THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG , COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. n ($oiumIrimt. ntiOOMSBUita. pa. rnm.iv moiisimi, mauch ni, isti. Tho Conviction of llolilcn. Wo published yesterday, says tho Lancaster Intelligencer, n full ncccunt of tho conviction of William W. llol ilcn, Governor of tho Stnto of North Carolina. After n patient nntl thorough examination, in which tho accused was Riven ovory opportunity to rcfuto tho Kravo charges brought against him, ho was solemnly ndjuclgod to bo guilty In manner nnd form ns ho stood Indicted for high crimes and inlsdomcnnors. Being entrusted with tho protection of tho Jlvoj and property of tho citizens of tho State, and commissioned to guard tho Constitution of tho Commonwealth and to oxocuto tho laws thereof, ho Import ed u hand of sanguinary rufflans nnd turned tholr arms against n peaccablo nnd unofTiindlnc uooplo. Under nu. thorlty given him by somo wcro seized without any warrant of law, thrown Into loathsomo prisons and tortured In tho most cruel uinunor to mako them confess to deeds thoy havo never com milled. Men who had committed no offdncj wero hung up by tho neck, nnd other gross indignities, such as only savages nro accustomed to employ, wero' practiced upon tliom. When nn appeal was tnado to tho courts by his victims thoy wero donlcd tho sacred prlvllego of tho writ of habeas corpus, und civil law was laid prostrato before tlio feet or armed violence. Tho Trea stiry of tho Commonwealth Was plun- dored to pay tho bargains, whom ho empioycu, to wreak vengoanco upon thosa whoso only, offense was tho oxer- clso of that freedom In political action which is the fnallonablo right of every American citizen. Having been sol emnly arraigned for crimes of such magnitude, ho was nbly dofended. nnd allowed tho ndvantago of every ancient Judicial right during tho trial. Tho cv idonco against him was ovorwholmlng, nnd ho has beoa formally adjudged to bo guilty, and sontencod to be deposed from ofllco. and forovor deprived nf tho rights of citizenship in tho Stato of North Carolina. That tho verdict of tho High Court of Impeachment was eminently Just and proper, nornan who road tho ovidonco can doubt. Tho wholo country Is Interested in seeing tho majesty of tho law preserved Invio late, and their cherished Institution do fonded from such assaults ns wcro mado upon them by this man Iloldcn. Alaska. Tho cost of tho occupation of Alaska by tho United States Is $10,3SS a month besides supplies, nnd Is divided ns fol lows : Array, $3,900; navy, $3,500 ; rov enuo cutter, $2,200, and custom house, $700. The products nro: Salmon fish, last year, 1,100 barrels, $11,400. In ad dition to this tho fisheries yielded -1,003 gallons of seal and dog-fish oil, worth $2,400. Tho fur trade has decreased ov er slnco in tho United States occupation. During tho first year of American rulo this trado amounted to $35,000, tho sec ond, $25,000, and last year less than $20,000. Tho number of Americans nnd Europeans in Sitka, (more than half of all thcro aro in Alaska,) Is 3,910 tory is nbout 8,300. Tho Russian inhab itants aro anxious to bo transported to s omo portion of tho Czar's dominions. Tucre aro about 0,000,000 holders ol real estate In this country. Thro figur es contrast well with tho 300,000 landed I proprietors of Great Britain. In tho dlfl'ercnco between theso two figures lies tho wholo' question of tho relatlvo popular prosperity of tho two countries. In this country every man may bo the proprietor of tho land upon which ho lives If ho should so will It, relation be ing had, of course, to locality ; but In England more than half tho land is attached to hereditary estates, which descend from father to sun, and which nro practically closed to tho balanco of tho people Ono man in ten thousand In Great Britain owns tho land, which tho remaining nlno thousand nlno hun dred and nlnty-nlno must pay him his own prlco to occupy as n home. Tho possession of theso vast tracts of land Is tho secret of tho enormous Incomes en Joyed by tho British nobility and gen try. So long as tho law of primogeni ture and entailment is In force, and tho threo hundred thousand landowners keep tho thirty odd million British sub jects beneath their feet, so long will tho Immcnso majority of Englishmen con tinue In poverty, whllo tho few grow rlc h er out of tho necessities of tho many. If the movement for political reform in England should tako tho direction of breaking down this privileged class of land-holders, nnd compel a law which, while leaving tho aristocracy thocmpty shadow of their titles, would pormlt tho great estates, which now descond with the titles, to bo thrown upon tho market, every Englishman would havo an opportunity to becomo possessed of that which at present ho cannot lav claim to a homo and tho ownership of Hie land upon which that homo Is situa ted: roLiTicAU Elections will tako placo during tho coming month In Connecti cut and Ilhodo Island. On Monday, April 3d, In Connecticut a Governor nnd other Stato officers, and members of Congress will bo chosen, and on Wednes day. April Gtli, In Bhodo Island, Stnto offlcersnnd members of tho Legislature will bo voted for. In Connecticut tho ltepubllcan candidates for tho principal positions aro Marshall Jowoll for Cover nor, nnd Julius L. Strong, Stophen W.Kellogg, Henry II. Stnrkweatlior and George Cofling fur Congresi, tho first threo having been members of tho forty-first Congress. Tho Democratic candidates aro James E. English for re-eloction as Governor, and Alfred It. Goodrlsh, John Kendrlck, John W. Stedman and William II. Barnum for Congress, tho last named gentleman having bcon a inombcr of tho forty-first Congress. In Rhode Island Seth Padel ford, tho present Incumbent, Is tho ltepubllcan, and Thomas Steen Is tho Democratic candidate for Governor. It Is considered on good authority, that tho cost of tho war to Franco will bo found to havo exceeded four mlllards of francs. A mlllard of francs repro' sents $200,000,000 of our money. This Is cxcluslvo of tho vast Indemnity do. innnded by tho Prussians among tho terms or peace. Hon. Ai-kxanueii Oai.dwei.Ij, tho now Senator from'Kantus,,Is said to bo worm u,uw,ow. Death of Judgo tonK Hon. Lewis, ox-Chief Juttlco of tho Supremo Court of Pennsylvania, died nt his residence In Philadelphia on Sunday morning tho 19th of March. I Io wn3 born at Lowlsberry, a vitiligo of York county, May 10, 1703, bo that his ao was nearly soventy-tbrco years. Soon nfter Hnrrlsburg bceamo tho nonl of govornmcntof tho State, young Lew is repaired thither, and received employ met In tho printing olllco of Jnmcs Peacock, editor and owner of tho Penn sylvania ltepubllcan, part of his duty hnvlng been ns carrier of tho paper In tho then small vlllngo. Ho perfected himself ns a printer, nnd In 1810, bceamo associated with I. K. TonnnttT in tho publication of tho old Lycoming Gazelle, Ho continued ns ono of tho editors up to July 31, 1821, when ho was succeeded by T. CouYKtiL, Esq. His tales, howevor, lod hlra to tho study of tho law, and ho was admitted to nracllco in 1822. Ho also entered tho field of politics ns n Democrat, nnd In 1821, was appointed District Attorney for Dauphin county, by Gov. Heister. In 1832 ho was elec ted to tho Stnto House- of Representa tives, and lii January, 1833, Gov. Wor.v appointed him Attorney-General. In October of tho same year ho was ap pointed President Judgo of tho Eighth Judicial District, nnd In January, 1813, President of tho Second District. At tho first election by tho people of Judgos of tho Supremo Court, In Octo ber. 1851. Jutleo Lewis was ono of tho successful candidates. Ho became Chief Justtco on tho 17th of November, 1831, nnd retained tho position until Novem ber, 17th, 1857. Ho was unnnlmously renominated for re-election by thoDcmo cratlc Stato Convention In thesamoycar, but ho declined It, nnd retired to prlvato life. In 1858 ho was appointed ono of tho Commissioners to revlso tho civil codo of tho State. 1'or his acknowl edged superior acq ualntnnco with medi cal jurlsprudanco ho received tho degrco of Doctor of Mcdlclno from tho Phila delphia Collcgo of Medicine, and tho degreo of Doctor of Laws was conferred on him by Transylvania University in Ky., and by Jefferson College, C.mons burg, Pa. A number of his decisions whllo on tho bench havo been frequent ly cited with approval In tho books. Ho wroto ono law book, an Abridgement of tho Criminal Law of tho United States. Judgo Lewis's tastes wcro decidedly literary, and ho lias oflan written for periodicals and newspapers, and always with tasto nnd elegance. His manner and conversation wcro extremely agree able, and ho loved, of lato years to en tortnln his friends with reminiscences of his early life. In Harrlsburg, William sport, Lancaster, Philadelphia and other places where ho resided, ho had hosts of acquaintances who enjoyed his society and respected his characted. Ho leaves, wo believe, only ono child, Mrs. Juliet H. L. Campbell, tho gifted wlfo of Hon. James II. CampiielIi, ex-Minister to Sweden, and formerly n member of Congress, but now a practising lawyer of Philadelphia. Mutilated Currency. Tho Washington Dally 1'alrlol of tho 21th Inst., says : "Tho United Slates Treasurer is In daily receipt of numerous lettcrs.cnclos Ing Blips cut from various newspapers, to tho effect that ho has decided that postmasters must recclvo mutilated Unllcd States notes, not moro than ono twentieth of each nolo Is missing, and that In fractional currency not moro than one-tenth Is missing. It would seem from theso letters that thcro is n general Impression prevailing umong postmasters, that they aro compelled to redeem mutilated currency. In reply to such a letter tho Treasurer says that ho has never ventured to instruct post masters In relation to tho receipt of cur rency by them, nor mado any decision on tho subject. He has merely referred postmasters and others seeking Infor mation on tho subject, to circular No. 70, from thoPbstOfflcoDepartment.un der which postmasters aro required "to recclvo in pagment for postage stamps ami stamped envelopes, United States notes of which not moro than ono-twen- tleth Is missing, and fractional notes of which not moro than one-tenth Is miss lug, If clearly genuine. Ho nlso calls attention to tho fact that under that circular postmasters nro not required to recclvo for any pur poso mutilated currency; that Is tosay, currency of which moro than tho pro portions above referred to is missing; nor nro they required to recclvo curren cy of which less than thoso proportions Is missing for any other purposo than that Indicated above. In other words, they aro not required to redeem curren cy. Mutilated currency is redcemablo by tho Treasurer of tho United States, nnd by no other ofllccr, and under tho Instructions of tho Department, is not receivable In payment of any publl c dues, either at par or less." IHst-racofid Scenes hi a Itndleal Uglsla tare. Tho Legislature of Arkansas ad journed sine tile on Snlurdnv raornlnc. ft. i.imo iioct despatch eays that tho "ousonada night session, lasting un til 2 A. M nt which there was irrr-nt confusion. During a call of tho Houso, anil whilo tho Sergennt-nt-nrms was searching for absentees, "whlskev flowed freely, cigars wcro circulated, and n dozen members wero addressing tho Chair nt onco." Tho results of tho session aro thus sumed tin-. "Tim illsn bllttles of about 200 persons wero ro- moved, tho taxes Increased, a number or now olllces created and salaries raised and tho registration laws so amended that tho Governor can carry almost any election over uio will of tho people. Not ono measure of retrenchment or rcrorra was adopted." Pr.TitiriCATioss in the Sandstone Tho sandstono of which old Tablo Bock mountain is composed has been making revelations. Mr. PIckrell dis covered in tho stono quarry there, this week, two well-defined petrifications ouoof tho bones nnd a fln, apparently or n salmon, and the other flvo perfect 'y formed rattles of n"snako. Thoy wero imbedded many feet In tho sand stono formation, still thoy look as fresh as though they had been buried but n few months. Mr. PIckrell Informs us that petrified salmon nearly perfect imvo oecn lomm In tho same nuarrv. Thoso aro Interesting fads touching tho comparatively recent formation of tho present foatures of tho country within view of Boston city, for tho samo kind or fish still swim In Bols, and precisely tho samo kind of reptiles crawl among tho rocks upon Its bnnksVs thoso wlmsn bones and forms are Imbedded In tho mountains. Idaho Statesman, Wheeler' Cnrnlry t, Kn-Klin. Our old war comrade, Bill Wyalt, of (ho Sixth Georgia Cavalry, mado n ten strlko tho othor day. Ho captured threo of tho Ku-Klux that dov. Bullock lias been ndvertlslng for carried them to Chnttooga Court House, got them con victed nnd sentenced to tho peniten tiary for seven years, and caino down on Bullock for tho lirlzo money, $3,000 for tho first, and $1,000 each for tho balanco making $7,000 In nil. Bul lock paid up "llko n llltlo man," nnd Wyntt went homo happy. This amount of money Is Chattooga county, all nt ono time, will ercnto n tremendous ex citement. Tho beauty of tho wholo affair Is' that theso Ku-Klux uero common Radical thieves, nnd were playing Ku Klux to cover their stealing operations. Bully for Wheeler's cavalry. Griffin (S. C.) Star, How to Act In Caio of Poisoning. Tho Journal of Health 6ays s "What ever Is douo must bo dono quickly. Tho lnstnnt n person Is known to havo swallowed poison, by design or acci dent, give hlnj water to drink, cold or warm, ns fist lis possible, a gallon or moro nt n time, and ns fast ai vomited drink moro. Tepid water Is best, us It opens tho pores of tho skin and pro motes vomiting, and thus gives tho speediest euro to tho poisonous article. If pains begin to bo felt In tho bowels, It shows nt least that part of tho poison has passed downward ; then largo nnd repented Injections of tepid wntcr should bo given, tho oliject In both ca se's being to dlluto tho poison us quick ly and as largely ns possible. Do not wait for warm water j tnko that which Is nearest nt hand, cold or warm, for every Fccond of tlmo saved Is of lm inenco Importance; nt tho samo "time send Instantly for n physician, nnd ns soon ns ho comes turn tho caso Into his hands, telling him what you havo done. This simplo fact cannot bo too widely published. It is not meant to say that drinking a gallon or two of simplo wa ter will euro every casa of poisoning ; but It will euro many, nnd benefits all by Its' rapidly diluting qualities." Searching for tlio Site r King Solomon's Temple. Tho Hon, BIclmrd Vnus, Past 11. W. Grand Master or tho Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, A. Y. M., In his valedic tory address, stated that "during tho past fow years n scientific nssoclatlon In London haj voluntarily undertaken to Institute discoveries on tho slto of King Soloman's Temple, for ,tho purpose of ascertaining what yet remains of tho foundation nnd superstructure of that wonderful edifice. It Is beyond doubt that enough ha? been dono to satisfy tho Freemason that tho sacred and pro fano history of this tcmplo Is corrobora ted. Yhon wo hear from nn eye wit ness, that tho stones of tho foundation, which havo been brought to light, arc each designated by a mark, cut into each stone, which has defied tho learning of tho philologist nnd nrclueologlsts, we are animated with n Joy in which only tho Mason can participate. Every effort should bo mado to continuo theso explorations. Freemasons havo a most direct interest in tho result. I, there fore, Invito ray brethren, tho Grand Masters of tho Grand Lodges of tho United States, to tako such action ns will supply with materia ajdthoex; by ovidonco thus grasped from tho do stroying power of time, confirmatory of many of our esoteric teachings. Might it not bo well for thoso Past Giand Mas ters who takonn interest in thlssuhjcct to unito in securing means to effect this mos t deslrablo object. Tho symbology or Masonry Is a most Infercslingstudy. inoirutu3 which aro hidden under theso symbols may yet rcccivo now life In a resurrection which would con firm tho faith of tho fraternity. 1 would earnestly Invito for this sublect tho early and practical consideration of tho distinguished brethren to whom I now appeal for effort to this end." Tjiu first uso mado of power in franco is to coerco opinion nnd muzzle tho prets. No matter tho party, tho Opposition press is n damrcr and a ter. ror. Orleanist, Bonapartlst, Legitimist, iicu, iney cannot bear ventilation mill frco nlr. Tho Vennucr. Mot d'Ordre. and other papers nro suppressed. No grcai loss perhaps in tho fact, thnu-di serious In principle. But nil new polit leal or social economy Journals aro for- uiuuen. Tlio thine that is and tho t hlng that is to be, nro Included in ono condemnation. Tho Fienclimnn ilnr-s not yet understand that grumbling Is uio salety-vaHo of tho freo machine. Suspension Is working incalculable injury to industrial pursuits in this quarter. A general exodus of skilled mechanics Is threatened. Wo can 111 v afford to part with so many of our best citizens, but it is not in tho nature of things that they can bo expected to re main hero and encounter tho anxieties and deprivations Incident to tlio too frequent strikes and Bupcnslons of tho coal trade. Luzerne Union. Natives of thnfcnndivlch Islandsaro much pleased with tho pretty postage stamps of one, six, and eighteen cents' denomination, which havo recently been Introduced Into tho Islands. Theso stamps aro violet, green, nnd pink in hue, and aro stamped with tlio heads of nallvo Hawaiian dignitaries. Thcro Is an immenso trado In them, as tho natives buy them for talismans. At Lincoln, Nebraska, tho prosecu tion In tho Impeachment trial called James Sweet", cx-Stato Treasurer as n witness. There seems to bo a (lucstlon of varaclty between Butler and Sweet as to tho disposition of $10,000 of school money belonging to tho Stato. Tin: Hon. e. W. Ncsblt, formerly JudgO Of tlloHlllirnmnf Vsiirt nf fjnnrr,tn n mcmbcrof tho United States Congress from 1638 to 1810, and a lawyer of dis tinction, dlcil at Macon, Georgia, on tho join , uguj Bixiy-eigut years. Mr. Dawes asked Conprfwis for sMR-7 000 for tho Freedmcn's Bureau, but It was cut to $87,000, which wero nppro prlated. When will this leak to tho public treasury bo llko;y to stop? Tho election of n DcmocratlcCongrcss would SlUJI IV UI1, A vjsjiy rare and bcautirul medallion of Benjamin Franklin, struck In 1771 was lotcly presented to tho Ma&sachu belts Historical Society, It Is believed to bo tho first over mado of clay 1 Franco, Jlnsonlc. isTtnisrttio otu timk kemimiicesce. Tho Athens Gleaner Is publishing tho early history of Masonry In that region, by which Wo learn that tho first Lodgo organized In Northorn Pennsylvania was nt Great. Bend In 1701, nndthonoxt tho samo year ot Wllkcsbarro. Tho former ceased to exist long ngo, but tho latter Is In successful operation now. In 1798 No. 70 was organized nt Tioga Point, (now Athens) nnd Is In n prosper ous condition now. In 1707, between tho tlmo when No. 70 was warranted and organized, n lodge was established In Bath,lnStcubcu,(tlicu Ontario) coun ty, N. Y. Except nt Caunndnlgua, nnd tho ono In Nowtown In 1701, there wcro no lodges In our north In tho Stato of New York, nnd In tho west thcro wore nono nearer than Pittsburg, where ono hnd been established by tho Grand Lodgo of Pennsylvania In 1783. Tho only oilier lodgo bordering on ours dur ing tlio last contury was tho present old Blughnmton, which was established on this sldo of tho Chenango river, In tho then township of Union, In 1799. Among the Masons who visited tho seeond meeting of tho lodgo nt Tioga Point, as visiting brethren, was Col. Thomas Baldwln,of Nowtown, who was n member of tho lodgo there. Ho was an early and well known settler on tho Chemung, nnd resided below Nuwown, near where the battlo of Newtown was foiuht by Gen. Sullivan In 1779. Ho was hliubclf In that battlo us nn Ensign, was wounded in It and taken back to Tioga Point, where ho remain ed till Gen. Sullivan returned from his expedition. Baldwin Creek, near where this battlo was fought, was named nfter him. His descendants Milt reside In Elmira. Z.ulock Elwcll anil Dan Elwcll wcro nlso there present ns visitors. 7.x dock nnd Dan Elwcll wero brothers. Dan cjiuo toTlogn Point In tho samo month that this meeting wus held. Ho was born In Southeast, Duchess county, N. Y., April 17, 17J1. llo had taken tho three first degrees in Masonery In La Fnyctto Lodge, In Anicnla, In that county, In 179(5. Ho nnd Ills brother Zidoo woro both carpenters by trade, nnd Dan's flrt employment In Tioga Point wns on tho homo of Clement Palno in 1703, which was tho Into rcsl denco of John Drake, nnd burned a fow months ago. Ho bceamo n member of this lodgo March 21, 1S01, and was vo ted nn honorary member Dec. , 1820, which rank ho held nt tho tlmo of his death. Ho died nt Van Ettcnvillo aged 91 years. Ho had been 72 years n mason, and was burled with Masonic honors. Ono f his tons Is tho Hon. Win. Elwoll, and who resides In Bloomsburg, nnd 13 President Judgo of that Judicial Dis trict of this State. Ono of tho grand sons of Dan. Elwcll was two years ngo pastor of !ho Methodist Church, nt Itomc. He Is n Itoyal Arch Mason. PnoMissouv Notes. A man drew n uoto promising to pay ono hundred dol lars. Ho used n printed form but did not closo up the blank devoted to dol lars, and after It passed from his hands and becimo ucgotlablo paper somebody Inserted fifty after the ono hundred null before the printed word dollars, maklug tho nolo read ono hundred und fifty dollars. Tho no'to thus nllcrcd got Into "tho hands of nn Innocent party, who presented It to tho dra.vor but payment Supremo tloufiilccTdafthaFllio" maker of the noto was liable for tho full Aico of thenote, bccauso,thrnugh negligence, ho had not drawn a lino between tho written word "hundred" nnd its printed word "dollars." Any testimony tho drawer might ffer to eatablWi tho fact that ho gavo a noto for only ono hun dred dollars must go for nothing, its "lliero was nothing oil tho faco of tho noto showing that it had been altered." Evidence or an alteration on tho faco of tho noto would have changed tho case. We may furthcrmoro add that tho Chief Justlco added that sush a ruling was deemed necessary to facilitate tho circu lation oi commercial paper. Let this decision boa lesson to nil drawcis of promissory notes. The Orplmns' Court of Philadelphia ns recently decided that it is ihn iliitv of nn executor or administrator to ob tain searches iignlnst real cstato sold by urn. in derault of taking out fcenrehes tho executor nr ntlnitnUtrntnr. II la atn. ted, may bo held personally liable to a Hen creditor for tho lo?s of his claim, oven though an nudltor has distributed tho assets and tho report has been con firmed by tho Court. Tho executor or administrator. It wns held, hm enn. structlvo notleo of record claims and is Pound to retain bufllclcnt funds to meet them, or in brine llipm In flm notice of tho auditor. Searches against uio real estnto of tho decedent should either botaken out bv tho nudltor nr ho should require them to bo produced by mo administrator. Tiie subject of women's suffrage bo- Ing put to n practical test In tho town of Clarendon, Iowa, did not appear to crcato that vast enthusiasm in tho breasts of tho gentler sex that might havo been expected, Tho Boaul of Registers, assuming to bo tho ludses of tho law In the premises, deeldod that nil women of proper ogo were entitled to voto, and accordingly register their names. A number of married men concluded to strlko tho nnmes of tholr wives from tho list. The rest of tho la dles did tho samo of their own will nnd behoor, and when election day enmo round not ono lady appeared at tho polling placo to claim tho privileges of a voter. To toy tho least of It, tho la- dies of Clarendon nro to bo complimen ted Tor their good sense. A Paris correspondent to tho Lon don Daily Kcws o( mau-mllllnor Worth who threatens this country with his presence, and describes tho females who patronized him In tho days of tlio Im perial regime In Paris. "Cocodcttsof tho Court," says this correspondent, "cocodes of tho Bols, wives of specula tors, shoddy tquaws from New York, Calmucs recently Imported from their nallvo stoppes, doubtful Italian prin cesses , gushing Polish countesses, and foolish English women, merrily ruced along tho road to ruin," under tho su pervision of this demoralizing man- milliner. A Mrs. Wilms, residing at Middle town, this State, recently plead guilty beforgo Judgo Cadwalader, or Philadel phia, to passing counterrelt monoy,and was sentenced to flvo years Imprison ment In tho Penitentiary. Bho assert ed that tho notes wero srlven her by John Mengls, formerly of Muney Dam. Cammitv l.VTiri:Tvnor,.-It Is re ported tlio'"Schlossbcrg," n volcanlo mountain over-looking tho market town of Hohcnoms, Tyrol, fell Inhum ing two principal streets ot tho town nnd burying over 000 persons ; nlso de stroying tho principal church. A great. excitement exists, In consequence, In Transylvania. It Is more prnbablo that tho disaster Is not volcanic, but caused by n landslip. Hohencms Is n pretty llttlo town In tho circle of Vornrlberc In tho Austrian Tyrol. It Is built In n valloy nt tho Toot or tho Hchlossuerir, a projecting crag or ono or tho Immense peaks or tho Nnrlo Alps which gird tho Tyrol. Tho snows this year havo been deep In Europe. Of Into thcro havo boon heavy rains, nnd tho water courses have been full. Theso may havo loos ened tho rock, which, falling In hugo imgmcnts, cover the valleys beneath llko waves of lnva. Tho shattered houses may havo been set on firo by tho burning wood In tho hearths and ovens. John Chinaman has becomu some thing or nn institution, ns well ns n fixed Aict, In California. There nro 00,000 C!iuc3o In that Stato, constitut ing moro than ono twelnh of tho entire population. In thoclty ofSan Francisco nlono thcro nro 11,000, of whom over 2,000 oio females. Chlneio laborers usu ally obtain from flvo to eight dollars n week ns wages. Tho nsessed personal properly of tho Chlnoso population In San Francisco amounts to $1, 183,000 nnd their real cstato U valued nt $71,800. It Is staled to tho credit of tin Chlucso In San Francisco that in proportion to their population fewer of their numbers nro brought before tho courts on criminal nctlons than of, any other class of tho people. Swindles. An oxehaugo says sharp ers nro traveling tlio country appoint ing farmers to agencies of nil sorts of pateut traps; and when they havo In duced a farmer to bocomonn agent, they make him bollovo that It Is necessary for It 1 1 ii to sign n paper which they call nu acceptaneo of tho agency. In many Instances tho papers so signed by unsus pecting farmers turn out to bo promis sory note, which tho sharpers bring to town and cell for what money they can, and then get out of the country, leav ing tho farmer to pay tho note. Tho moral of nil which Is, sign nothing, un less you havo seen and read it carefully for yourself and nro certain that you can fully understand what It moans. Tin: Roman correspondent of tho Pall Hall Gazelle makes mention of a con templated "crusndo" in Europoln sup port of tho Popo. It says that forces for the recovery of tho'Domliiion aro being mustered in Belgium, which Is tho heart; of tho movement, whllo volunteers nro offering In every part of Europe. Funds nro pouring Into tho Vatican to meet every expense. During tho last month tho Popo received 1,101, 000 francs, nndslnco tho 1st of February tills sum has been swelled by -100,000 francs moro. This sensational story Is added to by tho assertion that tho Popo himself will lend tho crusade. VoriNO aid to railroad companies has been carried to such nu extent In Wisconsin, 03 to alarm tho moro pru dent business men of .that State. In somo places tho property of tlio, "I":'"" .u, uwv.. mot mongages, mac nicy nro ruined beyond their own power of redemption. Tho Wisconsin Legislature accordingly makes n proposition to Cong rcss for tho appropriation of public lands to aid theso mon in their dllemn But tho first step should bo taken by Wisconsin In amending Its laws, so that tho railroads cannot go on-absorbing ulljho substaucoortho country througl which they pass. Auollier Jllno Explosion hi Smith Wide". 10 PERSONS KILLED. New York, Mnrch 20. Tho lato for eign papers contain nn account of an other terrlblo calllory explosion In South Wales. It took placo in colliery No. 1, in Victoria Glyn, Ebwy, a fow miles from Cwinrhondda, tho scene of tho lato holocaust. Nineteen lives wero lost . It was caused by firo damp. Thirteen months previous a similar nci c Ident and loss of life occurred lu tho samo mine, which has been In constant operation for twonty -five years. It is said that Mr. Gladstone, tlio English Premier, is In straightened fi. nanclal circumstances. It may bo very well. It is 'o tho credit of human na ture that comparatively fow great statesmen In nny country abuso tho fa cllities of tholr oxhnlted position for their own prlvato advancement. They are, for tho most part, In modcrato cir cumstances, and spend In their public duties moro than they draw from tho public purso". Under recent Stato legislation, a ror- norollon composedof Messrs. Thomas A. Scott, J. N. McCulIough nnd flvo or six others, known as tho Pennsylvania Com pany has. resumed control of tho leased railroads of tho Pennsylvania Central Tho stock or this corporation Is noml nally $12,000,000, or which $8,000,000 will uo paid tho Pennsylvania for Its Inter est in thoso leases, nil of which will bo turned over to tho new company. Collector R. M. Wallace, or tlio Third District orSouth Carolina, reports that ono or his assistants, named Ander- son Cooper, n deputy United Stntos Marshal, whllo attempting to solzo Illicit whiskey In tho possession or n dealer named Zicharlah Young was ntlacko 1 by tho latter. Both men drew pistols nnd fired simultaneously, nnd both wero instantly killed; A SEAnciiiNa Investigation will bo mado by tho French National Assembly Into tho corrupt practices of contractors for supplies during (ho war. Many eases or irauds nro reported In which immense contrncta for articles at oxorbi tant prices were made, tho articles, on ncrag tested, proving utterly wor iless. Shoddy Is ovidently not conflucd to tills country. There Is serious fear that tho present spring will not pass away without a political convulsion mtspaln which will overthrow tho Spanish Cadlnpt, if not tho newly-created dyuasty. Amadous I. is a woll-mcnnliicr man. but ll nnti neither tho grandees nor tho pooplo of rspain can no rely ror support. Ho has no party and no hold on tho nation. Recent letters from Hon. Hlcstcr Clyraer stato that ho Is In Romo.nndln goodheulth. Ho Is traveling In company with n sister who resides nbroad. Ills return may bo looked for noxt summer. European War Xcn . London, March 23. Fecamp has been rcoccuplcd by "a forco of COO Prus sians, ft A despatch fronV tho Government nt Versailles, calling for volunteers to re establish ordor In Paris ollcltcd but ismnll rcsponso In Havre. Tho commune has been re established at Marseilles, whore It Is stated tho Mayor and General Perfect havo been mado prisoner!". No disturbances havo occurred, how over, nnd tho proclamation Issued by tho now Government has had n good effect. Is quiet. Paris, March 25. Tho otllelnl Journ al of tho Central Commlttco has not ap peared to-day. Tho Insurgent leaders hive, howovor Issued a proclamation Justifying their courso of action, und calling upon tho peoplo to voto at tho elections. Tho Insurrectionary commlttco has entrusted military powers to Colonels Duvnl, Jtruno nnd Endes, who nro pro moted to bo Generals, nnd will net In concert until Menotll Garlboldl, who was unanimously chosen to tho chief command, arrives lu Paris. March 20. Tho Journal dps Do bats objects to tho proclamation ordering elections for today that tho peoplo cannot attend tho polls. No tlmo had been given them, nor Is tho sincerity of tlio measure assured. Tho ofllclal organ of tlio Insurgents prints n mani festo, signed by Btnvlo und Florons, strongly maintaining thorlghlof muni cipal authority, ns a dcfonco ngainsl ar bitrary political encroachment, und do mniidliig tho creation of nu army, to bo composed only of National Guards. Pari, March 20. All Is quiet, nnd the city Is resuming Its normal appear ance. Tho barricades still remain lu tho streets, but tho cannon which wcro moun ed upon them nro withdrawn or turned Inwards. Tliovotitigcommenci'd this morning, and Is now quietly going on.. There are fow voters. Tho list of candidates enddrsod by tho Central Commlttco has been extensively distrib uted. London, Mnreh-27. Tho Dally Xews has a special dispatch from Paris stat ing that tho elections passed off quietly nnd resulted In naovcnvhclmlng com munist majority. Tho revolutionary authority is completely dominant. Tho abdication of Admiral Soissct nnd tho Mnyois increases tho success of tho revolution, which within u week will spread to nil tho largo towns, and ren der tho position of Government in tho rural districts untenable. ThoDaiy A'cica' special despatch from Brussels says Bnzalno is about to leave for France, and Lcbrouf will go to tho Hague. Tho Revolt In Algeria Is spreading. Tlio Telegraph's special correspondent at Versailles reports that tho Govern ment ordered tlio prompt arrest of Gen eral Garibaldi upon his uppcaranco on French soil. It is generally thought tho Govern ment is defunct, and n rumor Is current that Thiers will bo forced to resign, nnd will bo succeeded by thoDued'Aumale. London, March 27. Thiers Is credit ed with tho remark to his friends that when tho Gosxrnment has n hundred thousand troops In which It can trust, nn nttack will bo mado upon IMrN. x-AKit-fiunrcn 27. It Is believed tho capital will bo removed to Tours. Pa his, March 27. Tho Official Jour nal of tlfo Central Committee-, In nn editorial, says the first task of tlio new ly elected muuelpality will bo tho com pilation of tlio character that will so euro tho rights of tlio people, anil pre vent tho rep resentatlon or largo towns rrom being swamped by tlio country.' An artlclo In tho samo Journal demands that nil matteis essentially Parisian must bo within the domain or tho com muue. Versailles, March 27. M. Thiers mado an elequcnt though brier address in tho National Assembly to-day, in which ho defended tho wisdom of his policy, nnd tool: a solemn oath that ho would not betray the Republic. London, March 2-7. Tho Times' spoclal despatch says: Paris has nearly recuuicd Its usual appearance. Paris, March S. Lo Soir reports that 160,000 voles wero cast on Sunday, about hnlf tho nuniLcr polled at tho last plebiscltum. Tho Ofllclal Journal contains mi nr tlclo signed by Vnlllant, advocating tlio assassination of thu Duko d' Aum alo, Russia, Match 28. Tlio Plenipoten tiaries of Fiance and Germany met at 2 P. M. Tho opening proceedings wero wholly formal. Credentials were ex changed, nnd preparations mado Tor fu ture meetings; l'lro hi the Woods. New York, March 20. Twenty square miles of wooded land on tho south chore of Long Island wero burn ed over yesterday, and thousands of cord3 of wtod nnd other properly were destroyed, tho totnl loss being not less than $100,000. The firo began near Mer rick, nnd burned westward to Oakland, passing closoto soveral tmall villages, which woro saved only by great exer tions of tho inhabitants. No lives wero lost or dwellings burned during tho en tiro progress of tho fire. The Brooklyn Logic recently pub lished a long nrtlclo on " gambling nnd gamblers," from which wo tako tho following: "Young peoplo will gamble. Tho church has Its lotteries and Its grab-bags at fairs; tho press teems with tho bril liant schemos ofrortuno-mnkIng by drawing numbers from tho wheel ; tho poorest tho lowest, whllo nnd colored, togother will risk tholr last cont for tho prospect ora"hll'' in policy, with ono chanco against four In'thelr favor; Wall street will gamble In stocks; oven tho Sune'ay Loafers, who swarm tlio docks, In warm weather, will hnvo their gamo of draw, whllo tho younger crowds In dulgo In pitching pennies, keeping an oyo keenly pooled to fight a "peeler." Young women gnmblo with their beauty peaco of mind, health, reputation, nnd happiness as tho fearful stnkcs, losing fortune, hope, life, everything, by ono rash hazard of tho die. They gamblo with their health by lato hours, con Sumption thin tolcd slippers and spider tapered waists." It is announced that Fred. Douglass will bo tho Republican caijdldato for Congress from tho District orColumbla, nnd It Is oven hinted that tho District wasglvon a Congrctsman for tho express purposo or making .a plnco Vor tho representation of tho negro raco. NEW ADVHUTISI5MHNTS. A PPEAL NOTICES. wn il.n 1ap.Iai.ai1 I'Mmml.tlfttlpM nf (?itilm. liln County, wliljni-ol lo hear ninU rr IS!!, ni "l'tlr "lim lownMilpi of llo.ivcr nml Main, on l- riiny. .jrn uihi.iiv uiu iwihuui Iit-rucr, In Mnlnvlllo. Jtllltlii. HalurJay, April HJ, nt Hit. liouso ot Anron Hcm. llrlarcrcflt nnd llorwlc't, Momlny, April 21lli, nt Uio Ikumj of 0, W. Maugir, In Jlorwlcjc. contro, Tuesday. April Mlh, nt tho Half-Way HuUftO. Madton, Orcenwood and l'lnc, Wednesday April :'UUi, nt itiu liouso ol II,l'nrkcr,luillllvnio Jnolisou, Huuarloaf nnd llenlon, Thursday, April .Illi, ut tlio home or W.l-'.l'Iatto, lu llciiton, l'lslilnunroelc, Friday, Aprlt lljlli.nt Iho liouso or liiuuuiios uiiuiigsi. nratixo. Hacurdny, April ?JUi, nt tlio liouso ot Itohr Mcllcury, Heott, Tuesday, May 2d, nl tho Court Homo, lu Bloomsbutr. Mt, rio.innl, Mintour nnd Hemlock, Wednes day, .May aid, ut tho Court liouso In Iiluoiuskurg, lllooin.Tliiirad.iy, Slay 1th, nt Iho Court liouso In llluomsuurg, Catiurlssannd l-'ranklln, Mnudny, MnySlh,nl tho liuuse or J, It. Ktstler, lu Cauwlssu. n-mrlnjj L'rcclt nnd Locust, Tuesday, May Dili, nlBlaijluwu. Conynitham ami Conlratta, Wodnesday, May lot 1 1 , uttuonoumor William l'.lil'ur, lu outru- 11:1, Tho hours of mcelluff will bo between 8 o'clock A. .M., iiu-l I o'clock, l'. Al. each day, wlit-n nuu wlicro parlies cnu intend If tncy tuluK proper. Wo nlso tnko occasion hero to slulo Unit wo will jttvu to c.icli u j.ird of Audltorn, hy Hit- llmo or lluliiltiK towus-hlp settlements, belllj April lULIi next, nit bl.iuks necessary lu reuiluu to lllelr uulles iih liiilulMl'8 ot HitL-ep uiiiuhko; ou lug Ol'iult-imlljcupy of luws,nud c-elllucaii." up on wulch to lopoHilu-nngejuud that wo will is sue no orders upon tiny eertltlcatcs niter that ilulu liulen-i tlio uudltuis navu .llrsl nted their oalli 111 IliUoIUce. 'Aim niw unu insiruciions nro plain, -ino law lu.ikluj parlies liuble, not only lur tuo blic-p IM1I.-.I i,v ilor i,r Uih"4. but also Ijr miv utlier damage dune lo a llock of hllevp," li uol to- p I. leu. ( Injustice maybe, nnd no doubt, has been due. iiom .no Idea, tnai n man nurd nut kill iih dOji, or ilml sin li uog uaru nut bo mile J by any olio tlso, uu iiii.lier uuiv Ulauy blieep heuiuy Kill or na.1 i.uieu. . ... , 1)uh tuuud within an enclosure lcttllnfcliOv'p, .!., I liu-ii ii.ul Llitil-u he klllej. 'Hie dug mud, Milieu Is suiuewu'lt 111 nrrenr, IIOM , C.tll HUUIl UU pilb 111 p II , 11 IIIU i.lW 19 l.llllt- lull) snirluu out. .i?msuin itiu ropis-iauy uatuu ubJ - J InXlmlil 111 lllH lllalrlPt. by meaus lliey will bo ilblo to litiko u proptr return, i.ucn persou wilt bo scrvo.l with notleo of bis v.ilu iIIjii. And if liu is rnied wlili uiiytlilug lie llai nut. It Is Ills duty to utlulul lllu uiHieui. It swh n ililo loeianu ul uio hands ul u culltclor tiut ti p.iriy lud uu dug, or ttiat bo luisnuucni Uio lliuu tli j eullector e.iiiodon nun lor l, 14 tax. T11.1 ii.,nbu ul.lulEM Ills.1. Hi must r.u. . Oli.II hi-iit tj too As&ia.ois, null itssysM-b' oki-, unit w ill lie euvutuu ns uuuvu Biu11.11. WM. ei. QURK, CVUU . lWlllll.NS, 11. J. IlLl'.ULU, Commlrb'rH 1 ommisMuiiur uiuei. .1 (. W.M. KIllCKllAUM, Cklk. Iiluuuubui, .Muau :i, isn-Jt riOUUT PKOUIjAIATION. utiKi;tAs. tliftllim. Wllltiim Klttcll. 1'rrnlilenl .Tn.itfo nf tho Court of jsv mnl Terminer mul iloii..n.l .lull Dnllvcrv. I'nlirt tit Oliartrr KpsIihih of tho lVueu nnu uouttni t-imuun i icuh imti ur- nlmtru ('niirL in I in l l i .ltui r .il llKlllff. roiil- limcil of tlio counties of CoIuiuIt:i, Miillhnn mul wvonuuz, una mo mm. train iteir nnu i-mac n, Muaroo Assoc Uto Judges of LVuniula eotiuly Iiro ItKiied their iirecint. hciirtnir (lato tho 1.7th itay of Jlureli In tho yvav of our lonl, one IlllllIMllttl. PliZllL Illllllll Oil IIIKI HGVClllVoOllU. 1111(1 LO muiiJiccletl lor hoMloy iiConrtot Oivr mul 'jur court oi common l'lcui unit omhim'h Court, In IH....sul.ii.-is In IhnPiiiinti' iiflrfililliiiil(l mi t llii nrsi ii.omi.iy, neins uiu isi uuj- oi .ij' hcai In t-nfiMtitin imn werkl. TCnti.'rt w iiniriiv ifivcti. to tho Coroner, to Iho J u I tees of Urn lVaee, nnti tlio Constables of tho kiiiti muntv orCo uiauia. mat iiiev no iiuiiimu thero In their proper pcrHon at lu n'rloclc In tho Toreuoim of K.iUl ut day ol May, with their rec ords ItKiulHlttonsnnd other remeinuinueos, to dutliOMUhlns't which to their unices appertain LO UU UU11U, A1HI UIOIU l list l, 111 U UiillllU t) veen '1117.1110. to itrosecuto nualiiht tho lirli oueiN that aro or may ho In tho Jail ol tho K.iiii county oi i oiumuia, 10 do men una thcro to proseculo them an Khali bo juhi. ju lorn nro u-tiuetU-d to ho punctual lit their attend' uueca-zreeablv tolhclr notices. Puled at lllooms- burg, Uio -"thU.iy of March, tn Ihoycar 1..H, V of our Lord, ono thousand eight linn ls v dred nnd tevcnty-onoaud In tho ninety fourth year of tho Independence of tho Unltid Ulouiusburj;, March 17, 1S7I. u'heriu. TyilxnV'S APrilAlSKMKNTS. iho following nnpralscmcntH of real nnd nor bo mil nronertv EeL iituirt to whlnu'Horilci-i-tii.ntti huvo been tllid In tuo olllco of tlio lu-glstcr ol Colunibiu county, under tho UuIch of Court, and will bo prchcnled lor uomjIMo eoiillriu.dlon, to thu UrpiKins' Court to bo hold In Jdoombburt;, in May, ltil, nt u o'clock r. m., ot hald day, uu leas ux eel ll oils to KUeh roiillrnmttnim nm i.ikvI. ouMy Hied, ol Wilth all peiooi.tiluteiet.led lu ouiu fsuutH jii iuuo nonce; , ui '-'"wi. rtMntiis.itltO'ornOClUt town- a. Widow of Will lam r.ulz.lato of FJbUlnecvte: township, deceased. 3. Widow of Juuas llulvitr, Uio of Locust town fehip, dtct.asjd. J. Widow of John Miller, late !of Urlareree!. township, deioiHtd. 6. Widow of Pald Kcruley, lata cf Cr.iiiuu township, decewod. . C. Widow of Jacob O-jUeii, lato of Ilculim town ship, do.:o.ihed. 7. Willow of Tiedo Kk Nau.i, lato of Uvaser touiihhlp, deccated, K Widow of John II, Watts lata of Ctntro lU'SlinuiiP, UIIV.13 U, l. Widow of Jos I ah J, Thomas. latoorroari: crcelc lowmdilp, decea-joJ, W. H.-JACOJ1V, U?sWer. liesliitcr's Olllce. ) IHoouibhuiL;, Mar. 31, 1571. -nEGISTKH'S NOTICK.-Xotiui: 13 XV hortby Blin to all lealita, eiedftois nnd i'liouin iiiniiHi-U 111 UlOCMaiC OI UIO It! NKH'tu ii dcet dents mul mnmi-M iimi i im i,,n,..- liiji adiulnlHliatlon una guardian account havo j'cou hied liHl.oojJlcooHhorKlater ol Colum- ".vo.h. ,iiiu win uo iiiLOfmen lor eouurma. tlon aU'l allowi.nco in 0m Orphans' Com t, lo be bo .1.' "urg, nn wti.tieMluy, tho ol May, U7J, lit 2 o'clock In Uio ultciuoou day i l day noon of tutd io ;count of Pald I,cw1h, smriian of in ii jum, iaiu oi fcUEsiuoai H. 1 ho lli-Plilltit nrMtn'ifin T'lrlrmi.tnll ... litiaKjr of JoKtph KliKendall, I.Uo ot' MlUlln township, dec-tailed. i3ii.'IjV'VtiC0UVt of Joh" l' r'orp Bnnnlian of -- -.itnr.,iu,iiur iiuiu oi Jiuuaei j,amier, lutool l'lao toMnliip,tUcoafied. 4. 1 lr.t mid final nrcmint of VcUr !'aUh exe cutor of William O. Jlurity, J.Uo of Bloom town t-hip, dteuised, 5. 1 Irkt nild flnnl nrfiMitiinf Itrnlitmln IMrl-c ndmlhlstintor ot Mahlon JIJcUs, into oi Ctntio lowin-lilp, deceased. nt'mint of Jolm irerncr, ginidhn of ........ ..irummn, iiiuiur fnini oi Liiaiiei iiMinian, mio oi uatawmsutownshlp.deeensed, 7. 1 lifi Ih I ril mnl fir nl 11 nnu ,if 'i l.tio rn.. olliijf, J i-.,iidnilijitrolortf i;u CietJliis, lato of 8. ThonuTiiut of Alfrrd Vxz nnd Joseph H.nck, 'Xccutois ofhumucilJclc.latoof CatuMiitown- U. Tho ncrountof Ai'RUStusTraub, adminLstra. tor of John 'irnub. Jaioor I,oeust township, do ceaHtil. 10. Tlio aceonnt nf Mary Hupp. ndmlnlstratrl.v ... "tb" i'i'i iuiu oi j-ocum lo.vmnip. ii' 'V f "o nftunt vtyv.H. Ablott, ndmltilMiator J-. TJlO irkt nildvflnnl rrr.iiiif m Tt TfHn1 way, hdiiilnUliator of Peboroh JHar.'lalo of Lutuwin township, lUciuscd. M. Tlioilrht nnd llnal account of Mury mtner, T. . . " """'""niHinx oi jonu sillier, Jaloo; Locust toWLMp,deieasul. f ul,i - "". ' iiiitiiu 4iiij;ejii.iicn,inimn Utrntor of Jlarrltt J, Kjtr, lato ofBaott town. 13. Mnnl ncc; unl of Levi A. HMlay, ono of the (M'cutouof (Jtomollhtlayjutuof Centro (owi hhlp, dee acd. Ifl. l-'inal account of Frederick nacenbtich. ono U',lilt'ueciUtor' C Ucol!u HWlny, i.tto ot LVnlro lowushlp deceavod, 17. Account of UlramlUKllin.survhinc and Acll n cict utor of Uioigo Kline, lato or Urauso lotwiMilp, ileceaHed. I. Account of Illram It. Kline, administrator f thoemnloof William J'.ittersoti, lalo of l-'lih-liificrcck towiiihlp.iUecftMd. 13. The flrfct aeeount of Samuel Crai'. admln IMiatnr of Charles It. lies, Uio ol Miillm town bhip, deco-feed. Tho urKtandlnalaccnmitol Himuel Creasy, ono ot tho cxcculciiof Henry 1'edder, Uto of Knarcriek tmuiahlji, ileceased. SI. The account of Jacob Mlno nnd llllrabeth loik.adminUtnttorsot Henry VoMt.Utu of Locust tow n Mi in, dteeasod. 2?. The final account of I.ewU Yellcr, executor ofHelnstluu llnwpr. into of LocuL eeafced. 1.1. TlmflniMiiii. -if r.ewla Ynftrr. n'lintnlKtrntnr of l.'dwartl fcchick, lato uf Catawlt.a.1 township, Ueceaatd. 1. Tho second and final account of IVlor r.nt, executor ot P. W. Montgomery, lulu of Oraugo tuwmhlp, deceased. 23. Tho ilrst and final account nt l'eter I'nt, al inluUlrator of JamcxAlcuiii, lato of i,ociiii towu (.hip, deceased, 20. Tim flmt account of l'eter lint, ftdmhilntra tnr tif Willlum M, lnl, lato of Huolt township, deceiued. 7. Iho second nnd pnrllal ncenunt or John II, Vaudellcc. adiutnlhtrator of It liecu VanUer fcllee, lato (d IHoom township, deceased. 28. Tho n (.count of 111 ram IIcsh, adminlslrator of John Ilcba, iuto c fJ'Uhluscrtoit township, do ceased, 29, Tho final Recount of O. W. Miller, adminis trator oflsabclIaMason.latoof llluom township, dtccuhcd, 0. Tho final Account of Jacob H L'veus, admln Utrator of John T, Kveus. lato of Ureemvood township, deceased, 31, Iho fiualarcouut of (leorgo IVnler ami John realer, administrators of Kavilla lValcr. lato of Ms ul UK creek township, deceased, . , , wlI.JACOHV, ltculstor. IUUtcr'ii oniea, ) IlloomsburK, MarI, 1S71, i gUlll'UOXA XX MVOllCJ-J. in tho Court of Common PJens of Columbia county Ko. SI, February Term, Ml, CAT1IA11IN1.HTI.SEI., 1 AUa, Hllhpirm , I'ACI. BiIMEii. ) DUorce, rubilcnllou ordered. UIIPOIIT OK Till-! CONDITION OK tho I'llmr NATIONAL HANK of lllnnms. bunt, nt llbiomsburir, In Iho Wnto of l'eninri. vanln, nt tho closo of bunncm, March lsih, Inf. UKotTriri, l.omj nnd liurounls 4171.11 1 it overd rails e.u a ii. h. 11.1111U tiM-turoclrrnlatlun f.i.Ointo UAOIMTIKK. CnpltilHiockpaldlu surplus l-'llud inscoun 8,(1-nr, 1 uii'ien, .1....! 1'rnllt nnd lioss Natu'l. Hunk rlicu'ntlou outstanding si,5i.kki Individual llepuMta Cnshlcra Checks outstanding , United Hlntcsllcposlt lino toNatlonnl Hanks. " " other Uanksuiid Hankers , $211.1 Ml St Htath of Pennsylvania, Cou.vrr ov comm. iiia, . 1 T.1'""'' OtuMft of the I'lrst Nnllonnl lit nk or ll.ooinsbiirit, do solemly nlllrm Hint Iho iiuovo statem lit Is true lo tho best 01 my kuovvl edge nud bcllct. , , J. r.iufiiijf, cashier. Kubs-rtbctl and nnirmna tn iufninnniiiii.-si tiny or Mulch, 1971. ..... .iKArocK,.oiaryrui)iic. Corrccl, Attest 1 , WM.NUsI,, L Illrcctols C. It. I'AXTd.V, J '""Clols. Q.HANJ) JUItOUS, I Ul MAY TUUM 1871, II loom Jacob PictTenbach. I,. U. lluport. llrlarcrcek Jonathan W, llek.Androwl'ouIir ncntou-Samuel U. Krlckbuum "iir. Ilerwick I ,ov I Kurtz, Henry O. Troon, LVnlio II. I). Iviiorr. Hninnid l)lMitrit nih.,.. II. I'owlcrl l-'rnnkllii An,liltiL'tnn l'irr t i Androw lhrman, ' i Hininierrelt .lohn u, Alleartr, UlHorltiv.iUl1lnti3i-r Tn.n1. IK t. .lacltHon Tafitson Kline, Honry Watu r. I.neiiftt tloorso canor Mt. PleawMiit .Ioenh Heeler. Madison Hiimuel I'aruRwortti, rmc'lW1 HoncsHCll"ylCr 1Uwm "awmmi, rjiUAVKUSK JUI10113, i Ul JIAY TlfiUM lbTl, llloom ti. J. Thornton, Jonathan Cram In Hiram I'ahner, John U. Moycr, I'hllht Unnnizst ' lliiarcreek Htenhen Klsuor. Wltilnni i, James poncnberrf. ' iierwicu .iiioH i , i;rea-. jonn w. liowmin Kenton John H. Kllno, Alozandcr Mclleury lloaver Isa io lillngcrinnn, ' ConynRham Ihom.n ICIlkcr, Cuiitialli Thomas UernKhty, Centre William Htmirer. CutawiHa J.i.uUHweult, Jcsso John. Uaultl (' acarlmrt. rihlnKcrePk-Ira Ktchnrd, ivtor J. Wcu-er Nathan Mmlth. ' (hcenwontl John Cromly, Ooorgo Ma Urs. Airon Itceco 1 I'emloclt J. U, Pdiist. Pncust Mayberry hnydcr. Mllllln-lt.uilol Pond. Maine Mich icl Orover. Madison 0. 1. Christian. Montour fames (julel:. (rane Pivld P. lluymnn, riuo-HlntlrlclK Pve. Itlchard P. Wht'mo; i . ItoarlnscreuU t-'rankllu Yocum. Hcjtl M:ouro Crevellng. ?t.oosrsni.Tuf khmai-t? hoard. Thii Institution been in NUcceanful oinra tlon, ror tho last nhiH years, '1 ho coorbo orstudy Is thorough, symematte aul practical, and embrace nil branches tauaht in a llrst-elass school. With tho Ornnment.ilftuelins Music, Prawlnc I'aliitliu, Hair Wotlc, Pi-ilher Work, Vx l rult and I'Iowcm. Hpniii; Term commences April a 1 1S7I. tor partkutTr-s, nddro-w iob.l7"7l 21) M. or 12. W. WV-VKOOP, " K H U It A N O 13 A CI K NOY Wyoming Alma Fulton N. V North America H city International H.X Ntn'ira N. Y Merchants , fSprlnixllcM , , KarnierK Pauville.N.Y Albany City Ptnvluc, Itorso Tt e."t Atlantic. Jf. Y Uurumula, , Y f2ll,n 4jnn t 1 ' o i 'a. v' 4i v l.VXV'l i) I- u VU 0 571 M i fit. "I 4iM.n 1 Mtihiui, 1,H 0,1 6H '.'I lT.UAiS IIU'JW-V, Avent, PLoojisituno, 1 icut2I'7I ly. A' UKXT3 WAXTJil) ! "Alitcii riui.Dii A.soiir.i: worn;- Tiin i:w l'ICTOIUAIi f .1 .11 E I. it i i: i wirii ovi.ii 1,11111) II.I.USTItATIO.S, it u i' i: it i: x l i: s., a rASiu.Y itncoiti), ntiil I'Alll I. V A I. II II M. TIinVICTOItl.U.I-'AMII.Y llllll.i: com m storcliouso or lnr,irm:itlon thnt pan imly i llii min i through Hi- eye. Its lllilstrntlniis i ono Lack to t)wniat Important cr.i nf Uiou -aiulnisiof tiiumsclves h conipi-oliensivo n-M . of tlio Scriptures, rcprcsentlii-j tlio most Inter liigVleirB.Cliaractcrs.HymboN.lllstiirlcal lis en' LaiuUcapo Hocncs, Aut!iiittlcs,Uostuiucb,lk.i -liirJs, Insects, rianti, Minerals, Colin, Mi J Inscrlntlbnsniiil Incident referral to through out tho Sacri-J Text. Tlicyattr.u-ttli9cye.corr. erroneous impression, ttsviiltcn ucsv th'i.iilu ami furnish cleaier vlesvs of nivlno Trulh i lielp to rurenls, Ministers, mil Habhalh-- )" 'iVncliirs In riillllllni; tho illltlcs or their ccji , .t, mul hhjli socatlons-niul to nit others to iili.w liiuiiortnl souls nro Intrusted this il l'lotorlnt VoluiuocaunotUo overestimate I. ' tlio IMItlon Most Kullablo for tho l'nmlly, Most Vnluablo lor tlio Ktuilentu, Most Instructive lor tlio Tcnchor, Most Approprlito for tlio Child, Most Ubcful for Uio Minister, Most Iiitoiesllt-ijfor tlio l-'armer, Most HlOBint for tlio 1'arlor, Most l'rolltnblo forthoSUnly. Tin: r'icToitULrAMir,vcii!i.i:, in .nuin.i'i lo tho foatures already alluded to, contains uiu Apocrypha, Coucoidaucc. I'satmi iu Mitre, u Kumniary of Iho ku-red Trullins tnuuht by Hie insplrcil IJonl.-,. together wills uumcruus mul compiehinslvo Tables and oilier Historical nud llxplatintoiy Matter, embodying tuo labois ul many oflho most eminent schoinrs, li is iiriuted on tho ilncst ciicuderod paper, riom clear an I open typo, In ono largo nad handsome luaito volume, and is bouml lulho mostilurabli and attractive ;uauiu'r, svlillo ths prlccn nro slll- cienlly low to placo It within everybody's uiu h, 1:x1'1:11II:N"CI:d Aan.NTH aro wanted thiougii- out tlio country for Its sale, with whom llbjuil nrrangoiienls will bo made. An oppjiiuuiiy oi euual promlso Is rarely or never proutod. Us sales will not bo llmlloi to uny jierlod, but will uonlloiio for n lifetime, constantly Increasing with than owtii an I lutetllgtmcoof tho couiurj . It Is thcreforu deslrablo tliat thoso who eugsgii Willi us,i.haU ilosoiltlml6W lo inakliii! tlio business n ermanent ono. iiNiSTnit-i.TiiAciinits.s'nniuOTH.f'Aiui- 11IW, YOUNO MUM AND VfOUUN-lliosc is llo would meet with tho most piolltablo of nil em ploymcnts aro luvllod to correspond svlui us Willi a view lo nu iigeucy. Not a fowkitcli nro nowaverajlug from jJ to ;D0J milt a Its sales. There Is n great want for tho boMc and u rich field oirored, whllo It will elovaio tho spiritual eondlllou by eoiistant contact with nud coavprsattons upon Its biautlful niU eternal truths, AOK.VM ON THU I NHT A T.M I1NT PLAN sell! be furnished tho siorU In niiQ,blndhiKs. This plan Isqiilto popular and profitable Incltlesnud largo tqwns. Wo havo nn odltlonof tho book, superbly bound, with massivo panellod sides, svhleh his been ovorywhero received trllli makad ris-nr.Mub dcrlptlons for tho Pictorial Ulblo, lu this stylo and lu this svay, can bo obtained to nu almost uulimltod extenl, as there Is no oullav of money that the Ulblo reader can make, which will yield him so rlohnrcturu, Wo aro nlso tho Publishers of roTTHUV fiTA.MDAItUHUlTIO.NHofl-'omlly.Pulplt.Poi-kct ami Photograph rubles nud Teitamenu-uenrly COO illircront styles so welt knowu overysvheio forlhelr acouracy of text, bauty of and dUMbillty of binding. Always ask for Poller's Htaudard Kdltlosa, and get tho best, Catalogues oonlulnlug stylos nud prices furnished ou appli cation. Tor Circulars coutalulug n full description ut This PicToitiAr. Family lluu.i:, with samplo sheet, ami terms to Agents, address "Poller's Btuudard Ulblu and Testament Houso," John i:. potti:h a cj., Publisher, M nnd (117 Bansoiii Htrti I, m or 2i71-3m piiiiiAUEUUU. ' 1 oihnr fJnll'iiml Hanks 17,1,'isoi fun-.., J1""1" n"d "inkers ml 10 Tax !xrensc im m , 1 . 0 1 1 Osl HQ i 1 'etui (including mump) V3S77 1 inViT ,'uT''ncy (including Mclii'ls) 211 00 .b- ""iuh aoiH 7,01000 tivsi.-it ,...,. 1 ro , nonaum 0 is li' 110,1.1 -7 ftlO 37 101(10 0,9 17 .11 it! 21 lilli