The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, February 17, 1871, Image 1

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    h (ikluwlmm
One llnch. (twclvo Ilnei or lfs equivalent In.
l'lnjLiaucD nvEiiir fiiiday moiininh
sinTiiRCffltOHniAn nuiLDina n KAIt Til n
COURT llOt'SS, 1)Y
BDiTon aud rnoMiiBTon,
Hui"i vvum a i ear payaoio in aavacee.
IMldescrlptlons executed with neatness nnd
dispatch n t reasonable rates.
Patent Medicine!.
n i: i it d n n.
To Debllttaleil rersons,
T Dyspeptics,
ToHufTereni from Liver Complaint,
To thoo having xto Appetite,
To those with Ilriikeu X)owu Constitutions,
To Nervous People,
To Children Wniilnfravny,
Tn any Willi IJclilllt.tM llltre.MrA Drim,,
Ortxtfering with any of the following Uiimpttmvi,
sucn ai con
atlpnllon, Inward
riles, Fulness or
lllood to tlio Head, Acid.
; llyof tlioBtomacli, Nnusca,
Heartburn, T)lgust for 1'ood, Full
nos, or Wclgltt Jn tho Btomncli, Hour
Erucltatlons, Hluklng or Fluttering at the
Tit of tlio Btomach,HwlmmInn of th? Head,
Hurried nnd Dimcult llrentlilnir, Fluttering
at tho Heart, Choking or Hutrocatlng Bemattonn
when In a Lying ToAturo, Dimness of Vision,
Dots or Wobs beforo tlio Blglil, Fever nnd Dull
Tain In the head, Deflelenry of Perspiration,
Yellowness of tlio Bkln aDd Kyea, Pain
In tho Bide, IJark, Chest, Limbs
Ac, Buddcn Flushes of Heat,
llurnlng lu tho Flesh,
p) Constnnt Imaginings of
Evil, and Great
Dcp'resslon of
A bitters without Alcohol orBplrlts of any kind.
Is different from nil others. It Is composed of
tho pure Juices, or Vital PjitNCiri.R or Hoots,
ltEitns, nnd IlARics, (or ns medicinally termed
Extracts, tho worthless or Insert portions of tho
Ingredients not being used. Thercforo In one
Bottlo of this Hitters there is contained ns much
mcdtclnl virtue as will be found In several gallons
of ordinary mixtures. Tho Itoots, Ac, mod In
this Hitters nro grown in Germany, their vital
principles extracted In that country by a scien
tific Chemist, nnd forwnrded to tho manufactory
In this clly, whom they are compounded nnd
bottled. Containing no spirituous ingredients,
this Hitlers is free from tho objections urged
against nil others; no desire for stimulants can bo
Induced from their use.they cannot mako drunk
nrds, nnd cannot under nny circumstances, have
nny but a beneficial crrcct.
Was compounded for those not Inclined to ex
trcmo bitters, and Is Intended for uso lu eases
when sorao nlcohollo stimulant Is required In
connection Willi tho Tonic properties of tho
Hitters, Each bottlo of tho Tonic contains ouo
bottloof the Hitlers, combine. I wllh pure SANTA
CRUZ HUM, and Uavornl lu such n manner that
the extreme blttcrnessof tho bitters taovercome,
forming a preparation highly agreeable nnd to tho palate, nnd containing tho medi
cinal -virtues of tlio Hitters. Tho prlco of tho
Tonlo Is $1.30 per Bottle, which many persons
think too high. They must tnko Into considera
tion that the stimulant used Is guaranteed to be
of a pure quality. A poor nrlicle could bo fur
nished lit ri cheaper rrlce, but is It not better to
rny a little more and havo n good article? A
medicinal preparation should contain none hut
tho best Ingredients; nnd they who expect to
btaln n cheaper compound, nifl bo bviicntedby
It will most certainly bo chented,
ii o o k r. A n n 's
a ami ax juttj:i!n,
G E It M A N T O N I C,
TJ.ey arc tho Great put '
itLooi) ruKiriuns
Known to Uiu Medical world, nnd will eradicate-Ureases
arising from Impuru blood, Debility
of the Digestive Origin?, or ))lw.ust'd Liver, In n
shorter tlmu than nny other known remedies.
hpiuk roiiTiuxi: iiiijikdiix
Who would for more DignliU-d an J .Stronger
TcHllinony ?
Hon. OttonaK W. WooiiWAitD, ortiurj Chief Jus
lice of the JOuprevie Omrt of I'emvqhanla, tt ;ra
ent Member rf Con great from Vennrjflxttnlavritea:
l'lIILADKLriiiA, March Kith, 1S07.
I II ml "IIoollnnd'H (Itrtnnii llittern" Is a good
tonic, Uhtful in UIseubtH of the dlgOKtlvo organs,
and of Bieut ben tilt In cases of debility and wont
of nervous action In tho nyxtoin. Your, truly,
Hon, .Tamrh Thompson, Chief Juttlcc of the Su
preme VOurtof J'emwtvtmtrt.
1'IIII.AIitU'lIIA, April 2S 1SB7.
I consider "Ilooilaud's German LtlUerfi''n valua
ble medicine In caso ofattack of Indigestion or
Dyspepsia. I can certify this from my experi
ence of It, Yours, with respect,
lion. ClicoiuiE HUAHvooxj,JuatUe of the Hujtrnne
Churl of I'ennsylvanUt.
rillLADPU'lUAt JutlO I.ISOS,
I Have found by experience that "Hnolland'H
Clerman lilttcrs" h a very good tunic, relieving
dyppeptlo .symptoms alumni direct I v,
aKOltOK H1IAIWW001).
lion. Win, F, Ilogcrs, Mayor of the CVy of Jlvffalo,
Moyor'H Ofllce, lluflalo, Juno 22, ISoD.
I have used "HoollHiid's Uerman Hitlers and
Tonic" In my fumlly during tho pa-t year, nnd
can recommend thorn as an excellent tonic. Im
parting tone nnd vigor to the system. Thelrusu
1ms been pioductlo of decided! v beneficial
ellects, WM.l. 1100 ICUS.
lion. James M. Wood, L'X'Mttforof WtlUtimiort,
I take great pleasure In recommending "Jloof
land's German Tonu;'' to any one wlui may bo
anilcted with DyspepKla. I had tho Dyspepsia bo
badly it was Imposhlble to liecp nny food on my
stomach, and I become no weak ns not to bo able
to walk hall nmllc. Two bottle of Tonlo c Heeled
n perfect euro. JAM EH M. WOOD.
110 or la nd's awaiA X to nig
Will cure every Csm or
Or WlistlDU nwayol the tlody,
Are the rardlclnes' you requlro to purify Ihe
Blood, exclto the torpid Liver to litulttiy action,
and to enable you to pass safely thruuli any
liardshlps or exposure
P O D 0 1' II Y L L I N,
Hubstltuto for Mercury Tills.
The wort roucrfut, JVI Innocent, IVyif.lWd Culhar
tie known.
It Is not necessary to take a bandful of Iheso
Tills to produco tho desired effect; two of them
net quickly and powerrully, cleansing tho Liver,
Btomachaud llowcls of all liuinirltles. The trlii-
clpal Insrodlentls Todophylllii.or tho Alcoliollo
Lxtract of Mandrake, which li hy many times
more powerful, ncllDK and senrrhtns than the
Mandrake Itself. Its peculiar uctlnu Is upon the.
Liver, cleaning It speedily from all obstructions
with all thepowcrot Mcrtury,)etfreo from the
Injurious results attached tmlhe uso of that
For all diseases, lu which the use of a cathartla
Is Indicated, these pills will Klve ntiro satisfac
tion In every case. Tliey NEVlUt FAIL.
lu cases of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia and
extreme cosnveness, Dr. llooiland's Ucnpau
Dllters or Tonlo should bo used lu connection
with tho Tills, The tonic em ct of tha Hitlers or
Tonlo builds up the system. The Hitlers or Tonlo
purities the lltoodtrenntheni the Nerves, ncau
i.atkh tho Liver, and elves strength, energy and
Keep your llowcls active with thelTills, aud
tone up the, system with llittcis or Tonic, and no
diseases rait retain tho hold, or even assail you.
Uncollect that It Is lilt, UOOFLAND'rl Ui:it
MAN llemedlcs that are so universally used and
highly recommended 1 and do not allow tho
Druggist to Induceyoutotuko anything else that
lie may say Is Just as good, because he mukes a
large profit on It, These llemedlcs will bo sent
by llxpress to auy locality, upon application to
MEDICINE HTOUK.oai Arch Bt., Thlladelphiu.
UlIAH, III. liVAnn, I'loiirlolor.
Formerly 0. M. JACKSON 4 CO.
Theie Jtemetllea tire for Akie by lbrugiltttitore
Kttixriumt MmtMne fiiultrmtruuhtrt, IJnau'lly
VOLUME V.---NO. 7.
Columbia County Official Directory,
Pretitlent T uttgeViiA.l A M Kiavrll,
Atwctate Jutfft-lHAM, Ibaao H. Mon-
IrothonofarttAc. Wnt.tlwoTON If, K.fT,
JieuWer & Recorder Williamson II, J a con v.
JHilrtct Attorney E. H. IKEI-Kit,
Purveyor Isaac Dkwitt.
Demurer David LowsNnKita.
Ojmmtilimwr--VII.LIAM O. QUICK. CYIltfl
ItonntNH, HinAti J. HRRDKit,
iAimmlMtonerM Cfcrfc-WlLMAM KltlciiliAtiM,
Amt,tora-V. J. UAsirnELL, A. J, amifiitson,
(ironrr .loiiM D, Iiot'f K,
Cou'nty i9'.;wrfflrt(lcn(-CifAni-r.a O, llAiiKtuy.
Bloomsburg Official Directory,
77r( Rational ftank-CUA, lt.l,AXToN,I,rcs,t
J V, Tithtin, t'nshtcr,
(Xtumblntunty MutwilEaving htfnl(tmt A
oclationV II. Littlk, I'rcs't., U, W. Mlt.l.kit,
Jttoomtbura Uultdinff and Sarlnrj Jtnd Atiorta
fton-JoiiM TunMAD.l'res't., .1. Ii, UonisoN.Hec.
Jtfa9mburff Mutual Miin7 lStnd AsortatUm
l'resluent, M. WtiiTMOYEn.Hcc'y,
Blooxnsbnrg Directory.
M. UUPKllT. dealer lu bIovph A t Inware.ltu -,
pert block, Main st, west of Market. vintl
J A COH MKT, dealer In utoves and ttnwarn
Main street,abovo court house. vlnll
DAVID IiOWKNDKno.McrchantTnltor.Maln
st., 2d door nbo e American House, bnli
WM. MOItUIH, Merchant Tailor corner of rcn
tre and Main St., over Miller's store.
Kr. LUTZ, DrugRlstnndApothccary.Mnln M.
, below the rostOlltce. vi-iilt
OYKIl 11HOH., Druggists and Apothecaries,
nNUYZUI'IMNClKIt. Watches. HneetnrleH A
Jewelry Ac, Mnltibtrect near West at, vy-ul5
0 1 HA VAtlK, dealer in ClockB, Wntches and
Jewelry, Main st.t Just below the American
House. vI-JJ
OUIH DKItNUAHD. Watch and Clock maker,
J near southeast corner Main and Don sts.vl-ll
CATIICAUT, Watch and Cioclc Makcr.Mar
kot street, below Mulu. vl-iil3
AVID IlllTZ, Hoot and Kliocmalicr, Slain t.,
ueiow iiariman'M siure, wesi or 3iarkct. vl-li
HKNIIY KLKI.M. Manufacturer and dealer In
Hoots and Hboes, Groceries, etc., Main blrect.
Last Bloomsburg. vl-nlj
M. 11IIOWN, lloot and Hhocninlccr, Main
, street, under Hlown's Hold. vl-nlJ
It. II. C. IIOWKIl, Hurgeon Dentist, Main St..
noove me uouri iiouie, vi-nu
It. WM. M. ItKDEIt, Hurceon nnd Physician,
Kxchauge tltock u er Webb's book store vT'ti'J)
Olt. 11, F. KINKUY, Hurgcon Denllst.-Ticth
extracted wlthontpaln: Main St., nearly op
posite KpUcopal Church, vl-ut6
n a. I1ARKI.EY, Olllco,2d
w- llonrlu Kxchangolllock, near Uio "KxchaiiBe
lintel." vt-ii3
J II. McKr.LVY.M. I).,BurKeon and 1'liyslclnn
, north bide Main St., below Market. vlnlJ
T It. KVANH, M. D.. Burxeon nnd l'hyslrlan,
tj surtth side Main street, below Market, V1-U43
JC. ItUTTint, M. I. Humeon and l'lij-slclan
, Mai ket street, abovo Main. Tl-uU
r II. ltOMHON. Allnruev-nt.I.nw. Olllcollnrt-
,1. muiM hnilillnir. Main fcfrpf - -
Bl'l;Ti:llMAN, Millinery and Fancy Ooods.
, oppusllo Episcopal Church, Main st, vl-uli
ISH I.lZZIi: HAItKMlY, Milliner, Itamsey
uuuuiug -tiaiii suet-'i, vi-iii
HIH A. 1). Whllll, Fancy Good. Nnllons,
linoks, and Hlatlonery, i:xihaue HtMk.Maln
treet, l-utJ
IKS M. TIKURICKPOX, Millinery nud Fancy
uoous, jiain si., ueiow -tiaraei. iiim
IIS. V.. KLINE, Mlllliury and tuuey tiood"
Mulu street uciow -Aiaraei, v i-u
llllH. JUUA A. A HAIin BAUKI.EV, ladles'
ill flmtliM nnd Dresj l'ultL'inM. southeast turmr
Main and West sts. vl-nI3
rillli: M1KSEH HAltMAN MUUnery and Fancy
1 Uoods, Main St., below American J louse, vln 1 1
.10HKS IIOTKIj, by T. lleut. Taylor, east end
or Mnlnsticet.
llTIDMYKn JACOIIY, Confectionery, llakery
M and OjsterKnloon, wliolesalenud retail. 1.x
change lllock, Main street. vl-nlj
n I' MAIlll. Tir- flnruls nnd Kutlous. south'
U wcht corner Mulu uud Iron fete. vbul3
Oil. HKKHIIOLIZ. dealer In 1 ry (Jonds, Gro-
cerles, Hoots, blioes, Ac, comer Main and
Iron stieets. v3-u30
DA. HFCKI.KY, Foot and Shoo toie, books
, & stationery, Main bt., below Market. lu!3
BJACOllH, Contectlonery, groceries etc., Main
, st., below Iron vl-W
n MKNDKNHA I.Ii, General Ktnrk of Meroliun-
I'i.duo ana J.uinbtr, corner of JIulu trct t and
llt-rwick road. 1-nW
1:1 OX a WE11H, Confectionery nnd Uakcry.
! wholesale and retail, Kxchange illock, vl-nU
n.llOWKH,HatRond Caps, Hoots nndHhopu.
Main ht above Court Houe, vl-n.J
K. OIItTON, Groceries A Provlslonh, Main
. titreot below Market. vliHl
T If, MA1.E, Mammolh Oiocery, flno (lio
tl . cerles, Fruits, Nuts, Trovislou, dc Main
and lion Htrteis, vl-nW.
MIKKLVY, NHAL A CO., ilenlers lu Dry (innils,
Orocerles, Flour, Feed. Salt, Fish, Iron, NaiU,
eic.,N. E. cor. Main and Market sts, vl-nli
n u. .MILLElt & BON, dealers In Dry Clouds,
V Orocerles, tiueenswnre, Flour, Halt, hliocs.
Notions, etc, Exchaugo Jllock, Main st, vl-nll
CM. CHIIIHTMAN, Raddle, Trunk 4 Harness
, inalicr, Bhlve's lllock Main htrett, vJuliI
DW. IlOliniNH.IIquordenlersi'Coiid door Horn
uuithwest corner Main and Iron sts, vl-nij
ii J.THOHNTON, Wall Taper, Window Shades
i, aud fixtures, ltuperl block, Main st. vl-l.t
GW.COUKLL, Furniture llooms, three story
brick, Main BtreU, west olMarkil st. VlnlJ
Ull0Mi:NHTO0K,Thotiigraiihei', o cr ltobhlns
Si Iter's KUuoMalu st. TWI
I B. KU1IN, dcaleriu Meal, Tallow, etc., Cheni
1" berllu's alley, rear uf Amerlcau House, vluu
IOIIN A, FUNb'i'ON & CO., mutual and rash
"lates iirelnsuraucecoiiipauhs.Uruwer sliulld
Ing, Malumrcet. M-nlJ
11. IllNOLEIt, dealer In pianos, organs and
inclodeons.ntu. W.Coiell'slurnlturcrisiuiii
SAMDEirjArollY, Marble nnd HroMli Htnn7
Works, East ltluoinkburg.Uerwlck road.vl-ule
WM. ItAUll, dealer lu mrullnrr, trunks, cedej
w lllow ware, uear Ihe Forks Hotel, vl-nll
OSTElt. (Hue Maker, und White and Funcy
, Tanner, Bcottowu, vlnll
Ell. 11IDLKMAN, Agent for Mulison'a Copper
Tubular Lightning Uod, Uuh
lACOll DIEFFENIIACH. Broom Factory. Or.
il dersleltat his residence oratMlllcr.i Hou's
tore promptly illled. Best green Western brush
td, vMiH.
rAMIM CADM4.N, Cablneliiinki r nud Chair.
) maker; rooms Main street bol, Iron. vH-ii-1
XTOTF, BOOKS, aud blank NOTF.M, tt llh or with
1 nut exemption, for sale at the Coi.i'miiian
BY. nUiaUAHU, Iino.,ilenler In Dry (loods.
Orocerles, und general Merchandise, v2nlf
I'i Troprletor, vSnlJ
f D., Bool and Shoe Slore and
iiiunuiuciniy, huou on Main mrevi (ii
posltu Hie Btcaut Mill, v'-n!
rn w, EDO It, Susquehanna Tlaulig I
1 Box Ma lilac lory. v
Orangovillo Directory,
lti ,V".fl!5n l.ll'x'ds,MnluStnexldoor
to the llrlck Hotel, vl-nl7
A ,n,nnUiiN.1 . "!!TlinH,enrl'cnters ami
1, Builders, Main St., below Tine. vl-nn
ItOWCrt A HEItniNO, dealer In Dry floods,
I) (Iroccrlcs, Lumber and geucral Merchandise,
geucral Merchandise,
BRICK HOTEL nnd refreshment Saloon, by
ItohrM'Henry cor.orMalu Bndl,ltiost.,vl-ui7
Dll. 0. A. MIIOA 110 KUVhylcranndSiirgeou,
Main st., noxt door to Oood's Hotel, vl-ui7
DAVID ltllllUtNO. Flour and arlatlltilTnnTl
Dealer lu grain, Mill Street. vl m7
f L.r.IHVAUD.t.Tliyslclsn and Snmeon, Main
1' sLtilrsidooraboveiM'tleury'sltottl, vl-n23
lAMM 11. IIAItMAN.CnbinetMakej indDn.
" dorlakcr, Mulu St., below Tine, vl-nl7
I M. HAHMAN, Baildlo amtTlarncss inaiter.
,J, Main st oppslto Frame Church. vanlt
SCHUYLElt & CO., Iron fouuners. .Machinists,
and Maiiufacluiirsorplows,MlllSt. vl-nl
QAMUELBIIAIITLEHS, Maker of the llayhurst
O Urnln Cradle. Main St. vlni.
WILLIAM DKLOXtl Slioemakeran.t n
turer of Brick, Mill St., n est of Ti ne
vln Oatawissa.
KobUiiM' HulId'liiK. v2nl8
H..T. K. HO II BIN H, Hurceon and rhyelcian
win sv ueiun Hiuiin V-UIS
ILHKHT A KLINK, dry goodn, Kroccrlen, and
t-cnerni mcrciiaiuiiHC, Main street vzutz
H. KISTKKH, ,,CnttawiRn House,"
, Coiner Main and Keoond Htrcel.
I KKIKKH, nillnrd Paloon, Oysters, and Ico
I J. Cream In Bcason Main Ht, v2nl2
11. IMUJint.lRllll'I in ututlltl .llVICIlUUUlrlU
, Dry Uooda, Urocerleu Ac. v2-n!8
CUHO.UKHANNA or llrlck Holel, H. Kostcu
O bander rroprittor,southeDhtcornerMalnand
becond Sticct. v2nl2
J I. 1HNAI1D, dealer In Sloves nnd fin-ware,
J. JIalu Sticct. V2I112
M. II. A1J110TT, Attorney at law, Main Ht.
Light Street.
HF. OMAN A Co., Wheelwrights, atht door
, nbovuKchoollIouRe. vlultt
JOHN A. OMAN, Manufacturer and dealer In
Hoots and Hhoca, viuW
1)KTKH KNT.tlealer In Dry Ooods Groceries,
i riour, i tea,!. a, tieh.iron, r-
Nulls, etc., Main
RH. KNT, dealer In Stoves and Tin ware In
all lis branches. vlu4tf
Buck Horn.
II G.A W. If. HIIOKMAK1.H, deulers In dry
ilJ.Koiidn,imccrUH and general meichandLse.
birttl tttoro in Muth end ol town, 2-uls
Tho nnderslgned would Inform tho travelling
mibliclhat he lias taken tho above named est no
ilfiliuient and thoiounhly relltted the ham e for
tho rerlect conenluiifoof lilHEueRtn. Ills lurder
will bo Klockbd with Uio bpht lha niurlrfl nilonla
ThoeholeestllfiuoiH, Mines and claarsalways to
uu (uuuu iu Jim uui.
Apr.23,ct)-tr py, I'a,
JlOllU APHKKItY, Proprietor.
This well ltiiowii Iloufce, having been put In
tl.oiotiyli n i air, Is now open to tho trnelllnf,'
public. The bar Is Moiktd with llio eholctht
ibiuois and clours, and the table will be, at nil
tliiieh.hiipplU'd with I lm delicacies nflho seabou.
No pains will bu spared to lufaurc tho comfort of
Omui:ovllle, dec. lO.'19-tr.
WILLIAM HU1LKH, 1'roprKtor,
This IlousohavlriK been put In tho.ouh repntr
U now open ltr tho meptlon of K"ehts. No
piilus will ho Kpaicd to eithtire tho perfect eoin
ioilofllio travekiN. Too 1'ioprlelor isoliclts n
hharo of public putrnnnse. 'Ihe bar will ho
stocked at all times U lino liquors and cigars.
W. F. PIATT, Proprietor,
This well known House huvliic boon nut In
thorough upalr is nowoi en lor tho nccption of
visiioiH. .o fains nave vvrn simreu 10 euhuie
tho pciltct com tort of RiKhts, lho propiletor
aUo MlllH a Btnijn fiom tho Hotel to ItloniiihburK
and lnteitnedlutopolnts on Tuesday, Thursday
and huluiday ol inch week, mnjO70-tf
"ril)MYElt & JACOHY
aio nmnts lor tho miIo t " BruikwayV Justly
celebiated CrtfUn nud old htock Abb, whth they
will htll anchtnptis count rj brt ud ah t; , hoi
uud half bnrrelK mnt.tanlly on band. This alo
Ih brtul by Wllllnm K, Br.ckvay,1l3 tnr5
Knft hlevcntb Ktrett, New York City.
BloomiLurj;. Juno lit, lh70t
7 in: IIUTTOK woiitus HE A SI PLOWS,
Casllupsund rireBrlclt lorrepalrlnt;cityHtovrs
All klmlh of Biass or Iron t-astlug ntado to order
upon hhort notbe.
B. r.MHAlll'LI SS t P. H, HAHMAN,
Blnonihhuig, Pa, 1'roprietoiB
(Hiicctsfcois to A. Wilnian,)
H(tpectfully Inform Ihe (Ubllc U.ut they aro
now lully pr.purtd to tlo all kinds of uoik in
t In I r lino ol busijiCtK, uptn leuHonablo terms
and shoit notice, t-utlhliu-lion van nit ted In all
cum, lJau,U.'71ly
Stoves and Tinware.
Main BDeet ouo door above 11. MendcntinH's
A largo assortment of stoves. Heaters and
Ilant;es constantly ou liand, aud for sale tit the
lowest lales.
llnuluijlnatt Its branches carefully attended to,
and sallhluttloll eilitlunUed,
Tin uork or all kinds wholesale and retail, A
tut Is icquesled,
A. M, ltlirilltT
announces to his friends and customers that he
continues tho above business at his old jilaee nn
Ciistotncis can be accomodated wltu
of all klndrt, Stovepipes, Ttuvvare aud every va.
riety of article found lu u ntovo and Tluware hu
lablUhincut lu the cltlcs.aud on the most reason
ahlo tel ins, ItepalrtUB douo at the shortest notice.
on hand for sale.
Vlrtli'lNtl UAUDtf,
1111. 1. HUAIW,
AO., iU.
Neatly nml Cheaply l'rlntoil
Prom the latest Hyle of Type at tho
Tho uudmliiiH'd liavluit built tho lamest Ico
liouso In Uie otaiuly,(of tw tons ctipaclty) will be
prepiiu'tl to funiUhctuar.piue l-'lslilnafreek Ice
uurilik lheensiitti((suinnier,at the low est mark
et rales, Ice ilellverctl lo any part tiflhetouu,
l nines suppneu. All unim oiiiiimm ir 1111 ,.
ClIAUl.tS VolWTKll,
llloonisbiirn. Dec, an, IsTD-lui,
8flM (Ijcrtumbiiut
Bloomsburg, Friday, Fob. 17, 1871.
t'nnrl I'rwct'illiies.
lleimrtcd for tho Columbian,
1'EllltUAllY 0, 1871.
Court met. lion, William Klwixl,
President Jutle, nnd liU AssoclnlM on'
tlio hench. David It. Cofpman, Kti
nppolntetl Crycr, nnd Elijah Siiutt,
Kile ttppolntcd tlpatavai.
All ConstnblM sworn nnd inadu their
returns cxcetitlni; tlio Constnblo of Jnck-I
son townslili), ?
township, was nppointcd forcmuii of
tho Grdtid Jury.
U. P. 1'ortner, It. Thornton nnd P.
nrcnnnn, arrntd Jurors, wero excused.
Stott E. Collcy of the Petit Jury was
In the caso of John L. Kline, uao,
against Win. U. Yocum nnd Joshun
Womer, on motion of Mr. G'LAitK, tho
Judgment In tho caso wai stricken off
at tho cost of tho phlntlir.
A. IJ. Slotvart vs. James W. Jones.
On motion of Mr. Knokk, Court grant
rule on Mordceal Millard, lato BhorlfT
of Columbia county, to pay money
raised on the abovo case Into court.
Shultz & Elso va. James N. Jones.
On motion of Mr. Knokii, court grant
a ruloon Mordceal Millard, lato Sheriff
ol Columbia county, to pay tho money
raised on salo Into court.
Person vs. Lclby. On motion of Mr,
Fiii:e.i:, attachment Hsued roturnablo
first Monday of May, 1871, for witness
for defendant.
Susan Gilliam vs. C. U. Uroclcwny,
administrator of Deborah Dean, dee'd.
Jury returned a verdict In f.tvor of tho
ItCport of salo of tho real ost.tto of
Andrcw.Froas, decca3od,conllrmed nisi.
Tho rettiru of Inquisition lu tlio ,cs
tato of William Pemr, deceased, con
firmed nisi.
Iteturn of inquisition In tho estalo of
Georgo Hupp, deceased, confirmed nisi.
Uoturn of inquisition In tho estuto of
Chas. Hess, deceased, confirmed nisi.
Iteturn of valuation In tlio estate of
John Richards,deccased,conflrmod nisi.
Iteturn of sale of real estato of An
thony Witman,doccnsed,conllrnied nisi,
Report of salo of real est.tto of John
Hess, of I'lshingcreek township, dee'd.
confirmed nisi.
Report of salo of tho real estato of
Albert Hunter, of Pino townihlp, do
censed, confirmed nisi.
Report of salo of real estnlo of Mary
Creasy, of Mlfillti, deceased, confirmed
Petition of Jacob Hill for guardian.
Charles F. II11I. niinolntcd
Petition of J. 1J. liursnnor. cuanllaiTl
of Rush D. Mm tcony,to expend pension
money for ward. Ordered ngrecnbly to
tho prayer.
Petitiun of Thomas J. Hill for guar
dian. Charles F. Hill, appointed.
Petition of tlio minor children of
John P. Smith, deceased, for guardian.
James V. Wilson nnd B. F. Ratlin, np
pointcd. On motion of Mr. Clahk, salo of the
real estato of John Richards, deceased,
Motion for salo of tho Interest of Ju
lia Clark in tho real estato of David W.
Clark, deceased.
Jonas Doty, A. B. Stewart nnd Sam
uel J, Pealcr against Francis B. Jolley.
Daniel F. Seybcrt prays tho court to
heeotno n party defendant. On motion
of Mr. Little, Daniel F. Seybcrt Is
mado a party defendant, agreeably to
tho prayer.
Samuel Polter vm. Margaret Potter,
Petition for divorce. On motion of E.
II. Little, C. W, Milleh appointed
oxaminer to take testimony.
Report of viowers of n road in Green
wood township, near Wm. Patterson's,
confirmed nWi.
Appolnlmint of viewers to vlow it
road lu Sugarloaf and Benton town
ship, near Ezeklcl ColoV, order contin
ued. Report of reviewers of Contre street,
Bloomsburg, confirmed nisi, and width
of road fixed nt thlrty-tiireo feel.
Report of W. Wiht, K-q., utidllor
in tho matter of tho account of E. R.
Ikklku, n-ilgiico of II, I). Walker,
confirmed nl-I.
Report of M. E. Walk nit, auditor
to distribute funds In tho hands of
Johnson Ikcler, administrator of Caleb
Oliver, deooised, lato of Greenwood
township, confirmed nisi.
Report of M. E. Walkeii, auditor to
distribute fund in tlio hands of ihe ad
ministrator of Isaac Oliver, defeased,
confirmed nisi.
Petition of tho citizens of Catnwlvsa
for tho appointment of Overseer of tlio
Pool, Stephen Baldy, Esq., appointed.
rKiutiiAiiv 7, 1871.
Com. vs. II. F. Warner. Chargi ob
tabling goods under falso pretence.
Bill Ignored und prosecutor, A. W.
Elton, to pay costs.
In tlio oilnto of David llolirbaeli. On
motion of W. II. AnuoTT, 0. B. Buock
WAV, E-q., appointed auditor to mako
ilUtiiliiitiou to nud among tho hells
and creditors of tho funds iu tlio liuniN
of tlio administrators.
Petition of Blglnw and Mary Kile,
forguardlan, Joseph V, Hcksappffinted.
Petition for partition In tlio ostato ef
William Welllver, lato of, Madison
township. Inquest awarded.
Report of salo In tho ostato of Jacob
Eyer, dee'd. confirmed nisi,
Michael MeMahon vs. William Black.
Petition for opening tho Judgment.
Rulo granted to show catiso why tho
Judgment should not bo opened ami
defendant lot lulo defence
Petition of Aaron R. Huttenstclu for
dlvorco, Bubpanin ordered,
Com, vs, Martin Collhan, Cliargo as
sault and battery, A truo bill,
Com, vs. John Gunning, Clutrgo
Larceny. Bill Ignored.
Com. vs. John Gunning, Charge As
sault nnd Battery. Not a truo bill.
James L. Hess vs. Annlo E. I less,
Alias Subptena lu Dlvorco awarded.
Nclllo M. Robinson vs. Harvoy P,
Robinson, Alias Subptvna In Dlvorco
ft I if Mi If f it it
Coin. vs. Wm. P. Slinemnker. A lruo
Com. vs. Martin Collhan, Tho Jury
fintl tho defendant not guilty, and pros
ecutor, John Ouunliig und tho defend
ant, Martin Col limn, each p.iy one-half
tho costs nnd sentenced by tho Court
accordingly and stand committed until
tho sentence U complied with.
Com, vs. Mary dunning, clutrgo 1: ceil
ing n Tippling Hottso. Atruojjlll,
Com, vs. William .Slrnuser. Cliargo
nn attempt to poison. A truo bill. Ver
dict not guilty.
I'EimUAItY o, 1H71.
Tliaddous G. Iloglp vs. Mary E, Pot-
ter Iloglo. On motion of J. II. James,
alias Subprenn In Dlvorco directed to bo
In tho matter of tho estato of Eliza
beth Delong, dee'd. On motion of Mr.
FllCEZK, It. F. CLAltK, Esq,, nppointcd
utidllor to ascertain Indebtedness .of tlio
estato to tho children and to distribute
tho funds In tlio hands of tlio adminis
trator to and among tho persons entitled
Return of Inquest In tho estato of
Adam Ilcilcr, confirmed nisi.
Notcstcln vs. Notcsteln. Petition for
divorce. Dlvorco decreed.
All Licenses wero granted to tho pe
titioners for Public Houses except I).
Cogrovo of Conynghnm township, nnd
George M. Baker of Scott township.
Widow's appraisement In tho estato
of Albert Hunter, dee'd. confirmed.
Widow's appraisement lu tho estate
of D.tulel Nycr, deceased, confirmed.
Widow's appraisement in tho estate
of Peter Ilitncr, deceased, confirmed.
Widow's appraisement lu tho estato
of Anthony Wltman, dee'd, confirmed.
Widow's appraisement In tho estate
of Sdmuel G. l'likington, dcceased,con-
Widow's appraisement in tlio estate
of Jacob Ash, deceased, confirmed.
Report of roviewers reporting against
a road in Scott township, confirmed
Pelltion for viewers to vacate a road
lu Hemlock township. Order for ro
viewers continued nnd W. M. Monroe
appointed Instead of Pelcr Evans.
Com. vs. Thcodoro U. Swayzo and
Georgo Kramer. Charge selling Intox
icating drink to minors. A truo bill.
Jury returned a verdict finding tho
defendants not guilty tho costs divid
ed between Georgo Fox, the prosecutor,
nud the defendants.
Com. vs. Mary Gunning. Chnrgo
keeping a "Tippling House." Jury
returned n verdict of not guilty, nnd
Mary Gunning, tho defendant, to pay
Report of viewers of a road In Locust
township, uear Currantown. Report
against a road confirmed.
Report of viewers of a road iu Mount
Plearant, near Philip Kline's, con-
Report of viewers of a road in Hem
lock township, confirmed.
Adverse report of viewers of a road
In Greenwood township, near A. P.
Young's, confirmed.
Report of viewers of n toad in Sugary
loaf leading from Cole's Creek to Ceil
tral, confirmed.
Report of viowers in favor of a road
In Catawissa, confirmed.
Report of viewers In favor of n road
In Mount Pleasant, leading from Light
Street to near Welliversville.conflrmed.
Report of viewers to vacate u road in
Greenwood, near Win, Robbins, con
firmed nisi.
Report of viowers of a road in Or
nngo township near Mary Ricketts,
confirmed nisi.
Report of viowers to vaealo a road iu
Orango township, near Mary Ricketts,
confirmed nisi.
A liccuso to keep n Public Houso was
granted to James V. Gllasplo of Hours
burg. James V. Gllasplo, constnblo of
Greenwood township, tendered his res
ignation. Resignation accepted, and
Jacobs. Evansof Greenwood township,
appointed constable.
SofarusSmethersvs. Amandus Smoth
ers. Divorce decreed from the bonds of
Petition for changing tho placo of
holding tlio election in Montour town
ship j also it petition to rcmovo It to tho
Public Hoti-o of William Butler nt
Rupert. Eleclion ordered.
Petition to vacate n road iu Fishing
creek : 1. K. Kricklmuui, John C. Doty
and Peter Caso appointed viewers.
Petition to vacate u road in Blooms
burg: Johu Thomas, Georgo Currell
nnd Joint B.irkloy appointed viewers.
James Hess' administrators vs. Col
lins Sutliir's administrators. Jury re
turned a verdict iu favor of tho defend
ants. rEiiitUAiivlO, 1S71.
Report of viewers assessing damages
to Wm. S. Helllngcr and Joshua F.
Brink, for damages arising from the
opening of it In Sug.uloaf town
ship, continued nisi.
Petition for a bridge over Roaring
Creek Iu Locust township, near Henry
Yeager's: Jacob Shuman, Wm, T.
Slitiinau and Isaac Yetier appointed
view ers.
Petition for a road In Locust township,
near Georgo Fox's: Michtel Monch,
Jackson Cie.tver and James Hover op
pointed vluwers.
Pe-tltlon of Georgo F. Craig for dl
vorco: Subpiuna awarded.
Petition for Partition ttnd valiutlon
of tho Real Estato of Peter BItner do
ceased: awarded,
Petition of Jacob Ilartman.commltteo
of Heiiry Ilartnian, to sell tho roal
estato of bald llonry Ilartnian, Order
ed that sale bo made by tho committco
of, tho laud in Hemlock township, no
tice to be given ns iu cases of ealo by
order uf tho Orphans' Court. Terms
same ns In tho Orphans' Court.
Report of E. H. Little, auditor In
tho ostato of Jamas Dugan, dee'd, cdn.
firmed nisi.
Iu tlio mttterof the lunacy of Honry
Mnthor, report declaring him a luna
tic approved, and Warron V. Wilbur
appointed committee.
Auditors report lu tho ostato of Wm,
Sloan, deu'd, confirmed nisi,
Petition of Stephen Gearhart and
Wm. Creasy, guardians of tho minor
children of Jacob Goarliart, Jr., dee'd,
17, 1871.
to set nsldo report of salo nnd grant n
new order of sulo. Salo set nsldo nnd
now order granted.
Wm. McKolvy vs. tlia Danvlllo,
Hnzoltou nnd Wllkoj-Barro Railroad.
Claim tor damages sustained by tho
plnlntlff In tho opening of tho railroad
by tlio defendants. Viewers report
damages to tho plnintlirnt tho sum of
three thousand eight hundred dollars,
confirmed nUI.
Martha 10. Creasy vs. Freas Urown
nud others. J. II, Roblson appointed
i an uio r,stniooi luuiinus ituonc, into
of Jackson township, deceased, on mo
tion of Mr. Clahk, 0. W. Mil, Lien ap
pointed auditor to mako distribution.
In tlio estate of Peter Mollck, deceas
ed, on motion of Mr. Clahk, C. G.
IlAltKLKY appointed auditor to mnko
ItEPOltT OF ailAN'D JOllV, KIM. 8, 1871.
To tho Hon. Judges of tho Court of
Quarter Sessions of tho Penco In nnd
for tho County of Columbia.
Tho Grand Inquest of tlio Common
wealth of Pennsylvania, Inquiring for
tho body of tho County, of Columbia
respectfully report:
That wo havo pursuant to our requir
ed duty, calmly nnd deliberately in
vestigated all tho bills of Indictment
presented for our consideration at this
Term, and, havo passed upon them ac
cording to their merits :
That we hnvo examined the Public
Buildings and recommend that tho Jail
bo repaired so as to mako it more securo
and comfortable for tlio prisoners, also
that It to kept cleaner.
Wo further recommend that tliero bo
windows put in tho vaults of Prothon
otary's olllce, similar to thoso In tho
Commissioners and Recorder's offices.
All of which Is respectfully submit
ted. Jonas Faiimnoeb,
Choice Poetry.
For the Columbian.
A Meteor.
One night theu I was weary,
Tho birds hid gone to Bleep,
All nature calmly mink to rot
I tat me down to weep.
I tint down by Ihe window,
Laid my hend upon tbo all).
And zed out in tho datknen,
All, nil wm calm nnd stltl,
Suddenly a meteor Hashed,
It wn,4 brighter than tho sun.
Or sold, or rcarlt. or Renin,
Or nny precious stone,
Twn, n spark of love's candlo,
Uropt from tho light on high,
A beaon to lure my weepluj hoatt,
To him above tho slty.
Aud now, may I not believe.
When to death's darlc valley I'm come,
That that bright llyht will reappear
Audguldo mo safely home?
i.. i..
The right of privacy is sacred and
should always bo respected. It Is ex
ceedingly improper to enter a privato
room nnywhero without knocking.. No
relation, howover Intimate, will justify
an abrupt intrusion upon a private
apartment. So tho trunks, boxes, pack
ets, papers, and letters of every Individ
ual, .locKod or unlocked, scaled or un
sealed, aro sacred. -It Is 111 manners
oven to open a bookcase, or to lead a
written paper lying open without per
mission, expressed or Implied. Books
In nn open caso or on a ccntro table,
cards In a card case, and nowspapers,
aro presumed to bo open for examina
tion. Bo careful whero you go, what
you read, and what you handlo.pnrticu-
larly in privato apartments,
Avoid Intermeddling with tho affairs
of others. This Is a most common fault.
A number of people seldom meet but
they Login discussing tho nffairsof some
ono who is absent. This Is not only un.
charitable, but positively unjust. It Is
equlvalot to trying a cause in tho ab
sencoof tho person implicated. Even
In tho criminal code a prisoner is pre
sumed to bo innocent until ho Is found
guilty. Society, however, is less Just,
nnd passes Judgment without hearing
tno defence Depend upon it, ns a cer
tain rule, that tho pcoplo who unlto
witli you In discussing tho affairs of
others, will proceed to scandalize you
tlio moment you depart.
He well read, also, for the sake of tho
general company und tho ladies, in tho
literature of tho day. You will thereby
enlnrgo tlio regions of pleasurable talk.
BesIdiM, It is often necessary. Haslitt,
who bad entertained nn unfounded
prcjiidico against Dickens' works when
they wero first written, confessed that
he was at last obliged to read thorn, bo
causo ho could not cuter a mixed com
pany without hearing thorn quoted.
Always conform your conduct, as near
as posslbio, to tho company with whom
you nro associated. If you bbould bo
thrown among pcoplo who nro vulgar,
It Is better to humor them than to 6et
yourself up then and there, for n model
of politeness. It Is related of a certain
king that on a particular occasion ho
turned Ids tea into his saucer, contrary
to thoctlquottoof society, becauso two
country ladles, whoso hospitalities ho
was enjoying, did bo. That king was a
gentleman ; nnd this nnecdoto serves to
lllustrato an Important principle; nnmo
ly, that lruo politeness and genuino
good manners often not only permit,
but absolutely demand, a violation of
tho arbitrary rules of etiquette. Bear
this fact in mind.
Although these remarks will not bo
sufficient iu themselves to mako you a
gontlcman, yet they will enablo you to
avoid any glaring Impropriety and
much to romlor you easy and confident
In society,
Gentility Is neither In birth, manner,
nor fashion-but In 1te vilnd. A high
senso of honor n determination uovor
to tako a mean udyitntiigo of another
on ndheronco to truth, dollcacy, and
politeness toward thoso with whom you
itniy havo dealings aro tlio cssontlal
and distinguishing charactcristtcj of a
A San Francisco lady teacher has
challenged any male teacher to saw a
cord of wood with her, and pllo it up
on time,
How AVItcs I'nilc.
How many pale, lifeless women you
sco In tho West, and In tho East, too,
for that matter I Young, frcshdookinu
women marry, and in flvo or ton years
you can scarcely recognize them, whllo
their husbands look as well ns on tho
day of their wedding. Ono causu of
this Is complicated housekeeping.
When a man undertakes a buslnew, ho
finds learned men ready to assist him :
ho knows what thcro Is to do, and so-
cures help accordingly. A young wo
man goes to housekeeping very often
without any help nt all, or peiliups
with ono awkward girl, llko tho wife
In this respect, Tliero aro three meals
to get every day that means cooking ;
aud then como tho dishes to bo washed
after each meal. It would tako about
forty-flvo pieces for breakfast nnd sup
per, and seventy for dinner fora family
of flvo ono hundred and slxty-fivo
pieces to bo carried from tho kitchen
to tlio dining room every duy, washed
nnd carried back. If you havo six
rooms in your house, thoro is ono to be
thoroughly awept and cleaned dally,
besides brushing up tha others, making
beds, bringing in wood and carrying
Twico a week thcro Is bread-making,
twlco a week yeast-making, ono dny
washing, ono day Ironing, pantries nnd
safes to bo was lied out onco n week,
dnlry work to bo attended to, besides
Innumerable Jobs In tho way of preser
ving, jDlly-maklng, pickling, curing
hams, putting down pigs' feet, looking
over apples twlco In tho winter, and
making hogshead checso, mlnco-mcat,
a thorough houso cleaning twlco n year,
tho sewing on dresses, aprons, shirts,
drawers, gowns, Ac, by tlio dozon.
Then supposing tho housekeeper has
n baby an avcrngo six months' old ba
by, that weighs about eighteen pounds.
Suppose sho has this child in her arms
thirty times a day, (a cross Infant is ta
ken up more frequently,) and often sho
is obliged to work with tlio right arm
whilst carrying tho burden of a baby
nbout with the left. Who i3 it that
says thcro is nothing in gymnastics
equal to tho endurance of a mother's
arm ? Even when the day's labor is
accomplished, and sho goes tohwl, sho
still holds her baby, and does nRi-slecp
soundly for fear of rolling on it or its
getting uncovered ; she must attend to
Us wants several times in tho night,
and must bo in a constrained condition
for fear of disturbing It,
I have heard women say they would
glvo almost anything for a night of un
disturbed sleep, "with no caro on the
mind." Then lu the morning up and
at it again. Don't you sco why women
get pale, and why sometimes a little
cross, and how their husbands wonder
that their wives don't look pretty and
dress well, and entertain them ns they
uiti Deroro they wero married ?
Tlio wives don't reason on tho mat
ter; they think it all tho men's fault,
nnd then they turn cross, and so things
go at sixes and sevens and this Is tho
placo whero woman's rights should bo
taked hold of. I don't think voting
would help that very much, woman's
labor should bo made n study. In tho
first place, men must realize that it is n
great labor to keep house. A great
many women sink down under the
weight; then everybody says "Poor
thing, sho always was weakly, good-fur-nothing
creature !'' anil the "poor
thing" has been doing more for the past
ten years than two women ought Co
have done.
Pious Wonder.
Ono ingredient of truo religion is pi
ous, pleasant wonder. If God has pro
seuled wondrous things to our minds,
it is certainly right that wo should bo
suitably affected by them. Jesus Christ
in his person, nature, works and offices
Is a being eo incomprehensibly glorious
as to have received from prophecy the
title of "Wonderful;" and shall wo
not yield our minds to tho impression
which ought to bo mado by tho study
of his character? In Scripture, wo aro
frequently commanded to "consider
tho wondrous works of tho Lord," and
to "talk of nil his wondrous works.''
Tho light into which a regenerato soul
Is brought is called a 'marvelous light.'
Ono of tho Inspired writers speaks of
tlio "marvelous loving kindness of tho
Lord.". Indeed tho pcriplure.s teach
Hint n part of the employment of heav
en is holy wonder. Wo cannot easily
imaglno that this exercNo is not carried
to it far greater extent than on earth. If
wander enters into the very nature of
thankful and adoring worship of heav
en Is perfect, then It is plain tlio heav
enly host must far excel us In this kind
of emotion. Let us, therefore, cultl
vato mid etir up this pious marvelling
at God's mercies and our sins, and bv
clear and thorough views of tlio things
of God keep our minds In n framo llko
to that of tho spirits above.
Truo Politeness.
A poor Arab going through tho desert
met with a sparkling spring. Accus
lomeu to brackish water, a draught
from this sweet well In tho wlldernoss.
seemed to Ills simple mind, a present
in to oner to tno Caliph. So ho filled
his leathern bottlo, and, after a weary
tramp, laid his humblo gift at his eov
creign's feet. Tho monarch, with mag
nanimity that may put many a Christ
ian to blush, called for a cup, mid filling
It, drank freely, and, with a smile,
thanked tho Arab nud presented him
with a reward. Tho courtiers pressed
eagerly around for a draught of tho
wonderful water, which was regarded
as worthy such a princely ncknowledg.
ment. To their surprlso tho Caliph for.
bado them to touch n drop. Thon. after
tho slmplo hcarted giver Ion tho royal
presence", with u new spring of Joy
swelling up in his heart, tho inonnrch
thus oxplalned tho motlvo for his pro
hibition. During this long Journey,
tho water in this loathern bottlo has be
come Impuro and distasteful; but It
was an offering or love, and, as such I
accepted it with pleasure I feared
howover, that lr I allowed another to
tastoMt, ho would not conceal his dis
gust. Therefore It was that I forbado
you to parlako, lost tho heart of tho
poor man should bo wounded,"
Nonpareil type) one or two Insertions, ILMk
thrco insertions, 13,00,
SFACX. lit. 2M, 8H, 6H.
Onollicll,11.......2.60 13,00 11,00 10,00 110,00
TWO Inches.-..-. 8.50 5.00 J.00 9,00 15,00
Three Inches 5,00 7,00 0,00 12,00
Four Inches..,- TOO ,00 11,00 17,00
quarter column.. 10,00 18,00 H,00 SOO
Ilalfcolumn...... 13,00 18,00, 2000 80,00
Onocolumti...wi.30,00 36,00 40,00 M,00
Executor' or Administrator's Notice, IStO,
Auditor', or Assignee'. Notice, 12.50.
Local notices, ten cent, n line.
Cards lnthe"BdsineiDIrectory"eolnmri,l.00
per year for tho first two llnea, and 11.00 for each
additional line.
Do Von Want to Uro Long t
If you do, go and get married, and
stand not on the order of your going.
Dr. Hall, In onoof his ' Health Tracts,"
gives tho following reasons why mar
riage is favorablo to health : Bachelors
aro always In a stato of unrest j they
fcol unsettled. If Indoors after supper,
thcro Is a senso of solitariness, includ
ing n sadness, if not actual melancholy,
with all its depressing influences ; and
many, many hours in tho courso of tho
year aro spent in gloomy Inactivity,
which Is adverse to a good digestion
nnd a vigorous and healthy circulation.
Ills own chamber or houso being so un
inviting, tho bachelor is inclined to
seek diversion outsldo in suppers with
friends, to clubs, which aro introductory
les of intemperance and licentiousness,
or thoso inoro unblushing associations
which, under tho cover of darkness,
lead to tho speedy ruin of health and
morals, and when theso aro gono, tho
way downward is an easy ono." Now
that this point is settled, hero Is another
recommendation worth taking to heart.
Dr. Dio Lewis says : " Every person of
remarkable longovlty, ivhoso habits I
havo studied retired to rest at an early
hour. He may havo transgressed other
laws of health for example, ho may
have used spirits and tobacco moder
ately ; but I havo heard of no long
liver who habitually sat up till a late
hour, and I may add that among them
alt I havo uover read of a largo eater.
Eat right and steep right, and you
havo tho two fundamental conditions of
health und long life. Establish Biese
two sources of life ns fixed habits, and
If you get drunk onco a month and
smoko flvo cigars a day, you may, not
withstanding, llvo a long lifo in tho en
joyment of good health. But sit up in
a furnace-heated room till 11 o'clock,
and cat tho quantity nnd quality of
food consumed by pcoplo who believe
in ashort life and a merry one, and you
rauy rest assured that tho yearly trip to
tho mountains, a month's guzzlo of Sar
atoga waters, and tho attentions of a
fashionablo doctor all put together
will fall to savo you from early wrink
les, early loss of sight, prematura gray
hair, and a short life.
Then do you ask mo how you can
reach 83 In tho enjoyment of all your
1 replygo to hed at 0 o'clock, and
eat twlco a day a moderato quantity of
plain food.'1
The Influence of a True Woman.
Even In the busiest town and amid
tho most adsorbing pursuits, tho hearts
of men turn with an. instinctive homage
toward thoso who havo brought down
and illustrated in their lives the purest
prcccptsof our faith. Tho man who
carries them with him wherever he
goes, In meekness and simplicity, bears
alsojwith him a weight of authority
which silently disarms tho shallow rea
soning of Sadducean selfishness and un
The lifo of a true woman reveals to
us sources of influcnco which tho world
can never glvo. Sho may bo endowed
with a charm of personal lovcllne-s
which adds to tho attractiveness of her
virtues ; sho may havo advantages of
wealth and position which give her an
opportunity that all can not havo to
nhowher disinterested regard for1 oth
ers ; sho may havo qualities of mind
and heart which peculiarly lit her to bo
tho prido and Joy of her friends. But
these nro not tho secrets of tho power
which goes from her, through which
sho creates around her nn atmosphere
of gentle, benignant affections, whllesho
fills each day tho perhaps unacknowl
edged and unrecognized offices of kind
ness that mako her homo a centra of
Christian charities and graces. Her lifo
whllo it Is with us Is a perpetual benl
son j nnd when sho Is not, it is still, in
ever-widening and deepening circles,
diffusing itself through tho hearts of
thoso sho loved and through tho com
munity In which she lived. Thero Is
no mora beneficent or powerful Influ
ences than tho living presence, or when
that Is withdrawn, the tllent memory
of thoso who uro thus tho dearest exem
plars that wo havo known of the spirit
and tho religion of Jesus.
Unronsi'lenco Influence oior Animals.
Tho horso llko ills driver, and thod"g
llko his mastor. A nervous, timorous
man Is almost euro to havo a skittish
horse, shying at anything, unteaJy,
and u runaway if ho gets a chance.
Many a cow Is spolleel by luck of pa-
tience nnd quietness in tho milker, and
the amount of milk depends more upon
tlio milker than tho pasturage If a
man is afraid uf n horse, tho animal
ktiows It before lie gets Into tho stable.
Wo have seen tho most InofTensIvo cow
in tho herd so wrought upon by tho
nervousness oi a greennorn, ns uexter
ously to plant her loot In his breast and
send 1 1 1 in reeling heels over head, A
noisy, boisterous fellow about fattening
stables will cause a serious loss In gain
of flesh to tho animals, so important is
quiet to them when they aro digesting
their food.
Tho best and most simple disinfect
ing agent known is chloride of zinc. It
is easily mado by dissolving zinc lu
muriatic acid, nnd can bo applied in a
diluted stato to cesspools, foul and often,
slvo drains, etc.
Sulphate of zinc is also nn excellent
disinfectant, nud can bo purchased at
almost auy drug storo in tho form of
salt. A half pound dissolved in n pail
of warm water and thrown into a cess
pool not remarkably pffenslvo will deo
dcrlzo It at onco. Wo advlso our city
readers to apply this agent freely, during
tho month of August especially.
Copperas Is another agent that may
ho applied In tho samo manner, and for
the samo purpose, and cHher of tlusj
will accomplish, If frcoly used, all that
is needed.
Buttermilk Is said to bo a 'remedy
for dyspepsia. It should bo drank at
meals in lieu of coffeo and tea. Tho
acidity of buttermilk Is duo to the
presence of lactic acid, and as this acid
assists tho digestion of any' food taken
with It, it is hence recommonded to
those who are troubled with indigestion.