Sffoc dfotumbhut ih I'i'iit.miii:!) i:vi:iiy i-mday moiinino I ft TUB COLUMIltAN llUlI.tllNO KEA1ITIIR c ouiiT nouAi'iLooiisnuiiu, im ny HENRY L. DIEFFENBCH, KtiiToii and ruoritlKTon, Jena:--7wa Dollars a Year payallo la advanco. jod rninTiNa 111 nil descriptions executed villi iionlness nml dispatch tit reftsouablo rules. SPEECH OF 0. B. BRO0KWAY, Mnrrli 2!)lti ISTI. Iifforr Hit JnillrlArjr Cnnmltlro. In Hi mslIlT of ll"- Alli-nnl I'lim-iii", or l.lorMlnnt llnlri or Frrlalilf '-7 cprtalil lUllrtMiN. It Is but Just to myfolf Hint I b1iou11 Hlnto that in proceeding to nrguo till9 question, I do so without tho ndvantiigo of having been ulilo to seo u singlo lino of tho testimony, or a single document put In evidence. Wlillo It Is ii freuuent bmcllen for counsel to exaggerate tho I tnportntico of mcir caso in oriier to attract lo it unustl id nttentlon, no such necessity exists In tho present lnstaneo. Tho fact that$300, (IDO.OOO of capital hns eomhlncd to do Hlroy nn organization numbering 10,000 men thu fact that for weeks theso linlls havo been crowded with rnllrond presi dents nnd superintendents with noted mllllounrlcs nnd their satellites with hundreds of brawny nnd mlno-ninrked laborers with representatives from labor associations numbering In this Slutoover 00,000 men j tho further fact that for months but n low tons of nnthra elto coal have been shipped, nnd that by an unprecedented ratio of freight on tho coal carrying roads, miners could not resumo furnncos nnd factories hnvo been obliged to stop or pay tho unlawful rates, and millions of people deprived In midwinter of nn nrtleloof prlmo ne cessity, proves tho importance of our causo without argument. Ho great has been tho cry of tho people so loud tho demands of tho 1'rcss that tho legal right of theso carrying compa nies to chargo their present rates of freight should bo examined, that at last this branch ortho Legislature undertook tho task, and your HonorabloCommitto bus been engaged In tho investigation Binco March 8th, Instant. Without wishing to bo prolix, Gentle men, permit mo brielly to recall lo youir minds tho manner in which this ques tion camo before you. On tho "1th of February last tho following prramblo nnd resolution was oll'orcd by Senator Turner of Luzerne, nnd adopted : "Viti:m:AH,Cheap fuel and cheap food am essential to tho progress mm well being of tho Stnto ; And wlitrcas, Cheap freights nro essential to cheap fuel and cheap lood ; Andwhercas, Further, somo of tho railroads created by tho Statu mainly for carrying tho nnthracilo coal of Pennsylvania to market liavo ad vanced freights so that tho coal of coal is doubled to tho consumer, nnd tho public threatened witli tho total loss of this Indl-qictisubio nrticlo ; therefore, Jlcsolccd, That tho Governor bo nnd ho is hereby requested lo procure from tho Attorney General of tho Common wealth nnd lurnish lo this body, at tho earliest posslblo moment, uu opinion upon tho power of railroad companies to Impost) such rates of freight.'' As tho resolution demanded haste, tho distinguished Attorney Ge'.eral wrotou report on tho following day in which he stated : "When tho wrong referred in thuScn ulo resolution Is perpetrated by a single corporation whoso charter is Hated sub scquint to 1S3-3, tho Legislature can ex crclso its power. When two or more companies eonspiro to oppress tho pnb lie the olllcers aro Indictable. Tho Govornornlso volunteered a mes sage, which, With tho opinion of tho Attorney Oeneral was transmitted to tho Senate on tho 23th lilt. In it lie uses the following pointed language: "About Iho middle of tho present mouth an arrangement was ell'ecteel un tier which tho work was resumed. After few days' labor tho miners were in formed by tho operators that tho trans portation companies had largely increas ed their charges for freight in homo instances mom than doubled them in consequence of which thu mining was again suspended and so contliiinid. Tho results aru that little or no eoal is being mined or forwarded to market; miners and laborers am out of employment ; thu supply of coal on band Is becoming rapidly exhausted ; forges, furnaces and otiier manufacturers, whleh ti-o tho coal for fuel, havo been compelled to stop, throwing large numbers of laborets out of employment to tho great loss ami damage of all concerned, to the great Injutyofour people, ami tho g'neial prostration and derangement of nil thino Important interests) connected with coal operations. Theso things ought nut so tuba ; and II is considered both tho right and tho duty of tho Legislature to apply tho proper remedy and arrest tho ovil." Tho messago closes with tho following statement: "Timo will not allow further Investi gations; but there is no doubt an ex amination of tho charters of other companies engaged In tho transporta tion of anthracite eoal, would show substantially tho samollmltntlons upon their .powers to chargo freights, and similar reservations of power to tho Legislature to regulate tho charges, ro sumo tho corporate franchise, repeal the charters, or take tho roadsfor publiuuse. lly tho oxlstlug condition of tilings, miners and laborers, and tho.so depend ent jipon them, aro greatly injured; liugtf classes of our manufacturers aru crippled In their business, or compelled wholly to su-pend, for want of fuel ; coal is vastly Increased In price, beyond tho capacity of thu poor to purchase oven Iho common necessaries oflife; commerce, and other Important depend ant Interests aro paralyzed ; and thogood name of thu Stnto has lt uu mado to suf fer reproach. Chartered privileges were never grunted, or designed to bring about tuch results as theso; and If, as represented, tho corporations liavo mlii Used or abused their privilege's, oracteel In this matter without authority of law, and thereby entailed upon us theso man ifold evils, public duty, Justice and im munity, nliko nppcal to tho Legislature) for adtqimtuand speedy rcelross ; and It Is earnestly hoped and expected tho appeal will not bo mado In vain." Upon tho reading of this messnirnnnil tho opinion of tho Attorney General, teenntur Turner offered Iho following : "llcsolved, That tho message of tho uovernor aim opinion of tho Attorney General on tho subleet nf llm mimkI railroad companies in relation to freights charged on their roads bo referral to thu v-t uiuiiieo on mo judiciary General, i"siiui;uuiis to report, uy bill or otherwise. After Hoiuo discussion tho resolution was mutinied so as lo read as follows ueiuiuu, mat tho messago of tho Governor, with tho opinion of tho At torney General as to tho power tif rail road companies to lmposo exorbitant Heights on untlir.tclto coal, bo referred to tho General Judiciary Committee, with power to send for nursnna m,,i pors, and report to tho Senate by bill or otherwise as speedily as possible." Senator Davis moved lo amend bv lidding tho following: y "And to ascertain if n fair and reason nblo compromise cannot be effected bo. tween tno conlllctliig interests in tho nninracuo coat region." To this feonntor Turner objected or the reason that it "would be a, little hi. coniruous. I think it tmnhi , ii,,,..n, tr useless. The resolution refers mer'clu to t'mvlAtnut vnlo nhn,,.! I... jr.. r . - irwigiu TO tilts VUhlllll Hies, ami refers lo no comlM ,!.,.,. ' cumlnri comnantea nml iim n,,,.,...,.... nor between the miners and currying companies." J J Tho amendment was HoJndoptoil, and IIVI.IU UUL IUI11 II1111I1T fl-J 111 t ill Lruit,n glvcil this Investll'nMnn 1 Iconcelvo, then, Gcntlomcn of Iho Committee, tlml. Mm -,.. .....i ..).. , ....... ,,,u ,v, ,,,m Uliiv DlIU' Ject oncn for Invreiiim-ii.-.,, ,,.i:, .i.. .cw.u,.u.. jiisniun is whether certain jail roads engaged In tho transportation of anthraclto coal hnvo charged oxbrbl- " n ",u '"Mwiy ! m too inception VOLUME V.--M0.18. of ti ls In vcstlgallon, I had formed tho opinion that you were no more author ized to Inquire ns to whether murders, ofj""!." other crimes had been com- ... I I '""mining regions than you were to Invcstlgato tho sanitary contll tloti of the I'io-nn linllina nr ii,..ir..,. ?tl outrages committed by tho "Kit- KlUX'Klall." If rrlirau nrrn,r,,..,il,..,i I.. Schuylkill, tho courts there nro open, ""'I tho oirenders can bu properly trloel IIM body has no power to try nml pun Ish tho criminals. It has power and control over the corporations created by It. Lven if lawlessness was riru In tho mining regions, It would bo no justifi cation for these overgrown corporations to charge exorbitant or Illegal rates of freight. Ono wrong does not justify another; two wrongs cannot nmitn mm rlghl. Tim nf ImiiiiiK Hum urilinr. ............... Hons to shield themselves iy alleging Hint certain coal oncralors nml iin.tr employers do not work harmoniously s n weak evasion and tho old cry or 'StOOTh ef'' Wll I Ima ,.rlJ,..,l this Investigation for weeks, it has not diverted nubile attention from 11 If) Yt ll question at issue. I havo prepared n syuoplsof tho char ters and their supplements of tho var ious rail roads in uuejtlon. I be'lo Vith tho Philadelphia .fe llenillnir It. It. Co., which was incornorated in lSSJI. eo 1. I,. 151.1; anil tho rato of tolls were not to exceed an nveruiro of four cents per ton per mile, tho Legislature reserving 10 useu tno right to resumu tho grant If llio company at any time should abuse or mlsuio lis nrlvilesret. In addition to the main road, tho I'hlla. dclplila Heading Co., havo acquired control, by purchase, lease, or merger, i a cauai, ainiaooui iwenty-nvo other an roam, i navo not too timo to glvu on a synopsis of all theso charters, but may statu that they nil do not glvo tho right to chargo four cents per Ion per mllo for tolls, Tho Mount Carbon nod Port Caibou It. 11. Co.. for Instance, in. corporatcd by anactapproved April fitji ion, i: ii. ujj, umiis eno tons on ca.u to two cents per ton per mile. Thoorlgen of tho Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co sometimes culled the ehlgh fc Stiiduehunna was under an act parsed JIarch !)th 1771, for tho im provement oi tno navigation or the Lo high Hiver, under commissioners there- u named, jsy an act liasscil l'ebruary 7th 17'JS, proceedings wore to bo instl- uletl to jirocuro a charter under thu lamoof "Tlio Presitlent and JIanairers of the Lehigh Navigation Company,"' which charter was obtained in 181 1. In 1818, tho Legislature granted to Joslah White and otners, certain rights for tho Improvement of tho Lehigh, who asso ciated together under thu namu of "Tho Lehigh Coal Company", and subse quently as "Tho Lehigh Coal and Navi gation Company" which in 182:2 was de clared to bo their corporate name. Un der thu "Otli section of tho act passed renruary zimi asm, it was provided that "if they shall at any timu hereaf ter misuse orabuso any of tho nrlviltirts granted by this net, then or in either of neso eases tno legislature mav rcsiimo 11 and singular tho rights, liberties and rivllegcs licroy granted." Ily an Act approved March l."th 18.17, '. L. Oil) they were authorized to con tract a rail road from thu LchiL'h Hiver. to Wilkcsharro. Uy section Ii. of the same act, the tolls were not to exceed one and a Halt cents per ton per mile. lly an act approved April nth Isll, thosamo powers as to transportation over tho road were granted to them r.s cnjeiyed by tho charter of tho Philadel phia as Heading it. it. under tneir cour ier of 1S!W. lly an net approved March Itli 18(1:1, they were authorized lo construct n an roan irom ones- iiavcn io jinucii .'hunk ; and by section live of thes ime ct they were placed under llio loth, lth. l'Jth. lllth. llth. loth. 10th. anil 18th of (he general railroad act approv ed l'ebruary l'Jlh 18111. As all thu rail roatls in question except thu I'liilailel- ilila Cc iteadlug it. it. uo., aro under his section. 1 will now read It: That uiion tlio completion of anv ailroad authorized as aforesaid, thu mo shall lio esteemed u public high- wav. lor tho conveyance ol passengers and tlio Iransuortatlnn of freight, sub ject to such rules and regulations In re lation to tlio same, anil to tno si.o and construction of wheels, ears and car riages, tlio weight ot loads anil all other matters and things connected with tho uso of said railroad, as tho presitlent and directors may prescribe and elect : 7Vo vltletl, That the said company shall havo exclu-dvo control of tho motive power, anil mav from timo to timo establish. demand and receive such rates of toll, or oilier compensation for tlio uso of such road and oi said mouvo power, aim lor tho conveyaucu of passengers, tho trans- lortatlem of mcrchandin) and commodi ties, ami tho ears eir other vehicles con taining the same, or otherwise passing over or on tho saiil railroad, as to tho president or directors shall seem reas onable: I'toeitled hoiceecr, neurthtless, 1'hat nltl rates of toll and motive power barges so to no established, tlemanded or received, when thu cars used for such conveyance or transportation are owned or furnished by others, tlr.dl not exceed two and onu-hall cents per mile lor each ton of two thousand pounds of freight, threo conls per mllo for each ins-enger or baggage car, and two cents per milo lor eacn nuriieu or ireigni ear, every four wheels being computed near; anil In thu transportation ot pa-seuger-', no chargo shall bo mado to exceed three cents per mllo for through passengers, anil inreo auti a nan coins per miiu lor way passengers." lly an act approved July l)(h 1S07, tho Wilkesbarro .t Scranton H. It. Co., Incorporated by act approved retiruary l.j,18ol, under tlio provisions o ltho gene ral railroad law of 1810, was merged Into tho Lehigh Coal & Navigation Co. ily uu act approved July, loth 18(17, tho Lehigh & Delaware Water Gao it. It. Co., Incorporated under tho provisions of tho general rnllrond law til 1810. was niso merged into tnu i.eguigii coal and isavigauou uo. Tlio l.elilgu valley H. It, Co.. wrs neornoratod livanttet nnnrovod Anrl Ulst 1810. and the charter is to bo found in tno rampiiiei i.awsoi its is, page .17.), under tho namu of thol)elawaro,Lehigh, Sliuvlklll it Susiiuehanna H. H. Co. llv section twenty-llrst of Iho act tho lolls were uxeei at ono mid a nan cents per ton per mile, and at the same amount for transportation. Ily section twenty- two It was provided that if tlio not proms on tno capital biock exceeded ten per cent, tlio tolls were to bo reduced so as to Keep tno pure.'ntago iwiow mat amoime. Jo lS.'il! tho name was changed to llio Lehigh Valley it, II. Co. In lh,j(i (IV u. uoj tno company was placed under the general railroad law of 18 ly, anil tho uimiicr oi irsi i was rniicnii'ii. Tills road also owns mid operates tho Pa. & N. Y. Canal & H. It. Co., Ineorpo- rntml In IRivi ,m.ln. .1... ............ 1 ....1 ........ mi-..-.! tuu i;i-u.-im liuiiu.m KIW Ul iOl'-J. I next eonio to tho Dolawnro, Lacka wanna ix vtesiorn ll. it. Co. Jt was originally tno Llggett's Gap H. H. Co. incorporated In I8ii (P. I,, si-jn. iiv sections twnnlv-i.lv Mini tt'jin t 1.cn111111 tlio tolls wore llmltod to ono tuuf a lialf cents per ton per mllo, nnd In section thirty-four tlio Legislature reserved "tlio rigni to alter, unienit or repeal this char ter whouover Its privileges shall bo abused, or found Injurious lo the citizens oj lias Loninwnweultli," Uy act of 1810 (1'. I,. 010) tho corpora Hon was authorized to purchase ono thousand acres of coal Jund, nnd bectlon flvo, repents sections twenty-six and twenty-seven of tho act of Incorporation so far as rclato to tho ratuof tolls, accept the proviso to section twenty-seven, which left the rales as to coal unchanoed. Sec tion soveu realllrms tho power or tlio Legislature In caso of abuse or misuse. Hy section two, net of I80O (P. L. 110) tho act of April 7th 18:i:!-scctlon tlilrty-soveu-ls construed to mean that tlio company may furnish exclusive motlvo power for freight, Ac., charging such sum as shall not exceed tho tolls men tioned in said act, mid subject to tho control nnd power of tho Legislature. lly section flvo or tho net of 1851 (P. L. Oil) tho name or llio corporation was changed to tho Lackawanna A Western 11. H. Co. Ily section one, act or 183:1 (P. L. 102) Iho Delaware A Cobb's (Jap it. it. Co,, Incorporated April 7th 1810) was merged into tho Lickawaniia A Woitorn It. It, Co. Hy section four, tlio corporation was placed under tho provisions of tho lsth section of tho general railroad law of 1810, nnd by seutlon flvo of tho satno act tho liamo of tho corporation was changed to tlio Delaware, Lackawanna A Western It, H, Co. lly section lour of an act passed In 18"j (P. L. 110) tho Company was authorized to hold l!,UU0 acres of coal land. I may hero remark that while.- under this net tho right of tho Company lo own coal lands is limited to L',000 acres, they in fact now hold nbout 11,000. It Is no answer to say that they havo merged oilier corporations Into theirs which had tho right to hold additional eoal lands. If such charters oxlst they should havo been given in ovldene In order that wo might cxamlno tlicm. 1 therefore claim this company hold 0,000 acres of coal land in violation of law. Hy section two, of nn act passed in 1850, (P. L. 107) tho Company was re strained from purchasing anthracitu coal mined from other lands than their own when tho charges from Scranton to Klizabethport for thu use of tlio road and motlvo power in tho transportation of coal exceeds two cents per ton per mile. I di'slro to call your attention to tho fact that Gen. Hrishln testllled, some what reluctantly it Is true, that tho Company has charged mora than two cents per ton per mile from Scrantoii'to llllaabctbporl when they havopurchased anthracite coal mined from other lands thauthelrown; but tho Delaware, Lacka wanna A Western H. It. Co., attempt to justify this by tlio plea that under tho act approved March SM 1S05, (P. L. Gil) which they are placed under thu general railroad law of 18 10, so far as relates to tolls. I!ut tho net of 1SI0 relates exclu sively to the rates of freight on eoal and other articles shipped by others, anil in no way alters or changes the net of lS.Ki. It remains In lull forco and ellVct, and tho Company should bo held responsi ble forlts violation, irthey can, as tho allege chargo unlimited rates or rreight they can and will crush out every opera tor in that Held who is obliged to send his coal over their roads to market. Owning over twenty-ono coll lerloo-ovcr hair thu mining facilities in that section owning tlio only outlet for coal from Scranton to Now York State and city, they can carry it at cost while other operators must pay enormous tolls. Owning tho mines and railroad they cm mlno nml ship millions of tons to market, and then icallso immense pro fits by compelling a suspension, as they havo dono in tho pie-icnt instance by reducing mo wages oi minors .Torn 1 yi per ear to E0 cents per tar, and at the sumo time trebling the usual raits of Height. If thu Legislature does no1 e'aeck this wrong tlio day is not far dis tant when New York capitalists will havo crushed out all tho small oneralors in t hut region, and without rivals tho tho Delaware, Lackawanna A Western H. It, Co.. can rozulato the nrico of eoal In New York 111111,111 other points as they seo fit. They nro now trying to crush tlio men ; If they succeed tho opeiators will bu their next prey. 1 no oniy otucr railroad in question is tho Lackawanna A Hloomsburg, which was incorporated In lsr.i (P. L. 07.1) un der 1110 general railroad law of lsi'.i. Its charter contained thu usual clau-.o that the legislature may lestime, alter, or amend thu charter, or tako tlio road lor public iisu in ease ol an abu-u or misuse of its privileges. llv an act parsed In ISoiS (P. L. 71) tho 18th section of tlio general railroad act ot 1810, which relates to tolls, was ro pealed so faras this load waseoncerned, when tho distanco that ears or freight shall bo transported, or passengers con veyed, shall not exceed ten miles," 'lo this act, however, .1 supplement was pas-ed, approved May nlth 18,0, not in tlio Pamphlet Laws.) repealing thu nt of 18.10, and providing that said company may chargo twenty cents lor ach passenger, anil iwemy cents per ton for freight for tho whole disUiieo thu same may be carried, whenever thu rates llxcil by Iho Jbth seetion of the ilroad law of 181!) shall not amount to the saiil sum. Hie Philadelphia A Heading H.H. Co., tlalnis to have had 11 judicial construc tion of Its charter as to tho rigid to chargo tolls in 11 decision iiiuilo by tho Supreme Court i.f tills State, April 1st istl7, In the cjsj 01 iioyiu e'liio rniia- Iclpma a- Heading Ji. it. ct)., 1 i i .Smith, (ill). Tills was a stockholder's bill, alleging that tho ileiendants charged mora for thu transportation of merchan dise, Ac, than authorized to do by their charter. Thotlerendants tiled an answer tatlng that thu word "tolls" as used in their charter was for tho use or tho road way alone, and that for supplying mo tive power, cars, Ac, they might collect "reasonable" and "Just" compensation. and averred that their "charges aro anil always had been most moderate and reasonable.' The case was beard on bill and answer at Nisi 1'rius, and Judge Strong delivered an opinion, dismissing the bill. Tbociimplaliinut appealed, but was not Hii'lalned. 111 niostnnco too decision was that Iho defendant could charge moro than lour cenls per ton por nine, aim mat 1110 worn --nins- nppiiefi to the Uso of tho roadway uloiie. in order to moro fully understaiidtlils do- cision It may bo hero stated that at tho timo tho complainant's bin was uteii tho Heading road wascharglngonlyf.'l.iVl ner ton Irom Port Carbon to I'll adel nlila 11 distance of O'l miles, or about twenty cents per ton less than they were authorized to do by their charier, whero- as I heir jwcsait rates aro $0,08 timfur the tame ttUtttnec, an Increase of over two and it halt' cents per ton per mile over thu rates charged when tho above caso was decided. The Company at that timo only claimed tho right lo charge ircinoa nlle and just compensation, and did nut protenu to httvo tho privilege 01 elinrg- dig exorbitant rates. Kven JililgoStroug neiioveii unit such rates had been guar tied agaliiil, and lie stated. "Kxcesslve rates wero guarded nmilnst liv L'ivhiL' to tho puhli'j tho right to put tholr own ears and vehicles upon tho road without danger or being driven nil' by exorbi tant tolls; and it was well known that competition 111 thu carriage or property was inevitable, because a canal had already been constructed and was In successful operation between Phlhulel phla and I'ottsvllio," Those reasons liavo not been sulliclent to check exorbl tant rates. In imu'tlcu It would bo almost Impossible for shippers of coal to furnish locomotives, ears, hands, Au. As to eompteltlon by tho canal, that lias been prevented by tl 10 Headluir road securing a leaso of it for uluo humlieii and nluety-nlno years. Wo think It well established that no corporation takes additional powers by Implication; and that in caso of doubt Its privileges uro to bo strictly construed BLOOMSBUEG, PA., In ravor or tho public nnd against tho corporation ; nnd that tlio present rates of toll aro unjust, unreasonable', against tho public good, and tho Legislature has amplo power to limit them. Without multiplying authorities on n point that lias been ho often decided, permit mo to quoto tho languago of Judge Illack In tliocaso of Krlo A Nortli Last Hullroad Company v Casey, !lnd Casey p. !lil. "Wo nro obliged hero again to repent what has been so often said, that 11 con tract between thu Stato nnd n corpora tion cannot bo raised by Implication. Judicial construction in favor or a com pany will go so r.tr, nnd so rar only, as thostitoor her authorlzjil ugcnLs in. tended to (jo when tho contract was mado; and that intention must bo ex piessed In words too plain (or doubt." Again; "Hallroads built under tho nutborlty or law i'or tho general pur poses or commerce, aro public high ways. On this principal nlono wo h.tvo always held that no Individual or corporation can possibly havo any right or prlvllego connected with them except what tho law hns expressly con ferred." Hut tho Legislature, In tho caso of tho road in question, expressly reserved to Itseir tins power: "That if the said company shall at any lima misuse or abuse any of thu privileges hereby yranx ted, the LeyUlaluee may resume ait ana singular the rights ami prlvlleqca hereby granted lo Ihesald corporation. 1 ' As a s I m Har reservation was mado In each ortho charters in question I can do no belter at this point than to quoto from tlio nblo opinion of Chief Justice Hlacl: in Iho caso of Krlo A North bast Hallroad v Casey, and Casey l!37, in which this entire question was fully til-cussed. Tho charter was repealed by Iho Legis lature for "misuse ami abuse." Tho learned Judge In delivering tlio opinion of tlio Court, says: "A grant or eorporatoprlvllcgesloraspceillcd period cannot bo resumed by tho Stute within such period. If tlio charter bo without limitation ns lo time, it Is forever irro pealablo. It docs not lollow from this khat corporations aro beyond tho reach oi puuuu comroi. wnen 1110 privileges they enjoy aro fraudulently abu-ol," and t beg thu committee to mark dis tinction, "tlio courts may pronoutico them forrelted. 1 11 somo cases, also, tho Legislature, when granting tho rran clils.'H, reserves to itself tlio right to revoke them. When tho charter con lains such a stipulation, it is as much a part of tlio contract as anything elso thatls in it. Tlio Legislatlvo repeal of such n charter bears no resemblance lo the Judgment of a court against n cor poration on a quo mtr.-tudo. They pro ceed upon principles ns diil'erent as tho functions of tho Legislature aro tlllfercnt from thoso of tho Judiciary. If tho power to repeal ba reserved, its exerciso is merely carrying out tho contract ac cording to its terms; and tlio Stato ii using her own rights; not forfeiting thiHoof thu company." "In tho charter now under consider ation, tlio following clause occurs : "If tho cald company abuse or misuse any of thu privileges hereby granted, tho Legislature may rcaumu tho rights gran ted to tho said company." This was a reservation ur tho right to repeal tlio charter in case It should bo violated. U it was violated, then tlio repeal was not breaking tlio bargain but keeping It; not iiiipniriiig,hx.ciiforciiig tho obligation ottho contract. "Tho plaintiff's counsel Insist that inasmuch us thu right to repeal depen ded on matter of lact, tho right could not bo uxreised until the lact was asccr- ained by a judicial trial." (And I may add, gentlemen, that that will bu insis ted 011 nuru.) "Jiilt 11 tins were not a mlstako tho reservation would bo nuga tory. When tho abusu of tho charter is judicially ascertained tho corporation will be eussoivod wunotii tno interven tion of tho legislature, and tho court mid not decide tho fact to bo truo with out pronouncing tliojudgment of forfeit ure. Tlio legislature certainly meant to i-rve something moro than the right o dissolve thu corporation after it should bu ills-nlvi'd by a court. Tho power lo kill what Is nl ready dead Is no power at all. The argument of thu plaintiffs 011 this point is altogether unsustalned by authority. There aro 'everal eases di rectly against it. In Crease c llabcock, llio Supremo Court of Ma-sachiisetts :.iKi, mat when tno legislature reserved o itself the right to repeal a ciiartcr on tlio happening of a certain event, they might enact the repeal whenever thu event happened; It was not a reserva tion ot judicial power. 10 tno same t'Hect is MavL-irrcn v rotmuigtun i 1'aigc 107), and lu tho Miners' Haul: v Tho United States (1 tiWeiiuGI,) it was held not only that the fact, 011 which thu right of lupoid depended, might be noticed by thu legislature without the assistance f thu judlclaiy, but that Us truth could nuver afterwards bo ques tioned by uny court. It Is said that tho leneal eiu be jiistllUil only If tho violation of tho narier was wiiiui. ism tuu rignt is riven to repeal not for a wilful, but for any abu.-o or misuse. Tho word tcilftd Is not in thu reservation, and we cannot Insert it by construction. Hut suppose it to bo in, Is not any positive viola tion ol tlio charter. Wh eh iiiltrlit have been avoided, a wilful misiisu and abu-e of it V Again, "Judges and chancellors liavo stahlishi'd certain rules of proceeding ror their own guldauco In tlio distribu tion of lust leu among suitors. Ono of theso rules Is, that a party lu certain cases bhall not be permitted to aver the truth; and this is called an estoppel, llut tho legislature is not restricted by it. Tlio General Assembly can make and unnrakoall rules of practice, plead ing, anil evidence at us pleasure. The parly that makes thu law must, in its nature and essence, lie so totally diil'er ent from the power which administers the law, mat it is most illogical 10 reason from 0110 to tlio other. Tlio limitations em tlio legislatlvo power of the btato are not tj bu found in tlio guueral body of thu law, but only In tlio constitution Itself, which Is tho li.c leaum, or law of laws." "These corporators havo suffered at thu hands of tho legislature nothing bat what they expressly agreed to suiter in a certain contingency. That contingency lias literally eomo to pass. Their jutci Inn hue been abused and mhusej. Hut they insist that tho penanco they were lorced 10 undergo, ougut to bo accejncd in placo of thu obedience which they promised. That is not lu tho bargain. and since thoy stand upon their contract wo 110 not seo now wo can givo mom moro than what is there sat down. Tlio legislature agreed lodlsarni Itself of tho repealing power on condition that tlio corporators would nbldu and remain within their charter: when they went out of It, the condition was broken, Thu fact thai they lelt tho path or duty is not disproved uy 1110 otner lact mat thoy afterwards returned to It. Nor Is their caso at all helped by showing that they wero driven back under tb lash of a court. Their Independence of legisla tive control was to ho'a consequence of innocence, not 01 guilt, loiiowuu ny ro pentanco and restitution." Airaln. "Tho corporation llfelf can not add anything to tho charter, not'' run It do so even with the assistants of tlie executive anajuaiciary, it still nas no mom than wliatthu Leglslatuiogavo It, and tho Legislature did not glvo what 1 it now Claims." "Contracts between MioStuUuuiilcor borate bodies cannot bo Implied from anything but pluiu words; nod thoso words must no spoiten ny 1110 uencrai FRIDAY, MAY 5, Assembly, nnd enrolled In solemn form among Its acts." "Wo think tho construction wo havo given to this reservation Is not oniy required by tho established rules or In terpretation, but Is In accordance with thu most liberal Intent that can bo as cribed to tlio Legislature In making It. Men who nrocapablo or abusing a priv ilege eonrcrrcd 011 tliem by tho special favor of tho State, aro unworthy to havo It. Tlio Statu had 11 right to test tho prudence or bur bounty by this standard to fix her own locus penilen. tlaelo try tlio grantees or tlio privi lege) and seo whether they would bo havo themselves well. SI10 kept lu her haiidsthu short, sharp remedy or repeal, to bo applied whouover tho conduct of tlio corporation would demonstrate that n remedy was needed. Thu error was to bu repaired by tlio samo body that committed It, at any timo after the error was ascertained. Ir tho satno offence, tho charter might havo been rorrelted on quo warranto, but another modo or reparation was adopted Tor tho very reason that theStatodld notchooso to undergo tho risk, and cmbarrnssmont and delay of njudlclal trial. SI10 would not liavo tho machinery of n court In terposal between her nnd her rights. Shu did notdeslro to play with lawyers and Judges at tlio game of special plead ing. Shu was unwilling to go for Jus tice to a placo where estoppels might prevent her from asserting tho truth. She would retain tho right of legislatlvo repeal frco from all restraints but those Imposed by tho constitution, or elso she would not grant tho charter. If tho corporators did not Intend to obey It When such was tho stipulated penalty for disobedience, It was folly us well ns wickedness to accept." "This corporation, after its privileges wero abused, had an estate at will, and tlio Commonwi'altli chose to demand repossession. That terminated ostato as completely as an estate ror years would bo terminated after tho expira tion or tho term. Tho grant was ex hausted, tlio corporation lived Its timo out. Its leaso or lift) was expressly limited, at tlio day or Its creation, to the period when thoLeglslaturo should dlssolvo It ror misconduct. When tho legislative will was spoken, its hour had come." The learned Judge then recapitulates thu main points in his argument as' fol lows : I. Tliis charter was granted with a reservation ortho right to repeal it, If the franchises should bo abused or mis used. II. Wo nro satisfied that, lupolutof Tact, tlio-.o franchises wero abused and misused. III. After that event happened, tho General Assembly was invested with full power to repeal tho charter, and tho corporators held their franchises from tho Stato merely as tenants nt will, In tho samo manner as If there had been an unconditional reservation of tlio right to repeal. IV. After tlio Interest of tho corpora tors had been thus cut down by their own misconduct loan estate at will, the legislature only could enlarge tho char ter, so ns to mako It a perpetual grant, or put tho corporators on another term of probation. X. Tlio Judicial proceedings against tlio corporation did not and could not disarm tlio Legislature or its reserved right to repeal, nor enlarge theestato or tlio corporation in us iraucmses, nor ciiatigo the terms 01 tlio original grant, ror theso are things which tliojudlciary cannot do, nor thuoxectitivo cither. VI. Tho power of tho Legislature Is not restricted by tho rules of pleading and ovidenco which the courts havo adopted ; and therefore tho Stato may act in thu Leglslaluru upon a truth which shu would havo been stopped to show in a court if tlio Lcghlaturu hud not Interfered. VII. Thu )0 wer to repeal for abuse of corporate privlbgos is 11 different right Irom that of demanding a judi cial sentence of forfeiture, and Is reserv ed for tho very reason that It may af ford a remedy when a quo warranto would not. VIII. Tho charter being constitution all v repealed, thu franchises are. as a necessary consequence, resumed to tho State, and tho road remains what It always was public property. IX. The corporators canuot 00 enti tled to compensation, for they had no property in tho road, and after their default they held tho corporate) fran chise's at tlio will of tho Legislature, and the exertion of that will, lu the re sumption of tlio franchises, ilid them 110 injury but what tney agreed to sub mit to," Judge Lowrio in concurring lu this oijiiilon, said : "It is objected that this power Is not to bo oxercis.'d, unless tho corporation mlsit-u or abuse itS privileges. Hut, as Legislative power must bu guided by its own wlsdo.n nnd knowledge, so ;( 11111.1 take its met v:al if informing itulf; and thu com Is ciuiiot set aside its ac tion, on thulr supposition or conviction that it is founded 011 misinformation. If tlio com ts must llrst declare the abuse then an express Legislative function is mado dependent upon thu Judiciary, which is simply absurd. That tho law making power should bo controlled in its action by previous law Is even moro palpably so." lu tho above case, irom whlcli 1 navo looted so llberallv. tliu defendants ob tained leave to amend their bill, and tlio subject was again brought buforo tlio Supremo Court, Without wearying the committee by many ftirther ex tracts, let mo glvu tho Court's opinion as to whateonstltutes"abusOoriiilsuso" or a charter. As that is tlio cs-enoo or this ease I will bo pardoned for quoting tho learned Judge's opinion fully on that point. "Now what isnhusoor misuse '.'There Is nothing profound or mystical nbout tliesu words. They uro not terms of art in tlio law. Thu popular sense in which the-y uro used every day is well known. To abuse, is compounded of no nml utor ; and In strictness It signifies to in jure, diiniuisii 111 value, or wear away, by using Improperly. Catiline nbusod tho patience of tho itoman Senate. A man anuses nis constitution ny excesses which impair us vigor, a judge iiuuscs hisolllco not only by taking bribes, but uy any misconduct which detracts from its dignity and usefulness. To abtiso tho frecduiu or tlio press, or tho right of debate, is a puraso irom widen wu tuKo n periecuy iieiiuuu idea, wo Know very well what Is meant when it Is said that Legislative authority or oxecutlvo power has been abused. Why, then, uro wu expected not to know that a corporatu prlvllego has been abused, wnun wo seo it used as a eenour ana a pretext for that which tho law pro noiiucis a wrong and Injury to tho pub lic'.' Misuse Is still a simple word. It slg- nilles merely to uso amiss, lie who would prove thaf any power has not been misused, must show that It has been always used rigidly, or elso not at all, ,Uut I admit that these words, llkoall others, may havo diil'erent meaning, when spoken with reference to diil'erent objects. Acts which would bo an ubuso of ono thing may bono nbusoofanother. Wo are therororo to ascertain precisely what is abiiso or misiisu or corporatu privileges uy 11 company, auuso in cludes misuse. Wo tako them both to gether and ill lino them thus : Any pos itive act in violation or tlio charter, and in derogation or publle right, wilfully dono or caused to bo dono by thoso ap pointed lomaniigo tho general concerns 1871. UOL. ot tho corporation . Let us analyzo this definition. 1. Tlio Illegal act must bo iiosltlvo. A mere omission, Hko tho failure of n bank to mako its annual returns, Is not enough. Nonuso Is n different thing rrom nbusoor misuse. U. A disregard of tho charter which Is Injurious only toprlvato Interest, and which therefore admits of private com ponsatlon, Is not. I think, within tho lair mcnnlng or tho words. It must bo somo misconduct which Infringes upon a right reserved by tlio Stato for tlio buncllt of tho publle. I). It must ba wllfull, that is, Invol untary, accidental, or tho consequence or mere mistake. Hut I mean mis tako or r.ict. Kvcry man Is bound to know tlio law. Especially aro tho grantees or a prlvllego llko Oils, bound to know tlio law which limits nnd defines Its ex tent. They bargained to obey tho char ter, not ns they nnd their successors might happen to understand It, but ac cording to its truo intent and meaning, ir wu could allow them lo havo nn nil vantagu rrom their own errors of inter pretation, then every grant of cornor- nlo privileges must bo measured not by tno terms 01 tno grant itsun, out ny tuo lgnoranco of tho grantees. A power not largo when understanding nil ministered, might become enormous In tho hands of dunces; and tho dimen sions or tho samo charter would dllato and contract In proportion to thodegrco or Intelligence that each now set of di rectors would uring to 1110 business, fcio lileli a premium for lgnoranco would causo It to bu feigned sometimes, when it does not exist. Tho rulo is a wlso ono which conclusively presumes that tho managers of railroad companies, llko everybody else, understand thu law which prescriucs tneir uuuej. 1. It cannot bo said that thu company has been guilty of abuso and mlsuso every timo a subordinate officer or agent transgresses tno act 01 incorporation, without authority, oxnrcss or Implied. rrom tlio board of directors. It is not sulliclent, ror Instance, that a conductor of Ids own Head Biiouiti eiiargo an exor bitant faro. Jim u the directors should es tablish a tariiY of tolls nrcatcr than the law allows, and cinnptl the public to pay them, tins wotihl be a manliest abuse. I havo tiuotcd nt somo length. Gentle men of the Committee, rrom this mem orablo case, not only because It Is rrom tlio lien of onu of our ablest living Jurists, but becauso It covers all tho points in tins caso iiku 11 uuimtui, snow ing nliko tho duty and powers of tho legislature, as well as that of corpora tions created by its authority. No lan guago of mlno can add forco lo what has been so ably said by Judgo Hlack, and It would bo pedantry to rofor to tho numerous authorities whleh sustain him. It will bo contended here, I havo no doubt, that the principles of this decis ion aro overruled in tlio caso of tho Commonwealth v. Tho Pittsburg A Connellsvlllo Hallroad Company, 8 P. K. Smith, pngo "0. Without going Into detail as to tliu merits or that case, bo causo undoubtedly tho Commltteo will fully oxaraluo It, I may state that In it n general demurrer was lllcel by tho Commonwealth to tho rejoinder of tho defendants, which, ns stated by tho Court,"unqucstlonnbly admits tlio truth of all tlio facts averred in tho rejoinder." As slated bv Judiro Sharswood. who de livered tho opinion of tho Court, "Wu havo 110 difficulty in saving that upon theso pleadings It Is admitted that no misuse or abuso bad taken place, which would irlvo any constitutional right to tho legislature under tho HOth section of tho original act 01 incorporation, to ro sumo the rights and privileges granted to tlio defendants." Tlio case, then, was decided on tech nical ground'', tho Commonwealth hav ing admitted that "no nbuso or misuso had taken placo." Judgo Sharswood, In commenting upon Krlo A North Kast itallroau uo., r. uasey, expressly says, in speaking nf the conclusions arrived at by Judgo Illack : "After so clear nu enunciation ny tnu court itseii 01 tno conclusions at which they had arrived, It would bo altogether a work oi super ligation to examine and analyze thu reasons upon which they uro based. rnatcase musinoconsiucrcd an autiiori- t y in this slate for tlio nositloti that thu legislature is not thu final Judgo of Whether me casus Jucaeris, upon which 1110 authority to repeal is based, lias oc curred." It will bo observed here. Gentlemen, that tho casu of Krlo A Nortli hast Jtailroad Co., r. Casey Is not overruled, but cndoisid, and contains no dental oj authority tn the J.eglflature to act; and Irom tho instances cited by tliu learned Judgu bu only concludes that thu legislature "has not claimed an absolute right lo tlecldo conclusively upon the facts of mlsurer and abuse." 1 may add that becauso shu lias not claimed tho "absolute lUht," does not destroy It hut ns a 111 liter of fact in several Instances shu h..i claimed nnd exercised It. He-lde, it is not llio abso lute lorfelturo or those euarters that wo now demand, but the curbing of these corporations which an doing enormous daiuagu to tliu peoph at largo by charg ing their present raie.s ot toll. Astbucasooi thu Cumberland valley Hallroad Company's Appeal, 111 P. K Smith pugoSIS, may ho alluded to, I desire simply to stato that It bears no analogy to tho present caso. That Com pany by tneir cnarior wero permitted lo chargo "four cents per ton per mile for toll, and tlireu cents per -ton per mllo for transportation." As they had not exceeded their charter liuiits tlio Suprcmu Court sustained them. They kept within their contract;, they had not misused or aiiusen tneir privileges. I could multiply authorities beurlnir uu thu points 1 liavo advanced, but not wishing to tax tno patioucu ot tliu com mittee further on this branch of tho question, I desire to call thulr attention to a recent tiecision py tno bupremo Courtof Illinois, repotted lu tho J'ubllo llceord or March lath 1871, Tho court says: "A railway company becomes a common carrier by tho accoptaneo of its charter, which constitutes its contract with tlio public, unit its duties are tlxttl by such contract and tho law applicable to common carriers, Theso require it to recclvo nnd transport all freight, with out discrimination, ami for reasonable prias. To conclude on this point, Goutlemon: abovu and beyund all this there resides in tliu btato mat attribute 01 sovereign ty, thu power of eminent domain. On this point the authorities aro so mu tl tifdlnous that I can refer only to only a few. Says Couley,ln Ids admirable work on Constitutional limitations, nago 2S1. "The grant of an exclusive privilege win not prevent tno legislature irum exercising tno power of eminent do main in respect thereto. Franchises, like ovcry other tiling of value, and In tho naturuol property, within thu State. aro subject to this power, and any ol tlielr Incidents may bo taken away, or themselves altogether annihilated by Its exerciso. Anil It Is believed that an express agreement In tho charter, that tlio power of eminent domain should not bu so exercised as to Impalror effect tho franchise granted. If not void as bu. yond tlio power of tlio legislature to miiKo. iiitiii uo considered as only n valuable portion or tho iirlvlleircs secur ed by tho grant, nnd as sucli liable to bo appropriated under tho power o emi nent domain. Tho cxcluslvoness of tliu grant, and tho agreement against Inter- lurcuco wiiu it, u valid, constitute ele ments In Its value to ho taken Into ac count In assessing compensation ; but appropriating tho franchise In such a casu 110 inoro violates tlio obligation of DEM. - VOL. XXXV NO. 11. tho contract than does tlionnproprlatlon or land which tho Stato has grantod under nn express or Implied agreement ror quiet enjoyment by tho grantee, but which may nevertheless be taken when tho public need roepiiros." Mr. Grconlcaf, in a note to his edition or Crulso on Heal Property, Vol. 2, p, 07. says !" Any net of tho leglslnturo disabling Itself from tho future exerciso of powers Intrusted to it for tho public good must bo void, being In effect n covenant to desert lis paramount duty to tho wholo people." In tho cases before us thu legislature has o granted nway Its powers or con trol, but expressly nnd in mil words ro served them. Cooley,ln tho samo work, p. r!17, says: "Thu nuthoritv to determine In anv caso whether It Is needful to exerciso this power must rest with tho Stato Itself, and the nntstion is ulwaus one of a strietjuyliticnl character, not requiring any hairing vponthe facts, or any jttdicialdctcr. miuation." Again, tho Stato has n general police power over all theso corporations ; nnd without elaborating tho subject I would refer you to tho opinion or Chief Justice Hedileld lu Thorpe v. It. A H. H. H. Co., 7 vt, 1 10, where ho states : "Wo think tlio power of tho legislature to control existing railways In this respect may bo found In tho goncral control of tho po llco over tlio country, which resides In tho law making power in nil thu states, and which Is, by tlio fifth nrticlo of the Hill of Higlits in this state, expressly declared to reside perpetually and Ina lienably in llio legislature, winch is, bcrhaps. 110 more than tlio enunciation of n general princlplo applicable to nil freo States, and which therefore cannot bo violated so ns to deprive tho leglsla luru of tho power, ovon by express grant, to any mere private or public corporation. And when tho regulation of tho pollco of a town or city, by gener ul ordinance, is given to such cities or towns, and tho regulation 01 tneir own Internal pollco Is given to railroads, to bo carried into effect by their by-laws and other regulations," (Just what theso corporations claim), "it Is, of courso, always, in all such cases, subject to tho superior control of tliu legislature. Jhat is a responsibility whien legislatures cannot dicrsl themselves nf, if they would. On tho same) point 1 refer also to India- nations cSC it. 11. uo. v. Jvercnevai, id Intl. 81: Ohio As H. It. Co. v. McClell and 21 III. 11!) ; Stato v. Kayos, 17 Me. 180. Now. ttrc tho present ratos of freight on tho railroads In question exorbitant? Tho testlmonev of witnesses produced on this point is ns fresh lu tho minds of tho Committee us in my own, anil tno rates or freight charged ut different times is before you in tliu slinpo of doc umentary evidence. In tliis connection I will only idludo lo tho ovidenco or it few witnesses ; becausu us wo wished to occupy but llttlo of your timo wo havo called only a small number, when wo might navo cumuiaieu testimony oy hundreds of them, us tho Commltteo well understand, In the llrst place, then Col. llltner, a manufacturer of Iron, distinctly states that thu rates ot freight are exorbitant, and that alone, and not the prica of mining coal, is tho causo of the present trouble. Ho believed tho charges of 1 03-100 cents per ton per mile for freight were exorbitant nnd much more so the present chargo of C) cents per ton por mile. Messrs. Fulton, Kcndrick, and other prominent men called by tho de fendants testify to tliu eamo effect. Gen. Hrisbin, general counsel of tho Dela ware, Lackawanna A Western H. H. Co. regarded tho rates as prohibitory. Gen. Cake thought If thu tolls bad not been Increased, two-thirds of tho collieries In Schuylkill county would now ba lu op eration. Mr. llorda. thu agent of llio Philadelphia A Heading H. H. nt tho N. 1. meeting there alleged that thu in tention was to put up tho ratis of freight to such "fancy rates" that it would bo iuiiiossiblt! for any operator in tho Schuylkill region to ship coal, ami tnal sialenirnt remains uncontradicted. Messrs. lie dev. oiiiev. A Watters stub that different operators told them long before tho present rates of freight were anopieu mat tnu men rates wereexorbl taut on tho Philadelphia A Heading H. H,, and prevented them Irom competing Willi thu other anthracite regions. Tlie pnicnt rates arc itcaily four times as much as thin were then! Messrs. Foley and Ilallman represen ting nut only thu National Labor Asso ciation In this Stale but thu 2100 men composing their Union in Danville, swear that tho great works there are stopped, not becauso of tho strlket, but uec.iuso 01 mo cxorouuni, prohibitory rates of freight 011 tlio Lackawanna A Hloomsburg. 11. H. Tho iron manufac turers of Danville and their miners In Luzerno wero in accord, but tlio extra. ordinary increase of tolls on tlio Lacka- wanna a istoomsburg 11. 11. chilled tlielr furnaces and reduced thousands of men in that thrivluir town to want nnd buffering, In Hloomsburg, as appears by tho tes timony of Mr. Drlnker.tho furnaces lire working nt the samo disadvantage, and though shlpplngeoal for tlielr furnaces It It is tremendously enhanced In value by the lacreaso of freights. Look ut It. Gentleman of the Com. mtttco! Kven now, as appears by tho testimony, a ton of chestnut eoal en.ts at tlio mines in tho Schuylkill region nut .,ue, anil tno ireignt is 4-0,00 to Philadelphia 1 Tlio Philadelphia Coal Company only chargo that amount now. If the Philadelphia A Heading H. H. only charged ?2,00 per ton, (more than tlielr usual rates), tlio suffering thous ands of Philadelphia, despite suspen sions, would pay only $1,00 per ton at tno point 01 delivery wnero they aro 1 1 1 ) , unused 10 paj fo,y-j, If these creatures of tho State, then. may eharguuiii amount for transporta tion 01 coai, us uu!i, urisiuu und other witnesses bttttu. Is It not timo tho Stato should htep in and limit that power? If they can lay an embargo on this urllclu or prlmo necessity, can they not do tho samo on grain, or any other matter of commerce? If they call ilrlvo coal from tho market by a combination n con spiracy (becauso that It Is such thu sim ultaneous r.uu 01 irclghts alter tho Philadelphia and New York Meetings of tho operators nnd railway managers nbundantly proves) for thulr own good nun ngaiust tuu puuiiu weai, 1 nout 1110 umo has como wneu tlio stato under her power of eminent domain. If under uo other, should step In, and lor thu pro tection 01 1110 puuuc say "thus lar you may go and no ftirther." Hut, say theso corporations, "wo need tho fostering caro of llio Statu; capital must bo protected." As statetl by tills Honorable Committee in their prelim inary report, to which I most huartlly agree, "capital Is In itseir aggregation, association, combination." ir capital can protect Itself, w hy glvo It furthor assistance, when thu result Is lo timu down tlniso who mako capital for oth ers, tint never prollt by It themselves I Tho Statu having given theso railroads extraordinary privileges and marked a lino beyond which they should not go, has Iho right and It Is her duty to step in Tor popular protection. Hut havo tlitso cororatious suffered? Let mu examine two or tlireu or them and see. T';o Philadelphia A Heading H.H., has a capital or over $;W,000,000, n largo proportion or which Is owned in rairopo, wnero money is cons tiered well Invest-.! wheu It brings four per centpr, milium; yet this Impoverished corporation for years bus been declaring ten per cent dividends, ns appears by tlielr returns to tho Auditor General, HATH8 01' ADVKHT1S1NH. One Inch, (twclvo lines or Nonpareil type) one or two three Insertions, 12. 00, lti cuijvnlciit In lncrllon, 11.50 SPACE. IV. One Iiicli........IIM Two lnrlics..H.H.H8)0 2K, 11,00 6.00 7,00 9,00 Dm. ex, It. 11,00 to.oo m.oo 7,00 9,00 15,00 9,00 12,00 18,00 11,00 17,00 SMI 11,00 20,-10 30,00 SO 00 80,00 (10,00 40,00 00,00 100,00 Three Inches 6,00 I'onr Inches 7 00 tluftrter colnnin,, 10,00 Half column .15,00 Ono columii......30,0U i,m 18,00 30,00 Exceulor'a or Ailmtnlnlrator's Notice, (3.00 Auditor's or Aulgnco'n NoUee, 12.00. tflcitl notices, ten eent n line. Cards In Iho "Business Directory" column , l'J.00 per yenr for tho llrsl two lines, ami (1.00 for ench addlllnuM line. and bow much moro In ways known onlv to tho managers, tho gifted $30,000 per annum Prcaldont of that Buffering concern mono can ten. an ibu-j too length of track under Its control was 1111 0-10 miles. Now itls much greater. Its coal tonnago for that year a year of strikes was -I,lp0.810 tons. Tho cost or operating tho road was $2,.H0,2ll,ir,, or Sil.0D0.7D3.G7 moro than tho cost of operating tho entire roadl Tho nvcrago cost per ton per mile for transporting coal wos 80 100 of a cent, wlillo tho nvcrago charge was 193-100 or n cent. JVow tho chargo from Port Car bon to Philadelphia down grado Is over 01 cents per ton per mllo 1 Accord ing to tho statement of Mr. Gowr.N but 12,000 tons por week nro carried over tho road, or (121.000 tons per year. As- sumlng tho avurago distance of trans portation to do '.1:1 miles, 1110 tiisiaiit-o irom Port Carbon to Philadelphia, at nrosent ratos tho C2I.000 would 11.1v i(Jo2,C0l moro than tho cost to transport 4.100.810 tons tho satno distanco ut 80-100 of 11 cent per ton per mllo lu 1800. Again, ut hu iuo 01 a cent per ion p-.-r mllo tho uctual cost of transporting 4, U.0,810 tons of conl was only 83,110,82), while tlio receipt wero $3,310,210,15 for tho samo, showing n prollt of S3,2iW,115, on that nrticlo alone. Uut,say theso Impecunious gentloinen, those oxorbltant rates uro Justified for tho uso of cars nnd motlvo power; tho four cunts per ton per milo being for tliu uso ol tnu roauway. isow let 11 uo remembered that for tho mere uso or tho roadway, station ngonts, toll collec tors, track repairers, and nearly nil tho present machiuery or n transportation company would bu required. Are theso companies Justified In exceeding tho limit ror tolls becauso they furnish cars? We think not. A ftiur wheel cur costs about $2o0. It carries tlvo tons, und can easily mako 120 trips -a year, or carry 000 tons. If $2.00 per ton tliuu bo charg ed fur car service, eacli car would earn $1200 pei-uiiiiitniornboutyJcc times its costl un tins subject tno testimony 01 ur, Fiux'ic. a witness culled by tho defen dants, throws somo light. Ho is now carrying coal over thoSehuylklll Haven A Mlno Hill H.H.,(a brunch operated by tho I'hiiaueipiua a Heading it. it.,j under uu old contract, under which liu pays 1 cents per ton per 111110 ior too uso of tlio road, nnd J or a cent per ton per mllo ror ear service und motlvo power, tho proportion or tho latter to ll r... - l...ln.. nn in tttrnK.r. 'Phlj Is tho proportion between tho two as agreed upon between tho corporation and operator. Applying tho samo xulo to tho Philadelphia A Heading H.H., evon at four cents per tou per mllo for tolls tho present ratoi or freight from Port Carbon to Philadelphia would bo only $1.03 por ton instead ol $0 03 us now charged. Lot us now turn ror a moment to tho Delaware, Lackawanna A Western It. H., n giant corporation which has ono foot In Now Jersey, another In Now York, and with Its Urlarcan arms grasps tho anthraclto fields or tho Wyoming region. Less than ten years ago Its capital stock was $o,000,000. Now It 13 $13,803,850. It has not only declared large uiviuenusnunuany, out uos ntrgu lv increased Its capital stock, by tho earnings of tho road, und, U3 I could demonstrate, Dy a system peculiar 10 railroads, in a short time has swindled the ,(n(c out of over ?;joo,ouu 01 taxes atonei Uy a supplemental report mudo to tho Auditor General In 18G0 it appears tiiat tlio stock was Increased watered somo call It as follows : July 20, 1803 S G13,0.j0. January 4, 1SG1, I,131,3o0. April 13, 180 1 300. JunoO, lSlil 00. November '. 1801 3,111,100. "Tlio stock thus Issued," says tlio Treasurer of tho corporation, "with the exception of S3o0, represents the earnings for the years 1S03 4 and the preceding years, and whs distributed pro rata among the stockholders'' I will not now go into thu details or this subject, but will sim ply call thu atlontion of tho Commltteo to a few brief facts. Hy their report lu I Ml!), (which shows a wonderful facility for evading tho Inquiries mado by tlio Auditor General) they carried 1,002,111 tons of anthracite coal, or only about lOO.OOOmoro tons than wero transported by tho Lackawanna & Hloomsburg H. It , a small feeder to tills giant monopo ly. Yet on thatgiven amount their re ceipts must havo been $1,307,115. bo- ciu-u tlielr general rreight receipts wero $2,201,1 15, and as there was asuspcnslifn Tor thu months of Juno, July and Au- ' gust, it gives us thotwerago receipts for coal alone. Their average chargo, then, from Scranton to tho Delaware a dis tanco of 05 miles was less than $1.00 per ton, whereas now it Is S2.00. Again, Gentlemen oi' tho Committee, their declared dividends In 1800 wero 20 percent, and in 1800 thoy only earned 10;icr cent, according to their report, yet In 1800 tlielr receipts wero $2,733, 100, and their payments $7,310,351, wlillo In 1800 their receipts were $2,417,321, and tlielr paymeuts only $3,832,221, or $3, 177,131 less than in 1800. Another fact, in 1800 they paid tho Stato in tuxes, nc cording to tlio Auditor General's He port $205,121, wheieas in lfeOO they onh) paid $17,010! " As u further illustration of lids brnneh of ths subject I will only cnll your nt tentlon to ono o titer company tliu Lackawanna A Bloomsburg a satellilu of tho Delaware, Lackawanna & Wes tern. Although its Superintendent wns In profound Ignorance ns to tho longth of tho road, tlio distances from point to point, tlio rates of rreight charged ami the laws regulating them, who owned or operated tlio road, tho facts havo bcon obtained In another manner. Thu road from Scranton to Northum berland is 80 miles in length, und from PIttstou 70 miles. Previous to tliis into conspiracy among tho carrying compan ies to raise freights, It cost $2.00 to car ry n ton or coal rrom Pittston to Nor Ihumberland ; and It hoio costs $2.75. It fic cost $1.00 per ton from Shlcksliluny 10 iieacii iiavcn, u instance 01 soveu miles; It now costs $2.00. Hemember, gentlemen of tho Commltteo, that this railroad under tho law passed last win ter can only chargo in all twonty cents per ton for distances under ten miles, unless tho rntoi under tho 18th section of tlio Act or 18 ID exceed that sum, so mat tney cnargo ten nines tno amount permitted under tho Act of 1870, and nearly us many times more than tbev are allowed under tho Act of 1810. l'n u word, thev now ohnrtm ns much fur soveu miles, as they formerly did ror suvuiuy. 10 uiustran nirtner. Thu distanco rrom Hloomsburg to Hupert is iwo nines i nun yet mis company charges 40 contH per tou transporting nun tout instance; uouuio wnat tno iaw 01 ism permits, ami so pronibitory that tho Iron men or Hloomsburg find It cheaper to boat tlielr Iron In summer, and haul It by teams In winter. Again, thu Iron men of Hloomsburg gut tlielr Ilmestonoovcr this road inthtie own caw, from Llmo Hldge, ti distanco of six miles, for which they uro charged 25 cents per ton, when under tho Act of 1870, the limit Is 20 cents. It Is uo nrgument to ullego that tho curs may ovorrun lu weight, becauso both thu company ami iron men assutuo tho ca pacity of each car to bo 11 vo tons, and havo always settled on that basis. H theso Instances tin not constitute a plain, clear, palpablo violation of tho law, then I can concelvo or no combination ot circumstances that will. And now, gentlemen ortbocommlttee, having gone over tlio general question of thu light of lho.su railroads to chargo IXISTINClillllX 10C11TH l'A01i