te (ifolmnbtan 1H l'UnMSlIKIl liVntlY l'lttDAY JIOItNINd cm tub coMJMiitAN iicim.dimi mamim comer itou.iit, DT HENRY L. DIEFFENBACH, r.ntTon axi rnoi-riiEToi:, Terms-Two Collars a Year p ayaMo In advanco. OIHOULATION OSOO. JOD PIUKTINQ Olalldoscrlpllons oxccntcd Willi neatness nnil illspatcli nt reasonable rales. VOLUME V,---NO 10. BLOOMSEUHG, PA., FRIDAY, MA11CH JO, 1871. COL. DEM. - VOL. XXXV NO. .! HATES OF ADVEUT1SIN0. Ouo inch. (Iwclvo Unci or Us equivalent In Nonpntell type) one or two Insertions, tl.00 1 lhreolnmionii1t2.t0. tFlcl, 1M, 2M. BM. DM Ir. Onoinr! U4 J.1,00 ll.m 16,00 110,00 Two Inches 3,W 8,00 7,00 ,U0 JS.tifl TUreO lliohel S,0O 7.00 9,00 12,00 18,00 Four llHiel 7D0 11,00 11,00 17,00 25,00 (luirltr column, .10,00 18,00 11,00 80,30 80,00 Half column 15,00 18,00 2000 80,00 60,00 Onocolnmn.....80,cXI 80,00 0,00 10,00 100,00 Executor's or Administrator's Notice, 13.00, Auditor's or Assignee's Notice, I2J50. Local notices, ton cents a lino. tardslntlio"ilusluesDircctory" column, IJ.00 per year for the first two lines, and il.OO for enclt additional line, A Patent Medicines, it s; m i .v i: h. Tol)cbltilalectrcronji. To Uynpopllci, ToHunVrera from Mvcr Complaint, To IIiono tinvltiti nn Appetite, To those with II ml; en Iowit ('mtxtltutluu. To Nervous lVuple, Tn Children VnHtlufnn'( To nny with UeMIINtett DUfsllvo OrfrftiH, Or suffering with any of the JoUtxviny Xtmjttvmi, liJttch Imitate tlsontcral t.lviror tttomwh, mieh at Co;i ( wtlinllnn,Imiril l'llc, I'lilness or Mood lo the Head, AcLl Uj of tho Htoninch, Niiuictt, Heartburn, Disgust for I'ikkI, Pull nua or Weight In t!io Htomneh, Hour Krucltfttloni.HlnltluBorriuttcrtiuntiho Tit of tho Htomne.i.HwImmttift of lh" Hend, llurrlpil mut DlfllcuU UreAthliiff, nutlcrlns nttlioirefirt,ChokIngor8uincrttlnHcn'fitioiis when In n liylnfJWurp, DtmnoM o( VIMon, Dot or Webs betoro tliaHIght, Cover nnd Dull I'.ilu In (ho licud, Deficiency of rcrnniriitloti, Yellowness of tho Hkln jtod llyea, 1'uln In thu Hide, Unci;, Chet, Umtn Ac, Huddcn riimluH or I lent, Iturnlny In tho Klcrdi. Constant Ininginltms or mid Ure.it itepremton of HplrlK nonrriAND's (ii:uman iuttiiiw, A bittern, without. Ucohol or HnhlM of uny lttnd. Is different fnmi all others. It Ih composed of mo puro.JniC("),or VirAt. rmNnw.n or Kot, Jtrmw, nnd II.miks, (or n( medicinally termed I.xtr.ictH.) tho worthiest or Insert portions of tho Ingredients not belli k used. Therefore In olio lloltlonr this Hitters Ihero Is contained as much inullclnl virtuous will bo found In so ernl illtms ut ordinary mixtures. Tho Hoots, Ac., used In this Hitters uro crown In (icrmniiy, thuir vital principles extracted In that country bymclen tlilo Chemist, and forwarded to tho mamifdctmy In this city, whero they nro compounded and bottled. Containing no spirituous Ingredients, this Hitters N freo from tlio objections urged nsalmtnllolhcra; no dcslro for stimulants ran bo Induced from their use, they cannot mako drunk rmls.mul cannot tin Jer nliy oircuimtnmc, luuo any but a beneficial cilcet, HOOPLA JD'H (IKUMAX TONIC, Was compounded for thoso not Incllntd to ox trcmo bitters, nnd Is lutei.did for usa In cases when wimo iileohollc FllmulnuL Is icrjulrcd hi connection with tho Tonlo properties of tho ; V:l Iters, Knch bottlo of tho Tonlo contains una j bottle of tho lllttf rn,comblntd w ltlt purcHANTA CIWA hum, ui t ihiorca in sucli a manner Una tho extreme bltlirnessofthoblttcrs Isoverconie, furmliiK a preparation hlshly ngrecnblo and pleasant to the palate, and eoutnlnlnt; tho nicdl elnal lrtu(s of tho llllter-i. Tho price or tho Tonlo hi 31.51 per lluttle, which many peisous think too high. Tliey must tako Into consldera tlou that thu stimulant lived Is au'irantt id to bo of a puro quality. A por article could bo iur ulsheil nt n ihcapcr rk'e, but Is H not better to jiay a llttlo moro a d hao a ko.h1 atlh-te? A medlclual preparation should umlnlii tiouu but tho best Inrudltuts; and they ivho expect to htaln n cbenper compound, an 1 ho bcuellted by It will tnoit certainly bo cheated. Columbia Oounty Official Directory. VrttMent .hula' Wll.MAM III.UTI.I,. yluoc(ii( Jutliei-lUAst lunii, Isaac H, Mom- Vrolhimotaru, Ac Wfm.i(1To.v It, KNT. v((yri-,t-mr(ciwvit.I,tAM'ioN II.Jacoiiv. Dmlrtrl AlttmirfiV.. It. Ikhm.h, RhrriffWKori Hmitii. Surveyor iMAn lmwirr. 'Prmitmr llAVItt I.owRNHl:im. Omilill.loilcrt-Wlt.UA'i (1. QUICK, CVKIS ltimiii.vs, lliiiAH.I. Up.kiikh. ' ' (v,m,?il.l,.n'T; CT;r-Vlit.iAM KlitrKIl tvv, IUmSub' CAMr-nKI.I.,A. J. AI.llKltlSOM, Vrr,irr jo'liN I. IiotCK. i,rwtt'm,ii(.ti(,icr-l.iAAi!Mclln!iiR,Jiiii.Nlc. Cvunii .Vijcr(n(fii(lcii-ClIAi!r.Rs O. IlAKKi.r.Y. Bloomsburg Official Dircotory, .;,".! A'nHondl MiiA-L'iiai. 11. l'AXTox.l'rei'l,, .1. 1', TmiH, CuOiler. ' (blHMbOxiytintll Mutant &nlnitlmrlnmirumAi' toctnlmi-i:. II, I.llTLU, l'rai'l., V. W. .Mll.I.m. Hi O H, ' 7f,mn',iirff :iulMimi and Saxtw fMimn, Hon-.lolIN TiriiMAS.I'rcs'l., .1,11, UriniioN.hi'C. Jlhumslwril Jfuliml ,Vtii(ntf j'uml Arfnlloil l'rcsltlflil, M, WlUTMoVKlt, Hee'y, BlooiuBburg Directory. STOVKS AND TJNWAUK. I M. Utri'r.ItT, dealer In mnrei Atlnwnre, lt.i l. port block, .Main si, west or Market, vi-nll 1ACOI1 JIUTZ, dealer ill stoves and llnwnre tl JIalll htleel,uliuucouit house, vl-nll CLOTIUXarilC. DAMll l,0Vi:.S'lir.ltO, Merclmnt Tailor, Slalh t ill door nlnn o Amel lean Hoine. l-nl.l yy. Mounts, Merchant Tnllnr comer of Ctii. If ttoiuid Main st over MIUer'Bbiore. :i-ii.lt DUUHa, CHEJUCAhS, Ac. OranjvQvillo Diroctory, A K. W. UOMIMAN, Merrliant Tailors and (Jellt's rnrnlstillit, t'ni!i Mnlii wt.. di .1.u. lu tho llrlclt Hold, v 1 -1 1 1 T II. IlKllttlNtl 4 IlUOTIli-.lt.CarpcntcMnnd !1. llullders, MalnstLolowl'lne, M-nl7 )OWi:il A tlUtiHINO, dealer In" Dry' floods. uroi-cries, Lumber and general Merchandise, lllkl. , vl-ulf OAMUI'.LKItAltl'LIXS, Maker of thelloyhurst IJ tlraln Cradle. MalliHt. . vllnS. UfJI.I.IAM lKI.ON(l Hhoewaltcraud mannfae II lutcrof llrlck,MlllHt.,westofl'iuo vlulS Oatawisna. t. HA If tW t . ff m I en ,r i 'iiuii. uii", .niiiii.un iiiiiiu.Qttuiiiin. I). Uobhlus ltulldlnc. vl'.nl- E, I'. l.tTTZ, I'rni-KlslandArolhtcnry.MalH si. bclmv Ihe I'ost Olllce. vl-nll MOYIilt UltOH., Drusslstii and llrower's block Main ht. Apothecaries, v 1-n i (JLOCKS, WATCH ICS, &C. Ul.NUV y.Lri'l'lNdini, VatcliesrHp"edatUs A Jt'weliy Ac., .Malliljtleelneur Wist fet. v.l lilj It. KIHTt.KK, "CattawUsa House," Nnrlh , Corner Main and Second Ktreels. v-nlS KI:IM:il, nilbmt Malnou, Oystcis, and lie . Cream In scaboli Malu.St. Snl2 M, IIIIOIIST, dcali r In Ucneral.Mcrchiiudl,e . liry (loods, (ircccrlis Ac. v2-nlfe irs(lfl:iIANNA or Uriel: Hold, H. Koslen J builder rrotjrlctor.soitth'tasL corner Main ami t-cond htreel. vjuia i V.. MAVAOIl, dealer in Clocks, Walclies and Wj' Jewelry, .Main St., Juit beluw Iho American Itollsu, l-ll f OUIS llKUNHAI'.I), Watch and Clock maker, jjliearhoulbcaslinrucr Main and Iron sts.vltl I) CATIICAUT, Walch and Clock MaUer.Mat IV. liet htleet, below Main. vl-nll IJOOTS AND .SlIOKS.""" I A Vlll llt.!T'' 1!.1 nn.l Wl.. ...... Sfnl..., 1 below llurtm.iirHhltire.wisi iirMat'ket. 1-l'J n n o 1' r. A N I, H UJMJAiX JITTKIS, on iioo yr,A x D'n (I 13 It Jt A N T O N I U, Willi lIUOI'l.ANIl'.t l'OUOI'IIYIiUN , wii.t. runn oiH A They aretbc (Ireiilist t: n. o i) i ii it ii v 1 1: it s Known lo tho Medical world, and will erndl calo diseases ark.In from linn.ni blood, lleblllty nf Iho DiKi'stlvo Orijaus, or luseased I.her, lu a shorter tlmo than any oilier known remedies. UH.NIIY Kr.i:tM,.Manur.otmor and dialer 111 llonls and shovs. (Iroccrliu. elc.. Main meet. ltst Illontusburs. vl-nll n M, llltOW.V, Hoot nn.I Shoemaker. Mnln J. slrecl, under llrown'a Hotel. vl-nl.1 " 1M10KKSSIONAL." Dlt. II. C. lU)Vi:il, Suraion I)entl!,l, MaliTsh above tht'Court Iiousl-. I.ul Mil. VM. M. IM'.lini:. Ulltnon r.,,,1 IM.v.ll,,,, Ull-ichaiiKolllockoMr Wi bb's bookbtoru .!-nU I'll:. 11, K. KINNIIY. Snrcrnn DcnlM lexiriicieii wu ouilui l! 1 n ii h . iw.ftrl.. Tcith IS- mi. Yl-llllJ (1. llAHKI.r.Y, Allorney-a.I.aw. Ofllrc.ai '. IlOor lU l.XClmiieO IllOrl.-. In lir Mm "1'-, I. liolel." vl-uJ Tin: wnoi.iiMji'iicMr. couktof i-i:xksyi.yania n-iiAit roitTiiixi: i;i:.mi:iiii:s. Who would akl: for more ili;nlled and htronger T siiiiiom ? lion, Ofougi: Y, VooliWAl:n,ui-mci7'CdcyiM-ticcollte Sti2'Tcmc (.but t r, rniiwylvtuii'l, atpret' cut Member of Ctnvjvcuifrt m I'mntjjUini ttt, rinlt s: I'll II. a 111 I l 11 1 A, Match 1Mb, lMVT. I find " llooll.ind's tit ruiaii llilteis" Is a Kiaid b'tilc, ttsefui In diseases id ihe digest ho organs and of El cat ben till IncascsoftUbllll an I want of neiMivis action in Hie s -l.'iu. Yoiim, truly, (Il.tHKIl: W. VOOI)VAI!l. lion. JAIIFS TlloMI'SO.S', t hUf Jtislwe 1 the iS'll jirvmc i.iuitt I'vitmylvanitt. I'll l l.A 1.1 i l IIIA, Au It IIS U07, I eonsldir"IIooil in rstieiuiau Illllcis'iavalua- 1 1.. McKi:i,VY,M. I).,HurBeon and l'lueli'lan J norllislilo Main si., below Market. vlnU I it. IIVMVH V II Unr.,..,.,. .....I lll.v.t tl soulli hlduMalusiieet, bclowMaikct. l-nJ I C. UUTTi:i:, M. Ii. Kurscou and l'hyslclau . . M.itkLt slici.t,alaive Main. M-nlJ 1 11. KullKilA. AHiiiny.at.I,aw. t'lnco IT.trt tl. maii'b buiUUnir, Main htrcct. -.u'-n MILUNEllY & KAXOY GOODS. rl rr.TKHMA.V. Mllllucrv nnd fanev Uods. U, opposite Kiihcopal Chinch, Main si, vlnll MI.sM t.lZ.It: IIAIIKUIY, Milliner, bulldlns Main street, r.anisey vl-nll WF1III. I'ancv (lood. Nnilons, a. .iia n vi -nl.l HIHH A lli Hooks, nndHlatioiitiy, llschaucollt 11S1 M, lii:itUICKt-ON, Millinery and Taney 111 (Jooas.Malnst., below Market. W-iil! Mrs. 1'. KI.IKl:. Mllllnuy and lui.iy lo Main stlect hi tow Market, 1 1 1 us. .Ill Lit l '.o'lks and lliess Tuttcm.. .vl;,,. mid Wisl hts. boulhtin-t eorint I-1H 't i in od., Malut-t., below Amcrie.mlloue. lnli HOTELS AND SALOONS. hlo niidlcllie lucosoot attacks of IlldlKistlon or IjiOItKN lKITI".!., by T. llclil. Taylor, Ujspcpsla. I call celllry this lioin my uxpcll- Malllsllect. s.inHMYl:l! & JACOIIY.Cinrectloncry.Ilakery tast end 1-W Y'otns, with lespcct, JA.MI.S TIIO.1ir.-0.V. Hon. fir.oi.in: Kiiasvwioii, Justice of the itijticmc tbio t o JXmnsytmiittt. I'll i i.a nrr.rli i a , Juno 1, ires. I Havo fi.uinl by expcrltnco lliat "llnoilamrs ilcrnian'lllttcrs" It a viry good tonic, icllevlng d5 siiepllo rymptoins almost dliecllv, UDOlilli: hllAlteWOOI). lion, Vm, l- Uogcrs, Mayor t the City cJ Jli'fJ'alo, Iron slrecu. A. I. Mayor's Olllce, lluiralo, Juno CJ, lvffi. I havo used 'llnoiland'h Uciui.iu HltUrs and Tonic" In my family dm luz ilio pa-d j car, nnd can iccommind Ilium as an extelleut tonic, lm pat tint; lone and vigor to lliosjslelil, Tbelruso has been i roilui llvo or ileclrlciih- bpncllclal edccth, WJI. K. U(KI i:it. i, ml llster Saloon. V, bokbali.nd it tall. :uii;e lllocli, Main stlect. I-nll jIEKCIIANTS AND CiUOOKHS. i C. .MARil, Hry (loods and Notlonf, west cormr Main and lion fits. south ,1-un U. n II.Hi:i:snol,TZ.dudcr lu I rv (hN. (Jro- U rrrlfs, Ituots, ishooj, Ac, eurnci Jl.iln and 1 A. 11T:ckL1:V. Hoot and Shoo More, hooka ), &. Matloucry, Main stM below Marhct, 1-uU l.i JACOHH.i,onIectlct.erv.i:rc.ccrlcH etc.. Main IJ, St., below Iron l-if lion. James M, Wood, Jlx-Muyor vf WllUaiinjwt, in, I tuVc great plcaiuro in recommending "Jloof. laml's Gei man Tonlo'1 to any ouo who may bo tUltlctt'd with Iybpepsl i. I had tho Dj-spepsU ko badly It was Imposslblo to keen any foutl on my fctomach, and I becomo bo weak as not to bo nblo to walk hall u in lie. Two bottles of Tonic t-IIVt'tcd ti perfe( t cure. JA.M1W M. WOOD. I,i Mi:NDFNirALt..(i Ufialfilot-kof Men ban IV. it No and fAHiit f r. lornir of Main Mi ret am Uerwlc'c inad. vl-nll l.iOX a WKliU, fonfrettonery and Ilnkiry V wholesale aud tela II, j:xtluni(;o J Hock, l-u II r.HoWKIt. Hatsi ndi'aii'. Hoots. indShorM, II, Main st., above Court House. vl-nl) Mammoth (Jmeeiv. flue lnv Willis, itomsiou, i.e.. Minn ) . eerlcw. 1'ruUs, and Iron Btrtcts. ui;mi:miu;u III AT HOOHiANIVS CJKHMAN BirrKItS, AMI JIOOFLANIVS U HUMAN TOKIG ' cure evtr. ran of AIA1!AS.H7S. or iibtiiiu: iisHi oi i lm iody, hi:mi:)i:i:u niAr 11001'f.ANIlS (SKltMA.N nrMl'dllM Aro the medicines you require to puiils Ilio lllood, exeiln Iho torpid l.lvei to lienlthy n lion, and to cnablu jou lo pans scrciy tbtoui;h any hardships or exposure, Bit. iioorcixivs 1' O D O 1' 11 Y li I, I N, tl'KIll.VY, Nl.AI, A. ('0.,dcali lsln Hry (iorsls, A I (lioecrb.s. l-'lonr. lVid.salt. i'Ub. Iron. Nails, eie i., cor. .Main au't .naraci vis, vi-iin CJ H. MIM,i:lt A 1-O.S", dcali u In nr..' (loods, O, (jioccrlcs, (lucenbware, l'iour. Sail, shot's, Nutlmis, tic, IlM'ImuGo lllock, Maiusl. vl-nll Jltll'K IlJjrUtj and refieshlncnt Saloon, by i.onr .u jicury cor.oiiii.iin anilt'inost,,vltll7 lit, O. A..Ml:(lAIiai:i,,tMiyslclntinmlSur(eon, Millll l next door In Hood's lintel. l-ni7 Vy'!' llKllUtNO, Flour nniforlsl Mill, and ) Dealer In uralii, Mill Ulrcct. vlnn r..i:iiVAItli-s. l'liyslclnnnnil Suritcon, Main ' st,,ilrst(looraliovo.M'lIeiiry'slloiel, vl-na AMI'.-i II, I1AUMAN, Cabinet Make: and Un derlakcr. Main HI., below flue, VI-UI7 M. IIAUMAN, Haddlo and Harness maker. . Malhst.,oppsllo l'lntiioCliuich. vsiill ClIUYI.KIt & CO., Iron foun.lels.JInchinlsbi, I and Mniiiilacltllt'rsofpluws.Mllltst. vl-nl i!..f, K. ItOlllltNK, Si'.ii I second St., below Main. ifi.nr.ur a on and I'liyslctan 2-nls ki.imc. i rVL-i irencral luercbandlse, luiii Hlrctl Koods, Riocelles, nnd ui t.M. It. Alir.orr, Attorney nt law, Main SI. Y.ii:; Light Street. 1". OMAN A Co., Wlnelwrlehts, first door , alios e school House. vlnlii OIIN A. OMAN, Manufacturer and dealer In Hoots aud Shoe-, V1UI5 )ETi:i; l'.NT, denier 111 llry (loods Groceries, Hour. I'ceil.HalT. I'isli.Iron. N'nll.i-ti'.. Main Slltet. v 1 li 13 s. l:NT, dealer In Stoves nnd Tin waro In all lis brunches, vlnld Buck Horn. II (l.A W.H dl . koi i's. elm I Irst stole In soutli tnd oi town. SIIOFMAKKII. ilinbrs In ,lrv Koi i's, eriKi ill s and ctnelal ineicl andlse. S2-1US Philadelphia Directory. jgAGIiK 1IOTEU 7 OKTII THIl!i,.SrilF.t.T, It. 11, CUMMINGH, l'liOl'hll.Tou, JOHN STKOUL' tt CO., StlcccnsolH to Klroup A Ttl'ollier, WlIOI.l.KAl.r: DKALlll'.H IN K1S1I, No. 21 Nuxtli What ts and 20 Ninth Third Ht jMUIIAHOSON L. V.'JiKUIT, .J II. attoi;ni:y at law, NO. 1Z1 SOUTH HIXTlt bTlll;l.T. 1'iiibAiir.i.i'iiiA ian. r;i-iy JJ W. itANK'S wiiiii.i.s.v 1,1; tuiiaci u,s. ui' r A.M' CKIAIt WAllIIllOCSi:, No. UllNorlllThlrdSlitel, lltlwccii Cherry and llace, svcbtsldo, I'hlladL'Iplda. pitANIC & STUKTOU, IMticcessors hi i. ii. auer,j fuipoiteisainl llcnleiK In CjlJKlSlMWAUr'., CHINA, ANll (iLASH, No. 2.11 N. Third hill it, i;ttucn ItaciJ and Vino S Is. rilll.AIlKI.l'IIIA, cllllsnliVrii. J0'"'1 1'''"""'. 1,11. WAi.in:, spitini I'arintr. Choice Poetry. Ulirn Hu're Donti, What If glons of "friends" nh'.nyn blcsn us When Kotdcn fuccess HnMsour way I Ifow they nillo ns they noHly addreis u Pa cordial, ROod-humorcd and jray, Hut bo I when tbo sun of prosperity llalhul thcu hownulekly they frown, And cry out In tones or severity, k ick tho man l don t yofi ro ho Ii down I What though when you knew not a narrow, ourhcnrt was as open astlsy. A nd yciir"frlciulV'ibcii they w anlcd lo borrow, Vou'd oblige and no'r iwt: them lo "pay," What though not a koul you o'tr Kllghttsl, As yon m nndered about through tho town, Your "friends becomo ery near-sighted, And don t secki to feco you when uomii. When you'ro "up " jou nro loudly exalted, Aud traders nil dins out your pralso: When you're dawn, on luvogrcntly defaulted, Ana ihey really "don't fancy your ways." Your stylo was "tlp'top'' when jou'd money, Ho Mugs every tuclur and clown i Hut now It's exceedingly fuuny, Things nro altcrtd becauso you nro down. Oh, glvo me tl o heart that rorover Is treo from the uoild's fcelflsh rust, ud tho Poul uhohohtgh, noblo endeavor Is toralso fallen man Trout tho dust; nd when In ndierslty's octati A Icllm Is likely to drown, Ml halt to the friend wIiomj devotion Will lift up a mau when ho'-s "dowu." Tim True Yfomftu. lkr u iiiio Mdnes not hi Ijanncrcd Hold, hero Ufght and S ronir so boldly w.ir: Nor rings her voice in any causo Which men and women battlo for; Yet In her presence, Mibtllc, sweet, You loiiy to khtclnndkWs her feet. No wondrous romance wrouthesher life; Nor bath mio Icil a maityr train; Nor bsaullful nor tlrh lshe, Hut poor and symo would call her pirn; Ytt In her two dear cyci yon hoj A Lcauty shlnln-i constantly. No MlUiu robn cnfjldn her firm : Io dainty leUuro hath her hands; Her Jewels nre a slmplo ring; A rliibou lilnds her fioad a Miioolh h in Js ; Yet lu hcrEnrmtuls simple graco lltr houI'j r eillty you trace, No gift bath Mio to ah U;o and thrill th inkh-ss world with warbled songs; And ai t tint wafci's tho Ivory luys To ot her band than hor's belongs ; Ytt lu her words of tinder cheer A ilehcr music charms tho oar. Mio walks In bumble was of Ufa That lead of thue.i thruugli kIojiu uiu shat And cares and crosses, not a few, Aro on her pal lent shoulden I Ud ; vt Millies and drlnksc.tch bitter cup, And keeps her brave eyos 111 to I up. And homely ways fcho wreathes with giac, Harsh duty turns to loving, zest; Ami theory hopo and htradfa3t will Aro at her side, In work aud rest; Yet ue er dreams sho you can spy The angel looking from her cj el Miscellaneous. UK IIAIM) ADOIS I.OCKlI.TIir, Al'THOK oi' Tiir (;ki;at ".mods hoax." Jc2I7.MI. KKI'HKAUT, SVITII liAltNKS, 11HO. A HEtiltON, HA'IS, CAl'H.I'.THAW GOODS A l'Ult.', Nn,t0J Market Htictl, (Above I'lrth,) rillbAllFLl'IIIA. yAlNWltIGIIT tv CO., Y,'iioi,r.sAi.i: or.ocniiH, N, i:. Comor Second and Aitli Hticets, rmi.ArEi.i'iilA, Dcnlcia lit THAU, HYHLTK, COrl'IIi:, SUO All, MOf.AfcSIM I'.It'K, 81'U'lJt, III I Allll S'JDA, At'., AC, . irs-Orders will rcc ho prompt atttullon may 10,(," MISCKMiANKOUH. 0.".'STAIII.15 llIiANKh lor talent Ilio L obi M U IHAK Olllcu, 0 noriiiwtbtcoruir Main and Iron sis. l-uu M, ClIItlSTMAN, Saddle, 'lllinl: A llarni ss. inaktr, HhUo'a lilocit Malnhtieei, sunn W, llolllIINM.lliiiiordciilerKcoluldoorlloni 1.1 Ii J.TIIOHNTON, Wall Vapcr, Window Hindis l'i, and lixturis, Itupeit block, .Main si, vl-ll W, COIIK.t.I,, rurnlturo Jtooms, thrco story buck, Main Street, west of Mai Let H. villi.) Kuhbtltulo for Mcrcnry lMlls. TWO 1'II.W A 1)01 1. T'iciaoil Ibntrul, Ytt J inoeent, VtmtdlU Cuthur tie Auuitu, H Is not ncecbsary to lako a bandrul of llicso I'llls to produce Ilio dished eirccti tun of them act nulekly ami powcrhllly, eleanslUB bof,l er, Btomaclinndliowcls of nil Impurities, Tlin prln clpal Ingredient is rodophyllln.nrllio Alcohollo Ilitrnct of Mandrake, width Is by many times mine powciful, action nnd searching llinn Ilio G Ulliisi NSTO(;K,i'bolosiaphcr,ovtrl!obbliis A l.s u 'a store, Main st, sl-ll H. Kit UN. ,h titer In Meal. Tullow. elc. I 'hem. ' bcl lln'B ul . 1 1 ar of Anit rlcau llmibe. slllll 1 10IIN A. Vt'MH HiN A CO., mutual and cash "latcs 11 1 n llisutaii 'late Ivy, Main HI reel oniranlcs.tiiowtr'H I'.ulld vl-nll H H. IlINllI.KIt.ili.'l .ii pianos, orpins and It' melodious, at O. W. I " 'd' sftumtuio rouliis Maudrnkollsc,,. J.apeculhir.U ulhe Sffi'iaV;V!.M svltliall Ilio powciid Mercurj-.j-t'tfrmrrom Iho Injurious results nllntlitd to iho uso or Unit iiillieral. , . lor all dUtases, In which iho usooracnlharlle Is Indicated, thfbo pills w Id Klvninllro sallsfac Hon in every case, Thty Nl.vnit FAIL. In costs of User Complaint, nsspepHa and extrcmo costlvcncss, Dr. lloull.iiid s Merman llilteis or Tonlo shoultl be used lu connection with Iho I'llls. Thn toiilcillii lof iho Hitlers or Tonlo builds up tho sybleui, TliolllttcrsorTiiulo purlf-otliolllaod.stretiiillicus thoNercs,iiFiiu- i.a iim the Mvcr, and elves blrciiElh, encruy uud vlcor. Keep your .llosvels nctlvo Willi lliel'llls, nnd touo uplliorycleiu svltU llllcrs or Tonic, and no disease can ictAtii tho lioltl, or even nhsnll you. Jtccollcct lliat It Is Dlt. 11001'f.AND'H (1KU- MAN Itemed lea thatniobo universally used and highly rtcomintndcdi mid tin not allow tho DrufiiUt to Induce you lo lake an) Hilc!b0lliut ho may soy Is Just as ood, b( cause lie mnUcs a laryo prollt on it, 'Ihcso lleiuedles will be bent by llxpress to uny locallls, upon appllcntli.ti to tho 1'llINOII'AI. OFFICH, ut Iho (IF.llMAN Ml'.niUlNi: HIOUH, 031 Auh Kt Philadelphia. cii.vs. n. i:.ss, rioiuicior. Voruurly C. M. JACKSON A CO. i'hfte Hi mi tin yr fur hute Vy Ibrvguitti, Store fiifi oinl .Vidicliic f'liiliriritTjfiiAtir, lJa20'7ly M. A. tf. Business Cards. M. Ji'VEhMC, ATTOltNUY AT LAW, Ashland, Schulklll Connly I'a. U. TUUNEU HYMCIAM ANll hUllOlON, lir.OOMdllUHC, I'A, orrirr, user I.ulz's Hnm Hlore. Ilciilcno I'llthsllctl. dicli,7il. c. w. jin.i.Eit, ATTOUSI.Y AT LAW. Olllce Court llousii'Alles', lmlmv Ilio CoM M- mtN Olllce. liouullis, linck-l'ny aim rens oiis culleiled, Illoomsbuil! I'll, fcep.Jj 1.7 CDAIUC, ATTOIINI'.Y AT LAW, onicn Main Slreet bilow Iho Coiut House. JOHEllT F. lllooiiisbuii; l'euu'ii. H. lilTTLE, E. ATTOJIHKY AT LAW, WJI, It dealer In lurlilliire,liiinka, rer,,, svIIIom scare, ucar Ilio lorlis Hon I. sl-nu. 0. l'O.STl'.lt,(lluo .Maktr, and White ai. I I'.mev Tauuer.Scottown. s iul7 ,i II, 1II11LKMAN, Auint for Muiibun's Coppir 'iTubular Lluldnlbii I'.od, s'JuU) lACOlI Dllll'FJ'.NIIAC'll, llrooin Factor)-, Or J dtla leltat his rcsldenco or at Miller A Sons toio promptly lllled, llest Kitcu Wesleni brush d. vl-nll. onicn I'ouit-llouio Alley, hclosv Ihe Colum iiian Olllce, Illooinsburir 1M. 17M. KNOlilV, , ,, IS. i...un.l ,ltlr,l. r,.r nil i ,'l'r Mono Shoo Stole, and added Iheltto u laiuiilllid svell selected new slock Ispiciuicd to eMdblt tbobtsisiuieiyoi HOOTrt AND MIOlit tverhroucht lo lids Place. Ho l!lr"1 ana best sivlcs. 1'or rush only. I n the old lijit iiiiui iiiilldliiK, eoi ntr jiauiiiuii jii "'"v HIon)auliri;, I'a. n'pli ,11-1. JAM1M CAIMAN, Calilnetinnkf r and Chair inuueri rooms Main street bel, Iron, su-n'-l VOl X. HOOKS, mid blank NOT1X, w Mil or with 1 out exemption, for balo ul Iho Coi.rsiuiA.v Espy. n K. nillallAHD.A llUO..dcab'r In Hiy Hoods, i) (Irocerles, and general Mi ichaudlse, s'.'uli ISHl'V STKAM FLOU1IINU MILLS, C.H.l'nwIl r. Si I'roprlelor, s-.'nlo I D. WKllKllKlHF.It.llootnndShooStoroaiid ' luaiiufucloiy, Shop on Malu Hlroet nii- posiio luumcatn mm. v-ut W. KHUAIt, Buso.uclls.UU llxo Mauuluctory. riautuif Mill vlul :Sfi (JAKDS. VtHlTIN" CAIIDH, M.F.TTF.K IIHAD3, . DILL 11KADS, I'ltOdltAMMKf, rO.STF.IW, AC, AO, Nnitly nnil Clicnjily Printed From the latest Styles ofTypo at the COI.UMlltAN OFFICE gUAUl'ljESS A UAKMAN, EAaLsrauMPiir, anhma: urAornniKa uc-. HTOVI-S A I'LOWH WHOI.aV.LS c i.xi: tub cRLKUiiATun sio..tbo:u mc uaia a: -, TU HUTTCII S700DN HSiK TLVVC, Caslluesanariror.rlckrorrlrlnaeittBtov All kinds of llianovliouctJtlnsaii .- loi..r u.iou j!jm,LJJia a v. i, n..XUM', MoomsburB.l'.i. t. WoWt-!- Mar,III,'o-ir. Klclmiil AJaina I.ou'dL', who throw llm country into it krrllilu c:i,Uoiiiont potriW) Hoax," illitl nt his rc.-iilL'r.ui) on huiicn Islniid. nt Ilio u 1:0 of ci'Vimly ouo. In lv:i: Alt s-iM Y. lJcnt'li iiiovi.il lo New Ycrk mill nurclmnil tin1 Kim of H "fl fnrtl liroiirk'toi'M. Tho .- tin luil liuan fa tubli-licd it llOtt Unio iiroviciw, liut It liml HiiKorod iUoiik upon Ilio vcino of ii col In I'fu until Mr. Itcacli tuck it In liat:d mid iiliiced it fairly on tlio road to mccs, lie cniruirul m eiiUor Hie Iiuclic. I licit u ymttii: man of litpr.iry Inslrs. lint unknown to WIDC. l'or it few mouths after hteko took cluugo oi tho i-ajitr, It failed time.itetiny itinrkcd sri.Mtlon, nnil in ml iirolialilllty woiiin have juovtil i uin-umfhUtl In Ilio enil under its new iiutiiiHciiii'nt ih under tho old, If Locke had nut forced It upon the unlver-al notice of Iho public hy t!'e niiibt iiij;e;.iou3 iir.d siuiei-iui noax ever pif elnttrd. One day in Auguit, 1W, the fust blip towiir.ts pnifliiB too KlKimtic. fiaud licfi.ro tho public was ta ken. A prefatory uiticlo uppe.tred in tlioedllori.il cohmib.i ol tho Sun, nil- noiiiiiiiif: that tho tinluent l.nglHli ih Ironomu', Mr .lohii lleischel, had re cently iiifulo boiiio lemarkaiiio r.htro- nomical discovery liy nicnaa ol it mon ster tclescone, ut the C.ipo ol tromi Hope, the information ortliu&tin iicins derlvtd frjm an ndvaiice copy oi imiiu hurt; Joitriml ( Xricncc. Thi.i picpar.i tory imiionncenieiit im-veicd tlio in tended ptirpwe, nnd tcrvnl to attract tho attention of tlio public, to vlmm iinm. nf llm innrvolloiH details had ih vit been srlven. Expectation v.T.s on tlii-too, ami when, u few day after, the remitillcttioii of tho bofim nrtieio ntmi tho KJinbniii Journal of Science win ed. thu wonderful btory w.n devoured with thu jjrentest wBerm", The houx ii.ue tlio folloHiiic lir.nl : . "(1KF.AT ASI r.ll.NOMlt'AI, DIECOM.I'.Ii:is I.ATl'.I.Y MADi: iivsiu .loiiN iii:im'iii:l, ll. ii., r. r.. H., AC, i ATTiii:c'Ai'i:ur (loon noi'i:." Tho lio.t' was iidmlrably iiitniducd by n dli-ortatlon upon tlio ltibonj of the lleri-cheli. lather mid son, mm n.v an elabornto dc-criptioii of nn lunib ii-fi tolcfccopocrecttd by tlio latter at uiu Capo of Good Hope, tho ni.irvt lions Hini!lilfiiiK powers ol which eie cum mcntcd upon lu Mich it manner ,n to Iircpato tlio mind of tlio read r for what win to follow. Tliero was aNo n somowlnit elaboiato mid gravely writ ten dUicrtatlou upon tho invcbtlnatioiu mid dlH'ovcriei oftho aslionoinei with ii'Ktiril to tho moon, which was like the riht oftho hoax Millleleutly tcknlillo lu in stylo to throw tlio unwary oil their i;ii.ud. The sunnocd syondcrful tllsc vorIes In tho moon commonced on tho ni(;lit of Jiuumry 10, 181)3, about half past 9 o'clock, lltu-altlc rock or it crcenisii huo wiwllrstbccu, and as tho Held of vision chmiBcd formations similar to thoso or tho island of Btalla enmo into vlow, covtred in somo places with Ror jroous red fiowers. A lunar forest next appeared, many of tlio trees bclnif tin- llko any over seen on nariii, svnu mo exception of tt fow which rcjemblod English yowu. Thsn followed various lnrtlscnpw, all of whith Mv. bocko do geilbsa with much mlnutoneai, kcop-h'- Buftlclent'j' near to carta not, topclto tho puaplc:otiw of his rendOM and at tlio eaviici tlmo stimulate tholr curiosity by nnrratiuar vsrloty of you don: sucl. rj cur carlit (low not poaisn. A fw lunr - r.nlni' 'u wore Bald to havo bcon seen on tho flv4 nlfilit of tholr ob Borvatlons, but tho Brcalcst wonilcr.s wcro reserved for subsequent observa tions On tho night of January 1,1, which tho hoaxer described as ono of "pearly purity and loveliness," thu in Ironomer and UU assistants dolcniiliiod to dovolo thunisclvcs to an Investiga tion of a comparatively limited area of tho moon's surface. Thu landscape fen lures of this area wcro described by tlio hoaxer with much mimitcnesi, and va rious iiuluials resembling thu hlsou, reindeer, moose, on tho earth ; but with sulllclenl variations to mako them remarkable, wcro reported its having been seen, together with a gootl mauy which resembled nothlni; exlstlne; any whero but In tho vivid Imagination of Mr. Locke. Tho most Intcrestlii"; of all tho Mipposcd discoveries, however, was tlat of creatures rcociubllni; lm mnn beiiifrs. They wero said to ho about four feet In height, nnd were cov ered, except tho face, with short and glossy copper-colored hair. Thoy had wings compostd of thin membrane, without hair, which lay unugly upon their back, from tho top of the shoul ders lo tho calves of their legs. Their faces wcro described ns of a yellowish scribed in such a manner ns lo excite curious speculations t.s lo tho naltiro of tho religion profosied In tho niton, Tho Imagination of tho hoaxer expanded as ho got well Into tho subject, and tho latter part of his dls.-ertatlon Is a nar rative of wonders which would have found Utile credence had It not been for tho Ingenious manner in which they cro Introduced. Tho full details of Sir John Her- Kehel's marvellous dlscovcrks wero not completed in tho columns of tho Sum for somo time, tho Instalments' of the stupeudousjoit bein' very adroitly run through several numbers, to keep tho excllcment up, and not being comple ted until somo tlmo lu September. fhero wero persons who doubted thu wholo thing from Iho start, it Is true, but tlio nuns of tho people swallowed tho btory without question. Thoso wero the days of tho old-f.ibhloncd sailing packets, when communication wllh with Kurope was Irregular and uncer tain, mid It would of eournO tako enn sldor.tblo tlmo for sclciilllle. men and doubters to discover whether or not tho Kdinburg Journal of Science had pub llshcd a supplement, and If such wero tho fact, to uncertain whether or not it had given to tlio world any such mar' vellous story as was being detailed in tho columns of tlio Sun. An amusing and samuwliut acrimonious dispute was carried on for somo tlmo between tlio credulous and tho skeptical eoncernln thu pretended discoveries, but the gen oral verdict of tho peoplo and of the pits.s was lu favor ol accepting them as truth. Somo learned professors In our fuller details. The wholo story was told with such wonderful miuuteiusj and such downright candor as to dii' arm thu liititdulom for tho time. It I i ruo that tlio hoax, read at tiia prisnt day, niipfarti so full of crudilies, c intra dictions, and lnipo-,lbilitU'.s that, in the light of our pro-unt knowledge, it would hi) picked to pieces by a school boy. L icke, Indeed, carried his juko to tho most exliemo limits, and Imposed on tho careles-nc.ss of Iho public In the most reel.liss way. In one plnco he stated thut tho lens of Sir John II' r- tchel's monstrous telescope would not lender periepllblo objects lees than eighteen Inches in dlamcti r,m.d linm -dlntely nftir leerud to Ihe tistioi, outer di'ttctliig tho shape and color of the ryes ol small bird-'. I'coplo woo too completely nb-orhtd in the .-tmlliiig plciui.. as a st htlu to notice at nine such a tililing defect iuoneol Us de tails. The wonderful man bats ai.d the hairy veils by which tho oytv ol tho hUons sseru piottclcd from the glare of tho sun wcio too entertain ing to allow tho mind to svamlor to less Interesting absurdities. So tlio hoax was a complete success for tho time, and tho fesv who doubted wero to bo found principally in the rank i of tlio Iguoiant, among thoso who knew little or nothlni; uhmit astrono my, uud doubted simply bccatiso they would accept no evidence of tlio truth For many years the "Moon Hoax" svas out of print, and could bo found only In thu tcr.ip'liii'.ks of curiosity -mongers but lu ISO!) U sv. h l-sued in n pamphlet foim by William (iow.ins, at Nuw Yoik, r.ud oven at that late day had a wide circulation. Tli j "moon houx" established the.S'im upon a tlrui li.tsl-, m.d by the time the J)ko w.ia fully exposed, and thu peoplo le.ilizud how completely they had been imped, the system of cheap newspapers was so completely siicci.s ful that it has Kiiiaine.l to this day a feature of American journalism, In ISiKl Jlr. Locko dissolved Ids con ncction with tho Sun, and at oncoe slab llshed In New York a political dally paper of Ids own, entitled The AVic Era which ho conducted for soma time with onsldiT.iblo succvsj. Hut ho very unwisely attempted to repeat the "M'iuii Hoax" In tho column of his new Journal, uud, ns might havo been antl lpated, failed of success. Ho pre tended to havo como by somo accident Into possession of tho lost manuscripts of Jluugo Park, tho celebrated African explorer, and from them dished up the llnalo of his adventures, which wero Havered with all tlio vagaries of an lm agination that did not recognize tho bounds of reason or tho limits of prob ability. No ono, however, appeared to bo deceived by his trick, and tho nil venturous career or Mungo I'ark, was nover brought to an end. Mr. Locko afterwards created somo llttlo sensation hy getting up In connection wllh Dr, Bherwood, a practitioner of magneti romedlea, n book on Magnetism as flio moving power or vital forco on tho mil verso, tho moro I1.11nedlr.10 object of which was to sot I'ortii n uow magnetic molhod of iiscsi'ialtilnf; longltuJo. The subject viui broncht to tho atten tlou of Coairreau, but finally escaped the publlo viov.', and tho author llko- wise rathe... on tnolaurcla ho had oh tnluc ' ft. pe.'iiotrator of tho stupendous "-Moon Hoax," San Domingo. Thu West Indies comptlfo about a thousand Islands, strung In two strands across tho Gulf of Mexico, from Flori da to South America. Theso thousand isles, genu oftho western world, nro chlelly held by Kuropcan 1'owcrs with out tho will of lliclr people Qreat Britain, Franco, Spain, Denmark, Hwo- den, mid others. Great Britain holds them hy llii .-core. Tho United States of America, the first I'ower on this on- tlnent, and destined to becomo tho first I'ower on (uith, owt.s not ono of n tlioti'and. We, who should havo all, have none. In nono of theso 'flowery kinds aro our citizens at home. In nono of their haruort' Is our (lag supreme. Wo nro now Invlled by tlio freo will of an Independent people, possessing tho greater mid better part of San Do mingo, to consider 'Whether wo Bhrtll accept threo-llfths of that Island, which, savo Cuba, is tlio largest, fairest, and most fertile of tho islands of tho gulf. It measures seventeen thousand five hundred square miles j it Is ricli in gold and silver, copper nnd tin, Iron and lead, coal nnd silt. The picclous metals oiicj yielded at tho r.do of f:)0,0UD,U00 per year. Tho mnuntultiH and plains are covered and adotnid svlth magnifi cent forets of innliogntisr, satin-wood, llguumvltiu, palm, and many other va rieties of high value. Ships havo sailed from tlio island built of lu timber. .Ma hogany trees aro found which, lauded In Boston, New York, 1'hiladolphla, St. Louis, or Cincinnati, would bo worth from llvo to ten thousand dollars each. Tlio soil Is exceedingly fertile, produc ing sugar, cstton, eollVc, indigo, rice, tDli.iccj, and other tropical staples which havo becomo articles of common iiso lu ovory civilized country. St. Mcry, a French author, In hisnblo and exhaustive book on tlds part of San Domingo, published in tho last century, estimates that thero might havo hi en then stabll-hed, on lands well adapted ti lis growth, moro than ouo thousand sugar plantations, cm- ploying over two bundled thoujaud hands. Tho sugar cauo grows and yields fruitfully for six years without replanting-, Ilosays: " The colleo tree lloiirbhos well lu overy part of tho Idand and producoi in abundance, particularly In certain elevated puis of tho mount tins Tho coffco i-i everywhere good, and thero aro somo lands which produce ns good its oven that of Mocha, "Tobacco Is it native oftho island, and is lo bu met with every wiiore. Val vcrdo observes that lU loaf exceeds In largeness that tf tho tobacco of overy oilier part of America ; that its quality which is good in almost every part of tlio Island, sometimes equals that of Cuba or tbellnvanu ; that it is as much esteemed as these latter in tbo imuvu prefi rable in cigar.. " C'icu.i is also a native, and Is fjund in a great miuibir of plan'. In Die sixteenth century tliero svas n other coi'ua (hail that of Sail Domingo, and this island then provided all Spain wllh that article. " Indigo, from Its natural luxuriance ml numerous roots, 1 an obstaclo in thu field.-, where it grows spontaneously." We might pio.luco on tho soli of tlio Dominican republic moro of thoso and other such article than wo now import, and this would restore to us Iho balance of trade and give our people these pro- duels of taxation. Tho samo author ryi. : Cot Ion grows naturally in San Do mingo and Is of nn excellent quality, even when it in nes without tho least care. It fiourl-hri in stony, land In that which is tlio mo-t barren, and In the very crevices of tho n cks " Tropical fruits grow spontaneously nnd In abundance. St. Mcry says tho Island Furnishes tho wlu'o year round great abundance of tin finest oranges, o sweet and lu-eioiBu- 'ot to leavo tiio least tartness upon the i date. Winter never can s w Ids hideous -pert under a sky Hi '. keeps vegeta tion lu continual mov incut. Ileiu na ture fptciids atmpel f perpetual green; hero sho is over decked lu ninji'stie robes." An American icshllngon the island In IStiJ 01 say : " In this clltii.it) of iiicos-nnt product every month muht to bo m ulo to bring with it somo gain ful harvest of fruit egetable, or breadstuff. From April lo November the farmer can go on with i steady succi .-slon of plrntlngs, and after the first year it will bo his own fault If liu does not havo an equally le.idy succession of harvestings Tills has been my oxp.rlcncc. As 1 cleared tlio ground oftho crops put In it during tho early rains in April -and May I planted afre-h f.ir new returns lu the Iry months of tin coming year. In a field containing rather moro than eight neres I havo now In full bearing nearly every tropical fruit and nil tho vegetables known in northern matkols, svlth tho exeeptuu of peas and IrUh potatoes, Inside-, many kinds lliat aro very fc.iuv. if not unknown in Kurt'iio and 11..' I'nited States. "I had twenly kinds of fruit bearing trees and -hrul already hero In mutiir ily or I.it ly iiaiisplantcd. "The (inl-glvon luxuries of fruits and 11 iw-i's aro almost ns freo a air on the D iinlnlean soil, and hols an Ingrnto svim declines to iiso tho beneficent gift. They cost nothing but tho troublo of planting them In protor modo and sea son, whenover you wish to havo them. "During llvo mouths in the year, when all planting Is Intermitted in tho States, the farmer lu tho tropics may keep on tlio wholo period puttlug In com, cotton, sugar, aud other crops, porfectly cortaln that they wIH all ripen to advantage- In tlio last fall mid first wlntor month, nnd that ho will bo suro to havo delightful weather through most of January and all February and March to gather In ids hictcssU'o har vests and send thorn lo market. ''Agriculture may bo so managed as to Boeuro a complete circlo of monthly harvesting for tho entire year. " Plenty or fruits, two or thrco kinds for overy month In tho year, for thoso who will tako tho troublo jto plant them. Fruit nnd (lowers crown every month of tho year with garlands of beauty.'' Tempered by the alternating1 breezes from tho surrounding sea and tho cen tral ranges of mountains, tbo cllniatols tho most valuable and salubrious lu tho tropic. I Tlio pamo author says that " a shnrt distance back from tho cities lands aro almost ns cheap as public lands lu thu Untie d Slates." "Tho most manly workers I havo seen In this country aro wliito men. under tho warm sun of tho tropics svlilto worklngracnnnd machinery will yet open tho grandest field of civiliza tion over realized." But thero Is another element of value lo us, which is beyond calculation. Thero Is on tho northeast of tho island of San Domingo n magnificent bay, so ample, so sheltered, and so situated as to cominnnd that Island, thu West In dies, and adjacent waters, and form tho koy lo tho Oulf of Mexico, tlio mouths of tlio Mississippi, nnd tbo route ncross tho Isthmus. Tho possession of this harbor has long been un object of ardent desire among commercial nations.. It would bo a prlzo to tiny Power ; to us It 1 only less than a necessity. Kpcech of iron. J. U. ST;:fti5.s-soN, in Cbii- ircsa. d'lianl A-aliHt Viilyni'lty. We especially commend tlio following extract to tho thoughtful study of tho young. Aotlitng is so di-gusting nnd repugnant to tho feelings of tho noblo and good as to hear the young, or even llfb old, tiso profane, losv or vulgar Ian guago. Tho young of our towns arc particularly guilty of profanity. In our day it somns tho " boy " does not fool lilimell a "man" unless ho can excel In this great sin. "Wo would guard young agidns: I'm uso of overy woiil that Is not sti e.y piopcr. Use no pro fano expression alliiih) to no sentenco that will put to blush the most sensi tive. You know not tho tendency of habitually using inducitt mid profane language It may nover lo obliterated from your heart. When you grow up you will find nt your tongue's end somo expression which you would not use for uny money, which ss'as used when quite young. By using caro you will savo youiself n great deal of mortlficition and torrow. Qo.id men have been taken sie'.e nnd becoui" delirious. In theso moments they used tho most vllo and Indecent language Imaginable. When informed of itafter restoration lo health, they had no Idea of tho pain they caused they had learned and repealed tiioex prcss'onsln childhood, and tiiougljyc.irs hail passed slnco they had been indell. H'V.'iV.'-riAn temn'rTi to U33 lm tic. ,, 1 1 ,, , ., ,,,,! Mr. -,. ..wru. .t.oL,.,, , your.-elvcs." and never ditgraco The Commissioner of Pensions bus Issued a circular giving Iho text of tlio act of February llth, 1871, granting pensions to soldiers-and tailors of tlio War of 181-1 and tho widows of deceased oldlers aud sailors, and also the forms for applications pn s-rllied for pvr.sot.s interested. Tho Commissioner say Unit under tlio i el thrco classes of claim svillmlc Fir t. The claims of officers, scldii ,s and sailors who served for six ty days, nnd who havo never beer i e i. slui ed fur a ilh.il Illly Iiiiiirnd in the Ui M"l S'atis servle- The-i will bo enlii eil Ion full pension of elf lit dol- larc ,t in ni:i lioni J'tbiunry llth, 171. Secii.d, 1 be claims ( f olllecn?, soldiers nnd siiilois who -creed for sixty days, but ssho are in receipt of a pension for disability incurred in tho United Stales service. These will bu entitled to nn increase of their pensions to eight dol- irs a moil lb. Third. The uluims of svidows of ofileeis, soldiers and sailois who served sixl. days, svho wero mar ried to tlio soldier prior to tlio treaty of pence of December 21th, 1S11, which terminated thu svar, and who havo not ineo ro marrlid, Theso will bo enti tled to eight dolliiu a month. If thu term of service svas loss than sixty days, thero Is no claim for pension un le-s the pemou who served has been personally mentioned in it resolution of Congret.s fur some specillu service lu s ild war. In such ct-c he or his widow Ii emitted to tho same benefits as though ho hail wrveil for sixty days. An honorable' dbchaigo in all eases Is ueci's ,ary . .t dyev. Iiilcrcsllng About San Domingo. Tho Now York Standard informs us that "Holy Sabbath" Is tho translation for Santo Domingo,, tho possession of which Is now B'vlnf? u so much thought. It wcro Idle to go qver tho old hlsto rlcs nnd recount tho stories of great and precious treasures which raoMlio eyes of tho c.walters of Spain who went out to tho island In tho different voyages of Columbus for tho purposo of searching fur gold. Ill thoso days, If wo credit cofeinporary history, Santo Domingo In tho precious metals wa3 tho richest of all tho lsics In tho'Carlbbcan, Tho Spaniards found largo quantities of gold, silver, copper, lead nnd Iron, nnd lliclr descendants "continued to work tho mines until a comparatively recent period' If tradition and actual exploration are to bu trusted, its-mineral wealth Is almost fabulous. As to soil wo find thai tho best In formed Spaniards rated it abovo that of Cuba. Tho Admiral svho commanded Ihe ships of Ferdinand and Isabella lu theso seas Columbus himself thought it thu best of all tho Islands; and as nn evidence ,of tho belier, built tlio first town lu the Nesv World at San Domin go City. Ho erected u fort there also, and last, though not least, encouraged tho erection in this simu locality of tho first tomplo to tho Most High on tho American continent. It was In that old church that tho rcmalns.of Colum bus reposed for many years after their removal from Vulladoled, and until Spain lost her domlulon over tho island, San Domingo Is in shapo somosvhat like, u huge turtle, svlth head protrud ing and feet oxtcadod. Its locality for all mirimacH could not bo better posi tioned, for It lies! on, tho track of nil vessels going. to Brazil and tho Azores, to Venczuln, Panama, St. Thomas and Quiann, nnd 1 passed by all vessels go ing from Southern Luropo or boullt America to Mexico, Panama and tho Southern United States. Its area may bo said to bo approximately 00,01)0 square miles or thereabouts. It Is al most ns largo as all Nesv l-.nglatul, whllo Its present population docs not number moro than lGO.OOO to 173,000. F.nergotlc men and well directed means aro alono required lo mako It again, ns lu (ho olden time, tho most prosperous and nourishing of all tho West Indies. As lo tho woods, they are tho most valuable in tho svorld. Thero aro nu- L'merous streams running through Iho Island, and along their banks, ns well as upon tho hillslopes, aro to bo descri ed llvo oak, palm, mahogany and overy species of dyo woods. Tho harbors nro numerous aud of great capacity. That of Samana la largo enough to lloat all tlio naviC3 In tho svorld. Men Wild Win Women. Gotl has so mado tho sexes that women, llko chil dren, cling to men; lean upon them for protcctlou, caro and los'o; look up to them a though they wero superior in mind and body. They mako them tho sun of their system, and they and their children revolve around them. Men aro gods, If they but knew It. Women, therefore, who havo good minds and puro hearts, want men to lean upon. Think of their reverencing i drunkard, a liar, a fool, or a libertine. I a man would have a svoraan to do .inn homage, ho must bo manly In every 5eiisc; a true i,cniieuiati, not aiier too Cbesleifield school, but polite, becau his heart Is full of kindness to one, In eiuso. sho is ii sioman ; ssho nover con- descends lo say silly things to her ; svho brings her up to Ids lovel, If his mind Is above heii-; ss ho never yields to temp tatlon even If sho puts it In his way; who is ambitious to mako his mark in tlio world, whether she encourages him or not ; svho Is nover familiar with her to tho extent of belngnn adopted brother or cousin ; svho Is not over careful about dress; always pleasant and considerate, but alss'as keeping, his placo as tho man, tho head, and never losing It. Such deportment, with noblo princi ples, a good mind, energy, and Indus try, will win any woman In tlio world svho is wortli svinniiig. Tli Central Amel leans cart got up an entertainment i f absorbing Interest ut short notice. Smiunimi popular enough In muster six folliisveis with ns many ruty niu-kots, at onto declares svar up- u sumo other man svlth mi army nf six, armed bimllariy. Then lakes place a display of btrutuy. Kich general watches the opportunity when tho other k off his guard, or disabled by a sick soldier; nnd having found tho oppor tunity, tho lucky finder nt once ml vane o upon tho careless foe by forced marches of three miles In twenty-four hours, surprises him, routs him and his hosts, and sometimes captures tho slcli mau. Nothing wor.so usually htippous, Then tho conquering tinny tires oil' Its muskets, ti ceremony which generally kills two or threo of tho six vieti r. Tho survivors then proclaim their gen eral president. Then tho routed army returns, finds tho presldem drunk on pulque, and routs him fr un t o execu tls'o chair. And so on. One of theso sprightly entertainments is nclsv being glvon by tho-arniics of thu republics of Honduras and San Salvndor. PMht dctphitt Day, Tins is from a London paper: "I, Bull begs to Inform his friends, the public, heads of families, and teachers in lufant schools, that ho Is prepared to exhibit on very, reaaouablo terms his celebrated Biltisli Lion (quito tamo). Tho asvo iusplrltig and terrific roars of this noblo animal, combiucd with Its perfect httriuWssiicss, aro nosv svell known. Any per.-on may, with tbo yre.itesl Impunity, kick or spit upon It, or puli ii iy Iho tall, so that much fun m.ty be dfiis'ed from i:s feroclou dem onstrations, at which r.ob idy need fc 1 thu least afraid. It h.'s been exhibited berurti all thu crowned heads of Europe, and has caused screams of laughter." The finest building In San Domingo is tlio "Palace," two sloiies high, built of sand and llmo and brick, on the old ltoman,or rallicr tho Moorish, plan, svlth court-yard, containing six or tight spacious rooms, commanding a splend id vlen of tho river nnd of a portion of the city. Tho walls aro svhltowashed, and tlio doors and the floors aro tho bi-st part of tho entire building, tlio formic being of mahogany nnd tho latter of mnrblo slabs, PitiNTiiu Novelties. Paper petti coals nro among tho recently Imported novelties, not from Frauce, for their raslilonablo freaks aro about played out but from London, who Is nosv on tho lead so funis regards ladles' svear. They aro announced to bo neat, pretty and serviceable; each and ovory petticoat having printed upon It a full descrip tion of tho very latest Btylcs. They nro sold by tho dor.on ond havo already at tained an lmmen?o popularity. Tf ouo breadth could bo devoted to gay gossip, tholuventlon would ho vastly Improved, TltUEltEi.iaioN, Lamps do not talk they simply shine. A llglithemo sounds no drum, it beats no gong, nnil yet fat over tho wnters Its friendly spark Is seen by tho mariner. So should It bu svlth religion, which should bo pro claimed uud mado known by Its quiet svorks, rather than by loud or frequent protestations. Don't Lean Ui-on Otiiehs, Hif, at least oftho dlf&ppolutcd men ci.o meets with, ato victims of ill-grounded hopes and expectations persons ssho havo tried to lean upon others iiittiml of relying upon themselves. Ah a prime sample of cool inipiideiico It is asserted that n Missouri won an stopped a railway train by waving n red Hag mid asked Iho engineer for a "chew of tobacco for her old man."
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers