The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, April 28, 1871, Image 2

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Mt (i
FIHIUY M0HN1M1, Al'KIIi 28, 1871.
Attention Is called to tlio address
of tho Democratic Congressmen on tlio
first pago. It Is n formal Inillctmcnt of
tho President nnd Radical mnjorlty In
Congress and ought to bo road by every,
Tho Apportionment.
After a protracted strugglo In tho
Legislature tho bill apportioning Sena
tors and Representatives for tho next
soven years to tho sovoral parts of tho
Stato, passed Anally on Saturday of Inst
week. Thcro Is no causo for particular
satisfaction over tho result, as tho hill
was framed to glvo tho Republicans six
mnjorlty In tho llouso or Representa
tives and also ono majority in tho Sen
nto nftcr tho present terms of Senators
Bhall runout. But our own Senatorial
and Representative districts aro unob
Jectlonablo. Lycoming, Montour, Co-
lumbla and Sullivan form tho Senator
lal district, whllo Columbia alono is
constituted a Representative district,
Lycoming, Sullivan and Clinton aro
mado a Representative district witti
two members, and Montour ana isor
thumbcrland aro also united as a dls
tilct for two members.
Luzerne, Monroo and Plko aro mado
a Senatorial district with two Senators,
ono to bo elected next fall and ono in
1S72. Luzcrno Is to have four Rcpre
scntatlves only, althougn her reported
taxablo population would cntltlo her to
flvo. Ropresontatlvo districts in Phlla
dclphla aro so formed as to glvo tho
Republicans twolvo Representatives
from that city and tho Democrats only
six, although parties thero aro nearly
equally divided I
Gross InJustlco is dono tho eastern
part of tho Stato to favor tho western
nnd somo localities aro treated outra
geously. Tho county of Washington
although Itself Republican, has been
attached to Beaver and Butler for both
Senator and Representatives, lest it
mlcht send Col. Hopkins to cither
llouso ! Tho district has four members
whereas Washington should havo two
and Beaver and Butler each ono.
Little Bulllvan escapes with her hldo
on, being under tho protecting wing of
Columbia in thoScnatorlal district, and
added to Clinton nnd Lycoming for two
representatives, although tho latter
counties had taxables enough to cntltlo
them to two members themselves.
Wyoming is attached to Bradford,
for both Senator and Reprcsenta
tlvos, and its democratic majority will
no moro bo represented in tho Stato
government than it will bo in that
of Kamschatka I
Perry is in tho samo predicament,
being attached to Dauphin, with thrco
members, instead of giving Perry ono
and Dauphin two. This was dono
merely, vo supposo, to glvo Gen. Cam
eron thrco personal Representatives
instead of two I
With less of factious selfishness on
the part of a singleDemocratic Senator,
a much better bill might havo been ob
tained. Howover, wo havo to congratu
late ourselves that tho bill is not quito
as bad as tho last ono not quite, Just
that and nothing moro I
When in lull operation, tho Legisla
ture under this bill will stand politically
as follows :
tanco of theso with each other and of
similar nationalities, and modes of life
and of thought. In nny caso It Is best
to adhero to slnglo districts, ovon If
populations cannot bo proportionally
Whllo tho bill Is net a good ono It Is
yet not very bad, and Is a rcspcctnblo
Improvement upon tho Infamous net or
A ltAdlcal Victory.
Tho Radicals havo carried tho elec
tion In tho district of Columbia, now
organized as a territory ,and mako great
rejoicing thereat. What thcro Is to
crow about wo can not discern. Tho
government officials afld negroes of tho
district themselves mako up a majority
of tlio voters. Circulars wcro issued by
tho heads of tho various bureaus requlr-
lng tliolr subordinates to voto (though
at tho annual elections they aro all sont
homo to their States to voto) and tlio
negroes polled moro votes than tho cen
sus gives of malo negro residents over 21
yearsoldl Tho district Issurroundedby
a largo negro population, ami becauso of
their everlasting sameness of counten
anco nnd personal appearance, It Is Im
possible for election officers to distin
guish them. A Radical victory under
such circumstances Is not n thing to bo
wondered nt or crowed about It Is ns
natural as rolling off a log.
Tlio European Xcws.
Tho French nrostill killing each other
off around Paris with as much Industry
as circumstances Will permit. Tho ad
vantage seems to bo with tho govern
ment troops, but as yet, without decided
results. Marshal McMaiion has no
complished nil that can bo attained by
arms without storming tho works of
tho Commune, and President Thiers
refuses his assent to this, relylug upon
tho process of starvation to accomplish
his end.
An Australian Steamer, with a largo
number of passengers on board, Is sup
posed to havo been lost at sea.
Philadelphia, 4 districts . 1
Chester and Uelaware ..
lontgomery 1
Rucks and Northampton.......... 1
llerks... 1
SNonnERY. Tho head of tho British
Commissioners, tho Earl of Grey, ro
cently gavo an entertainment at Wash
Ington at which all tho ilunkoydom of
that city wcro present. Tlio latter are
in high glee, almost bursting with tho
honor of being dined by a British sprig
of nobility I Of courso they till tho city
papers with descriptions and declaro it
to havo been tho grandest affair of the
kind that was ever had at Washington
It may provoa premonitory symptom
of thof.ct that tho British havo tho
best of the bargain In tlio recent nego
tiations. Tlio eldest son of tho Czar of Russia
aud heir to tho throne, Isnbout visiting
America. An American fleet, comman
ded by Admiral Porter, is to meet
him on tho Ocean and escort him to our
shores. Of courso this will glvo tho
snobs ono of tho grandest of opportuni
ties to show their admiration for titled
aristocrats and for servility.
When tho Prince of Wales visited
Harrisburg, his keeper, tho Duko of
Now Castlo ( a halo and Jolly looking
Englishman) coolly surveyed tho crowd
that was gazing with tho utmost admir
ation upon tho English group, ami quiet
ly remarked, "theso people nro not half
so democratic as they protend to bo."
That our fashionablo pcoplo nro flunk
eys, snobs and wouul-bo-arlstocrats is
tho Impression universally acquired by
distinguished foreigners who visit tho
United States. Nor Is this strange, for
that is tho only class that run after
them and tho only ones thoy see.
Hchuylklll i
Ijehlgu and Carbon ............. 1
Dauphin and Lebanon....-.......
Luzerne. Monroe nnd Tike - 2
llradrord, Busquehanna, Wayno
and Wyoming.,....
Columbia, Lycoming, Montour
and Sullivan 1
Cameron, M'Kean, Jotter and
Snyder, Terry, Northumberland
and Union
Clinton, Cambria Clearfield aud
Elk.. I
Cumberland and Franklin .. 1
Adams and York 1 1
liedford, Fulton, Blair and Som
erset Centred unlata,Mlmln andllunt-
logdou 1
Indiana and WestmoreloU ..... 1
Fayette and Greene 1
lieaver, llutter and Washington.
Forest ....... I
Lawrence, Mercer and- Venango ,
Crawford - -
Erie and Warren. .......
H 158.0E
l m&
is, Hi
l ri.ixj
32,9 A
16 17
DISTEHTS, Bra. K.p. T.l.kU.
Philadelphia.... 0 12 15S.6.2
Adams 1
Armstrong ...........
Franklin - ....... 1
lieaver, Hotter and Washington...
lledferdnnd Fulton . 1
Herks . 3
lllalr ....
ltrndford and Wyoming.....
Hacks - 2
Cambria.............. . 1
l'otter and M'Kean
Carbon and Monroe 1
Al legheny...'.
Chester..... .
Centre 1
Clearfield. 1
Clarion and Forest........ 1
Clinton, Lycoming and Sullivan, 2
Columbia 1
Cumberland I
Dauphin nnd Perry
Erlo ,
F.Ik, Cameron und Jetlersou 1
Fayette . 1
Indiana... ,
Juniata and Mlfilln 1
Lancaster -
Lebanon .
Lehigh........ 2
Montgomery 2
Nortliampton. 2
Korlhumtierland and Montour. J
Pike and Wayne 1
Schuylkill... .- .
Snyder aud Union ...
Susquehanna and Wyoming
Tioga ...... ..........
Venango ,
Westmoreland 2
York... 2
Ureeno....... 1
8 3U5
The Scranton liepublican complains
that its party friends in tho Leglslnturo
havo treated tho Radicals of Luzcrno
with contempt. Very true,and very just!
Thoy rendered themselves contemptible
last fall in resorting to tho means thoy
did to succeed. Despcrato and vllo actors
cannot bo trusted oven by thoso who
are benefitted by their reprehenslblo
conduct. A party that for partisan
reasons would stoop to defeat such an
eminent Jurist as Geo. W. Woodward
for Judgo of tho Courts, by resorting to
tlio most Infamous means that Ingenuity
and depravity could Invent, and with
a candldato who himself resorted to tho
most groveling and disgraceful prac
tlces to obtain votes, deserves and can
rcceivo nothing but contempt oven
from its associates. Evidently tho Rc
publican members of the' Legislature
had a lively appreciation of tho merits
of their brethren of Luzerne, and havo
rewarded them strictly according to
their deserts 1 The Scranton liepublican
has a Just appreciation of tho standing
of tho Radicals of Luzcrno amongst Us
party friends clsowhero.
By tho foregoing figures, which wo
tako from tho Legislative Record, every
reader can Judgo for himself how fairly
tho apportionment' has been made. Of
course thero must bo somo disparity
between extreme districts. That Is a
result that no bill could avoid, for coun
ties can not bo divided and It would bo
very objectionable to do so oven If allow
ed by the Constitution. We think tho
Legislature did not pay sufficient atten
tion to tho representation of territory,
as well as population. That Idea per
vaded tho Constitution of 1700 (tho bost
for tho tliuo wo over had) but of lato
years tho demagogulcal spirit has pro
vailed over It. Thus, six or eight mem
bers can represent tho intorests of a
denso population liko Philadelphia
much moro effectually than tho samo
number can represent the diversified
interests arid local wants of IS to 20
counties spreading over ono-fourth (ho
area of tho Stato. In this respect tho
bill fails. All doublo districts aro ob
Jectlonablo also, and cannot bojustlfled,
except, perhaps, wherotho interests aro
identical, tho business pursuits of tho
pcoplo Intermingled, a general ncquidn
A Hoax. On tho first of April, thero
appeared in tho Macon (Georgia) Tele
graph, a full and particular account of
tho solzureof a prominent Radical, near
that city, by a band of masked Ku
Klux : of his being lbyod alive, and,
finally, skinned and roasted whole at
tho Btakc. Tho very extravaganco of
tho particulars, tho nnmo of tho pre
tended victim Adam Hokes and tho
clrcurastauco that tho narrative appear
ed on tho first day of April, should
havo been sufficient, with any sensible
reader, to stamp tho story as a burlesque
of tho broadest and most transparent
character. But tho bait was greedily
swallowed by tho Radical papers In
tho North, which printed It with all
tho prominonco of display heads, and
called upon Congress to enact tho Ku-
Klux bill without dolay, to prevent a
general roasting of tho peoplo in tho
South. This Is a fair specimen of tho
manner In which Radical Journals act
in relation to matters In tho South, and,
worso than this, legislation Is based upon
such mlsorablo, stupid appeals to pas
sion and prejudice, ullko damaging to
tho nation, and Injurious to tho Inter,
csts of tho pcoplo, North and South.
Tlio Conl Troubles
Tlio miners and operators having ap
pointed n board of arbitration, compos
ed of twelvo person, six selected by
each Interest, tho board met and pro
coo led with tlio business for which they
wcro appointed. Hon. Wm. Elwell,
of Bloomsburg, was unanimously elect
ed umpire, whoso decisions wcro to bo
final. A sot of propositions were pre
sented and referred to tho umpire, who
promptly gavo tho following decisions
on tho sovoral points presented, viz:
First The right of nn owncror Iosseo
and operators of a colliery to thoctitl.a
and exclusive control ami management
of his works Is guaranteed to him by
tho law, of tho land, and Is of such nn
unquostlonablo character that it ought
not to bo Interfered with cither directly
or Indirectly.
Second Tho uniplro concurs with,
and adopts as a correct statement of tho
law that part of tho lato proclamation
of tlio executive of this commonwealth)
When ho says that It lsunlawfulfor any
persons or association of porsons, by vi
olence, threats or other cocrslvo moans,
to prevent any laborers or miners from
working when they please, for whom
they please, and nt such wages ns they
please, and nllko unlawful by such vio
lence or threats to deter or provent tho
owners or operators of mines from cm
ploying whomsoever thoy may chooso
to employ, and ntsuch wages as may bo
agreed upsn between tho employers
and tho persons employed.
Third It Is tho undoubted right of
men to refuse to workexcept upon such
terms ns shall bo agreeable to them, but
a general understanding that no person
of a particular association of laborers
shall work for any operator who has In
his emplov a member of such associa
tion who has not paid his dues to tho
association, or who docs not belong to
such association. Is contrary to tlio pol
icy of tho law, and subversive of tho
best Interests of tho miners nnd their
employers. An association may Inflict
lines upon its members for broach of Us
by-laws nnd expel for non-payment,
but It lias no right by combined action
to plnco tho defaulter In tho light of nn
outlaw In tho transaction of business
with others.
Fourth Tho umplro decides that It Is
contrary to tho spirit of tlio law, as
stated secondly above, for a body of men
to ogreo not to work becauso tliolr em
ployer refuses to employ a particular
person, or becauso he lias discharged
such person. If such a caso nrUoswhero
tho act of tho operator Is deemed to bo
oppressive, and ho refuses to redress
tho wrong, It is n proper ono for local
arbitration, by which, In most cases,
tho difficulty could bo properly settled
without tho disastrous consequences
arising both to employers and employed
by a strlko oven at ono colliery.
Fifth As persons of sound mind and
competent ngo aro permitted by law to
nargaiu ior tucmseives, men uuuuatia
In regard to labor at tho mines should
bo held ns sacred ns other contracts, and
should not bo annulled or set asltlo In
any manner different from that pro
vided for other cases. Interference by
persons not parties to tho contract Is not
to bo tolerated.
blxth Operators ought not In an uny
manner tocomblno against persons who
belong to tlio Winers' and Laborers'
Benevolent Association Any operator
who refuses to employ a perron becauso
no is so connected, or wno snail uis
chargohlm for that reason, would there-
for other members to refuse to work for
Seventh No member of tho Miners'
nnd Laborers' Benovolcnt Association
ought to bo deprived of work becauso
of his being selected by his branch to
perform tho duties mentioned In section
2. articlo 10. of tho bv-lnws of that as
sociation, if his duties aro performed in
tlio manner therein mcutioncu.
Eighth In regard to tho right claim
ed by tlio miners to ccaso work when
they see cause, whether in u body or
otherwise, it is imnoSslblo to lav down
nuyrulo, and I am notawaro that it is
expected of mo to do so. But I may bo
allowed to recommend that alter re
sumption again takes place, nnd busi
ness is airaiu movinc in its accustomed
channels, Immediate steps bo taken to
provuio lor tlio adjustment oi (iimcut
ties, If any Bhall ariiQ in future, beforo
t hev reacu tlio disastrous proportions oi
thoso which now nllllct not only the
laborers aud operators, but tlio whole
jNinth w turnover it is siateu in uiu
fnrrirnlnrr rnnnrt that an act is unlawful.
U iwntmrAhla or nusrlitlnot to be. it is to
be understood in tho samo manner as n
t in limn ro had awarded that SUCH act
shall not bo dono nor allowed by cither
of tho parties represented in tins nroi
t ration.
Upon this opinion being read, tho
board adjourned to meet at tho call of
tho President. No agreement was el-
fectcd. It Is probable now that local
arbitration will bo resorted to nnd prove
Directive. Tho miners In several locali
ties havo come to an understanding with
their employers and havogonoto work.
Tho foregoing opinion of Judgo El
well is concise and to tho point. Ho
lias plainly stated tho law applicable to
tho caso. Whether tho law bo rlgjit or
wrong was not his provlneo to decide.
Ills business was to stato what tho law
is, and this ho has dono In such explicit
terms that no ono can fall to understand
it. That ho is right in his interpetra-
tion of tho law will not bo questioned
by any impartial lawyer of standing
and character.
For tho ako of all tho Interests con
cerned, Immediately and relatively, it
is to bo honed that a perfect agreement
may boon bo arrived nt and operations
fully resumed.
Specimen llcoiioniv.
Thcro Is no tlicmo so fruitful In solf
glorification for tlio Radicat press ns that
of tho reduction of expenses in tho ltd.
ministration of public nfTalrs. Ono
would supposo after reading theso effu
sions that Grant's administration was
really n model of economy and retrench
ment. But when tho matter Is exam
ined critically It Is found to bo nothing
moro than electioneering bosh. Tho
actual stato of tho cso Is about this:
Tho expenses of Congress during tho
past year nro moro than ono million dol
lar In excessof what thoy wcro during
cither of tho two previous years,
It cost two hundred nnd sorenty-two
thousand dollars moro to collect tho
revenues from customs, than it did last
Tho miscellaneous expenses, which
Includoj buildings, havo increased ono
million of dollars.
Tho expenses of tho United Slates
Courts nro ono million threo hundred
thousand dollars in excess of what thoy
were during tho fiscal year of 1807-8,
Thcro has been nn ndvanco of eight
hundred thousand dollars In tho expen
ses of tho Interior Department under
tho reformer Delano.
Tho lucrcaso In tho 1'cn.slon Bureau
amounts in round numbers to eleven
million of dollars.
Tho Postoftlco Department costs eight
hundred thousand dollars moro than It
did two years ago.
Hero wo havo an aggregate lncreaso
of expensoj during thopast fiscal year
amounting to sixteen million ono hun
dred and seventy-two thousand dollars,
nnd this docs not lncludo tlio various
items that will bo dovetailed Into tho
Deficiency Appropriation bill, and
Western lVrsMcnllal .Speculations.
(Corrcspoiulenco of the Cincinnati l!-qitlrcr.
Jliesouitt, April 8, 1871.
Tho Into Imbroglio of tho Republican
party has Inspired tho Democratic party
with unusual hopes of success.
Tho candidates of tho Democratic
parly for tho next Presidency aro very
fully and freely discussed by everybody.
Tho elecllon Is certain, If tho candldato
Is unexceptional. Tho Western pcoplo
naturally dcslro n Western candldato,
or rather n candldato from tlio Mississ
ippi Valley, no longer tho Western, but
tho central portion of tho Confederacy,
Among tho men spoken of nro tho fol
lowing, in almost tho languago of tills
communication: Tlio friends of Mr.
Hendricks urgo In his favor tho sup
port of Indiana, now clearly Democrat
ic. Tho general popularity of tho man
and his unexceptional private charac
ter, together with his highly respecta
ble ability as n statesman.
Thoso who do not favor his nomina
tion urgo ngnlnst lilm his coalition with
tho Tammany Ring nnd his oimsnfllll-
atlon with tho bondholders ', and that
ho docs not represent tho dlstlnctlvo
doelrlnriof tho Democratic parly which
must make up tho necessary Issues of
tho contest In 18712.
Allen G. Tluirmaii, whoso ability as a
Jurist nnd oxperlenco as n statesman
commend him to general confidence, Is
freely spoken of by many of tho nblcst
Democrats of tho Mississippi Valley.
Thoso whoso first cholco Is In another
direction look upon Judgo Thurmnn's
presence In tho Senate ns a public ne
cessity that could bo dispensed with
only In tho contingency of his transfer
to tho Supremo Bench of tho United
States, a placo for which nature, exper
ienco nnd cultivation has mado him one
,.,l.t.,1, .i.lll lrliitlmliinrnn.n nf nTliMl
.in ii. i. it, I-!., ...Illlmw nr oi tlio very iirst men in tnu country,
. J " ' General IVancis P. Blair Is freely
i.t i, 1 nvftf 1 1.1.1 o rpim I SJiUKUii vi uy ma n iviuis vjlul-i.u -ijuui
nrtnMnnl Horn Is 1 reduction Of two IIMIEr&U CXrctUlVC UUIllty, UOUinesj,
.' i..., .. i ,tr,i,i (UK-tlmus,,,! and by iiuturo and Instinct Is a Domo
.Inline In ll.n nvonSn nf rnllectin.? tho C. C(,rrCct v1'3 llI)0 11,0 RrCilt
Internal rovenuo. But tho falling oil
of receipts and tho innumerable
cations of collectors moro that counter
balances this reduction, which baa becu
brought absut by tho consolidation of
rovenuo districts nnd tho reduction of
tho number of officials.
Thero Is a fictitious claim set up, which
by comparison with tho expenses for
tho samo Item during the last two years
of President Johnson's term, It is
sought to turn into political capital. Wo
refer to tho expenses of tho army and
navy. By comparison it will bo seen
that tho aggregate expenses of thb army
aro ono hundred and twenty-flvo mil
lions less, than thoy wero during either
of tho last two years of JoiinsonM ad
ministration. But thero Is no actual
saving of expenses in this. Tho army
has simply been reduced. During John
soN'a term tho Radical Congress was
repeatedly asked to rcduco tho military
and naval forces but it was refused, con
sequently, whllo tho standing army was
Inrge, It necessitated n largo expends
turo of money. But by comparison It
Is found that it costs a large per cent,
moro now to subsist and pay a thousi
and soldiers nnd their officers than it
did In 18078, so that thero has been
no reduction in expenses, but In the
number of men. "Add to this that dur.
Ing tho years mentioned, morofthana
hundrod million dollars of debts con
trnctcd during tho war wero paid by
nnd charged to tho expenses of tho War
Department, and wo find this boasted
claim of ono hundred mid twenty-flvo
millions of dollars reduction Is pure fic
Tho war claims paid by the War Do
partmcnt,nnd tho extra expenses for tho
unnecessarily largo standing nrmy dur
lng 1807-8, Is almost equal to what is
claimed as a reduction of tho public
debt in 1870-71, and tho lncreaso of ex
penses, as shown above, during tho hit
tcr period Indicate that Instead of a ro
ductlon of expenses, thero has been an
lncreaso of not less than twenty-flvo
millions of dollars,
Tho collections of tho government
from tho peoplo in tho shapo of taxes
aggregate about flvo hundred millions
annually, and ns tho reduction of the
public debt so claimed, from April 1st,
1870, to April 1st, 1871, amounts to only
about ono hundred millions of dollars,
tho peoplo would liko to know what
has becomo of tho other four hundred
millions of dollars, which havo not only
boon spent, but other demauds created,
question.) of political economy now
Issun beforo tlio people.
General Blair's letter to Colonel
Broadhcad was certaluly tho clearest
and mcst direct exposition of the con
stitutional doctrine of restoration pro-
entcd to tho Now York Convention,
mid commanded tho approval of every
fear!- ss Domocrat in tho country. Thoso
who do not favor the nomination of
General Blair, urge his great capacity
for his present position which could
scarcely bo so well filled. Others have
scarcely forgotten his erratic career,
nnterlor to and during tho war. Yet no
man would moro generally command
the strength of tho Democratic party In
tho Immedlato Mississippi Valley than
General Blair.
Augustus Cicsai' Dodgo Is freely spok
en of among his friends. He still main
tains his popularity for integrity aud
purity of character.
Tho cholco of thu Democratic party of
tlio trans-Mlsslsslppt Valley Is Georgo
II. Pendlclon, of Ohio. Thoso wlloso
first choice ho is not, concede that.ho is
a man whoso character, deportment and
bearing, is tho very highest typo of the
American Christian gentleman
That ho is a scholar, whoso cultivated
ta3tcs command universal admiration ;
a jurist of profound legal erudition ami
a statesman whoso opinions nro respec
ted by his opponents ; that ho Is popn
lar among his neighbors, nnd respected
Tho friends of Mr. Pendleton claim
for lilm n popular strength enjoyed by
no other statesman In tho Mississippi
Valley ; but they urgo that his unchang
ed opinion? represent tho wants of tho
country and tho wishes of tho pcoplo;
that tho views held by lilm nro tho
issticb now beforo tho country, which
necessity and gocd government havo
forced upon tho people.
Whllo tho Democratic party will
yield to tho selection .or tho National
Convention, Mr. Pendleton will bo
urged for tho nomination by tlio mil
lions who bellevo n return to tho Gov
ernment of our Fathers alono can savo
us from tho dangers of anarchy on tho
ono hand or monarchy upon tho other.
Nover has thero been so much smother
ed feeling of restlessness and wrath
among tho pcoplo as now noiselessly
burns In tlio bosoms of tho masses
against the ruling powers.
What I havo written of tho eandl
The Tlinei.
Tho iMtxcaster Jnlclllacnccr, saya:
"Wo havo fallen upon tho day of small
men." Tho editor never wrolo truer
words than these Wo have fallen upon
ovll times, upon tho day of llttlo men i
men devoid of character j men without
principle j men to bo bought ntidsold,
as so much meat In the shambles.
Thieves and lobbcrs, shameless and de
graded wretches strut In authority over
us, and tho world laughs at tho prob
lem of solf government. Crowned and
bedizened royalty gains strongth from
our weakness, nnd ho who has put his
trust in tho honesty of tho masses,
hangs ids bead In shamo nnd'49fctlon.
Tho greatness of our iiatloiini'&ejrlsfa
turo has passed away; tlielrjWy that
onco environed It, has become a thing
of tho past. Its seats onco filled nnd
honored by such men ns Clay, Wr.n
STEit, Calhoun, Cass nnd others nro
now In many cases, dishonored by tho
Incumbency of tho scum of creation,
tho refuse nnd dregs of society,
To whom, and to what Is this stato of
things chargo.iblo'.' To mj tooursolvesj
to tho pcoplo, In that wo havo not re
sisted tlio ndvanco of Yankee politics,
Yankeo morality, ntid Ynnkco dogma
tism. Our schools havo been filled with
tho pernicious ideas of falso teachers i
wo havo not only tolerated tho ovll, but
wo havo openod our purses, nnd paid
for our bane. Society Is Infected to tho
core with a falso morality that llouts
tho precepts of Christianity, nnd nlms
nt tho total destruction of christian
Lies, gilded lies, nro tho halt used to
entrap tho unwary Into tho meshes of
nn ir.choato atheism ; and have already
lured many to destruction. Wo say,
that to our own account, Is our condi
tion chargeable. To our neglect of pub
lic niratrs; to a saplno Inattention to
thoso things, which properly done, had
been a bar to tho advanco of Ynnkco
Pantheism. Wo hnvo stood idly look
lng on. wondering, perhaps, as tho dlf-
ferentsccnos of the Infernal drama havo
presented themselves to view, what
was to bo tho next in order. Tlio cud is
now perceptlblo to whoever mil see,
and It behooves us to stand up beforo
tho flood, and breast Us advance, or
farewell, a long farewell to our virtue,
Liberty and Independence. Columbia
For Roprosontativo,
iii:i8Iimni:htili-:i At Now coiumims r.ii-
i-ernocoimiy, on tho 1Mb Inst,, by Rev. Dr.
Klllgnro, Mr. (Ilil. llolshllno or Vnn Camp, to
Ml KnioE. Hlllcsor Asbury, Co lumbla co.
REMLEY IlAlvER At Ncwstcnd, I.nzerno
county, on Hie ami lnt by tho !!'"',?"'
Webster Itomlav or Hblclishlnny, to Mils Car
oline linker of Huntington.
f)trTLOFF"KtNLEY"On tlio 20li Inst., nt tlio
resilience oi uio nriue nimruuii, i'i uuiiu
ltliluc, by Rev. V. J. Mohr, Mr, Henry Hulloir
or Rou township, to Miss Knnuy 11. Ivlnley.
HCOTT- McNEAL-On tho 'j,lhlnst.,nt Urn Forks
lintel, in llloomslHirg, by tho same. Mr. John
W. Hcntt, l Miss Alice A. McNcal, both of
WAUNKIlSMITlI--On tho !0th Inst., by Rev
II. Wilson, Mr. . I, Dlmock Warner of Harvey
vlllo, toMlm 1-lorcncoHmlthol Jersey town.
1 "K 1 .
COl-TMAN.-ln llloomsburn on Tuesday morn
Inn, April "lb, 1S7I, Mnscs Coinnnn, unci! 01
years, 0 months nml 11 days.
Uloomsnurg Market.
Wheat per bushel
llyo " .;
Corn " -
8 CO
Flour tier bArrcl .- 1 u 0 VJ
Putter -
1 M
Dried Apples
Hides and Mhoulders .,
commonwea rn I CIRCUS
The Grand Sensation
tiii; miiii.i'i
Organized ana Elegantly Etpiipu
Vol tho Season of 1871.
EVEnvniisa SKWnnd In urMNDUi condition
Lnnlper pouud
Hay per ton - " 1 '
W. II. llllOWN,
Coiner or Main nnd Iron Blreets,
with n variety of nil kinds or
a-A-nsnsrEiD pbtot;
Also n Fine Assortment of
Rest Rrlcht Golden lirlpsHyrup Molasses nt So
"ciili per rallon, RIO COFi Kli at HO cents
per pottno. Wulto HiiRnr at 14 cents, nnd
llrown Hutsar at 10 cents per pound.
-TO FAIIMW.Couulry l'roduco taken In
cxi-haUKO lor urocerlcs. UhIi pahl for liutltr
nnd yffii. npr23'71-lni.
A bocikty of worklnguicn has been
established In Now York for tho pur-
poso of testing tho right of Congress to
donate public lands to rnllroaus. 'nicy
deny that nny such right has been con
ferred upon the Federal Congress. Tho
most effectual way in widen tlio worit
iiigmen of tho country can put nn end
to legislation which Is putting tho lands
that belong to the peoplo In tho hands
of speculators and monopolists, Is to
put nn end to tho party which passes
such laws.
Jr.(ito Jurors. Chief .Tustieo Ma
son, of Nebraska, has delivered an opin
ion against negroes sitting ns jurors in
tlrnt State. Tho prlnclplo point mado
is that tho fourteenth nnd ilftccnth
amendments grant rights to negroes,
but imposo no duties upon them, and
that Jury tervlco is n burden and not n
privilege, that thu Stato constitution
can bo changed only by tlio samo pow
er that enacted it, and that Congress
could not confer such authority to
change upon tlio legislature.
Tin: "incomu Tax. Commissioner
I'lcasaiiton lias written a letter, which
concludesas follows.
"You aro further advised that persons
whoso gross ineomo during tho year
isto estimated in United States currcn.
cy, did not exceed $2,000, aro not ro-
quired to mako any ineomo returns,
nor need tliey maitonnyniiiimvuoHiiuw-
iiig that their gross income ant not ex
ceed tho sum nbavo named.
Ai.aiiama tells ntaloof horror.' Thrco
disguised men robbed tho wiro or max
collector of tho public funds, nnd then
ordered her to servo supper. Sho did so,
and put arsenic in tho tea. On stripping
the dead bodies of tliclr, disguises, ono
proved to bo her busbancl, wno nau
taken this means oi stealing tno people s
Also nn assortment or Fortcnionnnles, l'ass
Rooks and Account Hooks, conslunlly on hand.
Hooks not on hand obtained on short notice.
New Hooks nro constantly belinc nddod to tho
" HlnotiudHirK Circulating Library." Amoim tUo
i. .,!.. Ill .,! Itixnronrn." "Mnthcrlt-SS."
i" Mr lurry," " Hot Kpur or Humbletbwall," and
. - Illl'MiMl-lll, I ,
All Iho Truly ClnnAT Aktisti in tub Anr.Kic
1'noKtHslotf will apper In n I'mitrnmnin
superior, In every respect, tu nny
Circus Performance cur ghen under
Anions Iho Hlslliisnlsliod ArllUivha cjinpo.e
this, tho
will bo found
Champion i.caiicroi mo worm
Mr nir.TUIlS V. HEAP.
Champion Somersault lllder of America
unampioii jiuruiu iwucr
Champion Cannon Hall rerformcr and
inlant iiare-uacit inner
Chumplon Tumuicriuiu i-.iiuesiriau
Mil. JOSEPH 8 ANDFO 111),
Champion uymnast, ami uoruuvouituu
Tlio Ureat lMlllllurist mm i.'.-iiiiL-r
, i..n ia n ntiiiiip null icon,! nicciinc neiu at
RRNTON, t'oluinbln county, on the Fonrthdny
of Mny, ml. Ail Irlcnds or ilia entcrprlzo nro
rconesled to bo In ntlcniinnce. ns imsinwsoi n
... t,. It.tnn.ut. nt tlinrnml Will llO trallh'
!,..,..i it u .tpiTHnrv Unit there should benfull
mruout of the people Interested tu thowellaro of
tho rouu. All come. Jvniu cptiiKeri win ii.iii-.-n-.
mo meeting. ,.r....
.-,, nr ntmliitMlm1l(in mi thn CKtAtQ
u'lnimii i Con a intfl nf Mui'iirionf iwn.. Columbia
counlv,leci.,.mebeen urnntcd by the ltrglsier
nf R.i 1J comity to Jnslali K.rrHz.reniaini In Smcm
innr fnurtisinn 1'iiliinihliL rniintv. Ail nprsotiS
bavluK cli.ttiiH nfjnlnst the ifttate of the dwrtlcnt
Hie rfqitesietl iu iucti'iii iunn i"i nviniHiii
OUU IMtlKO lllUKUU'U iu uiu nilMM m niimu mj -
nuMit to thouuilerhlsncd.ntlmlnUlmtor.wituout
I nMnrs nT flit niltllStrilt loll (111 tllO C ItatO Of John
llOHieillMUl-1-, llliu . .'iiiuumi .-..'"","
county Ueo'd., hnvo been granted bythe Register
or said county, to Owen 1). Ii. Kostenbnder
n. lAg.,,1, It Iv-nlttle r l-'rnnkltu townsllltllD.
All persons having claims or demands ngnlnst
tho decideut aro u-qucsled to mako them known
aud thoso ludeldeil to make pnymen', without
delay. owr.N i). i,. kohti:nuadi;ii,
jo-iUi'im. KNinu:.- -nr.Tl-Ow
NOTIOi: Is hereby Riven by thoConimlsslnncra
oflbo llunlock's Clock and Money Riillro.ld,
that hooks will Do oH'iiea nir receiviun miw i"
tlon lo tho cnplliil mock of tho sntd, at
lite intone nouso oi dons i.uu.11, unuu ui..uh.i
111 ISI'W 1,(1111 III U1I1, 1IU v.lllllljr. . ,,.,uii...-
day, Mny'JM, IS7I, to bo kept open thrco days In
succession uoiu u o ciouit o. m., , " ,....
or inch dan JONAH DOTY.
Ml HON Ki:l.l,UWrt,
npr2V71. Commissioners,
Anothkk mammoth railroad corpora
tion tho Texas Pacific has bcon orrjan
W.pil. In n few vears theso monopolies
dates Is almost tho literal record of a w. own tj10 greater part of the public
conversation of a promiscuous company iniU.-Sur-h is tho Radical method of
which can only bo met by tho Deficiency of intelligent gentlemen, whospokoout ,iisI)03tnri 0f tho domain which should
iruciy, umi reiiiTnumLn very mny "'u Ro Into tlio hands of actual settlers. A
Croat landed aristocracy win uo mo
lutli 1M7I. vVii.i.tAM (loonu.VN, Treasurer, In ec
count with saiu uistiict.
Tn nmnniit receUeil .mm durllcato of
uonyuKiinm inwnsuip tvJ i'
To nmouut received Irom dupllcato of
(Vntriillii lHiroutrli 69J II
Ti. lUnnutit. fiolil l!ontllv Trcnsui V for
uuieuii'ii mini nixes ,vj to
in, omit ri-relvt'il trnm ll."ln?e l'oor
llltttrlct IS 00
Tn ninnnnf. i-iiI vi'il Trum l'OOr
Dlslrlct . 121 H
T 1itt n lumilit. fw-olvoil fmin RlUCSOf
farm produce ilurluu too year w iu
S9.1C1 li-
Appropriation bill.
The claim that th
tho ndminlstration of vlovrs of tho Democratic party of tho
Grant has been an economical ono west. As a volco from tho peoplo, un-
and has saved money for tho people, Is Influenced by tho lovo of ofllco, or tho
not sustained by tlio facts. When wo hopes of place, it very fairly Indicates
tako tho amounts collected during tlio tho popular feeling of tho Great West.
A general disposition begins to man
ifest itself amongst tlio miners to go to
work and tho leaders of tlio V. ii. A
(working men's benovolcnt association)
will no doubt bo compelled to yield to
tlio volco of their constituents. At
ninnv nolnts work has nlready been
commenced, aud nt others, asatCen
tralia, local bodies of miners hayo re
solved to accept tho terms offered by
tho-operators as soon as it majority of
miners accept them, Wo do not doubt
that tho strlko Is practically at on end
and that operations will bo everywhere
resumed within a brief period.
last fiscal years of Johnson's and
Grant'b administrations nnd deduct
from them respectively tho war claims
paid In 1807-8, nnd tho alleged reduc
tion of 'tho public debt In 1870-71, wo
find that during tho latter year thero
was fully ono hundred millions morc-
oxcludiiig tho Items deducted disburs
ed by G rant's than by Johnson's ad
ministration for tho samo period of time.
Pittsburg Post.
II. C. D.
The Now York Tribune mado tho
following comment on tho ro-opcnlng
of the legal-tender question, in thoSu
prcmo Court, nt Washington :
Slnco tho decision on tho first Issue.
two now Judges havo taken their places
on the Supremo Uencb, nnd will hear
tho present arguments. It iswellkuown
that thoso two oillcersjust previous to
uioir iipiioiiuiiiuui, wero noavy siock
holders in railways larirnlv Ititnrnsteil
in tho decision now to bo mado, nnd
for this reason tho cases thus re-opened
attract an unusual Biiaro oi public at
tention. A reversal of tho former do
cislon. under theso clrcumstaucos. and
In thu Jiasto which has been apparent,
will naturally causo comment not alto.
gother complimentary to the two Judges
thus called upon to decida Issues thoy
were arguing ns paid advocates less
than a year ago.
Tin: 1'rcsldcnt has called nn extra
session of tho Senate to consider treaties
on tho 10th of May,
John A. IIiestand, of Lancaster,
has been appointed naval olllcer at
1' h tide i) hia. in Dlacoof General uax-
ti:r. Tlio ueneral Bliowcu ins wouiuis
and urged bis services in thu Held of
imtlio, nut nn to no purpose, Hun
gry civilian pushed him from lil stool,
and thus General Grant rewards tho
soldiers. Exchange.
Yet tlio appointment is ono of tlio
most respeetnblo and deserving Gen.
Qrant lias over mado. Mr. IIiestand
hai earned the appointment by faithful
partisan services as chief editor of tho
Lancaster Jixamlner nnd will provo n
eapablo olllcer. Whllo the latter Is n
consideration not regarded by Radical
Iv "lgnoranco and whlskoy" aro ele
ments belonging peculiarly to the Dem
ocratic party, how Is It that tho editors
of tho Wllllamsport Gazette & Jiulletln
left that party V If Indulgence In theso
luxuries makes a man a Democrat tho
editors of tho paper referred to havo
changed their practices in inoro ways
than ono I If theso samo elements nro
Inseparable from Democracy, how does
Gen. Grant keep in btaudlng amongst
the Rads, ho being a most conspicuous
Illustration of both thoso questionable
virtuesV Considering that no Rail over
takes a "nip" and that that party Is
composed altogether of Solomons, tho
Oatetle A liullctMi liandsomo sarcasm
is only eclipsed by Its extreme will
How tho Democracy of Lycoming can
llvo under such manly blows Is myster
ious, but why they do not ullow fool.
killers free pasture In that region is to
bo attributed to a stretch or charity I
Grant mado liasto to sign tho Ku
Klux and Deficiency bills and then
took tho llrst-traln for St. Louis, whore
ho expects to have a Jolly tlmo. Ho
doos not Intend to go trout-fishing tins
Vu learn that Hop, ar.onau II.
I'RNnr.ETON has finally declined to per
mit his namo to bo used as a candldato
for Governor beforo the npproachlng
Democratic Convention in Ohio, This
decision has been reached after much
deliberation, and is understood to havo appointing powers, wo nro tpjlto glad to
been mado for reasons wholly personal. I seo one eapablo nnd deserving man put
Tho impression now seems to obtain Into ofllco by them.
that Hon, Gr.onon MoCooif, well
known ns an ablo and faithful advocato Tin: Frankinci FRiviLECin.-It may
of Democratic principles, nnd also as n not bo generally known that members
gallant soldier, who lost his father and of the last Congress nro yet entitled to
thrco brothers In tho lato war, will ro-
celvo tho nomination. Ho deserves well
of his country and Ids party, and, If ho
should bo brought forward, the Demo.
crats and Conservatives of Ohio will
rally to his standard with n united and
determined purposo to succeed. Wash
ington Imriot.
TiiuLouIsvlllo Courier-Journal wants
tho noxt Democratic National Conven
Hon to bo hold In that city. It bays
that LoulsvIllo"lsto tho country to-day
what lialtimoro was to tho country flvo
and thirty years ugo, a middle point,
an accosslblo point, n point from which
sound&l&cas and good Influences can
tako a ready and radiating departure,1
nnd ndds: "What tho Democratic party
uecds Is light and If tho North and
West will como lieio thoy can lookdl
rcctly Into tho South.nnd get a perfect
notion of the Southern situation, which
Is again to be tho bono of contention."
Tho St. Louis Times thinks St. Louis I.s
tho only proper placo for tho Conven
tho franking privllcgo. By n law rcgu
lating tho matter, passed Hlnco tho
March session began, members of tho
Congress going out on Mnrch 1th aro
entitled to tho frank till tho beginning
of tho noxt December bcssIoii of Cong
ress. Where n district scnus n now
member it Is represented during tho
tlmo between March -1th and tho first
A tame wild gooso was kept about
Tom's river for soveral years, and had a
copper label with tho nnmo of its owner
on it. Tho gooso went oir wan n hock,
aud was shot In Oregon moro than twen
ty years afterward, and was Identified
by tho copper label.
Politeness at Home. Nothing sits
so gracefully upon children, nnd nothing
makes them so lovely, ns habitual respect
and butiful doportment towards their
parents nnd superiors, it makes tlio plain
est faeo beautiful, nnd gives to overy com
mon action a nameless but peculiar
Much to tho gratlficatian of every
body Congress has adjourned. Tho Ku-
Klux bill, ostensibly to protect carpet
baggers In tho South, but In fact to en
ablo tho Pre-ident to uso tho standing
army to re-elect himself, has becomo a
law. The Scnnto Is to conveno again on
tho 10th of May to consider tho Uritlsh
At tho lato election In Washington
city some women offered to voto, but
were rejected by tho election oincers
Thev havo slnco Indicted tho oincers
nnd employed ablo counsel to represent
them, verily tlio world moves I
lly amount of orders redeemed durlns
the year , ,
lly nmouut or Treasurers commission
tuereoii (19 two perccuu
lly ulnouut of balnnco In Trcnsury
8J.5M S3
nn ex.imluntlon nt the foregoing account of
William (Jnodman, Treasurer or uouynanam nun
Lcntralla l'oor liistuct, we una u correct
April Will, 1871.
WITH Aim t;Kr4TM.l,!A
When fciteh Republicans ns Senator
Trumbull denounco tho Ktt-Klux bill,
as calculated to destroy tho very form
Monday Iu December by two persons of our government, tho criminality of
entitled to tho franking privllcgo.
The Mississippi has broken through
its artificial banks somo miles above
Now Orleans and Is lloodlug thousands
of acres of Innd, Tho break, already
1000 feet wldo and moro than 30 feet In
depth, Is still increasing in extent, und
is threatening to ovcrllow Now Orleans.
Of courso It cannot bo stopped until tho
water falls, but all possible cllort is bo-
Ing mado to provent tho break from en.
thoso who support It becomes very plain
The General Cluscret so nctlvo now
In norturbing tho city of Paris, was a
Radical political soldier In this country
during tho war, sorvlng as an aide de
camp to General Fremont
It will cost tbq country about ono
million of dol ars to print tlio uongrcs
Blonal speeches on tho Ku Ivlux loglsia
tion. With this fact in viow wno win
havo tho effrontery to declaro that
" talk Is cheap."
From all parts of Northwest Iowa
aud Wisconsin como tho most encour
aging reports of tho growing wheat. It
A Neoro wench, iu Tennessee beat Is stated that tho crop promises to bo ono by law that elections shall result In ono
i Radical to death for refusing to marry of tho most abundant that has over been j way,, no matter how tho peopjo may bo
her. Anotlicrenforccmcntactlsiiectled.lproduced In thcsoHtatcs, a numerically divided,"
The Chicago TrtOune (Hep.) says tho
Ku-Kliix bill Is an attempt to "declaro
S'J,5'JS 35
To nmouut trum duplicates
" other sources
lly nm't paid debt oflast year to Messrs
ijoouniHU una iiioriiiiin
Uy nm't paid or last yuirs salary duff
J. II. Long. steward
lly nm't paid lawyer's fees due slnco
last year
lly nm't paid balnnco In lull of bond
wuii iineit-hb ior oiitiuing auuiiiou
hist year
ly am't pulil Mnrltu Mnt.ofjltaii r..- A,t.
,1, ml- rwllet In 1114
lly um't wild debt of 1W7 to township
Roiul t und
lly um't paid installment on farm
lui i.iiuiiruiKiiuiiiuiiuii
111 1S",9
lly nm't paid farming utenslU, furut-
ture, stuck nnd re-pairing Jurlntryunr
ly uiu t piuu in Asy
1'tiuper s iioaru
lum for lusauo
lly um't paid for medical fees nnd
lly um't juild for Insurance
llyrm't paid for suppjrt of paupers,
work on uud merchant's 1,1114
lly umount paid other miscellaneous
expenses Incurred during tho year
lly amount paid Treu.urerM commis
sion nit per cent on ftl.luiJ.OT paid out
l)y um't of balnnco duo from Treusurer
Mr. G. W. CURRY, ,
Kiuesiriail tlliu uj-nuia-i
uymiiasi, win uu,in.i
T .. ll,v f-nti.lriiin4
iinmviJ AWI1 SANI'ORl).
Tlio Champion Gymnasts of tho World,
iu their warveis in -uiu mi,
Premiere As.soiuio juiuusiiieuuu
Tho Fascinating unu Accompiisneu
The Daring Tlght-liopo l-eriurinei,
Whoso Wonderful PerfoOmauccs Astonlshud ni
Europe, nud who Is to-day tlio only nivui
of tho Celebrated llloudln.
Tho Ureal Titiuing iiuwii
Will occupy tho position of I.EAlUNd CI.HW N
In which ho will malniam ins rcpiuuuou
ns it ClIASSTi;, ORKI1NAI. and
really good generator of
run uud Humor,
A I.irga Coips ot Auxiliaries,
Will bo presented In Association with tho Ar
llsllc l'lirccs of this Great Circus.
IS7 57
1S1 12
Ill.Wi .13
11.. 417.
By 1'urm and buildings valued ut
- jtepairH iu i'i'"'"s.
" Household furulluio
" 1'urm utensils
" Hay, grain aud straw
" Horses ana cattlo
i i-igs
' Meal
" 7ncres of wheat and 1 rye In ground
" llalaucoduo IrouiTreinurer
(S,M3 7J
f 7M so
o.ciT m
iS,13 7J
lly batanco due on farm bonds
l-uoDucra ok tarm in isto
15 Ions of hay c 1 18.01
I'H bushels of wheat (4 II. 10
170 ' "oalsawiceut
IflJ " " corn ears w QU cents
7U " "ryoBill.W
ViS " liotatnes & 7 cohts
S loads of corn lislderf flu
b'ii m of poi k (A Xi ceuls
(UJ heads of cahbase (4 II cents
llutter, eg is uud vegetables
Idvo stock raised
5 buihel of clover seed
1 1, sua 7a
No, of paupers now In l'oor Houio It
" admitted during yeat 11
ii n tiiiru ' I
" died " " 1
1'ATHIUK Ulllllvi;. -WILLIAM
AUetl C. a, .Muui-iiY, Clerk,
April Wlb,ls7l,-n
Tlio Musical nopartiui'iit
Will bo under tho supervision nf
vi. , on their Hunorb RloedJ, and
E'lUlpp! in their .iingnuiceiii uui
forins, will mako n
nl 10 o'clock n. in, every day,
Will Iki given at tho Grounds nt I'j oVI ik.
Will mako her l'erllous Ascension to tho topoi
the largo l'avlllon on usiugio wire, wim
out the aid of Ilalanco l'olcs, a feat
VonU J'orgct the J'Vce Inhibition al
Doors open at Ij, and 7 p. m. Perform
nnco commences at aim o p. m.
Tjiosday, May 2, 1071.
Admission 60 Celts
Children undor 10 years 23 Cents
JOHN Kr.nO.VN.Osucral Ageul.