The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, April 28, 1871, Image 1

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One Inch, (twelve- line, or Iti equivalent In
Nonpareil irpe) one or two Insertions, tl.Su
three lntcrllon,t 2.t(l.
1,00V h,! ii
TWO Inches 3,to 5,00 7.0S) ",IX 18,(0
Tlirce Jnclies..,....,5,l 7,00, ,K) 1J.00 1S.CU
i'our friclten..... "A W ll,oo n;oo 8.1.M)
(luartercolumti.,10,00 18,00 11,00 20,30 8n,00
llftlfcciluinn..l.J5,W 18,00 ,21)00. M,00 OO.ot)
Onijfolumn-. 00,00 30,00 10.00 60,00 100,(0
Executor's, or, Ailmulitrntor'i Jiotlce, I3.C0'
Auditor' or Asslgnco'ii Notice, t2.50.
Local notice., ten conti a iln'e.
Card. lnlho"lJu,lnesTVrcc(ory"coltimu,l'l.rA)
per yeiif for Uio 'nrtl'twri lint-Mod H.oo for ratli
addltlonttllnc-.- I i
AM 7
h . f I-
w l'Uiir.tsituD nvi:i'.Y nti day MonNixa
tMTitjt cotutniAM liuii.iiiNa hkahtiib
tb(Tp(H)i! riiorllttTail. )
Tcras-Two SilAuf cYesr paya'slo la advance.
Otnlldosnlplloncitecutcd with lic-atiicnH nnd
dispatch nlrco.oimblo rated.
'l(.)ll , .,
' t 1 1 ii i In c im-ull . i "
1 1 '.i IX lill.: .-'.lllli.lli'llMl i,,l.,'
II MUl V.lili 11 IHnlllMIJ I" '
,...UtHl I..J.IIM . . .11 .ill'-
. . 'j ll'l it I III II"-.- t I
I .1
'iu i Hill -Mil u i.i
, i ,l ) ,: i i.
( If .,.
UOLi. DEM. - VOLVXXXV . . NO ,10.
1 1 ii i ll ill If f it It -r
Patent Medicines,
it i: jfiTTnT i i: k.
To Tlebllltatcd I'craous,
'I'm l)vai,,,t lr.
To lyipeptlcv
ToHntlerers fr6m Liver Complaint,
To thoohavlhit no AppMltey
Tnthnvi with Jlmketi liiiwu ConslllUtloim.
i ii iii-i vuui i ropn,
ToL'hlldren WntlnRnwnv,
Tunny wltli cblllWlcd DIurMlvo Or tin no.
OrtntTcrino tWA rtrt of th fotlotchifl Ntmptami,
uhtch tntttcatc Disordered IJvcr or fitouuift,
RUCll tit Uotl
1'llos, Fulness or
Mood to Uio Head, Add
lly of tho Blomaeh, Nausea,
Heartburn, t)lgul for I'ood.rult
iiesn or Weight In tho Hlomncli, Hour
Kruoltnttoiii.HliiUliigor l'J uttering attho i
Hurried nnd Til (lieu It Ilrenthltii, riuttcrlug
nt tho Heart, ChoklnsorBuirocatinKBcnsatlons
when In n hying Vosturo, l)tiilnej(i 61 Vision,
oil or Wcbi beforo tho Right, Fever nntl l)uU
l'rtln In tho bend, Deficiency of rntnlrntlniK
irilovvness oi itm TSAiif nud Hyos, rain
in tho, SlV?( linclr. Chest, Limbs
Ac, Kudu en Flushes of Heat,
JJurnlng lit tho Flesh,
Cunntnnt ImnglnltiKi of
Kvll, nn.l
Dcpresilou of
A bitters without Alcohol orHplrlU of any kind.
Js different from fill othcru. It Is composed of
the puro J nice, or VirALritUfeirM: of Hoots,
Jtnitn, nrul II auks, (or ni medicinally termed
JlTtracts,) tho worthlosn or tmert portions of tho
InrodleDti not bring used, Thercfoio In one
Sot tic of tills Hitters thero Is contained ns much
mcdlclnt virtue ns will bo found In fcovcrnl Kllons
of ordinary inltlurOH. Tho Itdots, Ac., itseit in
this Hitlers nro grown In Ocrmany, their vital
principles extracted In tint coutiiry bynscten
tlilc Chemlrit, nnd forwarded to tho mauuf.ictoiy
In this etly, whoro they nro eompoundnd nnd
bottled. Cuiitutnlnj no splrltuouH Ingredients,
his Hitlers Is freo from tho objections urged
Kilnstnlluthcrs; uodcslroforstlmulnnts can bo
Induced from tliclr uhc, they cannot mako drunk
nrds.nnd cannot under nny clicuiiutnnctM, havo
nny but n beneficial ellcct.
Waicompoundert for thoso not Inclined to ex
trcnio bitters, nnd Ii Intended for tiS9 In rases
when nomo nlcohollo Ktlmulnut Is required In
connection with tho Tonic properties of tho
Hitters. F.nrh boltlo of tho Tunlo contains ono
bottloof tho Hitters, oombtucd with puroWANTA
CUUZ HUM, and flavored lu mtch a manner tlmt
tho exlremo hltterncssof tho bitters Is overcome
forniliin a preparation highly ngrccablo nnd
pleasant to tho palate, nnd containing tho medi
cinal virtues of tho Hitlers. Tho prlco of tho
Tonic Is $1,53 per lSottte, which many persons
think too high. They must tako Into considera
tion that the Ntlmulant uted IS guaranteed to bo
of n puro quality, A poor nrtlelo contd bo fur
nished at n cheaper price, but Is It not better to
pay n little mora ft tl havo n good article? A
medicinal preparation Mi on Id contain nono but
tho best Ingredients; nnd tliey who expert to
btaln a cheaper compound, and bo benefited by
It will most certainly bo cheated.
wilx cuhu ion.
They nro tho (J est
it l o o i) nruirricns
Known to tho Medical world, and will eradi
cate diseases arising from Impure blood, Doblllty
of tho Dlgestlvo Organs, or lUeaed Liver, In a
shorter tlmo than nny other Mmwn remedies.
wiioi-nsuriiKMu count or i-ewnsylvasia
Vho would nsk for moio Dlr;nltlvd and Blroueer
tvhiiiikiuv t
Hon, Gbohqk', WooWAiui,onnfr((CftJiii
ticcotlic Ntmreme Court f-f I'cnnsyhtmUt, atpres-
cnlMcmbcr nf Ctongrctifrom Vrnnyh'(tnuturilrit:
l'liii.ADLi.niiA, March loth, 1H7.
I find "Hoo Hand's (Jermnn Hitters" Is n good
toule, useful in dlseaheuof the Ulgestho organs
nnd of t;t eat benefit lu casrsof debility nnd want
of nervous action In thosystrin. Your-), truly,
ui;oKur, wooinvAitu.
Hon. James TnoMraojr, Chief Justice of the Su
j'remo Lhurt vf JVvuoii.
l'iiir.Aii:i.vitrA, Aprils lfcC7.
I conhhler "Hoofiand's (lermnn Hitters" n vnhm
blo nieillclno lu caso of attacks of Indigestion 01
Dyspepsia. I can certify this from my cxperl
euct) of It. Yours, with respect,
Hon, i:oi:fii: Bhashooii, Justice of the Mupremc
LXturt of lnmyl anttt,
I'm i-APKLi'iiiA, June , Ds.
I Have found by experience that "Hootland's
(lermnn Hitters" Is n very good tonic, rellovlng
dysjeptIo symptoms almost d I recti v,
Jinn, Win. 1'. nogeiH,.lojorfi('ic City tf r,vffalot
Mayor's Office, HufTalo, Juno 22, 18C0.
I havo udMndofiand's (lennaa Hitlers and
Tonic" lu jny family during iho pat j ear, and
can recommend thorn nsnn cxrellent tonic, lni
pnrtlng tone and vigor to thoitjhtem, Theiruso
has bten pioductlve of derided! v beneficial
Llltcts, WM.F. HOUHIW.
I Ion. James M. Wood, Jit-Mayor of WtUiainsport,
X tako great pleasure lurcrmimcndlug 'Hoof
land's Ocrman Tonic" to nny one who may lie
mulcted with Dj spepsla, I had tho Dyspepsia so
badly It was Impossibly to keep any food uu my
stomach, nnd I become so weak ns not to bo able
to walk hall n nillo. Two bottles of Tonto cllected
a perfect cure. JAMH3 M. WOOD.
Will euro every noor
Or Wuhllnu awny ol llio lltdy,
Aio tho medicine, you rortuirn to luirlty the
, 'Il,lt1",tho torpid l.lver to hcnlthy ni-tlon,
i .Ii1,"! t,'inbe J"" to pass fcofily llnoiitli any
UK. ItOOB';,AM)'j
Bubstltuto for Mercury I'llls.
., , ., TWO 1'lr.I.H A IKWE.
I lie motl rwnjul, l'i ymiarnif, VegtlaMi (Miliar-
tlO kllOUH,
It In not necessary In luko n hnndmi of these
IM1U In produce Uio deslicd cflietj two of them
net quickly ami l)werrully,eleanliii;thor.lvtr,
Hlomochaud Ilowelu of all Impmltlcs. Tho prln.
clpnl liisrcdlcntls Vodophyllin.or tho Alcoholic
llitract of Mandrake, which l by many times
moro powerful, ncllun and hcorchlng than the
Mundrako Itself, Its peculiar action Is upon tho
Liver, cleaning It fcpecdlly from all obstructions
with nil Iho power ot Meicury, yet free from tho
Injurious results attached to the use of that
For all discuses, In which Iho meofncathanin
Is Indicated, theso pills will Elve entire satisfac
tion lit every case. They NliVWt 1'AII,,
lu cases of Uver Complaint, Dyspepsia and
extreme costiveness, Dr. Ilooflnnd'H (Uiniau
Hitlers or Toulo should bo used In conueptlmi
with the I'llls. Tho tonic frt of tho Illlteis or
Toulo builds up tbo system. ThoIllttersorTonlc
purllleslho llIood.slreiiBlhens tboNerves.iiuau-
. a, mo j.iyer, uuu eives sirengtn, cnersy and
Keep your Ilowds active with thcll'llls, and
touo upthorystent with Hitters erTOnlc, nnd no
diseases can retain tho hold, or oven nssall you,
ltecollect that It Is Dlt. IIOOKIANDH a HU
MAN Iteniedlestliatarosounlvertallyuicdaiul
lilKhly recommended j and do not allow the
Drut-Blst to Induce you to toko au'jIhliiBeUo that
he may say Is Just as good, becauso he makes a
laruo prom on It, These ltemedlea will he scut
by Impress to any locality, upon application to
M''.'i?.0"1' t tho aiiltMAN
MEDIC1NK BTOHL-, 031 Arch Bt Philadelphia.
C'lIAfi, HI. KVAiYS, 1 iiirlclur.
n,. u- JACh'SON i CO.
"fj'erimul MiiicineXtilnnma,,,,, jaaj7ty
Columbia Dounty Offlolnl DiroctOry,
lfctltlml Jmlai WiLMAif V.t.wzt.u
rruthonolnni, At. Wp.t.t.t.voTON II, Kit.
JlrtiMeri Hccordtr Wll.l.lAMso.t II, JACOIIY,
DMrlct Allorneu-U, II, iKl.l.tit.
jvKrdr-AAiiox HiiiTir,
Nnnrvor-liAAC DKWtrr.
Vrmvtrtr I)Av:n LownNtirnt),
txmmtutmm William o. tluicK, Crnus
llnlllllNI. IIIUAIt .1,
(.bmnifjilanrr.' t1i-AWri.l,IA KltlCKnAtlM,
AmMon U. J. CAMrbnLt,, A, J, AI.IlKIir.lo.v.
UroiT JoUN 1). IToUCK,
jiirjiammtstiQnm Isaac Moltmmt, Jon.t 3I(j.
County Si;wiinciitit-CiiAnr.M O, llAitKLKV.
mom rmr 7iVW-Dlreetot. H. II. Mir.Mcm
Wim.iam KijA5iin,,I!looinhur)J, ail, I Joii.nhim
Iki.i.111, orcCiiHood, CiiAiil.raCi.tM'ii.Hco'y,
Bloom3burg OlHoial Dircotory,
' Jltoamtbvi a Ilanhlnrt cb, JmiH A, 1'ltssroN,
I'rnldi-nt, II, H, Hiiiira, Cashier.
tint Xnlimal Jtmk-ihlM. 11. l'AXTDN.l'rcVt.,
J, 1 . Tiirtin. Ciihlcr.
LhlumMatymnti MttlimlScnint) mmtnml At
mlaiiin 1' II,, 1'revt., V. W. Miller,
Jltootmburo UuUdlntt nml Martni lml Atnrvf
Jfoii-Joii.v Thomah, l'reii't., .1.11. HoiiKos.afc.
J, J, UiiowKii, I'resltieiit, M, 'iiiTMovi:rt.Hi:c1r.
Blooinaburg Directory.
lJAl'KIl 1IAQH Jn.t received nuj for sale at the
1 Coluuuiak Ofiloi.
T.U'OII Mirra, denier lii move, nnd tlmvnie
eJ Main stiLet,aliova court hiitisc.
" CLOTlflNO.'AcT
DA V 1 1 1 7,0 V UN 1 1 Kl to, M crcTnn'aUor, "jinTtYi
St., 'M iloor abuvu American House.
U'M. MOnltlH, Merchant Tailor collier of Cm.
tl tie mid Main St., over Mlllci'a stoic.
t.i ;. l.VT., lirimsNtandApothtciiry.Malnst,
Jlf. below llio I'osioillcc.
OYKK HltOW., DrnsgUta nud Apothecaries,
uruni'i a ijiocil iuiii hi.
K.NT.YZUrl'IKniCIl, Watches. Spectacles &
jewelry ac., jiaitimrcei near eal HI.
CI I.'. SAVAOU, dealer lu Clocks, Watches nud
Jewelry, Main St., Just below tho American
f OUIH HHHNHAlil), Watch and Clock maker,
Lj near Houtheaalcurner Main and Iron sts.
CATHCAltT, Watch and Cloclr Muktr.Mar
ket street, below ,Maln,
AVID 1II1TZ, Doot nnd Shoemaker, -Multi bt,,
ociowiiariman s uiore,ue&l oi iviaruel.
Hl'.NItV KI.HIM, Manufacturer and dealer In
Hoots and bhocs, Oroucrlcs, Ltc, Main street,
p M. BItOWN, Hoot nnd Hhociunkcr, Main
vy. Birvui, uuuir Jiruwil llOLCl.
It. U, C. llOWHIt, Burgeon Dentist, Mulu St.,
Dlt. WM, M. UUIlCll, Rurneon nnd Physician,
iiXChaugo Hloek over Webb's book store.
Dlt. II, V. kINMJV, Kiirgenn Deutlst. Teeth
extracted wlthonl j.alu: Mnlubt., lieally op
iioslto i.plseoi'al church,
0(1, HAHKM'.V, Attorney-at-I,aw. Olllce, SM
T 11. McKllLVY.M. l)E)iiritPon nnd I'hyslclun
J . uoith side Mulu st below Market,
T It. i:VANH, M. 1., Hunrenn and l'hyslclau
iJ southbldeMulu street, below Market.
1 :. ItUTTIlIt, M. I). HurRcou and l'hyslclau
u . -
, Market street, nbove Main.
I 11. llOIHSON,, Olllce Hurt
( . man's building, Main street.
l.l l'ETi:UMAN, Millinery and Funey Uoods.
ii. opposlloi:pUeopal Chinch, Main st,
MISH I.1ZZIK I1AUKLUV, Milliner, ltunisey
buihllini Main street,
UIKH M. puuniCKHOS. Millinery and l'uncy
ill (iooils, Mulu St., below Murltet,
It KH. K. KLINII, Mlllliury and talicy Uooils
. Main slleet below Market.
Mlts. JULIA A. ft HADK IlAltKIXV, Ladle.'
Ciuaksnndllrcsi 1'alteruj, southeast curlier
jiaiuauu ycsism.
llllli: M1SMIM JIA11MAN Mllllnorv nnd l'ancy
i uiww, .uuiu di., uciuw -uiuricuu jiouse,
rOltKH IIOTKL, by T. Hent. Taylor, east end
I' of Muill street.
an-:noiiANTH and giiocehs.
CI C. MAltll, Dry (loods and Notions, south
! west corner Mulu nnd Iron sts.
DA. Hi:CKLi:V. Hoot and Khoo Horn, books
. ,t stationery, .Main St., below Maiket,
V, J;vc,ol,w,fonlcctloucry,Broccrles etc., Main
IJ- st Lelow Iron
.iuA a vt Mill, Conrectlonery and linkers-.
' UilOlCMIlll, ,111,1 ,l,.ll I'v.ll.I.l.m tll..n. -it
HI'. IIOWLII, Ilatsend C'lips.llootsundrlioeH,
Main st., uboe Court House.
TIL MArzn, Mammoth Orocery, lino (Iro
. rerles, l'mlls, Nuts, l'lovlsloii, Ac., Main
and Iron sticcts.
A 1 Ki:i,VV, NI1AL A CO , dealers lu Dry (!di,
111 OrocciicSj Hour, riHil.tiiilt.l'ish. lion, Nails,
v.., ... ... vut, ..inn, ..mi ay i sui.
S1I. MII.LHIt ,t hO.V, .Kiih rJ In Dry Oml,
. Groceries, (Jueenswaro, l'lour, bait, Mhovr,
Notions, ctcMulnst.
OO NSTA 1 1 LEH 11LA N KH lor Ellie at llio C ol.l
1IIAN Olllce.
n M. CHltmTMAN. Haddle, Trunk a nanus
U. maker, HIilve'H Hloctt Muill Btrect.
DW. UOJlIUXH.llquordcnlcrsecomldoorlroiu
1 northwest corner Main uud Iron sts.
1? -J. TlIOltNTON, Wall r.iper.Wlndow Shades
LI. and fixtures, Huport block, Main st.
fj ( yf-COHKI.i,, Furniture ltooms, threo story
U II. ItlNOLEIl, denier in pianos, nrimns nnd
l.iel.Kleons,nt U.JV.Corcll'a furniture rooms
OWorks, Hast HIoomsburB.UerwIck ronil.
WM, IlAllll, dealer In furnlturo, trunks ceder
" willow w;uo, ucnr tho Korki iiStsl.
O FOSTIllt, (Hue Maker, nud Wlilto and Fancy
. Tnuner.Bcottown. '
y II.HIDLr.MAN, Aneut for Munson' Copper
lif Tubular LlBbtnlbB Itod. supper
1ACOI1 DIHFFKNIIACII, Hronm Factory. Or.
il dersleitat his resldeniu or at Miller a Son'
lore promptly Ulled. llest green Westtrn brush
JAM IX CADMAN, Cablnetniokf r ami Clialr
makerj loouis Main street bol. Iron.
VOTI! HOOKH. and blank NOTHH, with or w
Olllco ce,ul'Uo"ifor t,llu t the Columu
) uViii:Jf,l,AK.l' "ItO -'lealer lu Dry Ooods,
XI' uroetrles.uud general .Meichaudiso,
FFroSeior1.1 "'"NO MILLS. OAFo
J. !ianmiieior'v1:It,t:,n' "oal (Jho "
rlBm.5,Mll,.'o,, ou w"" meH u'"
T Hox M!lml)ac,t,"1'ri,,B,llu' JI'
Light Street.
If , OM1Af Wheclwrlglits, first doer
, above School House,
J OIIN A.OMAN, Miumf.u'luicr nnd denier Hi
Hoots and Shoes,
1)ETEH KNT.denler lu Dry (Jonds Groceries,
jljleur, Feed, Bull, Fi.h, Iron, Nulls.etc., Main
RB, .KNT, denier In Btoves and Tin ware lu
nil lu brunches.
Orangovillo Diroctory,
11. llKHUINO A llUOTIIl'.ll.CarpouIcrsnnd
.. llulldem, Main st., below 1'lnc.
HOWKIl III'.ItltINO, dealer in Dry Ooo,l,,
tlrocerits. I.util tier nntl frpltrrnl Mf rclmti.llan
BIttCIC HOTEL and refreihmcnt Saloon,
ltohr M'llcury eor.of Main and Finest,
H. O, A.Mt:OAHOi:L,t'hylclnnandSiirBCon,
-tiiiiii si., iiuAi. iiuur lu uonu B lloiei.
DAVID HEHlttNO. l'lournndOrlstMlll.niid
Dealer lu grain. Mill Street.
1 L.EDWAllDK.riiyslclan and Kumcou, Main
! at-,llrstilooraboveM'lleiiry's Hotel,
rAMESR.ltAitMAN.C'ahlnaMnkor and Un
' dortaker. Mnlu St., below l'lnc.
T M. 1IA11MAN, Rndillo nnd Harness matter,
0 Main st., oppslto I'titmo Uhuieli,
SClItlVLIUl A CO., Iron fouiuters.Maciiinim,
and Mniiufuetuicrs of plows, Mill St.
O UlOlU UlUilU. Mniursi.
11.1,1AM Shocmakcrnut manufiic-
tui er or iirici', -inn St., west or
I) r. DALLMAN, Merchant Tailor, Elecoud St.
1. Kobblus' liulIUIUB.
Dlt. J. K. IIOIIIII.V.S, Hurgeon and riiysielan
Keooud St., below Main.
nll.lll'.nT KLINE, dry Roods, gtocerles.aml
r Beutlal mercliaudlso. Main Street
H. KIHTI.KH, "CattawlFsn Houre," North
. Corner Main and Second Btleets,
I KEILI'.ft, Hlllard Snloon, Oyncrs, nn.l lee
li. Li cam lu season Main St.
1 M. HltOHST, denier In (lencral .Merchandise
1U. Dry uoods, uroctrles Ac, '
Qt'SQUHIIANNA or Hrlelc Hotel, S. Kniten
ij bunder l'riinrletor.south-easttoinerMninaud
htcond Slice t.
M. II, AHIIOTT, Attorney at law, Mulnbt.
Buck Horn.
U O.ft W. H. hllOEMAKEIt, ilcalus In dry
'l . reoiis, iziocrries uuu pc
hirst store in south end of t
cncral meiebnniilsp,
Philadelphia Directory.
JICHAKDSON Ii. wnianT, Jit.
Ian. 171-ly
, with
No. tun Market Street,
(Abovo Fifth,)
:AiNVnfaiiT & c67
N, E. Corner Second nnd Arch Streets,
Dcnlcrs lu
mcB, si'icr-s, in CAiin soba, ac, ac.
aOrdcrs will recIvo prompt atlcntlou,
may 10,07-tf.
BusincBO Cards.
11. lUtOCKWAY,
Dn-Ovrirr Court IIouso Alley, In lh ('
liimiiian building. Jaul,'C7,
OFl'iri: over I.utrs Drin? Store, Hesldfno
Market Hlreet,lsl door IjcIow Kuv, D. J. Waller.
Office Court Tfour-o-AHey, below tho Cor.UM
itiAN Ollico. Houutles, Hade-Pay nnd I'enxlonH
collected. Hluomsbuigl'a.Ktp.'.,'0't7
ATTonxr.y at law,
Olllce Main Street below tho lloiihC.
Hloomsbutg Ponn'n.
Ofilco Court-Hoiun Alley, below tho Col-uir
it I AN Oftlee, Hlnomsburg Pa.
J? jNF, KNOltll,
Jj. llavintipurchn-ietl thestnclc nf tho old Key
Mime Hlioo Store, nnd added thereto a largf ntid
well se levied newfetcKlc Isprepaud lo exhibit
the best variety ol
ever brought tothNtdnre, 1 1 o Is nKn prepared
lo mnlio HootH iiihIMiu'h tnoidt-rlu tlx bitt-hi
ami beststvles, Kor cash only. Jn tho old Post
OilU-o bulhilng, corner Main uud Mai kit Stioets
HUximsburg, Pu. Isep'j 7-ly.
JL2j would unnnuurott) I ho citizens of Hlooms
Imunud vicinity, th.tthe hasjust iccelvedufull
atul complete uf-sortmeut of
ami all other goods In his Hue of business. All
tho iww est ami moM approved putterns of tho
day in o nlwayn lo bu ioiiml in Ills istiibllthnieut.
mar.5,VJ-lf Main .St. below Market.
j v'hitjnu oaudh,
li;tti:u huadh,
hill hi1adh,
AC A(7.
Neatly and Cheaply Printed
From tho Lai eat Htylcs of Type nt the
CastiiijiHaiul Tire Hrlelc for reiinlrlng elty Htovcs
All kinds of Uiass or Iron casting mudo to order
upon short notice.
Hloomsburg, Piv. Propnetors
jiar.u, u'j-ii,
A lull and rompteto assortment of ready made
boots nml shoeH for men.vvomen and rhlUren
J tut reeelveil and for salout itasonublo rates.
Varieties to suit all chuseu of customers. Tho
nest of work done at short notice, us heretofore,
Live Win acnll, Juut'71.
(Bucccssots to A. Wlliunn,)
ltesfutfully lnfoun tho p'hllo Unit they nro
now tuliy pieiMiud lo do all klmli of i.oilt In
tlii Ir lino ol businesH, inon uaw.nublo uu.w
mid sholt liotlte.
battsfueilon Miirraiitisl in all
Main Htreet ono door nbovo 12, MendeiihaH'ii
A liirce assortment nf Sloven, Heritors end
ltaniteo constantly ou hand, and for salo at tho
lowest rates,
Tlnnlniiinullltii hranchtseaicfully aitendcUtn.
and ballsrurllnu iiunrnuteed, '
Tin work of hII kluds wholesaloaud retail. A Is requested,
1LAN1C WOHIOAOHH for Iho tiso of Hnvlnir
It 1 uud uiui Limn Assueliillonv, for niln at Iho
Yc now havo on hnnd n birp, nnitif ,irtni.i
fUMitlment ui .1 itktu i .'si uu.i t nvui t m
li'rftJini ' !i IlUl1 w luWtu 'die-Vlon of
Bueincsa Carda,
Wo now lmvn Ihn ilnrtt firtfrf.mitit nf
Ti:r.)H on hand nnd for sale that were over kept
In Hloormbnrg, Larue kI?o on best parchment
taper, umimou necoif, j;ocu(or s-sno .Sittninis
rutOr's DfKids Htmill filxn umtA hnrpr rrlipnrt).
Common Deed , Ac.
qt'ICK RAI.K.1 ANO HM A LI, I'UortrS.
iiENitY voir.
;a,l Illoointlinrtf l'a.. for nil kind, of tbo best
homo and cltv inudo
i u u w i t ii ii r. .
Friers rcnsonablo and tho best work ilouo.
Jan 1'71-lf
ii a t r.
it o o ' i x n,
i; v t y 7 a rt i r i
Uox,?n, ItlootnsbiirB, l'a.
J-l'.u 17
ii .i::ui2, ijauiji.i;, asu tiiumk
nnd dtmlor In
liUITALO 1101113, )IOUSi:.llLAKKtT9 Ac,
liich ho feels eolilldent ho ran sett at Inwrr
late than any olhrr person in tho county, Ex
amine for yourselves.
suop npprsuo um ,o umco, Mam street,
illooiiistmrix, l'A.
AUg. &, 1S7U,
jL A New Tol'Iisk ok dellveredat
tho 1'ennn, Holy technic and Anatomical Museum
ii,-" j uiieeiiiuL i-i., inrio uoois awve jueiiui,
PhllndelPhln, embracing the subjects! How to
LIvo nnd What to Llu ror; Youth, Maturity
nml Old Ae; Mnnhofid Ocncrally Hcviewedj
Tlio eau.o of liulljreKllon; Flatulence nnd nerv
ous Dlseasis nnotinltd lor; Mnrrlngo 1'hllo
sophienlly touMdertd, Thtso Icciures will bo
forwarded ou ipcelpt of i." (entsby nddresing:
I'ecretnry of tlio rennsylvniiln 1'oi.ytechnio
Ahltadelhhlu, Henusj lvnnU,
Vyr.mlnc (211.0))
jtltnn ,Mf,u:
Hillou N. Y. - Lt)A0
Noitu Americj unm
OitV 410,001
DUernatlnn,! 2S,V l,.oiVM)
Niagara N. Y. ),ono.iM)
Meichnuifi .'0nX)
fpringiioUt 670 0 0
i-uiiutrr' iiunvjue..i fv.w.iwr
Albanv City l').o.0
lianvlllc, llorho Thtlt Mutual.
Atlmtic.N. Y l.'
Otrinnutii, N. Y oUU.UiX)
l-'JiKAS BIIOWN, Aiient,
rani2i 71 ly,,
rjIIE OLD KriTAltlilSIIKI) "
r if ti a i t v n i:
nnd Iir.DDINd WAItlHtOOM of H, It. LUWIH,
nro the rhenjiest In tin- elty. Un Is now selling
lu Oil or Varnish t COITAOP, l-UHNCJ UHII. nil
sizes ; cheaper than Auction pikei; cAlll'lHS,
every aility.
Coiuo nnd seo nnd bo con lnccd. You wilt snvo
money by giving us n call lieloro purchasing
ir. n. r.nwiH.
No. 1 ISO nud 1131 KtiLCt, l'iiiiA.viiKl.t'iitA,
Next door to corner of 1'Uteentli Hticet.
irmr.ini tlm.
jy 13 N T i y T Jt V .
nespectfully olTers his professional sen-lcei to
uio iituifN uiui Kuuiieinen ut juouiukuutu uuu vi
clnlty. Ho Is prepaieil tu uttend toulliliO varl
Is provided with tho latest Improved 1'okcki.ain
i r. trrii wiiicii win uu nisfi mi ;'m yiHiini;
silver ami lubber bao tu look aa ,ell utitUo nat
uralteeth. Teeth extracted bv all tho new nuJ
moKtapinoved methods, and all operations ou
tho teeth caiefullvaiul nroneih ntteudtd to.
Hestdeuro and oitlcu u few doom nJvnvo the
court iioute, samo tstde.
Hloomsburg, Jnu.1'71 ly
Q. h O B K JI U T
rliny rieeman, Hicsldcut, II, C. rnrmrui.Hr
Cash cnpltal over S2,000,t'00,nll p.UJ.
.1, 15. U015ISON, J)LOOMSBUJtCi,rA
un:ii;HAL agent,
Tor Lureme, Lycoming and Columbia
Tim undersigned lespectfully Inform the
citizens of HlooniHtmn: nml Cfilumbla county,
thai they ltu p nil the dlllfreuLuumhers ofstove
coal ami M'lccW'd lump eont for smithing purpo
ses, on their wharf, adjoining MMCelvy. Neal &
Co'a V'urnaet; with a j;ood jalr of Ilulla-lo scales
m tho ulmif, to vuJkIi eoal, hay. and straw
IdkewUo u hoise uud waon, to deliver coal to
thuso who di-tdro it. As they purchason largo
amount of eoal.t hey Intend tolieep n KUperlor ar
ticle, and sell nt the very low est prices. Please
call and examine lor youhelve1 befoie purcha
lU'iLisywlniu. J. W. IIIINDHIWHUT,
''pIIK nnilernlKncd will luko in cx-
J. change for Coal and Groceries, Uio following
named tittle leu : Wheat, ltye, Corn, Oals, Pota
toes, Laid, Ham,Hliouldtr,aml side meat, Hut tr
Eggs. Hay, fie, nt the hisheist cash prleos, nt bis
Giorety Stole, aiJoliiliig their cottl jaid,
jiloointuurg war. iw.'ts-iy.
a iiowEii,
has opened a flrht-claai
nt the old stand on I'falnHtrceLHIoomshurg.afew
doorinbovo tho Court Honso, His Mot k Is com
posed f I he very latest ntul bent styles ever oiltr
ed to tho eltUens ot Columbia County. Heeau
accommodate tho publlo with tho following gooiln
at llio lowest rates, .Men's heavy double soltd
Htnj'.i Ixtots, men's double ami single tap soled
Kip iio'iih, meirs ucuvy Mogu snoeif oinu uinus,
ihcii'k !iim hoolH nml hhnpn of nil ermfa. Imv'u
double soled boots of nil kinds, men's
glove kid Uiil moral s, women s.lioys'M
ami misstN' lasting gaiteis, women's glove kid
Polish vt ty tlne.w omen's morocco Huln'oialsand
eilfshow, women's very tine ktdbuttoiud gall
oi s. Jn short boots ct all descriptions both pes
eed nnd sewed.
He would also call attention to Ills fluo assort
moot of
which comprises all tho new nnd populni vnrl
bUerfnt pilces whUh caunotfallto bull nil. Tlieso
tdoiU me oileretl at tho lowest cnh ratci ami
villi be uuarnnteed tnglve satisfaction, A rail
Is sollcltiil be.oie puiehaslng eluouhero ns It is
believed that belter bargains are to bo Amud
than at any other place in tho couuty,
Jan P71
The undersigned would Inform tho tiavelllns he has taken iho abovo named estab
lishment and tltoiouuhly iriltted tho sumo tor
the pi'ihct convenience of hlsifuests. Ills larder
will be slnrlied with Ihe best the market alloiil-.
Die cholcLht Ibmors, wines uud cigars atwavh to
bo louiul lu his I'ar,
Jan 171 Espy, pa.
KOlIJt M'lIKNUY, Proprietor.
This well known House, Having been put In
thorough ii pair. Is now open to the Unveiling
public. The bar Is slocked with tho choicest
tiquoi sand clears, and the table will bo, at all
tlmis.KUpplled with the delicacies ot thesfuson.
No iiaiuu will bobpnrtd to lUMiro tho com lor tot
UlUIIUVltlV, J 11 11 1,4011,
liurniiT, pa.
WILLIA5I HUTLLIl, l'roprlctor,
This House haviurfbeen put lu (IioiourIi lepnlr
lit now open lur tlie jucptlon ot umsls. No
pains will bo spaiedto tnsnro the peilict coiu
l.irl. of tbo lra,.irs. Too l'loorletur solicits a
share of publlo patronnuf, Tho bar Mill a
.locked at all Units with Hue lUjuurs nndcittais,
W. F. PIATT, Proiirlctor,
This will known House havlne been nut in
thot ouuh lepair is now open lor tho letplliill of
visitors. Jsu I'Ulus linetaeu spalld tutlisutu
the perfect eoniioit ol Rliesls, Ulie proprietor
uloiunsuBtni;e liom the Hotel to llloouisbuli;
and luterineillato tsilnlH ou Tuisday, Thursilay
and fcmlunluy of eutli week, IJuu l'lwl
or nut
w.oi'i.i: oi' tin: r.m.ii srinis.
Our jircssnco nntl nfllciat duties nt
Washington havo ennhled in to hecomo
fully Rciiunlnlctl with tlio hclloim nml
tlcslgnsof llioso who control tho ltadl
cal party, nnd wo feel cnllcd upon to
titltr n few words of warning ngalnt
tho iilnrnilnB strides they hnvo rmulo
toward tho centralis; itlnn of power In
tlio linntN of Confirms nnd tho Execu
tive. Tlio tf mo nnd nttcntlon of tho
Itadtcal leaders havo hoen nlmost wholly
dlteclcd to duvlslntf such lejfhlatlon n
will, In their view, best presorvo their
it.seondcncy, nnd no regard for tho who
restraints Imposed by tho Constitution
has checked their reckles, despornto ca
reer. Tho President of t ho United Slates
lias been formally announced ns n candi
date for ro election. Tho declaration of
his hellish supporters havo been echoed
by uaulnldli'.cil press, nnd the discipline
of party tins nlrendy mndo ndhcslou to
lis personal fortunes, tho Btiproino test
of political fealty, Tlio partisan legisla
tion to which wo rofur was decreod and
shaped In secret caucus, whero tho ex-
trcmcjt counsels always dominated, nnd
was adopted by n subservient majority,
If not with tho Intent, certainly with
tho effect to plnco In tho hands of tho
President powers to command his own
renoinlnatlon, nnd to employ tho army,
navy, and militia, nt his solo discretion,
us n moans of subserving his personal
ambition. When tho f nil cxpcrlcnco of
the last two, years, so disappointing to
tho hopes nud generous confidence of
the country, is considered, In connection
with tho violent utterances nud rash
purposes of thuso who control tho Presi
dent's policy, it Is not surprising that
tho gravest apprehensions for tho ftitttro
peaco of tho nation should be enter
tained. At a time when labor Is depressed, and
every "material Interest Is palsied by
oppress! vo laxnllou, tho publlo ofllces
have been multiplied beyond nil pro
cedent, to servo ns Instruments In tho
perpetuation of power. Partisanship Is
tlio only test applied to tho distribution
of this vast patronage. Honesty, iUncss,
and moral worth nro openly discarded
In favor of truckling submission nnd dis
honorable compliance; hence, enormous
defalcations and widespread corruption
havo followed ns tho conso
quenccs of this pernicious system. 13y
tho ofllelal report of tho Secretary of tho
Treasury, It nppears that nfter tho de
duction of nil proper credits, runny
millions of dollars remain duo from ox
Collectors of tlio Internal Revenue, and
that no proper Ulllgonca ha3 over been
used to collect them. Itcforms In tho
Hevenuo and Fiscal systems which nil
expetlenco demonstrates to bo necessary
to n frugal administration of tho Gov
ernment, us well as n measure of relief
to nn over-burdened people, havo been
porsistently postponed or willfully neg
lected, Congress now adjourn? without
having oven nttemploil to reduce taxa
tion oi toii'pcal (he flaring impositions
by ulilch Industry Is crushed nnd im
poverished. Tho Treasury Is overflow
ing, nnd nn excess of $SO,0U0,000 of rove
lino Is admitted, and yet Instead of some
measures of present relief a barren nnd
delusive resolution is passed by tho
Sennto to consider tho tariff nr.d exciso
systems hereafter, as if tlio history of
broken pledges anil protended remedies
furnished any better assurance for futuro
legislation than cxpcrlcnco ha3 done In
tho past.
Ship-building nnd tho carrying trade,
onco sources of national prldoantl pros
perity, now languish under u crushing
load of taxation, and nearly every other
business interest Is fetruggllng without
profit to maintain itself.
Ouragrleulturists while, paying heavy
taxes on all they consume, either to tlio
Government or lo monopolists, llntl the
prices for their own products so reduced
that honest labor Is denied Its Just re
ward nnd Industry Is prostrated hy In
vidious di'crimlnatbn. Nearly 200,000-
000 ncres of public lands which should
havo beenioserved for tlio benelltof tho
peoplo havo been voted away to giant
corporations, neglecting our soldiers nnd
enrlehlngnh.uiilfiil of greedy speculators
and lobbyists, who nro thereby enabled
to exercise a most dangerous and cor
rupting itillucr.cuoverStatontid Federal
legislation. If llio career of theso con
spirators bo not checked, tho downfall
of freo government Is Inevitable, and
Willi It tho elevation of a Military Dic
tator on tho ruins of tho Hepubllc.
ruder pretense of passing laws to en-
force tho XlVlh Amendment nnd for
other purposed, Congress has conferred
tho most despotic powers upon the Ex
ecutive, and provided un ollicliil ma
ehlucry by which tlio liberties of tho
people aro menaced, nnd tho sacred
right of local self-government In tho
States Is ignored, If not tyrannically
overthrown. Modeled up to tho Sedi
tion laws, so odious In history, they nro
tit variance with all tho sanctified tho
orlos of our Institutions ; and tho con
struction given by theso Hadlcal Inter
preters to tho XlVtli Amendment is,
to uso tho lauguago of nn eiuluent Sen
ator, Mr. Trumtlull of lllluois, an "an-
inhibitor of States." Under the last
Enforcement bill, "tho Executive may,
In his dl'crotlou, thrust aside tho Gov
ernment of any State, suspend tho writ
of habeas corpus," arrest Its Governor,
mprlson or dlspcrso tho Legislature,
sllenco Its Judges, mid tminplo down
Its people. Nothing Is left to tho citi
zen or tho Stato which can nny longer
bu called n right j nil Is changed luto
mero suil'erance. Our hopes for redress
arc lu tlio culm uooil scute, tho "sober
second thought" of tho American pco-
pie, Wo call upon them to bo true to
themselves nnd to their past, nnd, dls
regarding party measures nud minor
tIlirereiiee,s,to Insist upon a decent equal
luatlou of power, tho restriction of Fed
oral authority within Itsjust nnd proper
nmiiH, ienving to uio stntesthat con
trol over doiucsllcnflalrs which is essen
tial to their happiness nud tranquility
mid good government. Everything
that malicious Ingenuity could suggest
1ms been dune to Irritate Iho peoplo of
tho Middle nnd Southern Slates. Gross
nnd exaggerated charges of disorder
nnd vlolcnco owo their origin to tho
mischievous, minds of political malin
gers In, tho Senato nnd Homo of ltep
rcscnlatlvcs, to which tho Executive
has, wo regret to say, lent his nld, nlid '
thus helped to ltitlamo tho popular feel
ing. In nil, this coiirso of .iioslllo legis
lation nml harsh rciontmctit, no word'
of conciliation, of kind encouragement,
of fraternal fellowship, has over been
spoken by tho President or by Congress
to tho people of tho .Southoni fjtutcH.
They hnvo been nddrcawd ouly In tho
languago of proscription.
Wo earnestly entreat our fellow-clti-zctis
lu nil parts of Iho Union to sparo
no effort to maintain penco nnd ordor,
to carefully protect tho rights of every
cltl.:n, to prcscrs'o kindly relations
among all men, and to dlscountcnnnco
nnd dlscourago nny violations of tho
rights of nny portion of tlm peoplo so
cured tinder tlio Constitution or nny of
Its amendments.
Let us, In conclusion, earnestly beg of
you not to nld tho present nttempts of
Itadlcal partisans to stir up strlfo In tho
land, to renew tho Issues of tho war, oi
to obstruct tho return of peaco nnd pros
perity to tho Southern Stalo, becauso It
Is thus that they seek to divert tho nt
tcntlon of the country from thocorrup
lion nnd extravagance of their lulmlii
Istratlon of public nffalrs, nnd tho dan
gerous nnd prolllgato attempts they nro
making toward tho creation of centra
Hzcd military government. In tho five
years cf peaco following tho war, tho
lUdlcal administrations havo expended
?i,a)U,iJOU,uou lor ordinary purposes
alone, being within $200,000,000 of tho
nggregato amount spent for tho samo
ntinifwoM in u-ni-nmi in nonm iiiirino-m,
1 years preceding Juno 30, 1SC1, not In
cluding in either easo tho Bum paid upon
principal and interest of tho publlcdobt. !
It is trifling with tho Intelllgencoof the
peoplo for tho Itadlcal leaders lo pretend
that this vast sum has been honestly
expended. Hundreds of millions of it
havo been wantonly squandered. The
expenditures of tho Government for tho
fiscal year ending Juno UO, 1S01, wero
only $02,000,000, while for precisely tho
samo purposes, civil list, army, navy,
pensions, nnd Indians, $101,000,000 wcro
expended during tho fiscal year ending
Juno 30, 1ST0. No Indignation can bo
too stern, and no scorn too sovcro, for
the assertions by unscrupulous Itadlcal
leaders that tho great Democratic and
Conservative party of tho Union has or
can havo sympathy with disorders or
vlolcnco In any part of tho country, or
In tho deprivation of any man of his
rights under tho Constitution. It Is to
protect and perpetuate tho rights which
every freeman cherishes, to revlvo in
nil hearts tho feeling of friendship,
nfTectlon nnd harmony which nro tho
best guarantees of law and order, and to
throw around tho humblest citizen,
wherever ho may be.tlio projecting tegls
of these safeguards of personal liberty
which tho fundamental laws of tho land
nssuro ; that wo Invoke tho nld of nil
good men In tho work of pence nnd re
conciliation'; wo Invito their generous
cooperation, irrespective of all former
differences of opinion, so that tho harsh
volco of discord tuny bo relieved ; that
n new nnddungerous sectional agitation
may be checked ; that tho burdens of
taxation, direct or Indirect, may bo re
duced to tho lowest point consistent
with good faith to every Just national
obligation, and with a strictly economi
cal administration of tho Government,
nnd that the Stales may bo restored in
their integrity nnd true relations to our
Federal Union,
Signed by all Ihe J)cmoeratic SuuUors
and Hepraenlatlces in Cbngnss.)
Senator Trumbull on tlm Ku-Kliik II ill.
In his recent speech on what is known
ns tho Ku-KIuk bill, Mr. Trumbull, n
llopubllcnn Senator from Illinois, mnde
ono of tho best speeches mado against
the bill. Wo have not seen tho speech,
but wo print tlio following notice of it
from tho Now York inn, a Republican
newspaper ;
Mr. Trumbull has mado ono of the
ablest speeches delivered on Ku-Klux
legislation at tho pn-ont session of Con
gress. Having be-'ii Chairman of tho
Judiciary Connnltleo of tho Senato for
ten years, ho speaks with nuthorlty on
nil questions relating to llio Constitu-
tlon and reconstruction. In regard to
tho bill now beforo Congress, ho lilts tho
nail equaro on tho bend by declaring
that wo hnvo United Stateslaws enough
now on the statulo nooks lo meot tho
exigencies of tho situation, and by pro
nouncing all further legislation for put
ting down alleged outrages in tho South
superfluous, nnd llablo to becomo posi
tively mischievous, even if not In con
travention of the Constitution.
Mr. Trumbull emphatically condemn.
ed tho amendments offered In tho Sen
ato to tho Houso bill deeauso they would
ronder It llablo to tho objection that it
attempted to punish, by United States
enactments, mero violations of Stalo
laws, Ho said It was an effort on tho
part of Congress to franio tho criminal
code for tho States, thus overriding llio
broad distinction heretofore recognized
botwecn Federal nud Stato authority in
tho punishment of ordinary ollVnces.
Ho vindicated tho threo recent amend
ments to the Constitution from tho
chiirgo that thoy conferred any nuthor
lty upon Congress nntl llio Prcsldeut to
change tho form of our govornmont by
practically centralizing its powers in
iho Fedcrnl head nnd denlcel thnt tho
1-ourteenth Amendment bestowed nnv
rights of citizenship not contained in
tho Constitution prlvlous to tho rntlO
cation of thntnniendment. Ho touched
tho marrow of thnt much misunder
stood provision of thoorganlc law when
honssertcd that whllo it ompowcred
Congress to protect a citizen from nny
Invaslou of his rights or nny dlscrlmln
ntlon against him by Stnto laws on nc
count of color or otherwise, It did not
allow Congress to exercise pollco power
within tho States for tho punishment of
offences ngnlnst Stato laws, and to tho
destruction, of Stnto authority.
Mr. Trumbull nlso denied tho right
of Congress to substitute tho Federal
for tho State courts, ns tho pending
mensuro, nnd especially tho proponed
Senatorial inmendmcnte, attempt to do;
nnd ho warned tho Senato thnt tho mast
cffeotlvo mpdo' for bringing thoi Four
teenth nnd FlltcontliAmcndmcntB into
dlsrepulo would bo lo try to so distort
their provisions ns to multo them team
to cover legislative nnd exccutlvo usur
pations which woro novor lntenileil by
their frnmcrs. Ho cautioned- Congress
to bownro of theso Insidious efforts to
clintige our republican system by (dot
ting out llio Hlnto governments, nnd. by
taking to itself tho entire protection lof
tho Individual citizen in his person and
property: nnd ho, wnH eloquent In hl
denunciations Of tlio suspension Of tho
writ of habeas corJus and Iho declara
tion of ranrtlnl InW on slight occasions
nud under false pretences, as dnngorous
to tho liberties of tho people.
If Gen. Grant, nnd thoso iiiembcis of
Congress who nro plotting for his ro
nomination, nro not bereft of their
senses, they will listen to the warning
volcoof tho Senator from Illinois, nnd
pntiso in their perilous course. If they
do not, so much tho worio not merely
for them Individually, but for tho party
which elected thorn nml Is responsible
for their nctlon.
Tlio rrniieo-l'russlan AVar.
Tho licrlln papers nro publishing con
densed statistics of tho recent contest
between Germany and France, from
which It nppears that tho wnr was de
clared on July 10, 18T0, and terminated
on February 10th, 1871, lasting 210 days,
but practically 180 days, Inconsequence
of tho first nnd last periods being freo
horn engagements. In ono week tho
German troops wcro "mobilized" or
prepared to march, and In two weeks
wero despatched to tho west, and wero
arranged on tho lino from Troves to
Landnu. Tho troops sent to tho fron
tier, numbered OOO.OOO.nnd 42,000 men,
with horses, guns, carriages and ammu
nition, wero conveyed every day ou flvo
lines of railway, two of which, how-
over, wero llttlo used. Four Prussian
corp3 d 'armco had to traverse from -100
to COO miles, to reach tho French fron
tier, nnd had to bo fed on tho way.
During tho 180 days of active service,
thero wero fought 150 engagements nnd
17 great battles; twenty-six fortresses
wcro taken, 11, (HO ofllccrs nnd 303,000
men of tho rank nud Uio wcro mado
prisoners, 0700 guns uud 120 eagles were
captured. Having regard to tho chron
ologtcal order of tho actions up to Sedan,
thero wcro thirteen engagements nnd
eight battles, to-wlt Wissctnbourg,
Woerth, Spicheren, Courcelle3, Vloii'
vlllo, arnvolottc, Noiseul nnd lleau
mont ; whllo tho four fortresses of Lot
zelstcln, Llchtcnborg, Marsnl and Vitry
wero captured during that period. In
September (hero wero thirteen engage
ments, and Sedan, Laon, Toul nnd
Strasbourg wero captured. In October
thero wcro thirty-seven engagements,
nnd Solssons, Schelstndt nnd Mutz wcro
taken. In November, thero were fifteen
engagements nnd two battles, those of
Amiens nnd Iicauuc la-Itolando nnd
Verdun, Monthellnrd, New Brelsach,
Ham, Dldonhofon, Lafero nnd tho cltn
elelof Metz surrendered to tho Germans.
In Deeeniber thero wero thirty engage
men ts and two battles, ono near Orleans
and the other on the Ilalluoand Phals
bourg and Montmedy. In January,
1671, thero wero forty-eight engage
ments and tho battles of Lcmans, Mont
hellnrd and St. Queutin anil Meiilcres,
Itocroy, Perronue, Longuy and Paris
capitulated. Tho war terminated in
February with thosurrendcr of Uelfort.
Twenty-two engagements wcro fought
around Paris during tho 130 days of tho
investment. Of theso twenty-two en
gagements, threo occurred September,
eight in October, two In November, four
In December anil flvoin January. There
wero only threo naval engagements, to
wit, at Hlddcnseo on September 19th,
In the Putzlg Hay on September 21st,
and off tho Havanna on October 12th.
Men and Women.
Provideneo has so mado tho sexes
that women, llkochlldren, cling to men,
lean upon them for protection, caroand
lovo ; look up to them ns though they
wcro their superiors In mind nnd body.
They mnko them the suns of their sys
tem, and they nnd their children rovolvo
around them. Women, Ihcreforo, who
havo good minds nnd puro hearts wnnt
men to lenn upon. Think of their rev
erencing a drunknrd, n fool, n liar, or a
libertine. If a man would havo n wo
man do him homage, ho must bo manly
in every sense; a truo gentleman, not
nfter tho Chesterfield school, but pollto
becauso his heart Is full of kindness to
oil ; ono who treats her with respect,
oven deference, becauso sho Is a woman;
who never condescends to say silly
things to her; who brings her up to his
level, if his mind Isnbovo hers ; who Is
ambitious to mnko his mark in tho
world, whether she encourages hlmor
not, nnd who Is nlwnys pleasant nnd
considerate, but always keeping his
plneo as tho man nt llio head nnd never
losing It. Such deportment, with no
bio principles, n good mind, energy
nnd industry, will win nny woman in
llio land who Is worth winning.
The IljIiigXeifr Yieev-
It Is a striking fact that tho dying
never weep. Tho sobbing, tho heart
breaking agony of tho elrclo of friends
around tho death bed, call forth no ro-
sponsivo tears from tho dying. Is it
becauso ha Isalraady insensible and stiff
In tho chill of dissolution V That cannot
be, for ho asks for his fatherV hand, as
ir to gain strength in the mortal struggle,
and leans on tho breast of n mother,
sister or brother, in still conscious nlfec
Hon. Just beforo expiring, ho calls theso
loved ones nnd with quivering lips,
says, " IClss mo 1" showing that tho lovo
which ho has over borno in his heart Is
still fresh and warm. It must bu bb
causo tho dying havo reached u polrit
too eiecp ror earthly sorrow, too trnip
Ecendant for weeping, Thoy ore face to
faco with higher nnd holler things, with
mo t'utnor in heaven and his angels
Thero Is no weeping In that hletsed
nbodo to which ho Is hastening.
.losinilftliif riqicr.
Nntur n6vef 'mal(cs''cnny blunders.
When sho make's n lllidbrpHo moails It.
I liav'rlrlaiiy cum tow thb'fcoriklusioh
itint Iho mfllbrlty O'mnnkftul Kail bo
niiiUiVnii (lid back- better' than In tho
oral'iV, fdrgdtJd'cltfthtfi Will bfttil itlakn
n plibbl. rcspfcclablt, "wli'lld t'tlukushliu
only serves towsiiqw ins waiic pints.
I novcr'Knuri miin 'yet' Svhoaa hatuo
waz Georgd Wrishlligtori ' iW.lyelto
Goodrich, lisq,, nndwho always signed
htz nnmo for tli6 full'nttionnt,' but waz
a tilggcr man 6n' parifcr.'.thali' litY Waz by
Ad 11 gllifcral Ihlnhii InellvWlIttl Wh6
Iz neat lu htz person Iz tica't'In hlz mor
als. Man Iz' my brother and i konslder
that i am nearer related tew hlm thru
hlz vices than 1 am thru hlz virtues.
Thero lz nothing about which tho
world makes' 8b few blunders, nnd the
Individual so many, nz n man's acktual
impdrtntiso ntnong hlz fellow critters.
A nlan with, n small head izllkonpln
without enny, very 'apt tew git Into
thlngi bcyoud hlz depth.
Thoonly pedlgreoworlh transmitting
Iz vlrtow, nnd this lz tlio very thing
that kaa't bo'transmittcd.
The man 'who kan't find any thing
tow do In this world iznz bad oph ns a
yearling heifer.
Thero Iz no poshun ov tho human
heart that promises so much and pays
so llttlo as rovenge.
Naturo once In a Whlld makes n phool,
but nz n glncral thing phools, llko gar
ments, nro mado to order.
Genuine pralso consists In naming u
man's faults tew his face, nnd his good
qunlltles tew hl3 back.
One of tho temporary cures for prldo
and affectashuu that I ever seed tried Iz
seasickness; n man who wonts to vomit
never puts on nlrs.
A fault concealed iz but llttlo better
than ono indulged in.
Witty speeches nro llko throwitig
stones nt n target, tho moro timo spent
In taking aim, tho less danger thero Iz
lu hitting tho mark.
Woman haz no friendships. Sho
either loves, despises or hates.
A day In the life ov an old man iz
llko ono of the last days in tho fall ov
tho year; every hour brings a chango
In the weather.
A coquctlo In lovo iz Just about az
tamo az a bottle of ginger pop that haz
stood sum tlmo with tho cork pulled
Human happiness Iz llko tho Hotten
tot languago ; ennybody can talk It well
etuiff, but there ain't but phow can un
dcrstann it.
Gravity Iz no moro evldenco of wis
tlom than a paper collar lz of a shirt.
'l Great iniquities seem tow baptize
themselves. If tho Devil had only been
guilty ovpetty larceny ho would'nt hav
been herd ov again.
The l'rctful Man.
Tho posslonato Ill-natured man lives
always In stormy weather, oven though
It bo tho quiet of dow-fall around him ;
always wrong, al woys hurl, always com
plaining of some enemy. Ho has no con
ception that this enemy Is in his own
bosom, in the sourness, the ungovoruod
Irritability, tho habitual lll-naturo of his
own bad spirit and character. I speak
not hero of somoslnglo burst of passion,
Into which a man of amlablo temper
may for oueo bo betrayed ; but I speak
moro especially of tho nngry characters,
always brewing In somo tempest of
violated feelings. They havo a great
many enemies, aro unaccountably ill
treated, nnd cannot understand why It
Is. They have no suspicion that they
seo and sulkr bad things becauso they
aro Lad, that being Ill-natured is about
thesauie thing ns receiving Ill-treatment,
and thnt nil tho enemies they
suffer from nro snugly closeted In their
own evil temper.
The samo is truo of fretful persons-
men nnd women that wear away fast
and die, becauso they havo worried life,
so to speak, completely out. Nothing
goes right; husband or wife, or child or
customer, or sermon. Thoy aro pricked
nnd stuug at every moment thoy make,
nnd wonder why it is that others nro
permitted to float along so peacefully,
and they never suffered to havo a mo
ment of peaco In their lives. And tho
cry slmplo reiwon Is, that life is a Hold
of nettles to them, becauso their fretful,
worrying tempera aro always prickling
out through the tendor skin of their un
easiness. Why, If they wero sot down
In paradise, carrylug their bad mind
with them, thoy would fret nt tho good
angels, and the climate, and the color
oven of tho roses. Dr. Ilushnell.
l'litlillhig Iron.
A correspondent descrlbos tho interes
ting method of puddling iron as follows :
Tho plg-lron U put into a puddling fur.
naco presldod over by a puddlor and a
helper. Tho helper nttends to tho firing
and does tho first part of tho puddling,
that is, stirring the iron nt tho consis
tency of water. Tho skill is to know
Just tho boiling-point, and thon to sepa-
Unto tho motul In thofurnnco Into exact
ly threo parts. This tho puddler does
by tho cyo and with his threo tools
called puddllnfj-irons. With theso ho
deftly Uncads'tho threo soparato masses
ns so much dough. As soon ns n mass
is worked to tlio satisfaction of tho pud
dlerit is drawn forth, placod on it specie
oi two-wheeled cart called n buggy, nut)
put into tho squeezer. Wider runs, con
tluuallyou to this squoezer to keep il
from melting. Tho water getting Into
tho hot Iron, sttniu Is generated nnd tor
rifle explosions occur, throwing sparks
in every direction,, A shapeless mass of
metal goes into tho squeezer uud comes
out in t'lugs Jmlf the ortglna) sz. U
during tho revolution of tho wheel of
tho squeezer tho mass breaks, it U a
sure test that the metal lias not been
sumeicntly puddlcd,(nnd much to the.
disgust of tho puddler it is returned to
tho buggy' nnd Iho (urnncc, and must ho
Worked over again. Should tho roll go
through tho squeezer unbroken, it is
passeel on Into thq rollers, which havo
grooves of various depths, and finally
comes put In be uuliful square strips.
So:tosi9 women dcclaro they won't
wear dresses any longer.