The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, April 14, 1871, Image 1

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    S(Iw (tyatumMmt
18 PUllMSillil) KVEllV FlIIDAY M0UN1NU
ih tub oolummah nuiMitna NKAnntie
kpitoh and rnorniKToii,
Toras-Two Collars a Year payaMa In alvaaco.
t)l nlliloicrtloin executed with neatness nnd
dispatch nt reasonable rule",
Patent Medicines.
II V BI I W I 12 It.
To Debltltfl! rcrsous,
To Hiinvrfr8 from Uvor Complaint,
Tn tlioliavlnit no Appetite,
To those, with It rotten liown Constllulloin,
ToNrrvotH 1opl,
Tn ChllilrPti WnMInK nwAVi
f atv Drlillltrilfd IllsrKllva Orirnn.
Or veering n"V f the following titmjitomi,
u hlch imllcute Dliorticrett i,tvcr or ixomarh,
9 such ui Con
I'lle, Fill nam or
MooiUotnoneftd, Acid
ity of tho fitomncli, Nnuscn,
llcnrllmrn, Dtngust for Food, Full
hens or Weight In the Stomach, Sour
Pit nf tho Htoiiincli.HwImmtngof llio Head,
Hurried nml Dinicult llrcathluj:, Fluttering
nt tho Hcnrt, lug Hcnsntloiii
wliou In n Lying l'osturo, Dimness ot Vision,
oM or Welm before the Bight, I- over and Dull
Pain In tho head, Deficiency of Penplrntlon,
Ycllowneufi of tho Hkln nod Kyes, 1'atn
In tho Kldo, Daclt, Chest, ttmbi
Ac, Hudden Flushes of Heat,
Jhtrntng In tho Flesh.
Constant linnglnlngi of
Uvll, and Great
Depression of
A hitters without Alcohol or Hplrlts of nny kind.
U different from nil others. It U conipontd of
the puro Juices, or Vital Piunciplk oir Hoot.
Hkuih, nnd It auks, (or nf medicinally termed
KxtrnctA,) tho worthless or Insert portions or tho
Ingredients not being used. Therefore In otio
llottlo of tills Hitters tlicro Is contained ns much
medlctnl vlrtuoaswlll bo found In novcral gallons
of ordinary mixtures. Tho Hoots, Ac, mid In
this Hitters aro grown In Germany, their vital
principles extracted lti that country byntclcu
tide Chemist, and forwarded to tho manufactory
In this city, whero they nro compouiulod nud
bottled. Containing no spirituous Ingredients,
his Itinera Is frco from tho objections urged
gainst all others; no deslra for a tlmulnnts can bo
Induced from their use, they ranuotmako drunk
arJs, nud cannot under any elreumatnnces, liavo
any but n beneficial effvet.
Was compounded for Ihoso not Inclined to ex-
tremo bitters, and n Intended for usa In cases
when homo alcohol lo Kttmulant Is le quired In
connection with tho Tonic properties of tho
intern, Kncli boltlo of tho Tonlo enntnlos ono
Imtlloortho mttcrs, combined with puroBANTA
CUU. HUM, and flavored In such a manner that
(ho extreme bitterness of the bitters Isovcrcomo,
forming u preparation highly agreeable, ami
pleasant to tho palate, and containing tho medi
cinal lrtucH of tho Hitters. Tho price of tho
Toulo Is 81.00 per Hot tie, which many persons
think too high. They must takoluto considera
tion that the htlmulant used Is guarautecd to bo
of u puro quality. A poor nrtlclo could bo fur
utshed at a cheaper price, but Is It not better to
pay a Uttlo moro a d havo a good nrtlclo? A
tncillcliial preparation Miould contain nono but
tho best Ingredients; and they who expect to
btithi a cheaper eompouuil, auJ bo boicilted by
It wilt most certainly bo chuited.
hoop r, a N n'.4
if oo vi, a a;',v
V I I.Ii CU11K OU.
They nro tho Orealest
IK I, O O I) 1 I' U I r I I! R s
Known to tho Medical world, nnd will eradi
cate dKeases nrlslng from Impure blood, Debility
of tho Dlgchllvo Organs, or Diseased Liver, in a
t-lmrttr tlino than nny other known remedies.
bphak roituiixi: hi:mkihk-h.
Who would nslt for morp Dignified and Htronger
'I esllmtny ?
Hon, JkoiicjiiW. VoonHAiti,onnoriCifJwt
lice of the Supreme Cumt of I'tiinhantit, utprra
t nt Member rf Onufrcatfrim 1't tmteylt nnin, urtea:
PlIliMtii i.i'HiA, Match llHli, 1S(,7.
I flndnIIoolland'K(Hrninu Hitters" Is u good
tonic, tikcful In ilUeascs of the dlgesllvo organs
and ofgieatbdiellt In (uses of debility nnd want
of nervous action In tho t-ystem. Yourw, truly,
UKOItUl, V. VOO D W A 1 1 D.
Hon. Jamf.s Thomi'Son, Chief Justice of the Mi
jircmc Lhuitof J'ciunilwtniit,
I consider "Ilooilniid's (icrman IUttorH"a vnltia
blo medlclno In case of attacks of Indigestion or
Dyspepsia. I enn certify this from my ex per l
t nto of II, Yours, with icspect,
Hon, (ii;oi:(ir. BllAswuolt, Justice of the Sxiprcine
Ojurt of J'cmiiytiftnta,
PnnaiiKU'iiiA, Juno i.iww.
IIIaofound by experience that "HoolI.nid'H
(icrman Hitlers" Is avtrygood tonle, relieving
Uihpeptlo i.ymntoms almost direct! v.
onoittn: HH AHS WOOD.
Ilrni. Wm, I. Hogers, Mayor of the City vfivffulot
Mayor's OlHce, Huffalo, Juno 22,
I have used MIloolIaud'H (Jemum Hitlers and
Tonic" In my finally during tho paid year, nud
cm recommend them ns an excelltnt tonic, Im
parling touo and -vigor to tlionystcm. Their uso
hs been prodnttlvo of derldPillv txneflclal
Lllt, WM. K. HOOKHH.
Hon, JnmcsM, Wood, Vx'Mayvrof miUtimyo) t,
I take great pleasure In recommending MIIoof
land's aerman Tonic" to nny ono who may bo
mulcted with Dyhpepfdn. I had tho Dyspepsia mi
foully It was Impossible lo keep any food on my
Momaeh, nnd I heroine ko w eak as not to bo nblo
to walk hall a mile. Two bottles ofTonlc elected
a perfect cure. JAMUS M, WOOD.
110 OFhA XjyS U Jilt MAN 'TONIQ
Will euro eery ('nvcor
Aro tho mrillolncH you rrqutro tn purlfv tho
IiliaHl, cxi'ltn tlio turiiltl l.iver to liuillliyiiitliin,
"iuljlu yu to j'liuii koltly tliiwiuh uny
nit. iiooFEiKu's
1' O I) O ! H Y L L I N,
Bubstltuto for Mercury nils.
. .. 1'IM.H A 0(E.
Jhetnoit I'outrul, Ytt Jnnocviit, Veietalle Cuthaf
tio knoun.
It iHiiotncccksary to tuko n ImnJful of thoto
l'llln to proiluco tho ikstreil cll'cct; two of them
nit rjiileUly nna pawrrrully.clcanttiiBtlioLtvcr.
Klonmchnnil Ilowtlsof nil Impurities. Tho prin
cipal liigri'Ulciitls roilophylUn.or tho Alcohollo
Extract of Mandrakr, which la by many tlinca
moro powerful, nctlug una fccmchlnB limn tli
Slnnamko ItBelf. Its peculiar anion Is upon the
I.Ucr, elennlni! Itspeeillly from all obslcuctlous
with all tho power ol Mercury, yet freo from tho
Injurious mulls to tho uso or that
Vot all disease, In which Iho usoofncatharllo
l Imllcateil, thebo pills will uh uintlro sallsfuo.
tlon In every case. They NllVlllt TAIL.
In cakes of Liver Complaint, Dyfcpepsla and
extreme costlveuiks, I)r, lloolland's (leiman
Hitters or Tonlo should be used In romiectlon
with tho Villa. The tonlo effect of tho Hitlers or
Toulo builds up tho kystein, Tholllttcrsor Tonlo
purifies tho Hlood.btretiBtheua tho Nerves, nuau
lATts Iho Liver, and tlves strength, energy and
Keep your Jlowels aetlvo with tho'l'ills. ami
louo.up the lyslem with Hitters orTonlc, nud no
diseases can retain the hold, or even assail you,
Uncollect that It Is 1)11. HOOFLAND'H Qi:H-
iiemcuies thai are sounlvcrbuliyusedand
highly recommended nnd do not allow tho
Druggist to Induce you totalio nny thing else that
he may kay Is JuH as good, becauso he makes n
largo profit on II, Tbcko Ilcmedlcs will bo sent
byllxpnss to any lucallty, uin application to
...u nunviJll, Ul'J'lUK, at tho UlSltMAN
CIIAS. M. UVAKS, l'luiulcloi'.
l;i.imelly C. M. JACKSON & CO.
Ihtu JUmiMitwt ArtMletiti lhvmuutt More.
Oolumbiii County Official Dlrootorv,
uociattJmlac-UUK Ukiik, Ihaao H. Mos-7'roWlonofrtr;,.te.-WKt.t,ittnTON
If. Emt
Rftfi'Ur-AAiioHMtru. ,K,LI!I!'
.Viirifvor-IAAO Dewitt.
Itounim, IluiAitJ. iupVikh l'a,CK tYiiua
lSnV.''ifr'i cr-Vlt.l.lAM KltlCKHAUM,
Ihntnrr John 1). KouCK,
Ceuilj .yupcrlnfciidtiii-citAiit.r.') 0, llAiiKJ.Ky.
Bloomsburg Official Diroctory.
Jlluovil,urff fiiitltlinn nnd Saxtna Mini! Aintna.
Urn-Jons TiioMA-).1're't., J if. Uoiiim!hSc"
J. J. lliiownn, 1-resliient, if Whitmov". 7,'ilic'f.
Bloomaburg jDirectoryT
TACOll MIITZ, dealer In stovM and tluwnro
t) Main street, above court house,
"GLO'riiiNa, Ac.
IVV'.,1! T'OWnNIlKllO, JlerfhnntTallor,.Mnln
IJ st., d door abovu American lloue.
WM. MnUIIIM, Merchant Tailor comer nf fen.
tro and Main si., over Miller's slore,
mtUGS, 0II13JII0ALS, Ac.
If. !'-,r'u'I.'?.1.,.rUBf!l'',""llAr,ll'ccary..MaliiH.
IV. below tho I'osioillce.
MOYKll 1IUOS., DruRnlsts and ApolliecnileT,
lliower's blocK Main si.
UI'-N-ltYZUPl'INOnit, Wntrhrs, Hpiclaclei
Jewelry Ac., MalnHtrcet near West Bt.
( V.. HAVAOH, dealer III Clocks, Wntchci nnd
Jewelry, Mulu st Just below tho Anicilcaii
f OUIH IinilNItAUD.Walcli and Clock maker,
linear southeast corner Main nnd Iron sts.
RCATI1CAUT, Watch and Clock Mnkcr.Mar
. ket street, btlow Main.
DAVID 1IUTZ, Boot nnd Shoemaker, Mnlnst.,
be low llartmnn's store, west of Market.
UI'.NIIY Kf.KIM, Mnuurnctnier and dealer In
Hoots and Shoes, Uiocerlcs, etc., Main street,
bast llloomsburg.
ri M. liUOWN, Hoot and Shoemaker, Main
J. street, under Urown's Hotel.
Dlt. 11, C. llOW'int, Kurgeon Dentist, Main t.
above tho Court House.
DIl. WM. M. HKI1K11. Kurgeon and physician,
I'.xchango Block over Webb'sbook store.
nit. 11, F. KINNKY, Surgeon Deutlst.-Teetll
C! !.'" HAltKI.lIY, Otllce.Sd
. . floor In Lxchauco Block, near iho "Hiri hniim.
T ." ?,'1CIU','w ' D.,Hurgeon and l'byslclnii
J , north bhluMulu st below Market.
T !!VA?;fi'.JI 1)- Hurgeon nnd I'hjslclnn,
iJ south side Main street, below Market.
T i: "UTTKK M. 1). Surgeon nnd l'byslclon
(). Mai ket street, abovo Main.
1 H. KOHISON,, Olllco llart
il. man's building, Main street.
IJ l'lrn'.UMAN, Millinery and I'niicy Uoods,
U. opposite Kplsc-opal Cbuich.Mnlu st,
,h!.iiSMi,.!.,A1,,V'ff,KY' "". '!"
MIKM A. 1. WKB1I, l'ancy (loodi, Notions,
Looks, audbtallonery. l;sehai.!;ul:l.,ik.Muln
licet. " '
I ''f.'I.KI'INl!. Millinery and Jood"
ill Main street below Malket.
... ...... ..iiiu.uj, suuuiuiki comer
Main and West sts.
llilli: MISHIM IIAIIMAN Mllllnerv nnd Fancy
1 Uoods, Main St., below Anurlcnu House,
POllKS llOTi:r., by T. Hcul. Tuylor, east end
r or Main slleel.
GO. MAIllt, Dry Ooods nnd Notions, south-
wist corner Main and IiouHts.
H II. Ri:i:f!IIOI.TZ, dealer In l.ry floods, dm
J cerles, Boots, Shoes comer .Main nm
Iron stitets.
A. llKCKLLY, Boot an.l Shoo store, books
& stationery, Mnln sl., below Maiket,
P J.At",HH,Conlectlouery,giocerles etc., Main
lit St., below lion
1,1 M KNDKNHAI.L.deneral Stock of Merehnn
I I. ills,; nnd I.uinter, comer of Main strut and
Berwick road.
ljiox WLBII, I'oniietioncry and Unlet ry,
I' wholesale nud rtlnll, Bxthnngo Block.
('. IIOWBlt, Hntsrndl'niis.BouUnndSboes,
Main bt., above Court House.
r If. MAIZIl, Mninmoth (lioceiy, line tlro
il. cerles riulls, Nuts, I'rovlslon, Ac, Main
nnd Iron btreets.
Mki:lvy, ni:al a co.,i,.7s7iTi7ry7i7iod
(llwerles, l.'lour,l''ei, I, hall, I'Mi.lion, Nails
etc., N, l.'.eor. Main and Malkctkts.
fj If. MII.I.KIl & f-oN, dealeiu In DryOnods,
I). (Irocerles, Qiuenswaie, I'lour, l-nlt, Shots,
Notions, etc., Exchange Block, Main st.
O NSTA BI.1S BLANKS for (ale nt tl.t Com m
Oil. CHUISTMAN, Saddle, Trunk .t Harness.
. maker, Shlvo's Block Main Street.
W. UOBBIXH.llnuorde,iL,ri.,.rnml.l,.rir.
' northwest corner Main and Iron sts.
I'j nVd nmiSr WaU ,V",cr' WlndowHhades
lit and nxturea, lluiwrt blotk, Main st,
ft. i,,rLirM''.r'L.Fur"111"'0 Booms, threo story
U' brick, Main Street, west of Markttkt.
!! ""yslge:1;!
I.f1, ''."N.dealerin Meat, Tallow, etc., Cliem.
! berllli'a alley. rearof American House!
JOHN A. P UNHTON 4 CO., mullml and cash
"lates tire liisurnuiecompaults.Browtr's Build
ing, Muln Street,
R. H. ltlNHILBIl, denier In pianos, organs and
iuelodeous,nt O. W.Corell'a furniture rooms
SAMIIHL JACOUY, Marble nnd Brown ston7
Works, Kast llloouiKhurg.llerwlck road,
WM, UAllll, dealer In furniture, trunks, coder
w Blow wnre, near the forks Hotel,
0KOSTi:it,Olno Maker, and Whlto and Faucy
. Tuuuer,bcottowu.
EH. HIDLKMAN, Agent lor Muuson's Copper
Tubulur Lightning Hod.
TACOll HIIU'FKNIIACH, Broom Factory. Or
il dersleitnt his resilience or nt Miller A Sou's
lore lilOllllltlV tilled. Best irt, mi U'.'ut. rti
FA MRS CADMAN, Cablnelmnker nnd Chair
I maker i rooms Main street be), lion.
NOTl: BOOKS, nnd blank NOTl'H, wllh or Willi
Olllco" cxcuirll0"i'uf k"'u t ino Columuian
B. Kv,1".':! I'A.,l,D' IlUO.,denler In Dry Uoods,
tlroeerles.nudgenernl ilirehaudlse.
E7'prTilor.1 VVW CH.FowleT,
J 1). Wi;itKlli:mijll,Hootrn,IHIiooSloreand
manuructoiy, shop ou Malu Hlreet on
poslto tho steam Mill. 1
III W. KDOAH, Susquehanna 1'laulug Mill
I Box Manufactory,
Buck Horn.
U.A W.H. HHOKMAKKIt. dealers In dry
kOOUS.BIOterltS Ulul t.ciiornl iiirrrhnn.ll
isUtoielii sou lli end ot towu. '
Orangoville Directory,
AS- J,'!':H"'N(1 nilOTIIEU.Cnrpcntersnnd
. Bunders, Main t below l'tne.
HOWKIt ft IIIUUIINO. dealer In Dry Oonds.
Mam'st r Lumb" aaii teneral Merchandise,
V,cll llWKh ml refreshment Saloon, by
VU..U. .mm ,.uu 1IUUHI,
DIl. p. A.MKOAltOKL.IHiyslclan nnd Surgeon.
Main st., noxt door to Ooisl's Hotel" aum'
nAVII) IIKHUINtl.Flonrnntl Grist Ml II, nnd
V Dealer In grain, Mill Street,
T L.nDWAIlDS.l'liystclnnnnil Burgeon
1 ' St., first doornbovo M'Henry's Hotel,
, Main
TAMIM .11. HAHMAN. Cabinet Maker and Un
o dertakcr. Main St., below rine.
T h' HAHMAN, Saddle nnd Harness maker,
ti Malu st., oppsllo Frame Church,
SCIIUYLEIt A CO., Iron fenmner-, Machinists,
olid Mauufactuiers of plows, Mill St.
QAMUnLHIIAItPLrlGf alter ofthclfayhursl
a tlrnlu Cradle. Main sl.
WILLIAM DELONCl Hliocmnkernn.t manufao
II turer of Brick, Mill St., west of I'ino
HP. DAM.MAN, Morchnnt Tailor, Bocoud St.
, ltabblus' Building,
Dlt. J. K. ItonniNH. Surgeon and l'hyslclan
Second St., below Main
(1ILBKHT A KLINK, dry gomls, groceries, and
I general merchandise, Main strett
f IS. KIHTM'.It, "Cattawlssa House," North
' . Corner Main nnd Second Streets.
I KIlILBIt, lilllard Saloon, Oysters, nnd leo
U. Cream In season Main St.
MM. linonsT, dealer In Ocncrnt Merchandise
. Dry (loods, Groceries o,
QtlSQUKHANNA or Brick Hotel, a. Kostcn.
O bauder l'roprletor.south-t'asteomerMallinud
fcecond Street.
M. II. A11E01T, Attorney nt law, Main "st.
Light Street.
V. OMAN & Co., Whtclwrlgbts, llrst door
nbovo School House.
JOHN A. OMAN, Manufacturer and denier In
J Buots and Shoes,
J)I;l'l:lt F.NT. dealer In Dry Ooods Orooerles,
L Hour, Feed, Salt, Flsli.Irou, Nulls,elc.,Mlllll
Philadelphia Directory.
Ian. r;i-iy
No. S03 Market Strett,
(Abovo Fifth,)
"y A I N W1UG I1T &""cOM
N, K. Corner Second and Arch Streets,
Dealers In
iiicb, nricKH, nt cAitn soda, ac, c.
-Orders will receive prompt nttentlnn.
may 10,07-tf.
Business Cards.
lll.oOMHIiUItO, PA,
(Ikfht-Court llouso Alley. Iii ibo Co.
lcmiiiaj, building. r- JauVoV.
(Hfici: over Lull's Drugstore. Hehleno
1 lllll Street. declU'70.
Olllco Court House Alley, below Iho
IHAM Olllee. Buuntles, Biiek-I'ay and renslous
collected, Bloomxhurg l'a. sep.'.U'07
OITieo Main Stiect below tho Court Houso.
Blooiiisluug I'eun'a.
II. little"
Office Couit-Housn Alley, Itclow the C0I.UM
ntAx onlec, Bloomsburg l'a.
J Having Mireliastd I he stock of llmnlit sr,.v.
sl one Shoo Stole, nud nddtil theieto n largo and
well selected new stock is prerared to exhibit
tho best variety ot
ever brought to Hits place. Ho Is also prepared
to inako Boots and Shoes toorderlll the latest
and best styles. For cash only. In thoold Bost
Olllco building, comer Main nud Market Slnets
Bloomsburg, I'll. lsep9'7(My.
would announce to the cltlr-cns of Blooms
burg ami vicinity, that ho lias Just received a full
and complete assortment of
J'lXTUlltU, t'UllDS, TAbSKLS,
nnd all other goods In his lino of business. All
the newest and most appioved patterns of the
day aie nlwn) s to bo found 111 hH establishment,
mar.5,VJ-tf Main St. below Market,
Noatly mill Cheaply 1'rlntotl
From tho latest Styles of Typo at the
Castings nnd Flro Brick for lepnlringelty Stoves
All kinds of Brass or Iron casting made to order
upou short notice.
11. F, SUA Itl'LESS A l B. II AltMAN,
Bloomsburg, l'u. 1'roprlelora
A lull and romplcte nssortment of ready mmlo
boots nud shots for men. women and children
I list received nml for sale at reusonablo rates.
arlel ltsto sun nil classes of customers. The
best of work done at short notice, ns heretofore.
Give him a call. Jan 171.
jjLooMsinmo. maiuile 'ouks.
(Successors to A. Wltmau,)
ltesptttfully Inform the public that they nro
now Hilly prepttrtd to do all kinds of woik In
tbelr line of buslutss, upon Jeasouablu termn
amt shoit notice, batlsfatilon ivarranied In nil
eases, Jau,13.'7My
Main Street ono door abovu K. MendenhaH'n
A largo fiBaorlmcnt of Btovci. Heater anil
nai.ut4ticoiii.uuUy uu hand, ami for uala at ttiu
luwt'Mt rtitcn,
TliuiliiL' IiihII ItH brancheiicftrefullyattendedto,
uml BUtlifuctlon KuariuiU'd,
Tin wi.rlc of all kluUit wholesale and retail. A.
ial U lequetttd,
Jau 1'71
BLANK M01UUAOICB for tho tuu or HaVlntf
Fund and I.ouu AMH-Jutlotiu, fur vty ul tUu
Wabiiinoton, April 0. Tho follow
liip; Is tho President's Mossago transmit
ting tho report of tho San Domingo
To Iho Senalo nml Ilonso of Repre
sentatives: I havo tho honor to submit
to tho two Houses or Congress, tho re
port of Iho Commissioners appointed
In purstianco of the Joint resolution
approved Jan. 12, 1871. It will ho ob
served that this report moro than sus
tains all that I havo hcrotoforo said In
regard to the productiveness nnd health
fulness of IhoItepubllcofSun Domingo,
of.tho unanimity of tho peoplo for an
nexation to tho United States, nnd of
their pcacenblo character. It U duo to
tho publle as It certainly Is to myself,
that I should hero glvo all tho circum
stances which first led to tho negotia
tion of it treaty for tho annexation of
tho Republic of San Doinlimo lo tho
United Slates.
When I accopted the arduous nnd re
sponsible position which I now hold, I
did not dream of Instituting nny steps
for tho acquisition of Insular possess
ions. I believed, howover, that our In
stitutions were broad enough to extend
over tho entlroconllnent ns rapidly ns
other peoples might deslro to bring
themselves under our protection. I bo
llovcd further that wo should not permit
independent governments within tho
limits of North America to pasj from a
condition of Independence lo ono of
ownership or protection under an Kuro
pean power. Soon after my Inaugura
tion as President, I was waltcdupon by
an agent of President llaez with a pro
position to annex tho Republic of San
Domingo to tho United States. This
gentleman represented tho capacity of
tho Island, tho dcslro of tho people and
their character nnd habits, nbotit ns
they have been described by tho Com-mi.-sioucr.i,
whoso report accompanies
this message. Ho stated, further, that,
being weak in numbers nnd poor in
purse, they wero not capablo of devel
oping their great rccourccs; that tho
peoplo had no incentive to industry, on
account of tho lack of protection for
their accumulations, and that If not ac
cepted by tho United States, with tho
institutions which they loved abovo
thoso of any other nation, thoy woultl
be compelled to seek protection olsc
where. To theso btatements I mado no
reply, and gave no indication of what I
thought of tho proposition. In tho
course of llmo I was waited upon by a
second gentleman from Sun Domingo,
who mado tho samo representations,
nnd who was received In llko manner.
In view of the facts which had been
laitl beforo mo and witlt an earnest do;
slro to maintain tho "Monrou doctrine,"
I believo I would bo derelict In my
duty If I did not takomeasuros toascer
tain tho exact wish of tho Government
nnd inhabitants of tho Republic of San
Domingo in regard to annexation, and
commuiilcato tho Information to tho
peoplo of tho United States. Under tho
attending circumstances, I felt that if I
turned n deaf car to this appeal I might
in the futtiro bo Justly charged with a
flagrant neglect of tho public Interests
ami nn utter disregard of tho wclf.iro of
a uown-trodden race, praying for tho
blcsilngs of n freo and strong govern
ment, and for protection In tho enjoy
ment oftlm fruits of their own Industry.
Thoso opponents ot nntioxatlon who
have heretofore professed to bo pro emi
nently the friends of the rights of man
I believed would bo my most violent
ns'nllants if I neglected so clear a duty.
Accordingly, after having appointed
a Commissioner to visit tho Island, who
declined on account of sickness, I selec
ted a second gentleman, In whosa capac
ity, judgement, amt integrity I had
unbounded confidence. Ho visited San
Domingo, not totecuro or hasten annex
ntlim, but uuprijudlced and unbiased,
to learn all tho facts about tho Govern
ment, tho people, nnd tho resources of
that Republic. Ho went certainly its
well prepared to make an unfavorable
report ns n favornblo one, If tho facts
warranted it. Ills report fully corrobo
rated thu views of tho previous com
HiUsioners, and, upon Its receipt, I felt
that a sense of duty nnd a duo regard
for our great national interests required
mo to negotiate a tieaty for tho acqui
sition of thu Republic of Sail Domingo.
As soon as it beeamo publicly known
that such a treaty had been negotiated,
the attention of tho country was occu
pied with allegations calculated to pre
judice tho merits of the case, and with
aspersions upon thoao whoso duty had
connected them with It. Amidst tho
public excitement thus created, tho
treaty failed to receis'o the requlsito
two-thirds voto of tho Senato ami was
rejected, but whether the action of that
body was based wholly upon tho merits
of tho treaty, or might not have been
lu somo degrco iullucuccd by such un
founded allegations could not bo known
by tho people, becauso tho debates ot
tho Senate In secret session nro not pub
lished. Under theso circumstances I
deemed it duo to the ofllco which I
hold, and duo to tho character of tho
agents who had been charged with tho
Investigations, that such proceedings
would enable tho pcojilo to know tho
truth. A commission was therefore
constituted under tho authority of Con
grcss, consisting of gentlemen selected
with special reference to their high
character and capacity for the laborious
work entrusted to them, who wero In
structed to visit tho spot and report up
on tho facts, Other eminent citizens
wero requested to accompany tho com
mission, In order that tho people might
havo tho benefit of their vlows, Stu
dents of selcnco nnd correspondents of
tho press, without regard to political
opinions, wero Invited to Join tho expe
dition. Their numbers wero limited
only by tho capacity of tho vessel.
Tho inero rejection by thoSenntoof n
treaty negotiated by tho President only
indicates n dlU'erenco of opinion be
tween two co-ordlnnto departments ot
tho Government without touching tho
clinracter or wounding tho pride of el
thor. lint when such rejection takes
placo simultaneously with charges
oponly mado of corruption on tho part
FRIDAY, APHIL 14,1871.
of tho President, or thoio employed by
him, tho case Is different. Indeed In
such caso tho honor of tho nation do-
mnnds Investigation. This has been ac
complished by tho report of tho Com
missioners herewith transmitted, nnd
which fully indicates tho purity of mo
tlvo nnd action of thoso who represent
ed tho United Slates In tho negotia
tion. And now my task is finished, nnd
with It ends nil personal sollcltudo un-
on tho subject. My duty being dono,
yours begins, nnd I gladly hand over
tho wholo matter of tho Judgment ol
tho American peoplo and of their rep
resentatives In Congress nssombled. Tho
facts will now bo spread beforo tho coun
try, and a decision rendered by that
tribunal whoso convictions so seldom
err, and against whoso will I have no
policy to enforce My opinion remain,
unchanged. Indeed, It Is confirmed by
tho report that Ibo Interests of our
country-fuid of San Domingo nllko In
vito the annexation of that Republic.
Jti view of tho differenco of opinion
upon this subject, I suggest that no ac
tion bo taken nt tho present session be
yond tho printing nnd general dissemi
nation of tho report. Ueforo tho next
session of Congress tho people will havo
considered tho subject and formed an
Intelligent opinion concerning It, to
which opinion, deliberately mado up,
It will bo Iho duty of every department
of tho Government to glvo heed, and
no one will moro chcorfully conform to
It than myself. It Is not only tho theo
ry of our Constitution that tho will of
tho people, constitutionally expressed,
Is Iho supremo law, but I havo over bo
lloved that all men nro wiser than nny
ono man, and If tho people, upon a full
presentation of tho facts, shall dccldo
that tho annexation of this Republic Is
not desirable, every department of tho
Government ought lo acquiesce in that
decision. In again submitting to Con
gress a subject upon which public senti
ment has been divided, and which lias
been mado tho occasion of numerous
debates In Congress, ns well ns unjust
aspersions elsewhere, I may, I trust, bo
inuulgcd in a singlo remark. No man
can hopo to perform duties so delicato
nnd responsible as pertain to tho Presi
dential ofllco without sometimes Incur
ring the hospitality of thoso who deem
their opinions and wlshei treated with
Insufficient consideration, and ho who
undertakes to conduct the affairs of a
great Government ns n faithful public
servant, if sustained by tho npproval of
his conscience, may rely with confi
dence upon the ctndor and intelligence
of a frco peoplo, whoso best Interests ho
has striven to observe, nnd can bear
with patlenco tho censuro of disappoint
ed men, U. S. Quant.
Kxccutlvo Mansion, April 5, 1871.
TV 1 1
report of tho Committeo of In
quiiy into tho Condition of tho Domin
ican Republic, was submitted to tho
Prcoidont to-day, nnd by blm transmit
ted to Congress.
It opens with the statement that tho
Commissioners traversed tho Republic
from end to end, and in direc
tions, cither by ther agents or In per
son, sjient several weeks at tho capital
in conference with tho President and
chief Government officers, examining
ollleial records, and as at all other pla
ces, in constant Intercourse with the
peoplo and taking testimony of witness
es. Thoy also visited tho vicinity of
tho western border, wliero tho disturb
ances wero reported, nnd remained u
week nt tho capital of Hayti, whero
supplementary Investigations were
Tho report gives a full account of tho
form of Government and refers to tho
revolutions proceeding thu administra
tion of llaez. Tho Commissioners
found tho Baez Government In full and
peaceable possession of all parts of tho
Republic, except on tho Haytlen bord-
cr, which Is disturbed by Insurrectiona
ry leaders, aided by Hayticu intrig
uers. Whatever defects thcro might
havo been In tho original title of llaez
lo tho olllce, it win confirmed by the
National Convention anil ratified by
the people.
Tho Insurrections which still exist
aro headed by Cnbra! and Louperoii.
Tho former of theso Is universally con
ceded to bo tho moro Important, but
neither lias u distinct Hag or it regular
organized tinny ; neither Is tho expo
nent of a clearly defined policy.
'lo tho surprise of tho Commission,
almost all parts of tho country, oven the
remotest, thu peoplo wero found to bo
familiar with tho question of annexa
tion to tho United States, and to havo
discussed it among themselves with in
telligence All classes In all parts of
the Republic wero consulted, and ev
erywhere thero was it general agree
ment In tho declaration thatlhelrpeaco
and prosperity Is In annexation to nnd
becoming part of the peoplo of tho Uni
ted States. This Is partially duo to the
prosenco In various parts of tho coun
try of small colonies of colored peoplo,
formerly from tho United States.
Tho osceedlngly small rroror,Ion
who opposed annexation could only bo
found by diligent Ecarch. Thoy nro
chiefly traders or agents of foreign
houses, whoao business would sutTer by
tho change. Tho rumors that thero aro
parties in various sections of tho coun
try ready to resort to desperate mea
sures against annexation, seem to bo
disproved by tho fact that tho Commis
sioners wero frco from tho shadow of
molestation during their sojourn, al
though they had nt no tlmo anything
lu the shapo of a guard. Tho condition
of tho people, the physical, mental and
moral condition of tho Inhabitants of
San Domingo was found to bo much
more advanced than had been anticipa
ted. The population Is generally of mixed
blood. Thu great majority, especially
along thoconst, nro neither puro black
nor pure whlto; thoy nro mixed In ov
cry concelvnblo degree. In somo pnrtH
of tho Interior considerable numbers of
tho whlto raco aro lo bo found, and gen
erally In tho mired raco tho whlto
blood predominates. Tho cultivated
nnd cdueutcd eompuro well with tho
samo classes In other countries, nnd tho
uneducated appear equal to tho samo
class In nny country with which wo nro
ncqunlntcd. They seem to bo practical
ly dcstltuto of prejudlco of class, raco or
Thojudlclal officers stated Hint high
crimes, such ns murder, arson, burglary
and tho llko nro nearly unknown nmong
them. They nro all Roman Catholics
except tho American emigrants Bent
out In 1821 and succeeding years, who,
with their descendants, now form n
number of settlements, nnd amount to
60veral thousand persons. Theso nro
mostly Methodists nnd Baptists. They
livo nmong tho Catholics in peaco nnd
harmony. No intolerance or religious
persecution can bo discovered among
them. Tho peoplo nto generally poor,
living In cheap nntl humblo dwellings
In tho country almost every family
possesses nil the land they dcslro to cul
tivate. Tho reason they unanimously
assign for not cultivating moro is that
amid constantly recurring revolutions,
It Is very uncertain who may reap tho
crop. Resides, thcro U no market here
for surplus produce.
Tho Commissioners, after n careful
comparison of data, estimated that tho
actual population of tho Island does not
exceed 100,000.
The resourcos or tho country aro vast
and various, and producls may bo ill
creased with scarcely nny other limit
than tho labor expended upon them.
Thero Is evldcnco of mineral wealth in
various parts of tho Island. Tho geolo
gists of tho expedition report tho exis
tence of tho ores of iron, of copper nnd
of gold, tho deposlles of lignite, rock
salt and petroleum. Iron oro Is ubund
ant, easy of access, and will, donbtlcss
In tlmo bo mado nvallablo for tho cheap
production of pig Iron. Tho copper
ores aro of it fair degree of richness, nnd
tho beds have been opened to n slight
Tho reported coal of Vanova penin
sula nud In tho neighborhood of Pucrta
Plata, was examined, and found to bo
qulto of Uttlo value us :i fuel, com
pared with Pennsylvania or English
coal. The gold region is extenslvo.and
though worked anciently, is nt present
but little known, and Invites patient
oxplorntlon nnd practical miners. Tho
sail deposits In tho mountains near
Neyba aro believed lo bo extensive and
valuable. Tho salt can bo quarried out
In largo transparent blocks, and a
chemical analysis mado for tho Com
mission shows It to bo of sulllclcnt pu
rity for commercial purposes.
Summarily nnd practically viowed
for ugrlculturnl purposes thcro aro live
classes of lands In Santo Domlugo,
First. Tho mountain slopes and val
leys j theso aro uniformly rich and pro
ductlve, except In limited regions
whero rain Is deficient, or on tho south
em slopes of coast ratigo north east of
Monto CrMIe.
Second. Tho extensivo prairie region
of tho lauds lying cast nud norlh of
Santo Domingo City, south of Iho Cibao
range. ThU Is all admirable pasture
hind, a largo portion of it is capablo of
prolltablo cultivation. It is intersected
by wooded valleys and groves contain
ing much excellent timber.
Third. Thorollliia plain of tho Ve
ga, which is generally wooded, and Is
tho finest body of agricultural land on
tho Island.
Fourth. Tho dry lands aro liko n
portion of tho plain of Azua and tho
valley of tho Taquie, whero rain is
partly or wholly wanting from topo
graphical causes. These lands can bo
mado fertile by artificial irrigation.
Fifth. Tho red clay lands aro mostly
along tho coast and underlaid by carat-
lino limestone. Theso aro usually cov
ered with timber.
Tho Commissioners hero dovoto coid
sidcrablo spaco to setting forth the
richness of thu soil, an d tho varieties of
tropical producls sugar cane, coffee,
cocoa, cotton, ginger, indigo, .Cc. On
tho mountains many of tho vegetables
and ft ui (s of tho temperate regions can
bo cultivated. Cattle and poultry aro
Tho forests about! In a variety of tim
ber valuable for cabinet purposes and
for house and ship building. Tho ma
hogany, satin wood, Dominican oak,
and a hard pilch plnearoabundaut,aIso,
Hgnum-vltie, logwood and aloes.
Tho climate on tho uplands is well
suited to emigrants from tho temperate
zones. On tho west sido of tho island
tho coast Is unhealthy, but clsowhero
tho sanitary condition Is very good
The popular Idea that tho Island Is
periodically llablo to yellow fever is en
llrely erroneous. Earthquakes aro rare,
but hurricanes not unfrcquent.
There aro several rivers, navlgabloby
light draft vessels ton considerable dis
tance In tho Interior. Resides thosplcn
did Hay of Samana thero nro numerous
barbers, generally accessible by vessels
of light draft.
The public debt, Including nil claims,
Is In round numbers, n Uttlo over $1,
600,000. Tho official statement of ro
celpts of the Government for 1S70,
shows it total of J772.000, tho Import
dues nlono being $000,000.
Tho Domlnleanaoveruuient hasmndo
no grant or concession of land to nny
foreign Government or nation except
tho United States.
Tho history of grants nnd concessions
given by thoComnilsslon Is about tho
samo ns already widely published in tho
North. Tho report Is strong In condeni
nntlon of tho stories that government
officials of tho United States havo been
privately interested In them.
ThoComnilsslon find no foundation
for tho statement that Dominica Is
bound to Hayll for an Indemnity sum
to France No treats of any conso-
quence oxlst between Dominica and
other powers, Tho only settled boun
dary between Hayti and San Domingo
is tho old Spanish and French lino of
1777. When Iho Haytlctis wero driven
out of tho cast part of tho Island, thcro
remained, as disputed territory, a coip
slderablu extent cast of the old bcuu
dary. This Is still lu dispute Of this
tho Haytlans held In practically con
stant control tho towns of San Rafael,
San Miguel, nnd Los Catibas,
Tho Ronlcn Valloy, oast of thoso, and
Neyba district havo been alternately
overrun by both parties. Tho claim of
Hayti to the boundary of tho Geffrard
map, which is tho meridian through
Altn Vela, is regarded ns preposterous.
Tho extent of territory within tiio old
boundary of 1777 is found by now and
careful computation to bo 22,212 equnro
miles. Tho portion of this republic ro
fcrrcd to ns having been mainly In
Hnytlcn occupancy, Is about 10,000
squnro miles.
Tho Dominican government was
found willing to ngrco to tho terms of
tho treaty as now concluded, but not
ratified, nnd for tho only chaugo think
it fair that an account of Iho great nnd
unexpected cxpenso of tho government
nttcndlng tho delay that tho sum paid
for Samana and now duo bo not deduc
ted in the final settlement. It was also
ttgrccd by Dominica that ono-flflh of
tho public lands should bo sat asldo for
school purposes, prov'Jcd tho United
States would grant threo hundred thou
sand acres for an agricultural college.
Tho report concludes as follows :
Sin Domingo Is capabloof supporting
millions of people. Land Is cheap; lu
fertility it certainly equals and possibly
surpasses tho neighboring Islands, nnd
It Is even better suited to the production
of sugar nud coffee. It could supply
thu entire market of tho United Stales
with theso great West India staples.
In reviewing Iho wholo field of their
investigations, looking to tho Interests
of both divisions of tho Island, they are
firmly persuaded Hint tho annexation
of San Domingo to tho United Statc3
would bo hardly less beneficial to tho
Haytlen than to the Dominican people,
This benefit would nrlso llrst from the
example which would doubtless bo af
forded of n well-regulated, orderly nnd
prosperous Stalo, the great need of thnt
part of tho world, nnd which it has as
yet never seen ; n second and moro
direct benefit would nrlso from the
equitable establishment of n boundary
lino between tho French speaking and
tho Spanish speaking nations upon that
Island nnd Its guaranteo by n strong
This would end tho exhausting bor
der warfare, which has been ono of tho
greatest curses of Ilaytl, ns well ns San
Domingo, nnd would enable both to
dovoto their energies thenco-forward to
tho education of tbelr people and the
development of their resources.
Respectfully submitted,
II. F. Waih:.
Andiiew D. Wiirn:,
S. O. Howe.
lr. .1. ('. Ajer.
Tho Lcglslaturo of Massachusetts hav
ing Incorporated a given portion of
Its barren soil into a town, tho citizens
named Itlnhonorof thofauious medlclno
man and called it Aycr. Thcygavohim
n clinnco to spread himself, through tho
Instrumentality of a serenade, in reply
to which honor ho responded ns lu duly
hound as follows, which wo insert ns nn
advertisement, to wit :
lMtlic3 ami Gentlemen i
On tho western coast of Scotland whero
It blopcs Into tho Irish Sea, it river, ris
ing on tho mountains of tho inner land,
winds down nmong tho hlllsund empties
into tho Frith of Clyde. From remote
timo It has been called Ayr from nn old
Scotch word" Ayry,'1 mcanlngancagle's
neat tho river of the eagle's nest. Near
Its mouth and a contiguous harbor, lo; g
stood a hamlet which became a royal
burg or town named from tho river, and
now about one-third as largo as Lowell
the city of Ayr. For moro than a
thousand years it has been noted in tho
history of Scotland. During tho wars
of Robert Rrueo it was ono of Ills resorts,
and was especially favored by him be
causo ho was thcro cured of leprosy
Oliver Cromwell made it ono of tho do
pots and headquarters of his army In his
attack upon Scotland, and ono of his old
forts Is now tho Citadel of Ary,
Hut abovo all Its distinctions, Ary was
tho blrth-placo of tho poet IJurns. And
what a poet ! Whata voice has hcglvcn
to all tho endearments of homo 1 How
ha3 bo hallowed tho cottago and all it
covers weans ami wife, patches and
poverty, beans, barely, ale, hardship
and tho poor man's toll. How he wraps
with tenderness whatever ho names,
oven his bleak leagues of pasture, tho
stubblo field, Ice, snow, sleet, and rain,
brooks, birds, mice, thistles nnd heather.
His Ronny Doon, John Anderson, my
Jo John, Auld Lang Syne, nnd High
land Mary roll round tho world lu over
ringing symphony with what Is purest
and best In human nature. His songs
woo and melt tho hearts of youth nnd
maidens, bring solaeo to thu sorrowing
nntl courage tothooveiburdcned by their
lot. His Inspiration has sot tho all'ec-
tlous to music lu strains that aro 1m
No other ono man over mado n lau
gungo classic, but ho has rendered that
lowland Scotch it Doric dialect of famo.
Tho namo of his homo nnd his beloved
river Ayr was lifted on tho wings of his
pathos, nnd now tho approachintr trav
eller yearns to reach tho spot his genius
has sanctified.
Along tho borders of tho sea In n par
allelogram nnd surrounding tho town
is n country of Iho samo namo Ayr
shire It would weary your patlenco to hear
tho history of iuv ancestors from ono
ancient John of Ayr, then John Ayr,
down through tho centuries lo this Aycr
now beforo you; through their vicissi
tudes of poverty nnd plenty- of fortune
nnd mlsfortuno ; how they havo Inter
married with England, Ireland and
Scotland, and later with Iho Americans,
who tiro an excellent mlxttiro of them
M!rlemh,yui havo chosen tho namo
I Inherited for your town with un extra
ordinary unanimity, nnd havo thereby
conferred and lienor upon mo, tho pro
per acknowledgment of which 1 do not
feel fully nblo to express. Rutlbcgyoii
to bo assured that It is appreciated nnd
that it will bo greatly remembered with
n living Interest in your prosperity
while llfo remains to mo, nud, I trust,
beyond that by my children nfter me.
I f lids iinmo hna become noted among
tho many that nro worthlcrnround you,
thnt Is greatly duo to Its publicity. May
Ono Inch, (twclvo lines or its equivalent In
Nonpareil type) odo or two Insertions, II, SO
thrco Insertion!., tz.00.
apArn. 1 sr. 2sf, 3m, 6i, Iy,
One Inch tJ.',n 11,01 16,00 IIO.CO
Two Inches.. ....... ,V) s.ih) 7,00 V,K) 15,10
Three Inches 5.00 ;,oo 0,00 12.P0 11,00
Four Indies........ 7 00 8,00 11,00 17,00 23,(0
Quarter column,. 10.00 12,00 11,00 20,30 80.00
Ilalfcoliimn.....,.15,00 111,00 2000 80,00 0,00
Onocolunill......80,00 M.Ul, 40,00 00,00 100,(0
Executor's or Administrator's Notice, 13.101
Auditor's or Assignee's Notice, 12.50.
Local notices, ten cents n line.
Cards lutlio"BuslncsiDlrectory" column, I'i.CO
per year for tho first two lines, and 11.00 for cat h
additional line.
I bo permitted to slato whenco that
carao 7 Until within a few centuries nil
Iho civilized nntloas of (ho globe wero
pent Up on tho Eastern conllnont. Two
or threo huudrod years ago thoy leaked
over into this; few and fearfully at first,
then moro and moro but always In their
Eottlcnletits timidly hugging tho Atlan
tic coast. Within Iho last two dr threo
generations, they have) burst out, ns it
were, nud ovor-ruu tho vast, continents
of tho West. Now thoy aro scattered
hero nntl possess theso measureless
strctchesof mountains and valleys, hills,
plains, forests and prairies with tho
boundlcsi pampas and mountain ranges
of South America. Former generations
lived In villages and towns, thickly
settled together where physicians wero
plenty and near nt hand. Now, tho
people aro widely scattered, In many
sections of theso many countries For
great numbers tho timely treatment of
physicians cannot bo had; over largo
tracls of country' gootI"or competent
phyalchtns cannot bo had nt nil. Thoy
can not visit patients enough many
miles apart to livo by their profession,
nor can they carry medicines enough
with llicin on horseback for their re
quirements. Ilenco has arisen in theso
modern times, n necessity for remedies
ready nt hand, with directions for their
use a present recourse for relief In tho
exigencies of sickness, when no other
aid N near. It Is a new necessity con
sequent upon the changed conditions of
human life a want I havo spent my
years In supplying, and I will tell you
something of Us extent. Our laboratory
makc3 every day somo (130,000 potions
or doses of our preparations. Thc3o aro
all taken by somebody. Hero Is n num
ber equal to tho population of fifteen
cities as largo ns Lowell, taking them
every day (for sickness keeps no Sab
bnths) nor for onco only, but again and
again year after year, through nearly
ono third of n century. Wo nil Join lit
tho Jokes about mctliclnos ns wo do
nbout tlio Doctor's mission to Kill,
tho clergyman's Insincerity nnd tho
lawyer's cheating. Yet each of theso
labors among tho most serious realities
of life Sickness nud its attendant
suffering aro no joke, neither is the
treatment of them. This system of
tranportablo relief, to bo mado nvalla
blo to tho people, must keep Its reme
dies fresh In their memories. This is
dono by advertising. Mirk Its extent.
An advertisement, taking tho run of
tho newspapers with which wo contract
(somo lOOOnnually) Is struck on in such
numbers, that when piled upon each
other flatwise, like tho leaves of a book,
tho thickness through them is sixteen
miles. In addition, It takes somo seven
millions of pamphlets and twclvo mil
lions of circulars to meet tho public
demand for tills kind of information.
Our annual Issue of pamphlets alone,
laid solid upon each other, mako ti pllo
eight and ono quarter miles high. Tho
circulars measured endwlso reacli 1S01
miles, and theso assertions nro matters
of mathematical certainty. Whatever
tho estimation lu which theso publi
cations may beheld here, they reach tho
firesides of millions upon millions of
men who do treasuro and regard them,
and who in tholr trials do heed tho
counsel they bring.
Not only over theso great Western
continents but throughout that other
laud so Uttlo known to you, under our
feet, tho Australian continent, thcro nro
few villages as largo ns this which aro
not familiar with tho namo you havo, nnd
bear it.
Thus, goutlemen, havo I striven In my
hit nhlosphcro to render somo service
to my fellow men, nnd to deservo among
tlw alllleted nnd unfortunate somo ro
gaul for tho namo which your kind
partiality hangs on theso walb around
me. Wo may look forward with confi
dent hopo to tho renown you will gathor
under it, and tho prosperity, which
thcro is reason to trust tho future has in
store for you. Situated as you aro hero
on ono of tho ma'ii arteries between the
west nml cast, between tho great Indus
tries of tho plough and tho spludlo you
must nid In their exchanges and thrive
with them. Soon theso channels will bo
opened wldo nnd pouring through your
precincts streams of men and merchan
dise that will need your furtherance and
must contrlbnto to your growth.
Located hero in tho contro of Nuw
England to what dearer spot can you
turn that men Inhabit? Beginning llfo
rich with tho honors of your mother
town whoso lnlluenco through horschools
and her scholars Is of Itself an Inheritance
with such examples ns Lawrence, Rout
well, Hoar, what may you not hopo for
of usefulness in tho councils of tho statu
and nation','
Contrast our condition with that of
tho European nations, alternately torn
and lmprovlsbed with wars, credit It as
you may to tho better education of tho
people, nnd you will realize the valuoof
tho example old mother Groton has s
you, so worthy of your ambition to
follow Build schools frr your children
and find talent to teach them, then
Intelligence and Integrity In psosperous
nnd happy homes will bo your suro
Associated as you havo mado mo with
your weal and wo, I wish I might bo
allowed to contribute from my means
such as thoy aro, something towards
this first foundation of tho public good.
Gentlemen, I havo detained you too
long. Oppressed with tho fear, that I
do not deservo tho distinction you bo
stow, I pray God to make mo worthior,
nnd to smile upon you with Ills perpetua
As tlicro Is somo talk In England of
abolishing the purchase system lu tho
British army, Iho statists of tho War
Olllco aro examining Into tho question
of tho cost of doing awny with this
whistle They find that $3S,000,000
will bo necessary to "buyout" tho pres
ent holders of commissions lu that ser.
Tin: hotel lu Chctopa, Kansas, lg
temporarily cloeed on account of a Ut
tlo difficulty between tho cook nnd tho
proprietor, which was settled with a
pistol. Tho proprietor is in his gravo
and tho ccuk Is In Jail,