Humorous. Tlio Slung of Onr Tho Blnns ol ont ilnjr In n tnztlo, Invented by lt, wlio in tollt A drink li "imlle, or n gaiiite," A wlnill l merely n "lell." One tell, yon n tdle yon cun't ".waller," He tolls yon "by thunder" 'til truej Yon bet dim your Uit "bottom dollnr," "ny thnnder" that', all you tin d TbeyMkyonhow (roe.ltf" on meeting, 'Take car. of your.elf," I. adieu They nbtltnto "beating'' for ehtallnj, And .ometlme, combine both the two. If foollih, "your bead l.n't level," Or, may bo, "your lieadlin't clean" aylnii,"KO to the devil," They tell you "walk off on your ear." To pralo you they say "your a bully!" Pur lioneat they nickname you 'qnarc," Although pleoaed to understand fully, Thero'a not many that way, "I airear." While robbing they call 'going through you,' And "go for him," moan, anuttack. When financial trouble come to you, They .ay, "Oh, he', up on hi back." "Fmll oll"l. the new name forwhlsky, "Spondullx" cojnomen for pelf, "You'voboeu there," whon chargod ai too frlikyt Well, "You know bow 11 1. yourself." And If a reproof you ehonld offer, They tell you ' 'that la quite played," Hay, walk orf you "big, dirty loafer," Or a largo "Mansard roof" will be made. Then .ometlmes you'ro ' oornercd" or "eu cliered," That Is, If you got lna"lxi" They call you "galoot" II untutoro i la every galoot'a knavish tricks. Thero are 'ThaVa what', the matter with Hannah," And "dead beats" on every Bide, If the "skunks" will not altorthelr manners, I don care a "cuss," "let 'cm slldo." To keep dry llvo on codfish. Waiting maids elderly spinsters. How was Jonah punished i Whaled Drawlnfr-room-apartmcntofn dentist Somcloycrs'quarrclscndwlthnsmack A stirring ad venturo brewing n bowl of punch. Maxim A poor man Is to bo avoided ho lacks principal. A doctor's motto 1 supposed to bo " patients and long suffering." A high churchman A Frenchman up lu a balloon. " A lass I am no more,'" as tho girl said when sho.was married. A Vermont man who lately trlcd to Btarvo out disease, had n funeral at tho liouso of Ills widow. Tho Bessemer process of making steel Is said to havo added $1,000,000,000 to tho wealth of Great Britain. Every plain girl has ono consolation though not a pretty young lady, sho will, If sho lives, bo a pretty old tmc. i "Setting a man-trap'' Is tho titlo giv en to a picture of a pretty young lady arranging her curls at a mirror. A Chicago widow who has burled two husbands, insists that tho law of tho land entitles her to a third. An Illinois highway robber got forty cents from tho. victim nnd eight years irom mo juuge. ETTISO into debt, is HkO a molHO-j thousands by this ayalcni.aud can do bo ngnln. getting into n trap very easy going in, I Consumption Is us easily cured as any other dls linr nvtromolw ilHTlrmlt irnttlno nnr use If lustnlicn Intlme.mul the projierklud OUt CXiromeiy UllllCUlt getting OUt. u treBtment Is pursued, 'rho fact stlinds undls. "I have very llttlo respect for the tics of this world)" as tho 'chap said when tho ropo was put around his neck. Young women should set good exam ples, for tho young men nro always fol lowing them. Always do as tho sun does look ,at the bright side of everything ; it Is Just as cheap nnd thrco times as good for digestion. ''Wlmt have you to remark, madamo, nbout my singing?" said a gentloman to a lady. "Nothing, slr, replied tho lady, Its not remarkable." Thero is something to immitato even In tho uncivilized Chinamen They cole brato their holidays by paying their debts, forgiving their enemies, and "shaking hands all round." " Don't beat your carpets," says a humanitarian ; " try kindness and 11 r ill ness, nnd if that don't koopthem down, bend for a policeman and havo them taken up." Tho heathen Chinco is making whis key in California bv fer men tint: old rlco nnd rubber shoes and things, and tho revenue nconle aro after John. Tho whiskey made this way is much sought niter uy suiciues. " I havo this afternoon been nreach ing to a congregation of asses," said n conceited young parson. "Then thnt was tho reason you called them beloved uretnren," replica a strong-minticu laciy. "Mammy." said a littlo fellow.Just bit: enoui'li to cobblo douchnuts. but didn't likg to rock tho cradle of his baby brother, or whom no prorcsseu to bo very fond vcrv! "Mamravl iftheLord'sgotany raoro babies to give away, aowi you iai:e emi" Lord Dundreary has Just given his opinion with regard to that much vexed uut'Miun murriugu witu u uccuuscu wire's sister. I I think, ho says, mar rlago with n deceased wife's thlthter is very proper and very economical, UO' causo when a fellah marrlcth his do. thcathed wile's thlthter, he ho hath oniy ono motner-in law. Humous oy the EcAFroi.n. An Irifhman had been convicted of a rob bery ut tho Old Bailey sessions, for wliu-h he was brought up, with others, to receive thojudgemont of death. Tho prisoner, on being called on by tho oill tcr of tho court in tho usual way to do elaro what ho had to say why sentenco of death should not bo passed upon him, advanced to tho front of the deck, with a vacant stare, and Inquired : " What was tho question V" " You havo bfcen convlctcdof rohberv. What havo you to 'say why sentence of tieain suouiu not uo passed upon you according to law? " Faith," answered the prisoner, " I havo nothing much to say, except that I do not think I nra talo In y onr hands." Tho court laughed j sentenco was passed, and tbo prisoner was nbout to ictlre, when tho olllcer of tho court call ed him back and demanded to know ' his age. " Is It roy ago yo mano ? " " What is your ago ? ' " I bcllovo lam protty wcllasould as ever ll bo." Again tho wliolo court was convulsed with laughter; but tho wretched man, wh030 mirth-loving powers wero quite Involuntary, was doomed oven at tho scaffold to "set tho peoplo in a roar." In tho press-room his Irons were re moved, and his arms confined with cords. This being dono, ho seated him self, and in spite of tho calls of Jack Ketch and of tho shorlffs to accompany them In tho procession, clung to tho bench where ho had taken up his pod. tlon. "Come," at last urged tho hangman, " tho time has arrived." But tho Irishman would not move. "The officers aro waltinc for von." said the sheriff. "Can anything bo dono jor you, uoioro you quit mis world V" . No answer was returned. Jack Ketch grew surly. "If you won't go, I must carry you," uu sum. "Then you may," said tho prisoner, "for I'll not walk.'' " Why not?" innuired a sheriff. "I will not bo Instrumental to my own death," answered the prisoner, "What do you mean?" aked tho ordinary. " What do I mane? retorted thn linn, less man; "I mano that I'll not walk to my own destruction." And in this determination ho persis ted, and was carried to tho scnfftilil. whero bo was turned off, refusing to do uuyuiiiig which rnigiit do construtcd into "bis being a parly to his own death." Miscellaneous, Dlt. HOIIKNOK ADVISES CON humwiv1c8 to 00 to flo it ii) a in winti.u. JlftVlnirfof ttiolfil thlrtv.flvA t-r-nn devoted my whole llmeniul ntlcntlou to tlie study of ning umcasps ami coniumpuou. i reel mat 1 uu demand ruily the course that ought lo pursued to restore n tolerably bad caeof diseased lung to healthy soundness. The .Inland moUliu Hrtaiit step Is for the patient to avoid inklni cold, and tho boat of ull placed on this continent Tor tnU purpose in wlnteMs Florida, well down lu tho Htato, where the temperature 1 regular, nnd not subject to such variation as In moriJ INorthem latitudes. Palatlta Is n Hlnt I can re commend. A good hotel 1 kept there by Peter man, I,nst wittier 1 Haw several persons thero whoso lungs haa been badly diseased, but who. under tbenenling Influence of the climate and my medicines, were Kelt I tin well. One hundred miles further down the liver Is a point which 1 would prefer to 1'alalka, ai tho temperature Ismorecien and thoalrdry nnd bracing. Mellouvllleand lhilcrprlsenro locatctl there. I should Rive n decided preference to Mellonvllle. It Ji twinnlles Irom river or lake, and It acorn, almost itnpo,lble to take cold there. Tho tables in Florida might be bolter, nnd patients complain nl times but thnt Inn good sign, m It Indicates n return or appetite, nnd wneu tills is the case they generally incrrmso In lie i, And then the lung must heal. Jacksonville, Ullernla,Ureen Cove, and many other places In various parts or Florida, can bo safely recommended to consumptives In winter. My reasons for Buying no are that patients ate less llaule to take cold there than where there Is a less ttton temperature, and It 1 not necessary to say that where a consumptive) person exposes himself to frequent colds lie Is certain to dlo shortly. Theruiore ray ud vice Is, go well down into tho Blale out of tne reach of pervading cunt winds nnd fogs. Jacksonville, or almou any other of tho localities I have named, will be no lit those who are trim bled with t torn Id liver, a disordered stomach, deranged bowels, sore throat or cough, but for llioso whose luugsur diseosodnmore southern point Is earnestly ro commended. For tirteeu years prior tolSM, I was profession' oily In New York, lloslon, llalllmore and Phlla del p lila every week, where 1 saw nnd examined on an average five hundred patients a week A practice no extensive, embracing every possible pliaseof lungdUeasc,haseuabludme to under stand the disease ruliv. nnd hence, im oiutlon In regard to taking cold. A person may take vast quantities or "richenck's Pulmonic riyrup, Heuweud Tonic and MaudraRe Pills," und yet uiuu ueuoes uoi avoui laaing cotu. In Florldn.nearly every body is usingSchenck's Mandrake rills, for tho climate. Is more likely to produce bilious habits than more northern lati tudes. It Is a well established fact that natives oi Florida rarely die ol consumption, especially those ol the southern part. On the other hand, in New Kligtsnd,oue-inlrd.ntlcait,ofthe popu lation dlo of this terrible disease. In theMldlo States It docs not prevail so largely still there are many thousands of casos tlieiu. WmiL avast percentage of lire would be saved if cofcvimp lives weio as easily alarmed In regard to taking irt'su cum as iney are aooui neurit: i iu n nnr. Af. I tut iv urn tint. 'I'hnV tnlio what ttlCV term a little cold, willed they aro credulous euougu 10 uelievu Will wear on iu uiuw 'they pay no attention to it, and henco ltHiS the foundation lor another and another Hill, until tho lungs uro diseased beond ull hupo lor U LI Ut ilvadvlrn In tinmons whoso lutics nro alieCtet even slightly Is, to lay Innslook or Hchenck's i'ulmonlo Hyrup, hchenckseawcei Tonloaud Hvheuck's Mandrake l'lllsiind go to Florida. 1 recommend theso particular medlcluej because I am thoroughly acquainted with their action. I know that where tuey are used In strict accord ance with my directions they will do the wont tlut la required. 71ns accomplished, nature will do the rest, ihe pnyslclan wuo prescribes for cold, cough or ulaht-sweuU, and then advises thopattuut to wane orrltio out every day, will bo sure to have a corpse on his hands beforo ions. , Mvnlnn U lr irlvn mv three medicines, in 0C- cordauce wlh tbo primed directions, except in soma cases whero u freer use of the Maudiako I'lllsis uecoisary. My object is to glvotono to the stomach to yet uu a good iiupctue. It Is ul- wuysn good ulan when n pattern beglus togrow hJf.igry. I hones of such. With a rcliiu lor mod and the uratlileiiMou of that lellsh comes good blood, and with It mora Hesti, which is closely followed by a hcnllugof tho lungs. Then tne cougu loosens ami aoaie, inu cresHs iimn and clammy no longer prostrate nnd annoy, and the patluut &2ts Well, piovldeJ ne nvoius lauing com. . Now there nro many commmptHea wholmvo not tho means to go to Florida. The question maybe asked, Is lucre no nope for such? Cer tainly thero is. My advice to such is, and ever his been, to stoy in a warm room during tho winter, with n. tt-mnirntum nf nbout BQeiltV dt- giees, which should be kept regularly ut tint p ii i, uy means oi a iiiurumiuta-n kbuvu patient lake his exercise within tho limits of tho room bv walklni tin and down us much as hU I Mtrcuulh will permit, in order to keep up n ncauuy circulation or tne uiooo. i iiao curcu AisinUrako Tills, nnd Bcuwcid 'Ionic liavo cund very many of what seemed lo no hopeless cases of consumption, Uo where you will, you will bo almost cortaln to llnd bo mo poor consumptive wuo mis ut't'u rescueu jruin uiu vey jm bui unuu by their use. Ho inrns thn Mnmlrnko I'll In nro concerned. everybody bhould keep a supply of them on hand. They act on tho liver belter than calomel, and leave none of Us hurtful etlects behind In fact they are excellent In nil cases whero a pur gative medicine Is required, If you havo par tuScn too freely of fruit nnd dlarrhwa ensues, a doseol tho Mandrakes will euro ycu. If you uro subject to alcte headache, take a doio or tho Man dralceit And thov will relievo vou In two hours. ir you would obviate the effect of a change of water, or the too free tudutKcnco tu fruit, lake ono of ibo Mandrakes every night or every oilier nieiii. uuu you may iiieii uriiui. wuicr mm tui itULUIUlUIUU", )f4B, UlJ!ll"1, 111 U III B, !Clv:ill 3 Ul corn, without ihorlsk of being made slci by them. They will protect thoo who llvo In damp situations iifralnst chills nnd fevers. Try them. They are pcriectiy harmless. They can do jou Kood only. i nave aunnucneu my prnjesionm visua to ju.i- at my oUlco.No liji.HlXt'U Htreet, l'hlladcl ph la, every batu relay, from u A. M. to a P.M. Those who wish a thorough examination with the Ilcsplrometer will bo charged llvo dollars. The Ilcsplrometer declares tho exact condition oi me inniTH. nnii nniieiiiN run rtauuv lturu whetBer they are curable or cot Ilut I desire it distinctly understand that the value of rny medicines depends entirely upon tholr beln taken strictly according to aim tlODS. la conclusion, I will say that when persons take my medicines and their systcmsare brought Into n healthy couditton thereby, they are not so liable to take cold, yet no one with diseased lungs can bear u sudden change or atmosphoro without tho liability or greater or less lrrltuUou of the bronchial tubes. Full directions in all lanEuages accompany my medicines, bo explicit nnd clear that any one can use them without consulting me, and can bo bought from any drugnixi. J. II. HUUIiSCrC.M.D. No. 15 N Sixth Htrcct, Philadelphia. novll7Q-13t. AQENT3 Twelve Years aw Tho remarknble adventures of tho famous WHITE CUIKP and lllu WARRlOIlthe Red bklns. Thrilling acconuts of urwit IIuuU, Hairbreadth Kscopts aud Terrible Contests with the big game nnd host Ho tribes, Hpintcd descrip tions oi the habits and superstitions of that strauae people, Their yports, Ltat.Nns,TnAUi tions. How they Wconnd Wkh.hcau'.Doctok, Wortsmr, Ac, New, Prthh nnd Popular. 1'kick Low, It Is selling by tlio thousands with won derful rapidity. Agentd are making from S5" to SK0 per week. Choice Held yet vacimt Hend at once for sumplo chnplers, Illmilrntlons and par ticulars to A. 11. HUllilARl), 1'ublUliir, Jau2771-tf. 400Chtstiiutfat.,Phlla. I OO1 month: "g y All pcrconB.youngorold.deHlrlncemplny- g j jut-itt, ui i rum if .nit in i (i uiiii jiuiii'iti.ii u t DOLLARS PRIt MONTH, Khould oildress ? 2 lmmellately, op.Lit Ai ADY, Kol Manu M y facturers.Murhhall, Michigan, JiU.071.-iy -f- AT E W GOAL Y A R D. JLl Tun undersigned rtspectfully inform Iho citizens ot Rloomsbuig nnd Columbia county, that they keep all the diiloi en t numbers ofstove coal ana selected lump coal for smithing purpo ses, on their wharf, adjoining M'Kelvy. Noal A Uo'e Furnace; with a goal pair or RaUalo scales on the wharf,- to weigh teal, liny, and straw Likewise a horse ana wngon, to deliver coal to those who desire It, Asthey purchase a largo amount of, they Intend tnkeep a superior ar- ,7 run ui, use iviy mwi'si iri(.'c. i-iruso can nnd examine for you'oelvet beforo purchas- A I tf I tTU'l'I ThJ U 1 L'llU THE undersigned will tako in'ox chauae for Coal unci Groceries, the following DHmeil artlrlu l-Wlipnt, Ityc. Corn, Oats, I'otn iocs, J.twd, iIam.8liouiiitr,QUiliiliIemcot,niiltfr B, Hay, Ac, at the biehcst casli prices, nt tils w u..,nutIU vui'iri-iiui yuru, llloom.buni Mar. la.-OO-i' nENDEI!SU0T' QOOD3 DEL1VEHEU Fni:u op ronTi:n.oi: to dftots on BOATS IN 1'1IILADH.HIU. iiy me uissoiniion or llie llrm of ,t Needlfh, on Ilio IDIli uf Novi'IllbiT, 1HT0, 'the undfr.lotiOfl hfmmn Bnln nwnnrnr tl.n L' Block ana Maculnery of the lalo Arm nl will continue lliomanulscturtsinahnlecf Kcrilllzers. Mvnpmnnnl ntlpnllm l.fclt.nlnllia 1.... anil ttUlcil by tbe bout Ghtmlral nnil Mcdianlcnl Hklll the lilRh quallly or my articles will to SUI'EU I'HOSl'HATE OF LIME AND AMJIONIATEI) FEHTILIZEH are sclj at a very low price. HEND l'OH OI11CUI.AII. NO. 1 PEnUVIAN GUANO. llarranlril Purt at Imported rmi Hit Iilamlt. V I S II 17 A IS a. J''1I5'''lKone.lJiniiriaslcr,Ccinrnt,Bperin iI?f?V,ne, I'arallluo v lilcli t ""'w me attention ot me puouo. Srr.CIAI, UlSfCUKTH TO TIIE TUAPE, . . VM. N., lAttheol(tl!amli,t An.irw A N'ivi.i il SHOUlh Delaware Aventip. riiUadvlj.hlu run HALTS BY iiLOOMMiuiia moN comi-anv, lnar.3'71 13w. A hit KINDS OP JOB PRINTING VVto WANKH promptly printed tonnler. " ny 'iuullty of i jcr, ut this omco. Wild Indians 0 Plaiiis. THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, Rail Roads, i aokawSTna and blooms" JJ I1U1KI ItAIMtOAll on aiid.n.r Nov, SI, 1870, Passenger Traln.wlll Ooluj North, Arrive Arrlvo p.m. p.m. .... 0.43 2.15 doing South I.cavo Leave p.m. n.m 0,20 Leave 8,r,o 6 4.13 7.C0 4.-M 7.LU .',.11 Ml 6JU U.07 (1.1U U.U Arrive Arrlvo 0.40 lU.'M Ocranton t.. J'lttslon Kingston n. l'lvinontli o.n 8.1) T.M U3 i.r, 1.17 i.m 1U)1 Khlckshtuny... JUTWICIS ........ Illooin ..,.., 1-P. O.CHI lUiivlllc (1.1 J 11.0) NorthM fl.ftl lo.4i. Conn eel ion tnndo iitHcrnntott bv tlio, trHl iforUrentliend, Ulnshnmtou, AlbuuyauJ nil iiuiuih iunili iAni uihi v ini, 1).T,110UN1),HU'I MOJITIIKUN OKNTIlAli ItAJh XJ WAY. On muI after Dcccwbcr 4th 1870. Trnluf will leave RUNnunv rti follows I NOUTinVAUD. 1.:3a,m., Dally to WHUntnnrvirt, for lllmlra Ciinamlnlgua.noClicater, IIulTftlo, Husiipnslou C.5J p. M.,Diilly,(cxcrpt Huntlnynjfor rimlrn nuu jtullalo via i;rlo Jlatlwny from lllmtra. f. m., Dally, (cxccptHmulayn) for Wllltami 10rl' TIIAINH SOUTlIWAItn. 11.01 A. M.Oally (except .Momlay'sJ for llAltluiott WILMINC1TON AND I'lIILADr.LnilA. 11.21 P.M. Dally (exceptHutulny'Rjfor Ualtlmon WathlnuLou and rulladolnhla. KD. H. YOUNU. Uenrral Viuteuscr AsenU ALntKDl'.. J'idKC, Uen'l Hupt., pATAWISSA ItAILUOAI). Pascuzcr Trains on this mad will run ns fol lows: Mail SnUi statioss. Mall Xorth Ly. 8.2a,m Wllllamsport. Lv, 6.23p. m " u.oj Aiuuey. o.ui - " U.1J " Milton. S.ID " KUl 11 Danville. " M ' " HVH ' Jlupert. " 4.12 " M lfi.U ' tMtawiSHal " 4.U1 " ll-n llliiRtowu. " 2Ja " " Vt.'2l xn. Kunimlt. " a.J " " H.3I auakalte. " 2.10 " U.H H K, Mahony June. M 1,4 M M 1,:W "Dlnc.Taraaqutt, Dlno. ' 12.52 H M i.'Jtl M HeadhiK. " Pf.hJp.nv. JIM IMtlSVlllP. " " " 7.W " I'hiladelphln. " " 12i 'dluoMauchUnuuU. dine" ' iil Hethlehem, " " A 0.1 " rhlla.vlallelhlehom, " lUslon, " 8,n .u" i. rn 12,fH) noon,. I'.L) (I. Ill 11.33 " r..T-i " viaLAH, it. u. n.oo " VtV lUIKilKliHirilJ HI.. (IM u lu Valley It. U. " U.0J 5.W a,m, llotlou, " o.l0 i in PassenscrslaklrB tho 8.S7iralnfrom William fcpoit. will havo two hours In New York, lor Mip nor, nnd arrive lit Dotlou at 6.r,0 a.m., clcveu hour- In advance of all other route. New ilny eoii"lies accompany all trams be tween WlUUmsport, New York and Philadel phia. Tral'.iimu through by daylfqht. UUU.WKllH.fcUpt. AVJNTCU ATIUANQKMEKT. Monday, Nov. :ist, lsro. Great Trunk Lino from the North and North West forPhlladeIphla,Now York, Ihaulng. Potts vllle, Tamanua, Ashiand, Hhamokln Lebanon Allcntoivu. Lastou. Luhrata. Lltiz, LaucaKter Uolumbla.&c, Trains mave Harrlsburg for Now ork. as Joi Inwsi At:i.iii. H.lo nnd lo.H) n. in., anu ttjfl n. in.. connecting with similar train1 oi. Pennsylva nia Uallrosid, nud nrrlvlug ut New York a! HMO, a.m., a,W.5.HandlU,, respectively. Hlceplng cars m-compauy the 3,1J n in. trains wuiioui cuauge, Ih'turulugi l.cavo New "inrkat o.oon.m.ana 12M noon and 6U p. m. Philadelphia nt MI a. m, and p. in. Hlceplna cars accompany tho o,00i.m.,1ritluslrom N without chunge. Lsavu ilarrlsbum lor itcaainu.i'ottsvmc. ia maqua, MliiersvlUe. Ashlnud. Hhamoklu Al IpfiLou n nnd Phlla'd. nt 8.10 n. in., nnd 2JM and I,(i5 p.m., stopping at Lebanon and principal way Kiationt tho 4,03pm, trulu connecting for PhtPa Pottsvllle and dolumbia only, Por Pottavlllp HchuyJklll llavcn and Auburn, via Hchuylklll and bUKnuchiuiua 1 lull road, lca o Harrlbburf ft 8.W p.m. Kant l'ennsylvanta Railroad trams leave Head. Ing lor Allentown Laston and New York at 6.W, I0..'f0, ft, m., liloiioon 4.45 p. in. l.eturulng, leave New York at U.UUn. in.. 12.00 noon and 0.UJ n, m. und AUcutown at 7.'Ja.m. li,i5iiooii,2.r5, 4.'.U if H.isp. m. Way rasseugcr Train icuvcs Thlladelphla nt .:ua.m.. couuectlnz with similar train on llast Pa. rallrotd returning from lleadlugatopjp.m Leave l'ottsvlUo ut 0,00 a.m., nnd 3,10 p.m. Uerudon at 10.10 a. mM8hamokln atd.40und H.L'O n. ni., Ashland at 7,05 a, in. and 12,00 noon Mali nnoy City at 7.M a, m. and 1.3 i p. in, Tamaqui at h;u a. m nudi'.Wp.m. for Philadelphia, New York, Heading, llarrisburg.&c. lianna llallroad at 8.15 a.m. lor UarrLsburt!. uuo 12,05 noon, for 1'lueUrovo ana Trcmoui, Heading Accommodation Truln leaves Potts vllle a 1 5,-10 u. m., p:uses lteadlng at 7,S0u. mnr riving at Philadelphia at 10.20 a. in. Ileturuins leaves Philadelphia at 4,15 p. in., passing Ucad lu? at 7,23 p.m., nrrlvlugat 1'ottsvlilo at p.m, Pottstown Accommodation 1 raln:leaves Pott town nt7.00 a.m... returning, leaves Phlladelphlf at 1,00 p.m. Columbia Railroad Trains lcavo Itcading at 7,20 a.m and ii-15 p.m. for L'phrula, Liths, Lanca ter, Columbia, Ac, I'uririntnpii iLaii Trains lcavo Pcrklomei. Junction nt 7.10 l),05a, m.,3.00 4C.30p. in. returu- iug: icuyb BciiwtUKbVlilo at .tu, t.M a.m., noon A. i.Xti n.m.. eonneff Itirr with kltnllnr tralUN o" lteBdlni; llallroad. uoicuroouuaie iiauronu irnins ieavoi'otiKtown nt u.40 a. m nnd C.2U p. m., return Iu lenvoMouui Pleasant at 7.00 and 11.25 a. in., connecting win similar trains on Reading Railroad. encster valley lUiuroauTiains teavo in.ue- port at 8,:S) a. m. nnd 2.05 and 5.02 p. m. rcturnlnp. leave Downlugton at 0.5.'i n. in,, 12.45 noon and 5.15 p. m., rounectlng with (similar trulijH or Reading Rallrond. . On Hundai's, leave New Y ork at 5,00 p.m., Phil phlaat 8,00 a.m. nnd 3,15 p.m., (the 8,00 running only toHeadtug;)leavePottsvUle8,00a tat jiurrismirK ui .). iu u, in. uuu .w i. w leave Allentown at 8.4 p. in., nnd leave Reading nt7.13 a. m.nnd 10.o3p. m. for Ilarris bura. at 5.00 a. m. for New York, and at 0, Ion, m. and 4.25 p. m o l'lilladelphla. uiiiiiiuinuou, uiti;-j reynauji. j Rxcnrslon Tickets to aud from ull points, at re duced rates. uaggago cncckca larousu; iuu pounus miunn cachpaienscr. n 4 WMTo Uenernl tiuperlutcndeul Reading, Pa., Nov. 25. L170. KW FIHJt AT OHANGEVJIjIjK IllOX I'OUNDUY AND AGRICUIj TUKAL WORKS. OUKAT IMniOVEMnXTU IN PLOWS AND TilUUSIIINti MACHINEB. Mr. Jacob Trivlenieeo havintt rturchosed tho interest of Charles W. Low In Die above named works, tlio business will bo co itlnucd uniicr tho firm uanioof William hciiu yi.kii & Co. Havlna discovered ccral iinperlcctlons In tho plows manufactured In 1STU, they havo strengthened tin J improved them, aud added bomo entire new liztiirrua. invy win upi'ii uiu nj'tju iruuu ui mi lar In ndvanoo of nn thing over oilVrtd to tho Hiojic, ot'iui; ooiii pnieiirui mui'mmics, uuti nuv ii e their work nil dono under their own h inner vision they guarantee their work superior In material nuu iinisii 10 nny iiereiomiu oneri'ii, Uenlcrs hhonld not nrcetit of iiuv other atrrlcul tural Implements until t hey havo ixumlncd our Aiiiiiuiiiciuru. i nniifrf miuuiii i ry our in before buj lug nny oiher. They also manufacture ALL KIND- OF UASUNG3, ' nsunlty inndo in first clas 1'onndrles, taw" nnd grist lulll cavtlugs, made nnd llttod up to order, THllESHINa MACHINES nre mde a specialty, and somo very decided Im nrnveinents have been Introduced lntotlir lr ma chines, I'rlces lower thnn over; all kinds of roumry prouureauu om jinn iiiueniu rxiiiaugo Order direct from tbo munufiiiury. Old ngtn- vivn uppiici tiuring me winter. uurttN an oruers to WILLIAM BCIIUYLEU & CO., Aor.icui.TintAi. wonics, C0LUJII1IA COUNTY, I'A, Jan 171. QIXTV.PIVE EIIIBT 1'IUZE MED- KJ AIM AWAllDKl), Till: GIlfiAT HALTIJIOltU 1'IANO MANUFACTOnY. WILLIAM KNAI1E & CO. MANUFACTlltEIW OF GUANI), BQUAHK AND UI'RIGIIT 1' I A N O PORT E 8 , UALTIMOItU, Mil. Thefo insl rumenls have been beforo tbo publlo for litaiiy Thlrly years, ond upon their excel, lence alone altalnetl tintmpwcluiscit jre'tmlnmce tvimuu iirououuces lliein uueiiuauuu, 'i ncir TONC combines Treat Kiveelnesa nnil flnnkln( III IT TiUalltV.ns W.-ll nuur.nL nurllvnr llitoniitlrill aud kwceluikstiironBboutilioeiitlrc.calo.'lher TOUCH 1 pliant nnd elasllc, ana entirely frco from the iiMiti-ua iuuuu ,u u luuny i'lanocfl IN WOHKMANftlllP they me tmcnualled, using none but tho very best teaionedvmterUit, the largo capital employed mm vi lumuti, un iiauu. ttL.AU our Hmiare IKanoet have onr KwTm proved OVEimutUKU be ale and tho AyntJfc JYeble, fifWe would call special attention to our late improvements In UitAfiU I'JAXQN ana oqvajh: auAxnsi patented au;ii, isuj, which bring tie Piano nearer perlecllou than HUH ) V uvvu UllUlUKU. LVEUYPJAKO TVhhY WAnnANTEDrOllQ YRAltS, We havo mado arrangements for the fitle WhalegalA Afmry forlho most Cclebiated PAH LOU (.KOANH and MKI)Di;oNH, which we otler Wholtsalonnd Itetail, nt Lowen f actory oct2tt'70Cm. ltultlinoretMd. OLA T E R O O P I N O, EVERY VARIETY MOST FAVORABLE RATES, JOHN THOMAS, AWD OABI'KU J. THOMAS Iloi. tn, Dloomsbure, !'. Jal.n 17 Miscellaneous. Riccoji.MKNiiii Ann kmioiiskh tir ovuu bisvio iiui'uiticn uoc'rons lilt, MMUr.Xtll'.'S loVi'otiMii sxtnAi-r oi- KOSKOOl thi: ouuat HEALTH RESTORER I Not n Secret Quak Medlclno Pormuln Around tlio Rattle. rmtrAcnD solely nr Dr. J. J. LAWItr.NCK, Orgtnlo Chemist, Wilson. Norlh Carolina. KOSKOO srillKEI AT TUB KOOT Of D1SEASK I'UllIPYINd THE ULOOD, ItHSTOIll.Va THKMVCIl AND KIDNUYH TO A lIKAI.Tlt"V ACTION, AND 1N- viaoitATisu Tin: unit- VOU.S SYHTIIJI, Thin is tho Secret of lt3 Wondorful Success iu Curluc CONSU1IITION IN IT3 I1A11I.Y BTAOI, HCItOrUIiA, SYPHILIS, llYsrEMIA, IIVKIl COJirLAINT, CHItONIO ltllLUMATISJI, NUUItALOIA, NCKVOUS AITKCTION, EUUI'TIONS OP T1IU BKIN, IIU.MOR9, L058 tip VIOOIt, DISIIASKM OF KtDNHY AND llLADDUIl. AS 3 ALT. DISEASES CAUSED 11 Y A HAD STATi: OE TIIE ULOOD. It thoroughly eradicates ever kind of Humor nnd Bad Taint, nui restores the cnllresystcm to n healthy condition. It is beyond question tho I'lNHST TONIC IN TlIBWOttLD. Thousands havo been chanced by tho uso of this Medlclno from wcalt, sickly, suffering crea tures, to slron?, hcnlly, and happy men and women. Invalids cannot hcsltato to glvo It n trial. No Medlclno has obtained bucti n groat repula tlon as this Justly celebrated compound. POR TESTIMONIALS Prom Physicians, Umlucnt Divines, Kdltors Druggists, Merchant., 4c, teo KOSKOO ALMA NACfor this year. rRicn oxn dollaii vr.n hottij:. FOIl BALE 11V The Principal Druggists In the United Stales anil lirilish America. Dn. LAwnr.NcK's Vo3ian'8Fuiend Cures all Diseases peculiar to Females. jan.i'iy. R E JI O V A I., Tho Arm Allen a Mpmtles bavln; been dis solved on the luth of Nov. lsro, 1 would Inform my friends nud customers that 1 nm NOT OUT OF nUSINFAS, ns has been reported, and call attention to tbe GOVERNMENT DErOT. NO. 1 I'KItWriAW GUAXO. OUOUND DONE, OUAUANTEED TUItE. VI3U IIUANO IN J1IILS. I'oudrelte, In Hags, Barrels and Hulk. RAW DONE niOSPHATE OF LIME, Price, S3) per Ton. , LAND I'LASTEIl IN.I1A03 AND DDLS TAB, in 1, 2 3 gallon Cans. OIL SOAP, for washing Trees, In SClb. boxes. COTTON SEED MEAL, Excellent Food for Cmve, Increasing nnd enrich ing 1113 IN XIAU., IJWO. J.AL11. C It X G K L I N a s Tor Hog and Chicken Feed. CEMENT. Agency for Coplay Hydraulic Cement. Tor Us superior quality I refer to J, W.ETAitKtt ejo3, Lumucn, xn, j, A LII1EUAL DISCOUNT TO TIIE TRADE. JOSIAH J. ALLKN", (Lato Ai-lcn & NtizDLns,) Hcmoved to i HOUTII DELAWAHE AVE. .2t. PlJILADF-LI'IIIA. ANTED AGENTS FOIt AnmHow Tiiev Were Madei or the Btucci- flLKX ANIlTitlUMl'HS OF OUH HEI.K-MADtS MEN. Uy J. H. MeUube, Jr. rroriucly idnstraled aua bt'iuitlfullv boil Lit. Tlio moKt tuklni?. Instructive and unlversiilly bought alter boon Issued for years. ruclnutlnt? fn fiction, nutlientlo as hU lory, practical an "1'oor Illchnnl," with Uiskoiis moro viuvuiiiiu lur pupuiur ('uriiuatu, iimu uiu protoundest philosophy. Agents tiro clearing from ?s0 to 82tWDer montli. In tinlto of hard tlineM. KellH last nud easily, und delHcrH tplendldly. bend for Circular, oic.nnd notice extra terms. I uf.u. iauii-ja, ruuiwter. 71(J8auium Hlrcfit. I'lilladclnhuu mar.lTl Sm. M A It O II. "AN OUNCE Ol' l'UEVENTION IS 31ETTEU THAN A VOUND OF CUllIV This in the most slcklv nerlod of tho ear. hut there Is a rcmedv which Is n constant nrotoctlo.i asalnitt the cause of dUeanis; it enters swlltly iuio ine cy;cuiaiiou ox me uioou.expeu me mor hlllo lubfetunca collected theroln durins thn win ter; corrects nil morbid changes in the blood; jjrimiuien me npo rut ions oi me uig(uvu orgms i acta as n ml id nnd ofllcjvclnuB stamnchlc: streiiL'tli. ens tho nervous system j promotes buojuuey of ninriiH unii iruuriK revives mo pnyticui energies, audlmnarts vltalllv niitlKlfivLlfUv ineverv niifnii of the human bod v. it is no Iws celebrated u i-reparatton than MIHlILKIfrt HKUU lUlTKltH. Uuo it now -use it renuluriv evarv duv und nrt. rare yoursyKfem for the change In the teuton, and furtUy It against the dangers of dUoufae, rpilii" ouT ilsTAiiifsuKLr " rUUXITUUE and I1EDDINQ WAIIEUOOJIB of H. It. LEWIB, aro tho cheapest lu the city. Ho Is now helling rAiii.uii rturm in ri.UHii. haik cuitii, UEPiS or TEUHYi WALNUT CIIAMllKKHUITt In Oil or Vnrnihhi COITAUE KUUNI1 UltE, all btyles; UEUD1MU und MA'PTHKHHEB, various sizes; cheaper thun Auction prlcosi CAUPKTH, every variety. Comuand see find bo convlnrnd. Vnn will tavn money by giving us a call helore purcliaslng If. II LEWIH No, USO and 1131 llurkct Btret t, I'iu'laukI-i iiia. Next door to corner of Fifteenth Htreet, mar.a'71 Bin, m UNTIB.TRV, II. 0. IIOWElt, DENTIST, Respectfully offers his professional services to me lauiea anu gwuuemeu oi inoorasourg and VI clultv. He isbretmrud to attend toallthfa vurl oui operations In the lino of his profession, and U provided with the latest Improved I'okcxl&im TEKTii wuicu wilt uo inserteu on goiu piaiiug silver aud rubber base to look us well as Cue nai ural teeth. Tenth nstraAted bv all the haw nntf most approved methods, and all operations on vuo icctu vuxeiuuy nuu pruyoiiy uiujuuihi to. iwaiuvuvo nuu uuico low lew doors atnYO the Court House, same side. Blooms burg, Jan.171 ly 1)LANK MOIITQAUEH for the uso of Saving J) Fund and loun Associations, for sale ut the tUIVUlAfl VU11C. BLOOMSBURG; COLUMBIA COUNTY, Drugs and Ghomicaln. VINEGrAK BITTBKS nnndrcds of Thousands Dear tpitlmonr to thMr Wonder If? iDivnrsuTO uucci. n WHAT ARE THEV? c i n n Tmnr Ann kot a vilb FANCY DUINK. Msdoef 1'oor Itum. Whlsber Proof Rniriia nnd ncfuso Linn urn doctored, iplcod ssdiwcct ened to please tbo lute, called Tooics,"tAppcti era' "ncitorcrt," &c.( that lead tbo tippler ca to dru&cnccM relii, tut wo ft tni from the Xatlvo Roots and llcrti of California, frco I rnut nil Aleohvllf) Bllmulanls. Ttoysro tha UIIEAT J1LOOI) rUItiriEIt nnd A LITE OIVIMJ ritlNCII'LE a perfect Itcoovator and iDTleorator of tbo Byitem, carrjlag off all pofeonocs iaattr nod rcBtoriag tbo Hood to a hcGHliy condition, ICo person caatslco tbcao Bitters cccoralog to direc tion and remain locg unwell. 11U0 will bo clTcnfornn lnntrsbto ctuc, provided Via bones aro not destroyed ty roiacral poison or ether moans, omltao Thai organs wasted beyond tho point of repair. rnrlnnninmiitory nnd Chronic tlsm nud Uontt llyspepslnt vr Indlgestloof II It I otis, ltciultlcnt nnd Intermittent Ievcrs Dlsenscs of Iho lllood. Liver Klduryu, ncd Illmldcr tnceo Hitters taro been rooit snccccs ful. Hack lllscasca aro cacEcd'by Vltlntcd lllood. which is generally produced by dcranscccnt of tho Dlecntlvo Organs. DYHl'EI'HIA OIL INDKJEHTION, Heed acho, Pnla In tho &honldcrs, Cotighs,Tlghtncci of tho Chest, Dizziness, Boer Eructations of tho Etomach, todljutolntho Month, Billons At tacts, rsl pi telle n cf IhoIIcart, InQamsatloncf tho Lanes, Tain lo tho regions of tbo Kidneys, and a hundred other painful rj-TDp tonic, nro tho ctTepringB of Bytpcpela. Tlirylnvisorato tho Etomach and sthnulalo tho tor pid liver and bowclfl, which render thorn of unequalled tCcacyta cleansing tho blood of sll Impurities, and in: par tin; new lo and vigor to tbo wholo sretem, roil BK1N DISKAHLS, Eruptions, Tetter, Salt lJ.cnn)(Blotcbcs,Bpotfl,nmplcs,ruitnlc8, Bolls, Co Icnclcs, runc-TTormfl, Scftld-Ucnd, Bore Eycs,Eryetp clu.ltsh, Ecnrft, Elacolorations of thoEtln.namcra and Diseases cf tho Lltln, of whatever tamo or nature, nro literally dog up and carried out of tho system In a chorttlmobythoutoof theso Bitters. Ono bottlo V tueh coses will convinces tho meet Incrcdaloua of their curatlvo effect. Clcanso tho Vitiated Blood whenever you find Its impurities bursting throoch tho eiln in rtaplcs, Erup tions or Bores clcanso It when yon find It obstructed and sluggish la tho veins clcanoo It when It Is foul, and ) our feelings will tell yon when. Keep tho blood pure asd tho health of tho system will follow. PIN, TA l'E and other WO It MS, laratng la tna rystcmof so many thousands, arc effectually destroy ed and removed. Tor full directions, read carefnlly tho circular croipd each bottlo, printed in four Un-guiccs-Encllsb, German, Trench and Bpanlsh. J. WALKER, Proprietor. n.ILKcDO.VAU) & CO., Brngglsta and Ocn, Agents, Con rrancleco, Cal nnd CI snd CI Commerce Direct, Kew York. tSTEOLD BT ALL BBUCOISTS AND DEALEC3. OCt'73.11. 1 Mm S3. OOO VITA, HK PADT TO ANY PEnoOW producing n l'rcpnrntlo cnshowlng half ns many living geuuino permnn ct cures ns Dn. Fitlkh.s V KUKTAUI-B K1IKUH ATI. V M M K1IT. A Il 'PrilMJ. tllle prescription of l'rof JOS, P. KITLMt, M. 1M one of Philadelphia's o Idest regular Phvslclans, who has made HhenmalUra a specialty 37 years, permanently curing with this Ucmedy 0j lu every lOOpntlents 1 rented; so warranted under oath, from Itrglstered cases, a result unparnliel ed. It Is a pleasant MoJlclne, frco from Injur ious Driiirs (sworn vouchers from Itenowned Prominent I'liyslclans Iniiorslng Dr. Filler ac company each holtlo). To protect sufferers from risk, u legal guarantee stating number of bottles warranted to Curo will he forwnrded without cliarao to any jtcrbon sending hy letter n full, truthful description of case. In case nf failure to cure, the amount paid will bu re funded. Price 81.50 per hottlo; 0 bottles, $7.60. Jvledlcal advlco sent by letter gratli. AdilroBi Dlt. l-'ITLKH, Ofllco No. !it Houth KOUllTII Bt rect, PhlUdel phln.or No. 701 llUOADW'AY, N. V. Bold or obtained by druggists. sept2'70-ly. I uo not wisn to Inform you. reader, that Dr. Wonderful, or any other man, has dibcnverrda remedy thnt cures Consumption, when the lungs nre half consumed, lu bhort, will cure all diseas es whether t f mind, body or cut ate, mako men llvo forever, nnd leave dtnih to play for wautol work, nnd is designed to innko our sublunary spheiea blissful Paradise, to which Heaven Itself snail be but ft bide hbow. Vou have heard enough of that kind or humbujrKery. Hut Mhen I lell rou that Dr. Haite's Catarrh ltcmcdy will positive' lcure tho worst cases of Catarrh In tho Hend, I only asbcrt thnt which thousands can tebtlfy to I will pay 5500 Howard for a case that I caunot cure. A pamphlet Riving symptoms nnd other Information sent lreo to any address. This rem edy is BOLD BY MOST DltUaniSTfl IN ALL TAUTS Ur lllll YVUKLilJ. Price 50 cents. Rent by mall, postpaid, on receipt of siitj ceuts, or lour packages or two dollars, ltcwnre of cuunfet feits nnd worthless imitations. Hcotbat my private Htamp, which Is n jwsltive guarantee of llcnulneriess, Ih upon tho outside wrapper, iten.i'inutr inui vniu pnvuie ntainp. Issued oy tho United Mates Government express ly for stamping my medicines, has my portrait, uamo and uddies. and tlio words U. S. Certlfl cate of Uenulueness,' cuginvcd upon It, nud ncwl not be mistaken. Don't bo swindled by travelers nud otbeis representing themselves as ur, noge ; xain tne oniy man now living uiai has the knowledge nnd right to inauulacturotho Genuine Dr. Hnse'sCatnrru Uomedy, and I never travel to sell this medicine. it. v. pn:un;. m. d. ocl28'70-ly, 133 Soueca sticet, Uuilulo, N. Y. UEASONS WHY Is the 11 est Liniment in the Would roil HORHKH, Fll'.ST. It Iscomnospdnf tho mnst iTiwunrni. nud Penetiiatino liquids known In Chemlstrr, hecond. combined with tho above Is a M un ci n a I, Oil, made expressly for this Liniment, and mixed by an entirely new process. Till no, Thousoof thopoM-eri.and penetrating IngredlenU Is to drlvoor force in this beautiful JlBUiciNALOiL, which lubricates the Joints and muscles, nnd Immediately throttles the disease, and compels It to loosen Its doathly, sickening and poisonous fangs. FouitTir, This Medicinal Oil Is uned for the same reason that a good mechanlo always uses oil to make his machinery work with ease und fireclslon. Ho lu tho same way the muscle nud olnts of our nnlmnM should bo lubricated If we wish to have them travel with rapidity and ease, Fiktii. His very soothing In Its action, will not burn or blister tho nulinul like most of the rf u not" liuimouu or tne uay. HtXTii. Not ono dron ot tlucture ofenvenne or red pepper can he found Ih Its composition for we hold that no liniment can he effective which burns and blisters tho animal until the muscies nienaruanu uriou aimott to a crisp. Weventii. Kverv bottle Is w Aim anted to civs good satisfaction, or your money will be refund ed. This shows conclusively that the proprie tors nave mil ronndence lu this preparation, and proves tor theevonth tune that O. K. M. B. Is the best Liniment In the world for horses. M3rJ)on' tallow vour Merchant ta nalmaff 7Yiu turecf Jted rejperand Uartshonx, or other trash on you, vut iiQK ur u, a, a, a.ior jiortcs, ana take no other. Bold by all druggists. ' D. O. (IAUKY A lllY. Hnlfl PrnnrlAtnrti. Bept270-lyj 17 Washington Btreet, New York, T)HILOS01IIY OF MAItHIAQE. JT A New Course op Lectuuks, as delivered at the I'enua. Polytechnic aud Anatomical Museum 1Z5 Chestuul bt., three doors above Twellth, Philadelphia, embracing the subjects i How to Live and What to Ue fori Youth, Maturity mm uiu uku, jiiuuuiiuu uviicmiijr iiuviewOUI The cause of lndlustloni Kklulc-nrAiinil ncrv: ous Diseases accounted fori Marrhigo Phllo- iphically considered. These lectures will be oiwuruuu uu rucuipvoi o cents uy auuresstngi ecretary of the Peuusylvaula Polytecunio Hnd Anatomical Muskuu, ivj Chestnut Bt., Jeai'7u-fy. ' JgAKQAINS BARQAINB. QUICK SAI.rS AND SHALL 1' II 0 FITS, HAVil YOUH WONKY, (lo to . r,, , HBNHY YOST, East Bloomsburg, Pu.( for all kinds or the host home and city made V U It N I T U 1112 , Prices reasonable and the best work done. Jau 1'71-tf oSg THEY Aim KOTAVILB tl ril FANCY DttlNK.p? Clothing, &o. JEW STOCK OF OLOTIIINa. Fresh nrrltal of SUM M EH OOOD3. DAVID LOWENIlEItO Invites attention to his stock of CHEAP AND fabhionahle clothing. nt htistoro on MaluBtrect,twodooTs nboro tho American Uonso llloomsburg, Pa., whero no has Just received from New York and XUitladelphlft n full assortment of . MEN AND BOYS' CLOTHING, including Iho most fashionable, durable, and handsome Dlt ESS GOODS, conshtlng of IlOX, HACK, ItOCO, OUM, AND OIL-QLOTH COATS AND I'ANTH. of all sorts, sizes nnd colors. Ito has alio replen ished his Already large stock of FALL AND WINTEll SHAWLS, BTIUFED, FiaUHED, AND PLAIN VESTS BIUKTS, CIIAVATS, STOCKS, COLLARS HANDKERCHIEFS, OLOVI1M, SUSPENDEItS, AND FANCY ARTICLES He nns constantly on hand n largo nnd well-seeded assortment of CLOTHS AND VESTINUS, which ho Is prepared to make t6 order Into nny kind of clothing, on very short notice, nud in the best manner. All his clothing Is mado to wear, and Most of It Is of homo manufactnre. GOLD WATCHES AND JEW'ifjRY, ot every description, flno and cheap. His case ot Jewelry Is hot surpassed In thlsptace, Call aud oxnmlno his general assortment of CLOTHINO, WATCHES JEWELRY, AC. Jaul'71 DAVID LOW EN BERG. Bakery and Confectionery. JOHN G. JACOBY'S BAKERY AND CONFEOTIONEKY! IJERWICK, PENN'A. Tho tinderslanrd would lcsnertfiillr inlnrni tho Cltl.enH of llerwlck, and vicinity, that ho has opened n courectlouery nnd llakery lu ODD FELLOWS' HALL, Merwlelc. Pa.. whero ho U prcparad lo furnish nil kinds of PLAIN AND FANCY CANDIES, rilENUII CANDIES, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS ORANGES, LEMONS, RAISINS lc, Ac, Ac,, Ac. UY WHOLESALE ANll 11 ETA I L, Among tho nsortmcnt will lo found Cream K'll i U V..nu1 VL'.il a 1lnn.,.,l. A I. ..ill berts', Fign, Apples, Cocoa Nuts, Jellies nf differ out kinds. Mlistnrd. (?utsnn. I'lrktPK. r)mrnlfifn. Canned Fruit of nil hinds Corn HlAich, Eug Dls- cuit, roda truckers, Oyster Crackers, cheese, Hoan. Wrltlnif Pnnfcr. Anrrpmnnl. Innrm V.rtm ve lopes, PiSII AND OYSTERS, And lirnduco nf nil kinds. Frnh rirp.iit nml Cakes every dnv. Ico Cream In Scabou, Your palronago Is solicited. Berwick, Jan P71 ty QONFECTION E B Y . Tno undorsliriml wnnlil rRMnprtriillvannniiniA lo tbo publlo that lie lias opened a FIUST-CLAfiS CONFECTIONEIIV 8TORIS, In Ihebnlldlnttlatolvocenpletl by Fox A Wtbb whore ho Is prepared to furnish all kluds of PLAIN & FANOY CANDIES, FUEN'CII CANDIES, FOHEIUN & DOMKSTIC FIIUITH, NUTH, HAIBINS, 4C, AC, AC. II T WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. 1,1 HUUII, IV lltll MBUI HUE II V UI Hll KUVIUS lu his line of business. A great arloly of IiS, TOVH, ic, satiable for th. Holidays. Tarllcular attention Kiveu TO BItUAD AND OAKEB, of all kluds, fresh every day. CJIKIHTMaB CANDIES, UUIHTMAH TOYS. A call Is solicited, and satisfaction will K CUAranteed, Jan I'll ly ECIClTAItT JACOIIS. Books. A NEW III IU It of the urealcst luteriht anil tin porlanco. Written Irom a high moral and physi ological standpoint, by an eminent physlclnu ana medical professor, It Miows how hata'i Is working out hlsMibtle and dangerous designs through our most sncied domcstlo nnd social re lations, ruro-mlndcd. but outspoken anil ag. gresslvc.tno author handles the dellcalesubjecls w.Ei.ivu .ii it itfiuuiiiutis, uiiiiii Miciii, iiiiiiiiifrns nui. in uuuisieriu uprurieui cunosiiy. jnei'ny ical Jteffcncrutlonojtie Jtace, Is a subject Justly enlisting the Interest nnd Bympatliy of nil true philanthropists, nnd this book. It Is believed, IMiii.tiiiuiiiiMBia, linn mi-, iiuuil, 11 14 UUIIUVeU. will contribute to that end Just In proportion as it has rentiers. A circular hent free, containing n lull description und synopsis of the work with unerai extracts. u. r. vknt, l'ubiisiier. setT7l ly a College l'lace, N. Y, K2x "v h1-" 39 w- 41l,Rt nd.t i, o. r w!T Y.anf n'Tnosr popularnnd bent selling subscription books publlsbed, nnd tbo moil iilH traltermt. Hend for circulars. Tlicywlll cost you cotlung, and may bo ol great benefit to you, fobll7o-ly. Washing Machncs. J)OTY'S "VA8mNa-JIACHINE, liATELY MUCH IMPnOVED-ANI) TIIE NEW UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRINGER Improved with Howell's ratent Donble Cog wheels, nnd the ratent Htop, nro now unques tionably superior to any apparatus for wash ing clothes ever Invented, and will save their cost twice n year, by saving labor and clolhes. Tho Editor of this paper, who purchased a Washer und Wringer, thus testllles as to their value t "Wo havo had In uso In our family for Mm time past, ono of Doty's Clothes Washers nnd Wringers, nnd nro prepared to bear tostlmony as to Its merits. It Is emphatically n lador-raWito machine and docs Its work lu the most thorough inanucr. For families who have largo washes these machines would bo Invuluablc.'7 Colum. MAN, Jan. II, 1870. PRI0E3-A-FAIU OFEER. If tho Merolianlsln your plncowlll not furnish, or soud for the Machines, Bend us tho retnll price Washer III, Extra Wringer 11), and wo will for. ward either or both inaclilnes, free of freight, to places where no one Is belling; and so sure are wo they will be liked, that we agree to refund the money If any ono wishes to leturn tho ina chines free of Irelght, alter u luoatli's trial, ac cording to directions. ' No husband, father or brother should ncrmU the drudgery of washing with the hands, lllly. two days In thoyenr, when It can bo dono better, more expeditiously, with less labor, nud uo In Jury totlje garments, byaDoty clothes Washer, und a Universal Wringer, 1 Bold br dealer, generally, to whom liberal dis counts are made. - imoWNINO. Ocn. Agent, ootT'TO-tf. 32 Cortland Htreet, New York, Hb o. howe n, ipencd a flrst-closs HOOT, SHOE, HAT CAP, AND I'UIt BTOH1S." at the old stand on Jrfnln Hlreet, Illooinsburn.afow doors above tbo Court House.' Ills stock corn, posed of the very latest aud bestslylesever otter. at tho lowest rates, lien's heavy double, solod ) i.i?i . "uiiuie una siusie rap soied rJ'V;0?,1"' H""1 " Ul!"yy Blo "hoes orall kinds, men's Ono boots and shoes of all grades, boy's double spied boots nnd.shoos or allltlnds, men', gloye kid Ha moral's. women's, boys', and misses' lastluBiialters, women's glove Vld 1 very flue,woiuen'. morocco llalnoral. and cair shoos, women's very Una kid buttoned gait ers. In short boots ol all descriptions both peg ged and sewed. lie would also call attention to his fine assort mout or HATS, CAIH. KUItS AND NOTIONS, which comprises all tho new and populai varl etiesat prloeswhlchcanuotralltosultall. These goods are oaered nt the lowest cosh rates and will be guaranteed to give satlsractlonr A call Is solicited berora purcliaslng elsewhere as Itli than atany other plaos In th.oounty. ,u'uu LEomce!' lblank, lor taI ttt " C01.VMUIAN PA." Dry Goods & Groceries. G RAND OPENING UltANI) Ol'ENINU UHAND Ol'ENINU UltANI) Ul'ENINU UHAND Ol'ENINU Or FALTj AND WINTEll GOODS, FALL ANU WINTEll UOUDM, FAI.Ii AND WINTEH U0O1IS KAI.Ij AND WINTEll GOODS FALIj AND WINTEll UOODHV consisting ot consisting of consisting of consisting of consisting of nnr goods, DHY GOODS, DHY GOODS, DHY GOODS DHY GOODS, HATS AND CArs, HATS AND CAPS HATS AND CAI-S II ATS AND CAl-H, HATS AND CA1-H, riOOTS AND SHOES, HOOTS AND HHOm, HOOTS AND SHOES, HOOTS AND SHOES, HOOTS AND SHOES; rtEATTY-MADK CLOTHING, ItKADY-MADB CLOTHING HEADY-MADE CLOTHING, , HEAIIV-MADK CLOTHING HEADY-MADE CIiOTHIIO, LOOKING-GLASSES, liOOKING-UliAKHI'4, LOO K I N U-O L AHH EH! LOOItiNll-OLAMSIX. LOOKING-GLASSES, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS. l'AINTS AND OI1.H, -I'AINTS ANJ) OILS, IAINTS AND OILS l'AINTS AND- OILS l'AINTS AND OILS, GKOCEHIES, GHOCEUIEH, GltOUEHIES, GHOUEIUES, OliOCERlES, tlUEENSWAKE (IIIEENSWAIIE, UUEENSWAltE ttUEUNSWAUE, tlUEENBWAHL' HAItDWAItn, IIAUDWAItE, HAKDWAKE, IIAUDWAItE, IIAUDWAItE, TINWAItE, TINWAIIE TINWAItE TINWAIIE, TINWAItE, SALT, SALT SALT HALT, HALT, FISH, I'lHIl 1'IHII, KITH FIH1I, OKAI I AND HEEDS, GHALi AND HEEDS, OltAIN AND HEEDS, GHAIN AND SEEDS, . GIIAIN AND SEEDS, Ac. Ac, AT McKELVY, NEAIj McKELVY, NEAI, McKF.IiVY NEAL A CO.'H, & CO.'S, & CO.'H. ft CO.'H. A CO.'H. McKELVY, NEAL McKELVY NEAL Northwest corner nt Mnrlret Hlrerta. Worthwest corner of Main and Market Htrects, Northwest corner of Main and Market Htreets, Northwest corner of Main nnd Mnrkot Streets, Northwest corner or Main and Market Street, nLOOMSIWIlQ, I'A HLOO.MMIItmO I'A HLOOMHIUIIIO, I'A., HLOO.MHI1UIIO PA, IILOOMSIIUHU, PA. I HON AND NAILS. IHON AND NAII, I HON AND NAILS I HON AND NAILS, IHON AND NAILS, In large qnanlllloa and at reduced rats. alway on uand. Jan l'7I UY THE 11 EST. Hill RED LION BRAND, BXtACK Air aoa la superior lo all others In color, quality and prli o j to be found only at M. P. LUTZ'S Dealer In Dry Goods nnil Notions, In llrowcr's now building next lo tho Court House, Mnlu Hired, llloomsburg, Pa, mayl3'70-tf. !yILLER'S STORE. KHEHH ARRIVAL OF HUMMER GOODS. Too subscriber has lust returned from the cities with another large and select assortment of FALL AUD WINTER GOODS, purchasod In Now York and Philadelphia at the owosl flgnre, aud which ho Is determined to sell on as moderate terms ns can bo procured else whero In Bloomsburg. His stock comprises LADIES' DRESS GOODS of the choicest styles nnd latest fashions, together with a large ;assortment of Dry Goods and Gro ceries, consisting of tho following i rtlclcs Carpets, Oil Cloths, oths, Oassltnerfs, Huawls, Flaunels, Bilks, While Goods, Linens, Hoop Skirts, Muslins, Hollowwaru Cedarwaro Queenswaro, Hard an liootg and Shoos, Hats and Caps Hoop Not, Umbrellas, Looking. uloiHej, Tobacco, Coffee, Sugars, Teas, Ittcc, Allspice, Ginger, Cinnamon, Nutmegs, AND NOTIONS GENERALLY. In .tort, everything usually kept In country stores, to which ne Invites tho attontlon or- Iho publlo generally. The hlchest price will be raid for coon try produce In exchaugo for goods. n. Jt. Mii-TiC" ix nurt. Arcade Buildings, Bloomsburg, Pa, Jan 171 Q 0. M A R R have Just received from tho eastern markets n large and well selected stock or DRY GOODS, CONSISTING or Cussliuers, Joans, llcst bleached & llrown Muslins, Calicoes, Tickings, Table Linens, Cotton Jt All wool flannels, do., &c.t JJ A'good stock of Ladles dress goods, Latest styles A patterns. Spites orall kinds, Good stock groecrles, t Q,uceusware, Stoneware, Wood & willow ware, Flour A Chop, Also Kitchen Crystal Soap for cleaning Tin, Ilraas.iic. All goods sold cheap for cash or pro. duce. lie would call th. attention of buyer, to his well and carefully selected assortment which comprises everything usually kept In the coun try, fueling confident that he can .ell them good, at such prions as will ensure satisfaction, Jau 171-tf O, C, MARK. Misoollnnoonrj. Q. Ii O 1) B MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY or NEW YORK. IH07 Freeman, President, H, 0. Freeman, Seo Cash capital over 12,000,000, nil paid, J. 13. ROBISON, IJLOOMSUUlia, PA GENERAL AGENT, For Luscrne, Lycoming and Columbia counties. Aug.2O,'05-ly. JAcon K, Smith. J, 11. Hcltzir gMITH & SELTZER, Importers nnd Dealers In Foreign and Domcsla II A R I) W A R E, OBNB, OUTLERY, &C, SO. 409 W, THIRD STRKICT, An.CAt,t.0WHILI PHILADELPHIA. Jan 17117 jpiRST NATIONAL WHITE LEAD, HKSV, 1'UItr.ST. AND CHEAPEST I BATISrACTlOSOtTAnANTtri) I For Whiteness. DiirnMtlti- ntl nrinin cv. It has no eoiml. nom Drui ueaiersin mints throughout DARKER, MOORE & MEIN, BUCCKSSOIIS TO T. MORRIS PEROT & CO. Solo Proprietors, Phllndclphla, rn., Uiiilcis In nil kinds or DRUGS, OILS, PAINTH, GLASS, PVKHTUrr.", AC, AC. CAUTION.-Owlng to Iho popularity ol out-"Urst Natlonul While Lrnil," other li parlies hnvo been Induced to oiler n spu- rlousnrttcleULdertlicsamename. There- . . roro llcwnro of llieceiiu- X luo Is put up in exltn heavy tin pnint pots. Willi tmtrlit tiKtnltli. wn ro tiandles, and the untuoot BARKEIt, IIOOIUC A MEIN, P On each label. For Bale ty nmr2V70-ly, AioYnn lmoTiniitw, lllociiowburg. QAKIUAGE MANUFAOTOUY, Bloombburg, Ta. M. C. SLOAN & UP.OT1IKU Havo on liaml and for pnlo at tho most rear.ona blo rates u BplcuUid block or cAimiAons, Buouins, and every description of Wagons both PLAIN AND PANCY warranted to bo mado of tho best nnd most dur ablo matcrlalM. nud by tbo most experienced workmen. Ail work Rent out from tlio eht.ib 1 Uli m tut will bo round to booftlio hlplieht cIiish amtfiuretoKlvo jierfect hatlsfuction. 'llieyliao also n lino assortment or 8 h U I a II 8 of all tbo nowest nnt most Innhlonablo ptylcn well aud carefully mail 4j,f tho bent inntt r Aulnspection of tlielr work 1 iukcd n 111 believed that nouo biiperlor can bo found In the country, J.tu 171 F AUMEltS! EXAMINE AND 11UY T IIK ORIGINAL llAUOIPH 11EINO i First Haw Hose rnosniATR All others nro Imitation. It A U Q II ' B RAW IIONK PHOSPHATE ,fnf.nE MARK SUPER OP LIME. ii- FALL, mm 1870. Tlild Manure la made of Haw or Unburued llnue, rich lu Nitrogenous matter. tlUftolvt-d In Ull nf vitriol. iiroKMitliifr tho ltrinn Phoxnhnto in n highly fiolublnand quickly avallablo furm.niul mo Ammonia in hucu proportion un io inuro u prompt and vigorous actlou upon the crops. Whero llaugh's Pliosphnto was applied tlio past (season, tbe Indications, without exception nro that It will maintain Its well earned n-pimu tlon. We request all In need of n Fertilizer to glvo this article a trial. BAUail & SONS, llANUrACTURF.RS, Ojtjce No 20 s. Selawnro Avenue, PHILADELPHIA. 15'70-tr. JLOOMSIJURQ STATE NORMAL SCHOOL AND LITEIIAIIV AND COMMERCIAL INSTITUTE, This Institution ofTers Rood opportunities In every department of Lltcmturo and Hclence, lu addition to tho Excellent Normal Kchooli 'Inches, have practlco In thousoof HurveyliiKitud Engin eering lli.truinenls lu tlio Held ami mine, umler tho Instruction or the most competent Profoscor, Tho faculty aim to I o very thorough lu their In struction und to look carefully alier tho health, manners nud morals or ihebttitlonts, Tho rules nnd regulations or tho school nro such as to command tbo respect or tbu stuiUnts nnd cotiseiiueutly not many leol that they can ollonl to violate laws which aro calculated tu prnmnlo their success and hupplnoss. The Mus ical Department u Holds ns good opportunities as can bo found In nny of tho largo cities alul ut much less cxpeuse. Hprlrg term commences April 3d, 1S71. l-'or further partlvulais, address John U, fitELZK, Esu , Aee'j, or L. it. ltui'nnT, J'res't. or HENItY CAUVEll, A. SI., Principal. llloomsburg, Jau. 1J, Il-(im. Hotels. T HE ESPY HOTEL. ESPY, COLUMBIA COUNTY. TA. The undersigned would Inform tho travelling publlo 1 hut he has tukcu tho above named estab lishment and thoroughly related the samo lur tho perfect convenience of hlsguests. Ills larder will bo stocked with the best the market uunrils. Tho choicest liquors, wines and clgarsalways to bo found lu his bar. . ,. WILLIAM PETTIT. Jta I'M Espy, Pa. JIUOK HOTEL, . OHANGEV1LLE, COLUM1UA COUNTY, PA, ROHR M'HKNRY, Proprietor. This well known House, having been put lu thorough lepuir, Is uow open lo tho tiavelllug public The bar Is slocked with the choicest liquors and clgars.andlhe table will be, at ull tlmcs.supplled with Iho delicacies of tho hotiMin, No pains will be spared to lusure tho comrort ol guests. Orungovlllo, Jan. I,lf71. MONTOUR HOUSE IIUI'EUT, PA, WILLIAM HU'ILEH, Proprietor, This Ilousohavlug been put In thorough repair Is now open fer the reception of guests. No pains will bo spared to ensure tbe perfect com- Iiirt nf Hie travelers. Tile Prnnrlfnr ui,liiltu il sharo of publlo patronage. The bar will Lo stocked at all times with lino llipiors and clgatt. "gENTON HOTEL. W. P. PIATT, Proprietor, BENTON, COLUM11IA COUNTY, TA. Tills well knourn Tlnii.n bnvlni liKnn nut 111 thorough repair Isnowopeu for tho roceptlou of visitors. Nu nuliis have been snared to ensure the perfect comfort of guists. The proprietor also runs a Singe horn tho Hotel to Uloomsburg and Inlcrmodluto points on Tuesday, Thurwliiv and Saturday or each week, Jan l'lb7! JOB " PRINTING Neatly eieouled at Ibis omre, 14LAN1C DEEDH Just printed aud fur salo at tho AJ V Coluuuian OUlce.