COLUMBIAN, Bloomsburg, Friday, March 3, 1871. 8. M. lT.TTIINdlM, A CO., 17 fntlc ltnw, and (Iro. 1'. IKiwki.i, Aca, to Turk How, nro nnr only atlllinrlzctl Advertising Agrhls III Now York, .1., No. cu North 1th Htrcet, Con, Wmimin.l, A Co., No. im I'hc.tinit fjtref I, iro our only nuihurlrcd Agents In riilladelphla, If - - Unilrond Timo Tablo. LACKAWANNA A ULOOMalllJItU II. It. CIoIiik North, Ontng Hnlllll, lhViA. M, y-'Hl"?!' a-.vt i". m, mo r. m, (ATAWIKHA It. . MOM Itt'tT.HT HTATION, OnliiR North. lining Hnuth. f.Vi I". M. ic:ua A, M. OoLyMntATiotinty linn '2,K(i tlogq nv sensed lit $1,-10 1. Lt.ovii liniTToN, llio murderer of Jitcob Bay, U to bo limitf nt William ftiort, on tho -'2d of March. ' A Shootixo Match for p. Hear H to tiiko plaeo nt tho Half Way House, hi CViitro tmvnshlp, on tho lltli Inst. Tin; innmiRers of tho Kosemont Cemetery Company, on Friday oven in,', Fob. 2Uli, lilt,, elected J. J. Urow or n member of tho Hoard, In 'plaeo of Anthony Wltman, deceased. A vi.iiy excellent mip of tho grounds of tho Jtosemont Cemetery Company, has been procured by tho hoard of Managers. It wai mailo by Samuel Ni:vuAUT,!ind lan very creditable pleco of work. hix'TUltu. Tho next lecturo In tho courso will bo delivered In tho Normal School Hall, on Tuesday evening, March 7ih, by Prof. J. W. Fuiium:. This lecture was postponed from a pro vlotn overling. Subject Culture of the Student. Tun long talked of Introduction of Coollo labor Into the coal regions of this filato, It U said, la nbout to bccoino a fiict. it is reported that a contract has been made for tho importation of a number of Coolies to work a Schuylkill county colliery, mid tho first batch will arrive nbout tho first of May. I'oxit Knt, Kmij., of Light Street, has sold his stock of store goods and rented his storo room for threo years, to Mr. UitiTrAi.v WiliTi:. Jle has not rental his mill, but will give to It tho attention heretofore bestowed upon thu storo, nml, if posstliln, ninko it mom fully conform to th8 public wants. Wis have often been told that advvr thing was not effective In llloomjburg. Lot thoso who liavo that bollef look nt llio nttendanco nt vendues, call to mind tho comments on tho vnluatlon of nron crty in uoiumbln county, tho criticisms tno county und Poor houso stnto ments, tho demands upon thoso who lmvo ndvertlscd special subjects, tho unexampled rnfildlty with which tho stoclt of tho Columbia County Savlni? I'tiiitl nml Loan Association, nnd of tho iiloomsuurg HankliiK Company have been taken up, tho sale of nearly a wholo drove of horses within n few days, Ac., itc, nml thou tell us wheth er advertising Is not efi'ectlvo In Colum bia county. Tho fact Is ndvortlsoments uro earo fully read by all Intelligent pcoplo who caro to know what Is going on nround tnem, and nro taken as a direct invita tion to coino and buy by those who want tho nrtlcles ndvertlscd. In if long experienco wo lmvo never known nn Iri shmen whero n merchant who ndver Used liberally did not tlo ii litrjo luisl-ness. It's ns truo of advertising as of any. thing elso In this world-lf It Is worth doing at nil, It is wortli doing well. People who ndvertlso only oncd In three months forget that most folks ain't re member anything longer than about seven days. If you can arouse curios ity by an advertisement, It Is a great point gained. Tho fair sex don't hold all tho curiosity In tho world. Ameri can Newspaper Iceporter. PmtsoNS who uso commercial ma nures can not do better than to purchase from Mr. W)i. N. Nf.iwli'.s, successor to Allen A Needles, whoso advertise ment will be found In our columns. lie Is a worlhy and reliable dealer. 1.0C.U, XOTIITS. Claiuc keens tho largest stock of Carpets in town, from 10 cts to $1 ,73 per yarn. tin ii NtwsPAi'Kitno.M. The I-hston Sen tinel comes to us In a new dress and Is now n handsome sheet. Capt. Nmman was always "somo" on "shape nnd talent." A'icholson JCxaminer is thu title of a neat and spirited sheet Just started nt Nicholson, Wyoming Kitch en & Tiffany. With thu generous local support it ought to nciivo it will succeed, ns It deserves. Ciiuitcn Kaleniiau 1 tho tltlo ot a neat Uttlo monthly just l-mi-il by gen tlemen connected with the Episcopal Church of Hloomsburg, niul which is directly under tho editorial control of tho Hector. Tho' energy and zeal that prompted tho publication t-hould re ceive generous recognition, not only by irtcinlvij of lltuf chinch Lilt by all who desire tho advancement of religious piojects. Thu contents nro Interesting and useful and tho information given will be vnlunhlu to all. Tkout Vox i. Tho Bradford Argus hays that Messrs. Kilenburger & Ste vens have erected a largo pond located on tho lino of tlio Hiillivuu & Krlo Hall- road, somo three miles north of Dit shore, (Sullivan county.) Tho pond covers lour acres, and Is divided intu apartments, nnd is supplied with n great abundunco of puru spring Water, and Is capable of producing lOO.uou trout yearly. It now contains I1.000 adult trout, and 110,001) small fiy. Wi: understood t hat our sablo broth ren of tho African Methodist Kpiteopal Church met with qulto a niUhap on Sunday evening last. Tho houso was crowded to cxciks (luring tho services at the conclusion of which a'girderof "TTO-tftttlrttrtg-garu -way, threatening to precipitate tho wholo crovyl Into thu Duscineni. wo tio not unovwiami that any ono was beiiously Injured but all weio much frightened. As there wore fuiiiaceslii tho basement there was dan ger of lire, but fortunately that calami ty did not occur. Vendues. The following Venduo Sales are announced, to wit: Joseph II, Vnnderslice. Hemlock township, Monday, March Ullli, 1871 uvo mock, tanning implements mul ginln. Lstate of Henry Ilartinan, llemlocli township, Saturday, March i-lth, 1S71 acres 01 lanti Willi iiuiuiings, iW. Frtdcrick Slonger, Montour town fchip, Friday, Maicb 17th, 1671 Ileal elato and iieisonal liioperty. l.btato of Catlmriiio .Loiigonborger, main towii'iiip, TiiCHIfiy, JUtm-li i.1 icoi juTsonai jirojieriy. , Kslulo of Jncob Kyor, deceased, Ey cr's urove, Saturday, March iWtli, 1871 iv-ni i-miiii. Chns. II. hletrerleliand Klisha Dreis I nch, Buck Ilatn.Riluriliiv. Mnreli 11th 1S71 live block, farming Implements Mini luiiifviHiiu lurniiure. M. O. Johnson & Co., Light Street Saturday, March 11th, lb71-horcos came, wugons, Ac. The North and West Branch Bull road bill still hang firo In tho Senate committee. Wo aro told that tho chair man of tho Ilailroad committee savs ho has lost tho bill 1 If k0, ho has lost It on purpose. It Is asserted that tho Ciltn ll'lftn t.t , , ' mm muuiiiBuurg ami i.acKnwnn " railroads opposo tho bill, Wo do not Know that this Is true, but hopo It i nui, in wen tor tho credit of tho com panics as tnu pni,u0 Interests. In nuv ca-c, tho peoplu of Columbia eountv will look to tlielr Kepresentatlvcs to navo tno uiu passed without full, or un iii'iessiiry ueiay. I'ortheCulumhlnli At n shooting match In Orangovlllo on tho liotti ult., Ci.intos Lewis, Jackson, won nil tho prizes on tip top Dimming, vy nami, nt m ynras. 1 .j.vwn,.., ui uiuuHuviiiu, won ino jioa on less than a 1 inch string. Tho first monoy nrlzo wns woh bv P. KELI.EH, or Light Street, string. Two money prizes by. I. S. ih.ACK, of iiuursuurg, strtpg. f A Iurgo nuujUer of pconl'o wcro ores. ent during tho mutch, but tho largest uiiigauoii was mo Jllvor Blues, Cap nun generatied uy str.As KnoAu. Tho plan adopted by them was a good ono, but being outgonoraleil. thov worn rn. quired to Invest largoly to securo tho jjoar. ME COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUllG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA yALTHAM WATCI1K3. ltecrlpti for Snl)crlitlon to "llio Cohini iiiiuif" ior li-uninrr. 187 1. '''PJf.MJn Wnguer lanci tVnii (llrton IWiiJ u Kltclicll M Win MrrrlilcM Mil Anron l'prann M '';''' K Mensch -OTii Win lipner SW Paul Klkemtall )MiK IiKlkeuilnll ,!JJ'.,.nc0'.,.."rl"nliell" H'lOi (Iro Wpii cr V j-J II KIlllllO K I, Wfliiht .i inn uprr Anron Hmllh II II Karver liavM Hhnrrer lM?lil Hlinm-r lr Win Ment.lngtr 1'iiiit Wni J Allen milium nuirr nipt John Allen WllliinlT l.a,,Mln,. Jiinhllii 1) Wll.ull II it IMIIIO W II KIIIIO llarinnu Kllno l.naa Ilnirptiltiirli JolinHlnllh 1ii Iinlnli W Dlftirlck Jonlnh ripmltiK J 1) Werkhelsi r Dimi I, llehtlK A Howell O.cnr Aehentnch Htephen Too Henry U lle.H Kllm Welllver Wlllluin Henry John Moore i-n iiruuier John K'.7an Ell WellUer H 1) Ullmrcl JnincM Dllillno linnlcl liClhy KllJfih I'nliner Jucub .M Ulrica 1-tKii I K Hworrenhelscr 2ih) ll l Iv Krlekhiiiini imo Iflio Samuel crea.y ao lOTUsa Dvnieit aw, , lr aac Mowry 'J jo d'HetliHIioeinalier iSXl aM'rrnlerick wile :m vm ileorgu Menhardl arr) lino Joseph II long n) ilH) Jnnas rahrlnKer 100 VW 1'hlllp Appletiutti 200 Iflh) JnekKon M linger a)) '-OHlJnmea W Hhlpman mo liienry Heller arj sou J H KnllH soj '.TO It 11 Winternleen 10) aw Win Wlnteraleen X loo Inane: E Yost 'M0 lw I'hoinan liomboy 10) VK Davhl Miller ill) I'M A .1 Kllno vno awiJiliiojt m 100 K IiMhuman M JtOil'cter Knecht 2K) 100 Dcdenrhart 101 f ' It rminivr tt) 200 J D Euiimcr 40 Thoexlenslvo moot tueso watches for tho la.l fifteen yearn hy Hallway Conductors, llnglnceri and Hxpresxmen, tho molt oiactlng of wateh wearem, haa thoroughly deraonalratcd tho strength, nlcadlneM.Uurobllly and necuraeyof mo waiiiiaiu walcli. To aatlsfy lliaf claw In nit thoio re.pecls, In to decide Ilia quoiUon ns lo ino real vaiuo or ihcm tlmc-kcepers, Morolhnn 300,00) of Ihcso wntchci nro now Hpenklng fur llicinsclvca In tho pockets of tho peopio a prooi ami n gunranuo ol Ihclr aupcrl orlty over all olliatH, ClK'crhiif 1'ncls for (lie lllllnus. Ivcry day demoiDlrnTca nioro clearly lhat llv- r complaint, In all Its dltlrostlns forma, can bo controlled nnd cured w llhout diniculty or Incon venience. It Is an oballuato disease, but Its olwtl- ;iaoy la not proof ngalnat tho pertinacious, remc- uiai niul rcstorallNo operation of Hosteller's Htomneli Hitters. That genial correcllvo compcll the oryan to tto Us duty. It mini fcecreto regularly and lunUhfully under tho lnllueuco of tho lilt t' rs. Their notion brlnga It back from n slnte of rebellion into perfect harmony with llio hws of health. It thtro la eoMlvemss, It dl-aiipears; If theri) la Mc-nclic or back-ache, It ceases; If thu skin and tho whiles of thu ejes aro tinged with Hllperlltlous bile, they recover thelr.nalural hue; If llio mpetllu Is (lone, 11 returns; If tho dlges Hon la Impaired, It is restored; In brief, wlint- tcr tho syuittema of tho complaint may be, and whatever the phaac It has npsuuicd, a cure is el,i. Much nro llio uniform electa of this pra palMtlon whero bilious dlscnso has been nlteaiiy developed; but In casciwhcro thcrols nicieiya constitutional tendency tu liver complaint, it miy bo prevenlcd throughout life by the rigulnv me, lu stuall quantities, of this palatablo ulitl- dole. These aro prascli fucbi, and i hould be Tlollsly IHilide 1 ed or, rather, thej' should be promptly ncttd upon by nil pcrsousor habit, llio L'oinpniiy'o Works nt Wnllbam, limbics them to DrodUCS watches at n tirlcn s.lilch r.n. lers eompelltlon futile, nnd tlioso who liny nny oiner walcli merely pay from ii In W per cent more ior ineir watches thau H Becessiry, Theso tlmo-pieces comhlno every Improve- ment lhat n tng experienco has provid of real pracucai use. Having bad tho refusal of nearly every Invention In watch-making originating in mis country or in l.urope, only tluwo were finally adopted which sovcro testing by tho most siuiimi nriisans In our works, and long use tho part of tho public, demonstrated to bo essen tial tocorri-ct nnd enduring time-keeping, Among the inmy Improvements wo would particularize The Invention nnd use nf n rcnlrn nltil,n nf ncullar eoiiHlructloii, to prev i nt ilamage to the hnl with Ihn Alneriean VVnlrli I'miitxiiiv tvi.n having had tho refusal of aliolhcr contrlvHUces! l-iiifir'a iTii "nt V.iiii ,V, 1. 1iV, , ! ,V, i,.7 111 uieMueiuiiiM i liasoiiumcd, will beno n, i'i , u'.Ve I"lltnt l'U'lon as being tho best m those who ale troubled with n tornld liver, a !,a , , . , . . illumined slomach, deranged bowels, soro MAK C II. IIouskh rokHAi.E on Ki:.vt. C W. JIlM.Kit has soerltl Houses in Jllooms- burg for tale or .nuit. Kiniulro at his oinee. if nn w. A CHANC'I! ron Hauoains. Mr. C!, 11. Heeshollz. Is now offering his stock of Dry Goods, Notions, Hoots, fa hoes, iVC., UlCOal. isow is tno timo to Duy cheap for cash. Olvo him a call. Vi:.NDUi:I (leorL'o Oavence. ofJIt. I' towiishln. will dlsnoso of his hoi'bes, cuttle, hogs, sheep, unit farming utensils in general, on Thursday, the loin tiny ol Jiarcn next. t. S12.00. Cf.Alitt oll'erj to sell Twelve Iltmdrcd yards of Good Calico 1'rlnts such as Allen's uocneco, ftiiraugu' American Wanastitaand other standard makes at live (fi) to ten (10) cents per yard. nu tr. Nr.w Pension HiIiL. Soldiers and tho surviving widows of soldiers of tho war of 1812 aro entitled to a pension of 8 nor month, under an act of congress. irovlded tho soldier served sixty days n bald war. For further Information address U. W. Mll.M'.n, no Ut Hloomsburg, ra, - - 'HW - - Foil SaIjC A farm containing 70 acres, of which 60 aro in good cultiva tion tho balance timbered. A com fortable dwelling, a frame stablo and a good water power on tliosamc. Locat ed at mouth of Stony lirtiok, on public road ijeiweeu tiranguvlllo and Light street. I'rico .()(io s-oOO down and balance in tlireeequnl nmiiiiil payments with iniciCM. Address 'i;i,i,inotox II. Knt, .') .'! Hluomtburg, i'a .$,1000 Howard will bo paid by the proprietor of Dr. I'icrce's Alt Ext. or (ioldcii Medical Discovery for a mediclno mat will euual it In curing nil tho dis eases for which it Is recommended. In tho euro of soveround lingering Coughs, iironemtis and diseases of thu linn's ami us a blood purillcraud strengthening meuicino it cannot ooioo nigniy n com mended. It acts promptly upon the liver, removing torporor''Ilillousne;s." ooiu oy itruggisis. 'A Human Huin. De.-nomling, list less, tormented with a thousand pains and disabilities, which no languagocaii de:crll)0. tho conlirined.J)M)optle is lit erally n human ruin. Hut not past re pair, ins caso may nave nccn iinieueii and maltrealcd; out with jioojimui's German Jlitters within his reach, the way to comphto ricovcry is open to mm. ur, ii no Knuirtu u biui iiuireac tlvo invlgorant, Jlnntlainl's (Itrmun Tunic, with Is nulril oiisniiriloiis ba s's, will fooii leitorohls shatteiiMl ys lem to iierfect hen th. Sold hy all drug gists. - Thu Singer Sewing Machine Co. wld in i no year ol imo. 120.0117 more than the I'm ham Hew ing Mnehlno Co. 120,-1 1.1 moro than tho I-Inkle & l.ynn iManuiacturiiiL' Co. 124.2711 moro than the hniplrofcowlni: iMiicnino to. 122,027 moro thnn the Aetna Sewing iviaciiino uo. 118,021 moro him the Go d Jin n Sewing Mnehlno Co. 1 1.1.2b0 moro than llio Amer can Hut- ton I loin Co. 110,27!! moro than tho Flurenco Sew Ing Much no Co. IS.UIIJ moro than llio W cox & CI b is hewinc Mach no Co. 02,s.ll moro than the ted hewing Machine Co. 0.11)1 moro than tho drover it linker Sewing Mne 1 no Co. 02,(i77 moro than tho IIowo Jlnc 1 ne Co. 11,02.-) moro than tlio Winder A Wil son Munufnc urine Co. 1 no auovo 1 cures aro -ironr tno sworn returns mado by licetb-es to tho receiver Appointed by tho owners of tho most valuable Sewing Machine I'alenlii, who license tho companies of les-er Impoit an co. "an or.vui: or I'Iuivkstion ih ncirnit THAN A POUND OP CU1IIV This Is the most sickly nerlod i t llio vrnr. but the 1 1. Is a lelnedv M lilcb Is 11 1 onstniiL lirnlecllo.i ug illist tho cmnr, ol dlistiises; It inttrs Hlllly lutn the circulation of I lie blood, i xpels tho mor bific substance collected therein during llio win tor; collects nil morbid changes tu tho blood; tiroiiitjlos Ihe operations or the il uesllvn nwm, , iiels nsamlldnnd enlcaclousstolii.iehle:strelu:th- ens the nervous syhlem ; iiromotes buovnney ot N 111 us 11 nt 1 u'eiiiier ri vivp. me in sicni eni'inies. nnd Imparts vltnlltynndelasth-ity loevcry 111 ino iiumau oojv. ii is no leva i-en oraiisi a rciililill nil than MIM ll.KILM lllMEll 11TTIMIM. su It now use tt leutllarlv evtrv ilav and 1111- tl.ii-n um.ti.lihi f..r I iii. 110 111... In tlin 11-1...11 11 in 1 loriiiy 11 itgiuuKi iiiouaiig-rs 01 oi-1'.ise. Hnrdencd mul trinnercil linlcnrtrif-.. nnn- linlvcrsally ndmlttod by Waletininkij-s to lio the nesi, aro uscuiuniigraileaof wa tun in W niches. All vv altham Wntelir-a have fliit..nrnnr i-.h, iiiiii.-i;iiiik inn iuo 11111 11, iroiu IIUHl.nUll IISSCI1- iiik iiiw ni-i;i-Miijf 01 uiu iri-iiueni cleaning neces- in g ill oilier miiciies. i-. itm-ii.i j iuii;iiii-ii niii-i.-. nsiiiii ugrcai iinpiov e ment mi anv steln-wludlnu untcl, In I tin a me, I. can market, an 1 by far the cheapest watthoflts quality now nircrid to tho public. To those liv ing In irllons of the Untied Hates where wiitBiiiiiiiKiTs 00 1101. noouiio, vi nicucs Willi me above mentioned improvements which lend to euiure accuracy, cicttiiiiucss, uurauillly uuu uinvuiuiiii.-, nuns 1'iuiu lilvaillUlllC, The trademarks of the varlou-i stvlca nunli, bv I HO HI III ill 11 lllil MS loiioivsi . 11 1. 11 11: Art ivAieiti ii., v aiiiinui, .viass, Alls. Waii 11 (Jo.. WalltiElil. Mass. AMKlltCAN WATCH Co.. l.'reseeneMr.. Waltham. A I'I-i.rton. Tli4t;v ,t r:o.. wal liant. Mass. AMUltlCAN Wah-m Co.. Adams HI.. Wiiltluilii. .miss. WAI.TllAM W atch Co., Wallhain.Mas. P. H. llAHTLKTr, Wnltluilil, Muss. VV.M, l-.l.I.KHV, Waltll:ini,.)ass. , Homk WAUIt Co., lloslon, Mass, Kxamino tho spelling of these n-inics carfful before huvtmi. Anv variation even of n sllnilo leuer, luuicnies n couiiiericii, l'or i.nle bv all lcadliiL' Jevi elcrs. No wntches u-lallcd uy tho, An Uliisltntrd h story of watch-nuik ng. con- 111 ninir nine u nsi-ii iiiiurniai tin itiwaie -wear ers sent 10 nny suuress on application. ItOlllilNH .t. Al'PLr.TON, iIr.Nr.itar. Aiiinth ion Amliiican Watch Co., 1s2 lliioanw.vv, Nkvv Yoitk-. Legal Notices. A DJIIXISTUATOIt'S NOTICK. A V. Ill' 1 MAllKI 11 VANIIOllN. Ill l-'ll. lit-liers 111 vniiiiiiisiriiiiiiu on ino ihittie in l-'.llzabttli Vauliorn, late or llrlarcrei-k lonslitp Colltmbhi eounl tU-ceitheil,liuvu been grnliled bv tliolliBl-steror mill county lo D.iv Id Miller. All pelsons having claims against the estate of thu tli.t'i'inletit nru lenuehlt d In in est lit I in 111 for set- licincn,iiiui iiiosuiiiiii-nieii in iiieesiauuo IIKIKU iiayiuiiii 10 me uiiucrMgnt'o, niiuiiuisiraior, wllhout il'luy. PAVII), lcu.ll 71-ul Aiiminisir.iiiir. A DMINISTUATOIVS NOTICK 2V tSTATK OK WtM.lXM liF.C'D. t.('tllTN Of UUlllllllhtlUtiOU. Oil UlO ChtUtt) nf illiiun iUl7,lale(in lnhlii(;cictK twp.,C)Iuinum couniy, utccusi'ii, muu ui vu gnimcu uy ine iteg i,ttr ul Haiti rountv. to Jncob Yanlenf I'lshldL'- creelc. All tuThotiH lupins clnlina HKlnt the t-Hliito of said tleccilent nro i?iiieMftl toprfsent HtL 111 lUf MMlll'IllL'IM, 11 Nil I HUM) Mlllt 111111 lt IHltKO raynit'iii 10 inu umierftigui-ai, v niimu tioiny. A UDITOH'S NOTICE.' ' Th uiuleislKticd having lietn uphohili-d by thu OrnhuiiN Coiut ol t oitiuiLia cminty i'iunti- anlH, Auditor lo iiKct-rtaln tht Imk-bteiJm ss of Liu I'stittti or I li7alut i lltMonu clrccsccl. to t in chlliircu of hiU KUzahi'th Dt long UPCfHteil, hiuI tti m ii Lit ilKtriliiitlnii of I ho Iooiivh In tho tut 11 M nf thu Ailinini-vLrntor of thu huia i-int. in tho ujtriiL'H lipiuy muiiru ui icrcivu tno saino, v ill int'tL uil l no jitiiu'tn jii Jutfri-bi, nt uis uiiicu ill tho towu of ltloomhhuig la halil county, on 1uc;tly tlm Usth tiny of Muvch next, beiween inonnurHoi iu o ciock a. ji..aua 4 ocukk i. ?t of )itld ilnV! fit timo it ui 1 lilarn all 1 1c luti'icsliit nro H'liiu'hted lo l pu'ncnt that tlu-y in.iy U'hetitd. KUUIUlr K. CLAltlv, JlloomsburK I'eb. 21, 1;71. QIIKHIKF'S SAIiK. lt vlrtno of nwrltof l-'l. l-Vi. In-upd out of tlin Court ot Common l'lons of (Vdumblucounly and to Jim dht'ctcd will bo exposed to tuk' by jmblfc Yt'iiMuu or ouicry, on ino pi eon i"t, ai out1 o ciocit in iiir niiHriioou t i ii uitniivv l , imcii loin, iii, ino itinowin iTpat i-siato lo wit All that ual cstafc hltunlod iii,,tocuvt town hlihi. (-'oliimhlii ru li lit . bnoitdoil iiiiil th'srrlbit fulIOWH. Ui-wltt till lliei vuL lit' lunds of John Ilarnor, on tlm ttoutlttby Urtds ot .lohn HainiT, on iliu ast bs land- lf.Jtiidohih V.-amr and on thu noith bv lands oilunUl MorrN. Srolt nml John Yt-anr, I'ontaltilnu', M I ACK1W, nuno or h s, on wuu u aio ricciiii one runuc iiousc, oun I'i unto iHwliltur lloustT. itnrii.H.ubltu, and out' buildlnns. ALSO: A i loirs o and Lot. t.luatt'd tit b.nfd township of j.(k Uii; in mi. to oi uirjuiw n, mijoininj; lauos tu w nMiiniiion ii-.iyt'r oiriur ini-tii, on ino wt", and Kiiilli by lhoabo dicrlUcd hinds of Dnnlc Yi'iiL'cr. on tin- eutt bv Iftiuii of John llainci coiitiilnlnf; (j.Ni: At UK ot land, on Mliloh Ih i em a a notice nnu luiruiiuu oiu-nuimiiig ALSO: Anothtr tract of Imul.sItintP'l In said Locust touiuhln, lutlolnlnu huulrt ot Uudulnh Yniycr on the north. U ii'sliiut-toli Adams on Hit1 cast. John r-n Ui-r on the south and I.cnii.iut Ait.nns on thu wt'M, i onminius aooui niiir,"', S'dtd talun In t-xccutloii, anil to bu sold as thu pioiict ot luld i-aijiT, JVVllV.l (.11 1 I I I fcb.i"7itr. fciitvur, Heal Estate Sales. piUVATK SALIC. ur ai-uaihjJj itrAU i.ii.ui.. '1 he fitibscrlher oireis for sale, upon r. asonable ii'rins, lOO AOItKS OF FA KM INO LAND, about forty of which nro cleared, nnd under Kood cultivation, 1 heio Is a j (Hin,i orctiartl of cholcu ant.Iu trifi and tttal cheiry irtcw on the IHt'llJIM 1 MOU WUi't" ini i Biui" i i ii i it in;, im iir. 'l ho laud Is kltn.iteil in IlLlnhxk Iowuk lln Colninhla tounty, adjoining lands of John ,prlt);or, ct-tatu of lltnry IMtthiullUr, and nucrs, ALSO, A Til AC I" OF TUtlilUt IiA.NM) near the above, i-oiitali.liu; ftts in forty anes, Ml i uuoeriti vviiii i iii-s uiu i nim oiiiei- i, uuu. A Ii H O, A 1,1) T I) V 11 It I) IT N I), mljslnlni; llio lonifoliiK, lonluliiliii,- about 1'IV Al. III:h, vihtrion Is lUtli-d n 11 Ii AUKS M 1 T H H II O I House MARRIAGES. LONfJ VlII TOUT. On tlin CM ult. bv tho Hcv. H. Curtis, air. Arthur WMnikT. offatawltsu.lo JUhH piiruu j;. YOUi;IiI,0l 51 U) UTry lUMUfcllip, .'liiiiiuu, "JltlllJ , J H, Xflt Tl'K-VIt'TTrn fl 41, nitll, ,,1t I.. I Is a llriv Wllllnm J.'wVcr, Mr. Hcnrv .L i'lltli 0f tin a, a., loans jitirriti ti'tur.oi 51am lOWIlhllip. KHKIHIILH- niClLRn.-On tho Jilth ult.. bv tho Ktv. William .1. Kyir, Mi'.John V. !vrciher( in mint iiuiiimii f.iiHirr, uuiaui tenirmia, im, MrllKXUV-MIM AItU favorably localeil forhuslnfu.n Ilwellln: i ruiau niumu ami ointr umimiminys. rurfuither pnrtlouhuK I'tuiulioof rin it h. mtrnLiiit, Jau,13'7l m at the prt-mKoi, nUIlLIO BALK V ALU A Ilia; UUAL KHTATK. tu kufiiieis of an older of tho Ornhans' t'ourl of Uuluiuhlu county, tho undfrKfj;ni'il, Ailmiuls trntiix Ac, of John Jl. Walts, jatu or (Vntio tuwiistnp, til muitoimiy, iuh cuscu, wnu'iuuhe to public Baio on iiiti jtrciuistH, on .-uimu.iy March 1Mb, 71, at 1U oVloct n. in,, tl-f lullow lurt ilt'bcrlhed rual estate, to wit: A f.-rtiiln houf.ii and lot of HI c U lid slttmto t tin inu n.i. 1 0 nf Cent io. In thu count v of (.'oluiii hl.i, adjoining hinds of Jesso H, l'ia and Wcs Jpy 11, l ieas, mid lot i-omuium nnout unviiinn. r,, tine ir n'K fdt l.iif In Vow (n urn iiialTi... ........... I'H.. January vr.ih. IsTl. hv'ltcv. Ur. K'UiL-.m.' Hiomas (J. Mcllenrv, M. U., of lit-utnn, to M 1st nnu iii, minium 01 iw tuiuuiuui. hTi;i:L-KI(AHHril.-OnlllilhUlt.. by ( u, uipuv, iaj, Mr ijpi'rur pi'if oi.uifcn aiaiy Kllcn Krahert both of t'entrulU, l'a, At tho rcsidenco r ONK-KlOHTll OF AN ACUK. DEATHS. top -r- v 31ALlV.-On tho7fthull..lii('atawIa. In bono of A lernal llle, MrH. harah I. llaldy, conhoit of Jiuu.nif puen jsaiuy, jntnoTUin jiai 01 nerat. MARKET REPORTS. Uloomihtiru Market Wheat per bushel ,, Itye , Corn old " now Oats. (t .. Klour per barrel ."...'...,. Cloverbeed Flaxseed Mutter TiiRow m..'...m.'.'.'."V.',V l'otatoes llrled Apple !!.,',.'.'.'.. ,'..V..' Hams A Bides nnd Bhouhlers JayA per pound , Hay per ton I ICON No, 1 Bcotcli nlB , Uiooia,,,,, 113 I (III tin Ml 4; H 10 II l) 10 .111 111 Vli 17 IS , 10 III) si:ri)N'li A urn. II lot of mound sllunto u tho tovvushlii niul county iiloussiu, luljuliiini iini.l. or .l.h,i 11. I'rt ns. VV'lllhiin II. l'rtus uui tho iiroj'irty hfrcln iillei" lUsoiitnil, t'onlultiliii; llllUllt ONE SIXTKKNTII OF AN AUtK, thereon U creeled a fratno shop. Tirntl). Tho undlvldod ono-half of nil timi cerfalti piece parcel and tinctof hind hUuiUi in ino mwiiMiip ami county iiionwaiu, oounueu n lundbof (1. II. rowler.on tho Noith and Wihi laudhof Win. II. 1'rcaM. on tho Hast. and land of Jebbo M. t'rraH, on tl v houth, toutaitilnu tour iarto FHAMK GUIST-MILL, dalblo fraiuo dwelllnL' house, nnd other out. hnUJIiu.", with Uiu wiUr-rli;ht appurtenant lo Trifirt Of Balk. Ten ner cent, of oncfourth (t llio pdvhaho money at tho utrlklriK down of ino ropeny , nit' uouiouriii it'Ky inn uii per cent, nt the confirmation absolute, and the re malnlUK tint e-fourlhs In ono year theieafter, uith loliri!Mt lioiu (he confirmation nisi. Pur. 1 60 fiaser or purcuuix.'rii io yuy (uruceunanuhmnips iiieio 14 on i no i uk i uuMTioru progeny u iari uouy or Kiaio uiai iv oi u biipertor 4uumy tort l-'Lb. 111. li71.9 ' l'KNINA II. WATTH. Adiululbtiutrix Information aH lo the tiuanllty and quality of ttieKiate win he mtn ny unut-iiiu haiuuel ixeyuiifu, i.imu uiugo, uiuuium euuuiy, ta. l.OIMN of nil korls and hires for sain liiplor.i'NiiiAN uiuce, Miscellaneous, - .nil. BOIIUNCK ADVIHKS CON. J HUMlTlVlvM lo OU TO FLUlttUA IV Jiuviugror iholmt thlrly-flvo yenr devolod ny wholo tllnonnd nttcntlon to tho study of luiig dlsonsis mid cotuumiitloii, 1 feci that l ull. dursLnml fllllir thn ( Mini. .hidIiI lr. ,... I til u-sloro n tolt-rtiuly had cjiso or ulsi'nsed Iuuks -...v.... D.,.i..u,.trn,, .LSI. (lllil IllUSLIIll- poiUitit slop Is lor Iho iHitlcuito nvold tuirliii uold, nnd Iho best of all pliiccH on thin comlncnT lor tuts iurioso In vvliilt r, Ik l'lorld.i, vrcll down 111 llio hllllo. WIlL-ro tllG ll'IllOnrAllirii Ih rnmil.. snd not Mihjcct tu bucIi vurlntioim mill inoio Norflmrii lut ,ltt.l. l.i.lallm t. ..t... . ... rho superior nremib.nllon rid Rrrat extent uf cuinniend. A good hotel Is kept there hy l'olrr niiin. I. mi vvinli r 1 saw several persons there Whoso lungs had hcen hridly illsemed, but who. iintler llio nettling liiilucnco of thoclininlo nnd my lncdlelncs, were Ki'lUng well. wiiv iiiinureii nines luriller uowll the nveris n point whKIll would prefer lo I'ulnlku, hi tho tempiruluro Is moro even and thonlrdry nnd branny. Alellonvllln nml r.nt.irtirl.n i.ra l..n.,,...i uieio. t should Blvo a decldisl iirolereuco tu sienonvire. It Is two miles from river or lake, and It seems almost Impossible lo take eold ther.0, 'lhe tnbles In lloilda mlslit ho Letter, unit patterns eomplaln nt times but that Is n gootl ., ui i, iiimuiiv, i. luiiiin ol upneillP, nnu vvuen mis isinocasu they generally Increaso In llcih, nnd tlu u llio lungs must heal. J ack son VII In. II lln-rn in. rmm ami ......... other places In various parts of l' liirlda, can bo snlUy recommended to consumptive In winter. My reasons lor sa) lug so aro that patients nro li-s lluljlo to lake cola thero than whelo thelo Is u less even temperature, and It Is not necessary to sty lliut will i o tl consumptive person cx posts lilnisett to fiequent colds ho Is certain to die shortly. Theiuioru tuyujvico Is, g' vvelldown iiiiijiuoBi.uooutur me reach of pervading east VFl.ids unit Ions. Jacksonville, or tiinto.i. Hail Roads. T .AUKAWANNA J-i HUltll IIAI1.UOAI) AISJ) IlIOOJIS on nndMUr No, wi, isro, PaMcnjcr Trains will ,. tlolrigHoulh, lAave Iicnvc, n. m Uolug North, A rlve Arrive p.oi, p. Ill, Bcrnuton , t.t't i-lj ntlslon 1.1.5 I.M Kingston 7,1V 1.;; Plymotitli Ai 1.17 tshickshlniiy. V.M UM lurwlck .K1 K.oi lllooln I VI 1 1.3'. Dinvillo, lio 11.01 ... '.i-'f 0 1-rfavo Kortb'd n vi 10.4(1 t-t t,.u .tu uiettb ii nil points North, Uounccllon inal atMcrnnton hv thn IO.10ft.Tii. i-i, iiiiiaiiauuoii, Aiuanynuu V. T, lJUlK. Il, Hop'l, VTOIITIIKIIK On and after 1 leaveHUNUURVa Leave 3M 4.11 4.V) 4.11 .1.11 Ml 0.10 Arrive B.IU 0 7.21 H.i 0.W 11.11 Arrive OKNTItAL HAIL WAY. kurber lth U70. Trains will follows I .NtltTIIWAllD, Wllllamsnnrt. rep lllmlra i' le.iur. iiunnio. Mii.iM'iistnti V ana. exte; n t 8u n days) for lllnilni nro t-illway fiom Klnilra. tnnuuuaysj ior vvilllams Tho oldptit and best con Juried Mercantile C'ol lego in the Country. Kor circulars, write lo l', t L r r tt hw;v, I'liiniurun, 1 Ilanuis' IMttionol DnKr', 110 nn. 'i no irnwt worlt nubllsh- pi). I'oiitains NatL'iiil lianl;, Hall ltoad lUok- licepinu, ac. U.UL,t; .I()i,ll N TKUXlv FUiiL UV FUN, Vo. t folio of lliKt-ciaSH Wit aiml linoiir. ron trtlnlllfj the ItWust Comleil fttnrb'S, Ciuel SelH, sidt'-fpllttin Jokes, lliitnoroin l'oetry. tiualni l'arodiis, HurJcMiie hermons, NewConuiuiiutu and Mirth-rruvoliimr hioccIh sver nubllsinid. Interisnerned wil l Curious ruzz ts. Amuslntr vara jiicK, rtuts oi I'anor .miiuic, ami nearly K) 1- unny Kucravln i, illustrated e'jver. Trice - cts. Went bv malLrostairo iiaid.toauv nart of tlie United Htates, on receipt of prk'i1. blUlC .t ri'lZUKUALU, rubllbherM, IS Auu-st.. N, Y I. rriVU'M Kamilv TmHiriAN: JJ iiacen: sent by mall free, 'leachis how to euro alt diseases of tho person; su In, hair, eyes, complexion, write 10 ii moauuay, riew lone. HLOOMINOTOX (ILL.1 NUUSHUY luiu iear, un.-vcres. 1.1 ureeuiiouses. j.arResi Assortment all 8l7es. Hestwtnck I Jiou l'rkeal Would you know What, When. How tol'lantl l'rult. Hbade. I.vercreen 1re?K. Hoot (Jralts Sccdllnt;s, Osatje I'lauln, Apple Seed, Karly Hose tnaioeit, wuruus.itDKes.uteennousu ana uarueii hi.Eiis! l-'lnest, lleht Collection Hirts and ipiiU Ity. Heud lo cents for New, Illustrated, srrltitivu CuLjIoiuc !)) mires. Keml stiinin. tacli. uaiuionues ui retus. v nu pin in oirecinjns i)l paiif s lleddln and flarden 1' pa(iis, and Wholosiilo I'rlcn LNt I'I pi;r-, Aduiess K. riHMM.X, l(looinliiloii, Illinois. V V.11CMI VJilCI. 4-iairoadin. N. will disnoso of One Hundred PunckMi l.onuiNs. nmlOr.m.NHirsK ntelasHmnktrKt buludlnK WlltPlk , ULKXTltl Ht't.Y LOW fUItf S, 1011 1'ASII, i it i i tti4 siontii. or will taken imritas h mul nuance in mommy i ipiarit uy imiiiimienix. " FOH V l'KU LINK, Wo Insert an adveillscmeut ONI! MlhVill In ('nc Hundred and rifty-tlvo I'lrsl class l'i;NsVriVANIA MiWM'Al'KIW, Intludlnn Klevm iMillfH. Wo rtfrito the nubli'sher of this nnm-r. ts whom our responsibility is wt ll kin u. 1. 1 sr hi:xt I Kl.K, Addicts GEO. 1 HOWhlJ-tt tO., Ailcrtlsinn Agents, yns. 40 A 11 I'ark l!ow, NVw Voik TO S10 lKR DA V.VftriViVa liu enuai;3 in our now business make fiom Si to 5iy per u.iy in ineir own iocauiij,'s. i uu juii iicu laiHand Instructions hunt Ireo by mall. Those In need of ptrmai.ent, prontahlo work, fchould tllloal or COll I'll, bill fur ttllinn wlifiuo lniirrnr. diseased a moio itouthern point lsenrneslly re i or Sltuiii earsnror to lull). I wnsorofninti: ally in New Vork, Jioston, ll.mimoru and Plilia- u.iimiiiv uuiy Hi'en, wiieru i hhw HlUi CJtaTullieil on an acrairo lla ii und red natlcntH a wucit. a prattltu so eiteuslve, embracing v cry possible IUliuiii iutiBmo.imt, iiiwu. iiiiunu mo lUUIlUtT Bli.nd the disease tuliy, and hence, iny caution In rt nard to taking cold. A peison may take Vint quuutulea ot rfchtnck'a l'utmontu Hyrup, Ht.awt.ed iunio and Maiidrado I'll Ih." mni m libi 11 lie does not avoid taking cold. in I'luriua.ueuny ecri uosiy itit.i.i.HJieiicit'B 'I indruku l'ltls. lor the cllinato la muru ltkelv to I rouitce unions uauus iuau moro uuriueru tail' u les. It Is a well estatillslud tact that nuthos nt l-'lorubi lately die ol consuinpl.oi, especially itt'isu ot Uiu Nouthern part. Uu tho other 1 1 m ill, ui New KhulKiid. ono-iulrd.ut least, of I tie imtl- lUUOll uiuui nun ivuimu uuvinu. iim .nil st.itis it uoes not prevail ho miKuy 11 th .iTn many inoanauus oi casus ineie, wi. i u 1 1 ptioenluyn ol llio wouui n Miul it e r.vjn lii ut'iuuH easily ularmcd In reuard to taki ll'tslicold as they ate about i.failcl leer, hiu: po( .tc, inn tney uio noi, iney iaku w nai Hi tena u little coid, whlen they aru iruuuli ttiuiiyh lu bclloo will Wtaroit'lu n lew da, iliuy iuj nu iviii-'iiiiuii in it, unit iitntsj uu Uiu luuudatlou tor auutlier and utiolht'i tti until tnu lungs aie msiascu uej onu uu nupi (JUtU. . . .Mvaimea to ticrsons wince lunii-i aieuu etn hllynlly is, lo lay IliublocH, ol HchLoc rtilmoiilii Mrup,fccliuncit's weawte i 'lonu ,i Mi-n. m-it'H ManuraKe IMls and mi to r toiida. recoiiiiiienu inese iiieiucines uusu X alii IllOloUgiiiy uc'iiuii'ii-'. wim tnvu uci I know that wheiuttiev are used in strict uo .ii, .-I, uith niv tUiectluus they Will do tho WoiJ tti it is rmuiteu. inis accoinniisut-o, nuiuiu win do the list, 'ibo pnyslclau who pichciiua tor cold, cougli or nitiUt-swi-ais, ami men uuvists the patient towaiic or rluo out e iry duy, w m u)- suio to have a curpho on his hands u loie , la tn irli-n til V Ihri-n I ilCtl If 1 11 I'M. i 11 ll r. coiuauco wlh tho primal directions, except in ..iv.p v.ini. tiin-pr use of the Mumiiake 1'Jilsls neccbMiry, aiy oijcclo 10 miuiunvi iu the slomach-lo yet up a &oud appetue. It Is nl- V,.l& H UUOJ Rllill UllCUil 1 lltieui. WK'Ul l lil"" hungry. I h.i ol &uch. With n tellsn Mr t(iti biidiliu uinL.iU' iiioii of that lettf.h comes gcod blood, and wilti It moio tlesh, which is Ciostiy lOUOH't U oy .nie.iliut; J' tnu iuuh-. i uuu Uu- cmiL-liliHi-U'iis nml ll I uit i tho cut lillltl LlilIlS and uiamiiiy nlylu-sweils no longer piustiate nun annoy, anu me naiient sim wen, iuu.iuui lit awihli initio ' I'tiKl. 2iov tliere aru n.anv consuinl'lics wno nase not thu means to t;u 10 llorldt, Tho question n iv be asked, is tneiu no nonu tor ftucnv ter lliiuiy uieiu is. Jiyiuivu'o m suuin, mm t;i u.,ksfbcuu, to hiny iu a waim room iluriiiK tlm u liter, win a lenmcraturo or about he eno i e glees, whhh should bu kept regularly at lhat patluit lake Ida excttlsu within llio limits of the loom by walkiinj npand downas iiuicluis bis Kitennui win permit, m orucr 10 Ktei1 lwiiiun' en 'ii im mo ni iiiii iiinnn. u.tu thousiands hy this system, and can domt iisaln. Consumiitlou is us Lasllv cured as any other dls- tase If It is tali en In time, and tho i roper kind oj treatjaenl Is puisueti. i no inci uianus unois- iMiiKii (iti n cuiii nni. ficneutK'H I'uimiJii.u i uu, jjiununute i'iiik, ami neuwrru iviut; ui v . uuu ej;y iniiny tf what bteuitdto tasiit ot consumption. Uo whero you will, you will he anuosi, cei iniu to mul sooiu iuur i.iiipuiiiiiiiv who has been lehcuui irominoeyjaw soioeaiu by their use. cm ry body fchould ktep a supply of them on ii.n.i 'ii.ffiwi mi tin-b er bi-tter than calomel. and leau nonet f Its huttlul elltcls belilud lu f.wt thi' ii i m ftelkiit in all easeM where a pur Sative mtdlciuols tupilred. ltjou lme par iiiin.iiiiiiviiiiniirni iiiutimtl dlarrlnea ensues. 11 di.niol tho Mandrakes w.111 curoycu. If j mi nro subject to sick headaciie.tHKuauosHoi ino Jinn- HSOUWOUIU OUVIKIU UIU luiuoi iv uiui;u.i'i uu r. or tho too ftie Uiditlceneo in iruit, uuie .mi.. if ihn Muinii.ikt'A n42iv niifht or ierv olhtr nuill.linn you iioij men tu uiu nuii-i uuutni. wiiii i nin!iiiis iic'trx. ntoilcs. oloms. ticaeuis coin, without iho risk ot being iuiuio hicx ny tin m. They will pioltci mose. wno lamii uaiup sttmitloiiN iii'iiliist t hills nml fuiiM. '1 IV them. ,J hey aie peilcetly harniUss, 'Ihey au do jou koou ouiy. i oitvu iiomioniii'u mv oroiessioiiui id iiuv toll and .New Yolk, but continue to see palielits ai my omee,o 15,maiu Mnri, 1 nnaiu-i- nn 1.1. il itv Mtiiii ciiiv. iroiu 11 . . ai. in.) 1.1, 1 iiof.u who a tlioronch examination w llh me tu spiiomc ter win no cnaryen int uoimi 1.11 A.M., Dally Cnuaudalnoi. Jlrld, auax Gjl p. m., Dallyp) Hull alo vlu I'.m 45 I'.M., Dally, c Port. lUAlMhUUTUWAHD, II.0 A.M.DailyTi'rtMondnyfornalllinnn NU rillLADKU'HIA 'rtSundrty'sirorp-tUlinor Kl. H. yittN(l CfliotAl I'liitboiifpif At'imi Atfllfll T! I'lSITK I'li.nlt U.l., " wilminoio.nL 11.21 l'.M. Dallviei Washington ami riATAWISSAi 15T0, WINTIIU , rassengcr Trains oil his road will Inn is fol. AIIillOAl) litANOEMUNt Matt .i(A. r.v 8.W a,m o.ffi u. to " Ul.21 1U.3S " 10.11 ' 11.51 " m.iii r.rn. lil.HI 1.'. IS IM 1.21 a.ii 7.1x1 1 ai 2.31 ,lliu Ittspiiomutir deilarts the exact condition qt thu lutigi, and pot knls can readily kinn ftlHtherthti aie tuiabfeor not. Hut 1 desire U distlm-if limit island thai the Miluo of my iiiicim s ot J en us cmirciy upon iiivu uvms uirciuoiit. that wucii persons tikin stiu tly according to 111 toiuiuMoii, i uiu sa; ui t land, Mo Ine. AN INDJil'KXDKNT J'ORLMJNK IX FOUU MO.N'lltS. Can bo male In a tpikt way bv men that ate cnpntiio tu Kti'iuuK ine hlxtci, vvniit's j.jh, lilJUDW lN, i,7 l.xeiiaiJke I'l ue, ev ork, 1 00 iNi : 'i hi: "Vi.(ii,tai;i,ii 1 he old staudai d teiuedv for I'ou.'hs. t 'obiH.t'ou- suiopuou. "owning ventr, tr 1 ui.u iinos, v tti 11,1-1 ion. " 1 x .1 :"..t v f- f ij t lit 1 11 1 . . 1 ii 1 1. nr. u ure now i c i.aied ti) lumlsh all chuses Willi eoii-dantim- do incut at home, the wholo of the tune or for4 tho spaic meineiits Ihiiiuss new, Ilulit. nml otjtaile. I'ettvousot eiitursex eai u 110m .w. otlmr tlitir whtjle tlmutti Ihe buhlnc s. Hoys and t;lrlh tarn 11 1 ally ns much us men. i hat all V I Ui H li UHS J1UIU l JU11J SI 1 Ml I 111 II IIUUK , ;niU ti Kt the busjutfcf, we n.ake the iinj aialkhd olkr: 'jo mh as aru lad well .--atlslltd, wu will scuil SI to t ay lor the lioubh ol vrltlujr. 1'ull nui lu 11 tui m. ti valuatilo mi 111 Die m lilt 11 will tlti comnunco woik 011, and a mpy ol 'J he J'ci'i'te'a j, uti illy 1 1 11 nntt,n ono 01 ion uujji m itiiu kiinllv neusnai't is t er tuhllslitd all st ui tree by mail. Under, if j 011 want pt rmauent, pro.' nume woik, iiiiuiess ll. l Alibi. ft CO,, Al'ul'STA, .'1 WW. .V ki nvv imdtclnes and their s stt insure iirouyht ilito a nealthy condition thereby, they arumd hp nauiu iu uiae coiu, et no one wiin iiisvjim-u ISiiL's t-iiii iiMir u Midiluii t liuiiiru ol ntilioviiliei e Avtlhout tho liability ol gu.ilti or Uss lnitation oi uio moucniai iuus. j pu (iiuiuous in an laugunccs uccompauy my medicines, sotzpllclt and clear Uiai any out cm use tht m without, consiiltini' me.aui tan bt bought Horn any utuxsjisi. r No. U N Sis ill Muei, i'l iladilphia, i.ovu ,u-tr. KMl'LOYiMKNT KOH ALL. OOA HAI.AKY n;it Wi;i:K,ande.xpt'nse-,pald r i 11 1 - a ii in. i) si 11 (in r nt-w no'i iisi'iu iniuv cries. Atlduss2t.SWJ;i;rtV t 9., Mnihlmll, Mich. 1 hkat Mi;incAh ihjuk ami i i;i;.m 11 HU. 1 C Ith'iM lor Ladles and lirnt-. MiUfiuMr; stamp''. In1. Ih unpaid1 a Co., I luiluuali, . )Al'i:U-Letter, Note, Cap, la" pal Cap and Ih ml l'ai.t r. of tl o bi-d iiLaliik; lor mlv al the Com win .si otiice. TMCOIU'OHA'nOA, rsoucu is iierioy liiyin, wan pa mo iia 1 i.v oi i euiuarv. it i. miy u uaon i us tu i oiuiiioi.i couniy pustuiiu a ptiiuon to a Louri oi i om iiiuu i it.tu ui mm luiiiiij , junj iho said Cnuittotrianta tliatti rtd intoi nmation. to the MUluKllst I'lilscopal Cluncll of i uliiu'Nui, l .i,,w nil uiu i lyniM iiiui i'i ni i;.. t iiiiiliii -iiiui, ami 11 nosuuieieuL inusu Mini Twelfe Years "s? Wild Indians & Plain; 'flip rrmaihablo aiHenturift of Iho fnno: viirn:cim r and mo WAltittoit i llt.d Skins. 'Jlirlllimi aicouuts or (inat Hunt llrtli breadth 1 si apis and Ten llle Ct titests with the b'n t;nmo nml hostile tilbe, Hpiritctlilesci ip lions oi ino iuiuuk aim sucrti nous m iriui Minnie t topic, 'iheir spoils, i,i nrNiw I uahi 'no's, llou thev Wioiuid Wi u.hv t t,lonoit, m.-iiii'. Ac. New. 1 it fell nml l'omi ar. 1 nit i how. It in M'lliLu li the tl.tai.uuds with won dt mil mold II v. Am nts mo uiakine: liom S." i U Sh Oner wt t k. ( htme Held jt t acaiit. Send at om e lor sample chapicis, iiiustiations nu i p. tlculars to A. II. Ill' Jilt A IU, l'ubllslier, Jan.. '7i-i r. iwi i. ncai iiuiM,, rnu:i Miscellanooufj, V?ri?i. lUiANKS promptly printed tooider, r on nny L OOli (lu.illly ul f. HIIAUKU! l-u-r, at this Hill. Mil. nmni- In aKli:Nl IU. I'LATII. Willi I.NM- and lllil st tor mtiikiiiu c-loths ,lc. nil st'tit 1'iit p.itil on hm-i titt ot .u twits, Aildiei.., WAIIK.NHH.l.' II, oll'llllius, Ohio. fb!7 It "I 11. G UllOCKWAV, ATTOr.NTY AT I.AM', lii.auiisi.ur.0, i'.i -on'ifi: court llonso iMIoy, In llto Co- i n iti, ui, dioM II to tl i i rui-v on tho 111 st il.iv ol niM tL'rni. Ihu l-ruvt r ol thu iiillllonirs u 1 II lo Kiuntid, iitioiilini: 1 1 Iho Aft of AsscluLJ 111 null i aso pillule ami nro- viaiu. iv . ii. i.. i, lehlini If. l'iiithi.n,,.ir-, l.l-Mni.VN Ijullilhi,;, $300 1M'U -M0NTn All i ion tins. vom mm-phi ili. It I in fiiinl,-tv. S runt, al limn OM. lo Tlllll 1. IHTNllltlll V ll , Hs I'l, it MliN'UI. shoultl ndtliisi isiiM .Vlunu.'Ti. ly Wlllllnaiiurt, i'l U lit MUlo IIHIIVIIO. 1.11 H I atHi.Kha, ItlllKltVV u. rtuiiitiM, (Junliia.i. ' 1' ,..,, t.... 1 '"iii""J' .unit;. Dine. Tiimaqua. Ijine, 1 Iteadlnt'. ' ' rmisvlllc 1 ' (1 I'hllailelphla. ' 'dluo ilanrh Chnim. dlho' Hcthltlipni, ' I1j 11a. via ilKtlilfl.cin, ' Iliston, NtwYnrk.ll.I.llirrtyst, via I .1 H. It. ll. II.-.I " I,, vnllcy It, it, G.ya,hl. lloslon, I'nsscnirrrs Inliti t, ll.n a o-. , .. ii,, . ti .uu i run .in, ui iimuiwii nourslu ,tw Voii i,. ...t... . V .. 1 ul ' ,u 11,11 ... .......niti iii uu tu ui-r rou tes. uil If nth o.?ri p. in o.'il CIO " .3J " 1.12 " '4.Dt " ?.5 " "I2.1S) 2.10 ",1.11 " ")l! "IU.I0 a.m. li-i n. in . 2.W) noon '. .1 It. in tl.aj n.oo ii.ti) ti.iiO p. m M'llllam. .tor sup. eievtMi w ,').".'.. ,cli' nwompiniy n Wllllains.ort, .cv Vorlt uns nfli throuL'h hv i)ivlii.i (ll-j. WEI IVAlJIXa UA1LHOAD. Wt.NTtn AniUNOUMKNr, JIonhay, Soy. list, istii. ''ll I.lne fiom the North ill wheY;!;!:!1";; ct niV1''. li"""i. l:ihiala,'l.ll!r.,J i r.i lOWS ! coune ula Sleenln wnuouivnifp. '""! l.lftfl Xlr Vnrl, i toi im .jrti r, in, i-i) i vi avo lf'irrlibuiK fnrVt . i 4J.iv, n.iu U1HI 1U,,U ll, III., 112 i , .in niuiiinr II tills oi r ad, and -irrniiiK at V,if,oik ..0 and !'1,h) p, m. nikv.Uclj. nil tfiitiH bo urn Hupt. I Norlh il. PotU- iielunon .ucaster rs loi J ti. in.. nyl a- ir utTumiany thi J,ln n 12.0U mul 1 V. III. H ii-u.iin . itriiinn irom N i huiuior t ! ""i .if mill ill. V hllu'tl. at 8,P)tt.ii 'In liaiu en Ii trains 8 loprnpauj at i.tnaiion und d upm. tialuconuLitint'lor 1'hll'a Uunire, lib, J a. .11 Al- !.50 and jifll way the 6,0U Lea o tn aqua, It mown 4.i 5 run.. htatious; t s,Vi,uiAnlvVIurilb uly. For l'oitsvillV 1 8. l nl.Y ;U ,1 Auburn, via rfjhaylktll ... . iiiuiiuju. i' ii irr:nuirr i i vj,iu p.m. l In" or All t ""t "-""uad "-Hi.' Wye It.atl. HiR lor AU.I.'.n LnMim mwi .,v vrtrl- . r.,,,. SVw Yorli' .f,',"" ''! ft !" Iinumlac. Ichvv and Allcut. 1 niri..7m 7jV rV fT, i mi p. ni y- - Way I'assti -i-tv.,,. i..,.. i.t.ti. .,..- 7,fJ, l-i; I , Uh ihnllar trii'. ,V ' ," s:Ma''o'?s,umIlta,ll'i!'l,::', .. v. i :i,t,M' .-"ainoitiu iu j;iijr,iit l.rj n,.:,,,., A7'03 a-tn. iud 12.50 uoon Mah. ,.1J a. n., anl D ,d. !or 1.1.11.,., ,.,. . 01lc, llc.uiiu J, .,.,..,, .,7 . l,im?.l 1 lin V.U """ylll'l iUSUH- w,V. , 1' t i A '3 a.m.torllnrilstiuu slid l-.'.to noou.lor 111,ueuu,i Tnmont. Ju . - cc,?,-'"Uon Train leaves l'otls- J1 I'p ;, ;W 1H.U1I11K r.t 7,: a. 111., hi SU-..S mJi ,,tii,Yut IU.'JU "' Itituiulu f'iWt -- f '?, , ,W '."'. iii..iansiim . 1 uh.l,'" Acl"lillou l'iam-it-.v,.sl.tills "J. ?.! . t. tlm" V"S. f-nvcs l'h.lttil. -i hit loiuiniua iiiu Sowing. Machines. - -rt: fIIK Dd.MKSTIO S K W I NtU MA U II IN K POH HA1.K 11 V, M. V.&yT'A, lll'.OOMHHUltU, I'A, MIIiLKU, 11UOIIK3 & CO., lir.ltWICK, I'A. This Pwli.g llaehlna iulll .tnit-rnii.t i-asler than nny has Ifvvor parts, It has aro.t -. shuiiin n ,v,i, wr wrn- 011t u ha iHakfi'H I'ati-nl InbU. which bi(-eetthtnR tUuha ItllllWM, AyeiilN w-iiltd via, uuoccuided Territory lo 'ct'iiliila,Nt7jciif yfn'ry land, Delaware liplnlit.Wol VlrRlnluniid District of Coluw- 7.2" a.m.. and b-15 i te , t'oltiiubla, Ac., 1'eikioiuen ltall Junclion at 7.JU IU lat: hae Schwen ruins leave Heading a r Kf luala, bill, Lancat Tralnnleavo I'trkioii.ti , J.w & 5.IW p. in. ix turn- V III 4.W, C.l 11,111 I- Ue with, similar tno I'olt'hlOOlUlalt. Jtaft trnl,iC I'iillHA 1LLU.1UH. ni " ,Vr I "t t uimutj Itave Jl- i ii iwiuiMii m.. coniuci-L, SCUA.NTON, I'A. ftcpMTbly MISCELLANEOUS. not)ii A i :;J n.i iiaMini: tuiirou i Hiuiilai tialUM oil lU- C'liC htt r Vally lial noi t i.t a. m. and . U u o lowniuf;ton t o.i) ii. m, tnmu-di It 'adinu ilailroad. On f-umluj s, leave '. nhl'i at .s.txi a.m. and nitililnonlj ti lb adl lease Alknit.uu i ileadini: at 7.1i a. m burK, at o.uu a. in. for and 1.U5 n. m 'o l'h t'ciuiuutation, Ml) r.scurfttiui ilikets t dttcud rates-. llayiiaye checked ll cacti p-uyeuyer. "VT I'.W I'lll.M J mnx rou.Ni: Lnilrn.iil. l.nlna las... I.'1U0- llf.-Cil-.'-ll 11 ,il.t fouii ami ill fclniilar Xiatt orkatS.p.iu.. 1'' 'I ui.. (ll oj'.iw a.m. trull avel'nusvlllet i m. , and .U p. f". ' lu ll, in., mid li .vt lo ui p. in, tor ll i loru. aut at v m phla. neui-on. r-cuoi" from all j oiut. i i; lvW pounds inn il Ju 0. KlOobLs Tlniem' Undine, l'a., Nov. OllA.NaKVll.LlO AND AOIUCrij TUHAkVOKKS. Tiiniwui run f ACTA f KJV II'U iVI " " f MiscollnnoouB. 4 i i;i ii.'i.ii;Niini) ami itMnmnuii nv 1 XlIJtl flKVIi.-i IIUVUKUll DOC'IOIIH nn, iiAiviin.cjij.s TOMPOUSIl rt.0ltl KUTRArl or tm: oitEAT HEALTH HESTOKKUI Not ft Secret Quack Moillclno- a round tlio llottlc. Kormulit .I'llKI'AllKI) AOI.KLT ur I)r, J, J. LAWRENCE, Orgmlo Chcmlil, WlMoir, North UarollllK. KOSKOO BTKtirra) AI tlIK ,,00T 0P nrswsit PUIUFYINQ THU ULOOL). ltlCHTOniNO T1IU l.IVElt AND KIUNKVH TO A IlEAl.THV ACTION, AND IN VtObltATINU THE NEH vopa SVSTEM, This Is tho Socrot of Its Wonderful Success in Curing CON-UTMl-noN IN ITS EAHI.Y bTAtlEH, HCHOFUIU, 8VW1IUS, DYSl'ElylA, IIVEK COMl'ItAINT, ClIltOKR' ItllEUMATIS.M, NCUUALaiA, NEllVOUS AFFECTION, 1 IIUI'TIO.VS OF THE SKIN, IIU1101M, xm of viaoit, I) la has eh op KIDNEY AND IlI.MlllKrt. U1SKAHKS CAUSED Jl V il 7.11 STATU OF Till! Ul.OOD. It llioroiiiihly eradicates ever klndof Humor nnd Had Tnlnt, and restore) the entire syslem lo healthy condlllnn. It Is heyon I ijuestlon the FINEST TONIC IN THE WOrtt.D. Thousands liavo been clninirad by tho use of til's Medicine from vvcalr, sickly, snirerlnjs crca. Hires, to slronj, heally, and hnppy men and women. Invalids cannot licsttato to give It n trial. No Medlclno lias obtained buchugreat repula tlon ns this Justly celebrated compound. FOR TK3TIMOXIALS 'loni rii slclans, Einluent Divines, Editors 111 iu rjlHs. Mo, Ac, in l.CI I.( ( l .VA N AC for tills year. I'lttCR OXK 1HH.L.4.II '.'ft HOTT1.U. I'll It S1I.EBV The Principal Druggists in the United States and Jlritlsh America. DK. liAVVllESCE's WoitAN's FtHE.NU Cures all Diseases peculiar to Females. Jau.l7ly. WIDMYEIt A JACOUY llXCHANOKIimi'i;-. llLiinVHUtllifi in UU. fltr.iUlS- 'ii'Jlin r. 1-,. i.iW.tun-.,..'iTT.r and half barren Con raini"H.i.i Tat but ED DrcEMsna 7T11, 1869 OUR CELEBRATED GOLDEN FOUNTAIN PEN. K '.'flUoni l-iSirihUI VV IU out"".'" S bi'"t ini ren. ritt u. i" ;?'.?.?: 1 ri 111 Mllll IIVI.V IH AltUMS. '" tt"! tJ J .'.lltlporiitoiitli. I '1""'W;"m 1 5 Two.iiit.iile IVti H ...WI liilot 00 S 'r"l.l n.i bixZ, 1.I tit.l-e bti.efc d ..till. Atlilri..., WCSTEIIN PUDLISIIING Co. Manubclunn' Ajenli, Puuturgti, T.. 4 CVrTHlV.-Tli.cM.iitlMiP'il.rllJ.flti?. h tj ' I'ott. Im. Ird l n.o lfulU...of 'f.v r S rlorqititUtr. Ilnf nli Ih. ...iiltt. J lit l"i:s aula 117 mi. ... " - - -rn. .Iv. jourtmo, I'tiwu. C'unlr.Bti Inly ttrlU.iM sad .rJcr. will t wlU rr.r V... 1 Hlutr. r-lslnly Mrltl.iM limuipl Mttcuiitiu. J.ill .'171 ly T.:.r.:t 1.., wnnan, K. llrGckway, iu uio East Elevenltl htri-tt, New Yp-k City. IllOOmSLUTK, JUIlts ... .v-. DOOTS AND SHOKS. CLAIIK M. BHOWN, MAIS bTKKET, UMir.ll 1IK0VV'8 1IOTH.. A lull and complete assortment or ready hunts and shoes for men. women and ctlWru. 1 ust received and for sale at reasonable ru . i s. Val lulltslii suit all claws of customers, ll.o ,iit"l of work, done at short notice, as bcretofov.'. i.nohlniacnll. apra .u-tl. 1 I.O0MSI5UHG MA1U1LE WORKS. a UNI ON 4 RTErJ. Orliccessors lo A. Witinan,) ifM ''" 152?!" ,VM!,,,ri..t,M1R'ir,'; l. i . .. nnrli dl.fcf.llllhlH leriUK t-'tlifiiellon wh rniuttil In n lJuu.13. M ly itu-ir linn ut tiiislnths, nnd hiio. t null 0, CU-fK. N KV STOVK AND TIN SHOP. lui 1 1 1 C plll'.'lll.-l l lllO w I Mil? lilMAi- ii.imo I .limu a nntT im ui.ii A to. Hnnu I f)HH In lill) pl()WH avo Klrcnutl.-'ncil I Kiino c 111 Iro iu w pt Kid ti.ule of 171 r Ollrltil to tllO i hunli's, lm- 1 in it t n Minm work mm t i'or In hcjetnr'ri' i-Ueri'il. .if nuv nllur ruiluui- i-y ixumlnud our l niiltl tt y mil- plows 'i hi'i ulso m.inul.n'tuio i ronmlilci, saw nnil (jI.I.AT JMl'lloVi- TH11I1I llilfUtl ol Ch.iilra V unikh, tht luivineiss fl rut nniiU'ot U'n.r.i diii'iivi-ri'it hucriu minur.ictntt 1 In ii nn 1 ImpiuvfulthPiH. pauii nt. i in'y in niv in mi villi co oi u pulillc, liehiK IjoUi pi l heir .oik ull i. isam tlu-y khiiiih m nml tinli-li Di an tit hliunlU not t in ul Imnlemi nts u Munnliu lu ri . 1 ami bum v b.ij liif,'i'ij o AM. KIN HMi!!v mailt !n Hi t;ii-t mill castinss, io ami lUtcJ up to urtior, I il i .MACHINES nn' nm'le a sou lulnlil t,omp rr lU'fliloil lin. nroMtni nls lmvo In tAiiioiliiccd inlutltcli tnu fliim-s, riici-i lo.ifi'ftii evert nil Kinds of ronir.iy pinniuvan-i i itun laiti-u iu native uuiir uiieti iintn y tatuHiU'iniy. uiu pgi ii- cit'i Mippiicii (iiinuif ' li AiUlum all uit'ori P1 WILf.IAJf SC Alillill'IffllMi W, ;ylkii & CO., ich,; I'NTV, I'A, 0J2:s of J. B. EOBBHTS, J20 Norm nighth St., Phllada. Dobbins IIlSJ A color and dressing Hint will not lmrii tho hair or injure tho head. It doc3 not produco -a color mcchanieally, as the poisonous preparations do. It gradually restorea tho liair to its original color and lustre, by supplying new life and vigor. It causes a luxuriant growtn of soft, fiuo. hair. Tho host and safest articlo ever ofTcred. Clean and I'uro. No sediment. Sold everywhere. ASK FOR DOBBIXS'. novll'TiMm. ISA I All HAUF.NBUCH, Main Street oue door above U. Mendcuhnil's Hlore. . , ,.. ,, A larire absoniiieuv n n1".') Italisesconslaullyimhaud.aud for halo al tno lowest rates, ,,i.i,..,uu Tlunlnit man us oruiiciiest-uii-iai.j .nn-. --, ui.lkalisfHCtlon cuaroiilicd. ,,.. . Tin work of all kluil. wUiiUsalc and retail. A lal Is l I'tinested. vpr.v.wMi Hotels. fiI113 ESPY HOTK1.. F.fl'V, COI.UMIIIA 1'lll.M l i Tlu nndevslBnetl would Inform the travelling public that lie nas iniien iiwiuiumm nu,. lshineiitand thoiouulily rilitle.l Ihe same for the reriect convenlenco of his ituest.. His larder tt 111 be kloclied with Ihe best tho market, atlords. The choicest ll.iuiiis, vilues and clBatsalvvays Hi bo found lu ht bar. ,,vrtT Apr,;i,(i9-tf J1UIGK 11UTK1. oiiA-ar.viu.K, rcn-i'MiuA couTy,lA. rSfnOim JI'IIENKY, Proprietor. This well known House, havlin; been put In thoronsh now open to tbo trave liiikt I.ublic. Tlm bar Is i-liskid Willi the choicest Il iiiolsnlid dual s, and the lablo will be, at all i u s.mVi V-Vtlo.l w I II Ihe delicacies pf the season. Jl'hTin:H 11I.ANKH. Kunwnonn, ln-uUons. huupiiinns, wari.mlH, Ao , const mitlj. mi liauil ami un hiuu ai uiu i oi.i ii in n vhu v. LOOMsiiunn &TATL NOUMAL SCIIOiiL linini'ilhiti Iv. lll'.IMt.v i AHV yt Liclurcis, MaiKh.ill, MUhliilltl. f? J. TIIOUNTOX .f)iild liiiuiniuco to the citizen of IHooms lairn nml ielnlty, thnl ho hasjuit reccivtM ti full and i-iinplelo ahsortment al W'.M.U 1 Villi. WIXVOW HHAPHM, rixfuar.i, conna, TAitsaj-j.?, 1 an d til othtr goods In Ills line of hiislncss, Alt tlm Haunt and mobt appiovcd patterns of Iho day aie hIviij h to te found In tilt t-stahllshmcnt,,o, t,vii iuunni. utiow .iaruct. LITi.UAUY AND LOMMKItL'JAI. IN-lUUTi:. Tlil-t Itifctltution (jfleit iioott (ippoihiiiltli'H in ct ry (Ui in i in nt ut Mtemtuio ai.d it lem-f, in addllh'n lo die 1 xctiiem jsoimaihiin a t;in-( s, din b mac tli it In tho llituil Snrve lim md l'milli- t( rltu Itihtinint'iitx 11 tho fli-ld and iihih nmU'i ihfl iiiktriRllonoi tlit'liiDKlfoiiiinltnl I'lotftxor. 'Iho latulty aim to iomij ihotonli in their In htiucllon and lu loolv carefully ulici iiio health, inaiintrtiaiHl iiioiiiIh of Iho tdmU'iit.. 'llio iwWti and Hnulaticns nt tin hool aio Bin U ini lo i'djiipiatiU tho rt'i-i c t nt it bludenu ami rontCiiluntlv lit t nn.nv fn.1 llt.ii tl.pv can annul to Uoluto laws which um i.u nlatcdlo piotnoto their biicci-hH and huppltu'frtt li .Mm ii'iil iH-parlmciU u thu (Ih an tend v ntuitlt lot as can vo found in any of tnu uuo i nicamul at llllll'tl UhK CXI'OIIKC, Hprli u U'lm coniinenpcs AnttlEJ. i "l.v i YuT further purlluulars, addrohi i John U. l'liKJK.Kha.. Vo't. or k U fi. lli'i K? i, iVuV. or U1..11. i L nin r,H, a. ai,t j liucipiu, lJliuiiiuuijj, u, iJU'VlUi A7?a is' t i; i) . v tr.illu 1'ifor lloiutv MiiKt ho fitiiniid unl s lie. The HtfyivtiM iiiiitt liuohomo iduuition uo a umropKii larmer. Atalv.aiLni)d nmticnfor ( vniyuclmm and (.duriiiia rour iioiutv Auiitt no ntuiw fnuh lio Llrcotoihv will meet at iho new f-Vhonl Uiso utar LVlllrnlln. nt li (Vehicle A. M.. mi rtrtturdrty, Mnrehvltli, lo multo nn ajfietuitnt v uu ine fcufi'isfmri iippiieitui Uy older of thu IMtit-tovs, Wf l-lerU. t , . . "V..- .. nilioiilitorcnal.theyinlelid tokcep a buiierior ar- BLANKS or all kinds promptly uurt neatly tlcle, and sell at the very lowest prices, l'leasi printed at the Columuun Ulllcc, ' call and examine for yoiii selves beforo purclias- lug elsewhere, J. W. llllNllKIWllur, lonlialla.rch. II, 1STI AT K W 0 O A h Y A II I). 1 1 The underiluned rtunectfullv Infnrm tlu cilizeiiH of lHoonifclmrB and Columbia county, l ll!ll llir UCl.'1 lilt illU Ullil-ll-IIV llllIIIOL'rH OlhlUV P coal and selected lumn coal for Rinlthlmr numo- se, on tlielr hnrf, lulJolnltiK WKt'lvy. fsealA uo b v urnnco; wun a goou pair oi jmiuio ocaiei mi 1 km wnnr. iu sviuii ruui. jiiiv. iiiiu hiruw I.lUewUo a liorie und uagon, to deliver coal to lhoe who ilrlre It. At they purchase a large amount of coal, they Inteml to Veep a buperlor ar- r lease Ti:CKUT 1100ICS for fcilo at tho Columiuan 1 1 Otllco. piAXOS AND OllCJANS. l'rof. I. V NIIcn, lialngMvnretl tho aeucy of tho celebrated hbntnaelter 1'lnn.o, and aUo tlio agency of tlio New VurU Mclodlau and OikuuIo., N prcpnicil to lurni-h InklrumentH of a superior , (iiiallty, and at lower prices Hun can bo bought eUewherc, nml on tetins In hiiit euKiompiH, Mint leal nienhnndlsii of n)l kind fnrpMied ut noit notice, rioaoorau neioro pntcniuuiiT ewe whero. Uesidiiieo ttlll April Ut). lion htrcot below Third Ht. 1, V. MUX, fvb.l7'71-6m, lUooinnhtng, Vij,t AUIODI3 1'OUNTAIN I'JINH fur aIo (henjftt PHINTING V iiiu oinee, . ally9rpotoaRttllUOtllfc, AIIOU.HIUK MAHON. nnilK utulorsltrnod will tnko In ox X chatiKe for Coal ami Groceries, tho followitu; 11 mi nut i tu m i ? in in, iwuiliiiii, rtim loin. Lard, IItiui,bhouldor,aud hide nu at, Iluittr l.ifyu, nay, a c, at ino nignesi casn prices, at in. . , J.W. Iir.NUUlll.lIOT. liloonulHirs Mar. lti,'tn!-lj-, 1 Tl'OlitlKYH' lll.ANK'H of all lliii.l. iiroiiiiillv A. und malty prlnu-d on miiieilor paper at thu l ,,r ,,.,),. .. inline JOU U1XTY-KIVK VI IU AIM S1 OUKvT IMulti: I'lANO Vl-'Af TO'l wiiiiiia.n jiniii;( to. HAM'FAlTrilKRS Ol ' GltANll, MiUAUU AND I'l'lfjllT 1' I A X O V O ll.'Ar, s n.vLTiUiir.i:, miv 'llieic Inslrnttienli. have been btforee t nbllo .ItllllJ .llll.J n. tfi. lence iiloneniiniiit-iiiiviij.'oriiirti iirt. ,.,,itt. wnii-ii prouoni ri. uii-iu uui-jii.iin-ii, ji ir TONK coniblnii. Hit'iil power, bvu-eluefH and Hit inc. Hit: una I it v . a. vv en in. an at t bill) 1 1 inttl ,,n ami km 1 1 nun. Ihlifeiiolit ll.ernliii Miiil'iher TOl'C 1 1 I. pit mi ami eianie, and entliely Irei froilihe vi uui.. luiuiu in .ti lliiuiy i i.iiocm IN WOUKMAKhllll' tuw iv, ft nut iiittiitii, u.ihk liuilO lllil I'D lit ui-bv scfiTniKiiTitUf'iitii.iiii. l.l yo c.l pllal fl.ipltle-1 tl.AII onr'gwfiie Vinof have our Now! proved OVLHMIKUM! tCAl.r. and Iho .Im 7Vt ble. aVq would call special nttcntlon lo mir hie lmprnvemenlN In CMA7I i'lA'CS" il Mil'AHK UH.l.WMl 1'ATKNTKtl Al'n. II Jul vvhii-h bilpKtie 1'lano uoarer liertecllon IhoL lias yet been atlalued, T r.VIUlYl'I.VNO rULLV Waiiantkd ron 3 VttAl.l, JVo liavo made arrangement, for the Soy n ffuu-.tne .-lirriicy lor llle 1UIMI ivienialeil l'Ai. l.llll oltUANS nuil MUl.tlUKIlNH, vvhii-h vie otter Wliiitemllc nntl luiatl, at l,ovve.t r'nctoiy 1'rlee. WlM.IASl KNAIIU A I'll. ' ociwi iwum, iiaiumoic, .viu.j lOMKHIlNCl NEW! The unilerHluncd would herebv clve nollce Ihat ho hi.x lust cnmrlcleil A KIlliT U1.AH3 IIIIAHK .lllitl inal no iitimntMiic i ; i m ,i'.'T Ina oiil'ui bit Ine of U.Nlir.Itl'AKlXU In nil lu Liancnt IN 0 I T 1 ST VM'., irnintu r-itrritireii extieilciirrd nerhona wlio will take chnrKi' of tlie bodleH of the demised a. soon as they ' .hutUuof thi. moital coll." aim aiienu lo vvio. in ni; i iit-iii, .nit. uiiji ti tin., uk,, t.v., . fnrnlvlieti also in oruer, ai iuucu r.uw lias alvo jiroeurid all IRON ICE 11 OX, In which bodies can bo prekerveil In .c''nn'jr ni.rnl niviikinilK lll'khorl. he In lir.-purctl to take chareo of a corpo Imlimlluti Iv ('" denlli, anil knve irlendi, and relatlvesall fu'th'i troublo lu ri uard to i.. . llu auo eariios on mo uii.... I) A 11 1 S K T MAKING UpholsteiliiL' 111 all lt brauche., tepnlrliiK funil Hire, lenatTiiB cane boltomeil chairs, Ac, Ao1 I'lacool U118IIII ksuu Lu3"v,A,,.i,:,. .wl'.Jj .lllnomiblrs.JulyS.187-tl. ' ' ' T,l ONTOUK IIOU.SK WILLIAM lilfll.LlI, 1'riipneior, .,,., n.nhvln.r been nntlll thorough repair !:-',.ni.,v. out . ui.: "rira -k .viefor koiicit. a marll'.u-tl. JKNTON 110TKL. V. F. HA IT, rropnetur, IIUMHS. COLVMUIA COUtilY.rA, This vnil known House having been rut .Hrrect effort "..If';.," ffil;'Vi and Intermeatate ilut on 1 utJ" rA...ui r and Saturday of each week. lma0 iim BLANK MOUTCIACIKS for the Vle of HiVll.B Kund and tian AkkiKlallon., for at II uulvmuiam uince. a 6. iiowEii, 'pined a rr.t-clM. DOOT, bllOK. HAT CA1'. AJ.U FUK bTOUl atthooUUtanaonMamiireeilii..oiii.o,iiK,,,i, .. doorsaboVB the Court House. 1 III i.tocU leo..i. noseu of tbo very iaiii uuu . j .,,........ Ed to llie clll-ens of Columbia Comity. Heiau ac'commodate the public with .the follow lug goo... at mo lOMtrfti iii. ""'i- , . . . r:. i" i s h A T E 11 O O F I N U, EVERY TBU'IJ A T MOST FAYOUA1JLE IIATJ, JOHN THOM.8, AM ABVKU J, TH0M.kS fox. Tn, Jjiocawjinnj, ra. QIIKSTEU S. FUIIMA.N,, nADiiiib, Ac ii inu,iA MANUrACTUItKn, and dealer in CAltl'irr-IIAOS, VALIS1M, VLY-NCTH, IIUtl'AU HOlliS, llOSK.ULAXKKTS AC. which ho fv'ls eontldeul lie ran sell at loner raio than any other person tu the county, lix amine fur iuikelvt.s. Miop 'blid door below the Court House, Malu Btrctl, itloonisUurg, I'u. Aug. 5, WO, A I.Li KINDS OF JOIl riUNTINQ x. ueatlv eie-sutcd nt Tur I'oluxujan etjau l'tntl0gOll!r, nosed of tho very latest and best .tyles ever on Ed i to the iclllieii" of Columbia County. Hei acctimmodate the publlo on .lS V,, JlVgabormoTbhiau double aoled boots aml.khocsol all kind., meu glovo kid llalmoiat shoe meiiV women K'ilsh very nue.womeu's morocco imlii-oraU calf shoes, women's very Hue k d buttouut tw ers' In short bonis ot all descriptions both, p g. " He would alio call atteutlon to UU Is Mswl ment of it ats. OAIH.KUIW A11X NOTIONB, whlcUcompr ses all llio nov and po m ai vil. ettesat prices which canwilfatlto sull all. Th.. ,i J., nttemtl at I'JO lowest Clvsll tUlt ail'l KOtltlH V.IV UllVIVt . , - , will t guarautcetj. to give wusiociiuu. issoiiciieiiueifirtf i,uivnaiiis ti.. ".",;T believed lhat, belter burgalus we to be fonmv ttiall at omer iiaw m iu .uuu,. Uec.K'W' lAHES, (blanW fgr. to'c ut tie ten miiak j Olllco, 7