Sfhc ofxrhtiuWatt In i'Uiir,i9iu:i) i:t.iiy rrtiiuY siohninu IX TUB COI.OJHIIAW HUIM)IH NliAItWIR coutir uoush, nir' HENRY L. DIEFFENBACH, KDixon akd rorntnTon, 7era5"Tw Collars a Year jiyiMs In advanea. OinOULATION EBOO. JOB PHINTING OlnlldoscrliiUorirf Witcutod with neatness And 1 T 'sm?'lncn?05A,OTaeaT Patont Moclicinoa, V if ji I IV I 12 It. , " Tn PcMHIatci IVrsnns, To Iiysiicntlcs, Tn Hunerers from Liver Complaint, To tlittqlinvlntt txn Apnellte, Tuliio'o'wiili lirnkcn bawn Conslltutlous, To Nurvous Piinnuv Trt t'hlldrtrt WnSttntrnvnv, i lYtliriVWUU'IlrhlllWIi'd ll!Mstlvn Ort-An. Omifffrlntt with ww utMt ullmrtng Hmplomi, tpallQn',Invftnl rild, ritfnis or, Dlooilto Ui'oJIcail, Arid It of Ilia Rtorodcji, Wauspn, Itcorltiuru, Dligiisf for J'ood, I'ull iiws or U'cUlit In tho Blomncli.Bour Kfucltntlons.Blnltlrjgor l'luttcrlnallho I'll of tlio Stnmacli.Hwliimilng of Ihn llrad, Hurried nml DUIlculi llrcnthlng, l'Juttcrlng ntllioltcnrl,ChokliicorHunbcatltiRSeniatloni when In b, L lirg l'osturo, Dimness ol Vlnloti, l)oti or ,Vob! licforo tho Sight, Tovtr nnd Dull Pain (n tho head, Ddlclenoy of rerspiratlou, Ycllowiu'ns of tho Hlcln and Tjcb, l'aln In tho Hide, llnelt, Chet, Llmba At., Hudden I'liiilicn or Ifent, Ilu,.,i,. in lh6 I'lffcli, Constant ImaBlnng of IJvIl, nnd Great PefircMlon of KplrlH. HOOFI.AND'S Ol'-nilAN IHTTIIIW, A tllters without AlcnholorHplrlU of any kind. H ilirreront from all others. It Is composed of tho puro Jutee,or VrT.u.l'mxciPT.i! or Hoots, JIeuiii, nnd lUnivH, (or ns mtvllclnally tenjicil Uxtritcti.) tho worthless or Insert portions of tho Ingredients not Ijcing used, Thcreforo In ono Boltlo of this Hitlers thero Is ooutnlned as much raedlclnlvlrtuoas will ho found lit several gallons of ordinary minutes, Tho UooLs, Jtc.uscd In this Hitters nrq grown In Osrmany, tholr vital jrlnclples oilraeled In that country by nsclcn. tlllc Chemist, and forwarded to the manufactory In this city, whero thoy nro eonipoundol and bottled. CoulalulU2 no spirituous Ingredients, his Hl(lc,rs ix tree from tho objections urged galnstnllolhers; nodcslro forstlmulauts can bo Induced from their use, they cannot malio drunk. nrds, nnd cannot under nny clrcumitnncca, lmve any but tibcneaclal effect, HOQIT.AND'H aiUtMAN TOXIC, Wns compounded for thoio not Inclined to ex treme, bluer, nnd Is Intended for tat In cases when somo alcohollo httmulanl Is required lu connection with tho Tonla properties of tho Hitlers, llnch bollto of tho Tonlo eoutnlns ono boltlooftlio Hitters, combined w Uh puroHANTA. I CUUZ ItUM, and llnvorud in such nmauuerlhat tho cxtremo blttcrncssofthobltters Isovercome, forming a preparation highly ngrccnblo and pleasant to tho palnlc, and containing tho medi cinal vlitucs of tho Hitters, Tho prlco of Iho Tonla Is S1.J) per .ISottlo, which many persons think loo hlah. They must tnlto Into considera tion that the stimulant used is guaranteed to bo of a puro iuallly. A poor nrtjclo could bo fur hlshtd nt n chcipcr price, but Is It not better lo pa a little moro n d hnvo a good arliclo? A medicinal preparation shou'd contain uono tut tho best ingredients; nnd they who expect to btnln a cheaper compound, mil t,o bcnellledby It wlll.most cerlalnly bo cheated. HOOF I.A N li'H OJ.'liMAA' HITTERS, O 13 K ?r A N T O X I C, ' WITH ' llOOn.AN'D'S PODOl'IIYLMN VUAj, vfit.h tunc ov. They nro tho Greatest it r, o o it v v i i c 1 1: ii s Known to tho Medical world, nnd will crndl cRto dlKeascsnrislngfrom imiiure blood, Debility of Iho Dlgcstlyo Olguus, .jr Diseased I.lver, lu a shorter tlmo than any other linuwu remedies. Tin: w iiotufSPi'iiEMK rounror 1'ksnsyi.vasia fci'jiAiv roit'iiiixi: iiiiji i,di i:h. Who would atk tor more Dlgullled iiudHtronger Testilnonv ? Hon. (iBOlionV. WiMinw.Kl),ormcrfj(CifJin. lice of the Svitre me cCtirt of J'entmyti aula, tit jtrc C7i( Member n(YnffrrtW,m reim!ilvanlit,iirltct: Vni.iiim.fnjA,-3lHioltiinh,l(,7. I flnd"nooUandt4CJtrmaii Hitters" is'a good tonic, useful In dlscaseHor the dlgostlvo organs and of gicnthrmllt tn ensesof debility nnd vent of nervous nctlon In thoFystcm. Yours, truly. CLOUUliW. WOODWAHD. Hon. JAxra Thomisijn, IMtf J u nice of Uie Hu pt eihe Ojurt of Pcnnvjlx itiila. I'llll.Alir.I.lMlrA, April 28 1S07. I consider "irooflind's German nitters"n valua ble medlclno ill cafco of uttacks of Indigestion or Dyspepsia. I csa corliry this from my cxrerl encooflt. Yours, with respect, J.Ulia THOJIPSOX. Hon. (Iuoiiim: Huamhiod, Justice of the Supreme Court of I'vniisyltmttit. l'liiLAimriiiA, June l,uc. I Have found byexperlcneo that "lloolland's German Hitters" Is n cry good Ionic, rcllovlug d) speptlo symptoms nlmost directly oi'.ouoi; miAituwooi). "" W. 1'. Hogcrs, Mayor of the Ctly ofllugalo. Major's Olllce, Hnllalo, Juno ?2, 1?C9, I hnvo uscd"lloolland's Ocrman Hitters and Tonic" In my family during iho pan year, nnd can recommend them as nn excellent tonic, Im parting tono nnd rigor to tho system. Their uso bns been productive or deeldidlv lieneflcial "tw, w.M.iMtoai:iis. Hon. James JI. Wood, lU-Mayorof WUllamtptrl, I inko great pleasuro lu recommending "Hoof land's Germnn Tonic" to any ono who may bo nnllcted with Dyspepsia. I had Iho Djspepsla so badly It was linposslblo to keep any food on my stomach, and I become so wtnk as not to lio able to will halt a mile. Two bottles of Tonic ciretted n perfect euro. JAMES M. WOOD. HUMIIMDCU THAT iiooi'LAND'B gkuman mrrioits, no ovija n&s Aai:nMA & tonic Will euro every Cam of . MAltASAJJUS. Or WusiliiK iiuhvoi ilioCody. llKMVSlllEH TIIAT liooi'i-AND'a QEioiAN ntaiEDiia Aro tho medicines you requlro to purify Iho lllood, excllo the oi.f Uvcr to lienlOiy aeU ii ''li!.',.''1"11'10 0" f" tor throiiBli liny uanlsbliisaxjHnuro. ' ( ".oui,ii any OR. II001'I.4nS I'ODOI'II YLLI N, . Substitute for .Mercury I'llls., 77.C nioK rouu" lV ynoci(Jj VpC(al,Is CHthar. tie kiownt ItisnotncccssAry to tako a bnndful of'theso Tills lo produce the dctlre.1 eflecti two of them act quickly and powerfully, cleansing thol.lver. Stomach and Howels of all Impurities" Tho prln. clpal ingredient la I'odophyllln.or Iho Alcohollo Extract of Mandrake1, which Is by many times moro powerful, acting and Marching (ban th Mandrako Itself. Its pocullar action Is upon the Liver, cleaning It speedily from all obstructions with all the power ot Mercuryyet frc0 from tho injurious results attnehed to the use of that mineral. For all diseases, Inwlilch Iho like of a cathartic Is Indicated, theto pills whl glvo enllro satlsrac tlou In every ease. They NKVEH I'AII,, h u. vi'iuiumui, kjieisia IIUU extrvmo cusllvciHss, ,Dr, llooflnnd't German lUttciM nr TiMiln ul,f,nl,l It- , with thol'JIls. Tho lonlocfiatof tholllltiin or Tonlo builds up the system, TboBHtersorTonlo tho Liver, and gives slreugtb, energy and vigor. Keep your Howels active with theSllls, nnd tono uplhotystein with HIUeniorTdnlc.audiio dUeases can rilalu tho bold, or evon assail you Ilecollect that It la Dll. HOOPLAND'S QUli- M A J ltcmcdlcs h&x aru so unlversallyused and highly recommended and do not allow tho I'ruggut to luduco you to toko anytlilngclse that he may say Is Just us good, because he makea a argo pmnt ou It. These Remedies will bo sent .. f.V.''." B"y loclll'ty.uun applleattqn lo ItrnVS'1''" Uf'l'IL'E. at tho OliUMAN MEDIpJUti WOHE, oa Arch fit.. Philadelphia. CIIAS. M. I2VANS, 1'ioiulctui', m.. 5i?,mc.';1' C. if, JACKSON 4 CO. "Tfrsumi juutam Dtalanntywim, IJaJO'Hy 1(1 ' ' ' ' nft y' . ',1 I'wiffl. " 'I.' ' . "",,,., " """" -n. , -, I i i - - -- , , J "r ' ' rrrv v-jVmi ' n f - f 1 i i i i i . i i i ' "" , . firfit n . f r'f. ttf .t'l-ri VOLUME V, - - NO, 12. 'Oolumbia'Ooimty-blucittlDJrootorr'"' icr(iT-AAnoN HMIT1I, "r'"11" rtior-ISAA Dnwrrr. f?H1"r1xy,.n. Lowanp,no. Wroner John D. Hodck. KwHtif.i,((OnAnt.M 0. llAKKinv. Bloomsburg Official Directory. ll,','Z$!lr&:'""'"''0 "'' fiMn-r Html Anuria J.J. HnowKn, Prtsldent, MViiVtmot"u. He"v loolntrgDirootory. l)ACo'ftj!ffltterB' 'myVKH AND TINWAltK. J A CO n JIETZ, dealer in stoves nud tinware Main street.abovo court house. nA,V"! '-OWKNIIKno, Merchant Tailor, Mnlu u st 2d door above American House. WM. MOltlllH, Merchant Tailor corner of Cen tre nnd Main St., over Miller's store. JJKUOS, CllEJIICALS, Ac. t'. !',r't,'! IVKi'tnndApolhecary.Maln st. J, below tho Post oulce. ULOCKB, WATCHES, dC. H ENIIYZUPPINGEU, Watches, Spectacles & Jewelry io ilalnHlreet near West st, n K HA VAGE, dealer In Cloelts, Wntches and U Jewelry, Main et Just below tho Amerlenn House. OUIH lir.UNH AllD. Watch and Clock maker-, J near southeast corner Main and Iron sts. K. CATHCAHT. Wnlch nnd Clock Jlakor.Mar kot street, below Main. iioora"AN.i3 siK)"E37 D AVID 11 KTZ, Hoot nud Shoemaker. Main St., uuiuw xiiLtiiuuii s sioro. weal or Market. UENIIY KI.KIM, Mauufuetuier end dealer lu Hoots and Mhoes, Groceries, etc,, Main stu et, Last Ulooiusbnrg. n M. HllOW.V, Hoot and Hhoemokcr, Main V. street, under Hruwn's Hotel. I'UOFESSIONAL. 11 'h C,'i n!WI:.1iv Bl'rBCOii Dentist, Mulu st I) abuvolbo Court House- " D. WM. M. ltPJlKlt. Hurgeoii nnd Physician. Kxchaugclllock ov er Webb's book store. Dlt. II, i. KINMiV, Hurgeon DenlW. Teeth extracted wlthoulpatu! Main St., nearly oi -poslto Episcopal Cbuich, ' n 1. IIAUKLMY, Attorney-nt-Law. Oinco,2d , ', i ,Vr fcwuuge Hloik, ncur the "Exchaigo It. MclvELV Y.M. D.,Surgeon nnd Physician . uoi thsldo Main st., below Market. It. EVANH, M. 1) Surgeon nnd I'liyslcian, south side Mnlu street, below Maiket. T C. HUTTEIt. M. 1). Hurgoou and Physician tJ Mnrket btrect, abovo Main, T H. UCiniSON, Altorney-nt.I.aw, OfllcoHart- .1. 1)1111, 'N tillllil,,, Mnlnu,rn. MIliLlNEHY & FANCY GOODS. 1.1 PKTEltMAN, Millinery and Fancy ti. opposltu Episcopal Church, Main st, Goods, 1IHH WZZIli 11AHKI.UY, Milliner, lUimey MI A. D. WEHll, Fancy Goods, 'Notions, Hooks, nnd Stationery. Exchange liloik. Main tnet. M'n.-Y' "iEUllICKSO.V, Millinery nmlFauey Ooods.Malust,, below Market. MHH.E. KLINE. Millinery nnd Funcy Oooua Main street below Market. MHH. JULIA A. & HADE HAltKI.E, Ladles' Cloaks ami Dress Paltcruj, soulhiasl corner Main and Weblbts. MUIK MIKH1W IIAltMAN Millinery nnd Fancy IUooiih, Main M below American House, HOTELS AND SALOONS. POltKH HOTKI,, by T, Hint. Taylor, cost end r ot Main street. MERCHANTS AND aitOCEHS. OC. MAItlt, Dry Goods and Notions, soulh- west corner Main amt Iron eta. ft ll.HF.ESHOLTZ,denlor In Lry Goods, Gro U'ccrlis, Hoois;-Hijos, Aa, ooimr 2Ialn nnd Iron streita. D lAi lli:Cia,i;V'(I!mit nnd h'hoe.stoio, books , A blatlourry(Malnst.,'bclow Market, E lowiron'110'101''' srom1','i el0" il "ln I,i MENDENII ALL, General Stoekof Mercban li, diso and LumLei-, corner or Main stiett nud Herwick road. jiOX a WEHll. Confectionery and Bakery, : wholesaloandutull.Exihungolilock. H t'.HOWEIt, HnlsrndCnps.HootsaudShoes, Mnlu St., abovo Court House. J It, MAII. Mammoth Grocery, tine Gro . oerles. Fruits, Nuts, Provision, Ac., Main and Iron Bin els. MikKLVY, NEAL A CO., rtenlers In Dry Ooists, Groceries, Flour, Feed, Hall, Flsh.lioii, Nails, eic.,N. K. cor. Main and Market sts. Sll. MILLEIt 4 SON, dealers lu DryGoixIs, . Groceries, Queensunre, Flour, fcalt, bhoes, Notions, etc, Exchaugo Block, Main st. SIISCELLANEOUS. OOKHrAULES ULANKH for Ullo at tl.o Col.l M uia uiuce, CM, CIIIUHTMAN, Huddle, Tiunk .t llnmets. , maker, Hblve's lllook Miiin street, DW. UOUllINS.IIiiuordealorseeouddoorlrom ' northwest eorutr aialn nud Irou sts. EJ. THOHNTON, Wall l'apor, Window Shades , nud fixtures, ltupert block. Main st. GW. COltEI.L, Furniture Itooms, three story brlck.Malumieet.ueslorMarketst. HHOSENHTOCK.Photogropher, over Eobblns J & Ejcr'u Htore, Main st. f H. KUHN.dealerin Meat, Tallow, etc., Client ! berlln's alley, rear ofAmerlcau House. JOHN A. 1UNSTON A CO., luulual nnd cash " rntes tiro I nsurance companles.Ui ower's llulld Ing, Main Street, RH.ltlNOLEIl, dealer In planoa, organs.imd mclodeous,alU, W.Corell'a furniture rooms qAMUKL JAt'OHy.Motbln uud llrowu"Btou7 WM. HA11U, dealer ln furniture, dunks, cedea " willow wuro, near the Forks llotel. 0 FOSTER, UIuo Maker, anil While nnd Fancy . Tanner, Scottowu, Ell, I1IDLEMAN. Agent for Muuson's Copper Tubular Lightning ltod. IACOH DIEFF1-NHAC1I, Broom Factory. Or J dersleltnt bis residence or at Miller A Sou's tore promptly tilled, Best giccn Western brush IAMEH CABMAN, Cabinetmaker und Chair, J maker; rooina Main street bel, lion. lirvri, im ... . w.,. ,uwivr, mm Diana nui j'i.wuuor wlth OffleeU exeulltloi'or'al0 t the Columbian ETroprTetor.1 lX0U'llNO MILIJJ, CS.FowieT; T D. WEltKHKISEIt, Ildol andRhne RtnrAnnil mauufactoiy. Mbop oi ilalS Hlreot mi DOS te the Hleail, Mill ' ""u ireotol- T Hoi MnSfriL"11181"""" l''anlng Mill Buck Horn.'- r-rLT. I" . 7 v . - " fct'Tiai uiriiiuiiuuiiu. r iri, itioru 1U HOUIU Clllt ot towu Orangovillo Direotory, A nM-, '5,', AN' .Merrhani Tallow and ilhellVlckfYloiilayEOOJV TTionlU",' .B5TKlt.Carpenter and iV.Hulhlers, Main sl.j below. I'luo. ' R1??!'1,, "ERBWO,-dealer "iu' Dry Goo.1., Jjfjocfrlcs, Lumber and general Merchauiiise; B'liSXflS?1"' ana rfrw,hmcn Hnloon, by UoiirM'Hcnrycor.Of Main and PInest. DIV.P' A.' MEaAItOEL.WiyHcl.n and Surgein, Main U noxt door to Good's Hotel, r'"slv" 1' stllrstdooralovBH Houry's llotel. TAMES II, HAUM AN. Cabinet Make; and Un O dertakcr. Main Ht below Pine. 1 s,,,.!f.!tMANt,8',.Jl)l0 nni "arnwa mnker. U, Main st., oppslto Frame Church. S'l?K'ale!ffi WeKttonT Oatawisaa. !i ,'. ,1'ALLMAN, Merchant Tailor, Second St. D. Hub bins' Building, IVLJ, K. ItOllIlINS, Surgeon and Pbysiclan G1LHEHT A KLINE, dry goods, groceries, nnd general merchandise. Main Htreet t n. KISTLElt, "Cnttawlssa House," North . Corner Main and Second Streets. I KEII,i:il, Blllard Saloon, Oysters, nnd Ice 17. Cream In season Main St. MM. BUOIIST, dealer ln GencralMerchondlse . Dry Goods, Groceries rto, SIISQIIEIIANNA or llrlck Hotel. 9. Koslen builder l'roorletnr.ko,illi.eiiBf.rAr,.Ap s.nlt, Second Street. M, II, AllJ I01T, Attorney nt law, Main St. Light Street. HF. OMAN Co., Wheelwright, first door , abovo School House. JOHN A. OMAN, Manufacturer and dealer ln Hoots nnd Hhoes. PETEHKNT. dealer In Dry Goods Groceries, Flour, reed, Halt, Pish, Iron, Nnils.elc.Maln Htreet, ' RS.ENT. dealer ln Stoves and Tin wnro In all Its branches. Philadelphia Directory. JICIIAltDSON L. WRIGHT, JR. ATTORNEY AT LAW, NO. 12) SOUTH SIXTH STHEET, PIMLAIirXl'IlIA Ian. 1'71-ly 31. KE1U1EART, WITH BARNES, BRO. & HERRONi HATH. CAPd, bTItAW GOODS & FUB3, No, 103 Market Street, (Abovo Fifth,) Philadelphia. "yyAINWRIGHT & CO., WHOLESALE GUOCEBS, N. E. Corner Second nnd Arch Streets, Philadelphia, Dealers la TEAS, SYItUrS, COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLASSES KICK, &P1CES, III CAUll SODA, AC, Ar. -Ordcrs will recrtvc prompt attention, may 10j07-tr. Business Cards. Q B. BROCKWAY, ATTOIINF.Y AT LAW, RLOOMsnuno, pa, OFFiPP-Court House Alley, ln tho Co. LD.MIIIAN building. lJalH,'67. A. L. TURNER PnYHICIAN AND SUItGEON, HLOOMSIlUItO, PA. Omrsoicr Lull's Ding Htore. Itesldene Fifth htreet. decl(l'70. c. W. MILLEU, ATTOUNI1Y AT LuVW, Ofllco Court HouRe"AlIey, klow the Colum ln an Olllce. lSouutlcH. Iiack-l'nv nnd PciihlnnH collected. UlooruKburn la. ftep.'J007 OBERT V. CLARK, ATTOllNEY AT LAW, Olllco Main Street below tho Conrt House, Bloomsburg Pcun'n. E, II. LITTLE, ATTOHN'EY AT LAW, Ofllce Court-House Alley, below the Coxum: JUAN Ofllce, Jlloonikburi; l'a. Ear. KKOiut, I lavlua purchased thohtoclcof theoU Key Mime Ktine htore, nml ndcleil t lure to n large ami vull feelcctcU new block la prepared to exhibit the best variety ot HOOTS AND MHOES ever brought to this place, He 1h nUo prepared to mulio UootH undbhoes toorU-r)u thelntrst unit best KtyicH. for cnUi only. In tho old l'ast Olllce biilhilDp, eorner IVluiuni.d AMitrketKt reels ltlooniKburn, l'ji. lfcepO'70-ly, T? JTriidliNTON would anuounce to theclllsens of Blooms burg and v Iclutty, that he tins Just received a full aud complete assortment of WALL PAPElt, WINDOW SHADES, F1XTUKKS, C0KD3, 1ASSELS, nud all other goods ln his lino of business. All tho newest and most approved patterns of the day are illwn) s to be found In his establishment. mnr.5,'en-tr Main HI. below Market. BUSINESS OARDS, VISITING CAHDS, LETTEIl HEADS, BILL HEADS, PltOOUAMMES, POSTEltS, iC AC. Neatly and C!lionily rrlntotl From the Latest Styles of Type at tbe COLUMBIAN Omcli s IIARPLESS ct HARMAN, EAOI.K roUNIlUY AND UANDt'ACTUUIKO SHOP, STOVES 4 TLOWS WHOLESALE & HETA1L TUB CKL1E1I RATED MONTEOSt 1EOX BEAM AND THE HUTTOmOODEN 11EAU PLOWS, Oustluusand FlroHrlckfor renalrlnccllvSlovf a All kinds of Brass or Irou casting made tu order upon suon nonce, II. F. Hit AHPI.EHH A P. H. IIAltMAN, Bloomsburg, Pa, Proprietors atar.is.'uu-ir. B90 TS AND SHOES. CLABK M. BUOWN, MAIN STREET, DDEK llHOW'S HOTEL. A lull and eompleto assortment of ready made uoois aim snotv ror men, women ana eniid I uut received and for unfe aL reiisnnablM ra VarielUstn suit all classes of customers. The best of work done at short notlco, us heretofore. Give him acall. Janl'7L jT.bo5TsBURa w;ARBiiE worics. OUNT0N4HTEI, (Hucccssors to A. Wittnau,) llespectfully Inform the publle that they are now lully prepared to do all kluds of work In nud short notice. lueir line oi ousiutss, u)iui ivusonauio lerms CHllsiatiiuii wnrranieu in uu Uan.Wri.ly cases. N JEW STOVE AND TIN Snol'. ISAIAH 1IAUENBUCII, Main Street one door above E. Mendenhall's Store. rtringes constantly on hand, aud or sale at the tr.w, st rRleM. 'l'lunlug lu all Its branches carefully attended to,' 'nd satisfaction guaranteed. Tin wot a or all kinds wholesale anureuu. a ', 'tal Is requoslod, , Junl'71 BLOOMSBURG, PA., Miscellaneous1. " fiotrnifiitx ptrnt.Mji;s, KEPOBT OF MINOHtTVr CbMMlTtHtt. A cot AMn nnuti AnuAKatMi:3f. Wq glvo below tho rctiort of tlid mi nority of tlio select comtnlllco (o Uvcs-, tlgato tlio hllcscd oulraRca lu tho south ern Stntea. Wo bespeak for It a careful perusal, ns It Is a trulhful cxposiin'of tlio manner In which tlio radicals man ufacture political capital nnd how llltlo truth thero Is' In Iho utranco stories of outrages committed In tho South ! Senators Blair and Haynrd constltut- luff a minority of tho committee, found themselves una'blo to ngrco with tho majority, nnd present tholr views at length. After citing tho resolution under which tho commlttco wns un pointed, and referring to tho report, transmitted by tho President in answer) to tho Bcnato resolution of Inquiry In relation to tho alleged organization of disloyal persons In North Carolina, tho tho minority enys: "Thus It willnn. penr that tho resolution, under which tho special commlttco was appointed, is founded on tho report transmitted, ns aforesaid, by tho President. Instantly upon this nppolntment, the commlttco organized and proceeded without delay to cxnmlno witnesses, who wcro nimar- cntly all ready in waiting in tho city of wasnington, to wit i Tho son of Clov. Iloldcn, Col. Gcorgo W. Kirk, and Ror- gen, his lieutenant-colonel. No oppor tunity, savo that afforded by Its slnclo reading in tho senate, has been given mo undersigned to Inspect tho report of tho majority, or obtain proper knowl- edgo of Its contents. Tho report was read onco and Instantly transmitted to tho printer, by whom it has not yet been returned. Wo deilro to attract tho nttenllon of tho sonato to tho seono of tho resolution under which tho com mlttco havo acted : " To inriuiro Into tlio truth or falsehood of tho crimes and outrages of a political character In tho southern states." Hero Is an unlimited field of general allegation, tiualfled only by tho word 'political,' and con- veying uollilng definite to tlio commun ities, whoso domestic affairs wcro with out notlco or specified charges to haVea congressional dragnet thrown over thcra and bo hauled before tho commlt tco ; and tho closing paragraph of tho resolution only aggravated tho dangers and difficulties of such an inquisition by inquiring whether thero bo in tlioso stales security for persons nnd property uuli cuyiuK iiiui no sinio nas passeu any laws in violation of iho fourteenth amendment, null that no question had bcenmado rclatlvo to tho oxcrclsoof power ln tho emergencies set forth In tho fourth section of artlclo three in tho c6nstItulIon." The minority continue: "Tlio undersigned aro therefore at a loss to discover where such power is deriv ed tw is set forth in tho resolution and acted upon by tho committee, uud thcreforo they protest In tho namo tu.d under tlio limitations of tho constitu tion of tlio United States against any and all action of Inquisitorial character into tho Internal nnd domestic ufiairs of nny of tho states, or any attempt by congress or tho exccullvo to interfere with tho stato governments of citizens Individually ns to matters not cogulza- blo by tho Federal government. In vlow of tho fact that North Carolina Is In all respects under tho constitution and laws upon an equal footing with all tho other states of tho Union, the minority assert that any claim of pow er lo investigate tho Internal nnd do mestic affairs of that stato to invade her polico powers of control over all mat ters within her jurisdiction must bo equally valid and havo equal forco when applied to any other stale, and tho reserved righls of tho constitution of Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Ohio, or New York nro ln no degree moro so euro than thoso of North Carolina. The exercise or omission of any such power is, in tlio opinion of tlio minority, un warranted by tho constitution, and ut terly subversive of our federal syslpin of stato governments. Thoy ay further thero can no longer bo urged tho plea of " military necessity." Tho Hag of tho nittion floats in plucld tccurlty lu every part of tho Union, and thero Is no pretenso of opposition in any quar ter to tho peaccablo operation of tho civil authority. After totting forth tliat the kind of investigation pursued lias simply given an opportunity for any ono to eomo forward and assail tho stato nnd peoplo of North Carolina by any character of testimony, or lu nny manner that prejudicoor testimony can suggest, tho minority continue i " Hut all tills Is manifestly tho result of a plan 'cut and dried.' By n conspiracy form ed of disappointed politicians who havo lost tho confidence of their people, and havo been cast out of olllco by tho al most unanimous volco of a betrayed and Injured constituency. At the head of this conspiracy plainly standi Will lam W. Iloldon, tho Governor of North Carolina, and now undergoing trial by process of Impeachment for high mU demeanors nnd gross abuses of his otll clal power. IIo has beggared tho ire.-u-ury of Ida stAto and plundered, outrag ed and botrayed her people, nud now looks to the strong arm of (hp federal government ns tho only means of rescu ing him and hla followers, from tlio Just punishment duo thclrcrlmes. In furth erance or this schomo tho prcsqnt mens uro was Instituted and this committee raised. Tho two Sonutors from North Carolina, Messrs. Abbott and l'col, havo eillclently aided It, suggesting witnesses and employing Interrogator ies for their examination, and some times escorting them lu person to tho door of tho commlttco room ; nnd what Is tho character .of.thCBo witnesses found ready and in attendance tor examina tion 'I Joseph Wt Holden, tho eon and accomplice of Governor W. AY. Holden, heads tho ilsf. Ho. has been an office holder, fattening on thq corruptions of s father's administration, tho editor of his parfy organ, und oven hH testi mony is most entirely hearsay lu Its nature and inadmlssublo In courts of Justice Gcorgo W. Kirk and Gcorgo W. llcrgen enmo upon tho scene, and to MARCH tho undersigned Uierb seem to bo h stranRO Insensibility to tbo oplhltms.'of mankind Iri tho production! of two such atrocious' 6fmrciora In'tho'rololor'vvlt ticucs In tUls case. Neither wwo c'llf zens'df Nc-Vth Carolina, but' thoy wero cnjlcd from'abroail:by Holden tin fltjng Instruments fdr his dark nnd Moody Intent. In violation of tho conBtltUtlori of his state, ho mruto theso two Mrulig era to his peoplo officers of mllltlrt, and hnvini? 'declared two counties (Ala uianconnd Caswoll) In a stato 6f Insur rection ho gavo tho unhappy rotfdenfs over to tho tender mcrjICH of th6so two ruffians. Tho.tcUlmOny dlgcloses (lieir ubsoluto denial of having Insulted' or maltreated their prisoners In nriy wny, and their perjury In theso Btatomctits Is fully proved by the testimony of Lucl an II. Murray, Mr. Kerr, Mr; Turner and others, who wero their prisoners. Tho teillmony quoted at length show ing various kinds of maltreatment and torture to extort confessions', etc., and tho minority proceed In tho samo man ner to review tho testimony of Win. R. Albright, whom they term n violent unscrupulous man, and of James E. Boyd, upon whoso solo testimony they say tho majority largely rely to Justify them in tholr romnrkablo conclusions respecting tbe condition of society In North Carolina. This witness, tho mi nority say, is a very young man, and by his own .statements haslittlo.or no peisonal .knowledge, of tho matters Whereof ho speaks. They revlow his evidence minutely, and characlerlzO it n3 weak, corrupt anil shambling. In tho tamo manner thoy Impeach Unre liability of tha testimony of tho remalii derof tho witnesses, not onoof whbm tho minority assert testifies to facts within his own knowledge, tending) to provo North Carolina to bo less safe as a placo of roshlonco than any portion of tho Union lying north or'her bounda-1 rlcs. Tho minority .then enter upon'nn extenslvo argument to show that the disorder,! which havo exited In North Carolina aro attributable to mlsrula of tho so called carpet bag stato officers, tho unwlso legislation of congress, nnd tho machinations of the loyal leaguo Inciting and, Instigating tho negroes, to Idleness, .disaffection nnd lawleasnc??. In support of these propositions tho minority quote very largely -rom t,ho testimony of tho lion. John Kerr, ex member of congress from North Caro lina, N. A. Ramsey, and others, and a number of other witnesses who wpro oxamlncd and cross-examined beforo tho commlttco. Tho minority s.iy It Will bo scon from tho above statomijnt that thero has been no resistance to tho execution of process of tho courlH,'iio obstructions ts officers ln tho exercise of their functions. Tho report of the majority seeks to ovado tlio forco of this fact, thus ndmlttlng tho fact by as sorting that tho ku klux organization is so bdnded together as to defeat tho ends of justice, by Intimidating wit' nes'es, packing juries and procuring witnesses to swear falsely In favor of tho nccu-ed if ho belong to that order, Tlio reply to this is easy nnd complelo. Tho statute law of thosfnto given tho solicitor nnd tlio Judro Iho power to re movu ounei from nny locality In tho slnlo lo any other locality, nt tho optlpn of tho prosecution. Every judgo and every solicitor ln tho state was a radi cal ; thero wero localities in tlio state ln which tho radicals predominated overwholmingly, and If thocrlino was committed 'Where tho Influence of tho kit klux prevented a conviction, it was only mcf'Bsary for tho solicitor to make n motion and the Judgo would order tho removal of tho causo from county to county until n satisfactory ventio was reached. It is perfectly evident from tho ovldonco that tho process of tho courts could bo executed without mili tary force, and that no resistance Was offered to its execution. It is also clear that tho causes could havo been remov ed from any placo to some county in which a fair trial might havo been had. Why, then, did tho governor prefer to resort to tho extrenio measure of pro claiming tho counties of Abmanco and Caswell in insurrection latherthan u'o tho remedies ready to his hand of ro moving tho causci to tho counties In which convictions might hnvo boon ob tained ? Why did ho call on the Prcsl dent for troops, set on foot his negio militia, led by rufll.tni Imported Into thestntoon account of their extraordi nary brutality, nnd proceed to seize, Imprison, insult nnd torltiro his prison ers? Thero is but ono explanation, Ills object was to slrlko terror to tio peoplo and drlvo them from tlio polls, and thus carry thodlstrlct and maintain hlnirelf nud his miscreants In power, and thus bo enabled to contlnuo to plunderaml tyrannlza over tho unhap py peoplo who hail been subjected to his sway by tho direct action r the. congress of tho United States. This Is tho only explanation which can bo giv en for conduct so utterly unnecessary. Who over heard beforo of tho procla mation of martial law ln n country whero tho process of civil courts could be exercised without resistance. If ho had caused tin) law lo bo executed In tho ordinary way through the courts, tho.chargo vyhlch had risen against him and his alllca for pillaging tho. State, and giving nwny millions of doihua to tho desperitto nil venturers vho Infested tho Stato llko vermin, would havo. con tlnucd, and carried tho election against him. lie thcreforo meditated his coup d' ctat, and his grand military ,trokoof policy which was to strlko horror to tho hearts of tho people, lio called tho President to his assistance, and to whom ho already looked ns his. fuluro emperor, who did not full him In his hour of uectl, but dispatched tlio troops of tho United States to sustnlu this worthless miscreant and conspirator in power. Having failed lu his nefarious purpose, and apprehensive that ho might bo dealt with for hla crimes, his nrei cuort la to propitiate thoso whom ho has wronged by confessing what all knew to bo true, that pctico, good order nnd quiet aro supremo In that Slate, Tho minority hero quote his confession saying that the confession Is confirmed by Judgo Battle, whoso testimony Is quoted. It will bo observed that tho 1871. testimony conlntncit In jh'o reports of lio Uniiod Slates olllcori,- .eonl Into Worth Carolina by tho Prcsldontj'upoip npdlcAtlbll 'of,' fJovior! Holder ,nfo unnnltilously tn contrdWljdfof thodx, Islenco, of nny lorganlncd .body of llli loynrond ovll disposed persons' lit ,tho Htntd of' North Carolina, vhlcli ImVp H Vlqw or ilirealott'resrilb'rieo, fq thb ac tion.? of .tllc.'lawa of 'tho United' Slates,- uo. ueniai to tho citizen of the United Jtatos of equal protection of.tiio; cnu'e, etc. Tbo.mlnorlty Aay'that tho concurrent,' fcsllmony pf ' tho .United Slates pffl'ccr ought .alone, mnd ,qfj is own forco; to.be sufficient to satisfy ,tno Senateand the country how lfctld found ntlon thero Is for tho chargo of organ ized reslstanco'to tho government or 1U , laws In tho Sln'to of North Carolina; and how tho President of tho UnltcM, Slntts coilld havo considered II an ton'ii Ing to provo tho existence of disloyalty In North Carolina, tho undersigned nro unablo to conceive. An oxamlnatiba of' tho depositions' taken boford thd cdm mllt'ce, nnd their comparison with' h6' documents appended to the messages 'of tho President on thoso subjects, will ex-, hlblt n mero repetition of thoBamo facts by tho same witnesses, thus making cneh caso of outrago do frequent service ln the wny of exciting new horrors and arousing additional animosities. Again, it is observed that different witnesses! recount tho samo cause of outrage, with Such variations1 as their Imaginations' may create. All examination of 'thl's' mas of testimony will dlscloso tho fact' that no outrages havo proven to havo o:curred In moro than tlx or clghl counties, all of which aro mimed,--and of those' counties Alamiuieo and das well wero chiefly nlleged to bo' tho scenes of mich lawlessness. Theso wcro tho counties selected by Ilohlen ni tho' peculiar objects of his venteanco. and which wero committed to tho' merclei of Kirk mid Bergeny and yet Xho suf ferer, whoso caso has been recited by overy witness called from that region, ono Caswell Holt, n colored mnn, who had been most cruelly beaten by a band bf disguised men, nnd siibsenueiitlv wounded severely, was brought bdfore tho commilteo to.rccount his sufferings. Ills personal knowlcdgo of nil tho eases In that county wns limited to slx('ntid four of theso outrages had boon com mitted by n band of disguised colored men, whoso leader confessed It to Cas well. Thu number of theso outrages, detestable and wicked as they are, la nevertheless grossly ami widely exag gerated ; ami this no ono can doubt who will examine tho' testimony, and who has had any knowledge of tho creduli ty ftnd.lnaccuracy of statements charac teristic of, our well-meaning colored peoplo. Noith Carolina is ono ot tho largest States territorially in tho Union and la divided Into elghty-sovcn coun tics nnd contains nearly ono and a half millions of peoplo. No act of lawless ncssls actually provcu to havo boon committed, except in ono or tho olhcr of six, perhaps eight of theso counties; aud yet It is inouoscd to employ strin gent and violent measures of coercion and repression to tho remaining nine tenths of the Stato against which no breath of evidence or proof of lawless ness has over been adduced, but which, on tho contrary, exhibits a condition of quiet almiistsuggcstliig tho Insensibility of despair. What caufeo can bo alleged. what justification to tho American peo plo can bo bo used, for this renewed and wanton Invasion of a peaceful commu nity? Tho statement that anarchy thero exists 1 absurdly untrue, and tes timony now laid beforo tho Senate overwhelmingly o-stnblMies Its untruth. If nggresslvo laws nro to bo enacted, lot all dhgulso bo cast off and tho truo rea son avowed. It will not bo less violent or wrong, but It will bo less hypocriti cal and moro manly. To nnv fair- minded man wo confidently commit the proofs contained in tho testimony now presented by tho commlttco, and nver that such wrongs m havo been in flicted upon our unfortunate and crushed peoplo by tli i rulers placed over thorn, not by the- r own consent, but by tho exercise of Icspotlc powers by tho Congress oftUi United States, no example of equal tibmlssivcnrsa and patient endurance cm bo fountl in Ills tory as is now pre-entcd by tho neonlo of tho Stato of North Carolina. This 13 tho truth ln a nutshell, that Ilohlen and his official supporters havo failed to maintain themselves by any means, foul, as well as fdr In their State. Thev havo appealed to popular elections nnd wero rejected with something near n unanimity by every taxpayer in tlio Stato, nnd now Congre;a Is asked to step In and forco North Carolina down again under tho feet of her radical makers, and wo fear that Congress will attempt to do this unwlso and wicked uiing. will tho peoplo of tho North, free ns yot, sco this thing dono nnd sus tain Its promo tors V Wo hopo not, wo pray not. When will tho men now in power lenrn the truth of what tho croat statesmen of our country said so wls.-ly and well, when similar attempts wore iiiunuto govern uritisli India? It U tho naliiro of tyranny and rapacity novcr to learn moderation from tho 111 success of first oppressions ; on tho con trary all men nro thinking highly of tho methods dictated by their nature, nttrlbuto tho frustration .of tlicr do slrcs to tho want of sufficient vigor.nud men nicy rcuoumq 1110 efforts of their Impatient cruelty, which aro nroduclnr? as they must produce, now disappoint- uienis ; uiey grow irnto rnra nat tho ol.. Jects of their rapacity, nnd then vaguo wry uuu iiiauco implacable, becausoun provoked, recruiting and reinforcing their avarice, thplr vices nrp no longer human. From cruel men thev nm transformed Into savngo beasts, with no other vestiges of reason left but what serves, to furniah tho Incentives ami re finements of ferocious sUhlety for which beasts aro incapable, and at which llends would bluett. Signed, Fha.nkP. Hum, T. F. Hayaiiu. TmfPopo's present residence from which his Holiness does not emerge In theso days-contaltia upward or bno thousaml two hundred rooms, n chapel as largo as an ordlnary-ilzcd church, with nn nbtimlanco of court-yard anil Hardens surrouudlug. cojJ.DBM,--:Mvr-Ni1 Tlrt-eo I'nniilnV KrillrtalltiorW. ' ',v,c't:ai,tIo aii'diWd h$B;"syj fthi.' AcnVioiriiaiVwo .en tliQnWoird ilgu'rc bf u'lUane'dOTVneast'arid grnve,'t'h6!unJ JinWfc , WsJtrk'. rillin irir?rtUTuht1li tlio day, oWoom ThowantlcrW dpwy sometimes, burled In Atlnlntnn',cdrfl tho burnlna tilaln,s 'of Africa, cr htn' siiowy liolghus of tlio Cncosue Audited, ly appears Ih'thfIlauribf of 'morfl civil.' JdhrpVieualiiiHclfl tiS'fin:'cyo'yJjriei tno-snd. slory lofttbo crucHleUoiir (nil hlg6hhro'',ln'-llto''utiltrelv,'''fi',t liiifvfV tlio.abd'Irlfij JJIV li'a'ltMwK Wolf Into.lbQXlaming'Cily. of Jerusalem jud der thO'Kotnnn swords j hO hnil fought against Quujs, Gprmaua, nud, Sweeny but no tnnco.would 1 enter his body ( no nri'ftwplorco tho'licnrtthrttlofigbd ti be at' rftL TJlc). VtliA'?!dpiift;ii.crufhMl him underfoot,-venomom serpents had bitten him, but he could not until Christ himself lnjtl rcltfrucd tq Jii Igc tho. World, 'frills cgcwl, filled thoiijob plo wilh terror nnd' emotion, nnd.prob nbly'nroso'from'flfjiho vloqutfit 'breach--cr, who lfti4,)Jp'r?o,t)lltod tlio Sevylafi na tion under the figuro, of u single matt, scaiiercu inrougn mo worm nnn 'Ucsi troyed by liefspcutfon'. 'Math'cv Tirla 13 tho iirst.llistorlati who speaks, of It; on Armenian' bishop, .vrsiltnjy the monks of St. Albarls,' had conversed Willi tho Jow nrjo'u't iho 'yb,ir jify and ffotii that tlmo he) had 'annearod at .In-i torVatsin sevcVal of iho "cities of't2u rrtpo, drcsso'iHn tho' old Tinjjlj'slx . 4" tiltho,'niUcii worn, n'ron's'bcarij, miked feet, hhd n sad", melancholy expression,: IIo refused nil presents but a -fowpehco which ho gavo-rrwny to tho poor. At Strasburg ho appeared In lOSO, and In formed tho magistrates that ho had passed through their city 200 years ho' fore, which was verified by n reference lo the city roglatcrs. Tho .n'Mimo wo hoar of him Is ln thd elty'of Brussels in 1773. Another nut h i ropu.'ar superstition Wrts tho cxlsluiio of u king and ronllff united in one, named Prefer John, who had ruled n vast cmplro for centu ries, in which moro marvels wcro to bo fuund than In Mohnmmcel's paradise. INo traveler to the Eist tlaro to put a Stop to this absurd belief; somo even pretended to know the placo. Tho kings of Portugal sent several extiedUlons in- to India nnd Abysilnla, to assuro thorn- r-clves of tho reality, for this Immortal popo gavo many an hour's nnxlety to tno popes or tlio West, for fear lest schism Should , , lug from so Ulstant a quarter. Tlieio was a carious letter, wrlttcu perhaps byEomepirtlsnn'oftho reformation, to the Emperor of Itomo and King of Prance, In tho namo of rrcater-Johii, about 1507, inviting lhem to bcltlo lu hla dominions, which ho described as tho richestand finest In tho world. There thoy would 00 tho fabled phtcnlx, the griffin, thu roc, tho seven horned bull, centaur, pigmies and dragons. There sprang tho fountain, of etornal youth, thero ;groW the tree of Ilfo from which was drawn' the holy oil used for tho sacraments of tlio church; and when tho.king and his court sat down to tabic thoy Heeded lio cooks, fur n spiritual chef, protrarcd1 their dWieii. I Another mystical being wai Alul chrlsit, who wiW cuppoicd to bo b'0rniu Babylon, nitd wliObt tho Jews wdro, re.idy to recognize as tholr Mesairth. Tho year 1000 was fixed upon by tie mnit learned doctors ai the tlmo of hU np.'icar.incoanil the odd of (ho world. V hnvo a terrible pldlurd given by 11 colrmporary or tho desolation which reigned throughout Kilropo ;nt tho' ap proach of this fatal term; thero wero fearful signs in tho heaven mid on the earth eclipses, comets.'motcol's, floods, tempests and plagues. Superstition aggravated tho real evil of public mfs cry; tho dead were raised; thd living wcro struck with sudden doath; spectdra and demon's camo from tho abyos. Men thought of nothing buthowlho'y would appear beforo God; they' gavo up tholr wealth to churches and convents ; they thought It useless' to till tho ground and occupy themselves tn their daily tasks; Ihclr fields, houses and shops wero de serted for tho nltar. At loilglh tho last dnyot thoycarOOOnrrlved; tho'wholo population In tears add prayers crowded tho churches, nnd waited In 'expecta tion tho sonndlng Of tho seven trumpets and tho appearance of Antichrist, hut tho sun shone bright M over, tho stars fell not from heaven, thd lnwsornaluro wcro uninterrupted. "It was only postponed," said tho eudulousj they countcil tho days, weeks and months, with indescribablo anxiety, nnd It required many years of anguish cstoro calmness to their minds. to. Tlio Horrors' of War'. A European critic reckons that at least ono huridred'thousand men" have perished killed outright or slowly by wounds nnd tllseaso-slnco August 1, when "Wefsnburg was stornied and thoflrst'hlgflght of thd war (00k place; that half ns many moro havo been mrilnicd for llfl; that another hundred. inousand bavo imbibed tho seeds of dtsoaso which will not only shorten tho natural duration of their lives, btlt bo transmitted to' generntlonS yet unborn; that probably arty thousand widows nnd moro (ban two hundred thousand orphans mourn tho loss of husband' and fathers ; that from sovcnly thoii-and to eighty thousand other home'' hnvo been mado desolato by tho low of sons or Drotiiers who wero their my ; and, that four hundred thniM.iud aro In captivity. By this war fully ono million human beings have, directly, clthbr been robbed of exlstenco or deprived 'of their fair sharo bf happiness and'"onjoymcnt In llfo within tho brlcf'spiied of Ave. months, and upon it 'comparatively limited area of tho'BUrfncd of Kuropol Then thero ala thd destruction of'tho menus of material eomfdrt. nnd the longing for rovengo which tho struggle is engendering. Domestic economy has been praCtl cully Illustrated In Estex, Massaehu setts, by tho father of n family, who refused to havo' tho'pfgs rasped" out of his boy's boots, to" keep him from" rnu ning around o' nights, an'd wearing 'cm Ulll. HATES OF ADVKKTISINU. nnn tnM. tiwntvit tlnoB or it eanlrMenl In space, l. 2u. 3sr. CM. IT. TnoVncl.PJT Infr' 7$ 7,11 " 'n.00 15,10 TUrcO inclIM .-8,00 7,00 0,00 12,00 18,00 Conr'liiWia.i:i..;til(V,C'tllfillM JT100 S5.C0 tutuiiaiuiii8a u,m. ii.nn. .avai. ao.oo lllcclttlnn,!5,0P JtM, MOO ,30,00 co.oo reeatqt'-pt Admlntafrator's Kolloci IMC, ,Vudll6r'or AS!gtfWrwtIcr;j2.30. ''I5caltIol6c.'cS?ey',!le;,'' 'eirds'Wth''Mn'AsDVfcct'orV'Wnrnn,3 Ifct-VcaV fW llidllrst IWllKei, ttrM 8L01I for eacn addlUeoMllnr. wtmvj'j 'nf ,''i','r"i ' sV...i,il 1, . -if " .IlitoicV ,' '' " ' If. VW v wrrl) ilo ' fell' nlimb d f r a r :fit6hda.tliitt,tliiy?Tlofi,UkiiORru1U i 'hornd1 l8VHfoJ vfonlll grtwrwmewh.it ilnUfrrlirtntwi)OTliptiuse!'Jrr.td ' word. UnffcyKf ttninasricrirbmaricca tirat 1110 htiml)or-iifiieoriB:-wnc;cnnw wiiai a 'ffrtiiilnuthmno'tJr,' bycxpirfunot-v is'aur- prUIdgly UvvJ!,Orlci'rUifnhi''frood clr- enmsmrtccw win tmirnsTiont; no uaa a tliio'lwusenrjf'liWiowni'diK'WllIch every i&mtotf ImtU'convMiliiiicD'ia provided. Il'uh'W iv-'nlfanndpbllU thcrofnlsonnd thoyTrKo UfoVIo tiro plido. Very Iruo. aiatUdefih'o'iircfdrth'at.'hoihei'thHS'fur. jiulieil, and 'ttun'bnllvcnod,' to' 0V1 ry -otlicT placodn tho world?-' Dits ho sigh iwhen tho hbur for leaVlog comes; nail smljotwhcni hoiis perinltt.cil to return! HoeSholbu toRlt.by thu ehtorfut flro and'fobdloithoi children, entering I.ito nil thciHlttlo dlHinltes with cdrlbtu 1 1 terdit'i 'DoeslhcHhaipartlcular nofo of tthp'hlnl,ltlithig'e, nrid tho Wt neir itlio'firuT"If 6ottho'Iia'j no home, In tho dearast svpi'a pf'.tjiht dcarwt 'erf. words. Ulilaimtnd'IsiilloaelUetaUvirbwUn tho dui-ty. W".vp ;ofrluAl)icea,'lf lioi'hurrlei froiUit)io,h;ius, lip .the norMiig,.-und Is Joth to rotui'natnlght.'-ifWiilehoiiaat itiuerhoeoitlnuri.to Ihluk of the' Jour nal nnd- IpJgPf) mul repuUtu thai ud-.yanceaof.(Jio,pratU'lng,c;hlIdreiii- lu ' is no.bonie; liqonly lsn placo whtTi ho lodgi'ajmd takcci.hlajmcaU' Ah I' happy di h'triwho kiiowa-ahtt' p ptfcclatosilhlj faU bllts of ho'mc,' wh a "heart la warlncdnuiHiam.vnlz'd t: I -i ebcorful; Inlltioh'coi', a nil .wheY fueils h bupurlbr.lniiutllj'of plcasura'ara'arl i a enjoyments to tho tunrfoU'ddliglita of outdoor, Hfo.nTlulvo happy h such a ,niA)i...IIe-ha3,dL?K)vcrixl' tho only Par. lulho this world can uow nffird. It Is only such a man who can havo a deep aud slnccro pity for Iho miforlun.ito creatures win) aro homolesa- Ho r. girds them as being cut oft from tha best in- Huencos of tho. earth, and expojcj tj tho action of nil tho darker waves of life. Ho feols keenly Sot him who has no firesidq no dear ouo to welcome him with. pmllus, .nnd prattle over tho llttlo history of tho day no, tongue to sootho Whon hqavy cares ,hao troubled tho mind nnd rqntlerod tho heart sore ; and tho sympathy of such a mau is not alow to Qvcrilaw, jn, nctu of benevolence- A good homo la tho aqurep of tho fountain of charity lu tuo.hoart. Our advice-to thoso. who havo' no homes, such as wo havo described above, la, to got, them nsjwon as possible. They cin r.evor bo cntcntcl and bubstnntlal citizens, nor.thoroughly liappy men, un til. they follow thlacwncll. Get homC3l Fill them with tho.objeota of lovo and endearment, and seek thero for the puro dollghts.whlch tho world beside cannot afford. . UhTemit ll'ajs of Jlitkhis Tea. Tho Chlnuman puts his tea In n cup, poura hot water upon it, and drinka .the lutuslon ot tho leaves; ho never drcam3 of .spoiling Ha.flavor with sugar or cream, Tho Japanese triluratea tho leaves beforo putting them Into tho pot. In Morocco they put green ten. a lltllo.tausy, nud. agr.Oit. deal of sugar Into a teapot, and. fill up with boiling water. . .In .Bokhara, every man carrl a small box of. tea rtbout him; n csrtulu ,qii mtllof which ho hands over to the ji.'oth-keepcr lio patroni&CM, who con-i- o'.A tholHiveragi'.for him. Tho Bok'1.1 .ltis lied It a.s. difficult to pass a tea booth as our own drain-dilnker does 'o go by a gin-palace. His breakfast b v rngo Is SeliltscJinJ j tluitjs.tctt Havo I with milk, cream, or innttcn f.if, in which bread is soaked.-. During tho day ttjno, sugarless green, tea is dra'iu, with tlio uccompriiiliiieiit of cak of Hour nnd mutton suet. It N considers 1 nn inexcusable breach of mannera to cool tho hot cup or ten with the breath, but the difficulty la ovi'reomo. by sup porting tho right elbow In tho left hand and giving a circular movement to t'10 cup. How long 1. eh kind of tea takes to .draw Is calculate)! to tho second; and when tho van Is empiUd, it is pas- 'd r.ound among thu coinpniiy for caeli ti;a-drlnkt;r to ink? up as many lea cs ns thoy cm hold betwecu tho thu; ib and fingor tho, fq.wos boltig cslceiiifil an especial dainty. When Mr. Jtijll was traveling in A 1 atlaltussla, ho had.to claim tho hcpl t.illty of the llimitsky. Arabs. T ,0 mistress of. tho lent, placing a laro kettlo.011 tho fire, , wiped It carefully with ti horse's tall, .filled it with water, nnu inrow in snmq coarso tea and n lit tlasalt. Wliciuhls was near tho boiling point, alio tossed (ho tea about with a brass Jadla until tho liquor became very0 urown, ami iiicn a wns pourod off Into nuolhur vciisol. Cleanslna the kottlo as before, tho woman jot It again on tho fire, lu order to fry a ja3to of meal und fresh butter. Upon this tho tea and omo thick, cream wcro then poured, mo. laillo put Into requisition, and, uflor n time, tho wholo.'taken off tho flro and act osldo to cool. Half-plot woodon muga woroJiandod round, aud. tho tea ladlo Into them, a lui forming meat and drink, and sailsfylnff.both hunger and thirst. Hiivoar mado, tea Is u blessed Jnvcuiiop.. for. the. weary travel ler. . y.. , Cojimanhei SuLPmpau writes from .Uplnwall that ho is sangulno ho 1ms found a practicable an'd, profitable, routo foranlaJliuiusBhlpcahul. Ho says: Tho itratQ Isiavig:blo fortho larceat shins. So la tho Caearjca fur twolvu wilos, wnicu reuueps tiio.ioiigth of tho Huo to less than n'ft'yinllcs. Jcrpssed tiiowatT shed at n ieJgit, I,nm con.fl(lqnt, of not moro than "Spo fa;(f correctly measured by my pocket bar; at 170 feet vas not moro .than .ton. .fpc't with) at tho crea.t, and tlio.baeo not, pver a mllo nnd n half. Tho bolght of thq b.aso abovo tholovel of thosen I havoonly estimated, and 1 woy bo In error. Thero Is plenty of water W a' lock Canal, though my prefcrento IS for iho through cut, of course, unless our estimates reach too tilglfn'' figure. Thb foundation of tho hUlS'Ia n soft trap; Very easily worked ; Indeed; nothtng belter could bo iislsed. "Bov, why did you tako thoso shin-gles- last Sunday?"' Bcuuto "mother needed somo kindlliig wood.aud I didn't want to split weed on Sunday.