The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, April 07, 1871, Image 1

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im Tin coLUuniAn nuiMiinu HitAitTiuc
kditor and rBornlETon,
Terms-Two Solltri a Tear payaMa la Advan.
OlnlliUscrlptlons cxoculcil with ncttlncss'nuil
dispatch at reasonable rates.
Patent Medicines.
it i: pi i n i; it.
To Debilitated Persons,
To yyeptlcn,
To HiiiTorera from Mvcr Complaint.
To those Jmvinn no Ajinetlto,
Toinosowun itroKon juown uonsiliu lions.
To Nervons lNopl,
To Children WantlTiR ftwny.
Tunny With Debilitated l)ltrfAtivn Orrnnn.
Ortuffering with any of the following fiymptomt,
uhicn tnaicate utsoracreu i.ticr or Stomach.
such, iw Con
fitlpAtlon, Inward
riles, ruin es 8 or
Mood to tho Head, Acid
ity or tlie Blomncli, Natison,
Heartburn, Digti4tfor Food, Full
uoss or Weight In tbo Stomach, Hour
rit of the titomacli,8wlmmlntf of tho Head,
Hurried and Dinicult ISrvnthing, Fluttering
nt tho Heart, ClioktngorBulTocatliigMeusatlon't
when In a Lying Foaturo, Dimness o! Vision,
ota or Webs be for o tho Bight, Fever and Dull
Fain In tho head, Deficiency of Perspiration,
Yellowness of tho Bkln nod Fyenf Tutn
In tho Hide, Uncle, Chest, Llmta
Ac, Kmltlcn Flushes if Heal,
Iturnlng lit tho Flesh.
Constant Imagining of
Evil, and Great
Depression of
A blltcrs without Alcohol or HplrltM of any kind.
Is different from all others. It la composed of
tho pure Juices or vital FitiNCiri.K or Hoots,
IlEitni, and BAitKt, (or as medicinally termed
Extracts,) tho worthless or Insert portions of tho
Ingredients not being used, Therefore In ono
Ilotllo of this Hitters there Is contained ns much
mcdlclnl virtue as will bo found In ncvernl gallons
of ordinary mixtures. Tho Hoots, Ac., used In
this Hitters aro grown In Germany, their vital
principles extracted In that country by a scien
tific Chemist, and forwarded to the manufactory
in this city, wftere they are compounded and
bottled. Containing no spirituous Ingredients,
his Hitters Is free from tho objections urged
gainst all others; no desire (or Rllmulauts can bo
Induced from their use, they rnnuot mako drunk
nrds, nnd cannot under any clrcuimtauccs, have
any but a beneficial cfTVct.
Wnscompoundod for thoso not Inclined to ex
treme bitters, nnd Is Intended for In cases
when some alcohollo stimulant Is required In
connection with tho Ton to propcrtlcn of tho
Hitters. Ktich bottle of tho Tonic contain one
bottlo of the Htttets, combined with pure BANT A
CUV 7. HUM, nnd flavored In such a manner that
the extreme bittcrntssof tho bittern Is overcome,
forming a preparation highly agreeable and
pleasant to the palate, and containing the medi
cinal virtues of tho Hitters, The price of the
Tonlo Is 81.50 per Hot tie, which many persons
think too high. They must tako Into considera
tion that the stimulant used Is guaranteed to bo
of a pure quality, A poor article could bo fur
nlhhed at a cheaper price, but Is It not better to
pny a Htllo moro a d havo a good article? A
medicinal preparation should contain none but
tfio best Jngredlents nnd they who expect to
Main a cheaper compound, nnd bo benefited by
It will most certainly bo cheated.
1! on F i, a n ii N
U E 11 M A N T ONIC,
They aro the (J rt ntest
II I O OI) Is IT It I I' I k n s
Known to tho Medical world, and will eradi
cate diseases arising from Impure blood, Debility
of (ho DIgestlvo Organs, or Diseased Liver, In a
shorter time than any other known remedies.
Who would ask for moro Dignified nnd Btronger
Testlinony 7
Hon, (J to 11a K W. "WoobvrAUV, formerly Chief Jus
tlce of the tiupremje Cburf of I'ciinsylmnta, atpres
cnt Member of Congress from Pennsyh aniu, writes:
I'nii.Aiir.i.i'iiiA, March luth, 1807.
I find "Hoofland's German Hitters" Is a good
tonic, useful In diseases or the digestive organs
and of gt cat benefit In cases of debility nnd want
of nervous action In tho syhtom. Yours, truly,
Hon. James Thompson, Chief Justice of the Su
jH'rme LXturt of J'cnniylvanut,
l'jt 1 la ia, April 2S 1SG7.
I consider "Hooflund's German Hitters' a valua
ble medlclno In cato of attacks of Indigestion or
Dyspepsia, I can certify this from my experi
ence of It. Yours, with respect,
Hon, (Ikorok Hhaswood, Justice of the tiupreme
Court of lcnnsylvnnUi,
Philadelphia, June ,UG8,
I Have found by experience that "Hooflaud's
German Hitlers" Is a very good tonic, lellevlng
dyspeptic symptoms almost directly.
Hon. Win. F, Hogcrs, Mayor of the City of Buffalo,
A', Y
Mayor's Office, Buffalo, June 22, 18C9.
I havo used IIoofland's'Gcrman Hitters and
Toulc" in my family during the past year, and
can recommend them as an excellent tonic, Im
parting tone nnd vigor to tho system. Their use
has been productive of derldedlv beneficial
t'ltcU, WM.F, HOG ICIW.
Hjn. James M, Wood, JCx-Mayorof Wlltiamsport,
I tako great pleasure In recommending "Hoof
land's German Tonlo" to any one who may bo
ii ill lr led with Dyspepsia, I had the Dyspepsia so
badly It was Impossible to keep nuy food on my
stomach, and I become so weak as not to be ablo
to walk half a mile. Two bottles of Tonic ellectod
u 1 er fee t euro, J A M EH M. WOO I),
A Nil
Will euro every Ciiao of
O r "Vu su ifg nwnnlo Hod y ,
Are the medicines you requlro to purify the
Hlood, excite the torpid Liver to healthy aeliun,
nnd to enable you to pass safely thruiigh any
hardships or exposure.
un. iiooIxAi)'s
1' O D O 1M1 Y L L I N,
Substitute for Mercury rills.
ot. TV rn'IJH A POSE.
7 he most JSnverfut, Yet Jnnocent, Vegetable Cuthar.
tie known.
It is not necessary to take n handful of tlicso
Pills to nroduce ilia .fr... n
act quickly and powerfully, cleansing theLiver,
ctpalliigreUlciitlaroaopUyllln.orllni Alcoholic
12ztrait nf fniiilrnlii. wlHni. (. ...
.a ujf luuujr HUIVH
inoro powerful, nctlug and eaichlng than lln
-.Uu4a ta vv.u44ai uvilOU lit UpOU tile
Liver, cleaning It .pec.llly frora all ub.lrucllons
U 1H n Manrnrir vat. .
' iB"uiroiuilB
injurious rcsulta attached to tlie mo or that
For all diseases, In which the uko of a cathartic.
i muicaieu, tutBe pun wlil give tntlro aatlstac
tlon lu ovcry case, Tliey NEVl.ll TAIL,
lu cahea of Liver Complaint, ona
extreme costlveneks, Br, HooUaua'a German
Hitters or Tonlo should be used lu connection
wim 1110 rjus. tub tonlo etlect of tho Hitters or
Tonlo builds up tho system. ThollIttersorTonlo
purines the Jllood.strcuBt liens tueTferves, bkou
i.atks 1110 uyer, and gives streiiglli, energy and
neep your liowels active with thoIPllls, and
tone up thosystem ivltu Hitters orTonlc, and uo
ureases can retain the Hold, or eveu assail you
Recollect that it in mi nnnvr ultia.c,
tT, .. .. .HUO UCl-
MAN Itemcdles that are so unlversallyused and
J'lghly recommended! and do not allow tho
"tugiiui to inuuco you totaUoanytlilngelso that
uv may say is just as good, because lie niakca a
arge pront on It. Thcso ltemedles will bo sent
,,?m'. to ,njr loc' application to
V.'?..l.f.l.INC"'A,J OVVWK, it the UEUMAN
MEDICINE HTOltE, 031 AkU Bt Phllrtelphla.
visAn, m, tiYASS, I'roic(ui
wiHTitmu juiificinc iJruttntMnvHn, jaaj71y
Oolumbia County Official Dirootorv,
iVflfrfcnlJllrfllt-WllT.tAM EI.WILL,
Hoir" Jutl"c'lRAU I'mi'i IAA0 H. MOM
ljjrnlhimntnn, dc Wrt.T.tKOTON It, Ent.
JMitrfrf Attorney-It. It. Ikklik.
Sheriff AAnoN Amith.
Niirvcuor Ikaao llRwirr.
7Vf(uurfr-I)AVii i,ow!nKrto.
tbmnlUtonrl-Wn.t.IAM U, tiBtflf, t'YUUS
(t)ilm(t(on(Ti; Ctrrk-Wll.LIAK KlltCKnACM,
ylllrfOT-t-U. J, CAMfllKlL, A. J, ALUKI1TH0M,
Ihroner JoltK D. IIouck,
AamiiUjlonM-IsAAOMcllltlbl!,JolIN Jlo-
Countj RupcrMcJuUnt-CuAni,ta a. IlAnKi.xr,
Bloomsbure Official Dircctorv.
. !nJ. fathmnt Jlnnk-UUAs, It, PAXToK, fres'l..
J. I'.Tuhtim. Ca.hler. '
II, LlTTLC, I'lafU, C. W, MlLLcn,
Hpr V.
Jllarmutiura TiuUdtttn nnrf. Sartna Ftitut Atmevt-foii-JlillN
TmmAH.rres't., .!, II. ltmnsoN, Hec.
Jtloanulmra Mutual Hwlnn Wl AuorUUlun
J. J. HltuWKH, l'resldent, M XVlllTMoYhit. Heo'y.
Bloomsburg Directory.
IjAPKllltAOH Jnt received and for sale at Ih.
1 Cor.i'MiiiAN Olllce.
ACOll METZ, dealer In stoves and tinware
I Main street, above court house.
DAVIl) LOWENHEUO, MiirchaiitTallor.Maln
st., 2d door above American House,
WJt. MOIlllIH, Merchant Tailor comer of Cen
tre nnd Main St., over Miller's store.
EI. MJTZ, Drugglstand Apothecary. Main st,
. below the l'ust Olllce.
MOYEU 1SH03., Druggists and Apothecaries,
ltrowcr's block: Main st.
HE.N'llYZUPIMNOElt, Watches, Spectacles A
Jewelry c, MalnHtrcet near West st.
"I K. HAVAtlH, dealer In Clocks, Watches and
J' Jewelry, Mulu st.. Just below tho American
LOUIH llEUNlIAHD, Watch and Clock maker.
uoarsoutboa8tcoruorMalnnnd Iron sts.
RCATHCAItT. Watch and Clock Makcr.Mar-
ket street, below Main.
AVID IIHTZ, Hoot anaHiiomnitrr, Mnlnst.,
ueiuw iiurtiiiitii h hiuru, wusv 01 AiarKei.
HKNUY KLKIM, Manufacturer and dealer in
Hoots and Hhoes, Groceries, etc.. Main,
fcjmt Hloomsburg,
M. IIUOWN, Hoot and Hhoemaker, Main
street, under Brown's Hotel. t
It. If. C. IIOWI.It, Htirgcon Dentist, Main st
,U. WM. M. IlEDEIt, Rurge6n and Physician,
'kxchangelJlockover Webb'sbook store.
DIt. U, F. KINNEY, Hurgenn DentlsU-Teeth
estracted without pain: Main st.. nearly on
Iioslto Episcopal Church,
0(1. HAUKI.EY, Attorney-al-Law. omce,2d
. '1..orln thango lllock, near the "Exchanao
11. McKELVY.M. D., Burgeon and Physlclau
. uorthsldo Main St., below Market.
r It. I'.VANH, M. v.. Burgeon and Physician,
I soutusldoMaln street, below Market.
C. 11UTT1.II, M. 1). Surgeon and l'hyslclan
. Market street, above Main,
I 11. npnisON. Attnrncynt-lAW, OlllcoIIart
J man's building, Main street.
l'ETEUMAN, Millinery and Fancy Uoods,
, opposllo Episcopal Church, Main st,
IHH LIZZIE 11AUKLEY, Milliner, lUtmsey
M1KH A. D. WEI1I1, Foncy Ooodi, Notions,
Hooks, andBtatloucry.EiiliaUEoUlock.Malu
MIWJ M. HEltlHCKSON, Millinery nnd Fancy
Uoods, Malu st.. below Mnrket.
MIIH.'.. KLINE. Millinery and Fancy Coods
Malu street below Market.
lltH. JULIA A. A HADE HAltKLUY, Ijidlcs'
111 Cloaks and Dress l'atternj. south, nktrnmer
Malu and Weststs.
Mini'. MISHF.H HAH.MAN Millinery nnd Fancy
J Hoods, Malu St., below American itouso,
I.10HKH HOTEL, by T, Dent. Taylor, cast cud
I' of Main street.
GC. MAltlt, Dry Goods and Notions, south-
west corner Main and Iiousts.
Cl H.SEERIIOLTZ, dealer In l.ry Uoods, Uro.
1 CCrleS. ltOuts. M infa. .(!.. ffil.ifr Hlnl.i
Iron streets.
A. 11ECKI.EY, Hoot and Bhoe store, books
, A statlouery, Main st., bolow Market.
ji JAC0113, Confectionery, groceries etc., Malu
J, st., below Iron
.disc i and LumLcr, coiner of Main strtct and
Uerwlck road.
nOX ft WEllll, Courcctioncry and Bakery,
C wholesale and retail, Exchange Hloclt.
Main st above Court House.
T If. MAIZE, Mnmmotli Orocrry, fine Urn-
.1 . CCrleS. KrilllM. TCnlu I'rm lul.ii. .In
and iron Mrccts. ' ''
111 KELV V, NEAL A CO., dealers lu Dry Uoods,
in "lot-cius, riour, reiu.nau, j-isn, iron, Nails,
etc., N. E. cor. Main and Market sts.
Sir. M1LLEII A feON, dealers lu Dry Uoods,
..Groceries, Uiwenswnre, Flour. Halt. Khoes.
notions, etc.. Exchange Hlock, Malnst.
riONHTAHLEH ULANKB for falo at thoCoi.uii
UIAN Olllce,
M. CHHIHTMAN, Saddle, Trunk A Harness-
maker. Hlllve's llloclc laln Htri-pl.
D. ltOllUINH.llquordealerseconddoorfrom
northwebt comer Main and Iron sts.
R iminSJfTOiT' Wall Paper, Window Hhades
U. uud Uxtures, Hupert block, Main st.
G. hH.9,0?,EH,l,.l''u,'nltl,ro Itooms, threo story
brick, Main Btrcet, west of Market st.
JOHN A.FUNHTON 4 CO.. mutual oud cash
"rales tire Im,iiraucocompanUs,Uruwer's Hulld
lug, Main Htreet.
If. ItlNULUtt, dealer In pianos, organs nnd
melodeons.atU, W. Corell's furniture rooms
JAMUEL JACOHY, Matblo and Urown Btou7
3Works, I'ist Hloomsburg.llerwlck road,
WM, IIAHU, dealer In furniture, trunks, cedei
willow ware, near tho Forks Hotel.
FOSTEU.Glue Maker, and Whlto nnd Fancy
Tanner, Hcottowu,
Ell. I1IDLEMAN, Agent for Munson's Copper
Tubular Lightning ltod.
TACOll DIEFFENIIACH, Ilroom Factory. Or.
i) tiers leitnt hlsresldeuio orntMIUerA Hou's
tora promptly Illlod. Best green Western bruU
JAM KB CADMAN, Cabinetmaker and Chair
maker rooms Main street bel. Iron,
OTE BOOKS, and blank NOTEH.wlthorwIlh
B. HEiailAItD.A nno..dcaler In Dry Oocsls,
Uroeerles, and geueral Merchandise;
EHr'ropr"'uirM I,XoullINa MILIH, O.B.Fowler,
T- I). WKFtKHKlHEHTuool and Hboo Btore and
manufactory. Hhop on Malu Btreet op.
postlo the Mliiim Mill.
in W, KIKlAlt, Husiuehanuai l'laulug Mill
X Box Manufactory,
Bnok Horn.
0.4 W, It. BHOICMAKKH, dealers In dry
111, goods, groceries and geneial mercuaudlse,
1 Irsl store In sou lb mil uf tuw u,
Orangoville Directory,
A i!' ?,lrJ,n,.!'9 nKOTHEK,Carpontcrs and
A. Builders, Main st,, below l'lne.
I)OWEIt A HElTftlNO, dealer In Dry Uoo,ls,
I) llrocerlos, Lumber nud geueral Merchandise
Main st, '
iltCK HOTEL and refreshment Baloon, by
..uu. ... ..vii, iviiviiukiuiiuu i inesi.
Dlt. p. A. MECIAllUKL.t'liyslelnn and Burgeon,
Main St., noxt door to Uood's Hotel,
DAVIl) linniUNO, KlournndUrlstMlll.and
Dealer lu grain, Mill street,
r L.r.DWAUDS, l'hyslclan and Burgeon, Main
1' st.,nrstdoornboveM'lIcnry'sHotel.
TAMI-4 B. 1IAHMAN, Cabinet Maker and Un
J dcrtakcr. Main St., below l'lne.
T M-l'AnMAN, Haddlo nnd Harness maker.
0 Malu st., oppsllo Frntno church,
SCHUYLEH A CO., Iron founders, Mnchlnlsls,
and Manufactuicrs or plows, Mill Bt.
O Urnlu Cradlo. Main Hi.
WILLIAM DKLONO Khocniakcraml inannf.ia
tnu rof Brick, Mill St., west or 1'iuo
F. DALLMAN, Merchant Tailor, Second Bt.
Bobbins' Building,
lt.J. If, llonntNH. Burgeon and Physician
) Second St., below Main,
GILHEltT A KLINE, dry goods, groceries, ond
general meichandlse, Main Btreet
I II. KIBTLKlt, "Catlawlssa House," North
a , Corner Main and Second streets.
KEILEIl, Blllard Saloon, Oysters, and Ico
, Cream In season Main St.
t lilmUDT . . 1 , - I (U...KI...I....)i..
Dry Uoods, uroeerles &o.
S1;hQUKHANNA or Ilrlclc Hotel, 9. Kosteu
btiuiier I'roprletor.fcouth.cast comer Main and
hecond Htreet.
TM. II, AI1UOTT, Attorney nt law, Main Ht.
Light Street.
UP. OMAN A Co., Whcelwllghts, tlrst door
ahovo School House.
10IIN A, OMAN, Manufacturer nnd denier Hi
J lkKts and Hhoes,
PIITEU ENT, dealer In Dry Unods Uroeerles,
I lour, Feed, tfalt, Fish, Iron, Nails, etc., Malu
Rf,:,1;;NT' ''caler in Stoves nnd Tin ware In
all Its brauches.
Philadelphia Directory.
Jan. 1'71-ly
No, C03 Market Btreet,
(Above Fifth,)
N, E. Corner Second nml Arch Streets,
Heaters tit
HICE, 8PICE8, ni CAllll SODA, JC, AC.
3-0rders will receive prompt nttcntlon.
may 10,07-tr.
' Business Cards.
-Ot Firit-Court Houso Alley, In the Co
lumiiian building. jnm,'67.
OtvicKovcrLutz's Drugstore. BcsMeuo
Fifth btreet. decltl'TO.
Ofllco Court House Altey, below tho Colxiw
niAN Olllce. Duuntlcs, Jinck-rny and Pension
collected, llloonuburu l'a. Kep.'J0'u7
Offlco Main Street below tho Court JIoum?.
Itluomhbure Penn'n(,
ir. i7iTTLis7
Oihcft rourl-IIouso Alley, below the Coi-uar
ntAN OIllco, IIloomsburR la.
I? jr. KNonn,
Ji 1 laving purchiiROil t ho sloe If at the old Key
stone Bhoe (store, and added thereto n large and
well hcleeted new htoclc Is prepared to eahiblt
the best variety ot
ever brought to this place. He Is also prepared
to make lioots and Shoes to order in tholateht
and bent htvli'H, For chkIi only. In tho old Past
Dlllce bulldliitt. corntr Maluuud Market Htreet a
Uloomhburt', Pa, liep9'"Ulj',
JjJ would announce to ihecltlz-euHofltlooms-buiK
and vicinity, that he hasjust received u full
and complete ahsortmeut of
and all other Kodslu his lino of busluess. All
(he ueweitt and mottt npproved patterns of the
day are aiways to be found in hU establishment.
mur.5,'0U-lf Main St. below Market.
LIjTTKH iikadh,
Neatly and Cheaply Printed
From the !at6ht Styles of Typo at the
Castings andFlreBrlckforrepalrlngcltyStovcs
All kinds of llrass or Irou costing mado to order
upon short not ce.
u,m.u . . P.S.HAltMAN.
Illoomsbnrg, l'a. Proprietors
A lull and complete ARRortment of ready mado
i"iui nim Hiiueu ior Jilt ii. w itiueii mm tmuireu
I UKt recolVfisl ami fur Hnltiiil. rciiknf initio ruteH.
varieties to suit all classes of customers. The
uvkiui wont uoue at fchort nouco, as nereioiorc
Give htm a call. JauP71.
(Buecessora to A. Wltroon,)
ltcspectfully Inrortn tho publlo that they aro
now lully prepared to do all kinds of work In
tbelr line of business, upou reasonable terms
aud short uotlce, tiutlsfaetlon warranted lu all
cases. )an,13.'7My
Malu Btrcet one door ubovo K. Mendenhall'a
A largo assoilnient of Stoves, Heaters and
flanges constantly on baud, aud for sale at the
Tinning lu all Its branches carefully attended to,
.u ,lufnH.,ti iriiiiriintn.l.
Tin work of all kinds wuolosalo and retail. A
trti Is requested.
Jail I'll
DLANlv MOIlTGAflliH for tho uso of Saving
J) Fund and Iiau Associations, forsalo ill tho
lul-UHiiiAn uiiii-,.
iti:ioiiMi:i) votiso.
thi: Fiu:i; von: ix noRomim,
speech rf G, 11. liucknkw in (ha Senate
of Pennsylvania, Monday Evening,
March 27, 1871.
Agreeably to order tho Sonnlo ro
Humcd tho tlilnl rcntllng nml cdnsldorn
tlon of nn net for tlio further reKulntlon
of boroughs.
Mr. nUCKALKW, bclnt; entltlctl to
tho floor, snld: 3tr. Hpcnker, In rlslno;
to speak upon this bill I tleslro
to mnko n bIhrIo olHcrvntlon of nn
Introductory character. I caino to
thlsficnnto to servo durlni; my pre?
ont term for no purposo oxcejit to
ntlvocato nnd support electoral reform.
Other objects wero Imputed to mo, I
havo been told objects of personal ri
valry nnd ambition but that Imputa
tion was wholly false. I thought, sir,
that tbo attention of tho representatives
of tho pcoplo nssemblcd In tho Leclsln.
turo should bo directed to somo funda
mental nnd scarchlnp; cIiiiiikcs In our
electoral system, which seemed to bo
demanded by tho public Interests and
by tho welfare of our people.
Now, sir, In tho llrst place, I proposo
to call attention very briefly to what
has been dono heretofore In this 3tato
upon this subject of reform In tho direc
tion Indicated by the present bill. In
tho convention of 1837-8 Mr, Thomns
Earlo of tho county of i'hllndolphla
submitted two proposition at different
times with referenco to tho cholco of
election ofllcers by tho people upon tho
t.Inn of what Is now known ns tho lim
ited vote. Upon tho L"7th of Juno 1833,
If 1 remember tho dato torrcctly, ho
addressed that convention at somo
leiiRth In support of his second propo.
sltlon. It was then submitted to a voto
nnd rejected very stroncly by n voto
of, I think, over threo to ono and tho
majority comprised most of tho strong
men of tbo convention such men ns
Woodward, SerRcant Forward and oth
ers. Tho convention passed oir nnd
nothing moro wns dono. At tho session
of tho lcglslnturo In 1S39 tho Governor
of tho Commonwealth called nttcntlon
In hlsJIcssnco to tho subject of elector
al reform. IIo pointed out to tho two
houses that ex tensive changes bad be
come necessary In our election laws by
reason of tho amendments to tho Con
stitution. Ho pointed out tho fact that
oxtensivo frauds had taken placo at
elections In various parts of tho Com
monwealth, nnd, In short, tlmt our elec
toral systom had fallen under reproach
and needed radical amendment. l)u
ring tbo courso of tho session Jlr. Sena
tor Urown of Philadelphia county,
turned his attention to this subject, and
in a cominittco of conference upon tho
general election bill of that year ob
tained tho Insertion substantially of
tho proposition which bad been advoca
ted by Mr. Earlo In tho Constitutional
Convention tho year boforo, nnd for
which Mr. Brown himself had voted,
ho being a member of that Convention.
Well-, sir, that proposition will bo found
among our stntutcu ns onoof tho leading
nnd ono of tho most Important ami
useful provisions of tho election net of '39.
It provides that each voter, nt tho tlmo
when election ofllcers nro to bo choson,
shnll voto for but ono person for Inspec
tor of elections during tbo coming year
unit that tho two cutullilutcs liljjhmt jn
voto bhall bo declared elected. Then
follows a provision that each inspector.
so chosen, shall appoint n clerk. Tho
juilfro of tho election, tho only addition
nl olllcer, Is chosen under tho old nlan
of tho majority voto. That was In 1S39
and it Is to bo noted that upon debato
this reform was carried In Ilia Henato
by a voto of only fifteen to cloven.
Hut this law as to tho manner of
choosing election ofllccis has continued
to tho present time, a periotl of over
thirty years, and It is well known that
It Is most bitlutary in operation and
most satisfactory to tho people. I do
not know what tho wliolo nuinlmr nf
election districts in tho Stato is nt tho
present tlmo; in 1S3S tlio number a lit
tle exceeded ono thousand. I suppose
tho number now exceeds two thousand,
nnd It bappciiB under this law that In
nlneteen-twentleths of the election dis
tricts of tho" Commonwealth, each of
tho two political partiss into which our
neoplo aro ordinarily divided, lias nn
Inspector in tho election board, and nl.
o n clerk, nud that tho majority has
ll. 1, til- If Ij (I.Ij .......IV .
tliu jmif;!.-. kjn, .i. ia mis lUWVlSllin 01
tho law that ha3 preserved our elections
from degeneracy iintl Ulsjraco. If It
wero recalled from our stattto book.and
wo should apply to tho cholco of elec
tion olllcers our ordinary plan of voting
we might expect an enormous Increaso
of fraudulent voting throughout tho
Stato, with consequent degenorucy of
our polltlcul system, nnd to a great ox
tent discredit would bo east upon tho
political institutions under which wo
Somo years since, complaint beimn to
bo mado in various parts of tho Stato
mat jurymen wero not lairiy selected
by county commissioners and sheriffs
to whom tho law committed their selec
tion. In somo eountlos they wero ta
ken, it was alleged, exclusively from
tho majority party in tho county tho
county commissioners nnd sheriff rep
resenting tho majority nnd selecting
lliclr political mentis almost exclusive
ly, from year to year. Appeals wero
mado to tho Legislature, and soverol
local acts wero passed for particular
counties.provldlng n now arrangement,
nn election by tlio peoplo of two Jury
commissioners In tho same manner in
which inspectors of election nro chosen
under tno election act oi ix t many
tho Governor recommended tho exten
sion of this plan to tho wliolo Common
wealth. Tins recommendation was
made, I believe, by Govornar Curtln.
A gonoral statuto was passed and ap
proved by Governor Goary In April,
ib7, nppiying tins pian oijury com
missioners to tho wliolo Stato, mid ev
ery Senator present is familiar with It.
Slnco that tlmo throughout tho Stato
wo havo had elections for those oillcors
upon tho plan of tho limited voto. Tlio
statuto assigns to president judges somo
duties In connection with tho Jury com
mlssloners. In many of tho Judicial
districts tho prosltlent Judges declined
to act or did not net lor soma tlmo alter
tho law wns passed. They thought, and
I supposo thought properly, that they
ought to havo uo part in tho selection
of tho gentlemen who wero to eorvo In
their courts ns jurymen ; mat it was a
duty which ought not to bo charged
upon them, becauso It was'to somo ox
tout Inconsistent with their ludiclal du
ties and with that ontlro Independence
which ought to exist between thojutlgo
nnd Jury who nro to try tho disputes
and differences of tho citizen.- Hut
presently it cuuio to bo understood that
in all cases under that law Jurymen
wnulil ho divided onunllv between po
litical parties j that in n county whero
thcro wns nearly a two-inirus majority
tbo minority would havonnetiual num
ber, which seemed unfair: nnd bo, from
tlmo to tlmo appeals havo been mado
to president juuges to tauo part ami ns
Hist their political friends to cot their
full sliaro, orporhops tnoio than their
sharo of Jurymen.
Ono of tho president Judges described
to mo thopcribrmancoon ono occasion
when ho llrst attended to select Jurors.
It was In a countv with tho inhabitants
of which ho was not very familiar, ho
having previously resided In nn adjoin
ing county! but ho was told that ho
must assist In filling tho wheel and ho
did so. Ho found Domocrntlo and n
itunubllcnn Jury commissioner sitting
ono on each sido of n table, nud each of
them wllli a hat full of names. Tho
proceeding was after this fashion : The
Democratic commissioner reached into
his lint and took out n nnmo, nnd put it
into tho box or wheel; tho Republican
commissioner did thosamo from his hat,
nnd then thojudgc, who happenod to bo
n Hcpuhllcnn, readied Into tho Repub
lican's hat nnd took out n nnmo nml put
It into tho wheel j nnd nt tho end or this
proceeding thojudgo did not know asln-
glo namo that ho had put Into tho wheel,
but the duty chargod upon him under
tho law had been nfler n fashion, ills-
What ought to havo been dono In 1807?
Why, I Insist that tho bill which Is lying
upon vour table, and which was Intro.
duced early in tho session, ought to
havo passed instead of tho Jury com
missioner net. That provides that lu
tho election of county commissioners
nil tho voters of n county shall bo ena
bled to represent themselves by their
own votes j that In all ordinary cases,
tho m.ijorlty shall bo enabled to elect
two commissioners ami tho minority
one, nnd then that tho board, so mndo
up, shall bo charged with this duty of
selecting Jurymen, ns formerly. Wo
wouiii, uy inntnrrnngcment, no enabled
to dlspono with two unnecessary ofll
cers tho Jury commissioners and wo
would also bo enabled to dlspenso with
this clumsy provision in relation to tho
participation nf president IikIlt-s in tho
selection of jurymen. Wo would havo
tno pcopio ntiriy represented in courts
of Justlco whonovcr Issues of fact were
to bo tried, nnd ovcry object designed
to bo obtained by tlio net of 1887 would
do ituiy accomplished. That iy tno
way, Is only ono of tho advantages, ns
I think, of this countv commlss oner
bill which Is upon your flics. Hut I
proceed. At tho last session tho two
houses of tho Legislature passed ten or
twelvo local bills, ot my instance, ap
plying reformed voting to certain muni
cipal electlonsln thocountios of Colum-
uin and .Northumberland. A proposition
nnd nrrangomoht which you hnvo In
tho third section of tho pending bill In
relation to boroughs, was applied to
tho ciL'lit boroughs In Northumberland
county, to tho town of Hloomshttrg nnd
tho borough of Berwick In Columbia
county, and to two poor districts In
thoso counties. Substantially, tho freo
voto was applied to them and it has
had successful operation.
This constitutes tho legislation which
has heretofore been had In this particu
lar lino of reform. At tills session tho
Senate has passed a bill applying the
ireo voto to tno cuoico oi directors oi
common schools, and now It Is asked to
p.iss this bill In relation to tho election
of councllmen of boroughs throughout
tho Commonwealth. Tho provision Is,
that In all boroughs Incorporated under
or pursuant to general laws, nnd in nil
boroughs horetoforo established by
special acts which may coino under tho
general laws, thoro shall bo six council
men, and In selecting them each voter
may dlstrlbtito or concontrato his six
votes nccordlng to his own judgment
without legal restraint. Now, com
paratively described, this provision
nmounts to this: That, whereas tho ex
isting law, after assigning to tho voter
his six votes compels him to distributo
them singly among six candidates, this
bill will withdraw that limitation nnd
allow him to distribute them according
to his owu judgment, without logal
eomnhUlon. Now. sir. tho fundamen
tal princlplo of our government is that
men, or nt least American men, arc
competent to self-government. Our
system is said to bo a sjstem of .'elf
government that tho citizen is ablo to
cliooso and determine for himself In nil
matters of discretion whero stroifg rea
sons of public interest do not Interposo
to demand legal regulation. Whit tho
supporters of this bill ask, Is not that
tho law shall bo extended, not that logal
regulation shall bo increased, not that
tho law-making power shall interfere
nnd do moro than It has hcretofuro dono,
hut that it shall withdraw Itself from
tho citizen, nnd nllow him n larger
measuro of freedom nnd of choice. In
strict nccordanco with tho fundamental
principles of our government.
Now, sir, what objections nro thero to
this? Why tho Senntor from Qreono
IMr. PonMANl tho other day wont ovor
somo of thoso that may naturally occur
to a candid and reasonable mind upon
first approaching this subject. Ho stated
them, nnd ho stated them in n fair nnd
proper manner, suggesting tho lino of
argument which it Is necessary lor mo
to pursue in vindication of this bill.
IIo sul'-'chIs that If this plan of vol Inn
wero applied to tlio cholco of members
of Congress thcro would bo no district
ing of this or any other Stato j that tho
mcmnors woum do ciectca uy general
ticket throughout tho wliolo Common
wealth ; and ho seemed to apprehend
that thcro would bo somo difficulty In
executing such n plan. To this I mako
two replies: I say, In tho first place,
that tho districting of States is not at
all Incompatible) with this plan of vo
ting j it comports with It perfectly.
You mlghthavoaplannf plural though
not of single districts. Hut thcro would
bo no difficulty ifniombors wero elected
uy general ticuet in tno wnoio state.
Keprcscntatlou of different localities
in tho Stato oven, could bo easily secur
ed. Tho reasons for this opinion I havo
stated upou another occasion.
Again, tho Senatorseoms to supposo
that it Would bo necessary, if this plan
of voting were applied to tho choice of
members of tho Legislature, that tho
Stato should bo divided Into four Sena
torial districts for tlio cholco of Sonators,
and Into four Representative districts
for tho cholco of representatives. Well,
sir, 1 never heard that suggestion bo
foro. It never oecurroil to mo that such
arrangement would bo selected If this
plan wero applied. Tho senator win
find, by referring to tho presont Consti
tution or tno stato or Illinois, that it
provides that each Senatorial district in
that Stato shall select threo representa
tives upon tho plan of tho freo voto.
Tho result is that in that Stato tho Leg
islature will form flfty-ono Senatorial
districts, and then their duty of appor
tioning members nf tho Legislature wll
bo concluded. Ilv tho Constitution.
whllo each Senatorial district chooses
ono member of tho also choos
es threo mombors of tho House, and
each voter may glvo his threo votes to
one, two or threo candidates for ropro
sentatlve, so that tho majority will
hnvo two ami tno minority one. rrou.v
blv. ns tho result, tho Democratic repro
scnlation In northern Illinois will bo
arere v ncrcascd. win o In southern
Illinois tbo Republican voters will bo
emancipated , tlioy will send thelrshato
oi meniiiera to tno iegisiaturo. xnm
caso Illustrates tb6 manner In which
Stato may bo districted, or in which
ronresenmiivcs to tno jjec siniuro may
bo chosen by districts under this plan uf
ir tno senator nan re erreti to jur.
Mcdlll's amendment, introduced Into
tliU til 11U11 Ul Allllll.a, IVIW
enco to tho election of Senators, ho
would havo ascertained that n very con
venient inetnoti count novo neon ap
plied to their election by tho freo voto,
Tho Senator's HUgirestluu of tills ill ill
culty about districts reminds mo of
what occurred In 18U9. About tho month
of October, of that year. I hud occasion
to address n gcntlemnn In tho Stato of
Illinois, and mentioned to him this sub-
lect of reformed voting ns ono that
would possess Interest for their conven
tlon which was soon to meet' Ho nn
swercd by saying that he did not sco
how they could possibly nnnly such n
plan to tho election of members of tlio
Legislature. (Their Legislature was to
no composed oi iiiargoiiuuiueroiincni
ucrs: as it meets on v
ovcry second
year, tlioy can very well afford to havo
largo uumucrs in each llouso : tnero nro
advantages, or supposed advantages, In
largo nutn tiers or members in legisla
tive bodies.) Ho did not sco, ho could
not understand how n plan of roformed
voting could bo applied tn Mm r-hnlco of
flfty-ono Sonators, nnd to tho cholco of
ono Hundred nnd lirty-threo Representa
tives. Ho was at that tlmo laboring un
der tho samo doubts which occurred to
tho Senator from aroetioMr.It;iur An.
Now, sir, that samo gentleman went
down to tho convention In Springfield
shortly afterwards, nnd mado a motion
to appoint n commlttco on electoral
and representative reform, of which ho
was mado chairman ; and ho wns the
leading man concerned In putting Into
tbo Constitution of the Stato tho very
provision In referenco to tho cholco of
representatives to which I havoroferred,
and ulso other Important provisions
applying thosamo plan to tho election
of tlfrectors of incorporated companies,
and to tho election of Judges In tlio city
of Chicago. This supposed difficulty of
districting n Stnto for tho purposo of ap
plying a reformed plan of voting In leg
islative elections Is qulto illusory. Dis
tricts to which this plan shall ho oppll
cabloaro moro easily mado than districts
in ordinary apportionment laws, nnd If
wo wero compelled, under tho Consti
tution, to so district our Stnto that nil
tlio pooplo should havo representation
by tills plan of voting, wo would not
havo as mueh difficulty ns wo havo now
under our present system of gerryman
dering nnd disfranchisement. Let mo
say to tho Senator that wo get rid of tho
great difficulty nnd o vil of gerrymander
ing by tho freo voto ; wo cut it up by
tho roots, or, at lenst, wo rcduco it to
it's smallest dimensions.
Tlio Senator says tho majority should
rule. Well, that is true. Mr. Jefferson
said so that absoluto acrju'lcsconco In
tho will of tho majority, fairly pro
nounced, was a vital princlplo of our
system, or one, nt lenst, which must bo
nppliod nud carried out constantly, or
our experiment of freo government
would ontl in failure. To that I nssent
most fully. Hut Mr. Mill long ago
pointed out tho fact that tho majority
vote, ns hcretoforo existing in Groat
Britain and in tho United States, does
not secure tho will of tho majority
that, In point or fact, tho rulo which
wo get rrotn It, us wo apply it, Is n rulo
or tho majority of tlio majority, or often
of n small portion only of tho pcoplo.
In tho llrst place, at tho popular elec
tions you counf out all tho minority
voters j you counter nllow only major
ity votes and put nsldo tho
part of tho peoplo, then, nro virtually
disfranchised i they havo no further
voice in tno government boyond tho
giving of fruitless votes, which, after
uiiuis Dtunu uunii, urn in eiiect scored
out ugaln. Thon tho representatives
so chosen, meet In n loslshiH
and when any measuro or policy Is to bo
voted upou, thomajority rulo Is applied
again, aud the minority it th 14 lnirlbln.
tlVO body ilfUOred : SO that llin muinrltv
of tho legislative body pronounces tho
ruiu ui itiw ior uio citizen,
Besides, In practice In this rotintrv.
legislative majorities, upon all measures
ui u iiuuuoui ciiarncter nt least, and
many others, net under a system of con
sultation that Is, under what wo call
tho caucus rulo. Tho representatives of
uiu inujuruy in mo represontntlvo body
meet together, nnd subject their wills to
uiu ucciMun uiumojority orthemselves;
mid that caucus decision, concoctaland
settlod in secret, becomes tho law or tho
state, tiio caucus is In tho third do
greo removed rrotn tlio people.nnd thero
uro threo eliminations or popular power
before tho law is enacted. Thereforo I
s.ty you do not necessarily securo tho
rulo Of tlio millOritV under vnnr mnlnr.
IIV VOle. becauso tllll tnnlnrltv nfllin
legislative body, mado up as I have do
scribed It, and acting as It docs, may
vuiy iin.i.-iy rupnuum oniy n minority
of tlio peoplo out of doors, and such, in
iiuiui. ui iiici, 13 irequentiy tne caso.
Under reformed voting what do you
got? ou do not destroy votes given at
tho popular elections ; you count tliem
nil: you tako them nnd then resneet
them ; you consider thorn its sacred and
Inviolate and irl vo to them rull find mm.
pleto effect. And what is tho rmult
Substantially that all tho electors aro
roprecntoit and obtain duo volco nnd
Inlltionco In tho enactment of tho laws.
Then. In tho legislative bmlv vmi Imvn
all tho peoplo represented. Each voter,
except In ruro cases, has his representa
tive in placo on whoso attention holms
a claim ami to whom ho can speak as to
a friend. Thcro Is thorough representa
tion ; all your pcoplo aro heard. How
widely different is tho caso now? and
becauso it is different this evil nf Incnl
or prlvato legislation is beginning to bo
exclaimed against nil over .tho Stnto j
nnd If you tlo nottakostup3 to correct
It, thcro will be n move nont or popular
power that will reach over you nnd be
yond you, nntl through t chango or tho
lunuamentai law win eitoetuully correct
tho ovll.
Tlio rulo of tho'jr tv ! I apron to
tho princlplo j wo prnpoio to apply it in
this bill. Wotukolliuvotolntho leg
islative body, nnd thero, tho will of tho
majority Is uniiioiiriatelv nrnnniim-nd
and it can bo properly pronounced no
where else. It will tako effect with a
sanction that it does not now possess.
becauso when ull tho people havo been
nearu in mo enactment oi n law or rcg-
uiuiiuii, iney win very iiueiy uo satis-
tied with It ; and besides, thero will bo
greater security for tho fairness nnd
wisdom of such lawor regulation In the
luuur consideration to winch It will uo
Tho Senator says that under this plan
of voting all tho little sldo parties of tho
country would bo represented and heard.
As It Is now under tho old majority
voto they aro kept out of Congress, out
of Legislatures and out or other posl
Hons in tho Government. Becauso thoy
aro a small number in any given con
stituency you nppi v to tnem tho ma on-
iy vuiu, nun you extinguisu tnem or
push them away from tho high places
of power, and do not allow their voices
to uo ncurn thcro. Tho Senator seems lo
think this is an ad vantage ; ho seems lo
think It was proper lu tho case of tho
abolitionists who wero continually ro.
russeu uy tno control and discipiinop of
tno uiu puiuicai parties, aim wero Kept
down in that way. Ho might .havo
extended his remark to tho South and
navo said that union men thero wero
kept out of tlio local Logisturos, and
kept out of Congress, by the discreet
noniinng oi mo majority voto in tho
hands of tlio extrcmo loaders of tho
South. Tho minority olemonts In tho
niortn itim oomn wero Kent down hv
tho majority voto j but, sir. you did not
destroy tho flro of sectionalism by your
repression; It burned nnd glowed
underneath thr hollow avsinm nr .-r,,.r
innjorityo until It burst out Into nn un
controllablo llarao In which wo wero all
luvoiveu. now would It havo been, If,
instead or repressing them, you had al-
lunuu wt'iii iu uo representeu in propor
tion to tholr niimbcrsund allowed every
body In tho country to see tho growth
of opinion and your stotesmen to pro.
lmu onuuiira uguinst ur ilUl you
pushed that danger out or sight as much
as posslblo and shut your eyes to It us
long as you could. Nevertheless it was
Irroprosslblo ; In splto of your majority
voto the war camo aud ran Us tcrrilic
course for four years.
How is It? Here, you havo n small
body of men In a Stnto, wIiobo slnglo
issue, whoso single object Is very Im
portant to them, so that they will vote
with roferenco to It ns tho nbolltlonlsts
did. They mnko their single Isstio supe
rior to alt others that engage tho pub
lic mind. Afterntlmo thoy get strength
enough to hold tho balance of power
botweon parties, ns tho abolitionists did
In many Stntos. When thnv trot to that
stngoof growth what do thoy do? Thoy
say to n polltlcul party, "do our work
and wo will glvo you power ; afllllato
yourselves with us nnd you shall trl
umpnj repel us, reject us, and you go
Inton minority or romaln In a minority
In tho State: vour Icadlntr men will hn
struck down at nil elections." Why, In I
Massachusetts, tho Democrats nlllcd
themselves with. tho freo soil clement
nnd elected Charles Sumner to the
Senate of tho United Slates; thatelo-
merit noid tno bainnco or power, nnd
tho Democracy wero seduced into that
net of roily.
tiio wnig party in Mtnto nner stato
was scducod into a slmlar sort or nl-
llanco subsequently, until It became
utterly debauched and eventually gavo
up Its own organization and took n creed
In which this balanco-or-power porty
hud Its cholco principles Inserted, and
thus tho movement went forward until
war came. I Insist, then, that tho best
thing you can do, In order to secure the
pcaco of tho country, is to give nil your"
citizens Just representation In tho gov
ernment. If I had tlmo I would go on
nnd prove, as I think I could, that our
late war would never navo occurred ir
thcro had boon nn honest, fair and wlso
system of electoral action In this coun
try it an tno peoplo had been enabled
to represent themselves thoroughly In
government by their own votes, after
tno lasmon or upon tno princlplo oi n
frco-hantlctl and lust cicrclso of their
electoral power.
inero was ono other point or objec
tion mentioned by tho Sonator from
Grceno Mr. I'onMAN, to which I must
refer. It wns that In coses that might
nrlso under this bill, thero would bo
greater opportunities or facilities for
corruption than under tho former plan
oi voting f'tiiiac a corrupt man or ono
desirous or corrupting electors, when hn
purchased n voter, would get his wholo
six votes Instead or getting but ono
vote, nnu mat tnero tno tendency oi
this now plan would bo to Increaso cor
ruption Instead or diminishing it. Lot
mo answer this point by n few figures.
Tho town of Bloomsburg polled In
18G8, six hundred nnd forty-six votes for
President, of which Seymour had throo
hundred and twenty-nlno and Grant
threo hundred and seventeen, being n
Democratic minority or twetvo votos.
That town elects six members of n town
council under tlio plan of reformed
voting. Upon tho vote of 1808, throo
Democratic town counciim6n would bo
elected, each receiving six hundred and
fifty eight votes, and tltrco Republican
councllmen would bo elected, each re
ceiving six hundred and thirty-four
votes that is, each party can obtain
threo of tho six ns a matter of course
under this plan of voting, and voting as
tho neonlo do In that town, tho politi
cal canuidatos would have the respective
numbers wutcn l mentioned, supposo
n volunteer candidate desires to inter
rupt tho regular course of an election In
that town, nud proceeds to debauch
voters In order to appropriate tholr
votes to himself. If ho takes his votes
from tho majority or tho Democracy of
tho town, he is required in order to suc
ceed to purchase eighty-three voters ; If
lromtno minority ho mustobtain eighty;
if ho obtains his voles cauallv from both
parties, it would bo necessary for him to
get ninety-two voters ; it no is to outain
his votes In that corrupt manner as
against tho regular parties who run a
joint ticket, he must obtain ninety
threo votors. .Now, observe two things.
In tho tho first place, tho supposed cor
ruption or tho votor can only extend
to tho election or one councilman out or
six. The man who buys these voters
can only affect tho election to the extent
of ono-slxth of tho General result.
Again, in no ordinary casonna hardly
in any case, can ho be expected toobtaln
so many voters by corrupt or Improper
means. Tho number Is too great to be
seduced, particularly its they nro to be
taKen nwity from their narty allegiance
nntl turfy associations. Thov must
.break over party lines and desert their
party nominations in order to prnsii
tutu themselves to tho purpose uf the
volunteer. When you come to look Into
this point you tnusl perceive that tho
dangiT of seduction is Infinitely small
and worthy or but Ilttlo consideration.
What I havo alu-avs said nnd nnu- snv
is, that reformed voting reduces tiio
evil of corruption ut elections to its
minimum. Of courso it will not tako
hold or human naturo and chango it ; It
will not reorganize tho hearts or intel
lects of tho peoplo. I assign to it no
such complete renovating power; but
what I do insist upon is that it will ro
duco this evil of corrupting votors to Us
lowest possible nuantltv. or to uso tho
scientific term, to Its minimum.
xsow, tauo tno old n an of vottnu fn
the samo town and with tho samo voto
given to each party respectively. Sup
poso this volunteer wants to elect him
self by corrupt moans. What has ho to
doV Supposo another caso ; supposo ho
desires to defeat somo man nominated
by tno ma or tv : ho has somo nrlvato
Job of ills own;' ho wants a street laid
out through ins property or wants n
street closed, or water works established;
uu ucHires somuiuing uono mat win pro
uaoto his Interests, nnd alms to defeat n
certain candidate to that end. What
has ho to do? Huy thirteen majority
voters nnd it is dono! Thero is n ma
jority of twelvo In this caso In tho caso
toKen. no has only to corrupt thirteen
men and his object will be accomplished.
Under tho majority voto thirteen taken
from tho majority will chango tho ro
suit or tho election, and ho may easily
draw off that small number ns a volun
teer. Supposo again, that this man is a
member of tho minority in tho town,
and ho desires to bo olocted to tho coun
cil for somo solflsh purposo ; ho says to
his parly friends, nominate mo nnd
I will spend monev enoutrhon thlselec.
tlon to securo my success, and not onlv
my own but also tho success of flvo
other candidates to ho nlnecil nn nur
ticket, and wo will tako away from tho
uppusuu puny meir wnoio representa
tion iu tlielocal leL'isIntiirn
His party friends nssent ; tho ticket of
six is muuo up as proposed, tno proposer
himself being ono. What has ho to do
untier tno majority voto in order tn
elect himself and his colleagues? Huy
sovon votes only I Tho Democratic ma
jority in tno town Is but twelvo. Can
not seven or moro looso voters bo found
In any party out of a total of two or
mrco n u n u red
Hesedueessnven vnti'rs.
and ho puts hlmscf Into tho council w ith
collenguis to assist him lu his ulterior
designs, ir thoy nut the town in debt,
you cannot holp ft; ir they persecuto
their political enemies In l do town, tho
Injustlco must bo borno; a Ilttlo monoy
in tho hands of a baso man lias secured
immunity to the evil. Such elections as
this aro occurrim; continually through
out tho Stnto lu boroughs and other
municipalities, under tne majority voto.
Under the freo voto In Hloomsburtr vou
must seduce eighty to a hundred men
In order to effect tho cholco of council.
mon to tho extent of ono member In six!
Under the old plan seven corrupted
voters may change tho wholo election.
nut tnero is nn additional consider
ntlon, Tho party nssnilcd by tho cor
runt schema lust mentioned i-nirirs In
getlierandKay." "Aro wo to bocheated?
No 1 Wo huvo money ulso. Wo must
ngni nro with lire.'" Ann so both
parties Bpcnu monoy on tno election,
year by year this evil goes on and in
creases. Your political svfltem Is hn.
coming cankered nt tho very core, nml
gentlemen stnnd hero liwltntlntr and
One Inch, (twelve lines or Its equivalent in
Nonpareil type)' one or two insertions, 11.60 ,
l-Ac. IK, 2M,
Oiielnch.......l2.M 13,00 K,00
Twolnches.,60 6,00 7,00
Three Inches.. 5,00 7,00 ,O0
Four Inches..,, 7 00 0,00 11,00
QuarUr column., 10,00 13,00 11,00
Ilalfcolumn 15,00 1,00 0)00
One column 30,00 M,M 0,00
eu. It.
19,00 110,00
00,00 100,00
Executor', or Administrator'. Notice, 13.00,
Auditor's or Assignee'! Notice, UO.
Local notices, ten cent a lino.
Cards In the"BnslnMiDlrcclory" column, I J.00
per year for the first two lines, and 11.00 for each
additional line.
doubting whothcr olectorlal reform Is
necessary, and whothcr ft man who talks
for It and works for It Is not a little vis
ionary or at least somewhat ahead of
tho times.
Thcro Is another thing that is some
times done. Coalitions nro common ;
wo havo what aro called "Citizen's,' "
"Pcoplo's" or "Union'' tickets sot up.
Thov nro very well In somo cases, but
aro often set up In tho Interest of some
man. nr nf a few. A man of tho ma
jority la offended at what his party has
uone; pcrnapsinoy navo uono nun Hom
ing but sheer justice; they havo declined
to put him Into olllce, and ho has n
dozen men subject to his Influence, or
ho hns money, and ho goes to tho oppo
site party---tho minority nnd ho Bays
to them, "1'ut mo on your ticket, and I
will elect it.1' Or If ho docs not ask to
bo put upon the ticket himself, ha nsks
that somo personal friend of his shall
bo put on, nnd that rrfedges shall be
51 ven In favor of something ho wnnts
one.' Then by turning over a small
number of voters from his own party
to tho other, tho coalition is mado to
I insist, thereroro, that tlicso points or
objection, or of doubt rather, in refer
ence to tills now plan, do not condemn
it or render its adoption unwiso or im
proper. Mr. U. proceeded to speak upon tho
application of reformed voting In tho
choice of delegates to nominating bodies,
and particularly to county conventions,
describing tho various plans upon which
such bodies wero chosen, nud .Insisted
that tho samo remedy which would
purify nnd Improvo tho legal elections
should bo oxtended to tho voluntary or
primary ones also. Ho strongly con
demned tbo Crawford county plan of
nomination, nnd oxnressod his prefer
ence for that recently adopted In tho
county of Columbia, under which thcro
was representation of election districts
In proportion to their party vote, and
complete freedom to tho electors In cast
ing their votes for delegates. Ho con
cluded by stating that ho regarded tho
bill under consideration as a step In tho
courso of reform as ono well calculated
to have a considerable effect In the Im
provement of municipal government
and to familiarize tho pcoplo with a now
but effectual nnd necessary plan for tho
renovation of popular elections.
in senate, juarcn aa, mi. Agreea
bly to order the Sennto resumed tho
third reading and consideration of
Senato bill entitled An act fjr tho fur
ther regulations of boroughs.
Mr. liUOICALEW. Sir. Speaker, if
any gentleman desires to make remarks
upon tins bill x win give place to mm :
If not, I deslro to say a few' words and
then have' tho voto taken. I desire to
explain that this bill docs not apply to
any borough In tho Stato established by
special law. It only applies to thoso
mat nave uecn or may ue incorporated
under tho net oi its.ii, or mo prior act or
1831. Nor apply, in many cases,
where, by special legislation, particular
arrangements" havo been made In bor
oughs for the selection of councllmen.
Thero aro a largo-number of laws which
provide, for Instance, that whero thero
are two, throo or moro wards, each ward
shall bo entitled to elect a member of
council, or more members than one, for
one, two or throe year terms; so that It
often happens that only one councilman
Is voted for by tho samp body of elec
tors. This bill does 'not disturb such
arrangements or affect tho manner of
voting in such coses. It applies only to
thoso boroughs which exist under gene
ral laws, nnd to thoso' hereafter estab
lished or brought under those laws.
I desire to add another explanation,
nnd that Is, that this plan of voting Is
very different from that proposed by
Mr. Hare, In n work of somo celebrity
puuiisncu by him. lie proposes a plan
of porsonnl representation by means of
E referential voting, ns it is caned, aud
o announces his lending object to bo to
emancipate the voters from thodomina-
non or control or party organization ; to
enable them to voto without reforencu
to thoso nssoclations heretofore known
lu Great Britain nnd In this county as
p inticai parties, i am opposed to his
pUu: and I deslro It to bo distinctly un
derstood that tho freo voto points to an
object quite different from his. This
pian now ueioro us, assumes tno exis
tence In political Bocloty of political
tics, and it assumes thnt thev will cxUt
herosfter. It is simply n proposition by
which political parties can represent
themselves conveniently and Justly by
their own votes. It does not strike at
or affect party organization. In ruct.
Mr. Speaker, I ngroo entirely with the
malnportlon or tho argument submitted
by yourself to tho Senato tho other even-
Ing.-ln which It wns insisted that po
litical parties wero a nccossltv in freo
governments at least that thoy wero
Inovltablo whereovor freco play was per-
iiiuiuu ui tno pniiioai activity Of tho
citizen. This doctrlno was laid down
by Mr. Madison porhap? as brlelly anil
clearly ns It over was, In tho forty-ninth
number of tho IWeralisl in whilh he
said that "nn extinction of partus
uccessarily Implies cither a universal
alarm for tho public safoty, or an abso-
iuio extinction oi liberty." .now, sir, l
think that reformers who. in tho present
stago of civilization look to political
arrangements Independent or party
organization, must necessarily bo
visionary nnd their schemes Imiiracil.
capable; and I am one of tho last men
who would assent to tho adoption of an v
new system based upon their Ideas. 'I
tako political parties as I And them: I
iuru poiim-ai society, uiviueu funda
mentally upon great government Issues,
and I assumo that so- long as freo play
is iiuriiiuiiHi iu mo numan mind in po
litical affairs thero will bo parties,
and gHvernraent must bo organized
and administered with reference to
them, nnd that nil attempts based
upon an assumption that it is possi
ble to conduct public affairs with
out parties, Is Idlo and vain; in fine,
mai nu attempts based on that idea
must result in eompleto nnd disastrous
failure No such object has been pro-
Eosed by persons In this county, or
oyond tho ocean, who have supported
this plan or tho freo voto or cumulative
vlllng. All they proposo is to put into
tho hands or political parties an Instru
ment by which 1icy can act Justly at
elections, by which .they can obtain for
themselves fair share of power by
their own votes, by. which it will bo
Impow'hlo for thorn to tako from their
relow citizens any portion of political
rower which belontrs tothetn: bv whlr-h
tho Principle or pnmlillnr. f nsi I roll lit
shall bo extracted from elections, nud
by which tho motive for spending
money in oruor to obtain tho majority
ui I'li-uiiuus sunn uu iiiKou away,
T . 1. 1 I- . I. ! I . 1 1 .
I think this explanation wns dun to Urn
Scnute, and to thoso who pay attention
to our ueDuteu, uccnuso somo distrust or
question has been created in tho minds
oi gentlemen who imagine that tho
new plan proposed iero' is Identical or
similar iu princlplo to tho reform pro
posed by Mr. llure. which Is so coninli.
cated, o Intricate, and so far beyond tho
convenience-oi political society thnt
there is good renson for opposition to It,
or at least for distrusting It as. an expe
dient In tbo management of elections.
Mr. Speaker, I shall not pursue tho
discussion of this subject any further, as
It seems to bo admitted that this partic
ular bill is but a reasonblo experiment
a rcaeouablu experiment by which tho
merits nnd true chnrnbter o! this plan of
voting can boufcertnlncd and settled bo
foro tlio people.
Mr., WiiiTK nnd Mr. Ostkuhotjt
then nddris.'td tho Senato brltlly lu
support of tbo bill.
Tho bill then pnsscd ns follows;