The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, February 24, 1871, Image 4
THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. AGRICULTURAL & DOMESTIC. Menu In Domestic Economy. llatkels should nover have any wet nubstnnco placed In them, such as npplo parings, or puytiilnp; tlmt will wut nnd decay tho splints nnd npoll tliclrnppciir mi co. Watte Virtue should bo nently wound Into bulla nnd kept for futuro use, nnd not thrown Into drawers In n inm1rl moss. This will snvo tltno when ono U in a hurry, mid Imparts hablis of neat ness. SUblet without casters should nlwnys bo carefully lifted from ono nlaco to nn. other. Nothing destroys n tablo moro rapiuiy tnan shoving it on Its legs ncross n floor. Matches should always bo kopt In n match safe. It Is neither neat nor se cure to lcavo them scattered on bureaus and stands. Every good tin shop sup piles tho article, but If nothing bettor can bo had, empty mustard bores wllh smooth fitting lids will nnswer. Thermometers. Fvory house should bo supplied with sovcral thcrmometors. Apples will keep bettor Id. a collar with a low tompcinturc, which may be main tained If , ono pr two thcrmometors oro always at hand to Indicate the approach of freezing. They aro always or uso In dairy and other apartments. Creaking Hinges. Doors hungon butt hinges ofteu make nn unpleasant nolso by creaking. The best way to prevent H Is to placo n drop or two of kcro?cno, by moans of a feather, on tho top of tho bolt connecting tho two parts, as well as at tho sides working tho door backward nnd forward at tho sauio tlmo. Tho oil will run down and tho difficulty will cease. Paint. It Is always convenient to have paint at hand for doing small Jobs. If kept In common paint poti, It soon dries.' An empty fruit Jar with n close fitting cork answers an excellent pur pose ; and If tho handlo of the brush Is short, so as to go Inside; it Is always roady without washing. Putty always ready for use rriny bo kept In tho samo way. Maine Farmer. Zamp-Ztgilert.Theso may bo easily made by tearing waste papers Into strips nn Inch wide, and rollings those strips neatly, by beginning nt tho upper cor ncrnnd rolling nearly but not qulto pa - nllol with tho sldo of the strip. Who completed, bend up nnd pinch tho lower end, to prevent unrolling. A lltllo prac tice will give them a very neat appear nnce. If desired, they may bo irnulo long enough to run down tho chimney of a keroscno lamp. Paste for Ready Use. Mucilage made of gum arable Is good for many pur poses, but rather costly. A cheap kind and hotter adapted for pasting unsized paper, Is made of jam tragacanth. A few cents worth may be procured at a druggists, and will last years. Placo a stratum of tho gum half an Inch thick in tho bottom of tho bottlo and fill it two-thirds with rain water. In a few hours it will be ready for uso, and will last several weeks in hot weather. Ventilation. Those who occupy or work In closo rooms often suffer in health for want of fresh air. Apart ments not supplied with ventilators should have tho windows so construct ed as to let down ono, two or three'in ches from tho topK This will let in a moderate and steady current, which will become:well mlxcd.w'ith the othoriair beforo it reaches tho floor. and bo more pleasant than swcopldg'gusts near the feet through windows raised from below. Leveling Clocks. Clocks often run badly by not being set level ticking unequally and stopping easily. They may be wedged up so as to be' perfectly level, and an acurate ear will know by the ticking when this is effected. But a more perfect way is to tack a card or paper behind tho pendulum In tho eve ning, and place a bright lamp at a dla tanco exactly in front. Then mark with a pencil tho shadow of tho rod, movo it ery slowly to ono side until it ticks, oml IVinn ! .1 lr .1 nnntlm.. If 1 . uu ii'vh uMnu uuu.u 111 U I J iUUVU lb to tho other sldo and mark it when It ticks again. Measuring tho'dlstanco of theso threo marks will enablo the opera tor to level the clock to a hair's breadth II 1 tor j of the Potato. This article of food, although known as tho "Irish potato," is a native of this country, being first discovered by Har lot, tho keen eyed scholar and historian of Italeigh'a expedition, in that part of Virginia which is now North Carolina. Specimens wero immediately sent back to Great Britain ; and the first crop In Europo was raised in 1585, on Sir Wal ter's estates, in Younghall, Ireland, which gave tho tuber its name. Tho now artlclo of food crept slowly Into Europo, meeting everywhere with the greatest opposition. As ton had been lampooned and prohibited by law twenty years earlier, and as tho intro duction of coffee had been donounced as a conspiracy to poison the people, so tho abhorrence of the potato plant was general In England and universal In Franco. Scientific men set forth its deadly qualities, and even the most modorato of its opponents asked, "Why force this coarse and detestable tuber from tho land of tho Incas unnn na. whon tho soil of Franco Is capablo of Buppiyingmomostcellclous ana health ful productions of tho vegetable king uom?" Louis XVI. wore a potato mosaominius button-hole, but ho did not. aaro to plant a potato. And s things continued, till, durlnrr t - lne of tho French Involution of a few years lator, potatoes for seed wero ac cepted by tho peasants from tho Tuilcr lea. In Iluaala. H.'n c,f r .... . ...... ,ulu vt iitu uur ju- tato was still hauler, if was an outcast tnoro, oven wnen Bonnarto marched luaiuoww. J.-IUIU iiieir wild supersti tions, tho pooplo evolved tho tradition that tho potato was of ovll origin. The 'Btory ran that tho devil comnini being driven from tho garden of Eden, that ho had no fruit, and so tho Lord God took pity on him and created tho potato oxprcssly for his uso. For twen ty years it was known all over Itussla and Turkey, as "tho DovH'sfruit." But It is how tho chief artlclo of cultivation across the wholo Central belt of Europe, and it enables tho soil to feed twlcq tho population that It was formerly consid ered possible to support. In IrellHid, potatoes constitute threo-fourtlw of fhe food of tho people, and a short crop al ways causes a famine. The United States grows annually about 180,000,000 bushels threo bushels for every man woman and child. ' OAltLVLEsayg, "Makoyourselfa good man and then you will be sure there Is ono rascal the leas In tho. world." QTATEMENT OP THK FINANCES J or tii COUNTY Or COLUMBIA. From January 1,1S70 to January 1,1871. DAVID LOWENIIIlIUI. ESa.. Treasurer of Co lumbla county, la account wltasuld county, iur cuumy purposes, lor 191V. 1870. Jan, T. am't outstanding for 1809 and previous yean IV M 15 mami outstanding onrjtaie ibwi andtuiltncountv 1U0 4 To cath rroin Jacob Yolio Treasurer lat an 47 Mar. 1, ISO feet plank to C. C. Trench, Light Blreelbrldgo !i3,lo K. II. Little I lumMr from Court Homo In ISO ... 44 M, To Note of 11,000 dKoont, lit National Hank Rloonvpurg " 2ITn Peak family u Court room " SI. To (I. Evaus xr overseer Bri ar Creek for U.Bi' 0 M 1) 00 M 00 81.101 03 June, To ant county tax assessed ror ir7u . . Bent. 8. Tor. Adams, r. O. Brlarcreek for CL tnlt 8 ro redemption tented lands, Mid by Commission Ad, John Mc (Mlia, Reaver, ju Mann Miller, Ileavcr. H tales, AO 101 n it os (117 70 To redemption unseated lands held by commissioners , " John Welilvcr Madison ' " l'eter Yolio, Minim " Pelor He, bugarloat Andrew Freas, Brlarcreek " sameror taxdueaflersaletoCom. missloncrs " David llartaet.Mlftlln " same for tax after sale to Coram's 44 Michael Wagner, Jacksen M Wm. Clicmberltn, Madison " Geo. llower, Iloarlnecreek " Hchuyler A Henry, Brlarcreek " Jaraea McMullcn, Hugarloaf C 11. Troy, Heaver 44 John llalcot, Heaver 44 Mann A lloat. Main 44 Geo shiek. Franklin " " Itltter'a estate, Montour 44 James Parks, Flshingcreek M Jacob Evaus, Ureenwood 'John Ererhart, I.ocust " J. A 11. Hughes, Locust 44 M. Groves. Montour 44 F. L. tiltuman, Heaver 44 OeoLougenbergcr. Mlfllln 44 tleo. LongcnbcrKor, Maluo 44 W. A L. Hughes, Locust " James Shulu, Hugarloaf 44 Uoorgo Slouu, Oraugo 8 47 ft r7 5 8.5 l'J 01 2(0 5 51 1 IM It) M 7 60 o ou 5 OU 0 110 13 eo 5 00 17 7D II 00 7 OU 4 0.1 a l 4 IX) 4 00 4 Oil 4 W 3 72 4 00 W 71 14 ll 7 U4 $jjs m To am't of county tax on unsealed lands " am'tof county tax. on seated lands l,49l 81 To seated and unseated, road, school, poor, bouuty taxes, ac, received and accredltod to the townships: Beaver road tax unseated 15s 68 seated 6.178 44 school tax unseated 188 61 ' " seated Ml 82 " poor tax unseated 5111 44 seated 1 0J " bounty tax seated 7 33 Denton road tax nnseated " M " seated " school tax unseated ' poor " " Hrlarcreek road tax unseated " " " scaled " school tax unseated H poor " " bounty , .. Minted Catawlssa road tax unseated " school tax " poor " 21 41 42 23 17 71 S61 41 Centralis Hor. school tax nnseated Kor un ountv tnx 11 Horough lax unseated Conynghnm road tax unseated " seated " school tax unseated " ' " seated " poor " unseated " seated " special poor tax seated " ' unseated purchase poor tax " " " " seated " bounty tax seated Uentre road tax unseated Bchooltax " " poor " ' Flshlngcrcok road tax unseated school ' " Franklln'road tax unseated " school " " poor ' QrccnwoDd road tax unseated " school ' M " " seated " poor unseated Hemlock road tax unseated school " . .poo'-, " ' Jackson road tax unseated m oi w 09 13 III 28 41 3 72 scnooi - " seated ' poor ' unseated " " seated Locust road 'tax unseated school "r f " " poor, hit . " '.iftSVl: ' Mlfllln unseated school '! poor " " Madison road tax unseatod " sciiooi " " " " seated poor unseated " " seated Maine road tnx unseated scuooi poor " - bouuty " . Mt. Pleasant road tax unseated " school ' Montour road tax unseated school " " poor " " bounty " " Oraugo road tax unseatod " seated ' school tax unseated poor " Pine road lax unseated ( school tax unseated ,. .. gegtf,) M poor " unseated seated 67 m 217 411 Ml 72 1 111 2 67 143 30 Bparlngcreek road tax unseated ' school M ' Bugarloaf road tax unseated scuooi -poor " " ItECAPITULATION. Road tax' unseated Kchool " " Poor " " Hpeclal poor tax unseated I'urchose " Hounty tax unseated Horough 7,111 3 M'W ya oo 89 28 85 10 43 18 ..a 01 Ml 28 IM 01 Road tax seated Kchool Poor " " Hounty " " Hpeclal poor tax seated Purchase M " ' Oct. To Registry list of taxes Doc. 28. To W. H. Kat, Proth'y Jury fees To Lehlgti A Mahanoy n. ItCo., land redeemed . " To cash paid assessors managing dog turn! M To ain't Htate tax assessed above Htate quota ' To am't reo'ed from mtlltla of l!5 11 ToM. K.Jarkson. Inquest money on boily of John E. fowler, re funded lo county CO 00 ai 4.1 23 79 13 87 CIt. ., By am't outstanding for 1870, Ac t ev Hy note paid first National Hank Jnomsburg Mav br nolo paid First National Bank utooiasburg Hy coixrrhftalon allowed collectors Hyeioneralns ' Hy County orcers redeemed Hy Balance due; 111,001 89 2,000 09 1,000 CO 1,4 22 671 84 20,807 03 799 15 837 85 13.008 71 JJLV., IN ACCOUNT DJt 3Uwi 40' T m X ouUUnuln To aui'l assessed for 1870 ' from Jaoob Yohe late Treas'r duo Treasurer " t CR. By am't outstanding for 1870, io. " sheep orders redeemed By coramlsslon allowed collectors lly am't exonerations allowed oolleo'rs " paid assessors managing fuud " Treasurer'! commission 2,177 W BTATWIKNT of amount of Tax rwaeascd 1870 ami me amount uuo on same i'ecemner si, is, w. DMrlcts Co. Dog Co. Don Ass'd Assd Duo lino llloom 4100 09 1I9K) 2UOIH3 41 W "tato Tax 863 13 4117 78 08 83 29 61 21 119 01 13917 40 03 43 81 60 09 4189 11211 0914 2103 113 23 63 99 101 20 00 29 Heaver.... 870 II Berwick,.,. 057 28 Ilrlnrcrcck, 1043 w (i9 60 24 00 117 SO 87 23 C3 00 223 61 7J013 47 60 IU169 2060 CIO TO 1100 88 88 21)00 643 C3 13 40 26181 12 00 300 118 li 00 21143 11211 1160 617 30 IS 00 uonion,,,,, noils Cntawlssa,, 121017 Centre 1137 70 Celitmlla. , I'lKM Con) ne-haiu sail x7 I'mtiklln ... 60817 I'lshlUKCr'k 043 21 Urecuwoml. VH8 20 Hemlock,.. Wm Jaeksnn.... 72)l(rJ 69 60 7300 00 00 20 00 22 00 4200 PI CD WOO 04 60 3900 IxM-U4t 08.1 17 IH1K7 119 00 Malno Ml 23 Muili'on.... 0123.1 Mt.I'leasant 000 03 Montour. ... 793 4'1 Minim loin m 43 00 73 60 03 00 40 60 79 00 4800 40 SO aim 03 00 63 60 1113 00 ai7 47 93 ft 319 31 438 87 40063 11783 802M 179 20 10 00 38 90 07 90 3200 10113 B 03 CD ai 27 60 .10 02 67.14 17.100 3180 2IJJ3 73 1101 00 10213 10 430 SJ 5180 41 Tho following aro nmounta dne for prevlour years: County, 60 00 69 18 121 42 180 49 00 IW Dog nearer, f I, Bhumaii 1800, Denton, John 11 Keeler, 1869 Contralla,! hoa Oeraty; 1800 Franklin, Jacob Knlttle, 1809 8 00 0 41 30 00 Oonyngham, Dl'lrlt: lerman, IS08 219 61 Mn'lson, Jacob Bechtel 09 78 7.VI 79 60 4 Add amount duo for 1870 U.2I3 10 4.1) 88 Total duo 11,00 1 69 477 IS Thoso marked with a star havo slneo been sotltcd, . Tho following are expenses for 1870. ASSESSORS' PAY. Spring Triennial Bloom town, 6001 Heaver " 21 00 3.100 H Creek " 29 00 39 00 llenton " 2100 23 00 Berwick Horough 19 40 Centmlla " 23 oo S7 90 ConTighamtwp... 2800 8000 Centre- ' 2900 3360 Cntairlssa " 2300 2100 Franklin " 17 00 20 00 Flshlngcreck " 2300 20 00 tlri'l-nood " 23 00 30 00 Hemlock " ., 1379 moo Jackson " isoo 20 70 Locust " 27 60 Malno 18 21 23 2.1 Mtnllil " 23O0 2800 Mt. Pleasant " 17 60 27 00 Mudlson " 20 79 T3 00 Montour " 1160 17 00 omngo " 20 00 20 00 Pino " 20 00 28 60 Itonrlngcr'k " 12 29 17 00 Kcott " 2.100 .13 60 fugnrloaf " 20 00 18 00 Total Thoso marked with nstar not yet In Paid Assessors on account of Septen nial enumeration auditors " Counly Auditors ' M F Ererly, Auditing Troth'y nnd Register's acuount nrttDOK coninACT. 11 John Fnt, contract for putting up now bridge In Uemlock town ship near Brlvoitcr Purselt ' John Leggott, contract rebuilding bridge near Reuben Wllson.orcr Little Flshingcreek " David Havage.contractrebulldlng nnd straightening Benton brldgo " Geo W Keller, contract building now brldgo on county lino be tween Columbia and Northum berland counties, In full " reterHWank, movlngand rebuild ing brldgo lu Heaver township, near Mr Isaac Kllugaman RRIDQE REPAIRS " James Conner, lumber, Ronton brldgo ' Iteubeu Rcltas, repair dono to tho briege above Orangovllle, In nil M John LcKgolt. shingles and lath for covering double bridge below Bloom, at 87 per thousand " Peter Jones, covering bridge be low Bloom " Peter Jones, replacing timbers Ac, below llloom " John Mordon, repropplug bridge Mordansvllle,Mt Pleosaut town ship " Henlamln Wertmnn, coreilng bridge at Orangevlllo " D K Sloan, shiugles and lumber for bridge at Orangovllle " JU Wilson, repairs to bridge near Kdward Mclienry, Little Flsh ingcreek " Benjamin Cole, roofing bridge In Benton township, near Coles, by contract ' Joshua U, Hess, repropplngbrldge bank lnSugarloaf township.ncar liess's 14 John Leggott. for repair to wing wall and for lumber at tho Wil son brldgo, over Little Fishing creek 11 John Hobblns. placing cinder nt double brldgo below Bloom " II u Ort, hauling ono hundred tons cinder same place " Philip Applemanrepropplng bank nt .bridge near John Zancr's, Flshingcreek township " ltunynnd'Warden.nallsfordoub- lo bridge below Bloom " Bloomsburg Lumber Company, Itock bridge below Bloom .1 Wnuleger, Carpenter work do ' Isaao Labour, plank.Flshlngcreek brldgo " Wm. Andrews, plank.brldge near Isaiah lies, A Hess, six hundred feet plank. .. ..Vcnu.",' " Cole's mills " Wm Holmes, n-,.i,in hrldza , near Klgtrled's, Benton "a8 Moses Mollenry, four hundred ft, plank, Ktlllwater bridge " John It Kline, 880 feet plank, Con ynghnm township "DA Kllno, plank and work, Pat terson brldgo, Orange " Martin Andrews, repair brldgo near Jnslah Hess " Jacob Yohe. Jr. repair at Yoho bridge, MIlHlu ' K Mendenhall, for double brldgo below llloom " James Barton, lumber for double brldgo below Bloom " N U 1- owler, placing cinder below Bloom ' Al'red Horbeln, repair Slabtown bridge " Alired Herbeln, repair Catawlsaa. M'Kelvey's Mills " Nathan Homer, taking down the bridge at Reubeu ltelgle's. In Franklin town6hln " E Yocum, repair Locust, county line bridge " Wm Coleman, expense to Benton bridge " Reuben Relgle, plank at old brldgo at his placo ISO 00 5 5 00 211 35 139 25 78 00 18 20 22 50 7 02 8 CO 0 CO 10 21 BLANK BOOKS. 1 Blank books, Commissioner's of fice Blank books Prothonotnry's office ' " Register a Recorder's olllco 182 07 49 75 COMMISSIONER'S ATTORNEY John Q Freeze, Attorney " service In two tax cases "Court" 75 00 By cleaning Court House, paid Mrs E uveruuu uicieauiug ixmnnouse varil. Aft Paid Court cryer, Moses CofTman dnr- Inf the venr 102 60 279 IS Constable returns to Courts COUNTY BUILDINGS. Paid IsalaHHageubuchsnoutlng Court Hharplcss a Harman cast Iron pickets for yard fence Court houso 63 81 B 67 1 Peter Jones renulrs nt Jail wora ai nurary case, ! Bloomsburg Lumber Co. lumber for law ofllco " E J Thornton, wall paper, Pro thonolnry and Register's offices " Wm F Hodlnn, puperlug & palut'tr " Runyau a Warden muteriuls for 15 02 20 89 iionirycaNo " ltunyauA Warden, locks for privy " '.' . , . . .covering In Register's ofllco table " MeuaghdiCoirmaupalntlngCourt House fence. Ac, " D Miller painting Court House fenco. Ac. , ' Moyer Bros, bill paints, Ac,, ror Court House fence, ao " NJ Hendershott, bill paints, for Court House fence, Ac 11 Moyer Bros lead, Ac, painting offi ces und library Peter Jones, repair about O house " Caroline Moyer repairing 3 win dow blinds H 11 Thurnaj lock repair at Jail " Ueo V Henrlo muklag key law room ' John Weaver, pump repair nt Jail " Muwxlwani,repalrtttjalijard McKeUy, Neal V9 bill for Jail " 15tM,endennaliWl)lll lumber for Court House and Jail COMMONWEALTH COSTS. Paid costs Commonwealth vs Richard Palmer. Uwli Kaunen, It. F. Btout,haiier a Creasy, join Her bert and others during the year COMMISSIONER AND CLERK, " WmO Quick, Commissioner " David Yeager " " Cyrus Hobblni " " II J Iteeder " Win Krlckbaum Clerk 3 83 3 68 9 49 4 25 2 00 4 00 60 1 00 300 I 05 1 II C0I 60 DISTRICT ATTORNEY. Paid E. R. Ikcler, District Attorney . , , ELECTION EXPENSES. Paid sundry persons holding elections FUEL. raid Bloomsburg Lumber Co 3 tons coal for Court House Hendershott A Mason 3 tons coal u for Court House " Paxton A Harmau, 3,300 lbs of coal for court House " O W Neal A Bro. 68,620 lbs coal for Court House and Jail 71 00 783 50 3 15 ISO 69 FOX AND WILDCAT SCAlis. raid sundry persons for scalps INSURANCE. Tald John A Funston for Court House " U F Haittnan for Jail 6125 82 00 7 78 39 78 lirango". C74 12 1'lno 270 09 It. crock,,., wl Scott 1M8 00 $tignilonf,.. 2M43 INQUESTS. Paid John M Chemberlln on ldy of Mrs. tl. W. Manger Bloom " Thomas J Vandersllcoon body of WHatllta Hemlock " O tl M urphy on body of John Mon ohan Conyngham CUMurphybodyofMarySwoony Convngham " U tl Murphy on body ol l"at Con. " (fa illirpliynn body of John Phil lips, Coiiyngham Richard Thornton on body of William Connolly Conyngham " Philip llavcrnn Constablo foes body of Wm Connelly Conyng'm " Oil Murphy on body of an un known person " nThorntononbodyofFMcMana mln flonynghnm " O U &lurpiiy on body of M Han non or Conyngham INCIDENTAL EXPENSES. Paid John Leacock boarding Jury, palmortrlal " Johnlrf-acockboardlngJuryKan-trce trial H Dliowrnberg coat and panta for John Herbert prisoner " ISBBIdleman repair to lightning rod Court House H 1W Melllck money drawer Tro- thonolary'a olllco " 11 11 Llttlncasovs Jacob Yohe " K ii Llttlo fees Centralla poltco caso " O W Manger bed for Jail ' ono dor. stools Ao for Court Houso and Jail " OUliiwkwnyontWHEntbooki 10 87 1105 13 tl 13 63 15 3) 20 08 3) 40 13 00 33 31 31 19 21 07 181 23 91 00 49 00 8 00 40 800 20 U) 101 00 4 89 S3! 31 65 13 03 7 71 20 OO 193 TO 91 05 0 0.1 23 00 3 60 SCO 300 'I I o lor i roiiionoinry-s ouiro C U Murphy, Scclal appeals Con- yngham Assessor " McKelvy Neal Co 31 Tit ropo for town clock ' M (I Woodward horse thief ren ard M J O Freeze lines refunded to Libra . rynommiltco " B II Miller AHoti bill foroll.brooms lamps, Ac for Court House A Jnll Moyer Uros. bill for oil, lamps AO " It F Clark, Prof, service, state tax Harrlsburg " tiro Yost 3 husk foot mats forC. , Houso " J M Chemberlln repairing town clock, " S It Thomas amtthlng bill about i imn ituuso " W H Morgan for Bradford county brldgo plan " S F. Spargcnnl et nl 2 maps Com. mlssloners' ofllco " llobhins A Eycr, bill court houso nndjall " I Hsgenbucli repairing stoves, Ao Court llouso "SO Hhlve (tpalr pnper flics Pro thouotary's olllco " EdCoukllug 0 boxci paper fast eners " sundry persons for sundry things 3 00 3 75 4 23 3 31 1 25 1 20 10 31 015 1 PENITENTIARY. " EH Penitentiary supporting con victs. 70 14 Htate Lunatic Hospital for thosup port of Catharine Suit ritlNTINO. " JS Sanders printing ISC9-70 in full ii jtrociiwuy puuuuK on. .or 44 Bradley A Gordon's pnnttug bill 1725 80 POSTMORTEMS. " RMLosholl.ou body of Pat, Con yngham ROAD AND BRIDGE VIEWS. 44 Sundry persons lor tundry views ROAD DAMAGE. 44 John Thomas, Greenwood 44 John Clark, Bloom 44 Kdward Heurlo, Pino 4 Wm Peacock, depositions on load llloom 44 Geo Moore, Kngarloal 44 E H Little, dci-osltlou on road In Brlarcreex 44 O 11 Mason, Mt Pleasant 44 K C Nhulli, Bnparloaf 44 Jos Kramer, Madison " David Miller, witness road Briar Creek 44 Wm Wnlp 44 44 44 II W Fodder 44 44 44 John Achonbach, Orango JJ Wm Bobbins, 44 44 ChasLow 44 44 Hchuyler A Low 44 44 WmHmlth - ' Mary Rickets 44 44 Wm Hands, Mt Pleasant 44 Peter Achenbach heirs Orango 44 John Fortuer heirs Franklin 44 Stephen Keofer, llenton J MrsHlliui Aprileman, Orango 44 ClcmuclRParkor.Plno 44 Joel Keefer llenton 44 DJ Waller. Bloom 44 Jefferson Moyer, Bloom 44 Joen Mulligan, llenton 44 J F Plahler, Catawlssa 44 Quaker Society. 44 44 W O Mason. Mt Pleasant 44 David Hhalfor, 44 14 M E Jackson, professional serv ices In road damage Centro St Bloom 813 00 JIM) 00 12 00 191 00 7 00 4 00 1C0 l 15 00 6 HO 61 Ml 16 00 1 60 I 50 1 .' 80 00 80 00 80 Oil 6 (0 13 00 10 00 to (III 20 00 IHI 00 100 CO (U 00 70 110 1 00 175 10 looo 100 00 80 00 80 00 200 (XI loo oo 10 00 to to fl.039 fit) REGISTRY EXPENSBS." 44 Assessors for Registering voters for tho year, Including pay for 108 blank Registry books, and am't paid for transcribing Bald 103 books SHERIFF'S ACCOUNT. 44 Mordecal Millard as per bill ren dered for boarding prisoners, serving Jury nottcea, convening convicts to II H Penitentiary, dc, HTATE ROADS. 44 Tho following persons for laying nnd opeulug a state road from Foundry ville, in Columbia Coun ty, to the bubllo road near Good's school houso lu Luzeruo county Lcl Cortrlght, Commissioner It H Patterson 11 F Headly 44 H F Headly, Surveyor Vta lllldebrunt. Chalnman Hcubcn Andrew, Ciiuium.n Adum Hult, Commissioner N U WeRtler " JCUmltU K L ICoons, Surveyor Joa WobMuKer.Axman F It llayinaii, Chalnman Hlmphon Folk, Axmua Wm M KUmaob. Jintlce foes ma C3 STATIONEUY. " To sundry persons for paper nnd pens TIP8TAVE.S. " Sundry persons Up staves during yor TltCASUUEn. " I) jLowenburg for deeds to Com jnlanlouers Total expenditures TAXUH UEFUNDED. " Amounts refunded to tho town snips dko B1IEEP onDEUS. ' Bloom 11 Jleaver ' BrlarCreelc...... " Jteutou . " Centre ... ' Catawlssa H " Frauklln 11 Kltnlnftcreek " (Jrtcnwood . ... ' Hemlock - " Jackson - 14 locust H.m " Malno M Madison " Montour, , Mt Pleasant " Oraug. WM..... " Bugarlouf .. " Bcott - 20 CO 2.1 10 J7 W 100 CO iStl 50 17 00 3S OU 70 2Q 49 00 6 60 & 00 raw 12 40 87 GO 10 00 m CO 41 00 1U0 00 47 JH 8937 40 Whole amount orders Issued la 170 I27.0H SO Dedurt fibpen orders Issued 0.77 40 And Tux refunded to townships 7,579 13 8,530 52 Expenses during tho year $18, W7 81 STATEMENT OF DOO FUND. Wo linva nn ace n rule account of sheep orders from Ihtj to this time, Tho sheep orders Issued nud not re deemed are an follows, to wltt r or l"W " w ForliiTO Ml DO Whole amount unredeemed Amount overpaid on dog tax Is Which added to sheep orders unpaid 1)19 40 Ml 61 WJ 40 Gives tho wholo Indebtedness 1,112 HI Now deduct amount dua from collection 477 'ii Excess of damage over said fun d 6o5 03 Allowing commissioners an extra sal ary UIUI Total debt, about 1730 00 STATEMENT OF COUNTY OltDEIta, Wholo amount of orders redeemod In 1S7U 6,W 00 m oo Deduct old orders redeemed Orders of 170 redeemed 26,000 IK Vti 00 auu amouui or 167U not redeemed Gives amount Issued In 1870 Amount due for !Hti7, road views Amount duo for WW, road views Amount duo for iMrf), ' Amount due for 1870, " Total duo for the Jour years 85 OJ We tho underHltr-ned. Auditor ct Pnlnmlifn county, belnK duly elected to adjust and settle vuwm.i"unmui iiiq tJCiwuitii Ultu VUUtlU IMIUII ers of Columbia county do hereby certify tliut we meet at the nfllce of the Treasurer and Commis sioners, In Dloomsburs.and carefully examined the accounts and vouchers or the same rrom the first day or January A. 1, mo, und to the Urn day of January, A. I). 1S71, find them correct la mo jurt-Kuiau BLttitJinem, aim wo nnd a balance duo Columbia count v onfViiintv To oiuht imu. dred and thirty-woven uo'laru and elulity-flve cents, (J.M) from David Ixtwcnburg, Treasurer of said county, and a balance duo the Treasurer on Doif'rax one hundred and ninety-three dol lars and mty-one cents (IM fll.) iimvuuuur una uiai tne Township Auditors In several of the Townships of the county havo not compiled with the laws relating to the an pra Uement of sheep killed by doKs, and suggest that the County Commissioners pay uo dam ait t t any porsou unless the law Is fully compllod Ulven under our hands this Fourth dsy of Jan- nurv A. Ii 1W7I A, J, ALI1EUT80N. ) II. J. (.'AMI'imn,,' J UANIEI. LEE, , ' J Auditors, -uwigitucu, IUlUUIISSIOlierS 01 LX1- lumtila county, do Tiertty certify tliatlbo fore going Is a correct statement of the acoounu ol u. ...u j u, .aiu, WM. O. QUICK, ) Commissioner's OlTlce. Blooiufchurg, Feb. 10, iwi, ,VIWM a 41 121 83 810 2) 218 30 ear s iw w 23 60 Drugs and Chemicals, A GREAT MEDICAL DiSCC iy Dr. WALKER'S O 4 LVBOnU VINEGAR BITTLKS I S U A U Ml I kl V indoor Poor ltnmt Whisker rroof Hplrtu nod Ucfnse IIcnurs doctored. splcod sndiwcct- ened to plows tho tajte, called" Tonlct,MHAppclU en," lleltoor(,,, c, that lead tho tippler on to drunkennexs sud rnlu, bot tn a true Medicine, mado from the Nfttlro lloots and Hcrbi of California, ftro frum nllAlcobullo Stimulants. Theysio tho (J It K AT DM) Oil I'UUiriEIl nud A MFC (JIVING I'KINCIPLEspcrfoct XtenoTStor s&d InTlfforator of tQOBjitea,carrrl02 0ff all polionons matter sad rcatorlag tho blood to a healthy condition. No person can take tbcia Bitters sccordlnij todircc tloa sad remain lone unwell. 8100 will bo tlTcnforon IncnraMocuo.rrorldcd tho bones aro not deetrojod by mineral poison or other tneani, and tho vital organs waited bejoodtho point of repair. 1'or iDflnmmntory nnd Chronic Uhrnmn t Ik iti npd Uent Drspcpnln, r Indlffcatloo, lllllouSf Itenilttent nnd Intermittent Tovcrs Jlsenseaof Iholllood- lilvcr, Xildncrxi nnd llluddcrt tocso Dlttcrs tato been rawt tacccio fal. Hucli Discuses aro canted by Vltlrttcd Iltood, which U fftncrally rrodnccd b j dcracccncrt cf tho DlffCBtlToOrcana. DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION, Hctul dctic, Tain In tho Enoohlcri. ConghJ,TlhtncM of tho Chest, DlnlncEi, Bonr Eructations or tho Etomocb, Bad luto In tho Month, DUlons AtUcki, Palpitation of tho Heart, Inflammauonof IhoLtmei, Tain In tho rcclona of tho Kidneys, and a bendred other pololul ty rapioma, oro tho offspring of Dyipcpilo, Thry laTlEor&to tbeEtomacUanditlmolato tho to pldllTcrand bowcli.wMch render them of unequalled tdcacyln cleansing tho blood of all Imparities, and Impart Ins new life and vigor to tho wholo ijitcm. 10 It SKIN DISEASES Eroptlonj.TotUr, Bait 1 been, Dlotcbcs, Epots, rimplcs, Pnetnles, Bolls, Car banclci,I'jDS'orms, Ecald-IIcod, Boro Ercs.Eryslp (.las, Itch, Scarfi, Dlscoloratloni of tho Ekln, Humors and Diseases of tho bkln, of wbatovcr namo or nature, aro literally dog up and corrlod out of tho tyatcm In a chort tlmo by tbouio of theso Bitters. Ono bottlo In each cases wilt convlnco tho most Incredulous of their curatlvo effect. Clcanso tho Vitiated Blood whenever you flad its I ir purities bnrstlng through tho skin In Pimples, Erup tions or Bores t clcanso It wben yon find It obstructed and sluggish In tho veins f clcanso It whon It Is foul, and yonr feelings will tell you when. Keep tho blood puro asd the health of the system will follow. PIN, TAPE and other WORMS, lurklBglnt&o system of so many thousands, are effectually destroy ed and removed. Tor full diroctloni, read carefully tbo circular around each bottlo, printed In four laa-gnagcs-Engllsh.Ocrman, French and Spanish. J. WALKER, Proprietor. H.U.McDONALD A CO., DrnggliU and Oen. Agents, fan Francisco, Cal., and S3 and U Commeroo Street, Now Tork. K7SOU) ST AIL DKUGGIST3 AND DEALE&fl. 3.000 WILIj UE PADITO ANY PEftciON riroducluft n Prepnrntlo enshowlng half na many Ivlnp; genuine pcrmnn ct cures as Dr,Fitlf.ii,8 tltlo nrescrlntlonof Prof JOS. 1 KlTfj t It. M. D. ono of Philadelphia's o MeBt regular l'hvslclans, who has made llhcmnatl'sm anncplalts 37 vrurs. permnneutly curing with this Hemedy 05 in every 1(X patients Treattd; so warrnnted under nam. iroin in-giMfrt'ii rasef. a resuii uupnrniiei ed. Itlsn nleasant Medicine, free from lntur- lous Druus fHuorn vouchers from Henowned Prominent Physicians lndortdng Dr. Kltter ac company each bottle). To protect sullerers from risk, a legal guaranteo stating number of bottle warranieu 10 euro wm uo lorwarueu wimoui charge to any person sending by letter a full, truthful description of rate In case of failure to cure, tho amount paid will bo refunded. Price fUMpcr bottle; 0 bottles, $7.50. Medical advice sent by letter gratis. Address DH. KITLKIt, Pouth KOUitTII Street. Philadel phia, or No. 701 IIUOADWAY.N, V. Hold or sept270-ly. I no not wisn totulorm you. reader, that Dr. wonderful, or any other man, has discovered a remedy that cures Consumption, when the luugs aro half consumed, In hhort, will euro all diseas es whether or mind, body or estate, mako men live forever, and leave death to play for want ol Work, and IS desliMied In rnHk nur itiililitnnrv sphere a blissful which Ileaveu ttseff snail ueuui a smo snow. You nave heard enough or thnt kind or hurabuggery. But wheh I tell you that Dr. Sage's Catarrh Hemedy uilt positive lu cure the worfct cosch of Catnrrh tn thn llnt T only assert that which thousands can testiry to I will pay $501) Heword for a caso that 1 cannot cure. A pamphlet giving symptoms nud other luiuriuunuu buuv ireo to any aaurcss. ruts rem edy Is SOLD 11 Y MOST DntrflOIftTS IN ALL TAItTS Trlco 50 cents. Sent by mall, postpnld, on receipt of sixty cents, or lour packages tor two dollars, Deware of countertits and worthteu imitations. See that my prlvute Stump, which is n votiltve guarantee ff ueiiutnencita. Is upon the outside wtniJic,, ticiiiviuijur umt iuih private niamp, dbulu h; vuvuuiiiuoHitcaviuvciLIIlCJUeinrHWs ly for stamping my medicines, has my portrait, name aud uddrcsti, and the words 'U. B. Ccrtifl- cate or uenulneness," engravod upon It, and need not bo mistaken. Don't be swindled by travelers nnd others representing themselves as Dr, Sage; lam the only man now living that has tho kuowledge and right to manufacture the (ermine Dr. SageTs Catarrh itemedy. and 1 never U.V. riEItc?Ef M. D. 13J Seneca street, DutTalo, N. Y. s EVEN KEASONS WIIY Id the Hkst Liniment in this Would FOR IIOnSEH. KmsT. Itlscomnosedor tho most PowKitrDL aim i-KNKTHATiru. iinums jinowniii uiicmlslrv, hecond. Comblued with the above Is a Medi cinal Oil, made expressly for till. Llalment. and mixed liy au entirely uovr proeeM - THIRD. Tiiensoof the jwiWTuIandMiWfroHno Ingredients Is to drive or force la tilts beautiful Medicinal oil, which lubricates the Joints and muscles, nnd Immediately throttle, tlm .iia.aBa and compels It to loosen Its deathly, sickening: and poisonous fanes. Fouktu. This Medicinal Oil Is used for the samoreahon that a good mechaulo always uses oil to make his machinery work Ith caso and rtreci.iuii. nu in inu same way me muscles and otnta of our animals should be lubricated If we wish to have them travel with rapidity and ease. Firiult Is very soolhluu lu Us action, will not burn or blister tho animal like most of the 4rtd hot'4 liniments of the day, HIXT1I. Not Olio (Iron nl tlnplnrn nl.ov.nn. or red ijenpor can be found In Us composition 4 M M. .iMiiui-iii, run un euecuve which burns and blisters the animal until the muscles ai o hard and dried almost to n crisp, UEVENTII. Kverv hnltle In va nl. lood satisfaction, or your money will be refund ed. This shows conclusively that the proprle. torn have full conndenco In this preparation, anil proves lor tboVsventh time that 0. K. b. B. .a inutiuciit.u iua wuritj jor nurses. . WJM f OjOllf IJtntt ATenhanI ta twiLn ntt TVnM. ture of Hal J'ejipcr u4 llurtthorn. or other trash on imu, but atkor O.V.H. H.(ar ilorut: una take noclAcr. Hold byalldrui!lsu. , D. O. iHI4V A CO., Bole Proprietors. scpt?r(M7 m Washington Htrcet, New York. PHILOSOPHY OF MARRIAGE A New Course or Lectuues, as delivered at the Penna.Folyiechn!ound Anatomical Museum 120a Chestnut Ht.,4three douis aliove Twelfth, Philadelphia, embracing the subjects! How to Llvo and What to Live fori Youth, Maturity and Old Age! Manhood Generally Reviewed! The cause of Indigestion; Flatuleuce and nerv ous Diseases accounted fori Marriage Philo sophically considered. Then, lectures will ha forwarded on receipt of 15 cents by addressing! I'eoretary of the Pennsylvania Polytechnic Bnd Anatomical Muuiuil, J'JS Chestnut St., Abllatlelnhla, Pennsylvania. . Je2l'70-Iy, T)AROAINS BAUQAINS. HOICK SALES AND SMALL mocm, HAVE YOUR MONEY. Goto HENRY YOST. East Bloomsburg. Pa., for all kinds of the beat home and city made FURNITURE. "Monablo and the best ork done, Jllo7u-lf jji Hundreds of Ihonsands 2 licsr tpstimoBv lo their wonilcr- fie? o tol L'atsUre Mitli, M is 3 WHAT ARE THEY? g 1 a TOKrAim KOTAvan f ii F r a s.1 f r rt i m 1 E tt 3 Clothing, Ac. JyJ-EW STOCK OF CLOTHING. Fresh arrival of BUMMnll UOOU3, DAVID LOWEMI1KKU Invites attention to lila stock of CHEAP AND FASHIONABLE CI.OTIIINO. at his sloro on Main Street, twodoora above the American Hons llloomsburg, Pn.f where he ha Just received from Now York and Philadelphia a full assortment of MEN AND BOYS' CLOTHINfJ, Including tho most fashionable, durable, and handsome . . imtwsuooDs, consisting of BOX, BACK, IIOCO, OHM, AND OIL-OLOTH COATS AND PANTS, of nil sorts, sises and colors. Ho has also replcn Isht) d his nlrondy largo stock of FALL AND WINTER SHAWLS, BTIHPED, FIGURED, AND PLAIN VUSTS H1IIUTH, CRAVATS, BTOCKH, COLtARS ilANDKKnCHIEre, C1LOVES, SUSPENDERS, AND FANCY ARTICLES Ho nan constantly on hand n largo and well-seeded assortment of CLOTHS AND VESTINOS, which ho Is prepared lo make to order Into any kind of clothing, on very short notice, and lu tho best manner. All his clothing Is made to wear, and most of It Is of homo uiannfactnre. GOLD WATCHES AND JEWELRY, olovery description, lino nnd cheap. Ills caseol Jowclryianotsurpassodlnthlsiploco. Call nnd eiamlno hlsgenernl nssorlmentor CLOTHINO, WATCHES JEWELRY, 40. DAVID LOWEN11HRO. Bakery and Oonfoctionery. JOHN Q. JACOUY'8 UAKEUY AND CONFECTIONERY! BERWICK, I'ENN'A. Tlie underslened would respectfully Inlorni the Cltlreus of llcrwlck, nud vicinity, that he has opened a Confectionery and Bakery lu ODD FELLOWS4 HALL, Berwick, Pa,, where ho Is rrepnredto furnish all kludsor PLAIN AND FANCY CANDIES, FRENCH CANDIES, FOI1EION AND DOMESTIC FRUITS ORANGES, LEMONS, RAISINS Ac, Ac, Ac, Ac, T.Y WHOLESALE AND It ETA I L, Among tho assortment will bo found Cream Nuts, Kitgllsli Walnuts, Peanuts, Almonds, Fil berts, Figs, Apples, Cocoa Nuts, Jellies of dlirer ent hinds. Mustard. Catsup, Pickles, Chocolate, Cannid Fruit of nil kinds, Corn starch, Egg Ills cult. Soda Crackers, Oyster Crackers, Cheese, Soap, Writing Paper, Agreement I'apors, En velopes, FISH AND OYSTERS, And prodnco of all kinds. Fresh Bread and Cakes every day. Ice Cream In Season, Your patronage Is solicited, , , , , JOHN O. JACOBY. Berwick, Juno 17, ISTO-tf QONFEOTIONERY. The undcrslgnod would respectfully announce tn thn nnhlli. tfint. h. hu nn.n.,1 o FIItHT.CLAHS CONFEOTIONEJIY HTOtlK. In the building lately occupied by Fox A Webb where he Is nrenared tn furnish nil Llnrl. nt PLAIN A FANCY CANDIES, FRENCH CANDIES, FOREIGN 4 DOMESTIC FRUITS, NUTS, RAISINS.'AO., 40., 40 DT WHOL181LB OB K1TAIL In short, a full assortment of all good. In htullllnr)in.lnr.a A .r..ln,lnlunr DOLLS. TO Y8. Ac suitable for the Holidays, Particular Attention Klven to BREAD AND CAKES, of all kinds, fresh every day, CHRISTMAS CANDIES, UHIHTMAB TOYS. A call Is solicited, guaranteed. oy.22,188T. and satisfaction will b KCKHART JACOBS. Books. ANEW BOOK of tho greatest iulerehl and im. Iiri nice, written irom a high moral and physl- u.vKieiu iiauuKjini, uy an eminent physlclau and medical professor, It shows how rmtuu Is WOrkllll- nut IllR stlhlln nn.l rinnrntn.,.!..! through our most sacred doracstlo and social re lations. Puro-mlnded, but outspoken nnd ag grcshlvctno author handles tho delleatosubjccts not to mlntstertoaprurientcurloalty. TheJ'hyi' ci Ileyeneralion OJ the n subject Justly philanthropists, and tills book. It IS belloved, will contribute to that end Just In proportion as i, ., viieuiur neiii iree, ei.iiii.iuiiiK a full description nnd synopsis of the work wllh liberal extracts. v. v. vkwt, rubllsher, soHti'TU-tr 6 College Place, N. If they want tho mosi itopu urtitxl mcIHhJ fSiff- Hf'"I'orclreularh. Thej wlllcoslsuu noUUng, an.d may bu of great bent ut to you! fohll70-ly. Washing Machnea. TOTY'S WASHINQ-MACHINE. LATELY MUCH IMPROVED-A wn Titii- UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WKINQER improved with Uowell's Tatent Double Cog. i i AViiiriV :i,t....t.'""::" "'"P.are now unnuos- ouj't-wur unj apiiaratus for uash cSft fj?ilecn Sir; ,W4 KV1 wm ? their t T ill iuui huh ciomiw. wuiitii jj hiw paper, wno purchased a Washer and icstine.T. to their ti3.,1ii'.',llnnf0,ln..on.r. fsmlly for some ir-,T. 4 4 . 4,4 t;iotnes washers and Wr ngers. audare prepared to bear test moii?as to lis merits. It Is emphatically a fa(Iorfm machine and dnes Hh wl.rb-1,, Iii.n.r Vn. f.;...i7i,"." luorougll i , A.i.iT... .:":!.', 4.'" aviargo washes bian. Jim it ik,i u mvaiuauio."-CoLUIl. I'RIOES-A FAIR OFFER. If Ilia Haoalianln I places w here no one li ici lug and Va , ,uii li wo they will be liked, lhal wS'agfee S) efunS the monev if unv ,mn u.iBi,- . r..r "I.r4JPJnd corS.""-"-' tlS?i,SS:nd.'.f,.f.';?r.or Irothershould m,.tl r0rU',V,'?!OT. Jury to Ihegarnients.bya Doty Cluthea M, aud a Universal Wrltiaer? "1 Washer, coBu'ls aro'SS? Um"Mr' to wL '"erl dls- octl'-O-tf. Vc5?ffiM K'D'K''"oi"NTwhoM i'LiAlW ilOJlE TALK AND Jipiir havolioconipetlllou. There new.; 7 ' . ouappuca,, SKH( H.""11" 'M Add'Jeis? ,o ss . ii-ijia: co.. w Broorao Street, New Y'ork. ".WW HEADY FAY STORE IN IlOHRSJJUnO. tu t n- . 'T' '-T1 ui unit. iPJtSX bX bld. '"'hi. Other 5 realous7nW,? iujnbe7.chpferc Jiaiir.uurs;, feb. It, iK70-3t--i-T """vs., Dry Goods & Groceries. RAND OPENING UltAISlJ ui'Kninu GRAND OPKNINU GRAND OPENING GRAND OPKNINU FALL AND WINTER GOODS, FALL AND WINTER GOODS, FALL AND WINTER GOODS FALL AND WINTER GOODS FALL AND WINTER GOODS, consisting ol consisting of consisting of consisting of 'consisting of dry goods, dry goods, . dry goods, dry goods dry goods, hath and caps, hats and caps, hats and caps hats and caps hath and caps, boots and shoes, booth and shoes hoots and h1ioiw, boots and shoes, boots and shoes) ready-made clothing, ready-made clothing ready-made clothing, ready-made clothing ready-made clothing, lookino-olabres, lookino-oi.ahsks, looking-glasses: looking-glasses, lookinu-glashu3, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS. PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS PAINTS AND OILS, GROCERIES, GROCERIES, GROCERIES, GROCERIES, UROCERIES, tiUEENSWARE UUEENHWARE, tiUEENSWARE, tiUEENSWARE, tiUEENSWARB HARDWARE, HARDWARE, HARDWARE, HARDWARE HARDWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE TINWARE TINWARE TINWARE, SALT, SALT HALT SALT, SALT, FISH, FIHIl! K1H1I, FITH, FISH, G HALT AND HEEDS, GRAIN AND HEEDS, GRAIN AND HEEDS, GRAIN AND HEEDS, GRAIN AND HEEDS, 4c, 40, AC, MCKELVY, NEAL McKELVY, NEAL MCKELVY, NEAL McKELVY, NEAL Ufliri'l.VV k-1 , CO,4S, CO.'B, CO.'S. CO.'H. CO.'S. j-utbuwesi. corner 01 iviain ana Aiarxet mreeia, Northwest corner of Main and Market Streets, Northwest corner of Main und Market streets, Northwest corner of Main and Market Street., Northwest corner of Main and Market Streets, BLOOMSBURG, PA., BLOOMSI1URO, PA BLOOMSBURG, PA., BLOOMSBURG, PA BLOOMSBURG, PA. IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND NAILS IRON AND NAILH, IRON AND NAILS, In large quantities and at reduced rates, alway on naud. )UY THE BEST. THE RED. LION BRAND, BLACK ALPACA L,.."2r,?r,or J Bl.1 lu color, quality and price; to be found only nt M. P. LUTZ'S Dealer In Drvflnnds nn.i vntinn- ... n. i,,i,ii,: -t . . v.""".4-i 44 V "! "onus anil Not ous, n Drawer's building next to tho Court House, Mali t. Bloomsburg, Pa. inayl3';o-tf. Street jyILLEIVS STORE. JTHESU ARRIVAL OF HUMMER GOODS. . -.w.u.uewMUWUJauuM With another large and select assortment ol , FAf.T. A1J1I WlWTfii n,u,n.. v. jjimt , purchased In New York and Philadelphia at th. nwAstflviirn .n,l 1.A. . . . , - -vwiiuium tu sell on as moderate terms as can be procured els.' nwi.miuwuiiuini, Uis stock comprlsM LADIES' Uninui nnnrta of the choicest stvies anrf intA.t wu.uuB,togeiner with a large 'assortment sif Dry Goods and Gro- too loiiowing i rtlclee Oilcloths, oths. Oasslmeres, j Shawls, ' Flannels, Silks. - Whlt. Oooda, Linens, Hoop Skirts Muslins. ilollowwnrn - . Uneenaware. Hardw.r. Ilnla J at- - ' Hats and Caps Hoop Nets, Umbrellas, Looklng-Glossej, Tobacco, Coffee, Sugars, Teas, Rice, Allspice, Ginger, Cinnamon, Nutmegs AND NOTIflNM ni'vi.i, . T . In snort, everything usually kept In country stores, to which ne Invites the attention of the Duoii,y, to. nignest price win be paid for country produce In eichange for goods. a. xi. Aiii.i,citaBun. Arcade Buildings. Bloomsburg, Pa. rt 0. M A R R have Justrecelyed from the eastern markets a .argo aun well seiecteu siocic of DRY aOODS, consistinci or Casslmers, Jeans, Best bleached A Brown Muslins, Calicoes, Tickings, Tablo Linens, Cotton A All wool flannels, AC, Ae., A-'good stock of Ladles dress goods, Latest styles 4 patlerns. Bplses of all kinds, Good stock groceries, Queensware, Btone warp, Wood A willow ware, riuuramop, AlSO Kitchen Ovala! Rn.. n i .. Brass, 4o. All goods sold cheap for cash or pro duce. " He would cull ii .ii.nttAn . i , La . ,HH V. HU,BI HJ UU well aud carefully selected assortment which comprises everything usually kept In th. ooun try. feeUner nniin.lAnt tl,t i.. . goods at such prices as will ensure satisfaction. T Insurance Agencies, G LOBE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY o r NEW YOIIK, liny Freeman, President, It. a. Freeman n. Cash capital over 12,000,000, all paid. 'J. B. nOBISON, BLOOMSBURG, I'A Uli.-siillAL AGENT, For Luaerne, Lycoming and Columbia . . counllca,,469-Iy. JNBDBANOE AQENOyT Wyoming IITO.lHiO I,0,0UC 800,000 3M,(K.o Muo.oio I.IMI.UO MO.000 .Etna., Fnlton North America.,...-., City ................ International......... Niagara Putnam . Merchants S.,i:0 670,0 0 400.01)0 2tO,W0 &VX) 1,000,10 BprlngdeM ....,. , Farmers4 DuiivIIIa . Albany City , Lancaster Clty York Hnrsn. Ilall, A Ti,.n Home, Now Haven ,, Danville, Horse Then FHEAH BROWN, Apcnt, margU9-ly.. BLoonsnuito, i'A Hardware & Cutlery, JACOB K, SMITH, J, R. SEI.TZtK gMITH A SELTZEH, Importersand Dealers in Foreign and Dome, i H A'.R BWAKE, GUNS, CUTLERY, 40., SO. 409 N. Tlllltn STREET, AILCALLOWIIILL, Nov.;,I'A1,K1'I'HIA- Paints, Glass, c. ipIRST NATIONAL WHITE LEAD, BEST, PUREST, AND CHEAPEST! SATIKr-ACTION OUAItAMTKIl! 1,.- ... cy. It hi, n"en,wl'.'UraD""y',,na Br""au- Iho country: ula,"Bm 1 """ "'rouBhout BARKER, MOORE & MEIN, SDCCK.SS0I14T0 T. MORIUB PEROT A CO. Solo Proprietors, Philadelphia, Pa., Dealers lu all kinds of DRUGS, OILS, PAINTS, GLASS, HYKSTUrfS, AC, AC. CAlTTinw n.,.lnn . .. .... . 'n,,r .. . s iiiw iHjpuiarity oi .V 14 f""1 Hiiite iaii," other rlnni !'i"f0 '' induceil to oner a spa- ....,-. .nu Blunt, name, riiere '"".I'efaro of Counlcrlells. The genu- .V,u ,44. vlr iicavy tin pn til pots, with palent metallic wire bandies. unu tne name of BARKER, MOORE fc MEIN, On eaeh label. For sale by mar25'70-Iy. MOYER BROTIIEItH, Bloomsburg, $10,000 OVAHAHTKB BUCK LEAD EXCELS ALLOI'I 'HER LEAD I '' Por lis Unrivaled Whiteness, ;'! !.or !'" Unequalleil Dnrablllly, t,:.i fjT ""Unsurpassed Covering Propertv Lastly for Its Economy, , , T jirin iu paiUL Willi lIUrK I.RAl) tlian any other While Lead extant, the same weight cov ers MORE HURKACE, Is more DUR ABLE, and makes WHITER WoilK, BUCK LEAD, Is the Cheapest and Berl 10,0(0 GUARANTEE. B U O KZ I N O EXCELS ALL OTHER ZINCU. &tfy?forS.r.n0?eW.Xf' being tho CHEAPEST, HANDSOMEST, and most DURABLE White Paint lu tho world, r ONLY BUCK LEAD AND BUCK ZINC: TRY IT AND UK muiriuftDn Satisfaction Guaranteed by Iho Manufacturers. .BUCK COTTAGE COLfiTis Trepared exneimlv fn Toini... tlrtifi'SS'P .traltorm. and 8am Die canu iuln'f.f. . . tLSSan'ufflrer,T11,b w FRENCH, RICHARDS A CO., N. W. Cor. Tenth and Market Streets, ,,, Philadelphia. UanS870-fv VE" BK0,T1"J"S. Agents jan3870-iy. for iiioomsburg. Pa. Miscellaneous. 'rjARRIAQE MANUFACTORY, Bloomaburg, I'a. V M. (1 BLOAT? Jk nnrwirvn nave on hand and for aalo at the most ruiAi, ble rates a splendid stock nr " reasona- UAIIRIAGEH. BUantra and .very description of Wagons both PLAIN AND FANCY varniriUil IaI,.m..i . . . ... abiV miuriXl-r aid by' he mo.TSxJa'; workmen. All work air,, , 2"J ? "Tlenred llshment will be fonnd to lienf thn i,i.!i .""' aotTnor,KorS SLEIOIfR gm!erKna.,U "TJIARMERSI EXAMINE AND BUY THE ORIGINAL, BAUail'S BEING The First Haw Bonb Piiobi-hatk Mapk All others aro Imitation, B A U Q II 'B SUPER PHOSPHATE' OF LIME. TRADE MARK FALL, 1870. tne Ammoiilistu such proportion as to lnsurn fwhfr'J"1.? W' ttitlon up t he crow. Wher. Bauali's P hosplmte was antilll 1 ll.n f" J?'?n4 IndUnlfons, wllhout esrcptln ! are that It will maintain lu well earned reV.i Sii .r9th6.r?!eealtr.a.,.,, niea' B A U G II A SONS, MANnfACTDItklUl, Oryicx-No !0 s, Delaware Avenue, PHILADELPHIA. ..v, ,,,,. U,U, MABR.