The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, March 31, 1871, Image 1

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    te (tolumbtim
ia ruBLisitr.D kveuy nuiMY moixnino
iMTiin ootuanl-vx nuit.nti'ii nkaktiik
court itotJBB, nr
editor am rnorntKToR. '
Torm-Two Dollars a Year jayatto in advanec.
Ololldetcrtpttoni cxccntcil villi neatness nnel
dispatch at reasonable rales,
V0LUMBV.---N0 10.
Patent Medicines.
"ii'ifaiTnr i: ti.
To Iiebltllaled Tcraons,
To i-noplle,
To mirfiirora from Liver Cnninlalut,
To thoso hovlnn iin Appetite,
Tnthoso Willi Ilrnken flown Constitutions,
To Nervous 1'enple,
To Children Wnitltnrnirnv',
Toanvwllli Drlilllt.tM lUirentlvo Oriroin,
Omtfcrtnu n-nVi any of the fnllowlnff ftimiilomi,
uhlth indicate Disordered lAvcr or Somaeh.
such a- Con
Mlriatloti, Inward
l'llcs, Fiilnes or
lllood In tlio Head, Ael l
Ity of f lie Htoiunch, Nnusen,
ltcnrllmru, Dlsf.ust fur I'm), 1 "u 1 1 -ncss
or Weight In tho Hlomaeli.Hour
Pit of tho Htninnch.Hivlmnilnjiof Hip Head,
Hurrlrd ami lumciilt llrcolhlnir, rintlcrlnR
when In n Lying t'oituro, 1)lnui ol Vision,
ots or Wchsbcforo tho Hlaht, rercrnml Dull
1'nln In Ilia head, Kcllclcneyif l'orsplrntloti,
Yellowness of tho filtln nut 1'ycx, rain
In the tilde, Unci!, Chest, I.lmbs
Ac., Rtllldeil rin-!"1" llont,
limning In tho I'lcsh.
Constant Imaginings of
l:vll, nml Urc.H
Depression of
A blllers without Alcohol orfiplrlts oruny UlnJ.
In different from all oMiers. It Is composed of
tho puro Jttlcos, or Vital ruiNciri.K op Hoots,
II r.nin, anil IIAniti, (or ai medicinally tcrmeil
Hxtrncts,) tho worthless or !nert portions of tho
lnirrrdlenlM not bclnsr ticd, Thercforo In one
ftnllta of this Hitlers thcro Is contained ns much
Mcillclnlvlrttionswlllbofoumlln several gallons
or or.Jln.iry mixtures. Tho Itoots, Ac,, used In
this Illlters aro grown In flcrm.iny, their vital
principles extracted In that eouii'ry bynsclcn.
tlflo CheniM, and rorwnnlod to the lnanufuetoiy
In Hits city, ivhero they aro compoiiiulol mid
bottled. Containing no spirituous Ingredients,
his Hitters Is freo from tho objections urged
gilnst all others; nodoilro (orfitlimilnnls can bo
Induced from their use, they cannot make drunk
arils, and cannot unler any clrcunnlnncci, havo
any but n beneficial effect.
irooi'LANivn oi.riMAN tonic,
Wascompoundcd for thoso not Inclined to ex
tremo bitters, and Is Intended for im In cases
when loino nlcohollo tuTnulnnt Is required In
connection with tho Tonic properdin of tho
r.ltlBrs I.tun notllo or tlio Tonlo contalni ino
n ittlonf tlui HlttcrM, combined with puruHANTA
CIIUZ HUM, and flniorcd In such n manner that
tho cxtremo blttcrnessonhobltteislsoverccme,
forming ft preparation highly agncablo and
pleasant to tho pahitc.nn I containing ttio niedl
clnal virtues of tho Hitters. Tlio price of tho
Tonlo Is per Hollle, which many persons
think too high. They must tako Into considera
tion that thoMlnmlant need Isgunranteed to bo
of n puro quality, A poor nillcio could bo lur
ulslied at iv cheaper price, but Is It not bitter to
pay n llttlo nioro n tl lmvo a gooit article? A
medicinal preparation should contain lionii but
the best Ingredients; nnd they who expect to
btaln a cheaper compound, and io benefited by
It will most certainly bo cheated.
II o o p I. a N n'
it oof i. a xjyy
G E It M A X a' () X I C,
podophyllin pill,
vii.i, ftnic or.
They aro tho Greatest
it's o b prjitiri i: it s
Columbia Oounty Official Directory.
JVrfMrnliAnfffr vn.i.tAH Kl.wi'M,,
1,J."t'' Jl'l-IllAM IIKI1II, ISAAC B, MoN-
frollimolam, Cr.Wrr mnoton II, TInt.
iS.r'Jlccar''Z'.u-,Ai'',a!' H.JAroiiv.
iilitrlet Attorney K, 11, lKl:l.nn.
jkAcrur-AAiinx Hiiitii,
Nur.ciiorlAv IlMvirr.
Trra urcr-1 ) a v 1 n l,ow r s n r na ,
ttimmfulwrj-Wn.MAM U, QUICK, UVr.CB
HonniNs, lliuui .1. liKKtinn.
llimmMoner,' aerk-WILLIAM KniCKIlAllM,
nAMKMnr CAM,'I,K"'.A. J.,
(brwirr joint I), IIouck,
tounl;; vcrlii(rjiiljn(-ClIAIILES (I, IlAllKLKY,
Bloomsburg Official Directory,
JVril A'oHonol y(on-C'HA!. I!. I'axtox, ITes'l,.
J. I'.TrsTiN. Cnbler. '
mclnUonV II, l.mi.c, 1'lps'l,, C. W. MlLLf.ll.
Hec ;,
Jllommburn Sulldlntt and Havini fund Atioew
(Ioii-Joiis Tlt0MA.nes't., .1, II. HoinsiiN.Si'C.
JUonuiilmrii Mutual tinitn'j rund Amoetution
J. I. iliiowmi, I'rislUml, M, Wiimtovnii.Hic'y.
Bloomnburg Directory.
)A1'I It IIAOH Just rccelMd nni for i ale at tho
' "ij-FovTIa AND tixva'aukT "-
JAt'Oll M11TZ, dealer In stoves mid tlnwnrc
t) .Main stieet.ubovo court house.
DAVIl) I) WIJ N I liTluiTsicrcii nn t Tn I to r, M n I ii
st., 'id door nbo o American House.
W.M. MnUltlH, .Merchant Tailor corner of Cell,
tro and Main M., oer Millet's nloie.
n I". f.UTZ, Iirugglst and Apothccary.Malu st.
, below tlio Post Ullh'o.
1()Yl:il IlltOH., Druggists nnd Apothecuiliii,
H llrower's block Main st,
Ui:XUYKUi,riKlljlt..WntclieSpictacica A
Jom-lry Ac, Malnhtieet near wntH,
0 1!. HAVAIIt:, dealer In Clocks, Watches and
. .Jewelry, Main st., Just below tho American
I OUIH IlKHNIlAHl), Wnlch and Clock maker.
U lirnrsoulheastcorucr Maluund Iron f.ts,
UCATI1CAHT, Watch nuil C.oek Maker.Mar.
. hot street, below Main.
UAVID I1KTZ, Hoot nndbboemalcer, Malnst,,
b.jlo'.rUa;luiairiibtoic,uiht of MaiUet,
UH.NllY KI.l;lM,Manurjeturer and dealer in
Hoots and Hhots, Uiocerles, etc., Main street,
Ut Hlooiusburg,
M. HHOWN, Hoot and Hhoema'.ier, Main
. street, under Hrown's UotL't.
Dlt. II. C. llOWHIt, Kurgeon DcutM, Main st
nbovo the Court Hou&e,
IMt. WM. M.
HlUIHIt, Surgron nnd l'liyslclaii.
nek o t r Webb'H booU stol i'.
lilt. H. 1'. KIUN'HY.
Wcr.trucKtl ullbout l ain:
Huigeon Dentist. Teeth
lllll! Mlllliwl iwiitlu
roslto Hplscopul Chuieh,
n (1. HAKKI.HY, Attorney.nt.I.nw. Olllcc.Id
J. Iioorlu i.xcnnntoUloelt,nenrlho"i:xchnugo
H. McKHI.VY.M. D..F4urirri,ii nod
. noi Hi side Mala st., below Market.
r H. r.VANH, M. 1)., Hurgeon and l'hyslelau.
t) 6outliBldoMnlUbtiect, below larket.
r ('. ltUTTHIt, Jl. D. Surgeon nnd I'hyslclau
It . .UUllvOb MTl'Ll, IlOOVU .MUUl,
.). ttnVii'LW.tttfflWiVilVf.w- ocieoiinrt.
One Inch, (twelvo llne or its eiinHralent In
Nonpareil type) ono or two Insertion!, 11.50,
tlirco insertions, IZ.00.
Ouelncli.... .-.UM
Two Inchcf.H... MS0
Thrco Inches....... 8,00
Four Inches 7 00
Quarter column. .10,00 1J.00
Ilalfeolnmn......I5,tK) 11,00
Onocolnmn.-0,00 80,00
"Executor or Aelmlnlstralot' Notice, 13.00,
Auditor's or Atsljneo'i Notice, WO.
local notices, ton cents a line.
Cards Intlie"HuslncMDlrcctoty" colaran.tMO
per year for tho first two IIBcs.und 11.00 for each
additional line.
en. It,
10,00 110,00
0,00 15,10
Orangcvillo Directory,
A ,!;.Vf' CO ''EM AN, Merchant Tailors and
A. Ucnt's riirn Ishing goods, Main Ht., next door
In tho Hrlck Hotel.
A !!' "P1"". ni'OTllKfpcntcrannd
l, Hulldcrs, Malnst,, below l'luo.
nownit A llr.ttltlNoT "dealer Tn"D7y floods',
l Oroeerles, Lumber nnd general Merchandise
Main st, '
B'i," .,!f.,Tnt' refreshment Saloon, by
llohr M'llcnry cor.of Main nnd l'lno st,
Dlt. p. A.Mr.ilAltai'.L.l'hyslcInn andBurgcon,
Main St., next door to Uood'u Hotel.
DAVID HHUHINll. Flour andarisT7tTil, and
Dealer In grain, Mill Htrcct.
I r..i:jiWAHD3'Mijslrlnn and Kurgeon, Main
I' stllrst ilnornbovoM'lIcnry's Hotel,
T AMHH 11. II AHM AN. Cabinet Makol and Vn
J itertuker. Main r!t below l'luo,
f Jl. IIAHMAN, Saddle and Hanics-Tlnaier,
, J Main st., oppsitu rramo Church,
SCIIVVLKU & CO., Iron founners, Machinists,
uud Mauuraettllersorplows,llIlst.
o urulu cradle, .Milium.
WILLIAM Dr.LONfl Khoemalicrainl manurac
tmcr or llrlck, Mill Hi., west of l'mo
ll I'. DALLMAN, Merchant Tailor, Second Ht.
U. Hnhhlns' Hulldlng,
DH.J. IC. ItOllIllrm. Hurgeon aud 1'liyslclan
Heeond St., below Main.
VI genual merehandUc,
A KL1NH, dry gooils, groceries, and
lam nircei
Choice Poetry.
Stormy March.
March with iti clouds nnd Ruenlilao. li to nni
and sciilnl dayn li upon un. Wo roprodaco tho
followina beautiful nml RiiggcfiUYo lines by llnv-
'Die n Lor my March in como at lust,
With wind a ad cloud nnd changing ulty ;
I hear the rushing of tho blast,
Tlmt through tho unowy valley flics,
Ah I pwslnc fow aro thoso who spoilt,
Wild Btormy month. In prnlto of theo j
Yet tbough thy wludiarq loud aud bloik,
Thou art a wolcomo mouth to mc,
Tor thou to northern lunls ajiln,
Tho glad and glurloun sun doth hrlitj ;
And thou hut Jolhcd tho gcntlo train.
And w cures t tho gcntlo namo of Hprltu.
And In thy rctgn of blast nnd storm.
Hmttes many n- long bright sunny day,
When tho changed winds aro soft nnd warm,
And heaven puts on tho bloom of May.
Then sing aloud tbcgushln? rllN,
Aud tho fall springs from fro'it set free,
That brightly lcaplngdown tho hltl,
Are Just set out to moot tho sea.
Tho year's departing beauty hides,
Uf wintry storm the sullen threat
Hut In thy stoniest frown abides,
A look of kludly promise yet.
Thou brlng'st tho hope of thoso calm skies.
Aud that sort hue or many shower,
Whon tho wide bloom on earth that lies
trccms of a brt jhter world than ours.
11, KIKTIjVU, "Cntluwlssft House,'
, Corner Main and Keen ml Streets.
KKILKIt, lilllard Hnlnon,
, (-Hum In setiBou MnluKl.
Oysters, nnd Ico
MM. nilOHHT.denlpr In OoncralMerchondlso
Dry (h)Ktls, (Irocerlfs Ai.
Srsqirr.ltANNA or Uriel: Hotel, S. KoMen-bmnh'i-
Heeond Street.
TM, II, ABBOTT, Attorney at law, Main St.
Light Street.
II r. OMAN A Co., Wheelwright,, first door
ll. iiimo
0 KchOOi JlotlM1,
Hoots and Sbiies,
I )KTi;lt l.NT. dialer In Dry Ooods Oroeerles,
Hour, t etd, Salt, Fish, Iron, Nails, etc., Main
I) S. I'.N'T, dealer In Stoves nnd Tin ware In
1 all Its braueticH.
Philadelphia Directory.
Ian. 1'71-ly
No. im Market Street,
(Abovo Fifth,)
Known to tlio Medical world, and will erndl-
rnlo dlieascinrlhlngfiom inipnif blond, Debility I
of tho Dlsehllvo Organs, -r Dli-raved Liver, In a
Miorter time limn any other Known remedies.
, oppostlu i;j)lNcopul Cltuieh, Main hi,
l.i l'iHTUMAN, filllllnery find 1'nnry UoudK,
building Main stleet,.
I reel.
D. WKIirt, Taney Ooods, Notions,
.xeunugu jiloeif,aui!u
111 llooUs, aud Stationery,
1ISS M. IHCItltlcKSON, Millinery nnd Fancy
L (joods, Main st., below Market,
lilt: wnoinhL'ritFMi: i-ornToF1 rnsNSYi.VAMA
sriiAit ron thi:hi: ih:mi.dii:s.
Who would libit for moro Dignified and htionger
TeHllinoiiv t
Hon, UranaDV.WuoiirAiti,,oniicr'ff CAIru-1 ii lis. 1'. KLINr. Millinery aud Fancy aooels
ttec of the Nupreme Cuurt eJ Pcnmyhiniit,atims- Jl Mulu stuel below Maihet,
tntMtmuer i Conoremrunx t'ennxvleanirt,UTilea,
l'llll, bi.l.rjtlA, Maieh l(,lb, 1M7,
I !lnil"HooIland's German Hitters" Is a good
tonic, useful In diseases of tho digestive organs
and nrgicnthtncflt In cafes of debility and want
or nervous nctton In Ihosystcm. i ours, truly,
aroitui: w. woodwaud.
Hon, Jamf-S Tiiomi-son, Chit JliKjrc of the Su.
yrclnc Cuurtof J'eiiniylvanla.
1'llII.Anui.l'lIIA, Aptll'Si 157.
I consider "IlnoIland'H German Hitlers" a valu.i
hlo medlclno In casoofaltaelts or Indigestion ol
Dyspepsia. I can certify this from iny oxperl
enceor it, ours, with respect,
Hon, (lKonnn Siiaswood, Justice, of the Supreme
iXiUU qf rciuisylvnnla.
1'llIt.ADELrilIA, Juno l.lfcs.
I Havo found by cxpcrlenco that "Hoolland's
German llitteifc" Is aMrygooil tonic, lellevlng
dyspeptic Eymptonis almost dircctlv.
Gl:t'ltGIl SHAllSWOOD.
Hon. Win, V, i;ogeis,.i(ijoro7ic City cf llujalo,
Mnyor'a Offlce, nufTalo, Juno 22, 1600,
I havo usul-'IInoIIand'H Ocininirilllters und
Tonic" In my family Jurlnj the pii't year, and
can recommend them as an excellent tonic. 1m-
lnrllUBtononiul!gorto thoiystem. Tliclruse
lias been prodLetho cf ihcl.lcdlv beneficial
:"iei, W.'I. I', llU(ii:iiM.
Hon. JamcsM, Wood, jy.Jtayorcf miliumtptnl.
I talto great pleasure In iicommeiidlng "Hoor.
land's (Jcrimin Tonic" to any ono who may bo
atllleled with Dyspe j.sla. I had the Dj spe-psla so
unuiy ii was impossible lo I;i en any rood on mv
stomach, nnd I become so weak as not to bo ablo
to walk hall a mile. T o lmtllcs of Tonic i Ifcctcd
n perrect cure, JAMHSMiWOOD.
in iMirti every i'nn or
Or tislliiunwiiyot thellody.
Are i ma medicines jon requlro to purily tho
?i Ti ' l'fnnu'"" ",rpfj Llv" ,n hinllli.vae.tlon,
l, ,r,lo l,w,Tr ,.X.'.'r;,, ' "" """ugu any
lilts. JULIA A,
,U Cloaks and Dicss l'atteruj.
Main and West ids.
& SAIli: IIAI'.KLI.Y, Ladiw.'
bouiueuse eoruer
-..ii nfiivlu
N, 11, Corner Second nnd Arch Streets,
Dealers In
ti:as, syuui's, coffee, suoah, molassks
hick, 61'Ices, ni I'Aiin sonA, c, JC
Orders will rcc. lve piompt attention,
may lO.CMf.
Eusinen," Cards.
ij. uirocK-WAY,
pin: :iissi:s iiauman Miuiucr
L ui.ods, Main Kt.,bt low American House,
lUIIIvH HOTLL, by T. ltent. Taylor, east end
1' ol Mulu sticct.
j west corner Main nud Iron sts,
lLHlIKBHOLTZ, dealer In 1 ry Goods tiro,
eerie. Itoots. HIkxm. Ac., corner Mala uud
A. HKCKLUY, Hoot and Khoo kIoip, booki
itfctntlonery, Main bt., below Market.
Ofilco Court Houj.0 Alley. Ivelow tho Coi.Vm-
itlANOfllto. UountlcH. i:tl;-rnv and renilons
collected. Bloomsburg I'u. sep.jJ W
JACOIW, ContcctloncrylS'occrUsctc,, Main
, Ht,, LUow lion
Oflleo Mftlnl SUreet below tho Court House,
IHoomsimrg renn n,
Sti:NDT:NJIALI..GencrulK!nckof Mercbnn-
j.dise nnd IjuniLer.ecrnei oflliiln htrtct and
llerwlek road,
FOX a wrilll,1 Conrrrtlonery nud Itakery,
wholcsnlo nud retail, Dxtlmngo lilock,
Jf (MIOWKll, Hatsrndrnpa, Hoots HUdf?hoc
, Main M nbuvo Court lloubc.
f JI, MAl.i:, Miimmoth lroerry,
J. rcrlcv. KrultH. Kutu. l'iolslon.
uud lion btitus.
lino (Int.
Ac, Mnln
KKIVY, NKAIj A CO , dcnleiH In Dry (loods,
JL (li-iKiltH,l l()ur,l''i-itllSalt,l-'l!h,ruu,Kuils,
eic.,4. i.. cot, iiun ituu rue i na,
fj H. MILMMl & l-ON, dealer In Dry Ooodw,
uroceries, ijueerswaie, iiour. ran, rnuew.
Notions, etc., Kxehango itluck, MalUbt,
W'AllI.l:H HIANKWfori?HlonttLeloi.L'M
J It AN unifo,
K M.C1IUIHTMAN. Naddle, TimiU .1 JJurncfis
J, iiiahcr, Hhivo's liloeu Mulu birett.
W. UOllUINH.lliiunrtlefllorbeconddoorironi
U' noi uiwebL corni i amui mm iiuiiiuh.
H .I.T1IOHNTON, Walirnper, Window i
and tlxluri's, Itupert block, Main st.
W. COItELL, l'urulturu llooms, ttirco fctory
uiitu, iiitu nircei, nisi 01 311111.11 i,
UllOsrNSTOCK.I'iiotoBrnidier, over llobblui
' A l.i er'11 Store, .Main St.
r S. KU1IN. denlerln Misit, Tallow, etc., Cheni.
Lhcrllu'salley,iearorAineitcau House,
HnUstituto for Meicury rills.
Jiemotl rouerfut, Y,t Jnnocent, readable Culhar-
jus noi necessary to take-n handful of these
l'lils lo produeo tlio desired efTerl , l n r,r n,.
act quickly ana powerfully, cleansing thol.lvor,
Stomach and Iluwcls of nil Impurities. Thoprlu.
clpal Ingredient Is l'odophyi,or tlio Alcoholic
r.xtraet of Mandrake, which is by many times
nioro powerful, ncllng and nnr,-i,i,,., 11, ,1,.
Mnndiako Itself. Its peculiar action is uncn Ihe
Liver, clcnulng It speedily from all obstructions
with all tho power vl Mercury, yet freo from tho
Injurious results uttaehed to tho uto or that
For nil diseases, In which the ii'dotacutuurtlo
is inuicaieu, mete puis wni give entiro saturue
Hon In every cose. They NLVI'.H I'AIL.
Jn casca of Liver Complaint, Dytpcpslu ana
cxtremo epstlveness, Dr, Hoolland's German
Hitlers or Tonlo should bo used in connection
with the l'lils. Tho toulo em i t of tho Hitters or
Tonlo builds up tho sj stem. ThoIlittcnorTonlo
purines the lllood,slrengtheun tho NervrH.ltEac-
i.atks tho Liver, and gives strength, energy nud
Keen your Dowels actlvo with Ihe'I'llls. and
tone up H10 system Willi Illlters orTonlc.nnd no
diseases can retain tlio hold, or even assail you,
llecollect that It ! 1)11. HOOFLANUH OKll
MAN llenudlea that oro so universally used and
highly recommended: nud do not niinw Mm
Druggist to Induce you to takoanylhlncelae that
he muy say Is Just as good, because ho makes a
latgo profit on II, These Itemedleji will bo sent
by I'.xprcss lo any locality, upon application to
MF.DlClNtblOltll.oai Aleh St I'lillndclphla.
iiiam. ill. JUt AAS, I'lupi'lclui'.
I'ntinni li 1 Tini'OfiU . tin
Thtte tttiMtlle we for txile by Intoitt, Store
IOHN A. FUNhTON CO., mutual nnd viiU
"rutcM nrn lUHuraueoeonipauli8,lfiocr's mi
Ing, Main Htreet.
If. lltNtiLnit. dealer in ninmm. nrL-iitw nml
melodeoiiB.ut G, W.CoreU'HluruUuto rooms
QAMUKD ,TACOllY,Marblo and llrowu H,Lon7
WM. JtAIUJ, dealerln rurnlture.tiunkaj cedea
roaTKH,aiuo Maker, and Whlto nud Taucy
11 H.KIDLKMAN, Agent for Muiibon's Copper
U iuuuiur jjiguiuiLg itou.
AL'OII IHl'.Kl-'KNIlAC!!!. 1 1 ron in Vuclorv. Or-
litis left tit hlsiL'sUlemo or til Miller A KniiM
tore promptly niicd. iiei.tgiitu WoleiH uiuio
TAMUS OA DM AN, Cabinetmaker and Chair
ti maucr; rooms :iuin btr ut uai, iron,
XTOTK 110OKH. and hlniifc KOTIX. with or with
M ' out exemption, for halo ut tho Columbian
I) J'. "KlflHAHD, In Dry Gooda,
um aiue'itu nieiciiiiuuiso.
l'iTmprie'tor ' 1'V,UK,I,a CH.Cowlcf,
I 1). WlUlKllIUMnil.liootniidShooSloreniid
" inanuructoiy. Shop un Mslil Street op-
pusuu I1U Die'lllll llll.
W. HDGAll, Suiquehauiiu I'laiilng Mill
Buck Horn.
HI U. A W. II. HHUKMAKFlt. dealers In ,lrv
iU.goods.gmetilis and genual luerchuudUo,
ni-ooMsntrno, pa.
fa- OrnrF Court llouso Allcr. In tho Co-
,U3iiiian iiuuuiug. ijnui.e-i.
iiLOOMsnuno, pa.
Orrirn over Lutz's Drmt Store. Iteihle no
rifthblreet. declO'TO.
5J ,
1 iUlil-.l .i i'Ai,
nnipfi Ci-inrl-Unuso Allev. below tho Comjm
111AN iimco, jiiooniMJura m.
17 jr. icxonit.
invlnirniirflinsril the st nek of tho old Ker
tuuobboo More, una arnica uieieion in r no una
well Miecteu newbiocic is prepartu 10 wiiiuh
Iho uesi variety ui
vcrhrouwht to this place. Ho Is also prepared
mtikn iUMjis uniiMiorH mcnu'rm uiu.ihu'm
nmi 1.1 t.f Ktvics. For cash only. Hi tlio out jnw
Ollho uiuliuua. cointr .nam unu .Maruei r-irfi-ui
Itloomsbuiif, l'u. !'"
1 1 ,.nimiin.olnlhnf,l(7fllS(lf nlnfllRt-
ninl vicinity, that ho husjust received ftfull
una conipicio nbboi iiucui m
II l)wi-nnitlri 1. In 1 1nn of tmRlucbfl. All
tho uewebt aud most nppinved put terns of tho
daviirt nl ways to do lonnu in jh i-suiuiisuiuwu
Main til, below Murket,
hill iii:aiw,
Neatly nnd Cheajily Printed
From the LatestHtylMofType at tho
lteltcr Lnto Than Xcht.
Llfo Isn raej whero some $ircced,
WhllG others aro beginning;
Tls luck In soma. In otheri speJ,
That KWonu early wlunlng;
r.ut If you chance to full behind,
Ne'er Blacken yourendowor,
Jmt keep this wholovuno truth In mind
T1 better late than never P
And If you keep ahead 'tin well,
Hut nocr trip your neighbor;
'TU noble when you can excJl
IJy honcBt, patient labor ;
Hut If you n ro outstripped at fir."
Press on as bold at over,
Itemember, though you nresurp.isied,
" 'Tls better late than never V
No'cr labor f r an Idloboiit,
Or victory o'er nuother j
Hut while you fctrlvo your uttermost.
Deal fairly with a brother,
Whato'er your etalton, do your bsst,
And hold your purpo ever;
And If you fnll todothorcst,
" 'Tls better Uto than never I"
Chooso well tho pith In which ynu run,
Buccecd by uoblo bcitrlng;
Then, though tho last, when onco'lls woo,
Your crown Is worth tho wearing.
Then never fret if loft behind.
Nor slacken yonr eudenvor;
Hut over keep this truth in mind
' 'Tls hotter lato than never 1"
QIIAM'IiESS A HAKMAN, Foirximy and aAsuFAcroniNa (.iiof.
CaitlucinnJFlrollrlckfor rcnalrinKrllyrltoveii
All UimH of llnu.s or Iron cahllnn muao lo oruer
uiioaanorinoic.. .,
Hionnisiiurz. I'll. l'ronrlttors
e,l.Alui. Jl. Lmuu.,
A full nud complete ncsortrucnt of ready r
tmola anil blioeti for luen. w omen anil cull
iimI rvflvfil nml fr.r sulnul reiixnlinblu rule..
VarletlcH to cull all rluiscn of ciutomcri. Tlio
h'-Ht of erorlr ilono at fchort notice, as heretofore,
ellvo htm .1 cull. Junl'71.
(fcucccssorii to A. Wlttoau,)
lleineilfully tlio puLllo that tliey aro
rnllt' ir. miieil In do nil kindle of ipiilk In
tlii'lr lino ol lillkli'CMi, lUli leuEoliablo temiH
uliil uliort notice, HutUfuctlon wurranleil In all
eaten. IJan.lJ.'71-ly
Mnlu Street ono door nbovo E. Mcndouliall'i
Store. . , D, . . , i
Iliiiiais constantly on liaud, and tor tale at tue
joivrni ittie-H. . ......
Tluulniilnall It. brandies cure folly nttendod to,
ami sauiaeiiou iiuuruiiu'eu, . .
Tin work or all kinds whole alo and retail,
lal In reouestod,
Jan 171
That night wo wcro lo sleep iti tlio
forest j so beloro sunset, wo built a largo
camp for shelter. But there was no
bleep for mo: tho leopareH wero too
camp, tolil mo that wo hail better keep
a brMit look-out. T foruatlo any ono
to movo out of tho light of tlio tiros
iltirinir tho nlcht : but thoro was litllo
need of caution, a? they know very wen
that if they did they would never eoino
back to tlio camp. Tho next day i pro
posed a leopnrd hunt. Tho next morn
intr. when I cot up and said wo must
find tlio lair of tho leopard, tho people
seemed to back down : but I was not
willing to clvo it up, as tlio leopards
wero not fur from us, nnd their lair
must bo near by. I wanted only four
Aplngl to go with me.
So I called four of tho warriors. I
eavo two guns lo them, anil ono pre
ferred to co with his war spears.
After awhile wo carao to tho bank 01
u liltlo stream, whero I discovered tho
foot-prints of a huco leopard in tho soft
ground. What paws I It mu-t bonu old
ami ferocious nnimal. I havo not tho
slightest doubt that tho monster was an
old fellow, and that It was Iho ono mat
camoso ncarottr camp during tho night,
and nothing but tho big fires wo kept
up had frightened him away and pre
vented him from pouncing upon us.
Unless tlio leopard had caught some
thing livt night ho must ho fearfully
hungry, and, consequently, very fierce.
I must look out, fur, in that case, if 1
seo him I will havo but very Uttlu timo
to fire, for In a Jiffy ho will spring upon
mo, said I to myself.
So I carefully followed along tlio uanu
of tho stream tlio foot-prints of tlio huge
cat. If ho tecs iiiG.flrst ho may pounce
upon mc, ns n cat docs a mouse. I must
bo careful. Tho Aplngi aro waleliful.
They look all around j their ears aro
ready to hear tlio least nolso. All at
onco I hearaeluc!: from ono of thomcn.
I stop; ho points out to mo a spot ahead
lust by tho stream, whero tho under
brush or junglo is very tines. iium
trees havo fallen otio upon another, and
it Is imposslblo to seo through tho niavi,
Tlio leopard must bo thero. This d.irli
placo must bo his abodo for tho day.
Thero ito hides himself and sleeps, and
from thero ho starts upon his depreda
tions, spreading fear and terror nmon
beasts ami men. I bland ready to (Iro
at a second's notlco. I whh you could
i.nvn coon mo. I know that It was a
matter of llfo and death with inc. I
fnllnw tho track of tho leopard, for It
.had walked all along tho llttlo stream
Tlio Aplngl men aro not mistaken. Sud-
doiilv tho footprints leave tlio river, ami
ii. i, nst I seo of tiicm snow mm mo
nntmal has rotlrcd Into that thick, dark
and almost Impenetrable part of tho
Juti;le, whero tlio Aplngl had told mo
that tho leopard'was concealed. This is
daucorous gamo. I can not seo tho eno
my. It Is dangorous to go in. j cannot,
back out : I daro not show tho Aplngl
that I am afraid. Hut, then, I do not
wisli to bo killed by an Infuriated Jeop
Tho host thing than I can do is lo uso
caution nnd enter the thicket. Tho
Aplngi aro almost afraid to go in. Hut
wo must do It. 1 lead. Oh, I I
hadsomo natlvo dogs with moj they
would bark and show us tho lair of tho
leopard. After a while-1 succeeded In
climbing to ttiotop 01 iiionu?o treoinni
had been blown down by tho tornado.
It Is, at least, ten feet in diameter.
When onco lodged thero I taku u view
of tlio surroundings. Tho Aplngl aro
closoat my back. They aro evidently
afraid, aud for myself, 1 do not feel very
comfortable, for you will ngrcowithmo
that it Is a dlillcult position to bo In, not
to seo tho exact location of such a dan
gerous enemy a tho leopard, which, nt
any moment, might bo down on my
back, his claws fastened In my shoul
ders, any hlsblg Iceth In my neck. Such
thoughts wcro not very reassuring to a
worn travoler.
I must confess that I was very much
excited. I looked round nnd round.
Tho slightest nolso mado by tho wind
through tlio trees would startlo mo. I
thought tho leopard was closo nt hand
and ready to spring upon me. 1 woultl
havo given n good deal to scohlni? Giro
ful ly I.camo down tlio trunk of thohugo
tree, and soutlnucd to prcsi forward
with my Aplngl Into tho thickest part
of this nlroady vory thick Jungle.
, Suddenly tho faces of my Aplngl men
become c'xcltod. They stop walking;
tho strong odor of tho leopard Is clearly
perceptible ; ho Is ovldonlly not fur from
m. Wo aro upon tho leopard, and hois
probably eying us, nnd ready to make
a spring. Wo musl hurry to seo him,
for surely destruction is coming upon
us unless wo destroy tho nnimal. I look
ahead Into a thick bush, whero wero a
largo number of broken branches. It
seems almost dark, though it is not noon
yet, nnd tho sky is clear and tho sun
shines resplontlcntly. Kvcry thing round
Is In gloom. A cold shiver runs through
me. A feeling of Insecurity begins to
possess me. I must chock It, for, If I
do not, my nrm will not bo steady, and
I shall miss the. monster if I seo lilm.
The thought of homo and friends rush
ed to my mind. Tho feeling of Insecu
rity suddenly disappeared. I must
compjor this big wild cat of tho forest,
If ho is wary, I, too, must bo wary.
Whowl hallo I I eco tho monster!
Ho is lying on tho dead branch of a treo,
Ho leaps upon Iho ground tmd crouches
upon It. Ills long tall wags tu and fro,
showing that ho Is enraged. Ills eyes
glisten with a singular light ; ho Is
ready to spring. Ho springs, but, Just
as his body seems to riso from tho
ground, a tremendous and deadly steel
poitilcd bullet goes through his iiead,
nnd tureo spears or tlio Aplngl aro
plunged into hU body. Tho monster
roll on tho ground upon his back, lit
tcring fearful yells of pain that fill tlio
forest, and drlvo every llttlo animal
from tho neighborhood. Uy this timo
my breath is taken away. I am so ox-
cited that my heart beats with fearful
iiuicknc33. I must bo palo ns death, for
tho excitement is great ; for, ono second
more.and tho monster would havo mado
his deadly spring, which would havo
been destruction to me.
I was glad when tlio chaso was over,
and I concluded that I would rather
chaso tho loopard at night with a goat
tied to a treo foroluro ; but then I must
not do as I did before-fall asleep with
tho goat, It might tako me.
When wo got back to tlio camp thcro
was an immense excitement. Tho
Aplngi said that they had killed tho
leopard, also, for thrco of Iheir spears
had been in his body. It wis a hugeold
fellow. I wish you could havo seen his
teeth nnd his largo paws. What trc
mendous claws it had I With ti blow of
his paw tho monster coud havo killed
tho strongest man.
I was irreauy pieaseu iu
Tho lllshop of London lias recently
rovlvod tho prnctlco of appointing dea
conesses of tho Episcopal church, by
ordaining a lady for that service. Thcro
aro many thousands of uoblo hcurlcd
women throughout tho world who do-
oto much of their timo nnd personal
exertions to works of charily, nnd aro
tho mentis of doing a vast amount of
good among tho Ignorant and tho poof,
ot thero Is room for tho services of reg
ularly ordained servants of religion
nnd charity, such ns tliesa deaconesses
wcro In tho olden timo.
in addition to tho deaconesses, who
in tho. early Christian churches wcro
employed In chnrltnbio offices among
tho women, thcro were, probably, some
female presbyters, or widows, for tho
supervision nud Instruction of tho
ounger persons of their own ecx in
each congregation, "aged women, In
behavior, ns becotneth holiness; not
falso accusers, not given to much' wino,
teachers of good things," who wcro ex
horted lo "tench tho young women to
ba sober, lo lovo their husbands, lo lovo
their children, to bo discreet, keepers
at home, good, obedient to their own
unhands, that tho word of God bo not
blasphcmoJ." History, however, Is
not vory clear with regard to thoso fe
male presbyters. Dr. Ilaso, iu Ids his
tory of tho Christian Church (127),s.iys
tlmt in tho fourth century thoy disap
peared, and that Iho ordination of dea
conesses was looked upon as a Jlonlau-
Istlc custom, and aflcr tho fifth century
their ofllco was, In tho West, entirely
abolished. "Jlontanlstlc" means "ac
cording to tho notions of Montnmus,"
of Jlysal, who, iu tho year 173, founded
sect of revivalist Christians, who
claimed to practice tlio most rigid mor
tality and discipline, nnd to ho anima
ted by tho aaal which prevailed in tho
p03tollc times. It seems to havo been
part of tlio duty of tho female presby
ters to "contlnuo in supplications nnd
prayers night and day," as tho proph
etess Anna did, aud it was dccrcctl by
tho Aposllo that no widow thould bo
taken into tho number of theso who
thus served tho church, under tho ago
of sixty, and not then unless sho had
had only ono husband, had brought up
children, relieved tho afflicted, been
well reported of fur good works, and
diligently practiced them. Ledger.
Husbands on rrobaflon.
Wlilloour flno girls nro bemoaning
the lack of young men, and thoccarcity
of beaux who nro marriageable and
mean marriage, there is a class of young
men whom they do not rccognlzontnli,
yet who will furnish tho next genera
tion its men of enterprise, of power, of
position and bf wealth. It is not tlio
sons of tlio rich who will, ns a rule, re
main rich. Tho sons of tho poor will
got rich ( and thcro lo-day, drudging In
offices and counting-rooms, and store
houses und mnclilno-shops, nnd print
ing establishments, nro tlio men who,
n twenty-flvo years, will control tho
nation tocially, politically nnd flnnn
daily. Kvcry man of them means to
bo married ; thoy will, ns a rule, mako
excellent husbands; they nro all at
work trying lo win success. Thero nro
men who would bo easily improve:! by
recognition, nnd by bringing them Into
good intelligent sooioty ; yet they nro
as litllo noticed as ifthoy wcro so many
doga. Vlrtuou9 young men from tho
country go Into tho city, and llvo for
years without any society, and nro re
garded by Iho fashlonnblo young wo
men with Indifioretico or contempt;
but thoso young men havo n hold upon
thofuturo; nud whon their success is
known, iu whalovcr field of ontcrpriso
it may bo, the fashionables will bo glad
to recelvo them as belonging to their
own number. Wo regret to say thnt, ns
a rulo, tho young mon for whom a po
sition has been won by virtuous and en
terprising fathers, amounted to but llttlo
In tho world ; nnd wo rejoice lo fay
tlmt compaiilons.chosen from thoso who
havo their forlunos to mako and their
positions to win, uro thoso to whom a
well-bred woman can generally Willi
safety entrust her happiness and herself.
Cheap I'leaMtrc,
Did you ever study tho cheapness of
sotno plcastiro'.' asks sorao writer. Do
you know how llttlo it takes to mako a
multltudu happy? Such trifles as r
penny, a word, or a smile, do tho work
Thero aro two or three boys passing
along glvo them each a chestnut, and
how smiling thoy look ! They will not
be cross for some timo. A poor widow
mother of a half a dozen children. Send
them half a peck of sweet apples, and
they will ho happy. A child lias lost
his arrow tho world to him and ho
mourns sadly; help lilm to find It, or
mako him another, and how quickly
will tho sunshlno play over his sober
face. A hoy lias nsmuch as ho can do to
pflo up a load of wood ; assist him a few
moments, or fiieak a pleasant word to
him, and ho forgets his toll, and works
ccuro thlsl away without minding it. Yourapprcn
Tlio rrctfiil Jinn.
Tlio pasalonato ill-natured man lives
always In stormy weather, oven though
it bo the quiet of dew-fall around him j
always wrong, nlwnys hurt, always
complaining of some enemy. Ho hns
no conception that this enemy is In his
own bosom, In tho sourness, tho ungov
crned irritability, Iho habitual lll-na-(uro
of Ills own bad spirit and charac
ter. I speak not hero of somo single
burst of passion, 'into which a man of
amlablo temper may for once bo be
trayed ; but I speak moro especially or
tho angry characters, nhvays browing
In somo tempest of violated feeling.
They havo a great many enemies, nro
unnccountablo ill-treated, nnd cannot
understand why It Is. They havo no
suspicion that thoy seo and suffer bad
things becauso they aro bad, that being
ill-natured Is about tho samo thing as
receiving ill-treatment, and that nil the
enemies thoy suffer from aro snugly
cloiCtetUn their own evil tompcr.
The samo is Iruo of fretful persons--mcn
nnd women tfiat tvear away fast
nnd die, becauso thoy havo worried llfo c
completely out. Nothing goes right ;
husband or wife', or child or customer,
or sermon. They nro picked and stuiiff
nt every motion they-make, nnd won
der why it Is that others aro permitted
to float along so peacefully, and they
uovcr suffered to havo a moment of
pcaeo in their lives. And tho very
elmplo reason Is, that iifo Is a field of
nettles to them, becauso their fretful,
worrying tempers aro always pricking
out through tho tender skin of their un
easiness. Why, If they woro set' down
in paradise, carrying their bad mind
with them, they would fret at tho good
angels, and the climate, nnd tho color
oven of tho roses. Dr. BushneU,
Homi: HEATiinx. Careful survey
has convinced somo Qf our host informed
men, that at len-t ono half of Iho popula
tion of tliiscomtry llvo and din without
attention to tho deninud3 of religion.
This fact shows that ministers and
churches nro not likely to got out of
employment from lack of material
which nccd3 their services, nnd It nlso
shows that tho only po3lblo way of
preventing civilized man from going
back again into hoathepism, is to per
sistently lift, teach, rebuke, urge, en
treat him, and never glvo over ttio
effort. Tho moment tho lifting process
ceases, he drops, or at least slides down
towards tho blackness of moral night,
All tho talk ab: ut progression from tho
evolution of internal forces, Is belled
by facts and experiences. The only way
that man over progresses is by a pressuro
from without, and tho best, tho most
effective, tho only saving power for
thiaLijLlko..02fleJl.TJiat lJU.tly3.fM.I
hopes, purposes and Inspirations causinf
It to hunger and ttiirtt after righteous
ncss. And wherever this great hunger.
Ing exists thero Is progress upwards,
If wo fall to raovo ami save this nation
by tlio C03pcl, It la suroto fall; tho
Inclining to sin will sink It erelong Into
moral ruin.
What isIan? Tho Prophet asks,
What Is mau? From a vory materialistic
point of view, an exchango paper says,
that,- taking tho average, at fifty years
of age, n man has slept 0,000 days,
worked 0,500 days, walked 800 days,
amused himself -1,000 days, was eating
1,000 days, and was sick 000 days. In
this timo ho has eaten 79,000 pounds of
bread, 10,000 pounds of meat, 4,000
poundsof vegetables, eggs. and fish ; and
drunk 7,000 gallons of liquid namely,
water, coffee, tea, beer, wine, oto alto
gether. Tills would mako a rcspectablo
lake" of BOO reet turnce and tlireo reel
deep, on v'hlch asmallteamboatcould
float comfortably. Few men of fifty,
probably', havo looked upon themselves
In this light before.
Protect Your Hrcslgnt,
Milton's lil!ndnes3 was tho result o
nver.u-01- r nml ilennpliri. (Inn nr tho
animal, for its skin was superb, nud I tlco hai broken a muj. or cut tlio vest moi cmi,,erit American divines havin
knew that I would glauuon mo noart ui too large, or siiguuy injured a piece oi for somo llm0 ,cen compelled to forego
sorao frieuorat Homo wncn i snouiti pre- won:, say, " iou scounurei," nnu no
sent it to him. feels miserable; hut remark, "I am
sorry," nnd ho will try to do bettor.
You employ a man; pay mm enoer-
ftilly, and speak a pleasant word to him,
Luxunious CnniSTiASS. It Is sta
ted that a fashionablo denomination at
Newark, Now Jersey, are constructing
a church which will bo provided with
.'now extras. Adjolnlrjg tho vestry 15 to
bo built a church parlor, which Is to bo
furnished likon modern drawing-room
with piano and elegant furniture. Be
neath this room will bo situated tho
church kitchen, with a hotel range, nnd
all tho conveniences for getting up "big
dinner." If anything more is wanting
to coraplcto this paradisiacal palace, it
might bo added in the form of a ten-pin
alley, a cock-pit, and a placo to suck
mint Juleps and play draw-poker.
lloir n Keimtatlou Tells.
Tho Hon. Wm. Mack, Speaker of tho
tho following: "A distinguished gen
tleman of Terra Hauto informed mo
that ono evening last summer, when lie
wasat tho houso of n prominent Repub
lican of tho city, ho witnessed a num
ber of llttlo children, from soven lo
twelvo years of ago, amusing them
selves bv playing chaiados. You aro
famllliar with tho modo of playlti
Tho company divides, a few go out of
tho room, select n word, return, and act
it out by syllables, so thoso In the room
may guess it. Tho word emigrant
wns selected. wen, auer nicy nnu
mado out "em," and "J," a syllablo
was left which chanced to bo tho name
of tho President. A littlo girl entered,
and after bowing to a llttlo boy tcatod
in tho room, and handing him a pack
age, said : "llero is a present worm
$10,000; don't open it." Then comes a
llttlo boy, who fays : "Wo havo bought
for you a very nlco houso." Then cimo
tenled heart, to light uplds own hearth
with smiles and gladness. As you pas
tho pleaeuro of reading has spent thou
sands of dollars In value, and lost yen s
of timo in eonrcqueueo ofg-j.ling up
seve-nl hours bi foro day nnd studying
by in illclal Ills eyes will never
get well.
Multitudes of men and women havo
along tho street, you meet a familiar '"aiI t"-'lr ei-C3 "'cnk, for llflJ tho io
faeo ; say " Good morning," as though
you felt happy, and It will work ad
mirably In tho heart or your neighbor.
Pleasure is cheap. Who will not bestow
it liberally'.' If thoro uro smiles, sun
shlno and fiowcrsall about us, lot us not
graip them with a miser's fist, and lock
thorn up in our hearts, No ; rather let
us tako thorn and scatter them about us,
iu tlio cot of tho wido., among tho
groupsofehlldrcn,intln crowded mart,
whero men of btialtiesc congregate, In
our famillen, and ovcrv where. Wo cau
mako tho wretched happy, tho dlscon.
tented cheerful, tho afflicted resigned,
at exceedingly cheap rate. Who will
refuse to do it V
freo uso of tho cycilglit, reading small
print and doing flno tewing. In vlow
of these things it is well to obscrvo the
following rules in tho uso of tho eyes :
Avoidc all sudden changes between
light and darkness.
Never mad by twilight or moonlight,
or on n cloudy dny
Never sleep so that, on waking, tho
eyes shall open on tho light of a win
Do not use tho eycsiglit by -light no
scant that It requires an effort to dis
Never read or sew directly in front of
tho light of a window, or door.
Two much light creates a glare nnd
palu3 and confuses Iho Hight. Tho mo
OilU'ioss People. mcnt you are sonslblo of an effort to
Officious people can never leavo tilings distinguish, that moment cease, and
iilone. No ono cm possess his soul In j tako a walk or llde,
II nun Is whero Iho shoo pinched the
i usian foot. Tho battle of Jena, fa-
d to tho Prussian monarchy, was
fought on October 14, 1S00. About
wenty thousand Prussians wcro killed
In thnt battle, and moro than thirty
housaud taken prisoners. Tho King
fled from tho field, the Duke of Druns-
Ick received his death-wound upon it,
11 tho principal fortresses' surrendered
to tho victorious French, who on Iho
:5th of October, 1800, entered Berlin,
nto which Napoleon I mado his trl-
umphant entry on tho following day.
HWoryhas thus icpcntcd itself, with
Inversions, and Jena ha3 Leon avenged.
a third, not moro than eight years, ,mco , or go Ills own way unhindered
leading a big Nowfoundland dog, nl- of tllBln, They stand at tho cross-roads Tin: western nnd northern frontier
most 83 tall as himself, anil says: "I f,r nii mlins li.-cs. Dointlni- out to them Bottlomnnts nf Tm.m-1 nro iilunderod bv
hava brought you ti nlco pup, and I lho plUh t!,Py cusilt to take, nnd Indian ltdds regularly ovory month
want to bo postmaster. ' Attmsauoz-1 whether I;i rollgious faith or houo fur- during tho firjt two quarters of tho
en voices sliouteu -urant," "urant, ni,i,is. the choice of a wife or tlio pat- moon. Full details of tho kllllnrr of
'Grant," "I-.mlgraut." Waitvo'cWfife torn of n i,oot) havo their word lo say, mcn and women, taking off into cap
Poi'ULAii Eitr.ons. To think tlio
moro a man eats tho fatter and stronger
ho will become. To bellovo that lho
moro hours children study tlio faster
they will learn. To conclude that, If
exereiso is good, tho moro violent it is
the moro good Is done. To imaglnu that
ovory hour taken from sleep Is an hour
gained. To act on tho presumption that
tlio smallest room Iu lho houso is largo
oiiough to sleep in, To nrguo that what
over reifiedy causes ono to feel Im
mediately hotter is good for tlio sy.item,
without regard to ulterior effects. To
cut without an appotlte, or contlnuo to
eat after It has been satisfied, merely to
gratify tho tasto. To eat n hearty supper
for tho ploasuro experienced during tho
brief timo It Is passlngdo wn tlio throat, at
thocxponsoofa wholo night of disturb
ed sleep and a still moro weary waking
In tho morning.
Tun Ulack Piunx'e. Jacob Von
Urunn is tho only genulno scion of Af
rican royalty that has ever vlsltedlthls
country. His father is tho King of tho
Grand llassa country, adjoining Libe
ria, tho population of which Is nearly
000,000 persons, divided into several
Endless Chain. Some thoughtful
German has worked out tho following
'fchema," which Is inscribed on tho
town hall In Berlin, in anticipation of'
tho Illuminations for peace, for which
Qermau hearts are longing:
Pcaeo brings wealth;
. Wealth brings pride;
Prido brings war;
War brings poverty;
Provcrty brings humility;
Humility brings peace.
their advlco to give, aud their fingers tlvlty children, Btcnllng horses, mules
lo dip, whatever may bo lho pie that Is and i-Ud: cattle, aro published in tho
making. Illness Is ono or their strong newspapers of Austin nnd San Antonio,
points, nml if they hear that you aro in- Tho Stnto government has dono nothing
disposed, whether slightly or gravely, to prevent or punish tho Indians, who
they rush off to proffer advice, which eomo from Mexico nnd from tho rcser
you do not wuut and will not accept, vatlons west of Arkansas. Nor has any
and which probably would turn out a serlou", honest efforts been mado by tho
ml-stal-o if you dlil accept. our nurto state. Neither timo nor money can bo
loos not know her business; let mom snared from the consolidation and con
semi for one of their own choosing to. tinuaueoof tho Union ltepubllcan party
night. Your medical mini say.s you nro jn power. Why lho United States mill
suffering from a certain form of illness. trtry authorities In Texas havo been so
Well,orcoursohoougiitioi-now; mit inert have accomplished so llttlo to
to tho officious it teems very much lll:o wards frontlerprotcclion-Isonly knoini
tomethlng,eh,o ; or, if they do not go to themselves nnd tho War Department
qultoso Mr, tncy inquire, wuii mo air Rt Washington.
of Knowing nil auout it, wnetuer no
lias not ordered such and such tilings to thh German Imperial ciawnlsa foot
bo dono; nnd if you say no, thoy urgo I hjch. of 21 karat gold, and heavily set
you to imvo their own medical man with pearls, "liofccbtre Is of silver gilt,
wiiuoiit, ueiay, as tuey are bo sure yours nnii i wo r.,ei nm;. tho giouo carried in
is making a mistake. And bo on, till tho hand Is of tho finest gold, Q Inches
thoy nave worried you Into n fever; Mu diameter, ami cnclrclid by two rings,
when thoy tako their leave, and bewail 0tio pcipdulicuhiriind half covered with
your obstinacy to the next comer. Any Jewels, and tho other horizontal and on
caiamuy is a goiiseuu to mem, ior tuey tlrely crusted wnn gems, un top is n
havo their Hillings wiien mcir niign- cross which fairly btzes with precious
bora nro to prostrated by distress that stones. 'I htco Insigulas havo long been
thoy can buzz about them at their will, kept In lho Hofbourg nt Vicuna, and
They aro telf-naturalized bamarltaus, will bo brought f .rth for Kaucr WIl
physicians without diplomas, ministers helm a coronation.
Tun prcclousncss of llttlo things was
never moro beautifully expressed than
by B. F. Taylor, In tho following:
hittlo words nro tho sweetest to hear;
Utile charities fly farthest and slay long.
est on tho wing. littlo IakC3-,uro tho
stillest ; littlo hearts nro tho fullest, and
llttlo farms aro tho host tilled. Llttlo
books nro tho most read, nnd llttlo
song3 tho most loved. And when Na-
turo would mako anything especially
rare and beautiful, sho makes It little
llttlo pearl?, llttlo diamonds, llttlo
Tun oldest land on tho globe, nnd that
which first rose abovo tho ocean which
tho revelations of geology tell us onco
i-ovcrcd tlio wholo earth Is the long low
lino cf hills, nowhero exceeding two
thcu-and feet in height, which extends
clang tho border between Canada and
tho United States, from tho eastern part
of tho Dominion nltnost to tho baso of
tho Itocky Mountains.
tribes. Tho Prlnco Is Governor of Llt
tlo llassa. Ho has been visiting tho independent of orders or tho
great commercial warehouses. "When succession ; nnd ;iho unlucky ones Dn'J'icui.Tir.s. Theieiireinnuy who,
It is considered that ho nover before whom it Is their pleasure to assist must in their ngero dcslr for the cud, over
had scon horse", cars, locomotives, rail- keep them off with a strong arm, which
roads, navcd streets, machinery, Ac, may lead to a qunnel, or yield them
the Intensity or ins amazement can bo teives ncipicftiy into mcir ucuvo nnu
easily imagined. officious hands.
look tho difficulties In the way; thero is
another class who tco nothing cleo. Tho
first class may sometimes fall; tho latter
rarely succeeds.
The Scul's Ikpakcy. No nnimal
continues to long In a btoto of Infancy
as man; r.n animal Is co long before it
can Btand. And Is not this still truer of
our iouls than of our bodies? For
when nro they out of their infancy?
When can they bo f aid to stand? Yet
till they can, how much do they need a
strong hand to uphold them.
What Is known as 'tho 110111601111118'
is composed cf ecvenly Individuals.
They nro Iho fourth generation in do
feent from tlio founder of tho family,
Mayer Anselm Itotluchlld,
A NiniANiowrioerin place In bank
ficm five to ten dolluis each monthly
pnyduywlll tccn r.icumuhito a fund
sufficient to j uitUso for ids family a
com for (ablo home.