$t (Ipotum&uut Bloomsburg, Friday, Fob. 24, 1871. Hnllroad Tlmo Tnblo. LACKAWANNA a nLooMantma n. n.,. (I.ilim North, lining hoi" n. "w wor.M. I-4TAWIHMA It. H. KUOM ItUPKnT STATION. ' o-w."m."- Tin: Court tirocccilltiKsnro concluded In our columns to-tlny. Much com. ..if- i.,.i n.Ait..ir.i ni.n.A. Jll.lllU 1.1 Ulliuu iiuuiib iiiu uiviui uiininu- Icr of tlio causes Irlotl, nnd It h oven said Hint tlio expense of tlio Court was much (,'renler tlmn tlio wholo nmotint Involved In tlio trlnls. This wns portly owing to tlio fact that tlio Imp6rlant ciuie.i were continued, nmlnly owing to tlio nliscneo of Mr. Huokaj.ew, but tlio fact still remains thnt tho Court docket la crowded with trivial cases lint scarcely Involvo enough to pay tho fern of tho attorneyo engaged I What remedy there may bo for this ovll wo mo not prepared to suggest, unless tho nttorneys themselves sot their faces ; against It, Tho two opinions of Judgo IIi.wkll, quoted in tlio procceuingD, will rcllovo their monotony nnd com pensate tlio render for (ho room that Is occupied. J.uzkiini; Is tho third county In tho SUto In tho list of tho number of taxa ble Inhabitants, having 13,022. Tlio counties which exceed her nro Philadel phia, with 16S.C22 taxable. ; and Alio ebony with 05,0.",. Lancaster with 2S,. Iff, U tho fourth, nnd Schuylkill with 25,112, Is tho fifth. THKiti: Is n remedy for croup going the round, which may, perhaps, prnvo efficacious. It la simply nllspico ten, the tea being lna'ilo of wholo grains of nll'-plco. According to nil accounts, It gives almost Instant relief In cases whero other remedies lfavo failed, nnd teems at onco to cut thu phlegm loose ami rcllovo tlio child. Da.nvii.i.e wants to become a clly. An elTort will bo nnulo this winter to have it Incorporated. Pln-fcnther cities urea nuisance to every body residing in llicm. So does Wilkes-Itnrro. A Ni:w Coo nt v. Tho jicoplo of northern Schuylkill and counties ad Joining that par aro ngitallngthoform iillnn of a new county. Meetings have lately been held at Ashland and Mitha noy Clly, when It wns resolved that the boundary lino of tho proposed now cmnty bo what Is known ns tho Little Mountain on the north, liroad Mimri tuin on the south, and taking from Co lumbia county tho township of Conyng hamaiid tho IlorpughofCeiitralla j and. from Northumberland county the Uor ouli of Mt. Cnrmcd nnd part of Mt. Cirnicl township. .Standaui Wkkiht. Tho Legisla ture of Pennsylvanla-rccontly fixed the following figures ns thostntidard weight of a bushel In this State for the articles named : ,i' llOt Tlye Shell, ,1 (.'on Cub corn Corn mcul I'oarso halt , (Iroutid Knit H. Klne salt Il.irley Hal liiirkwhcn' Clrter heed 'Tlmolhyreed , lurnlps .60 1 OnlotiM , ,i0 " il'ees ..71 ".'.Mult ..70 "1 Unhbidttil I in '.... , . I "I 'Mlllll.icllo coal.... ..-ir.rr. ..o" ...Its' ,.HI" ,.. .so" ,..711" ..10" ,..M ' ....M" ...SI" ...2i" ...II' I llItlllllllltlUSIOHl,.,, i Ooke 'll'olatoes i sweel Potatoes , l.l'laxsced I'liran , I lieans Illrled apples lllVaches ....Ill ...17 ....17 ... If.' ...jn ....SI Vf.ni)Ui:s. Tho following Venduo Sales are announced, to wit : Stephen Iltilton, Centre township, Thursday, March tlth, 1871 live stock mul farming implements. Joseph llauch, Montour township, Wednesday, March 8th, 1871 livestock ami farming implements. IMato of Jacob Traub, deceased, llloom township, March 7th, 1871 live tlock and fnrminu- Implements. Josenh It. Vandersllee. Hemlock township, Monday, Mnrch l.Hh, 1871 uvo siock, iiirming impiemcius ana Kruin. Jacob F. Diotterlch. Hemlock town- .lilp, Wednesday, March ifltb, 1871 nve stocic, lurming implemems anil liniischold furniture. Samuel Snyder, MIfllln township, 'Thursday, March 10th, 1871 Uvo stock .nut larming impiomenis. Kstato of Johu 1J. Watts. lato of Cen 1rotownshIp,dPcoased,.Saturday,March 38th. 1871 Ileal Kslato. Jellorion Itccs. Green wowl township, iurs(iny, iuarcn win, 1871 livo fiiocu, .'.Mining impiemeuis, iVc. Ilolllill's lVllsllllllon Hole). )i.imnet'ou with Uoltou's liulel, Hurrlsburtr, nii.ltlio Columbia lioue, Capo May, Oeokuic J. Ilot.TOKtias leased nnd Is now rellttincnndre. luriilslilnx the Washington hotel, Chestnut street above Bevtnth, I'lill.ilelplila, which liopurptwts "P hIiik forbusmestou Monday, March II, 1S7I, inis nmci uas always enjoyed au excollout rep ututlon nmooK Iho nubile coming to rhlladcl 1'lila Irom nil pai ts of tho country, nml It Is tho Intention of Mr. Iloi.ro.x lu rnako It still moro popular by putting It In tiucxccptlonablu man UUement, I'or location the Wnslilliuiiin hotel Is notsur-pa-std liy any publlo house In I'lillatlclplila, 'llio wholetalu business 11ml thtttliilly newspa pers aro fast enncentiatlng; In the lii lhborliood of Seventh and Chestnut streets, and Ihero Is probably no point In Iho clly nnbrdlu eusler arcctstothe Iradeorto tho public Inslltutlons nd plnees ol nmuscment than tho loeallou of Hie Wnshlngtou hotel. Tlio WashlngUiu hotel Is about ono square fiom Imlepcudsuce hall; ItaajolualhoMasoulo templo; It Is but ono ttiuare from the rooms of thoreun lllble society; It is but three squares from tire Uullnd States custom house; It Is but time squares fiom tho Mercantile library ; It Is but two squares from the University of l'enn. llvanla; ltlshutflvo squares from the rooms of Iho Young Men's christian nssnclatloii! It Is laitthree squares from tho post nineo ; It Is but foursquares from Ihe clly hospital; It Is but foursquares from Christ church; It la but two inares from the board of trade rooms 1 It Is but two squares from tho Walnut street theatre; 11 is nut inreo squares rrom the Aroh street then. Iro; It !! but four squares Irom the Chestnut (street theatre. I'.lther at tho rto nrs of the Washlncton hotel or wllblll two squares Ihe city street ears can bo italien for nny of tho publlo InslllulloDS and julcts of interest not a bovu enumerated The transient rules of tho Washington hotel will (be itJireo ilollursiicr day. ArrlvJng lu riilladelphlu persons can get oir of iw,wi.i'efcj, curs at Hcveniunnti lllcsinut.Heveiith udMarkcc.ftrHevcnth and Arch, and lu either nsw) have but s. lep to tho Washington hold, asj svheu leavjugl.'io clly will tl utl Iho location equally couvtsueirt tor rcaehlui; thu rullroad ut pxis uy street cars, and thus savo cost of car rlagehlre. llluvinu frcouenllyand for eonslilrriililn tirr lods bteu II guest of the llollon House, the udllur of the IBIitiuMaii bears thecrful testimony to the efficiency of Mr. IIoltomus a landlord, the eieelleuco of overy department of his Hotels, hU earolu ample acoorumodalloo and his personal generosity aud lilndness. Ills Hotels lire not uil'uuniinujeiand.i DI.CIDE1JLV thu finest lot of TTnrem v.;o liavo seen In u long tlmo aro now for wi ni nio iixclianco slablcu In niooms BUfR. They nto Kentucky bred, from . 10 7 VfnVUOld. Ullli hiIImI Ii, nil wnrlr Mr. Aaiiov Wm 1 11 ... " Auuvyii luuur iiiizciis.u tho owner itnil tukes emit lilensuro l cxhlbltinif them to thoso " tall. Thebo liorBes woro bouijlit uurinr; this wi,,ter ,u fnIr KllrCH anU "... ue ddiu in forrcspomllntr low rates wsuno ursoomi horso i tim lot in far juiges tan pertain. iM fly V . , ' THE J.OCAIi X01UT.S. At Clark's you get tho best greon ten In tlio market for $1.00 per pound, Loan Association Morlgnges (blank) for salo at this Olllcc. (!i,Aitic sells (ho drips nt $1.00 per gallon. At Cost: Hclng compelled to ro movo In tho spring, H. II. Mu,i,r.u & Hon nro now selling of their extensive stock at cost, for cash I Call nnd bee, Ilousu l'oit SAi.k nit Hunt. C. W. MlLLF.it has several Houses In Blooms burg for salo or rent. 1'nnillro nt his olllco. n8.tr. Ci.auk sells ladles' gum shoes' nt HO and 03 cents per pair. (Ioldkn 1'ou.ntai.v 1'i:.s Some thing new anil novel. Ho hUio nnd rend tho iidvertlsemont In our paper, headed "Greatest Invention of tho Ago." Wo bellovo tho Coition Foun tain Pen is unsurpassed. A good pen Is n necessity to uvery man, woman and child. Agents, hero is u chanco to ninko money in introducing n good and salcablo article. 2.z; will buy n'good felt sklit nt Clnrk's. Wk print tho advertisement of tlio American Wntch Co., In nnothcr col umn. In nddltion to tho largo assort ment of wntches inado by this Conipt ny, thcydcslro to call pHpccinl attention to .tlio watch for railway engineers, con ductors nnd expressmen. Also their Hoys' Wntch, which U now first phtced on tho marker, nnd to which they do. slro to call tho attention of ioimg America. Foil $1.00 per pound Clark Kolls it good green tea, and a good extra black leant $1.20 per pound. NoTioii Is hereby given that tho un dersigned, Wm. KniiAMEit, respectful ly Invites all persons knowing them- (.elves Indebted on Hook account or Xoto to call nnd settle thu samo before orngalnst tho 1st of April next, ami save cost. Lumber ami grain taken on book account until April next, Sat' tied nt Kver's (Jrovo by Wit.MAM KllF.A.Mi:il, Kycr's Clrove, Jan. 27, 1871-0t. Foil Sam:, A farm containing 70 ncrcs, of which () nro in good cultiva tion tho balance timbered. A com fortable dwelling, a frnmo stable nod n gooil water power on tho same. Locat ed at mouth of Stony Ilrook, on public road between Orangovlllo unit Light Street. Price $2 000 S'uO down and balanco in thrceequal annual payments with interest. Address WUM.INdTON II. Knt. tin :: Illoomsburg, l'.i. Ir vou have a lichario from tbo nose, oll'ensivo or otherwiie, partial lo;H of the bouse of smell, taste or hearing, oyes watering or weak, feel dull and stupid or debilitated! pain or pressure in llio ncau, iuie coin easny, you may bo sure you have tbo Catarrh. Thous ands annually, without nnuilfestitig hall of thoaoovo symptoms, icrminato in uousuinpiion aim enti in inergravc, No disease is so common, more decent' Ivo or less understood by physician''. Dr. il. v. 1'iuree. I :J sonaca street. Huffalo, J. Y., Is tho solo liroprietor of Dr. Sncc's uatarrli llemetiy a perit'ct soeclfic for Catnrrh. 'Cold In tho Head.' or Catarrhal lleadache, wlilch IiokmuN to any address by mall on receipt ol uu cents. Sold uy druggists. Thk Singer SvhiK Machine Co. sold in tho veiirol" 1870. VJM,w moro than tlio rarnam kow uu- MiiL-hlnu Co. rj",n3 inoro tlmn tlio Finklo A' Lyon "AInniihu'turinLr Co. Il!l,427;i inorotliun tlio Jiinpiro Sewing 12,07 moro thun tho At-tmvtScwintr luuhino Co. I18J2I inoro thnn the Uolil Jlcilal (vowing Machino Co. liiiJmi inoro thun tho American iiiu ton If olo Co. 1 10,273 moro than tho Florenco How' intr Machine Co. iiS'Ji!! moro than tho Wilcox A Gibln Mowintr Machine Co. 02,k;u moro than tno vtc(i buwin !VTiuhino Co. 70,131 inoro than tho Orovcr t Ukor EUnviiiL' Machino Co. 62,077 moro than tho IIowo lnchine UtJ. 14,02. moro than tho Whoelor A Wil Bon Manufacturinir Co. Tho ahovo fiKurt-s uro from tho sworn returns mado hy licenses to tliiirccuivi-r lippoilllcd by tilt) OWnern Of tllO ino-it ValUlullO rSCWlIlir CHICHI IIC l .Ut'lUW, WHO it.... !: . i... .....:.r.Vi.. . .r ii . ULUIISi: UUIlllUllllLn ll ILB'tl lllliu.k HI1UO. E .'NVIXOl'KS of nil sorts and sUes for salo a 1110 UOLtlMHI n oillt'e. Unnnaworablo Argumouts. UsUibllMit'd facU nro hllcnt urguments which noil her pt-n nor touKtio can slinko.atiU it Ih upon estalillKhod facts that tho reputation of Hob tet ter'. Ktoniocl. lllttL'iH, at a lii'iiltli-piesL-rviUK ollxlr.nml n wholesotno mid powerful lcinedy.H based. WUen wltnessescomoforwuid In ciovd year ulter ienr, nml relternlo Iho mmo utiitt- JuentH in lelutinn to tho hemlU-l.il t-lltcU of n medicine ujtonticmirtirt, dlshelief In Ub edlciiey Is it'rtimjiuWc, Tho cu'dentuls urthls un wiuulk'd tonlo nud nltemlUe.fxtendlim over n period of nearly twenty yenin, includluK Indl- vldiiuU of evoiy clat.n, nud lenUUntu id cveiy ollnio, and refer to tlio most prevalent aniont; Iho ctnnpUiiita which tiltlUt and hawivs thi huinaii family. Kltlicru mullltudo of people, Mruni to enrh other. havlUK nnnually been seized with an In an no nud nuittvelehs deslru to decehe tho null) I c. or Hosteller's llllleis, for no U-i than a II fth of ft century, haobi onnl!Virdlni;hiKli lelUf to MiiTi-rer from liulft htlmi, feer und nuuo. blllloubuefcN, (,'eueial Ui blllty, and utrvou tlU nrderH, dh pool her preparation has ttr I in pur- ted, Tiwluy, ifue tlm yr of the runurure tqmn llusc fiicji, teiiHol thoiuands ol peuotiK of hnth kisxva aro relylnc upon tho JUttem an a mho de- lento HK.ilnst llio it 11 tne nt-. which tho pitt-ent hcaNott enKetuItrH, and their ennlldencti W not misplaced, Tlio local potions which InteriMcd dealers fcomettiiics endeavor lo foist upon tlio kIcU In Its httud.uio every wlieio meet Inn I lie t.ile thaV 11 duo to fraud nnd imposture, whllt) tne demand lor inn Kre.it etjrtamo hp ewe l con- stantly IncreaAinii. JLOOMSHUHCJ STATK NOIIMAIj SCHOOh AMI LlTl-llAHV AND COMMKUCIAT INBllfUTK. TIiIm liiKtltlltlon tiffers COOil nnfu-irtimltn.u In every depiutmt nt of I.ltnatnro nml ht It nte, In ntlilltloii to lliol. Kent in iNoimaiheliiHilciio-heH, lui. a uriirtleo 111 tliOlit-eoIhiirve Ininiiiil :in-lii. eerlnii lmtinmentB In tlie tlekl ami mine, nmlor l lie lllhirilCIIUII tU IIIU .mini i"iii'i it -m. JTOieHKUl, Hie lucnlly nim to 10 iy lUoiuimhiu tl.elr In fttrnetlon ami to look nm fully niter tho lienllti, 'J ho i nit h uml nKiilallona of tlm irlinol nro hiirh tiH to ecmmantl the leMnet ot tlioNliidcniH nml ronht iineutiy not ninny leei uiiu wiey enn allonl id lol.ito lawn wlilth mo tuleol.ite.1 in iimmotu tiieir hiicceKM ami nannineKK. i lie jiiu. leul l)i nnrliiient a flnnin iik um-tl unniirluiill leH uh ran bo fonml lu any of Uioluio titlen uiul at iiiueu it'hH ezpeie. nprirg term ctoiiuii'iieeit tpriioo, 11a. 1-iiT liirtlier HHrtluiiliiiH. inlJiesM John O. 1'iiKtK. Kau.. Arr'i. or it, ti. in I'r.n r, jTti I. nr ilhWin uajivmi, a, m iTineipai. luuomiourif. Jan. Ji, jni-um. QHKSTKH S. FUKMAN, 1IAUNP-4H, HADDI.H, AND TitUNK MANUKAerum:u, aud dealer In UAItl-KT-UAUS, VAUHKH, FIYNIiTH, lllirrALO ItOHEJ, lIOllbK-nrANKKTH ill., which ho fee It confident he cau hell at lower raio man any omer person in tno county, j- kiiiiiic iur j wurne ivca, Hhov Milrd door below l ie Court House, Molu Blrtct, ninomshurii, l'a, . Aug. S, mu, I PIANOS AND OHOANH. I'mf. I.W.NllcsJuivl ns secured Iho nncy nf tho celebrated HlmniftcUtT I'lnuo, and ulwi tho iiKenoyofthoNew ork Melotllau nudOruauCo., U preuared to funiMi Instiumeuts of a suptilor aud ut lower nrlcfs than can ho Ikiusht elsewhere, nnd on terms In suit customers. Musical merclutndlsu of nit kind furnished ut abort uutlne. 1'Umsecall belulo puK-haslnKulse. wberu. J eitl.lt iu u (till April 1st) Iron rllrect ueiow -iitirti rti, 4, v,,mi,i?s, rob.lt71.4ui. lUoomsuuji;, I'll, OltlODl! FOUNTAIN TUNS lor lulu ilui t I Ills urn, COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA Legal Notices. Vdminibtuatiux'h notice. : . rsTi'rr!.'"'.',"KIl:lllClC WAm, BF.O'l). ,. , it "llltr1lcin mi tho cslate of com ly ilto il., novo been granted by l lio lteiilster . m """J". to Mnry Nam, of llcavcr town, ship, Columbia county, l'cnnsylvauln. All per. "tik iiuiiin or uemanns nitalnsl tho ilwcdf nt nro rr-oucstwl tonmke iliera knowu.nna thoso lliilclitcil lu nmko payment. . n...., n MAUI NABS,. Jai)rl-0w. AtlinluUtrnltlx. A 1) SI 1 N 1 814 1 ATO R'H NOTICE. xV 1-itatis of C'IIIUstian rtiNrit:irN, lirn'ri. Letters of administration will, iho Hill nil hefrtl. on tho cxlAtf, nr f'lirlitilnti 111,..,..!.,... late iriltuirlniicreek township, 1'olunibla counly ilec'il., Iinwi been ijmnttd by the ltcitlstcr of said cnimly, to John 1, llnuclc, of ltourlliKcreclc. twp. .... ..nliiMltliiiN Liiuiun ... iii-4lilius MUHIUS!. Ilin ill', I'll, tit II rf, rpnl1ll.lf.l ll.mnlinMi.m1r.inHn and thoso Indebted to nuiko piiymcu', JOHN 1). IIOL'CK, . .-un . Auiiiimsiruiur, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. KSTAT KOr F.T.IZAIIEIII VANIIOU.t, UEo'll, i tiers o Administration on tho cslalo of I.IIKnhrth Vnnlinrn. lntn nf llrinrf.rr.r.lr lnu,,M, Columbia county ilccensod,liavu been granted by Miuii.t.iaLi'i.'i Muucuuuiy io uaviu .mncr. All persons having claims nxalnsl the estuto of tlio ttcccndciil mo iriuesud to preHcnttbclil forRct llt'tuont.nttd thoio Indebted to thoentnlotn nmko piiymuil to tbo undtrklmird, ndmlnlalrntor, without doluy. IJAVII) MII.U:lt, foO.U'Tl-bt Admlnl.trntur. A DMINISTItATOPv'S XOTICK jtiL t.STATE ol' WII.l.tA.M MIT., llfc'l). I.rllers of tultnlnUlrntlnn, on tlio rstalp of William I.ut.,lntoofl',l.lilni(cifcktp.,ColiimbU county, UccouMed, liave been iiruntcl ly tho Ken iHltr ol wild county, to Jncoli Vaploof I''lnlilnR crock, All fernoiiN lmviti clHltim nnliint tlio r-Utto of haul decedent on, reiiuented to present thorn for NcltU'lncut, nnd those Indebted to nmko payment lothu undersigned, without delay. JACOII YAPI.IJ, fWI'71'(lw. Adinlulstrntor, ,( UUlTo'U' S NOT I fJK? rim uiidcrsiitncu imviuniiepn appointed by tho ri'tmiin' tvmit of roiumhu county lvnnvl- On. ililu. Auditor to nhcertnili tlin ln,lI,te,1iiPH- nf llio i slate of -.Ilnl't'lh Di'Ioiir do-cced, to. the ' lilldiou of tul.l l-.ltziibeth I)cloni;deceitHed, and to nuke dlfttrthutloj of llio luourys In thohand. of tho Administrator of tho ml. I estate, to tlio panics iciruny i m men in iceeivo tlio same, will nut nil ihe parth i lu Interest, nt his onieeln 'lm dny tbo 'j-th ,iny nr 3duri next, belnecn Ihe bouts of lo o'clock a, M.,nud o'clock r. m , orrnldday; nl which lime and pluro all parlies lliwri'Mcd nro reilieBietl in on preseiu nisi nicy in ,y oo neiiu. uum.llL if. UI.AHK. llloomsbiirx l'ob, 21,1871. Auditor. giiKUIFF'S HAIiH. lly vliluo of a writ of PI. I'i. Issued out of the Court of Coninioii I'lensor Columbia county and lo mo illlecleil will bo exposid tosalu by public M'lidue or outcry, nt the Cotirll louso In illnriuis- ooi vt in ono o cioca ill mo liiieruooii in iiiuim ll.W , March Iblll, 1171, tlio lollewlnit leul tslate, tOM'ltl All that real estate hltualed In Locust tonn sill,., Columbia county, bounded nnd ilcscrllud ns p.llows, tn-wlt i On the west by lands of John llsrucr, on the Hmith by lands of John llarlier, oil tne enst bj lands of Itudolpli Yeajjef and on inn iii.rin nv lamis in iianii'i .111111 is. nciiL 111111 .niiiu icnper, continuum', .,;iu,--. nniru ,,r i 1,-ts nit which ntn ,'icr'ti'd nne Pilbllo House, one I ril vale unci line: House, nam. H'.noiinv. aim out buildings. ALSO: A I Initcn nml T.nf. f.ltii.ilP'1 111 fflhl tnWlllltn of I I.ocust, lu vm(z" h riiuntowii, iiujomiP iuivh i of WiiHlilnuloii YotiKor mi tlin north, ou Ihu west 1 tiiiil i.(.ulh bv tltH nlmvn ilfhrrttit'd luiulh cif 1) iiik'l I )l.iKCr, on UK' (Hi. mv i a nun vi .iiniu iiium-r, i ...... it i it'ltitltlllllf ?li J lll'i (il muu, nil uicn is I -r eU'il a House aim Uiuii, miu oui-uuuaiUKs, ALSO: MAtlu r triirl nf Ininl. nlliifito.1 In Ktil.1 LdcusL 1 to hslilii, mlJoltiluK luiulsut ltiKlotnh Vt-ngor on Hit) mirth, Vnlilntfii AlfimM(in the t nt, Jolm Mtyikr nn tlin Himtli nml Leonard Ailiuuioti (tie I wt'.tT, riniiuuiiiiK uuuui. i,ic, i hctetl tnktn In i-xccuitlon, nml to ho hold ns 1 lue utoinTiy in D.mti iciiyur. AillUM n. u iii, fill. 1771 tf. bhenir. Real '.Estate" Sales. DKIVATK SAIjK. uk vai.uaijm: ni:.vr i:statj:. ThoMiLscrlbcrtiirt'rs for n:ili upon lentonnhlo teims, lOO Al'ltKS OK FAHMING LAND, nUmt forty of which nro clours), nn.l under nnd I'M if i viii if tn. i I it1 rH is il nil ii iticniirii ii iiumu djiplo irt-i-4 nnd itinl tnerry tn.es on th premises niio inret f r i ii s m K"" inr Tl,. hind U (.Itll.ilcl 111 1 1 fill I licit toWlltllP. ijoliimid.v eonnty, miJolnliiK huidt ol Julin flprltiKuf, t'fctuto of JUniy Dteohinlllcr, nnd other. ALSO, A Tit AC r OF TIMIlKIt LAND nvr tbo above, containing abrut forty ncren, Well lirubfiea VWIU cih-hiuih nuu omer wnoo. AliMt), A LOT OK OHOUN1), lullMnlmr the lireirnlnir. conlaliitini nbout l-'IVU aLai n Hereon la iituuu u li Ii A 0 K S il I T II H II O 1', favuralilylncateil forbuiln'ii,ril)wellinsll"ii,'e. Fume iauiu ami oilier uiiiuuiiiiiu I 'nr rnt'lli.r nnrl Iciiliilri clHiull t 111 PkTl.lt H- HKlil 1 1.1 III. Jan. 1371' 2m ul tlio immlMH. p U 11 h 1 C HAL K In imiituancf) of mi order nf tho OrithanH Court of Columbia county, tho inulorUifucd K.xo- ruuii tn nio ii(hl will uiiu ic.Hiuiii(.,iii ui juiiii JtlcliiU'tU, latent I'aiauUsa towihlp, In mild county deceafcod, win -xt.nsj- tr iHiulio wtlo on i tut nif iniit-( nil i ii u ini : i k u.iii ny ui aim 1 11 next, at 10 u'Uock hi the folclioon ol said day, I he iiilliiu-liiff ili-M-r llictl leal f state to wit : All that terliilii tract or pieeu of laid Miuuto tn Locust W UMllp uouuuLiu coiiniytcumjuiiiu-i TJIHKK IIUXDUKJ) AND FIFTY AUKKS inoro or lesn. (Known nn tho l.sihcr l-jmnce iii.ihii-n.. hound cd and devt-ilbid itn lollnwn : u: '"" .V. :". . ."?:..V I'.'.r, i'1. -.' I'l'itl .'!.',"! i,''.".'.1! i,y i,,n(H nrdiornu Uii'Iut anil ullii-rn. nil tlio I nunn ny iiiii'iuijuiiiii... . ......K..... ........ ........ 'Jiioliiinm.'iucuuouiialil l.uuls t'onslhts oft-uinl ivi:i i.iNajioirsi'S,iAus, wai.u.n, hllKU. UOIC.N Cltlitd. VIU bi'l 1, Ac. 'I he Mild land will bu told in liacU of kiicli hlu ns will Mill purciui-erw. thao money to bo pni,i nt the striking down f)i 1110 Piopi'iiy. 1 iti tiiiw" uiuii i-iii- rhnse- money les the len per cent, to bo p.ild i ii... 1.1. inU..s n-iii 1,., i.it ..11 OnH.hair t Iho h.il iiifis nt th imti-li.'ihM iiwmo' tn bo until ou the Nt dnj of April, A. JJ. IhT.', and tho balnnco of the puiehi-n Iniirpaldoutho 1st day of April, A. 1. K.i, with Inleicht on llio two last pnynunts fiom tliH Jstday of Apill.A. Ml, paj able annually. Theuialu lu llie-unuind H reserveo. rurtuaM-i- 111 pun hair is to jny tordeedi nod btauipw. lililV IIIU Uo IIIUUI J Mil 1 1 iwnill'ia i - . H MUKL It, DI'.AMhlt, ratawlsM, leb. 6th 1671. JJiocuti.r. Miscellaneous, lir.AN'KS promptly printed tooidcr, ,TyS.- iim uny i-uiiu i j i I'etj-vi ,"iii"- mu T OOK HKADEltl s.,r ,., Ill nSTHSCUr, PLATE. Willi INK and lIltl.'Bll lor iiiuiMui; cloihs ic. nil sent Post ptltil on lecelpt in ou ceiiis. .iminw, J. WAIIK.NHI'.I.Ll.H.Coluiillius, oniu. liill.il CIS. MtOUKWAY, IILOOMSIIUIUI, 1'A. a-On-irr.-Courl House Alley, hi the Vo- J.VMIUAN HllliUIUH. a S.OO i'Ea month. ....... .... .. I In. .1 '177. m - i. .i.s.ii,,,, mt.l-iv. f '4 ,,,'p, J i i.mViN iTr.. TI KI :i; 1 1 lINHUlfn 2 t)i)l.l'.Mi4 lMUt MONTH, t-houlit addrit.1 n linino'iiaii'iy, tu.i.uv.t aim, .u.uiu- ?j! tm-liuerri, Marshall, Mlchlaun. Jan.tiTl..y V J. THORNTON ly would iinnoiiiieotntheclllzonRof niooma- Iniri; and vicinity, tlmt ho luwjiul icccneu uiuu I and eompieiu itthorioii:iii. in WALL I'Al'KU, WINDOW 81IADEH, yiXtt'JU-S, COUPS, TAhHri-S, n'l.tltll otlierKOodiln hU lino ofluiNlucM. All tho newest mm mosi uppnntu jmui- n ui mi- day aro always in no loono ;u m ewiuiisinueiu. TUTA X T K 1) . v Liuu'nc.1 nml niiitron for Convnulium and Centralla I'oor House. Mut If laihbund nml wpe. Tho steward inufct Imvohomo tdiieatloti ...! ii tti.is-fiiiiiti fitiiiicr. illO UlII'CIOIK Will inert 'I' I if I'V" .-wi"". Ilotuti mar Centralla. at U o'clock A. M. on baturday. March -tlh, to maUe an iierteuieni wuu mi kiiet ebnini 111111111.1111 1, onurnum j,,,u r. n.Mimi'llV. tVrtlrftl la , eh. 17, 1 13 w. I It. llliOOMSJUMlO KEMAliV: liOAUD- Jl 9 . , INU hCHOUl4. JhW InKflttiiion has been in hiiecebufiil opera- (Inn. Iur tllll IhmI nliin VfnifU llio fii'irMJtn aiiltiy IS llioroumi, hyMeiiiuiiriniii. t.iHollnil.inid embraces all hranche. taouhtlu a flrnt-ehtkn Kfhool. - Piil ni nil Hair Work l ' iililiVr Work Wax rruTt With the ornamental such a Mumc. nrawimr. S VV'" r7 r. f, ,"'" " rt a i 1K71. hir i iirtnuliirs. qiIiIh-sm lin.i! 71 .ij i. or li, w, . lnnuur, .. . ..."... ..., it.uii. K" N i' cTtUem K W GOAL Y A It I). Tine underslifned respectfully Inform the 'tivmiH nf liloomisbiirir and Coluiobls countv. Hint they lieen al tliu uinereni nm hers olslovo coal and selicled lump coa lor milling purpo- swi, on their wharf, adJolnliiK M'Keiv)-. Neal 4 t'o's Furnace; with ft good pair uf Hup. In scjtlea on ino wiiftii) i nvmii "'! ""u i " Mkewlso it lioisoiihd Vflunn, to deliver eon I to il...... ...I.n . Ias.li. s II - 1 1 1 tiltrcliiiUrt il liinn emmuitof coal.lhey lutenil tokeep u superior ar ucle. and stll al the very lowest prices, l'leasa UU(i examine for youselveH broro purcluu. iWo'sewhcre. J. W. HKNDKltHHOT, rpilB undertilu'iH'il will tnlco In ox- X chniiKe birOoal aud Groceries, tho rollowluie turned allli les i-Wlieat, llye. Col n, OaH, Tola. Iim's, Lard, llani,Hiinuldi r,and side mat,!lutttr Kniss, Hay, Ac, ut I hu hlnliest rash prlcoi, ut his Urocery Mtore, mljoliiliiu their cual j ard, J. W. HUNDJJIIHIIOT, lUoomtlinrK Mar. IB.'ua-ly, , A NNUAL STATKMKNT' OK TIIR POOH DIHTIIICT OP llt.OOSf, JAN- UAIIY 3d, mo, TO JANUAIIY 2d, W7I, John A. PilUHlon. Trenstircr. In nnnnmiL trill. said District. lilt. To tolnl nninuul received lltoom twp., (i, 'lis ca Mil KS To tntalnmoiint received lllooin twp , uu iiuiiii-aiuui jn,i,, To total nmounl rocelvn I (Jrcciiwood tnp, oiiutipiicaieor lsro, To total amount iccctvodof flcolt twp, on iluiillealonf ls?il 1 To total amount received Huiznilonr Iwp. on duplicate of 17 1 Tn total amount received from nalci. ui grain uuriug year 13711 llalanco duo John A? riinstou Trens'r 10,1111 S7 Lit. lly nmounl of ordera redeemed In 1870 ' " " 'treasurers commission tlicrcou '10,101 87 On examluhtlon nt tlin ft.rriri.ltti. nrnnmil f.f John A. Kuuston, TreasurcT 01 l'nor illslrlct of iiiiMim, wo 111111 11 eorrtet. January 2lr, jsji. JAIMII HCIIIIYI.MIt., I .uni,. JOHN A, KUNSION I '""ttois. lly request r Treasurer, wo havo examined his account and Und It to be correct. January .nil 11,1, M. V. KYEIlt.Y, 1 II. It. llltlNKim, I Auditors, WM. pijacockJ UlttnoTOIW OP TIIR POOH IN ACCOfNT Willi l,,v'Sllll.'S Ul- HlAIUil, KCOIT. OHEI:.NWOOIJ AND8J0Alll,OAl, 1871. To nm't of duplicates for year 1870. To llloom township duplicate S'.?!i 01) Hcotl " " 1I..V.III U 11 Oreeuwoo'l " "am , " Hugnrloar " " a)2 8 i ' nm't rteelvcd for ijrnlii and produce sold sol 12 11 balanco duo from lltoom dupttcnto lor lioi ,H1 31 u.tiuiiuu uh'j iucciurA e,il 7 Ill.TOl 1(7 lly exoneration1! mi kilauco ol lllolni, " ttunltciiLo forlW.i, (uiiaitloii.it) ' ' 1-nuimlr.ftlun on $lfiwi.(;'i(v j t.erccnt, 11 fiivlng fuml cxeniptllouri 11 cxononitlons on tltiiilleiitti for INTO " cointnlHslou uu t2,'i.'il(6 pcn-dit " ( xununittom on Hcolt duplicate lor K"70 " foinnilnsloii on S2.378.7-3 0i 5 per cent " nm't duo Irom (in-cnwood twp, ou duplli'iilo for l7i, uiico)lei'ter) ' txoiitr.itloiiH on burfurloaf dunli- rnto It70 " (-oininlMlon on 8ll).l" & 5 per cent. " nm't paid Auditor :o 0t) (V) GO 12 I 111 Jl 17 0) 128 0J 1 16 19 7 IS 21 7H I. 1(0 01 01) av) w Mi .lu III u 67 (0 211) M III 2U 4,160 tl) 7.-0 00 !W CO il 2J iiiu'tiniri Miliary i yrnr jncooctinyicr.Hoe'y 1 yr. ' " jiua. I'tiiiston iriinT I yr Wm. II. ItuburU stewmd it monitii JnoAody nst Lewl K m, ' " Jno Watden " 3 in, liUnntlr ARylnm tn Mnn-Ii 1H71 M, Mptcdlih, llloom H.irnh Mnop, Hcott " unicnlCKt.Hu and Inti-rrst tiicrcon on boudi iitlot'iiiM " liiturc&t ou outttandluif bonds to Anill Ibt 1ST0 ' M Uru'ileyAUordenpiinllnt; " oitlsldo itilel la Nirnh Ilerhtcl, llloom ' outslduiellef toCatliarluo Ijiij,', llloom, Btturnl by niorttt'iuo " " tuncial oxnentte or child l if mi Hiifjiirlouf " nmtrm, Mrn. llrodo Mil Mlti. llakor " ' IcpiilraHibulldlnjrHWVllAC " " lir. Ucbur mudltMl at. trndfinco ,Inn U. Trttzo Ally fcen lo Jliiy, 1S7J lIllsC I'llllllCOllH PTtlfllKsM 0 CO i:i jo .1) I 7S 101 CO liioum-d ilnrlni! tlmytiir f.rHtip- pori ni I'liii-'t iM, hiitk nil I (Mil, l.tlliilhtl UtPllhllii. lULt.-lmtilci nml tnetchiints HUN 3 H7 Juininry 21st. 1S71. Kxamlnetl and certltkd. M. K. liYKUt.Y, ) V: It. DHINKI It, ) Aiulltort. WM. PHACOUK j HKAf KHTATI3 WITH HIX'K.NT IMl'HOVi: lly Farm nnd building valued al SPl.tRl T0 liepHirHHl IHllItlllllfS AC, -j) Household furniture ino ou Karm utenills 'J73 (W HorweH, c.tttlu nnd 1ios 1) 0 Hi) uny, urain and niiU-r t-u 'It acren of wheat nud Uyo S iju 00 liiiatieoon uicenwoud twp, Dil pl ic.it e. ( les i-xoneratlotn und ComV.) l-.st. aiao) 3 19) 11 iu nniiTs ami i.iAiin.nnN. Ti) balanco on farm Sc." M (1 ' IlitureHl nn KiiiiHi II mos, 1 (UilrrxmitHl.uullritr ' .lolin A. Funstoii.Tre'K. over lull ' iMlaai'e 1 a favor of tl Ifcti lot .1'"1 57 h,i:u M Sl'J,.ill .".I SJViOl ritonrcriK or tahm. h:i-. 10 tuns or liny a tin 1117 l.iiMlield uf lioul 15. 1.4J '.Tl h'l lili 111 :ij'i oj l.T.l " nalK f.p lull-In, mi " " corn arn(o in ns. .'I'm 1 potatoes on ji.(M) ''.1 m hucku heat ft, l.fo I .VI ti ii.i in (HI 11.' 10 beiiun Co) f J.Ou (0 headnof cabbno u& lo ctt. ii K) bundlenoreorn rodder Scln. a." buHhelnofryo Kutter eutjn and vegelabtea i U oi Ul (Ml jTijt ni liivo siocic riuscu HT.O'DINOOFTOW.VSIIIIWWTril lll.sntlCI' Tti.unu inu'vmtii. I'nltl llt!lluitl! Of 1SI') JIl.'KW 71 Z.171 M r.i.ll ) P7 P.ild dnnlluvi ikTii I., mil i?i w CoxtofkceplnK iwiilp(.iiit ' district " ?I,7CO nioom township over paid -171 M No. of paupers from llloom two. 4 HI IISYIUIU I " ' outbiderellef(Mis.llechtIel fcrmr township. IMld duplicate or ld 2,1 li W l'ald cost f eollerllon oer nunmor jw.rennunicg uuo distilf-t 2I..7) A No pension of Scwersworth, not returned No. of nauncis from Ken! t i No, nf pay pets lu asylum from ceo it i PL-aAiitoAi'' jowNomi. mid duplicator iK7o ei7o so ram cosi oi fimtcuon over JUDiim nr in,: leinalniny due dlstrl.'t 4.71 No. ornauni-rs frnmSnuirloaf .1 (tne tlecfttsed, Sfpt, Ih70 I No. now In tho l'nor Houko CliEENWOOD TiiU'NSnil', Amount ol dupllcato IS70 tll ID pa HI 1111 NillllO J.W.U IU Italanceduo tlWtrlct th ex- oueratlous uuu cuinuu&sion.i y, ju No, ( f jiaupers from (lreenwnnd twp, I iippm ii inr iciiei iiint 111 ti i AMors'T oi-' TAXAiti.i: ruoi'i:iiTV rou tip Tin: pin ut M-vnurr op iiloom ,h pi;it mti: aki-mi:n r, Township f Illunin 87sT17l'l PO rcmi. i.i-.mi ipj (iieenwood m I'.'l hi huyalloif 0,S7." U 8l,:ti7,ni- 00 If J m 11 14 on (-in no ilejss cxonciatlou eOlUllllNNHUI Ji. i.o.- .t DIIIITS AN1 MAlUl.ini. Il ilaneo on Panii SV" M inii-iest mi snino mimm Oidi-rHmitktatidltn 'JI7 I' AiiKiiuu uuo ireitsurcr i,''i SI1.I7I 17 f Hhuwlnif tlmt attti isnient for H7I w 111 nav all imiillllles ami i.avo a lulanee to Lo applle.l to tlu- support of tho I'oor. No. of paupt ih iidmilted In Ilia I'nor- ii hum uiirum 3 in i uu i ii n u mi,. i, ii i. No, ot pnuperh le It ilurim,r ear 1 o, tu paujieiB iiieu tuiruiK ye.tr i No.ofpauperKrtuiAlulnuln I'oor Houtso 1J In eomni auco w th llio rruu renu nls or Actor Asoemmy f-ecuoii i m ruur iiohkp ihw. iho llrtrtori malif Iho following apprlntmenlH hi servu ono vear liom Anril ltt 1M1 : I'lllil ,lltll", ,-MCif firii I'lilllii Hen wnl and wife. AtifsUmt lr. Jueoli Heliuj ler, 'ft vaurvr rharlet Conner, &'icrUirit a rrrA I'ol. John , l-'ieee, AUumry Maiiinc. wooiittiiiil,t'(cfr,i-yor r.iot.hx my. o. P. I'.nt, " " Molt .1. D. WlUon, (ircctiucHxt ltlchord Kile, ' ' irparlfxi " January "l,l7t. .K11IN A. I't'NKTON, j.M'oii hrnri.i:it; Dlru'tors of tho l'nor tlhtliUt oi llloom Kb.'J'TDlt, H. C. HOWKR, han opened a flrst-clofis HOOT. BIIOK. HAT CAI', AND TUIt HTOFIK. at the old stand on Main Htrec tlIllooui(hiiitflufi w doors ahovo thot'ourt llotue. His stock Is com pustdof the very latest and best styles ever oiler etl to the. cltUeiis of Columbia County. Ho can nccouimoduto tho public with tho fotlowinm;ooiU at llio inwesti riiie. men m iieuvy iiuiiuiu biueti stta boots, nun's double nud single tap soled Kill III Kill, ill I'll m ntuvy b ii ik it piicra uinu uuius, men'Hllno boots nud shoes of all grades, boy's double solml boots ftnd.sliofcsornllkluds, men's m uWiSi woinen-s". V ami misses' lasllnu palters, women's glove uld l'ollsh very tlne.wnmeu's morocco llallitoralsaud calf sboes, women's very Una kid buttoned cult ers. In short liootsol ull descriptions uotli pee' eeil autlseweu. He would also call attention to his flno assort. mentor HATH, CAl'if. KUltH AND NOTIONS. which eomtirlses all the new and nnmilni varl etltsal prlctswhU'licannotfalltosullall. Theso Kotsls are ollt'ted at the louest cash rules ana will no uuuiuuvetut te utvu Mtii.tiit tiuu, i-tw. Is sollcired helore purcliaslni; elsewhcro as It Is belluved that better hamulus ale lo be found thun at any other place In thecouuty, Dec. H'OT- ei:, iciCii-'i:. If you want what U pule und 11 " Atitieasouable pr ce I'lillow no new tlev ' Hill send lu 11 Ir I'or I have Iho largest and best tlncU ever put up lu Hits place, Vclili7U. C'HAIII.L'j I'OHWLII. M.l.l) 17 I, M0 00 2,1 19 81 170 8!) SOI 11 1,(111 07 Miscellaneous. DU. 80IIKNUIC ADVIHJOH CON-HlTMI-TlVl'J TO UO TO l'lAJUIOA IS WlN'llill. UnvliiRror UioI.aiI thlrtyflvo yenra derotcd my wholo ll mo ami attention to tho mttnly of luiiK dlMcafiri und coutuuiptloii, I feel that 1 un (liTKtnnd Hilly lliocoumo that otiKht to pursued to restoro h tolerably had case or ill leased lungs to healthy noun tnem, 'iho flrnt nnd mostlm pnrtaut htepMior tho patient to nvold taltlni cold, nnd (ho 1km t of all place on llilticonilneiii for tnin nurtiOHO In winter. M riorldn. well down ji-j ;n the htaie, whero tho tempcraturo in regular, miu inn aiuy '"-'v u utiuii viii iniiouei m in iiiuru Northern luiiUnle. Palatkn in u point I can re commend. A K"d hotel U kept llieie by ivter man, JaKt winttrlsnw o viral pprsont there wIioho louci had been badly 0 Hen nod, hut who. under tho ncallnn lmluenco of tho cllinalo mu my medicine, were fie til tin well, uue hundred mi lei further down the tlver U a point which 1 would prefer to Palatka.Jii tho teinporaturo U more oven nnd thonlrdry nnd brneinjf, Melionvtlle nnd Ihiternrliionre located tnere. I Rhould lvo u decMed profereneo lo Mellonvllte, It It two mile from river or Inke. und 11 me mi nlinnut Imixisslblo to tako cold tlicro. 'Iho tab I on Hi Florida in I (lit ho hitter, and pntleuln (otnplain nt tlin en but tlint Is a go! sltfii, il It liidleutoi h return of appetite, nnd wneii thin in the eaau they yen era lly tncicnne In flevh, and then tho luitgn must henl, JackMoiivlllf(lltl'(.riiralUreen rove, and many other places In various parti or Florida, can he siiftly letommemledtoooiifeiimptlveHin winter. Myreatonn fortnjln-f no nro tlmt patlentnnre Ickh llablu lo take u U there Ihin where theic Is ii lest vuii temtK-rature. and It la not nocpMinrv to bay tlut wheiL ueoHnumnttvo person cxpom n himself to frequent cold 4 lie In certain to die Khortly, Theiemro inynlvlco Is, ko wplldown Into Iho tttulo out of tnu reach of jiorvndliig east winds and logs, Jacksonville, or nlmou any other of tho loeallttoH I have named, will be no il t 1 1 lose who nro troubled with ft torpid liver, a disordered stomach, deranged bowels, ho re throat or cougn, but tor thou whose luugiar dtsenned n more southern point In eitrncnlly re commended. hot ilitei-n yearn prior tol' J, t wnn profession' ally lu New lorlc. lloslon. llaltlinoro und 1'hlla- delpliia uveiy week, whero I bitwund examined ouaii ueruiOllc hundred patlcntnn week, A practice hu extensive, embraeiny every possible Iiliuioof lutindliease. haa enabled mo tu under stand tho d I stave lully, nud henco, my caution lu u.iid to taltiin? cold. A person may take iui uuKiiiitieH oi '-(seiieiicK-B iuimanic rvn n. Hi-uwccd lonie nud Mandrake 1'iils," nud ot die 11 ho does uoi uvold taUmg cold. in riorida.ne.uiy everybody is ugiugHcuencic s MouOniko l itu, lor tlio climate In muro likely lo produce bilious habits th in more northern latl luUe. U It a well eslnbltihcd fact that uallven lorlda larelv dlu ol tousuinut.on. csueclalh thofieof thusouihi-ru part. On tho other hand in New l',liglfnd, uiicihtid,nl ,tastOf thu poim latum die of Ibis terrible disease. tho Mhl HUiUstl dues nut prevail .o lately II theie mo many timnsauas or cases there. Wt.tt n vast peu'tuuitfd oi ine wouiu ue savea ir coLV-inip-iiVts ueionn tnttly alarnud In regaid to taltuiK liexhcold unlhey utu about scarlet lever, stnuh hoy. .ic. Hut ihtv mo not. They tako what thev lerm a little cold, which they nio credulous tnouijli to believe will wiarott'lu aluw da)n. tut' pay no uiieimoii 10 ii, mm neues) itinja thu f jutiJatton tor nuother nud another ktul, until tlio liin3 are dibeascd beiund utl hopo lor cuie. aiv ujvico in t,cikonH it i.ufe mil if ait. niii r-icu ven ullfiiitly in, to lay Itu. Mo-k oi Hriieiie.i't uiiiumlti H run. r'cneuek's heau eu 1 lonia uu I LiOhL'iick s Alanuialto 1'illn and en to Florida. 1 ricommeiui tneie pariuuiar meuiciuca ui. cause am iiioi'utijj'iiiy ue'iuaiuieu wuu iiu-ir twnun. know th:it wliurt tiiv niuutddlu hi i let accord unci' with my directions they will do the work that ih luilllied. Tina ueeomnllshed. lniiuro will do Uieicj,t, 'Jlio phyblclau who ptctcilLi'd lor coHi,eout;ii or uiaut'KWLius, ana mm uu vises llio patient to want or rluu out every day, will ho nine to havo u corpso on his bauds before Mv nlan is to ulvo mv three nicdleliu-.. lu nc eoiuaiiCu wth tlio primed dlrtctlous, except lu huiiw casta wheio u Ireer uvo ol the Mandruke l'lllHis necesnary. -My onjtei is lu ivoiono io iiu- htdtii.icii in i-t t uu u i-imkI aiuittiLu. Il In al wiijknuoodsiun when a alleni bi-plus logrow hungry, 1 h.vvu hopes of siuh. With u relUu lor inod und the 14r.il. he itioj of that re.l h tomes good blool, nud with It mine tl -li, which It exoftly lollowid by iv hoalluti or tho luugs. Then uouyu 1'iusL'iit anu tinuiii-t 1 iJ vum-i audilauu.iy nluht-sucitn no h;iisr j-totlialu nud uiiimj ,aud tho patient i;eis v. til, ptoMdod ne mmiiii.1 i.ikiiu com. . , Nowiheiu nio inanv consuinPllv es w no nav a Hut tlio miaiinto uu to Floilda, Tho imtsllou may bo iUtd.ls thoro no hopo for sucli? Cer. t-.iniv llii-iii k MviuUIpoKi KiiehiH. and ever ban iieeu, 1 1 may m u warm room uuimg mo ii (t.Ii'P. ullli tt li-mttoriititrn nf nhiiuL seVL'ldV de- Kicth, V.I1KI1 should bo kept iciiularly ut tjut poim. ny means 01 n ineimoiueier. j.t.auvii . patient tnku bin cmtcIso within iho limits ol the loom by wal kmc up ami downiiH inin.li as hU .IrmmMi will ii.-ft.iit in nrilfi to llelll Ul) li lualtliy eiieuiiitiou ot inomoou, i tuu-u thousands by this system, and can do so aualn. L'tiiMiinptloii Is asiiinlly cured as uny oilier ;dls tuse if It ih talien In time, and tho pioper kind of treatment W pmsued. 1 he intl ttandi undis puted on leeoid that hchenelc's Pulmonic hyrup. UndraUe l'llli, aud tseawt'Cd 'Ionic hao cured rry many of what M-emcd to bo liopelets easts of consumption, do whero you will, you will be inmost eeiiiini io nim bonio poor nnuuiii who has bten rescued fromlhuveyjawsoi death by their use. So Iiiras tho Mandrake I'llls are concerned, everybody hhould kitp u supply of them on hand. Tluy act on the liver bciler thnn calomel, nnd U'Aw nonoof Its hurtrul etttcts hehlnd Iu Jact they aro excellent In all ca'-es whero a pur mitivo medicine Is renuired. If you havo par talic n too lit uly ol litift and dlarrlKea ensmss, a ilM!ol the Mandialtes will cuio cu. Ifjouare subject toslclc htad.iche,takoa dose n Ihe Man-iliakt-sund they will iclleve joulutuo liourt. If you would obviato llio tllntul ,i eh an no ot iu .li r ni tl, i. Iim In Inillllifiilirt' ill frill t. Hike one of theMiii.drnke-i eery night or every nlher iiUht.aud jou may thendrliilc walirandtat wutcinielous, penii, niples, plums, peaches nr enril, Wllliollt tiioris-ic or imiltj inauu smi i'j thi m. They will protect those who live lu damp situations agaliiM clnlls niidfecrs. Try them. Thi'V nro perfectly harmUsi. They candoiou 14'iiKi only, I li.il. iili-tnilniiril mv ni-nfnuulniifil visits to I'OS- tou and New York, but continue to ste pntlcnls alloy ntllco.No !5N.MXni htn ct, Philadel phia, eery r-alurdny, fiom y A. tq P.M. Thosu who wlhli a thornutih examlnalion wnn the llesphometer Wdl bo ehnrneil Uv;' ; "i,m' The Uespliomeli r deeliuf- "."w , .nVi bnr ol tho liuiL's. iiti'i i'tien:s enn iiudlly learn uu "bfV iiiVy uio turableor not. Hut 1 desire tt .V.l'ii. .....inrvKiml i tmt thu vn uo of IUV medlelnts depeiuts entiiely upon their belnu taken strictly aceordlnjj todluitioiii. Ill concilisinu, l "111 is:iy uuu wnrn i.vto"." tukemy niedlclnos iuidtielrsytemsniebroimht nun n neauny connniuu iucil-uj, mej- im Hl uauioio luuo cnui, yei niinitownu iiiv-ui luusciin btarnsuddtuehanao nt atnin-pheio w it bout the liability of meatcr or less Iriltution of Iho hiuiichlnl tubes. I'ull tiiiccllous iu nil laucungcs ntcoiuiunj my uiidlclius, soi-xpllill anl clear thai nu one cm use them witliout fouinUitina me, anu can bo bouaht liom any driiyi:''. , r J. il. Bill Jstlit ! No. ti N Kixni .Street, Philadelphia. nnvlP7iMf. Twelve Years 'V Wilfl Indians Plains. Tho remarknblo ndvenlurrs nf tho f.inious WllJTi: (Jill MP and 11 KJ WAHItlOltairoiiK the Ited Kklns. 'Ihrllllni4 aerouutsot dual lU'upt, Hiilrbieiitlth Kisi'iipt-h und 'leiriblo Cuiitf-sts with the bly Kauio nnd bnttllo trlbej, splutcit descrip tions ol tho habits nnd siipeihtlthms or that stranao reople, Their .sports, I.ujiiNX'H.Tiuin tionm. How thev Wunaiul Wr.n, kcai.I'.Iioi-toii, WnnsiiiP, Ac. New, Push und Popular. Pnicr. I.iiw. It I Milling by tho thousandi with wnu derllil tapiilily, Aleuts nro making fmni f.'ni to 5IW) per wet k. Choice lUld tt vacant sct.d nt onco for siiuipM chupi. i, lllutialltiu (in 1 n.,i tlcil!ars tn A. 11. lltlllllAllI). PllblUher, Jau'71-if. limciii.iiiui m Phlla, imuAitv. WHAT Till: l'UlXS SAY.K. Tlio Headlin; r.i.) lpatch unv: "The wdl kntiwu Miperlorlty ot MlsiiMat'H HKItlt mi. 1 i;US w HI fpnie us the nrt esstiy of snylnu nnv I hi in: at lcm.rth lu taor of this miiufeul Tiiiih nud stimulant. Wherever this Hitters best known, ft met lit with uii afctunUhlu-: K.ile. 'I his t-t Iho taso lu our ttt lion of tho country. Thero are eases lu thli city whero tlio most rr.dlc.il inn's nave n. in eiiteitd lu tnoleo tlihe.iset, fin it which Hie hi si physicians could not rfttet, nud wo know of Peine, of fn milieu tour nun niimint tho uumbi'r), who would not bo without a plentiful supply of lM Uint lioiueliohl Hi uiedv fur uuy coiu-lderaliun, J,eteey junilly lu llio land ktep It nn hand," Hold by nil 10- pe i.tuio tiiui!i;i!s. nice one uoiiar per uottie, I? U K K I A W A T C II ! A NIO'l: WAU Ill A IH'NIiKll L'AML WATCIII A KlI.VLIt WA'ltll I A IIKI.I.MILI; VTCIII A tiOOII W ATI II ! AN AMLUICA.S WATl.lI A WALTUAM WATCH I A Wuicli loru UenllriiMii I A Watch loru Lady! Hold Chulu for a f eiitlem.in ! (luld Chain for u Lady I .n eay way to get a reliable Amerliwii Wutcli AdKNTrt Altli WANTUU TO l'llol'UUK I'AXVAbSl lll I Oil .T11K l'KOl'LK'H WKBKIjY. Tlio icwanl fol' ecIIIui; live successful canvass ieis towoik lor premiums, which wilt bo sent, to show cant usscr. ulll hoitm imluo WAIniAJI WATCH Tho upplkuiit.w ull jKiillculuri, must enclose a letter liom 11 prominent business man of his place that lie Is IOMPKTI..ST and Titiwi woimiv Address, OI.IVKH CIIOOK A. CO., Dajlon.Ohlo If 011 A WOMAN'S SAKE 1" 0 II A W O Jl AX'S S A K 10. If OH A WOMAN'S SAKE For it Woman's Sake, For it Woiimn'd Sakt'. For a Woman's Sake. Tho most Thrilling and luteiestlnB ltomauce ew'l' wilttcu, Is now hi'lug published 111 the l'o lilt's Weekly. Auotlicr meat story will ho com uieured soon, IWcry number Is Illustrated, ONItY FIFTY G'KNTS A YKAH Hubscrlbcis for Iho year 1MI, If sent In ntonco wlllict'elM the paper Iho balance of I li 1st year Iiti'i: Of CHMiqK. Heud 2 ccnfttni.iji lor sample copy and I'remiuui ut, Addrt'is, oi.ivi:n chook & co ilM'tiVO-tf Dayton, Ohio, I T'l'OltKllYh' 1ILANKH of all kinds nromi.tlv A iiiut neatlv t-rlulul ou superior paptr at Iho L'Jl.L.MlliAK Ultlt'e, Rail Rondfl, 1 AOICAWAINA AND IJLOOMH. T 111! IK UAII.UOAI) On nud t fur Nov. 'il, 1870, pAsncnger Tralnnwlll run ns foilowst Going North, Arrive Arrive UolnnHonth. Leave I.pav. n. tn n.m. . m Bcranton O.ti ill 3.23 Leave 3X11 1.1 1 4.3) 4.44 S.ll 5.10 0.10 Arrive .20 PllHton .... 0.11 I..M KlnxXon H.I3 1.21 l'lymoiitl .. KM 1,17 Hlilcknlilnny,... 7.5.1 USD 7.i MB Ml 0.07 , n.u Arrive uriwicit h Lit llloom ......... il.O) IUI Danville 0.10 11.0) Lonvo lnvo Nortu'il S.M 10.40 0.10 10.9) uonnection mane iiiHcranion uy llio 10.40 a.m. tral'irorUroatllenil, Jllngiiamton. Albunyand all polula NortU, Ijut nnd Wot. ij, i.iiuuniiingp 1. NOHTHERN CENTRAL HAIL WAV, ou ana aner ncccu'Licr 4111 1870. Train, w ill leave HUMiunv an follows I NOIITUWAIID. I.S6 A, v.. Dally lo Wllllamnnort. for Ulmlra CunauaalKtia. Hocliettlor. UuOalo, Husponitlon Ilrldge, and N, Falli. 0..W p. m I)ally.(eireit Kiintlayi) for Elmlra nn'o Ilullalnvla llrlo Itiilltvay from Elmlra, i.j 1 -, ai iauy, lezcenfcnunaayii lor wiiuania fort, THAINB rlOUTUWAIlI), 11.07 A, II. Dally (except Slomlay'.) for llaltluiort WILMINGTON AND l'HILADKLl'IIIA. 1 1 .2-1 P.M. ItallyCeircptKunday'ulfor llalllmop watuinjtoii and rnlladelplila. i:d. s, young, General l'aaftengor Agent. Alfrko It. 113KE, Geu'I Hnpt., riATAWISSA KAILHOAD. 19,0. WINTKIl AmtANaKMKNT. 1870. I'usnenacr Trains on Ihl. rnml xo Ml run an fal. Iowmi JTallilA. STATIONS, Mjil icrlA Lv, 8.1ia,m Wllllamsport, I.v H.-7p. m i'.'i miiiicy, 0. 10 " Milton. " 10.21 " DilMTIIIS. I11.H ' ltniiert. " lii.li ' CntawHiia. " 11.5) " Ulngtown, " u.2.1 p.m. Httnimlt. " 12.31 " onakaKe. ' 12.4-1 " li. Muliony June, " 1, no 'Dliie.Tiimaqna, Dine, 1.21 " Heading. ' an rottsviiie. 7.00 l'lilladelpliln, " 1.2 ,'dluo Maucli Cimuk, dine" 2. ai " lletlilehem, SUi " l'lilla. via lletlikhem, " 2.53 " Kanton, " New York. ft. Liberty si., r..n ' via L. A H. It. It. d,M " L. Valley H. 11, " 0.50 a.m. notion, 1 5.10 " 4.:i) " 4.12 " 4.01 " S..H " 2.20 " 2.10 1.11 " 12.52 " 10.10 o.n 8.15 1.05 p.m. 12.110 noon 0.15 a. m 8.00 1 0.00 ' 0.(10 p. Ill ruKienmstaklr g tlie 8.M train from William, mtnrl. ulll liuo tutibourtiln Netv Ytirlc.lor htiti. per, uua arrive In lloston at S.C0 a.m.. eleven lionr. In nilvanto of nil other rnnlen. New tiny (oacheH iirrtiinnany all trnliiH be. tweeu iiiiiiiimiion, fiew lorn una i-niiauei-I'M hi. Train run tlirousH by tlayllalit. oi;(). wuiiii.mipt. R1C CAMNCl RAILROAD. AVINT12H A UU AN 0 E NT, MONPAV, KoV. 2l8t, 1870. Ureal Trunk Lino from the North ami North West rorPhlladtlphln.New York, Heading. Polls vllle, Tnmunua, Astunnd, hhamokln Lebanon Aiicuiowu, i.asiou, upuraia, umz, uincaster uoumuin,t.cM Trulus ic.Le llnrrlsburg TorNewYtirlc an lot lows! At:..H. s.lu and in. Via. in.. nn ' 2.50 p. m. cniini'i'tlnt' with similar trains nt. IV Tinsel va nil Uallioad, and urrlvii.K ut New York at bt.M. n, ni.. :(.-ro. rt.so and 10.u n. m. rttinctlvtli. slLcplut; tat actoioptmy thu it.tu h nt. tralus wltbnol rhtimtc. lletuinlutf: Leao New York at 9,00a.m. and I 12.00 noon and 5,K) p. m, Philadelphia al Nil a m, nnd .1,30 p. m. Hleenimt cars accompany tho 5,00 p.m., trains Irom t without chunge, Jrf-ave HitirlsburK lor Heading, Pottsvlhb, miuiua, Mineisvllie, Ashland, Hhamokln Al leniown ami j-uuaii.ai s,iuu. in., aim x,f) nun 1,(5 p.m., slopping at Ltbanou und principal way stations: tlie l.u.jnm. train connecting for PhU'a PottHvllIc und Cidumbla only. For Pot Uv Die Schuylkill llnven nnd Auburn, via (Schuylkill aud Htisiiuthautia Uallioad, leave llarrlsburg r 1 Kast pennsylvunlnlUllroad trnins leave Head, in r fur Alleiiiowii ljision nud New Yolk nt 5.0 io,io, n. m.( 1'i.l'noou 4.45 p, m. Returning, leave 'nw Vnrlc fit D.0U n. in.. 12.00 noon und 5.(W P. in. nud Alltutown nl 7,Ma. m, Vl.'I'i noon, 2.6f, 4.u hiv s.iip. m. Way Pa-kenger Train leaves Philadelphia at 7;wa. m. , connecting with similar truln on lut Pa, railio.ui reiuruin-f iruiu ui.atiiugatop.m btoiiplug nt nil stations, i .1-11 vn PiitbtvlllB at 9.00 a.m.. and 3.10 n.m. Ilerndon aliu.ll) a.m., Shamoklu at fi.lOnnd JI.'JJ it, m., Ashland nw.oj a.m. ami imi ninm Mau iiiw.v en v nt 7. It it. in. nnd l.HTi n. m. Tnniaouit ut h;u a. m and H.ID p. m, for Phlladelphli, New York, Heading, unmsoiirtf.ivc. i.riLVit 1'nttnvllle via Hciiuvlklll nnd Susquc hanuii lUUioadat8,15 a.m, lor llanHburg. nnd ia.ua noon.ior i-inourovo uuu iremoui, Ilfjadlii! Accommodation Train leaves Potls- Uto at 5,lt) a. in. pa-sses Heading nt7,30u. m., ar riving ut Phlladelidiia at lLt.'JJ u. m. Ilelurulug le.ies Phlhtdelpijia at -l,4i p. m., passing Head Ing at 7,Vj p.m., urriviug nt I'ottsvniu ai tuo p.m, 1'niti.iiiu n Ai'ciiiiiiiKiiiiillnii TrnlndeiLViiH Potls toun at 7,00 u,m.iotuiulug, leaves Philadelphia ut 4 IM1 IV Til. Columbia Hal Iron I Trains leave Heading al 7,'-'U a.m., and o-la p.m. for Kidirata, LHU;, Lauiai ler, uoiumoia, ve perklouieu Hall Hoad Trains leave rerklomcn junction at .ju v,uo a, in., ...u .!. p. ui ivwy I...... Ji 1 sis i ii Ir ui'l I In I notiu A 4M0 p.in., eouneellUB with nlmir iralun 0S"M train, leavorottKUiwn and 0.1-Un. m..returnlni: leave Mouul rCUYlliii ni,vv, p. n.i i'Jeasantat 7.00 it Dd ll.'ijn. m coumctlntt wlti Hlmllar traliiHon Heading Hall road. UoeKter valley naiiromi irains jeavo uiiogc port nt K.i'tuit. l.i. and and 6.0.'). m. rttiunluu. leave iowniugiou iu v.i b. iu jz,iij uuuu uuu I.li it. m.. comiec-tlm! with similar trains or Head tin; Uallioad. On suml.ivn. lua f Nuw York at 5.00 P.m.. Pull phtaat ,w ii.ni.nnd3,ljiin.,tho8,tK)a.m, tralL ruuulutfouly tolti iidiu-f;)l(iivei'ollsvllle8,ooa.mh llarrlhburtf al a. m. and .(J5 p. m. nnu leao AHentow n at p. in., und leave Heading ntT.lo a.m, and lO.uj p. ni, for IlairU buii;, ni 5,iWn. m, lor New Ymk, audaUMi) a, id, and -I.C'i p. m 'n- Philadelphia. Louimuiaiioii, iiitnife. rM-'.iuuii, rcihhji u Kxcurslon 'lltltLts toamt Horn all noluU. al re duced rates. liairirazo ehet ked turoiun: iuu pouuua anowe. each pabi-euucr. II, J, llltUlJl, General tiuperiuleudeui UcalIui,',I'.i,,Nov.W, 17U, jfi:V FIHM AT QltANOlOVIIiLi: IRON FOUNDHV AND AGUICUL- TUIIAIj WOIIKS. UKLAT IMI'IIOVEMKNTS IN rl-OWH AND THHUSHINU MACUINLa Mr. Jacoh TrlvlenhcehavliiK purcliaseil tho interest of Cliarlt s V, I.ow in Hie alHivo named woiks, the huslness will ho coutlnueil under tho firm liuiiieof W ll. I.I M Selim I. Kit l'o. Uavlmi dlcoeretl sceral linperlectlons In Ihe plows manufactuied lu ls7o, they lmo stiuufithened aud Improved I hem, ami added sonio en tiro new patter ui. J uey win open too itpriiu irauu oi i.i ir luadvauco oi iininim; eer oiirieu loiuo iiihlie. helm; both muellnil mechanics, aud liav- iiu Mu'lr work all done under their own suner vision llwy (juaruntto their work superior In material ami iiiumi hi uuy nrii-iinwru uut-reu. Dealers hlnnild not accept of any other ngrlcut lural Implements until they havo examined our Mauutaciure. runners should try our plows UiUiii uu) mu any uiuer. iney mho luaiiui.iciuiu AUj KINDS OF UAS'lINtN, utsivilie made lu first class Foundries, saw nnd grUt mill c.istlui;s, ma.du nml titled up to order, TIIIlESHINa MACHINES nto nni'le a specialty, and home cry decided tin tii nviMiii-nlH Iiuvo lice 11 IntrtHloeed I nto their mu. ehlnth. Prices lower thnn ever; all kinds nf country promiccuud old lion lit Ken in oxt nance Order direct liom the manufaclury. Old ngtu cles supplied tlurliiK tho winter, Anurias uu oiuero iu WII-ItlAM SCHUYIsKH A CO., .aitlCl'I.TUItAL wohkh, oitANauviLLi: l.'OLUMllIA COUNTY, l'A, novls'M.tf. QIXTY-FIVK FIHSTlMUZK MUD, kJ ALH AWAUDKI1, THK GllKAT UAITIMOHK PIANO MANt'F.UrrOUY, WILLIAM KNABK & CO. HAhUt'ACIUltUItS OK OUAND. HQUARK AND UPllIQllT P I A N O V O IX T K S , UALTXMOHK, M V, Thoio Instruments lme teenbeforetho puhlle fur tn 11 rlv 'I'll in v I'uru. und noon their I'xecl lence alouoattulnedfi uitputxhiutri ) r-Lminc nieli prou ounces ineni uuequauea. 1 neir TONE entohloes meat nower. sweetness and flno sine tn ir mialiiv. uk u ell as ereat nurlt v of Intonation and et trti-s throunhout Iho entire scale, Hier TOUCH Is pliant and elastic, cud entirely frea from tho Slluaeiis loutiu in su many -iHuoen IN V0F.KMAN8HIP thev are unrtmalled.uslmr none hut Iho verv host itmoncif tnnrtTin.tho Urge capital employed tn uur utiiiii in tt mi 1 uk am iu ftiri t'liutlUUUliy uu iiiiuiiiiuk.ui;K ut iuiiturt u.u.,uu ukuu. ftft.AH our Sauare Manors have our New Im, proed OvEitsritUKQ tCAl.K nnd the Aoroffe J'o would call special attention tn our late Improvements In WIAXH VIAXOX and fiUUAHK iiJiAiMin; 1'ATI.MTEIl AVU. II, 1 HMt, wiutii iituiEio i iituu ituHrer periection till has et been attained,' KVKKY PfANO rULLY WAlWANTKn VOU 5 YkAKS, Wo have made nrrnuceinenti for tlie tfotr 11 nnifMnie jifriry ior hih inoxr. t eieoiaiou 1'Alv l.Olt tUUANH und M1:L0I)1-:0NH, which wo oner wnuiewaie ana itetaii, ni lowest Factory prices. WlUIAtlKNAHKilCO., oei( fu-iiiii, iiaiumore, .mui EVE1T VABIUTT JIOST FAVOllAHLE RATES, JOHN THOMAS, AriD CAHl'EK.J. T1IOMA8 1101. -.77, uioomtburg, nt, Mar.lJ.ta-ly Sewing Machines. HE DOMESTIC SHW1N.0 MACHINE X FOIl HA LK IIY .'V1 M. 1'. LUTZ, IIIIOM.SIIUIKI, TA. MILLER, HUailKS A CO,, ..nEitwici:, iA. This Sex.lui; Maehlno runs Hllllernud easier than any other, It lias lower paltH,llbas uroil ifrrl shuttle that will uirter wrur out, tt lia lllake's rolrlit table whlili lufc&c shows Its uso AgLiits wanttd In mineenpled Territory In Ptims-, iMit.hi.Nt w Jt tiey, Mm; land, Delaware Vtrulniii, WtH Virginia nnd DMrlctof (.V.lum- Aildusn IUiAKi: & CO,, f-CHANTON, PA. sepl6'70ly MISCELLANEOUS. Tatsntco Dbcbussr 7TI1, i S 69 OUR CELEBRATED GOLDEN FOUNTAIN PEN. BMifht4.IJ. Artnowlcilid brllnhohT mi It t he the beat lcn mdrM IntbUesun- irri in in nirrwirt r-iij iit " tlh Olio flnl.I Will OUts.!. 4o- Wat dlfl I'ut up lit nat Ude boif. HOLU LV 11V AtlK.NTH, Ut Ihla rruun mnr rnf ritflli? nrH rn ifll-te UUOpcrmontb. i-rott cr0O Mr fstnt.I Two wmplc I'tRh IO ttntil t km. 60 n baina. 11.IIUI iMttlva bWXC4k AUstrrM, 1 Western Idlisiiing Co. Manufacturer Agents, TilUturgh, Pa. 0rTin.-Thsrrtti4piilsrttTorihtB Vrtt ha I ixi (a tamny Imitation or nn Infv. Horn aaUtr, Ituy only the (Tnul-e JO L'A- Urn r rtntts pi Jan .'071 ly OSce of J. E. COESniS, 420 North Eiflhth St., Pllilnda. UUJJJJULd UJVaeRII Vegetable EsTErt-- A color anil dressing that will not burn tho hair or injure tho head. It does not produco n color mechanically, as tho poisonous preparations do. It gradually restores tho hair to its original color and lustre, by supplying new lifo and vigor. It causes a luxuriant growth of soft, lino hair. Tho host and safest articlo over offered. Clean and Turo. No sediment. Sold everywhere. ASK FOR DOBHINS'. tiovU'TD-titit. SOMETHING MOW I The undcrtdimcd would herehv ulve notice that he Iiuh IuH completed A FIUST CI.ARS Hl'AI.Hi:,(uid that he ha the rucll It l-- for curry Iuk on tho huhlneKs of UNIlUTAKINO tu ull UN I. blanches I N 0 X T HTYI.K, He Iiah enunced exnerleured nersoiiR uhn will take char ire of the bo lien of the deceased as nooii A thev 'hhuftlB nf thin ninrLul cnll." mid allotid ui wiii.uio- inem,fcURViUf, ureshiue, isc, isnrouas furalKhed nlso to order. Al much expense he una utsu jitH.uit:u Ull IRON ICE 11 OX, In which bodies can lio preserved In a cleanly aud dry condition. Currlaess iurnlsliii) lr lu neral occasions. In short, ho Is pri fsirsd lo lake eliarife of aooipse Inimesllately .flerileai'', and save IrlemtH nnd relators all furiber trouble. In regard toll. He also carries on the business of O A 11 1 N K T MAKING Upholstering In all lis branch's, repairing fuml lure, reseating cane bottomed chairs, Ac. Ac 1'lacDof busluessou Iron street, below Main. HOllKUT HOAN, Illoomiljurs-, July 2J. lift-It. D E N T I S T It Y . II. Cf HOWEH, DENTIHT, J 1 1 " OF THE W AGEI Is provided with the latent Improved I'ohcklain isKTii wnicn win ue inner tea uu noiu piauoi liver and rubber b&xe to look an well aaLha n& ural teeth. Teeth extracted bv all the now raoit approved wet hods, and all operation! thalevlhCArefullvaud nroneilv attended tn. Ketddeuce and orllce a few doom rNwi ijouri iionse, same Blue, Uloomiburt. Jau.Sl.'Mtf KLANK AHlHT(lA;tH for the Uhu Kavlutf Fund and Loan Akitorliitlomi. for 1 al in i r,.ii.i...f.uinino - " Miscollanoous. T kcommknueh and iCMionmcn nr XVUVHIt KKVEJI I1U1-DHKD UOC-rORH lt, Ii41VIIC.ll. iiwioirxi) ri.um kxthXi'T nt' KOSKOOI'' 1 ' ' . ,v THK OHKAT,.; . .,, . HEALTH aiCSTOllERI 1 . Not a Hccrct Quack Moillclno iWrnulu . Around tbo Ilottle. I-riEPAIlKI) soi.tLr 11 v IT, 3. LAWKENcn, Orgnlo Cliemlrt, w'Lso. North Carolina. ' .1) KOSKOO BTIUKK1 AT THK llOOTOr D1SU.R PUH1KYINO THE BLOOD, ItESTOllINU THU IJVEll AND KtDMUYS TO A HEALTHY ACTION, ANU 1N VlaOItATI.VO THE NEIl. V0U8 BVWTEM, Thts is tho Soorot of it's Wondorful Success In Curing co.vnustrnoN- in its eahlv stages, .SCItOFUf.A, BYriHLlS, HVSPEIMIA, I IVElt CUMn.AINT, cimo.Nio II11EU.MATIS.M, NEOItAMIA, NEHVOUS AKKI.'CTION, YuUVTloSHOl' TliniiKl.V, IIUJIOUS, I19M OK VlOOIt, DI8EASEH OP KIDNEY AND IlLADDEIt, DISRASKS CAUSKD JJV A HAD ST A TK OF THE 11LOOD. It thoroughly I'ra.llcalcs ever kind of Humor nud Eal Tnlnt, ami restores the entire system tn n healthy comlltlou. It Is beyond question Ihe FINEST TONIC IN THE WOULD. ' - Thon'amls havo bten changed by the use nf this Medicine from weak, sickly, suffering crea tures, to strong, henlly, and linppy men and women. Invalids cannot hcsltnle lo 1(1 vo II a trial, No Mi'dlclue has obtained such n great reputa. lion as this Justly cflebratod compound. FOIt TK3TIMOXIALS From l'hjslclans, Eminent Divines, Editors DruimtHls, Merchants, Ao., see KOSKOO ALMA. NACfor this year, piuck oxn iior.L.tn rr.n noma rnttsAt.KBr. The Principal Druggists in the United States and Jirilish America. Dit.'LAViiENCF.'a Woman's I'bichd Cures all Dlsooscs peculiar to Females. Philadelphia Directory. jgAQLB HOTEL. m Uni ll lUlHu ISTHEKT , It. D. CUMMING9, l'ltol'BILTOI!. JOUN STROUP t CO., Successors to gtroup A Ill-other, W110LEHALE DKALEIW IN FISH. No. 21 North Wharscs and 25 North Third HI 1-hlladclphln. JICHAKDSON Ii. WltiailT, Jit. ATTOHNKY AT LAW, NO. 123 SOUTH SIXTH STItLLT. riiiLAUctrniA . !.','II9-Iy W. RANK'S liui.r;rj.i,i'iTullAi;t.U, t.NUI r, ANU CIOAIl WAltKHOUBL', No. 116 North Third btreel. UUweeu Cherry uud llace, west.lde. l'lilladelpliln. pilAXK & STRKTCII, (successors lo L il Walter,) Iiuport&t aad IJeulers In UUKF.NSWAUE, CHINA, AND OLASS, No. 2.11 N.TIilid.street, Between Itnr. and Vino Kts. l'llILAlUXl'lllA. a fi" Miitiru. I"'1 l-"tuers. 1, II. Waliki:, Special Partner. JvSlTD-tl. J.M- KEl'llEART. Willi DAUNKS, BHO. & 1IKUUON, HATH, UAVd, HTUAK GOODa A FUU8, No. W Market fctrcet, '(.vhoo Firth,) l-UILADELrillA. WUOI.KSAI.K GROCEIIS, N, K Corner Hecond nnd Arch Streets, I'll I LAUELPH I A , DenlerM iu TK.S, SVltlirH. COFFEK. BUG Alt, MOIjABHF-H KICK, Hl'iri'Jt, nt CAltll BOP A, AC, AV, 40rdern will roc .-Ivo prompt attention, may 10.67.tf. Business Cards, M. IVKLMS," ATTOltNUV AT LAW, Ashlaud, Rchuylklll t'ouuty l'u. TT TURNER M. A. I'HV.SICIAN AND bl'ilClON, IlLOOMSnUltO, r.. nmcKovcr Lull's Drivs Store, llesldeu. tdei'lll'TII. I'lllli btreel, r w. milli, ATTOHNKV AT LAW. Olllco Court Hoose Alley, below the Coniu iiian Olllce. llouutles, 1lnck.lay and Tensions collected. lllooinshurir l'a. ep.2u'tr; "POUERT V. CLARK, AOUllNliY AT LAW, Oninn slnln s.lr, l l.,il,.i 41. I'm.., lln.iA llloomsburg i'enn'a. II. LITTLE, ATTOIINi'.V AT LAW, Office Court-House Alley, below the Colusi iiiam Otllre, llloomsburK l'a. T? M. KNOHH, Havlnifnurchased the stock of the old Ker. ktoue Hhoe Mure, and added thereto a large and well be I ec ted new stock Is ore Mired to uhlblt the bestftrlety ul UOOTH AND UHOEH evor brought to this place, lie U also prepared tu make llooUt undbhocn lo order In tlieluttv and best styles. For ensh only, In tho old 1'ohI Dine bulldlUK. corner Muln uud Market Htret Uloomshnrk;, l'a. sepUTO-ly, T)O0TS AND SHOra. CLAUIC M.llItOWN. MAIN KTI1I.KT, VNVCU WKO WoTKU A hill and com pie to ofhoitment ofretdrmade boots and slioes Inr lnin, wemea wild t'tllUrtu Just recelMd and for sale kV reakouable raits, voiletlestti null all cUssti of vustooiera. Iho best or work done ulsburl not lew. as herlnfor. Ulvvhlmacall. t lapi6'7U-ti. and on thft V" i i