The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, February 17, 1871, Image 2

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. L.-L-
Sfhc GfoiumMnn,
Trlilny Morn In?, I'cb. IT, itm.
Judge Black for I lie l'roslilcncy.
Sovoral western papers mid gomo in
(Mia State, urgo tlio nomination of JEn,
KMiAit 8. Hlack for tho Presidency,
Hanking amongst thowcry flrat of
American statesman, If ho hai n pcor,
In intellect, patriotism and fearless In
tegrity, ho would bo a President of
whom any country on the fuco of the
globo might well feel proud. But, In
view of tho fact that tho Presidency
has lately been held by incro ptilltl
clans, statesmen of second and lower
rank, by men of no other than military
ability and distinction, and oven by it
buiruon,as well as aspired toby hosts
of similar llk-In plain vlow of this
recent history, Is It not hoping against
hopo to over expect to boo tho peoplo
rally to tho support of ono so Intellect
ually and morally great ond of such
matchless purity and patriotism as
Juugo UlackV His nomination would
let looso every rascal of every grade
from ono end of tho country to tho
other, ovcry selfish Interest, every ovll
disposed puppy and selflsh puppet,
ovcry unpatriotic purposo and Illegit
imate money making scheme, to arouse
all tho slauder, and hatred, and vllo
motive that can nctuato humanity, to
foster opposition to him. Is thero vlr
tuo enough In tho land to resist nil that?
.Millions of monoy could be commanded
to defeat h(n, or any other as groat and
puro as ho, and against theso Influences
thero would bo nothing but puro patri
otism and intellectual ability to oppose.
Tho question again arises, Is thero vlr
tuo enough In tho land to sustain tho
right In such a contest?
It would bo a proud thing for any
party to havo such a candldato as Its
exponent a prouder thing still for any
country to havo tho merit of electing
such a candidate. But, wo fear, tho
American peoplo can never make such
u boast. Discreditable to our National
prldo as it Is, tho fact exists, that thero
Is something elso than high patriotic
purposo and overtowerlng ability neces
sary lo constitute availability In po
litical contests. Tho least offensive
amongst theso "somethings" is com
bination or sectional feelings and
Interests, or tho possession of ephem
eral popularity for Bomo peculiar
cause. Too often, tho worst form, sel
fish Interest, and bald demagogulsm
control, and In tho retlnuo como nil
manner of disreputable motive and ob
ject. The man of comprehensive mind,
understanding all questions and boldly
supporting or opposing all upon tho
, solid princlplo of public requirement
and general good, who has tho manhood
to oppose" bad popular measures with
energy and effect, or to opposo that
which demagogues havo mado popular
though wrong, or yet to support with
power a measure or merit that may bo
unpopular bceauso misrepresented and
consequently mlsundeistood such a
great, honest bravo man, we aro com
pelled to admit, Is seldom popular ex
cept when ho has tho rare opportunity
of demonstrating his great merit In a
single brilliantact that forces attention.
Happy and honorable would It be to
tho country If theso things were other
wise. Unfortunately tho truth Is as wo
havo stated, and we all havo to deal
with public affairs as they exist and
ariso before us.
But In any case, wo would like to see
tho Democracy of Pennsylvania play
tho noble pari and prqsent Judgo
Black for tho Presidency. In splto of
any subtlo reasoning on tho subject, wo
are yet unwilling to admit that rare
fitness Is not a strong element of success
even In a Federal contest, At least, If
defeat did follow, we would never havo
cause, to bo ashamed of what wo had
proposed to do.
Dinicultlcs, it Itli l'nglaii(l--.Ualiiima
Claims, Ac.
The public wero surprised last week
by tho announcement of the. Queen of
England, In her speech at tho opening
of Parliament, and of tho President of
the United States by messago, that all
tho trpubles between tho two countries
had been referred to a "high commis
sion," composed of five distinguished
citizens of each country. Tho proposi
tion was first made by England to refer
tho difllcultles growing out of tho fish
ing Interests on the Canadian border.
Tho President accepted on condition
that the Alabama claims should bo re
ferred to tho eamo commission. Tho
British authorities accepted provided
all other difficulties growing out of the
late rebellion wero Included' Tho Com
mlssoncrs on tho part of tho United
States aro Secretary ofStato Hamil
ton Fish, B. 0. Sciikni'K, Minister to
England, Justico Nelson, of tho U. S.
Supreme Court, E. It. Hoar, late At
torney Goneral.and Senator Williams,
of Oregon. The commissioners on tho
part of Great Brlttaln aro Earl Obey,
Prof. BtfVNAits, of Oxford University,
Sir Edward Thoiiton, British Minis
ter at Washington, and Sir John A.
McDonald and Sir John Rose, of
Canada. Llltlo doubt is entertained
but that tho commission will bo able to
settle oil pending difficulties between
the countries, and thus remove all causo
for discord or war. Of courso it can
not bo expected that either will obtain
all its desires, as in all such cases If
settlement Is effected It must bo by
Wo aro heartily glad that tho subject
of tho Alabama claims is thus taken
out of the hands of tho demagogues,
and Is placed In a position of prompt
settlement. Tho treaty to bo made will
no doubt cover all such cases arising
in tho futuro and will bind both coun
tries. Wo doubt whether It will bo
quito comfortnblo for our government
to egrcofor oil futuro tlino to pay what
ever damages may bo dono by warships
built In our ship-yards, yet bucIi U tho
Inovltablo result of tho Alabama claims.
As to the fishing business', that Is a
puro yankeolsm. Nono but they havo
an Interest In It, and while they de
mand and recclvo government protec
tion lniho employment,atvastexpcnso,
they also demand and receive from tho
government largo bount!o3 on tho fish
theycutch. If would bo a good thing
for ovcry body else, If tho Fishing wa
ters were altogether transferred to tho
British. At least It ought to Ijo provi
ded that no bounties should bo paid by
either government, and cheap fish bo
thus secured to tho peoplo. At all
events, "let us havo peace."
.Sumptuary bnni.
Tho moro oxcltablo portion uf the
Temperance, peoplo uro at this tlmo
quito ncllvo In petitioning tho legisla
ture to pass a law requiring tho peoplo
of each election district to decldo by n
voto whether liquor shall bo sold with
in each for tho term of thrco years. Wo
regard tho bill as objcctlonablo bceauso
It will not lessen tho nmount of public
drinking, but merely drlvo It to partlc
tilar points, and most likely lncrcaso
tho ovll complained of. It will very
certainly lncreaso prlvato drinking bo
causo by decreasing tho convenience of
obtaining It In public It will lnduco
peoplo to keep It In their houses, and
having It so handy and In quantity
they will of courso drink moro thorn
solves and also lnduco those who visit
them, to drink. Elections are already
rendered so common that many caro
out, nine aoout attending mem or now
they voto If they do, and theso would
udd greatly to personal strife and Ill
will because not only tho prlvato rights
of minorities and of property will bo
Infringed, but tho mnjority will bo
looked upon ns not only cooking their
own meat but feeding their neighbors,
too, upon Just such provender as suits
their own palates. Wo think, too, that
all cxperlcnco has proven that Legisla
tive Interference with men's palates Is
not only absurd, but' ran novcr hi en
forced, and Invariably Increases tho
evils intended to bo stayed. In theso
vlovvs wo aro sustained by tho best
Statesmen of this nnd every other
Tho local option bill Is further objec
tionable in that it is local legislation In
Its worst form dotting Itself all over
tho State and general nowhero. If tlio
law Is good at all It Is good for all. On
every other question it is unanimously
agreed that laws which affect only cer
tain localities aro a nuisance and ought
lo bo nbatcd. They nro In fact ono of
tho main causes of Legislative corrup
tion, nnd an alteration of tho Constitu
tion Is very generally urged In order
that their futuro enactment may bo
prevented. Yet tho local option pro
posed would be an aggravated form of
this reprehensible practice.
w nopo iruo lempernnco men will
reflect seriously before they push this
matter further, at tho beck of interest
ed leaders who live unon tho agitation,
nnd deliberately mnko up their minds
whether tho measure In question is not
calculated to retard their progress and
seriously Injuro their cause. The famous
"Jug law" of 1855, or thereabouts, Is
the legitimate father of tho universal
sale of liquor In saloons and small gro-
gerlts, and whilo it created this great
evil it did no good whatevor. Tho
old, sober minded, common sense tem
perance advocates of an earlier period
hivl succeeded In confining tho retail
salt of liquor maluly to rcspcctablo ho
tels, which wero kept by men of char
acter for tho most part, and thus had
accomplished a great public good. But
restless spirits would not allow tho mat
ter to remain there. Tho Yankees had
opened their pandora's box of Maine
laws, nnd other similar absurd meas
ures, and the result was to upset all tho
good that had been done, and greatly
increase drinkers and tho facilities for
drinking. Nor Is this tho history of
merely ono such attempt. Tho result
has at all times and places been the
Our columns aro open to tlio vthur
side of tho question, If nny of its advo
cates desire to discuss it, In Bhort, terso
and argumentative style. Wo do not
mean temperance lectures, for about
that no issue is made but tho propriety
of this proposed Legislative enact
Railroad Accldcut.
A terrible railroad accident recently
occurred at Hamburg, Now York, by
which many persons wero killed and
souio burnt to death. Wo do not pub
lish a detailed account for tho simple
reason that such reading does no good,
adds nothing to the. understanding that
is of futuro usennd is not such warning
as peoplo may profit by. Such rcadlug,
too, induces' a, morbid taste that leads
to an overweening desiro for tho tcrrl-
blo and horrible, wholly destroying tho
tasto for substantial, beneficial and use
ful reading. We do not proposo at any
tlmo to publish accounts of accidents
however horrible, or of murders, or
haDglngs, or burnings, or wrecks, or
other things that nro not Intrinsically
useful. Wo leavo such publications for
the sensational papers of the cities,
which llvo upon them and would bo
nothing without them, and that aro
nover perfect or content unless they
have a horror to detail. Of courso If
any such things occur In this vicinity
wo will feel required to give somo ac
count of them, but not otherwise.
Too Much U'slslnlloii. ,
Wo aro in hopes that tho day Is not
far distant when tho neonlo of Pcnn.
sylvanla will havo an opportunity to
voto upon an alteration In tho Constitu
tion which will diminish tho number
or sessions which tho Legislature can
hold, and conflno Us deliberations to
general laws and measures concerning
mo btulo at large. In old times the
General Assemblies of the different
Colonies met annually. Thov wero
composed of good men, who had no do-
Biro oxcepi to insure benefit and advan
tage to tho people. Tho measures they
considered wero Buch as wero obviously
requisite. They did what was neces
sary, and then adjourned. But all this
Is changed. The fact that tho Leglsla
turo of a Stato Is about to meet is con
sidered almost a calamity. No ono
looks forward to tho commencement of
tho session as a hopeful occasion. Citi
zens regard the meeting of their own
Representatives with nearly the sarau
feollngs which they would lndulgo If
they wero Informed of tho convening
of n band of robbers. They expect to
no outraged, to no imposed upon, to
havo thoir dearest Interests sold nut in
tho highest bidder. 'or ncrhans not oven
sold given away to parties who ropro-
sent, in many instances, tho members
oi tno legislature themselves.
So frightful has tho evil become). Hint
In many States, tho Constitutions havo
ueen auorcu so as to rcduco tho number
or tlio sessions of tho Assembly. Itten
nlal sessions uro now hold In thirteen
States. Wo would bo very glad it
Pennsylvania If we could havo an op
portunity to Institute tho samo reform
Tho Commonwealth gets along much
better when tho Legislature Is not
cession than when it Is. Wo then rest
unou tho laws as thov are. lmil
they may bo: but while tho Legislature
is iu session, wo Know not at what
moment thosu which aro bad mnv lm
mado a thousand times worse. Erie
. " Vatfid Oiilldci.'
The "oulsldu" 13 tho printer's term
for tho first nnd fourth pages of n news-
paper containing four pages. It will bo
observed they aro on tho name side of
tho shout of paper. As they nro seldom
devoted to news thoy aro usually occu
pied with miscellaneous reading that
Is always In season. They nro always
printed In ndvanco of tholnsldo pages
tho second and third. Recently n
schomo has been concocted by Now
York Sharpers to furnish country pub
lishers with paper already printed on
tho outside, nt very low rates. Tho
reading thus furnished Is mainly Inslp
Id and worthless and n dlsgraco to tho
editorial fraternity. It wholly takes
from tho editor tho control of ono-half
his paper, and that very often tho best
half. It gives to tho reader meaning'
less nnd useless reading, necessarily,
for theso " outsldes " nro used for nn
Indefl nlto number of papers.of all shades
of opinion and morals, and must bo
mado unobjectionable to nil. Of courso
the only way to do this Is to avoid all
positive opinion or assertion, every
thing that has point, nnd consequently
tho articles thus printed nro nil mean
ingless or totally Indifferent to every
body. An editor who can submit to
that must havo less metal in his soul
than editors ought lo havo.
Any body may thus got up a papor,
for thoy can steal tho Insldo pages from
their moro industrious or nblor cotcra
porarles, ns tlio Insldo Is usually mado
up of news and of political opinion, or
what Is relevant to these. Wo nro
awaro that tho plan Bavcs cxpenso and
labor, but It cheats tho reader. Tho
labor of making proper selections, If
conscientiously performed, Is much
greater than that of writing editorials
upon familiar subjects greater even
than nny writing. But shirking this
labor is far from being Justifiable.
When wo ngrco to print a paper for a
subscriber, nnd ho pays his money, tho
contract Is clearly that wo aro to glvo
htm as good a paper as wo aro ablo to
print. Wo agrco to do nil the necessary
work to glvo him as good a paper as wo
can. If ho wants somebody elses paper
he will send to Its publisher for It, and
If wo palm somebody elses paper upon
him for ours wo aro guilty of falso pre
tenco. When that somebody clso's Is
so constructed that It will suit all shades
of opinion and bo equally agrecablo to
all, the transaction becomes a swindle.
That Is plain saxon but It's true.
Why should not an editor feel It as
strongly his duty to print a creditable
outside, why should ho not bo ns am
bitious to excel In his outside, as In tho
Insldo print? Wo know that many
lazy editors set up tho oxcuso that ony
thing will do for the outside. But those
who reason in that way pro, superficial
and foolish. As well might they hold
that any kind of talk (sensible or not,
ngreeablo or not, offensive or not) would
do us well for their associates as care
fully considered nnd intelligent conver
sation. Upon tho whole, any paper
gains as much (or loses as much) by tho
quality of Its selections as by tho merit
of Its original articles. They aro of at
least equal Importance and aro as gen
erally sought and enjoyed by tho reader.
For tho credit of Journalism, and espec
ially of country Journalism, let ovcry
editor edit his own paper and do his
best to excel. When wo ask a hotel
Jcocpcr fjr n dinner of brcnil and boo
wo don't llko to bo set down to mush
and milk, Tho readers of newspapers
aro very much of tho same woy of
Coal Miners Strike.
For some tlmo past tho Coal miners
of this Stato have been on a strike, but
there Is a prospect now that they will
go to work again during tho present
month. Exactly who caused tho strike
does not appear. It is charged upon
tho operators, with some show of reason,
bceauso of an overstock and the conse
quent lowness of prices. Others charge
It upon tho dealers, also interested in
higher prices. Others again charge it
to a conspiracy between thodealers and
tho officers of tho Miners' Association.
We do not know that it matters much
to the public which party is at fault,
but as tho Btriko affected operators In
other and particularly tho Iron business,
and the people employed by them, It
becomes of public Importance, and
measures should bo taken to provent a
recurrence. If tho ovll Is often repeat
ed the miners will Buffoa perhaps more
serious Injury by It than nny others,
and it theroforo behooves all Interested,
or huvo power over tho subject, to
guard against it. We do not proposo Iff
dcflno what measures would bo cffectl vo
to prevent strikes, or tho causo for-them,
but hero only direct attention to tho
fact that tho evil is a very serious ono
to every body, to greater or less extent,
and that therefore every body has a
direct Interest In preventing futuro
strikes, If possible.
One of tho pretences under which
tho Radicals fastened many bad laws
upon tho South, was tho Idea of secur
Ing to tho peoplo of that section a "re
publican form of government." On a
recont occasion, they demonstrated the
practical workings of that principle In
Florida. The peoplo elected tho Demo
cratic ticket In that Stato at tho late
election. This did not suit tho Radical
fixers, and thoy proceeded to sccuro
them a "Republican form, of govern'
ment" In tho now method. When tho
Board of Canvassers met, ft majority of
them tho Secretary of State, a negro.
and Sherman Conant, Deputy United
States Marshal nnd Attorney-General
at onco declared tho Radical Stato ticket
elected. They did not count a single
vote nor examine a tingle return. Colonel
Qamblo of tho Board, and Stato Comp
troller, protested and refused to sign
tho report. Tho Radical success was
secured by throwing out nlno counties
that gavo n largo Democratic majority,
and properly sccurod tho election of
tho Consorvatlvo ticket. An Injunction
was asked for and disregarded, nnd
Judgo White, who granted It, arrested
nud carried boforo tho United States
Court for a pretended violation of tho
enforcement law. Thus, tho Stato Ju
dlclary, tho last protection of Us rights,
property and liberty, rccelvo a fatal
stab. By Illegally throwing out theso
nlno counties, tho Radical leaders so
cured two results: First, thoy pro
claimed their State ticket elected ; and,
secondly, granted certificates to a inn
Jorlty of Radical members of tho Leg'
Islaturo. Tho exclusion of nlno conn
ties gavo them cgntrol of tho Lower
House. And thus tho people or Florida
havo secured to thorn a "Republican
form of government," Age,
lltmincnn Affairs.
Tho news from Euroiio Is monotonous,
excepting ns to tho British commission
to scttlo American affairs nnd tho
French election. Full nnd rcllablo re
turns of tho latter hnvo not yet been
received. So far ns heard from tho "con
servatives" hnvo elected about 400 rep
resentatives, and tho Republicans of all
shades less than 100. Tho former nro
mostly composed of Bonnpartlsts, Or
lennlsts nnd Churchmen. Tho English
papers say tho Orleanlsts (sons and
grand-son ot King Louis Philippe) nro
In n majority, nnd that n council of
State, with tho Count of Paris (grand
son of Louis Phlllppo) ns President,
will likely bo established ns tho govern
ment. Napoleon has Issued an address
claiming that all acts slncohls deposi
tion (and Including It) nro n fraud and
thcrcforo void. It would not bo surpris
ing wero ho yet declared Icgltlmatcsov
crclgn of Franco by tho now Assembly.
Tho llttlo remnant of so-called Re
publicans Is mado up of odds and ends
that not only could not ngrco among
themselves If left to themselves, but In
such predicament would cut ench others'
throats ns fast ns circumstances would
allow. About 200 members nro yet to
hear from. These will no doubt lncrcaso
tho conservative strength. Tho French
armies nro practically dissolved. Pretty
good order Is observed Just now, In
vlow or tho Prussian guns, but what
will result when tho latter retire, no
ono can Imagine. Tho French clement
which rorcod Napoleon Into tho war, by
their demagogutcal appeals, In order to
cnnblo them to overturn his govern
ment, seems to bo now pretty univer
sally detested by tho people and have
no followers but the thieves nud other
London, Feb. 13, 1871.
Tho French Assembly held a prepara
tory session at Bordeaux to-day, for tlio
purposo of ascertaining tho number of
members in nttendanco and of fixing a
day for tho first public session. About
000 Deputies wero present. Tho rules
and regulations of tho Chamber of 18 19
wero adopted.
Jules Favro, for himself, and lu tho
nnmo of his colleagues at Bordeaux
and Paris, resigned tho powers confided
to them as tho Government of National
Defense. Ho stated that tho Ministers
would remain In ofllco until tho consti
tution of n new Government to main
tain order.
Tho President read n letter from
Garibaldi, in which tho General de
clines the seat in tho Assembly offered
him by several Departments.
A dispatch, from Paris says that 200
candidates for tho Assembly wero bal
loted Tor at tho elections In that city,
and that tho counting or tlio votes Is
theroforo necessarily very slow. It was
thought that tho votes ore so scattered
among tho various candidates that the
delegation from tho capital is not full,
and that a second election will havo to
bo held.
A dispatch from Bordeaux this even
ing states that tho result of tho elections
in 20 Departments Is still awaited by
tho Government. Most or theso aro oc
cupied by German troops. M. Thiers
Is elected by 18 Departments; General
Troclm by V ; General Changaruler by
1; M. unmbctta by 3 ; M. Jules Favro
by two Departments.
Tho Versailles correspondent or tho
Tiftie tolographa on tlio 12th, flint Uio
delivery of tho arms to tho Gerrauns
hos been completed by tho army of
Paris. Tho Germans aro destroying
tho French guns, which provo to bo
useless on account of tho removal or
portions or tho brcech-Ioading appara
tus. Provisions In immense quantities are
continually arriving in Paris, and tho
soldiers aro kept busy unloading tho
trains. The French Government has
stopped tho purchase or provisions tor
Gen. Ducrot is seriously ill, and it is
reported that he has resigned his posi
tion In tho French army.
Tho city or Paris has been authorized
to contract a loan or 200,000,000 rrancs,
nnd to lovy n munclpal war tax.
A Commission numbering four Ger
mans and three Frenchmen was sitting
at Versailles to arrange details unfor
seen at tho timo of tho Convention of
January 28th, for tho capitulation of
Tho Prussian army is to mako its tri
umphal entry Into Paris on tho 20th In
stant. Tho report that tho Prussian-
French Armlstico has been extended
until the end of the month Is probably
truo though unconfirmed. It Is another
assurance that tho elections havo been
a. general expression or a desiro for
peaco, and that tho Assembly will ac
cept tho terms which tho Germans aro
ready to extend. It Is further reported
that a trenty of peaco was concluded
betwoen Bismarck and Favro, subject
to the ratification of tho French Assem
bly. If so, tho war Is no doubt at nn
Lend, as tho French nre powerless to con
tinue It.
Editor's Hook Table.
Wood's Household Magazine Is tho
best cheap publication of the kind coin
ing to this office. Its articles are of tho
highest moral tone and it numbers
ntnong Its contributors somo of tho best
writers. Prico $1 per annum, Address
S. S. Wood, Newburgh, N. Y.
Floral Qulde and Gardener's Manual
for 1871 Phelps Reynolds, Roches
ter, N. Y. profusely Illustrated with
cuts of various flowers nnd vegetables,
giving plain directions for tho culture
of moro than 1000 varieties. Sent post
paid In paper cover for 5 cents ; bouud
with namo, CO cents.
New and Valuaiile Seeds Given
away. Wo havo received a circular
from N. P, Boyer & Co., of Parkes
burg, Chester county, Pa., rclatlvoto
samples of Norway Oats, AlaskI Clover
and Chester county Mammoth Corn:
thoy generously offer to bond eamplo
packages free to nil farmers who send
stamps to pay postage Messrs. N. P.
Boyer & Co., uro tho largest Importers
of thoroughbred stock and choice seeds
in tho United Stutes, and as there Js so
much bogus Norway Oats and other
seeds being sold, they wish to glvo
ovcry furraor In the country a chance to
test their geuuino seeds, frco or charge
Wo hopo all our rarmcr friends will
avalr-thorasclves of this genorous offer.
At tho special election on tho 1st lu
Philadelphia, tho Radicals elected their
candldato for Representative by over
400 majorlty,ln placo of n Democrat who
had died. Of courso great rejoicing
provalls. Yet tho truth Is tho district
was always Radical, In political opln
Ion, tho Democratlo candldato last fall
having been elected on purely personal
flood Templars Content Ion.
BLoosisiiuno, Feb. 10, 1871.
Tho Northumberland District Good
Templars Convened In tho Hall
of Bloomsburg Lodge, on Wednesday
ovenlng Feb. 8th, nnd remained In ses
sion during tho day following,
Tho nttendanco of delegates wni
larger than usual.
Tho following resolutions wero adopt
ed by tho Convention :
llcsohcd, That wo as n Convention,
urgo our Lodges to visit tho clergy
men of tho churches In their places, re
questing them to exhort their members
to nctivciy co-opcrnio wnn us in tno
tcmpcrnnco cause, nnd to join our
i.oiigoH ns ft Christian may.
Itcsolved. That ns n tcmticratica or
ganization, wo can not and do not In
tend to L-ct nlonir without tho actlvo
support of tho churches, and that every
cnurcn Biiouid uo tcmpcrnnco organi
zation. llesolvctl. That we, ns Good Temp
lars, will (to nil wo can to disseminata
total nbstlnenco principles In Sunday
Schools nnd Common Schools.
llcsohcd, That wo, ns Lodges, should
selzo hold or ovcry opportunity, ospecl
oily af or temperance lectures and ser
mons, to invito persons to uccomo mem
bers of our order, nud should, ns Lodges
havo ono especial meeting or prayer,
monthly, In behalf or the cause, as
without God wo ctn do nothing.
Wheukas. Intempernnco Is grently
on tho lncrcaso among young men, and
parents nro becoming greatly niurmeu
about their children, therefore,
llcsohcd. That It Is tho duty or Good
Templars and all tciiiperaueo organiza
tions, to uso all proper means to savo
young men from rilln.
Jiesou-ca, nnu tno utiles miy uo
much moro than they aro doing, by ta
king a decided stand In favor of tem
perance. llcsolned. That firmness nnd decision
on tho part of tlio friends or tho tcmpcr
nnco reform, Is ono or the most Import
ant duties resting upon them.
jicsoivect, i:na, tno mourners oi tno
different Lodirc3 should immediately
sccuro signers to tho petition to tho
Legislature ror n Local option Jaw.
The following was unanimously
passed by tlio Convention :
llcsolced. That tho thanks or this
Convention nre tendered to tlio citizens
of Bloomsburg for their kind hospitali
ty to tho delegates.
Tho Convention ndjoumed to meet
lnMllvllle, Columbia county, on tho
evening of tho second Thursday In
May, 1871.
The public Iecturo was delivered in
tho Lutheran church on Thursday
evening, by the G. W. 0. T., of this
State, tho Hon. S. 11. Chase.
A. W. Speau,
Sec'y. of Con.
The Way the Soldieus Voted.
In tho course of n running debato In
tho Houso tho other day tho stalo clmrgo
of want of patriotism on tho part of
democrats was mado by certain repub
licans, and particularly that of hostility
to soldiers voting. Just then Captuin
Skinneu, of Franklin, who hadserved
during tho whole war, put In tho blow
ing: Mr. Skinner said that In October,
16113, ho was with his company in the
interior or Texas. An agent was sent
by tho government to tako tho votes or
tno Pennsylvania companies, nut rnrgot
to bring with him any but republican
tickets. Finding they could not havo a
fair election, his company indignantly
refused to voto at all, but nevertheless n
return of their voto was mado and filed
in tho nrothonotnrv's oillco at Cham
bersburg, and for Judgo of election they
had resurrected a poor fellow who had
been killed on tho battle-field of Shlloh
threo years before. So much in answer
totlietrentleman from Philadelphia and
tlio gentleman rrom I'lttsDurgli. lio
would not Innuirolnto their war record.
as ho understood they had dono nil their
fighting In tho Union League.
A shout tlmo ago the Illinois Houso
or Representatives adopted a resolution
declaring: "That as taxation Is a pe
cuniary burden imposed by public
authority on tho property of tho people,
for thomalnteunncoof tho government,
tho payment or lis debts, nnd tho .pro
motion or tho general welfare, Congress
ought not to tax tho substanco or tho
earnings of tho citizen for nny other
purposo than thoso nbovo Indicated, nnd
It is wrongful and opprcsstvo to enact
rovenuo laws for tho special advantage
of ono branch of business at the cxpenso
of another, and that tho best system of
protection to Industry Is that which im
poses tho lightest burdens, nnd tho
fewest restrictions on tho property and
business or tho people, and promotes
tho prosperity of all."
The military strength or Franco has
substantially vanished. Rourbnkl's
army Is entirely broken up j Chnuzy's
army is reduced by battlo and captures
ton hundfull ; all the independent corps
or Frauco-Tlreurs or tho North havo
disbanded and gone home, and now a
Brussels despatch or the 0th Instant
states thatFaidherbc, commanding tho
Army or tho North, has dispersed his
command, in complinnco with a decrco
from tho government of Dcfenco nt
Purls. A moro remarkable ending to a
great war was never known than this,
In ono way or another within three
weeks at least threo hundred thousand
soldiers havo melted away Into prlvato
citizens, and havo left no traco of tholr
former presence
In Michigan, Grand Juries havo been
abolished. Tho law provides that tho
District Attorney shall present all
crimes ror trial by Indictment, and that
no Information shall bo presented, ex
cept In cases which havo boen first ex
amined by Justices of tho Peaco. Should
tho District Attorney decllno to draw
an Information, ho Is directed to report
tho caso with tlio ovldcnco to tho Clr
cult Judgo. Tlio law further provides
for an arraignment beforo tho County
Judge, so thutir the defendant should
plead guilty, ho may ut onco bo sen
tenced, and not bo compelled to Ho In
Jail nwultlng tho session of tho Circuit
Court. A similar law has been Intro
duced Into tho Wisconsin Legislature.
Genehal Logan's election to tho
Senate, rrom Illinois, does not please
tho German wing or tho Radical party
In that Stato. They wanted Lieutenant-Governor
KoiutNEK, and feel thoy
wero shabbily treated In his not being
elected. Tho Germans ore Just begin
nlng to find out tho Ah-SIns of tho or
ganization with which thoy havo acted
for tho past ten years. Cheated In tho
choice of Senators ; fooled iu relation to
tho sympathy oxtonded to Prussia in
tier war with Franco, tho Germans aro
now preparing to tako a now departuro,
and form fresh alliances or a moro lion
est nnd satisfactory character.
Comsiibsions to Bottlo our claims
against foreign nations seem to bo tho
prcsont ordor of tho day. Ocn. Sickleb
has concluded at Madrid negotiations
for a mixed Commission to settle tho
claims or Amorlcan citizens for Injuries
to persons nnd proporty in Cuba.
Democracy means p. govcrmciit for
tho peoplo by tho rconlo. Radicalism
means a government for tho officehold
ers by the officeholders.
A Cincinati paper says that "Sena
tor Cameron will rctlro nt tho close of
his (present) term." Not ir ho can help
It, ho won't. Simon is not of a retiring
Oen. Von Moltki: Is not n Dano ns
lias been stated. Ho was born In Meck
lenburg, nnd entered thoBcrvlcoof Den
mark early In lire, but afterwards quit
ted It far that or Prussln.
It now seems to bo certain (hat thero
will bo a short spring session of Con
gross, when tho San Domingo business
will perhaps como up on tho report of
tho commissioners, nnd thero will pro
bnbly bo somo ventilation of rovenuo
Radical Congressman Bowen, a
South Carolina Carpet-bagger, Is on
trial nt Washington city for tho crlmo
of bigamy. Ho denies Hint ho was over
married to cither of his two wives 1
Tho ovldcnco Is quito positive that ho
was married to both.
Gen. Logan went to tho war a Demo
crat and enmo back a Republican, nnd
Is now n Radical United States Senator,
Gen. Br.Ain went to tho warn Renub'
Mean, nnd eamo back a Democrat, nn"
In now n Democratic United States
Senator. Things get mixed.
Theue has boon much nnxlcty
manufactured by the Sensation papers
about tho Btcamcr Tennessee, which
had tho San Domingo Commissioners
nnd their retlnuo on board. Recently
sho has been hoard from nnd Is safe,
Tho grannies In breeches can thcrcforo
rest easy for tho present.
A Pottsville despatch says that a
contract has bceu signed for tho Impor
tntlon of coollo laborers, to initio coal In
Schuylkill county, nud that tho first in'
stallmcnt of theso laborers will nrrlvo
about tho first of May. This movement
may lead to a revolution In conl-mlnlng
affairs in our State.
Emotional Insanity is evidently not
duly appreciated in Ohio. Dr. Gulcn
tine, the dentist who bhot Dr. Jones, n
physician, for being toointlmato witli
his wife, has been found guilty of man'
slaughter and sentenced to ten years
Imprisonment. Tho jurors no doubt
thought such killings wero getting to bo
too common.
Both houses or Congress passed n bill
to repeal the principal provisions or tho
Test oath. As the President neither
Blgned or vetoed the bill within ten
duys It has become a law. Thus ono by
ono tho Radical proscriptivo measures.
are passing away and in n fow years no
more will bo left lo keep up Ill-feeling
and enmity, or to lead to futuro hostll
ity. " Let us havo peace,"
Hon. Levi Saulsiiuky, who has
boon elected to succeed bis brothor as
United States Senator from Delaware,
Is a lawyer of couslderablo reputation
and distinction, but I n3 novcr served
in Congress. A singular feature or this
Senatorial contest was the fact that
threo brothers wero tho only candid
atcs the prcsont Senator, tho Governor
of tho State, and tho ono who was finally
elected Senator.
Twenty thousand dollars havo been
appropriated to dofray tho expenses of
the select commlttco to investigate nl
leged "Southern outrages." This
tho way Radicals uso tho funds of tho
government in efforts to perpetuate
their own power. As carpet-baggers
are low priced fellows, and scalawags
can bo bought cheap, this amount
should get up truly startling tales o
The niVAL Powers or Russia and
Turkey nro showing their teeth over tho
question or tho Protectorato ofllouma
nla, should tho llospodar Charles resign
Turkey Is concentrating n heavy force
of tlio reserves at tho Bulgarian for
tresses on tho Roumanian frontier, while
Russia, not lets active, Is sending vast
columns of troops to btrengthen tho
garrisons or tho fortresses or tho Black
Sea and tho rivers Danube nnd Pruth
The peoplo or Southern Franco pro
test against peace, and rail at tho Armls
tlcc. This Is tholanguago or peoplo who
havo not yet suffered tlio presence of
tho enemy. Gambcttn urges tho con'
stnnt drilling or tho now recruits pre
paratory to a contlnuanco or tho wnr.
Ho says the Prussians bellevo IhoAr
mlstico will dlfperso tho French nrmlcs,
and it is evident from tho tono of his
appeal or proclamation that ho drend
tho same thing.
Catheiiine E. Beeciieii writes to
tho Tribune to correct tho htatemcnt
that sho is In favor of Woman Suffrage
She regards such a mcasuro os "an act
or injustice and oppression, forcing con
Bcientlous women to nssumo tho ro
sponslbllltlcs or the civil stato when
thoy can so (mperrcctly meet tho many
nnd moro Important dutlesor tho family
Btato nud Us connected ministries of In
Btructlon and benovolcnco," Tho res
or tho Beecheiw will no doubt rccon
struct Katie.
Morgan O. Hamilton whs chosen
Senator from Texas, by tlio Itadlcals,
and took hU scat la that hotly on tho
fourth of Mnrch, 1670. IIolmmeillRlcly
Uetran to crltlclto (ho Stato ofllclals
rather sharply, which led to tlio discov
ery upon tho jrnrt of tho Oovcrnor,
thnt Mr. Hamilton's flection was In
valid, on account of liifonnalltloi : so
tho Leu'alnturo mot and elected Gen
not bo kicked out Iu this uuceremonl
oua manner, and Iienco a contest will
tnko jilaco.
A resolution was recently passed
by tho Houso, calling for Information
as to tho sale of arniB, war munition,
ordnance, and ordnnnco stores, since
tno loin of July, 1870: whether such
sales woro mado at public miction or
privately, without advertisement und
opportunity for competition. Two,ob
Jects aro upparent In this resolution. Ono
Is, to got at tho amount of war material
sold to France, and thus enlighten tho
curiosity of our dorman fellowcltlzens
on this question, and tho other Js, to
ascertain whether tho sales havo boon
fairly conducted. Tho response to this
resolution will disclose somo Important
It is n matter of somo speculation ns
to whether llio Fcnlan question will
enter Into tho discussion to bo brought
boforo tho Joint commission for tho
settlement or nil claims between this
Government nnd England. It certainly
cannot bo tlio Intention or Ibis Govern
ment that this subject should enter
therein ; but the stipulation that all
claims nro to bo taken Into considera
tion, may bo regarded by the represen
tatives of Great Britain ns entitling
them to call up tho different Incursions
upon Canadian soil. Washington Pa
triot. The much-tnlkcd or Inventory or tho
latoTHADDEUa Stevens' estate has at
last been published. Tho amount of
personal property Included In It roots
up the sum of $18,010.25. There nro no
Pacific Railroad bonds comprised In tlio
Inventory. Tho executors say that
thero Is nn unsettled account between
tho surviving partners of tho firm of
Stevens &, Ahl hihI tho estnto of Mr,
Stevens, which has been In controver
sy sinco tho death or Mr. Stevens, but
they are uuablo to stato nny amount
which will or may bo recovered rrom
this sourco.
VVJ, 11LANKS promptly printed to order,
V2 on nny quality of pnpcr.ntthli UfUco,
"Vonr itnmn in n HTRNCKL riiATK. wlIli INK
nnd HUt'Mlt for marking cloths &c nil cnt
rrm tmiri nn ircfipi or 00 cemfl. Addrena, J,
.V N-T E D.
A Mp ward nnd matron for Cnnvnuhnm nnd
Central la l'oor J Ionic, Mint lie liubnnd ami
Wile. ThnHletrnrd imit hnvo noiiio education
ntm no n innroimii runner.
iiiu AJiicciorB win iutcL iu i no nvv rcnooi
limine iifiir L'enirniia. nt 0 o'rincit a. m..
Mntnrdny, Mnreh 4th, to innlto nn Agreement
wiiii uiu BueceNMiiii nppncnuis
ity uiuerui inu jjiii'ciors,
C. O. MUItrilY,
Ccnlralln, Teh. 17, 1871-3nr. Cleric,
IaMIpm of Administration on tlio estnto of
Kllznbcth Vnnhorn, Into of Hrlnrcreck towmlifp
Columbia county dcccnscd.lmvo been grnnled bv
theKenlsteror wild comity to David Miller. All
I'ithuii" miviuK riiuins ukuuhi mo esiniem me
ilcccildcntnro remitted to rtrenpntlliem fnr knt
tlt'tncnt.atid thoito Indebted to theetttntotomnke
pnynient to tho mulcrMpno.l, nrimlu1trntor,
WIII1M1II Ul-I.IJ, Ut III iU Illicit,
iuo.u n-ui Aumintbtrftior,
Tli l InMllutlon has been hi successful opera'
tlon. lor tho ItiKt nlno rears.
UlU COUrHOOf Btlldvin tliornnrrh. HVHtnivinf In nml
practical, and embraces nil brunches taught In n
U'llh Ibn llrtmmBnfnl .!. n. XI .... I . li I
raluMiiK, llnlr Work, Leather Work, Wax Fruit
mm now em. rorinir Term enmmctireH Anrii
ICW.17'71 L'lJ ai, or E, W, WYNKOOr,
ion, 1- in f 1111 111 ui'i 1 n, uuui rti
llv virtue of a writof VI. V. iuo.i thn
Court of Common l'leaa of Colnmbta county and
iu inn uiuirn .will ub UXIHJRtll TOHniO VY pUOUO
enduu or outcry. nt tbo Court IIousa in ninnm.
burc.nt ono o'clock In tbo nftornoon of TIIUHH-
"AY Mnrch lfeth, 1871, the following renl estate.
tu win
All that leal rktntn utlttntf.l In TiiLf tnn.
hhlp, Columbia counts-, bounded nnd described
follows, tn-wlt : On tho west by Jands of John
lInrncrtou the south by lands ot John llarncr,
011 tbo cast bj lands of ltudolnh Yeauer nnd on
the north by lands of Daniel Morris, Hcott and
John Yrap;er( containing, a 1 ACUlA moro or
less , on wu Icli aro erected one 1'ubl Ic I louso, ono
1 11 11 A"vcim, """Hep Jtimi.tttnuuinf, nnd out
A Houso nnd Lot, ultuated in said township of
of VVn-sblUKton denser on the norUi, on tho west
nnd fcouth by thenbuvo described land of Daniel
Meager, on the cait bv lands of John Harner,
containing ON K ACHE of land, on which la
iiauu it in'ufu mm iKiiii, ami oui-uuiluings.
Another tract of land.nltuated In wild Locuht
township, fulJolnliiK lundu of ltudolnh Yenger on
the north. Wnshlnutnu Adams on tii fRt. John
Hnyder on the (south nnd Leonard Adams on tho
wcbt, containing about MM A fit EH.
Hel.ed, taken lu execution, ami to bo Bold ns
tuo property 01 uuyki vcager.
fcb-ULtf. MierifT
ATTORNEYS' J1LANK8 of all kliula promptly
and neatly printed on, superior paper at the
5 S
i rt
it rt it
a V V 1
rmrcil to furnlKh nil clnthPH wllh rnnutnut .in.
ill UUlVlJNU U
o ure now pre-
jiloymcnt nt homo, Iho uiiuto or the tlmo or for
tho .puro moment. UukIiii'kh uew. Ilttht, nnd
iiiiuiuuie. 1 viouiiit in tmuer hex I'lirn irom UK,
10 m per cYcuin.unti n proportional Mini uyde
votluu their wliulo lliuulo the bufclticts. llovt
ana Kills fAm nearly hh much iih men. Thutull
who thu nollco may ttcnil their addrehg. nnd
test tho ljiisfclneHw, wu tnalto tho unparalleled
oiler: To.uclt ns uro not well sntlsfled, wo will
send SI to pay for tlio troubto of writing. Kull
particulars, n valuable samplo which will do to
comiucuco work ou, nud a ropy or The J'ewlc'i
Literary Comjwmloi ono of the largest nud best
iiiiuiiy uuwmiers over puuilHllcu all Belli lloe
by mall. Header, lr you wnut permanent, prof
itable work, nddreii
11. a Al.t.HN A Ca, Augusta, Maine.
miiK new voitic iiav.uooiC TiTT:
K1U11T I'AOU DUMOLTtATlll WlXKliY-eslnb-!Uhed
liilciJ. tt per year; 81 for six months.
Bubscrlbo for II. 7br rpectmen copUt. Address
"DAV-HOOK, Hew Yolk City."
DK. H. H. FlTill's Family Physician; iu
pages; sent by mall Ireo. Teaches how lo
cure nil diseases of the person: skin. hair. eves.
complexion. Write to 711 llroadway. New York.
OftlMJJ TIHKltS. Prleo !H cts. Gto. P. ItoW
kli. it Co., 10 Park Itow, N. Y.
lull lb7l.
Will bo rady for mulling by tho middle of Jan
uary, notwithstanding our great loss of typo, pa
per, engravings, Ac, by llio, which tlmtroyeo
tho JoIiPrlutlngomeoof the Rochester Dtmocrut
untl cnomcte. I'Gtn December, I87J, H will bo
printed on a most elegaut uowlluied paper.uud
illustrated with nearly
Five IIundiieu Oiucunai, Engravings.
And two finely exec uted Colored Plates speci
mens lor all of which wero grown by ourselves
tlio post season from ourowu stock of Seeds. Iu
tbo originality, execution nnd extent or tlio en
graving It Is unlike ami eminently superior to
nny oilier Catalogue or "Floral cluldo" i-ilunl.
Tlio catalogue will consist of llss Puges. and
ns soon ns published will bo sent freo to till who
ordered Seeds Irom us by mall the last season.
To otheis u cuuigo of 1.5 cents per copy will bo
made, which is not the value of the Colored
Pl.ites. v e nssuro our Irlends thnt llio Induce
ment weoltir lo purchasers of Seeds, ns to qual
ity uml extent of Stock, Discounts nnd Premi
ums, nre mini r passed. PKnso send orders mr
Catalogues without delay.
Our Colored chromo for 1871.
Will bo ready to send out In January, Tho Chro.
mo will represent Forty-two Varieties of showy
and popular Flowers, of uuturul size and color.
Wodcblgu to mane It the best Pluto of Flovurs
ever Issued. Size, lllx'JI Inches. The retail vulue
would bout least Two Dollars; wo shall, however.
IitruNh It to customers nt 75 tents per copy, nnd
oUer It ns n Piemlum upon oideis for Seeiis. See
Catalogue when out.
intlOO-i a UltUTIIEIt, Rochester. N. Y.
I IMF. Till-'. "VI r 1 1. .v III ! -
'1 he old staudurd remedy for Coughs, Colds.Con
suiupllon. ".YotAfiip UUir." cutllr Pros, a Co..
Itnul.kii. '
moves superlluous hair In lie tmue, with
out Injury lo the skin, sent by mall for Jl.i!.,
Relieves most violent paroxysms In flrevilnuta
and cfloctsu speedy cure. Price $i by mall.
Colors Iho whiskers nnd hair n beautiful black
nrilltoWN. It consists of nnlv mm h,.nnn,M,,
73 cenls by mull. Address H. tj. UP1IAM. N0.72!
Jayuo Street, Philadelphia, Pa, circulars sent
mm I'uK.Kuiu t'uiuuw uusiut'ss miiKeirum V5 to
liu per day Iu their own localities. Full pnrticu
liirsuud Instructions sent Ireo by mall. Those
In need of permanent, nrontahie work, should
address at once. UKuflUK STINHUN iS CO..
Portland, Mnlne. '
Qqn SALAKVPKjt WFXK.nud cxpcuses.pnld
(JOU Agents, to sel our new und useful dKcov.
ones. Address U.BWHET & CO.. Marshall, .M un.
.1 per week and expenses, or allow a large com
mission, to sell our new und wonderfiiriuvcn.
lions Address M, WAUNKU 4 CO., Marshall,
Michigan. (deo3U7U-tf.
PYCIIOJIANOY.-Any lady or gentleman can
make I l.oou n month, secure their uwn linppl.
Vf "I!"1.' Independence, by obtaining PSYCHO
MANuY.FABl'INATIONurSFULCHAIlMlNO, sou pages; clolh. Full Instructions to use this
power over men or animals nt will, how to Mes
mcrlzo, become Trance or Writing Mediums,
Divination, Spiritualism, Alchemy, Philosophy
of Omeus and Dreams, llrfghum Young's Hat em,
(!uldutoMarrlage,ilo.,ullrohtutnedlii this book;
loo.UMsnld: iirico by inall.ln cloth I1.SS, paper
coversSl. notu'K, Any rersou wllllugiouct
as ngeut will receive n sample copy of the work
rrr. As no capital Is required, all desirous of
genteel tmplojintntshuuld tend for Ilia liook,
enclosing IU cts. for postage, to T, W. F.VANS
CO., Ilhuutli Mi St., Fhtludelplilu.
The Harried iMdlet llvute Cvmiutitton contains
tlin desired Information. Sent fruu fur two alamos
Address Mrs. It., Jluuovor, Pa,
1UBT1CKH IILANKS.-Sumraous, Kxecutlon.
J Subpwnas, Warrauts.da, constantly ouliaaa
und for sulo in the I'oj.vmisian Office,
Patent Medicine).
COMPOUND flitllli
O 11 A 1' K PILLS.
Oiminment I-artt-riuUI ticlract Rhubarb nnj
fluitltotrncl Ottauba Oro;w
on LiVEii coMrLAiNTs. jaundice, rm
These Pill, nro Hia inml ,lAlFnl..r..u..
purgative, mipericdlng cnitor oil, salt,, B0
ncsla, etc. Thero Is nothing moro ncceptable to
tho stomach. They glvo (one, nnd cnuso ucltlier
V. J ., puius, xney nro composed
of the fineit tngredUnU. After n few days' uo of
them, such an Invlgorallon of tho entire sjslem
takes placo n to nppenr miraculous totliowp.i.
nnd. enervated, whether arising from Inipru.
u.uv v. j& xieimooia'SUOtupouDtl
Fluid Extract CatawbnOrapo Mils aro not sugar,
contod, from the fact thnt angnr-coatcd Plllu0
not dlsolve, but pass through thostomoch without
dissolving, consequently do not produce tho, 1
...r..... irttt i n. ...... . . . vl,v'
Blini.llCll, AMK, V.VUllV IJ. UllAl'lJ 1'll.I.tJ
being pleasant In tasteand odor, do not ncceul!
tnto their being sugar-conted. rilta: Fiity"
JIJCNni' T. 11 ELM 11 OLD'S,
niam.Y coKCKSTBATin coMrovsn
... ..i-ii. iiiu system
Hcrofnm. KvnlillU. Pv..nn... III.... u
Will rn.tlnnllv .1.. .....
, w . , v..b, uiivin,DU(ur,fCI
Sore Legs, Horo Mouth, Soro Head, llronchllii
Bkin Dlsinses, Salt Ilhenm, Cankers, Hunnlrgi
from tho Ear. White Swellings, Tumors, Can.
vti ..... urci 10ns, oucs, nickels, o landnr Swell,
lugs, Night Sweats, Hash, Teller, Humors 01 n
Kinds. fTlirnnli. lllmiiln.M.m .............. .... .
.1 ...... a,, .j Bpvpsiu, aim nl
dlseaso that has been established In llio system
ur years,
llelncnreiinredr.xprirNHf.v r,.,i,.i.A.
... .-'-- .vnuuii-niia.
plnlnts, Its BLOOD-runiFYINO proprieties nr
greater than any other preparation ol Sarsnpn.
rllla. It gives tho COMPLEXION a clear ana
healthy color nud restores the patient to n stato
ol HEALTH nnd PUIUTY. For Purlfyliig ti10
...uu, leuiuviiiK 1111 inrnmo constitutional Ms.
cnes arising from nn Impure stato of tho Mo,,,!
And the only rcllnblo nndcflectual known remol
dy for tho euro of Pains and swellings ol llio
Hones, Ulcerations of tho Throat und Legs,
Illotchcs, Pimples on tho Face. Erysipelas ani
nil scnly EiuptlonsofthoBkln.nnd Hcnutlfylng
the Complexion. Price, St 60 per Bottle.
has cured every enso of Diabetes In which It has
been given, Irritation of the neck of tho t
nnd Inflammntlon of tho Kidneys, Ulceration of
the Kidneys nud Bladder, Bctcntlon of Urlno,
Diseases of the Prostata Qland.Slono lnthelllii,l
der, Calculs, Gravel, llrlckdusl Deposit, and
Mucous or Milky Discharges, nnd for Enfceljlej
nnd Dellcnto Constitutions of bothPcxcs, ntten.
ded with tlio following Hjmptoms: IndlspoM
lion to Exertion, loss of Power, loss of Memory,
Dlftlcully of Breathing, Weak Nerves, Trim,
bllng, Horjorof Disease, Wakefulness, Dlninfs
of Vision, Pain In the Hack, Hot Hands, Plmli
lng of tho llodj. Dryness ol tho Skin, Eruption
ou Iho l'nce, Pnllid Countenance, Universal
Lnssltudo of tlio Muscular System, etc.
Used by persons from tho nges of eighteen to
twenty.flve, nnd from thirty-five to fllly-flvo or
In the decline or change of life; nfter confine
ment or labor pains bed-wetting In children.
llelmhold'H Kxlract Ilucbu is Diuretic nnd
niood,-Purlfylng,aiid cures nil dlsenses iirWiig
from, Hnblts 'of Dissipation, anil Kxccsis and
Imprudences in Life, Impurities ol the Wood,
etc., superseding Copabla in nnectlons for which
it Is used, nnd Syphilitic Airectlons-ln these
discuses usedlx count ctlon with IIEL.MBOl.D'S
LA Dins.
In mnny affections peculiar to ladles, tho Pi
tract Puchu Is unequalled by any other remedy
ns Is Chlorosis er Retention, Irregularity, Pain
fulness or Suppression of Customary Pvacnn
Hons, Ulcerated or Schlrrus State of tho t'tcrus,
Leucorrhien or Whltcs.sterlllty.nnd for all com
plaints Incident to tho sox, whether nrislug from
Indiscretion or Habits of Dissipation. It Is pro
scribed extensively by tho most eminent phjsl
clans nnd Mldwlvts for JCulcebled nud Dcllcalo
Constitutions, of both sexes and nil nges (atten
ded with any of llienbovcdlsensesorsymptouir,
In nil their singes, nt llttlo cxpenso, little or no
chnngo In diet, no Inconvenience, and no ex
posure. It causes a frequent desire, and glvis
strength to Urinate, thereby removing Obstl ac
tions, Prcv intlng nnd Curing strictures of the
Urctbn, Allnylug Pnln and Inflammation, m
frequent In this clais of diseases, nnd expelling
nil Poisonous matter.
Thousands who havo been Die victims of In
comitont persons, nnd who hnvo paid htavjr
fees to be cured In a short time, have found they
hnvo beeudieelvid, nnd thnt tho "Poison" has
by the uso of "powerful nstrlugcnts," been dried
up In tho system, to break out lu a moro nggri
vnted form, nnd perhaps nfter Marriage.
Allecllous nnd Diseases of the Ullnary Oreain,
w hclhcr existing in Male or Female, from w hat
ever causo originating, nnd no matter of how
long standing. PUICF, ONK DOLLAlt AMI
cannot be surpasted ua a FACE WASU.nnd will
bo found tho only speclllo remedy In eviry
dlly erndlcntes P1MPL1M, SPOTS, SCOItllU'l'lC
MLMI!IIANE,etc., dispels llEDNPhS nnd IN
SKIN, FUOSTI11TES, nnd nil purposes for w hloh
SALVES or OINTMENTS nre used; lestorcs the
skin to a state of purity nnd softness, nnd lu
suros coullnuod lienlthy action to tho tissue of
Its veKsels, on which depend tho agreeable clair
new nnd vivacity ol complexion so mu;li sougld
nnd admired. Hut however valuoblo as a
remedy for existing defects of tho sklu, H, T.
Helnibold'a Iloso Wash has long sustained Its
principle claim lo unbounded patronage, by
possessing qualities which render It a TOiLHT
APPENDAGE of tho most Superlative und
Congenial character, combining In an elegant
formula those prominent riqulslts.SAFETYund
EFFICACY the Invariable accompaniment uf
Its use-as a Preservative nnd llcfreslierorihe
Complexion. It Is nn excellent Lotion for ills
enstaofnHyplillitloNnturo.nndas nn Injection
u,,n,.nuuua urinary urgans, arising from
habits of dissipation, used iu connection with
CATAWBA OllAPE PILLS, lu such diseases as
recommended, cannbt bo surpnsod. I'itlt'l!
Full nnd explicit directions nccompnuy Iho
Evidence of llio most responsible nud reliable
chnracter furnished on application, with hun
dreds orthousauds of living witnesses, nud up
ward of Sooo unsolicited certificate and recom
mendatory letters, many of which are from tho
highest sources, Including eminent Physicians,
Clergymen, Statesmen, etc The proprietor lias
never resorted to their publication In tho news
papers 1 he does not do this from the f.ict that
his articles rank ns Standard Preparations, nnd
do not need to be propped up by certificates.
Henry T. llclmlioftl'N dcmilnc
Delivered to any address. Sccuro from obser
vation. Established upwards of twenty years. Sold by
Druggists everywhere. AddrebH letters for lu.
formation, in confidence to HENItY T. HELM
HOLD, Druggist and Chemist.
Only Depots: 11. T. HELMBOLD'S Drug aud
Chemical Warehouse. No, 131 Vrondwar, New
York, or to H,T. UELMIlOLD'S Medical Depot,
101 South Tenth Street, Philadelphia, Pa,