' BloomBburg, Friday, March 10. 1871, "h M. PETTENC11I.I. A CO., 17 l'nrk llow, and Una. r. Howei.i. Uil l'nrk ltow, nroour only nuthorlml Advertising Agents In Now York, .1 Wkihteu, No. fill North tlh Street, ton, W.Timui.i.ACn., No, 07 Chestnut Hired, urn our only authorised Agents In Philadelphia. If , -r-r-. - " - - Railroad Tluio Tablo. I.ArltAWANNA A lll,OO.M3IWItU 11. It. doing North. OnlngSoulh. Hill A.M. fflK (1:51) P.M. 1 ' CATAWIKSA It. It. TllOM HUFEllT STATION, CJoInK North. 1 n. W'V.1 " 4:12 1 Mt W'Jrt A M( THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOM SB UIIG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA To CoitltiMi'oNDKNTrt, Personal till- llitroneiui Sent. cusaion h not milted to our columns nor Tlio Clcrinniia lmvo ovncunleil l'lir-ls. to our otlltorhtl tastes, Tliocointminlc.i Tito 1'rcncli mo as turbulent in over tlon of n writer at Horwlck, Uioul'Ii tiiiilnii llipy could not wliln Hie (Irnnmu oiiierwiso unoxcciuionnuic. is ineroioro nro rriinsliliii' tlielr foroc oih (poMi nt (lcrllticd. I pnrli nlltnr. Tim itm.,.i,,.,n, i ..i How often mint odllora tell i.coiilo ,, unl itnnniiitr..,,... n7.,t, Hint mioiiymoua roiniiiiinlculloiis nro elTort to produco anarchy. Wlmt thev never oven read, much les, published ? IUo to Kaln by It nobody bulthotmnlvZ Tlio writer might as well forward it pleco of lilnnk paper. Original poetry is not desirable. Ono dollar per lino for Insertion Is oil r stand ard charge, tind this Is only waived In cases of decided merit. Tin! appropriations nmdo by Congress for 1872 amount to $1C3,1M,CS1 1 March has stepped In mildly ; tho old foil: say ho will go out shaking his grizzly mano and growling fiercely. Tina evening tho Good Templars of lluckhorn arolohavouMu9lcaI Concert, which It Is hoped may rccelvo tho gen erous patronago of tho public. Tin: Clearfield Journal credits tho people of that vlllngo with having con tributed over fSO.OOO for church purpos es within tho past three years. Communications on matters of tuibllr, !l".?r?"l,n" (,e"n?-' H lnt9rest and local occurrence nro solicit- o ,,, , pT,";,, V TT? V avoidance of unnecessary verbiage and lnli! f . L L' I'l' .? J.'' "ntviu iiiilu iiiuvitie: mill uiuevacu, ntlon of Franco by tho (Jerinaii forccH shall commenco on tho ratification of tho treaty by tho national assembly. Tho Gorman troops will then Immedi ately quit Paris and tho left b.ink of tho fjcltio, and also tho departments of tlicr. Indroet IiOiro and h'elno Intcri. repetition Is required, wo always ex erclso tho right of correcting mid slrlk itig out, Tin: bill to erect anew county to bo wiled Lacknwanna, out of part of Lu zerne, has not passed both Houses, as stated by tho b'cranlon Hcpublican. It probably will pass. The Columbia county liar attended tho funeral of Judgo Conykoham In a body. Perfect pcaco and quietness reigned in Bloomsburg during their absence. Tim l.nln Judge Cdiijiisrliain. A Wllkesbarro correspondent writes: Tho story of tho accident which caus ed tho death nf I lie ltnlrn I ni fnllmvu Arrtvlmr nt Mrmnnlln.' . i...i ri turo. Tho French troops will remain o'clock last Thursday evening, tho train UcM, 1,10 ''lro Igimtiiro of a stonncd t iero for t in urtssonirprx Intnl.-.. "l'""lu ire.uy oi imivL', user uing in sttinicr. Tho ludce. Mr. W. I,. fv.v. U'aris, where tho garrison Is not to ex ynoham. and an old ironllomnn nnmr.il c" "'"J iiiousiimi men. 'iiieucrmniH lin.vnnnso.v, who had traveled with " lu - - r'K' ui.uk oi mo them from Pittsburg, left the tr.iln to- Hc"10 Kradunlly nfter tho signature of a Bother and took their stumer nt Mn "t',lnI, ,ren,i' "r t,rac0 1,11,1 1110 Ia' . . 1 I ..r t...tc .. ...tilt r .. Hotel near by, tho usual place, tho Juilco "l m " 01 aiioi- eating very heartily. Wlillo thev worn "1U Wi'""-- oi two millnnn tlio (lor- Sr. Patkick'h Day occurs on tho 17th of this month. .St. Patrick was a real saint ho consecrated his whole llfu to God's work, as ho understood It. Ho lived to tho ago of 120 years. Probably nosalnt's llfo Is moro generally observed throughout tho world. Tin: difficulties between tho miners, tho operators nnd tho railroad compa nies still continue without nu Immedi ate prospect of a compromise. Already the trouble Is having a sad effect on tho manufacturing Interests of tho country, besides forcing coal up to such it price In tho cities as to causo great suffering to tho poorer classes. Vendue-). Tho following Vendue Sales nro unuouneed, to wit ; Win. Webb, Centra township, Satur day, march 11th, lf7l household goods, Ac. Mluncr Hlle, Catnwlssa township, Friday, March 'Jith, 1871 llvo stock and farming implements. Joseph Wallace, ltohrsburg, Wednes day, March loth, 1871 hortcs, wagons, iiouseiioiu mniittire, ac. Wk would remind thoso who Intend to chnngo their residence on tho 1st of April, and who dcslro to havo tho ill rectlon of their papers (hanged, that llicy should inform us In time, and bo sure to givo tho namo of tlio Postofllco from which tho paper Is to bo changed ns well us the ono to which It Is to bo sent, It is almost impossible fur us to find tho namo of it subscriber trt our list un less wo know tho pest clllco to which his paper is scut. Aiisomjti: temperatuin of February, 1871, at Uloomsburg, IV , observed nc cording to thn directions of Smlthsonl an Institute. " Maximum SO' on tho USlh, lit 2 p. m. Minimum 8" below zero on tho (ith, at 7 a. in. Averago of tlio whole mouth, 3:11. Town Clock 0 mln. 27 sec. too slow on tho 1th, at 10 p. m. Lowest temperature this winter S5 below zero on the 0th nt 7 a. m. II. V.. Wi: Insert in tlio Columbian an adver tlsemcnt of Mr. J. C. I)i:iihy, an old publisher and gentleman of high re s.pectabillty,offerii)g described property in South Carolina for dlspos.il by means of a lottery. As a general thing wo would not Insert a lottery advertise ment, but wo nitiko this an exception Lccuuso of tlio respectability of tho parly. Wo do not advlso peoplo to In vest In any chanco enterprise, and as sure them they nro much moro likely to draw blanks than prizes. Hut In this caso wo havo no doubt tho drawing will bo fairly conducted, nnd In any caso tho purchaser of a ticket receives a handsomo picture for ids money. It is a better speculation than, and about as respectable as, purchasing patent rights from Itinerant pedlars. See advertise' ment. One of tho most valuablo and accom modating roads that over blessed any country Is tho Lacknwannaand lilooins burg ltallroad. At smashing buggago It is letter A. No. 1. At charging freights it lias no rival. Hut not only baggago and pocket books nro made to sufier, but freight rtcclvm equally len der caro nnd tho owner Is lucky if ho receives all tho pieces. As an cxamplo of churges wo only name ono : ltecelv lug threo compact packages, weigh ing 3S0 pounds, a few days ago, tho freight from Philadelphia to Hupert was S3 cents. From Hupert to Ulooms burg $1.71, and '20 cents for cartage 1 Tho latter distnnco liltlo over n mile I Similar complaints nro dally mndoby peoplo along the lino in this county. A llttlo competency put into tlio manage ment of that rond would revolution. It can see. tiii: TittuTY or i'eaci:. Arlielo 1st. Concerning tho cession of territory, has been published I Article Z It Is ngrced In this nrtlclo You can get tit sixteen bono French wovo corset for 75 cents and n good hoop skirt for 15 cents at M. P. Ltitz's. PiinsoNH In want of commercial ma. mires nro referred to tho advertisement of.Iosi.utJ. Am.en, In nnother column, thus engaged their train was taken away from tlio placo they left It and another camo up, nnd when they re- turned tliey wont Into ono of tho ears, to find, however, that It did not belong mans nro to hold only tho departments of Maine, Ardennes, Mouse, Vosgcs and Metirtho and tho fortress of Hclfort . After tho payment of threo mlllards tho Germans mo to keen only fifty to their train, and they turned to leave t'".,u'ill1 ops In France; but If suf- it. Tho train was slowly starting, nnd they did so with some haste, Mr. W. L. Conynciham and Mr. IIi:.viii:kon niignung wiutout irouiile, except n harmless fall on tho part of tho Utter. Tho judgo was not so fortunate, ns In stepping otr the car stein to tlio platform of tlio depot, which was rather low, ho stumbled nnd fell, with his legs between tho platform and tho ears of tho train, and when they had passed it was found that his legs, below tho knees, were crushed In a terrible manlier. It is not known whether they had been crushed uVicut money guarantees nre given tho Germans will evacuate tho country omplotily nt onco; otherwisathethreo mlllards will carry Interest at tho mto f live per cent, per annum from tho ratification or tlio tre.iiy to final pay tnenl. Artle'o I Tho Gorman (roups tiro to make no further rrqtil.-llloiw, but tho French government will furnish food for tho army of occupation. In tho co ded departments favorable arrange ments will l.o made with tho Inhabit- ant-', and tlmo will bo given them to move out If they please. No obstacle between tho platform and tho steps of will be placed In tho way of their end the ears, or whether tho wheels of ono gr.itinn. Article I! It is provided in thll ar tick' that nil prisoners of war shall ho liberated Immediately nfter tho ratlft cation of the treaty. Tlio French rail ways nro In lend carriages and engines to tho Germans nt tlio sanio prko. as they charge tho l rciteh government. Arlielo" Immediately on tho ratlfl cation of tho trotty it will bo definitely truck hud passed over them, and there appears to bo some confusion as to which was tho probable way. Ho was tnken to tho hotel nnd medical aid Immedi ately summoned, nnd everything pys-i bio was dono fur his. comfort. Ho did not reailzo tho extent of his injury at'flrst.iio pain attending It, nnd ho oven made an nttemnt to eet tin ba fore ho wns removed from tho platform, signed at Hru-sels saying, No matter, I am not hurt; I Arlielo 8-1 tt this It Is agreed that will get up In a few moments." Ho tho management of nil lite oecunied do lived two hours, nnd towards tho last, partmenls shall bo handed over to when reaction seemed to bo taking French officials, subject, however, to place, nnd ho began to feci somo pain, the German en mmander in tho interest and was told how serious his In tirv or the German tumps. wns, ho desired amputation to bo per- Article !) It Is well understood that formed. Injections of morphia wero tho Germans have no authority over niatlo to allay tho pain, whllo preparn- tho departments not ceeuplcd by lions wero making for tho amputation, them. but under tho effects of tho morphia ho seemed to decline, and not n great while after dissolution tool; place. His last words were. " I know that my lle- deemer llvelli. IMHorV ll.inW Table Tho Lady's Hook, Lady's Friend, Peterson's, Galaxy, Harper, Scrlbncr, Ac., for March, and Lltlol's Living Age, weekly, aro all on our table, well filled and nttractlvo as usual, but as wo havo recently noticed all so fully, fur titer remark nt present is deemed uti necessary. Of Agricultural publications, tho Country Gentleman, (tho best), Stock Journal, Journal of tho Farm, Ac, nro fully up to their old standard Tho Hanner of this South nnd Plant er's Journal Is a southern publication of moro than ordinary ability, Chron Iclo Publishing Co., Augusta, Georgia Terms $2 per year, "Hear tho cry that conus across the cry out :tlelii 10 Theso pie-etits uro to be submitted mid dono by tho 28lhof Feb ruary. Tlio subsequent convention piovlde- as follow.-) : Artlclo 1 prolongs the nrml-licetothe 12th of March. Artlclo 2 provides lor tlio omipnll.m of Paris by 30,000 Germans, nnd agrees to tho sepaintion of tho French and German troops. rtlclc 3 agrees that no more requisi tions shall be made by the German troops. Ifniiyaro mado tho mistake will ho rectified. Tito treaty winds tip wilh the usual words, "Dono nt Versailles, this (!th of February, 1871." Already the National Guards of Par- Is have recommenced marching nnd countermarching through tho city. Tho appearance of tho men presents a strong contrast to tho soldier-like Ger mans. Tlio National Guards no longer 'A bus lis Pfimsicncn !" Their IlMfoiti-: you buy a dross do not fall Iosco tho spring styles of Philadelphia poplins at M. P. Lutz's for 15 cents per ynrd. I.UC.U, SOTK lis. Cl.Alili Is selling a good broom at 30 cents. Wanti:i). A light two seated ear- ynll, or two boated buggy. Inquire at this office. nlO tf. 13 cents ner vnrd Is tho urleo of "Fruit of tho Loom" bleached mulln nt M. P. Lutz's. Ct.AitK keens tho largest stock of fiiriieU In (own. from -ill ets to 6 1.75 tier yard. nil tf You can not good gingham at M. P. Lutz's for 12J cents per yaxl. 12 cents nor yard, or 12 cents by tho Doit, is tlio price oi a now nranu oi nu icrior uiibicncncti musnn nt ji, i- .utz's. Claim: still has left four or five hun dred yards of prints to closo out at coil. Von Sai.k Ono two-horso wagon. new, and threo Horses, one 8 years old, and two 1 years old. Apply to II. U.BMUX, Orangeville, Pa. Ct.Ain; hns received another lot of Lasting Polish Gaiters nt $2 u pair for ladles. Faumiuis. now fs tho tlmo to buy new plows, or get your old ones repair ed at HiiAiti'Mis'i it Hauman'h. They aro selling now plows Iront $5 to $10 apiece. nlO 2w Vi:nmji:1 George Caveuee, of Ml. Plesmnt township, will dispose of his horses, cattle, hogs, sheep, and farming utensils in general, on Thursday, the lOtti day of .March next. -t. 12.00. Ci.auk offera to sell Twelve Hundred yards of (lood Calico Prints such as Allen's Cocheoo, tspragtto's American Wanasutaaud other standard makes nt ilvo 0 to ten (10 cents per yard. ny-w Nr.w Pension Hn.t,. Soldleis nnd I Im snrvi vim' widows nf soldier.! of the war of 1812 aro entitled to a pension of is per mouth, under nu net oi eongre-s iirnviiicn ino so nier sei vci fci.iv uoy.- in said war. For Anther Information nddiess. V. W. Mll.ixit, li'.I-at ltloonistiurg, im. Ci.ahic sells n heavy ono ynrd wide standard muslin at I2J cents by tlio bolt or 12 cents by tlio yard. Tin. KAfir.'s Catarrh Itemcdv nrnduc es perfect cures of tho worst cases of uaiarrn. uont m iiiuiicnei, Minis i nnd Catarrhal Headache, ns htimliuls of testimonials from well known citi zens nnd eminent physicians who havo used 11 Itl ineir practice uoiiiiuaiiuy testifv. It is mild, nleasaut nnd utiir- rltnting. Thu proprietor oilers $100 for n caso of Catarrh that ho cannot cure. Sent to any address by mail em receipt of sixty cents. Aeldre.ss It. V. Pierce, M. V., 133 Seneca btreut, lluii'alo, N. . Sold bv ilriiL'slsts. ltcmcmber that Dr. Pierce's private Government Itnveuuo Stamp Is on every package of the Gen uine. Legal Notices;, A UMINISTUATOU'S NOTICH. CJLBSTATrnr KMMintrn VAtnimtx, tiro'n. I..I cri or Ailmlnliitrallon on tho imnlo of h.llr.alirlli(iiliorn, Into of tlrlnrcrrclc tnwnohlp L'olnmliiiicotuiiydt'CctiNcilJinvulK'en ernnud l.y IhoUcuKlrriir onlilrounty lo Imvia Miller, All ;cron linvli.it clnltim iiRiilntt tho (Klnta nt tlio dccenlintnri' rrqtifslcl to eu-Kcnttlicni for net (liliH lil.aud tliovjlniltlilPiHulliemtntotnliinko 1'i.yiii. ii without fcb.17 A D.MINISTIIATOH'S NOTICH XL I.HTATP. OK WILLIAM l.t'TZ, llf I'll. I.ptcrR of n.ltnlliWIriltlon, on tho rsmlo of WlllluliiI.utz,lateorl'lalilnKcirc'lcl'p.,l'olnmliln rounty, tlii-wiNcil, lme It. in urnntoil l.y 1 lie lies ii'T ol Bind fount', to Jucoli Yntloof l-'lhlnK-crt'clt. All turttonn ImvliiK clnhns nfiAlnt tho cMnlu of Knlil ilcccilcnt nro rt.jncHtrit toitrci'iit them for urtilrmrnt, nml llioiolnclchtpil to mnke piiynunt tolliu uuacrllgncil. without, ilclnv, JAcon yai'i;i:, fcb!l71-Cw, Administrator, it lo iho iiiKltrBlgnnl, nilnilnltrntor, I'hlny. llAVIl) .MII.I.KIl, "l-it Ailinlnlntrntor. TOll'S NOTICK, 'J lio iiiiclcrnltfiicii Imvliift hcen npiiolntnl by tho Ori.lmn' rmut of e'oiuinbltv county I't'iinsyl Minlil, Alltlltnr to fiM-eitnln tho IhilelitMllllnt of thO (Ktlltfl Of I'.ll7fllirlh llrlntll. itf..ur.l 1,. (Im hllillon r K.ilil I.ll7.nl. til llFlulliitleriiiiKil.HiiiI to iimlu' tllKtrlliutlon of tho moor yn In thohatuls or Iho AilmlnlHtritlor of tho mM oMnlc, to tho imrtkn li mitly tntltloil tnipcclvo tlio .mio,wlll Hint nil tho jmrtlin In liitcro.it, nt his oftlcolu Iho tun u of I lli.'.in sl.ii rtr. In unld rnunty, on liiotdny Itio 2ith any or Aln roll next, hi tweon tlio hoiu-i or l'J o'clock a. m., noil i o'cloclc r. M., of nkl il iyj nt which tlmo nlul plnco nil pari Ion ALTHAM WATCHKS nro U'qucNtcil in ho piott-nt thui they looliuUllltf 1'eb. 21,IS7I. mny ho hi-nril. lilo .ui.Aiti;. Amlitor. ) LMI b I O S A L i: Will Lo Hold 111 Itohl-ftlnirif. rnliimtiln nnmttu nt ttio ri'slilcncpof .Iorjh Wnllncwn lot miui,nui.u AMI KliVHi. rUUMTUIIK. on IV h - r Mnrch. ' iuai.7 j-Jt .lOSlIPU VAI.TiCi:. Public Sales. uivatj: ham:. OF Th ul' turn in, valuaiiu: ur.ti uhtati:. ' i llcr ulfurs for sale, upon r afoimtjlo !( ACUi:a OF FAUM1NQ LAND, nbout Tnrtv of which nro ctcnroittnml wiulor noocl rulllMiUon. Theio li a 3 ounjj nriMiunl or cliulco upl'l" lues nnit frcriul flurry Um-h on tho ri'miM s nun uirco FpriiiR or cooti rutin hiic wu lr. '1 hr hind It klltmt , in Iti mlr Lr li.u.-t,.l.i.. CohilnWi rniint. ii'llolnliTir ImieU nr .If.ht! wprtiiK-r, .stato of Jfuir l)climlllcr( mi J . LSO, ATItACT OF TIM II Hit LAND miir ti.o nljoo, rontnlnliis about forty nrroi, uiiiiiuni it .in iiiiQiiiu. nun inufi 11 null, ALSO, A I.tIV or OHO UN D, About riVK nilj'iliilun tlio loreRoln, oontnliilti; ALIlK.s, uhcrecn Huiilidu 15 I. A C K S M ITH H H O I', fnvoi.ihlvlociteil forl)iislneH,nIiwt'lllnglloufcC( l'mlui.' Ktnhlo nlul other oulbulldliigs. Tor l.irlhor pnrilculntnrnnulrcbr 1 1.1 i.U Iho cxtcnslvo tiso of thoso Wat lie lor tho Inst fineon ycnrnby Hallway Conilnctorf l:nnlm.or niul lxprcRsmen, thn most cxnctli( of watch wenrorR, lutM thoroughly ilemoxlratcil Uio Hlrotiulli, AtcnillncRfl, durabllly mid accuracy of tho Vi'nlllimu Watcli. To natltfy lint clnmln nil thcRe respects, in tn dccldo tlio q 6.1II011 m to the real vxluoat thrno llnic-Uccier, Moro than 800,005 of tliono wntccxare now fpcnklug for tliciuRClvrn In tho pottcts of tho pcopto---n proof mid n gunrniitcool tiolrftuperl orlty overall oUicm, Tho hupcrlor organlxntlon mot una extent of ttio Corupnny'i Works nt Walthni, tnabUs them to produce wntchci nt npriccwlilcli ren ders competition futile, and Ihoso wto buy nny other wntch merely pay from M to 0 per cent. Inoro for tholr wntches limn Is iieccstry. Thc".o tluio-plcces comblno ovcrj. Improve ment ibnt n lung cxpcrlcnco lins iried of real pmcttcnl tme. Having bnd tho rofust of nonrly every Invention In wnlch.mnklng rlgluntlng In thli country or In Uurope, only hoso wero finally adopted which sevcro tcHttng y thotnosl skillful artisan. In our works, nnd las nso on tho part of the public, demonstrated 0 bo essen tial lo correct and enduring ttme-ltcopig. Among tho many Improvemcntswo would parllcitlnrlzo Tho Intention and tiso nf n rent- it.nlon of ;ieeullar construction, to prmcul ttiungfe to tlio .rHlu by tho brtiiknt-o of iimlu-Rnrllcs. Is origi nal Willi tlio American Waiih coimmiy, woo, having hnit the refusal ot allot tier colrlulices, ndopU-d I'og'g piiteut pinion usbelglho bebl and faultlcs. Hardened nnd tcmncml hntr.srlniis. now uulvtrsally niluillteit by Wiiti'timakis to bo tho uiM, nio u-eu limn iiruuesol wnillllil Y uicues. All W althain W atches hao ilnstHfiKif cans. protecting tho movement from dust, nd lessen ing tlio necessity of tliu fieijueut clelutug ucccs sary In other wutches. Our new liateutstem-wluilcr. or kcless watch Is allendy a decided succcss,alid agrr t lmproo luelll 011 unv htelu-Hllidlliu uitlrl. lllhu Amerl eun market, nn 1 by far Iho elieHposlfalcli of Its luiiuiy now oiierLU in luo n u f. J. loose i v- lug In pnrtluiis of tho United RUe4 whero WullllllllkLrH llO nut IlbOlllltl. Unli'l M u-lth 11m nhou melitloned improiuiints w jell t( lid to fii-uiu uikiiiHej, uti'iiiiiuitfip, (lunjllliy iiiiu comuuiciiue, muu provu luvnluubii The trnitc mirks of dm vn rlnii. . t u inni!n liv inn cuilipuiiy .nu Kit IOIIOWHI i.iiMin-r. AoH io wniinnm. ins", A sin. WArill Co., Walthnm, Mass AMI.RIi A-l VV'ATl 1. .'(. IVi.....iiaHI Stall1mm. MllSS. Al'l'l.EloN.Tincv.VC'o., W nllhnli Mnsj. A M kill IM Will II I .1 Aitiu.iii Ul W'nllliiili, MlllS.f WAI.T1IAM WATOII I n, wnlthnlu, Ins.. 1'. H. IIAIlTLfctr. Wlllllmlil, Muss. Wm. W.r.mv, Willi lintu.Mnss, IIomk Waicii Lo., Koilon, Mass. Kv.imlno tlio snelllni; nf thpA uai m pan fill l ti.ioro buying. Any sarlHtlou o el of a studio iciii r, iniucaies n cnunierieii. l'oralo byall lemllnir Jewelers. :o watches n utiioil ny 1110 Lontpiiny. An llliistratPil history of wntrh.niltltiir. pon- liilnltiif liuicli ilhclul lulormntlon tiivitcli-ear' ers stiit tunny address on nppllrntlo. ltOllIlINS i A1TLMON. (Ii:Nr.HAi. Aoi.nts roll Amliucan Vatch Co., 12 llHOAiiw.vv, New Voiti. J111 I.TTi Im 1 I" 11 1. 1 O 9 A L K UHUOI.IUt. tit tho prunlsiH, V A I, U A n I, u o 11 11 A I, I! S T A T 11 Lea," U tho title of n pleco of musle N miciI by Hoot .t- duly, OhieMRO. A rnb lyliiK sotij; elesineil lo stir up n feeling to iuelueo liberal contributions to France, Howe's Musical Monthly. Kilns Howe, 103 Court fc-t., lionlon. I'rleo $.'! per year sInj;lo ntiniber.s Sir, emits. Kaeh number contains about thirteen pieeea of music, with souks niul iieconi piinlnicnt in nil claimed to bo worlh arraiiL-eel for Ihel'iano. Tho pub lication ha valuablo 0110 to .musicians and practitioners Tho 101111 Monthly, devoted to liter- nturo nnd social science'. Philadelphia, cry now Is, "17tr Hepuillijue ! A ba.i Thiers!" vuilch means Insurrection tin tl bloodilud. A French gentleman leintirked to me to day, "Now that the l'riitslans are (;ono our irotibks will commence." I.oMio.v, Mareh 1 Tho ex Kmperor Xapoleim has been ielta-ed, nnd U 11 be.ut to leave Wllhelnii-line for his hateau at Arcnsberir, near Lako Con- stance, In Swltzerlatul, where evtry- thliiK Is incparcd for his reception. London, March (i. At tho review of tho Prussian Guards at LonKchnmps tho r.m peror addiCFscel tlio troops. Ho thanked them for tho Heroism, Porter A Coate?, Chestnut Street. ,, ,..,,.,. nod dovntlnn thev had dis HIiiKlo numbers IT, eenls-$i;.r,i) per i..,.,i nmi ndded that thev must year. Very neatly printed with clear thank Providence for choosing them as largo typo, nnd edited with ability. (tlu instruments to biing to pass events diiiigiiigii ny too .Marcn nuniiieir, wo of sllt.M iiignituele mid renown reg.irei u as wormy n piacu upon tlio Vi.r.sAii.i.i:s, Maich (!. Xumcrous talilo and as fcuperior to 11 mnjority of ,.,ivcrsatIons lield at Ilmilcaux nnd similar publications, A3 n Pennsylva- yorsnlllcs, with der ulies to tho Xatlon nht magazlno wo commend It to public Lj Assembly, including Grevy, Gam support. hpttu. and Fnvre. compel the belief ..ooirs notisoiioni .iiagazlno lor (imt ..t.-tt , .-or will mioii oecur. ending Marcn well sustains Its reputation of i t,0 Orleans lestoratlon. neingono 01 tlio most valuablo cheap Kx(enlvo organized emigration from Ci.akk eel s a full one yard tin blenched muslin at VI cents by tho yard or 1. cents by tliu boll. Tin: H:x(iKii KKWiNti Mauiiini: n'liiii, Tim MniANT. Their sain- lust year was one hundred twenty-reven .!ir,uuil fiht luiudrid antl iiuriy llnee. lieiiiL .juv inouaa.i'i ...... "i In ISC!), and forty-four thousand, six .itintiredund twenty-llvo niorollmn any other company in tho world. Tho e.iue of this great demand for their now Family Hewing Machine is tlio Tact of Its proving superior to iithiMs fn nriir-tlcul 1150. It is made 011 tho uio-t approved lent nrliielnlesof the best metal. It has all iho hue improvements fur Hemming, lelling, liriuinig, uicui ig cording, ijullllng, gathering, blmllti! and borderinir. It will do as much work In three lmtirs im iitlior imwlilnos will ill four. tt is tbci mo,t durable! aiiultlo I chine made, ruiuiiug many years with- out 1 epulis. 11s movements are an pumumm, me iower Is applied direct to the parts, iwtig it gnat strengtn wun 1110 icm o-sibio Irieiiuii. It bus a sitiull straight needlo that leliN tho tlirte.d In it tliiect lino of the ewmg. It hns tlio mot even tensions and makto the lock stlch alike on both sides. Its shuttle Is eariled free In ti earner and does not wear on the bottom. Its machinery is all i-neloaeil wiucii iiniii'i'U it fmiii dust. It will sew 110111 0110 thickness of pi. per to three of bea ver clotll Wltllllllt Clllltlglllg lli''"-. thread or tension. , ,, , It I- the easiest machine to learn nun has yet been made. It is tho machine! lor lamiura 10 inn-thff-o if they wi-h their sewing done in Iho brt manner. For sale on tho lease plan, 11 n miliars 1 month. .1. A. )e!l.: is 1110 ageiu mi ouuuu- bla county MARRIAGES. Willlio exposal IrM.nljlIe snip, in pnrsuriHco of 11 rrilijr ol tlm orntuuis' ('nnrt ux r.iiitmiiin ctinnty, lVnnsj lvliln, cm HATUllOAY, Murrli '..itu .I fit tPll 0 c in : 111 tlio Int-i'iiniM.. im Iho mcmise 1, in lijcr ttruve, roiuinbiu rt.uniy. uio IOi 1 (1 tl 1 1 J. Illcl'lltOtl r.i.ll Csllltl. info or t Itn una tn .in 'nu i'.yir, uecpiisiri, 10 : itiul l,nt of (IrmmJ, nw iMvupled dy Jnim't Milllli J J IH'lllK .tl. 1U 111 IUO MfiCfill TiT JUnULKl, DKAUTIFUIj town lots, hi nn nillrilnlti'! tlio town nloL r T-.vci-'u rirnvn liicv win no Rom 11 ins or luivi-H in suit nur Cl 11 NiHr- Is tllP UtlH' til tmy. Ailinlnistriitur, Tl.o ('milt tliprorup outernnil decrro tlmt the h tiit Slci.hen II. Mtllei' (Xliosc ttio Milil tiremUen to in1ilt! miIh, tin rtiituiilny, tho V'ttli il:iy of Mm l 1). is71. lit ten O'l loci: 111 thn fun nnnu ntwl st 11 iiicMinii' ;or mo nci prifp timt rnii bo lint Hint' 11, 1111 imwiT MiHditjurn iroin I line to I HIP. uinii the loUtAvlnii tprniH niul roii'llUnnm Ten iiur tent, ofiio-rourth oftlio iniit-lmso money to nu in 1 i ui. 1 1 in nu nil UK uim 11 in tliu propel v; i ne 0111 -umrlli 1cm tho leu for ccnt.rit ilu- I'ontlrnm tlon of nle, iitnl tho ipmnliitui; thtt'olourtliH lu "if yi.ir i:KTCiuier,v,-iiuiiiierist irom poiuiriiiU' HiJIl I1HI, wicrj.iNoroN ir. i:nt. IHoomsburjj, March I, l7l. Clt-rlc, D U J Ti I O S A L v a r. u a n 1, V. O F 11 i: A Ii 1: a t a t 1: Sowing Machines. T thi: DOMKSTIO HEWING Al A 0 II INK l-OH HAI.E J1Y M. V. liUTZ, I1I.OOMHI1UUO, I'A. MIIiliKlt, llUOIIIia & CO., Patent- Medicine unnwicK, I'A. Tills BcwIng.Maclilns ruim ktlllcr nnJ easier th.innn)- other. It linn u wrr psrt", II linn nrtul ! slmttlo that will never wenr out, It lia IIluke'M lMtent talilc wlileli In see Known Ita use ruincMN. Agents wonted In niioecuiiliil Tcnltory In A law has been passed In Ohio, to prevent tho too freeiuent changes of text-books in tlio public bcliools of that State. In alluding to that subject, tho Crawford Democrat remarks : "If tho law-makers of Pennsylvania wouhl adopt similar action, tlio peoplo would bo pleased, a heavy tax taken from ma ny parents, and our schools irenerallv benefitted. "Wo don't bcllovo tho schools of Ohio nro subject to tho evil com plained of to thosamo extent that tho fcchools of Pennsylvania aro: nnd vet wo nro glad tosuy that i better spirit now prevails In tho latter State than did In former years. 81111, tberu ro mains much room for improvements, Yankee school-book makers, Innova tora and speculators, aro still at work. constantly getting up somcllitng, and trying to make school directors bcllovo that tho last Is tho best, anil a great Im provemcut on former works. To avoid imposition, tho Leglslaturoshouhl tako tlio matter lu hand, and, In tho mean lime, nil school directors and teachers bo on their guard," In no caso should directors agreo to ehtttigo books unless tho publishers of 1110 uooif. to bo Introduced will nirrco t glvo copy for copy of tho now work for Iho old In use. Wo havo had much experience In that business and know that publishers cun well afford lo mat tho exclmngo. IM. Columbian. household magazines. All nf tho arti cles tiro well written and osreclnllv adapted to tho household. $1 per ye.ir. ti. Wood k Co., Nowburgh. N. Y. Wood's Pocket JluL'nlller, valuablo for deeypberlng bad writing or examlnln tho ceded provinces will tceur Immedi ately. Largo bodies of Als.tclans win emigrate to Amcrlc.i. (llll!AT lllllTAIK. London. .March i In the IIoiHoeif mi.iuto objects, will bo mailed free t7, Lords thu Mariiuls of H.tlUbtiry attack n.,v iidiirnu wm. n'...i.. ,i 1 1 ci tho foreign policy 01 1110 govern "j ...... muu 11 tiuti ii Jiutnuiiuni 1 - . , - 1.-,. Magazlnotfor ono year) on receipt of mom, snowing in .v " " i 50 wero all contemptuous in their manner towards Liiglanei. rrusna n.m Normal Seliool Alfulrs. eliucd tho aid of England In liegotl.i Atlimeetini of tho bnnnlni-s ..f Dm IIiil' n neaco with Franco, and llu-shi Normal Unit, tho followlnc uroanibli! had renudlated tlio obligations Kilemu and resolutions wero unanimously ly agreed lo nt Iho end of Iho Crimean uuopteii: war. There insiilis 110 piureu 111 !-"' Ultllliii-iu I!!...... ..I- ... ... ... .. ........ . ....!..!. t-.w. ........ ..11.11J ui in muu nuoni trast wit 11 1 10 irnaraiuecs which ims eel other Institutions of learning, and land was a narty lo, and theiefioiii ho Having imd opportunities ol obervin,' iinduccil Hie decay of her International tho manner In which beiardltiL'-halij i.,ii,,,. ir.. nrocd tlio reorL'ani?.atlon aro conducted, both In legiird to price and quality of board, therefore! Jicsnh-ctl, That In consideration of Iho manner in which tho boarilliig ball of tho Uloomsburg State Normal School Is conducted, ami tho present high rates of provisions, wo think tlio prlco paid uoes 1101 warrant tlio eiuallty furnished. In viow of tho nbovo, wo think It a slmplo act of Justice to tho financial in- iLiesis 01 1110 seliool to increase tlio pr co of uoirnl B0 cents per week, taking eilect April il, JS71. llciohed, That conies of theso receilu tloiis lie bentto tho Principal and Hoard of Trustees. Kati: Behhviiu.i,, Lixni: IIayh, A. W. Siii:i.i,v, David Snuirz, Wm. 11. DnWifr, " Commlttco. O. W. KNCILIO, J. T. Al i.man, President, becrelary, of tlm nrmv. to tho wcaknesi of which lit attributed much ol l.iiglaiurs loss 01 preiti"0. Lorg (jrnnvlllo iirolested agalnsl tho unreasonableness of tho assault mado iinon thoini(liiet of foreign affairs, lio imoted a dhtingtiUhcd olllcer who had oxiire.-f-ed hlssiiriirlsoat tho complete btato of pieparatlon for war In which ho found tlio llrltlsh navy 1 mm 1 Tun lolut High Comnilsilon appoint ed by Iho aoverntnents of tho United States and Great ltrlttaln U now in session at Washington city. It Is hinted tlml il.illv biisslons w III bo held. Until sides havo nttreed to observe tho strict est secrecy, and to avoid conversing with nnvbodv about their deliberations It is further stated tlio commission will w bo In bosslon several months. jiuy rer ton ..'..'... of im order nf Ilu- L'niirt or t oiniiiun I !inn of i mil 11101:1 roiiniv. nu nip pri-mi-.M., lu lli-nilocK . ... -I 1, ' i." . " "' .... imriiiijui, I mil HAY, Mnrrll ffith, l7l, lil Im n'l-'lock 111 11 nireiioi ii, i iiv inuo! nig uem rioed T U A U T OF L A N I), hrjlnnln nt a rhotimt oal;. rnrnfr nf latnU ot Mooro iV iirU r mi'l ltoterl Momi', thenco to a whtto iisli. tin nco Kv l.iluli. ot MiithiitiA onll'lHtui niul iM.itlitiistilrtoti to li post,1he!i('0 uy tllP nnnu IIIUl i III II IH AppitlUIHI h ill II H 1(1 Mpllit'.lliPlll'O oy i ai u in ii joiub ioi hione, indict' oy .ioikw, i iiui-ii unit Moiito vV Orli'i' to Hit' pl.tco tl l ulnalug, cout tlnin,; KJNin V-rOL'Jt AND A UAhV ACltS, ulu'iioti Is prcctHl a IueUlrK llouvo of Stone, two Minit'i, anu i"K iKKiiuou 01 on ti tiioiy, a l in tiiu l ;ai n mm vu'irun hiiui. twonuliurils nmi uell ofntir, "lUhcnliiK Iiowcmt to Siinan ruinin, mr in n", t"tcutirK ami adniinlNtra- toi s, all Uio pild, MIW1" and iron ouln and upon Uio Mild tract of l.ind, and also all tht tlmlMr - i v i ir inininii mil in and mid luui oi tin Mitd hn..n Ktiiiiiin cr lu r hssip , to in-o in uitfcH iponiiiii i i'u i lot i ni; pin ptjuj oi mm- inn, (iijiKO'ei, '-oiuiiK nun cairyuu uay ior uio juiiit oi iiTrt'kiud, Hit' K'ld, -ili'i and It on n Him nu- iniiiiri itn uivii-.iiii, nu t hi uiu lUllt to (li'pL'lt tlHill Uti' 111 tilist s all hllitc, ill It, i use, ic , iinni i no in iim in mi ur hiuiiui o i lit-il or In Im oi I'liitdl"!' tho pm ji(t-o iuoreaf'l, Minuni ri'tponiuiiiiy ior uutiLics lucrcior 10 tht- ml 1 lit in j llmli..an liU lielis or iih.ilnV' JALUJI ltAlilIA.N, Coititnltlu1. Tn:M : 'i't n itr I'cnl. of one.ioinih ot Hut tmirl ast tnotii'V to ho imld at tho MrlUln-' down oi tlit t:-(ipi'ily ; thu om-Ioutlli lens tho Ii n pti f-iin. in 'iif I'tiiiiiiniiiinn 01 mim; iuhi tho r mint. to-: tlm o.fi.iutlir in ono i-ur thcruiltir, Willi I'll i lehi lioni thn unlh nniiion nKI. iiy uidtt id itio uotir . wi.MJXtiTON' ir. i:nt, Uii l Hi 1, Ii"l. I'rothonuiaty. iirxiKiisiioTT-niUNj:it.- -On tho the Kth of '"""r- Aaju.ei.l.llc. Of bcnniy Qnoc-j, IIci-biUl.il rolif Ims put on) Anil haiHlnnil licmt No moro loi-nrt, i:r-cili-il Iirr lnvu Nnroloon, A v 1 - Vl'l -T I A HTit A N'. On ill r Hit 1 1 nit .. fit t - rilii"enco ol .Ml. A1IH.I Irwin. "!'" '"W,'. liln 1-1 Iliv.ll. I iivtr, Ml. i-IIiih ( i'. in' t.i I illls cirM-ll'i A. Ilniimaii, nutli or llunllii Uoti. l.ntrny coniity. I'm t'oiiiii:i.rw,iinr--ntijotiiit.,njiiijrii- ill mi of MrH. .rlil.in,n,liy It. v. 11. II. 1 .' " Mr. eiitiiK.' w. i in i ii. 1" -.ii". -j - With ill llloolnrbnll!. I'll. J.U l)lls-AI.I.l:N.-(in tlio h nil., i in.' lJTrl .n',;" Jmo. of ii.,i:.,ln '. IV, to Miss Mury K. Alleu, of llloiimslnnK. .,iiiii-mii;l.IN'I-:-e)nthoSM lnt., nt tin.' i'-- ",W,Kt tlio rl.!r;n.o. I.e. Molir, 31)-. joou - ullof fiitnttlssii. HANiis-iii:ixi:it-" 'I'05'' m:v'i:r::riM;;:.MV'ih..mu?i:. - , of ilor liliuvllll', to 1IM lv"l" ,,.......v- iiifiiiv l 111.- M. I Tain n I" wiving Mr. .1. llollU'li IroMll ol Minilll, til JII"'. ) C, Juioby, of lllooiinbiii i. DEATHS. . 1 ul. iiiulel Wl.llH -1" evnlio ton nlili. on 'I liurnl luiilj 0. ISTI, Mr ,i:illo W.lili, liili'l ol x .1, . .iproiioril in UiutlMli Jiurofliir .......... I. 11,1. n 1 11 II ,Mrt. Cllllllll Olil CO, l-uiiili i-.7nKtiI -JyiiirB1'oiiioiitlnini.l7.l.-'.nri. ml i .'li. ilih.. Anitlni A., instil nion' !..' ?'" ij iliij n.loilii litlilri'ii of Hurl niul iar niuiicb, ....-.I, villi. nnnr Nlllorillll. Ml', jHcobl'',reeni,r.BiilWS'i. 5 luonlln uml 7 .Illl-U HKIj Win-On Teh. rcth., war Knmodli, Mr. JoniWllLlvlg.aBta67 7eatii, d months uml IS uuyH, MARKET REPORTS. IlloomOiiirg MKrkcl. WliViit net bilkliel Ityn " - U.11110W ' now ' Out". , " Flour per barrel t'liiMTat'il riaski'i'U Hotter TunovV.'.'.'.'." " I'otiitoeM llrleil Al'l'll" 1111 ion ., 1 10 11 ej 10 ti 10 , 13 . 17 is , 10 l'J Thn o!ilrt niul host, pnn iliirfnl MiMintllprol- lcyy lu tho Country. I'nr cl rent htm, Mlto to 1: in 11 hu;s, riiiMutgu, ra. ItA' Ifiirni't-' IMIHntinr Ili'i-i 'm U(Kiri;Ki.l'INfl. 1(0 mi. 'J ho moMroiiinreliciiKtvii isnk iinhltih" ( I. 1 onl. -'M Nutluiul Hunk. Hall load lloU iHlplllt?, Ac. U.'.U 1,(0 JO-Il N TltUXK VVUU OF VUN. A rortfttlio of flr-.L-cl.iHH Wit nod Ilimor.eon Hldo-spllitjiif; .lokt-H, llumoniiii roctiy. lualut iiiuiin n, init rtiiiiniin, iiui t-iutlllill nui and Mirth'Troviiltitiu Hoccchi h over duIjIWIkhL IntirxpiTM-il with LiirfoiiH ruzltn, Amustns 1'nrd'lrlcUs Ftuth oi l'arior Mnlc, ind nearly y) 1 nnnv Lniirnv iiiii. It ostruti-d Ciwcr. I'rleo I ilM. Hont tiv m.ill. iiKtai'i tiiild. t inn unit of thu t'nlti-d States, on tccelpt of pre1. DH'K i l U.UliHAI.ll.l'ubilHherH, IH Atiust., N. V. iu. h. h. rm ivh family I'uxnciANi u cuio all iiisia.i-H nr ttio person; uhln.liatr, vyva, cumplixlon. Wrtto toTtl Ihotulway, .itw Yoik, lihOOMlNUTON (IIjL.) XUlUSKItY lulh icti r. 10) AcrpK, Ijurocnhousos. Latest AM-ortment nil hItvh. lieststockt Iv I'm-iH! Wouut you know What, When. How lo Plant 1 iTiiu, nuane, i.vtiniicn in-eM, ltooi tirattM. Hei'dllUUi. Osui'B l'j.uilt-. Atinln Heed. Ktirlv Itimit l'tdlltoo. WliriitJ.S. Urjses. (IrpfiihuiiseHlnl uardcii 1'UlllN, ilC, AC, l'MlWfH AMI Vj.UfTAllLK ni.Misl 1 lat-Ht. llht Lolled Ion Soils anil mini Itv. heuU It) cents fur New. llliutraiMt. Do, Kcrintive Cataloirne ninreH. Hc mlhtanin. i-nt-h fur Catalogue ol heeds, with pl.iln directions 01 paes; llbililliiK and (i.irdcn I'Unta iats and Wholesalo 1'iico ,Kt '.'1 pin;iR, Addrtbn i , i, i-iiuniA i;ioomint;ioi), Illinois. A Great dlien'jV m 111 dispose of One Hundred I'l a No-,Mr.i,onijjNS( nun ent ( - in n urru-.'iaK iiiiikit", inriiioii uer--. a' i i-i mki.y i ow mm us. van cahi nt-lino i n is month, or will titkea partc.iHh ami d.i i .ii,e i, ui nuii i in v nr quant n iiimbmih'Iiim, We ii insert an advertisement ONI! MONTH J none liundud nnd Kltty-flie Klrvt 1'j:xnsvlvania Ni;w.siArKit.M, Jticludlny Kluvcn Da Hits, We refer t- tho publisher of thh pnjier, t whom our it fiMinslljlIlty I well known. i.nrsEST runs, AJaifsiiUO. V. IIQWVAA it CO., Advutthlng A Kent h, K"4. 40 A U park Uow, New Yolk. .mi;n,woii:n', 1 il)1iH AIIIIH.M who ehjiiiyo In our newhusiiji hh make from If to im penny in ineir ow u locaiuies. lull part ten irHaud luslruclious sent Ireo lv mull. TiuM In need of jw riiuini nt, profitable work, should midrib- at once, Ui;ui:(JH hTINMON i CO., Tortl-tii'i, Mi hie. AN IN UKlM-XIJIiNTl01l I I'M! in rot i; montih. Can Ik made hi a iuu I way hy men thet a.. COM I'OUH I) K L U I I) KXTftACT CATAWJ1A a n a r is p i ii Ti s. Cbmjioneni ltrtsnutl tract Jihubatb and ItuUt IUlract CUauha Grape Jut?, FOn MVKH COMI'XjAINTH, jaundick, 111 r IOUM AFFJXTIONH, HICIC OH NEItVOtlH UlIADAUllICOaTlVISKWS, Ktc I'UIlKfiY VKOnTAHfjI'!, CONTAINING NO MKIICUHY M1NKHA1.S OH DKMSTKIUOUB DltUOS. Thffto rilU aro Iho most dcltghtfnlly picas nut purgfttho, Btipcrtedltiff cantor oil, baHs, timg nculn, etc. There in notlilng moro acceptable to tho titomftch. They give tone, And cause neither nauieaiior griping palm. They aro composed of Ihejlnett tngreilitnti. After n few UnV use them, rucIi an InVlgorallon of tho entlro system takes placo as to appear miraculous In the weak, nnd enervated, whether nrln)ng from lrapru dence or dlteato. H. T. Ilelmbold's Compound Fluid Extract CatawVaUrapo Fills nre not sugar- oonted, from the fact that sugar-coated rills do not dlsol ve, but pass through thestomach without dissolving, consequently do not produce the de sired effect. THlj CATAWI1A OHAFE MMJ being pleasant In taste and odor, do not necesil tato tholr being sugnr-coatej. rittCU FIFTY CUNTS PEll IIOX. llKJltl.V CONCENTRATED COMTOUND FLUID EXTRACT SAUSAFAUILLA Will radically oxttrmlnato frcm the system Hcrofulayjihllls, Fever Horcs, Ulcers, Horo Kjcs Horo IjCgs, Moro Mouth, Bore Head, Bronchitis, Hkln llnai,cR( Hall Hhcum.Caukers, Runnings from Uio Iir, Whlto Swelling?, Tumors, Can ceruusAirectlouH, Nodes, Ulckets,Olandar Swell lugs, Night Hueats, Hash, Teller, Humors ol a1 Kinds, Chronic Khcnmattsm, Dyspepsia, and al disease that bus hcen CKtabllshtd In the system f.ir earn. Iteli.gprcpated HXPHIlsSIA fortheabovocora p aints. Us UIiOOlM'UUIFYINa proprieties aro greater than any other preparation ot Harsapi rllla. It gives tho COMI'U'.XlON a clear and healthy color and restores the patient to a stato ol IIKALTII and 1'UUITY. For Furifying the Illood. retnovlne all Chronic Constitutional Dis eases arising from an impure state of the hlood. And the only reliable nnd effectual known reme dy lor the cure of Talus and Swellings ol the Hones, Ulcerations of tho Throat and Leg4 lUolchcs, Fltnplcs on tho Faco, Kryslpelas and all scaly Urupttonsof the Hkln, and Beautifying the Complexion, Frlce, Si 60 per Bottle, FcunMtvfinln.NewJtrKy, -Maryland, Delaware Virginia, Wctl Vlrplnltumd DMtrletnf Colum A CO., HCUANTON, I'A. fcfpir70-ly Mificellaneouo. OK THE AGE) $HT0 SIOl'KIi DAY. 'llll'll II' Ml l.l t.il.LC I eiiioiiwiN, it: i mm uiu . I QO: I'Hi: i in vi.divt'Mir.K i.ilil 1 lu ol.l ht:itiill,nl rt'lui ilv 1'ir t'tiunhs. e'olils.Con. i.utilitluli. .W.'iiiy Ltt' CL'II.I.K linos, A Co., 11I1MU11. OUIH.HJ sali: o r v.u.u.uiiii: in: a i. ustati:. In piunnitncc of nn nnlit oftlio OMib.inN' Court nf e'..lnmiil.icouiil v. tlm inuli Mmuil, AiIniIhIk- iniiri ..(.. i i .ini.ii ii. watt". In o nl tvntro lovnMiii, In MU, I'linnly, i!c(cnsil, will rxine ... I , . , . "ii n'.' I'li-iiusi-i, on jNiiiiiiiiiy, Mnn-li I'lh, 171. nl 10 oVloi-l! ii. in., tLiM.illow Ini; ili't illiul rol i-st.'iti, to wi : A OC'lllltll IliilIM' unit lilt of irr.mii.l 1.H11.1O, I.. tliu lowii.tilpol ivnlii. In tin' county ufColiim. 1I.1, iHlJiilnliiu liimis ul Ji'si.' II. I'ii' niul Wcs. 113 U. iimi, Mt:u 101 wiiu.iin in: iiLuiit OMMuariTJi or an acuk. HKCD.N'Il. A m.iill tot of rrniiii.t ,ii.i.'l tliu tin. tisliln mill fi.nnl. rn.,.r..i.l n.t 1. .ii.. , Innils of Ji'nc II. ruin, Vvillliuii it, VriH, nmt mo luojiuny iitifiii .ni'.i uwciiunt fonl.Ulilii; uliout ONK-SIXTKKNTII ()!' AX ACUK, herinti it erected a fr.imo hlmp. Tl 1 1 It I . Tho UlllllVldtttl Klii'-lmlf (if nil tlml crfiln plico parei I nnd (nu t uf I nnd situate in m imi imiiip mm rimmy anii's.iM, Hi-liuuei Iiy 111(1(4 1)1 I I. 11. I ti Iff. 1,11 tllll Vi.llll mi.l t.'..Ll l.llldMIlt Ulll.lt. I'll II III! Ili.l 1'i.v.t niul l,,il' ol JehM II. run", 011 ttiohouth, containing lour- tfi'li iii-ri'J. lilt rn nr limi. ulmi. m iu fn...i,.,i FJtAJIK (UUST-MIlih, n double framo delllmr lioilie. nml nllier nnt. bull.lliiKo, lh thu v.aur-nglit oppurteiiaut to Tl llMH iH- SAI.K. Tell MT et-nt. at nnn.rnnt-M rd tho purehaso inone tit thu htilklng down of too property j thu oni'.iourih hn Iho ten per v Mimviiiiuimii.ii IMI'llllllV, illHI II1U If. (ii 1 M111114 in it-inimiit in unit ycur liieie.iuer. Willi nueu-ki iioni thueonUrmation nUl. I'nr eluuer or purehnn ri lo pay htrditdauilhtuiupN i'oN4i.).i'n gien Apru im, Ji"l. '1 hell' U Oil tllll lKt lloHCi Ui..l lirimi if t ft In..,.. holv of Mlulji Ui ilIm of uhiiperloi imatlty for iho I""""'!" nil IUJ Ul J'HIIIl. 4111. . i, nu, rbilAli. WAIT'', AilmluUti.itrlx, lllforiliation OA tn tho mi'mlllf ntnl fmnllii. f Ihotjlatii will be gleu Iiy aUdiVMUn hiuuutl J ""'"i mii; uutr, wuiiiuiuill, euuuiy, I'll, OTATKMKNT, AC. Ol M 1!" T1IK OAT A. .Ml'lUAI. m'll.HINd, LOAN AM) I'llNI) AwiDCIAllilN, I'ult VHAlt 1:1ml, All V Sllli.lWli' ' 51,101 70 Ili-IA Mt'llIAl. MAN l.U V i:.NIUMI ! Almmut of lrcelntM " " Ui.tiUlbl'lUClllli TlMWIltill i 50 on Iikiih j.-juo m Ain't Vmalulng In Ticaiury iMitmn'r or niinre.s Ioituo4 Acriij.'ii vrcmlrui pnlil Nit pioUla Nttpiln pcr.linro 8 .1 ti lutiiukt iri.tiutu J3 iu 1're.eut v,eluo nor- slimo to .15 Cbl Ul 118 M Tlio ntniUHl clerllon rosuttcil ns followat for Tuiiti iit, ,. 1'. Jolint lilrtvtnra tn wru tlirio i wirn, I i'v. H. e nitln.il, el. HukIioh, A. J. I'lii. V, ill own ttcuu liiiiril of iilrrolora dlfctoil tho following ollliirs co 1'if.Iiknl, w, 11, kuu iry.I.. Il, Mlimi Irvm.uriT.A. H.HIiuriH rrihliti'iit yoiirn. Kim roll niul I.. II. Klinet lor two yiurn tn nil neau i no iiniirti lllllnoil nl itmry. i.. li. Kllnoi Iri'tmnriT, A. II. Hliurji '1 lie Ilonnl of Dirt clors lmvo ilccl li il to luno n Now Herlin of Htoclc, iiruvliloit ono hi n.lm hlinrcH hi o MibHcrllieit fur.' rcmonn iltxlitUK to lore noxliy.y. 11 Kl 1n- U CaluuU.il. Stiiii'h.l IS7I1.1. ' IJ'iFi.' ' r...-.i iiiy, l.,N.V1:V.("''"s "' 1111 "il l lwa fur bnlo-ut .V.lili.'frM .IAMI1M ri..co, Now York. rt f r J jj .f t 3 , U A M Lj j w U 2 Tl I 1 1 1 1: Vl HIKl Nil l l! SS. V n. .'n. or!.. (niicil t'i titrilisli nil rluiici -vv 1 1 It oontnnt t in i'loyiiicnt nt lioniL1. tlio wliolo ortlioinno or lor Hill hH10 IttlllllOlltS, HtlsllUKS lion. tlit, mid ironuitiio. iirsoiisor fcltturhox cm n from jv. o i't per CVcll'll'r.liml n lirotiorllonnl kin:, hvdi.. M.llln: tholr tllolo lllno to ilto Luhlut'.s. ltoyit nml Rlrli .'ir.l nonily inn. ' iiHinen. 1 li.it nil ..homo uiih nniito inny i.cl llifll' luuiribs. niul livt tlio luln.k. mu innl Iho iiiiiniriillolfil ollor: ToMicit iih nro notv 1 Mitlsllul. wo i 111 M-mKltn )..iylor tlio tionlil i ol wrltlnt'. I'ult J.urtii'llLirH, il tulllnlilo iiilnj o wliloli will do to coinrnUHCvoHl on, .mil n i "py ot 7ie J'eputc's Liltrary Icmjuvicn i,no of no l.njjrst nlul hci.t fntlillv llfwnnilti'iM ovLr mi IiOii,i1iiII kont ln. Iiy mult, liciiitir, u you e..iut iioruiiinont, prof, lluulu worl:, nil-li osh J'i Al'l-1'' A ' ". Ar01'I.TA,MAIB. ll.Ml'l.OYMKXT J-(')R Aljh. " oqa H.M.Ain l'i:it u i:i:k,uui1 oxpinkos.riniii OOU Aponti, tn veil our tiowtiuil Ukoful ilUoov. lion. AiinrosH it, i.i.i- .v tel., jMunnll, Mlc.l, 1 KKA T MI.IU'IAI, IlOeiK nu.l I IIKNCH Mi w tUl.'ls tin I iiiiifs iuhi t.i iiiw. si-.it. rn... r.n-. Nitiinps. lir, lit n.intlo Co., i Inolnuutl, ei. l)Ari:r.-I.cltor, Noto.C.ip.I.ocnl Cap nml In nil I l'lllicr. Of tlo hi'l iilliilitlo fill Kiilo i.l II, o IUUU..IlllAn Ullll 0, j.N'COUi'OHATION. Kotko is hcrehy riviii, tint on the 17th diy of i eonruv. . ttiinutv liinuimiiiiin nr 'n utn m (OtllltV lreblllttd ii Ottltlon tn n I'norL ol fYmi. mon Pleas ol mid eoiinty, (I'olnmhla) pra Ina the said t'ou rt to yi am a Charter ot Inroiporatloj, to the MellxnllM CpUcopal I'huieh offatawUhii, ( ...... .... .... . .K'tt IIIli, I l ( lit Kl'D lilt It-Ill hlUU'll lIUil 1 ISO hlllllclt'llt e.lUxu llHlinwn Inllin L.ii,. Inii) on tlio ill bt day of next term, the i rut cr nt IhO Hi lit loilt lh Will he Cl noted, nrriiiillnir tn tl.n .lit "1 41IMI1J IU kl.tll I'UMI JllllOU Hllll till). Mditl.. , M 11. i:nt. ivvii ii'ii. rroinouotiiry rsTUi:s lir.NKs. Kummons. Kxccution Mlbnu-lins. arr.iut4. etc . eoinntiini lv nn IitukI II M 1UI MIU III IIIUI Ul.l JHllA.A I'l lift'. piAXOS AND OHOAN.S. Prof. I. W. Nile. havlnei.Pinr(il the n-ri-nrv nf tho ealehrated Miouuiekir l'Jano, and oImi the at'iicy of Iho New llu t n Melodlau unit r?an Co. i Mcnatiii to u rn u n iiiMiuini'iiis oi n hiioerior iualli , and at lower prlefH tluin t.m ho tmiijhl elkowlieri', and on ttinm to uit cusltMnci, Mn Meat intithiuidltio of all latu furnlihed at hort noth'o. I'JiaKe eall Wf..i iurehaktuir eNe- wheio. UisliU'iu-o (till April It- Iron Ktreet LeloW i lllnl M, 1. w. MI,I, Ieh.l7'7lOiii, Bloomshuic, l'a TAT2KTID DhCKMHH JTII, ltt$. OUR CELEBRATED GOLDEN FOUNTAIN PEN. trrt Will not rorrorfr. MltT Unfwrltt wfthano l'rn or Ink! Will nlWNir daw n bet pnn. I'ut up In nt ullile bote. 3 - r$ W hULII ONLV 111 AUttNTM, Md for loU ts, I rnor, anj nerfUo poraon ran n-tttUo i uiicrniuntU. lVoHlovrrilOOnfpocnt.1 Two Mimple rnt, 111 rmli) IwoboirmbU , crntal B bniM, il.OU twcll boat. . tllVV. AUIinN, Western Publishing Co. , J ManuOcturen' Agent!, Pittsburgh, Pa. I CtrTinV. TfcesrratnonalRrltTerthMe s! IVn hiiB I i-J tn munv Imllulluna at on In IV. , J ' V I i-l or nnnllty. Jlny only I he auitulno KOI . O T IS I'KSKoldbrlhlAl'ompnnr. lu wrl L . tin for l'eno five your .Nome. ' own, CoohITi ! httiu tiUlnly wrltUn, nnd order wtU mi wllU prvmpt Btlouliott. Jan '.'071 ly OSes Cf J. B. DOBBINS, 420 North Elflhth St., Phllnda. i i v- i isi . VEGETABLES A color and dressing that will uot bum tlio hair or injuro tho head. It docs not produco a color mechanically, as tlio poisonous preparations do. It gradually restores tho hair to its original color and lustro, by supplying now life and vigor. It causes a luxuriant growth of soft, lino hair. Tho best and safest article over offered. Clean and Pure. No sediment. Sold everywhere. ASK FOR DOBBINS'. novU'70-ftn. gOMKTIIINa NEW! ( liNi'ItifT r.icts for tlio ItilloiN. Kviry day di iiiomtiatcninoreelenrty that liv er eciuplalnt, in alt Itn dUlictklug foioiH, tan ho coiiUnlhd mid cured without difficulty oruieon Vinit'iiei . It Uanohstluato dlwene.hut its ohktl uaey l- not proof ngaluM tho pertinacious, remc illni and leotoratlvo o)erullou of HuMtUer'H htomuch lUtteis. TlmtKtnhil couectUofoinpWj the oryati to do U duty, It must fecieto regularly and healthfully under Iho lutlucuco ot tho lilt ter. Tholr aclion brhius It hack fromantatoof rehelUon Into perfect harmony with tho law of health. It tht.ro U cuhthrucbM, It dUappeartt; tf (hero In Mde-achu or hnck-ache, it eeastti; If tho bklu and tho whites of iho ejen nto llnutd wilh bitperlluous hlle, they recover their natutnl hue; If thonppttltu U gone, It returns; If the dlgea Hon in Impulud, It U restored; In hrlef, what ever tho nymptDms of tho complaint may he, uud wliateer ILophasoIt Jias atumed,i cure is crrtitln, Muh uio tho unlfuim iflitU uf thlu pie paiallon v,hoto hlllouv dtf-entolmaliisiinlreatly dtvelopcd; but lu eacii uhcro thcrols meitlyu cotutltutlonul Undency to lier eomphilut, it may ho preented ihioughcut Ufehy thoregular use, lu nu all f(UantllUu, of (hU palutablo nntU dote, Tluso aro prouu fuetx, and should ho erloiuly ponredtd-or, rather, they oliould ho promptly acltnl u;-'ii-hy nil pcroounof hUlloun habit. Tho undersigned wonld herhr Rive notlc inni no huh tun enmpieiru a i mil tMnn lli:AHwland that ho hatbofacllltl'n foresrry tug on thu I'Ublne.i of bNUIUllAKiMl luull iiv uiuuenea IN CIT HTYLK. Ho has en caeed experienced pertoun who s 111 tako eharuo ot iho iMHllen of thu deceased ah nooii as I hey "hlmino of UitM mortal cull." and attend to wiittliioir them, hhavlui?. dreHhliiv. Ac Hhroudtt iiiruiHueii niho 10 oruer, av iuucii cxpnu uu lllON IOE BOX, In which bodies can he preserved Inn clem?'.1' aud dry condition. Carrlagt lumUlud for fu neral oeciuloin. In fchnrt, h 1h prepand 'J' luK? charge of a cirpt'O Immediately after i!atn mm kavo fileudi and reluthew all further trouble In reirard to it. lis also carries on the buslneiiff 0 A 11 1 N K T l A K I N Q UpliolitrrliiK lu nil lis Lrnuclif . reiialrlnir furni ture, retinllne cuno lllointil cliulr,4r tt' 1'lace ol Lu.lneni ou Jruu btrlf,j'' Jj nloomkburi:, JutjK.Wtl. 1IENUY T. IIEliMllOtiD'S CONCENTRATED I'L UI1) JCXTrtA CTJ1 VCI1 V, Till.' GRKAT DIUI1ET1C, Im. curd cw-ry cosu ot Dlfttt'tc. lu which It has liceu i!len,Irrltntloli of the ncclc of thcllladdir nml Intlatnrantlon of Iho Kidney., Ulccrallonof tho Kltln.ya nnd llladdcr, llctentlun of Urine, DlfCMCsonhe rrustatoOland.Htono In tlio Iliad ilcr, Culculs, Giuvcl, lirlckitusi Deposit, nnd Mucotli or Slllky DUchargcii, nud for llnreelilcd nnd llcllcato Con.tltuttoiis of both Hcien, atten ded with tho follonlnts symptoms! Indlnponl lion to Kxt rtlon, lom of l'ovur. Ion of Memory, Dlllkully of llrcnthliiB. Wenlc Xtiun, Trcm bllnir, Horror of Ulsense, WnUefulnets, Dlmnen i f Vlilon, I'nln In the Hack, Hot Ilnud., 1'lu.h Ins of the llmly, l)rnem ot the Hkln, Eruption j nn Hie ruce, Tnllld Countounuce, Unlver.nl Lnsslludu otthoMutcularHysUm.ctc. Uhud by persous from tl.c ageB of eighteen to twenty-ll.e.nnd from thlityllvo lo nityfle or In thu decline or change nf life; after confine ment or labor pains; bedYttllng In chlllren. Helmbolil's Kilratt Ilnchu Is Diuretic nud niood-l'urltjlng.nnd cures nil dlseai.es arlslun from Habits of Dissipation, and Excesses and Imprudences In Life, Impurities of the lVJood, etc., supertedlng Copabtn In nirections for which It Is used, nnd Syphilitic Atrectlons-tn theso diseases used In colinti Hon w llh IIELSII10I.D S UOSK WASH. I.AIlIia. ImaapynUectlous peculiar to iadlts, the Kx tract lluchu !5 nueuualled by nny other remedy as Is Chlorosis or uIl?nilont Irrrtrularlty Vain fulness or Hn.pressIon of 'i?u's'to!?Br-' F'M Hons, Ulcernledur Kclilrru. Bute of the A '"'' Lciicorrhtra or Whltes.Mterlllty.und for all coiu plntnts Incident lo the sex, v hethcr arising from Indiscretion or llahltsorDlsstpatlou. It Is pre scribed extensively by the most eminent phsl clans nnd Mldwlvis for Enfeebled nml Delicate Constitutions, ot both sexes nud all ngcs(atU'ii li d with any of Iho above diseases or sy nipt 'in. li. T. lil:i.MI10I.D'.S r..TItACTDUCIIU LUIiKS IIIMEAHLS AllISINO FItOM IJiniU- llll.Nt IIAIIITS OI' DISl-ll'ATION, ITTC, lu all their singes, ut little expense, little or no chsnu In diet, no lnconeulence, aud no ex Ixisure. It uuues a frequent desire, nnd gU.s strtugtli tc rui.iitc, therebi' removing Obstiut 11.111", rriwiilltiK and Curing Htrlctures of the Uretln, Alholug l'.tln nud lullammallon, so frequent lu this claisof diseases, nnd txpelllng nil l'olsonous ui.ittcr. Thouinmls who havo been the victims of In eompttent persons, uud Mln havo paid heavy fees to bo cuied lu a short time, havo found they hive Ixeli d.ceUcd.and that the "Poison" hss, by tho use of "powerful nstrlngeuts," heeu dried up in flie s' stem, to brink out lu a more aggra vated form, nnd pethaps utter Mnrrlage. Use lIi:i.MBOI.ll ti I.XTltACT I1UC1IU for all Affecllous aud Diseases of Iho Urinary Organs, whether txlstlug lu Mule or l'emale, from what ever causo orlglnntlng, and no matter of how long standing. I'ltlCH ONE DOI.I.AIl AND nriv cent.-i nut hottle. IIKXHY T. IIKLJUIOLIVS IM PHOVKU 110SH WASH cnunot be surpassed as a FACE W'AHII.nnd w 111 bo found tho only specific remedy In every specks of CUTANEOUS AFFECTION. It spee- llly eradicates l'lMl'U'.S.KrOTH.SCOKUUTlU DIlYNESS,INI.UUATlU.S80ftheCUTANE0L- MKMllIlANi:, etc., dispels ltEDNIS aud IN CIPIENT INFI.AMATIOV, lllVIIM. HASH, MOTH PATCH EH, DllVNI'-hM OF bCAI.P OH HKIN,l'llOM-lirrr.S,audull purimses for which HAI.VEH or OINTMENTS are used j restores the sklu to n stale c f purity niul softness, and In sures continued heulihy action to tho tissue of Its Nessels, on which dept nd I he agreeuble clear ness nud vlvuelty ot complexion so iniijli sought and admired. Hut howccr Mvluablo hs a remedy for existing delects of the sklu, II, T HelmhoU's Hoso Wash has long sustalluel Its principle claim to unbounded patronage, by possessing qualities which render tt n TOiI.ET APPENDAGE nf tho most Superlative nnd Congenial character, combining In nn ehgant funnulu those promlm ntrtqnlslts.SA Fin V and F.I'TIUACY-lho luvarlablu nrcoiiipnulment of ltuso-ns n, Preservative ami liefresherof the Complexion. It is nn excellent Lotion for dls. cases of ui-yphlllllc Natuie. and as an Injection lor diseases of the Vilnary Organs, arising from habit, of dissipation, used In connection wild the EXTltAnHl.lL'JIU.BAlWAl'Altll.LA.u'l.l C.VTAW1JA ClKAPE i'lLt.lu such diseases us recomuieniled, cnuuot bo surpassed, I'll 1 1 K ONE PUhtiAU VUU I10TTI.U pHKSTlCll 8. FUHMAN, HAIIN1S8, SADDLU, AND TUUNIt MANUKA CTUHKU, aud dealer In CAP.l'ET-BAQl!, VALISE!, FI.YNKTH, 1.1,'Sl'Al.O TlOltt, 110I01K'Ilb.NHt.TH At'.. which lie feels confluent ho ran sell at lower rule tluin nny oilier person in in. county, ts- mi. 111., fur mirk. Is IS. Shop 'hlid door below the Cnutt House, Main street, uioomsuuig, pu. Aug. 5,1170. A LL KINDS OK JOll 1'BINTINO A. neatly ujOMUf) at I'M 'I UttHlalitAU Slestin 1'rluiicg uiacsi. Pull and (xpllclt dlrcetltms ncc. lupauy Iho medicines. i.viuiutc of iho moil its; cuslblo nnd reitatiiu chnructer furnished on nullcntlon, with huu ilicds of thousnuds of llvlug wilucsscs, and ui" ward of S0,uij0 unsolicited certificates and recom- mendatoiy letters, many of which are from the hlghesUourccs, Includlug cmlutiit Plislclsns, Cleigmen, statesmen, etc. llio proprietor 1 as never resorted to tlielr publication lu tho news papers; lio does not do this from tho fact that his articles rank a. Ktaudaid Picparatlons, uml do iot need to bo propped up by certificates. He li l'J T. IIvliiiIioltl'N Ccitiili.c I'l t'llllllllloillt, Dellveitd to uny address, Ftcuic ficiu obstr vatlon, Kslabllshed upwards oftwinly cnrs. Hold by Druggists overs w lure. Addiess letters fur lu formation, In comldcnco to 1IFNUY T. 11IXM. 1101,1), Drut'glst and Chriulst, Only Depotst H.T. HEI.MUOLD'S Titug nil Chemical Vurehouso, No. 91 Broadwuy, Ntw Y'ork.orto H.T, HKLMHOI-H'S Medical Ikiol, IOi South Tenth rUrcct, Philadelphia, Pa, HEWAKE OF COUNTI'.ItFEITEItH. Ask fur HFNHYT. IIEI.MIIOI.Il'H TAKE No OT1IHI.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers