The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, February 10, 1871, Image 4
try Humorous. A Traotlcal Lovor I 1M tint purrtitiKO for my hrldo Ulrh Jeweled Tlnicninl rmth' fan, Hut what I thought won lit b her pildr A Ret complete of pots und pan. I would not win sweet Jennie's love, By golden gift of magi" power ) It sue a proper wlfo wouM prove. Hue would profer.some bn g of flour. 1 tlUI not play with Jennie's heart, Nor try tn fix It were It ilckle, But sent tllntrujttlntf modern art, A Aide of pork for her to pickle, I t lit not plvo her ruble red. To lend her raven hair relief: Jtut what would charm when wo were wed A good supply of potted beet. I did not wanton with her love. That pined to iteatlo on nty breast, Jnt Ilka n drooping, tired dove. Hut sent a conch where. It could rut, 1 did not, when the moon was bright. Take Jenny out for tranquil walK. Hut took her what would more delight A dosen each of knives and forks. I did not wend her flow'reta bright, Whose brlKhtneM.ah I so quickly wanes, lint comfort in the darkest night, A sylt of sheets and counterpanes. And so at last our littlo store Would furnish well an envied cots Hn t then 1 should havo said liefore Hhejlltcd mo, and kept tho lot. Full Blooded. The mule stood on the steamer s deck, To tsnd ho wonld not trend". , They palled tho halter round his neck. And cracked him o'er the head. Vet firm and steadfnot there he stood. As t hough formed for to rule ; A erttter or heroic blood Was that there cussed mule. hey cussed and swore he would not so Until he felt Inclined And thonah thev showered blow on blow, Ho wouldn't chance his mind. Tho deck" hand to the shore then cried. This here mule's bound to stay And still upon the critter's hide With lash they flted away. HI master from the shore replied The boat's about to sail. As every other means you've tried, Suppose yon tu Ut hit tail T "It's likely that will make him land." The deck man. brave though pale Approached with his outstretched hand, To twist I hat there mule's tall. There cornea sudden kick behind t The man oh I where was he? Ask or tlid softlv blowing wind, The fishes in tho seal Tor a moment Ihero was not a sound, As that mule winked his eye, As .hough to auk of thoso n round, "Now how Is that for nlhT" fnt that there mule's throat right awny," rJ he captain did command: lint the noblest crltlcr killed that day. Was the f tariff, brave deck hand. Tho "Aguo." Once upon an evening bleery, While I sat mo dreaming dreary, In the sunshine, thinking o'er Ihtngs that passed tn days or yoro; While X nodded, nearlv sleeptDg, Oently came In something creeping, Creeping upward from tho lloor, 'Tls a cooling breeze," I muttered. From tho regions nenth the lloor ; Only till s and nothing more. Ah 1 distinctly I remember It was In tho wet September, When the earth and every member Ofcrcatlonthatlbore, Had for weeks and months been soaking In iho meanest, most provoking Foeey rain that, without Joking, We had ever Been before. So I know it must he very fold and damp beneath tho floor Very cold beneath tho floor. Bo I sat roe nearly napping In tho sunshine, stretching, poplntr, And a feeling quite delighted With the breeze from 'neath the floor, Till I felt me growing colder. And the stretching waxing bolder, And myself now feeling older. Older than I felt beforo Feeling that ray Joints were stlfler Than they wre la dayB or yore Htlirer than they'd been before. All along my back the creeping Hoon gave place to rushing, leaping As If countless frozen demons Had concluded to explore Allthecavattes thevarmlnls Twlxt mo and my nether garments, Through ray boots Into tho floor; Then J found myself n shaking Oently shaking moroaud more. 'Twos the Ague, and It shook mo Into heavy clothes, and took mo fchaklngtothekltchon every Every place there was warmth In store, Bhaklngtllllhechlnaraltled; Shaking, and with all ror warmlufc, Keelluccolderthan before; KhakfniAlll fld esnansted All Its powers toBhakememore . Till it could not shake me moi e. Then It rested till the morrow. When It came with all the horror That it had the face to borrow Shaking, shaking as before. And fi om that day lu tieptember Usy which I shall long remember It has made diurnal visits, Hhaklng. shaking, oh I bow sorej (Shaking oir boots, and shaking Me to bed If nothing more, Fully this If nothing inoio. And to-day the shadows flitting Hound by cottage seome silting j,!oodlly within the sunshine Jnst inside my silent door. Walling for the aguefceemfng Like n man forever dreaming, And the sunlight on me streaming, Hhadnws no shadows on tho lloor. For I am too thin anUMaltovt lovutKe tfiadoitt on thejtoor. Nary shadow any morel A Vermont man sat uown upon a kcR of powder to tako " 'noon Binoko.' They found ono button. A man HvIeb in Knnsfts City lias a full set of furnlturo matlo of tho trco on which his father was hunpr ten years ago. Cleanliness is 80 necessary to health that Dr. Frand3 tays, if ho ever recom mended a euro all, It should consist of n bar of yellow soap. The Boston Tost thinks it a good thing for Hornco Greeley's heirs that that ptntleroan's will is not In his own hand-writing. There aro two reasons why somo pccplo do not mind their own business. One Is that they havo no business, and the tccond that they have no minds. fc'KistfUKT, who "gives nothing to btrctt bcjfiiiirs," has no doubt that tho nu n cut cir their legs and women havo babits ' on purposo to appeal to public pymputhy." A vh-itor at a certain eily church savs ho was lucked into a back pew un der tho gallery and no ono thought to hand him n hymn book. But they did not overlook him when tho collection was taken. A lady Jn London got tho Idea Into lur head that tlio dovll was In her, and hung herself. If women go to hanging themfelvcs for a littlo thing liuo that, they aro going to bo mighty scarce, that's all. A THitv matlo n raid upon tho prcm Iscs of a preacher, named Guild, In Ne braska City, tho other night, buu cap lured a lot of Bhirts, sheets, cutlery, Ac. Next morning tho bundles wero left at his door, with tho following : "Itev. Gild dlddent no twoas a tninnelstcrs hous or I woodent a took theaso things. Hear tlicay is. Co.nscence. Eome music teacher onco wroto that "tho art of nlaying ft violin rcetulres tho nicest perception and sensibility of anynrtln tho known worm." upon wlilch tho editor comments In tho fol lowlrnr manner t 'Tho art of publishing n newspaper and making It pay, and, at thosamo time, making it pieaso ev erybody, beats fiddling higher than a kite.' A Clergyman, meeting a littlo boy of his acquaintance, said "This is ijulto a stormy day, my son." "Yes, sir," said tho boy, "this lsqultoa wet nln." Tho clergyman, thinking to ro. bukosuch Jiyperbolo, asked If hoover knew of other than a wet rain, "i never know personally of any other," said Iho boy. "but I havo read in a ccp tain book of a timo when It rained tiro and brimstone, and I guess that was not n wet rain I" Miscellaneous. DR. 8CIIENCK ADVISES (JON HHMLM'IVKH TO UO TO FLOIUDA IN WINTEIl. Having for Iho last thirty-five years devoted my wholo time and attention to tho study of lung disease and consumption, I feel that 1 mi der stand fully the course that ought to pursued tu restore a tolerably bad oase of diseased lungs to healthy soundness, Tho first and most lm IKirumt mep is ior ine paiieni to nvoiu laaini cold, and tho best of all places on this continent itir im purpose in winter, is norma, wen iiown In the Mate, where the temperature Is rcgulnr, and not subject to such variations as lu more Northern latitudes, l'alatka Is if point I can re commend. A good hotel Is kept (hero by Peter man. Last winter I saw several persons there under tho henllng Influence of thoclllnato nnJ my medicines, were getting well. una nuiiuriHi nines mruier titiwn iiib i ivrr it n iioiut which I would prefer to l'alatka, as tho einncraturo la more even and thentrdrv nml bracing. Mellnuvlllo nud Enterprise nro located there, I should give a decided preference to ate uuuv iiiu. it is inu uiiicj iroin river or lane, and It seems almost Impossible to take cold mere, tho tames in Florida might be better and natlentsromolatn at times but that I, n boo. sign, as It Indicate, a return of appetite, and wiieu mis is ine caso tncy generally increaso in flesh, and then the Inn us mast henl. Jacksonville. Hlbernia.Ureeii f?ive.uiul mnnv umer jimii-s ui vunuus pans oi r mriun, cim uu ninviy rt'vijiiiiiienufu io consuinmivoH in wiililt. My reasons for saying so are that patients arc less liable to take cold there than where there Is n less even temneraiure. and it Is not necessary tu bh y iimi. wiieru a uonumiuno person xiut;n himself to frequent coldi ho Is certain to die Hiioriiy, mere lore my novice is, go wruuowii Into the Btale out of tne reach of pervading ea.t winds aud fogi. Jacksonville, or almost any other of the localities I have named, will bene- nt tuose wno are troubled witn a tornia ii ver, disordered stomach, deranged bowels, sore throat or cough, but for those whoso Jungs ar diseased n more southern point Is earnestly re For fifteen years prior to lfWW, I was profession ally In New York, Boston, llaltlmore and Phila delphia oveiv week, where 1 saw and examined on an average five hundred patients a week, A triiVLii-u m uneiiHive, euiuruviiiK every fiunaiuio piiivta ui mug uiseuse. lias biihuiwu nio to imuci Hiaud the disease full v. aud hence, mr caution lit regard to taking cold. A per boh may take vast quuuMllen of "dchenck's l'ulmonle Byrup, Henweed Tonle and Mandrake Fills." and l et die If he docs not avoid taking cold. iu MoriUH.ueariv evervuouvisusinEMcnenca s Mandrake Fills, for the climate Is moro likely to produce bilious habits than more northern lati tudes. It is u well established lact that natives of Florida rarely die of consumption, especially those of the southern part. On the other hand, In New Khglsnd, one-third, at least, of the ponu lullim die ut thin terrlhla disease. tho Mld HtAlea It does not nrevntl so larirelv I 11 there aie many thoasands of cases there. Wi.ttt avast perceuiage oi inu wouiu ue savou ii cowr-i mid lives weiu ns easily alnrmed In regard to taking lresh cold ns they nre about scarlet fever, small dux. ac. Itut thevnre not. Thev take Vihat they lerm ii little cold, which tliey uro credulous eiiuuu iu ucuee win wear on in iuuw nun, iney pay no intention iou,anu uqiico imii ttio foundation lor nuother and another sill: until the lungs are diseased beyond ull hope lor euie. My advice to persons whoso lungs nro affected even slightly Is, to lay In it block oi Hcbenck'a Fulmoniu Byrup, Bene nek's Bea weed Ton lo and Hchenck'a' Mandrake Fills and uo to Florida. 1 recommend these particular medlclnei becaunu 1 am thoroughly acquainted with their action. I know that where ltey are used in strict accord aucewithmy directions they will do the work that Is rtquhed. 'ihis accoinpllilied, naturo will do tho rent. 'Ihe physician who pieacrlhes for cold, cough or ulftht-sweuts, and then advises tho patient to walk orrk'e out every day, will be bure to havo a currso on ills handu before long. Vi-,lati la trt nlrn tnv IlirPrt medtltlCS. til " coruanco with tho printed directions, except Mime cases where a fieer use of the Mnndrni" Fills Is necessary. My object is io give touv the stomach to get up a good appetite. It Is al ways n good elgn when a pdleut begins to grow hungry. I have hopes of such. With a Irtish lor loud and the gratification of that rclUh comes good blood, nud Willi It moro llesh, which Is ulo-tly followed by iv healing of the lungs. Then tne cougu loosens nnu iiuuies,iuu creepiuK aud dummy nlght-swe-its no longer prostrate aud annoy, mid the patient gets well, provided be u olds lulling cold. Now there nre many cotmimptlves who have not the menus to go to 1'lorlda. The question may bu nkrd,hi t hero no hopo for such? Cer tululy thero Is. My advice to such Is, and ever litiK heel i. lo klitv In 11 wnrm room durllltf the winter, with a temperature of about seventy de gitts, whkti bbotiid bu kept regutaily at that point. ij iiicilub ui u nieriiiumeiei. uei sum patient tako Ids exercise within tho limits of the room by walking up aud down as much as his vluiKUl win periuii, in orucr m Keep u,, u luSTilhy clruulullon of tho blood. I hau cured thousands by this system, aud can do so nguln. Consumption Is as easily cured as auy other dls tuselt Ins taken lntliuo.nnd the proper kind of treatment Is pursued. The fact stunds undis puted on record that scbenck's Pulmonic Syrup. Mundrako Tills, nnd Seaweed Tonic huve cured cry many of what seemed to bo hopeless cases of consumption. Go where ou will, you will bo almost certain to Und soiuo poor cousunipllvo wbo has been rescued frum the vcy Jaws or death by their use. So tarns the Mandrake Pills nre concerned, everybody should kten n supply of them ou hand. They act on the liver better than calomel, and leave none of lu hurtful cUects behind lu laet they nro excellent In nil cases whero a pur gative medicine is required. If you have par taken too freely of fruit and dlurrtuea ensues, a desoof ILo Mandrakes will cure ycu. Ifyounro subject to sick hendaclie. tako a do3eof the Mnn ,lrniiM nml thev will relieve voti In two hours. If you would obviato the elTectof a cluingo of water, or tho too freo Indulgence In fruit, tako oneof the Mandrakes every nlglil or every oilier ulglit, ana you may luenuriuu: water unu cat watermelons, peurs. apples, plums, peaches or corn, without tho risk of being made sick by them. They will protect thoe who llvo In damp situations against, cuius anu levers, uryiiieiu. They are perlectly harmless. They caudo ou good only. I havo abandoned mv professional visits to Ilos- tou aud 'ew York, but continue to see patients atmy olllce.No 15N.S1X1H Street, Philadel phia, eery Mituidny, from 1) A. M. to3 P. M. Ibnse who wish a tburoueh examination with tho llesplrometer will bo charged tlvo dollars. rl lie Hesnlrometer declares the exact condition or the lunes. nud ttatieuls can rtadllv team whether they erocuiabloornot. Hut 1 dcslro It distinctly understand that the value of my medicines depeuds entirely upon their being token strlctlv according to directions. In conclttslou, I will say that when persons take my medicines and their systemsaro brought luto a healthy condition thereby, they are uot so liable to tuko cold, yet no one with diseased lungs can bear a sudden change of atiuospheru wltnout tho liability of gi eater or less Irritation of tho bronchial tubes. Full directions in ull languages accompany my medicines, so explicit and clear thut any cue can use them without consulting me, and tan ue uougni uom any oruggisi. J. II. SCHENCIC.M. 11. No. 13 N SIXTH Slieel, Philadelphia. uovii'70-tr. gOMETIIlNQ NEW! The timlerblaned would hcrehv civo notlco that lio Iiuh Just completed A riltrtT CLASS 3lf;AHHi:,and that liofiaHthoffirllltlrHfnrcftrry In;: on tho tmslueta of UNDEUTAKINO In all ita umucnea IN OIT BTYLU. lTn lns riieneeil oxrerlenrwl norsoiis who will t ft lie cunrne ol the lxidlcs of the dweased n noon ntt ihv khniilfl of ihlH mortal roll." and attend to wnhlilng llicm.tlinvlim, dremJntr, Ac. Bhrouda furnished also to order, At much exrcuso "e una also procurru an I It ON I OK BOX, la which bodies ranl'O preserved Inn cleanly and dry conuiunu, l arriHgcs niruibni-u ior m- nnrnl fipfnftlnns. In khort. liQ ih Itrcrnrtd to takf chargo of a corpse Immediately after death, and ttavo friends ana rctauvts an iuruur uuuuiei reuard to it. lie aiKii curnvN ou 1110 uuniuctn vi MAKING Tfrthnlsterlne In all 1U branches, rcrfllrlac fnrnl ture, leseatlng cane bottomed rhnlrtt, Ac, &c l'laco or uusiuefcBuu iron mrrei, nemw jihih. nioora.burtf, Juiyj-', i7-ii. J1XTY.KJVE FIItST VUVAi JIED AIM AWARDED, ., ,.., 11ALTIM0RE PIANO MANUFACTORY. WILLIAM KNA1JE A CO. MANurAcrunciu or GRAND, SQUARE AND UPRIGHT PIANO FOItT 13 S BALTIMORE, M D. Theso Instruments havebeenbeforotbo publlo for nearly Thirty years, and uikui their excel lence nloue attaiued on viipurcluued iwe-e mtnence which prououoces them unequalled, Tlietr TOND combines great power, sweetness and fino sing, ii,.. mini it v. nuullns ercat iiurllvnf Intonation and sweetness throughout tlie t ullie scale. 'J heir TOUCH Is pliant nud elastic, and entirely free from tho stillness round In so many plauocg IN WORKMANSHIP they are unequalled, using none but the very Ilin liiruecjinltal emnloved In our business enabling us to keep continually an Immense stock of lumber, &c on hand, M.All our7twir JHanoet have our New Im proved OVEWSTllUHO fct'ALK and tho Agnize Jifwe wonld call special allenllnn lo our late, improvements In (HUM 1'IANOH u'ul HUUAHK UUANItSl 1'ATENTKD AlU If, ISKJ, wlilch Inlngtlie piano nearor perlecllou than has ret been attained. IZveiiy Piano yuit-v VAnu anted roil 5 Y'EAita, Wo havo made arrangements for tho Sf H7)6feij! Aomci for the most CelebiatlHl PAR LOU (JllOANH and Mi:U)Di:oNS, which we oner Wholesale and Retail, at 1-nwest Factory Prices. WILLIAM KNA11B & CO., oct:s'70-0ra, Halllinore, Md, D EKTISTRY. II, C. HOWKK, DKHTWT, Itespectfully offers his professional services to the ladle und guntlemeu of l)oomsbur and vl clulty, llelspreparodtoutteud to all the varl ous operations In the line of hU profession, nud Is provided with the latest Improved PouckLain Tkktii which will be inserttd on gold plating silver and rubber base to look as well us the nau nmlt(ith. Toeth extracted bv all the new fen most approved methods, and ull operations on the teeth carefully and propeily altend(d to. Itesldeuce und oillco u few doors lUvnve the Court Ho one, same side. Bloomsburg, JauJlWtf THE COLUMBIAN AND Philadelphia Directory. '..7 iXtlKTll 1 lllllll It. 1). CUM MINOW, PitonuitTon. JOHN BT110UP & CO., Hue-censors to Htroup a ilrothcr, WIIOI.KHAI.E DKALintS IN Flbll. No. SI North Wlinnra nnd SS North Third Bt 1 hlladclphln. jioiiAiiusoN i.. wmaiiT, jn ATTOItNl'.V AT IiAW, NO. 1M SOUTH SIXTH 8TIIEK.T. PHILADELPHIA Oct. M,'KMy W. HANK'S CItlAU WAUEltOUSE, No. HONoithThlril Street, Eclwceu Cherry anil Hnce, webtfcldo. riilladclptiln. JpitANK & STHKTOII, nucccssors io i ii. viuivi,; Importcis and Dealers In C1UEKN3WAUE, CHINA, AND ULABa, No.SSl N. Third Street, llctwecu llace aud Vino Bts. 1'lIILADELl'IIIA. cl HHTilKTrll, Oen'l I'nrtllers. I. It. Walticu. Hreclnl l'arlntr. Je2nj-ll. JJI, KEl'lIKAltT, , WITH UAItNKS, IJltO. & HKItllON, HATS, CAW, HTltAW GOO DM A VVVJS, No. COS Mirlict Street, (Abovo Fifth,) riiil.ADKi.rniA. Vy-AINWHIGIIT & CO., wnor.ESALK anocmis, N. 1C. Corner Sccoml and Arch Hti eels, I'lltLAllKM'lllA, Doateis lu ti:ah, svnura, cokfi:k, huoau, molakhus ltlCU, BP1CIJ3, lit CAltH KOPA, 41'., AC. irOrtlers v IU rco, h e prompt nttcntlon. may ll,C7-ir. AD1KS' FANCY FUllS! ' joiin I'Aitr.iUA, 7is Aittn Hritmrr, lllddlo l,r Iho llloelt, between Till ulul Mil Kin., houui cine, VJJI.Ali:i.l'lllA, mporter, Alniiurttctiuer nud Dealer In nil kinds u nuniiLy or FANCY F XI ItS Oil LAMPS' AND GENTLEMEN S WEAR. Havlnir enlnrired. remodeled nnillmnrovedmv old and luvornblyknowu KUUEMt'UKIUM.and Jiaving imporieti n very jnrpo nnu ppienuiu a Hortnieut of nil the dltlerent kinds ol FiHB from Jlrst nandH lu Miropo, nna naa tnemnmuo up ;' no moMlfeltllllui ivorKuien, i woum rcHpectiuii' nvitomv friends of Columbln and adlaoenteoun- ties, to cull aud examine my ety larno and bean tllulnRiortincntof Kaucy Furs, for ladles nnd children. 1 am determined to sell at as low prices as nny oilier respectnblellonse In the city. Ait r lira wurraiiiou, aiu inmruprt'iif uuiiiuiu iu Ilecisuics. juii. lAituiiAi 71.1 AI1CH STKKKT, 1'llII.AIlKLPUIA. Nov. 4, 1S70-3U1. Business Cards. JJ Jf. L'VELLE, AHOitliV AT J..AVY, Ashlaud, Bchuylklll County Pa. L. T UltNEIt PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON, BL00.MSI1URG, PA. Orncr over Lutz'a Drugstore, Rexldcno (declU'TU. n W. SIILLEIt, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Omco Court Houso Allcr. below Iho Colum bian omce. llminlles. llHck-l'uv nnd Pensions collected. Uloormburg Pa. bcp.iJ's7 JjlOBEIVT F. CLARK, ATlUltnCil AT LA1Y, Ofllce Mnln Street below tho Court House. Bloomsburg Pcnn'a. II. LITTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Offlco CourUHouso Alley, belov the Colum ian Ofnco, Rloomsburg Pa. H. BROCKAVAY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, IlLOOMSUUlta, 1A, 40fick Court House Alley. In the Co- lumhian ImUclirig. Jan4,'C7. s Ij A T .iZ HOOFING, BVERY VARIETY MOST PAVOKAULE HATEB, JOHN THOMAS, AriD CASI'KR J. THOMAS Box. 277. BloosnsburK, Pa. Mar.l9.00-ly 250,000 PIUHIC BBICK FOR SALE AT ESPY. For particulars, address n. J. JIILLAI1D. Kspy, or. T. B. MlM,i:it,Liraoltlile. oel2S7U-tr. M. KKOllIl, Zi HavliiK purchased t he utricle or the old Kcy fciono Uhoe hture, and added thereto a largo and veil selected newfctoclc Is prepared to exhibit E0OTS AND tiHOES evevbioueht tothlsplnce. He Is okoprernred In mnlto llnntu nml Shnrs lonrilerln the J files 1 and bent is t vies. For caMi only. In the old 1'ost (Hllee hullillnjr. coiner Main und Marltet Htrcets lijoonifcjjurg', i'a. rujuiu-jj, j "gOOTS AND SHOES. MAIN fcTKtKT, UND1H lllOWfc'B HOTEL. A lull and lompltle nuortnunt or ready made imntK niui kiintvu for men. women and children J wtl ricelvid and fur bale at reahoimblo iij". vuraiHi in nuiiuii nuh m sutviucii best of work done at fchort notice, itit heretofore. Olve him a tall. iiprS'VOtf. 17 J- T All woultJ Lurt; ami vie IIORNTON miI.I nnnnnnrntnllinrlllzensof DlOOmS- lcinity, mat lie nas jujji ruceivcu a iuu aud complete assortment of M'ALI TAPKR, WINDOW MIADKH, FIXT011E8, COHD8, TABSEL0, nnd all oilier goods In-his line of business. All I tho newest and most approved patterns of the day are always to be found in his t'StAbllshment. pOWflKIl KEGS AND LUMBEU W, M. MONHOE A fJO., Hupert, l'a., Manufacturers of rOWDEH KKOH, uud dealer. In all kind, of LUMBER, Blva uotlce that they are prepared to accomodate ,uelr custom with dispatch, and on the cheapest tsrms. QHKSTEll S. FUItMAN, HAUNIH, HADDDK, AND TRUNK MANUFACTUItUIt, and dealer In CAUPKT-DAOS, VAUftEB, FDY-NIiTH,-HVYVAhO ltOJIES, UOlUJE-llLANKLTH lC., which he fcls confident he can sell at lower rale thau any other person lu the county, Ex amine for yourselves. Hhop'blrd door below the Court House, Mulu Btrcet, fllooiusburg, Pa. Aug. fi, 1H7U. SEAV GOAL YARD. Tiik underslKned respectfully Inform the ens of llloomsburK and Columbia county, that th.y keep alt the different numbers ofstove coul aud selectod lump coal for smlttiiutf purpo ses, on their wharf, adjoining M'Kelyy. Neal & Oo's Kurnace: with a good pair of llnlfalo scales on the wharf, lo Welsh coal, bay, and straw Likewise i. horse and whkoii, to deliver coal to those who desire It. A. they purchase a large amount of coal.they Intend tokeep a superior ar ticle, and sell nl the very lowest prlcos. Please call and examine for yourselves Wore pnrrha fti elsewhere. J. W. iiknukiihIiiit, 1 AIIOIIHTUH I1ABON. rpiIE iindcrBlunoa will tako In tirocervtjtore.'adjoluluk llielrcoal yard, J. V, llENUKltHIIOT, IlloomsbuiK Mar. 19,'CD-ly, DllOCHAT. liLOOMSBUltG, COLUMMA COUNTY, Patent ModicinoM. II KNHYT. llKUIUOUVf. C tl M P O U N D F IiUMI rXTHAlT IATAWI1A 0 H A 1' 11 1 I I' Ii B. Cbmponenf J!rl-.r7iiM lUlmct UUuhatb nnd tluhliUlraet Oitaula Um Jifce, FOH 1,1 VEU COMPLAINTS, JAUNDICE, lllt. !OUH AFFECriONH, HICK OU NEltVOUS HEADACHE, COSTIVUNESS, ETC. PURELY VEGETABLE, CONTAINING NO MERCURY, MINERALS OR DELETERIOUS DllUOS. Thesal'lll nro Iho most dellglittnlly plcnsntit mirmtKe. suncriedltiK castor oil, salts, mas ncsla. et?. Thero Is nothlnn moro nceeplablo to Iho slomacli. They glvo lone, nnd ennso neither nnusennor nrlnlinr inlns. They.nio composed of tho flnett inorutlenti. After a few days' liso of them, such an Invlsornllon of tho enuro system takes placq as tonppear inltnctiloui lo tho woak and cnervaiwi, wnctiier arising irom impra. denee or dlscnse. II. T. ltclmbold's Compound Fluid ILttract CalawbaOrapo Pills aro uot sugar ciiatod, from Ihe fact that sugar-coated Pills do not dlsoH e, but pass through thostomacli without dissolving, conscciucntly do not produce tho de sired eirect, THE CATAWI1A ORAPE PILLS, being pleasant lu lasleand odor, do not necessi tate tholr being stignr-cantcj. PRICE FIFTY CENTS PER 110X. JUlXllY T. IlJiLMli OL DS. llltlllt.r lOKCKSTItATtll CJU'OUM) FLUID EXTRACT HARSAPARILL V Will radically czKruilnnto frcm tho system Scrofula, Syphilis, Fever Sores, Ulcers, Boie Eyes, Sore Legs, Soro Moulh, Boio Head, llrouehltls, 8klu Dlstnies, Suit lllitum, Cankers, Runnings from tho Enr, whllo Swellings, Tumors, Can cerous A rTecl Ions. Nudes. Rickets. Ulnndnr Swell ings, Night Sweats, Itnsh, Teller, Humors ol n" Kinds, Chroulolllieiiniatlsm, I)yspep3m, nnd nl disease that las been tslabUslud lu tlio system for yeaw. Uelbg prepared FX Pltr.SLY for iho above com- p'ninls, Us tl.'JOD-PURIFYING proprieties nro greater Ihnn any other preparnlloii oi Sarsnpv rllln. It gives tho COMPLEXION n dear and healthy color nnd restores the jatlent to a slato ol HEALTH nnd rUIHTY. For Purifying tho lllood, removing all Clirolilc Constitutional Dli arising from on Impure stato of tho blood. Aud tho only roltahle and cllVctual known lcmo- dy lor tlio euro of Palhs and Swellings of tho Hones, Ulccintions of the Throat and Legs, Iltotches, pimples on Iho Face, Kiyslpelns and nlttcnly llltipllcnsof thcMcln,and Ilenutlfylnij the Complex I on. Price, 3 1 CO r cr Uoltlc. 1IKNKY T. HELJIBOLU'S coxccNTr.ATnn FL Ull) HXTItA CTJ1 UCIl U, THE GIlE-T DIUIILTIC, has cured eery caso of Diabetes In which It has been glcn, Irritation of the neck of theliladdtr and Inflammation of tho Kidneys, Ulceration of the Kldutys and liladder, Retention of Urine, Dlscnsesoi mo I'rosiatouianu.niono inineuiau- dcr, Calculs, Uravel, llrlckdust Deposit, and Mucous or Milky Dicehnrgcs, and for Enfeebled and Delleato Const! tutiousof both Sexes, nltcu ded with tho following Hymptoras l Indisposi tion to Exertion, loss of Power, loss of Memory, Difficulty of llieathliig, Acak Ncrus, Trem bling, Horror of Disease, Wakefulness, Dimness of vision, Palu in tho Rack, Hot Hands, Flush ing of tho liody, Dryness ol tho Sklu, L'ruptlon on Ihe Face, l'allld Couulcnnncc, Universal LtusittulQ of tho Muscular System, etc. Used by persons from tho nges of eighteen to twenly-flve, and from tlilrty.flvo to fifty-flvo or In tho decline or ehuugo of life; after confine ment or labor pains; bcd-wcltlng In clill iren. Helmbold's Extract Ruchu Is Diuretic and Blood-Putlfylng, and cures alt diseases arising from Hnblls of Dissipation, and Excesses and Imprudences in Life, Impurities of tlio P.lood, clc, superseding Copabia In affections for which It Is used, and Syphilitic AfTecllous In theso discuses used In connection with HELMROLD'S ROSE WASH. LADIES. In many airectlous peculiar to' ladles, tho Ex. trjet Ruchu is unequalled by nny ether remedy- as Is Chlorosis or Retention, Iriegulnrlty, ralli- fulness or Suppression of Customary livacua Hons, Ulcerated or Schlrrus State of tho Uterus, Leucorrhaa or Wlilles,Bterlllty,andforall com- plaints Incident to the sex, whether arising from Indiscretion or Habits of Dissipation. It Is pre I scribed cxtens h tly by tlio most eminent physi cians and Mldwlves for Knlecbled nnd Delicate Ceiihtilt'tlouH.otholh sexesandntl ages fatten. ded with l ny of the ubocdiMasisor symptoms. 11. T. IlELMIJOLD'ri IZXTIt.VCT DUCIIU CUIIK3 DISKASF-H AUI91NO FU05I IMTltU DENCK, HAIilTH OF DISSIPATION, KTC, In all their sstngCK, at littlo expense, littlo or no I chance In diet, no Inconvenience, and no ex posure. It cnufcs a frcqueut desire, and gives Btrcngtli to Urinate, thereby removing Obbtruo tlona, Preventing and Cuilng fotrlcturca of tho Urctto, Allnjlug Tain and Inflammation, frequent In this clats cf diseases, nnd (spelling all l'olhouous matter. Ihoucands who havo been tlio victims of In competent persons, and vho havo paid heavy foes to be cured In abhort lirao, havo found they havo been dtcelvcd, and that Iho'ToUou" has, by tho use of "powerful astringent," heen dried 1 up lu tho f-ybtcm, to break out In a moro aggri j voted form, and perhaps after Marriage. Use IIF.LMIIOLD H KXTKACT DUCIIU for all Affections and Discos is of the Ulinary Organs whether cxlstlug In Male or Female, frum what ever causo originating, and no matttr of how long (.landing VUICII ONU DOLL.Ml AND FI1TY CENTH PKIt H01TJ.U. i1enhy t. hki.5ii50ld's im ikovj:d kosk wash cannot lio nuposcil ns n l'ACK WASH, nuil will Lo found tlio ouly siitcillo jemeily lu every sucks of CUTANHOVS AI'l'KCTION. It spee dily eradicate l'iJiri.K'WO'rB.BCOItnUTIO lUYNFf:H,lNIJUItATIl)NBofluoCUTANEOU8 iiKMflllAM;, elc, Ulsrills 11EDM&S nud IM CH'IUSr l.NFLAMATIO.V, HIVIX. IIABH, JIOTII I'ATCHfcH, DUYN1SS OF HCAI.l' Oil HK IN. ItObT I1ITES, anil ull runiosi-s for wlilcli 8ALVEH or OINTMKNTH arc used; icstorcs tlio skin lo n stalo of purity and soituess, and !n bUreij conliuued healthy action to the llssuo oi Us etbeb, oil which depend tho agreeable clear ness und tvncltyol complexion uo mu;li sought nd admlied. Dut liowevcr valunblo tu a remedy for existlns defects .Mb. Ulu, II. T, j.tiiuuums tuuuiwii iuuB duuuiuvm " nrttii-lr.lrt rliitni tn n tila.innlr il tint i nun (TO. hv nossesslui! (lualllles Mhlcb render it a TOlLLT APPI1NDAUB of the most Buperlntlvo nud ISiiif nlnl rlinrncff r f nmlilnlnif In nil el( l!imt - formuiathofcopromlucntrenulslts.HAFETyand i:FFICACi-tho invariable accompaniment Its use as a Preservative and Uciteher of the Complexion. Uls au excellent Lotion for dim enstBOfaHyplillltlcKatiue.ondaa nu Injection lur diseases of the Urinary Organs, arising from habits of dissipation, used lu connection with tho KXTUACTH DUCIIU, BAUSAPAUILLA, aud CATAWHA GUAPD PJLLH.ln such diseases ai recommended, cauuot bo surp ONUl)OLLAUI'i;illiOTTI.l:. lassed. P1UCD I-ull and explicit direction, acoompany 1 . . .... i.iin,i. livldnuo of Ibo most responsible and reliable cliarnetcr furnished ou application, with hun drcdsof thousuuds of liviutf witnesses, and up ward of 30.000 unsolicited certificates aud recom mcuOatory letters, many of which aru from ttie highest sources, including eminent I'hyslclaus, Clergymen, (Statesmen, etc, The proprietor lias never resorted to tlielr publication In the ucwtf' papers ho does not do this fiom tho fret that hi. articles rank as macdaiu rreparauons, auu do not uted to bo propped up by certificates. Henry T. Hi'lniliulil'si Kciiuilio I'l't'linriitloiiK, Delivered to any address. Bccure from obser vation Kslabllshed upwards of twenty years. Hold by Druggists everywhere Address Kttirs for lu formation, In confidence lo HKNltY T. 1IULM 1101,11, Druggist and Chemist. ox - Ouly Depolsi 1I.T, lIl:LMI!OI.I)'a Drug and I1EWAUK OF COUNTLHI'IHTKIW, Ask for I HHNUV T. IIULMIIOLD'HI TAKK NO OTIIIIH DruQH and ChoinicalfJ. A GREAT MEDICAL W 'IV Dr. WAXKEJVS 0 LTrOl." VINEG-AR BITTBitS tt Ilundrctls of Tlionsanda Olio S? BcsttfMtmonTtatticlrTVonclor- fi If BM rul Corstlro meets. B ii 2 WHAT ARE THEV? gBg TDXY AHE NOT A VILE J S PAMCV DRINK. PH llidcef Poor llnm, Wldskcri Proef nplrlto nnd Kefuso I.kuorsfloctorcd, spiced nod tt encd to plcmotlio lute, caUod"Tonlc,""Afpcll2 trs." "Bestorcri," (C, that lcd the tippler to to ilrnateimcM and rah., but iron true Medicine, ratio from tie NsUTO RooUand nerbsof California, free iram OIVINM PR 1NCIPLES perfect IlcoOTStor and Invlcorotorof tho Bjitom, earning off nil poliocous natter 4 rottortca tho Mood to a healthy condition. Xo perron csntsko then Hitters nccordlcg to tint lion nnd rcmalnlocg unwell. . Cililf. v lino eivcnioraa larnraLiai-iuiv.iiwn tho lioncs nro not doitrojed by mineral poison or ether meant, nnd tho vital ereans wetted beyond tho total of repair. Fnrlunnmmiitoiy nnd Ciiroclo llhcuinr.. Ilsm mid Gout, Dyspepoln, or Indlgesttou, Unions, neinillcniunuiuieiKi.,.vM. Dlsensc. of tho lllood, Lis er, Kldueys, nnd lilnddcr, tneto Hitter. taTO boca moil tncceet fol. Snch Disease, nro cooled Vy VIHnted lllcoil. which 11 generally prodnccd ly icracscr.ent , DYHPLFMA Oil INDIGESTION, Head r.chc, Tain la tho Ebcoldcn, Cotighi , Tlghtnccs of lio elicit, PUzlncst, Boet rnictatlons of tlio Btomneh, Ead lasts In Iho lionlh, BinonS Attacti, rolpltatlon tf tho Heart, InDammoUoa of thoLungi, ralatntho 1 ;dou3 of tho Kidneys, and nbondrcd other raiaftl iptomcrjo mo cusprincoo. Aijepej-Biu. ini.vintinrnta tho atomach and etlmnlato tho tor- .n iim- and tiowela. which render thorn of unequalled edcocyln dcanting tho blood of all Imparities, and lu'.partinj new nro ana . igor .o .no hhoiu inu. .'ill! .MK IS! tltSEASES.tnlptlons.Tettcr.SaH T lLfcci. notches. Erotr. rhnplcB. rnitolcs, Bolls, Car- tnacles, Cins-Wormi, EcnU-Uoad, Eoro rrcs.nrreir tla'.llch, Ecnrfa, Blecolorstlonsef IhoBUn.Unnierj nnd Ulacaacs ef tho bkln, of whatever natno or nnturo, cro literally dog cp and carried out of tho system In a ohorltimoVythcBBOor tncBouiHcri. vno uouio ii tech enjee Trill conTlnco tho nott Incrcdalous of t'.cir cnratlvo effect. Cleanse tho Vitiated Blood whenever you Cr.d lu lttpurltloa burEtlng throngh tho Bkln Inriniplou, Ernp tloafl cr BorcB i dcanso it when youflnditobetrnctcd end (lngglBh la tho veins t clcamo It whoa II Is fool, and your fcollngs win ten yoawooa. ftwpiuuw pnro nsd tho henlthof tho BjBtcm will follow. vis. TAPE and ether WORMS, lnrUnglntho oystcra of bo many thousands, nro effectually dcBtroy- cd and removed, l or ion uirccuoDs. rcu cotvium j tho clrcnlar nround each bottlo, printed la four Ian CuagcsEngUi!t, German, Trench and EpanlBh. J.TTALEEr., Proprietor. R. II. UcDOSALD t CO., DrnggUts and Gen. Agents, Ban Franehco, Cat,, and S3 and tu uommcrco Direct, fltw lers. fjJ-EOLD DY ALL DKUOOISTS AND DEALERS. octSSTO-tf. n, nnn win. nr. PATH TO AMY PERSON producing n I'reparnuo cniuowuig ""' living Rcnultiopcrman tt cures as Du.l' lTi...n,s title proscription or Prof JO-. P. Fri L 1 11, M. D., ono of Plilliidoliihla's i. Idest regular Phvlclans, xihn linstnndn lthcumatlsm n specialty 37 years, permanently curing with this Remedy tl. In every luo pallenls Treated ; so warranted under cd. It Is a pleasant Medicine, freo from Injur ious Drugs (sworn voucners irom ua owun Prominent phylclnns indorsing Dr. i Itler ac company end. ijottlc). To protect sullerers from risk, nlegnlgiiarunteo staling number of bottles warranted lo euro will bo forwarded without chnrgo tnony porson sending by letter n full, ...i,Vfl Ilnu.rlnil.i nf Ill COSO of f.lllliro to cure, tho amount paid will no reiunueu. bottlo: 0 hollies, 17.10. Medical advice sent hv letter grain. Address Dlt. nil, Ml, O HCOriO. MU KdU 1 rUUIllli micei, i nil a. or No. 70 I BROADWAY, N, V. Hold or obtained by druggists. sepuiu-.y. iin. mt TOisn tn I n i nrm voti. reader, that Dr. U'nnilnrllll fll- nil- nt 1 IPT 111J1I1 . ll'At dlSCOVelCUa umedy that cures Consumption, when tho lungs nro h.ilf consumed, In short, will cure all dlseas- llvo forever, and leao denth to play lor want ol spheiuft blissful Paradise, to which llenvcn itself snail bo but a hide show. You have heard enough ofthnt kind of liumimsgery. nm. m iiai euro. A puinpliletsivlUB syjuiiioius i u i uuiu. In formation s. ut Ireo to uny uuuuss. I Ills rem- Soli" HY JIOST DIUiadlHTS IN ALL I'AltTS ur ...i- nuiiwi 1'iico GO eeuts. Bent by mall, postpaid, on receipt ..r Llriv ,.,.ulu nrfnitr liurliiiiif K for t.VO llolllllS. liowiiro oi luumtTjttu iiii uu...... .......... . Heotlmt my private Blnmp, ulilch is u iwUir. fitariiutce of tlcnuliwncis, is upon tlio outslilo WmiU'tT. i.rfuriunei tti.iv ,n.n ....u ,-. Issiud byllioUuiledBtnlesOoveruiiientcspress ly for sluuiplUB my medlclues, lias lily portrait, nn.l mldrrsv. niitl tlio words' II. H. Certlfi- catH ol llinulncness," enmaved upon It, and need not ha iiilsUken, Don't bo swlmlled by travelers nnd others reprchentlnz themselves ns Dr.Bacol inn. tno ouiy man now iivnu; ui:i. In, Ilia l.'tinwlpilpnniiil rliht to .nnuulncturo tlio Genuine Ur. Bauo's falarrli Hcmcdy, and I novcr iruvei to seiiiuis mcuiciue. T, ... . . . ... .'I. I'. ., 111 Benocil street, llullalo, N.Y s EVEN REASONS AVHY Id the Hk-st Liniment in tiik Would FOH IIOHBKH, FinsT. It is comnosedof tho most powerfol ciNAi Oil., made expressly ior tms iniuicm, I nml inlvoi) liv nil rnllrelv new nroceRS. . Tlll!!l..-TlioubO(if U. 7ewufnii.l iie.ilKilii .i iiiirniiiiftiiH in in nnvonriurruiu iiiih ueiiuLiiui Mtim-INAI. On., which lubricates tho Joints and ( iiiniirlov nml iiimicilhllctv IhrnlLlPI the disease. cnnipels It .to loosen its deathly, bickenlug of PouitTii. This MKniciNAi.Oi la uied for the same reason thai a good mechanic always uses oil to make his machinery work with ease nud precision, ho in uio sume war ine muscies uuu Id IntM of our nnhnnU shouiil he luhricatea if w uili tnhnothetiitrnvel with rnnldltvaud tone. Fifth. .11 Is verv soothlntr In Its action, will not burn or blister tho nnlmnl HUo most of the "n d hot" liniments of the dny, Hixrii, Notono drop ol ti net uro of cayenne or red pepper can bo found In its composition; for we hold that no liniment cnu bo ettectlve which burns and blisters tho animal until the mnueiPH ntn hard and dried almost to n crlsn. wkventh. Every bOltlelSWAltltANTKOto elvo goou Hailsiicuon,fr your iiionoy win uu reiunu ed. This shows conclusively that tho nronrlo- tnr Imvn full roiiildence In this nrenui UllOll, Iho ifA.&tomtol umiiont allow your Mei'rhant to jxitmop miio- , .v " ..,, i,.r,.;,or,1'or ,i.,T ir., - 1 on jou,bututk ur ti, K H. ti. for Jlurici, ana take no other. Hold bv nil druiruists, 11. ii. caiiky uii.. Hoie I'ronrieiors. scpU70-lyl 172 WakhluatonBUeet, New York, TmiLOSOPIIY OP JIAItniAOK. X A Nuw Co una b ok Iectviis, ns delivered nt tho I'cuna. l'oly technic and Auutomical Museum .sjuj ttiriiuuv nu, iitrtw uuuu uuuva Avu-'tiiii, Phlladelnhln. rnibraclnii the suhlectsi llow tti Live and What to Live for; Youth, Maturity anu uiu Agoi jianiiouu vit-UL-ruiiy i.tjiuweu Iheraukeof lndlntstloni Vlatulcueo and nerv. ous nceuuuted fort Marrlago Phllo- sopnicany consiuereu. luese leciures win u forwarded ou receipt of 1ft tents by addressing I'eiTLiitry oi i no i-huusjivujii i uli-i KL'timi Hnh Anatomical Muai.uu, vta Chestuut Ut, Jolil70-Iy, B AllO AI NS-ll Alia Al NS. QUICK SAT.KH AN I. HHAT.I. 1'UOyiTS). HAVK yOUlt MO.NKY, lu to Kast Illoomsbuig, i'u , for nil Lluds of tho best ,iuuiu uuu ."uy iiiimiu v K U II M I T u n n . Trices rcasuuuble and tlio best work done. Jlino-tf ft H m you that Dr.hago't, uaiarr" iweiu-ui inuj ) C tocine tho vrort cases of Caluirh in the Hoad, I only assert that which thousands eau ttbtify to i ..,.11 ff.iin iN.tcnui fi,r ii t aMi that I cannot Olothing, &o. JlEW STOCK OK ULOT1UNU. Fresh arrival or SUMMER GOODS. DAVID L0WKNI1EH0 Invites attention to hl stock of CHEAP AND FAB1II0NA11LE CLOTHING. nt his store on Main Street, twodoors abovo tho American llous Bloomsburg, Pa., where ho has Just received from New York nud Philadelphia n full assortment of MEN AND ROYS' CLOTHING, Including Iho most f.ishlonablo, durable, nnd Handsome VM. a00l)Ht consisting of HOX, SACK, ROCO, GUM, AND OIL-GLOTH COATSAND PANTS, of nil Boris, slics nnd colors. Ho hns also replen ished his nlready largo stock of FALL AND WINTER SHAWLS, STRIPED, FIGURED, ANH PLAIN VESTS SHIRTS, CRAVATS, STOCKS, COLLARS HANDKERCHIEFS, GLOVES, BUSrENDERS, AND FANCY ARTICLES Ho nas constantly on hand a largo nud well-so-ccteel as mrtmciit of CLOTHS AND VESTINGS,. which ho Is prepared lo mako to order Inlonuy kind of clothing, on very short notice, nud In Iho best manner. All his clothing Is made lowcar, nna most of It Is of homo manufacture. GOLD WATCIIIM AND JEW'iLRY, olovery description, flno nnd cheap. Ills caso ol Jowclry is not surpassed In thls'.plnce. Call nud examlno his general assortment of CLOTHING, WATCHES JEWELRY, AC, DAVID LOWENUERO, Bakery anrl Confectionery. joiin a. jacoijY's UAKKRY AND CONFECTIONERY! llEltWlCK', I'ENN'A. Ti.n ,i,,.l,ralfiiMl u-nuld rrsnrctftlllv lulnrnl I Iho citizens of llerw Irk, and Mclnlly, that ho lias opeueu a conieciionery aim imiverj' in ODD FELLOWS' HALL, llerwIelr.Pa.. wheio ho is prepared to fnrulsh an leintis ui PLAIN AND FANCY CANDIES, FRENCH CANDIES, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS ORANGES, LEMONS, RAISINS Ac, Ac., Ac., ,vc. tV WIIOI.KSALF. ANI1 ItkTAIL. Atnnn.r Ihn nssnrtmenl will lio found Cream I Nuts, English Wnlnuls, Penman, Almonds, Fll- I liortii. I'tirrf. Anntfw.t'ofoa Niils. .Icllle1. of dllfer- I ent klnils, Mustard. Catsup, Pickles, Chocolate,! Canned Fruit of nil kinds, Com Starch, Egg Ills- I cult, Hodn Crackers, Ojster Ciackers, cheese,! Koap, writing 1'nper, Agretnun. ropers, f.n vcloiies, FISH AND OYSTERS, And predueo of nil kinds. Fresh Ilrcnd nnd Cakes every day. 1(0 Cream lu Seasou, Yourl patronage fs solicited. J0N 0 JACOuy. Berwick, Juno 17, 1870-tf rtONl'EO'f IONERY, Tne undersigned would respectfully nnnouuee to the publlo mat ue lias openea h FIRST-CLASS CONFECTIONEUY STORE, in tho building lately occupied by Fox & Webb WUero no .8 prepurtuto luruisu n. muu, u PLAIN & FANCY CANDIES, FRENCH CANDIES, FOREIGN A DOMESTIC FRUITS, NUTS, ILUSINS, AC, AC, AC 11Y WHOLESALE OK HJSTAII.. in short, i. full assortment of all goods In his Hue of business. A great variety of DOLLS, TOYS, Ac., suitable for tho Holidays. Particular attention glveu lo Ell IS AD AND CAKES, of all kinds, fresh every day, CHRISTMAS CANDIES, OU ISTM AS TOYS. A call la solicited glial untecd. Nov.EJ. 1SG7. and satisfaction will b ECKHART JACOBS. Books. mm ANEWllOOIC of tho greatest luterestand im portance. Written lrnm a hlKh moral nnd physi ological standpoint, by nu eminent phjblctHU nrltlnc out hlx hiil.Llei nnd dannerous defltuns through onr most sacred domestic and social re lations. 1'uro-mlnded, but outspoken and ag gressive, tne author handloa tho uellcato subjects treated of vithoul gloves, but In such a manner ns uottonilnlstcrtoapruileuteurlotity. ifVuri'iyi ical JCjcneruttonojtfio Jtnce, U t subject Juntly I philanthropists, and thW book. It ii believed, in comnume it mm euu jusi. ui itruiuunun im Ihis renders, A circular sent free, containing lull description and Byimjttl of tho work with bernl extracts, C, F, VKNT, Publisher, ici't2'70-tt ouoiicge riace,f. i. 'A llarrlaj St., N.T. or W. ttli st.. rinclnnnt I.O. If they want the inohtixtpulnraml Ix-xt m-II1iu iulcriptlon tKioks publlhhed. and 11ictioWi. cralterma. Kend for circulars. Theywillc tyou nothlui:, and may he of great bent lit to you. fcblPTO-ly. Washing Machnes. -TJOTY'S AVASUIXO-MACHINE, ATOjY MUCH IJIPUOVIil)-Ani)TIIIi WliW UNIVKUSAIj CLOTHES AVBINQEU Improved with Uowell's Patent Ponble Cou wheel1, and the Patent Ktop.nro now unques llonnblv superior to nny apparatus for wash- Inn rlnthna r.vr lti enled. and will save their coht twice n year, by sutlng labor nnd clothes. The I.dltor if thU paper, who purchased n Washer and Wringer, thus ichtlfles nslo their value t "U'olinvo bail In uri In our famllv for somo time past, one ol Doty's Clothes Washers aud Wi Miners, nnd are prepared to bear testimony as to Its merits. It Is emphatically n labor-taviny tnncnine aim uorsus woik in u ionium moroujfu msnuer. Pur f.imllUs who have lare washes theso machines wonld bo Invaluable," Colum. in AN, Jan. 11, lbTU, PIUCES-A TAIH OFKEU. if tho Mprrhnntsln vournlnce will not furnish. nr send lor the Machines, Hend us Iho retail price, wanner nu, iura ringer v, u wo win ior ward either or hoih machines, freo or f re lull t, to places where no one Is tvelllnt;; nud so sure are unllu'V will lift liked. Hint wo nurue to refund tho money ir uny one wishes to leturu the ma- cnines ine oi iit-imu, uuvi n iiiuuiii irmi, uc cording to directions. No binlmiid. father or brother .should iwmtf thu drndirerv of wahhlmf with tho hnnds. flit v. two days lu tho year, when It cau be done better, more exneditlouslv. with lest labor, and no In. jury to the garments, by a Doty Clothes Waher, Hold hv dealers generally, to whom liberal dls. counts are mado. H, C. HHOWNINO, Gen. Auent, H2 Cortland Hlrcet, New York. octT'TO-tf. SUSO Iter Mfllllll. Tim litt iinMlmr Imnlr nvwr iublUhed. AGENTS w ho hell our now work, 'LAIN DOME TALK AND MEhl- UAL COMMON BENSE, have norotnpetltlou. 'Ihero never was n book publUhed like It. Any body can sell It. Eery Jxtdy wants It. Many irntuts uio now uuiklug from S3 tO tntlLVl nor iiif.mli ki-lllnir Ibis WOllder. ful book, Slpago Descrlptlvo Circular seut free on application. Wo waut pood live Agents; men wno can luny nppnt'iaio ine iucrui oi inu wm, uudthefixct lhat It meets a universal want. Agents who desire to do good as well as inaku money, yuuiress, , Wici.t m.f (n 411 Ttrnninn Ptrtet. New York JtiUlU nil or iub., i . , rod ftutl Obit li fl moftd. If ko Is -j fuiiort. with Ulr uianU. aUsUiBC OUf tianta. Na btliara trukUnanU. Hot lhat lUoulJ U uwJ. ruouiartj MBUiur irtiur un, iriiras,ii.iivi CantUttUun,Vi Awl. bt 1'fuf. IHlUin. tit W, H 4lb SlwTCliioiLaAU, U , u4 lit, lirvent, fct CdirWla, M mk. 1 Mtowlililui V r .HV n U i fl r Hwlr nvt B 5 Ti VmJtU. D ula uiHifutiV'- a Dry Goods & Groceries. HAND OI'ENINQ GRAND Ul'Kilinu GRAND OPENING GRAND OPENING GRAND OPENING or FALL AND WINTER GOODS, FALL AND WINTER GOODS, FALL AND WINTER GOODS, FALL AND WINTER GOODS, FALL AND WINTER GOODS, consisting ol consisting of consisting of consisting of consisting of DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS DRY GOODS, HATS AND CAPS, HATS AND CAPS, HATS AND CAPS, HATH AND CAPS, HATS AND CAPS, HOOTS AND SHOES, HOOTS AND SHOES, HOOTS AND SHOES, ROOTS AND SHOES, ROOTS AND SHOES, ItEADY-MAPE CLOTHINel, HEADY-M Allli CLOTHING READY-MADE CLOTHING, READY-MADE CLOTHING, READY-MADE CL0THIJ1U, LOOKINtMJLASSEH, LOOKING-GLASSES, UJOKINO-OLASSEH, LOOKING-GLASSES, LOOKINO-G LAtiSLM, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILH, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS, GROCERIES, OROCERIES, GROCERIES, GROCERIES. GROCERIES, IJUEKNSWARi: tU KENS WARE, liUEENSWARK, lillEENSWAHK, O.UEENSWAHB HARDWARE, HARDWARE, HARDWARE, HARDWARE, HARDWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, HALT, SALT HALT SALT, SALT, FIH11, flHH, FISH, F1TH FISH, GRALf AND SEEDS, tlRALs AND SEEDS, GRAIN AND SEEDS, GRAIN AND SEEDS, GRAIN AND HEEDS, Ac,, Ac Ac., AT MoKELVY, NEAL McKELVY, NEAL McKELVY, NEAL McKELVY, NEAL MCKELVY, NEAL CO.'S, cos, CO.'S. CO.'S. co.'s. Northwest corner ot Main and Market Streets, )Torthwesl corner of Main nnd Market Streets, Nortbwest corner of Mnln nnd Market Streets. Northwest isomer nf Mnln aud Market Streets. Northwest corner of Main and Market Streets, BLOOMSBURO, PA., BLOOMSI1URO, PA 1ILOOMS1IURG, PA., IlLOOMSUUlta, PA., HLOOMUBUllG, l'A. IRON AND NAILS. IRON AND NA1I.S, IRON AND NAILS, IKON AND NAILS, IRON AND NA1LH, In large Quantities nd at rcducod rates, nlway I ou .1UUU. i - Tin: nnu lion iihani), BXtAOK ALPACA Is superior to all olhers in color, quality and priuo; to bo fuund only ut M. P. LUTZ'S Dealer In Pry Goods nnd Untlons.ln IJrower's new butldlni' next lo tho Court ilouso. Main litreel, Illoomsburi;, Pa, mayU'TO-tf. jyjILLEU'S STOUE. FUEHII AHIUVAL OY HUMMKIl GOODS. Tno subscriber has lust returned from tho cities with another large nnd select assortment of FALL AUD WINTER GOODS, purchased In New York nud Philadelphia at the owest figure, nud which he Is determlued to soil on as moderate terms ns can be procured else whero lu luoomsburg. Uls stock comprises LAD ItS' DItESS GOODS of the choicest styles and latest fashions, together with a large assortment of Dry Goods nud Gro ceries, couslsllng of the following i rttcles Carpets, OU Cloths, Cloths, Uassimeres, Hhawls, Flannels, Hllks, Whllo Goods, Linens, Hoop Hklrta, Muslins, Ilollowware Cedarware Quetuaware, Hardware Boots and Shoes, Hats nnd Cups Hoop Nets, Umbrellas, LooklugGlasse3, Tobacco, ColTeo, Mugars, Teas, Hlco, Allspico, Glugcr, Cinnamon, Nutmegs, AND NOTIONS 13KNKUALLY, In Bhort, everything usually kept In country stores, to which ue luvllts tho attention or the public generally. The highest price will be paid for country produce tu exchange for goods. H. II, MILLKH&SON. Arcade ilulldlngs, Dloomsburg, Pa. Q C, JI A It It havo Just received from tho enstoru markets a largo and well selected stock or DRY GOODS, ooshibtIKQ or Cass liners, Jeans, licit bleached A Hrown Musllus, Calicoes, Tickings, Table Lluens, Cottou A AU wool fluunel, dC, Ao., A' good block of. Ladles dress goods, Latest styles a patterns. SpUus of all kinds, -Good stock groceries, (JueeuBWiue, Stoue wuro, Wood A willow ware, Flour A Chop, Also Kitchen Crystal Boap fur cleaning Tip, Urum.ic. AU goods sold cheap for cash or pro duce. He would call the attention of buyers to his well and carefully selected assortment which comprises everything usually kept In the coun try, feelkig confident that he can sell them goods at such prices as will eusure satisfaction. Nov.e.'liO-tf CO. MA11H. JJUY TIIK 1IEST. lusuranco Agencies. Q. L O E MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY NEW YORK. Pliny Freeman, President, II, C. Freeman, Beo Cash capital oyer 2,000,(XX),nll paid. J. 11. IIOHISON, BLOOMSUUlta, PA GENERAL AGENT, For Luicrno, Lycoming nnd Columbia counties. Aug. SO.'09-ly, JNBURANOE AGENCY. Wyoming I170.00U V.tno. I.UUO.OCO Fulton .............. - m,W) North America 3W.TO0 City - International 1,400,1)00 Niagara 1,"J.(XjU Pulnnm rViO.OOU Merchants , 3.10,000 Springfield - S70,(,'O Farmers' Danville 51X1,1 00 Albany city -. MUx Ijincnstcr City ao.lXsl York Horse, Death A Then...-. M,(XX) Home, Now Haven 1,000,000 Danville, Horse Theft FREAS BROWN, penf, ULoousBUca, Pa mats CO-ly." Hardwaro & Cutlery, JACOB K. Smith. J, II. Rei.tzhh, gMlTII & SELTZEB, Importers and Dealers In Foreign II A It D W A R E, aUNS, CUTLERY, AC, NO. 109 N. T1UKD STFI'.ET, An.CALbOWllILI., PHILADELPHIA. Nov. E!, C7-tf. Faints, Glass, Ac. HIST NATIONAL WHITE LEAD, IJF-'iT, I'UItnST, AND CHEAlTiJT! BATI8 FACTION ClUAltANTEHI) l-'or WMittenpsd. TJnrnT.ltttv-. anil ItrllllAn k) t II IIU3 III tiimi. nom uy nu ucmcrs in rant is iiirougnoni IJAUKEH, JIOOUE & MEIN, HLxcrssoisS TO T. MOHItlH TlillOT i CO. tiulo rroprtelnrB. I'lillaOelphtn, ra.t lHiikTH lu all Uluda of DIIUC1S, OILH, PAINTH, OLASS, DViaiUriH, AC, AC, r H Caution, Owing to tho ivvputnrlty ol our "First ISntioiiQl white land," oilier parties huvo teen Induced toollirn nnu- iiuuHiirtiuio uLiif riiitibaiuo name, "inu re fore Hewnre ot Coxinterlciln. Tho k luo la put up lu txlnv heavy tin paint potn, wltii patent mctnlltc wlro liandlcH, BARKEll, SIOORE & SIEIN, Ou each lnhel. Forisalo by mar2570-ly. MOYKH UIIOTIIKIIH, IllooinBburg. $10,000 OUAIIAIVTKK RUCK LEAD EXCELS ALL OTIIEU LEAD I 1st, For Its Unrivaled Whiteness, 2d, For Its Unequalled Durability, lid. For Its Unsurpassed Covering Propertv Lastly for Its Economy. fiJ-It COSTS LK8S to nnlnt with lliw I than any other While Lead extant. Tho name weluht covers MOHK KUHFACE, Is mom UUi; AllLE, and uiake WIIli'EU WOltlC. 11UCJC LEAD, is tho Cheapest aud Evjf tllW GUAIlANTEi:. BUCK 55INO EXCELS ALL OTIIEU ZNCH Ht. Korlts Unequalled Duraidnty, 2d. For Ha Unrivaled Whiteness, ltd. For Its Unsurpassed CoertngProeily Lastly, for Its Economy, belug the CHEAPEST, HANDSOMEST, ano most DUHAI1LE White Paint In tho world, it U Y ONLY UUCK LEAD AND BUCK ZINU: THY IT AND BE CONVINCED. Satisfaction Guaranteed by tho Mauuf.ictuuib, BUCK COTTAGE COLORS, Prepared expressly ror Pnlntlng COTTAGES, OUT UUILDIN (iS of pvery d herb tlon, FENCES, Ac. TUIUTY-K1VK Dll l-KK-ENT COLOliS, Durable, Chtnp, Uniform, and lieautliul shades. Sample cards scut by Mall if desired. Dealers Orders will bo promptly executed by Ihe manufacturers, FRENCH, ItlCHAUDS & CO.," N. W. Cor, Tenth and Market Streets. Philadelphia MOYEU BROTHEItR, Agents Jan2S701y. for Dloomsburg, Pa. MiscollanoouB, QAItlUAQE MANUFACTORY, Bloomsburg, Pa. M. a 8LOAN A BltOTlIEU Havo ou hand and for sale at tho most reasona ble rates n Bplendld stock of CAltniAGES, BUGGIES, and every description of Wagons both PLAIN AND FANCY warranted to bo mode of tho betd nud nuvt' iiu nblo materials, und by the most cxwrlenaJ workmen. All work sent out from tho ot.iV lUltiueut will bo found to boortlm hlglast elns nudsurototclvo perfect satUfacllon, Xteyhuie nio u Hue assortment of SLEIGHS of all tho newest and most fashionable k t v U well and carefully made and of thu best mat Jul. Au Inspection or their work Is aelud n 111 believed thut nono superior cau bo found lull'1' country. Nov. '.'y,'ti-tf. 7AUMKItSI EXAMIHB AND BUY T HE O K I G I N A I. , IlAUail'H 11KINU Haw Conk Phosphate II All others nro Imitation, A u a II ' R HAW IIONK PHOSPHATE OF SUI'EIl IilJIJ. MARK FALL, 1 670, Thls Mitnurt u mode of Haw or Uid'Orn-J jmues, ricn in Nltrogeuous mailer, uumw : : OU of Vllrlol, preaeutlug the ltom.phoM l "1 , a highly soluble aud quickly available Jorum1,: I thA Atiitiintilu 111 Blirli nrntHlfnnuli.lii.lil 1m prompt and vljtorous action ui on lliecioj. I Wlipro llUllltllil Plmsinlintn u a..,. Hill nnut HentsOll. IllH I Hill rut I m u will. mi i t.rit t'llO !.ra Hint. IL will in nlttlalt. lta' v. nUU tlon, We request all in need of a FtrllUr I BAUail & SONS, MANUKACTL'lItllS, Orricu-NotOH. Pclnnuro Avuiuo, l'lULADKU'lIIA,