Tins Columbian Bloomsburg, Friday, Mny 6. 1871. (lKo.l,.noWEU,A(X,4i)l,ark lto-r.nronuronly Wliorlroil ArtvcrlWna Apenl. In Now York, wnTiiitiiii.i.&cn.. No. (jj7i:iir.iiiiiiKirt.nrn onrnnly ' nnllinrlro.l Am nl 111 l'lillnilelphln. i;. u. imuiu'iiy, im nour nut homed Audit nt Iho'cJi'mlmATom'o" !"y buslutOTP"lnlul,' la S- All inivoriieincnl lor tho rnrgolBR loonll- (p iniiKtlio cmlowil liy theso Agent, or thi-jr will receive no attention. If. Unilroad Timo Tablo. LACKAWANNA A M.OOMBllUltO It. It. UolhllNurlll, UolliK Hnntll. U23 r. 51, G:jl) 1', M. I'ATAWIKNA 11. It. FltOM ltt'l'IHtTBTATION (joiiiKNotiii. ooiniiHouin. i'.i. luioHA.M. - -7----- As wo ro to press wo learn that tho North nnd Wist Ilranch Itallroad bill passed tho Seuato with only four neRn- tlvo votes. Tlicro will probably bo no wrlotH opposition lu tho Homo. Attention Is called to tho largo salo of tho personal cslato of Jacoii Kov TllNliAUDint, deceased. Thero will bo two days' vendue. llr.V. II. W. Duck of tho Kvangell cal Association will preach In tho upper room of tho Old Academy on next Sab bath tho 7th Inst, nt 3 o'clock r. M. TiiEiti: Is n rumor nlloat that Gov. Cur.TiN is about to return from St Petenburg, Kussla, resigning his place as Minister to that power. ... Thu Cituncu Kai.kndah (Iilooms- burg) for May Is out and is a good num.- bcr, worthy of patronago oven outsldo of tho Episcopal Church, whoso organ Ills. Tho enterprise deserves encour- ngement by general public support. CoNOi:nT. Thcro will bo a grand vncai nnti insirumeniai uoncerc given nt tho Court IIouso In llloomsburg, on Friday tho HGtli day of Mny next, by a class under direction of Prof. Nim:s, People aro cordially Invited to attend. M'Coi.r.UM's Tannory, near Jersey' (own, was entirely destroyed by firo on Friday night last. Hisstabloand wagon shed wero nlso destroyed, together with nearly tho entire contents of tho tannery etc. It is not known how tho firo start ed. Insuranco $2,300, which will not nearly cover tho loss. Wo havo heard much of tho superi ority of Italian Decs, and It now ap pears too that they nro No. 1 In tho way of reproduction. A now swarm mado its uppearanco from n htvo belonging to Mr. II. II. DnowN, of Light Street, on tho SOth nit. Thoy seemed abundant in numbers and vigorous in health. It is Mild of this variety of bees that they iiosses a raro merit of doubtful morality, that of stealing tho honey of other bees in their vicinity. Great capacity to gather honey la also attributed to them. A Sr.nious Accident. On last Mon day afternoon Mrs. Emzaiietii Kkam i:it, wife of W.M. 1). KuAMini, went to tho barn to tlx nests and search for egg Sho canio out nt the front door, where was a nair of steen stem. Sho slliined very suddenly oir or the bottom step, it not being nailed solid, which threw her with much forco on tho step, breakln thrcoofher ribs and otherwise injuring her internally. Dr. Chavins, of Denton skilfully attended to tho case, and though ho says it is somewhat serious gives hopes of bor recovery soon. Tho lady Is nearly seventy years old. J. w. K In Mejiouiam. At a regular meet ing of Concordia Lodge No. 00, 1, O. O, F.,tho following proceedings wero adop ted: Whereas, Our unerring Father has called homo brother jacoii ivohtknua di:h : therefore Mcsotietl, That by tliobrcnklngof tho silver cord, wo nro mndo mil and our hearts' affections rent asunder. Jicsolval, Wo deeply Bympnthl-o with tlio bereaved family, nnd extend to them the hand of Friendship, Lovoaml Trutli. Jlesolvctl, A copy of theso Resolutions bo handed to tho relatives, nnd also pub lished in ino county papers. E. T. SHUMAN, N. G, Attest C. Elms, Sec'y. Catawissa, April SMi, 1871. We aro informed by ono of tho neigh bors of Mr. Josuaii J. Thomas, lato of Koarlngcrcek township, who canio to his death by suffocation In a smoke house, that tho houso was not arranged in nuy manner with a view to entrap ping thlovcs. It had been originally constructed for n Ueo house, without tho least referonco to thieves, but with double doors for tho wiuter protection of tho bees. Not answering thopurposo for which it was constructed, It was used for a smokehouse. Mr. Thomas entered as staled, and was suffocated by the smoko. Ho fell against and across tho inner door, whloli closed nnd held it sliut,as It opened inwnrdly. Ho would havo had no dlillculty in opening It had ho not been strangled. This cqrrec- tion Is madoat tho request of tho family who folt nggrlovod by tho former re port. Dr.bTitucrivi: FinE. Tho Montour Paint Works nt Rupert caught firo about !) o'clock, on Monday inoining and wero entirely consumed. Tho firo originated In tho Firo Room of tho Engine houso and rapidly communicated with tho main buildings. The excellent arrango mont for smothering tho firo by (-team proved a falluro on account of iho win lows being broken in and giving tho Ilamos nn outsldo draught. Tho oxten slvo machinery was entirely destroyed Tho mills wero new, having been in op cratlon only about six weeks. Tho loss in property was probably about S10.000 but this covers but a small portion of tno real loss. Our enterprising citizens Messrs. DitEint & Ray aro thrown out of business for a timo and the wholo community suffers In consequence. Tho extensive warehouse of Paxton &. IIahman was on lire several times but tho ilamcs wero In each caso extinguish ed. Their loss will reach probably COO or 000 dollars. When tho denso volumes of smoko wero seen, our Fire Company hurried to tho tceno of eonllugrtition and wero present in iifk-cn minutes from tho timo they left town, and saved many thousand dollars worth of prop erty. It Is conccedcd that tho buildings ot i'axto.v & uauman would have heed consumed had it not been for tho timely nsslstnnco of tho Fire Company Thoy desorvo tho thanks of tho com munity for tlio energy thoy displayed, and wo earnestly hopo thoy may havo tlio material nhl that thoy need in order to fully equip themselves. Wo under- ttinil Hint, dm lirnnorlv u-rni mvnr.,1 I... """ j iiinuiiuiix-. jir(oiiciiH. P. H. On icturnliiL" frnm thn flrr. n l!?"? from nn nr!u ?.f Ul. " ' VUS l0Sl; ny l'eisoii iiuuinK it woumuouKrcnt favor to return It to tho company. THE llcpoilcil t)t t'loCoUiinliliiii,, Court l'rorreilliiRi. aim 1113 ABSOCllUUfl, J HAM JJJlllU Mill IHAAO S. MoNKOH. K-illM, Oil tllO bench. . , . , , ., . uolituuli") sworn mm tiiiiilu ticlr returns. T . 1 llmi.-t,T T.Vi f 111,,,. I,,..,. ... i.iuu.unn, wis ."iioInlo(I forcimin of tlio Oraiul Jury, Jnekson Klltio of llioOraiul Jury m excused, D.tvlil Cullman was nntiolntcil Court crlcr for tlio term. Samuel Stcttier, Isaac Meltrlilu mid u- J'.VnilH Wero appointed tlpSlllVCS to attend tlio Cniirt '!0"" ,,, ,, i , ' Marti! vnsn.ioln(eil Ruiu tlIllM f()r Jnuics Miller, llarvy J, Dlctt- "rich win appointed Ruardlan for Sophia utm Sarah Shaffer, In tho estato of John Miller, deceased, Court nwarded an Inquest mul directed personal notlco to do Riven to tho parties interested. Jacob S. l-.vntis was appointed Con- slablo for Greenwood township. b.imucl llulchlnsoii was appointed supervisor or Scott township. notion or viewers of n now road In Lo cust township near (leorRO Fox's and vacating an old mail confirmed nl. si. llo rovlewers to vacate a road in Hem lock township, near lnvl Wilj-ht's, report against vncUlou.coiifirmed nl. si. llio Court ordered that an lullnurnod C'"rt bu ,U?M 011 1,10 121,1 ly f Jhiio next nnd that a Jury of thirty six per- tons uo urawn lor tlio common IMo.is. In tlio c.iso of Colder vs. Goldci", Sub- piena In Divorce, Court order publica turn and appoint C. 0. lUitin.nv com- missloner to tako testimony In thu case. In tho estate of Abraham Hess, dee'd. Stephen II. Miller, Daniel Ilambach, and llliam Drown nnnolntedaiiiivals. crs. notlco to bo civ-en bv tho nm.ralsprs of tlio tlmo and place of tho appraise incut for nix weeks In ono newspaper published In Columbia county and copies mailed to tho parlies Interested Whero their rcsidenco Is known. Auditor.-) report making distribution In tlio islato of David Kolirbach, de ceased, confirmed nl. si. u. a. watson appointed guardian lor minor ciumrcii win. a egg, deceased. I On motion of Mr. Cf.AitK, tho older of talo in tho estate of John W. Watts was continued. In tho estato of Peter K. Herboln, deceased, petitioners presented, asking font citation on tho administrator to fllo nn account. Citation ordered. Return of inquisition in tho estato of Peter Dltner, deceased, confirmed nl. si. llcturn of s.uo of tho real estato of John ItIchards,dcceased,eounrmcd nl.si. lletur.n of inquisition on tho real ci tato of John P. Smith, lato of Green wood township, dee'd., confirmed nl. si. ltoturu of inquisition in tho estate of William Wclliver, deceased, confirmed til. si. Petition for citation to tho Kxccutor of Henry Deterich, deceased, to fllo an account, Court award citation command lug Executor to llio an account thirty uell)ro ucxl -ourt. M- u- "ugiics aim .Jonn uarner np- i'""eu gimiuuuis ui miuor unuureii ui Job" Ycager, deceased. u. w.Jiii.i.r.n, j'.sq., AutiiiortomaKc distribution ortho balaneo in tho hands oi bainuci llliono us administrator or Jesso Rhone, deceased, was continued Elijah C. Cleaver appointed guardian of Wilson Thomas. In tho estate of Samuel Dyer, deceased, petition for salo of realty for payment of debts. Or dered that eight acres named in the po tltion bo sold. In tho estato of Samuel G. Pilking- (on petition for salo of Realty for pay- mont of deb(s. Salo ordered. Motion for tho continuance of tho or- dcr of salo in tho estate of James Hens, deceased, order continued. Second return of salo In tho estate of Jacob Eycr, deceased, confirmed nl. si. lienjamin Wagner appointed guardian for minor children of Jonas Hclwlg. Report of C. G. Dauicley auditor to distribute tho balance in tho hands of tho administrators of Peter Melllck, deceased, confirmed ni. si. John T. Shumanand David S. Drown wero appointed Supervisors of Main township. Frederick Wilo and Samuel Younf vvcrouppolutcd supervisors of Jackson township. John Loro was appointed supervisor of Pino township. Daniel Snyder was appointed super visor of Scott township. William R. Dcmott and Hugh McCol- lum wero appointed Poor Overseers for Mndlson township. Petition of Solomon Fctlcrman con- stable of Locust township fur deputy constable, Georgo Fetterman appointed deputy. Com. vs. Jacob Horrington and Joshua David, chargo Assault and Rat- tery. A truo bill. Return of salo in tho estato of Henry Hartman, a lunatic, conllrmod nl. si, Com, vs. John Grett and Urias 1 Grctt, charge, Assault and llattery. 15111 ignored. County to pay costs Craig vs. Craig. Subpiena in divoice. On motion of Mr, FitUEZi:, C. W. Mn.LEit, Esq., appointed commissioner to tako depositions. Petition in divorce by Rebecca A. Ivcefer. Subpiena ordered Petition by Rachel Kitchen and otli ers to satisfy mortgage. Rule granted to show causo at next court Jioyio vs. Doyle, subpiena in divorce On motion wii. lr. Annm-iv Fsn nn. pointed commissioner to take deposi- l10"3- Cox vs. Cox, dlvorco decreed from tho bonds of matrimonv. n ir r ry , , . Com. vs. Win. M. Hoal, charge, As- sauii anti jiauery. a iruo mu. i.ucorgo iVi.isnuervs.T, j, i.aweiiund others. Rulo to show tuuso why tho attachment shall not bo quashed. Com. vs. Ellas Ilogart. Surlty of tho IWo. After lienrlnirthoCoiirtsentcnco the defendimt to pay tho costs of proso- - cutlon In this caso and oilier cafes iiend- Iik, iitwl f.t ,,t..t Imll In flu. Mini nf Hvn h H hun.ned dollars to keep the peace to- wards all citizens of this Common- wenun nnu csiicciaiiy to ins wiie. Petition of A. W. Eaton forillsehargo as nn Insolvent, granted on taking the required oath, Wm, Lamon appointed trustee. Tuisday.May 2 Viewers report In fuvor ola county bridge In Locust township over Roarlngcreek. Confirm- ed by tho Grnnd Jury nnd approved by tho Court. Vleweis rcpoit in favor of a county lifhlo,. 1., I .nmi-r fm,,r,l,l .,oll,n ... ,.. "iicur unp." i.oiiiinmu oy tno iirnnu .Tnrv imi. ri.lmli il liv llm Pnnrt . iinnn th0. er0Ulia of 1,10 i"y of e port. I'etltloa for viewers to vlow tho workinnnshln of n county hrldffo lately COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUTIG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, I creeled la Franklin township by Jncot; KnfnniinilMPr. tlnnnoanl T l.i DC.I.In. Henry HollltiEslicail an pointed viewers to report to May term, 1871. Com. v:i. Oeorco Am. Cliarcu As. sault nnd llaltcry. 1)111 Snored nm'l Lewis J. Adams, tlio prosecutor to nav tlio coats, Com, vs. Kllen Oordner. Clinrcc. Assault nnil llattery. Atruoblll. In tlio case of Com. vs. Win. M. Hoal a Jury was ordered nnd returned n ver. diet fliulliif; tlio defendant not utility ntul that tlio llcfolldnilt tnv nnn.lmlrnf iiiiu uuu iiio ucicnuani pay ono-liairol tlio costs, mid S. J. Kmix, tho proseeu- (or tlio other Iialf. This was n proccti. Hon for cnrporlnl punishment of nscliool teacher to ono of his pupils. Com. vs. Harvey Lnmbcrtson. Clinrco malicious mlschltf. Atruo bill. Charter granted for a Saving Fund at Orangovlllo. Petition of Lewis mid Daniel L. lloir- man, Rturdlatis of tho cslato of Jo'cph K. Hoil'man, for salu of realty to Peter I.ongcnbergcr, confirmed, Com. vs. Thomas McGraw, John Collins nnd Georgo Delforl, July re turned a verdict of not guilty, and Thomas 1). Hess, the prosecutor, to pay half of llio costs, and Thomas McGraw, ono of tho defendants, to pay ono-Iialf of tho costs. Itcport of viewers of n road lu Sugar- loaf township, near Kzcklel Cole, con firmed nl. si. Itcport of n road In Fishlngcrcck, near Jacob Stoker, confirmed nl. si. V) i:1)ni:hday, MAYil-SamuclIIoag laud appointed poor oveisccr for Frank lin township. Com. vs. John Grctt. Charge forcible entry. A true hill. Verdict, guilty Heport of a road in Mouut Pleasant township, continued nl. si. Petition for vacating a road llloomsburg presented at February term. Iloviewcrs continued. All licenses that wero applied lor wero giantcd excepting that of D. Cosgiovo from Conyngham township William H. Shoemaker nppntutei ,mrillnn fi.r .Tumum t, mul Annojii..-..!. cltlliror bram Wilner appointed guardian for Mary M. Thomas, Jolm Oliver appointed guardian for Mary Hotlck. Com. vs. Georgo Snyder. Charge, larceny. Verdict, guilty. Salo of tho unsold Ileal Estato of Da vid W. Clark, deceased, continued. Hutlenstein vs. Hultcnstcln, petition in divorce. Alias subna'na granted. Petition for periodical allowar.co for llio minor children of David Kohrbacl: deceased, by Sarah Kolirbach, their mother. Court direct and order that thu sum of one dollar and fifty cents bo allowed tho petitioncrper week for each. Charter granted for tho Method! Episcopal Church of Calawlssa. Calharino Sdncr vs. Paul Stlncr. Pe tition in divorce. On motion M. E Jackson appointed commissioner to tako depositions. in Uio estato of Johtr Hit-hard, do- ceased, E. 11. Dai.dv, E-.tj., appointed auditor on exceptions to tho account of tho Executor. in ti,0 eslate of IJcnjamin Fowler, deceased. On motion of Mr. Fnniizi: C. 1!. RuccKWAY, Esq., appointed mid ilor to distribute the funds In tho hand of tho administrator. In tlio citato of William Mcnsluger deceased, M. Whitmoykr, E-q., ap pointed auditor to make distribution. In tho matter of Partition of tho rca eatato of John Richards, on motion o: C. W. Mir,i.i:n, rulo granted ou Hi heirs (o nmiear by first day of next term and accept nt tho valuation o show causo why the same should not bo sold. In tho estato of Charles lies.;, decens- led. On motion of Mr. Claisk rulo granted on tho heirs of tho decedent to appear and accept nt tho valuation or show causo why it should not bo sold. In tho matter of the estato of Adam Heller, deceased. On motion of Mr. Fituir.urulo on tho heirs granted to a pear by tho first day of next term and accept or refuse tho estalo at tho vidua tlun or show causo why It should uot bo sold. In the cslato of Georgo Rupp, dee'd., ou motion, rulo granted ou tho heirs to accept tho estato or show causo why It should not bo sold In the mutter of tho real estato of Wm. Pcgg, deceased, On motion rulo granted on tho heirs to accept tho .sla(o nt tho valuation or show causo why it should not bo sold Petition for tho sale of the real estato of Martin Uillmyer, deceased. Salo or dered LOCAL OTICi:S, Fou Imported or American blach sill; go to ji. r. i.ut.'s- a. a. Maiui. has lust received flvo dozen pairs ladles' gaiters to sen very cheap, If you want choico sugar and COllOe, go to U. U. .UAltll'H Tin: Klmrer Manufacturing Company own valuahlu patents, which prevents other machine companies miming sow ing machines ilko their New Family, until eighteen hundred nnd seventy seven. M. P. Lutz. has lust received a largo 1 1110 01 UJSSlliiers, uouiiuimcs, iteiiiuvit.v Jeaiis.and Linens, suitablufor men and boys wear, Wn ilmnlil nnl hrsltutn tn recommend . .,,. friend ol'onrs. 7'.irsiu' PurmtUee IW t icvaiusclent leal vnrcnareil. ami are adapted to u I tno purposcspi a good ll?,t.l,,lWr flin lioif. rnninlv Hint 1ms OVer been discovered for rheumatism, su-nnlnn or stllf loints. ilesh wounds, snralns. Dru pes, cuts, nnu iiurn:', is PJ'V'""! ,,,' ... Wo tno It. lln,i always recommend It to our menus riir.YSTANi) Ai-oni:. First lu thu Uis.1 ni n If nf uiinlesonio vetrctablo re storatlves, stands JlnojtamVs Jlltlers, and German Tunie. II nny uyspcpiic, or on lu1BU(lerer, has over loiiiid tlieM) grcai- , , i,,,irilJ iiim nt iiia iiTitinwr. in'i'ii ,t .,,, ,.,'. f,.rlh im(1 dcclaio It. Witl tlio Hitters no snlrltuotis exhllerant is Inenrttoratrd. in thoTonlt-.tliosUmulant ..t.w.U.I.. I.. r.l ..,1 At U.iiitii t'rti-t y, .V" - - - " ",tru:u ti, fl)rm,,r . .,,i,r ,i,r is , iek of vit.tiiiy. ino latter, ooiu y an inu gists, SnulVor dust of nnv kind, and strong caustic or poisonous solutions aggravate Catarrh and drlvo It to tho lungs. Dr. Hauo'sCatarrh Remedy cures Calarrh by its mild, soothing, cleansing unit neaiing properties. Each packngo prepares ono Hint ol ine iicineny renuy lor use, aim costs only fifty cents. Sold by druggists, or send sixty cents to R. V. 1'lerco, M. Ji.'.V1; KCl'i. U ri!Hr". V 1 " V. .... 'lJ"V.L0U" terieits nnu wortiiicss iiiiiiiiuoiis uy bic- ingtluit Unas, upon tliuouisum wrapper, Dr. Pierce's lirlvatu Stiilim. istied by EAte ' (;n't ylU portrait, numo ami address, ami tho vvorda U. B, Certitlcato of Clenulnencsa." THE lanrost lino of Whlln f innda nvnr fought to this town is now" offered by 1 . JiU 1 7,. Inic consumcrs-voti will iln wnll li trying Onitn'H Ink Powder. Hold by M. W. Nuss. Ono trial will convince ou that It is tho best in use. nlS-lt. C. 0. MAlin will nneii Mnv f tin -lib. tho largast lot nnd latest styles or dress goods in town, Till: SIliL'er Now FamllvKmvlnif Mn. chlno nro fast winning favors lu tho noiiscnoid as snown ny tneir sales last year amounting to ono hundrod nnd tvvenly-soven thousand, eight hundred nnu iiiirty-inrce. it is nelloved tneir sales this year will bo moro than nil other companies in tho United Stntcs. Ladles who havo ueul soveral different kinds, tho most skillful maclilnests.aud prnctlcnl mnchino ngents nil agree that tho New Slnircr embodies several new and cstentlni i)rIncliiles,Hliji)illclty,caso of oneratlnir. and nrtciso nctlnn nt nnv speed, with capacity for n great variety of work lino or coarse, leaving all other mnciunes neiiuid it. i.ailicswno select tho Singer never havo cnuso to regret their choico. Foil Pianos nnd Oriruno. mi to I. W. Nii.is' Warcrooms, near Forks Hotel. Tho latest music constantly on baud. uio ti, Legal Notices. A DM I NISTR ATOR'S NOTIOI-i. liullrrs nf Administration on thn ctnto (if i'n x ton k me. into or uri'cmvtxvi mwiit h r Columbia county (UTCnsotl,lirtvul)UiiRrnnt(.'U by tho KpulMer of unlit rotitit v lt Irntn Don. All piTKoiiH lmltitf clulmi nmiliist tho estato of llio ilrc intent mo lequnletl to itrcfccnt I hem forset t lenient, ami tlioHuludchteiltn theestnlcto miiko imymem id mu uimerhigncti, ndtninmiiitor, nijr,7'7i Aumiulstr.uor. A1 D M I N 1 ST1 1 ATO U'S NOTICE. i.srATH of wiLLr.vt iirts. nnt-'n. liCtliTH of iidmlnlstrntlon on tho est n to M Wlllinni I lens. Into of Hutnrloitr twn.. Columbia cnunty,(leoMMtinvoltern irnntoil bv tho ltcRlster of Hfttd county to JoniiiuiU'ilU,riHlUlnliiHui:ar' lour towiintilp, Columbia county. All perKoni )nivln claims ngnltist tho rstato of tho (leccdciit am irtiuesieii in j.riseni iiicm lor nuiiicmcm niitltlmso Indcliteil to tho cttntoto mrtko nav- ment to thountleiKlaut". ftdnilntstrnlnr. without Ut'litJ', JU8IA1I It. Villi"., uir ,'7lirv AamluUlrutor. A PMINISTItATOU'S NOTICK. r FHTATK OF .rAl'OK k'(WTi:NllAHI!U. lIEd'n. Li tiers of adniliilslriitlou on tho eituto of .lucob Ko-Hteub.ider, lulu of l-'iuukllu twp., Columbia cuiiuly dic'd,. have beeiiuianted bvtbo KettlsU'r of buhl cotititv. to 0ui I), r.. ICoKLnnbadnr nnd Joseph 11. Jnlttlo of rrnnltlln towushlnlp. pi'iMMif iiavjn i nt nn s or uumnnus nijiiinst Iho th-endi'iit Pro requehted tomnkothem ltiiown and thuju Indebted to mnko payment, without Uchiy. f vr.X I. l4. KOSl KNHAUlUt, nrrSV't AUmlnlMtrators, A' OENTS WANTKDI Altlllll rii:i.l)U A.NOIH.I! WOiilClll -run M.' PICTORIAL wirit ovitu l,OOt) ll.I.L'STltATIIl.VS, r,(),ooo it i: r i: n i: x v i: s, A l'AMU.Y UUCOlll), una r An v a i. u o m. tiii: rirrontAi. i-'amii.y uini.i: cohhihh a storehousa of luformiilloii that ran only reach tlio inltul through Ui9 eye. Itn 11 lust rations ctury no back to tho most Important em of thoworM anil nro of themselves a comin-ehenslvo revluw of llioherh.tures.renresentlns tho most Intf rest- lugVlcws.Characters.Syiubols.UlsloiIcal Kvutits, I.aiul.scapoHceues, Antiquities, Costmiu-s, 11 easts, IHrds, Insects, l'lants, Minerals, Coins, Mulals, Inscriptions ana Incltlonts rcferrca to thiour.v out tho Hacreil Text, Theyatlraet the eye, eon ec erroneous Impressions, awaken new thoughts and furnish cleaier lews of Dlvlno Truth. As help to l'aicnts, Ministers, ami Kabbatli-schoi Teacheis In fuhlllliiBlho duties of their sepatati and high vocations utnl to all others to ulum Immortal souls aro httiustul this Hpkiidli Pictorial Voluino cannot bo ovelestlmateJ. It tho l.'dltlou Most Sultablo for llio l'mnlly, Most Valuahlo lor tho Students, Most IuUruellvo for tho Teiu her, Most Appropriate for tho Child, Most Useful for tho Minister, Most Intel est lrg for tho Palmer, Most Klegnit for tlio Parlor, Most Prolltablo for tho Study. Tin: picTO!ti.u,rAMir.Yiinsr,i:, in addition o tho features already alhnled to, contains tho Apociyplia, Concordance, Psalms lu Mclic, n uniuiary of Iho Kacred lrutlias taught by tlio nsplttd llool:, logtttifr with numerous and comprehensive Tables and other Historical and Kxplnnatory MatUr, embodying tho lauotH of many of tho most ( mincut Illbllcal scholars. It s printed ou tho lluest calendered paper, from uraii'lopm lyre, lu ono latgo nuu haiulsomo quarto volunie, ami is bound In tlio most dui able ndattractIumanner,whllo tho prices aro slll- ckntly low to plat-o It witlilu.Lvcri body's reacli. i:Xl'i:illi:N'CKl) AUUNTri nro wanted th rnugli- out tlio country for Its sale, with whom liberal rranaemcnts will ho made. An opportunity ol equal piomlso Is raiely or never presented. Its sales will not bo limited to uny period, but will continue for u lifetime, constantly increasing with tha growth and Intelllgenro of tho country. Ills lliirofbio desliablo that tlioso who engagu Willi us, shall do so with a view to making the business a permanent ono. MINISTHItTIUCnniiH.hTUDJ-.NTH.KAHM IHS.YOUNa MHN AND WOMHN-Hioso who would meet with the most prolltablo or all em ploymentsare Invited to correspond with us with a view to an agency. Not a fowhucharo now aeraging from tUto fTUUO annual prollt nltshales. 1 hero Is a great want for tho booit audarich Held ollVicd, while it will elcvatotho lrltu.il condition by constant contact with ami onvcroatlons upon Ui beautiful aud etenul luths. AGUNTH ON THU INSTALMENT PLAN will bo furnished the work In ilneblndlngs. This plan is mlto popular aud profitable lu cities and latgu owns, We have an edition of the book, supermy bound, with massive panelled sides, which has en every wheio received with maked fivor, suo- hciiptions lor tho Pictorial Hlble, lu this slj lo and In this wav. can bo obtained to nn nlnuiNt unlimited extent, as theio Is no outlay of money hat the Hiblo reader can make, which will ield him borich a return. Wo nro nUo tho rubllslicrs of roiTlHCH HTANUAUUIIUITlOKHof I'nmlly.rnliill.l'iitUi t nntl rhottiyrni'll Whirs mul Tostftinentti neat ly sou illllirc-nt slylcK so wt-ll Known ovi-ryuiu-io for lliflr nc-cumcy of tuxt, honuty uf 1I11M1 nnj ilurahllllyofhliutlni;. Alwayit nslc for I'utu-r s HtanJ.uil lWltlons, nnil Kot tho lit-st. Cilt.llotiM conlnlnlua htyk-i uud jnlocs funiWicil ou uppU- cation, For Circular cont.ilnl"K n full ilcsrrlptlou ol TlIK J'll-IOUIAI. KAMItV llllll.K, With bllllll'W i,lu-i-t, umi terms In Aleuts, aiMrcus "l'ott.i s fetiimlulil lllhlo niKl Ti'stumenl House," JOHN J. lWJUH CO., l'llhllblii-l, CI I unit 1117 Baiibom Sin . I, rilll..lDLl.rliU. lil.U- 2I'71 Sin ase:;ts I TTsatti f:r Wre Years' PW114 IUuiaiiSthoFta. Tho rcnmiluthlo lulvt-nHiKH of llio unions WIIITi: l-'llll Plimlillll WAIIIllOllllio Hut hlilii. 'Ihrllllni! uicmiiilHiii uuul lliuil, Ihtlrlurmlth Km-hix nnil Ti-illlilo I'lHiUMs itli Iho blK KtilnuMiilliostllutrluea, h,ttlUiliUM'il lions tl Iho liuhllH umi buini.llllons ot that M mini o I'lonic, 'I heir hpiiriK, I.kii.mw, UiAin. nr.vu linn- tlicv U'. niilid W 1- li. hOA l.l'.llori UK. Wiiusiiir, Ac, S'cw, l-'rikli una l'oi'Ulur. I'uii-K Low, 111. ki-lllnii by tho thousand Willi won. iicrlul lupldlly, AiicnmiioniuUlnBlioiu fjOlo 1110 per Willi. ChoUO lleld jet Mu-unt, M-nd lit tili-o .UI SUilJI'iU II" 'I' ,.l.."i" leuhitsto A. 11. llUIIIIAllD, I'ubllsliir. tleuhl juu'.rn.tr, -lUlL'hislnutht,, Hotels. ONTOUU 1IOUSK ItUPliHT, PA. WILLIAM HUTLHH, Piopiletor, ThUHoubO having been put In thoiough lepalr lit tinw ot.fii iur- Iho ititidlou of KiiibtM, ftO Milmt will be wnariHl to eiuuio thu peiiect com- foitof tho trtiM-lein. Tno Piopilclor boi eiua bhure f nubllo outionaue. The bar wi I be Mocked at all tiling Willi lino liquors audclgaru, jaur?! Patont Medicines, it i: ni i x ifi: n. A To I)ehllltatP.ircraont To HyupcptlpB, ToHulIereM from Liver Complnlnt. To thooliavlimno Appotltp, Tothoin with lirnken bomi Constltulloim, I o Nrrvous 1 VoplP, To Children Wattliifj nwny, To any with DcblittutiHl DiirRllvo Ontnn. Or utfTcrtna with anu of the futlowtnn Numniomx. which indicate IHionlcrcd I.hcr or htomaeh, BUUII iw UOII ntlpnlloM, Inward I'Jtfjs, rain cm or lUoodlotholtciid.AcM Ity of Iho Btomacli, Nnu ton, llcnrtburn, Disgust for food, Full licas or Weight In tho Htomarh.Hour Krucltatloni.SInktngor Fluttering attho IJt of tho Btotnnch.Hwhnlnliigoflhn Head, Hurried and UltllcuH Ilicathlnjr. HuttcrlnK nttliollcnrt.ChoklnaorBufrocAllMjiHcnnatlonH when In a Lying Posture, DlmneM ot Vision, otA or Vvbn before tho Bight, I'over and Hull l'uln In thu head, Deficiency of Perspiration, YellownoRi of tho Bklu nod Kyct, Pal it In thu Hide, Pack, Chest, Tdmln Ac.t Kudilen rimhes of Heat, Iturnlng In tho VIetdt, Constant ImaglnhiKHof Kvll, and Ote.tl Depression of Hplrlt. IIOOPI.AND'S (JPItMAN IltTTJItlH. A blitri without Alcohol or Hplrlt of any kind, Htwrorcnl Iiom all otht-rs. Kh composed of tho puro Julco't, or VitaTj PittNCifi.K op UooT't, IIKitiH, and llAUM, (or as medicinally termed HxtrarU.) tho worthless or Insert portions of tho Ingredients not belns used. Therefore tit ono Boltlo of this lllttern thcru la contained as much medlclnl virtue as will bo found In soveral gallons of ordinary mixtures, Tho Hoots, Ac., used In this Hitters aro grown In Germany, their vital principles extracted in that country byasclen line Chemist, and lorwarded to tlio m.uiufactoiy In this elty, whero they aro compounded and bottled. Containing no spirituous lugredlcntn, lils Hitters Is nte from tho objections unfed Kal nst all others! tioduslre fur BtlmmanU can bo Induced Iiom their use, I hey cannot mako drunk nrdst and cannot under any elrcuimtuin.es, havo any but abcneflcIaUia-ct, IlOOKr.AND'S OnitMAN TONIC, Was compounded for thoso not Inclined to ex tremo blttirs, and Is Intended for uso In eases wl.cu fcomo alcoholic stimulant Is required In connection with tho Tonto properties of tho VMtlcrs. i.uch boltlo of tho Tonic contains ono bottle of tho Hitters. combined with tuirc SANTA CUt', UtTM,and llavoie-d lu such a manner that the extreme bltterncbsof the bitters Isovercome, forming a preparation highly agreeable and pleasant to tho palate, and containing tho medl dual Urdus of the Hitters Tho price of tho Tonic Is SJ.-jJ per Dottle, which many pcisons think too high. They muBt tako Into consldcr.v tion that tlio stimulant used Is guaranteed to be of a puro oiiallty, A poor artlclo could bo iur nlshed at a cheaper pilce, but Is It not belter to pay a little moro a d havo a good artltlo? A medicinal preparation should contain nono but the best Ingredients; and they who expect to btaln a cheaper compound, and bo bcnellted by It will most certainly bo cheated. if nop t, a n n'rt aVMATAN JilTTJinUt on 1100 FLA AVJ'.V (J K It M A N fJ' () N I C, WITlt lIOOl'LANim PODOPIIYLL1N Vlhht wtr.ii cum; you. They arc tho Greatest i: i. o o i p it nin i: n s Known to the SIcdIcal world, and will eradl ralo dlse.iscs arising from Impure blood, Debility of llio DIgcstlvo Organs, or Diseased Liver, In bhoiter time than any other known remedies. Tit WltOLKSUI'llFMn COUKTOF I'KNNSYLVANI, bPt:.R poninpsn uhmicdiix Who wouhl akk for more Dignified and .Stronger 'icsiimony 7 Hon, Glokok V, Woouw AHUformcrly Chic Jus tlce of the Savrciac Ouwtcf I'vmxiylvanla, at fires- cnt Member vfCtrngnivfiom retntylvaniaturdcs: i ll 1 1. A l)l j.rniA, illicit lum, ioui. I find "Hoolland's German Hitters" Is a goo tmle, uselul lu diseases of tho dlgesllvo orgam and of git'tit bene fit In easos of debility anl want of nervous aetlon in tho syMeim Y onr, truly, Hon. Jamkh TiioMi.-;of( thief Justice of the .Vu- jirima ixtuuoj j iinvyiranut. PlIll-AlU.I.l'ltIA, April CS IfcCl I consider "Hootl md's German Hltteis" a valna bio medioino In caio of attaeks of Indlgehtlon or Dyspepsia, I can ceitlty this front my expel eneoof it. loins, with lespect, JAMP.S THOMPSON. Hon, (Ji:oiifin BlfASWoon, Justiic of the Supreme Cvmt of J'vnniylranltr, PJIILADLU'IITA, Juno 1, ISfl, I Iln e found by experience, (hat "Hootland's (iLTinan Hitters" Is avuygood tonic, icllcving dyt-ieiitle tymptoms almost dirt ell v. UHOUUi; HHAHWOOD. Hon. Wm, P. Hogers,.Vti'or of the City Ilvjfulo, -v. r. Mayor'a OlUce, Hutralo, Juno 2 PGtt. I havo nsetl "Hociland's German Hltteis and Tonic" in my family Juitng tlio pat jear,and can lecommcnd them as an excellent tonic, im paillug te-uoand lgor lo thotystcm, Thelrtuo Jins ln.cn iiioductio of dcrldftllv beneficial fllccts, WM.P. llOGlMW. Hon. JaTuesM. Wool, j;x-Maior of WiUiamyort, J'a, 1 take great pleasuie lu reeommeudlng "Iloof land's German Tonic" to any one who may bo afllicted with Dispt-pU. I had Iho 1) hpepsla to badly It was impohhiblo (o keep any food on my fclomach, aud I Li-come mj wtak as not to bo able to w all; hall a mile. Two bclth s nf Tonic i HVeted a perfect cure. JAMUSM. WOOD. ni:Mi:Miii:u IlOOi-'JiAND'S OKUMAX JU'lTKUS, A Nl JIOOl'LAXJrS OIUIMAX TO NIG Will cute every Case or MAKASIUUS, Or W'nslliiK inrnyol tho Uoily. j:i:.vi:miu:i THIT noon.ANia unitMAN m::ii:iuiw Aro tho nirdU-lnrH ynn rcqllllo tn IMulry tho juntiii, cxruo ino !oi!! i,ier in iKiuiuy ni nun, nnti In innhlo you to puts srK-ly lliruuli uny Imntbhlps or e.ioi,uri'. kh:. uooriAMi's V O 1) O V II Y I, L I N ou Hubbtlluto for Mcicury Pills. TWO PILLS A DOS 11, The most J'uivtrful, Ytt Innocent, Vegetable OiMr- UG A.iiCU7l, It Is not necessary to take a handful of thebu Pills to produeo tho debited inect; twi of them act quickly and powerfully, demising the Liver, Htomarhaud Dowels of all Imputitleh, Tho prlu clpal ingiedlentls Podophyllln.or tho Alcohollo Kxtract of Mandrake, which U by many times more powerlul, ncllng and hcarehtng than Urn Maudiake Itself, Its peculiar action Is upon the Liver, i leaning It speedily fiom all obbtructlons with oil tho power ol Mcicury, yrt fno fiom tho Injutlous itsultH nttaclifd to the nbo of that mlncial, Por all dlioasoi, In which the useofacathaiilo Is Indlrattd, thebo pills will give tntlio (atUf-ic tion in eeiy cabe. They ND Lit PAIL. In easts of Ller Complaint, DybpepMa and extiemo eosllvenibs, Dr. lloollaud's (ieimaii Hitters or Tonic bhould U) used In comiciitou with tlioPIIU. Tlio tonlet licet or thoHitlt-is or Tiulc builds up lhobblem. The Hlltt-rs or Tonic pill llles tha Hlood .htienglhens Um.MlVtn, null'- i.aik.s the Liver, audUts bltcngth, tncigy and vigor. Keep your Howels ndlvo with tluCPHU.aud tone upthotybtcm i 1 1 1 Hitters orTonlc, and no dlbcabes m retain Hie hold, or et n ithsallyou. Ittcollect that It U DIt. HOOriAND'S GP.U MAN He unities that are bo uutcrbally used and highly recommended i and do not allow tin Drugglbt to Induce 3 ou to tako aoj thing else that he may bay Is Just usond, lx canto ho makes lingo pioltt on It, 'llubo Utmedies wlllbobtnt by Hxprtbs to nny locality, upon upplleatlou to tho PHINCIPAL OPPICH, ut tho G1IH5IAN MKDIC1NKS10UH, 031 Arch fit., Phlladelphli CII.IS, .11. i:A.S? I'roiu-Ielor. Poirtierlv L M, JACKSON A CO. T'l.f.fl l,',.i-ilu-M me fur Nit! 1 train, ixtf Mt.re. irejieuaml Mulkvit ficuUiavutyuhm JalSJ'7ly CLAHK'S COLUMN.! 1S71. SF&ING-. 1871. I CliVUK hah nt:ui:ivi:i iiih bp u iff a aoous nouaiiT AT i.owiaT CASH riticix, mul will AT A KHDUCT10N ItcgnrJItis of nny Prlco I,Ut. Mltl'I'.T CltA INS nt : cent") nu.Mi I.H.M. l.ll.l in i: cnilH Mm it i,i 'l'II.V A : siim:c;i: iii:tti:ii slow SIIIM.IXU. H " A i' o 0 IN H GOODS, H J. CLARK llns opcneit NICI! rniMii hioui: HOODS AT VKllV ' I.DW l'lllUlH. NOW IN STOltl-:. 13 A It O A INS IN JI.VTl'INO UAIHT.T, l.tN'KN HltAVVI.f, NAI'KI.VS, niAi'iiit x,t:;i:.VH. TOWIUf, lIANDKr.ltl.'1111'S, iim:achi:i)jiu-)wns, iC. iC, A.V, I.OOIC AT OUIt V II 1 T 13 OOOD3, I1EU tU'ItllAUM, AND 1IOUSK FUKNISIIINO aOODS. Kl) TItOUUU: TO SHOW OO'JDH. 0H0I0E FAMILY GROCERIES, mwr is Tin: maiiki:t at vkiiv j.ow rniiT-s, TRY OUIt $1,00 SYItUP. NOI10DV ItAS HUTTKIt COITintS, Paro and Fresh. Wo can only mention a ft-w leading articles. Como and hco us and wo w 111 DO YOU GOOD. rhil;i(lcliilila Poplins a lai'o issorliuout of sh.ulcs ( SO cts. per jard. Cr.Ai:ichas ordered and will havo In fetoion. good assortment of Plrpies for Hpilng and Sum mer, ash Poi'MNS at 18 tK cr.AIlIC l.as in vtoro a line fclock of NKW CAS- IMlIltns, loselI-Dwn, Down. CLAKIC will keep at all times a full lino of GllOCr.lUHfVrr.AHat. 1.00 per lb. to tho best In market at 81,50. CALL AND HPI! a largo and well assoitcd stock of notions, hosiery, gloves umbrellas, ac. CLA11KH ALLOWS NO MISUKPIHHNTA TION OP GOODS, nor makes none when fclllngf If lie knows H, And any errois mado ho Is al ways w 111 1 11 g to ad J ut. Pancy Soap, Habbltt's best, Gl cerlne, Honey Castile, whltuand colored. You w 111 tlinl a full and large stod: of Or ntiliio TIIAITOUD CAIIl'LT CHAIN at Cl.AliK'H. Havv Laced ftirlatus at SO ni.il 73 cents pet ard. Other Ciutalns in block. In block, a good and largostock ofliUILTING cor i on. In tho lino of MU.LINd, both bleached nnd unbleached, ho oilers as largo a Mock and as wtll assortrd, and at Iho bottom rales. lUtter 1 yard wide, U cts by tho bolt ami I2J$hy llio ard, Laronla, thu s.uno as Ptult of tho Loom, Mills & Idem. Piavorl e.tracts. TUAPTOIID CAHPHT CHAIN, tho lest In maikct, at So cts. per Il. by weljht, Cr,AitK luw rcculvcil ntiutliur lot ol ailing 1'ullsli ami Cungrcbi (Jailcrrf at 2 a pair for Intliua. Cull mul ?co tlii'in. Justii(lr,n full ni-soiliuci.t ol rrench 10 Uouo 'OUSlUHlltTU cents. CIiAltK will recclvo n 'rtrgo stock of Ladies' HprlliB felt KKiltTSor t' o Intcht sljloand p.it teins, ri.AltlC has neclvcd another New Blylo of DltUSr! G()OI)',. CfiAItlC has ueelvfdn largo sloclc of l'OCKllT KXlVtH lor Ijidlis nnd aeuts.liicllnllug tho old lirlow, CfiAltic lieoiw tlin Inrcosl sloclc of uarpcta in town, uoin -iu cts to i,7Jiicr j.uu. . You wilt find a lull hloik of DHPKy GOODS In beahon, hiuh as Alapaka, PoplliiN, plaids, 'ergow lu plaids and htiipes. A large lluo of Looking GIaib. A fullsttH-k of WHll'H GOOPHou hand, IUISIl POPLINS, Silk Poplins, of all colors. Hllk Dlmdi-eb Uobis. CLAU1C hellsa ialr Gum Tea nt io cfutsner Ono of Ice bcht and Urgei-t btocks of black and bltlped ALPACAH In town. Xoav 111 stolon laruo Htodc of Hoop Mlllts, Missis' Skills V." tt., I.ndhs' II mils tn (100, TO lif.MH Clail; ollus u lull llnoof tho M rs- best and most lashlnnublo sloclc of I'nper Collars .of.uir, Lluiuhiciil, Aliaus-peaic, Jioz, uud ioyu- (-ills LAllU S' OOOIJ HUM! at 13 lis., IHiils' lu lllsh uoso nt 25 els., nnd upvtarus. l-'orn laifto and line lusnilineul of XfckTIos, ciieaji, t-uii at ij,.!U.i CI.A1IK nir.is tn lliol'AIIMr.r.S li full stock of llooits whlih ho will loll tin m for pinduco as low us lor the tush, Cull and sio lor out .eh. C'LAJtii- bcllii tv licivy ono yitnl will staiuluril muslin nt 12 cents by tlio bolt or 12 cents by tlio yanl. j llloombbing, March 17, lJ7llf, Miocellancoua, THE SCHOOL Mfiro Inri-elv ntrrllr.etl bv YnmiB Men tllilll nnv oihtr for a lliinllirn or Arwltm o Ilitucntloii il lldKttnnn I'ollcKn, l'Dt.u.ikcftiilc, N. V. It U tho iitilc.t, tf,mo.t rcaionabtt fi-acitetit Hcliool 111 t.hfl llnlli d makS. filiil tho nnlv nnu rirovlillnir Altiintiotin fur (ImdunUH. ltclcr lu lulrous lu every Htnio. AdJross II. o, i;aht.maw, i.i..h,. rreiiient. Fi)I.l.Ti.tvHiiiiitfj .si:.iii..tit, IOLMI)AYHIlUltt, I'A, JlUJOlMINUTON (LliU) WUltSKItY. 1'Jth Year. (JO) Acres, I'tOrceiihoufos, hargest Assortment all sires, HestHtnckl Xow Prices I would yon know wnai, wnen. now lot'janti rrull. Hhnde. Uversreeii Trees, Hoot Grafts, Hetdllnc, Osago I'lant. Applo Htod, Karly Itoso Potatoo, Khrubs, ltoses, (ireeliliousoaud (ianlcn l'latitn. .If.- a i. 1'r.nu'Ktt ash rtiittzTXtti.v. HEPnsI Pluest, lltnt Colleettoil HortH nnd qtiaN iiy. nim iu rerun mr rew, iiiuimitu, io scrlptivo Catalogue !H pages, Hend stamp, each, UI pavfsj HeddlnifatHHlarden Plants yj pages, nnd Wholi'siilfl Prleo 1,1st 21 pngw, Address V. K, PlHDNIX.llIoomlngtoii, Illinois. fur 10 Vf nrn. nnd i rni-nil Iti (linnu. nnds of cacs eapuble of curing all jmascH or itio ihrojt and Jjiingsi performing many rctoarkablo cures, ineilts a trial Irutii all who nro sif lorlng Horn similar nnvrtlons nnd aluly steltlng lellof. Will ou lot Tab. LUl,lIha lfij. rfiudico prcent jnti tunn being cured also, 'finirlii nnrl CnldS. ThO DrilS'llstS snv It riirri4 thwn nil. AHthma 'l ho rellei utnl rm es of it are marvelous. Kronehltls. hvtry suihTcr will tlud relief and cute, 'lluoat AllinenU requlro only a few does. l.uug Difctast-H. iins cuifii i-woi pronouncoa Ineuraolo. Debility. It renoMileH an 1 Invlgir- ttli s the fysltm. Ltvcr Complaint, Met ctltc- ii vo icguiHior vi i ins iuiiu Biiuusiu. ui healthv action on tho stomach euro It, Amie iier His healtn L'lvlnc aud oDDclltc-reslorlui; urinary ejrgaus.ACiiou ouiutiu lain r&euani medlelal aualltles of Tar, combined with vegeta ble Ingredients ot undoubted value, which make it miAiirnased. not onlv for tho connlaliits enumerated, but It luptdly restore-s exhausted htrengili, (Uanses llio Moiflucb, relaxes the J.tvcr mul pulM them to work, causes 1 he luod to ellgcbt, uud niHkes pure blood, und begets a vivacity ap attlicted In uny way, wo know If you try tho life giving loulo propeiLiei ot Dr, Crook'H -Wine of jar, vi wm nun )nr lUMiiiiuuy iu 11.1 greni. vatim lu corr.JClliu any "Ills teat th-Rh Is heir lo. Pienartd onlv bv OIjIV1:k CP-OOIi &. to. Huld by Druggists tvery whero. 11a Li, A Poutei:, J uncii mi . ii j , jiiiim, nuiu'inu nts. Por Herofnla, hciofulous Turners, Fcrotulotis lilsfUEes of llio llyfx, or Heiorula In any form, Hiiemoalism, lrscaws of tho Jlvcr, DUeas.cs of the Hkln, Kcald Head, Ulcers, nnd old Bores, or any disease depending on a depraved condition of tho blooj,tio Dr. Crook a Compound Hyrupot Puke ltoot. It Is oin bined with Iho best tonic preparations of Iron k noun, and Istholicst Alteiatlvo and Illool Par lfltrmnde, cleanse jour Hlood, 'Iry (jin boil lc. Hold Ity daiBglsts. Pre paiedonlyby OhlVKlt UltOOK COj, () HUM 'imi ui:i lHtun i'ovi)i:it.-u U nnd iu lucks. Red Horse lrade Mam.) jfivt.ri curtdttf aiundtrs." Arou Huydirs, U. K, AH-utant AsHt'8or, Mount lltua, l'a.,C. Paeou J,Hery nnd Dxehango HUbln, Hunbury, Penn, Jtorsca cured of 'oioidtr, v If it Wllhelm's, DanvPlo.Pii.. A, PUIh'h, Merehant, Washington vllle. Pa., J. NIco Hlcanaktt's, Jersey Hnore, Pa. Jlomc citrtd of Luna J'ttcT. Hews A. Pro's. I.cwlfburir, Pa. Itorxe cured of CUte, 'i nomas Cll ngran's, C n Ion Co., Pa. Jhyt cured of cholera. II. Han's, 11. A A, Cadwaliadf r'. Milton, l'a r. m .iwiziif. M'f:ii'crv. J. H. M'Cfirmick's. Milton, P. tlncUm cured of cholera and ey;. Dr. D. T. KifbH', Watsontown, Pa., Dr. U. Q. DnvN.C. W.Htrleker. John and James Plnneys Milton, Pa. 31uudiels more rooie could libelled whoso stork was fcaved by using tho lied Hurou Powdfr prepared ny I'xuus mwVi urugi"i. Chemist nnd Dorfccman, at his Wholesale and HetallDrugand Chemical Dmporlum, Broadway, Milton, l'A., to whom ttU orUera snouU be ad dressed, ti We will insert rn ftdvcrllscmcnt ONi: MONTH In Ono Hundred and ITfty-ilva I'iist'iUss PHNN.SYLVANIA NHWMPAPIIP.H, Including Klevcn Dallies. We icfer to tho p'iblMier of this paper, to v. horn, our tcbponslbilltj is utll known, LIST HUNT J-KKE. Address OHO. P. POWELL d CO., Adfitlslng Agents, Xos. -10 & H Park How, New Yoilc. I 1 On' tTHll TDK "VPGKTAHLU 1 prA 'llio old standaid rt-tm-dv for Coughs, Colus.Con bumntion. "A'oitaj bitUr," Ct'XLLU Hues. Co., llosioij. "TUAUlTANT, SAPpiiIENE ! CleaiiH Kid Uion and all klii'U oi ChHIi- aud i cioihlng; rimocs Paint, Greebe, Tar, A.c, instantly, without iho lciut injury to thy ilnesi fabric. Sold bv DruggUts and Pacey Goods Dealeis. 1 UAGUANT rtAPOLlHNH c o ,s:i Par clay ht.. New Yoik, -Hi L-i Hal.e Ht.. Clilcaao. C'M A IJaSTX'OII ALL with bteuclt TwjU, $L) Address , A. lyuitAiiAM. Hirlngilelii, Vt. " Huy fho ip!c I'iri r7jrcr nnil sH erPr Ice Si. i'). r'V n w A-M (In J 1 1 Hois" und Cur:iiu' LirnMi cd. Hxpcnespald. ll.Huaw, Altryd.Mc. Audits ! Ixciul This ! WILL PAY ACIEXTS" A SALARY ' OV tt'J' I'lHl WK11K nnil i:viii-uiit:fl, or allow a inrse comniKsion to bt-il our new aud woudpnul Invfiitloiib. Address M. WAUNPH & MatMi.'Ul, ,M lell. CUT THIS OUT ! And tend Twenly-ilvo Cents for a Ticket and draw a sVateh. Hewing Mncijlna, Piano, or homo nriiete ot vaun. oi:un; Hlx f it-Oim Dollar. Adtirtb-i i.e;K.i i. e;u., Clueluu.UI, Ohio. Tatcntcd Dki rrinita 7TI1, 1869. OUR CULLURATCI) GOLDEN FOUNTAIN PEN. omlil, lis lIHtll It lO lll lIlU lC-l 14 1 ll III th Ik I Pi 1 111 it ' rpin Hi)' lhi Willi OH I 'I'll Ol I II 1.1 t. Ill Willi H.1- Immih. f.r Itil- l.l ONIA lt Vlit.N'l'S 'Crtft in itpwn rrnU , 2 T 1.1 pic llOtUL il.OU t lAtltC J.OU. WUSTCUN ?UKUSIHN0 CO. Manutn-turers Aconts, Pittsburgh, Ta. l-fim lin it'll I" iiiiiiir iriiiimiuiin tii "' K, P PIOP (I IIH1II t 1.IIV V I II V KI.II111I1U 11 V T i N ri.NHsulilljy IliUt uini'Uii, In rl- - tluix lor I'env t'lvii uur Nuint. 1 imn. (.uuiitl, f-tutf, i.Uinh wriUtu, tkttl vrtltr will mtut v villi lirumpt ultvuuuu. jan W71 ly OfflM cf J. 2. D53ril?S, 420 North Elahth St., Phllacln. VEGETABLEfiMTl A color anil clrc.-ing that will not burn tuo hair or iujuro tho head. It cloos not produeo a color mochauically, aa tho poisonous preparations do. It gradually restores tho hair to its original color and lustre, by supplying now lifo and vigor. It causes n luxuriant growth of soft, lino hair. 'Tho host and safest nrticlo over ollbrod. Clean and Puro. No sediment. Sold everywhere. ASK FOR DOBBINS'. luivIPTO-fm, gLOOM F15HUY. 1 lift lllnnni Vonv rnmnnnv lins Inn) 11k lints and boats thoroughly iftdi(-d uud h now 111 letvllness to iln all iibiml foiiviiiu ni xny icutton- jilih hour, 'iho under.sltfiHHl Mill bo hi nllen- iiancc at any timo lo wall upon u-mmcr niwii, apr -i 1 1 ty i 'i i i ii, iujv,jvi Q 1. A UK . JH I.ILl I I-li UN M W 111 1 KJKII A ni:w HiH.'i; or .' i r: i (; ; o o s I CAM, AND HUU. ill ll,l7i. INK IMC!! JNK!!! Ity ruMru (Ithr's Cdtbialid Ink povdns, uu can in. ho imc lor Ivh tbau hall vho inuii . iiii d la r sui'c) lor lo niii ihli t; 1 1 In inc. Will net (iroelu tiHl penw, Pi u King Wit 1 ot Injuic. hiUHi to putkago hiilUcltnt lur oio pint ol tide will bo nut bj jetuiii iiiuil to nny ino htiidlUtf lw(iityUu cents lo M. W, Pi-H, llox 1S1, apr 1171 Sm ll o- n kbuiy, Pn, OF THE Y AG El JUSTICK'S UIjANK. 'o now 1 avo on band a lar(;o nfailv prink) iit-hoitnii-ut nf JPhl'e i. H and tONsrAlUdi ,PLA.NKH,lu MhUh luMlo tho ttlteidlou of Ihcso OllU-tlM, Patont Medicines. TTKSHY T. HKLMUOIiU. COMPOUND P I U I 1) J'XTItACT CATAWflA O It A 1 Vj V I 1h B Otmponent 7Mr 21uiJ llttract JUwbarb and 1 tuUt "traH Qttau la (rape m Jitter, roil MVKIt COMPDAINTrf, JAUNDU i:, IOUH APi'HCTIONH, HWK OH ALU Vol J Hi:ADACl!n,COiTlVRNKS3, l:ir, PPIti:i,Y VnOHTAHMJ, CONTAINING NOilHUCntY minhuai.s ou Dn.Kreiiioua duugh. Thcsj Pills aro tho mist dcPtfhtfuliy pie i.iiit purgfttlvo, supermllng easlor oil, suits, nm -ueiIa, He, Thero Is liothliig tnoro ni'ceptable to tho stomach. They tlvo tone, and chum- neither nausea nor griping i'liitis. Thy ato compo.ed of tholnciMrtirrtiJtcrt. After a few days' Umi them, such nit ittvlgoratloit oflhoGiillro sy.st u lakes place as tonppear tnlraeulous to the w and enervated, whether arising from inn.fti denco or disease, H.T. Melmbold's Compound KluldHxtractCatawbaOrapoPlllsnionoti-14 r coated, from the fact that sugar coated Pui .ibi not d Isolvo, but pass througb tho stomach wlLhou t dissolving, consequently do not produco the tie sirodcllect. Till! CATAWHA UUAPJ: PILM being pluasautlti tasloand odor, do not nece-isl Ute their being sucn-eaitej. PltlCH I'll-TY cnMTd rr.u nox. iwxn v u jiicuijourx. 4 XIimiLY CONCENTnATBH CoMl'Ol'M PLUII) i;XTltA0T SAttSAPAltlM.A Will radically cxUrmluato from the tttui BcrofuIa,8yphllIs, reverSores.Ulceisori i Hore T,agn, Horo Mouth, Koro Head, Hroiichiti , Hkln Dlstasef, t?alt Hhcnm, Umkfers, Hunnu.g from the Kar, Whllo Swellings, Tumors, c. iii cerous Atreei Ions, Nodes, HIckets,Olandnr n lugs, Jlght Hwuats, Hash, Tetter, Hnmois ol a Kinds, chronic Hheuniatlsm, Dyspej-daf and al dlsrto that has been intabUshtd in the bjstcta tor jui rs. Heh-gprep.uedP.XPnHiHrA fo;Mht,aho ' om p.alms, its liliJOD-PUHIKYINU propria lea nro gri-atof tlun any other preparation ot s rsapi rilla. It glvei tho COMPIdlXION n c ar and bualthy cotor nnd restores the rnllent to a statu oi HKALTH ami PUKItT. for Parking tho Hlood, removing nil Chronic Constitutional Dls eahes arlslrg from an impure itato of tho blood, Aud the only reliable and ciroetuat known reme dy ior tho cure of Pal tin tuid Hwclllngs ol tho Hones, Ulcerations of the Throat and Is gs, Hlotchcs, t'lmples ou tho Pac Hryfelpelas and all frcaly Hrupllousof theNkln,nud Heautlf mg the Complexion. Price', 9 1 GO per Dottle. ...,.... ... .,.. Mtfcj ilENHY T. lIKIjjnJOLU'rf CON c i;nt KATKD Fh UID KXTllA GTJ1 UCU U THU ORK.VT DIUUUTIC, has cuicd every caso of Diabetes lu which It has been given, Irritation of tho becli of thullladder and IulUmmatlou of tlio Kidneys, Ulceration of the Klduytt and IJIaddcr, Iteteiitlou of Urlno Diseases of tho Prostate Gland. Htono lu the Blad der, Calculs, Gravel, lirltkdusi Depotlt, aud SIucous or Milky DtichargeH, and for linfcehled und Dcllcato Uoiiitltutlous of holh yeie.-s atten ded with tho following symptoms: Iuuisposl tlon to K.crtlon, lossol Power, loss of .Memory, Pilllculty of Pieathlnt;, NVeak crves, Treui blluy, Horror of Dl&ease, "VttkcfulueH, Dimness of VUlon, Puln lu tho Pock, Hot Hands, l'lu&h lua of tho Pody, Prynesa ot tho Hltlu, r.ruitlou ou tho l'aeu, Pnllld Countenance, Universal LaltuJo of tho Muscular Sym, etc. Uhed by ier&ous lroai ilo ayes of eighteen to twenty-Uve, and iiom thlrtytlo to lltty-dvo 01 In tho deellno or ehungu of life; alter coulluo meutor labor pains; bed-wetting In chlUruu. Ilelinbold'n P.itract lincbu U Dlurellc aud Illood-PurllyluK, and cured all dl-uasri mlslng from Habits of Dlbilpatlon, and KxtfumK ami ImpiudcnccH lu l.lfe, Impuiltlei of tho Plood, etc., bupersedlug Copabla In atluctlons f r which It is lucd, and byphllltlc Airectlons in thefco dienscs nhtd 1m -connection with liPLilPOIjU'S nom; wahh. In many nirccttons iccullar to ladle, tho Kx tract Uuchu Is unequalled by any other remedy ai ii Chlorosis or Uetenllon, Irregularity, Pam fulntBS or buppreslou of Cu-doinary 1 .vacua lions, Ulcerated or Scldmis SUto of tho Pleii-, Leuconhccn or WiItcs,Btcrlllty,andforall com plaints Incident to the sex, whether arising fiom Indiscretion or Habits of Dissipation. It is pro tcilLed extensively by the most eminent p)i si lans and Mldwlvei for Pnleebled and Dcllcato ContltutloiiH, of both fcoxes ami all ages (atten ded with any ol the above diseases or ty in pt mm. 11. T. IIKLMIIOLD'S PXTltACr PUCIIU ( VlUsH DISHASlJ AUISIXG PUOM IMPIIL- DP.N'Ci;, IIAPITS OP PIS.SIPATIOX, LTC, In all their stag, at little cspenso, llttlo or no clungo in diet, no Inconvenience, nnd no ex poMire. It causes a frequent desire, ami gives strength to Urinate, thereby removing Obstruc tions Preventing and Curing Ptrlcturei of tho I'utl.a, Allajlng Pain and Inflammation, so fit queu t In this class of OlfccafiCS, nnd expelling all Poisonous matter. Thousands who havo been the victims of in competent persons, and vho havo paid heavy fees to bo cured lu iv&hort lime, havo found llu-y havo been deceived, and that tho "Poison" has, by tlio uso of "powerful astringents' been dried up in the fytdein, to break out In a moro aggra vated form, and i cihaps after Marriage. UsoIlPLMPOLDH lZXTUACT UUCHU for all Affections aud DUcasis of tho Urinary Organs, (whether existing In Malo or Pemale, from what ever causo originating, ami no matter of how long standing. PHICII ONE POLL A It AND PIPTV CUNTS PPIl uottw:. IIENIIY T, IIKLMliOLD'S UI-. PKOVKU ItOSK YASIi cannot bo surpassed a n FACII "WAHII.and w." Lo louud tlio only fcpeelfic remedy In v hi evica of CUTANP.OUH Ai'PKCTION. It t dlly eradicates P1MPLP.H, bPOTS, hl'OKPl. -I DUVNP.&.M, JNLUIlATlONBof thoCUTANI T ' Mi:MHPANi;,etc dispels ltKDNlXS and IN CIPIP.Nr INPLAMATIOX, IIIVi:-, H,. tt. MOTH PATCH KH, DllYNPS OP BCAU' O . 8KlNPUOrtTltlTi:s,iuidnltrurposesfGw , BAIA'Ka or OINTMENTS aro used; restore-, n u bUlu to a stuto tf purlly and toftness, aud i il eum continued healthy action to tho tissue cf lis vesselR, on whieh depend iho agrecablo clear ncssaud ivaelty ot complexion bo mu h bou Tjt aud admiied. Put hov.eer valuuMo n remedy for exlstln;: defects of tho fcUiu, Ti T Iltlmbold's Poso AVah has long sustain d it lrlnclplo claim to unbounded patronp';t t pouicbslng quuluits which lender It u TvJ.i T APPi;.MAUi; of tho most Buptrt.mo uud Co u gen la 1 cliuriiete-r, combluln in an clt(;ant I formula thof-o prominent uqulslts.HAl-XTY and PPl'ICACY llio Invariable accompaniment of Us ute as n PrcbervatUo and lleitebher of tho Complexion, Ills an excellent Lotion for dU cascb of u hyphtlUicNatuic, audits an lujcitluii ior dhwaMsn oi the I'Unary Orgaus.uthinii .i.i -n habits oi li.-.iuitU'n, ud in connection Mlu tho PXTPACIH UUCHU.HAIWAPA 1111.1,11 al CATAWPA OUAVi; PIM.S.In buch disci i , , .Miiimendcd, cannot bo surpassed. PHU U unp doll au ipu porru Pull rwul explicit dlicctlous nccomnnaiy Ibi1 mtdlelntw. i.viuiuto or the mm icronMble and ictt v cliaiailer fuiulKl'td ou m i.IlailUm, with bu iliedit of tUousands of liMng witnesses, nnd up ward of ro.ooo unsolicited ccillfleatesnud recon ine ndatoiy lettct-, many ot which nro from Ihv hiuliefit fcourctH, Including eminent Phjth li-n Ck'itf men, Htuli-nneu, vie, Tho pioptlUor 1 h never Usui ud to their publication in tho m npcrH ; ho i:o. m not do this Horn tho fact l I litsaiiicUsrank ns Kiaudaid Purnrattoiis.mul do not net d tube rrped up by ceiUllcatCR. irinrj T. lIcIiuIioltl'N Ccnuliu rrciuualloiiN, PiJImuU lo uny ncdrtss, nctuio ficm ot i vat ton, Kstablinhcd w winds of twenty years, fcjol Di'iigglsts ocrj vheii'. Address loiters for lormatloii, in toLlldtrco lo HPNUY T. Ill I M P0U Drufgibti-nd ihtmUt Only Depots: 11. T, HP.I.MPOLD'S Drug m il ClumWnl Wiuthoiife, No, 681 llrcadwny, ltw Yoik.oriu II, T, 111 PMLOI.D'8 Mtdicul D(Ot 101 Houth 'limli Htui 1, Philadelphia, Pn. PI WAI1P OP tOVNTPUITdTPIiS, AbU trr 111 NUY T. HI 1 W1H I.D'H TAKh No t'llllll