THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Sfhc (ifoiumlrinn. 1JLOOMSBUKO, PA. I'll I DAY MOUNINd, MAY B, 1S71. Thk speech of Cntit. UltocKWAY, printed nt length In tho Columbian to tiny, H ft romprehcnslvostntcinent of tlio hwo of tlio coal miners uRnlnst tho rail wny companies, nnd will glvo a clear limlcrstnmlltiK of tlio stiliject mnttcr nt Imiio between them. lien. Sherman on tho KuKliit, Tho General of tho Army Is at present on n visit of Inspection to tho south nnd tho western frontier. Arriving tho other day In Now Orleans, ho was ten. dored n reception by tho American Union Club of that city, nn association professedly non-political but composed ul most cnltroly of radical politicians. Tho General accepted tho Invitation of tho club mid tho reception camo on with tho usual display of pyrotechnics, oratory, etc. Aftcrn number of toasts had been given nnd responded to, thcro wcro cries of "SiiekmanI" "Sheiv man I" and tho general begged to bo ex cuscd from speaking, but tho clamor ol tho enthusiastic members of tho "Amor lean Union Club" could "not bo silenced. Tho distinguished but taciturn guest was obliged to speak, nnd ho did speak in tho following manner: "I bcllcvo this government will keep on growing until It spreads Itself over thocntlro American continent; but In order to gain tills much desired end, and to maintain ourselves as n frco nnd Independent republic, wo havo got to show ourselves chnrltablo towards each other. It has been remarked by somo gentleman who has preceded mo that It was generally conceded by tho soldiers of both armies nt tho ctoso of tho Into civil war, that If tho questions and nil matters or tho settlement of tho differ ences between tho north nnd south wcro loR to tho armies, It would bo scttlcdat once, and everything would become lulet and orderly. 1 so bcllovcd ; and beforo signing the agreement with Gen Joe Johnston, I called together nil tho generals under my command, nnd without n dissenting volco they agreed with mo. I bcllovcd they surrendered In good faith, and would havo lived up to tho very letter of tho agreement; nnd, In my opinion, If thero had been no reconstruction acta of Congress, and the nrmy been left nt the tlmo to settle nil tho questions of difference between tho different sections of tho country, tho peoplo would havo at onco becomo iulet and peaceable. I probably havo us good means of Information as most persons In regard to what Is called tlio Ku'lclux, and nm perfectly satisfied that tho thing Is greatly over-estimated; and If tho Ku-klux bills wero kept out of Congress, and tho army kept nt their legitimate duties, thcro aro enough good and truo men in all southern states to put down all Ku-klux or other bands of marauders." Tho British Treaty. Tlio U. S. Senate Is to meet on tho 10th Instant to consider tho British treaty. Tho following is given In tho press despatches as n synopsis of tho terms of tho treaty. If tho United Slates cscapo tho tom-foolery about tho "Ala bama" claims" without heavy loss, tho peoplo may congratulato themselves : Several of tho American commission ers havo Informed soma of tho senators who aro to Uko a prominent part In tho uenaio on mo lorincoming treaty be tween Great Britain nnd tho United States of tho main points of settlement. It appears that tho navltratlon of tho St. Lawrenco river and Canadian canal Is settled outright favorabio to tho United oiaics. Tho fishery nuestlon is settled, with tho proviso that tho United States is to pay Canada n certain nmountof money iur usiimg jirivnegcs. Tho San Juan boundary question is to uu ruierreu 10 nn nrmtraior, wnoso UO' clsion. our commissioners believe, can. not fall to bo In favor of tho United states. Tho Alabama claims aro not settled ausoiuteiy. Tlio only principles upon which they aro to bo adjudicated here after by tho commissioners aro agreed upon. Tho principles aro regarded as very liberal towards tho United States. Thu last clauso of tho treaty, which will provoke opposition, is tho manner In which our government admits thovn lidity of tho claims against tho United States held by Englishmen. These Claims nro to Pi) heforn a Rprmrnln mm. mission to bo audited. American claims against Great Hrltnln aro also to bo auuuca by a tcparato commission. A prominent senator, who has or, nuiined the whole subject closely, states ma. iiiu jingiisu claims wnicn nro put forward by tho British Government as nn offset to our claims will reach from thirty to flftv millions, anil will fur exceed nil that has been claimed by us for damages out of Ihn ilnnrpilnMrma nf tho rebel cruisers. Ho says If wo get off wuiiuut paying n largo sum out of our treasury no win uo surprised. Tin: Legislature Is now In harmon ious worklug order, and bills are being passed at a rapid rato. Another lock had occurred, but Gov. Geaiiy having promised to sign tho apportionment bill, tho machinery was again get In motion nnd Is now working nt railroad speed, Wo would havo preferred to havo seen tho apportionment bill VO' toed, In tho hopo that Its Imperfections would bo corrected. Tho nolso of tho Radicals about nil legislation being stopped would havo dono no Injury. Wo beliovo tho peoplo would bo highly gratified If thoy could bo assured that thcro would bo no fur ther legislation. They nro moro fearful that they will get too much of It than not enough. The Legislature of Connecticut was to meet on Wednesday, and It will probably soon bo officially determined who Is elected Governor. Although tho Democratic camlhlato has n considerable majority over his Kadlcal opponent for Governor In New Hampshire, thero nro scattering votes enough to defent him, tho laws of that Stato requiring a majority of tlio wholo number of votes to elect. Tho election now devolves on tho Legislature, In which tho.Itadlcals claim a majority of thrco. It Is hoped tho Democracy of tho so ver nl election districts of thocountywlll not forget tho dclegato elections on tho 10th Inst. Although tho Convention that Is to nsscmblo will havo llttlo or no other business than to appoint delegates to tho Stato Convention and elect district conferees, theso mattors aro of uulllclent Importanco to rccelvo attention and a full convention is always encouraging. Bo euro to bend delegates from ovcry district. Tlio Coal TruttMos. Tho Wllkellarro Coal and Iron company nnd their miners havo eomo to ternn and tho men havo ngrccd to go to work. This company Is one of tlio InrgeH shippers of coal, being exceeded only by tho tlireo companies operating nt Scrnnton. Sovcrnl collieries In tho IiUzerno nnd Schuylkill regions nro re ported In operation. Further efforts nt compromise couttnuo nnd It N hoped may soon prove successful. Many of tho miners nro reported going west. 1'itropcAii Sens. No material clmngo has yet resulted In French nffalrs, yet It Is claimed that tlio government troops constantly ob tain additional ndvnntngos over tho In surgents. Tho fighting has been vigor ous and destructive, ami tho probability is that tho city of Paris Is sustaining moro injury from it than It did from tlio Qer mans. Tho latter havo notified tho French that if they do not soon put down disorder tlio Prussians will do It for them. As they hnvo 200,000 men still around Paris nnd havo possession of sovcrnl of tho strongest forts, they can no doubt mnko their threat good whenover they sco proper. IC;nl Tender. A year or moro ago tho Supremo Court decided tho act of Congress making greenbacks n legal tender for contracts mado beforo Its passago to bo unconstl tutlonal. Flvo Judges concurred In this decision nnd two opposed It, Slnco then two now Judges hnvo been ndded to tho number. Theso wcro said nt tho tlmo to bo pledged to reverse this do clsion nnd that this was mado n con dltlon of their appointment. Both, too. nro said to bo pecuniarily Interested lu tho decision. Recently tho Court again opened tho question, nnd n decision has been given sustaining thu constitution ality of tho net, by flvo to four. Chief Justlco Chase, tlio author of tho green back net Is of tho latter. In commenting on tho conduct of tiio now Judges, tho N. Y. 7W4iiesnys: Tho most serious oblcction to tho action of JustlcesSlrong and Bradley of uiu u. a. supremo uourr, in mo late i.egai Tenner case, is mat tncy over turned nnd brought Into contempt n recent very careful decision of their own Court, by rullnc. with llttlo area incut nnd in unusual haste, on thosfdo on which they had but n short tlmo lioforo been paid ndvocates. The rhtla dehihia Innulrcr assures us that .Iii9tlcn Strong divested himself absolutely of ins rnnroau interests ncioro laicinir ins seat on tho bench, and says that homo- tiling in jie jrioune onco convoyed n conttnrv impression. Wo tako pleasure. inerciore, in giving promineneo to The Inquirer's statement ; but must bo per mitted to ndd Hint It docs not touch tho point or our complaint. It was nn essen tlallv lintirnnor thlm? that rt recent nnd earnest paid ndvocato or tlio constitu tionality of tho Legal Tender lawshould tako his seat upon tho Supremo Bench to decldo It constitutional. Let him bo puto as snow, ho ennnot, for this, cscapo condemnation. It is n decision In tho Inleroats of tho great railroad compa nies, nnd It has been reached through the instrumentality of their former paid advocates nnd stockholders now on tho bench. Tho first conclusion of tho Court has been hastily reversed, but it will not uoas easy torestoro ino public ro spect and revcrenco for tho tribunal wnicn tins decision lias sacrificed. Tho Ku Klux Falsehoods. It Is a fact that all tho demonstrations of tho Radicals about Ku Klux nro mero fustian, gotten up solely for po litical effect, to turn tho heads of Ignor ant and mush-headed peoplo In tho North who nro simplo enough to beliovo them, nnd of this wo havo presented frequent proof. In nddltion wo noy gi vo mo loliowmg from mo jn. Y. 'frlbunc. Tlio North Carolina counties named In tho letter quoted, aro thoso In which tho Ku Klux wero said to bo most ram- pant,and In which martial law was pro claimed by tho Impeached radical Gov ernor of North Carolinia. It will bo seen that tho denial comes from men who live In tho locality, and who belong to both political parties men who volun tarlly camo forward to do justlco to their neighbors und who submcrgo every other consideration to tlio inter ests of truth. From tho N. V. Tribune of May 1, 1ST1. KU-KLUX NO J1A11 TO NOHTHEIIN SET TI.EItS. To the lihtor of The Tribune: Sin,: Wo havo noticed recently a great many publications in your paperconccrn ing outrages committed by Ku-Klux In tho Southern States. Wo know noth ing of tho truth or falsity of theso char ges, and shall not undertako their ro I utatlpn except so Tarns they may ho understood to apply to tho whole South. Tho undersigned, all Northern men by birth nnd education, have, slncn tho war, purchased homes and settled, somo in Pittsylvania County, Virginia, nnd others in CaewellSand llockliieiinm Counties, North Carolina, nnd many of us ru iii'iiuuucaus aim reguinr reaucrs of and subscribers to tho Tribune. Wo havo reason to beliovo that a largo num ber of our Northern friends earnestly do tiro to emigrnto to tho South, supply themselves with cheap lands, nnd enjoy tills charming climato ; and wo fear that they may bodeterred from dolngeo by tho publications to which wo havo re ferred. It Is for this reason wo request tho Insertion of this letter In your pa per, In tho hojio that such other papers in tlio North us dcslro to do Justlco to every portion of tlio country will glvo It circulation, Wo can say in truth that not only persons nnd property nro wfo In tlio fccctlons of Virglnn and North Carolinia In which wo reside, but that wo iiuver lived lu a moro orderly or law-abiding community. Wo havo been kind y received by thu cntiro people : our iutercourso with them has been In all respects as agreeable ns wo could hnvo desired. Wo havo been no disposi tion to mistrust or oven sllirht us on ac count of our politics on tho contrary wo havo uniformly been treated with civility nnd respect by every one with whom wo havo eomo In contact. It is but nn net of Justlco to ourselves nnd to tho peoplo living In tho States ot our ndoption that wo should bay what wo havo said, nnd wo trust that you will glvo It a place In your paper. James Robinson, Canada; Rev. John Brunch, Tioga Co., N. Y.t A. G. New ell, Tioga Co.. N. Y.; S. L. Hitchcock, Brown Co,, N. Y.; Fred W. Hitchcock, Brown Co., N. Y.; J. F. Councilman, Tioga Co., N. Y.j Austin II. Prentice, Tioga Co., N. Y.j Jiiines Hutchinson, Pcnn.j John Hutchinson, Ponn.; Wm. . ijuvib, inuiana uo,, I'cnn.; it, ts, avls, Indiana Co., Pcnn., C. Hlnklev, .Steuben Co., N. Y.; II. Hlngloy; H. 11. Stephen, Steuben Co.. N. Y.; Chas. II. Rodgcrs, Wnvcrly, Tioga Co., N. Y.t JamcHOgdcn, Pcnn.; William Lander, Steuben Co., N. Y.j Jonathan Bltuer, Westmorehuid.Penn.; W.P. Snauldlng, Michigan. New York, April 27, 1871. An exchnngo snys, that tho President Is consolidating tho Departments Into on Institution to bo known as tho Asylum for Repudiated Mtfmbers of tho Forty first Congress nnd other Political Pnu. pcrs. The bill forbidding tho saloorglvlng nwny of Intoxicating drlnks'rt elections has been signed by Gov. Genry, iiod Is therefore a law. (, Duller k Co. Somo of-our Radical contemporaries hnvo been forced by tho recent nlllnnco of Ghant nnd to endenvor to sustnln tho latter. Tho Now York 7W6iinr, however, will not consent to this. It says of hlra I "As to Mr. But. i,KK, If thero Is anything remaining of him oftcr tho sanguinary row ho pro yoked, wo may safely lcavo It to bo dealt with by his Ynnkco fellow-clti r.ens, who will certainly object lo being represented by n mnn who has not HI crctlon enough lo keep out of quarrels, nor pluck enough to carry them through." Gn ant, who had expressed, In his official report, his contempt for tho "bottled up" horo of Bermuda Hundreds, was tempted, by BUTi.r.n'u boasted smartness, to tako him Into po litical partnership. Wo doubt If tho profits of It will bo large. de vised tho latoMilitary bill, and tho Ku- Klux excitement that was to sustnln It, But tho IIouso rejected Butj.t.u's bill, nnd on motion of tho Radical Speaker, Mr. BiiAiNE, appointed n committee to Invcstlgnto tlio lies about tlio Soutli Then got Ghant to mnko It a party question by sending Inn mcssago asking thop.wago of Butleii's sclicmo nnd It was thus carried through against Iho remonstrances of somo of tho best men and Journals of tho Republican party. But Quant has suffered moro by his association with tho gang of scoundrels ho has gathered round him, nnd their revolutionary plots In his nnd their lnterc3t, than hodld oven through his Implication In tho "gold conspiracy" and his bad habits among them that of pocketing presents, Ho has frittered away all tho reputation won In his mil itary career, by his discreditable civil administration. Ho 13 now in tlio same sort of company, politically, that ho was when tho financial sharpers In New York got him In their clutches; and so used him that tlio Congressional Commlttco of his own party only fccrcened his damaged reputation by suppressing Ills letters, nnd shifting all tlioblatnoonCorblti, his brother-in-law, nnd Butlcrllcld, tho faithless public officer of his selection, I'tlladetphla Age. David Am.en, Esq. nn old and ro spected citizen of Bald Englo township, Clinton county, died at his residence on tho 21st instant, of congestion of the lungs, aged about So years. Mr. Allen removed from Jcrcytown, Colunibln county, whero sovcrnl of his relations still reside, nbout -10 yenrs ngo. Soon nftcr settling In Clinton county ho wns appointed n Justlco of tho Peace, which olllco ho held until near tho tlmo of his death nnd perhaps wns then in conmils sion, but fur sovcrnl years passed wns too blind to do business' HowasaDom ocrnt In politics, nnd though his town ship gave n largo Whig majority ho was always re-elected when ho ran for Jus tlco of tho Peace. Ho sovcral times held county offices nnd wa3 onco tho Democratic nomlnco for Associate Judge. In muscular strength and aetl vlty ho had few equals and oven In old ago walked ns erect as n soldier. His health nnd constitutional vigor did not apparently fall him in tho least until ho lost his eyo slglit, when want of action nnd excrclso nojdoubt seriously affected both. It Is therefore probablo that ho would havo lived several years yet had ho not lost his sight. Ho was a kind nnd very hospitablo man nnd was uni vcrsally respected by his acquaintances, Mrs. Allen died n fow months ngo, quite old. Showasnlso much respected. A Most remarkablo commentary on tho patient submission of tho American peoplo to tho yoko of their oppressors is found In what occurred a few days slnco In England. In order to ralso additional revenue to bo applied to tho improve ment and strengthening of thonational defense, the British Minister of Finance proposed to lay n stamp tax on matches of ono halfpenny per box. Tho proposi tion had scarcely been mooted in Parlia ment beforo tlio British peoplo began to protest against It. Tho popular irrita tion excited by this attempt on tho part of tho cabinet of Great Britain to ndopt a modo of taxation' by which moro than two millions of dollars per annum aro wrung from tho American people, was so great that a mob assembled at West minster and demanded that tlio measure should bo abandoned. Tho result was that tho mover of tlio proposition in Parliament, withdrew his. resolution, nnd tho administration declined to press it further. What becomes of our boasted lovo of liberty when wo tamely submit to an Imposition at tho mero mention of which John Bull bellows nnd paws tho earth with rago "Norn'wj J'ntriot. Whit Men Reflect 1 Tho Washington Patriot coolly nar rates thus: Edwin L. Stanton, son of tho lato Secretary of War, Is named for appoint ment as Secretary of tho Territory of Columbia, In placo of Chipman, elected to Congress. Thcro is n heavy pressure being put upon tho President tonppolnt John F. Cook, now City Register. Mr. Cook Is n rcspcctablo and Intelligent colored man, nnd very popular with tho resident colored population. Frede rick Douglass is also n candldato for tho placo, and Is backed by a faction of tho colored pcoplonndsomo whllo Radicals. Thcro aro other aspirants, nonoof whom howovor, nro so strongly backed ns to ho likely to overcomo tho forces mustered by tho negro population, As tho matter stands now It hardly teems ns though tho President can appoint n whllo man without giving serious offonco to that class hero which Is tho solo local support of tho Administration. Tlio nppolntmcnt will bo mado In a day or two. Tin: Catholics of acrmany havo poll Honed tho recently crowned Emperor ip prevent tho occupation of Romo by tlio Italian government. Tlio Prussian Cross Uaxctle declares that tho reply of tho Emperor does not commit tho govern ment lo any posltlvo lino of action, and that no promise of any kind was made. A Protestant potentate protecting tho l'opo from tlio encroachmonts of a Cath- olio King, would bo a curious spectaclo in this ago. But BIsmark Is wily, nnd will movo with caution nnd a view to futuro results. .Germany has n largo Catholic population, nnd Bismnrck needs union Just now, whon Russia has shown her teeth In tho enso of tho Lutherans In Lavonln. Thk Democratic Stato Convention for tho nomination of Auditor and Survoyor Oenornl Is to nsscmblo nt Ilarrlsburg on Wednesday tho 21th day of May next. What now dodgo Is this of which wo hear from Wnshlngton ? A Judgo is su perceded on tho territorial bench, nnd re turning to Wnshlngton to nsccrtnln tho reason why U confronted with Ids own resignation. Tho resignation proves n forgery. That Is trick of tlio vainest pos slblo sort? but not nltogcthcr vnln in this Instance. Itlsono of thoso practical Jokei which men seldom play twlco success fully, but It opens up tho vista of pos sibilities to n fenrlul extent. If tho hun gering outs may resign n man out of tlio public scrvlco without consulting hltn, what officeholder can bo certain of wak ing nny morning with his head on his shoulders Wi: nntlcipato nono but tho most pleasant relations with tho Democracy of thu counties united with us in Sena torial nnd Assembly Districts, All that will bo required to securo the election of representatives of our largo party majority will bo to- fairly present proper candidates men of brains nnd i n tcgrl ty. Lycom ing Standard. Of coursolt Is gratifying to tho editor of tho Standard to got Into good com pany, but ho must bear In mind yiat thnt clrcumstnnco Involves good behav ior. Tho Democracy of Columbia ex tend tho hand of generous fellowship to their now Senatorial associates nnd promlso n hearty nnd overwhelming support to nil Democratic nominees "men of brains nnd Integrity." The action of tho Chinese government In disregarding tho Burlingnmo treaty by refusing to protect missionar'es nnd teachers, has been brought to tho atten tion ofthogovcrnmetit,nnd Istiow under consideration. It appears that tlio Chi nose aro nctunted In this matter by tho courso pursued by tho peoplo of the United States ngalnst Chinese emigre tlon, nnd particularly tho harsh manner In which tlio Chineso nro treated In California. Tho Chineso government holds tliai our government has failed to carry out that part of thoBurlingamo treaty which insures protection to Chineso In the United States. It Is regarded ns u very troublesomo question, nnd one which tho government is nt n loss how to deal with. Tun Muticy Creek Railroad Bill which was somo tlmo ngo vetoed by Governor Qcary, and passed tho Sonato by a two thirds vote, over tho veto, also passed tho IIouso of Representatives on Friday week, by tho Constitutional majority. Tho bill repeals tho supple ment to tho act, approved April Tlh, 1870, relating to executions, approved Juno 10, 1830. so far ns tlio samo relates to tho Muncy Creek Railroad Company, In other words it exempts tlio Sluncy Creek railroad from being sold for Its debts. Muncy Luminary, At a recent session of tho Presbytery of Northumberland, held at Berwick, Columbia county, tho pastoral relations of threo clergymen, witii tho rcspectivo churches heretofore under their charge wcro dissolved, viz: Rev. Ym. Ster ling, of tho second I'resbylerian church of Williamsport; Rev. D. J. Waller, of thoChurchatBloomsburg; and thoRcv. A. Ilcrou, of tho Church In Muncy. Editor's Hook Tabic. IlAUi'Eii'a Magazine is ono the most lntorol!ng publications of tho kind, containing tales, poetry and much historical and other reliable Informa tlon. Tho May number concludes tho 2d volume. Harper bro'.hors, N ew York. Tin: NunsnrtY, n monthly magazlno for children, illustrated, is n captivating work for littlo readers m which thoy will tako deep interest, l'rico $l.Co in advance. John L. Shory, publisher, Boston. Tho Piir.Kxoi.ooicAij Joun.vAi, for May contains an nrmy of over twenty stated articles besides Its over vnluablo miscellany. Trico $.'1 per year. S. It. Wells, 0S9 Broadway, Now York. Woon'a Household Magahini: Is tho largest and best Original Dollar Monthly In tho country. A $100 l'rlxo Story complete In every number. Forty pages of other matter. Yearly $1.00 Wood's Pocket Magnifier (prlco $1.50) and tho magazlno will bo mailed to nny nddrcss for $1,50. Mngaalno two years In ndvanco witli magnifier for $2.00. Prang's ICastor Morning Chromof worth $.').) nnd magazlno thrco years for only $3. Splendid premiums for clubs. Specimen copy free. Address S. S. Wood & Co. Newburgh.N. Y. JjITTliLT.'S lilVINO AUK, n til pagO weekly magazine, maintains its high rank at tho head of American published periodicals. Price $8 per year. Littell & day, Boston. CANDIDATES. fTho ch.lri-n for iinnoiincliii. ctindldntcs Is 11 vn doltnrs cash. All who nro nuiiouurod In this list nro pledged to abide by tlio decision of tho Demo cratic Couveultuu, I-'Oll ItEPUESENTATIVi:, CHARLES B. BROCKWAY, nr.ooM townsi!u E. J. McIIRNRY, FisuiNarnEXK towsoiii". CO U.NT V COM.M ISHlONKIt, JAMES S. EVANS, ailEENWOOl) TOWNSUIl', associati: junaiii DAVID DEMOTT, ClrcFENWOOIl TOWNSHIP. IRAM DERR, JAC'KHOX TOWNSHIP, TiinAsuiu:n, JOHN LEUdOTT, aitEKNWoon township. WlhLIAM LAMON, ImiAUCnKUK TOWNSHIP, MARRIAGES. TILLY-l-'AUNSWOHTII-In Moreland. on tho pun uu., ny iiuv. it, ji, 1-. Minis, Air, William 'lllly or Illicit Horn, und Shu Hunih rums worth, of Moreland. HAi!Tzi:ri,oNni:NnKnaKi!-onthe2iinii ... , r, n, nciii, , n, 4.111-iiuci iiari7ei 10 Miss Frances Ann Longenberger, bolh ofMlf. llln, Columbia county. Kr.i,i,i:it-MAHTi:i.Li:ii-on tho ann utt., in .nicKhou Kiwnsuip, nyjas, w. Jvltchen, J.l Mr. Jacob Keller uf Jackson, to MM Htbecea Mastelk-r ol bugarloaf. And wo drink success to tlio wedded pair, And Joy with their "Ollvo lliouilus" fair, May their lives hu long and lu-o fiom sin, And may they nlways havo plenty of Un. DEATHS. WHITMOVi:il.-On Kalurday evening, April iTiui, leii, jir. joim wiiiiiuuyer, oi i-iuu. lowu ship, nued ubout 70 years MARKET REPORTS. Ulooinaburir Market Wheat per bushel,,...., m tl!kii Hye " t (xi Corn " 75 Outu. " tu Flour per Imrrel i ., But Clover see il H Q ikj KlasKCtid l 60 HuLUr 4 ii't Till low , iu J 'ota toe - , in) Dried Apple H 1U Jlaias LU HlUen atidHhouliIern .,.. S J Jit U per pound , ,mM , lti J lay ir tun N 10 uu Ilecelpts for Subscription to tlio "Coliini blnii," for April, 1871. Jntrtih Polio I Cn'PnmuclOmnn 300 2 HI 2 111 M A Amtncrman HUJolnunn 11 nan Mrlltl.lo John II. Klniltst Jnph WcM,Ir UH Knl AOMIIInril H M (leatlmH Wm llreKbnch J Michael (Ecklcj;) AJEvntu John I'olloclc riillll) Him KutnlUmilot Nycr iicnmo I'nrvor I'Axton Ilnrmim Itlrhinl lielnott Jncotj Yoho jAmci KUnrr W Jl Jncoby 2 ("i 1 H Jonlnh II, 1'rllx John Miner Krcmlirown Inrncl lloiinrl 1 m 1! 01 a ( M 1 (l uni 2 ll 2 (0 2 Ot 2 () 2 Oil I ! 2111 a avni IJoicph Yorki MM rusnn uuinuu J r Drink John A Ftintlnii A H rutntotl , (Inbrlel Evcrtlt 1! U'lKl'Nhtfo . 1 d'1 It rcmlih 1 1 cm fll (Icoreo Monro fif. Wmllowcll M IK II (ilnulo 1 (IN Itnnlpl V.arr 2 Ol 2 ( lvicr Wcrkliolscrtrz 1 Co lm lirown 111" 2 AM Allen !l New Advertisements, -tfXEOUTORS' NOTICE. J2i mtatkof John uonisoN,ijrcn. Letters tentnmentnry on tho cstnto of John Ilohlson, Into nr Hcolt townnhlp, Columbia co., ileeeoHeu, lmvotieen Rrnnteil by tho Hester of Mild county to Hiulou ItoblRon, and Wllllnin C. ItobHon. i All jerflon4 linvlng claims nuiilnst Ihocstfttorire riqueKlcl in present them Uiho Kxecutors lu Columblu cuunly. Tlioto Indebted to tlio estnto cither on note, Judgment. inortKngo or book account will lunku pament lo llio Ilx rcutors without delay, HtWTO.VltOllIHOK, W.M.C. ItUIIIMU.N, May S, 1871.0W. Dxceutors. JOTIOH. Is llCrcbV plvcn f hit. nti 11m "111 It Anv nf Aitfll. 1W, I puri-hnsed at Constable Halo tlio following described properly, sold s I ho property nr Joseph Fetter, or Centre lownslilp. Columbia couuly, nnd which 1 havo loaned li him during my pleasure, to wit j Horses, catlle, wngons, plows, harrows nnd nil farming utensils on tlio farm where ho resides, nnd nil I ho household furnlturo In the houso occupied by him. Also, his shard of Knm Ju mu Kroulul u() ul0 jiemicr i.irm. Ail persons nro notnied Hint said property now belongs to me, mnyS,';l-at JOSUI'H I'OUC. Jl riLLINEIlY and TANOY GOODS, MISS 11:4 ItAIlMAN Havo Juit recpWtM n new unit f.whlonalilo nttortnient of Mllllnc-y niul Ini1liV 1'aucy Unrx! of Hi o choicest nrnl iwatest Btyle und pnttcruB. which theyoih-r in customers on tho inut IIH50IUVUIO icrniH.'ets and ii ats, lacks and i'lowkiih, kid AMD Kii).riyi8iii;i)ou)Vi;s, MILLINIIIIV (IOOD.SIS GEN Kit Alt, FANCY AUTICLUS hCV. AND OntEK COLLA1W, nnd nil oilier pocvU usually kept In a Hrt cla Millinery estiiblUhtnent, Oil I niul nee, Mnln Utrect, thrtodoois above Ccntro. inay6'71-3t MAY- "niKHnATmTnnsr," is coming. The snmnier monthi wilt very soon bo f.ilrly usheri'il In ltli their RUltrv wpntlier nnd lorn train of dlf-enscf. it is tho unison vlicu nature can do llttlo In iecuprnllu our cxlinusted 8trenth, nnd when wo nro required to fortify our phytdtpuu nynlimt tho tlnnera nrlsln fiom the unUersnl pievaleney of sickliest, iho only truo Riiit'iftinru 11 1 1 mi. wiro nun rciiunio ionic ami in vlKomtor.MlSlIIXU'H IIKUU J1ITTKK8, which Is indorsed nutl recotuinended bv thu inedlenl Jaculty nnd by umuimcrt-d thousundi ofpemotis iu I'very city, iuwii uiiu vitiligo in uiu coiiiiuy, who hao tested Ur reinodlnl virtues, nnd. bv tuald, preserved or rccovtred their health, Jt will nui II v thu lllood niul Necict Ions: euro e.vrrv form of inrllKestlon, nnd nirord lintnedlnto relief in cwtnoi iOht-mery, Lonc.uijoicm ionjuHuti uinurcu nuenKes. rroviuu yourheir now natiiM n time of need. Delnj s nro often dangerous. JiXCIIANGK 1JA1CHHY A N 11 CONFECTIOX E It Y , ULOOM.SnUKO, IA. The understKned, miccessorH of r, WIdiJ'er, would icspcetlully anuounco that thry liuvo iukou mo weiiesiuoiiMieu buinu reeeniiy oceu plel by tho nbovo named. In llloomsburc, nnd prepnied tocontlouo ths business of innnuDc turiiiguiHlteltluy, by WHOLESALU AND IinTAIL, Confectionery of every Fdlo nnd klud. Also, they will lmentnll tlmcHii complete RUpply ot tho betit nnd freshest IJrcnd und Cake. Turtles; In this line will nn.i It to their nu van luge to can on us. AX ICE CREAM SALOOX Is Added to the establishment, nnd ladlcn nnd otlieruuho may patronize ns, may roly upon upon rtcelvlnc proper attention. A rrnsminble share orpubllnpatronace is respect fully solieltM. Haspbcrry. Lemon, and other tyrups In Jaige UliU BU1H11 UUaUUUt'9. TiIIM4tUVlV (111 11HI111. DKCKKU A hTiXKEIj. MayClS71. O IU'HAX'S COUKT SALE OF VALUABLE KLVL ESTATE. ho sold at pnblje vendue, on the premises, by virtue of an order of the orphans' Court of uoiunioia ro..ou t rmay luojin hay oi .nny, iii nt 11 o'clock in tho forenon. the fiillowlnsr des cribed property to vit : ThetqualundlvldeJ one TRACT OF WOODbAXD, sttunte In CatawNsa township, Columbia county, Tj.( bounded nnd described as follows, U Kluningntn white oak stump, a corner of land of Joseph llrelsh, and running thence by same nnd lanl of tioorue (Jon-man south nity-lour nnd thrtcnunrtpr ilfrt r, ct ant hn nil red nnJ thirty iercl:cs to n stone, thence by land of j.uuuewi iteixuracu lanuo ji.peeiwig souiu lorty-no nnd n rjuarter decrees east eighty per ches to n post, thence by lands belonging to the helrnof Wlltlam ItavKon, deceased, north lorty lour nu d lhreeuaricrtlepices east one hundred nud thlity pcicbes ton post, In line ol land or Joseph llieihh, thcueo by tho said laud notth loity-tlve nnd three-fjuarter dej;r-ea west eighty pen lies to the place oi hcglnuluif, eoiiUlulni; SIXTY-FIVE ACIII, strict measure; lalo tl.o cstnta of Martin Jlill mver, ritccpst d, Tho loreiroina Irnct of lind l-well timbered with tbobtt quality orWIUTK OAK 'ilMlllIU. ThW land lies within a nilla and n quarter oi the town of CatawKsa, und U theicfoio conven ient to tho railroad. Tirmiiiiud (ondltlonn mndn Itimwn nn ilnv ofsale. TIITKH HILl.MYlMt, -ii a it v jumjMyi:ic, Mny5, IS7J, Adtulnlstratorh, lVNoiiotis JU'd UI lies. The theory that tho vlius ol dlseaso can bo safely counteracted by doses of poison, Is faUo und daugeious. Within tho last twenty-five j curs, not letH tunn n score of virulent poisons have been ndded to tho posltory of tho medical profession, Thcynro Riven l small doses, ntlicr visa they would destroy llfo Immediately; but even In minuto quantities, they produce, uttt- matcly, very disastrous effects. It Is uuwiso nnd tinphllofcophlcal to employ, ns remedies, power ful nnd Insidious drugs, which, In etibjugaUuK ono disease, sow tho seeds of another still moro unmnnaa cable, Nonoof theso terrlblo medica ments operates with ns inueii directness nnJ certainty upon the causes of disoasens llostettcr'a Stomach Hitters, a. tonic nnd corrective, wlthtut a tntjtctlclctcrioulnrciUciit in its composition. Arse nic und (iulnliiuro given for intermlttentsj bro mide of potassium for nervous disorders; strych nlno nnd prusslcncld for general debility; mercu ry, In vnrlous forms, for liver complaint; prepa mtlonsofcUloroformnndoplum for sleeplessness; nutl yet theso deadly drugs do not compare, as specifics for tho diseases ubovo enumerated, with Ihntwholesomo vegetablo lnvlgorutorand nltera- tlve, whllo they nro nil bo pernicious that It Is astonishing nny physician should tako tho re sponsibility of prescribing them. Let lnvnlldst for their own takes, try tno Hitters beforo they esort to tho poisons, Tho relief they will ex perience from a courso of tho harmless specific, will render a leeourholo tho uusafi) preparations referred to, quite unnecessary, ) U R Ij I C HAL E OF VALUABLE PERSONAL ritOPEUTV. Thero will be exnosed to mibllo sale, at tho Into residence nl Jacob Kostcuhauder, ilceeased, In I-nullum lOwnsiiip, l otuinimi coiiiuy, i n,, ou TIlKWllAYnml W KDNlLHllAY. MliV Idllinnd l.tli is7l. nt u o'clock In tho forenoon, tho lolluwinu property to wit! SEVEX IIORSE3 AND OXE COLT, FIVE MILCU COWH, TOUIUIEAD OF YOUNO CATTLE, II HEAD OF FAT REEF STEERS, thlrtv-elaht sheep, two breeding sows nnd pigs, six shouts, ono two-horse wagon, (Iron axle.) ono other two-Uorso wngou, ouu lour hoiso wni;on, two buggies, two lMib'Sleds, ono sleigh, ono four horse lour power threshing muchlnu, ouabain anil, liny coin sueuer, nny iuri(,roiu himi puuey, one lluffteyn Keuiw-r und Mimer, one Keyslono Cider Mill, hny lake, tunning milt, threo Iron imam rtlows. u lot of other idows. harness, corn plow, eultlvntois, six SLts heavy harness, four KPts litrht harness, lluht hat in ss. Jlv nets, chains. forks, shovejH, uml r tikes, with n lure vnrltly ol farm lng Implements too uumerous to mention. Also, u lot of lumber sueh us bond, scanning, oak und pine plank, shingles, lUUtnad sills, 13,000 FEET DRY RiXE ROARUS, two thousand feet of pnnel stun", frnmo timber. uiwv Iocs, u lot o! timber on tho stuiun. Con land sold toHolomon Arth-y.) also on Jot known as tho J nonius ncnooi iiouso ioi." Also i ioi oi lllackf nmu h iooik, ono uoring mucuiue, mun hum, shoulder und sldonuut, lard, tallow, four buru-ls of Vlnugur, 1C0 RUSHES OF WHEAT, two hundred nnd fifty bushels of corn, one hun dred uud tweuty-llvobushelsof oats, lot of clover seed, potatoes by tho bushel, hay by the ton, und six swauau of bees. Also, household uud kitchen furniture, such us 11ED8. 11EDDINO, TAI1LES, CIIAIUS, stands, ttovas nud pipe, mroit tubs, barrels, with a variety of nrllcles too tedious to mention. M iT" UOU unions win no miuiu kmdwii ini our oi Eulu, O. D. L. ICOHTENUAUDElt, J.H.KNin'LIJ, Franklin twp.,May G,lt71. Administrators, B LANIC 11UKUS. Wo now havo Iho finest nforl t of HLANIC Dl'IKDH on hunil uml for hnlo 1 hut wero ever kept In iiloonikburir. I.urKu lo nn bitt lmreliment puptr. Coiuinon iH-eilH, Kxecnlor'Hanu Admin).. Irutor h lieetlt. hiimll bUo good iiujier (cbeup), Common leiil. Ac, QKCONI) ANNUAIi 8TATKMi:NT VJOV CONVNdHAM ANIinUNTIlAl.IA l'OOU IlIMTIUUT. l'OH Till! YIIAH UNDINd Al'llll. ldtli l7l. William (loonuAM, Treasurer, In c count with imjil Ulslrlcl. 1)11. To nmount received Irora dupllcato of ConynRhflm township Tn nmount recelveil fromuupncnloof Ccntralln borough To nmount from Comity Treasury for unseated land taxes To nmount received Irom Ornnzo Toor District To nmount rocelved from Coal Toor District amount received from sales of farm produce ilurlnu tho year tifi!) id tOl II 5,093 15 19 00 121 II ,109 10 tVJS 81 CIU lly nmount of orders redeemed during tho yenr lly nmount of Treasurers commission 19,100 (17 111 13 IVJ 00 inereon w iwo percent, lly nmount of balnnco lu Treasury J3,WI M On exnmlHatton ol Iho foregoing account of William uoooman, Trcasureroi tjoiiyngunm nun t'eiilralln Door District, wo Hud It correct, MA11TIN I'l.ANIOAX. " ANIlIll;W HUUNKY, I DOMNHICOUIKIVi:, 1'ATKIUIC KII.UIllM, Audltora. lll III Wrtlll. I T1IOMAH .MUltl'llY, J April Mill, 1WI. Dinwrrnim op thk l'onu is account Wlrlt L'O.SYNflllAM All!) CKNTllAI.IA l'OOU DIS111IUT. 1UL, To nmonnt Irom dupllcniOH " " " oilier honrcR) f il.lll (il :i,l II 11 CH. lly nm't paid dcbl of Inst yenr lo Messrs (looduun nnd Thornton lly nm't paid of last years salary duo J. II. Long, steward lly nm't paid lawyer's feos duo slnco last yenr By nm't paid bnlaneo In lull of bond, with luterest for bulldllltf nddltion lost ytar lly nm't paid Martin Monnglinn for out door rellol In Imh lly nm't paid dibt of 1S87 to township Jloud I'und lly nm't paid Installment nn rum ' " " forr.muworUuudcoHlns In 18W Ilynm'tpatd f.irmlug utensils, furni ture, stock and repairing ou ring year lly nm't paid lo Asylum for lusnno Vuuper'H Hoard lly nm't paid for medical, fees nud medicine lly ain't paid for Insurance lly nm't paid for mippirt of rnupers, work on nutl merclmut'H bills lly nmount paid other miscellaneous lucurred during tho year lly amount paid TrinMircrs eoiumls sion fi2 per cent on ttl,ltM.b7 pild out lly nm't oi balance du rrum 1 rcasurer COS 3) 82 19 173 CO Oil 7J Ml 71 HIT 20 1,1.0 M K7 00 raa w i.7 ra l'J 3) 2,113 13 MW 81 111 12 "M lis t'J,61)S 35 niiAi, ustatu with ui:ci:nt uiritovi:- flisi?, ny l'arm and buildings vnluc I nl .",110 00 tn isi 1117 18 i.-'i :-. :ni iu - Hopnirs III llllllllllliy ' llouseboid fiirultuio Farm utensils 1 liny, grain nud straw Mauuio ' lloues nnd cit'.lo ' rigs I'oullry ' I'olalOL.s ' Meat ' 7arrcs of wheat nnd 1 ryo In ground 1 llalnncu duo from 'ircUMirer 17.5 (10 7.7 O.I n m l oo M 0U 07 30 V) (10 ao an i,M3 7J I.tAlllI.lTinH. Uy iialanco dun on farpi bonds " " lu favor ou'istrlH S2.7M 50 0,017 21 tl 1S13 73 l'llODUCTd Ol' I'AltM IN 170. ' 1", tons nf liny $370 00 I'SbusliclsoIwlienlMSI.IO 1S7 'Jl 170 " " oats a oo cent loi (A irrj " corn oars 00 ccnta l!7f0 70 " ' rvo HW 'J-JS " " tiotntoes t$ 7i cents 171 no loads of corn fodder (4 SM 81 (il 8-W gjs or norli (a 13 conlH IillH'l 000 heads of eabbago to 0 eontl 31 00 llutler. ecus and veiretnblen ll-i 10 J.lvo stock raised no on li buthel of clover seed 3 to !,. 70 No. of paupers now In Poor IIouso 11 " " ndtultteddurlujcar 11 ., porn " ' I ., ,uKl ,, ,. i WILLIAM HN YDI'U, 1 Directors l'ATKICIv lUIlllCli r of WILLIAM OOOD.M AN, j Iwr. Atttii C. O. Mrmi'iiv, Clerk. April lutll, IsTl. It JllY GOODS QUOTATIONS. connmnsD weekly jiv ir. P. LUTZ. Inch Appltton "A," per yard by the bolt AuFnRta"A," per yard " ' by the bolt,..., " AtftiniT,' per yard " by top twit M Exeter,1 per yard , ' " t'.v the bolt , " AnRtKta "A," per yard l'epperell "ll, per yard " l v tlio UiH 11 1,1 KM 1(1 'J 13 II Is 10-1 Tcnot "V," per 5 ard Monadnoclc er y ard. .1.1"'., IS :i A 18 17 Is 17 10 15 II w. t s :w U Inch Gold coin. per ynrd bytbebolt Vamtuttn. ir yard by the lxlt... " Frnlt of the Lstam teryard " ' " by the boll " Lonsdale, tm 3 ard " ' bv the bolt ' Cba 1 man, rx a rd " by tbo IkjU " Itoebdale, per yard " lttd llanJt, per jard " Urtf n Mn 't. Co. "U,' per yanl.. '' llntnlltnu 'A," ptryaid " llotB. llln. i irml " l'.tn,t 'X,' per jard " In nit ol tho 1, onin, jicr ya.d " MouadiioeU, pt r r.d l'equot, per jiud Cluck KblrthiKS iorm MrlpolSlitttinuHlioiii fJ20 tat:.; i-i TICKINGS. "fl Inch Mlundialia " " Coiiehtnca Hi " AVlro TwIil Hi " inu-KHMl" 11 " InhltsU Valley "II," I'll I NTH, Hhlrtlnt; and Mournlnp : Cocboe, Merrimack nnd hpniKUP Atnerle'au, ltlcbmond nnd Manchester , 1'lnkH nnd I'urples (Inrners, Amoskeaunnd Arnold Columbian Wellington 0 12'i I aiNOHAMM, I.nnenstrr llalrd'tt t-ifoteli.. liesl " Nonparlel , 'Si Deinlnos ijij r, pt C0raC3 Lawn n',i, 1 In, 31 13) ta 1'lnk, llluouiiil liutl l-'iench Lawn 40 Hull ChlueioUrasHetotli i', Hull Linens tor Hulls 33X1 Marl Wnli l'npllus 1H l'llllmlelpblil 1'oplliiH, nil coliils !W Hi d Lion Hindi Alpseaslli, 15, BO, 00, 75, 00 (a, 51.00 Ciilortd Wilt Htrlpo Urenadlnes............ ifi Alexander Kid UlnviM l.'-"i " " " two bullous 1.73 SIIAWI.H. Augusln f3.rwi Hoballnd M y j."i Sultaun (stllptd and plain contre.) 3 7.1 Hlstorl " y.7J Hero .. 8,7.1 Printed Imitation Paisley I.MI l'alsley (red and black renins,) Js.llOlii SIO.IH Hlack Luce i..u to S SKIItTH. l'rlntcd 1'erenie 73, 81.230 I1.W) Hlmililer Kelt '". 10 Hone, Krtiicli wove Corsets l'AI'Wt L'OLLAltH. Dlokeus (clotli lined,) Huby ". , Astor ; , , l'Al'KIl CUI'l'H. Napier (reversable) Ciuomu " , Sl'OOI, COTTON. 7J Alexander Kings, whllo nud colored, ao yds, " ' " " perdu J. i 1". Coats " 3ooiii., " " " nerdnz. Clark's O. N. T, Machine s (j) to l'l.NH. Adamantluo iMTjinpcr , Needle points " " Hest Needles. " , WHITE UOODH. 10 piecei 1'Iqucs , ltlslioi Luwu Vlctolln l'hiln Cnmbries . 18 to 60 , 40 IO .VI . 'rito&i , IS to GO . 15 to GO Mtrlpo und I'luM Cambrics sj men hoil lliusli l'laln NiilnstHtk l'lakl uud htrllio Nnltihnolc . ai to t'. 4i . 30 Inch India Jtig cloth Mult A. LilHulssu Talletons. wliltonml enlnreil irisn j.iuen irom 's, u., 40, ai, mi,, Ladles l.lm n Hilk', 8, 10,13, Ij, '-, as, Wi. 33, lo.r.i dents lieiii'd. " lo.Hi, 30. 35. 40, Oi, uud l- Llueu fclilrt IrontsITj, 35, 10, li, 50,6."i,00, luaud 75 Collou Woiu 10 Whllo Trllnmlngs 5 to lu Towels loloflo Napkins, per doz 81,35 to 5.00 'Pablo Linens , l to l.iu lied HpreaiU 81.75 lo 3.75 NnitliiKlum l.icn l.'niulnuuv-',1, E5, 'W.15, W, taauit 00cu,perurd. In addition lo tlio above, LUT. lins n full lino of lilnrk Milks, eoloied r'reuch l'npllus, Hummer Dress Uoods uud Huiliugs, llosieiy and Ulovetf, Laeo and Lluen collars and cull., lliiibucllns, 1'urakols, Pans, Hoop hklits, Ae.. which would I. illlllcult to glvo Din price oMistlioussorlmentlu extenslvo. M. I". LU'l, Illoouisburir, Pa. lullrower's lllock.uext to tho Court House, apr 31'71 if rjpiIK OLD ICSTAuLlSllKU r v n x 1 t u it 13 and IllIDDINO WAIir.HOOMHofH, It. I.UWIS, ijrieai lll.uillKU unu JlATlllKSSIW, vnrlous every wi"''" Auc"ou l""'1"! CAHl'LTH, Come nnd see and bo convinced. You will snvo i'lseUwu'erey 8 U C"U ljel0,u i,urt'1'"lS a TT t T IMirni No, 1130 nud 1131 Market Hired, riiiUoLU-i'iiA, 4eii uoor 10 comer or fifteenth Blrett. mar.. 71 om. LIST OK DKAIiKHB Of 0O1.UM11IA UOUffTY 1 hereby certiry Hint Iho following llsl of deal ers Inlteu, returned nnd classified by mo, In nc enrdnnen with the several nets of Assembly, lu nnd for tho county of Columbia, for Iho year ono thousand eight hundred nnd, Is correct to tlio best of my knowlcJgo nnd belief. 111.00M TowNsmr Class. Tax. Isaiah Hnrenbneli, H. 11, Miller A Hon, William llnbh, A, J. llvnus, W. ll.llrown. C.C. Marr, Itnnynn A Warden, .lolmWoir, dames Cndmau, David Iiwtuburi?, .Misses llnrmnn, .1, II, Mais'!, Decker AKteckle, Miss A. D. Webb, Mover mothers, II. M.Knorr, A, M. Kllperl. J. K.dlrton, I, . I'.Whnry, Mrs. li.tvwllrohsl, .1. K. l:jir, (1, W. I'oriell, Joseph Corrcll, Yliitvnrn II I 7 I"' 12 W 7 (SI Htoro 13 rurnllnro II ClnthlnuHlnrn II 7 OU ConfeclloiieryAc. II 7 Oj 10 0' 10 00 12 Vi 7 (' 7 00 7 (l 7 00 7 00 7 0' 7 10 7 00 7 Oi 7 on 7 (0 7 On 7 lo loon u w 7 00 7 OO 12 50 40 00 10 IK 7 110 Htoro Ilnrdwaro Htoro Cabinet Clothing Mora Millinery tiroeery Con feel loncry Hook Hloro Druggists Hlioo Htoro 'Iln A Moves Hlore Tin & Moves Confectionery Htoro l-'urnlturo Hloro Druggist Moro u i j.uir, I. W, llitrtmnn, M'lieivy.Neal At'o. M.l', I.ulz, D. A. Iicckley, II. Ullower, II, .1, Chirk, N,.l.lIenderliotl, 11. Jacobs, W. I', lless, l'ox A-Webb, I'uxtou ,V HariiDU, Henry Klelm, lllnomsburg Iron Co, O. A. Janitor. Hook niuro HI100 Htoro Hloro Druggist Contecllonery Htoro Conreeltonery Millers (Irocory Htoro 7 00 12 O' 7 00 7 0(1 7 WI 7 Ol 10 00 7 01 4 1 0 llrorery 7 IO llendeihiiottit: Mason Dealers In Co.ll C. It. Houscl, Orocery C, V. Ncul & Uro, Dealers In Co il 7 0 7 110 7 in) limvini tow.131111'. Moro J. 1'. l'rcy. 7 ( C A.Hliuman, Abrnliam Hlce, 7 00 7 IU W, K, LongeubcTcr, 7 0J UEmvin; iioitouau. Thomas & Jano, Millers Hloro Tin & Woven Moro DrugilsU 11 IJ II Pi 11 II II 11 M U 10 1. A ll.II. 1 lower, M. Heesholls, ltowlnan Adacksou Miller, Hughs & Co, 7 W 13 W 11 50 7 01 7 ll 7 00 10 HI 7 00 Co no 7 HI J. 11. Dodion, HUiiwAAckcrmau, N. N.Hteekcr, Mill Hell Ilertram, .laeksou A Wooden, .1. II. Jncoby, II. M. llockman, I), A. Hllcklnguam, tlrv (JrindSttc. 11 CnbllietAHtoVCSlI Millinery Htoro confectionery Tobneconlst TluiHtoves 7 w 7 00 uitiAitciiEEK TOWsnir. Mrs. A. W. llaton, Wlil.M.Kllliclob, Peter llaymall, dames 1', l'rensc, II. C. l-'rense, Wm. L. r rcase, Moro 7 00 7 no 7(0 -Miller 1, rioery Miller 7 ) 7 111 7 W liESlos Toir.NHIItt'. Hamucl Hcacock, IteiiJ.iinln Cole, Colo ,v Thomas, J..I.M'iIcnry, 11. M'lleury, Sloro II 11 II ii 11 7 00 7 110 7 00 Miller Moro 12 10 00 I'ATAU'IKIA TOWJ.S1III' M. llirmlngcr, .I.H. M'.Nincb, .1. M. Hmltli, L John ,v Hon llnrlmnu ,t cleaver, Millets 7 on 7 uo 7 00 li in 7 01 Ilrltgglst btoro .0. .0. iiniiisi. 12 50 7 00 it 00 7 00 Weaver. i Iteichcldcrferdroccry mil.,,.. ., i.'i,..n - ll 10 (lllbert A Kline, HLniii I-'lniir .t lYod 11 W, II. Orange, (lenrge .Mnnijnrdt, J, 11. Hbarpless.t rsou Thomas II. Harder, Knlltlo AHhumau, (lenrtto Hlsliel, Wm. Harder, ConrectloiicryAcl 1 7 OJ nnisi nioru Htoro 11 7 0 10 II 11 II II ai ou Cabinet Hloro Dealer Cabinet 7 00 10 00 7 no 7 00 Cn.NTIlK TOIV.N'IIIII'. II. W. M. O. L. Low, Htoro 10 00 7 no 7 00 Hnmucj Dietterlch, 1'hlllp Harris, JacnbHpn.iKUr, ilrocery Htoro 7 ( Jesse iiilks, " (1. H. Fowler A Ron " Wldmlro AKrwtne, " CEXTKAt.I.1 IIOUOCUII. 7 ("I 1 7 OJ Wm.Torry, Martin Monachal!, W. 1). Melllck, Conrad I'olaud, Michael Cook, U. II. Millard, I. 11. lxlgar A Co. Thomas fccaborn, A, H. l-'ortner, II. C Hlack, J. J. Hoaglaud, Moro Druggist Coniectlonciy Htoro Cabinet (Inieery Tlnwnro Klour J: lf d Htoro 15 a 10 0 7 tw 7 (0 7 HI 7 O 7 10 W rilANliMN TOM'NSIIII. Mcndenhall & Bro. M lilers riSHINGCRKCK TOW.V81U1' D. A M. M'llenry, Htoro J, F. M'llenry, 11. M. Howell, " Hwazy A Kramer, " J, M, Ammermau. " Holomon Huss, " f. J. V. 1'. M'lleury, Millers 7 l 7 00 7 00 CKr.KNWOOII TOWN'fllll'. Wm. V.yer A Hon A. 1'. Hi Her A Co, Hloro n II II li l'J II lll II 10 0( 7 IS . .t J. J.elily, Kilts lles.t llros, " S'm. Masters, " Mrs. llnnnah Henry, " 1'. D. Hlack, HJgart a Kramer, " James V, Win-on, " jii:mi.oci: towns 11 1 1. Jacob Harris, Htoro M.U..I, " Win. KII110. Miller 10 U II 7 (1. U Si' 111 in 7 If 1 7 0 10 ( 7 11 J0I111 a U. M. l!'.ngle, 7 01 Loci'sr to'.v.ssiiii' J. II. Vnstlne, Hloro 7 00 7 lo uuiiries I't iiellliuu Voclllil . Co, llellty liable, Hr, Jacob Ytnger, 11 0 7 (r: 7 tt) SIAINK. TOW.S1II1I'. Wni. ll'iuck, l.'llupb, II .1 i'o, htoro J. 11, 1. linger, SIIKI'I.IN TDW.NMIlir. J. H. Creasy. htoro Creasy a IJuiwil, " . A. II. Ileltler, " A. J. Hvrulug.r, Cabinet JIONlOl'niOW.NMIII', II 11 II II III in 1 1 no in on 7 00 1'. It. Mnrgeruiu, A. J. Ammerman, I'.iMon a llaiuiuu, llarlou ,t Co, (lioeery Hloro Diuleis Millers 7 10 7 00 So mi 7 00 MOUNT PLEASANT T11WSSH II'. J. II. Kntid?, hloro JIADIfeO.N TOWX8IIII'. htoro C. Klenmer, Wm, (JcnglcM. Mis. JI. A. Wntson 10 10 I'l (11 7 WI Millinery IIUAMli: 10WNSIIII', hloro 11. K. Moan, 11. .1. Hower, A, II. Hlewail, K. 11. Johnson, Havngo a Keller, Win. llowman, l'eter, hlultll .t Urn, Hobhma ai Low, Mlebacl Keller, 10 in 10 Ol 1 1 Ml 7 10 7 00 7 01 7 10 7 (0 7 ISI 7 00 Grocery Millets Tin .1 Moves Hlo es Orocery PINK lOWNSIIU. II. W. Lyons, Htoro KOAllIXUCUIEK 10W.NSU11'. r.wen Clielllngtou, Hloro J. 11. Kllliger. bl'IIAULOAF TOW'NSIIll', M.Cole, Htoio Fl'OTT 1UWNSII1P, 7 10 7 00 11 ; 00 A. 11. Willie, Hubert H.Knl, .1. H.doiilmr, D. A. Cri asy, Kelenner.tHon Hauiuei A. Woiinitn, H. K.ltelglillld, MlllanlATIIiglo C, H. i-'owln-, .1. D. Workhelser. Htoro Tin & Moves DruugUt Htoro Mllleis hloro 7 00 7 Ol 7 00 10 ll 7 (II 7 00 10 10 10 00 .Miller hlioo Htoro (Iroctiy Htoro 00 Ol (i.M.Haker, (Iroctiy 11 7 CO O, W, Cievellng, Htoro 11 l. 50 Ail nelsons svlio lunv feel ngurlevid bv Iho nbovo (l.issltlcuttou can have 1111 opportunity of upiieaiiug.oy t-iiiiuiK upon 1110 iiniiersigiieu at ins le-meii. e, in i' isiiiiihl, , .-u ,,m,,Biiiii, m uui iiiu,, null I Mm, '..'.lli. 1K7I. ut Wlilcb tln, ii, iirmenl will 00 nem ut inu iuuri iiuusn 111 iiio.ifnsuurg. U111 SUl llll, Mtrmutlle Arni'iHsir. Htlllwnler, April IS7I. L O 15 K MUTUAL LIFK IN8U11AKC13 COMPANY o y NEW YORK. I'liuy rieemau; 1'itsldcnt, II, c, 1'ru uinn, bec Cash capltul over, all paid. J. 15. ItOIUBON, ULOOJlSIiURU, 1'A OKNUIIAL AOF.NT, For Luzerne, Lycoming nnd Columbia counties, Aug.IO.'OO. (10 TO w. 11. imowx, Coicr of Main nnd Iron Htrojts, l'OIl A l'INF, AHhOHTMIJNT OF FilESJI GHOCJ5H1ES, 1'OIIKION AND DOMIXl'lO I'ltUlT, with a variety of nil kinds of aA.3sr3sraEr) pbuit; Also n Fine Assortment of (IUi:i;ns-waiu:. wood a wiu-ovwaui:. llehtllrlKlit Golden Drliis MvrupMolaKxes nt ho eeutH per enlloii. JtIO COKKK1J at o cents per pound. Wnllo hnnar at 1 1 ceuU.nud Jliuwn Huar nt 10 cent pur pound. , iT'IO Fl!tlIhlPi..-Country I'rodueo talten In cxtliant5o tur (Jroccrles. CI lld for lluttor und it'Ki. IapriiJ7Min. JOli PRINTING h'eaUy executed nt thU Offlce, Mjacollauoous. DH. RtMIKNCIC ADVJHKS CON. Htt.MlTIVl TO OO TO 1-XOIttDA IN llavlnttror tliolat tlilrtyflvo yearn devoted my wholo tlmo nnd attention to tho Mudy of ff luintdlncnftM nnd consumption, 1 feel thnt I un. dcrntnml fully the courso that outfht to punned torestoro a lolcrnbly bad cann nf Ulnomcd Itmi tolieallhy noundncM, Tho llrxt nnd luot lm porta II l Rirpimor IllO piuinimi ilium uu(in cold, nnd tho beit of nit place on Hit continent tor mm puritoo in wiuu.r, m inmaii, wvii oown In the Btnte, where tho temperaturo WrtKiilar, k ud not subject lo mich vnrlnttutifi ns In more Northern latitude, l'nhilkn Uiibolntlcnn m. commend. A pood hotel 1 kept there by lvtcr man. hnni winter 1 Raw overal pel tun tlipro whoto lungs Imd been badly disowned, but wiin, under thotieallntt lutluenco of tho climato niul my mcuieme wero kihhk v1" . ono hundred intlcn furlbpr down t lver U a point which I would prerer to IMlntka, n tho temperaturo Is more even nnd thonlrdry and bracllitf. Mcllonvlllonud Knterprlaonro loenttd Iticro. 1 BIIUUIU K' ueviuci iiiiiuiiihd m and It cem alinont lmpolblo In talto vuu thero. Tho lablei In l'lorlda mUht bo belter, nnd patients complain nt timet but thnt Ha if A man. ns It Indicates n return of npnetlto, niul when this In tlio cmu thoy Keiierully incrta'io lu Uenli, nnd thou tho lungs must heal. Jacksonville, lllhernIa,Ureeu Cove, and tnativ other places lu various parts of Florida, cau b surely recommended to consumptives lu white , Jiy rcaoin lornaj'iiiu nu uiv unit jnniviiiiiuu lehH liable to take e-oLJ thero than whero thero t nlcss even temperaturo, nnd It Is not necensary totsay that whero a consumntlvo ieron expo. litmNelf to freipucul colds ho Is certain to dlu short I j'. Therefore mynjlvlco is, go welluown Into tho Btato out of tno reach of pervading winds and fogs. Jncksonvllle, or nliu-m nny other of the localities I havo named, will lit ne lit thoso who are troubled with u torpid liver, a dtsorderod stotnacli, deranged bowels, n ir thioat or cough, but for those whoso lungs u . dnen hod a moro louthcrn point Is earnestly rj commenuco. For lirieen years prior tolWM wasprortf a ally lu Now Vork, Itoslon, lUlllmore nnd l'hiln. delphla every week, whero I aw nnd ex.imiu d on unnve-ao live hundred pitlcnts n Week. A practice no extensive, eiiiuniciim every iiumih nhaonnf luiiirdtscaAo. has ciublol mo tounder Htandtho disease rully. nud honce, my c.uu m lu regard lo tnklnscold. A iersou may tau.i Vrtstquaultllesor "rtchenck's Pulmonic Hj nip, Hcawit'd Tonlo nnd Mandrake riUH,"utid Jet dlo If ho doss not avoid taking cold. In 1 Joriita, nearly ovoryoouy is using neuencie s Mundrako l'llls, for tho ellmntu Is more llkel) to inx'uco uiuouf uauus in in moro noriuern i.m ihIm. It 14 ii well established f.ict that nati s ot l'lotlda tarely die of consumption, espu'ui v LUOiO oi i uu Hotuiierii i;iru vu ino uuiir ii:iui, In New i;hl.uid, ort'thlrd,nt,or ths porm latino dlo of this terrtblo illtcite. InthoAI iil.t HUtcs It does not prevail no largely tttlll ti a aro many thousands of eases theie. Wi.. as ,t iieiceutugQ of ino would no savcii ir cor.s Jtup lives weions euilly nlnrmed In regard to tnkin iresu cuui us iney uru noouv xcariei. iwur, ui..a po,.tc. Hut they nro not. They tako what i iey term n llttlo cold, which they nro crcdulMH enough lo believe will wear oil' in nfew Uujm, They pay no ntteutlo'i to It, and henco ttlujt tho foundation for another and nuother ktni, until the lungs aro diseased beyond nil hope lor UMy ndvlco to persons whoso lungs nro ntTecl- 1 oven unfitly Is, to lay In a .slock ofHclteneKs Pulmonlo Hyrup, Hchetfck's Huaweetd Tonlo uud Hchenck'H Mandrako Fills und go to Florida. 1 .ccoinmend these particular medicines beesu 1 nm thoroughly acquainted with their nr-tioa, I Luowtlmt whero they aroused in strict net r i aucewlthmy directions they will ilo the wiun Hint Is rcqulicd. This accompllbhed, nature w ,A do tho rest, "Iho physician who prescrlbt-s lor cold, cough or nlfthl-KWeau, and then ndv. v thupitlent to walk or rldo out every day, will bo sure to havo u corpse on his hands before ' My ltft 1" to Blvo my threo medicines. In n cordauco wjtli tho printed directions, except In nomo cases whoro u Heer uso of tho Mandruke Fills Is neec-jfiary. My ohject Is to give tone to tho stomach to get up n good nppetlte. It Is nl ways a good hUu whciin pnlleut begins tog. uw hungry. I havohupos of such. With n rellnu tut loud and tho gratltleatlou of that rcllih i-oiiH t Kood bloo-l, nud with il moro llesh, whlc'i i closely followed by a heallug of the lungs, 'ihtn the cough loosens und abates, tho creeping chip nud clammy ulght-swents no longer proshnl and nnnoy, nnd tho natlcut gets well, pro Ided bo uvoldH taking rotd. , Now thero uro many consumptives who Imu not tho means to co to Florida. Tho question maybe allied, la thcro no hojo for tuch? (.r. talulythero Is. Myadvlcolo tuchls.nnd eec has hecu, to Ktay lu it warm room during tat winter, with ti temperaturo of nbout seventy d gtees, which hhoufd bo kept regularly nt thai point, by means of n thermometer, Let Midi a patient tako his excrclso within tho limits of thu room by walking up und uowuns much an hu Htrcnglh will permit, in order to keep up a healthy circulation ot tho blood. I havueurtd thousands by this system, nnd enn do ho ngalu. Consumidlou Is as easily eured as nny other dm tuse If tt is taken lu time, and tho proper kind of treatment Is pursued, Tlio fact ktnuds undtf puled ou record that He he nek's Pulmonic hyrup. .Mandrake Fills, nud Keaweed Tonic hnvo cutul ery many of what seemeil to bo hopeless c i- -of eousumpllou. Oo where ou will, 'jott wlli to almost certain to llnd home poor ronsuuiptne who has been rescued from Uiu vey Jawaol ileutii by their use. t larns tho Mandrako F11I3 nro concerned, everybody should keep a supply of them ou hand. They net on ttie liver belter than calomel and fiave none of its hurtful etleclu behind In r.ict they nre excellent In all casuM wheiuu pur gative incdlclnoli required. I f you havo par taken too treely or liultuud dhirrluenemues u dohuot the Mnndrnkes will euro yeii, Ifjnmtu subje-ct to sick headache, bike u done of the Man drakes and they will relieve you lu two lmun. If you would obvlato tho eth-ctofn change ! water, or ttiotoo free Indulgence In fruit, i.dt one or tho Mandrakes every night or every oi i r night, nud you may theu drink water unm.u vvatetmulous, puaM, apples, plums, peaehei ui eom, without iherlsk.4)t belug made slcir li th m. Ttiey will protict thoso Mho ltvo lu damp situations against chills andfevctn. Try tin. m 'Ihey nro perteclly harmless. They can do .i good only, i havo nbaudnned my professional visits to lio tou nud Nuw York, but continue to seo patit-ni 4 utiny otllce.No liN.KIXfll street, 1'hlImU 1 phla, every H.iturday, from u A, M. to3 F. M. Tho.e who wish 11 thorough examination wn 1 thu ltesjdroiugter will be charged llo dob i. The ltu3plromutcr ileclnrcs the exact coudhi of tho lunss, und patleuls can readily i 1 u whether they nio curnbloor not. Ilutldetlr it distinctly uudcrstnud that tho value ot m mcdtclues depends entirely upon their be.u'i taken htiictly accoidlug to dlreetlons. Jn conclusion, I will n.iy that when per- ms takemy medicines and IhulrsyHteinsaie brou . u Inton healthy condition thereby, they aru tint so liable to tako cold, ji t no one with dheam d lungs can bear a sudden change of utinospii u without tho llnbillty of (jroater or less lirltution jf the bronchial tuos. Full tUrectlons lu all languages nccompui my medicines, so explicit und clear tint m duo r.tu use them w Ithout consuttlus me, toil eau be buiiifht irom any druggist. .1. II. bCHUN'Clv.M, 1 No. 13 N Sixrit Hlrcet, Fhlludolplna. liovll'TOdit. B AHGA1NS liAltGAINB. QUICK BAI.M ANti HSrAI.b 1'ROriTS. OAVIi 1UUI. AlU.'iJ'.Ii (lo to IIFNUV YOST, Itlnomsbnrg, Fa., ior nil kinds of the ui -d home uud city mado KUHK1T U 11 K. Trices reasonable nud tho best work done, Jan 1'71-tf 1 "A7ANTEI) Accnts mid PciIdJcrr, to IT sell a thoroughly good domestlo uriiclo, wanted in every family. No competlMon. 1 -eluslve territory given, Iluslness ery pleohatii Age-ulshnw) solit ;i doen, nm ing $Ju proiit po tlay. Ono sold Hjo lu u small town, uuotlur lc In live towns, another 31 Jnenllhigon SI lamiiu. Outfit SI. No elnuger of lmpo.sltlou. Ilest 01 lelereuco given. Mend for circular lo 1D2 Wnsh lngton stteet, lloslou, Mnss, ni rT.'Tl-lteow LllTIXFJIXD fc DAMF. AIL 110AU 3IKKTINO ! i lieio will bo n nubile Hall Itond M rot inn held at IlilN'JUN, Columbia county, on tho Fourtlula otJday, 1)7I. All Irlends of the enlerprlo me i e que sled to bo lu attendance, ns business of Im portance to the Interest ol the road will be tinm ucud. It Is necessary that there should benlull turnout of the people lull rested In t he welfare ot the loud. All eome. Able sptnkers will add-ess the meeting. Inpr'JvTl. TYT AG AINKS, DAI LY & WKEKh Y llX FAFF1W OF ALIj KINJ.H AT THU 1100IC ST0IIK Ol'l'OSITlCTJin COUJlTlIOl'SK. Also nn assortment nf Port cm on miles, F.inh Itooks and Account Hooks, constantly on hand. Hooks not on hand obtained on short notice, New Hooks are constantly being uddi'd to tlio " lllooinsbnrg circulating Jabrnry." Among tin latest aro "(lutlt und Innocence," "Motherlts, ' "Hr Harry," Hot Hpur of ilumblethwatt," and Metquem," etc. nprlW.'il li N OTIOK. N'OTIf'll Is lien liv clvrnliv tlinlTnintiits.lniirrs of Iho llutiioclc's Ciuek nnd Muncy Hnllroiul, tliat books will hooin'iicillor n'celvlnsuh.scrl. Hon lo tho fiiiiitnl storic or tho snhl company, nt tlio pul)llalioiisoof.loilN Koons, 111 I ho liorouijll ot Now L'oliiinlnis, l.uzcruo couuly, l'jou Moii Ufty, .Mnyirj.1, isti.i ho kept open thrco dnys In Slid ChSloll flOlU U O'C'lOCiCU. 10., tOll O'clOClC H, 111,, of mcii day, .ionah iiorv, W.M. H. ilONllOi:, MiitoN i'i:i.i.ovA, A.MNI HAKU1SON, JOHN KOO.NH, npi2S'7l Conuntssloucrs. TVJjW OltOAN AND 1'IANO WAltnilOOMB. OKIIANS A 1IAX01 l'OB BAI.D US INSTAILMI'.NTS. rinirs Irom nil first.clnss makers, from JJaOlo f Ui. orii ins Irom HD to (lit). A splrmlKI Urumi finchivc,2 set rccils, uuii licmwln witli jianclcil llluck Wnliuit Case, only $1'J5,W. Hliifio i.eel, siimocaso usuliovo, tftou. I hnvo liiuilo ul rnui;e mollis to luno Iholutost niiislo on liaiul ns hkjii us iHibllslinl. 'IV.icliers supplied nl rcgulnr ills lount, Wuicrooms, Main sir"', luyr MirltB Hotel. If. I. W.N1M-S. niumsoi'iiY of JiAUHiAaio.- L ANKWi'ouiwBot'I.ECTiiitts.ftsilcllvoridnt ihorciinn Poij itchiilonnil Musctuu ll I'l citiiiit W.. ll"tu ll"ur" "1,uv0 Twcllth, I'hlliiUeliihlii. cnihrnclns tho subjects! How to l.lvo nmV viist lo l.I lort Vouth, Mnturily nud (lid Abo ; Muuliood (li-lieiiilly Ucvlcwcd; Tliei'iiiisool liullttstloh j l'lutulciico uml nirv ous Discuses nciountcd lori Murrlago 1'Ullo sonlilciilly cousldcrcd. Theso loctuics will bo foi winded on receiptor .5 cents hy addressing! 1'ierotnry of Ihe reiinsylvanla 1'olyteciiniu SNII AN ATOM! OA I, MUSLIIM. l."A UllCSlUUl nl.. Alilladeliilila, IVuusylvunl.i. jejnviy, D ENT1S T 11 Y . II, C, HOWEJl, PUNT1BT, ili'spectfully offers his professional services 10 tho ladies und umitleniou of llliioiiisburif and vl clnlly. Ho Is prepared to attend toiiiiino van . ous operations lu tlio lino of tils profession, and Is provldid with tho latest Improved 1'oucki.ain Tuna which will ho Uisorted ou Kold platlui! silver and rubber bnso lo look as well as Clio uai; ural teeth. Tcolli oilructiJtt by ail the now ami most approved methods, anil all operations un tlio teeth carefullyaml propoily attended to. Itesldcuce aud otllco tt fow doors aJiovo the Court House, snmo side. litoouisuurv,, Jau.i ii ij (9