THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBTJTtG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. AURICULTURAL & BOMESTIC. Uot.LINO GllAIN IN TIII1 SPIIINCI. If ft r morn would look nU tlin tlionryfof rolling tho mid ryo Ileitis In (lie HprltiR, 11 woulil bo resorted to nnu'li moro frociuonlly than It li. Oco.wloiml. ly tho Winter mid Spring liavo lieon so fiivornblo to thoao crops ns not to ren der It nccosaary. But In throo seasons out of four, It U necessary, and doubt less adds considerable to their product- Ivonoss. Tliotlmwlngs nnd freezing of tho ground, throwing or spewing out of mo roots nnd exposing them to tho dry ing winds of February nnd March, very sotlously rtfToct tho grain, l'usslng a roller over ns soon as tho soil Is fit to enter upon, nrossos back tho roots into their beds, nnd glvos them n fair grip upon tho support upon which tho crop must depoud. This must bo apparent to every ono who will look at Its opera Hon. Wo lmvo no doubt that rolling clover fields that liavo been badly thrown up by tho frost, would also havo n beneficial effect. Oerniantomi lUejritph, drafting Old OrclmnN. In many Instances, tho better way to maimso old fruit-trees la to cut them down lit once, nnd start young trees. Many old fruit-trees arc llko old horses which can never bo rejuvenated. There Is n lawof limitation In tho growth nnd product! vencs of all sorts of fruit-trees Justm tltoro Is n limit to tho growth and development of animals. When tho branches of old frult-troes begin to decay, If growth to all appearances lins ceased, nnd tho yield of fruit Is small nnd of an Inferior quality, It will bo far inoro satisfactory to rcinovo such trees, rather thin attomptto mako them prof itably productlvo by grafting. Grafts may llvo and grow slowly for n few years In an old treo; but If n now tree wero started at once, In tho courso of eight or ten years, It would bo found n sourco of revenue, whilo Ihoold grafted trees would bo about worthless. When old trees aro apparently thrifty, produ cing fruit of an inferior quality, It will pay to graft tho tops with tho cions of bouio valuable variety of fruit. Uy grafting, many old trees which have heretofore yielded inferior fruit, n boun tlful supply of npplos may bo obtained much sooner than from young trees. In many old orchards thero aro moro or loss old tress, moderately thrifty-bear ing in fruit of iittlo value, which If grafted with clous of somogood variety would bo valuablo trees. In (Irouiiig Toe Sails Tho most painful of tho diseases of tho nails Id caused by tho Improper man ner of cutting tho nail (generally of tho great too), nnd then wearing a narrow, badly-madoshoo. Tho nail beginning to grow too long, and rather wido at tho corner, Is often trimmed around the corner, which gives temporary relief; hut It then begins to grow wider In tho sldo whero H was cut off; and, as tho shoo presses tho flesh against tho corner, tho nail cuts moro nnd moro into tho raw flesh, which becomes excessively tender and irritable. If this stato con tlnuu long, tho too becomes moro and moro painful nnd ulcerated, and fungus (proud flesh) sprouts up from tho sorest points. Walking greatly incrcasos tho suffering, till poslllvn rest becomes in dispensable. Begin tho effort at cure by slmplo application to tho tender part of n small quantity of tlncturo of porchlor Ido of Iron. Thero is Immediately a i moderate sensation of pain, constriction , or burning. In a few minutes tho ten der surfaco is felt to bo dried up, tanned, or mummlllcd, nnd it ccaso.s to bo pain ful. Tho patient, who beforo could not put his foot to tho floor, now finds that ho can walk upon It without pain. By permitting tho hardened, wood-llko flesh to remain for two or thrco weeks, It can bo easily removed by soaking tho fool in warm water. A new aud heal thy structure is fpund, firm and solid, below. If thereafter tho nails bo no moro cut nround tho corners or sides, but always curved In across tho front. they will In futuro grow only straight forward; nnd by wearing n shoo oi reasonably good bIzo and shape, nil fur ther troublo will bo avoided. ItaMng Celery, riiyslclans toll us that If ono would cnt freely of tho bleached foot-stalks of celery, It would not only prevent, but tuitually cure, nervousness; that ono who is subject to trembling limbs would find suro relief in Its use. This ono truth should bo sufllclent to encourage all of us to raise this fino plant. But, in addition to this, thero Is nothing moro appetizing, or better to eat with roast meats, especially turltey, duck or chick en. Uut many of us aro deterred from trying to raise it, thinking It difficult to do so j many havo tried it and utterly failed. Truo, it Is morodlQlcult to man ago than many other thing, tho great est troublo being to get tho young plants from seed, as they aro qulto small and require good caro in sowing. I havo always succeeded, and will hero tell you how to succeed ovory tlmo you try j but you must pra'ctlco what I preach. First, then, bo suro you get a papo of fresh seed, say Landrcth's Wltlto Salad, If you havo a hot bed (and every ono who has a garden should havo ono or moro) sow your seed In very shallow drills therein, six Inches apart. Bow tho seed as thinly as you can, and sift very rich, fino chip manure, other rich earth, over tho seed nnd then press tho drills lightly with a brick or other heavy smooth Bubstancoj cover with a sash and give plenty of tepid water, put ou a very lino hoso to your sprinkler. When tho plants show themselves (which will require long tlmo) water, not vory cold, must uo auuou ovory evening or two. When thoy nro about three Inches high thin them to about halt an Inch opart. When thoy aro largo enough, say fivo or six Inches high, transplant them at ovening In trenches a foot deep and two feot wide, with tho richest earth you can got, In tho bottom of tho tranches. Shade them for a week en tlroly, with boards, plank or boughs and put plenty of water In tho trenches thrco or four times a week, but do not pour tho water directly on tho plants, About tho 10th of October (no sooner tlo a string loosely around each bunch near tho top, und band up tho plants with dirt, leaving only tho green tops uncovered, whon hard frost appears, cover all over with straw, six Inches deep, and dirt over this fivo Inches deep and at Thanksgiving Day you can treat your friends and yourself to roast turkey iir you havo one) and delicious, bio tnotlc, nutty celery. Woodman, in jtxirmer'i Jiome Journal. Miscellaneous, Dlt. BGtltiKOK ADVISKS CON HltMlTlYMi TO UO TO FMMtlDA IN YVINTKIt, Huvititfior Ino last thirty-five years dototed my whole time niul attention to llm Minly of lung diseases nml cotmuupltou, I feel tlirtt 1 mi dcrkinud fully the course that oualit to pursued iu restore a loierauiy ima cwtu ui umviwu iuui; la healthy sonudnest. The Ilrit nml mostltu tmrLmt nttn U tnr tho tintleuL tu nvold tnltllll i cold, nnd tho boat of lilt places on this continent lor uws purpuau ill wimer, r iuiiuh, mch uwn lu tho mate, where tho temperature is regular, nml not subject to such variation mill moru Northern latitudes, l'alatka Is n point lean ro commend. A (tood hotel in kept there by l'eter- 1 num. IjiH winter I mw several persons there whose lung had been badly diseased, but wlm. under tho neiUtiiK inlluencuor thoclHnatu nnd my medicines, wero getting well. one huudred miles furlhvr down the liver In a point which I would prcrer to lMlatka. ns tlio temperature Is more e en nnd the air dry nnd bracing. Melumvltlennd lmurprlsoaro located tnere. 1 should Rle ft decidoU preference to MeltonvtUe. It l two miles from river or hike, und It Rcvm- almost Impossible lo talto cold there. Tno Ubics lu Florida might be better, und patients complain nt times but that Is ii good nltin. a 11 indicates n return nf appetite, nnd wueu thin IslhoCiUio they generally lucicusuln iW-l, nod then the lungs mint heal, , jatkBonviile,ntberiiirt,UrL'eii Cove, and many other places In uirlous parts of 1'lorlda, can bu arely recommended to consumptives lu winter. My reft ton s for Baying no aro that patients aro les Ilaulu to take cola there than whero theru Is nicss even temperature, nud ills not neei'stary tnnav that whero ncoiiMunmilvu tu'ruoti cinmsus hlms?l( to frequent colds he 11 certain to die shortly Thcremre my advice Is, go well down into thoHUlooutof tue reach of purvadlng vusl wind aud lotfs. Jacksonville, or almost any othwrof tho locntlllat 1 liavo nu,mod, wilt bene- ni iuoso wuu are iroouieu wuu n lurpui uver, u disordered Hloinach, derauKed bowels, itoro throat or couli( hut for tiuwo wIioho luiiKtnr diseaMed n inure southern polut 1 earnestly re commended. tor illUiuu years prior tol9,I wai prorelou ally lu iiuw hhk, ilotttm, lliililiuore und 1'lilla deiphln every wuk, where 1 saw aud examined ou uu nVeruKe Uve hundred p.Uleul a week, A practice so e&teiuive, einbrauluu every possible phuseof luudUeuse,ha,4eiiabitHlme to under HLuudtho diffuse iuliy. mid hence, my caution lu regard to tuklntfculd. A persuu may take Vast (luauiiwci oi Dtiiuiiun h i uwiiuiiio HeuHved Ton io nnd Mandruke I'll is," and yet die. If he docs noluvold taltinit cold. In l-'litrlda.ueiirlv everybody is lis! tnHchenek8 Mandrake l'liis, for the climate Is inure likely to produce ouloua habits than more northern lati tudes. It Is a well established fact that natives ol KiuttdA rarely die ot couiumpuun, especially thu!6 ui the huuthern part. Uu the other hand, in New least, of the no mi laituu die ui tins terriuio disease. In tho it Idle autes 11 duett not prevutl so largely still thero aremauy thuusandn ofetMes theie. Wuul ft vatt pereentaite of tno would be saved If oout imp uvea ueiuaseully ulurmad In regard to taking IrtsU cold ns they aro about scnilct fever, small pox, Ac, Hut they are not. '1 hey take what they term u Utile coid, wblcu they ure credtiloui euouti to believe will wear oil lu a few days, 'ihey I'ayno ultenttou toll, nnd lience lllais tut fonti.liitioii loi- miuther nud iiuother still. until the lungs are dlstuied beyoud ull hope lor cuie, , ;dy advice to persons whoso 1111131 nroniTected even slltfhlly Is, to lay lnustuK of Hchenck's I'ulinonio yrup, cheuck's aeaweed Tonic and bcheuck's Jlauarake 1'iUsuud go to Florida. 1 recommend theia particular medicines because 1 nni tuoruuguiy ucjuuuueu wuu uiuu utnoa, t irnnw t whom tnev are used In strict accord- with mv illriptiuns thev will do the work tlut Is required. This nccomplisiied, nature will do tho rest, 'the physician wno prescribes for cold, cough or nlght'sweuls, nnd then advises tho patient to walk orrtuo out every day, will bo hure to havo u corpse on hi minds before l0atyplau lstoglvomy three medicines, lu ac cordance with tho printed dlrecilous, except In I'llla Is necossary. Sly object Is to give u io to the stomach-to get up a good appetite. It Is al ways n good Mgu when a pat cut JS" to gmw liuncry. I haVohopcs of such. Vlth a rellsu lor looirhndlho grallllc.Uloa 01 nun reiiii cumvs ccKhl blond, nud Willi it more lies 1, whlcli Is closely lolluwedbynhcinugof tholungi. Jhen ti,a . iiwuoiiB nml 11 listen, the crecnlinr chilis nndelainmy nlght-swejts no longer pnwtrato aud annoy, and the patient gots wt.ll, provided he avoids taking cold, Al . . Now there mo many conHumtitlves who have not tho meanito go to Florida, 'lhe question maybe asked, H there no hope for such? Cer tainly thero is. Myndvleoto Kiiclils.and ever has been, to hUy In ft warm room during tho winter, with a teinpcraturo of nbout seventy tie gtees, which nhould bo kept regularly at that point, by menns of ft theruionieier, heUticli a patient take his exercise within tho limits of tho room by walking up and down as much us bis strength will penult, lu order to keep up rj healthy circulation ot tho blood. I have cured thousands by this system, and can do so again. Consumption Is ns easily cured an any other dls ease if it is taken In time, nnd the proper kind or treatment Is pursued. Tho fact stands uudls puled on record that yehenck's Fulmnnle Hyrup, Mandrako IMlls, and Bcawoid Tonic have cured very many of what seemed to bo hopeless cases of consumption. Oo where you will, you will be almost certain lo find home poor consumptive who has been rescued from the vey Jaws 01 ucatu by their use. Ho far as tho Mandrako Tills nro concerned, everybody should keep a hupply of them on hand. They net on tho liver better than calomel, und leave nono of Us hurtful eileeta behind lu fact they ure excellent lu nil cases whero a pur gative medicine H required. If you havo pa r uikeu too freely of fruit and dlarrha-a ensues, u dose of tho Mandrakes will cure yen. Kyou nro subject to sick headache, take n dune of the Man drake nnd thev will relieve you In two hours. If you would obviate the effector ft chauge of water, or in a 100 ireu muujji'ii iu nun, uiuu ono of tho Mandrakes every ulght or every olher night, aud ou may then drink water nnd eat watermelons, pears, npples, plums, peaches or corn, without the risk of belug rundo sick by them. They will protect those who llvo In damp situations nrrntniL chills and fevers. Try them. iney are perxecuy nariuiesH. 11117 cauuu you good only, I have abandoned my nrofesslonnl visits to Ilos- ton and New Voik. but continue to moo patients at my office, No 15 N. tflXi'U Htreet, rhllndel- puia,every ouiuruity, jium v v. n' i. Those w how Uli a thorough examination with I ino ltespiromcier win ue cuargea uve, uonars. 1 The Hesptrometer declareH the exact condition or the lungs, and patients can readily learn whether they are curableor not. Uut I desire It distinctly understand that tho alue of my medicines depends entirely noon their being taken strictly according to directions. In conclusion, I will t.ay that when persons take my medlctnes and thelrsyhtems are brought Inlo a healthy condltfrou thereby, they nro not so liable to take cold, yet no ono with diseased lungs can bear a sudden change of atmosphere without the liability or greater or less Irritation of the bronchial tubes. Full directions in ull languages accompany my medicines, so explicit and clear that nny one can use them without consulting me, and coa b0 bousht ,rum Tn.'hltiiNc.:, m. 1.. No. 15 N Sixtu Htreet, I'lilladeljiUla. novllTU-UU Tnanvimrinn tirniltielni IL11T MCUIC DO MIOW- in., iininu Tnntii- Hvini- Dermunent curex m Dit. Fnuil VEtlKTAllt-K ftltrUJIATia Ukmehy. fieil inwardly only. A nlcnimnt Medicine, free from Injurious urus. wnrrontcil, uniler outh, to hav permanently cured Wlnovery Uflpallenu treated In tho past ten jenra. (ueo ttnllmony.) I, lu II, n liit Hto nri.Kr-rlntlmi (if l'roftfKor JiW. 1". Mtlcr, M, 1) ,u crailunta of tlio University of l'enn) Ivania A. 1'. mi.-now one or ruilnilel plila'. oldest recular physicians, and l'rofeafcor of ihemlMry nuu -ioxicoiokv, woo imi inuuu Neuralgia, Chronic and lnllummatory ltheumn tUm tho speciality of Mi entire profensloual lire a lact voucneu lor uy tno ugnaiurea uccum nftiivtiitfeaeh bottle, ormanv nroinlnent renown. d pnybiclaim, clergymen, ami othir testimonials. Tiinmln,! cn llnt-or.! frnrn nnUnnOUl Oltacl llOK. trumH and useless expenditure of money, n liuttl ftlifniul iriinrlltiti'e.Rtiltln'zexact numberofliottleti warranted to cure, will bo forwarJed (trails lo any tuillerer tiendlu: by lelter ft full description of nlUlctlon. Iu caso ol ralluro to cure, amount paid iKisitively reruivied. Aiedicino sent nny whero by express, collect on delivery, Allllcteil Invllnil liwrltn Inrnlvlpn, nil lnforinatloil and medical advlco Kent hy letter itrntls. I'rlnclpal niuce.'.u south l ourth ktriel, rnuaueipnia, l'a. lliu itemeoy is sou or ouiaiueu uy vtiHznixia. mar2ni-ly PODS DEIilVKUED rREE OP POIlTimAOK TO Din'OTtJ Oil HOATrt IN PillLADhU'JIIA. W IhA illRsnlnllnti nt Mia firm nt ALLEN Nkkdlu. on the luih of November, 1HT0, the uuderslsucd became soIa mvner nf the Factor: stock nud Machinery of tlm into linn and wt continuu tlio munulscture anrt Miln of Fertilizers, fliy iiernonai aiieuiiou is giTen to ine uiisintHN and ulilcd by the tn-ki L'hemlcnl and Mechanical Hkil the high fmullly of luy urllcK'S vUl be iiiaiuiuiuvu, i uu SUPER PHOSPHATE OP LIME, AND AMMONIA.TEI) PErtTIUZEP. aro uold at a very low price, HKND FOU CIIICUI..VK. NO. 1 PERUVIAN GUANO, Wanuiilcil rurt ol tmiwletl fnm lhe Uluiuh. V I S II liUA X O, 'nrnrl round Itone.ljindl'la&ter.Cement.Bnerm. Lard, Whale, I.ubrleatlmi and Coal Oils, Hperm, Adamantine uud rarnlllno Mhlcti I rispectruiiy invito tuu aiieuiiou oi uiu puuuc. tl'ICIAL lrSCoUW TO THE TUAI1E.,ich, (lleeWmnilf AI.t.KK ,V NeeiiI.KI.) 4'.' Houth Delaware A enue, rtdladelphla. rop. SAI.K Jiv nuiQMsiiuita moN comi'anv. mar.m 13w. Twelve Years -kpto Indians Plains. Ited Hblns. TiirUllna accouuUot uruit Iluutfi, llalrbreudtli lcaneit nud Terrible (kuteU Willi the big kh me nudhuntlletrlbea, Hplriteddeiicrln ttotu of tho hub 11 nnd uperu(ltlon or thtit slranne peoplo, Their Hporin, LKdfcNjm 'fiuiu. tionh. llowthevWooaud Wcii,HuAl.i,Wnui.. woiumii, io. eMr, Fr(th and j'opular. Vuiva IiOW. It li tLtdllnt! bV the thoimamtu wllli ut. derful ruplJlty, Attntd nro makluK from $U flCUperwttk, Choice Held yet vacant. Hendat onto for fcdinplo ehflplem, . .y liiV iiiuKiranoim and pur- Jau'Mf, o. ii, 41UUUWUJ, i utiuntr. Hail Rofidfj, I AUICA WANNA iVNl) 11LOO.MS- XJ 1 lltMlll ll.Mt.HOAll on KtnlnttT .Nuv. il, 1870, IMisongcr Trnlo will run nH iitjiiiwHi Cluing Nnttlii . Cluing Mouth Arrive Arrive !cnvo Icfive 11,111, it. til, 11, tn, n, nt Hcr.uiton t'.IJ '.'.13 U.SU titavo rttutnn o.i.i i.m a.f.o 11 KltlKltoil H.ll I.V9 4,1 7.10 l'ljliiolltli. ........ KM 1,17 l.'JJ 7.'.V Htllckalllunr,.., 7.M I'OI t.H .('") llorwlcU 7.'.'l W.tll 3.11 11.81 lllootn (l.w ll,:)t ft. 11) U.07 D.invlUe .0.10 11.01 0.1 1) Leuve t,cavo Arrlvo Arrive Mnrth'd S.3S 10.40 tl.ll) lo.'JO L'ontioptloti innitQ iitHcranton bv the Irnl'i rortlrrnt llonil, lllnithntiiton, AltmnyituO nil polnli Norlli, I'mI nml Wil. 1 ' 11. t. in t it v tl. Hl1 n't . NOUTJ1KHN OKNTltAL. It A Ili WAY, on and nflor December Uli 1870, Tralnn will leaveUUNUURV as follows t NOHTUWAItn. t.SjA.u., IMlly lo WllllnmRpnrt, for Klmtra Catinudalgnn, Rochester, llulIalu,Huipcnslou Urldge, nudN. Falls, 0.5) p. m., Dally.fGXcept Hundnys) for Klmlra nnu Huilati) l'i l.rle Hallway Trum i;imlra i', m., I).ilIy,(exceptHuudays) for WIIII.umb- Prt' TltAlNS SOUTHWAUD. 11,05 A.M.Oulty(oxceptMonday'sJ forllnltlmou WII.MINOTON ANI I'HinADnLrillA. 11.21 1M. IiUy(oxceptSnndays)ror llattlmor Waihlnglonand I'nlladelphla. UU. . YOUNU. tlenernl l'asscugcr Ait til. AbPitRi) U. 1'iHki:, Uen'l Hiipl., ? ata v ibsi AluTiflno A 1). 0. WINTKU AllUANOnMnNT. U70, l'assonjer Trains on this road wilt run ns fol lows! Jmf Xivth, htations. Jui'I A'orA Xa H.Wn.m W'lltlatinport. Iv, ft.25p.m " Muncy. fi.fll ", u.M " Mlltou. " fi.l' tf " 10.21 " luuvllle. " " " pi.11 Uupert, " J.l-' " lo. 11 CatawlsRa, " " H.fl) Ulngtown. u 'iM ' " l.'.'.'l p.m. Httmmlt. " 8.WJ " U.:il " truakako, M 2.10 v.. Mahony June, " l,n " " 1,'W "Dlne.Tamnqua, Dine. 12.M " ' Heading. " I'ottsvflle. 1 t'hlladelphla, 1 Mine Matich Cuuuk, dtuo' ' nelhlehem, " Phlla.vlallethlelicm, ' " 7.1x1 1 2 1 2.H " fi ttt 8.M " 3.0"i n. in 12,00 noon IU3 n. in LlillUIl, New York, ft. Liberty st., r.n) " umh. it.u. n.oo ,( t. .Ai " Ij. Valley It. U. ' 5.J ft.m. Iloston, " Ml) p m PiinAnireri taklr c tho 8.2 train from William sport, will liavo two hours In Now York, Inr sup per, and arrive In Jloston at 6."0 n.m.. cloven nour- 111 Huvuiit-B ui huuiniiuMir New day coaches accompany nil trains bo tween Willlanisport, Now YorU nud 1'hiladel- Trains run through by daylight. . ui:o. wi:Dn,8upt. T KADINU ItAILllOAD. HPHINO AHUAIiaCMUNr. Monday, April 3, 1SN. Groat Trunk Line from the North nnd North Vft. fnr Plilladnlnhtn.New Ynrk.Itenillns. PutU- vllle, Tamanua, Ashiand, Mhamoklu Lebauun AllcnlOWU, fcasioil, Upuruta, iuiz, iuueanier Columbia. Ac, .... Trains leave Ilarrlsburg forNework. na lot lows t At 3.10, k,H, ft. in., nud 2.W p. m., con necting with similar tralus on Pennsylva nia llallroad, nud nrrlvlng nt New York nl in in n. nt.. 'AJAf. nml lO.ou n. m. respectively. bleeping cars nccompnuy tbo 3,10 11. m. trains without change, i!ntiirnim! i.nnvn NewYorknt l.0aa.m.and 12,W noon and 5,00 p. lu, Philadelphia at 7,'l K30 n m, and p. m. Bleeping cars accompany the 6,00 p.m., trains Irom N. without cbaugo. Leave Itnrrlsburg for Heading, Pottsvlhe, m raaqua, Mlnersvllie. Ashland, Hhamokln Al Icutown nud Phlla'd. nt 8,10 a.m., nnd 2.0J nnd j (Li n ni.. ktnnninc nt I.etinnon and nrluclnal wav stations; p.m. train connecting lor Phll'a Pottsvllle und Columbia only. For Poltsvllle tichuylktll iiavcu ami Auouru, via ncuuyiaiu i.VJ p.m. toxt ppmiKvlvanlanailrond tralus leave Ueai Ing lor Alleutown Histou and New York at 6.00, in.. to. n. in., nnd 1.05 n. m. Ueturulnir. leave New Yotk at U.O0 a. m., 12.00 noon and 6.W r. ro. und Alleutowu at 7.20 a.m. 12.23 noon, 2.1j, J.2U U1K' 9.1) p. 111. Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia til 7,30 a.m., connecting with similar train un lUsi 1M. riuiroau returning irom ktnnniutf nt nil stations. i.ilvu Pottsvlllo at 0.00 a.m.. nnd 2.30 n.m. Ilurudon nt 10.00 u. m.t Hhamokln at o.lOand 11.1 i a. m., Asnmua ai 7,uj a.m. nnu iz.-i 1 noon man nnoy City at 7."l n. m. und l.'JJ p. m. Tarn aqua nl 8.3) a, in,, nnd 2,10 p.m. lor Fhliadelphin, New lorK, HC.iumg, iiarrisuurtcxc. I.0.I.VH I'ntUiVillo via Hcnuvlkill nud tiusouo- hauna llallroad at 8.13 n.m. lor llarrlsbuig, nuJ 12.W noon, fur riuourove ana iremom, Heading Accommodation Train leaves Polls- vino UlU.iVU. III., puasriu ilfuuuis n touii. rivlug at Philadelphia at 10.20 u. m. Heturuliig leaves Philadelphia at 6,15 p. m., passing ucuu' lng at 7,53 p.m., nrrlv lngut Poltsvllle at u.U p.m I'ntiM.dwii AccuinmoilEilluii Train. Ion vcsl'ultK' town at 0,3 a.m., relurulug, lemes Pblludelphlt at i.'J) p.m. Columbia Itallroad Trains leave Heading nt 7,L)n,m., and p.m.ior ipurain, itiu&, imihmx- IVrklomeu itali'ltoad Trains leave Perklouun .Tn not Inn lit 7.1 A H.diU. 111.. U.UO A U W P. 111. return- Hi?: leavo HcheiiksMllo atoau, Ml n.m., 12.50 noon & 4.30 p.m., counccung wuu biinnur iiams 'i Itendlng luillroail. uoicurooKUHio iiaurnan uhios teavu 1 oiimowii & 1.15 0.41 i.m.ritiiriiinir leavn Alounl li-RsufiLnt 7.00 and 11.23 a. in.. .1.00 n.m. connect. lmi will similar lialus oil Heading Haiiioad, Chester valley iiaiiioau jrains ieavu jiwoue iort ut HJIQa. m. nnd 2.U und fc&Ep. m. rcturuliiK. eavo iMjwulugton ut a, m., J2.4j moiuuiu Heading ilullruad. rin RntidtivB. leave New York nl 5.00 p.m..Phll- phla at fc.oo a.m. nud 3,13 p.m., (the S.0U n.m.trnlL runnlngouly toHeadlng-JieaePottHvlllos.uo.i.m llarrlsburg nl a.10 n. in. aim p. u. leave Alleutown nt 8.15 p. m., and leave Heading nt 7.15 a. in, nnd 10.o5p, m. for Harris bunr. at 5.00a.m. for New York, mid at 0.10 a. in. und 4.15 p. in lor Philadelphia. umiUlltnilOll, iuueugi', nvunun. ciiKfi Txcurston Tickets lonud fiom all points, ut re duced rates, Haggago checked through; 100 pounds allowed eachpabjfouger. Ast. Sunt', i'litig. MiiclVrV, Uoaains, ra., April 3. lt7l. j;W FlltJI AT OUANQEVILLE IRON FOUNDRY AND AdlUCUL- TUHAL WORKS. UUUAT 1MPUOVEMI5NTS IN PLOWtt ANIi TIIHE4IIINU MACIIINEH. Mr. Jueoli Trivlpnlero havlnir ruirchased tho Interest of CharltM V, Iow In the ftboo named works, tlio business will bo ro ltlnued uinicr the tlrm numcur Wii.masi Hcnu & Co. Having discovered noerul lint'Crlectlons tn the nlown manuraclured lu 1870, they have Btrentiien(d nnd lmprovcdthem.und ti tided home en tiro new iimerns. ini'y win open iiienpriui; iruuo m iom nr In ndvancu of liiivlliinir uwr olltticd to tho riubllc, bolni; both pmctlcnl mechanics, aud liav n it their work nil dono under their own nuper vhdon they mtarftnteo their work .superior In material nnd ilulsh to nny heretofore ollcretl. ivuiuiN biiuum uot nccrpi oi any uiuur ukuiaii tu nil Implements until they have exnmlued our Mauuf.icturo. Kflrmeri" should try our plows before buylngany other, TheyaUo mauufaclure ALL KINDi Ol' CAHIINOS, uituallv mndo In ilrst vnnn Foundries, saw nnd grlht mill ciutlugs, made nnd IHted up to order, THRESHING JIACHINKS nro mailenfcpeclaUy.nnd somo very decided lm- ltrnveiiiL'iiiH mivo ix en lnirnnurt'd inm ineir inn fhlufs. 1'rlcc-K lower thun ever; nil klndi of country producenud old Iron taken tn exihaiifce Order direct Irom tho manufactury. Old agen cIch Kiipplied durlnii tho winter, jiuureh' nil oruera to WILLIAM BCIIUYLEU A CO., AUHICULTURAL WOHKH, OltANOEVILLU COLUMUIA COUNTY, I'A, Jan 171. SIXTY-FIVE FIltST PUIZE MED ALU AWAUDmi, ll.VLTIMORG 1'IANO MANUFAUTOHY. WILLIAM KNA1JE & CO. MANUFACTUllEHS Or OUAND, SQUA11K AND UritlGIIT PIANO F O U T E S BALTIMOUE, M D. These Inst ru ments have been beforo tlio publ lo for nearly Thirty years, and upon their excel lence aloueattalueilanUMJiuiWi(Mc(f lire-eialncictf muuii prououuees ineiil uuctiuuueu. Aiieit TONE combines crcnt nnwer. .weetnesa and fino sins- lnc quality, in wfll n i;ri iu purity of Intonallou and kwcitnciis throughout the entire ktule.lher TOUCH 1 pliant and elafctlc, and entirely free from the eiiiiiii-na nmim tit hiuiiy nuuoott IN WOnKMANSlIIP they nio unrqunlled.iiKlni; nono hut tho very ueiib iriiiic-i jHUfrriut, 1110 iuiku i Upliai tmplOV'Hl In our buulneHH cunbllmr um tokicn rm itmniiv ftH.All our timtare lhanoe have our wur !m, proved OVEuaTHUNO fcCALK and the Am-tufe Well'. w -Ve would call fcpeclal attention to our late lmnrovementH In Ull ANIi 1I AX us .! KUlIAltK (JJtANDS: l'ATENTED AUU. II. lKUl wmcu nriuffvio 1'iano nearer perieciion tuua IllUt ) Vi UVVH UlUIlIlUUi KVEKV I'JANO I'ULLYNV'A Hit AN! ED KOH 5 YRARS, Wo hnvo made arranuementH for the Hle Wholesale Agrncu for the most Celebrateil l'Alt I.Oll MlUANH and MKUlDl'.ONH, which we nller Wholthftle and Uetall.ttt Ixiwent Kttclory ot'U'7&-Cm, jtaltlmore, lid, KVAlTi " C, fit FUIIMAN, fcaddler, Han removed LU hon tn Ilunert'tf Mwk. r Mnl n KtrtL't. onnoilte the l'ottt Oltlee. wht?ru ha Ik nrepaied to lo ull kind of work lu bin Hue of buium-M, at Mtr priceu. imar xi7i- wLr-v. lir.ANIvH tiTOinrillv rlntfd Lnnrilr. tin any quality of i-apcr. ut thl Olll ce. MisoollanoouB. 1 1 KCOMMKMIKD AMI Il.NIXIIIflKII II V HUVKN llllf IIHICII DOC'I'OU.S nit, Mtvnr.xoirs foMt'OUNII rl.UIII KXTItACT OV KOSKOOl tiii: oitiiAT HliAliTIl HK8TOUER1 Not a Ket'iolQimck Mcdlelnn Vormuln Arotintl tho lsotut'. I'ltLI'Alir.ll BilLKLY 11V Dr. J, J. t.AWlir.NCi:, Oruinlo C'hcinM, Wit.tox. Korlh Cnrollna. KOHKOO HTItlKf.S AT Tlin ROOT Of IIISEASII PUIUFYINO THE 111.001), iiESTimi.vd tiii: i.tvmt anii uiunkvs TO A IIIIAIrilY ACTIOf, AND IN. Tiin ni:i:- VOUM MYMTUM. This Is tlio Soerot of its Wondorful Success in Curing CONSU.MITIO.V IN ITS r.AlUA- HTAQl'X, Kt'HOrUf.A, BYl'IIILW, DYSlT.l'dlA, I1VKH COMn,AINT, CIIItONIO hiiuu.matihm, NnmtAi.aiA, vunvoua Ai'n:cnoN, liitUPTio.s's oi'1 tiii: mu.v, humour, i.03.s ov virjoit, disi:asi Ol'' kidney and ni,.!)!m!. AKD A LI. j)jsi:asi:s caused j;V a had stawj: or Tin: hlood. It thoroughly eradicates ever kind of Humor and Had Taint, and restore! tho ontiro system to a healthy condition. II is beyond question tho FIN HUT TO.SIO IN TUB WOULD. Thousauds liavo been changed by tho nso of thlsMedlclno from weak, sickly, suffering crea tures, to Btrong, hcally, nnd happy men. nnd women, 4 Invalids cannot henttnto to glvo It n trial. No Medicine has obtained such ft great reputa tion ni this Juslty celebrated compound, FOU TESTIMONIALS l'rom Thyslclnns, Kmlncnt Divines, Editors Druggists, Merchants, Ac, keo KOSKOO ALMA NAC for this year. rlllCB O.XK DOLLAR PER HOTTLi:. rOURAI.G IV The Principal Dmrgists in tho United fitutca and Jlrittsh America. Dk. IjAwr.nNTE's U'osrAN'H 1'uii:nii Cures nil Diseases peculiar to Females. Business Cards. B LAN1C DEEDS. U'n iinw Ii.iva Ihn flnrt fiNRnrtmont of ULAN IiliKlW on hand nnd forsnlo that were over keuJ in JtiuumnuiirK. uiiru MiEd mi tivi iticiLiiiui-ut tuper, Comiuiiu Itcctis, Kxt'Culor'Hiiinl AdmlnlH Iniior'H lred small hIzo good miicr (cheap), uonimun jcetn, vc. B AUOAINS-liAKaAINS. QUICK BAT. KM AND SHALL IMlOrtTH. Oo tn iir.Niiv vmr. Kast lllooinsburB, pa., for ull klmli nfthebext I' U It N ITU It i:. Prices reasonable nud tho best work done. JUU I'Jl VI s LATK HOOFING, R V E n Y VARIETY MOST FAVOUAI1LE KATEB, JOHN THOMAU, Atta CAHrEli J, THOMAS Tloz. 277. lllootnsburi:. l'a. Jal.n n c IIKSTKU S. FUIUIAN, HAHNIHH, SADDLi:, AND TItUNK MANUKACTUItLIl, and dealer lu CAUniT-HAUS, VALISKS, KLY-NETH, llUFl'ALO KOUE.S, lIOItSK-IILANKETS AC, which ho feels confident 1)0 can fell at lower into than any other person lu tno county. 'i;x amine ror j'ourselven, Hlmp opposite tbo Tost Olllce, Main Htreet, flloonisnuri;, l'a, Aug. 0, l70. PHILOSOPHY OF MAUUIAOE. A New CouitsRnt' I,Ecruiti-s,ns delivered at tho Pennn.l'oly technic and Anatomical Museum 12U5 Chestnut ht., tlireo iloors nbove Twelfth, I'hllndclphhi, embracing tho subjects: How to Llvo and What to I.lvn for! Youth, Maturity nml rtlil Apr! tnnbnorl flenerallv ltevlewed: ThecaUFOof Indigestion; flatulence nnd nerv ous Dlscans nctountcd tor; Marrlauo l'hlln- MU JllllCllliy lllli.mriru. jiitw kiiuiid ... jj forwarded on receiptor 10 cents by ndtlrcsslng: J'eercUry of the l'ennsylvnnla ror.VTECll.Nlo HNI) anatomical Must-.UM, 1S'J5 Chestnut Ut., Alilladelplila, Pennsylvania, NSUKANOK AUEKOY, Wyoming H AUna mum 1)0,0 IU 4'Aoou I.iw.uto I.IXW.'A) .'(70,1100 4'W.0tW Mutual. u mm m, v North America city International N. Niagara N. Y Merchants Hprlugtlold Farmers' Dauvllle,N,Y Albany City Danville, iiorso ineii Atlantic. N. Y Ucrmuula, N, a FUEAS UHOWN, Alient, mai2l7I ly, Uloomiiuiiu, Pa, T IIK OLD K3TA11L1S1IK1) r II It N I T V It IJ null ilKDDINa WAItr.U001Wr,fH.t.I.r.WI, lire tlio cucnpphl 111 mo cny. no m now huniiii; vAnum h (rrj'H in ruwir. haih clotii, KKI'S or TKUUVi WALNUT fHAMlilllt HUl'lH in oil or VamUh! co'iTAOi: VimNIl Ultli. nil Miyii'ti; jii.nuinu unu iiirtijiir-irfi. i"""i hIzch; cbcniicr than Auction prices; cAlll'Ui'H, every vurltty. Come nnu .co una iio convinrca. on wm save money by giving uu u call beloio purchasing uiHuwiivrut H. 11. 1.KWIH, No. 1130 nnd 1131 Market Htrcct, I'iiiladku'IUA. Next iloor to vomer or I Ittecutli htreet. lnar.71 Um. JQKN T IB'l'B Y. It, C. H0WKU, DICNTIST, Itasnfctfullv offers his professional services to tne ladies unu guniicmen oi itioomsourg ana vi nltillv. Ho is nrenared to attend tnnllthn varl ous operations in tho line of his profession, and Is prov hied with the latest Improved Poucklain Tfc-ETM which will be Inserted on gold plating silver and rubber base to look as well ustho nut tirnl titRlli. Tftfilli AZtracLfiU tY all Ihn nnu und most approved methods, aud ull operations on the teeth carefully and nronoily attended tn. llesldeuce and office a few doors above the Court itouse, same siue. Uioomsuuru, juu.i ii iy TVT E W GOAL YARD. Xl Thk undersigned respcclfnlly Inform the citizens oi iiiooiiiHuurK mm lyoiumuiu county, thai they keen all the ditlerentnumUsrs oitttovr coal und selected lump coal for smithing tmrpo- ses, on vneir wnarr, aujoiuiug Ai'Keivy. neaiA Oo's Furnace; with a good pair of llululo scales on the wharf, to weigh coal, hay. nud straw Likewise a horse and wneon. to deliver coal to those who desire It, As they purchase n lurgo amount of coal.t hey Intend to keep a superior ar tlcle, and fcell at the very lowest prices. Pleatto can uuu examine for yourselves uoKire nurciias- AIKIIIHTUH MAKOK. rpiIK undcraltrnnd will tnko in oy. X change Tor Coal and Groceries, the following tiumed urtlrles i Wheat. Hye. Corn. Oats. Potu toes, LarJ, llam.Hhoulder.und side meat,Ilutti'r Kggs, Hay, Ac,, at the highest cosh prices, at hlo Grocery Btore, adjoining their coal yard, , J. W.HKNDEI18HOT. Hi oo mi burg Mar, 19,'(&ly DrugH nucl Chomiculrj. AGREATfVeiOMtW- i' Dr. WALKtr." n T.t! on:. VINEGAR BIITLitS Hnndrctls of Thonsanib 2? CCMlfltlmoiif tdlliMf Won40N l'-5 S J IM1 unrtllTO LITccIs, ii ll 2 If 81 WHAT ARE THEV? sgS TTTTV Knr. WOT A VIT.I3 Ul FANCY DRIMK.PHl Undo of loor Hum, WhUUor Troof Hptrlln t.nd Iloi'utio I.lnormloctorcd,tplcod ondiwect cncJ to pleaaotho taitc, cc41cd"Tonlci,M"Arrctl2. r," "IICBtorcn," e. that lead tto tippler on to drunkenness and rohi.fcut ore ftlroo Mcdiclnci mnrto from tho KoUto IlocUtmd Hcrbacf Callforcli,nrn rroni nil Aleohtille Htltnnlanta TLoytro tho (lltr. AT ItliUUI) I'UIlIFlKlt nnd A 1. 1 I'll (IIVINCI riUNC'IL'iaUpcrfoct Iionorator and laljorator of tho Bjitcm, carrying off all poleocona natter and restoring tno Mood to n ncaltby condition, i;o person cantalto lbcs Elttcra tccordlos todlrtc t!cn and remain lonsnnwcll. 01U0 Will bo clTcnforan lncaratld case, provided thfl bones aro not destroyed by mineral poison or ether means, and tho vital organs wasted beyond tlio point of repair. rnrlnfluinmtilory nnd Ctii-onto Klienmn ttrtu nud Oont, l)j-spcppln ir IndlccRitoti. IIllloun, llcmltlent nnd Intermittent 1'cvcri DliiuucD of tho IJloodt Jdvcr( Kldiieyiif nnd lllnddcri tociQ JHllcrn ttvo tccn most enccecc ful, Huch Dlsccnea tro cacicd by Vltlnted Illood, which Is centrally r rodeced by deronjrenent cf tho DltrcEtlvo Urcrtns UYttlUU'UIA OR INDIGESTION, Heal r.clie, rain la tbo CLooldcrs, CocRti.Tlgitacc cf tho Clictt, Dizziness, Eonr Ercctatlocs cf tho Btomacli, Uadtastolntho Month, Billons Attacks, ralpltatlon cf thollc&rt, InflamrocUoacf IhoLcacs, rain la tho regions cf tbo UUncyi, end a hundred other palnfcl i ; 12 j tens, nro tlio eft prince of Cyipcpelft. ihfyl-vljorato tho EtomacU nnd itlmnltto tho tor I iJKvcrnnd bowels, ulilch rcndcrtlicmofnncqnallcd cdeccyln cleansing tho blood cf alllinpcrltlcs, and imartlnj new llfo and visor to tho lrholo system. I'OUHKIN DlbnAHlIS.Ercptlons, Tetter, Colt r Ucm, Elolchco, trots, rimplco, ruetulcs, Dolls, Ccr lur.cki,i:iiiS"''eiKfl, Ecald-llcad.Ecro tcu,ErytIp tlas.ltch, Ccnrfs, Ulsccloratlons cf tho Bkln, Ilamora and Dlacocta cf tho bkln, of Trhatorcr camo cr nature, era literally dog up and carried out cf tho rystem la a thorttinioty thonaocf theso Bitters, Ono bcttlo li tech cases will ccnTlcco tho most Incredulous of their curatlvo effect. Clcamo tho Vitiated Blood whencrer you find Its IxpurUIco bnretlns through tho sldn larimples, Erap llona cr Sorest clcaneoltwhcn you find It obstructed md elugglsh la tho veins clcanso It when It Is foci, and your feelings will tell you when. Kccpthoblood puro ntd tho health of tho eyetcm will follow. TIN TArUnndothcrWOItillS, Urklnslntho rystcm of so many thousands, nro effectually destroy, cd and removed. Tor full directions, read carefully tho circular around each bottle, printed tn four lav guasrca-Engllsh, German, Trench and punka. J.WALKEn, Troprlctor. It. II. MCDONALD h CO., ttrnsKlsis and Gen. Agents. San Tranclico, Cal and Hand 31 Commerce Ctrcct, Vext York. tZrSOLD BV ALL Di:UQaiCT3 AUD DEALERS. octso-tf. Tim nnt. cin in inform vou. reader, that Dr. Wonderful, or nny olher mau, has discncredn remedv that cures Consumption, when the lungs are half consumrd, In short, will euro all diseas es whether of mind, body or estate, make men work, aud U designed to make our sublunary sphereu Ullsslul which Heaven Itself shall bo out asiuosnow. iou nave nearui'iimisu of that kind of humbuggery. lint when I tell you that Dr. Sage's Catarrh Kcmciiy h'H(jowmc in ftn-A tlut unrht of Catarrh lu tho Head. J only assert that which thousands can testily to I will pay t'lOO Iteward for u caso that I cannot CUre. rf puillIUIIlLKlWUK (jiiiinuiiia iiwuniin information sent tree to any uddress. 'ih la lem- tdy Is HOLD BY MOST DIUHIOIftTS IN ALL PAItTS I'rlco.W cents. Pent hy mail, postpaid, on receipt oi MXiy eeuis, onour paciiiieii nr vn tiunii, lt.iunm nf rt.unterfeits and worthier imitations. Heollmt my private Stamp, which is n posltlic tnnrantcv uf (fenuiucnriti, is upon tho outside wrapper, Kemember that this private Htamp, issuea uy tue unuuursiniesuoveriJiiH'iitu5iiri" ly for fctamplng my medicines has my poi trait, iLiimnnml tl.lrn.. flint tint word ,4 -U. H. (Vrlllh rate of (leiiuint'iiess," engraved upon It, and need not he iiiiMuken, Don't bo swindled by tiuvelers nnd others lcprosentlng Ihemselvcs ns Dr, Sago; I um the only iiinii now living that has tho knowledgonud rlghtlo mnnul.ietuiotho (tnuttnc Dr. Sago's Catarrh lleinedy,uud I neve travel tu sell this medicine. n. v. rirciici:, ji. d. octSS'TO-ly. UI Setiec.i btivet, liuilalo, N. Y. giCVKN 11KASONS WHY Is the Dest Liniment in tug World FOU HOUSES. 1'insT. It Isroinnosedof tho most rowrr.Ftir. and Phnetiiatino liquids known in Chemistry. SEfON n. combined with inoauovo is a jsikdi cinaij Oil, made expressly for this Liniment, nnd mixed by an entirely new process, TitlitD. Thousoof lhoi)oimiif nnd penetrattnn Ingredients Is to drivo or force lu this beaut ll ul Mkdicinai. Oil. which lubricates the loin ts nud muscles, nnd Immediately throttles tho d Isease, und compels It to loosen its deathly, sickening und poisonous fanes. 1'UUJU1WJ I1IH iU6Ult.l.-"AJJlMli 11 11 "I'll UM UIU snmo reason that n good mechanic always uses oil to mako his machinery woik with caso and lrcclslou. So hrlho sumo wav the muscles aud olnts of mirnulmals- t-huuld he lubricated If we wlih to havo them travel with rapidity nnd ease. r if i ii, ii is vury hummiii; ui its itcuuu, win not bum or blister tho nnlmalliko most of the ml hot" liniments of tlio day. Sixth. Not ono dron ot tlncturo of cavenno or red pepper can bo found in its composition; lorwo noiu iiiniiio imitDoni can no cuecuvo which burns nnd blisters tho animal until the muscles me hard and dried almost to a crisp, Wkvknth. Every bottle Is wahuantld to glvo good iat Is fact Ion, or your money will bo refund ed. This hhows conclusively that tho proprie tors liavo lull eoutldcnco lu this preparation, nnu proves ior ino seveniu winoiuni i,ia,a. Is tho best Liniment lu tho world for horses. Jiu-Doii't titlow vour Merchant to nuUnofT Tinc ture of ited J'cjfpcrtnul JIartihom, or other trash viyouluttt&k for (J.J JIunes, utiatuke HQ virur, rtoui uy nil umiku'i-mh, D. O. (3AHEY A CO., Solo Proprietors, sept270-lyl 17 Washington Street, New York, ll K M O V A L. The firm Alm:v ANnrum havlni been dls- bolved on lhe llfth of Nov. 1S70, 1 would lntorm my menus ana customers that i am NOT OUT OF BUSINESS, us has been reported, nnd call attention to tho loiiuwnig articles ; GOVERNMENT DEPOT, o. i n:ituvi.tx gvano. UROUNI) IIONU.OUAHANTKED I'UUE. FISU flUANO IN 1111LS, PouUrctte, lu Hags, llanels ami Dullc, haw uoki: riioai'jtATi: or limi:, Price, ti per Ton. li.VNl) l-LAHTint IN.UAQSANI) I1I1I.S. Taii, lu 1,2 &3uallou Cans, till, H3.U', for wittlilni; Trees, lu SCIb, boxes. LWl'ON HEE1) ilKAL, Kxeellent l-'ooil for Cowf, Increasing nnit enrich 1 uu' tho Milk. IN 11 Aim, 1Mb, lilill. O It A. 0 K L I N CI B For Hob nuil Chicken Feed, OUMIINT, Asency fur Coploy Hydraulic Cement, Vur Its superior riuatlty I refer to J, Y. HTArtn & Mod, Cumdeu, N, J, A MHKUAl DISCOUNT TO THE TItADE. IAII J. AliliKN, (Lnto Ali.e.v & NEtliLts,) ltemoved to 1 BOUTU 1)ELVWAHU avi:. mnr 1071-121, l'litLAnnu'iiiA, piANOS AKD OKOANS. l'rof. I. AV.Nlles, having secured lhe agency of tho eelobraltil Hboiuaelii r 1'iauo, uud utuo tho agency ol I he Now lla en Melodlau aud OrKan Co. It prepared to AirnHh IniitruineutH of u .uperlor (luallty, uud at lower prices than can bo bought elsewhere, nud mi terms to suit customers. Muslc.l luercliaiidlso of all kind furnished at sliurt notice, l'ltase enll beforo uurehasluir else where. Itesldencu (tilt April 1st). Iron Htreet ueiow iniruni, j, w, Kb.l77I-flm, "l;r"w' w&s; "- j-- '-11 IllootubUurg, l'a. Olo thine:) &o. jq-RW Hxocrc ov cuYvmm. Kresli ntriVAl of HUM M tilt UOODM. DAVID iAWKNUnilO tuvllcfl attention lo hU stock of CHEAP AND FAnitlONABLn CLOTIIINU. nl his Moro on Main Btrect, two doors nlravo tho American Homo Illoomshurg, whern no hafl Just received from New York And Philadelphia n full assortment of M1IN AND IIOVB' WjOTHINO, liichulliia tho most fashionable, durable, nnd handsome DniiSB HOODS, consisting of DO.V, HACK, ItOCO, OU(AND Oin-OLOTH UOATHAND TANTS, of nil narld.ulzesniut colors. Ho haialso rcplcu ts licit his already large stock of rALIi AND -WINTHU S1IAWI-S HTUirtiD, riOUUKD, AND TIjAIN VUSTS HHIUTS, CUAVAIH, STOCKH, COLLAUH HANDKinicinnm oi.oviy, ousrrNDinif, and tanuy aut jclui Ho na constantly on hind a larco and vcll'Se ected assortment of CLOTHS AND VITINOM, which ho Is prepared lo matte loonier lutnnuy kind of clothlnj, on vory Miort notice, nud In the beat manner. All hU elollilna li male loTrcar, aud most of It Is of homo manufacture, GOLD WATCIim ANlUnWSLUY, olovcry description, fluonnd cheap. 1 1 lit raool Jewelry UnoUurpaiKcd In Ihlsplnco. Call nnd oxamlno hlBgencrnl assortment nf cLOTiiiwa, WATcuni jnwr.LitY, al Janl'Ti DAVID LOWiINIir.UO, Bakery nnd Oonfoctionory. JOHN 0. JACOIIY'S I3AKKUY AND CONFKOTIONKRY! nnnwtcic, pdnn'a. Tim tiritorilirnpd would renectfullv Inlorm the Citizens ofllcrwlclt, nnd vicinity, that ho has opcued n Confectionery und liakcry lu ODD rrLLOYV'ft HALL, llrwlck. P.i.. whero ho Is prepared to furnish nil kinds ol PLAIN AND FANCY GANDItt, Klir.NCIt CANIillW, KOIiniON AND D0MU3TIC FUUITH OIlANULH, LKMONH, UA13INM Ac., Ac, Ac., Ac. BY WUOUAL13 AND KKTATI. Among tho assortments ill ho found Creim Nuts, Knglish WnlnutH, lVnnuts. Almonds, I'll herls. l-'ltr-i. Annies. Cocua Null, .fellies of dldcr eut kinds, Mustard, Catsup. Pickles, Chocolate, Cat uud l-'rultof nil kinds, Corn Staieh,i:gg Ills cult, Soda Crackers, Oyster L'rnckers, Uiecse, Soap, Writing Taper, Agreement Papers, Kn velopos, FISU AND OYSTKUS, A ml nrmlncft of nil htmts I'rrsli llrend and Cakes every day. Jeo Cuum tn Season, iour p.itronago Is solicited. Derwlck, Jan 171 ty Q O N F E OTION K R Y , Tho undersigned would respectfully announce lo tho pumie inai uu uas oieneu u riIt3T.CLAS3 CONFECTIONEilY 8TOH13, lnthohulldlnglfttelyoccupledby Vox Webb wheio he Is prepared to lurnlsU ull klud3 of PLAIN A FANCY CANDILiJ, ritCNCH CANDIES, FOP.niON & DOMLSTIU FUUITS, NUTS, UAISINH, AC, AC, AC nv wnoLnsALi: on ketail. In shcrt, n full assortment of all goods in his lino of business, A great variety or DOLLS, TOYS, Ac., suitable for tho Holidays, Particular attention given lo 11 It E A D AND CAKES, of nil kinds, fresh every day, OHUISTMaH OANDIUH, UHIHTMAS TOYS. A call Is solicited guaranteed. Jau Pil-ly nnd satisfaction will ECICHAUT JACOHS. Books. To mako S3) to SJOJ per Jlouth by helling u ii i: a t v o ii t is k a: s. And How Thky Wciu; Made. Uy J. D. MeCube, Jr. Prultiaeiy lllustinled nud ucautliutly bound The most universally Hnughlaller hemic Issued lor years. It showa how iv pttor schoolmaster made ?lu,utW,iMl; how a jioor half-bllud sullor bo camo a great bunker, a butcher's iipprenttco tho wealthiest man tu AiucrliM, ml iiuiinowu me chanic ti lullliouaro lu sun en years with many more much exumplcb; how cnetty, talent, tout je titnt industry hate always iut with tuvccsi itit jtivperty em ted; how inonty can ou made honestly ana. without haeitjleeofprinvtlc. htndloi Cliculai, etc., and notice my u.ura umis, ut.j.lAci.kA.N, Ti'Jhansuin utuel, Philadelphia. ANhv liUUK ut Uiu ytcuiLfct luieiLSbund lm lortauce, Wutten noiu a high motalnnd physi ological stuiidpoiut, by an eminent pUjhlfiau nnu uieuicai I'loit'ssor, n mows now c?.iia:i is working out his subtle und dangerous designs uirougii our moai sacieu uomesuu uuu buciui iu l.itlona. I'uiu-iiilndud. but ouliiiiolieli und ni'- git'islc,tuu author bundles tho ueltcntesubjecis ireaieii oi waioutuioitx, uiu in hiivau iiiaunerus uot to minister tounruilent Liulotltv. 'ihcl'hxa- ical liiyeneiatlon oj the Jtttec, is u sul'Ject Justly eulKtin thu luteiesi nud sympathy ot all iruo jmilanihropists, and tuts buou, It is believed, will luiiiiluuiu to that end lusL iu tiruDoilluu us it lias leiulets. A elieular sent Iree, lunlnlulug u iulldescrlttlou and s uoisls or (he woric with llbeial extrucls. C, VENT, 1'ubllsher, seiaJ'7u ly o Uollego Place, N, i. njrclar St., N.T. or 38 W. 4lh St., rlnrlna tl I, O. It they want tho inasfropularuml lnt hclllna lulMcrlptlon books published, nml thonu)l(il. eraltertns. ricuil for circulars. ThcywIllcoKlyou nothing, ana may bo of great benefit to you. lebll'70-ly. yANTKU AOENTS KOH And How Tiif.v Wkiii: JIadh; ou tiii: HTU0ri- (ll.rji AND Tnil'MlMIH OF UUU HKl.K-.MADB Ollf.N. Hy J. 1. McUabe, Jr. t'rofnsely lilustruleil nml benutllully bouuil. Tho most taking, liihtruetUo nnd unlverHally isouglit after borne lueit lor years. r.iHclnutlug ui llctlon, nutheutlo an hit tory, iractlcnl as ''l'oor Hleharil,' with lebsona moro elevating for popular purposes, than tho profolindeU philosophy. Agonta mo clourlng from SID to $20jper inoulh, In nnllo nflinril times. Sells last noil easily, unit tlcllverK t-plciulldly. Hcml for Circular, etc., anil notion extr.i terms. ii:o.lA('f,i:AN, Publisher, "lKHausom Htreet, l'hlluJclphla. nur,T71 2in. Washing Machnco J)OTY'S WAeillNU-MAOIIINK, itATEI.VMUCIIl.Ml'ltOVni)-ANDTlIi:Nr.V UNIVKIlSAIi 0LOTII1C3 WIUNOEIt Improved Willi Unwcll's Patent Doublo Cob wheels, nnd the Patent Htop, uro now iinfiues tlonnblv far superior tu any apparatus for wash, lng lotheseer Imented, nud will save their cost twice n year, by saving labor und clothes, Tho lilltor or this paper, who purchased ft Washer nud Wringer, thus tcstliles ns lu their value) "Wo havo had In nso In nur family for soiu" lime past, ouo of Doty's Clothes Washers aud Wringers, audnro prepared to bi ur testimony ns to Its merits. It Is emphatically a lulor-mvlnii machlue und does Its work In tho most thoroiuli manner, Kor families who have large washes these machines would bo Invaluable l7Coi.UM uiak, Jan. 11, 1871), l'IUOES-A PAIR OFFKIt. If the Mcrchantsln your place will not furntsli, or soud for the Machines, send us the retail price, Wusher til, Extra Wringer u, nud wo will fur waid either or both machines, freo of freight, tn places where nofiue Is selllngi uud sosureure WKSSSm fi.S8J ll wu iney win no Jiueu, that we ugreu u reiuiui tho money If anyone wishes to leturu lhe ma chines freo of jrelght, ulter a mouth's trial, ac cording to Ulrecllous. No husband, father or brother should permit tho drudgery ofwushlntf with the bauds, Ally two days lu the year, when It can be done better, inoro expeditiously, with less labor, and un In jury to tlio garments, by n Doty Clothes Wusher, uud u Universal Wringer, Bold bv dealers generally, to whom Uboral dls couuts aro made, It, O. imoWNINU, Oen. Agent, uct770-tf, ss'l Cot Hand Btrcet, New VurV. Dry Goods & Grocorioa. KANI) Ol'KNINO (lltANII OPI'.NINII (lltANI) OI'MNINtl (IHANII OI'KNINtl (lltANI) ori;NiN(i or I'AUi AND WINTEU (lOODH, VAI,li AND WINTKIl (K)OIW, I'AI.Ii AND WINTEU UOODH, 1'AIiIj AND WINTEU (l(K)DH, t'Alili AND WINTlilt OOODf consisting ol consisting of consisting nf eouslstlng of consisting of DRY 0001)3, DHY UOODM. DltY (lOODH, DHY OOODH DHY 000D3, HATH AND CAPH, HATH AND UAIW HATH AND OAl'H, HATH AND OAl'H HATH AND CAPH, IIOOTH AND HII0i:t, IIOOTH AND HUOKH, IIOOTH AND HIIOEH, IIOOTH AND HIIOKM, IIOOTH AND HHOEH, ItEADY-JIADIl CLOTIIINO, UEADY-MAlin CLOTIIINO UKAIIY-MADH OI.OT1I INU, Hi;.DY-.MAI)H CLorillNO ItEADY-MADE CI-OTlllno, i.ooKiNO-(ir,Awir.M, LOOKINO-OliAKSKH, hOOKIN(l-(llHnns, i,ooi:iN(i-oi.AHHiai, i,ookinu-oiawhi:h; NOTION!), NorioNH, NOllONB, NOTIO.NH, NOTIONS, PA I NTH AND OII.H, PAINIH AND OILS, PA1NTI1 AND OII.H, PAINIH AND OM PAINTS AND 01L8, OHOCKHIKft, UltOCKItlliH, (HtOUKltlEH UitOUKlllKH. UHOCEHIEH, tlUEF.NSWAHl! Utll'.liNHWAltl!, ItllUKNMWAItli (lUllliNHWAltl:, (lUEHNHWAltl) HAUDWAlti:, IIAHDWAUH, HAHDWAIll;, HAltDWAUU, UAHDWAItE, TINWAHE, TINWAlli:, T1NWAHK, TINWAHE, TINWAlli;, HALT, HALT HALT HALT, HALT, I'lHIl, f 1HII, KIHH. 1'ITII, l'lHH, OHAI I AND HEEDH, (HlAliI AND HUKDH, (IHAIN AND HEEIW, (IHAIN AND HKEUH, UUA1N AND BEEDH, 4C, Ac, AC., McKKI.VY, N EAIj A CO.'H, McKELVY, NEAL A CO.'H, McKELVY, NEAL & CO.'H. McKELVY, NEAL A CO.'H. McKELVY, NEAL 4 CO.'H. Northwest corner ot Main nnd Market Rtrects, Northwest corner of Main uud Market Htrects, Northwest corner of Mnln und Mnrket Htreets, Northwest corner of Main nnd Market Htreets. Northwest corner of Main and Market Htreets, 11LOO.MS11UHO, PA lILOOMHimiUl, PA llLOOMHllUltd, PA., HLOO.MHIlUltO, PA 11LC)()MSI1(I11(I, PA. IKON AND NAII.H, IKON AND NAIIX, IKON AND NAII.'t, IltON AND NAILS, IKON AND NAILH, In larro nuanlltleR .aid at reduced Ml. alw.y ou unuu. i j-iu i a B UY THK UK ST. THE ItED LION IlItANI), SLACK ALPACA U Riiperlor tn nil olherH In color, rjunltty nud pi , IU UU 1UVI11U tllllj lib Doaier in Dryuooim nnd rotionH,in lirowcr's no iv bin dlnir liexL t n uiu ouri. iioiihc. .niin Htncl. liloomshurii, l'a. mnyU7U-tf, c. C. A It It hnvejustreeclvcdfrom tho enslciu mnrlcetH ft large nud well selected stock of I) It Y GOODS, OONHIBTINd OF Casilmera, Jeans, IlontblcftcliPd A llrnwn .MuhUni, CulleotH, Ticking. Tablo Elucnij, Cotton A All wool llanneU. AO., AC,, A good htock of Ladles drcsa tioods, Iatcat styled A patterns, HpItfCri of ull kludu, Oood tdock groceries, tin eenH ware, htouowate, Wood & willow ware, Flour &. Chop, Also Kitchen Crystal Hoap for cleaning Tin, Ilnuifi.tlc, All goods sold cheup for cash or pro duce. He would call the attention of buyers1 to his well and carefully selected nsbortnient which comprlbos ovcrythluy usually kept lu the couu try, fcelluK confident that ho can sell them goods at mich prices an will ensure satisfaction , Janl'71-tf 0.0 MA1UI. TITIIiIjEIVS BTOitE. H, U. MtLLElt & SON, have removed their Store to tho ro-nn formerly occupied byMendenhall.nn Milu&tro3t,IHo3niH burg, nearly oppodto tin EpUoipil Church, whero they aro determined to sell on us moderate terms as can be pi-ooaredelso where, Thlm stocfc comprises IwVUU' DllMH (J00D3 of the cholcebt styles aud latest fashions, together with u largo assortment of Dry Goods and Uro cerles, consisting of tho following J rtlclcs Carpots, OU Cloths, olhs, 0 ass I meres, Khuwls, Flannels, HlIUs, Whlto (Joodn, Llueus, HoopHklits, Muslins, llollowwnre Cedarwaio Queensware, Hardware Jioota and HIiocb, Hats nud Co pa J loop Nets, Umbrolla, Iooklng-Glasfcoi, Tobacco, CoiTee, Sugars, Teas, nico, Allspice, Clluger, Clnnumon, Nutmegs, AND NOTIONS (JENE11ALLY, In short, everything usually kept In country tores, to which they Invito tho nttoutlou of tho publle generally. Tho highest prlco will be paid for country produce in exchange for goods, H. 11, MILLEK A HON, Illoomiburg 1, Apr 671-If Mifjcollai lOOUB. ru a ii 12 COIl'ANV til. 0, Frccninti,t?cc ff.000, all paid. Q Ii O 11 K JI U ''IJ INBUltANO or NUW VC liny rrecmnn, President Cash capital over 12.1 J. IJ.R0B1B0N, iJU Jpsnuita.PA Jent. I find Columbia UENERAL A For Luterue, Lycomlu countlc'ca-ly. jacom k, Bmitii. I J. It, HKf.Trm r z k it, MIT II A B 12 Ii Importersnnd Dealers lu t forctftnimrt roiecjt i tz . it rafr H1 . i II A It D W - (lUMH, ovru CP.Y, Ac., ho. 101 N, Tlllni)stRKr.T, sn.cM.towiiiM., PIIIL.VDELr HIA, ji'i ni-iy Tho underslRned would 1 lint ho hni eomnleteil ll!AIMI:.ninl Ihnt ho linn 1 lit Ip.rc';y..FlV0 noUco A FIItrtT CLANM JfnplllMpsforenrrv EIITAKINU in nil In on tho business of UMls Hi blanches J IN OIT1 Hrvr,i! Un hnft piiirfltTpd exnerlenci M persons who will talto rlinrco of (he bodies of t ni thev hhutllo of thin morl P"l roll," nnd ntlend to wnfhlngihem,ilmvliiif, dt ftirnlihel also in order, At, esHiuif, Ac, Hhroudi much expenso ho 15 OX, hasnlso piocurcd an IKON I OK In whlcli bodies ran bo pre- served In n cleanly und dry eondlllon, L'nrrlnrfi" turulxhed for lu n i' uu iterniuont. in Mion.iinp is prrpnred in tnk r-hnrpn nf a rouiRo lininniln elvnrier dralb, nnd 1 further troublo In uve fi lends nud l datives nl rcifirdtoit. Jieniso carries on ino uusi less of 0 A 11 IN E T n: akin o irpholfdcrlngln nil its brnncli rrpalrln furnl lure, ri'peatliiK cane bottnifi'irtl rhnlrs,Ar., Ar Place of business ou Iron Slf crt, hidnw Mnln, IK Jiuin.ur ICIIAN. 11IUWIU3UU m, U U,JT UljU-lW i-llj. riAltlUAOK JIANtf FACTOllY, Pa. ' JftUOTlIEU i v t tho most Bloomsburi M, C. BLOAN A Havo on hand and for imlo v t tho most rcanona- bio rates n Bplendld slock 014 CAUUIAUEH, irUtlQIEfl, and every description of ViijKons both PLAIN AND i 'ANCY wnrraulrd lo bo mado oflho bestnnd most dur able material, nml by thf moHt cxneilrnctd workmen. All work isrnt ;-ut from 1110 ihiab llMhmeut will ho found to ho of the highest class nnd surotoglvo perri-ct salliMactlou. 'Ihey havo also n lino assortment of 8 L E 1 11 j I H ofnll tho newest and most lashlonnhlo styles well nud carefully made au I of tho best matii laU, l An Inspection of Ihelrwnj-k Is nnknl as III believed thai nono Miperloftcun ho found lu thu country, I J in l'7l F ARMKItHI KXAMIN AND 1IUV T HE O 11 I O I N A L , llAUOII'H nJlUNU : l'll'.ST HAW IJONKPlIOHril.TB M All others nro Initiation. II A U G III ' S HAW MOM K I'HOSl'HATH 1 BUI'KH OF IjIMK. KAIJi, 1870. This Jiniurr Ii matlo oflltaw or lliibiiiiifd lioni'S. lleh In NltroifpnnuH fnatli-r. dlfsidf d lu Oil of Vitriol, presenting thejlloiio IMioKphate lu iihlghly Milublonnd (iiilcklyluvallablo lurmjind ino AiuinoiiiH in nucii propfriiou iih hi iiimiiu 1. prompt and vigorous action Whero liaugli's Phosjihat oast season, thu Indications. moil lint 1 ntiiH. I WHS iippi It'll lliu iwlthouteatiepllot. nro that It will maintain Us vt ll earned u-puun tlon. Wo request nil lu neeA of a Fertilizer t" cAof a Ftrtlll H O N 8, give 1111s uriiciu a irini. li a u a 11 a MANUrACTOnr:ua, No 20 H. Ieawu 0 A enue. PHILADELPHIA. 13 70-tf. gLOOMSBUHO STATE .NOItMALlSCIIOOL. AN 11 LITKKAIIY AND COMMERCIAL INSTITUTE. This Institution oilers i;ood opporlunlllcs In every department of Lltenituio und Science, lu udtlltlon to the Excellent Normal Si liool ('Inkm h, havo practlco lu tho ns of Hur eying and Eugln eerlutf Instruments In the lluhj aud mine, uiuhr the lnsti action or tho most competent Professor, Tho faculty nlm to lie ery thorough lu their In struction and to look carefully alter the htallb, m muersund morals of tho students. Thu rules and regulations f tho school 1110 such ns to command the respekit ol tho students and ronseiitiontly not manyjeid that Iheyciu all'ordto Molnto laws which juru calculated In promote their succor and happiness. 1 ho. Mus ical Dep.inmcui uiiordsas glod oiniortuulih's us on ho found lu any of tho liUgo cities uud at much less expense, Hprlrn term commences April Sd, 1371. lv further particulars, mldri ss John O, Fheki:, Emq., L. H. Itui'HBT, Vrca't. or HENKY CAHVEH, Ak M., Principal. Dloomsburg, Jan, 1J, U71Cm, , Hotels. T I1K ESPY HOTEL. ESPY, COMJMIUA COUNTY, I'A. Tho undersigned would Inform llio IravellliiE publle Unit lie luis taken tlio nbnvo nnnied estnb Ilslilneulnlid tliorouuhly rellltcU tlio Mime lor the perfect. convenience of lilsuu ests. ills larder will beslucUcil Willi tlio best tlio malUet allurds, Tlio choicest liquors, wiuos nud tllaisaluruys tu be luuud lu his bar, WII.I.IA M PHTTIT. Jan l'7l Espy, l'a. gltlOK HOTEL, OilANQHVILU:, COLUMUIA ( 'OUNTV, PA, ItOIin Jl'HENltY, Proprietor. This well ltnown House, havlni; been put In thorough lepnlr, Is now open to .the tlnvilllnir public. The bur Is stocked wtlri tho choicest lliluiiisundclearB.nndtho tablo will bu, ut nil tliuesiipplled ivllh lliedelleiielcs of the season. No pains will bo spuied lolusurel he comloitol guests, Uruusovllle, Jim. 1,1(71. MONTOUll HOUSK llUPlCUT, I'A, WILLIAM llUTMUl. Pioin lelor, This Houso having been put In thiluough u palr Is now opeu lor tlio Jtieptlon ofl glusts. No puluswlllbe snaieiltn I'tikiiru thu i herfect coin Iort of tlio traveleis. Tuo 1'ioprlel! or solicits n snare or piiuno palionuge. 'the bar will nc blocked ut ull limes with line llifuor i uud cigars JJENTON HOTEL. W. F. PIATT, Proprietor, DENTON, COLUMUIA COUNT i", PA. This well known Houso hnvlng lleenputlii thorongli repair Is now opeu lor tho reception of vlsfton. t,a jinlus have been spare, the perfect comfort of guests, Tho Also i uns u Btaeo from thu Ilnlul to 11 1 10 eiisuiu proprieior lomsburg Thursday und luterinedliitopoluts on Tuesday uuu auiuiua; ui uitu wuvKi " "wu I... n SIIMHITTI Jau l'U7l JUSTICE'S 11LANKS. Wo now have on hnnd a In rim noniiw irllllod -1 OMKTIIINO NKWM Afsortment of JUHTICE'H nnd LUNMITAlUKH ItEANKH, to which wo Invito the aUlmtlmi of uuho omceiK, jou PRINTING Nttly eiecuted t thu Ouli e.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers