Sffw dpjortumfrhm m published livcnr toiday moiuhnu i.n tub coMfsinrArr noitniNO NEAnniK coun-r hocsk, raooltsnuna, rA ny HENRY L. DIEFFENBACH, KbtTon Ann rnorniKTon, Terms-Two Dollars & Year payable la advance. JOB PHIIfTINO ' Otftlliloacrlptions executed with nefttness and dispatch nt reasonable rates. Patent Medicines. n 12 1I i iv 12 it. To Pobltttnted TeriouH. To Iyneptir, TaHufleruni from T,tvcr Corm-talM, To thosctlmvlnst no Amtetlte. TothoHQ with i llrokou llowu ConMltulloriK, To Nervous 1'eoplo, ' To Children Wfutlnnnwnv, To nny with leblllttott DlirpUtvo Orgnnff. Or suffering with any of the following tmploni, tchtch indicate Disordered Liver or JUtomaeht Buehfis Con st! pallonjnwart rile, Fulness or Mood to the Head, Acid ity of tho Htotimeh, Knuion, UcurLlnirn, blfguH for rood, Full, ncss or Weight In tho Stomnch.Honr Krucltntloni.Hlnklnsor Fluttering attlio Pit of tho Btoinfich.Bwimmlnff of the Head, Hurried mid Dimcult llrentlilug, riutterlnff nttho2tenrt,CboklugorKufToeatlnKBenRntlouf when In a laying Posture, U I inn ess ol Vision, oUor WcbsbVore tho Bight, revernnd Dull Pain In tho head, Deficiency or Perspiration, Yellowness of tho Bkln nod I.yts, Pnln in tlio Bide, Uncle, Chest, Limbs Ac, Huddcu Hushes of Heat, Hurtling In the Flesh. Constant linntfliibiRi bf Uvll, nnd Grout Depression of HplrlU. HOOFIiAND'B (1 HUMAN HXITKItS, A bittern without Alcohol orBplrlts of nny kind, IidlflVteiil from all olhcrfi. Hit composed of the pure Juices, or Vital Phincii'm: op Hoot, HFitns, and IUuks, (or n medicinally termed J.xtracts,) the worthless or Insert portions of the lusrcilieiits not talus used, Therefore In one Iloltle or this Hitters thero is contained as much medical virtue as will bo found In several Rrtfloin of ordinary mixture. Tho Hoots, Ac., used In tills Hitters aro grown in Germany, their vital principles extracted In that country byasrion tUIc Chemist, and forwarded to tho manufactory in this city, where they aro compounded nnd bottled. Containing no spirituous Ingredients, bis Hitlers Is free from tho objections urged yalnst all others; no desire for stimulants can be induced from their use, they cannot make drunk, arils, and cannot under any clicmnstnnccs, have any but n beneficial cUVct. irOOKLANDS ai2tlMAN TONIC, Was com pounded for those not Inclined to ex ttemo bllters, and Is Intended for u-ja In cases when some alcoholic Rtlmutant Is required lu connection with tho Tonic properties of tho U liters. I'.acli boltlo of tho Tonic contains ouo bottle of tho Hitters, combined with purcHANTA CHUZ HUM, and llavorcd lu such a manner that the extreme bitterness of the bllters Is overcome, forming a preparation highly agrecablo nnd pleasant to the palate, and containing tho mcdl ctnal v I Hues of tbo Hitlers. Tho price of tho Tonla Is $1.50 per Dottle, which many poisons think too high. They must take Into considera tion that the stimulant used Is guaranteed to bo of a puro quality, A poor article cojuld bo fur ulflied at a cheaper price, but Is It not belter to pay a Ulllo moro a d have a good article? A medicinal preparation should coutnlu none but the best ingredients; nnd they who expect to Main a cheaper compound, nnd be benefited by it will most certainly bo cheated. II O O F Ii A N II H aicuMAN iuvfi:ns, on UO.OPLA X J)lH G K UMAX T ONI C, tV I T 1 1 noorr.ANi.vi PODOPIIYLL1N PILL, WILL CUHK YOU. They nro tbo G reatest iiiiOou r u it i r i e n s tlnown to tho Medical world, nnd will eradl i.v.telllscascs arising from impure blood, Debility lOf tlis Dlgestivo Orgms, or Diseased Liver, Hi n tsluifker tlmo than any other known remedies. m voioLEburiiEsin coukt of itnnsyi.vania Hl'HAK VOl 111VMU ltKMKDII-S. Who would able for more ilgnlfled and Stronger Testimony ? Hon. UEonaK W. VooiiWAitv, formerly Chief Jus tice if t he Supreme Court of rciintylmuia, atprca ent Member of Cvngrenfrom I'cnmylvanifi,VTifca: PJULADM.I'IIIA, Mill I'll lUth, ISU7, I find "IIooHand 's German Hitters' Is a good tonic, useful In diseases of tbo digestive organs and of gi eat benefit In cases of debility nnd want of nervous action In tlio system. Your, truly, OKOIU1H W, WOODWARD. Hon. Jabif.s Thompson, Chief Justice of the j'lcme LXurtof J'ennvjlvnnxa. Pl(ILAm:M'iiIA,Aprll3 18(7. I consider "JToolland't. German Hitlers" a valua ble medicine In cao of attacks of Iudlgestlon or Dyfpep'sla. I can certify this from my expert two of it. Yours, with renpect, JAMI2H THOMPSON. lion. Gi.oi.aK BnAswooi), Justice of the Sttjwemc Otitrt of I'ennsilvnntft, pjiiLAiinLVHiA, June 1, IHW. I Ilavo found by experience that "Hoofland's f vierman Hitters" is a very good tonic, relieving Jyt.nei.ttc symptoms almost directly. UKUHGE HHAKSW0O13. 1 II nn. Wiiit I Hogers, Mayor of the City ofjluffato. ' Mayor's Offlce, BufTalo, June 22. TlJ-iavo used "Hoolland's German Hitlers and TlVwiV in my family Jmlng the past year, nnd nHiirt"ommend them ns nu excellent tonic, lm juirUnf; tone nnd vigor to tho system. Their use lm jVen productive of decldeillv beneficial Hon, Jah3 M, Wood, Ifr-Mayor of Wtllianisport, j ft. i take groat pleasuro In lecommendlug "Hoof- land's German Toulc" to any one who may bo pelleted with Dyspepsia. I had the Dyspepsia so LuwIIy it was impossible to keen any food on my iLutach, and Iibecomeko weak ns not to bo able to wfcUc hall a mile, Two bottles of Tonlo eirectcd (H fuet.curo. JAMU3 M. WOOD. JtEJlEMIiKIt 11IAT HOOFLAND'8 .GICUSIAN I11TTKIIS, X.N D llOOFLAN&H OJ2RMAN TONIC Will cure Ayerv Case or MAltABMUS, Or Wostinw Rwnvnf tho Hod v. THAT lVOOJfLiAND'fl GKUMAU ItCMEDIKS Are tlio iiH'iltclues you require to purlly the HIoihI, exoite the torpid Idver Ui healthy action, and to tuable you to pau fcdfely through any hardshlps-or exposure 'DR. IIOOI'I.AXIS T O D O 1' 11 Y h L I N, OB BubttKnln for Mercnry Pills. TWO P1LLH A lXWK. 3Vi moit rowerul, Yet Innocmt, Vctffal.le OiAar. f(0 A71QU7I. H Is not necessary to take a handful of these l'llls to produce the desired effect; two of them act ijulcklyand lowerfully, cleansing the Liver, Stomach ami lluwcls of all impurtlles. The prin cipal lugredleutlsPodophyllln.or tho Alcoholic Extract of Mandrake, which Is by mauy times more powerful, acting and searchlug than tha Mandrake Itself, Its picullar action is upon the Liver, cleaning it speedily from all obstructions with all the power ol Mercury, yet frco from the Injurious results attached to the use or that mineral. For nil disease, litsvhlcU Iho use of a cathartic Is Indicated, thebo pills will give entire satisfac tion In every case. They NKVL'H TAIL. In cases of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia and extreme costlvcness, Br, Jloolland's German Hitters or Tonic should ho used In connection with tho Pills. Tho tonic eOcct of tho Hitlers or Tonic builds up the system, TholilttursorTonlo purifies the Ulood,streugthcns thoNerves.HEUU' iI.atks the Liver, and gives strength, energy and vigor. Keep your llowels active wIlU tla-'I'llls. and tone upthe system with Hitters orTonlc, and no diseases can retain the hold, or even assail you llecollect that It Is 1)H. IIOOPLAND'B OEll- MAN ICeraedlcs that aro soiinlvcrsallvusedan.i highly recommended; and do not allow the Druggist to luducoynu totako anythlngelse that he may say Is Just us good, because lie makes a largo profit on It. These llem'cdles will ho seut hy Impress to any locality, upon application to the 1'lllNClPAL OFFICE, at the OKHMAN MP.DIC1NE BUOUE, 031 Arch 8t Philadelphia. til AS. III. EVAKB, I'loiirlctor. Vmmpilv (7. M. JAPURIV i'r Iics JttvuMiiurc urkulclv Dmiivtot.Hon- VOLUME V.---N0.19. Columbia County Official Directory, JftlMentJuitoe-YlLlAAU Klwkll. J iieV. M Uk"11' i,aao s- it0' Rlitrijr AA1UIN H.M1TH. NirvcllorlfiAc 1)KW!TT. Xmuurrr-DAViii I-owKNnnno. it.mn'iN:te17y:,Ist,i!,,.0- iiu,ck' ammUttannf Cferfc-Wll.MAM KlltrKIMDM, nMK". ' UAM1'""'''-.'' ' Al."S', OironrriSun I). HnucK, ANArum'"'M'"''T'""IS'A,1I';n,1,ni!'Jo,,t'Mc Count Siipertnlemlmt-CltAnua O. llAliKHr, Hloom Jtal )MrM-l)lreetnr, H. II, MII.1.FH V i m.i a m Kham Kit, lli.mnnbiirK, nnd JViii lKEI.EU, UleenwouJ, CllAllI.l&351'u,Hioy. Dloomsburg Official Directory, HfaomUmi Hanking fb. John A. I'l'NsTciN I'l;-!' ent. if. II. OlmVz, fl.shl,". ' ' t "'"i-L'llAS, It. l'AXTo.v.lWl., J r. 1 usriN, C'jiHliicr, LUiinMit (;in,VH(jS,Wni timtaml Ijmn At. nclntton-K. II. I.itti.e, 1'riVt., O. V. Mii.l.KK, Hcioniiiirg IMMiwi ami Snitn, l,ml Aliona. Ilon-lo TllnUAH. .1 H. lUimsci.N, H,c. llloamtlmia Mutual Nmtng I'uml Aimrlatum J. J. IIUUWKH, rresident, M, Wiiitmoyeh. Hcc'y. Bloomabnrg Directory. )Ai;i:HllAoa Jmt received nnd for wilo at tin 1 Coli'hiiian oillce. STOVKS AND TINWAllli lACOtl MIITK, dealer III Moves nnd tlnwmo Main htreet.nhdVo con it houso. OLOTItlNO, Ac. DAV11I I.OWKNllKUd, Merchant Tnllor.MllIu ht., 2d door nhovo American HoUHe. WM. MOUIIIH, Merchant Tailor comer of Cm tround Main t over Miller's store, l)UUGS,""ciiKMICALS. Ac' ' V I,r'CKl'andAi)olhccury.Mnlnsl. OYi:it HHOH., Drngglstn and Apothccurles, CLOCKS, AVATCIIES, AC. II MltYZllri'INfii:il. Watches. Hncctnchs ft: .lowuiry eve., luaiumreei near vest hi. n V HA VAOR, dealer In Clocks, Watches and J Jewelry, Muln St., Just btlow tho American Itouie. f 001H llKIlNIIAItll, Walch and Cloclc maker. IJ near southeast corner Main unit Iron sis. RCATI IUAHT, Watch and Cloclc Maker.Mar . ket street, below Main. BOOTS AND SIIOKS. 1) AVID UK'l'A, Hoot and Hhoemaker, Malnst., below ilartmiiu's store, west of Market. HKNKY KLKIM, Manufacturer and dealer In Hoots and Hhoes, Oroecrles, etc., Main stieet, iist Ii loom? burg. 0. M. IIUOWN, Hoot nnd Hhocmaker, Main street, under Ihowu's Hotel. PJIOFESSIONAL. D It. H. O. HOWKU, Burgeon Dentist, Main St., iiuovu i no uoun jioune. D It. WM. M. HK11KII, Rurueon nnd Physician, fexcuauguuiocttovcr luu-nuook siore. Dlt. II, K. KINNUY, Burgeon DentM.-Teeth extiacteil wllhoutpalu: Main tt., utarly op pobllu Kpibcopal Church, OO. llAHKI.KV, Altomey-at-Law. Oillce, Id . tloorlu Excliuugu Block, near the "Uiehnnt'o liotel." 11. McKllI.VY.M. I.,Hurgenn nnd Physician north bide Main St., below Market. T It. I'.VANS, M. I) Snigeon nnd Phyblclan, Kouth side Main btreet. below Market. T c. ItUTTlllt, M. I). Surueou nnd Physician (J . Mai ket slleet, above Main. 11. ltOHISON, Attn! neynt-Law, OHlcoIlart , uiau's building, Main street. IMILLINItlllY & FANCY GOODS. l'KTKHMAN, Millinery and Fancy Uoods, , opposite Kplscopui Chinch, Main fat, MIHS L17.IK HAHKLKV, Milliner, Hamsey 1T1 liulUllng Muln street, IKS M. DKHHIUKSON, Millinery and Fancy US. V KLINH, Millinery nnd runcy Uooda Muln btieet below Market. MUS. Jtll.IA A. A HAD I j HAHKDUY, Ladles' (JU mlts and Dress l'alleriu, southeaht Lorner M.Un and Wtst faU, 1 rpHi; MIHSHH HA11MAN Millinery and Fancy I (Joods, Main St., below American Jloute, IIOTKLS AND SALOONS. 130UKH IIOTia, by T, Kent. Taylor, e.ut tnd x 1 ol Main street. MERCHANTS AND GROCERS. (1 C. MAHH, Dry Oooils nnd Notions, bouth- v, est corner Main nnd Iroubts. 1) A, 11KCKLKV, Hoot and Hhoo store, books , & stationery, Main ht., below Market. 1 JACOHS.Conlectiouery.gioceriesctc., Main j, st., below Iron 1.10X WKHH, Conlectlonery ord Hakery, I1 wholesale and retail, Kschnnge Hloek, II V U W .'.V, .tuintniti . "'W, uim.uufK, , Main St., uhovu Court House. T II. MA1C, Mnintnoth Orocery, lino (Irn. eerier, ItiiIIm, 1,'uls, Provision, dc Main nnd Iron Htrcets. M'KHI.Vy, NIl.M. & CO., dealers In Dry (losls, (lrocerlea,l'lour,l'Ved,H.ill, Klbh. lion, Nails, etc,,N, K. cor. Main and Market sH. S1I. MIU,i:it A SON, denlerk lu Pry Uoods, , Groceries, tlueeniware, Plonr, halt, Hhoes, Notions, etc.,Malu8t. MISCKIiLANKOUS. WNKTAHI.IM ULAN1C8 for bale at the Col.f a. j iiian Oillce, n M. CIIHIHT.MAN, Saddle, Trunk A Harness. U. maker, Hhivo's lllock Main Street, D W. HOIUlINH.ltQurtrdealerBeconddoorlrom northwest corner Main and Iron sta. U J. TIIOHNTON, Wall Paper, Window Shades U, and fixtures, ltupeit block, Main si, G W, CORKLL. Furniture Hooms, tlneo story brick, Main Htreet, west of Market bt. 11 ItOHKNHTOCK ,1'hotographer, over Kobblua & It er's Store, Main bt. H. KU11N. dealer In Meat, Tallow, etc., Cheru- bcrllu's alley, rear of American lluube. R II. UINOLKK, denier In pianos, organs and uielodeons,at U, W, Corell'a furnllure rooms 1 AMtlKL JACOllY, Marble and Ilrown Stone j works, r;asi jnoomsuurg.uerwicic roud, WM. IIAI11I, dealer In furniture, trunks, ceder willow ware, near the Forks Hotel. n FOSTF.Il,01uo Maker, aud White and Fancy , Tauner, bcotlown, ljt 11. IHDI.F.MAN, Agent for Munsun's Copper Tubular Lightning Hod. TACOll l)Ii:i'FENHACH llroom Factory. Or tj dcrsleltnt hlsreslder e orntMlller.l Sou's tore promptly rilled. Utst gieen Wislern brush scu. fAMfat CADMAN, Cabinetmaker aud Chair, I maker; rooms Main btreet bel, lion. MOTE EOOKS. and blank NOTi:S.wllhorwllh ly out exemption, for bale at the Cui.umsian Light Street. ni'i'.9HA?f Co-. Wheelwrights, first door . above School IIoiiko. Ji'oo,tsAau0dSSh,.f,nUUfaC,Ur" nna donler lu I)ETEK ENT. dealer In Dry Uoods Groceries, 11 'fur. ' d, Salt, Fish, Iron, Nalls.eto., Main R. H. ENT, dealer lu Stoves and Tin ware In . Espy. 1 V. UEIUHAltD.ft lllt0..doaler lu Dry Uooda, D1 Uroceilys, uudgeueialMeichaudlse, IWI'Y STEAM FLOUIIINO MILIJJ. C.S. Fowler, i Proprietor, ' I I). WEHKHEISFlt, Hoot and Shoe Store and posltu the Steam Mill. - iimmiiuuiuiy, nuup ou Main Street op. m V. KDGAlt, Susquehanna 1'lanlng Mill i llox Mauuluctoiy, Civile Orangoville Directory, A !!' ?,l.Enn!"., nH0TIir.It,Carpcnters and A. llullders, Main st below Plue. HOWHIt ft IIRIIIUNU, dealer In Dry floods, (Irocerlos, Lumber uud general Merchandise, Malnst, ' ItICK HOTEL and refreshment Saloon, hy ll. O. A.MEflAliaEL.rhyslclan nndBurgeou, Main st,, next door to Good's Hotel, DAVID IIKItlttKorPlnnr nnd OrlsTMHI, nnd Dealer In grain, Mill street. IL.EDWAltlW. Physician nnd Surgeon, Mnln stilrsldoornbovoM'Heury's Hold. I AMES 11. HAHMAN. Cabinet Maker and Un I dertaker. Main St., below Pino. T M. HAltMAN, Snddlo nml Harness maker, J, Main bloppslto Frame Church, SCIHIYLini ft CO., Iron ronnners.Mnchlnlsts, nnd Mnnufnctuiersof plows, Mill St. (JAMUEL SH Altl'LESS, Maker of the Hnyhurst O Uialn Cradle. Main St. WILLIAM 1)11 LONd Shoemakerati.t manufac turer of Ilrlclc, Mill St., west of Pine Catawisaa. 1 F. DA.LI.MAN,MerchantTallor,SecondBt. . Itobhlus' Ilulldlng. ) U.J. K. KOIUilNS, Hurgvou and riiyslclau GIHHKUT A KMNK, dry (toods, groceries, and general mercluuulKf, Main Htreet r 11. KIHTLKU, 'TnttHwitFR House," North ' , Corner Main and Heeond Htreets. KKII.UII, Hlllaid HuIcmui, Oysters, nnd Ico J. Cream lu season MaluHl, M . Dry Goods, Oroecrles Ac. SUSQUEHANNA or Hrlclc Hold, M, Konten bauiler Proprlctor.soul li-easl corner Main und He toud Htreet. W M. II, A11I10TT, Attorney at law, Main SI. Buck Horn. Mil. ft W. H. SlIOKMAKEIt, dealers In dry , aootts, Kroe cries and general merchandise. First store lu south end ot tow n. Philadelphia Directory. Iioiiakijson iTwiiiairr, JllT ATTORNEY AT LAW, NO. 123 SOUTH SIXTH STI'.EET. l'lttLAHKM'ltlA Ian. r;t-ty ' jr. KEl'IIKAllT, wnn 15AIINES, BIIO. & 11KUUON, HATS, CAPS, STIIAW GOODS ft FD US, No. CM Market Street, (Abovo Filth,) PlIILAIIELrillA. rAlNWIlIGIIT & CO., WlIUI.ESALi; GIlOCEItS, N. E. Corner Second and Arch Streets, Philadelphia, Dealers lu TEAS, SYllOPS, COFFEE, SUOAU, MOLASSES RICE, SPICKS, m CA11I1 SODA, dC, AO. WOrderB will receive prompt attention, may 10,67-tf. Business Cards. c. n. imocKWAY, ATTOltNEY AT LAW, nrooMsuuuri, ia. 43" OlFirr Court House Alter. In Hip fo- I.t)MUIAN hulldlug. IJauVt". L. f URNElt L PHYSICIAN AND SUKGXOX, 11LOOMS11UI10, PA. Ori'lrr. OVtT r.lltr.'M IlriHHlorn tlnut.lnnn Mni ket striU, 1st door below Itev. D. J, Waller. Q W. MILLEU, ATTOUNEY AT LAW, Ollleo Court llonso Allev. below the Cor.irw- dian Oillce. Ilouutles, Duck-Pay and Pensions collected. llloombburg Fu. nep.a)'B7 tjOliEUT V. OUA.UK, ATTOltNEY AT LAW, Ofllco Main Street below tho Court House. Dloomsburg Feuu'n. g II. LITTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Oillce Court-TIouan Allev. below tho Colum iuan Oillce, Hloom&burg Ia. 17 M. KNORR, j. Hnvlnt; purchased the stock of tho old Key sttnieKlme More, nnd added thereto a laige and well selected new htock is prepared to cihlbit tbo best variety ot HOOTB AND (SHOD! everbrouybt to thU place. He in aUo jirenart'd to make limits andSlioes toorderln th latest and best styles. For cash only. In tho old Host Olllie Imlldlnif. corner Mnluand Market Streets iwoomhuurg, i'H, istpy Tu-iy, 17 J. THORNTON would nnnouneoto the citizens of Hloomi bitiif ami vlelult v. thai be bus lust received a full and complete assortment of WALL HAPKH, WINDOW BHADISH, FIXTlTltEH, I'OltfiH, TAbSKLfl, and till other goodilu his lino or business. All the newest and moot appio(d patterns of the day aie always to be found In his rstabllshment. BUSINESS OAUD9. VISITINU CAHDS, LETl'l'.H HEADS, HILL 1IEAIW, PltOGIUMNES, POSTK1M, Att, AC. Neatly anil Cheaply Printed From the Latest Styles of Tj at Ute COLUM IIIAN OFFir ft s UARPLKSS A II ARM AN, EAQLE FOUinmV AND M ANUKACTUKIN MIOV, STOVKS A PLOWS WHOLSALK & JtLTAIL THE CELEHHATED MONTKOSK JKON BRAV AND TUB HUrrON WOOUKN IlEAM PLOWS, Castings and Flreltrlckforrepalringcltyfitc ves All kinds of Hrass or Jrou casting made to order upon snori noiiee. IL V. HllA HPIjEBS A P. H. IIAHMA N. Hloomsburg, l'u. l'roprie tora Mar,l'J,'oy-f. B OOTS AND SHO;S. CLAHK M. BltOWK, HAIN bTHEKT, U.NDKU IIKOWM'J A lull and rompteto nssortnient tt reaJy malo boot h nnd hlme for liun.Momeit und chllilren Jiuit ucelvtHl and for sale at returnable rates. VarletlfH to bultall cIusih of customers. The nest or work done at short notice, mi heretofore, Utvo him ncall, (J.iu 171. N EW STOVE AND TIN HIIOl'. ISAIAH HAGENDUCH. Main Street one door above E. Mendenbnll'a Store, A largo assortment of Stoves. Heaters and Itanges constantly on hand, aud for salo at the lowest rates. Tinning In all Ita branches carertilly attended to, and satisfaction guaranteed. Tin work of all kinds wholcsalo and retail, A ial Is requested, Jan m N E V COAL, Y A II I), Tas underslaued resneclfullv Inform llm citizens of IllcH)mshuig aud Columbia county, that they keen all tho dltlerelit numbers olstote coal and seltcted tump coal ror smithing purpo ses, ou their wharf, adjotnlug M'Kelvy. Neat A Co's Furnace; with u good j.alr of llniuin scales on Iho whalf, lo Vtflgh coal, hay. and stratr Likewise a horse and wagon, to deliver coat to those who desire It, As they purchase a largo amountof conl.they Intend tokefp a superior ar tlcle.aud sell at the vory lowest prices, Pleaso call aud examine for yourselves letore purchas ing elsewhere. J. W. HENllEllhllOT, AUGUSTUS MASON, THE umlcraltrni'il will titko in ox. change for Ciuil autl Groceries, the following uamett uttlcles l Wheat, llye. Corn, Oats, Pota toes, Lard, llam,Hhoulder,aml side ineat,Dutter Eggs, Hay, Ac, at the highest cash prices, at his Grocery Store, adjoining their coal yard, J. W. IIKNDKltflHOT. Hloomsburg Mar, 10,'liO-ly, BLOOMSBURG, PA., TO TIIK lIl.OOMsni lKI JUT OF 4th SI IMTf, t0. Sr.cTioN 1. Ho It enacted Ac, that tlio town council of lllooinsburg may from (Imo (o (lino lovy nml lmposn upon nil property nnd oljcets of taxation in said town llablo to tnxation for town pur pose?, all such taxes us shall bo neces sary to pay tho debh nnd obligations of tho township of Bloom Incurred or ex isting beforo tho organization of said town, but such taxes shall ho Imposed nnd levied without regard to tho classi fication of real estato or rules of taxa tion thereon provided for In tho ninth section ofthenct to which this supple mcnt, ii ml tho enino shall ho collected In Iho ramo manner ns other taxes of said town. Tho said taxes Bhall ho separately levied nt such rntes ns tho council in their discretion shall fix, nnd soparato nnd distinct nccounts thereof und of tho nppllcntlon of tho samo shall bo kept nnd published In tho annual statements of tho town. Section 2. That In municipal elec tions in tho snitl town of Hloomsburg eueh voter may distribute his votes un equally among candidates In tho several ensra mentioned In the fourth section of tho act to which this Is n supplement whenever such distribution shall bo possible, nnd voles so cast shall bo counted nnd allowed In tho returns. Section 3. That tlio map of Fold town of Hloomsburg now being inado by Samuel Neyhard, under tho authority of tho town council, exhibiting tlio boundaries, streets, lanes und ulleys of said town, shall when completed bo sub mitted fur correction and npproval to the court of quarter sessions of tho peace of Columbia county nnd tho tame when apptoved by siyjd court shall bo filed of recoui nml tiierciipon nnu tiienceioriu tho roads, street", lanes nnd nllcys set foitlt on said map shall nccnrdlng to their location thereon be held and taken to bo public highways, subject however to tho provisions of tho fourth section ' of this net. Tho said court Bhall hear r,nd consider any complaint orobjcctlon mulo to tt by any citizen of sild town or owner oUreal estate therein, against tho correctness of said map or tho loca tion of tlto lines or p.trts thereof prior lo tho approval of tho r-ame, nnd may tnko such order thereon and mnke all such decrees relating (hereto ns shall pertain tojusticoaud to tho public inter ests and convenience, nnd tho said court when application shall bo tnado for Iho approval of said map shall order public notice thereof to bo given iu ut least ouo newspaper of said towu for at least four weeks prior to tho next fcuceeodlng term of tho court nnd shall defer further action upon such application until the said sue cccding term, Tho said map atall times after tlio npproval of tho samo by tho court nnd any copy or duplicate thereof whether upon the samo or upon n larger or smaller scale duly certified to bo true nnd correct by tho clerk of tho said court anil verified by tho court seal, shall be recoivablo lu ovidenco in any suit, prosecution or proceeding whatsoever in which tho giuno shall bo pertinent and shall bo held as conclusivo ovidenco of tho truo location of tho boundaries and highways of said town as cstab lished at tho ditto of Its approval and ns prima facia evhlencoof thosltuation and boundaries or limits of lots, out lots farm lands, canal wharves, landings, irallroad-i, buildings and structures of itaid town ut Iho samo limoso far as tho simiio shall bo pet forth, delineated or' mentioned nil said Dial). Suction I. All buildings heretofore orocWd within tho lines of highways in Hid Inwn or pi'Jecting thereon shall bo iM-;ii.;tll to remain In their present loe.uioiwuiitilthcs.imo tnnll bo rebuilt i rconslructcd.abandonodor removed by t, to owners llicteoi unless mo samu or ni fieMry iiarls (hereof or tho spaces oc !njiied thereby havo been or shall bo tal. vje or public u' upon compensation ma die accordlirg to law, hut no re-crcc tion ir reconstruction of such buildings shall iiio lawful which shall intrudo upon or bo within tholimits of such highways as fl: :ol by tho town map aforesaid or heron Jtcr laid out ami estnbli iheil pursu tint to- law, nor shall any lapse of tlmo bo h iltl to confer upon any persons whali iwcr any rlghtof occupancy or (itlo (as at nitist tho public) to any ground within tho limits of any highway as nforesi exeent as nrovidod hv this act HKCi "w.n o. 'ino corporate unicers oi said to va shall havoall tho powerscon ferret! u iwn boroughs or borough olllcers by tho iifth and nixth articles of the second section of tho act of third April oi'to thousand eight hundred and flfty-ono, regulating boroughs, In ro gard to tlio Improvement of sido or foot walks upon or along any highway within tho built-up parts of said town whenever a majority of tho owneis of lots nloag such highway shall apply to tho council for tho grading, curbing paving, and guttering of tlio samo; but such application shall bo in wilting duly signed by said lot owners und bo re corded in tho minutes of tbo council and tiled uinomr their records. The following nro tho Vth and Vlth articles of tho L'd section of tho act of 1 KM. reforred to lu tho foreiroing. viz: V. To requlro and direct tho grading. curbing, paving, and guttering of tn Bide or foot-walks, by tho owner or own era of tho lots of ground respectively finni imr thereon, in nccordaueo with llm i', .moral retfiihttioiis proscribed. VI. To causo tho samo to bo done oil failure .of tho owners thereof, within tho tlmo nA-eaerlbed by tho general regula tlons, a od to collect tbo coH of tho work und inn ilerlals wltfi twenty per centum advance thereon from said owners, as claims a 'ro by law recoverable under tbo nrov iblons of tbo law relative to mechanic! ' Hens, ami mo particulars m such labor I und materials; tho namo or names of t Iho actual or reputed owner or owners, as a'o of tho occupier or occu piers or tlio I premises for tho tlmo being, shall bo set 1 forth In a statement to bo filed within ( lUUIrty days after such ex pense shall 'havo been Incurred. It is said t ht Queen Victoria Intentlsi to K Bido for a few weeks ovcry year ou hw nowly J lurchased Irish estato lu county Kilda ie, with tho hopoordlinln. I lshlng, if po sslble, tlio liatreu ot tnu Bttxoii.so longr displayed by Iter Irish BUbJcejlS. FRIDAY, MAY 12, XOIIWAT. ToBuccossfully delineate, tlio hackney ed charms of Italy, Switzerland, nnd rntico i to show us now scones, novel ghts, and now actors on this oft-trod den stago, or olso to throw tho novcr now and fascinating drapery of pootry and song over nn os'ordono and unpoot io reality, requlrei tho genlm of n Trol- lope, Ho Stnel, or Hans Andersen. Hut luckily for tho traveler who finds him self sometimes tbo victim of an attack of cacoelhes icrilentliam what trav eler does not'.' thero tiro localities that aro yet comparatively unknown, where tho tourist Is yet tho oxceptlon Instead of being tho rule, and wliero tho rod covered guide-books h.ivo not yet per- moated and brought down to moro matter-of-fact every Interesting hlstor- cal relic or "magnificent view." Aud among tbeso "by-pallis or Kuropo" standi pro eminent ancient Norway. entitled to tho first place, equally by Its geographical position, tho unequall ed boldness of Its scenery, and tho an-, clent customs, and umong thorn, tho hospitality of Its Inhabitants. i snail never lorget inoirienuiinessanu cordiality with which, upon a recent vlilt to Norway, I was received and en tertained in ovcry household through out tho country where, for a longer or shorter period, I was a guest and an in mate. Nor can I easily forget tho many awkward blundors I commlttod beforo became initiated Into tho fashions nnd manners of my kind hosts small sins, through Ignorauco against tlio estab lished and time-honored national code of ceremony and behavior. "Do in Homo ns Romans do" is a vory wiso precept, but somewhat difficult to follqw whon you don't know how tho Romans do, but havo to wait and learn that first. had, for Instance, no idea that it was tlio custom In Norway as also In Den mark aud Sweden to go round after dinner and shako hands with every ono present, ladies nnd gentlemen, finishing off with tho host nnd hostess, nnd say- ng to each tho Norwegian word, icet- lelcomme, which is about equivalent to may tho meal agreo with you I At a largo dinner party of somo two or tbroo hundred guests this hand shaking be comes a serious business and it takes some timo and muselo to go through with, and ono almost gets hungry aud lilrsty again by tlio tlmo it is over. Llkewiso It is customary In every Nor wegian family, in tlio cities as well as u tho country, to say lakor ccte after breakfast or lunch ; nnd tttkfor the after supper, at which tea is always served. iVll children, even grown-up ones with children of their own, always say to tho parents tab or mail (thanks for tho meal) at every meal under tho parental roof, or oven in their own homo if tho parents nre present. In few countries is filial affection carried to such an ox tent as in Norway ; father aud mother aro names thero only second to and held in less roverenco than that of Qod. SCANDINAVIAN HOSPITALITY. Tho hospitality of tlto Norwegians is proverbial, particularly in tho country places, whoro tho traveller is an always welcomo guest. No Norwegian peasant or farmer ever thinks of locklnghlsdoor at night j to do so would bo equivalent lo showing distrust to ills neighbors, if ho has any, nnd a useless precaution where no human being, save tho-o of his own family, Is within twenty or thirty miles of his home. On entering you nro immediately welcomed, no matter how Inopportune tho hour may be, aud you aro invited to sit down at tho table, while tho twitmo'r, or lady of tho house, serves up tho best that tlio houso affords for your delectation. This consists of somo loaves of jlaliiroil, or flat cakes, mado of barley-meal, and also a pleco of a kagebrotl, If such is in tho house, which Is considered a deli cacy, und mado of ryo Hour, milk, but ter and goinmelost, or old cheese, uaab Hum, to which is perhaps added a pleco of reindeer venslon or a cholco cut of smoked salmon, constltuto tho rest of tho repast, for which no payment is asked, though a couplo of 'slnU'mys aro generally accepted, if tendered by tbo traveler or tourist who has appeased Ids appetite, if you remain over night, tho best nnd most comfortablo bed will bo offered to you, and clean sheets and bedding put on ; but though soft and warm enough, with its dozen of feather pillows and bolsters and layers of heavy home-mado blankets, I always found a Norwegian bed extremely uncomforta ble, owing to its shortness. Tho Nor wegian peasants havo a habit of sleep ing In nn nlniost sitting posture, nnd therefore require but very short bed steads, rendering it necessary for any ono who desires to sleep in tho ordinary civilized manner to doublo himself up liks n preserved frog In a spirit-glass. Hut however short, it is always sulll- ciently wide, as Norwegian country bedsoie, on tlio average, intention lor from threo to flvo each. Sometimes n Is thereforo expedient to placo oneself crosswlso, instead of lengthwise, anil alter tho position or tlio numerous pii, lows or bolsters, or ilyner, as thoy aro called, accordingly. DOMESTIC LIFE IN NOHWAY As a general thing tho Norwegian peasants, both men and women, rotlro to rest without undressing, merely m moving their heavy wadmel, or shcop skin Jackets, and sometimes tho woolon worsted nightcap which forms tho usual covering for tho head. I often entered a Norwegian safer, or farm, In tho mid dio of night, and tho occupants of tho bed or tho best bed, if thero wcro sov oral would Immediately vueuto It ond offer It to thoguost, themselves retiring to contlnuo their broken rest In tho barn or on tho lloor. On entering a Norwo glan country-houso tho visitor will ob servo u number of wooden boxes, of all sizes, placed all round tho room, and serving, In many instances, also ns tables, chairs, bofas, bedstead, etc. They aro nil painted lu gray nnd glaring col ors: a ml ground, with bluo and yel tow strlpos-, and bouquots In green and pin K.8CI in to uo uio iiivoruu uesigus. On eacli Is painted, in largo letters, tlio namo of the maker and proprietor, as also tlio ditto and year of Its manufaC' turo. This is Invariably the case, aud from these dales It would seem that most of these boxes nro very nuelent 1871T UOL. nnd much valued heirlooms iu a Nor wegian family, Tho oldest box 1 over saw was a eater on Doorcfjold. It was n f rnnlondmiafifTilr fullv (lirr-n f,i(. hv six, and four feet hlirh in which tho J - - .-j j i . bulkier, or girl in chargo of tho later kopt all" her Sunday wearing ap parel, chango of linen, nnd Jlaltirotl, fresh butter 'and old choose. It boro tho Inscription, "aunbildo Olufs dottcr. A. D. 1711," nnd was nccordlngly moro than a contury nnd a half old, In thoso boxes, which servo tho purposes of tho bureaux and chlffonleres of less secluded (though not by nny means moro civil ized) countries, nro kopt tho holiday dresses, tablo-llnen, cxtra-llnon nnd honi09pun cloth, nnd also tho silver spoons nnd savod-np "peeler"' of the wholo family, nnd it must bo Indeed a grand occasion when nny of their boxes nro opened and their contents displayed. HOME LA1IORS. Hardly n Norwegian farmhouso is without an lmmenso old-fashioned loom, upon which nil tlio cloth nnd linen used in tlio family is woven. Tailors nnd shoemakers aro unknown in rural Nor way, every nrtlclo of wearing apparel being mado nt home, from tho raising of tho llax nnd clipping ot tbo sheep, to tho last stitch of extra emboldery nnd the finishing spanglo of n bridal outfit, tn n corner of tbo shelf will bo Invaria bly found tho tools and utensils for shoemakitig, which aro in steady request during tho long winter evenings when now shoos nro mado for tho wholo house hold, nnd tho old and worn-out ones re paired. If thero is no moro of tills work to bo done, carving in wood Is ro sorted to to kill time, and in tills art tlio Norwegians aro wonderfully proficient, equaling tho peasantry of Tyrol and tho Hlack Forest, whosocarvlngs aro known and for salo all over the world. Every man always carries a short knife in a sheath attached to his bolt, and tho wooden handle of his tolleknlc is often a perfect specimen In tho art of beautiful and original carving. 'Wooden spoons, tankards, bowls, walking sticks and boxcj of all kinds aro in tlds way man ufactured, many of which aro bought ns souvenirs by tho tourists or sports men who visit tho country districts. COSTUME. Tho national dress of tho Norwegians Is very peculiar, but differs considerably in tho various sogu or districts. 1'roba bly tlio most plcturesquo Is that worn In tho Hergen district, which consists, for tho men, of a smart, short Jacket mado of dark-bluo woolen stuff, or of white wadmel, and is profusely adorned in front with bright-silver buttons of tho slzo and weight of a half-dollar red or bluo waistcoat, dark kneo-breech es, gaily colored woolen stockings, and immense nnd clumsy shoes with sliver or brass buckles; tho wholo person finished off on top with a red worsted night-cap, from which liangcs a bluo or yellow tassel. Tho women wear a black or pcppor-and salt colored woolen jack ot, faced with it red and green binding a bright-red boddlce, blue or scarlet petticoat, and a small linen apron bound with ribbon to match tho jacket, ar-rings aro fccldom met with, but largo silver fllagroo brooces and liugo chains and medals of tho samo metal aro always worn by tho women on fes tlvo occasions. Loss tasteful is tho dross worn in Guldbrandsdalen (ono of tho largest and most fertile valleys In Nor way), which consists of a swallow-tall coat of dark stuff with gilt or brass but tons, leather trousers and red night cap for tho men ; and an ungainly robe, very short in tho waist, for tho women, wb cover tho head and their luxuriant gol- en hair under a brlght-orango kerchief. this forming tho only nttractlvo part of their costume. Norwegian peasants, with but row ex ceptions, aro invcteratotalkers, tobacco chowor's and expectorators j habits that, in somo respects, are rather somowhat of a drawback to their hospitality. Your name, ago.blrthplace, destination, object In visiting tho country, opinion of It, calling, circumstances, nnd family ties, seem nil to bo of special interest lo your kind country best, anil nro mln- tcly inquired into : bo-Ides which your servant is interviewed and quizzed in such u manner us only Norwegian coun try-folks can do it. Hut In return you aro offered n hearty welcomo, nnd every facility during your bojourn among tho mountains or JjcliU, and you will be told without reserve whoro and how to catch tho best trout, lystcr (or spear) tho finest salmon, ghoot tho most delicious rypcr (or mountain grouso), or pcrad- cnturo fall In with n herd of tho much. coveted reindeer. Shooting is frco to nil in Norwny, tlio only restrictions being In regard to tho seasons in which game can bo killed, while fishing, on. tho contrary, is private property, though tho right to indulgo in this sport is always and cheerfully granted to tho foreign or natlvo sportsman who asks permission, EDUCATION A.MJ .MUK.M.'J. During my travclsln Norway I never camo ncross u man or woman, nowover old or poor, thai could not rend, and very fow that could not write, l-duct' tion is compulsory, nml schoolmasters, appointed and paid by tho government, mako regular visits to uio distant and out-of-the-way lying localities.and thero set up school during n certain term of tlio year. Though not strictly speaking a church-going peoplo, (owing, perhaps, to tho long ilistancos that often havo to bo traversed in order to reaeli tho houso of God,) tho Norwegians nro eminently nn honest, religious people, of fow ap pearances, but with n gieat deal of can dor: who havo n helping hand for n neighbor In troublo sooner than a pleco of good ndvlco. And this bentlment finds perhaps Its best expression In tbo universal love to tho dumb creation of tho Norwegian peasant, who would as soon think of maltreating his own kith nml kin ns ids nouies nnd cattle, which leeiing or regard lor annuals, However low and humble, Is perhaps again most happily und appropriately illustrated by tho national custom of the Jule-Neg or Christmas Sheaf, tho best and weigh tiest from tho barn, which Is on Christ mas Kvo stuck upon a polo In front of every Norwegian farmer's houso that tho email birds may also paitlclpato in tho abundance and Joy of tho nuulver sary of tlio birth of Him who was eon slderato, kind nnd loving towards all. Louiss Uaoqe. DEM. - VOLTXXXV "NO. 12 IMtorccd In Hie Desert Ono of tbo pioneers in California em igration, who went across tho plains In iu, tons tins story mat, begins on ino ourney nnd has Just ended In San Fran cisco. While tho train of which tho nar rator, now in Nevada, was a member, wasenenmpod ata point on tbo Hum boldt, whern tho Lessen train Intersects tho Carson track of travel, ho visited tho tent of a family consisting of an elderly couplo nnd ono child, a daughter of It or 10. The old lady was sitting on npllo of blankets under tho canvass encourag ing a most determined attack of tho sulks," whllo tho mascullno head of affairs had planted hlmsfllfoirtho wood en tongue, and was sucking his plpo as though ho expected to romiln there for-, over. iV plngloglanco developed tho difficul ty iu that little train of ono wagon and thrco persons, and that It had attained point of quiet desperation beyond tboreach of peaceful adjustment. Thrco days beforo thoy had pitched their tent at tho forks of tho road, and as they could not agreo upon tho routo by which to enter California, there thoy had re. mained. Tho husband bad expressed a preference for tho Carson road, and tho wife for tho Losson, and neither would yield. Tho wlfo declared sho would re main all winter I tho husband said ho would bo pleased to prolong thosojourn through tho summer following. On tho morning ot tlio fourth day tho wlfo broke a sullen silence of thlrty-slx hours by proposing a division of tho property, which consisted of two yoke of oxen, ono wagon, camp furniture, a small quantity of provisions and twelvo dollars in silver. Tho proposal was ac- cepted, and forthwith tho "plunder" was divided, leaving tho wagou to tho old man and tho daughter to tho mother. Tho lattcrexchanged with a neighbor- ng train tho cattle belonging tahor for a pony and pack-saddlo nnd putting her daughter and her portion of tho divided spoils upon tbo animal, sho resolutely started across tbo desert by tho Lessen trail, whllo tho old man silently yokod his cattlo and took tho other routo. Of courso both partlos reached Cali fornia In safety. Wo say of courso, for It is scarcely possible that any obstacle, death included, could havo interfered witli stubbornness so sublime. Arriv ing in Sacramento with her daughter, tho old lady readily found employment for womon wore less plentiful than now and subsequently opened a board- Ing-houso and In a few years amassed a handsome fortune. Two years ago sho went to San Francisco, nnd tho daughter whoso education had not been neglected, was married to ono of the most substant ial citizens. And what had become of tlio old man? Tho wlfo had not seen or heard of htm since they parted on tho Humboldt. Thoy had lived happily together for years, and sho sometimes reproached herself for tho wilfulness which separated them after solonga pllgrimago together. Hut ho was not dead. Wo caunot trace his courso in California, however. All that wo know of him is, that fortuno had not smiled upon him, and that, foryears ho hail tolled without any hope. Finally, feeling unablo longer to wield tho pick nnd shovel, ho visited San Francisco, in the hopoofobtainingemployment bctte ad.ipted to his wasted strength. For threo months ho remained idle after arriving there, and then for want of occupation, beeamo tho humble retailer of peanuts nnd oranges, with his entire traffic upon his arm. This was six months ago. A taw weeks sltico In pass 'ing tho open door of n C ttago in tho city, ho observed a lady In tho hall, and stoppeil to offer his merchandise As ho stepped upon tho threshold tho lady approached, and the old man raised his eyes and dropped his basked I and no wonder, either, for sho was his "old woman I She recognized him, and throw ing up her arms in amazamont exclaim ed : "Great God I John Is that you ?" " All that is left of me," replied tho old man. with extended arms they approached. Then tho old woman'scountenanee sud denly changed, and sho stepped back. 'John," said she, with n look which might bo construed Into earnestness, 'how did you find tho Carson road?" 'Miserable, Sukey, miserable," replied tho old man : "full of s.tnd nnd alkali." Then I was right, John ?" sho contin ued, inquiringly. "You were Suekey." 'That's enough I" said she, throwing her arms around tho old man's neck ; " that's enough, John!" and the couple, str.tnglo- ly sundered, woro reunited. A Oiii'slloii. Which will you do, smlio and raaka others happy, or bo crabbed and mako everybody around you miserable? You can live among (lowers and singing birds, or In tbo mire surrounded by fogs, nnd frogs. Tho amount af hap piness which you cau produce is incal culable, if you will only show n smiling race, a kind heart and speak pleasant words. On tho other hand, by Bour looks, cross words and a fretful disposi tion, you cau mako others unhappy ni- most boyond 'endurance. Which will you do ? Wear a pleasant countenance; lot joy and iovo beam in your cyo' Thero is no Joy so great as that which springs from a kind act or n pleasant deed; nnd If you do a kind net during tho dny whereby somo fellow mortal has been mado happy, you will feel Its glorious Influcnco nt night when you rest, tho next morning when you rise, nnd throughout tho day when about your dally business. The manufacture of garters and sus penders Is a business of greater magni tude than is generally supposed. Two factories ouo at Wuterbury, Conn,, and tho other nt Kast Hampton, Mass. have each n capital of $300,000, and pro duce about 2,000,000 each per aunuui. Their tuspender production nlono Is five huudrid dozens per day each, Thero tiro nboutotiohumlrul similar manufac tures of Euspeiiders.whosenvorugo dally mako Is from twenty to ono hundred dozens, Tlio rniiglt.g salo of suspenders Is blxty cents per pair, and 'garters clghty-flvo cents. Tho highest eost of suspenders aro fifteen dollars per pair; high cost garlers begin at fifteen dollars. Tho lutut novelty In tho lino of ladies' garters nro broad velvet hands, heavily fringed and gilt mounted. HATES OP A1)VHUT181N. Cno Incli, (Iwclvo lines or Nonpnrell typo) ono or two ttirco Inottloni,l2,00. lt.i cjutvalent In Intertlons, M.60 srAC. One Inch..!.-.. Two laehcN Three Inches.., Pour Inchos... lit. ...J2.50 ...,3,M ,...(,00 ....TOO 3m, 3u. Cm, It, 13,00 (1,00 18,00 110,00 S,00 T,00 9,00 IS.00 7,00 j,00 15,00 18,00 8,00 11,00 17,00 M,00 18,00 11,00 50,30 80,00 18,00 2000 80,00 W,(0 80,00 10,00 00,00 100.C0 (Jaarlcr column,, 10,00 llnlf column....... 15,00 One oolamii.....ao,00 Exccntor'i or Admlntstrtor' Kottce, M.00) Auditor's or Assignee's Noltce, llto. Local notices, ten cents ft line. Cords !nlho"n.utnessDlrcctorr"eol"ran,tS.C0 jier year for the first two lines, aud 11.00 for each addlllonalllne. , (Jrnut, Hancock, and Iingstroct. Tho following extract from n speech delivered by Mr. Skinner, of Franklin county, Pa, in tho House of Represen tatives at HarrlBburg shows tho Injus tice which has boon dono to our gallant Hancock by Quant. In thocourso of his roraarks Mr. Skinner said : la this connection ho would draw n parallel caso lllustrativo of tho kind of Injustice that Grant sometimes deuli out lo tho "nation's defenders." On tho third day of tho battlo of Gettys burg, tho fiorco conflict raging between tho two armies had reached its height. Tho fate of Pennsylvania nnd of tho na tion hung trembling in thoscalo of bat tlo. Loo was hurling his maddoned and desporato forces In quick succession against our lines, hoping to crush them nt somo point and put our soldiers to rout. Tho koy lo tho Union position on that day was Cemetery Hill. That point gained to tho cnomy, nil would havo lieen lost to us. Leo knowing this, placed his best corps In tho hands of his ablest General arid directed hira to carry It. Forming speedily tho long deep grey lines began lo movo forward. They wero nil men who had faced death on many a bloody field. They know tho Importance of tho work they had boon sent lo perform, and they marched up that Blopo with a firmness and stead fastness which told plainly enough that fear held no plaea In their ranks. On tho summit of tho hill stood another corps a corps of Union soldiers. If there wero blanched faces and quiver ing Hps among thoso It was only a moro suro Indication that they had determin ed to hold their position or go down to death In tho ultcmpt. It takes moro courage to meet a chargo than to make. On camo tho deep gray lines. Tho first well-directed volley, whllo It thinned their ranks, staggered them not a sec ond had no greater effect and thou they camo together, thoso strong and bravo men, In a fierco and bitter conflict that lasted for hours. Never did men fight with more determined valor. Tho com mauders of each wero bravo and skill ful. Tho commander of tlto Union forces was tho idol of his men. Ho had been selected on account of his superior courage nnd skill to hold that position. Right well too ho did It leading his men in person and mingling in tho thickest of tlto fray. After an exhibi tion of valor rarely wltnossed, and after n most fearful slaughter on both sides, tbo Union forces wero victorious, and tho Rebel forces Sent reeling back mero bloody remnant of that strong and compact body which had moved up to tho attack. Hero on this spot was victory won to our army. Hero was Pennsylvania saved aud possibly tho nation. At tho closo of tho contllct the commander of tho Union forces was borne from tho field wounded. His namo was Hancock a namo dear to millions of Democrats In tho land bo cause ho has kept in poaco, as in war, lils personal honor untarnished. Tho namo of tho opposing General was Longstreet. Whon Grant came to Washington as President, one of tho first acts of fits administration was to nppolnt Lonsrstrect Collector of Customs nt Now Orleans, with n salary of thirty thousand dollars, and his second to ex llo Hancock, tho man who had saved tho day at Gettysburg, to tho wilds of Daeotah. Surely Republics and Repub lican Presidents aro ungrateful. A (,'rletons Wrong. Why Is it that thero Is such a repug nance on tlio part of parents to putting their sous to a trade. A skilled mechan ic Is an independent man. Go whero ho will his craft will bring nira support. Ho need ask favors of none. Ho has literally bis fortuno In his own hands. Yet foolish parents ambitious that their sons should "rise in tho world," as they say aro moro willing tiiat they should study for n profession, with tho chances for oven a moderato success heavily against them, or run tho risk of spending their manhood In tho ig noble task of retailing dry goods, or, of tolling at tbo accountant's desk, than learn n trade which would bring them manly strength, health nnd Independ ence In point of fact, tho method they chooso is tho ono least likely to achievo llio advancement aimed at, for tho sup ply of candidates for "errand boys," dry goods clerks, und kindred occupa tions, is notorlou-dy overstocked; while, on tho other hand, tho demand for real ly skilled mechanics of overy descrip tion Is as notoriously boyond tho sup ply. Tbo crying need of Ibis country to-day is for 6kllled labor; and that father who neglects to prosddo for his son a useful trade, and to seo that he thoroughly masters It, does him a griev ous wrong, nnd runs the risk of helping by so much to Incrcaso tho stock of idlo and dependent, if not vicious, members of society. It Is Btated In tho report of tho Prison Association, lately issued, that of fourteon thousand five hundred and ninety-six prisoners confined In tho thirty States In 1SC7, soventy-soven per cont, or over ten thousand of tbo num ber hnd never learned a trado. The fact conveys a lesson of profound Inter est to thoso who havo in chargo tho training of boys, and girls, too. for tho nctlvo duties of llfo. Manufacturer ami Builder. Tub Sovon Wondors of tho world were: First, tho Egyptian pyramids: tho largest of tlicso Is 693 foot square and 400 feet high, and its baso covers Hi acres of ground. Second, tho Man- solus, erected to Mausolus, a king of Carla, by his widow, Artemisia ; it was 03 feet long nnd 35 feet high. Third, thoTemplo of Diana, at Ephcstis; this was 025 feet tn length and 220 feet in breadth. Fourth, tho walls and hang lug gardens at Uabylon ; thoso walla nro stated by Herodotus to havo been M feet thick, 350 feet high, nnd to miles in length, and tho statement Is dcemid credible by modern antiquarians. Fifth, tlio Colossus nt Rhodes: this wns a bra zen statuo of Apollo, 105 feet Iu height. Sixth, tho statuo of Jupiter Olympus.of Atheus, which Was mado of ivory nnd gold. Seventh, the Pharos of Ptolemy Philadelphia: this was n llght-hoUMi 500 feet high. Tlio buven wonders of tlio worhl now aro : tho art of printing, optical liibtruinnitH, such'aB telescopes und luiciotcopes; gunpowder, thosteuni engine, labor-enving machinery, tho electric telegraph, and tho photograph.