The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, March 31, 1871, Image 3

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Bloomaburg) Friday, March 3L 1871i
H.M. l'l',Tri:N(1lt.ti Ti..17 Tark Ilow.nnd
Oro. 1'. Itowr.i.T,,ll I'nrklloic. nrnmironly
authorised Advertising Auenls In Now York.
,1,, no, uu norm im mreel, UOF,
WfeTII tent I.T. A fin.. Nil. 1.(17 I'lieuttiiil Htril.nrn
inir only authorised Agents In Philadelphia, tf
Railroad Timo Tablo.
LACK a wanna tlUlllMslltlllO it. it
doing North, llolng Hoillh
Dili A. ill, V'.-VI a, .M,
11:30 T. M, 6:10 V.M.
uoing noun, uoing nouiu
s:u i . m. iuiui .1. ni
The Oottrt nilvortlseiiit'tits for Jtuy
term Hppcar In llils week's Uolum
Tin: next Slnlo Fair Is to bo held In
Bcrntiton, September lOlli, liotli, :!Ist aai, 1S71.
A TAltM containing 200ncroi beloiiRi
lo mo new Jiisnno Asylum now bulla
lug nt Dnnvlllo.
Tti:v. John Sutton of FMiltigcrccli
township, bns been appointed Mcrraii'
(llo Appraiser for this county, for 1871.
Lloyd IIuitton was hanged nt
Wllllamsport, on Wednesday the 22a
Inst., for tho murder of Jacob Hay, In
November last, llo died asserting that
no wits Innocent.
TitourrisiiiKO will eonimcncoonthe
m of ncSt month. LrcUlallvo enact
ment prohibits tho catching of tho
speckled beauties, except In thu months
or April, amy, June, and July.
Kev. J. 11, Uimm, has resigned tho
cluirgo of tho Jlarrcji Hill Lutheran
Church, In Montgomery county, to nc-
cept tho nppolntment of Correstiondlnir
Secretary of tho Lutheran Hoard of
Publication, In Philadelphia.
Quit patrions In tho countv will
nlwnyfl snvo money by consulting our
advertising columns beforo coming to
town lo ptircliaso gooiH or any kind.
Thoso who solicit yourcustom by liberal
advertising will invariably glvo you
bargains in selling you goods.
''itut eveiy section of country we
havo tho most favorable reports In rela
tion to tho appcaranco of tho wbeat
' crop, and it Is said tho indication? of an
abundant yield wcro never moro prom
ising. Tho wheat now looks us green
and healthy a It gptiornlly Joes In the
mlddio of April.
Muncy Citcnic It. Jl. In tho Senate
on Tuesday last, Jlr. Buckallw called
up tho Governor's veto of tho Muncy
Creole Itallroad bill, which after u long
debate, was not sustained, and tho bill
accordingly passed tho Senate over the
veto or tho Governor by a volo of IS
ayes to !) nays.
Wr. learn from reliable authority,
says tho Scranton l)awr,'i, that tho
Companies will glvo tho miners until
tho llrst of Juno to innkoup their minds
what they will do. If they, by that
time, still hold out mul refuse toresumc
labor, tho mines will then bo worked
by otheis who will bo nr.dy to outer
tbohbafls, and who will enter under
full protection.
iShot Himself. A yti ng man about
eighteen jy.-ars of age, n imcd Stick
ltoTii, of Mont'iur town.inp, tins coun
ty, aecidently shot himself through tho
abdomen on Sunday last, from tho ef
fects of which ho expired almost Instant
ly. It appears ho was crossing u fence
nt the time, nnd in pulling his gun
through tho lock caught, discharging
tho gun, nnd lodging Ita contents Into
his body.
Hr.NHY J. Ciaiiic has creeled In tho
lar'o show window of bis to:u room
what la known as n "involving pyra
mid." It Is handsomely constructed,
nnd can bo been constantly in niotio'i,
heavily ladened with fancy and other
goods. Wo will not prelcnd to give the
principle upon which it is operated,
but leavo that to bo explained by lis
Ingenious constructor, Lows liEiiN-
Tin: AVIllIannport Standard of last
wtek says, In Nlppenose, Lycoming
county, tho Ecarlet fovcr has brought
twenty-four person, mostly Innocents,
to tho tomb since tho Ilth of January.
On last Thursday Mr. John Vonolda, a
good citizen, was conlmlcd, leaving in
this world a wlfo and twelvo children,
and on Friday Mr. Wmion Clark was
burled. This valley has bad tho repu
tation of being a very hcn!hy locality,
but of latu dUcaso and death havo been
reaping tholrslteavo-i, largo mid small,
with fearful rapidity.
TmtniiiLK It. 15. Accident. On last
Tuesday morning tho body of Sanfoiid, brakeman on tho Express
Freight, was found lying on tho railroad
at Wntsontown. Tho light leg was cut
otr near tho body, tho flesh torn from tho
leg, nnd tho foot crushed and mangled.
The left foot was crushed nnd mutilated,
nnd tho left hand tho same. Tho top
nnd back part of tho head wcro knocked
off, tuid lying at somo dlstanco from tho
body, Tho neck was broken nnd tho
breast-bono crushed. Tho unfortunato
man was from Tyrono, to which placo
his body was forwarded on Wednesday
morning. Stmlury Ga:ellc.
Yonic County Steel Oiii:. Tho
True Democrat says tho Ilcssomer pro
cess of maklngsteel Issald tolmvondded
$1,000,000,000 to tho wealth of Great
lirltaln. Tho York process, witli tho
usoof Codorus steel oro, now supersedes
tho Btssemtr process. Iteccnt experi
ments at Troy, Now York, and other
places, havoproyon that iJessemur stool
can bo mado $20 n ton cheaper by tho
additional ustof Codorus oro. Old, ro
Jected and worthless Bessemer scraps
.can bo reworked and inudo into very
Bupcrlor steel. Tho sale of Codorus oro
is becoming extensive. 10,000 tons havo
been sold in ono week.
KKEi'inta. A bill has passed tboLogis'
laturofortho protection of livery sta
bio keepers throughout tho State This
class of peoplo has long been rubjectdd
to losses by parlies who havo nuted as
if they had undoubted right to cbuso
hired teams Just as thoy please. Tho
bill passed declares that porsona hiring
horses or vehicles from livery stablo
keepers, who shall negligently injure
or destroy property committed to their
caro, shall bo deemed guilty of mlsdo.
mennor, punlsliablo by n lino or an Im
prlsonment of twenty.flvo days In tho
county prison, or both, at tho discretion
of tho court, and parties to bo responsi
ble) nnd unswerablo for tlio vnlno of tho
property Injured or destroyed Inn suit
for debt.
A nun nt Petroleum Centre, on
Thursday, swept tho buildings from
llvo acres of ground, Tho number of
buildings dostroyed was clghly-llvo
dwellings nnd storm, bosldos bams, Ac.
Tho loss Is estimated at JlijryMj.
- -
A Iliu One.-TIio Jlaflman's Journal
says tlmt n plno trco was felled In Clear
field, on tho lands of John DuHolsKsq,,
of Wllllaniflporf, from which wcro cut
Bovenlecn logs, sixteen feet long, mid
containing 7,200 foot of good lumber I
Tin: Lehigh Cannl, between Kaston
and Maueh Chunk, which has been
thoroughly cleaned nnd repaired during
tlio past winter, was opened for navi
gation on Monday last. Tho Dclnworo
Division which hasnlso been thorough
ly overhauled, will not bo ready for
boating beforo next Monday.
Suspension. A Plvmnntii n.r.
spondont to tho Wllkcs-U.trro llccord
oj iicjimcs says resumption of work
is gradually takintr nlann h
colliery has been working for moro
than a month. Tho Union nnd Notting
ham nnd tho Washington Im
menccd moro recently. Tho slope, wo
nro Informed, commenced Tuesday
MOVINO DAY. Tn.mnrmw will l.n ,,
big day among tho pots nnd pans.
What a timo thorn will Im. miivlnir (Hit
and moving In I What n rattling and
pushing nnd swnnrltif! Wlmt n hmi
or good dinners will bo prepared and
eaten I How many sad hemls thcro will
uu micro out lamiiy circles havo been
broken and old homesteads nro being
left forever and howmnny now homes
will bo crowded full of Joyous anticipa
tions for tho futurol Such Is life.
Sad HmiriAVEvt-vn .na
k iiiu;b un
trCSiillircasnof futnllv nnilnllnn l.-i1nnll.
occurred recently in tho family of Daniel
and Carollno Hoirmnn, of South Man
holm township. Between tho 13th and
22d of March llvo children, innplnf In
ago from llvo weeks to twelvo years,
uieu ot ecarlet rover, nnd on tho latter
dalo tho sixth child was In a living
condition. On tho loth tbreo or' the
children wero burled In ono grave. It Is
useless to express fympathy In n caseor
Mich appalling misfortune. I 'ottsvilte
Ac('IDi:nt. Wo nro in formed tlmt
Andrew Creasy, son of Jacob C'rcay,
formerly Of Laizprm, rniml- In. t .wm..
of Bermuda Hundred, Vn.,wa3 Instant
ly much oy tho explosion or a slenm
holler. It appears that young Creasy
went out with bis father's loam in n
saw mill on tho farm lo bring homo n
load of lumber, and whilo In thn nrl re
loading bis wagon tho boiler of tho
mill exploded, tnkintr oft one-half nf
his skull, carrying away a portion of
tho brains andtcalding him very much.
Tho body was thrown somo twenty-five
feet from whero bo was nt work, killing
him instantly. Deceased was aged 1"
years, 1 month an d 0 days.
Look to YounCi:i,t,Ai:s. Hmv f.nv
housekeepers thcro nro who nmirnclnln
tho blessings of puro sun light, most of
them keep their windows closed, or par
tially so, during thoenllru year, fearing
lent tho mVS Should fndrt fill! lilimla nr
carpel, or ill bii miner tlmt! invito a ily
in mu ui in i.i) possession. This is n
grievous mistake, and ono that has a
pernicious ellect upon health. Another
great error is tho ncirlect to keen M-llars
clean nnd thoroughly ventilated. "Tho
emanations from damnnnd fouir-nii-im."
says a medical Journal, "frequently
counteract tho benign influence of pure
air nnd sunlight In our houses. Inatten
tion to tho nurlflcatlon of (Ilia nnrl Iftn nf
our dwellings lias proved a sourco of
unease, nnn in many instances causing
death." Look to your collars. Admit to
them all tho nlr nnd htinshluo possible.
Seo that every nook and cornerisc-learcd
of garbage, and tho walls thickly while.
Auni:.yr orTiii:SuiTosni)Mui:iii:i!
un or Hi:njamin Yoiii:. It will lo
remembered that on Friday tho 2(ith of
last May, a young man, sou of John K.
ioiio, ol MiilllnvIUe.CoIumbia county,
was murdered near Loss Creek bridge,
whilo on his way from Shenandoah.
this county, whero ho had been to tell
n load of hay nnd collect somo money.
When out or tilioiiandoali about a mile
two men Jumped into tho wagon.
When near tho bridiro and about to de
scend a declivity tho young man got
out lo lock tho wagon, and whilo doing
so was shut in tho neck by ono of tho
men, inlllctliur a mortal wound. Thcv
then rilled the nockels of their victim.
Tho young man was still alive when
found and was able, to partially de.-crluo
mo villains, it is said.
un mo liTtli ol June, n man named
Keaue, and nnothei known to bo Mi
chael IlarlKCl, i,f Ncccopee, in Luzerne
county, who litul licen prowling around
iniu portion or Schuylkill and Coluni
bia counties with another follow named
Charles Fredericks, wcro arrested nt
mourns hurg nnd brought to tho Potts-
viiiojan. Tliey wcro taken to King
town about tho (lest week lu July.and'a
preliminary examination bcrorn a Jus
tice was commenced but beforo Us con
clusion Keauo escaped. Tho evidence
of murder proved not to bo sulllcient
against them, however, nnd Ilnrlzol
was discharged. It was known then
tho tbreo fellows wero dealers In conn
terfelt money. Hartzel nnd Fredericks
had been seen In Shenandoah tho day
Yoho was murdered.
On July Mtb, constable Fooso of
Ringtown succeeded In arresting Fred
cricks nt Nescopeek, nnd safely lodged
him In Jail, In Pottsvllle, on charge of
passim; counterfeit monov. On this
eh.irgo ho was convicted In February
last ueroro tho U. S. District Court nt
Pittsburg and sentenced to bovcn years
in tho penltentlnry,
Soon nfter tho nrrest of Fredericks
Ilnrtzel was rearrested, but on ebnrgo'
or counterfeiting, nnd taken to Pitts
burg ror trial. Last week tlio detect
ives who havo been making airesls of
counterfeiters nt Iiarrlsburg, camo up
on ovidonco that ccemid to fix tho com
mission of tho murder of Yoho
with certainty upon Fredericks nnd
Ilartzel, and accordingly II, Bucher
Swopo, United States District Attorney
was notified by telegraph, on Monday
last, to rcfuso bail for Harlzcl, Tho
father of tho murdered boy was also no
tilled nnd ho wont to Hurrlsburg on
Tuesday to learn tho facts. It is under.
Btood that ho found tho ovldenco lu
possession ol Whltolcy's detectives suf
ficient to warrant him In instituting
proceedings agalust tho two counterfeit
ers, and It Is probablo that tho accused
will shortly bo returned to this county
for trial. I)Usvtlle Standard.
ItCSolllllnilQ nf fftmlnlnimrt
WimiiKAs, Our unerring Father
niu called Homo Brother T. W. Hutch
1 11!15 1 fi l.lcso!l'eih '1',mt ly tho breaking of
'."""V, -""" ru mailt sao, and
sunder1 ,omlorMt nirectlons rent ns-
Jlao'leed, That wo highly appreciate
his cbnrncter as n professional man, n
beloved member of our Order, and n
i .alum Kuuuuiiian.
1l?rUi,l ni.
.c'?.!l'e'.l T,mt wo 'lOTply symiiatblzn
witn tno lieroavcd fsm v.
ny, and extend
" "rm ino hand of Friendship
nnil Truth ' n n, , 1 ,..
'.''.'i i iiraijui inesuro-oiu-
lions bo handed to tho relatives, nnd
nluo published In tho local papors.
Wm, It. BltowN, N. 0.
A. C. Mir.i.Aiti), Secretary.
A DlOl'I.UM roil T,Avvnnn Snnm
fifty years ngo somebody owned iJ.OOl) or
i,wu acres oi land hereabouts, which
lltlld Was then nf III fin ....
value. Tho party dying left rourheirs;
pariui uiesu ucirs wero ilclrauded or
tbelr Inhcrltnnen. nml I infiitH f tin rnnt
valuoof tho laud becamo known, tho
defrauded parly left nnd finally died
abroad. Tho descendants now enmo
forward and claim their Inlermt. In thn
estate, which, when taken from their
nuccstors was a worthless tract of moun
tain fastnesses and Is now developed
Into ono of tho richest tracts of laud on
tlio globe, and their Interest Is suppoicd
to bo worth nt least $2,000,000. Wo havo
understood that on this disputed tract
Is located our Borougb.-((:Woii JVVim.
Mit. Aauon Won', who visited this
(own n few weeks ngo, nnd bought
nearly lllly lino hor;rs, Is hero again,
buying n second lot, oven better than
tho first. Wo wonder why farmers will
thus dispose of their best horses I But
this Is Just what they nro doing, for
tho horses Mr. WolTnow has in ids sta
bles nro tho very best in this county.
Thoso hoiscs nru destined to Columbia
nnd Lehigh counties, Pa. Mr. Wolf
lias n good eyo, and is a goodjudgoof
horse tteah. llo is, it Is wild, paying
fair prices for nil tho horses ho buys
but buys only tho best. Wu lcgrct
thus to seo our best stock taken awny.
llochcstcr 2nd. Sentinel,
Mr. Wow' will bo In Bloomsburg
next Tuesday, April 4th, with a
drovo of ai horses, which ho will ollVr
for sale.
i.oe.a mo'iots.
Giu:i:nwooi Sk.minauy. The Sum
mer term of this Hoarding and Select
School, located nt Millvillo, In this
county, will upon on next Monduy,
April (Id. For terms nnd further par
ticulars, apply to Wm. Buhcikss,
FAItJIKKSgO loSlIAItlT.r.33 it IlAIt-
MAN'rt and examlno their Corn Planters,
Cultivators, largo and small Iron liram
Plows, right and left hand Wooden
Heain and Side Hill Plows. It is also
the cheapest plac lu tho county to buy
Cooking Slovcj, Ac. nl3 2t
Nnw Finn. J. B. IC.NiTn.i: nnd J.
S. Shuman luvo leaved the Store rooms
In Masonic Hall, Catawlssa, and have
purchased tho stock of Goods and fix
lures of thu Into llrniol Yr.TTius, Cooi.A
Co., where they will open In a few days
with a hugo slock of Dry Goods, No
tions, Groceries, Ac. nlil It
K. J. TiioitNTON has just received a
now supply of Wall Paper, Window
Shades and fixtures of tho latest styles.
Samples of Gilt paper or every variety
on wilo in New York can bo teen in hi
store. Ho nl.-o "keeps on baud His best
step-ladder In tlio market. You will
find it to your ndvantago to deal with
him ns he makes theto nitidis n spiel
"llty. nti! sit.
51,000 ltliWAM) is ouered by the pro
prietor of Dr. PlEltor.'a Alt, Kxt. or
Golden Medical Discovery, for a nii'di
ciuo that will equal It In tha euro of all
esvera llnirerinir UoUL'hs. ''Liver Com-
plaint' or liilllou-nes-i, and nil dl-easey
arising from impurity of tho blood, as
i',rupiion, I'liupics, uiotclicsnml noils.
Sold by druggists. Thu Genuine has
Dr. Pii:nci:'.s private Governnuut
Slump on tho outiddo wrapper. This
pi l vntu Stamp has tho Doctor's portrait,
naiiio and iidilies-, and tho wouls "lr.
S. Certificate of Genuineness" engraved
on the tame.
Mor.K than a hundred companies
havo mado Sewing Maehlrus dm lug
Ibolast twenty year.-1, all lepresent' d
theirs superior to all others. But when
tried in practical uso a .few nionibs,
their faults wero discovered, many of
tho Companies suspended, nnd own- :s
of machines found most of them wonh
lecs, which caused many lumlllis lo
form nn unfavorable opinion of sewing
with machineiy. Thoso who bought
Ibe Singer tuenty yi ars ago, or uliico,
found It to bo as lepieseutid ; lodo the
woik in tho best manner yi.-.r nfi r
year without trouble or cost hit r pairs.
Tho Singer is tho largest Company in
existence They employ tho hlgiie-t
Inventive talent, and twelvo hundred
experienced mci'lmnlO'', using the bc.,t
steel with perfect machinery fir filling
all parts exact, which makes eveiy ma
chine recommend Itself, Whl.o making
oilier styles of innchine, they belloving
it possiblo that a new iiinchlno could li"
nutdo simple, durable, quirt, easy lo
lenin and adapted to a greut range of
work without unusual strain or wear.
Time, talent nnd capital wero u-ed lu
combining valuable patents, late Im
provement's and experiments in tho
plan of eonsliiictlng their now Family
Sewing .Machine which was put in about six years ago, end Is now
brought lo thehlgliest pirfecllun, Slnci
the Introduction of this much'iio on lis
own merits, tho demand ror it air
exceeded tho Company's expectation.
It lias distanced all eour, ctltion. Their
sales lust year worn forty-four thou-aml
moio than any other Company, nnd it
is believed with Ihu tamo effect lo make
i-ales by their agents Hint Is done by
those representing other ('ompnnh'-i.
Tlio falcsof tho Singer will (quid all
ot her CVmpanli sin tro United States.
If our friends want n reliable machine,
onu tli.-.t is lellablo tor all kinds of fam
Ily sowing, without unusual wear or
strain, wo advho them lo buy tlio New
Family Singer.
" marriages". "
CIIKISTirAX-INanOt.D.-Oii tlio Iltti (nst.hy
Itt'V. 11. K, Allemnti, Mr, I'luik I'hristnuiri, uf
Din mihbuiK, tu MU llattle M, IukkiiKI, if
MyiitHluet. l'u,
MrKKrXV-HOnc-AHhorcM.lriiPO of tlM me
Hull, ta Mt ri(ft-nnt township, rti thu :M
Juki .. by I, It, Aiplctnnu, Vn., Mr. Dmilol
Multtoy, hcntl lowiuhtp, ta Mffas rulli.iiinu
llutik, (if Jit, rJCUMltlUOWllfclllj), w
I'OUTNnn-IU.ACIC.-On Iho 2M Iit.t tiv Itrv.
J, l-'tMiOii Itrown, Jttlm W. Koiiiur, uf (!nta
wihsu, una lAMu A, IllucU, of Uuhutuig, l'a,
OINflt.KB-IKLr.U.-Ofi Iho 2M Hist,, liy Itev.
ll.COnisttrnen, Mr, Wtlllnm (Jlncli K,nf.crsfy
towu. toMUs H.iHle A. Iklcr.of Jlh-, l'u,
DEATHsr """
II AltltlNliTON -111 Hunnrlimr lnwlllili oil llio
mill lukt , Mary HuriltiBtuii, ogiil II J luiii,
AltTKIt In Pino tawiiklilp. cn tlio lllli Innt.,
lire. Uliurlotiu .Mlcr, need 17) mm nn.1 IiI.ajb.
nisi.. Mr. John Clialuiliiillu, wi H jiuni, 11
luuutliitand 10 Joy,.
lllnoinilmrK Olarkcl.
Wheat pit Imslal .-.
Ilyo "
tirii "
OjIb. "
'lour per lmnel
rioverhted ,
I'DlltlllCli M
Ilrlt'd Al'l'lvv
llama h
KiacM and Hhouldi rw
IirU per l'ouud. m
iluy per lou
,.. tI.M
... I ill
..... T
... S W
.... I) 10
.... 1 M
... M
... 10 UI
l UHTICKJS I1I.ANKH. Huramoim, lliiculloim
t) Kultixi'im,. Win nmlti, Ai',, (-utiHtHialy uu liaud
unU lor Milo at tho euLl uuian Oilkv,
Legal" Noticea.
Nollco li hereby ulvon ti, nil r"nn not ti
nrifrihli.hilc. w. V. liVEItLVi
lloiiiluck twi., tlnrch 1, 1171 it.
laTATBoi nLixAnmii vxhhoiin. iit c'n.
t-ii" ill I,.r "dmlnlMtBtlon on tho okIhIH f
(.olmnbl.1 (onntyilpcMiicdihnM! hrm Rrniitod In
tho Itculsttrnr Mildrouiily in liovld Jfilli-T, All
neranii, IiiivIiik olnlini iifjuliiRt Iho ritntoof Iho
(1 0,9ldClltHlc I liqlliHtnl 111 ri"tlltttlOlll fill HI.
lIumi'lil.ulKl llHi.u lii, Ichlc-illo llni i'lnloIiilimki'
'..J lUflll. 1,1
imciit In I lio undcMlinril, lultnlnlt'intur,
"l',1,1-'.'''."''- DAVIli MIl.I.l.U,
;u.i7',i-(,t ArtnilniBiiiuor.
XL 1 1TATM n wil.t.riM t it i n- n
. ff fulmlntiitmtlon, tm tliu VhIu'q nf
iiiiiiiuiumiiHiuin i iBaiiiKcirtniwn, (.'oiumbin
rounty, tlrccascil, Iiave been Kniutwl I. y t Uv H u
islcr ol (mltl county, to Jacob Yupluot I'lMili u.
creetc, All rerRonH liavltiR clalum nKfilnst thn
elnto of salil tleceilcnt nro request a to present
them furfifttlcinout.niKl tliosolud Med to iimUo
rarmpliLtnliintin,lfrtlr)iif.,l iltl, ....tiH..
i n JACuu YAl'Jil':,
fcb2nl.Cw. Admltllslrutor.
J.uttrrs oi fulmtiilfitrntlun uu tho (talo of
cotmty, ilcct-ul, U(o IjcOh frautul by thu
KiKtsUr ot naid cuutity to lv it hwiuil;, 01
j unjust lowinmr, uxninuia rniniy, in. All
potsoim Imvltiff clnlrni nnnllist tli estate ot
tho (Ifi'filllt urn li (tncBtcil lr, w.rm ( tl.....i r,
Botlkinoiit, niitl tlito imtc-bttd to ttmetntoto
niiiKu jmjint in 10 iuu uuutijuui,auinliiutra-
marini-w AamhiMratilr,
JU MTATU tit-' EUflAIICTit K, YKTTHl, tlRC'n.
Icttrrut('HtHiiieuturynii thoilulertt Kllziibolli
K.Yittcr, lato ot towtiniiip, c'oluiubt i
coiinty(ilec'tMliaobw'iigiatilotl by tlio UutOhUt
it fuM county toJekno Jv.HUarpltf-H, of Uativl-t.i
township, Columbia fonaty. All pi riou!i iviiu
cbilmsnKfiliift thccfitatenron (tuicil to pn in
tlit'in to tho U.xprutor tit Columbia tount ni
liuwo liulobtud tolhutKlato ollbt'l 0UliuU, iuk
nient, luortunjfo or book uoeount will aiaUu
tmyuuiit to llio Kxcculor wltlioul tlulay.
JK-SSU It.WltAltl'LtiSS.
mar 17'71-Cn-. Kxvcutur.
XX tirATi:oi,IKTEUMKt.I.lCK, TJtc'n.
iho uniUTMlKiMii, ).puinn-d by tho orplmtih
Court or toluiubhi county, Auillior lotllMnbub
WW1 Uil. '.lftIU s of in. II. JlncenbuHi, uni
llsoti Mflllck,mlmulstratora of Fcicr MullicU,
Into ot hcott lowiwilp, Columbia county, de
censed, will meet tho partlun intcroatud fir th
purpo&a of his iippoiutmcut nt bU olllco lu
1.tI,ti".VlJul'K'.',ll.H.!lturdliy( tlioi.llliu.iy ot April.
A.n. 1671, lU 1U o'clock, A, M, All i ernons liaviin
cluiniHon fcitJd tutat uro rtrjuitcd to utUi.d o:
bo forever lUbnired from couilu; In tor a itt ot
(aldluti.1. C. . JIAHKLfcl,
marnJl-C-.r Auditor.
ADM I I8lt AWHsTflTriClJ. "
rSTATlSOIT NA.NCV ril.Ul.MJION, ii:u'i.
i.tttera ortiuinluttttraUouou tlioestmool aiicy
l'llklugtou lato of Lotust towmildp, Columbi.1
county, deceuseJ, Jiao bucn gtantod by tint
Ueglster or said louniy to Uenjau.ln Vngtu-r, 01
Lo'-ust township. All perconn IniMhk cUUias
iiKatnit tho Chlatoof tho decedunt uro ii'iiucituil
to prt-KCUt them lor bell lenient, and tluno In
dcbU'il to tho (Mlalo to lu.dtu puyiucut to tbeuu
Ueiistucd, administrator, without dulay.
mar 1771 Ct. , Adtnlnbstraior.
'1 lio undorslffned liavlng been nppolnud by tin
Orphuhs' t'ouit of Coiiunbl.i uounty reousjl
tmt.i, Auditor to Hhcettalu tuu lu'tcOtnliuH oi
Llm tNtdtel (tt l.tlZiUI'tll lVlniilf ,ln-.. I. Ihi.
Uiiidiua i)f hald l.U.abctll iKUmi; Ut t!4.aicU, ind
n iiiuuv uidiriuumui in inc nioni-ys ill llion.iU .&
oi ttio AdiutulHiratnr of the wild cstati-, to the
pattlta ly i ntlth d to iccolvu the same, wm
meet all tlio paiHis In Interest, at Ut oillculn
thu town of llloomnbiub'. In uid dunn, on
'JuesUuy tho inli duy ot Jlnivh nost, bciv.Lcn
tUeiiouiHoi 1 J o cluck a, m and 1 o'clot-k r. m ,
or-nlddnyj nt which timo and plifp ml part e
it.ti.iL tiduie l quisled to bo pu-cnt tha tla-y
uiay bo hc:iid, ItUlll-.H). i , tl AUK.
itioumsburi I'eb. 21, ltll. Auditor,
I,etttrrt of udmliiUtiutiou ou Iho oMuio of
Ellztbetli Hmoycr,latoot MllUlu twpRColuiabl
couuty uee'd,, uaubien gruntou by tlio Ib'uiitL-r
of K,ild county, to Daulid Holnbuld, uf tnion
township, HchuylKlll county, l'u. All parous
iiaviHeUlniH or demands in;aiim thu dcci-anii
nro i)UL'Nttd to uiuko ibtin known, and tiioit
ludebtui to mako pajmunt.
mar 1071 Cw AUmiutfctiaior,
f-STATC OP EPFIK WKHtl, DEC'll.!ir nr adiulnlHlratlou on tlio tt-laic ol
Knio Webb, lato of Centro township, Columbia
county, dtu'd, hao been grant id by iho Kralstci
of hald county to Vllllam Wibb, leslduu lu
ueiiuo lownsuip, onimoiueouuiy. iu pt r tuni
liavlns claims acalnst tho OMtalu oftho tu tdeui
urummei'ttd to pusent lor M-flciutn',
iniu iuuu inueniui 10 mo cbiaic i iiiiwn- j.t
ment tu thcundcibljiAU.admlnlstra'or.w tilmut
uuy. a t.i.n rmi,
mailoTl-Cw Atiiu'i t-ru..ior.
." 1 STATK Ol JONAS III IAV10 M i' J).
Lrttrrt of ndniliilvtuitlon nti tin- M,i'c o;
joiifn jioiwij;, into oi locust town dup, uituiil,i
cutiuiy (Uu'd.. ha o bceiiL'tanted bviiu i:erihi(i
of hjld cotmiy, to Huncn lUlwlir, oi f.o- ttui.
vu im-imui ru jug ciriiiiiH or ti euiti (in i tv ,1' 1 1 1 i
thf th ridciit niurttU(.stcitoiiinii(i tiu-i.i unm. ,i
""'I iboo liultbtm lo mako pa:aen , witluui
.SIMOtl Il!;v. Iti.
inu-l"",! Ca ' idiiuiiistrit
Al I.srATIj OP jrilijt MI M.I .1 jr. i '
J (.Me.3 tot. im nl.'iy on ih i .,,
Mi lb r.ljtiM.l t, li.i,-. twn..('.il. ii.Ki .
,1. in
dci hao 1 ui n jii- iiitnl by tho I., yj ,u i r . i .1
e itiuly to Dan el Jbimbiitli.ol bii. . k- U .(.
CoJundd toiintv. 1U. All iiLiAim... l...v li . i n s
nnlust tho entattmin re(iH)t(sl ti pi en: i it-m
to tho Hxocutor In ltrlarcieck.Cuh.ioM c ua
l'u. Thoso tudubtcd to tho iMute t im i on not -,
Julsiint(nurlKao or book ncuoiuit will niius
j-itj luum lumo i-ewUior wiiiiout iiimv.
marl0 71-3vv l.xeouwr.
J J r-sTinor isa wiiiti , i i ' 'r,
JflteVM testamentary on tho tslato or in-'
Wliite, LitootH oU township Columbia c m,
tic -KUhdl, haMi bfoii Granted by tl.o It-i-ihb i-
j- ud county to .John 11, vnmb r."U nn I Joh i
II. White, All per.sons having i Minis a;:ntnsi
tlio ttnto nn iviiuested to present them tube
I X' tutors in Cohnut'1,1 county, 'Jim ei.idebU-il
to tin i htale i It her on note, Judcm. ut, luott.taiL'
or hMiUn count w ill make mint to Hit l.i,
nuU't'j wtlhoui dtt iv.
.tuiiN ii.vwni:' slicu,
J dl.VU.V, Ml PL,
mav ClTl Ow. J x- .i. rw,
jroTicK to cuiyoiToiiy.
"iakn not If o that T Iiavonpplkd t-t tho Lour! i
I'omioou I'Ua of I'uluinbla e uinn , Ti ., lr t o
U'liullt ol thu lutoItlil Iuwh oj the t-.ud (n i
hionuc'ilili, ati'l tlm Haiti Co-rt t'.a . iippolu l
tho lln t MfU.dfiv.i 1 SriiVlirxt il tdu . t i ilr t il.n
ot ti o month), to iuar mo ami my traltm ,
ht Jure Maid lull n, lo be hvld at JLoouitiOuig i
uud for fcald louutv ol' Cidumbiti, uu III.' d
nlo'tsald, wli ii ujd .'Uero you may uiteud n
jou think pn per.
iiiar i, ti oi- A, J, .Villus,
Kotico is l.e-nby l'en, (lint on tl.c 17th da;, rii
lVuuatv. 171. nintTiv Inbah'lants oi ('Mam' 'i
couut piedetilri! a petition to a Court ot Co i
mtju I'Uas of Hald ( ounty, (Coliimbtaj prnvb.
Mii taiui iniu lUKuiiiiiijniiii'iiii tiirorpi-ni1
t Hie Mt tlio list i:n!neo:ml Church cf Cdawi
1 a.,w lib thu t luhu and privilege-, tlir rein Kiah I,
ui u ii no Miuueii-ni e.uuo t kuovui lo mo i .
i.u on the ri i st day ot rcxt tvnn, the pia"1 ei 1 '
t l.f pt ihtitiu in 111 Le i;x anted, uceonlma tit'
t i t Asfeinblv In (tiub vant made nod i . .
u t. v, ji i:nt.
le- 71 t r. liothonot:tr .
Tho Cimimor.ttcnltliot iVumtvlvKnt.t to V
bam Crtt ip, t-mmiel Ctuup, JU- Jam I a t i
Iaulel Camp, lhivld t mup, JivlLii Inb rui 1 1 1
m i'Ii 1ji .d Cvi lit. Mary inti'i maiii d u itli l
i ol Kiilp, Kaiiiialt Juitrmoriiod iib Jos. j t
Hn i r, trail uui i inarm u wru uci mx, i' i i
C.tmp Lnii'luTt Cninp, Lulu tjib-iimnik'J vi
Hivld IVrnlnir, linial deceintniiU of Ui'iijiiM
Cuiap.dci'ra'-fd. Younndiaihof yoiure hei
commnnded to Im ami appear bcio.o tho Ji il '
or tho OiplmtiV Court ut liloomhurj, In t
e .nty ol Columbl.i, on the lhhl Moinipv oi M
n-t. lliPU nml thein toaiceptor uluvy ther -. i
of bald lii njanilu Cnina, iieie.iHfil, at thoaiu
tloii. or how cause why tho mmo should ti"i
sold. A A HON' hMirif, Mui.iU
llloomMbura. .March 1:1, it7l-iv.
DAl'LH la tter, Note, Cap, iVijnl Capai.d j' 'ni
J l'u per, ol U'O- bixt (ji.nllllt'w for tdo m t
CnJ-t'MlilAN UJUtf.
k('liiTilns." rnils for tl' Dillons,
llvtry ilay iUiuinittruUH ir.on-i'lirly th.i
ii I'iFiiii'l.itiil, In all tlx tlUlro.ltm lormn ( I -rohtrolh'tl
ulul wllliQlittllllkultyorii. m
vilutli(i' ltlmtnobtiiiiilL)LtteoMe,tutll'.i '
iiacy U uot t roofngnhi!,! Iho rtlnH'IouM,i I'.ml tcslorntlio uitrotlon of lloni'i is
Hhmi.ich lllilo.s. 'JIuitifiiilulcuriKllvoii ' "
the oiytmtotloitnUtty, It diu .ociiao uui' ily
nml huillbfully under tlio InUucnco vl lb Hit.
tt'is. Tht ir uollun biluuH H buek liiiiiia .'i1' 'f
iibelllon Inlo neifict hnrmony Willi tlw1a"i-ur
hinllh. II tlii'io Is cwtlvcnmi, It ilmphoi i; If U tMo-nehu or back.iichc, It fu.ii.; n llio
Rlllll Olltl tho Willi I'M of iho c)ch nio Uum! w nil
feurcrlluoui bllo, they rei'ovcr tlu'lr I no.
If thonpi'illlo Is gone It iHumi If Ino i'Ijh.
Hon is luifiilrttli it la ichlorcilt In luloi, uhai
iver Iho nynnitrnis o Iho canjlulnt nuiy hi',
unit wlmluM-r llio l hiuo It i:iaun.uiuil, a em. m
ccttatn, hiuli mo Iho uniform i Ut ( i ol il Is i l'u
puratlon irhi'ic bilious dUouso Irm btc" ai !
dovclopi'Ut Lut lu ewes luro thiiolsine i'yu
nnstllutlouol tendency to liver rbiu)luliii, I'
may bo incvcnlcd throushcut life by Ihoreuu.ur
uto.ln nuoll iHantlllc, of this lalblo null
doto, Thi-so tiro iroien fuels, mil ihoitld bo
fceilously imirnldl nr, rnlhcr, they shuuM bo
promiitly ucteU upon-by nil feibuts of bullous
tTkmoval I
C. ii, I'UIIMA JI, -add!er,
IIos removed his .liop In ltiiiwrl's bloiu, ou
Mulu Sliiit.opi'osllo tho 1'imt Olllee. IV hi I oho Is
meiuueil lo iluull Hinds ol i;oilc In his lluo of
Lutlnebs, nt bur I'l lees.
linnr .171lm
rjMUAIj IilST,
Kilwnnl M'Cnll ct. nl. vs. Jolm Kwocnev,
Wm. lmgi'iibergiT, it, al. vs. Iluili ll, M'lley.
nobis, el. nl.
Aaron lvraoii vs. Hnmucl I.elby.
I ImrlM 11. Uroen v. I'cler Hchiji.
1 liomns llhnflt ya Itculien Uullil,
M. Ilurdlo, uso. v, II. II. C'rovelluff. ol. nt.
l'elc r Ke,K vs. nwrlM ,c"u8' 011
;iJ,'..'!!kr v- !""" 'Htai-klimn.
v ,11. Klllli', l vs Ablnlmm Moore, ol, nl,
I I' l ow s, llcubenMller.. '
U;'.',',1,''1 "p.vbirt vs. William Hlinrror.
Wlllliiu HlMilorls. lianlol Heylwrt,
lioiicri (inrroll vs, Harney M'llruny, ot. nl,
"J 'JniTcr, mo. s.Haraie llr glit.
Mleh.lel drover vs. Havngo .4 Drlalit.
1 liiiniai Kry vs. William roleuuli.
' H. I owler vs. Jesso 1). Itleo.
',il"l,'rviu,."' ,vs. Jaeob Winner, cU nl.
irambalf tc vs. M'Nineli ft Mhiimnn.
Harvey i', Hos is. unmiiel Cron.y Admr,
Jhiilt KiniHoii ys. Alfred Irwino.
W in. A Ulluc. vs. Jnnies V. Ulllaanle,
John '1 inner .vs. Daniel Hinder.
' V'".1 l'"1''0 v"- w'"' A'
'ci'.'il ' AU"1 v'' "-""tHwotiiy,
Jnscn'li H. Kllnovs.chsrlislloivnril.
.Tnlin llrny vs.Soiidcrii liiigonliuch.
Irlit '"" v'' Hsliliigcnck Hohool tilf
.'..Hi-'" ,".onm Township.
Mtnoii WenlMi vs.Julmlloiriiiali.
.Sli'linlns Mi.yhcrtvs. Il.tnlfl I', Heylwrt.
M.'mV,',' "p,k 1nn''ll vs. Tho North llrltlch
Jlorennlllo Inmirnhrp llo.
!', mi'p'li'il1 v?- ''''"rlel; !. Mereeron.
, ! ,n? ,,,cn vs. Kllnelob ft Walton.
I f.Vnh ii.J!.rl9 ."' "'PUbllenu Association,
m7I .,!i1,sT"0IA''"'''-'" W. A. Kline.
l'l,!nm,'o0mVaT,"y, r,lll"d'"l""
l',l,ta!r7!a0dTolV,pny1'',llatlC,1',''l Ilc,u""
'''"ViiK,!!!? M'l!'MlU neadlns,
i,'!li,i,.ci,iVr!rn v', 'ose)h tt. Vnndorsllcc.
, ,,Xf? Vr , " 1 1 lrnl Thomas,
? ,. ,!"' Wlilmyro Jncoby.
Ci-'n5?!l.,?n."jfy s- William Wnlp.
N i,,',; I i'1',nh""ln.',1 v'- Isiclianuua & lllooras
,. born Unllrond Company.
riimaM KiJi.'1;',l',,,,'!,,f M ifCoIlumun, et. nl.
J"'1 II rntlHt'V v. .Ifiim tnti...... t .i
Uei uo It. llss vs. Joseph WiV.'ct.'ul.'
U'n ... n.... . . . .
Til : 1 I i ."...I .uu iiiiri.b ii"soriiueiiL oi lll.A.Mt
111 nliiornsblirt:. !n nn' l,o.t. t,nrr1. ... i
inner, Common Hoods, llxecutor'snnil Ailiiilnls
LwmonKcdT.fte?'1 "'" KOuJ W" (c"Mf'
Ql I liSTElTH, InjItMANi
HAttKCSW, saddm:, aku truhk
d I'.L'alcrtu
CAttl'UT-r.AOB, VALISES, n.y.Ni:w,
ililrli ho feels confident he can sellnt lover
into than nny other person lu tho county. r.x.
iinlno for yourselves,
Mhop ojiposllo tho To.'t onto..., Main Street,
illoomsour, l'a, '
A UR. 6, 1S7U.
Vi'O 810 PKK UAY.tiVAWVi
ho eucago ill our uewbuslui sH makofrooiSTiIo
-HI porilny In thelrown loenlllUs. IM1I rnilleu
ursnn l Instructions sent Irco by mall. Those
In i ni'i'il of permanent, nrnntnMo work, should
l'K,,ULUUU-N "
fo.wEiiKs mom mixri
,'-V: AMhltlCANItllliAiyiluMLfryiiAplllG
,'. ,",Ti u"'t"f1-,wls bt-pasi' AurlcnltuMl anil
I ainllv Wneiiiy. Hie(-im,.iis 1'reo.
""""iw is H.I.UA, iiooiioM"r, r.. v.
K. K, B. I'lT 1IH 1MII. 1'IIHM1AN! 'JI
pauo-i : Bent by mall fiet. leachrH how to
.i n.iU1iiir met ml i una; Mi in, untr, vyont
uplexlon. Viiic torn Itroidway.Xiw Yorlt!
Hix-cuirr in ALTi NUiinims,
lrorn Xo. 8 lo No. 101 Inclusive.
ror. sai,c i:v
All Ialers lu Dry Goods aud NoIIn".
!' i ear. t( Acre, 1 1 (.lireuhouKcs, JnrKest
ANMjrtijit'nt all j-li'M, llet-tHtocltl low 1'riceHl
H'nit d vou know What, When. Uow to Plant j
I'liii!. Hliade, llvertireen 'lren, Hoot Oralis
I'r lllii!?s Oan IMantt, Appl.i Stml, I'nrly ltoe
1' t'atouo. iblubs.HD'ef. (IrotiihousciiOil (liiiilon
I'Ulils, Af l'LOWril A.M) VKtlt'TAIII.U
"'I i-'i i i nt'ni , a f ni i til it. 1 1 nfii r in una quit
It", ss -nd u iT'iitH fir Ji't'w. it n-iiMtf.i no.
' pt.e Catalogue in pnses. Sendst imp, each,
I .1 l .alo.-iH h t,i Seeds with ptiiu iHn ctlons
(JI pavK; lhddltwnnil Cardt u ri-iuts IIJ puses,
mid M'lmb'HalM l'rleu 1, 1st 'Jl p i AiUrtUs
v jv l un. j., inoomiunioii, Illinois
M ultet Oarttoueia w.intliu tj.riti aud reliable
H ed-, should buy of tl.o Krowen. V,'o riou- tho
in.ts. iir.t,iiL.-si in i.l'li, . auu.ue, arnn ,
I'uiu. Kh'p. Ij"ttu.',e, Melon, Dnl i, Patsiilp,
It ib h Si'iii.t'li, PqtiaHt), Turn.p an. I o!li-r
Vi j 1 iblo .tc I". Cilalojjntw villi Vrlfa Jt
mi. I I I U'YIU: A. AKMJ UtiSt:, Weods-
i l" m, H I Market srr.H'f, I l(J i.teljilu i l'a,
I 'tis ivid niuiiH and nil Hlnu-. or u ntn.i nnd
( .ii'iii i riimmu l'aliii, ( Tar, &,e.,
i !' i n!, without tho hast inju-'v to too tl'iu.i
labile, hul-l bv DriijiaUtK nial 1 i e,- (Ion U
Ih-4l.m. FUAClUNTnAl'OUl'.NiMu, :i liar
e'ay St., New Yoik, in Ja Hal etsr.. rh lento.
1 WOft 'nir."Vi:(H.Ti,i k iTrn
iOfi) rUJ.MONAllY 1IALSAM." (J
ilto 1I ti d n ini'dv f'r ( on h". CoIiih.i oa
Mi.npii A'onai7 bitter" (.1 n.:..t b.t.iVLo..
VTHlul All'nou' '"ialo lii 10 hoii I'.wulio.UdTTiijs
l''"Heulan ltieti, l .Mjo, I'tuai .veil, t'onn
p $ n fi i TTiT
TO I lfi:WOUr:fN(J i I I, '.S.-Wc'.irBUowpre-paleil
I ) luuilsli all rlniiifs iilili constant em
ploi iiuoitnl home, Iho whole m' iliu l.uio or for
tin M'"lo inmnoiils. lluhiniss mv. lli(ht,oiul
iuiir.,ible, l'eisons of cllhir see earn frolnf,)'.
10 f j ptr ivculnff.uuil n prop .rl tonal sum bvde.
.11114 I heir Uhlile lllllo lo Ihu blihlnc . llnvi.
ii-nl ulrls i am ueaily as much as i.h n. lint all
uiiu si e ibis noilco lony semt lhelr address, and
11 t. ll.e luslnibs, wo ituiUo Hie tinpariilluled
i i r : ns nro not well miiMIliI, wo mil
nlil lu paj for Iho Irouble ol vrltlnir. l-'ull
p.i i. lllurs. il nlnabIo snuiplo uhleliwlll do In
i-;i n l ni-o worlt on, and 11 inpy ol JVio J: oale's
IM. nn, t oi"mi'm ono of iho birest nnd bowl
hiwliy in. (.papers cer publl.hi'd-all si nl fio
by lleuiler, Ifjuu vv.iut perm moul, pio.'
IliiMo wollc, aildross 4
U. l . Al.Ijl.M & CO., Al CTbT.l, M U.VK,
FiVl-lifl.lIA.VlH.-AnyU.fy,,,.;; n,.mV,.,u
inaku l.imja moiilh, soeitro then own hanpl
iics'i iiu.l lnil.'Pi-iiileiiio, by oblnhilnii IMYi mi.
IA?iL,V.1''AH '1N;A'.l'lu-N' !'f "ol', I'ltAHM-
IMI. I'O 1 a:;ns e Ot 1. 'II' h.tni I., ,..
''la power oio- mi u or nnliun's ut will, bow lo
Uiaunorlu, h eomii'l'ianeoor V.Mlinir .Mi-dlmiu,
lilvlnal o.i. Sulrliiiiillsni i..i,..,,,v ii,n.n.,i,.:
ol Omens mill D.ram,, nriuli.un Y.luiii's llmlni,
I,,. ,..' f'a""W.-i)niii.iiii nurd lu this book;
lUOIOJ Hfllj! lu'Uj 1 lil.H I,, ,.l,.t!, 1 ,,'. i 51, .o-n r. Any person willluu to act
ns iijjet will ui'e.vo-n sainp ii eoi'-' urn wink
on-. A3 in capital 1,-r. iiullcJ, all i! i ul
i nleileui'i limn in s' null he ! Hi., hook,
oncloslnj in els. .or p is a .t., tn T. IV. l.VAJTM A
I.U., .IrJjut.i s i,.,,. i'.i.l.i.ii.Iii'ila.
Tu.ilil li. i . M i Ji.i-ii. . nnv Mi lli mil Hlmii'.
Inilb li n iii my li i , pennani'ii ciin s ss lui.
l-'ii'.i' Nj iru.i, miii ii , i, t:i:-ii.nv.
I'scil oi 'ctril'i unljt. Aphus'lil .u- k-lllo, free
liitlu I. i ul. Hi dm . it'l.m'i d u I'ler oulli,
lolpv r itt nn otivi'iireil'ilii.eMi . niipiiioniH
UeilMsl in tho ivi-t leu ,c.iu. (-to testimonv.)
II Is tin1 si'leiitfllo pieMilpll'iunl I'l'otessnr Joi.
1. l''llle , M, 11 , u drailuaU) nl t'lo llutvorslly ur
Ieunslv.ul.i A. 1). Isit, no-,, i-io of I'lillsili 1
phlu'uoldeit retiilsr plij ih Inusnuil 1'rofessouif
laieinl.rv aud Tox i iloi.v, who has mado
Ncuinlirj i, I'lironieuud iniUmmaiorv llheuiiia
II. Ill Iho pecl.illtv nl h s ontlro plolessloual
Ilfo ti l.iel v.nieheil fir by tho sttinaturcs nccoui.
panyli 1.0.011 bollh'.oliiiunyproniliiinl renown
oil ph Kiel ins.eleruyiuen.aiidolhertisllmoulals.
topi-' ini Miiiurci from poUouoii4 iiu.ii'k nos
trum, fc'nl useless eniendiluro of uioucy, n lernl
sllineil an ir.inlee,statlnm.i.ict i,umbi ml bottles
wsiianiiil to euie, will ho lorw.inid mails lo
nny niil.'iirsondluit by leiler n lull ile.irirtlou
of mill, i, i. o. In casooi fuiuiiv in euro, amount
,-u. . i' luiuimuu, ..ituiuiim .oiii any-
iiv ixpiess, coiuei on (Mill I v. Alllletod
incil., il mli lew sent by letter bhiiu. '
ri V '' ''I1'.'." I 'Ullll stleet, IMill idehihlii, hi.
llllll .'I TI ly "
" ".'." , .'111'Ul.lS.
I'i n. I.W.NIlis, hnvlnste(uicilihonii,neyof
the i libratisl Hhoniacsi r l'luno, nnd uUn iho
ngei . ofihoNeivIIaveii JleloillaunndOinanOu.
Is pn paled to' liislriiiiiuils t n .uporlor
qunhi nml ut lower prleis ihan mil bo imiulu
jbi le ie, and on linns lo suit cusii iueis,
Sliihl, nl iiicribandbo nl nil kind lurnlsheil at
SI, oil lollee, l'li'iiko mil b, fnio iluili.,,!!,,; else
)' 1,11 ". n.;sldincu (lilt April 1.1), linn Mieit
le,.i.;'llih,lKt I.W.MM.H,
h U.I7 71-lia. 1 iiioimdiurir, l'a.
Oli.NTrf Wa.VTKI)
To mako J) lo SMO per Jloiiih by sellliiu
It I! A T E' O U T V S IJ K.
Ami How Turn W'piir M ini:.liy j, n. jTeCnbc
Jr. 1'rolliSKlv ami I1..11111 ir,.i .. V
'Iho lnokt uiilvirsally niuulilafUf ,on1e Usuut
lor viwia. It khows how a pisir sehoolinaktcr
Hindu W,(--.u1 how a poor luiir-blind willut I,"
oiinip 11 treat banker, u Imtclin's uppuulleo Iho
wialiblukt lean lu Ameile.1, nn unknown 1! e.
chBliteiiliilllionarfl lu s.ieu yeais Willi iminv
inorii.nehexainplisi h,u .iaW, ,,(,(, ,
hull imluuli' have ttlu-uy met with tvt uJica
'""!.! '"'' A"" '""' il rail be iiiade hmutltll
lil(I mrtoulocriyleeiif principle, bflutlorl'lieulur,
ile mid nolloa my extra terms, Oi.o.WAi'irAN
uu niuikuiii nun 1, i liuaueipuia.
a'uxcn uin i iat
- -
A I'
ii n
u 1
i' 0
. 0 e
e in a
r:e,5r goods,
llns oiicnml
NOW in stoiu:.
lllllll'tl TfSJt-Vtl
hm:auiu:ii mimmnm,
tit, &.c. Aie
1IKST I.N Till! .MAllKllT AT VEHY t.OW 1'IllCtS.
noiioiiy has iicTTiin copruiis,'
I'uro nnd 1'rcth.
lo run nnli- ti-.,.,itln.i n r.... .,
w ,t ,f..uiiin niiioies. -
Como and seo us nnd wo will UO YOf ClOOD.
l'lillmltliiiila I'oiillii'i 11 largo
iisiorfuicnt ol' all Nlitiilcii at lO
c(i. ici- ynril.
fr.Altif nr.lrre,! n.i.l.i.ll, (..
Bood assortment of l'lques for Sprint! nnd Suin-
iiii.-.. 1. 11111 r(ii' III is CIS.
CT.ARIC Las III sloro n Hno sloc' of SIJW f.'AH
IMUI1E3, toiell-Uown, Down.
CIiAItlv will keep nt nil tlniosnfull lino or
aitOCr.ltlllS.TEAH ut :i.00 per Ib. lo tho best In
market ntSI.CO.
CALL AND Snf. n lariro and well r.ssorlcd
sloclc of notions, hosiery, b'.ovcs, umbrella., d-c.
TION OF GOOIM. nor mskesnooo whonre lllr fr
it In knows It. And r.ny errors mado bo la al
ways WllllUKtor.dJlHt,
p!,'!''5' "i"!1.1'' fMitillfii best, Ulyccrlnc, Iloacy,
Castile, while and eolered,
Vou will Uu 1 a full an 1 1 irso stool: ol Genuine
TIIAl-roliri I'AItl'lirclIAI.Vat
KfavvTaersl curlnltis nt. -jl n.i t-. nn,.i.
yard, othor Curlnlns lr. stocle.
Iiiklne'i, n;;ij n'ld l.ireokloil: of QUILTIXO
In Iho lino of .MU.SLIX3, both bienc'.ifd nnd
UllblOielliil. bn AfVira ,w M.. n .
' " -"...J . muni 111111 lis
well assorted, 1111,1 nt tho bottom rales, JUctcr
I yard wl le, U on by tho holt an 1 12J.J by tho
yard, Laronla, the suno ns Krult of tho Loom.
.11111.S lueiii.
iiiArrouD cAiti'r.r cijaiw. tho t.cst m
nnrkeLntpjets. ierlb. by weight,
Claiii: lias received another lot ot
Listing I'olish nml Congress Cinlteisnt
$t! n iulr forlniliej.
Instoulc.n full ncsorlmenl ol l'rcneli 111 iv,iw,
COI'.SU. Hat 73 cents.
CLAW: will rceclio n n-co 3lolc of Ladle.'
f-pilng felt niCIUTHof Co latest stjlanad pat-
!(n,AItir has nunllir. V..... li,..i ..r
CLl!lv lias reeilved ulari:o stock if lMfi.-ive
KNIVES for Udles and Ueuts .Inclii Ilim the old
CLAIIIC l;ripin Mm 1
Cdrpt-'la in town, from 10 $1,75 pci
Volt Will tllld II full Kliw'r r.f TilHVJ nnt ...
hs.isou, tueli as Alnpaij, foplltis, ri.U.Is, senses
.11 tuiiiusiiim siripos.
A full stosk of WHinS O00I on bund.
Ili'.HIt rOI'LINS, Hlllt Vopllns, of nil colors,
CLAKIl kellsn r.,l,.n,v.. t, .
pouud. " -" '.mi lair
Ono of leu lieht ntul lsri-i.1 ulr,l.u . ,....,. ,
striped ALl'AC.l.s In town.
Now lu sioro n l.irso Hlotk of Hoop Kklrts.
Misses' I ltlils 3 cts., UtdlCk' II ceuU to W0.
CI.Alik!?, i-oomn-j uinsits, nt
TO QENTK (Mnik nir.i.. c.n n .
i,uv,m ino ery
bestnud most fashlon.iblo stiak of I'apcr Collars
-IMliutr, Lliun-faeid, AinH'iuxure, y;w -uj
Hons LAHU'S' OOOD IIOHIIat Si cts,, Oeuts"'
Ilrlllsh lloso nt ii cts., nnd upw nrds.
lheap?i&VcLAlK f Tics,
CI. A UK oirn s to Iho I'.UtMr.r.H n full Hoik i f
Hoods which ho wilt soil tueui for priKlueo us
lowns for llio cash, Cull unit nofor jouiselies.
Claiuc sella u heavy ono ynril wlilo
btniidnril iiiuslln nt lii cents by tho bolt
or IS! cents by tho yard.
mccretbuii, March 17, IWMf,
Sewing Machines.
1 Vils 1
,"8 K W'j'lf H ' M 'A Oil INK
. ' , ' . .
1 WSM, 1 , i.
iwd, l-uml.., 1 i , r-
-nXtf&s " -
M. I. I i 111
' '.;;1iT5cManono,vA.
u I!.'
jriiiiiiJu, iiuam a co.,
iljtlt'.VJOK, I'A.
Tlili tirlnif MMblna runs 4IUrnnil easier
than nny ntnur, I! has Imrcr llhroi acrul
H .
ilctl sliulll ttnit illl nevtr mar out, It ha
Makt'a l'Mnt IkhM wllleh tn shows Its mo
Agents wonted in mioccnplod Territory lu
l'eunsylvai.Ji,NwJon)r, iroryland, l!e;awaro
Virginia, V.'olt Vlrjlnta slid UHtrletof Coluni.
Add res
Pa rnsmD DELrMSBa 7TI1, iC9.
" Hf wmt!4 cfltJ. ArkiiovrU'ttffPit br ntlTrtiaTiaTO
cDl It lu In tlio beat 1'cti mndu or "oM In I Murotin
TT trrt W HI wot corrodes lxtr line writ lea rr
C w It h one Vvnut In I, I Will onlMcor dozvn U
bct Btocl lrn, 1'nt up lit nvut ulldo Ijotvis, r
M1UI O.NLV IIV AUi:lt. nnd for tlita '
tt rouon otiy rrcrrrllo pcron t-nn rr nllze i il
p rVOOpprmonth. 1'rofltovcrUOO pcrcciil.t
I Twouniklo Teas lO irntl Iwoboirn, bit o
1 (ctt'l Utis bat(M, 01.OOI tniltu bojece. ,
Manufacturers Agent, rituburgh, Ta,
. C irTIlV.-Th Brrnt popularity or I hi9
ll'tt Im If J tn liiRiiy IinlUlloiiB of in InTr.
X. riiiriiiiiuii.i iininsiTlillilfFllllllllirui ! J
TIS fKNnol.ll.y CtUfonihurij. IiiwH-lln-j
for ,1 'nit de your .Nitric. Tutvit. County, mi.t
Htuio, pliil.ily wrlttua, cud, ortlerti will tisct wtUi
prjiajt utLculiuiu
420 North Elahth St., Phllada.
A color nnd drcsaing that will
not burn tho hair or injure tho
It dooa not produco a color
mechanically as the iinisonous
preparations do.
It gradually restores tho hair
to ita origiual color and lustre,
by supplying now lifo and vigor.
It cauoes a luxuriant growth
of soft, lino hair.
Tho best and cafeet article
over ofl'orod.
Cloan and Puro. Ko sediment.
Sold everywhere.
rNMMWTrrivii vi.'wi
Tlio uniltrtlitieil vrul4l hrrc.hv civ nntlnn
lluit ho has jTiKt toijjilotra A I'lUT I'LAHH
HKAUMI.urnl t hut he hunt lm furl lit .h for iiinr
Ins on thn tiUHlnrs of UNllKItTAl.'lN'fi in nil
UK UllllU'iJtto
lliilms ni(.-i(ri 1 ( x.filciiritl iorhotin who will
tako thiimt' it tlu Ik illt. nt thn nt-M nssc on
ih tlicv ''MiwT.e ol till n tuoitul inll," nml nitcna
to iililiiE Miini.liaviUiTMlrcHi.lni. &o. Hiirntui
furulslii'U nUo loonier. At mucVi' qx cmo he
iitiw uimsi iii':tif-M fit
In TrhfaU hoilIe-t oanlo prcucrvcJ InftcloAiilv
nml thy ofaulltlon. Can lnjeeii lurnMieil for fu
norul ocojiklniiH, in hhot t, 1 o it prt j'artil to tj J -irliurgo
of a crpi-o lromcdldtply nlltr h r Hi.
btwa irk'iulHumliclntlVL'MaU further ti -ti'ieJu
rcirurd t(lt,
llo alto curries on tho biulucts or
0 V 15 X N K T JI A K i X G
Uphnlfitciliizln nil Its brnnchr. r i utrlnt; funil
lurt, roct'itliiK cm if hoit. mni hulm. Ac. Ac
llnfe Of huS.UttltB ou Iiun tw I, hclmv Miilp,
nioomnbn ts, 3 nly "I lfCfl-1 1.
Tlio only prral Instriimrnt lu llio World, It
Is iinriuiul lu Itlclini'ss. 1'ovir, llrlllluiiry nnU
.lurubillty. Hpcelul terms In Ttuclirs. Mmktil
Mvors In i 1 ry men. Heud for Ulutlrutcil Atlon
I'am lili U I,
V, Y, I'OHIKIt, licnpral Aci ni,
roar 10'71-lf.l '.Maith I'uuhk, 1"a.
" 'SSfCiw ik"
srj...jj "f."1 1' "Si" . ' "jraa.M,k.Ljjawrrs
i i
Patont Medicines.
coufoumu l'L u I u
Q H A 1' 13 VlhL S.
Omimitnl ltrli11uld lhtratl rjmlarb and
fluid JZitract OUauba (trap
von i.ivr.n comi'LAists, jaundick, bil
Thf sa nils nro tho most delightfully ilcnaaiit
purBstlvo, suporrodliiB castor oil, salts, mag
nesia, etc. Tliero is notlilng moro ncci ptnlilc to
tho itoraacli. Tliey giro tone, nml can so neither
nausea nor griping ruins. They are composed
of tho flnttl tn'jTcdtcnLi. After a few days use
them, such an luvlgoratlon of tlio entire system
takes place ns toappcar miraculous lo tho weak
anil euerrfttod, whether arising from Impru
dence or disease. II. T. Helmbold's Compound
Fluid retract Catnwbaarape Tills are not sugar
coated, from tho fact that sugar-coated rills do
not illsolve, hut pass throngli the stomach without
dissolving, consequently do not produce the do
sired eirwt. TUB CATAWIIA OltArK I'
U-lng pleasant lit tasto and odor, do not necesit
Into their hclnir sngar-ccateil. I'UICE FIFTY
OKNT3 rcn nox.
m:xjir t. iwljiuold's.
Will rmllrnllir .Tlirnilniilii tren. ..-.inn.
Bcrofula, Syphilis, FcvcrSores.Ulccrs.Horo Eyes
noro i.ees, uoro Mouui, Horo Head, Ilronchitls,
Skin Ills nros, Palt niieum.Cantters.nunnlngs
from Iho Ear; Whlto Swellings, Tumors, Can.
ecrous Affections, Nodes, Itlelrcts.aiandnr Hwoll-
ings,isiRni Mucau, Itasli, Tetter, Humors ol n
Kinds, Chronic Itheiniiallsm, Dyspepsia, nnd nl
disease thnt hr.s heen istablUhtd In the system
fur years.
lli'lcgpreparcilUXI'ItltBLYfor tlio above com
p'nlnls, its EI.OOIM'UUIFYINa proprlclicj ato
realer than any other preparation ol Hi.n,jpa.
rllln. It gives tho COMPLEXION n c.c.r und
hisilthy color andresloreslliernllenttoastnto
ol HEALTH nnd I'UT.ITY. For Purifying tho
Woo J, rcmoviic all Chrdnlo Constitutional His
eniies arising from nn Impure stale of tlio blood,
nd the only reliable nnd ctTectuat known reme
dy lor llio euro of Tains nnd Bwclllncs of the
Hones, Ulccrntlons of tho Throat and Legs,
Blotches, Tlmplcs on Iho Fncn, Erysipelas aud
nil scaly Eruptions of thoril:iu,and Beautirylng
tho Complexion. Trice, StCOrcr Bottle.
has cured every enso of Blnbcies in which 11 has
been given, Irrllatlon ortheneckof thollladdir
and Inflammation nf tlio Klilm-vn. lTt.nrniin. nr
tho Kldniys and Bladder, Itetcntion of Urine
iiikuasosoi mo i-rosiaia uiaua.Mtono In the Blad
der, Calculs, Gravel, Brlckdusi, Dcpokll, nnd
JIncous or Jlliky Discharges, nnd for Enfubled
nnd Dellcato Constitutions of both Sexes, ntten-
ded with llin fiillowltiir Hvmtilnm. . lu.lla,.nBl-
llon to Exerllou, loss of I'ower, loss of Memory,
Difficulty of Brcnthlng, Weak Nerves, Trem
bllnj, Horror of Disease, Wakefulness, Dimness
ui laiuii, ima in ino uoci:, jioi nanus, r lush
Ing of tho Body, Dryness ot tho Skin, Lruptlou
on llio Tucc, Tullld Cbuntciiancc, Universal
Lassitude of the Iiucjlllr byktem, etc.
Used by persona fioin tho tges of eighteen to
Iwcsty-flVv, and from thlity-rtie to lllty-flvo ot
la the decline or change of lire; nner coullno
mentor labor polnsj bcd-wcltlngln chlljicn.
Ili'Imbo!d.' Kxlract'lluchu J Diuretic and
lllood-TirllInR,nnd cures nil diseases arising
from Habits of D.sslpntlon, nnd Exccssm snd
Imprudence In -Life, Impurities of tho Blood,
ele., supenedlns Cojiabla In nirectlons fir which
II N used, hnd Syphlllllo AlVclIons-ln these
diseases used In eonnecllcn Willi HELMBOLD'S
Ill many atTecllous peculiar to ladles, the Ex
tract Buehu Is uneiiunllcd by nny other romedy
as 1 Chlorosis or lU'lcnllou, Irregularity, Tuln
fulness or Suppression of Customary Evacua
lions, Ulcerated or Hcl.lrrm Stat, of the ruri s
Lnucorrhcra or Whltes.Sicrlllty.nnd for nil eom
plnlnts incident to ths stx, whether arising from
Indiscretion (rllnblti of Dissipation. It u pn-
'r"jul eslensliily by the most eminent phjM.
i tans and ill.lulvis for ttifcttalid and DellnUe
i"i lulltutlous, nlbnth soxcanndoll nes nlti u.
I wlthanyof thor.bovcdUeaviiorsympl ni
I l)i:l DWEASIM AltlSINO miSt IMI l.t
in nil liK'r rlngs, nt Utile expense, lit leor n i
cliHiiiro lu diet, no Inconvenience, and no e
I'tnure. It inures a ficqutnt desire, nnd glim
sirtngih to Uilr.itte, then by removing Ol struc
tlons, TrevenlliiK ai.d Cmlug Ptrlctures of no
Unti-n, Alloj lug Vain nnd Inflammation, i.u
frequent In Hits rlnrs of dhmsrs, nnd cxpil g
all Tolhoncius mattor.
Tliou'imds hn havo lieeu Iho vlrllms of 1 1
compilent persons, and win havo paid hcvy
fees to be curid In o Fhort llroo, have found they
havo been dietlicd, and that tho "Tolson" lr r,
by thu Uio of "roweiful astringents," been Cried
iipInlbCEjsUm.tobuaUcutln ninoro ngri
vatod form, and perhaps .ifter I'.arrii'se.
ro iielmbOlIi s r.xrnArr nucnu for nil
A fTcctlons nnd Diseases tf the Uiinary Orgam,
whether existing In Mule or remnlo, Irom what
ever causo originating, nnd noma'ternf how
long stnndlntr. TIHC'E dSK DOLI.AU A" I
l il' 1 1 i".n I'llll liOTTLr,
enniiot bo surpowed as a TACK WASII.nnd will
bo found tho only Fpecitlo romedy In every
peclcs of CUTANIXIVH AFFECTION. It sree-
dlly frndlcnirs TIMI'I.Eiii.prriTa.SCOltBt'TIC
MEMI1I1ANE, etc., illspih ltrDNT'-S and IN
SKIN, I'UOSTlinT.S. nnd nil rurposes for whl 'h
HALVES or OINTMENTS ore u-ed ; restores the
skin to n st ile cf purlly nnd softness, and In
sures oonllnuod healthy netlon to the tisauo of
lis i cum Is, on whli h depend the nsrei able clear
ness and il nelly nl complexion so mil -h sough W
and ndnilred. But hov.eier vnluablo ns a
remedy r,ir existing defect, of tho skin, II. T
Heimlich!'! T.oio M'akh has long sustained Us
prlnetple claim to uiibuundcd p.itronai;o, by
IKiisekklng qualities tohlcli render It a TOlLl-rV
ATTENDAUK of Iho most Miprl.itlvo and
Congenial cl.iirafter, eomblnii g in un elegant
formula those prominent rciiul.its. SAFETY und
EFFICACY tha luurniii- ncioropanlmeut of
1U uie us a and Ilefrusherof tho
Complexion. It Is an excellent Lotion for ills
enscsofnByi!iiM",Xaluic,uuduH an !nJc.Uun
lordlwai.ei.wHie Utluury Orgnns, arising irom
liahlls of iiikklpatlou, used. In connection with
I'lj.iWB.V GUATK TlI.IJJ.Iu such dhcoses as
r.'1-.'iiimendcil, cannot bo surpassed. TltlCI.
. lull and explicit directions ncccmpany the
in dfcliies,
lMduuoof,lheii:oit reironilbto and rfllablo
chiiiucier fiimlshid on ajrlliullon, with hun
dnds ofthousauda ofllvlng nllnesscs,nnd up
ward of to.HO unsotlclled certificates nnd recmn
incndatory letters, many of which nro flora the
hlghistkourcis, lueludlug eminent Tbyklclans,
Clergymen, Kliitckincu, ele, The proprietor has
iicvernsniiid lo their publication In tho news
inpersi ho does net do this fiom tho fact Hint
hi. iiii. 'isiiiule ns Klai.ihiHl l'reparatlous, and
ilo m.i need to be propped up by certificates.
Eiciiiy T. ISclinliiiliVh Cctnili.c
Dtllicredtonnytdlriss, beeuio from obni.
EktnblUhid iijuvurds of twenty j inra. Bold by
Druggists cur) where, AddrckB letters for lu. coul'.denco lo 1IENUY T. HELM
BOLD, Druggist and Chemist.
Only Depots! H. T. HLLMBOLD'H Drug and
Chemical Vnrehoun', No. Oil Uriadnuy, New
York, or lo II.T. HELM11QLD B Mcdleul Deiot,
101 South Tenth btrei t, Thlladelphla, Ta.