The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, March 03, 1871, Image 1

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m I nr. colvmuiait nuiLinnn seaiitiib
count noesit, nr
miTon and rnoriiiiTon,
jcai'-Two DriUr. a Year payMe In alnset
0lJ(l,leserlptlnni executed with neatness nd
dispatch reasonable rales
One inch, (twelve Unci or lis equivalent in
Nonpareil type) one or two Inter tlcim, W.tpi
three lnirtlonf,l2.t)0.
flPACK, lu., 1ut tit, 6". It.
Onalnch. tl.&Q tV 14,00 ffl.OO IIO.VU
Two Inchei 3,50 5,00 7,iK) 9,W I6,W
Tbrco Indie 5,00 7,00 0,00 12,001 18,00
Four Inches. 7 00 &.00 11,00 1T.00 W,D0
Quarter coluran.,10,00 12,00 11,00 200 80,00
6lfcotHmn-.....15,00 18,00 3000 80,00 60,00
ODecolumuw....30,0U 80.C0 40,00 60,00 100,(0
KxccutorM or Administrator's Notice, IMP,
Auditor's or Assignee's Notice, $2.50.
LocaI notices, ten cents aline.
Cards In lhe"llulnessDlreetoryM column, ti.10
per year for the first two lines, and $1.00 for each
Patent Medicines.
To ncbllttftted Fcrauni,
SBftm Mver Complaint,
To thoiehavlnit no Appetite, J
Tothoiewlth Jlrok n lKiwn Constitutions,
To Nervous IVoplo, ,L
To Children Wasting ftwnsv
Towiy 'wllli Debilitated UUmUvo Oman.
Oftxtftrlng tcUh any of the following Sympknit
it Meh trnl(catc Dinrderttt Lti er or OtomarK
such as Con
Rtlpatlou, Inward
Plies, Fulness or
Iltood to tlio ll'cad, cM
lty of the Btomach, Nausea,
Heartburn, Disgust for Food, Full
ncsor Weight In the Btomach, Hour
Erucltatlons,Hlnltlnffor Fluttering at the
Pit of the Stomach, Hwlmmlng of lli Head,
Hurried and Dl (limit IlrcnthluK, Fluttering
at the Heart, Choklugor HufrbcntlngHensatlon
when In ft Lying l'oiture, Dimness ol Vision,
pots or Webs beforo the Bight, Fever and Dull
Pain In tho head, Deficiency of Perspiration,
Yellowness of tho Hltln and llyes, l'ftln
In tho Hide, Hack, Chest, Limbs
Ac., Huddcn Flushes of Heat,
Hurtling 1u tho Flesh.
Constant Imaginings of
Evil, and Great
Depression of
a Utters without Alcohol or Bplrlts of any kind.
Indifferent from nil others. It Is composed of
tho miro Juices, or vital ntiNcii'Lit or hoots,
HhRtis, and I1AKK8, (or as medicinally termed
Kx'tracU.) tho worthless or Insert portions of tho
Ingredients not being used. Thercforo In 0110
initio of this Hitters there In contained as much
jnedlclnl virtue as will bo found In several Rallons
itt ordinary mixtures, 'ine uoots, sc.,usca in
this Hitters aro grown In Germany, their vital
nrlnclplcs extracted in that country ijyancjeiv
ttflc C'lumlst, and forwarded to the manufactory
In tills city, whero they are compounded and
1 xi t tied. Containing no spirituous Ingredients,
this Bitten Is free from the objections urge.
against all others; no dcslro for stimulants can bo
Induced from their usc.tuey rannoimaitc tirutiK
ards, and cannot under any clrcumlauccst have
any but a beneficial efrvct.
Wnscotniounded for those not Inclined to ex
treme bitters, mid Is intei.ded for uso In cases
when somo alcoholic Mlmulnnt Is required In
connection with tho Tonic properties of tho
1111 tern, Each boltlo of tho Tonic contains ono
bottle of tho HltU rs, combined w 1th miroHANTA
CIlUZ HUM, and flavored lu Mich a innnucr that
tho extreme bitterness of tho bitters Is overcome,
forming a preparation highly agreeable and
nleaisnl to the palate, nud containing the medi
cinal virtues of the Hitlers, Tho price of the
Tonic is $1.W per Hottle, Mhlch many pcraom
hlnk too hitch. They must tako Into consldcra
Hon that the stimulant used Is guaranteed to be
of a pure quality. A poor article could bo fur
nished at a cheaper price, but Is It not better to
nay a little inoro n d hao n good article?
medicinal preparation should contain none but
tho best Ingredients; and they who expect to
btaln a cheaper compound, nnd lelieneritcd by
It will most certainly bo chentcd.
Columbia Oounty Official Direotory,
2rCttttrnt Judge Wtt.M AH CI.WXU..
AiiocUUeJttiiffcs-inAx imnn, Isaac B. Mox
lrothfmotarj, dc WKM.tnTO?f If, Knt,
JttffUterA Recorder Wii.MAMson II. jAtoiiV.
Dlxtrlct AttnrnruV.. It.
pheriff Aauon Hmitii,
cnirvcjor isaau jjrwitt.
irrnturcr uaviu lxnVENnr.fU,
CbmmlntloneTi WiT.t.iAst il. mnrv. i.vutra
rtonniNM, II rn a 11 j, itr.F.iirn.
lummwwnrrr UCTA VI M.IAM K HtCKIt Aum,
Auditor It. J. fAMHfitff.T.. A. .1. A 1 imiiKuiK
Dan 1 ei, hr.K.
CvronerJ 0 1 1 N I. I10UCK,
Juru Oimmtaiinncra Isaah MrllitinK.Tniiv Mr-.
County iiujicrintendent- CHAUI.E5 G, Haiiki.kV.
BloomsLurg Official Directory.
lrst Xattonnl Jl(inkCitM. 11, PAXToN,rres't.,
I'. Titbtin. Crmhlcr.
CktumbUt (untli Mutual tiavtna t-milnntl T.nnnAa
tociatlunU. 11. I.ITTI.K, Pres t., C. V. MII.LKH,
Jttoomtburg Ztuitding and Saiing Vund Attorut
Hon John Thomas, Fres't., J, H. HouiaoN, Hec.
ITTif. MOItltlH. Merchant Tailor corner of Cen-
M tro and Matu st., over Miller's store. vlMiHj
lOYHH HltOS., DruegUtw and Apothecaries,
UL iirnwir uiuctt aw v i'
Jewelry Ac, MalnBtfcct near Vest ut. v:Mil3
U Jewelry, Mufti stM Just below 'the American I
llollKO. I-M
OtllH HHIINII AIII). Watch nnd Clock maker.
J uenr southeast corner Main aud Iron &ttt.vlH
it o o f 1. A N H H
It.L it tn viir,
They are the On 11 test
11 is o o i l' i it 1 r 1 1: K H
Known to tho Medical world, and will eradl
cute diseases arising from Impim Mood, Debility
f the Dlgestlvo Organs, or Dlhensed Idver, In a
Kiiorur ui no uuiii any outer kihiwu reineiueit.
apHAK roitTiiiwi: hhmkdiix.
TetiLimony 7
1 mu. 1 eo iq w . wooiiw,iwi.yr7T(i 1-110 ut-
the tit the Supreme lUntofJ'enmytxaniaiatprci-
rut Member of Omgrefrom rt nnyliftnla,VTitri:
I'nii.AKr.i.riiiA, .narcu luio, irui
I nnd"Hoollaid'K(Kriuan HllterH" Is a goH'
t iiitc, Uheful in dlKcuses of the digest lvi organs1
.....t ,.r ..... l,...1A.l. I.. titiil vi nut
ui.ouui; v. wouuwahu.
II... t. 1. ...... r-l.i. f ?.. il!a. V.i
prone .vuri or ivnntjjivuiun,
Piin.AI)i.i.i'HiA, April S 1S07.
I coiiHklcr "ilnoflund's (lermau Hitters" n vuluu-
li 11 1111. n nn 1 11 n tn nf ut tiwlrn nr I ltd liriiul Inn nr
tuvi'ui 11, 1 uitrn, nit its
OiUrtttf I'ennt.ulvftnUt.
1'JIII.AnKLl'HlA, June , 1WW.
IHaNofound by experlenco tliut "Iloolland'
(HTinan Hitters" Is a very good tonic, relieving
Hon, Wm, F, Hogers, Mayor of the City ofltvjjalo.
Mayor's onicc, Huiralo, Juno 22, !Wi9,
1 lmvo used "JIoollaud'K German Hitters and
Tunic" in my family Jurlng tho past year, nnd
cau recommend them ns un excellent tonic, 1m
I'nrtlngtoue nnd vigor to thosystem. Their uso
has been rrdiutle of decidedlv beneficial
klitcts, W.M.F. UOUKIW,
Hon, James M, W00J, JU'Mayor of Williumtport,
I take great plcasme in recommending "Hoof-
land s utruiau Tonic" to any ono who may ij
mulcted 1th Dybpenfa. I had tho Dyhpepsla
1'iUlly it was impossible to keep any food on my
stomach, and I become ho weak as not to be able
to walk halt a mile. Two bottles of Tonic chVcted
aj erfect cure. JAMF.S M, WOOD,
ill cure every t'rwo of
i lllooa, rlt tho tonfd Mver to hmllliy notion
I Ulllt tn IIflhtn Vmt li lima safnlo iitii:
AlmriUhlpti ur exjjonure,
OrangovilleT Diroctory I Choice Poetr y .
A COI.BMAN.MerchuBt Tailors nd
A. Oent's fitrnlstilng good., MalnHt.,n,zt iloor
to the Jlrlck Hotel. vtul7
1 HI. HICItniNO A BnoTiimCcttrpoiiterirftml
At llullilcru, Main t., below 1'Ido. vl-un
BOWKIt A IIEIIRINU, rlmler In Drr Uoodl,
lrocerlc, Lumber nud teuornl Mcreliandlio,
Main at. vl-n(7
-itiitrMr t mrvr. i.. . u.i ll
li KolirM'lIiiirycor.orMaltintKirinoit,,v.tn7
Dk. u. A.jMi.uAiuiKl.,liynlclnnandjnrKOon,
Muln t., next door to Uood'a Hotel, V1-IU7
I Ucnlerlll irnln.MIUHtreet.
I-.nVAKI).S. riiyMclan and Hureeon, Main
vtni 1
Bloomsburg Directory.
. it'rt block, .".lulu at, ucit or Mnrkcl.!
ACOI1 MIITi. dealer In atovea nud tlnn-aro
.Mam atti'ei,nbovo court uoufio, viuii
ItAVID HKItltlNO, Klonr and Urlst Mill, ami
r T. t:
I1 ftlVurst doornboveM'Hcnry'. Hotel,
1 A.MKSII.lIAItSIAN.Cublnot.Make; aud Un-
v uenaKer, .nam Hi,, below l'lno,
I M. IIAUMAN, Haddle and Harnca. malrer.
(I . Aiaiu hi,, uppue Frame utiurch.
b and Maiiuractule'r.urplowa, Mll Mt. vlui
O drain Uradie, Malnut. viuj.
WILLIAM IiKLONCl' Hboemakernuii ma
turer ut Brick,. MlllKl.,wnto(l,.ne
A VII) LOWKNHI!nO.McrclmntTallor..Malli
al.,d door above Amertcnn lloufto. vlnl.l
K. DALLM AN. Merchant Tailor. Becond Bt.
Uobblus' llulldlUK, V2-U18
izooiU. srocerles. and
vz-nn 1
I". I.11T7,, DruitRUtandApothrrnry.Mnln at.
below tho I'ostoillce, vl.uil
iir rrti'J U'lirnill'u in M, 11IIOIIHT, dealer In Ot
CLOCKS, WA1C1IKS, &C. jJl. DryUoodn.OrocerlcaAc,
U.J. K. UOHHINH. Burgeon and Physician
1 necouu oi,, uciow itiam.
VI general merchandise, Main Btreet
I H. KIBTHKH, "Cnttawlssa House,'
T KKILFIH. Ill lard Kn oon. Ovsters. nnd Iro
Jj. Cream In seasou MaluBt. v2nl'2
M, HHOHHT. dealer in General Mcrchandlso
, Corner Main and Becond UlreeU.
CitlKOliHIIANNA or Hrlck Hotel. H. Kosten-
fj bauder Proprietor.south-eastcoruer Main and
til t. U. AIMIOTT. AttnrtiPV nt Inw. Muln ML
W V2nl2
"Ml Onre li Snfflflfnt for Too.
When In temptation's trying hour,
When aisallod by Satan's powor,
When I stand upon the brink,
Tempted Batan's draughts to drink;
. When tny strength begins to fall.
And Batan's eloquence prevail ;
Then, show mo, Lord, Ihy blest decree,
That, "thy grace Is snfllclcnt for me,"
Wheu adverso winds around mo roar,
When friends depart to return no more,
When by one flerco and mortal stroke.
The dearest ties of earth aro broke f
Whon I retrospective rove,
'Mid withered Joys, nnd burled lovej
Then to thy promise, Iord I lice.
That "thy graco Is sufilcient for me."
When In the Insltremendous day,
When on tho bod of doath I lay,
When the cares of earth receding flies,
And with them, all earthly ties,
Wheu, I draw my last, last breath,
While my eyelids closo In death;
Then, Jesus, grant, my soul to see,
That, "thy gract is sumdent for me."
H. lu
Tho llmenly Shore,
The following lines aro said to have been dic
tated by tho spirit of Kdar A. Poo to a spiritual
medium, who must iiavo imj some genius herself:
From tho throne of lireeternal,
Prom tho home of love supernal,
Where tlianngel feet make iuii!j
jver tui me starry noor,
Mortals. 1 1 e come to meet von.
Come with wordi of love to greet you,
Ana 10 ton you or tne glory
i nut is 111 1 mi luruver uiru.
Once before I found n mortal
ailing at tiiu tiemcn.y portal -Waiting
but to cutch theucho
Prom t hat ever oncnlmr door.
Aud I seized his quickening being,
Ami inruugu 1111 nit iiiwiiru seeing
Caused my hurnlug apirallou
111 u uvry 11000 10 jhjut 1
Now I comomoro mecltty human,
And the weak linn of 11 woman
Touch with fire from oil the. altar
oi wuii uuruiugiMor yore;
Hut, In holy loe UeHccudlng,
With her chastened blending,
i, wuuiu 1111 out nuuii Willi jiiusiu
1 1110 on
Prom t
bright celestial shore.
(!ATII(!AHT. Watch and Clock Maker. Mar-
, ket MTeet, below Main. vI-nl-3
AVID HKTZ, Hoot and Shoemaker, Malnst.
uciow iia.imaii Kiore, wcsi 01 itiaruei!
HHNHY KHKIM, Manufacturer and deuh-r In
HmtK and Bhoes, Groceries, etc.. Main street.
.asi liioomsuurg. vi-ntd
M. ItUOWN'. I loot nml Rhoemaker. Main
street, under Urou u'h Hotel, vl-nl3
IIOWKH, Burgeon Dentist, Malnst..
Light Street.
IT V. OMAN t To.. Wheelwrights, first door
IOHN A. OMAN. Maniifiictnrer and dealer in
J Hoots and Bhoes, vlnld
nP.Ti:it KNT, dealer In-4)ry Goods Groceries,
1 Flour, Feed, Bait, Klsh, Iron, Nails, etc., Main
rtireei. viuia 1
T fl. KNT, dealer in Btoves and Tin ware in
IV all its brauclicH. v
Buck Horn.
U above tho Court Hoiihe.
i) Exchange 11 lock 0 er Webb's bookstore v3-u'-8
H. H, F. KINNEY, Burgeon Dentist. Teeth
I'xiruntu wiiiiouviain; imiu si,
II (l..t 1
1)1 goods, uioccrles and general merchandise.
t imi store iu souiu euu 01 town.
MIOKMAKKH, dealers lu dry
Ah ono heart yearns for another
As n child turns to Its mother
1 rota tne golden gates or glory
Turn I tit vurtb unrn mnrn
Where I drained the cup of saducis.
vt iioiu niy wmi hiuiix 10 iiiuuilCK,
Aim me h uiuer onrniug ouiowh
Mwcpt my burdened being o'er,
Hero the harpies and the rnveiis
iiuniaii vampyres, Miruiu craveni
li eyed upon my soul and substance,
Till I wjlthcd In nnguliih sore;
Lltonud 1 seemed tiitn mlsniuted.
For I felt accursed nnd fated,
hlko a restlobs, w rnthlul spirit
Wanderlui' on the Mtygian shore.
Tortured by n nameless yearninir
Hike a frosl.llro freezing burning
Did the purple pulsing luo-tldo
Tnro' fu levered ctiannels pour,
Till the golden bowl liie'a tuixeu
Into hhinlug shreds wus brokeu,
my ciiaineu una eiiuiuiK npirn
An Adroit Sell,
Ono day n Kcntlomnn called In nt tlio
etoro of Mr. Solomon Jacobs, In I'nv
tuckot, with a violin unfter his arm.
Ho purchased a necktie for which he
paid fifty cents, nnd then asked perm I
slon to leave his box while ho did n fow
errands down town. Old Jacol3 n
dealer In now nnd Becond-hatid clothing
linu no objection.
" It h a violin," puld tho L'pntleiimn,
which 1 prli.o very lilirhly. It was
Riven mo by an Italian, who died nt
my father's house. I beg of you to ho
careful of It, sir
Jlr. Jacobs promised, unit tho owner
of tho precious violin departed
Toward noon, whllo the old clot nine
dealer was very tluoply engaged In the
worn of soiling a suit of shoddy for n
bang-up I'ruttlun tricot, a stranger en
tcrotl tlio st(ro n remarkably well
dressed man, with a distinguished look.
Tho violin bow was In sight upon tho
sneii, una no ono was near to prevent,
tho new-comer slipped around and
opened tho box nnd took out Ahc Instru
ment, n very dark hucd nnd ancient
looking one,
"Hnllol" cried Jncobi, when ho
heard tho sound of tho violin, " what
for you touch Jat, eh ?'
Tho r.tranger explained that ho was it
professor tlmt ho was leader of an
orchestra anl that ho could never s-eo
u violin without trying It. And then
ho drew tho bow across tho strings,
playing a fov passages of n fine old
German wnllz.
My soul !" ho cried, after ho had
run his lingers over the Instrument
awhile, " that Is tho best violin I ever
saw ! There Is not a better ono In tho
city a perfectly genuine old Crcmonlal
I will give you u hundred dollars for
Jacobs said it was not his,
" I will L'lve you it hundred and (lftyl
Two hundred."
Mr. Jacob's wa forced to explain how
the violin cainn to bo left In tho store
Tho stranger taken out his pock
ct-book, and drawn forth two ono huu
drcd dollar bank notes. Ho put them
back, remarking
" 1 must have tho violin If money
will buy It. When tho owner returns,
will you ask him to wait for mo V If
10 cannot wait, ask him to meet mo
hero at f! o'clock. If ho cannot do that,
tell him to call tit tho oIllcoofthoTreas
urer of tho Academy of Music, and In
qulro for tho director of tho orchestra.
Will you do that?
Jacobs bald ho would.
" Hut," suggested tho stranger, "you
need not tell tho man what I said about
his violin nor what I'vo offered ; be
cause ho may hnvo no Idea of tho trois
uro ho possessor. ou will bo careful
and circumspect.'
The strunger wont away, and Solo-
mon Jacobs rillojtcd. In the course o
an hour the owner of tho violin return
ed, and asked for tho box. Hut tho
shoddy man had been captivated by tho
golden bait.
" What would the gentleman sell his
violin for?
At first tho gentleman would not 1 1 -4 1 -
en to the first proposition but after a
deal of 11 talk ho confessed that ho was
not himself a professor, and could not
well afford tu keep such a valuable iu
strument. Ho would sell it for $175
not a penny less,
Solomon Jacobs paid tho money and
became tho legal possessor of tho violin
ronilv to tuko nnvwhnro from .'100 tn li.. .. 1 I,. M '
Jill 1 1 Ml- II MUllliill'lu . - frnin tlin .ilrnnlnr nf II... nh.Wlu
lite j'-usiuu .iiyiu, an ituiu mm uui- ,,..,,,. ,,,,
1 -V , t .. ll...t I ..u.l.
OI.URl.ll ...IUU..IK , , .11........... ..1,1 ,., ,,,.. A,
to the centralizing efforts of the-prcsont )linnm, nr v . ,,,,, P!lrrl,.,, .,,
A .li.iliiLl.nMi.,1 ll,i,u,iii..niu ll,anln,tn ,--
Jiuuilllinimiiiu, miniunnui .,,,.1.,, , , n rM ,.. I f. ., ,,, nQl.,
peru.ieni.iuust.uiii ., . . , , ,
"l i s mniiinK question which in mu i...i i . .1.1
.I....u r,f tlw. H-,,1- llll In fallor ' M"'""' nuuwiil
from the 1 wlilto lips of loyal orators, " Two .dollars and n half without tho
and meet with n doubtful nud halting box.'
lesnOIlSO from tllClr Sttinlll Hearers. Can. Rnlnmnn .Uini nf ntilnlnn
... 1 . ..... ,!. . ..f U...llrt, t.'l.,. ..uu. w. v, ....u,.
lliatlKS IU I..U IllUUIB Ul IIIUIUUI PIUIW .,nlnmi,n iul,r, lf.fl tl, flnltn In
trm.l n iillull-ni-Oll til llill- Vl'llll 11 lltnm.l 1 hviim.t,tMii ..... ...w ..ut.,.
!'!' llevoud all doubt or cavil we hiscaro was n swindler, and that tho
1 Aare ix government, nnu a government uirector was a partner in 1110 unsincss.
so fondly devoted to tho cue of Its pec-. n,i that togetiier they had mado him
l " '"""r'-Vrn-V feirvictini. That night shoddy was
our minds for a single hour. It follows marked up 10 per cent.
us about nlonir with our shadows. It
wliolenalo ntul rotnll, KxcIiuueo llloclt. vl-uli THAS.HYllUrH.COFFKII.BUaAIl, MOLASSES leeis 111 our pOCKCIS nnu umpiies tueir (,'oMrur.Konv ctlucatlon Is tlio latest
I'UII.UII.s llltu us uiiiiiivuiiius vuiius. ii k . ,,r nn.l ,. ,111 In in I'mmi- vnn n
pOHtte Kplscopal Clitlrcli,
nenrlv o-
v l-li 111
(1. UAKKI.KY, Attorncy-nt-lJtw. Office, 2a
tloiirlu KxchnuEclllock.uearthe'Kxcbnure
tl.iti-l." ,v V4-U3
T II. Ml-KKIjVY.M. U.,8urBt-oii nnd I'liytlclan
j . iiuiiiiMue jiuiu nit, uuiuw Aiurut-i. v.nij
Jll, l:'ANH, M. I)., Huruoim nnd l'liyslclnu,
MoutlmliluMiUiihtrect.bcluwlHrkvl, vl-nlj
T C. ItUTTKIt, M. I). Hurgcou nnd l'liynlclan
tj . ..nrKci hirt'tti, iiuuvu .nin,
II. UOlllMiN. Attorncv-nt-I.nw. Olllccllnrt-
1111111 'h, Mnln htreet. 2-n20
Philadelphia Directory.
'J'4T NoRTItTlllunSTltEhT,
It. I). CU.MMIXOS, I'norntRTOB.
HucceHsors to Stroup A ltrotlier,
No. 21 North Wharves and 25 North Thlid Ht
Leapt I rem out lis prison door.
Never did my soul coj
Hut while living, strlvlug, dying
everuui mysoui coanocryini
"1 o wuo guide the rotes aud 1'
IJ l'KTKUMAN, Millinery and Fancy Ool.
U. ojiposue upibcopai cnurcn, .nam m,
ill l
. bulldlnir Mnln btreet,
. a I
ill Itoukii.'nnd Stiitiunery. KxelialiEe ltlock.Maln
ireei vlnu
MIHH M. IlKKHIUKKO.V, Millinery nud Fancy
(iooitn,Malll bt,, licluw Market. vlli.l
Mltst. I:. KLINE, Millinery nnd l-nucy OoodM
Mn I n street hclow Market, vl-ul
IlltS. JULIA A. 4 SAUU 1IAUKI.EY, Ladles'
ill (.'luakn nnd l.rcHS l'uttenu, boutliensl rorner
Main nud Weslfcti. vl-n
MUM: MISHKH IIAltMAN Millinery nnd Fancy
Ui.uUh, Main 8t btlow American uoime, vin.i
VOltKH IIOTI'.L, by T. llcnt,
ur Main street.
Tnvlfir. oast end
WUIMYKK A JACOllY. Confectionery, Jlakery
M ami tiyster saloon, wnoiesaiennu r.x
cluumii llloclt, Mali, stteet, vl-ull JeSI'TU-ll,
rnit.AnRi.pni i
iviiu.,i.n.i,ri iuiiallu, wur r, A .'
CIOAlt waukiiousi:,
Nn. 1 lit North Third Street,
lletween Cherry nnd Itace, westslde.
inuccchsors 10 a. 11. v auer,j
Importers uud Dealeis in
No. N.ThlrdStreet,
Pctween Hace and Vino His.
. r-: . sT.iiVii.
I. II waltki;. Kpeclal Partner.
aho cryiiiti--
Ltes and Fulrlefl
(five. oh. ulvo me. 1 imotore.
From tlio m rlad hosts ut natloui,
From tlie count ks.i constellations,
one pure sptrlt that can hivo me
ouu that 1, too. can adored''
Then this fervent aspiration
Found my fainting hu1 salvatlou
For from out Its blackened llrc-cr pW
Did my restless spirit hoar
And my beautiful ideal,
Nob loo salutly to he real,
lUirst more brightly on my vision,
Thau tho faacy-formed Lenore,
'Mid thesurglug seas sho found me.
With the billows breaking 'round me.
And my saddened, sinking spirit
lu her arms of love uphuru ;
I.Ike a lone one, u eak and weary,
Wnud'rlng In the midnight druiry,
On her sinless, stainless bo&om
ilruught mu to the honveuly shore,
Mko the breath of bUmon.- blending,
I.lko the prayers of saints ascend I up,
IJke tho ralnliow's seven-hued glory,
lllend our souls forevermoio,
Kurt lily love and lust enthned me,
Hut Divluest love has saed hip,
And 1 itnnw now Urst and only.
J low to love aud to adore.
Oh, my mortal friends nud hi others, i
We aro each and all another's,
And the soul that gives most ireely
From Its treasury hath the moie;
Would you loteyour llle you Und It,
And In giving lovo you bind it,
Like an amulet of safety,
On your hourt forevermoio!
loit Arts.
In regard to colors wo aro far behind
tho ancients. Konoof tho colors In tho
Egyptians' paintings of thousands of
ycart ago nro In tho least faded, except
tho green. The Tyrlnn purplo of tho
entombed city of 1'ompcll Is as ifrcsh
to-day an It was thrco thousand years
ngo. Somo of fho stucco, brokon up
nnd mixed, roverttd to Its original lust
trc. And wo pity tho Ignorance of tho
dark-skinned children of the ancient
Egypt. Tlio colors upon tho walls of
Nero's rental vault aro ns fresh as If
painted yesterday. So Is tho chock of
tho Egyptian prlnco who was contem
poraneous with Solomon, nnd ICleopa
tro, nt whoso, feet Crosar laid life riches
of ids empire. I
And In regard to mctnls. Till edges
of tho statutes of tho obelisks ol 5j?ypt
nnd of tho nnclcnt walls of Itoi 9 nro
Bhnrp as If but hown yesterday. And
tho stones tlll remain as closolj lilted
tlmt their scam?, laid with inorli, can
not no ponotraioa with tho eddo of n
ponknire. And their surfaces dro ex
ceedingly hard, so that wheu the
Krench aflsls engraved two lines upon
thoouelili brought from Egypt, they
destroyed In tedious task, mnnv of the
best tool- vlilch can be manufactured.
And yet icso ancient monuments nro
traced alhver with Inscriptions placed
upon the in olden timo. This, with
other fac of nstriklng character, prove
that they rero far more skillful In met
als than ) nre. Quito recently it Is
recorded lit when nn American vessel
was on thlshores of Africa, a son of
that benieVcd region, mndo from nn
iron hoop litnlfo superior to any on
board tiiu Wl, nnd nnother made a
, sword of liiascus excellence from a
pleco of Irol
Fiction i-l-cry old : Scott had his
counterpart Vo thousand years ago.
A ttory is tow a warrior who had no
time to wait lr (1,0 nnitipr,ln r
his wenpoii,TjteZo,iit red hot, nnd
found to hlslrprbio that tho puro air
had tempereVi rou ltltl) au oxccnont
steel wcapon.Vho tempering of steel.
inureiuri-, wmvviw now to us ncentu
j oiiii-v, ...n iwo inousnnil years
eniiiauon is Kmcii a V(.ry modern
nrt. J5UI tins IS 1 t 10 fact, fur nnnrl.
urcs, umiuostionaV made for tho nur
poso of ventilatl(laro found t tho
yramid tombs ofl-yi.t. Yet thous
ands of years ago tlbarbarous pagans
went so lor as to vaiato their tombs,
while wo yet scaii- know how to
ventilato our houselCablnet Maker.
a est coiner Main nud lion sis.
ri C. MAI'.H, Dry (loods nnd Notions, south
n ll.SKIllnl.TZ.dea or lu l.rv floo,
ti.cerk'S. Hoots, siioes. Ac. corner Main and
Irou streets, V3-U30
1 A. IlECKLllY. Hoot and Sho store, lioolcs
U. & btntlonery, Mnlti St., below Market, vlull
11 JACOltS. Tonfcctlonerv. groceries etc.. Main
IV. st below Iron vl-(8
II MENDKNIIATiL.denernl Stock nf Merclian
I j. disc nnd LuuiLer, comer of Mnln street nnd
Uerwlck road. vl-uli
IOX . WEIIU, Confectionery and Ilnkery
No. tai Market fttreet,
(Abovo Fifth,)
IIUM.WAIWj UliUV.ilir,
N, K. Comer Becond and Arch Streets,
Dealers lu
Main St., above Court House. vlnl.i
tlno tiro
iSc, Mnln
TH. MAIi:, Maihmoth (Irocery,
. eerles. Fruits, Nuts, Provision,
and Iron Streets,
O0rders will reo-lve prompt attention,
may 10,07-tf.
IICELVV, NHAIj A CO , dealers in Dry Oooih
ill uroceries, v iour, r ecu, rnii, r isu, 4roii,an
eic,, e r. cur, Jiuui uuu Jiuriici, km.
MILLEU Jt SON, dealers In DryOooch,
rnrerfps. Oueenswnre. Flour. Salt. Shoes.
ntlous, etc.. Exchange lllock, Malubt, vl-uli
Business Cards.
Aslilmul, Hcliuylklll County To.
ONHTAUMIS ULANKS for sule at the Cor.i'M
n onico.
1)11. 1I001I,1MS
l'ODOIMl Y L Ij I N,
Bubstllule for Mercuiy Pills.
Twn pit.T-h a tinui.
ric AJtoui,
I L 111 tint nPPPMlllV t, ii.trn . ..9 tl.Ann
liiLl liifrrRdlentta I'm1nrliuiii,i r,.(i. i
nnilrnun It sifiir I tu ni.f Hllnf nnll.... 1.. .. 11..
iuuh tiiv )UHtri ivit urj ,3 t-v re from Hie
w mi j.iu.i. nvi-ua 110 ma lies a
nrr.fw nn it mi ... .. ....
. uu i nnu ihciiieuies win ub sent
ritlNClPAI. OFFICK. at the (llMtMAM
-w - ""'I D..t ft "llUUtllJUlU.
HAN, III. KVAIVS. lruiirlrfnr.
Formerly C. M.-iAPwanw .t, en
Jiemuiieiare for toils bu irtlni.'i. xv,.M.
aiu( Methrine fitutftitirrVHherh (lu2U71y
n M. rilHTHTM av Kmtill(. Trunk a Harness
J. maker. Slave's lllock Muln Street, 3nlU
i mmr dealer second door Irom
U northwest corner Main and Irouets. vl-ull
t i t 4ivjiv. tun, n uu j-aiierL iuuuw nuuttm
i, and futures, Hupert blovk, Malu st, vHl
A. L
Ol iricic o or Luts's DruuStore. IteiWen.
Flfllihtietl, UecW.O.
f W. MILLElt,
Office Court IIouBe'Alley, below the Colum-
uian Ollke, llouulles, Hack-Pay and reiuions
. ,.P An nut .itt.l It
a.ves hoi. at 'wo wean legislature. Parents and guardians
cenerousiv L'lves awnv our nubile lands nro to bo compelled to send their chll
to swindling railroad companies, lest ilrcn to school at least thrco months In
woshouiu grow uioaieti unit arrogant umU .t,ar umu.r tt penalty of lino and
bv reason of our meat possessions. It I, , ' .....,.,
banks for us nnd prints our money. It ' i'""--". " " "uuit...,s uu u-etillL-litons
us with cartloads of costly 'i-l1 power much longer, wo may
volumes on agriculture, raionis, ami e.ieei toseo acts passcti compelling an
tribute to
inlm. tn sen! us n to sc 100 . " 111,1 mu" "U biuui not eat aim
This Is tho last and mightiest stroke drink what clothing they shall wear
of beneficence that It has iu contompla- aml what ticket they shall vote. Timo
tion. A Dill is now penning in tne mw winn ,,, limi1, t,., ,.in,i rr Mm ill.
r T IIJ,.,,.n.,nItf,1J t W'lliil.IllK. " " i 1 . wv.
,,u,rrnll il, for i o iaiob Uhmcut of w'y Powwd and enjoyed, but
r.V. . i-. v ..... ..ii .i. 1 1 ,,.,.1.,,- n... ,.r 11.,. it. ...11... ii.n....
'iSatlOlini DCIlOOIS till liver lliu Jl.t.u. uiimi. mv uuu ui iviiuiv.tiiioui uaau
There Is to boa ' Xatioual buperintend- boated liberties aro fast passing away
ent' at Washington, with 11 sa ary of .,.. ,ll0 ..overnmcnt Itself ranldlv
volumes on agriculture, raionis, ami exjieet toseo acts passcti eomp
tho like, and scatters garden fceeds' with persons to attend and conti
richest hand' over tho whole breadth S0I110 ,mrii,.i,i ,r i-inin-li nr
of tho continent. And now It is ' " ..'.'""t" f th , . ' T
W. CO it ELL, Kurulture Itonms, three story
brick, Mnlu Street, west or Market bt. vluU
1 1 ItOHIJNSTOClv.riioloiiraDher. over llobblns
II A Kycr'a store, Main st vl-ll
r H. KI1IlX.dealerlnMent.Tallow.etr..C'he.n
1 berllu'sulluy, renroIA.uerlcau liotibe. vlutl
Onice Main Street below the Court
liloouiKbutg I'diun,
it..,.lr Pnv uii.l PnllklnnN . . 1 1 ir 1 Willi iUU LU I'llllllLUt llSUJl ItUHlllJ
g6Sfn&r,W drlf.lnintodespo,iB,n. "Tha.coui
auk. -ei tro.' will receive four thousand dol- try is best which Is governed least,'
, , - - -- ,,.......,.,,,. ,. , ... .... .... ....!. 1,
ntrs a vear eucu. out ui 1110 tiuu.iu truna wi.i 1.11 it.ioiu ui tiiu Miners ut 11. v ive
' ury. Then tho State 1 Stiperlntendonts ,,abllc : but It seems that tho principles
, House. nru to opl)0,nt UlHtrlct ;pwl'- ami teachings of tho wise ami good
. onts' ono for each Congressional Ijij- ,,,, ,.,.. , ,0 .,. .,n.i?. 1
OllEHT F. 01
ntfxr A l.'ITVHTOM 4 eo..
ruin, nr., tiiKiiram-ecoinpatiUs.UroHer's llt.itd
Ine, Main Street, vl-nll
H, UINGLKH, dealer 111 plan, orcans nnd
iucloleons,nt O, W. Corell's furullure rooms
SAMtlKL JACOllY, Jinruie nnu ntunii ciuiu
Works, Vmt IlloomsburB.IIerwlck riiaO, vl-nla
7 J? 11. LITTLE,
mutual aud cash ViM
iK llmunru llulM. I
Offlco Courl-llouse Alley, below the Cotuu
HIAN uiuce, iiioouibotirK i'a,
trl,.int Uvn tlmitsand dollars a year. 'm ' """'"-'r nays nro utterly i,
Theso worthies nro to estnbllsh free norod und they themsolvos remembered
ichools in every township In tlio unit- only ns "Old Fogies." Perry Demo
OU biaies, inuiro teacners, wuuso wugvn ,.,,,
..." 1... i-... i. n .''.
WO piesuiuu will uu 1.11, iu iii;.i mu
proper iiuiiiiings nnu nuy 1110 hciiooi
uss, 1
WM. HAilll, dealer In furniture, tiunlts, culel
willow ware, near the Forks Hotel. vt-nlJ
OFOHTKU.Ulua Slaker, nnd While nud Fancy
. Tauuer.Scottowu. vluU
Ell. 11IDLKMAN, Agent for Munson's Cupper
Tubular LIthlnlr,B Hod. viiil"
linnkn. nn.l tlio million Ol money reilUU-1 .1 ma. iiyhis 111 i-itris tiuring mu
iioiio shoe siiire, nnd added thereto a largo and cl for this niaiumoth Job uro to bo paid Ulego gavo his servant his dog, and or
the best 'vnriity ol ' ' W "V! !00."S." '. .,.,. a ,, i tu him to sell his horso for tho bene
hoots and hiiofjs I T. ' i. it ,n,,i,,n.i i litof tlio heirs, 'lho servant followed
A TnouoitTFULobl-er of tho present
religious tendencIesV tho pooplo of
Hcotiauu nas iiudii&iiiU conclusions
upon tho subject ofUir theological
character as ho vlewetlVHe flnii, that
the old hard, mercilessUch Calvanis-
tic divinity Is disappeit', and that a
inoro liberal tono of rejous opinion
extensively prevails., h also calls
tiltention to tho fact 1 tho most
successful newspaper inWland, tho
Scotchman, aud tho popuWrlodlcals,
suclt ns Chambers' Jouri nnd Good
Words, in no manner rei' tho tradi
tional Scotch typo of selicnt. Pro-
fessorOalrd, who is profeslif divinity
in tho University of OlasJ, is quoted
as preaching a scrmou recer, in which
ho spoko of "tho good nntlily men of
dlllerent sects and churcl who ouco
wero with us uud who alow In tlio
preoenco of Christ ;" nnd led his con
gregation " wliother tholuts which
divided them here, and ait which, it
may be, they contended
so hotly, can keep them as
that deeper, dovlner 11
they liavo entered'."' Al
strangely enough coming
of a Scotch clergyman und
Scotch congregation, llo
words, indeed, to that f
whereby tlio Oovenantiu
tho "grim fleneva mini
fair Montroso to death
Tolbooth ! Washington J
kler therein
nto which
I lis souuds
111 tiiu lips
lressod to a
uliko these
leious creed
irles" and
i did tho
man and author, was ollio highest
typo of reilued delicacy. o was what
Is euphoiilouslycalled "almkeo," but
wns, nevertheless, superlJto tlio nccl
dent of his birth. Ueinlborn In an
unsympathetic clime, lie lis out of his
element. Under his ih hand nnd
seal lie has put on recof lih delight,
whllo residing lu Londo that ho was
nt last in u post where h'kas frco from
tho prosenco of " nasal at hand-shaking
Vnnkeedom." lleaiioor, gentle,
rellnotl Hawthorne, ns ilitod by Mr.
Fields in his " Vhisperiiiaallcry,'' In
tho current number of lho Atlantic
Monthly :
It Is pleasant lo feel at lit that I nm
really away from American satisfac
tion that I never enjoyod 0ng ns I
stayed In Liverpool, whero ilwmed to
mo tlmt tho quintessence of Vsal and
hand-shaking Vnnkeedom wasVjntinu
ally filtered and sublimated tliriVh my
consulate, on tho way outwaf nutl
honiownrtl. I tlrst gotiiequnliiteftivlth
my own countryinon mere
Amonqst many persons of opposo
faith, there exists tho opinion tli
priestly absolution Is nil that
sary to lead n Catholic, to bo! lev
What the Knight, of I'lhlm Aro.
Tho order of tho Knights of Pythias
Is becoming so widely spread" and pros
perous that lho public have a rensonnblo
curiosity to know somothlng of Its
character. Tho ritual was first wrltloti
and tho order worked during the wnr
as abnnd of union between army officers.
After lho war closed It wasdw;Itten,
modified and thrown open to thp people
and has spread rapidly, particularly In
tho last two ycaM In tho oastcrtt'StatcH.
Its work and Intent nro vory similar to
thosoof the .Masonic order. Founded on
friendship, with tho famous talo of
Damon and Pythias as their example,
the members aim to rollevo tho suffer
ing, succor tho unfortunate, caro for
tho sick, bury tho dead and glvo sym
pathy and material aid to tho widows
and orphans of each other.
Thcronrouow noatly thrco hundred
actlvo lodges In tho State. Tho com
pleto regalia consists of a military hat
with plumes, a scarlot velveteen sash
with sink, frlngo, an apron of black
velvet handsomely trimmed In silver
with thoemblem of tho order, a" knights
helmet with the visor down, tho letters
li. P. and tho Initials of tho otllcer, nnd
a sword with elegantly wroueht hilt
and scarlet scabbard, tho hilt and trim-
mings being gold for tho officers nud
silver for the knights nnd each biSdo
bearing tho uamo of the weiuer. They
have also some complete suits of light.
armor, very curious to look on these'
Tin: strong attachment of subscribers
to n well conducted uowsnancr Is fully.
confirmed by publishers. "Stoti my
paper," words nf dread to new begin
ners, lose their terror after a Journal has
ocen established .1 term of years. So
Jong as a paper pursues a Just and lion
orablo course, meeting tlio wants of Its
customers in nil respects, tho ties of
friendship between tho subscribers nnd
the paper nru as difficult to break by
nny outside or third party as tho links
which bind old friends In bus! ness or
social life. Occasional defects and er
rors in a nowspaper, nro overlooked by
thoso who have become attached to it
through Its perusal for years. They
may sometimes become dissatisfied
with it on account of something which
lias slipped Into Its columns nr.d may
stop taking It, but tho absenco of the
family shoot at their homo or oiUeo fnr
n few weeks beoimes an Insupportnblo
deprivation, and they hasten to resumo
suoscrlpllon. This Is the common n-r
perleneo In tho history of nil estab-
iisueu papers. No friendship on earth
is more constant than that contracted
by the readers for a Journal which
makes an honest and earnest effort to
merit their continued support.
The "cold water cure" is said t3 bo
excellent as it preventive of "temper
liquid dashed smartly or l
tho whlmpcrlifg untractable usually
does tho business. If tho "darling
preclous"ls far advanced toward chronic,
spoliation several doses of the corrective
may be necessary to effect a perrannent
reformation. It is said that children
never set up an unnecessary howling
about domestic trifles when they aro
as-ured that tho nuisance will be me:
by a sudden shower administered by n
determined heart and a firm hand. Tho
experiment Is worth trying. A wet tlud
or so will bo of no consequence when
I imjo and quiet nro secured lu thohouse
I10M. Children canbotnught to cry for
nnythlng which Is denied them, nnd
they know exactly how tho chances of
succcsj depend upon tho pertinacity
with which they yell. Cold water Is a
harmless remedy for such distemper,
Tub crowu-dlamonds belonging to
tho dignity of Emperor of Germany,
together with tho Iron crown of tho
Empire, nro In tho possession of Aus
tria, and tho Prussian Journals nro agi
tilting the question whether they should
not bo demanded from Austria for tlio
coronation of tho Emporor William
Tho placo of coronation will, It Is
thought, bo Berlin, although the histor
ical choice lies between Frankfort-on
tho-Maln and Aix-la-Chapello. Frank
fort claims tho honor, nnd tho great ma
jorlty of Germans would prefer that tha
now Emperor should bo crowned thero
rather than in Berlin.
1 lie Itcieniie King.
Tho tobacco merchant whoso nrrest
wo noticed last week has been taken to
Wllllnmsport and held In five hundred
dollars for his nppearanco beforo the
United Stales court In Juno next, fur
" packing cigars In boxes that had been
used, and for other Irregularities." Ho
lias now struck tho outer circle of the
rovenuo vortex. If ho Is not swallowed
up he'll mako nn escape as narrow as
old Tarn O'Shnntor's maro Mngglo did
from tho clutches of tho witches, nnd
his purso will como out of tho scrape ns
short ns Maggie's tall. Greenbacks nru
tho "open sesamo" to lho magic circle,
nnd a speedy solvent of tho fetters that
hold men In Its power.
Tho " usual way " Is tho way that this
unfortunate will havo to tread. Which
way tlmt Is can bo easily learned by
consulting with nny ono who has over
been caught on the rovenuo ho.ik. As
there are several around theso purls
the Information will not bo difficult to
obtain. 0
It Is n i-liamo, nn outrage, that we,
should havo foul nests of corruption
spread over tho country such ns theso
revenue rings nre. It matters not
whether n man Is guilty or Innocent.
Oneo In the m'eshes of tho ring, ho has
to pay heavily to get out. If n raseM
deserving punlshmcut is caught ho cab.
compound his felony nnd get back
itraong honest peoplo whitewashed by '
tneso wicalled administrators of tlio
Inw. If a man commits a mere techni
cal violation, without nuy Intent to do
wrong as seems to havo been tho caso
in tills instnnco ho Is held as a bandit
would hold a captive until Ids ransom
Is paid. Tho criminal is allowed to es
cape tho Innocent man is ma lo to
sutler. Clinton Democrat.
BKEr S'oup. Tako 11 shin of a beef
weighing about six pounds, chop tho.
bono lu two or three pieces, arid lay In
a kettle; add two carrots, two turnips,
two largo onions, and If possible a head
of celery, till chopped fine. Sprluklo
In a dozen peppercorns, tho samo of all
spice, four cloves, and salt to taste.
Cover tho whole with cold water, sot
over a brisk fire until it bolls well.skim
off thotkum that will rise,, then slew
gently nt tho back of tho stove for four
hours, ltcmovo t ho meat to servo with
potatoei for dinner. If a thick soup is
desired mix tt tublespoonful of potato
or corn starch in cold water, and stir
into tho soup ; lot it boll up and serve.
If preferred somo of tho meat can. bo
cut up iu tlio soup.
Tin: FntsT Kiss-"0 Woman! but
It's Gude." Tho Itsv. John Brown
courted a lady upward of six years.aml
was so singularly modest aud bashful
that ho had never ventured to kisj her.
Ouo day it occurred to him that It
tvould noUioabad thing to do.
an, wo'vo been acqiiaintwi niurr-w.
years, nn' an' I'vo nevej- got n kin
yet. D'ye, think I may takq one, my
bonuiolass?" Tho reply was woniler-
fully characteristic of tho Scottish maid-
" Just as ye like, John," saltl she ;
only bebeeomW and proper wi' it.'-
Surely, Janet,'' paid John, " we'll ihk
blesslti'." The blessing was asked,
ml tlio kiss exchanged. " O woman!"
sjld tho enraptured but still devout
ilnister, "O woman, but it was gude.
We'll noo return thanks." And they
Naomi, the daughter of Enoch, wits
five hundred and eighty years old when
she was married. So don't be dl'iour-
aged, girls I. - '
There utver wns a noose so gray,
ltut some day, soon or late,
A 11 honet gander came that way
And took her for his mate.
To avoid nil proceedings unpleasant,
win pay wunt is uu.
A London despatch givos tho points
of M. Thiers' asserted plan to elect a
king for France. Ho proposes, it Is
said, nfler tho signing of peace on tho
German terms, to oxchango tlio prison
ers of war. Tho French prisoners, after
crossing tho Ithlno, will bo placed un
dor tho command of Gen. Changarnier
tho veteran Orlcanlst, and will march
against tho placo of sitting of tlio pa
tlonal Assembly, whether nt Biirdeau
or Paris, and then "demoustrato'' I
favor of the Count of Paris for king
This pounds apocryphal, but thero may
bo something In it.
Houno'.viNO TnouiiLE. How many
thousands nro there, whoso energies aro
paralyzed by borrowing trouble! If
I beg jo
If you do.
If you dun'
you'll obl'ire me at present
ing, thwi I'll obi Ijju you."
Von Moi.tki: proclaims that ho
knows nothing about tho American
civil war, saying : "I havo purposely
kept myself ignorant upon thatsubjict
becauso thero was nothlug to bo learnt. 1
from it. War Is a science, and any rec
ord of the more scrambling of two
armed mobs cuti only produce confusion
in the mind."
A iiAC'iiELonedllfi-,tlius,inhls spile.
comments on n recout moonlight night:
"Wo left our sanctum at midnight last
night, aud ou our way homo wo saw a
young lady nnd gantleman holding a
gate on Us hinges. They wero ovldently
Indignant at being kept out so wo
saw thou bllo each othecseveral times "
Or till tho annoying men In this
world, tho good Lord preserve us from
him who thinks himself moro righteous
than ids neighbors who Imagines that
lils way to Heaven Is lho only truo
way, and that thoso who don't belfevo
In him disbellove in God.
iiecea t)Cy aro not very ulifortuuato to day,
eve tliafi tiicv aro certain they will bo so to mor-
110 is cleansed rrom sin. such, however, rnw. Tiu,v si.emi sr. much of their
Is not tho caso. According to tlio teach- l.m0 groaning, that thoy havo bulllttlo
t! M. lfXOlllt.
jli. llavlnp purchased tho sleek of theold Key-
by tho pooplo In tho sliapo of taxes to llcrC(, , , t(J sel, uu horso
tho Unlttxl States Government. And fl, .f .. . . Tho sere
il. Ij l,n It rommiilmrnil. In IIIXJI 1110 I1CIM. Alio sen,
ever broupht to this place. n is also prepared -,,,0 0f t,10 liberal provision that I lil- Instructions to tho letter In regard
nnd'heit'sfe." "Jcnlh 0u0i?.rdii VhioiJ i!Sft nearly ovory Commonwealth lu the to tho horse, but did so In an ingenious
nus iiiruuuy mm y, an ' hiw, llo went to tho markot-plnco
with tlio two unlnials, and offered them
iililco o.iuuini!, ci
Ul.iouihln.rK, I'a.
corner Mali, aud Mnrk.t streets
bi-pv iu-iy,
JACOII Iiir.FFENllACll, llroom Factory. Or
ders leitnt hlsrisldenco or at Miller Jk sou's
tore promptly tilled, llest nueu Western brush
bed. ' vt-nlS.
JAMK8 CABMAN, Cnblnetmnke r aud Chair
maker j rooms Muln street bel, iron, v3-mM
MOTH HOOKS, nnd blank NOTCH, n III. or with
l nut exemption, for salo ut the Coi.uhiiian
V. ltUIUUAllb.A 11110 .dealer 111 Dry tliKuls.
Groceries, uud general Merchandise, v2ull
'j 1'roprletor. vvuld
I 1), WKttKlILlBKIt.llontnndShooBtorennd
u uiauuructoiy. Shop ou Malu Htiuct op.
poslto the Steam Mill. YJnl
Ml W, KDUAll, Bustiuehauu
1 II xn Mauuluctory,
I'laulUK Mill
da, au.
Neatly and Cheaply Prlntod
From the latest Styles of Type at the
gllAljTeiS 4 IIAHMAN,
KA111.K rouVrikyANii siAnui-AcnuuiNO snor,
..iull,ma and Wl rfi Urlclr rnrretialrltltrcltvStOVCI
All kinds of llrass or Iron casflnu; made lu order
upon short nm e. l s. HAHMAN.
llloonisbiirit, I'a. I'ruprlelors
Union bus already mado for the
freo education of Its children. Ol
rn bIi.iI 1 lini-n Vnllonnl
1.UU.E1U ..W ...... ............. I...,.., .,. -.1, I....
Primers. ' 'National Spelling HOOKS,' ooui iu u uutcnur u.i u.u juiiuwiug
'National Histories,' and lho like, and terms, which wero accepted i Tho dog
'IXailOUlll -MIHluruvi, u..u li. u i.iw, nuu i lurins, v.l.c.t IH'.U j uiuiiUK
Uio market for Ynnkoo ,rniblImllous, ror nlno hundrod and nlilety.fivo francs
stuifed with eu o-glos on i tho P Igrlin , , f fl to ,rho baf.
who gruw to emlncueo without tho tor was a curious one, but tho man ro
hull, al codfish-balls, will huvoallvollcr fustU to sell them on any other terms.
salo than tho wretched hacks who Having thus satisfied his conelenco, ho
scribble them over dreamed of beford. ,,.nJava fraPS ... .ho holH. .,.,,1 1)Qck.
What havo tho tax payers 01 tlio land " , , , . ' . .
to "ay to this monste 'swindle? Hasnny -tcd tho nine hundred nnd nluety-flvo
8ano man it votutoglvoto tho parly francs that ho had obtained for his dog.
whoso aims, labors, uuu convictions tjio heirs havo sued him.
conocntrato In tlio policy or rouiungino
treasury with system nnu witnuui
A westkun editor reports money
close," but not closo enough to bo
A Yankee firmer, whoso load of
hay was found to dovolop savcral heal
thy boulders, remembered that ho
"tlruv pretty closo ton stun wall," on
his way to market.
lugs of Ilomanhm no priest can nbeolvo y
unless tho ono ubsolved is truly peni
tent, and whilst tho Father Confessor
may go through tlio forms, may ralso
tho hnuds nutl may utter tho words of
prescribed prayer yet ono at the con
fessional knows that It Is nil emptiness,
all hollow mockery unless a truo penl
tontlal stnto of mind exists, The priest
knows not when ho In for,"n grants It,
whether in rcllglo'n It will bo for good
or not, but as tho ono absolved In nine
cases out of ton partakes of tho Eucharist
and as to partake of that unworthily Is
to pnrtnko of eternal damnation, tho
supposition always Is that tho confessor
Is truly contrite. Philadelphia Pott,
With Alasco and Lorraine, tlio now
German Emplro will havo tho largest
population of any country lu Europo
next to llussla, liussla has about CD,
000,000 people, ami Germany will havo
10,000,000. Next comes Frnnco, then
Austria, then Great Britain and Iro
laud, nud then Italy.
Dft for tho performance of the duties of
fe. Such aro not tho men to whom
so world commits Important trusts,
iiid whom It Is ready to assist. If you
till tho world that you are going to fall
lnatiy undertaking, It will tako you at
ir word, And men aro most ready
tobelp thoso who nppear to neeil It tho
Ieait. If you nro weak, do your
bo cheerful,
CUateaund has changed garrisons
six times durlug thp last two months,
nnd wjth overy chongo, says t corre
spondent, thero comes a pang of somo
sort. Pno day como tuo Germans, stay
a week and go j then como tho French,
tako what tho Germaus luvo left, scold
tho Inhabitants for giving tho Germans
anything, and go; back como the. Ger
mans tho samo evening, squeeze tho
sponge for tho last drop, nnd livo upon
tho inhabitants until It -Is a mystery
how anybody In tho wrotched placo
lives at nil, only lo make way onco
inoro for tho French, and so on,
A C'OTEMl'OItAHY lilts tllO Iinll Oil I III'
head when ho says :
The ilmrcil plnco beneath the sklci
Is lh t m lilch does not advert le :
This rule observe, when for supplies
You bo la searchanJ youl tie wise -,
lluy only of thoso who advertise.
Tin: Ingenuity ofUhlnoso swlndli-r-Is
peculiar. Thoy split half dolltrs,
tako out a third of tho silver, fill II n
spaeo with lead, and adroitly close up
the cut.
Men's lives should bo llku tho il.i ,
inore beautiful In thoovoilug; or, 111."
thd autumn, rich with tho goldi 'i
sheaves, whero tho gocd works i'ud
deeds have ripened on tho Held.
The only dlffercnco between aboquet
of tlowers and tho "bequct" of wine 1
that 0110 manes a nosegny, mu uuu .
gay nose.
"MY friend, havo you conlldeiieo
enough In mo to lend 1116 ten dollars V
"1 havo plonty of confidence, but no ten
A UASTKit pasdon Is tlio lovo of ntwf,
Not musloso commands, nor so the Mine;
To news all'luru, und lliey can look
I'leased on a r npor, w ho ubhor nbook.
M. TuEins, who was very near be
Ing mobbed last July fur opposing war,
Is now mndo chief executive of France.