dUfciiation, iibotl In counts Una t u tlicl.XTUAcrrHUUCnU.BAIWAVAUII.IA 11 CATAWIIA QRAVK riI.LS.ln fcuch U locommended, cmiuot be burpasicd, V 1 h OKU DOLL A It FLU UOTTUX SHU lUmdees Itob04. ('LAltlv kL'llstn f.vtr (Irtf-n Tmi nt fifl nanta nor p'.illld, thio of too best nnd largest Mod; cf black and fttrlpM ALVAUAS In town. Kqw in hloro a lame MUxl; of Hoop fcltlrla. MUkm blilrtHtl ((., I adleb' il c(i.ln to $100, TJ aEMHClaiktiTiuufulUliiooflhe very befit nnd moht fafchlonabloktotlE of Taper Collar LQihalr LlncU'faoed, e.MKv-rjHttrt, Jiut, , jLOOt FJ3UHY, 'lUe llloom Ftrrv mniiipm I1 w hatl Its llaU and IhioIh thon uglily n pi In. I mut l now in lendlui-Kn to do all u-tii-l r 1 1 v Ua nt miy unu 1 able hniir. Tlio 1111 '1 . ,-m'd will bu 111 ultf . dauco at any thm? lo .1 upon run to tmr ut 0 01, tiprsntiy juiw u.itgiuu, H Ii! I ; ! Yl.iti AND M OPPW.'U A s i it ii w c; cj o o i) m i I AIL AD HDE. A ill l',WI, Sclli LADUK" GOOD HCHDut ?5 cU UenU' Ih UMi Ilnae at 35 lie,, and upuards, Fornlarnoand lino aitsoitiiwut of KcckTle i;uu.ip, 1 1111 iu Jiiiur, T.NKI 1X11 1 1 IKK!!! ny nijioir uenrH foil iimut im; I'ltvitiorii, j . ., . ,, ,,,,.,- . c n tv. 1 111. 11 iiiih 1. .v Him m,. , nud lar iuiottor 10 mwyiltluK n m iif. Will 1'ull nnd CX1II..U diiectiotw accompany U luedtclnos. ivioiitto or the mom rei-ronuoie una leu u l.tunclcr lurnlshtsl on iirplleallou, m 11U liut tlitHs uf tLimssnds of llvlne, nud u,i word 01 uii.uouiisoiiettedt'ertincatesnudrocor lutuiUtoiy Ulteis, mnny or which nro from I -highest soiirees, InclndlUB cinlncut l'liyi-lc".) , IK-iKj iiun, btatasmeu, ete. The tiroprlelor l never risorlcd to their rublleutlou lu tho ucv, impels-, lio does not do this fioin tho fact I) , Mi urllcliMi runk as buuidmd 1'u imrutlons, ohd do not nted to l o i ropi'Cd up hy eel tlficalcs, BSC 111 T. ISi'IlUliolil'li CiciHiinn s'lCIUUllliOllli. Kfiuio frcm oLsi cr.Alli; olfers to the l'A 1151 WIS a full Hock of ut t torrt ilwloil wn, , l-'reiwM will Mil injure. Ks (loods vtlilcii ho Mill sell litem fur nrndueo tw ''""'r1" lwimno "tlholciii lor him ilut in Ink . low lib lor Iho nisi,. CU and see lor , oiirsUvc VuMil I'UtulT luM llMS. ft,1"'1 S CiiAitic fculls n heavy ono yard wldu fcliuiiliinl niusllii at 1- ants by thu boll or 12 ccut3 by tlio yard. nioointhurii, March 17, lS71-tf. rrll''l-Snit lkix lsi. ll'ooiubumv. l'a. TUaTICK'S llI.ANUa. Wo now 1. uvo fii hiitid u largo atnlly in luljrt Itfsortineitt ol Jl'MTIt'llH nud IIJNmTAIII.Km III.ANK1S, lo Mhltli vie luvllo lln. itlltLtlou of thcio nllU-trd. IillMH-d toeuy I'dOrtss. v r.llou. Kbtubl.sLtd ui nn'.!, of twenty yens. Bol DrnuiUts fMljvl.ile. Adilrei-s lotlcis lor In- otniullon.lii coeiMtneo lo HUNllV 7". 11LLJJ- l!OI,li, l'iigslslFUd ChfinUt Only imoui II. T. IIl-UiCOU)'M Prug end CluiiiUol Wuiihouie, No. 0)1 llroudwuy, Niw Yoik,trto Il.T.JII.l.JiroI.ll'ts Jltdlciil Dtrot U'l South TtniU Btrcct, l'hlladclplila, l'a, WAV AUK Of COUNTCltt'KlTl'.nH. Ask for 1I1MI'I,1II1.1111CW1'H TAKK No OTIILlt
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers