tt flfriumlrian. ULOOMSBUKG. PA. rriiluy Morning, 10, mil. Snn Domingo. An nttlclo from tho AVest Chester Jeffertonlan, in reply to tho Columbian on tho Ban Domingo question, Is (joint? "tho rounds" of our exchanges. In that nrtlclo tho Jeffertonlan says : Ban Pomloge never flourished, except under th lash of slavery, protected by the strong arm of the military and of law, the expense of which wm never taken Into Account, ma com rncrclnl set off. Blnea freedom triumphed In that Isle, by the terrible and bloody massacre of the while', It has fallen Into decay. Why has It not nourished since ? Why docs it not flourish nowt In reply to tho two questions wo an swer: want of a stahlo government mid concquont protection to llfo and prop erty. Tho question raised as to tho profits or propriety of negro slavery Is now of no consequences and docs not require or merit discussion. But wo ask, if Ban Domingo CO to 80 years ago was capable of exporting annually one hundred millions dollars worth of pro ductions, under oppressive and titista bio government, how much more is tho island capablo of under substantial government? The rolatlvo profits of productions with or without Blavcry, and with or without stublo government, aro to bo considered, but wo Insist tliut tho latter greatly preponderates over the former. By tho annexation, tho singlo Item of freo coffee and sugar would outweigh all costs ot purchaso and government of tho island so far ns tho individual citizens of tho United States aro concerned. Tho Jeffertonian further says : Men's natures aro not changed by act of Con- Kienn. iucj uiny ue mnue riur.Pfls, out in nil other resrect mej remnln the name, -llio uu nexnlton of ban Dotnloico would nltachlo us an element inns tias proved heretofore, oneor vexa tion und peril to every v. hlte man connected with But men's natures are changed by good government. If not, then tho wholo idea of government is a failure. Its very purposo Is to mako men behavo themselves and to lmprovo their condi tion. Tho "clement" spoken of has never of itself been troublesomo to tho people of the United States. Emphat ically, bo far ns this country is con cerned, they havo been tho passive bone about which two dogs wcro fight ing, Naturally docllo tho negro has always been easily governed in tho prcsenco and by tho power of tho white man. However placed, under every circumstance, when properly governed ho will seek his natural condition : tho servant of the whlto man. As such ser vant, good laws may mako him a3 val uable and as content when freo as in any other condition. Wo also call the attention of our cotcmpornry to tho fact which ho has evidently overlooked, that tho negro proper lias been driven out of San Domingo to Hay ti (tho other end of tho island) and that tho people left in San Domingo approach tho whlto generally the descendants of mulatto and Spanish parents, a stock that is believed to bo an improvement upon pure African, and claimed to be an Im provement even upon puro African and pure white mixed. Again, the Jffferto Mian says : We have had negro tonality forced upon us unaer tne "home government." Would It not wa nun iu jeb me experience 01 a lew yoara teach ..a nuatuiuuiwiuiuuH rxpeci, ueioro extend ing the area? Tho debasement of tho whites has been effected. That is already a Axed fact, and la not now a question for con- "Wderatlon. Whether wo havo a half a million more or less of tho inferior breeds to govern is a matter of little concern. If we can govern four mil lions of them wo can as readily govern four and a half If wo can not, tho ad dition could make matters no worse. As to the general subject, Mr. Polk, who justly rauks as ono of tho wisest and ablest of the Presidents of tho past, and tho brilliancy of whoso adminis tration shines brightest in the proud constellation of American Statesman ship, was tho first to proposo tho an nexatl on of San Domingo. Tho unrea sonable opposition of his political an tagonists, fresh from their defeat on the Texas Issue, and tho falnt-hcartedness of his friends (mostly tho latter! alone prevented him from acquiring tho is land. It Is absurd for tho Democraey to op pose tho proposition now. Annexation south and west has ever been tho policy of all Democratic administrations and iu the traditional creed of tho party. Tho political. party that effected tho an nexation of Louisiana, Florida, Texas, California, New Mexico, (with Its infe rior population) Arizona, tc., &c. and their multitudes of Indians, truly cuts a sorry ilguro now in opposing San Do mingo, tho equal of tho best of them comparatively in natural wealth, and. transcendently Important as a Naval station. Having established tho policy of annexation, and maintained it at all times, tho Democratic party should bo tho last to condemn tho logical results to which that policy leadj. It is a pitiful figure tho politicians cut in opposing tho measure now mere ly becauso Gen. GiiANTsupports it. If hols guilty of all tho rascality that is charged upon him in connection with the subject, and ten thousand times more, that can not affect tho merits of the nuestlon ono wav or tho other. As nvu uu,uk i uv ujuiu limb mu truuiu government ought to bo abolished bo- cause rogues get Into Congress nod all other offices, at times, and that the people should bo swept from cxistturo becauso thero are said to bo somo itscals amongst them. For tho sako vt penco with our cotemporaries wo ai- willing to believe Gen. Grant to be all sorts of a humbug, or as bad as they wnnt to mako him (if they prov their charges) yet we cannot swallow thedoso when they ask us to believe that ho Is totally incapable of o good action, nor can we BUbscrlbo to tho doctrlno that a good thing becomes a bad ono becauso he ad vocates It. If ho effects tho annexation of San Domingo it will bo tho proudest feather in his cap and it will bo an ever lasting reproach to tho Democracy If they do not help him to accomplish It The opposition of the Democracy would forovcr bo a stumbling block in tho way of ftituro annexation, Do our ob Jcctiug cotemporaries suppose that wo will never want a part or tho wholejof Mexico? Don't thoy know that a party which has ono policy to-day and another to-morrow docs not descrvo and can never possess tho confidence of the country? Must wo submit to tho degradation of beinii governed by party spleen? A hill to nuthorlzo tho election of Female School Directors has passed tho Stato Senate. TIip SoMlcrs' Orphan anil Common School". Last winter tho Seunto rejected the nomlnntlnn of Col. MTaiILAnp for re appointment ns Superintendent of tho Soldiers' Orphans' School. No other nomination, however, Win matte, and tho Colonel continued to act. ThU winter tho Senate passed n hill to third reading annexing theso Schools to tho Common Schools. Ilcforo limit action, Gov. GiiAiiv sent In the nomina tion of J. P. Wickehsiiam, present Superintendent of Common School?, for Superintendent of tho Soldiers' Or phans' Schools, Tho object, of course, is to placo both departments under tho samo control. Whether tho Bcnato will persist In Its determination to abolish ono department by transferring It to tho other, remains to bo seen. What ever may havo been proper heretofore, thero Is certainly no uso for two depart ments now. Not many years ago, tho business of tho Common School department was dono by two clerks, and shortly after wards by a Deputy of tho Secretary of tho Commonwealth, cv-nfftclo Superin tendent, with ono clerk, and wo hcllovo no complaint was made of any want of efficiency. In fact a much greater nd- vanco was mado during that period in Common School affairs than over before or since, and amongst tho labors per formed was tho wotk of framing and putting in operation a new and most efficient Common School law, which hns never been amended except to Hi injury since. Yet now, wo believe thero nro soven or eight persons employed about tho School Department, at high salaries, to do tho clerical work former ly performed by theso two, without any extraordinary wear and tear of mind and body. Then tho aggregato salaries of tho department amounted to about $2,000 now Hint aggregato reach es probably $3,000 to $10,000. Wo hnvo not tho llgurcs beforo us, but think tho amount can not bo less and may bo con siderably more. The forco now em ployed, if they nro competent men, is amply sufficient (If not too much In each other's road) to transact nil tho business of both departments with tho utmost prom ptncis, vigor nnd despatchi Tho transferring bill ought thercforo bo adopted, and tho cxpenso of tho uso- less department saved to tho Stato. lieu. Frank lll.itr. Wo havo no purposo to creuto public prejudice ngalii9l Gen. Bunt, but wo object to him being palmed tipou tho public as it Democrat, or that party bo Ing held in any manner responsible for bis action. Tho f.tct that ho claims to bo it Democrat iimuunts to Just nothing, for hit 1ms over claimed to belong to that party, though fighting It with tho greatest energy and hitternisi during nearly his entlro manhood. Thero was no nioro devoted supporter of I.i.wi-N and nil tho nets of his ad ministration than this sanioGen.Br.Ain, and it wa3 n weakness in iitelfhh and weak Convention und a dltgraco to tho party to placo him on tho ticket us tho Democratic candldato for Vlco Presi dent. Ho has recently been elected to tho U. S. Senato, mainly by Democrat ic votes, but liu could not havo been elected without tho support of both Republicans and Iladicals. Ills first act after taking his sent In tho Senate, was to vote against tho bill to repeal tho Incomo tax, whilo all tho Democrats in both Houses supported tho repeal. Tho future will no doubt show that ho still adheres to many of tho Itadlealbchenien of oppression. Ho hates Quant, and that hatred constitutes both his politics and his religion, and by this standard all his action for tho present will bo governed. When Quant is defeated and shelved, ho will bo a ship at sea without a rudder, and may bo as dan gerous to tho Democratic party as any other. In fact ho has been moro re markable for ability to lnjuro his friends than for any other characteris tic, and tho Radicals are already count ing on this clement In his character to do them service. In referring to him tho New York Tribune uses tills lan guage, viz : "Frank Blair Is n violent, versatile, nnd nhlo adventurer, with Just enough of tho fool In his composition to be dangerous to his own party. Ho has an extraordinary talent for making hlin self uncomfortable to his friends nnd serviceable to nis enemies. Whenever a stupendous politi cal blunder Is r-osslblo we can depend on Frank Blair to make 31." Wo repeat wo havo no deslro to preju dice tho public against Gen BLAiit.but wo tlo not wunt the Democratic party held responsible for his vagaries. Ho is an ablo man, honest in motive, bold in action, of Democratic Instincts, but pugnacious as u game cock and ready to nglit. nny body for tho sako of a fight. Tim Lilliputian Itattlo! There is such it thinrr as a board of Stato Charities In this iroodlv land. composed of llvo persons, who servo Without nav. and it Kecretnrv who rn. cloves a salarv of Sft.nnu nor nnniim lin. sides some other cmnlovees nt lower salaries. Ostensibly tho object of estab- iisniug mo noaru was to look artcr tho wants. Interests, morlts. Ac. of the va- rlous charitable Institutions estab lished by tho Statu, and it is scarcely gonerous to inslniiato that tho press ing object was to mako a placo for a ISctrotary at mi unreasonable salary. .ine ooaru or course woultl not havo been a resneetablii board without, n hnmi sa well as a tall. Tho latter having been lurmsneu Dy tho Legislature in tho shape of a Secrotary, tho board itself mado a head for itself in tho person of uen. Thomas it. Kane, nnd called him President. But, as wo aro Informed by a multiplicity of naniDhletst ilnliho.i rn. ports, replies, Ac, that have been sent us, n rebellion occurred In tho board be foro it had been In existence n vnnr.nml strangely enough, tho President Is tho rooei i no warns nil nanus turncil out In fact wants the whnln linnnl squelched, forover extlnctedl Ho saya they havo not discharged their duties. anu lnumates mat llioy tlon't know how. don't mm. nro lnzvnnilu-nrtlilDss But t ho privates, aided by tho Secreta ry, mm upon tno bout President, anil say ho rebelled becauso they would not let him mako their report and squan uer money, anu Intimate t int lin en h bled so much at tho meetings that they had no time to work, and tinmli tlmv tried to sit him out bv means of Into sessions, he still gabbled nway 1 Thoy request him to resign, but liorebolllous ly refuses, and consequently tho Legls'- itttivo ooious win iiavoto lauo tuo mat ter in hnnil. Ilpfrartllm ihn wlinlu mut ter as n tempest In n tea pot, wo beg to uo excuseu uom lurincr reauing orwrl tlug on tho subject. Candidates for Auditor and Survey or General uro becoming as plenty an blackberries. But low competent oneii aro nnmetl for tho former. THE COLUMBIAN l'lo-lili'iillril Calculations. Tho Now York 'JYibune has boon tlgurlngoii tho noxt Presidential elec tion, Tlio following Is tho ro3tilt I ItRP. HrATM Kl.Kl'TOnS.llllrM.HTATF.S.IIt.KCTnns, MlIlM M44schuell..., N Hampshire.... Hhode Island Vermont, , Newr Jersey . l'eilnvvlvaulii. Si fonniv-tlfttit... , 12! Netr York , 31 , A it)elawarn.tH, . It :t Marvlanil . 7 4 .Virginia lo , North unrolliui,, .. u , 2, Itlcnrgla 1 1 , piAlah.imi 9 , I. 'West Virginia A ?L!Kcntucky 10 ,1 I'enncssco v 7, Indiana..... It Ml.XevS'la 0 . in1 iMiror.iln u 1C Oregn.t 3 ,. Missouri IJ !! W' Total ,. 117 A Ilcp. majority.,.. 1'U Houth Carolina,, Mississippi I.ntilMana Florida Texas Ohio Illinois MlQhlgtii w isconslii Mlnnesnta Iowa ivamns H,. Nohraska... .11 -4 Arkansas Total. This statement Is b.ued on tho latest results of elections In tho sovoral States, 101 Klcctoral votes nro necessary to a choice. Of tho nbovo Stales put down to tho democratic side, that parly can certainly carry every ono, except, per haps, Connecticut and Indiana, and Its chances fur theso Is much tho be3t. Now Jcrsoy, Pennsylvania, nud nil tho Southern States In tho Republican col umn wolook upon n3surofortho Demo crntlc Presidential caiidldatolf n proper nomination bo made. Mr. could probably carry Ohio, Illinois and somo other western States In addition. Gen, Hancock would carry tho wholo column set down to tlin Democrats, to gether with Now Jersey, Pennsylvania, mid all tho Southern ami some moro of tho small Western Stato;, with about as much certainty us ho could carry Co lumbia and Berks counties. If success Is to bo tho only consideration in mak ing a nomination, tho way Is certainly clear nnd the object Is assured in nd- vanco. That however, Is a basis of political action of doubtful propriety, nnd wo nro glad to know that thero uro manysturdy Democrats who still bo Jlovo that the fittest man Is not only tho most nvnllablo us a ciudidato, but tho mo3t proper to bo nominated. Tho point demonstrated nbovo Is that tho Democracy can elect their candidate. It behoves them to look about and mako up tholr minds deliberately, nnd then work with energy nnd will to nominate their favorlto and toclcct'tho nomlueo whoever ho may be. Tho trick played at our lust Presiden tial Stato Convention must not bo re peated, viz : to pack it delegation, then oxtemporizo a convenient candidato for its purposes, nnd under that shield go Into tho National convention to make personal bargains. Let politicians be ware, lest tho pcoplo tako the heads off of somo of them, nnd anathema for tools. (iencral Jackson. The attempt lo excuso Gen. Grant for having sovcral army officers about hlm,onoof whoinisliisprlvntoSecrctary, by the assertion that Gen. Jackson' had dono tho samo thing, Is a failure. Col, Donelson was not In commission when ho was acting ns prlvnto Secretary to tho President, nnd wo doubt whether ho cvor belonged to the rogular nrmy certainly not whlto ho held olllco under Gen. Jackson. Judgo Haywaiib, of Ohio, was prlvato Secretary to Gen. Jackson for soveral years of his Presi dency. A writer in the Pittsburg rost gives tho following Information to tho public which is deemed of conscqucnco as affording a view of Gen. Jackson's! character different from that tho public usually ascribo to him and corrobora tive of wiiathis intimate fricndsalways claimed, viz : that ho was ono of tho most amlablo of men In the prlvato re lations of life. Tho Post says : "From n personal ac quaintance with Judgo Haywabii, tho writer is authoritatively enabled to cor rect an error that is very generally ac cepted as an historical fact ; namely, mai l'rosiuoni jackson was in tlio habit of swearing, and that "By tho Eternal." was a lavoritooath with him. Tho use of this expletive, In connection with tho South Carolinian nullification, is set down ns n fact In history. Noth ing could bo further from tho truth. Judgo Haywakd has repeatedly nssur- cu us inai uunng ins long auu lnumato acquaintance with General Jackson, ho never knew him to Indulge In an oath, and but rarely to exhibit temper. Judge IIayward himself wroto tho colebrated Nullification Proclamation nt Jackson's suggestion, and wo bo- neve mat ins lauuiy sun nuvo tnoorlg lual draft with tho President's erasures and interlineations. It was read to tho General in his prlvato study, beforo bulng submitted to tho Cabinet, nnd Its entlro scopo and benrlng was calmly uiscusscu, unii noiiu ui mai nrey excite ment exhibited which has generally been ascribed to him. "and." in tho language of Judgo Haywaiib 'nothing could be moro nbsuid than tho state ment that ho lost his reason over so grave a sublcd. and ncrmlttctl his Ilns. that wcro freo from such defilements, to bo sullied by an oath. Ho was calmest. wnen mo exigencies that surrounded him wero tho greatest.' " Kiiropcaii Xcivs. Of eourso there has been no fighting since tho nrmlstico in Franco. Tho bur render of Paris Is completed, tho Ger mans havo possession of all tho forts, tho French army of Paris Is disarmed. The Prussians nro making every en deavor to supply tho starving Parisians with food, with only partial success,and general order has been restored. The election of members of a National as sembly, whoso first business It will bo to set up a government, was ordered fur February 8th. Gambotta Issued a pro clamation excluding all Bonapartlsts, Orlcanlsts and. Bourbons from lot or part in tho election, but Favro denies tho validity of his act and pronounced it void. Gambotta insisted, but finally gavo up tho point und resigned his of fico. Wojudgothat tho so-called Re public has few friends, and that tho contest for supremacy will finally bo between tho Bonapartlsts and tho Or lcatitsts. As nil parties will comblno against tho former, the latter may bo successful for a period moro or less brief, but no doubt a preponderating majority of tho French prefer tho dy nasty of Napoleon, and beforo many years somo one of thnt family will ro sumo power. Prussia is making tho strongest pos siblo offorla to Increaso tho strength of hcrarmles, to ho ready to crush tho Fronch to tho earth If their now gov ernmont docs not ngrco to peaco. All outsldo interference or suggestion Is haughtily rejected. Tho. Couferencoof "tho great powers" Is Haiti to havo yielded all that Russia demanded. Tin: periodical reports about tho death of Dr. Livingstone, tho African cx plorer, ore again afloat, Tho Doctor has been killed about unco n year, by his nervous friends In Kngland, for tho last quarter era century. Thodurkles would do nervous people n favor If thoy would stretch him out. AND DEMOCRAT, Cuastllutliiiinl Itcfurm. If we itto to Jmlso tho Intentbii of certain loading Ropublle.ius In our Stato LoIslaturo by their acts, wo should bo compelled to conclude that they intend to prevent nny Constitu tional reform. Bevernl bills of n parti san character havo been Introdueed.ono In tho Senato by Mr. Connoll, of Phila delphia, and ono In tho Houso by Mr. Mann of Potter. Kieh of theso tils tributes tlio delegates lo n Constitution al Convention according to tho present unequal apportionment, with tho de sign of scouring n decided Republican majority In that body. Tho Domocr.tts would bo wanting in spirit and regard loss of tho public good If they allowed any such bill to pasi. Thoy nro ready and willing to vote for nblll which will glvo equal representation to tho two great political parties In a Constitution al Convention, but thoy will not, nnd they ought not to allow any act to pnss which would glvo either party a major ity. Only from a non-partlsau Conven tion can proper reforms bo expected. If cither party should hnvo n majority, tho timo of tho convention would bo consumed In efforts to secure partisan advantages, bitterness of feeling would bo engendered, tho conlUlcnco of tho pcoplo In the notion of tho Convention would bo shaken, nnd tho amended Constitution would bo likely to bo re jected when It enmo beforo tlio pcoplo. Tho action of tho Republican majority In tho House, In rushing through tho critdo bill prepared by Mr. Mann.shows n settled determination to glvo u strongly partisan cltarnctor to tho con templated Constitutional Convention. To tliat tho Democratic members ol tho Legislature will novcr submit. They will support nny bill which will Insure equality of icprcsotitntloii, but nono other j nnd In bo doing, thoy will bu sustained by tho independent press of tho Stato nnd by a vast majority of tho pooplo of Pennsylvania. Lancaster Intelligencer. Our ablo cotcmpornry speaks ourscn tlinents precisely. But thero are other objections to tho action of tho Radicals In the Legislature. Mr. Mann propos es to pay tho members of tho Conven tion twelve dollars per day, which Is not only nbsurdly extravagant, but would bo suro to fill tho Coventlon with drivelling politicians. Tho way to ob tain tho services of competent and wor thy representatives In tho Convention Is to fix tho pay, If any bo allowed, at ao small a sum that no ono would dodro election to tho Convention for tho sako of tho pay. This would secure tho ser vices of men who had only patriotic objects In view, as well as men of capa city. Tho bill that passed tho Houso is open to nil objections named. It cer tainly cannot pass tho Senate, and no doubt a much fairer and better ono will bo substituted by tho Senate. Mr. Mann Is a politician of tho molo species, and is entirely nbovo his busi ness when ho undertakes to get up Im portant Constitutional bills. That Is a work for Statesman, men of enlarged vlows and intelligent comprehension of public wants. Small Legislators may bo good enough for small things, but when It comes lo questions of extenslvo application and of general public Im portance, small fry aro not only useless but often mischievous. They rarely do so good a thing as to seek their iovel and bo content with that. Allitlrs hi France. French Republicanism docs not mean Democratic Institutions llko ours, but lawlessness, proscription, violence, tur- hulauce, a leveling process instead of an elevating one. Frenchmen never will sustain a Republic for tlio simple reason that they will not voluntarily obey law, tho very foundation stone of freo institutions. Tho present medley thoy nro in they have brought on them selves, but it is to bo hoped good may como out of it. Thoy have at length found their master, and this Is some times as profltablo to States as to Indi vidual violators of law and right. Tho Philadelphia Day glvos the following clear, und wobellevo accurate, descrip tion of tho political condition of Franco: Boyond Paris, excepting perhaps Bordeaux and Lyons, there is doubtless a reaction In public sentiment in favor or mo empire, xno war was lorceu up on tho emperor by thonctlvo politicians oi i- rance ; anu wo approncnti inai mo event will provo that tho active men of all shades of tho opposition, combined to compel a declaration of war, as n means of overthrowing tho empire. Tho latest iiitelligonco supports this view of tho case. Tho prescriptive decree of tho Bordeaux government touching the election of members of tho national as sembly on the 8th instant, is a fair nc- Knowieugmeni inni mo people, ion to themselves, might elect imperialist members enough to control tho assem bly. Tho empire teas peaco, however much writers may nffect to sneer at tho declaration ; and there is excellent rea son for beliuving, that but for the machinations of Bourbons and republi cans, tho war, which is now approach ing an inglorious enu, wouui novcr liavo heen declared. Tno condition or tho French army Is proof positivo that Napoleon had nut contemplated a war with his neighbors. His hesitancy was subject of comment tho world over. It was attributed to a governing infirmity of purpose. This', probably, was not correct. When ho lookod into tho mili tary condition of rranco ho discovered alack of preparation for operations on largo tcalo altogether unexpected. Hence his hesitancy. But ho had too far committed himself under tho snur of popular clamor to draw back. The resun oi mo recent, voio was oviuenco that Franco was with him. But for eighteen years ho had given his ener gies to mo development oi i-rencii in dustrial resources and enterprises. At me in most tno military csiuiiiisumcnt of thoemplro was barely sufficient tor defence. Tho Invasion of Germany was u serious blunder, anil tho logical roaulr. oi mai Dimmer is now nooui worueii out. But though tho French masses aro undoubted imperialists, it does not lol low that pence will bo mado by tho res toration of imperial rulo. After what has hannencd. nobody can sav that such nn accommodation Is boyond tho rnmro of possibility. But It is not n probablo thing to happen. Tho decreo of tho Bordeaux irovcrnment practical v d U arms tho people, unless they select men irom meir own ranns, men unnnown in French no it cs to represent them In tho assembly. Should thoy do that tho restoration or tlio empire becomes nos fclblc. Wo are not of those who holfovo that the pooplo want any more of war savo Its best result peace. The extre mists, led by Gambotta. demand war to tho bitter end. But Favro declares that Gambottn does not speak for Franco, which wo can well bollovo. Tho reds In Paris, who havo been an element oi weauness nil niong, clamor for war. But when tho assembly meets. its volcu will drown out tho clamor of factions, and Franco will roiuso longer to resist the Inovitablo. Tho French masses aro not republicans. Left to themselves thoy would restore the em nl ru ut onco. becauso to them it stands Llor peaco and prosperity. Thoy do not speculate m mo direction oi governing, but deem that best which gives them least trouble, and consequently most quiet, It must bo remembered that rural Franco had not felt tho war at all whon tho cmncror surrendered at Sedan, SInco that time the pcoplo navu neon distressed uy tno war, anu naturallv cnuutdi tliev bear no good will to tho lepubllcati leaders ugalnst wnom iney cunrgo an meir grievances. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY,PA. .ctr Counties. To tho IMItor of t ho Cilumblam Whoover will examine u map of Pennsylvania, must bo struck with tho Indefensible mangling which her terri tory lias undergone Tn tho process of llio form itlou of counties. In the first placo many of them nro too small, being tho offspring ofsplto and local olllco litinlcH, whoso nmbl lion being greater than their Intents, could only bo gratified by carving out eomollttlo patch, Including their own neighborhoods, wherein to becomo the great men. They hnvo thus destroyed the proper and legitimate Inlltienco of their own county, In tho conventions nnd politics of the Stnto, and entailed additional burdens upon tho communi ty. Tho nmbltlon of llttlo men Is a curso to tho country. The now county mania was dostrucllvo of many great Interests; but Senator Buckalow's Con stitutional Amendment went n llttlo too far, In Hint It prevents thonnnoxlng of sundry lines of adjoining counties, by requiring under certain circumstan ces n local endorsement, which can sel dom If over bo obtained. Thus tho second objection to the pres ent arrangement Is rendered almost ns Impossible of correction, as thoiihroga Hon of the Caineroiis nnd Forests and other cxcresenccs on tho body polltln has been. But lojk fir it moment tit a small corner of Montour county, cut off by tlio Susquoh ma i nt u neck of Northumberland miming for miles along tlio liver", nearly to tho town of Muiicy, In Lycoming county, Liolc nt Centre, spread like a spider among Its surroundings ; at Perry, Juniata and Mlfllln, stretchod on tho rack of longi tude until they nro painful to look at. Glnnco your cyo ovor tho shape of Westmoreland, rttntiiig n corner uwny up Into the middle of tho State, and then follow Armstrong, with n still more villainous projection. Doubtless many of those, and others not men tioned, could bo, nnd all should bo re formed. But In the third placo theso small counties tire tho o:caslon of much per sonal, political, and local ill-feeling and discussion. Parallels of latitude, im aginary lines, arbitrary divisions mako enemies of neighbors who hadelso llko kindred drops been mingled Into one. Great and Important Interests nro sac rificed to local pride, prejudice or ha tred ; wholo counties nro periodically thrown luto convulsion by tho strug gles of politicians who had clso nover been heard of, or If heard of, lacking a local fulcrum for their puny lover, had scarcely moved a neighborhood, much loss a county or two. But these local tights do not die with tho mere question that raised them, or with tho men who first mado battlo about them, but they are transmitted on from sire to son, and every now grievance, sontitnental or real, adds fuel to tho smouldering fire, and tho llamo bursts out with now vo hemenco to defeat and destroy. Cannot tho coming Constitutional Convention euro much of this, by giv ing to each county in tho Stato, nt least ono member In tho Lower House, pro hibiting absolutely tho erection of now counties, authorizing tho straightening of county lines nnd corners by a voto of tho population to bo transferred, nnd tho absorption of somo, by a voto of thoso who aro to loso political and mun cipnl exlstenco ? Oeum anicus. Xot (Jorrriior. Tho Philadelphia Day. nn Indepen dent paper edited by a Republican, says: "From a careful reading of our demo cratic exchanges from this Stato wo must concludo that tho probabilities in favor of tho nomination of General GEoitnE W. C.IS3 as tho noxt democratic cmdldato appear very strong. The ex pressions in his favor nro very general and very decided, antl nro not confined to tho western part of tho State. Even from tho "Tenth Legion" comes tho cry for Cass, as well as from tho cast, west and centre of tho State. Tho dem ocrats seem determined to correct what most of them consider their blunder of 1SGU when, they fully beliove, and so do no small number of republicans, that General Cass might havo been elected, From present appearances wo would ndviso tho republicans to mako their arrangements for beating Cass, if they can, in 1S72." The Mm- Million Steal. Mr. Mann from tho committee of ways and means, on Monday evening last, reported against tho bill to author ise tho sale of tlio bonds In tho Sinking Fund, tho proceeds to bo applied to tho payment of tho Stnto debt. Theso bonds are therefore to bo saved for tho uso of thlovcs. Tho bill to authorlso tho steal ing has not yet been offered, but will bo as soon as tho requlslto forces aro fully marshalled, Any Democratic Senator who votes for It ought to bo glbbetted. About Senator tho Radi cal Journals Just now havo somo very bitter things to say, and nil becauso ho was chairman of tho Commltteo that mado such mi unfavorable report on tho claim of Lyndai.i, to Col. Dkchkut's seat. But tho Senator can stand It, wo guess. Ho has considerable mnro brains than all tho Radical members of tho Senato put together, and It don't matter to him, particularly, what tho papers of that party say about him. Mr. Bucka is a lawyer df eminent ability nnd a man whoso prlvato and public charac ter Is abovo reproach. Ho know what lie was talking about when ho mado that report, and the silly comments of Radical nowspapcrs upon his action Iu tho matter uro as nothing to him. Ho looks for commendation to tho pcoplo not to tho paid advocates of political prostitution. Ilellefonte Watchman, 1'iiESiDENT Quant'h hrotlier-ln-hiw, CltAMEit, has been confirmed as Minis tcr to lielglum, notwithstanding tho strenuous opposition of Bu.M.VElt. Curl ou8ly enough tho Massachusetts granny opposed him on tho ground that somo wouiau's husband had slapped him in mo iuco lor insulting ner, whllo ho was consul at Vienna, und lind not resented tho assault I Has Bumneu forgotten that he was onco tho recipient of u switching with a riding whip, which ho had not tlio manhood to resent, nnd that ho blubbered about It all over tho country for soveral years after! Per haps CuAMiutls unfit, hut that objec. Hon should havo been raised by somo body else than tho pusillanimous Sum neu. Eixctoua'l ItUFoitM, In tho Now Yorlc Legislature it Isproposod to pass a law forover disfranchising nil voters convicted of bribery or Intimidation, To this should bo added disfranchise incntof nil who accept bribes. Tho law would bo n good ono. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. STATEMENT OF THE FINANCES or the COl'NTV OF COLUMBIA, From January 1, IS70 to January 1, 1671, DAVID liOWESnKIlfl, i:sti Treasurer of Co lumbia couuty, lu nccount with Bald county, lor county purposes, for ISM. 1870. Jan. To nm't outstanding for IR83 nnd previous years s.ibj 1 1 ' To ain't outstanding on Stato 1309 nnd put to county 11 To cash from Jacob oho Into Treasurer Mar, 1, ISO feet planlc to C. C. Trench, l.igill mrcci nriago "2.1, 'ro K. II. uttla lumber from Court Houso In 1S-JS "12, To Nolo of $1,000 dl-icount, 1st National Hank liloonivburir " alTo Teak family mo Court room " , To tl, Kvaus pour overseer Bri ar Creek: for C. HuU OSS M 15 U0 SS 00 11,101 03 Juna0.To nta't county tax nstfos&od for 1(70 21,503 73 Bopt, 5, Tn T. Adams, 1. o, Brlarcrock iur v. nuib o, 5, To redemption seated lands, held by Commission Ad. John Mc I'alla. Ileaver. 101 It To Mann A Miller, Beaver. )i lnics,.iii 10 us $117 70 To redemption nusented lands held by comiulsiloncrs " John Welllver Madison G 47 ' l'eter Vohe, llllllln 6 67 " l'eter lless.Husnrloat S 5 " Andrew Frcas, Brlarcreelr 12 51 " samo for tux duenflcr sale to Cum in lHsloucrs 2 CO " David Ilartrel.Mlnllu A 61 11 sntne for tax niter sale to Conltn's I US " Michael Wugner, Jackseu WM " Wm, I hcmberllu, Mndlxon 7 W " tleo, llower, UoamiKcreek KW - HchuylerA Henry, llrlnrcrecU li w) " James McMullcu, Hiunr.nnr O 00 " C. II. Troy, Beaver 13 60 " John Balcot, Ileaver fl 10 " .Maun A ll jul, Main 17 "S ' duo Hhicic, traukiiu II iio " Hitter's estate, .Montour 7 li James 1-alks, FlshlnRreok 4 15 " Jacob Kvans, Urocmvood 5 0 John Lvcrlmrt, locust 1 03 J.& II. Hughes, Locust I iu " M. Uroes,Monlour l ikj " I'. 1.. Mhuiuan, Beaver I 60 " lieu I-ollg-elibcrKur. Mlllllu S 52 " llco. I.outienhcrger, Malno 4 u ) W. & I,. UUKllcs, Locust 3J7I ' James ftliulu, MUg-arlouf 14 OI " Ucuryo Mloau, Oruuico 7 ill To nm't of county lat oh unsealod lands ll,12 07 " ain't of county tax on scaled land M Id SI, 191 M To stated nnd lmieatPd, load, school, poor, bounty laxe. ac, recelieil unit accreulleu lo tho townslilpi: Bca-,or road tax unsealed 11 Ci " " " bcuted 01 "A " school tax unseated ldt 111 " - seated hi 32 " poor tax un-cntcd 51 11 " " ' healed 1 Ol " bjuuty tax seated 7 31 Benton road tax unseated soated M fchool tax unseated poor " Mil r, M 17 43 t!32 SIS 07 S3 .1 61 62 21 l .14 02 72 60 til Brlarereck road tax unseated " ' " scaled " hchool tax unseated Iioor " " )ounty " ' " seated fill 31 Cnta- Issa road tax unseated " school t ix ' " poor " " 21 II 42 23 17 71 SSI II Ceulialla Bor. school tax unseated ' " poor " ' " " bounty tax " Borou-li tax unseated 21 71 23 05 7 6) 12 01 S7J 51 till M 12 40 1,17 hO I.I 11 OP) 30 Conyngham road tax unseated - " ' seated ' hchnol tax unsented " " " scaled " poor " iniiciited h .. " seated special poor tax seated ' " " ' unsealed " purchnso poor tax " " ' " heated bounty tax heated 23 H 4 18 1,104 02 2J.I 07 2 01 0 00 Centro rood tax uuscatcd ' eclmol tax " " poor ' " Flshlngcreck road tax unseated " school ' " " poor " " Frankllu road tax unsealed " school -' " " puor ' " Greenwood road tnx unseated " school " ' " soatrd " poor " uuseatoj S103 .10 40 Wl Hemlock roaj tnx unseated ' school ' " ' poor 35 43 31 61 S107 80 Jackson road tax unttealctl ' school - " ' ' heated ' poor " unseated " - M seated 60 0') 1:1 oi 23 41 3 Locust road tax unscntid ' school " " poor H Mlnlluroad tax unst-nted " hchool " poor " " Madison road tax unseated - hchool ' " " ' " heated poor ' uuscatod ' " seated Malno road tax unseated school " poor M " bounty " Mt. Pleasant mid tax unseated " school '' ' Montour road tux unseated " school " " poor ' " bounty' " Orange road tax unseated ' " " heated " hchool tux unseated ' poor " " l'lno road tax unseated ' " " heated 11 school tax unsented " " seated " pn-r " unsealed seated Uoarlngcicek road tax uuieated " hchool " " " poor ' " Hugarloaf road tuxunseatcl hchool ' " " poor " HECAPITttLATlON', Itoad tax unseated Hchool " " Poor " ' Kpeclal poor tax unseated l'urelinso lloiiuty tax uusoated BoroutjU " " l.Ol.i S3 2,0h7 UJ 1,1-ill 22 I.H03 0. 211 07 01 Hi 12 05 7,111 3. 01 li: 121 0 lload tax sailed Hchool " " Poor " " Bounty" " Hpcclai poor tax seated I'urchahu ' ' 31 20 1.1 10 41 13 2 01 301 23 Oct. Tolleglstry list of taxes Dee. 23. To W. It. Hut. l'rolll'v Jury 193 CI fees 81 00 - to j,euiBil a .siauanoy it. u. uo,, lund redeemed 6103 11 To cash puld assessors managing dog Hind to 09 '- to ttln l otato tax assessed aoove Malu quota 0.1 4,1 " 'in iiniT reo cu irom nuiiiiaor isio iri ' To .M, jocKson. jiKiiifhT money nn body of John E. Fowlir,rc- luudud to couuty i 37 41,011) 71 CU. Bv nm't outstanding for 170, .tc, fll.051 k3 Tcb. Ily note paid First Nuilouul Uault Bloomstniri; 2.000 00 Mnv By note puld I'lrtt National II ink Blooiiubuig J.iksj to By commls-don nllowcd collectors l.ini ib By exonerations " 675 01 By County orders redeemed 20.107 03 By Treasurer' com uu lis 7J3 81 7.71 15 By Balance duo 8i7 b5 113,003 71 D. LOWI'.NIIKHO, Tit HAH., IN ACCOUNT WITH TAX ON DOOM Full 1370. 1)1 1. Jan. 4, 1870, To nm't ouutuudlug fur lW,-dc. 313 61 To ain't assessed for 1&70 1,1'H 1)0 ' from Jacob Yoho lato Troos'r 170 13 '' dueTreusurer 103 61 2.177 60 CIV, By nm't outstanding for 1S70, &c. " sheen orders redeomod By commUsfun allowed collectors By uin'l txoncrutlous allowed eol loe'rs " paid assessors luunaglug fund " Treasurer's commission 477 23 1,411 21 47 41 h-J 4(1 60 0J 7.' Iti 12,177 50 STATi:MI!NT of amount of Tax nwnswl IR70 ntm 1110 ntllOUtll UUO on Mono i-ccemu,Ji oi, 1 170. PMrtcts To. Dog t Dor Wain A-'d A-"l Dun I Tilt llloom 4IHIKI 1 1 gun '."."MM 4IM S.V1IJ llfitwr..,. 670 11 iam 87 'J I ram) 4117 Bern Ilk.. 1-17 54 21 2J5 61 ... iM llrluirurk. loH.TI I7M 7.M 1.1 47M K.1JI iienion fruu 6iri mm sum mm Cnialsa . l.'l'U7 7.10O 1 V' Cenlle 1117 70 I1M ClODi! 1100 1.7117 rmtrnllii .. Kilos m ,tki anno 4011.1 I'oiiMufhaui 9KIU7 WOO 6I.I0.1 1.110 41K1 Flniikfln.... 60H7 41 00 261 SI UK 60 01 I'l-hlnircr'k 01121 UUO IWI01 0 00 4IKJ lllcennnod. it! woo 21111 1122 Hemlock... t'J7K 01 Nl 112 41 II SO 01 1 1 Jackson,... 22000 noon JIM IniKl 0MH7 lllm 627.10 1300 11621 Maine 6B2.1 4300 Kil is) 61ir.l Jl.ldhon.... OHM 7160 iW 47 10120 MLl'lenvlIlt OOIIM 6100 02 fl 10 00 OOTI Montnur.... 701 I'l 40 60 ,111161 .1160 07 ll Mltllln InUM 70 00 4W67 32 00 10211 orniiKo 07111 4100 urn ni 00.1 I'lnc. 27000 10 60 1I73J S780 lt.cioek.... !MM 30 00 cntt 16.11 50 0.100 f2d Smmrloaf... HUU MM 173 20 MM l.'l 31 80 02 6731 17.1 ll 31 HO 2IJ0SJ3 119100 lOllJlO 120M2IM41 Tho following nro nmouuts duo for provlouo car: County, 60 TO 60 13 121 42 ISO 10 Dog Beaver, 1" L Shnnian ISfli. Benton, John It Keclcr, ISfiD t'entrnlla.Thns Ocrnty. 1360 8 00 FrntiKlin, Jacoo Kiiiiue, i-uu Itemt.tplr. lanne I.phl V. 1 SlIO 00 03 0 41 SO 00 M-ntifnnli.m 11 T M'KlcfinftP. 1S03 219 01 .Madison, Jacob Ilechtcl 00 73 753 70 60 41 U,2I3 10 4i) M Add amount duo for 1570 Total duo 11,001 80 477 S3 Thoso m.iiked with a star havo slnco been settled. The fol lowing nro expenses for 1370. ASSESjOll'S' I AY. Mirlns Triennial iiiooni town, Beaver " , II tri ck " llciitnn 11 , Item lek Boning! tntratlu " Cons iigliam twp t'enlio " Calais Issa " Irnnklln " , FlshliiKCieek " tlleenunod " ... Hemlock " tatksntt " ., Locust " Malnn " Mllllln 11 Mt. 1' " Madison " Montour " (ll-ilimO " Pine " Uom inf-cr'k ' hcott " Mitfurlonf " Total srhnse ninrlcpil u llli nslnr lint vet 111 l'alit Assessors on nccouul oi Hepteli- null euumeiaiion AUDITORS. " County Auditors " M F llverly, Audltlnql'l-otll'ynn I lteglsler'sacoount 71 CO .11 to nilll)3ni.S)NTIl ICT. Johu Fi.t, contract for putting no hew bridge Iu llrmlm lc town ship neir Hvlvcster l'ursell 1 John L-golt, eiintril-t lebtllldln? bridge near llclibeu Wllson,ovor Little l'lshtugcrcelc David Hasaiie.contracl-tbiilldlnj nud slialghtelilng Benton brldgo ' Oeo W Ii Iter, coulrsct bulldlug now brldgo on county line be tween Columbia end Northum berland counties. In full l'eter Hunnlc, niovliigaudlcbulld lug brldgo In llenscr township, near Mr Isnae Kllugaman IlUIDOEUEl,AtIl!3 1 James Conner, lumber, Banton brldgo ' lteubcu Bcltas, rcpntr dono to tho brlf ge nbovo oratigovlUe, In nil 1 John Lcngotl, hhlnglcs nud lath for covering double bridge below Blono, nt 17 per thousand ' l'eter Jones, covering brldso bo low Bloom ' l'eter Jones, leplnclhg timbers Ac. below Bloom John Murduit, repropplng brldgo Mordausvllle,Mt l'leasaut town ship ? Beufamln Wcrtmnn, covellug brldgo nl Orniigevlllo ' D K Hlonn, hhluglcH nnd lumber for brldgo at Urungevlllo ' J 1) Wilson, repairs to brlOKO near Edward Mcllenry, Llttlo Flhh- lngcreek ' Benjamin Cole, roofing brldgo In Benton township, near Coles, by contract ' Joshua 11. Hess, re;iropplngbrld'o bank luHugarluaf toushlp,ncar llcsi's ' John lggott. fir repair to wing, wall ami for lumber nt tho Wil son bildgo. over Llttlo Flshlng creck 1 John Kobhtns, placing cinder ut double brldgo below llloom I II U Ort. hauling oue huudrcd tons cinder sauio placo " l'hlllp Applemnnrepropplng bank nl brlilga uenr Johu Zuller's, Flshlngcreek towtihliip " ltunynn A Warden, nails forduub. lo brldgo below Bloom ' Blooinhburg Lumber Company, Itock brldgo below Bloom Win tlleger, Carpenter work do " Isaac Labour, plank.Flshlugcreck brldgo II Win. Andrews, Isaiah Hess " A Hess, six hundred feet plant', llcntim near Cole's mills " Wm Holmes, lepalrlng bildu near sigiried's, lloutou " Moses Mcllenry, four huudrod It. plunk, Mlllwatbr brldgo " John L Kline, .14) feet plan':, Cou- yngh 1111 township "DA Ivllne, nlalik and work, 1'iU- terso 11 bridge, Urango " Martin Andrews, ispnlr brldgo near Joslah Hess " Jacob Yobo, Jr. repair nt Yoho bridge, Mlllllu K Mclidenhall, for doublo bildgo below Bloom " JauieH Bartun, lumber for doublo bridge below llloom " Kill owler, plnclug cinder below Bloom " Altred llorbclu, rcralr HUbtown bridge " Allied llerbeln, repair Cntawlssa, JI'KcIvey's .Mills " Nathan lloiner, laking down tho brldgo nt lteubcu ItclgloV, lu Frankllu township o E Yocilin, repair locust, county lino bridge " Wm Coleman, expenso to Benton brldgo " Iteubeu ltelgle, plauk nt old brldgo ut his placo 2510 00 S3 8'1 313 01 211 33 0 87 32 00 72 G 23 75 07 60 ICO 23 170 00 73 00 15 C5 28 00 40 0) 41 SI II 72 13 20 22 51 7 0. II 57 3 91 0 60 S CO 0 10 0 50 13 4 12 '00 2 01 7 (2) 9 CO 2 00 4 3. 19 21 BLANK BOOKS. lUank books, Commissioner's of. llco Blank books Frolhonotary's olllco " ltcglstir 4 llccoider olllco COSIIH3IONEn'SATronNF.Y John (1 Freeze, Attorney " herlce fu two tax casts "Court" By cleaning Court House, pnld Mrs F. ovcrdorf it al dialling courthouse y ard, ao l'uld Com t cryer, Moses Cod'inan dur ing tho year Cuustablo returns to Cruris COUNTY BUILDINGS. Paid Isaiah llacubuchhpoutlligCuurt Houso " Hiiaiplcss .1 Harmon cast Iron pickets lor yard fence Court houu l'eter Jones repairs nt lull ." " woik nt library case, law office " Binoiiisburg Lumber Co. lumber for law ofllco " F. J Thornlon, wall paper, Pro. Ihouotnry nnd Iteglsiei's olllces " Win FBodlne.papirlngApalut'g " ltunynn ,t Wurden mateiials lor llbiaryeaso " Itiinyiui.i Warden, locks for privy " " " coserlng lu ltcglsler's ofllcu table " Menngh ,1 Cullman piilntlngCourt I lousy fcuce, ao. " D Miller painting Court House fence, Ac. " Mayer Bros, bill paints ac for Court House fein c, ao " NJ lliudersholt, bill paints, for Court Houso fence, Ac. " Moj er Bros lend, Ac, painting olll ces und library '.. '.t-,ell.J""S;- fl'-ilf n'mut C houso Caroline, Mojer repairmen win- dow blinds 'Hit Thomas losic repair at Jail " Oeu Jlcnrlo inaklug key law mom Jnhli Weaver, puihp repair nt Jail M t) Wood want, lep.ilr ul Jnllsard " McKelsy, Nlul A Co., bill for Jail leimlr " i: Meudenhnll bill lumber for Culirl House and Jail 1)2 50 179 10 S3 SI 0 S7 31 11 22 Si 15 02 20 Ni 3 02 2 53 I 33 33 60 0 25 II 23 3 33 0 19 4 2 00 4 00 60 1 (XI 2 00 I Hi I II 272 21 COMMONWnALTII COsTS. l'ald costs Commonweallh vs Itlchnxl l'almer, Lewis Ivuiineu, It. F. Htont.sliall'er A Creasy, John Her bert and others during the yeur COMMIrtHIONF.llS AND CI.IIIIIC, " Wm (1 Quick, -Commlsslonor 691 50 M Cyrus Bobbins navui iciiger ' ' II . .1 lEceiler Wm Krlckbnum Cieik 1.175 00 DISTIIICT ATlUUNKY. Paid IX 11. Ikeltr, District Attorney ' IXIICTI'JN i:.l'L'NHF.f". l'ald sundry pcrnuns holding ckctlou vvr.u, l'ald Bloomsburg I umber Co 2 Ions cuul for Couit House '- lleudersholt A Matou 3 tons coal for Colirt Houso " l'uxtou A llHrjuan, 3,200 Its cf coal lor t'nurt Houso " O W Neal A Uro. 03,620 V coal for Court Houso and Jull 72 69 0 50 15 50 8 15 150 til 1(3 ti FOX AND WILDCAT HCAI.I' Paid sundry pcrtou for sculps INbUHANCi:. I'idd John A Fiiuitnu for Colirt Houso " lIFIIuituiuiilorJall 32 00 7 70 39 70 OF VI 21 00 no m 2.1 ("I 3.1 00 2200 21 1) 1.140 2.1O0 37.'.) 2H 00 11 00 Bl 00 33 60 2.1 00 21 00 1700 201" 2.1 00 20 00 23 00 30 00 13 7.1 .'HI IS) It HO 20 73 27 60 111 23 2.1 2.1 23 00 2.1 00 17 60 27110 20 75 32 00 llf) 1700 20 00 20 00 20 00 21 60 122.1 1700 2.1 01) 33 .') 20 00 19 00 TiTi 6)100 611 III INftmi'STH, Paid John M t'homlierlln on body of Mrs. (1. W, Maimer llloom 10 S7 " Thomas J Vandersllco on body of WHavltlsIIeinlnrll II 05 " O Murphy on bodyof John Mon- ohan Conynahatu 13 51 ' O tl Murphy bodyof MnryHwceny Convnghnm II 65 ' O (I Murphy on body oi Pal Con. ynghnii H .11 " C(l .Murphy on bodyof John Phil. tips, Conyngham 93 " Illchard Thornton on body of William Connolly Conyngham 2) 10 " l'hlllp llaveron ('nnstnblo fees body ol Wm Connelly Conyng'm 13 00 " I'll Murphy on body of nn un known person 22 21 " H'l hornloiionliodyorrJteMnna- mln ilnnynghnm 22 19 " oil Murphy on holy of M Han- 11011 of conyngham 21 07 lNCIDlINTAL KXtr.N8K8. " Paid John Leacock bonrdlru Jury, Palmer trial ; 01 03 " John Lencock boarding Jury Knu- treo trial 49 00 " Dlsiwnnberg coat nnd pants for John Herbert prisoner 6 00 " 1; II Bldlcmnu repair to lightning rod Court Houso I) IJ " 1-W Molllck money drawer Pro- thonotnry'n olllco 6 IH1 " K 11 Little enso v Jacob Yoho 20 IX) " 1'. fi t.tttlo lets t.-entrnlla imllcn enso 101 0) " O W Mnugcr bed for Jail 4 83 " " " ono doz ntools Ac for Court House nnd lull .132 " c II Brockwnynn W II Knt books A-o for I'rothonotary's olllco 21 63 " Cll Murphy, special appeals Con yngham Assessor 12 05 " McKetvy Nenl tit Co 81 Dj ropo for lown clock 7 71 " M O Woodward horse Ihlcf reward 20 00 "JO Frccr.o fines lelunded to Libra ry cnnililltli o 192 ID " H (I Miller AHon blllfornll.brnoms lamps, Ac for Court House A Jail 21 01 ' Mover illos, bill for nil, lamps AO Hi " 11 F Clork, 1'lof. hervlce, Blato tax llanlsburg 26141 " Oeo Yost a husk foot mals fort. Houso 3 5) " J M Chcmlcrllu repairing town clock. 5 00 " H iniiomns emllhlng Mil about Court House 3 00 " W II Morgan for Bradford county brldgo pfim 3 00 " H 1: Heaigentit et nl 2 map Com missioners' olllco 2 75 " Bobbins A Kyer, bill court hiuso nnd Jail 4 23 " I Ilsgenbucli upalrlng stoves. Ac Coutt Ilous9 3 2. 11 Bl) shlvo opalr paper flics I'ru- thouotiry's olllco I "y " Kdi'nukling 0 boxoj paper fast eners 1 2) " sundry persons for &undry llitugs 10 35 013 23 1'IlNITllNTIAItY. " lll4Ponllontlnry supporting con victs. '70 0114 " Statu l.unntic Hospital for IheMip port of Catharluu Hull 122 8.. ?10 29 1'ItINTINO. " J H S.indcis priming l'oo.70 In full 213 31 " l) 11 Brockwiiy printing hill for year 410 11) " Bradley A Cordon's printing bill 3 3) 1721 si POST MOIITIJMS. " It M I.ishall.on body of int. Con- snjliam 15 011 noAD and imtDcin vinwrt. " Sandry persom for mndry vlcw3 6239 00 ltOAD DAMAtin. " John Thomas, ilreenwood 12 (X) " John Claris, llloom IJO l " i:.hvur,l llenrlc, l'ino 7 00 ' Wm l'eacock, deposltlous on load Bloom I 0) " (leo Moore, tsugnrlonl Ho 10 " 1:11 Little, deposition ou road In llrl.ircreek 1100 " 0 II Mason, Ml Pleasant 6 00 " HOKhulti-., Sugsrloaf 6IIO " Jus Kramer, Madison 15 0J " lin Id Miller, linos) road Briar Creek 1 to " Win Wnlp " " I 6J " it W I'cddcr " " 1 6) " John Achenbach, Oiango 0000 " Wm Bobbins, " W l) " " 1.0 V) " Chns Low " 5 Hi " Hrhuylcr A Low " IS 0,) " WlnHinllh ' 10 00 " Mary ltlckets " '-0 00 " Wm Hiuds.Mt Pleasant 20 01 " l'eter Achenbach heirs Orango moo " John Former heirs Frankllu hm ix) ' Stephen Keerer, lleuton 00 Mrs bllas Apjilcmaii, urango 70 li) " Cleniucl Ill'iirker.l'lne 173 lu " Joel Klcfer llenlou 10 00 " 1).I Wnller, Bloum 100 0) " Jcircrson ioJ er, Bloom ho 00 " Joeu Mulligan, Beiilon H0 00 " J F l'lnhicr, Culawlssa 200 0O " lluakor Society, " 110 0) " w UM111011, ill I'lensanl loot) " David Shaller, " 10 10 " M 11 Jackson, professional tcrv Ices lu ro.ul damnga Centro Ht Bloom 'Jl 00 ilflV' " i;i:qi3tky nxpr.Nsi:?. " Assessors for lteglslerlng voters lor tho year, Including pay for 103 blunlc llegtslry bouks. and ain't paid lor transcribing said 103 books 11:0 0) BHKUIFFVJ ACCOUNT. " Mordecnl Millard ns per bill ren deled for boarding prisoners, hervlug Jury notices, com c) Ing eouvlcis to IIH l'culteutlary, Ac, 19sl 31 STATU ItOADS. " The following rcrsons for lnylug nud opening 11 Slate road Itoiu 1 ouudryvllic, lu Columbia Cuun ty. to rlho nubllo, loinl near uiiiiu h Bcliuol housd in Luzeiuu county Les 1 C01 trlght, Commissioner 50 CO US I'uttersuu 13 m 111' 11c. idly " (0 00 K F lUiully, Surveyor 21 00 Vtn Hltdi-biant, Cuuliimau 1120 1) L Cortrlght " II U) Owen Hull, Axman 21 00 Iteubeu Andrews, chaluman 23 00 Hull, Commissioner 31 UO N (I Wcstlcr " 2 00 J CHIIlltll " 2 O) 11 L ICoons, Surveyor ill 10 Jos Wohlliugcr.Axman 12 do F 1, Haymiiu, Ch.ilnman -2 40 Simpson Folk, Axman 4 10 Wm M Klluelob, Juitlce fees 1 60 $101 10 STATIOJCK11Y. " Tu sundry persons for paper nud puis II 55 TirhTAVLU " Sundry pcisons tip hluvts during ojr 15) 01 TIHIAbUIlElt. " 1) Lnwcidmig for dctds lo Com- lulssluiurd 6.161 Total cxpendllnrcs 1S.!VJ7 81 TANKS ItCFUNDBI). ' Amounts refunded to tho town- shlpsAo 17,579 12 hiiiicp onDF.r.s. ' Bloom 0 6) " Beaver 21 10 ' Briar Cieelt 37 00 " llcutou IM 5J " Centre til 5) " Catuwlssa 17 00 " Frnuklln 33 00 " Flshlngcreek 70 I'.l " tlrecnw 00J 40 U) ' Hemlock 0 60 " Jnekson ,11 00 " Uicusl 60 is) " Malno 12 40 ' Madison 37 5:) " Montour 10 10 ' Ml Pleasant 115 60 " Onillgo 41 00 " Suguilo.ll 110 to " Scull 47 25 toTTio Wholo nmount orders Issued In 1570 127,011 ."0 Deduct sheep orders Issued l'.17 40 And Tux lefundcd to lowushlps 7,570 12 h5M 52 llxpcnses during tho year 813,507 31 HTATHMENT OF DOG FUND. Wo havo nn accurate nccount of sheep orders fiom P07 to tills time. The hhecp ordeis Issiud nud not re deemed uro ns follows, to w It 1 For 13117 II 00 For 1100 113 to ForKO hll UJ Wholo amount unrodoomed 919 10 Amount overpaid 011 dj tnx Is 1031 51 Which added lo sheep urdeis unplld 050 40 (lives tho wholo Indebtedness 1,1 C! 01 Now deduct amount duo from collection 477 24 Excess of damago over said fun d 6ji 01 Allowing Commissioners an extra sal- ury ol 37 Total debt, about 17.M oj BTATF.MHNT OF COUNTY OUDWIS. Wholo umount of orders redeomed lu 1S70 1C,'(7 Wi Deduct old oidcrsicdecmod 217 011 Orders of 1 70 redeemed M Add iilnouut of 1370 uol redeemed .'Q OJ (lives amount Issued In H70 2H,otl 01 Amuilut duo lor 1107, nuid views 1 00 Amount ilue for Isos, road vliws 2 10 Amount duo for Ivoo, " l Amount duo for 170, " 20 10 Total duo for tho lour years 33 0J Wo tho undeihlguid, Auditors of Columbia couuty, being duly ilectcd 10 adjust ami u ttlo Ihoaccouulsof tho Trimmer and ComniUMon ersol Cutumhla louuty do hereby certify thatwu men nt Hie olllco of the Tiousurer nud Coiiimls. bloncrs, In Blooiiuburg.nnd curelillly exunilnid llio accounts mid vouchers ol tho wiiiio Irom the or January-!. D. 70, and to the lli.l ilayof Jiinuary.A. 11.1371. Ilnd llitni correct In tlio foregoing statement, and wu hud n balanio duo Columbiueoiiuly ou Couuty Tux, l ight bun dled nnd iblrty-hesen iio'lnis and elghty.llvo cents, (SsJ7.s5) fiom David Lnwcnuutg. 'Ireusurer of said county, und ft balance duo the Treasurer on Dog "ax 0110 huudiedaud nluvly-threo dol larsjiud lllty.ouu cents UU 61.) - Tne Auditors find that tho Township Auditors In several of tho lowushlps of the couuty huso not csmplled with the law relutlng to tho up prulsemeut of sheep killed by dogs, uud suggest that tho County Commissioners pay 110 damages louny periou uuless llio law Is fully eomplltd with, Ulven under our hands this Fourth day of Jan. uury, A, D, 17I. A, J, AL11HIITKON, ) U.J. CAMl-lllXL, Alldllolh, DAN1LL LLli, ) We, tho uuderslgued, Couimlhsloucra of Co lliiublaiouuly, do hereby tetllly that tl 0 foie coin glsuioirict siateiueut ot the accounts of said u uuuty for Hie tar A, 1). 1370, WM, (J, QUICK', ) OY11U-. ItillllllNS, i Cominlss'ri. II. J. UKLDLlt, i Commissioner's Olllce. MUil: Wm. KmrKiuvM, Cleik, Bloouuburg, Feb. 10, 1371, 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers