xi Opolumbian Bloomsbnrg, Friday, Fob. 10, 1071. .MlTJ'J'NlllU. (U.W Park Ilnw.nmi , ;nVi .s tt;'V IV'.'' u-'iv.,'.'JI,:i1V.NoV,';" I,nr, Btroct, cob i,,IK1I!,M(."-,N.a m -li"lnt Hlrekt.nre oar only nuthorlicd Agents In 1-iitlndclpliln. tf ' Railroad Timo Tablo. .. LACKAWANNA A IlLOOMRtltlllU 11. It. lining Nort h. OnliigHoutli, t:WJ P.M. 6:10 1". SI. C'ATAWISHA It. It. FllOM ltUFEUT STATION "oliiR North. Going South, i . i, ur.in .m. If n premium wcro ottered for twc legged nsscs, tlio drawer would bo found among tliose Postmasters who return n lmpcr to llio publisher without giving moniiuiooi mo post ollleo. Pilot.'. J. W. Fiuttici: will deliver a free Iccturont the Hull of tlio Normal School on Tuesdny overling next. Sub Jcct! Culttiro of tlio Student. All nro Invited to nttend admission free. Jin. J. U. KNtTTi.K.of CatawlsM.ln forms us that his extensh'o assortment of dry goods is going off "Ilko hot cAkcs'' sinco ho advertised thorn for pnlo at cost. Although Mr. If. intends leaving Catnwls;a hu will not leavo tho county, Next Saturdny Is tho dny n.xctl tinoti by many second advcntlsts for tho end of tho world. The Uloomsburg Court iiouto Hell lins been soundlnir mliiia turo imitations of the "crack ofdoom" for somo timo past. Tin: bill to erect a now county out of imrt ot Luzerne, to bo called Lacka wanna, has been reported favorably bv tho committee to whom it was referred. It is said tho bill will pass both Houses. Tho Constitution requires It to bo sub mitted to a voto of tho pcoplo of tho county to Uo divided. Tin: IXuivlllo rntctllgcnccr bays 3 con SKinELlias.t Cow that gavo .1,307 o.jnrts or milk between January 1st, 1870, nnd samo date 1S72. Somebody in Chester county has a Cow that gives milk eo rich in quality that UN only nccesirv to stir It with a spoon to change It to butter. Truly, a pair of valuablo Cows, ir true: . Spouting. At a recent shooting match at Denton, a largo black Hear, weighing about two hundred pounds, was won by Mr. Romt M'Henuy and another gentleman. Wo understand it is their purpose to put him up again, nt OratiRCvllIe, on tho 22d of February. A Hear dinner, or roa9t, Is also prospec tively discussed. lion. Isaac E. Hii:sti:ii died of para lysis, at Lancaster, on tho fith Inst. Ho was a lawyer of moro than ordinary ability and u politician of thostrictcst In tegrity. Iloonco represented Lancaster county In Congress, os a Whig, but at tho timo of his death was a member of tho Democratic National Committee. IIo was highly esteemed lu all tho rela tions ofllfo. We understand that tho Uqntblicun newspaper of this placo has been sold to Messrs. I). A. Buckley and J. II. Philips, who nro to take possesion on or befoio March 1st. MeEire. Bkadley & Oor.no.v havo purchased tho Montour American at Danville, of which thoy aro to tnko Immediate poiscMjlun. All tho gentlemen concerned havo our best wishes for their pecuniary fcucccus. Cour.T commenced its February ses sion on Monday last. There wore but few civil suits ready for trial and thcro was no criminal buslncssof Importance, except tho poisoning caso from Catn wissi. Stuausseii, tho defondont, was acquitted. Application was then mudo to havo him hold to keep tho pc-ace. In tho Liquor caso from Fishing Crtek tho ury rendered a verdict of not guilty and that tho prosecutor and defendants each pay half tho costs. Vendues. Tho following vendue Mies aro announced, to wit: Wm. It. Demott, Madison township, March 1, 1871 farm slock, implements and produce. Isaac Doterlck, Montour township, ltbruary 2Sth, 1871 farm stock and Implements. Samuel Williams, Mifflin township, March 1871 farm slock and fanning Implements. Estate of Daniel S. Vanderslico, Mt. Pleasant township, March 21, 1871 .stock, farming Implements, etc. J. W. Yohe, Minilnvllle, March -lib, 1S71 horses, c.Utlo and farming imple ment!,. The Dl'rectois of tho Bloomsburg Hanking Company linvo secured tho servleesof Mr. II. II. GnoTZ.at present Teller In tho First National Bunk of Hloonisburg, as Cashier. They havo also rented a room In tho building of J. K. Quota for a banking house, and have contracted with Me.-srs. Schuyl ei: .t-Fisiieu to build n dressed stono vault of a very substantial character in the same. Tho Bank will go into oper I atlou about tho Urt of March. An earnest effort U being mado to I annex Hazleton and adjacent parts of Luzsriio county to Carbon. Tho nconlo of tho latter county seoin to bo unani mously In favor of tho project. TI10-.0 of Luzerne, except tho parts most con ccrtied, aro oppo-.od to It. An utitlnn nuxatlou meeting was held at Hazlo ton, but tho other side claim that It did not express tho will of tho majority. i"KM in tlio caso would seem to do- I'nainl that a voto of tho pcoplo pro poied to bo annexed would bo tho pro. ll'r iriuuuai 10 Uocldo tlio quitIon. litXULEY'rt Natural HUtorv. n i-inl. t:il buok for tho family. iho above work, exhibits In 11 series Iut lucid descriptions, a view of tho habits of tho beasts, birds, ilshcs.und oilier living beings of tho globe, with lino latu discoveries bv Acassls nnd oth ers, and many interestliiir anecdotes bv I Hov. Wm. Blngley, M. A. It Is in 0110 largo octavo volume, substantially Ibuund, wllh 1010 pages nnd over 1000 engravings. It Is deeply Interesting tu All classes, and will encourntro tho vountr I to heed and compare, and elevato tho mind. It has tho endorsement of nnr I best educators. Professor Troll Clreeii, "C Fusion, Pa., nays of this work 1 ilioso who keen us uciuia nted with Itho animal world, by furnishing us -noons of tho character of 11 111? o v's pVatural History, descrvo tho hearty thanks of thoso who would keep ullvo ?ii 1110 heart of man, a lovo for tho fvorks of Cod." This work, Issued by A. II. Hubbard pf Philadelphia, Is bolng Introduced bv Etuv. M. E. Cross, who with his books is ommended to our citizens. THE Tun Uncivilized llflCfci of linn. Ik- tho Rov. J. O. Wood, M. A. Tho only authorized unabridged edition pub lished In this country, Thoabovo work, from UiN author, Who has a high reputation as a writer on Natural History, Is now Issued In two largo volumes, of near 1700 pices, and 700 spirited engravings. Tho au thor 1ms traveled among somo of tho races noticed, and has gathered facts from ids own researches nnd from tlio most recent explorers, scattered this many volumes, scirco and costly, and presented In a systematic form, tho va rieties of character which occur among dlll'orent roces. Ho gives a complelo vlow of tlioman ncrs and customs, tho physical, social and religious condition of uncivilised races ur men throughout tho entire world. Tho drawings and scenes of lifo Wcro taken by accomplished travelers and artists, and bear internal ovldeuco of being truo to life. This work will bo of deep interest to tho scholar, tho wri ter and the man iulcrcsted In religion, commerce and tho Improvement of tlio world. In tho family circle, It com bines entertainment with Instruction, and tends to tho Improvement of tho mind. Willi this work beorolilm.ono can visit all parts of tho world, and gel accurate information wliliu in tho quiet of homo. Tho ablest literary men In this eoun try endorso tho work, and it comes at less than half tho prico of tho English edition, whilo It is a full and complete reprint. Tho Itev. M. E. Cross will receive or ders for this work, and parties who de sire an invaluable work, will do well to patronize him In tlio present canvass. Standaiu) Family Booic-Tho ltov. M. E. Citoss will recclvo orders for Smith's Hlblo Dictionary, issued by A. H. HuiniAiti), Philadelphia, Pa. This work has tho endorsement of all Scholars and Dioceses, and is Juit the thing for tlio famlly.tho Sabbath School work, and tho Blbio Class, and It can be furnished In a stylo and cost to suit all classes. LOCAL XOTICi:S. Loan Association Bonds (blank) lor saiont tins umce. MAlill is hclllnir snlcndlcl lea fur S1.00 It Foil Kent. A room in tlio Ooluw Man building, tuitablo for an ofllce. Apply at this ofllco. tf ve advise our friends to buy tho New Family Sewing Machine, they aro durable, easy to learn, adapted to all kinds of family sowing, nnd not 11a- bio to get out of order. For s.ilo on easy terms by J. A. Doran. Maiiii is selling best crecn coffee for 2octs. It Notice Is hereby irivcn that tho un dersigned, Wm. Kiieameu, respectful ly invites nil nersous kiiowlntr them selves indebted on Book account or ioto to call and scttlo tlio samo beforo or against tho 1st of April next, and savo cost. Lumber and grain taken on book account until Anrll next. Set tled nt Eyer's Grovo by WILLIAM ivREAMEU. Eyer's Qrovo, Jan. 27, 1871-ot. Ir you want wheat or buckwheat Hour go to Marr's. It Foil Sale. A farm containing 70 acres, of which 60 nro In good cultiva tion 1110 oainnco iimucreii. a com fortable dwelling, n frame .stable and a good water power on tho same. Locat ed at mouth of Stony Brook, on public roan ueiwecn urangovmo aim ljigiu Street. Prico $2.000 $300 down and balance In thrcoequal annual payments with interest. Address Wellington H. Ent, n5-3m Bloomsburg, Pa. Mark is selling all goods very cheap. The dlffercnco between tho Singer Sowing Machines and others Is they havo all tho Into Improvements, are mado of tho best metal on tho most op proved mechanical principles by a largo and responsible company, who warrant nil of their mako to glvo satisfaction. Moro than 11 vo hundred thousand of them nro now In uso and tho demand Is increasing. For sale on easy terms by J. A. Doran, Agent. Mauh Is selling whlto drips syrup for 1.00. It Dr. Saoe'b Catarrh Beincdy Is no Patent Medlclno humbug gotten up to dupo tho Ignorant and credulous nor U It represented as being "composed of rmo and precious subslnnccs brought from tlio four corners of tho earth, car ried seven times across tliu Great Desert of Sahara on tho bucks of fourteen camels, and brought across tho Atlantic Ocean on two ships." It is a simple, mild, soothing, pleasant Kemtdy a perfect specific! fur Chionlc Nasal Ca tarrh, "Cold in tho Head," nnd kindred diseases. Tho proprietor, It. V. PiEiici:, M. D., 133 Seneca street, Buffalo, N. Y offers a rewind of f.'OO for a caso ef Catarrh that lie cannot cute. Sold by druggists, or sent by mull for sixty couts. marriages'. I.OltEMAN MILLEIt la NnioIJa oil tho S.I ult., b Ivltr Kwuuk, X.KI. Mr. UhiU'ii I.ori mnnof l-'mnltlfii lownltip, ColinnbU county, to MIsh Polly Miller, or IUis.li lowusUlp, No.-tltuiitlc-ihuiil C. IllIOAPS Ein LE-On tho M nil., ty IK v. Win. J. 1.it, Mr. t'linlU'Hll)H)iul.orlintiklllltoW) hhlp, to Mlh4 Mury Juno Erik', at Locutl town Mhli, CulumMa Co. lUVEN-MininV-On llicW lilt, l y Ill-V Wm J. ryer, Mr. t:iiarUn Irvt-n, of Muton, l'n. to Miku MatU C. Murryot cuilnslfcu, Columbia ri), KI'I.LI 11-DYllINa-Oii tho Ilh ult., by ltov. Wn.J. I jir, Mr. William ICilKr, to MUs Mary Ami 10 ring, both of Lo?unt townnlilp, t'oluiul'la co, WIIlTE-M.aKE-nn Monday mniue. feb, ttli.nl Ihe luusoof lU'V.H. L'ulllR, Illl'ulawNhti, Mr. Itkliaid (I, While, of Mauch t'liunk.to.MUH Mary A. Mugec, of tlio fealnu pbicc. DEATHS. VOUMJH In rnlrnuiunt.on Hie 1st ult.. Jvsbo Youngs, nt-d 7J 5 tirn,5 inonttm ami 11 iljyn. MARKET REPORTS. Illooinbttr(; Market. Wlieat per l.iuhcl Hyo t UoruoM " " new " " "" O.its. Klour per barrel ".V Cloveroeil I ui u (.0 ii . . . ui 11 10 .... I 61 40 ; ...... w . 10 is ...... 17 ...... 18 ... 10 U taiim tatjii t:w Iio no ...... Kaal 15 CC ro 7 UI 1 00 Maxi.cea nutter - ..v;; Tallow, Fotatof8 M. -,M "'" Prloit AppleH limns Hides unit Hliouluom H m Irfiril per pouuii Hay per ton I HON No. 1 Hcotcti pl( No. II " " llloom ,..M. LUMI1EH. Ilenilock lloardit per thoiiftand feel , Willi . " " ' (nuolni Jolkt.rlcanlllnit, l'lank, (Hemlock) . Hlilugles, No. 1 per tkounalul HiiiinK " n. I:;'..'.";,;"! tffCSai IILANKH promptly prlnteJ toolikr, WVSi onany nuullty ul paptr, at tlilx Ullku iTTOIINinH1 IILANKH of nil kinds piomrtly A pud luutly prluttd oiifetipeilor isiperut tliu lotl'MIUAM Ulllce. COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA MILMPTISKMENTS. J CI!, ICE, IC'I if Jon wnitt wlml li pitro nnd It Atnrtnnuablopr rollow no now uov Hut Rend til n If- ui h" da'o'o" '"rg0" OT put ftbiOTJ, C1IAIILE1 KOI19TEI1. ItKADY PAY STOHE in itouiusnuiui. Oil nilil nflpi. tnri.h l.l (c?l nn.,..m. at lower raloi tlinn over, strictly for can anil ready pay. In rn Iinxtho nttenllon or my A" ! I"1,1 rm'ly ly loin I Ueslro to ub. ronnoof.nn extm linnd. al. Wo ilo moro bii.l nesi Willi l cnpllnl and jm-e Inlerot. 3.1, Wo XnB' '.i',V.1 '? nbnvonro deemed aufflelmt. ... i Prpn Indebted nro rrquevlod to nottlo JXf L' I'i1 rir.'j.J' ,ny. "s TboMilworlbcroiierS for knlo oi.um reel Inch plno lionr.i,i,i) fict Hemlock Imuran with nn nMortinciit brother iuiniicr,cii''iii torcioi n.N i, n. liLAci: HolireWic, Vcb. W, ls7Mt iiijAlj , p U 11 h I O 8 A h E In piiriuinncn of nn order of tlio OiplinnV Court of fnittiiibla county, tlio uiidcnlzncA Exo. cuinr in inn into win ami r.ninnn.. ... ltlcliariH, latoof Cainwlsva towushbi, In tald county deceased, will expose to public biIo on tlio preiiil.eii on tit UlMliA Y Iho I'd day of March nc.il, at 10 o'clock in Iho rorennon of mild day, tho fill bin ln described real ratlito tn wit I All tlint cerlal.l trnct or plcco or land altuato lu Ijciut townhlp Columbia couuly.coutalnlus Til HUE HUNDRED AND FIFTY ACHES mora or iem. tunown ns tno Esther rornnco .i.M.ij j, uu.nnicii nun ucscrineil as lollows : On tho west by lands of Join, lll ler and others oy lilt us orueorco Krelsher nnd olhers, on the south by lands ol Jomthan llonstnnd nnd others fho Improvemculs on Hald lands consists of good nWELLINGIIOCHEH.IlAHNH, WAOON, 81IEDS), COHN CHICS. TtU BYES, Ac Tlr; n!il land will bo sold lu tracts of such sUo in, in suit inirciinscrs. Tkkmi of balp. Ten rer cent of II. n in clui'p money to bo paid nt Iho utrlklnir. down ... im i.iiqii-ii, nn, uiiu-iiiiro oi mo pur. ctmsG loonev less tho ten nor oetit. In l.n nlif ...i tho 1st of Aplll.A. H. 1871, when possession of I'.viiiiav ,iii uu Kireu. uno-iian oi mo nai niieo ot tho purcbaso money to bo paid on Iho 1st d.iynf April, A. 11. lt7.', n.nl iho bnlanco or the ixiiciiiisu in uopaiuoiiiiio isu tiny or April, A, II. JS7.L M till llllernsL mi tho Lwo Inst nnvm.til rrn.it Iho 1st day of April, A. I. 1W, pajnblo annually. I In) uraln lu tho Krulind Is rosered. Purcbnser ui I'liuiiaMrs in iny loroeeus nnu sinmps. Late th9 claloof John Hlchardsdeccaseil. , . . HAMUEI. II. UEAMElt, Catawlss t, Feb. fill 1571. Executor. P2 imuAitV. what tiii: ritnsH hayh. llm Uenilln .) Dhimtch snvst "Tho wt-ll kix.wu Mipcrlority ol MHHI.Kll'.S IHIIlli Ilir IKIlSWill H)l.ro ll-i tlio iKCCKNltV ii f finvini'iini. thlntt nt loiitftli In mvor of thlH mnglcnl Tonic niul Siimuhuit. Wlicrecr thU IIHUth U bost known, It mteU with au ohtouishing Halo, 'I his is tho cuse in our section nf tho country. There itln cn.tR In this cliv wheio tho moht riiltril tuns lmvo heen t'lhctetl In tholco dliieanf8 Lures wlicii i no uesi piiiin-ians could not illect, Illlll UO kllOW Cit knri'M nf futvilllcit Iaiip ntnt iiinoiiK tlio number), who wouM not ho without piruuuu KDiTiy o i in1 ureni iioudioiti ltemcjy for finy consldcrntlon. JiCt c cy f tally In Iho land ktcp It on hand.' Hold by nil to il pectnblo drujisUts. Trlco ouo dollar per buttle. Uuansvcrablo Arguments. INUibllshod facts nro Hllcnt nrgumcnls which neither pen nortonguo cnu hhnke.nml It ltunou csldbVihcd factH that tho reputation of llostet- icr'fl fitomacn lllttcrR, ns n uc.iltlt-piescrvlue elixir, nnd n wholesome nnd powerful remedy, li based. Wheu witnesses coruofunvnid in crowds year after year, nnd rcltcrnto tlio hnmo state ments In rclntton to tho beneficial ellects of n mcdlcinot;ofifAcmtct'iT9.dl&bellefln its elllcncy 1 UtcrarVy imjKtsitlc, The credentials of thW un cqunlled toulc nnd nlter.itlve.extondlng over a period of nearly twenty yearn, Including Indi viduals of cery class, nnd residents of every clime, nnd refer to tho most prevalent nmong the rompljlnts which n fillet nnd harass tho humau finally, Klther a inultltudo of people, htrnngers to each other, having auuunlly been seized with nn Insane and motiveless dcslro to deceive tho public, or Hohtcttcr'a Hitters, for no less than n llftu of a century, havo been nllbrdlng such relief to sufferers from Indigestion, fever and ague, blllloubucss, geneinl debility, and nervous dis orders, ns noother preparation has ever Impar ted, To-day, uhile the tyeso the reader arc upon tfusc lines, tens of thousands of persons of both tsexes nro relying upon tho Hitters ns a euro de fence ng.Umt tho nllmeuU which tho present t-easou eugeuders, nml their conildeuco Is not misplaced. The local potions which Interested dealers sometimes endenvor to foist upon tho blclc in Its ulcad, nro every whero meeting the fato that Is duo to fraud and imposture, whllo tho demand for Iho great vegetable speclllo is con fctnntly Increasing, TO TftK WOltKINU CLASS. Vu uro now pre pared to furnish all clause's with constnntem ploymcnt nt home, tho whoto of tho timo or lor tho fpnre moments. Umlness new, lUht, nud protlluble. l'crhuus of cither hex earn irom S'tc, to S.i per evening, nnd a proportional sum bv de voting their whulo timo to tho buslnots. lloys nnd girls earn nearly ns much ns men. 'that nil who kcq this uottco may &cml their address, and test tho busslucH?, ho mako tlio unparalleled oiler i Tobueh as aro not well satlsiltd, sv will send SI to pay for tho trouble of writing, Full particulars, t valuable bamplo whleli will do to eommenco work on,ndntnpy of 'Xhe Jople't Literary Comjan&rt uno of tho I.nue&t and best ftunlly nowspaners over published all sent froo by mall. Header, if you waut permanent, pro;. Itablo work, address i:. U, AIjLKN & CO,tArQCTA, Majne. fpUli XKW OUK iav.hoic Tilf: 1 tirAsii'ioN of wmn: hui'Hkmaoy AflAIN.Vr Hii: WOHM.-A KUt.ST.CLAh.4 VAUUT 1'ACIU 1)1:MOL'HATIO VLUKL.V,ehtab llslied in U.VJ. S'i per year; Si for Mx months, Subrscilbo for It. J'or specimen coviet, address ! "IlAY-liOOK, Now Yuik City." 1 DU. H. M, FlTcU'M Family rmuiciN; uj paces', Rent by mall tree. Teaches how to euro nil diseases of the person : Kln, hair, eyes, complexion. Wrltis to 711 lhoadway, Hew Viuk, C V M H KOU oUlt I'AMl'lILhT TO AlJVlilt- uruN ) 'ji.Hints. irico n cts, cjko. i. now- aa. iUii, -10 larl: How, N, Y, IJUIGUS A HHO'S ILLrSTHATinntDKSCHIl'TIVilCATALOaun (IF M.OWMt AM) VKfJKTAIlLH 81 V. UK, AM) MU-MMKH 1T.O WKHIMU HULlis. yon 1&7 1. Will bo reudy for nuiilltw by tho middle or Jan uary, notwithstanding our great loss of type, pa per, t'ngm ings, ilc, by lire, wlilclt destroy oil iho Jobl'rlntlngoiilcoof the Kocho-ster Dei locrut ami Chronicle, loth Detember, lb"0. It wilt bo printed on a most elegant new-tinted pnper.aud Illustrated with ueaily I'm: llu.ii:iiij OuiaiNAL Kngkavinus, And two finely executed Colored l'latcs speci mens for all of which weto giown by uun-elvts Iho past hen son fro mi our own stock of Heeds. In tho orh'inalltv. execution and extent nf thorn- gruvlngs li is unlike nud eminently m per lor to unv other Catalogue or "Florul (luido" extant, Thotntaloguo will consist of 1 IJ4 I'ageK,nud ns soon as published will bo sent freotoallwho ordered Heeds iiomus by mall tho last noasou. io mucin a eiiiirtieoi it eeuis per copy win no mado, which is not the nIuo of tho Co luted Plate's. Yt assure our irlends that tho induce ment weoIU-r to pmehaherH of Heeds, us to qual ity uL'd extent ol Htoclc, DNctmuts nud Premi ums, nio unsurpassed, 1'leaso hend orders lor Catalogues without delay. oi'K CoLoitrn Citp.0310 roit 1&7I, Will be leady to scud out in January. TheChro ino will lepU'heiit Porly-twu Varieties of bhowy and popular Flow eis, of natural sUe nud color. We delgn to m mo it tho best IMale of Flowers eer Ihouud, Hi?e. lUx"l luehts. 'Iheietall value would bout least Two Itullars; wo bhall, however, lurulih it to customers ut 7 j tents iter copy, una otter It us n I'lt-mium m unoideu for Heeds, hee uaiuiuiiuw Hiieii mil. 111 tlOlH llllurilEIt, llo'lirstir, X. Y. IOOI1 l!Hi: IIIK-'VEdErMII.E 1tl-l Tliu uU ktiiiiiliuil ii'ini'ily fur riitliflm. t'i)lils,t'oii hiiuiitlutl. 'Wutitny btttvr." t'LTl.i:! Jlllus. .V Co., jiuaiuu. Ul'lfAM'M IlKi'Il.ATtiTlV I'llWTTnil.-lu.. iiiovi'S suiieilttious Imlr lu tivf mluuu t. Willi out ti.Jiny to tliu .kin, ht- ut hy unit I lor gt,'.lj. Ul'lIAM'rf AS I'll MA OUllK llolicvcs nioftt violent luirovyhius In lie uunutca mill olli'fts u MHftlj uirf. l'llcu fJ by urn!!, Tllli JAl'ANKSK J1AIH STAIX Culurstl.u Mhlslccisnnil luilru lifautitul iii..u'k or uikiM'.n, It corbliU uf only ouu pri'iiiirutlou, :j cciiu by mull. AiIiIivm h. (;. ri'll .M, No, 7:1 Jtiyiu Mrcit, riillailt.plili,l'a, L'lrculnrs nelt Iri-i. holi by nil DrlliiijUtii. $5 TO SlOl'KR l)AV'S u hu i-uiiagu 111 i.ur new busiufhi, ui.iku troiii H to $lu ptTilii) lu tliflr own luciilllli's. I'ull imrt leu liiuiilut liiHtllictlous sent Irt'ii tiy lilnll, Tlio.se lu nml ut prrmuiiMii, pioUluun wink, kliould mlUrchS 111 nuce. UEOKUl. K'llhMU.N A. CO., I'ollluuil, .Miitui'. K.M1M.UYMKNT J 'OH Alii.. Ijoa HAE.VIIY fEll WKEIClltul eXicllse.s,p.ild OuU AcPtits, lo bell our new nil I usi-ful dUtitiv Jium. AdillCM ll.HWEEP A CO., Miirnh 111, Mloll. AtlKNTSl HliAD THIS. II WILL I'AY AtlENTS A HALAUY of fJU '. 1 i-r w-i-tU and exiiciu.es. 01 allow iLl:ir..'ii i-oi.i- llisitioil, t.i tril lll'tv illlll WlllllieriUl HlVt'll llous, Addruan 21. WAUMEIt .V CO., Miir.lulll, Mlililiiin. ilrciu';i).ir, l)sYCllOMANcf, Any Jiuly or ifnitlenuin cill I tuukii SI,ua)u inontli,hi.mtro tbulr own Imupl. uess anil liiiliii.'udeiu'i, by otitnliiliu I'Yl'llO MAN. V, FASCINATION KrSl'ULClIAltMINO, 1U0 p-lgiHt elutli, l-'ull llislriictlous to tut tills powtr iimt men or iiuliuuls ut will, how to Mus tuerlzii, l.iTouiu Trance- or Writing Mediums, DlvluuUon, Hidrlttiallhiu, Alclietuy, I'liUosophy of Omens and lireii ins, urlutium Young's llurem, (lulde toMurrliise.Ai'.tUilcoiitiitut'it 111 this book; luj.iiou soldi price by mall, In cluili 8l.il, paper eoNcisgl. NuriiK. Any turkou wllllim 10 act ns uuiiit will receKe.il sauiplo eopy of tbewolk lir, Ah hu capital Is riqulled, nil desirous of uculerl einplojmtht bliuuld enit lor llm book, (.ucloslni; 111 cts. for pnhtai-i, to T. W, EVANM a Co,, 11 Boiilh Mh M i'hlladelphlii, cimiiiuw. now sniA.Mii: 1 The Murru ii iMtllea J'i tvtttv IvinjianioH (vontnllis tliedcklitd lutoi million. Hem free lor tM o hUlups Address Mus. ll.Miriy.UElt, Hanover, I'J, Jairfl'7u.tf QASH SAIiAltt ICS PAH) AflliNTS. w e wmn 10 employ n lew Mood Atcnls to li trisluce nn entliely new nrtlclo. Utukcs like who uro. i.ery Loily wnnlslt, This Is 1111 1 1 u 1 1 1 I bile bill 11 It Ul Ll lliuli, l.iiwlli.kri ,.li,l..rk,..l I. ir ...ii. must prolillllunt Inen. Addles (with stamp) . . J-UJ-fH-fKS, WAItllKN CO., JdiiOTLIm, ;t'lllsilcld, Mass, NNUAL HTATKMENT 01"' Ti'i R Jf? P 'i J ' I ?T 1 1 1 CT OK JlfjOOM, JAM UAlt Dd, 17,0, TO JANUAUY 2d, IS7I. Rak(U)isUlcllllStUn'TrCail,rcr',n ftt,co"nl To tolnl nmount i-creHod Itluam Iwii., oh dupllcato of 18t.it. 1 ' To totaf nmount received Hloom Iwn.. on dupllcato of 1870, 1 1 To tolnl nmount reeclvoJ (Jrccuwooa ml p, on dupllcato of lwo, To total amount rnrclvodof Scott twn. on dupllcato of 187U To total nmount received Bugnrlonr twp. on dupllcato of 187 1 To total nmount received from nalo of grain during year 170 Ilnlauco due Jolm A. Funstou Trcn.s'r 2.171 83 l.COO 03 2,119 83 470 85 SOI 12 1,011 57 10,HH 87 By nmonnt of orders redeemed In 1870 " " Treasurers commission 1 hereon CO,) IS 87 2'jO 00 S 10 ,1 9 i 87 On exnmlwfttlon ol tho forcgoltiK nceount of John A. Hi union, Treasurer oi lmr district of iiiuuin, wo imu ii correct, January zut, 1S71. jAcon scinm.Kii,, n. , JOHN A, h UN'SlON WclorB. Hy rcf(6st of Treasurer, wo havo oxnmlnod n Is neemmt nnd find it to be correct, January 51. T. HYP.HTjY, II. It. DlllNKi: Attilltors, WM. l'HACOCK 'UK, J "ilF0.K?...0JL.r.,.ll? 100,1 'V ACCOtlNT ul!.r.l.!..T!.).VN?,lII S IU.OOM, Hutirr, OilEE.WVOUl) AND HUOAItLOAl., TSM. To nm't of Jupllcnlps for yoar 1S7J. To llloom tuwnililp ilupllcnto SJ,? m Heott " " 2 Mil It", " (IrwtiwiKKl " " "oiil i'i " Hugnrlont " 'mi jj M lllil't recclvnl fdf i.psln nn.l ,M.A.i..nn sola ' " 'tor"l"o? 1,110 ttQm u,00, "plicate " balnnco duo Dlroctors 301 12 l.W 51 S7.I 17 tO.WJ 1)7 Uy exonerations on batanco ol llloom. " dupllcato forlsei, (nddltlonil) " coin mission ontt,'4io.Kjr,9 4tii.rceiit. " fnvltiK fund cxcinptllons exonerations on dupllcato for 1870 ' commission on percent rxneratious on Hcott ilupllcato " commission on I2,"7,s.7., a (i per cent nm't . duo from Urceuwnud twp, on dupllcutp for 1870, (uncollected) cxonerntlousou Muxarloaf dupll. ClltOlS,!) " commission on 8103.17 5 per cent. ain't paid Auditor ' !! " Llrectors Ralary 1 yenr ' Jacob Schuyler, Hec'vl yr, .. ..i!!oAi '"unstonTres'rl yr ,m.ll. Huberts stewaid 11 months '.'. '.'. J,"0 A.!llJ' stew'd 8 m. " J110M aideu 8 m. Lunatic Asylum tn Mulch Is.lM.Marcdlth.lllooiil Barali Mace, tScutt ou real cstato and Interest thereon on bonds redcem'd Interest 011 outstandlui! bonds to April 1st 1S70 " " llrndley.llordciiprlntliiB otilsldp relief lu feaiah Ucclitel, llloom " " " outsldorelleftoCatlinrluo Lonir, llloom, Eecured by lnortKHiso 11 mucrui expense of child IromHugarluaf " " " matrons, .Mrs. Urcdo and Mrs. Eakcr " " "rcpatrstnbulldlncsWcH.ti! " r. , Heber medical at tendance Jny l'rccxo Alty fees to May, IfeTO " , " ", mls'llaueous expenses lneurrcd durliiK tho car fur sup. noil of p.iuicr, work on farm, rarmluK uteuHlls, inecliauies nni inerchanls' IJltls 10 01 M is 0 00 l! li 111 31 17 W 12B Vi lid 19 7 13 11 7s li Ul 111) 01 ro 00 2j0 ill M2 M 111 00 m to 210 no 11 a 7.V) IX) 20 00 130 77 0 (0 l.il 20 23 20 i 73 100 00 t ifl)2 it; Jnnuary 2Istt H71.-i:xaniiuea atul ccrtltled. M. T. KYRUIA ) V U. DKIXKKIl, y Atulltors. nr.AL E8TATK WITH ItnCXNT iMruovi:- Jiy Knrm nnd 1)ii111iik vnluctl nt ' Heimirs to buildings Ac. " llouschoUl furnituro " Farm utenMN " Horses, caitlo nmUioprs " JIny. craltininlf(ki,i..r 2ATi 20 1M (X) 275 00 U-Ki 00 1. 20 1 (-0 11 2 acres of hoatnmi Hyo 8 2U0 W) pllontp. ( less s'sonerattons' and Coin's.) IUt, 310 0) S 10,511 CO Dnirra and LumiMTiix To bnlanco on farm " IntorchtoiiisiimoOino',. " nrdorsoiitstniuUnjr " Jolm A. runitou. Tro'n.. over paU ' hal.iaco la favor of district 8SO0 no :wi an 2)7 90 ,m 57 n.ioo 5;i ?10,.jlJ 50 o) 2T. SO vuomrcTa of taum, is:i. 10 tons or hoy & 10 l')7 bushels of wheat (ft 1.10 070 " " oatH50cts. 8iM " " corn earn C3 40 cts. ;j.io " iotnt(e(yi.oo lj " " ijuckwlieat (5 i.eo ,i " " bomis ra S2.nu XXI fM 1 fir) (I 00 m m IV2 10 8.i (K) 2fl 00 iyj oo $-M27 SO COO heads of cabbneoffi) locti, 1 IJX bundle. of com fodder 8 els. .M DUnUl.11 Ul I) V Uutlcr. vpk nnd vegetable Llvo block raised STANDING OFTOW.VSUIP.H WITH DIPtTUICT, iirnoi township. raid ilupllcato of IMj'i W.WA T.i 59,11) cr Paid dnnlicato 1S70 In full S.M71 S3 Cost of keeplnjf pnupersof jtinom inuue up iu district J 1,700 llloom townrhlp over paid ill No, of pauperji from llloom twp, 1 " " " ' In asylum 1 outsIJe relief (Mis. Ikthtlejl hcott TowKsiiir. raid dupllcato of 1S70 2.110 SO raid cost of collection over Worn i. or ltco.remalnlnsduo district "l.W Also pension of IScwcrsworth, not rem rim i No. of paupers from Scott t , No. of naupces In ahylum from Kcolt 1 hUOAKLOAr tUWNSHll'. Tald duplicaloof 1S70 I'aiil cst of colleellon over Itloom of romalnlnu duo dlslrlet 1.71 No. of paupers from Fintruloaf )no dfcpaseil, hppt. 1S7U No. now lu tho Poor Houso nnnrNwoon townsiui. Atnnunt of duplicate 1S70 231 l'l " paid on nanio 1.W0 00 ltalnneodua district les.s ex onerations and couuuUslons SI70 iVJ No. o f paupers from Clreenwood t p. 1 " " " applied for relief (not In yet 1 AMOPNT OK taxatiu; niomitTV roii l'OOlt I'lMtl'OsCrt IN I.ACH TOWNHUir of tiii: rooit insntiiT ok itmoM ah ri:u i.ati: ahixsmknt. Township of llloom $7S7.7I1 00 recoil xs,vtn uj " " Greenwood atl.121 to " Sugnrloaf 00.S7.T CO Jl.aTZ.K-JS 00 10 mills ou Hat no (less czimeratloi. commission KKIITH ANI LlAllir-ITHN. JI.VJ78 34 $1,51 00 filO O) 27 01 j,o.ii fi7 H.ilaneo on l-'arm lulerest ou samo Orders outstanilln Amount due Treasurer 811,171 17 Showing tint ass-ssment for 1 STl will pay all Hi.hllltlfx (iml Icavu n baljmo to hu nipllcd to tin. support of tho J'oor. No. of paupers admitted In the I'oor- Houso during J er emllni; Jan, H, 171. 19 No. t paupers lei t durlnii ear I No. of paupeis died during year I No.of paupers itmallilns lu Poor Houso 11 In compliant-it with tho requirements nf Act of Assembly Seeilnn 4 ol Puor House law, the directors miko the fiUoMlni npp'tliiimcnts to nerve one ear Iroin April lhi 1S71 : John A nil it, .Steward I'htllp Jieawal ami wife, Asststnnti Ir, Jacob Hchuyler, '4Yvauier I harm's Connr, StentaryA CUrk Vol, lolinO. Freeze, Attorney Mil rl I n (, Wood..nrd,('b(rt'crf r litot-vx tirju O. P. Hnt, " tolt .1. IK Wilson, " tlretmroeil Itlclmrd Kile, M " buyuitoa January 21, IS7I. JOHN A. lTNM'ON, JAt'iU ht'IIL'M.l.lt, Micelori or tho Poor dUtrkl oi lltoom. fib.TTMt. j.j c, ii o w i: n, has opened a tlrst-claB HOOT, BUOK, HAT CAP, AND WW -STORK, at tho old hlaud on lrtin Htreet, IlU)nuburk,afew do(irsabo the Court llotuo, Hlsfclocklscoiu ixnsedofthovervlatebtHt.il beststles ever qIIlt. el to IhoeUUeiuot Columbia County. Ho can ueeommodato the public with the follow lug good at the lowest rates, Men's heavy doublu soled stoga boots, nun's double and single tap t.oli-0 Kip uoois, intu s uvuvy siugu hiiuta until umus, men's rltio boots and shoes or all grades, boy's double soled boots niul.shoea of all kinds, men's glovokld lialmoral shoes.meu's, women's, boys'a nud misses' latlUK gaiters, women's gune kid PolUh very llne,wmien'iuoroeeo llalii'oralsanj calf shoes, uonuu's very Hue kid buttoned gall era. In short boots ot ull duscrtptlous holla peg gcd and sewed. He wouU nlso call attention to his fine Assort ment of HATH, CAra, PUUS AND NOTIONS, which comprises all tho new and populai varl etlesat prices which caunot fall to suit all. These goods aro otleied at the lowest cash rates and will bo guaranteed togtvo satisfaction, A rail Is solicited before putchuslnj eUewheie as It Is believed that better baigulns aro to bo foiud than nt any other place tu tho county, lleo. irii7 $300 WSIt MONTH. All re rons. young or ohl.d(lrltiK nn ploy. P mtnl, nt iH.io (iM..TIlltl HHUNl'ltllDS 1U1 liAltH I'J 11 .MUrVlJl.HiGUhl tlthirtSS hi liiiliicdlatelv. (llll.lt A aid, row iiiitu iaUuuis, Matshall, MUhlKun, Jau.tj'Tl.-ly VALUATION Ol' III3AI. USTATI! OI' C'OMMIltIA TOWNSIIIPH. IllflOM M IlKllWICK llRAVEIl Itn.NTOtf HlttAlirilFKK CATAWIKSA ClCMTRE t'oXVSllllAM t'KITIlAI.tA I-'ISIIINIICUKIEK.... I.'ANKI.I.V... ORKKNWOOD IIFMWCK .lACKSON IICUST MAtWK MtlFt.tN MT. l'l.tUIANT MoMTOUK MA11ISON OlllMlK I'l.NK.. IIOAIIINOCHERK.. Si OTT , HL'UAIII.OAr Total O.nVi IS.'illH! "l,'Slb'i a,(io DTI), I0).2. II 1,1 IS 12(l,-)lil 297,2111 20,772 281,001 4112,012. 102.2H3 117,7211, I01,ltW 2,ti7.V ltv..rvi s.oio, in.-t.oio ,' I M,.'.70 ami yuj.vw 7 s io 00,111s ijim 17l,00Si 11,102 10.3,111 1 nisi 13J.ISJ,, s ra 1W,.W) I 4,101) lJ.Vo,l 2,000 (l'l Un' 1 11 x,.,1 siiliw: 12310! I, 11 1 I 1001 , 2580 f 1,0,177 f 00,800 rnewThA MvV.Vnr nmouuior cacnKina or ciiwn or taxablo proper y n co mnn nf " Rtocks of any kliul, nti.l that M hero tollio In.TbyholS lort thai occa- V".u.1" ."p.re"V.K.vcn innt mo uomily. Commiwionern. kIUIdk nn ft Itonrd of Ilnvlnlon. Mill or u o Act of J7tli July. 1811, ami lo raiso, reihice nnd cnim ir.o tho samo nrrorains to law nr.ryrRJ.0Vy"',,0h0 of Hrlarcre?k, HerwlcS niS I Vine! fcoSJuy. Uth for Pr nr1H0dflInsccUUe!lll,Hu Jackson nml Mount I'loSiant. WlnMliyV htli Vr."nK.M.a(l80,."?mleK.-oup"rnna Ccntro. Thuistlay. lam for BeolL iiiiir. 'taini' iViWifS rV,.CKU0ftn 0cJr"P"UOn' u'J "vision Is ooiiipl, to J 111.2771. it IJ1. U. li R.EALJESTATE- SALES- pniVATE HAhK. OK VALUAllLU HEAL a Tlio subscriber oners for sole, upon rensonablo terras, loo ACHES OF PAltJIINQ LAND, about fcirty of which nro cleared, nml under good eulllvatlon. 1 here Is n j oung orcbnrd or choice niipln tlees nnd scvcrnl cherry trees on tho liremises nnd thrco sprlticsurBoiid running wa ter, Tho land Is situated in Hemlock township, tolutnbla county, niljolnlng lands of John Hprlnitcr, estalo of Ifmry Ulcclitiilller, nud olliers, ALSO, A TIIAOT OF TIMUKIt LAND iiinr tlio above, containing about forty acres, well timbered with chestnut and other wood. ALSO, A LOT OT OltOUND, adjoining tho lorccolng, containing about F1VK ALU1.M, whereon Is erected n 11 L A C K S M I T II S II O I', favorably located for business, a Dwcllin l'ratno Htnblo nud other oulhulldlugs. House, Tor further partlculaiH eiinulro of I'LThlt H. lIHUaLril, at the premlsc3. Jui.l3'7Mm PUIJLIO SALE -O F it i: a L V A L U A 11 1. E IlSTATIl. The undersigned offers at public salo on tho pietnlses, on ilondny, February 15, 1S71, at 1 o'clock, about 00 ACRES OF VALUABLE LAND, situate in Ponton township. Columbia county, bounded by lands or Klizabcth Kllno, Daniel Hbultz, Jacob Ash, Jacob Pelshllue and others Plfteen Acres of which I cleared land. It also contains n good j oung orchard, A FBAME HOUSE AND BARN and n. never falling frprluf: of water. Also a ilrst clasH HAW AND LATH MILL. Tho balancoof tho tract 1 heavily tlmbcied with oak, whlto pine, Ac. For terms, conditions, Ac, apply to the under signed, 'iho actual number of acres will bode tirmlned by surey. ueuion, juu u, l57i-u WM, API'LEMAN. LEGAL NOTICES. A DMINISTKATIUX'8 NOTICE. ESTATR OF FHF-PEIUCK NAS, DEO'D. Letters or admlutstratlou uu tho eslnto ot Frederick Nass, Into of Heaver twp.. Columbia county tlfcM., iinvebecu granted by tlio It twister if salt! county, to Mary Nass, of lteaer town ship, Columbia county, Pennsylvania. All per hniiH having claim-, or demands against the decedent tno requested to make them knowu,aud thoho Indebtid to make payment. MAllY NASH, JanUU'71-Gw, Admlnlstratilx. A DJIINISTItATOH'S NOTICE. JTL JTATK OF C11U1STIAN lttN'UKl.SUN. UKC'D, Letters of administration ,lth tho Will an nexid, on the estate or Christian Hlngelsen, late ot Uoarlugcreck township, Columbia, county dee d., lmvo been granted by too Ucglstcr of said county, to John 1. Houck, of Uoanuycreek twp. AU peiisous having claims or demauds aKatust tho ut ( tdt nt are requested to make them kuowu and those ludebtod to make tuiyiueu JUIW it, UUUIK, .Ian :ni-Gw, Admiulstrator. ADMINISTItATKIX NOTICE. -STATE OF JOHN II. WATTS, DKC'l). letters or admlnihtiatlou on tho estate et John U.Walts, lato or Ccntro township, Columbia county, Ueo'd,baebeen grand d by the Iteglster ot tald county to Peulmu ll. Watts rtstduig lu Centre township, Columbia co. All persons having claims agulusi the estate or tho decedent are leijtusted lu piesenl them lor settlement, and those Indebted to tho estatoto mako pay ment to the undcislgued,admiulstratortullliout delay. PLM.NA ll, WATiri, Jun'j'TI-'Jx. Admlnutiatrlx. piCTIT JUROBS, I'OH Fi:U 11UAUY Thltil SKCONU W1XK, Ili.ooMHitnn PamuelSUttlcr, 8. II. Miller. Hi vn.N.-Jdlm u, Dildlne, Thomas 4bbln. fctnu iu;. John f. Lvans, Oeorgo H, Wtlls, (.korKO ll, Tbompsru, H, I. Kreas, HriAKCULKK. L)a Idbliatler.jr, Caiawh-sa. II. P. Chuk. Chuiles WUimltk. Ci:TiiAi.iA.-Jnmes Kcaly, U. W.Melllek.Thos. O'Connor. FiiiiitMjCKKK k, II, Sft Aromtirann, Henry Hartman, Pihnki.in.-J olmArtky, Jacob Pnydtr. UiiKhN wood. Cyrus Demott. Loul'ht, Albert ilerbtue, MiFi-LiN.-Hen ry Yohe, r.iishall. Blown. .Mainb. Josi ah !immlng, John W.hhuman. Moniouk. Llo jd l'ttxcn. Maihson. H. K Itunnjiiu. O. C. llunnyan, MoU.nt 1'i.kas AST. Joiih V. Vaiulti slice , sr. OitA.NfJK. -Hiram II. Kline, U-ear Aclunbach. PtM. Fianels P.Mnslers. HV'uakloaf. Wahat Haivey, Hentv C. Hfss fceoi r Jaiob Terwllllge.-, Chatlts Lee, Jauici Lake, T JtlAL LIST, POIt ITltltUAUV TKltM, lS7I. Robert aorrelUs. Harney M'llreahly, tt. al. David lh aver vs. Maillu Al tlauhen. t har'es II. Wilhelm, ct. nl, s. Michael Woods, Mlrh.n-1 Uruver, ue. vs.Havan-o a liriaht. Mlclnil drover s. bavago A Itrlght. Jost-ph Miller H, N. M. Campbell, 1'hoiiiHH Hy vs. Wllllim Coleman, U. h, 1'uwUr vs. George Kinky, Miarpltss A Ilaimau vs. Chanes D. Powlev, Mt'kbi.ili Millet's Adnir's. s. JUIas Ueieor. C, H. Ponltr ak. Jesfeu D. lthv, r, 11. Itowman, et. al. . MnnaiuFa llowmnu. IVlir llajinaii, uo s. Juioh hluiiler, Lt ul, bramlulf A Co. vs. M'-Nliu It A hl.umau, Hat vev i . Hess b, baintul Cuasy Admr. oah Mouer'i, uu, vs. OfOigoHtrav;ssor. hhulu.v 1 tllli. to n vs. Allied J i wine, Wm. A K1U e,s. Jimut. V, Ulllusjite, Kline V .M 'lit in J H, J, UU hb ids V Co, .luhu '1 i'i uer s, Diiulel Kuydc. Jititus V. uillusptu s. Wm. A, Kline, K.I nl i Yvig-t h. D, it. Johnson, CUmeui (l.Ulckilts' Admr. vs. lUid Hwettiy, et. ul. Jotjdi H Kline Vfc. Charles Hownrd. I'athar tin- Abbott . William Abbott, Is.uu Crwluovs. Philip Ort, 1 1, al, Wtst Itiiini'h Insurance Co, vf, Thomas Ticnch. lU-tt Millanl vs. Abiahum Kllno. John uno . Haudeisou Hrgciibuch. Lewis J. aujiuh y. I Uhlugcitek hchool DW triet. Wm. A. ase v", Moses Coiluian, et. al, hlmuu WuiUh s. John Hotlmuii, Joseph J. l raw lord vs. John Johuson. Jauieo Lans . Ueoru Iteliord. Jeumlali llugeubuch s. Philip Utt et, al. Nicholas heybert vs. Daniel F. He Lett, Josr-ph It, Hinill. vs. Z, 11. Khun?. Mu nay, AiuUek a. Uaudalls.'lbelmperlal Plre ltuuruuce Co, Murray, Alulack a UaudaUs.ThoIinpetlal Fire Im.ur.iiKo Co, V. Mendmhall vs. Ileury U Ort. Jeremiah h, Kuily s, Jacob hehuyjer. Kebeeea Nuglu's Admr, vs. John Cain, William At lers. Thomas Farver, David Wltmlie, Kxecutor s. Dennis ilrluU, Charles llrown vs. Joseph H, Vandersllce. Cannon A llio. s. Whlmyer A Jucoby, Josejth l'aiuey s, lteubuullellus. AGEHT3 VTattol fcr Twclre Tears ssis Wild Indians Hains. Tlio reiimiknblo adventures of tlio r.inious WIllTllUllIKl'lind lllUWAltltl01tHinoullia lltdbklus, Thtllllin! iiccouuisot Hunt lliiuts, Hull lu i'lidlli Lhcnie nnd Terrible t'lintasts Willi the hlKWiiuonndiioklllotrlunj, Klilriltddescrlp. linns oi Ibu hnblls nud superstltluus nl Unit stniiuoii'oiile, TlielrniHiris, I,miknih,'Iiuiu. think. How tliojr Wuosnd Weii, hCAi.r.iiucTou, V uihiiii;. if, w, l'n sli and t'oi.uliir, I'mi K I.iiw. II Is selllnuliy tlio iliousHuds with on. ilcrful rupld ty. .Bcnts uto tuuliitu! fiom J5il tu llvu i.t uvtk. Choice Held yet vacant, Hernial oiiio for siituido clniplers lIliHlriitlons and tmr llculiirs to A, if, JtUllllAlin, I'uUllshcr. JuulTIMf, 4UUUUislitulbt., flilln. 2011 HAI.lToU aENT. Iho proptrty In I.Ulitrilrcol, CtilnmbU I'oun. ly, liiinMUBS tli"Wuluui llutil," l for nile or unt on luisuuablo terms, IllootiuLurJnii.SO, I'tVi'!' 11It0ClvW.'ciil, AXI lTUSO.VAI. I'HOl'KItTV COIIMVISIO. 7,70 0,0) fin.otv J1.TJO. 010 4 2IOi S,37S 4,732 2,.',l, 4,2!17 I 1110 IWi. I.DH0 ,1 s,ia 1 4.7IW 4IJi 1.7-.7, 7.S10 2'iD1 3. HV1 4, I0, 2.52) Mat :,rm 2.001 2,111 n.tir, 8,011 mm! H0.r.0il $700,7011 171,107 110,00s 112,009 3:10,112 209,A u; r S,UV, 1,4 10j ""ViiiV Binin n,i'i 0.2i-, 1 ilusof 8 c; 5 0. 520 70,0071 11,111), 23,1 V15 5,IHKI 6.211 Hurt 10,410' 1. TOOi 12,700 4,081 ioas H 101 2,112, ten 7,lllli n,n' 7,176 S.II01 11111 12,07! 1 l.Wttl H,HKH ,HS 22,521 (I.S.VI 12..V.1 L'.IHl1 K,0,0 1 i.hio ,22J 4,021 A 7 la ais,7.si. 401.317 200 ""o?iV 100,t40 1S2.1IR 1.42) 2.0C4 MS, J2i,7ll 2I1I.IUI 1S8.SSI fllli 1.3551 "i'ii'S1 02, W ai 117 iii.sn 211,122 l.WJSH 102 327 182,510 IIH, 70i 61,715 III, 713 10,2110 00,075 6,ot 10,12?! 6..1S.V! 0.7S.3 I 3.K1II ' 2.IO0 I 211,010 1.SI5 181 1.ISJ an 3V1 2.0S1I 4ll 12,2211 .'1,3)2 WfiOO tlm KI,Wu tiVMI 1100.(00 $5,379,822 28 2; . liUIL'K, rmklentoJloanl Rail Roads, f7AOlCuVA7NNA'ANU 111,00 jlf. U 1IU1U1 IlAIMtOAl) On nudrtjr Nov. 21, 1870, Passenger Trnlniwlll run ns follows: (Joins North. OoIng.Soulu. Arrlvo Arrlvo Lcnvo Leave p.m. p.m. i,m, n.m .... V.U 2.1j 3.25 C.:0 Lenvo .... 0.1 1.5') 3.50 0 ... 8.15 1.V5 4.11 7.211 ... H.3.1 1.17 4.211 7.2!) ... 7.V 12.3D 4.44 8.115 ..... 7.2:1 12.01 3.11 Ml ..... C.5') 11.33 (.40 0.07 ..... 0.10 11.0 0.10 0.43 Lcnvo Lenvo Arrlvo Arrive .... 3.30 10.40 0.40 10.20 Scrautou I'lttston Kingston Plymouth Hlilclisliluuy, Iterwlck llloom Dauvlllo Connection mndo ntKcrnnlnn liv llm in 4(1 n m trnl'i for Urcnt Hend, Uluitliniutou, Albuuynud all points North, Lost nud West. U.T.lJOUND.Snp't. NOKTIIEItN OENTRAIi KAIL WAY. On and nrtor IJoccmhcr 4tli 1870, Trains will leave yuNBUttY as follows t NOIlTHWAIil). 1.S5A.K., Dally to Wllllnmsporl, for Klmlra lannudnlKun, Uochcsler, Bullalo, Husneiiskm llridue, and N. Fulls. 0.59 p. m., Dnlly (except Hundnys) for Elmlra ano Iluirnlo vin I;rlo Hnllwny from Klmlrn. I. 55 p.m., Unlly,(eiceptHuudays) for Williams- port, TItAINS BOUTlIWAltD. II. 03 A, M. Dally (except Monday's) for Ilaltlmort WILMINOTON AND rillLADKLPIIIA. 11,25 P.M. Dally(oxcoptSunday,B)forUaltlniorc W ashluetou and Pnllndelplila. KI). S. VOUNO, .. uenernl Piisseuger AgcuU Alfked It. Fiske, Oeu'lSupt., QATAWISSA RAILROAD. 10. WINTEH AltltANQEMUNT. IS lMssonser Trains on ttiHrond will run asfol-1 Matt Smth. STATIONS, Matt Xorth Lv, R.O-j n.m 0.OJ " U.40 " 111.21 " lll.H " lO.li ' ll.l 12.SI p.m 12.11 " Wllllnmsporl, Lv, 0.23 p. m 5.53 5.10 " 4.3) " 4.12 " 4.01 " 2.53 " 2.20 2.10 1.43 " 12.53 " 10.10 n.m, 8.15 J.U5 p. m. 12.00 uoon 0.43 tt. m 11.33 0.00 " 0.00 ' u.to p.m Milton. " Iiauvlile, ' ltupert. " t'ntnwlssn, " Hlugtowii, " Kummlt. ' O.unlcnko. " 1J.IS i.:io 4.2.3 3.15 7.00 1.25 2.11 5U 2.55 K. Mnhouy June, " Uine.Tnmno.uii, Dlue. ltendlus. " l'ottsvllle. " ' Philadelphia. " 'dlno Mnuch (Juuuk, dlue" ' Ucthlchcin, 1 Pliiln. vialiethlehem, " ' Knstnn. New York, ft. Liberty st Ml " vial.. AH. It. It. !- 0.53 L. valley 11. 11. " llobtou, M 5.50 a.m. Pnsscnuers tnklr s tlio 8.23 trnln from William sport, v. ill havo two hours In New York, lor suo- Eer, and nrrlvoin IJoston nt 6.30 a.m.. eleven our- lu advance of nil other routes. New dny coaciics necoinpnuy all trains bo tweeu Wllllamsport, New York nnd Philadel phia. Trains run throueli by daylight. OEO. WEnn.Supt. EV FIRJI AT ORANQEVILLE IRON FOUNDRY AND AGRICUL TURAL WORKS. GItLAT IJlrnOVCMESTa IN TLOWS AND TlIItiaillNO MAC1IINEH. Mr. Jacob Trlvleplcco liavlln; purchasod the interest of Charles W, Low In the aboo nnmed w orks, tho business will bo continued under the firm nnnioof William hciil'vi-ek A Co. Huvlna discovered several Iniperlecllons In the plows manufactured In 1670, they bnvo streugtAeucd nnd Improved them, nnd added somo entire new pallcrns. They Mill open the sprlnn tradoof IS71 far In ndvanco or anything oer otr.rcd to tho public, being both practical mechanics, and hnv ing their work ull dono under their ouu super vision they guarnnteo their work superior lu material and llnlih to any heretoforo ollercd. Dealers should not accept of any other agricul tural Implements until they have examined, our Mauufncturo. Farmers should try our plows beforo buylngnuy other. They also ronnufiictllro ALL KINDS OF CASHNUS, usually mado In first class Foundries, snw nnd gust mill castings, mado and llttod up to order, THRESHING. MACHINES nro mndo a speclnlty, nnd somo very decided Im provements bnvo been Introduced into their ma chines. Prices lower, than over: nil kinds of country pioduconud old Iron token luoxihnugo Older dliectlioni tho iiiauuf.iclury. Old ngeu ctes supplied during tlio winter, Address nit orders to WILLIAM BCIIUYLEH A CO., Aaiticui.TuitAi. women, OHANunvn.Lr: COLUMI1IA COUNTY, PA, !ioviv7a-tf. I N E G O L 1) AND S I L V E R W A T 0 II E S , AT HALF lT.ICi:. Oenulno .KCniitt Hold Hunting Cased Watch es lOents nml Ladles' Mines), rcgiilnto 1 and war I'!!!ll (?r '"""""id wear (nt half the usual price) ON I.Y 5.. KAt'lt. ' 77ie ptinFmt Quality, lfi Carnt Oold, lluglno liirncd, HuutliiB I'nsid Full Jewelled Lever Movements, pcrleclly adjusted to nil climates ttrfuniinf), and intli wiinantedbysi.oclul cerllf icaie,ATo.Ni.vsioi:Arit. ' ' The Maine, t. J iner and higher grade, Willi ciro. noi.utcr Jlalaitee. atsOiai ii. lye tame, at fjitt, with Fine Nk l-kl Wouks. aiirf.Wcm.uindii; ami iatms AUucuiunt, miutr- ,..l,",;,1.'l',w"uluUui1 l'y 11,0 btetn.uNLV . cj t. c 11, 111 the 11I01 c IlufoV.l ciro ini( 0 ha' mtce. nnd cat It warranted lor llmo nud wtnr. S I I, V 13 11 W A T o it 1: s , jweSlgi'L'e'v'erA'T M'r""8 CUC"' r"U IMni J-hie Uualitti, Pnlelit Lcets nnd tliro. jo"ai" Muvn,tul.'"'y JewellcdVAr i.m"y ,!r,'.!uny.l'!u',H nr? "arrunteJ.niid " pern ct will bo taken Link nud money returned, ..STll" "."";' " MUNM INAIiVANCf, but i iH '.Li,",""1 ,y 1'l'i-""l'iiblo on delivery, vi III; privilege In open nml ixaiilllie betom pifj fur, by paying l.xpriss chaiges.nnd If mt satis, f.lelory, utuined. Places while 110 llxpuss runs, good, will ho sent by.M.Ui.ln nuts iml pni . iiigo, liy sindlllgftt'.h lu advance, P!.l.OM4oilliEKtNnHI WA rrill.S AT A TIME. Wiy. JIECLIVI! AN LxniA W.lU'lt Ol- SAMK VAL- Aim i'iOI.n r7f.l7.V.VSeht),nt to. ES lo S12: LadliVnt 810, Jl to Sli each. Ubo llne.t (loht Plated una Oroldollold Chains at 2, 4. 0 to ti Hiate description nud prico uf Watch rooulrod and older by mall direct from "-uiotuireu, . ..... 'I I": UNION WATCH CO.. JnnOTO-Sm, IIS Fulton htreet, New York. JLOO.MSIJURG STATE NORMAL SCHOOL AMI LITEHAllY AND COMMERCIAL INBTITUTE. This Institution otrers good opportunities In ?i0nliApnr.l."";,.,t "f '."".ituro and Hcl" ce" S addition to Iho lUcellcnt Normalise hoolt'luwea! havo praellcoin tueusoof Hurveylnguud Euglu cerlug Instruments In tho Held nnd 111I110, umler tho Instiuotlouof the most ciimiieieut Pre' lessor. The luculiyalm to 10 Mry tlioinugliiii ihelr liw slruclliin and to look carefully alter the heullli. mkiiliersiiudliloiulsLl thesludcuts, H10 rules and regulations of tho school aro such ns lo eommnud the lespte t of the students and eonse'iiueutly not luniiyleel Hint theyea,, ulloid to vloluto laws whleli uru euletlUltHlto promote their success and Impulness. The Mus ical De isirluii iit Holds as guekl opiHirluultles ns can bo fouud In any of tho lurgo ellles and nt mueli less expeu.e, Hprlng term cammenccs April Set, 1871, rur furllier parllculars, nddress John u, Fiil-lzk,Euii , .vcc'v.or Illoorafcburif.Juu, J3, Itfll-eiSi. ' 1 ' 1 UHTICiii Ut4ANKH,-Hiumin"x7ailioM. Hud for fcldo Ut llOlJLUHUMN onii'o, w,,,um LIFE rNSUIUNOE FOR THE PEOPLE. HOMESTEAD . L1EE INSURANCE CO. OF I'KNNSYIiVANIA, Offce 701 Chestnut Slrcot, I'lillatlolplilu. W. M. HKYFilllT, Pres't. LAWItENCE MYL'ItS, V. Pres't, It. W. DOItntLXY, Bee'y II, K, DA VI3. Sitp't ol Agencies, T ils Company orgnnlred by lending rrprcsen'ntlvet of the Industrial Interests of the Ssslo, widely known ns successful nnd responsible business men, desiring to place Llfo Insurance wlra In reach of nil, has adopted a system of MONTHLY PAYMENTS OF PREMIUMS, enabling every man to provide for his fumlly In ease of his deilli, l cost so trifling ns searwely to bo fell. Special nttontlou Is cnllod to this Company's ORA.IDXTTIISrC3- POLICY, nhinCh needed fcAtlirn tn T.lfrt tnsitrnnn n,llrAlv In IM. .n,ihl,.t .t..l.rn..l f.pnf..t ,.. caso of death, tho Interests ot SHAREHOLDERS IN UUILDINQ ASSOCIATIONS AND ALL OT11ER3 Who lmvo borrowed money or purchased property pnynblo In Instalments extending over n series of lenrs. hy CANCELLING any bnlnnco ol Indebtedness THIS COMPANY ISSUES ALL THE pnlilNAHY FOlt.MH I OF LIFE AND ..i.di.u.u, v.s i nr. l-Altlie;il'Alir,(f I'l.Als, Wil li HUT tf.W HKHTKIUTlUWH AM TU OCCUPATION, AND NONE AH 'JO TllAVEL OR ItlMIIlENCIi Alr-Fllll tnrnrmnllnn n.lnlil.n.nn.l r.nli.M, I. mnl.l.hl I. lnM.l.l.l.lil.i. Mill (..,...... od by mall on application to tho Homo oillce. Actlvo nntl rwponslblo nion wanted as Agcnb. V. M. BATES. ULOOMSliUita, I'A. . ,. AGENT FOll COLUMI1IA COUNTY. JlA-PerS()llS ROltpttlnir Aff.IlP M tn nllhnr t., .nmlnn f'Hnlnn i.antra Vn.l t.n n. I... l.n., - Columbia, Sullivan, Dradlord or Tlogn Counties, Bloomsburg, August 19, lS70Gm, Sewing Machines. T HE DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE FOIt HALE IlY M. I'. LUTZ, ni.ooMnnuito, pa. MILLER, HUGHES et CO., llLltWICK, PA. This Sewing Machine) urns btlllcr nuet easier than any other, It has lower farln, It has accut Mtccl sliuttlo that will never wear out, It ha Blako's Patent tablo 3vliicli to too shows Its uso Agents wanted lu unoccupied Tcirltory In remit; I ruin, New Jeriey.Maiylnnd, Delaware Vliglliia, West Virginia nud District of Coluu IJLAKE .t CO., SCItANTON, PA. lcpl6'70-ly MISCELLANEOUS. t t v or THE AG El TATENTirn Decbmssr 7TH, 1869. OUR CELLDRATED GOLDEN FOUNTAIN PEN. HMil It ttt l I he beat l'en utuiln mr Bold In Ihlttcoun ntrirl Will nut curpodp. Klily lliii'rltUn i P nlth ontj l'iioriilsl Will outHrupu duKn I A. Dpoi Mrri rrii. i-ut up in fifut iiu uoie. r H(IL1 1IM.Y IIV AlsKN'lN und fop IkU kI rpHn oj MirrKPlIu ppaou fan rralUa , rruuiuivr tuunr renui r Wusteun Publishing Co. Manuficturers' Agenti, ritUburjili, Ta. C rTION.Th Kppt ropnl.rllToft f.f 'chb hu lea t muttj Imf.eUloMof mn lnf. lapoilkslltr. Ilu Ulst lh nines 1 lll'Si. -2J TAIN rENrtftoiabrthUt'umniinr, Inwrl ttmm fp I'ena W your .Nurnp, Tttwn. f'uunlr hti, plHlnlr wrltUn, nnd vrdvr jU1 uc( rvuivt BllouLloa ;20 North Eighth St., Phllada, Vegetable!!! A color nud dressing that will not burn tho hair or injtiro tho head. It dooa not protltico a color moohanioally, as tho iioisonoua preparations do. It gradually restores tho hair to its original color and Instro, by supplying new lifo and vigor. lt causes n luxuriant growth of soft, fino hair. Tho host .and Bafcst nrticlo ovor od'ercd. Clean and Pure. No sediment. Sold everywhere ASK FOll DOBBINS'. uovll'70-Cm, remaining UNPAID In caso of DEATH. ENDOWMENT POLICIF.H AT LOW IIATK OF wirrpIenAonddress ' ' ' WILLAltD A. WILLIAMH.Pntclnl Arent. No, 40 WILLIAM HT, WlLLIAMsroIlT, PA. T i:rii.M.iii:xni:ii am f.mioukkd iiv Jovku m:ii.N nirDitui) novroits 01:. i,.tiriti:..'r.'s I'OMPOl'Xll I'l.lllll EXTUAtT IIK KOSKOOl THE GltEAT HEALTH RESTORER! Not : Secret Quack Mcellcino Formula Around tho Bottle. 1'ItEI'ARED SOLELY DV Dr. J. J. LAWRENCE, Organic Chemist, WlLsojr. North Carolina. KOSKOO KTRIKKS AT THE HOOT Or ntSEASR PURIFYING THE BLOOD, ItESTOIlINQ THE LIVElt AND KIDNEYH TO A HEALTHY ACTION, AND JN VIGOIlATINa THE NEE VOUS 8Y8TESI. This is tho Soorot of its Wonderful Success in Curing CONSUMPTION IN ITS EARLY 8TAQEB, SCIlOrULA, SYPHILIS, DYSPEPSIA, IIVEIt COMPLAINT, CHHONIO ltllEUMATISJI, NEUItALGIA, NEItVOUS AFFECTION, EKUPTIONS OF THE HKIN, HU1101W, loss of viaon, uiseasem ok KIDNEY AND ELuVDDER. DISEASES CAUSED BY A BAD STATE OF THE BLOOD. It thoroughly eradicates ever kind of Humor nnd Bad Taint, and restoroitho entlro system to ft healthy condition. It is beyond qucstlou tlio. FINEST TONIC IN TUB WOULD. Thousands havo been changed by the nso of Hi s Medicine from weak, sickly, suffering crea tures, to strong, licalty, and happy men and evouicn, Invalids caunot hesilato to glvo It a trial. No Medlciuo lias obtained such u great reputa tion as this Justly celebrated compound. l'OR TESTIMONIALS From Phytlclans, Eminent Divines, Edltois Druggists, Merclnmta, Ac, seo KOSEOO ALMA NAC for this year. pkks o.vj? nor.LAit run noTrr.r:. i on SALE UY TI.e Principal Druggists in the UniM Slates ami Jlritish America, Dit. Lawuksck'm Woman's 1'uiksd Cure all Diseases peculiar to Females. Jan.V71y. Jji R E E I A WATCH! A NICE WATCH 1 A HltNTINU CASE WATCH A sii.vr.it WATCH A IlIXI.UlI.i: WATCH I A GOOD WATCH I . , AN AMEUICAN WATCH I A W.VLTUAM WATCH I A Watch lorancn.lomnu! A Watch for a lady ! Gold chain foriitlcntlemaul Uuld CI ain for n Lidy I An easy way lo get a ullable American Watch. AGENM AltE WANTED TO l'UOCUlin CAXVAVSEIlS loll THE PEOPLE'S WEEKLY. Tho leward f jr getting flvo successful eniivass. ers to work for premiums vblih will be sent, to diow canvussers, will bo a genuine WALTII.VM WATCH Tlio itppllciut.urn)) jKii ticiifcirs, must enclose n letter Mini u pruniluent business man or 1,1s plaeotliat llO ISl-OMl'KTE.NT aildlllfSTlVOUTllr. A'idriss, OLIVEU CH0O1C & CO.. lUytou.Ohln. FOR A WOjTaN'S SAKE. I'OH A WOMAN'S SAKE. I'OH A WOMAN'S SAKE. Eor a Woman's Sake. For n Woinnn's Sake. For a Woman's Sake. Tho most Thrllliug nud Interesting Jtomnn o oyer vermeil, is now being publlsliod til tho Poo pio's Weekly. Another great story will be com menced soon. Every number Is Illustrutod, ONLY FIFl'Y CENTS A YEAR. Subserlbeis for Iho ear 17I, If sent iu atouco will receive tho paper the luilance of this yenr 'HUK oi- cu Altaic Hend 2 ceut stamp for sample copy and Premium List, Addrois, OLIVEU CUO01C A CO., llecO'itt-tf Dayton, Ohio. 1"iO CONSUMPTIVES. i1'.'Ve.i1,'j!'7."'";.r',,,"'vllle.be6" permanently cur ed of that dread disease, tiinsuinptloti by a sini. pl remedy, Is aiiktous loiuuke knon lu his i:!UiWrmU'B '"finsof cure. Toail ho H'ir?.l,,.uu.w."1 t l;'1 11 col'v "f Hi" prese rlpllou used (free or e-barge), with Ihe directions tnl pro 1 "ir. ?.ni1 u,lu "lu . w'l'eh they h 111 hud Clllllf. " LO!,,,l!J""T"1!'i AHTllMA, IIUOM. Purtlcs wishing the i.teserlptlon will ploami address Uov. KIJWA UU .V. W IIAllV. ffV,', Second Street, Wllllamshurgh, N.Y (blnl" ,ur ml' t the Coluuuian
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers