SHItc (ifohtmbtnn puiilibiied i:vi:iiy ritniAV mouninu IN T11R COt.UMIItAH BDltlllKa NKAllTIIK i'ooiit, uy HENRY L. DIEFFENBACH, nniton Aisn rRoniiETon, Terms-Two Dollars & Yeir aa-raMa In tJnrn OIHOULATION EGOO. JOB MINTING 01 nil inscriptions executed with neatness nnd dispatch nt rcnsonnblo rates. Columbia Oouuty Official Directory. YMoVnl.iofflC Wll.MAM F.I.WKM.. Aisnctnte Juilica lllAM Dunn, Isaac 8. AtoN- noE. J'rothonohtrH, i(c.-M'Kt MNfiTotf II. KNr. ItrplaterA- ltreoritir Wll.l.lAMHoN lI.J.Hohv. HWrM Allantu-K. II. Ikki.ku. tllterUT AA uon Hmitii. Knnclor ISAAO Dr.wiTT. 'VcilJiirer IIAVIti LoWKNIlFUll, (),lnlll'nrrs WII.MAM II. QUICK, CvllCS HlltllllNR, IIIIIAM J, HlEKDRIt. Omnilh.iourM' tVer Wll.l.tAM Kr.lrKUAtTM, Amlllon V. J. CAMl'IIKI.I., A. J. AI.IIKIIPION. DANIHI. Lfk. (hroner John I). Koccir. 7ur;Cbiil(0)im lsAAUM'.II iitiiK.JiiilK Mo ANt.r (o nil A'u;erfnlcmIciii-cllAllt.l-s O, HAliltl.KV. Bloomsburg Official Directory. trri Xallmml on.-L'IIAs. It. l'AXTON.Plos't., .1, 1. Ti'htih. ('ashler. OilumblafWitv Mutant Mnlaliiiitnmtlian An lactation V,. II, I.ITTI.K, I'rcs't., C. W., Htc';. Ittixmukuro HutlUhlil anil Suilnr l'uml Anvu-ia-Hon John Tiiii-ias, Pris't., .1, 11. Itiiiiisnv, Sic JUoomntiUrn Jft'tifot Sai-lna I'ttiitl Annnriatlim President, M. Wiiitmoycii, Heo'y. Bloomsburg Directory. STOVES AND TINWARE. 1 M. UUPF.KT, dealer lu stoves Atlnnnri'.Hu A. pert block, Main si. west or .Market, vl-nll JACOII Atl'TZ, dealer lu stoics nnd linwnro Main street, abovo court house. vl-nl I CLOTHING, &v. DAVID LOWKNHKIIO, Merchant Tnllor.Mnln st., 2d door nbovo Anicrlcnu House. vl-n 1 1 1WAI. MOItltIS, Merchant Tailor corner of Cell II iro and Main St., over Allller's shuc. V,-u:a DUUC1S, CHEMICALS, Ac. 1,1 I'. I.l'TZ, Druggist nndApothccary.Maln st. i'j. Iclnw the Post oillce. vl.n II MOYIlIt llltOS., Druggists and Apothecaries, llrowcr's block Alain st. v 1-nl CLOCKS, WATCHES, AC. UI'.NltY ZUPPlNUF.ItT WntclTcsT Spectacled Jowolry Ac., MaluHtrcct near West 81. v'l-nl', n F HA VAdl", denier In Clocks, Watches nnd W Jewelry, Main St., Juslbcluw the Amillruli House. . tyl-Il I OUIH HFlt.VIIAUD, Watch anil Clock maker. It near southeast corner Alain and Iron sts. vl-11 CATHCAKT. Watch and Clock Alalter.AInr , ket stleet, below Main. vlul) HOOTS AND SHOES. 1) AVID 1IKTZ, Hoot and Shoemaker, Malu St., below II artmnu's store, west of Market, vl-1 1 Hl.NKY KI.l.IM, Manufacturer and dealer In Hoots and Hhoes, Uruccrlcs, etc., Malu stieel, Last IllooinsburK. vl-nli ( M. I1IIOWN, Hoot and Hhoemnkcr, Main U. street, under llrown's Hotel. vl-ull PROFESSIONAL. Dlt. II. C. IIOWIIII, Snrgcou D. ntlst, Main si., abovo the Com t House. vl-nli DH. WM. M. ltr.llHIt, Hurpeou nnd riiyslclnn, lJxchaui;e Uloclc over Wc bb's lus.k store vu-uLa Dlt. 11, F, KINNI1Y, Huigcnn Dentist. Teeth extracted without pain: Alain St., luarly op posllv Hplscopat Chinch, vl-hlll n 0. IIAItKI,i:v, Olllce,2d U, llnorlu '.xchau2ollloc:,l.farlliuMl:xchunKo Hull I." Vl-11.1 I II. McKK.I.VY.M. D.,Hurgi and l'hjslelan J .liollhshlu Alain St., Lrlow Mai kit. V1UI3 1 It. HVANS, M. 11., Hursnni and l'hjslelan, ,j south slUo Jlaln html, In low Mai ket. vlnli T I', lttmnit, Jl. 1). Suroeou nud Physician .J. Market strtet, above Main, vlull I II. KOIIISON',, Ollleo Halt. ,1, luan'u I. uliuinfe, Main street, v'J-ni:o MILLINERY A, FANCY GOODS". V I'KTKItMA.V, Millinery anil Taney (JoodK. IJ opposite Hltlseopal Cbuieti, Main st, vl-lilj l!SH Ml ilAHKI.HY, Milliner, ltamsry n sllett, vl-ulJ lH hulhlluf Main sllett MIKS A. D. WI.IIII, I'aney (loods, Notlous, lliHiks, audhtallonery, i:.chane llloek.Maln htret. vl-uU UISH M. DllltltlL KHIN, Millinery und 1'aney ill (iootls,Mllillst., helow Malktt. I.llfl Mils. 11. KI.INH, Mllllmry and lamy IJood1' Malu stleet below Muikct. vl-l.l Mllrt, JUl.IA A. .t KADi: HAltKI.KY, I.iull' I'ltaiks and Dress rattern., south. ast loiu.r M'lliiaiul Weslsts, vl-11 CI ll'lli: MISHIX 1IA11MAN Mllllmryand Fnuey J Ht.oils, Maltist., below American House, viuii IIO'J'ELS AND SALOONS. I!KK IIOTI'.I., by T. llent. Taylor, east end 1 nt Malusluet. . vl-U lUID.MYIIIt A"jACl)llY,('onfeellonery,llakery I? ami Ojsler Haloon, wholesaleand litall. li. rltnngu lllock, Malu strcit. vlnlJ J1EUCHANTS AND GROCERS. ft V. SIAltlt, Dry (ionds and Notions, south. U west corner Main nnd lion bis. vMill OH. Kni:.I!OI,TZ. dealer lu l.ry (loods, Gio- teries, Hoots, Hhuts, dc., corner Alain and Iron streets. va-iijO DA. lir.CKI.HY. Hoot mill Shoe sloie, books A statlouety, Alain St., below Mai kit. vt-nll n JACtlllH, Con lei tlonery, groceries etc., Alain Tj. St., below Iron vl-lO P All:NDi:Nll.M,I,,(;encral Stork of Alerchall lj, dlse and I.uinli r, corner of Alain strut and Herwlck load. vl-nll linx .1 WIlllll. Cnnliellnneiy and llakerv. 1' wholesalo nnd ulall, Hxchnngo lllock, vl-nll Ht'.llOWHIt, Hatspnd Caps, Hoots nnd Khois, . Alain St., abovo Court House. vl-nll f If. OIHTOAT, Orocerles ft 1'iovlslons, Alain o. Street below .Market. vl-nll T II. MAIZH, Al.immolh (iiisery, lino Oio .1. eerles. Fruits, Nuts, 1'rovlslnn, Ac., Alain and Iron Streets, vi-uM. M'KHI.VY, NHAI. A CO., dcnlersln Dry (loods, Oroccrlcg, Flour, Ketsl.Salt, Fish, 1 1 on, Nails, elr.,N, H. cur, Alain and Alarket sts, vl-nll 0 It AIII.I.KH A KIN, dealer lu Hrv (loods, Q. (Irocelles, tiueenswale, Flour. Salt, Sbois. cottons, etc,, Ilxdiaugo lllock, Alantst, vl-nll MISCELLANEOUS, f At. I'HUIST.MAN. Saddle, Trunk .1 Hnrniks u inauer, hiuve's liiocic Alain sueei. 3nI(J W. IlOllllINS.llquordenlcrscconddourlloiu ij ' ui nortiiwist comer Alain and lion sts. vl-nll V J. TIIOHNTOX, Wall Paper, Window Shndes Ci. und Uxtures, ltupirt block, Alain st, vl-11 GW. com:!,!., Furulturo Hooms, three story brick, Alain Strict, west of Alarket st. llill Hll(W:NK'10CK,Pbotusrapher,over Ilohl.liis J: Fill's Stole, Malu st, M-ll I S. KUHN.dealerln Aleat, Talloie, etc., Cheln l.berlln'snlley.ienrofAuierlcali House, vlntl TOIIN A. VUNSTON ft CO.. mutual nnd cash "rales tlroIlisuramoiompauliB.llrowcr'sllulld- luit.AInln street. vl-ull R II. ItlNOI.Klt, dealer in pianos, organs nnd melodcons,al O. W.Corell'sluiiiIluro rooms yi-nn SAMIIHI, .lAt'OllY, Alarblo nnd Ilrown SI0117 Works, Fast Illouiusbuig.liciwlck mad. vl-n la WM, II Aim, denier In furnllnre, Irunks, cedei willow wale, near the Forks Hotel, vl-nls OFOSTFll, (Hue AInker, uud Whltu nud Fancy , Tuuner,Seottown, vln(7 1 II. HIDI.KAIAN, Agent for Jlunson's Copper li.TubularUjhtulLgltod, N2UI0 IACOII HIF.FFENIIACII, Hroorc Factory. Or. tj ilersleltat his resilience or at Miller .1 Sou's ioru pruuipwy uueu. lies, erecu wisieru nrusii seih vl-uls. "IAAI1 CADMAN, Cablnetmnker uud Chnlr. u inaueri rooms jiain siieei oei, iron, v.i-ni T W.HAMl'M: A t,O..MaclllnlHts.i:asLIllooiiiu' IN burg.near It. Castings luadeatslior1 uoiice, Aiacutuery niauo sun ri'iaireu. v-;-u. Espy, , j 1. ivi.i.iiiiiii 'iCt jiiiUi.iitiiiir in in y uiiis pD' (Jroeeries, und giueral Aleichaudlse, v2ull iTiSPYSTKAAl FI.OUHINU MILLS, C.H. Fowler. Ui Propilelur. 2nlli I 1). WFHKllKIsr.H. Hoot and Shoe Store and ' lonliurnitoiv. hboti on Main Kdeet on. poilto the Steum Mill. v'Jul n V. EDOAlt.Suknuchannn PIiuiIuk Mill and llox Mauumitoiy, v2ull VOLUME V.---NO C. Ornngovillo Directory, A c?v,.:MA:''M''rclmnlTallorsnnd f J. nl', ,I,""B 8U" Alain St., next door to the Hrlck Hotel, vlnl7 A .'..'""l'.' '!'rl,1;I-.Carpenlirsnnd il, Ilulldprn, Alain st lielow Pine. vi.1,17 nowillt ft iflilmiNU, dealer in Dry (foods', Jin. .IT1'""' ''""""f nl"l general Alenhnndl.e .Maui St. vl-nlf B'i!(',K ,,!,(,,?',;r' n'"1 fefieshment Saloon, hv ltohr.M'ilcnryeur.of Alain niidl'lnest.,vf.uiV DM.!!: 'V t,:(VU('1i"ln'"fReoTi. 1iMnlti st next door to Uood s Hotel. ".nrf IV,Y1.i'.I,":U,!!N'(!'..Klm"'n"JOfl'tMlil,nnd U Dealer lu main, Aim sireet. VliilT I. Iv1:,).,T41!"lt1'l,'".1.''1"" I""t surgeon, Alain l st,,tlist doorabovo Al'Henry's Holil, vl-n;! 1AM1M1I. ltAltMAN.Cnblnrt Make: and Un J dertakir. Alain st Lolow l'ino. vl-1117 I Vi',.li.A!lMAf,t.t,",'.,'" alHrilainiss'liinkir. II. Alain si., oppsllo Frame Chuleh. Mull SLI,l,Vi,1'l:U,.CO-,Il"l,,rou"','1")-M''chlnlls, IJ ami Alnnufactuiers of dows, Atlll St, vl-11 1 QAMiri:i,HIIAItPI,F.SS Maker orthollnyhnrst O tlrain Cindle. Alain HI. v.'nS. WILLIAM Di:i.ON(l Shoemakernli.t 1, in j.iii;!., .11111 ni., wes. 01 1'iue vl u 1 1 Cata-vvisEa. 1 ) F. DAI.I.AIAN.AIerchantTallor.HecomlM. J. Itobbins' liulldlug. 2-nly nit. J. If. IIOIIIHNS, Surgeou nud Physician XJ Second St., Iielow Alain. 2-iits GII.lir.ItT A KI.INi:, dry goods, groccrles.nnd general merchandise, Main Slreit ,2-nl'J II. KISTI.KIt, "Caltliwlssa llonse,' , Corner Main and Second streets. Noith Willi i:i:il. Dlt, Illllnrd Saloon, Ojsters, anil lie , Cleatn III n-nson AInlnst, 'iiVl M M. IlllOIIST, denier In OcuirulAtirchnn.llso Dry Omuls, Orocerles Ac, vJ-ult. CrstJIIF.IIAN.VA or llrlik Hotel, S. Kostin. O bauih r Pioprli tor,south-east turner Alain nud Second Stint, V.'nlJ Sll. HINAltH, duller In Stovis nnd i'ln-wiile, , Alalu stint. vsul J w AI. II. Alir.OTT, Attorney nt law, Alain St. 2iil Light Street. HP. OMAN A Co., Wheelwrights, ilrst door , aboo Sthoot House. vlnltl TOIIN A. OAIAN, Alunur.icllucr and dealer lu .1 Hoots and Shoes, vllild nl'.TFH KNT, dealer In Dry (loods (Irocerlis, I Hour, Fcid.s.ill, Fish, Iron, Nails, etc., Malu street. vllili RH. P.NT, dealer lu Stoves and Tin wnro lu all lis blanches, vlulO Buck Horn. si (I, A W. II. SHOF.MAKm. dinhis In dre ill. goods, gtonrlis and gelitrnl luelchanillse. e irsl storo lu south t ml ot tov.u. vlMill Hotels. T UK KSPY 1IOTKL. VjiVY, COLUMHIA COUNTY. 1A, Tlio luiairKiuiu-il would inform the trtiwIltiiB iuilUc that li 1ms tiikt'ii Iheiibovcjimnu'ilestnli- lKlilllt'llt nllll tllllllHlirhU' n-tlltfil llm cum,, hm w I'erUTt roint-nlciminf lilHKiH.tH. II In larder win hoistoL'ki'd MiUi the hi hi the mnrki-t ailirds, TliucliolThtll'iumsvut'ii nml clL'iiuulwuyH lo william vvrnvr. Ai.r.'JJ.tjO-ti j:nry,ra. JIUCK IIOTKL, OKANGi:VILLi:, COLUMHIA COU'I V, l'A. liOUK M'HENUY, Proprietor. This well known House, having been l-ut In tlioioucli repair, 1h now open tu tun tiavtliliiK tMibile, Tliu lar in Mocked with the clmleesi Ihinortt and clars.undtho tablo will bo, at all tlnu'H(N.iiplW'd with the dellcnclcis of tlio wa.soti. No pains will bo spared tu ln&uro the eomloitol ynehts. Uranntn Hie, dec. lO.'09-tf. MONTOUlt IIOUfiK V' ItUl'KHT, l'A. WILLIAM ItUILl'.lt, I'roprklor, This ltoiue haInt; h en put lu tbiuuuuti ir pa Il ls now open ltr the lfti-ptlnn of Kiust, No pains will bn hpandto injure the peilect enm initot tint tiiiMliis. Tut) 1'ionrUtor holiella a hhaio ot publlo piMioinme, Ihu bar ulll bo Mociii it ni all ninth with lino Jlqiuns and cltiaiH, niai U'70-tr. B KXTON JIOTKI.. W. F. PIATT, Proprietor, IlKNTON, COI.USI1IIA COUNTY, l'A. lids wilt known llouso having been put In thoiou;h 1 1'palr Is now opi'ti lor tbu rt (eptlon id visllois. No pains haubteu frpaii d tu enuie the pi'ileet eoniloit f (,'UtMf, Tlic pioprletor also limn a Slao irnin the Hotel to ItloonihbuiR and Inteiinedlate iolnts on Tuesday, ThurMlay uud (Saturday of each week. mn07iMf "WIHMYKU A JACOHY V K.XCllANdiniLOCK.HLOOMHmnUJ.PA. nrn ncHdH Tortho hale oi 'MSiockwayV Justly ci'lebialid Ciiam and old Mock Ak.s, witch they tflll sell aa cheap as country br wtd aUn; whol and half barulM ottantlyon haiul. 'IhN ale h brt-utl by William K, Un ckway, 13 to Kast lllevenlh Ktrtt t. New York City. KloonuLuiK, Juno 10. lvro-t4 S HAilPLKSS & IIAHMAX, KAflLU toUMHtY AN1 MANUKA (TUItlMl SHOP, htovi:h &. plows wiioli;sali; a uiitail THi; t KLEIIHATCI) MONTItOSE U.ON 11KAM ANI TIIK 11UTTON WtlUpKN IIKAM 1'LOWH. Catluysaud I'iroJlrlck for tepalilni; city Stovs All kinds ol HnihH or Iron cuslini; iiutUu lo outer upon hbort nollce. IIInniiiKlmiL'. I'll. l'roprlctoi'ij Mur.iy,"ty-n. UUNTON & HTIIIJS (kuictssoiH to A. Wltman,) UcMxctfnllv Infotin llm rnbllc that llicv are now lully pitpaitd to do all kinds of Moik in their linn ol blislno-N. iinrm H'linniublc Ultus and shoit not he, hutlHlat lion wan anted In all c Libit, Juu.lJ.'7ily Stoves and Tinware. N TKW STOVK AND TIN SHOP. ISAIAH HAdKNIJUCH, Main Htrcet ono door nbovo U. Mcndenhairii SI OH. A largo RMsoruuem oi moves, licniers nna Uaniici. constantly im hand, and for bale ut tbu lowvht rnteH, Tlnulna lualllts brnuchescarefullyntlendeilto, md hatUfactlon ciniranteed. Tin worK oi au uiuu wnoitMiionuu itiau, a tal is ii'ijiu'dtid. pr.u,W'tt TOVIIS AND TINVAKE. A. M. HUl'KUT unuouuees to his filends nnd customtis that ho continues the abovo business nt Ills old place on .MAIN STHFllT, hlooaishuiio. Customers can he accomodated with FANCY BTOVIW or nil liluda, Stovepipes, Tinware and every va riety of article found in u Stove and Tinware lis. tabllshmeiitlu thacltlcs.nud ontholuost leason. nblo terms. Itepalrlngdone at the shortest uotico. 21 DOZKN MILK-PANS on linmt for sale. EUSINKSS OAUDS, VIH1TINU CAIllis, LF.TTIUt IIKADS, HILL HHAUS, PHOOUAMAIEH, POSTKItH, 40., AC, Nctttly nml Cheaply I'rJiitotl Fiom the Latest Styles orTypu at the COLUMHIAN OFFICE OKI I OKI 1CK! 'Iho mulirsliincd hnlng built tlio largest Ico hoiuo In the counly,(ofuilonscapaclly) will bo prepared lu liirnUhelcur.puio FislllUKCreelt Ico ilurllig tin; euiu ng summer, nt the lowest mark, et rales. Ice delivered in any part of Iho town, . Bui-i'mut uriiers iiroilipiiy line I. in , , ,CI1AHLI FOltSI'LIt, lllouiusbuig. Dec, U0, lS7e-iu, Philadelphia Directory. tAOIiK IIOTKIj. tm NOIITII TlttllllHTItmsT, It, H.CUMMINtlH.lV.olMttmoR. JOHN 8TUOU1' .t CO., Successors to Stroup A lirother, wiiot.nsAi.t: DKALims in fish. No. 21 North Wharves nnd 23 North 'Dill tl St lhllndelphla. JICHAHDSON L. WIIIGHT, JH. ATTOHNJ'.Y AT LAW, no. 121 south sixth BTitEirr, I'll I I.ADK i.imi r.v oct.2.','ifJ-ly .J W. JlANIv's" " " iiui.i;hai,i;toiiacco,SNUI' F, AND CKIAlt WAitnimusn, No. I M North Third Street, Hclweeii Cherryand Itnce, west side, Philadelphia. pitANK it STUKTCII, (successors In 1. II, Walter,) Importers nnd Dealets In (UIIXNSWAF.E, CHINA, AND ULASH, No. 2:11 N.ThlldSlreet, llcttieen Itace and Vino Sts. riiit.ADri.ruiA, ft ll'.'sni'i.Vcii, en'l Farmers. Ji"-u-ti "' WA,'TL" islic'lnl Partner. KKI'HKAUT, WITH hauxks, into. & iikiuion, II ATS, CAI'H.STItAW 0001)4 FUIIS, No. to Mnrket Street, (Abovo Fifth,) Pilit.Anici.riirA, A I N WKIQIIT & CO., wiioi,i:sali: aitocHits, N. H. Corner Second nnd Arch streets, PlIll.AKkl.I'lltA, Dealers lu THAH, SYP.Urs, COFFF.i:, SUOAH, AIOI.ASS1M UK E, Sl'lt'lH, lit IA1I1I SODA, 41"., AC, aOrders will lech e prompt nttentlou. limy lU,i, JADIES' FANCY I.'UItS! JOHN FA It 111 P. A, 7IS AliClt HTItIXT, Aliddle of the lilotk, between Till nnd Mil Sts.. South Side, l'lUl.AHV.l.VHIA, Inilioitir, AInmilactuiei'and Duller In all kinds and quality of FANCY PUUH FOU I.ADIIW AND OHNTI.EAIH.VS WHAIt. llin lug i nlarged, remodeled nnd Improved my old and laMirablyknowii I- Ult i:.Ml'OUItiAI,nlul hn lug Imported u very larje unit splendid ns sorlinelit of all the dlilert nt kinds ol Furs irom Ilrst hands In ruiopc.iind had the lumado up by the inostskllllul workmen, l would respecliully Invllemy Irlcndsnrcolumbl.inndndjaccntcouu ties, tocall and examine my very hirgonndbeau tlliilassorDiientof Fuucr tins, lor ladles and children. 1 am determined to sell nt as low prices as any olberrcspielable House lu thuclty. All 1'iirs Mnrriinteii. No misrepresentation? to ellect salts. JOHN FAHKIKAl , , 711 Altfll STltEr.T, PlItl.AlllILI'llIA. Nov. 1, 1STU-3I11. Bnniness Cards. M. ATTOltNKY AT LAW, Ashland, Schuj 11:111 County Pa. A. Ii. TUItNElt PIIYSICIAX AND Sl'ltGLON, HI.OOMSIIUIKI, PA. Ol t'lcnovcr Lutz's Ding store. Filth hlleet. Kcildeno ilielii'TU. c. w. AlTOItNKY Oillce Court Honsn 'Alley, below the Coi.vsr IHAN Olllte, Douiltles, llni k-Piiy and Pensions ouiiieu. luoomsiiurg Pa. hep.'JU't., jlOIJEHT F. CliAHK, AITOKNFY Oillce Alain Sireet bilow the Court House, jtiouiiisoui g i-eiin a. H. LITTIiK, ATTOltNKY AT LAW, Oillce Couit-IIouse Alley, htlow tho Col.fM 11IAX Oillce, llloonisburg Pa. c. naocKWAY, ATTOltNKY AT LAW, UI.noMMiuiul, l'A. 4-OlFiri: Court llouso Alley, lu tho Cie 1.UM1IIA.N building. JllUl,'07. s h A T K It O O F I N a, fl V E It Y VARIETY A T MOST FAVOHAHLiE HATES, JOHN THOMAS, AKU CASrUlt J. THOAIAH Ilox.277. llloomsburg, Pa, Mar.19.tiMy SnO.OOO l'HI JIK K KICK FOU HA1.K AT ESPY. For iiaillmlars, address It. J. AIILI.AHD, Fspy. on T. H. AIlI.I.Flt, Lime llldge. oct25';U-tf. 17 m. KNoan, A Jt llavlnir iiun linked tlut.lock oft bo old ICev. Monu shoi'Moii, and mhlul t Init io a laruo and well M'lechd niwhtock Isprefnrid to exhibit tho bi-Mt ariety ot IJOOTS AND MIOL'H eM'i-biouuht to this place, IIo Is aUo prennied lo nuike Hoots ami Mioch to order in IhalatcH and heM si vIin, l-'ur eanh only. In Iho old Tost Oillce. build luu, coriur Main and Mai ket Slii'cU llloonubuig, l'.i. In'p0'"ul) . OOTS AND SI10KS. ci.Aitic M.nnowN, MAIN hTtlt.KT, VN1MI llhoWN'M ItOTI !.. A lull and (oinplclo assortuunt of irady inndo boots ami shoe lor lot n. uhih n nud chlldien J list rti i ltd and for halo at reasouablo rates. arums in sun an ciasi'H oi cusionitrx. ino best of uoik donw at hbort notice, us hirclofote. Ulvu him acall. apra'7itl. "17 J, THORNTON J Ji would anuounco to thocitlensof lilooniK- biittranil vieiultv. that ho has lust ricelved u lull aud complete ufcsoi tment of WALL 1'ArLH, WINDOW hllADHH, FIXTl'HKJ, COUPS, TAfchi:i., nnd ail oilier coods lu his lino of buslntss. All tho newest anil most npproeil pattern of thu day ate almiys tu bo louud lu his fhtablUhmeut, iuai.o, wi sinin ri. ueiow JiarKei. pOWDKK KKGS AND hU.MllKU, Hupert, Pa., Manufacturer. o( l'OWDKH KKUS, mid denleru In all Blmln of LU.MIlFIt, give notlco that they nro prepared to nccornodato heir custom with dlipatcli, and ou the cheapeat !ernin. c HKHTKH H. FUHMAN, HAUNFSS, SADDLH, AND THUNK AIANUFACU'UllKlt, and dealer lu CAltPFT-llAOS, VAL1SF.H, FLV-Nin'H, UUyi'AI.O 1101IF8, JIOKhn-llI-AMiKTB At'., which ho feel, confident ho can tell nt lower I I1IU lllllll llllj 1IH1VI I'.-.BUJ, ,1, .MM n m I .... fur vminwli n. Shop third door below the Court llonse, Malu micci, uiooiuhuurg, i a. Aug.o.lfW. BL00MSBU11GK PA., FllIDAY, FEBRTJAHY Choice Poetry. Tho Ilaln. A SOSft OV 1'EACL't Tho Haiti, tho Unln, tho beautiful Itntn, Welcome, welcome, it cometii ngatn ; u eomciii with green to gladden tho plain, And to waku tho s wee Is In tho wlndliJK lane, Tlio Uiiln, tliu Haiti, tlio beautiful Haiti, It IUIh tho (lower to tlieir tlnieM vein. Tilt they tlso fvom tlio nod whereon they hnd jam M, me I nli, mel like an army Mailt. Tlio Uain. tho Haln. the beatitllul Hatn. liich drop Is a link of a diamond chain i nai unilcs tho earth with its kIh and lla Main To tho radiant tealm uhero Ood doth relyn. Tho Haln, tho Haln, tho beautiful Haln, Ilach drop U a tear not Mied In vain, Which thoangcN weep for tho Rolden grain ah irmnitn lo deatli on tho glory plain. rorthc Haln, tho Itiln, tho beautiful Haln, Will waken tho golden needs attaint Hut, alt ! wlrnt power wilt ru I vu the slain. Stark lying In death over ftlr Lorrainu ? Twcro better, fir, O beautiful Haln. That you nu tiled tl.o torrent and Hooded tho main; And that Winter, with all lis spectral train, Mono lay camped on tho Icy plain. I'or then, O Haln, O beautiful Haln. Tlio Know iUuiof peaco Hero unfurled again j AUd n irucn would bo rung In each loud refrain Of tho blast replacing tlio bugle's strain. Then welcome, welcome, beautiful Haln, inou nriiiKesi Mowers to tlio pairhed-un plain 1 Oh! lor many n frenzied heart and brain, ItrhiK hmc9 and loo to tho world iv.;Un, Tho Story of an Old Maid. I know tho story of her life, Toofcad and ytt too common ; Hho mlttht have bien ero now n wife An honored happy woman; Hut though bho loved him well, her heart Was faithful lo another; Hho broko tho'o l.ittcr tics apart llecauso she loved licr mother. IIo turned away wlthaury wordn, And sadly wounded teellug, loubtln tholovo which was abovo All power of words revealing; JIo went whero wealth with haughty han.1 Her Rolden htandard carried ; Aud 'mid thnt fair an J youthful band IluchoHo alresli.and mariicd. It must have been ti heavy rho had, with none to guldu her, AIouk a Hocmlng enllcss road, With no young heart beside her. Hho turu'il nnd left buhind her there, Youth's dream and youthful beauty; Henceforth sho said her feet must tread Tho higher path of duty. Bho lived, and lived a noble llfo Ol dally cares and trials Of peaceful calm In toll and strife, Of voiceless self-denials. Ho lives sho on this side tho stieam ; Hut when hho gains tho other, Hhall not her crown nioro brightly beam llecauso sho loved her molherl Tho Best That I Can. " I canuot do much," bald n little star, "To maku tho dark ioild bright; Aty silver beams cannot struggle far Through tho folding gloom of uhjht I Hut I nm u part of (Jod's great plan, And I'll cheerfully do the best I can," "What Is tho use," said n lleecy cloud, " Uf theso dew-drops that I hold ? They will hardly bend tho lllly proud, Though elught lu her cub of goal. Yet l ainn pint of (lod's gnat plan; My treasures I'll give us Melius I can." A child M cut merrily forth to play, Hutu thought, like silver lie.ul, Kept winding In and out nil day Through the happy bu.y head, "Mother said, 'Darling do all you cm, I'or you are u pirt of Ood's great plan.' '' So she helped n younger child along, When the road was rough In tho fei t ; And she snug for her a little Ming, A Kong that was passing sweet i And her fathir, a weary toll-woin man, Kald, "I Mill u1m do the best that I cm." Sowing. Aro wo sowing setds of k!udntis ? They shnll blossom b-lght ere long, Aro wesowlug seeds of discord? They shall ripen Into wrong. Alo wo sowlug steds of honor? They shall bring forth golden ginln, Aro wo sowing soeds of lalsehood? Wo shall jet reap bitter pain. W'h.ltsoo el our sowing be, Heaping, wo lis fullts must see. Wo can never be too careful What thcsieil our hand shall sow ; Love fioni lovo Issure lo ripen, llato from hate Is rureto grow ; Seeds of good or 111 wo se liter lltedle-.sly along our way; Hut a glad or griCMius fi ullage Walts us ut the hnrvist day. Whatsoever our sowing be, Hi aiilng, wo Its fl ults shall see. Ayouno rtiitie in Albany, named Knox, saw a placard, "Linen Drilling at Hulf-Pi lei'," heforuti dry goods storo, went In and purchased ten yards, the prlco being stated by the clerk to bo fifty cents per yard. Taking tho parcel, ho handed the clerk two dollars and a half. Clerk-'MIow is tills, my friend'.' You havo not given 1110 enough." Knox " How In thunder do you maku that out; dld'nt you mention that tho price of thcao goods was only llfty cents a yard'."' Clerk "To he sure I did; and you asked I'or ten yards at that prlco, so that your bill Is llvo dollars." Knox "I'll bet my bill ain't llvo dollars. Look at that sign board, young man; don't it say 'Linen Drilling at Half Pries'." You said tlio price of this 'eru pleco I chosu was llfty cents a yard j half of fifty is twenty-live, and ten times twenty-llvo Is two fifty. Stranger, you eati't climb 1110, Pvo traveled." Tho proprietor was called, but tho rustle could not bo argued out of his arithmetic, and rather than havu 11 "scene," tho loss was put up with, anil tho young man allowed to travel with his bargain; which suggests tho fact, that peoplo who keep shop should bo careful what contract they advertise for tho acceptanco of tho public. A lad v writes to tho Jackson (Ohio) Standard: "I, sir, can always tell Sun day, or fc'abbath, from any other day lu tlio week, by thu number of men and hoys, old and young, with guns and re volvers making for tho woods and peo ple's farms. A COKHF.SPONPH.NT Of thu liostotl Tranllcr pays that If women wero ns particular In tho choosing of u virtuous husband as men aro in tho choosing of a virtuous wife, a moral reformation would bo soon begun. Tin: year IS"! will bo thu -JlSild year of tho Orecian era, and tho last, wo trust, of tlio Grecian bend. Tin: deepest excavation In tho United States Is n copper initio In Like Super ior. It Is liioii feet deep. Miscellaneous. iTnrKiirsfiixifsT.vTi:? Wo lately printed lu tlio Kcmtonc. nn article from tlio Athen'rs Gleaner, upon .110 Clllllll Of I'ellllSVlVatl ll'rt 1 t o to tliu liainoof "Koyslono Htato." Wo quo- ted it as a mutter of curious Infiirnia. t tlonj hut wo Imvo sluco learned from tho folIowliiL' communication nf llro. John S, Morton (tho noiutlar President of tho West Philadelphia Passenger HallWaVI t lO fit dCV Of tllO Athens t(l. ryniid wo liiko plcdiuro In giving his version, which Is as follows. Ilro. Mor- lonsiys: . u had Intended somo tlmo ago to again pay our respects to tho author of thu "Itock Creek llrldgo Story," jmh- lshed In tlm Athens Gleaner, concern. lug thu origin of Pennsylvania's title to tho nauiu of "Keystone State;" hut tho conviction that a very fuw persons would attach any iinportntico to tlio story led us to postpone our reply to a convenient season. His seven columns of labored argument, so far from proving Pennsyl vania received tho title of tho "Key stone State," from the symbolical let ters 011 tlio keystone of tho thirteen blocks comprising tho arclt of tho bridge over Hock creek, in tho District of Co iumbla, shows that sho already hail that title, and that the Individual who eon strncteil thehridgosawin thecxact num. her of blocks comprising tho arcli a lit' ting opportunity to symbolize tlio idea Ills argument to prove that Pennsylva nia was not recognized us thu "Key, stono" lu our national symbols, has no bearing whatever on tho question, for thu reason that theso symbols wero do signed to represent union and equality, and any reference to tlio superlorcondl lion of any Stale would havo been Inap propriate. Another mistake of tho writer is In supposing tho naiiio "Keystone'' to bo a Federal symbol. Such is not tlio case. Pennsylvania claims for herself tho ti tle of "Keystone" precisely as Mai-sib cliusotts claims to bo called thu "Day State," Now Hampshire tho "(iranlto State," because of some distinctive po eullarlty belonging to'.thenuclvcs exclu sivoly. i.oug uoioro our revolutionary era tho arch and its keystone wero symbols of union and strength. Ilenco tliu idea fastened Itself upon thu minds of Pent! sylvanlans that our State occupied tho position of tlio keystono to tho Union. Thero are many incidents in our history well calculated todovclopo this idea. At tlio tlmo of tho ndopllon of tho Declara tion of Independence, Pennsylvania was tlio dividing Sluto between North and South, thero bcliiy six on cn-li sldn 0f icri In tho Congress of Independence tho representatives of tho Colonies sat In a semicircle around tho Speaker's chair, Pennsylvania occupying tho centra of tho arch ; sho was also tho last of thlr- ton States to vote, and thus resembled tho keystono of tho arch, which Is nl. ways inserted last and without which tliu arch could not stand. These well. known facts undoubtedly present them, selves to tho minds of many, and tho title of "Keystone" gradually worked lis way among tho people, until It final ly became an acknowledged title by ev cry one. Tho builder of tho Hock Creek llrldgo no doubt heard thlsoft-repcatcd expression, and very appropriately symiiolizud it upon thu hntlgo hu was building. Tho fitness of tho expie-.slou has been recognized by thousands of public speakers In all parts of tlio Statu for over half a century, not 0110 of Whom probably ever beard of Kocl Crcuk Bridge, witli its hlstoilcal claims of less than twenty years standing Asido from tho historical facts wo havo given in regard to tlio geographical po sltiou of thu Slate and the position of its lepreseutativcs in tlio ltevolutlona ry Congress, we havo traditional tcstl tiiony which helped to create a sponla neom sentiment In tlio midst of her people, that sho was lu a still higher sensu thu keystono of tho arch. In tlio old Episcopal cliuich-yard in Cheater, Pennsylvania, lie tho lemalnsof .Ittdgo Morton, mid upon his tomb is the fol lowing inscription: "Dedicated to the memory of John Murliin, u liieiuber of tho Ilrst Atnerlcnll Congress ilom the Ktato of PennsytvauLi, assemble 1 In New Yuri: I7&1, and of tho next Congress, nsncmblod In Philadelphia, lu 1771, and various oilier public stations. Horn A. D. 17JI. Dlisl April, 1' "This monument was erected by a portion of his relations OctoU?! 0, isli, in 1773, uhllo spt-ak er of tho Assembly of Pennsylvania, John Alor loil was le-elected a liiuluber of Congress, nnd lu tho over-memorable session of July, 177(1, he at- tended thnt august body for the hist time, eu shrining his name In thogrutcfiil remeinbralicu of the Ameilcau peoplo by signing tho Declara tlon of Indepeiidcnt'o. In voting by Mates up, nu the ijuestton of tho Independence of tho American colonies, thero was a Ho until the voto of Pennsylvania was given, two members from which voted In thualtlriuatlvo uud two lu thu lie g.itlve. The tie continued until thu voto of thu last member, John Atortoii, decided thu proiiiul gallon of the glorious diploma ol Ameilcau Ireedoni John Atorton being celisuied by sumo of Ills irlends for his boldness In giving lit casting vole for tho Dcclaratlou of Independence, his prophetic spirit dictated front tils dealh.bcd tho following messago to them: 'Tell them that they will llvo to sco tho hour t lien they shut! uckuowledgo It tu have beeu iho most glorious service that I eer rendered my country.' ' This monument wtis erected hy his near relatives, somo of whom wero Hv ing when ho died. No one will deny that tlil-s inscription expresses tliutradl Hons or our ilovolutlonary period as handed down to them by him. Tho men who signed tho Declaration of In dependence rendered themselves liablo to deatli in case of failure, nnd their dangerous situation naturally led to family conversation relating to tlio sub ject, so that this record has really tho forcu of written testimony It Is well known that thero was a great diversity of opinion among tho pcoplu In regard to tho Declaration anil tho probability Is that tho voto occurred as stated on Judgo Morton's monument and was madu unanimous nfler tho question had been decided by tho ma Jorlty a very common practice among deliberative bodies, when unanimity is essential to success. Tlio fact that Judgo Morton was censured for his voto by tlio enemies of tho Declaration would, and doubtless did, Impress tliu friends of mo umuii moroiuiiy wait iiiumcii unit Pennsylvania, occupied tho keystono position. 0, 1871. COL. HantleMoii's "Lives of tlio Signers," hmlillalied in 182), vol. vl. imgo 210, snys: "io wonder, tlien, thnt Jlr. Jtorton extierlutieod tlio most Intenso nnvlolv nf mln,l wi.n im u-na roniilrrxl to glvo thocastlng voto of the Potinsyl- v - nn n .InWnl niin vntn u-1. et, u-nllli either condrm or destroy tho unanlml- ii "Mclicr's Encyclopedia Americana," .iii.u.i,i In ir:p vnl iv. nnim n. ( "Mr. Vnrlnn ravn tlm nnntlno- vnln nf Pennsylvania flvor ,f Independ- onon II nml r.lineintorlroa II n "nil not ll ofslginil Intrepidity." Losslng's "Lives of the Slirncrs." mthllshod in 183S.savs: "Mr. Morion was called on olllclally to i,. i, ii ,.ntn nf innneii.iiin , ,, lt ,,., fioi,,mll rosnonslhllltv tlir,nvn on i,m. t was for him to do- ca0 whether thero should bonunanl- moii3 voto of tho colonies for indepen- .in,,, hut 1,0 flrmlv met the resnonsl- i.mik - nml vnimi vr nnd from thnt moment the United Colonies wero do- r.iun.,1 Ini1nni.mlr.nt. Stnios." Thorn is .-4-.. ... . ,,.,, , nnllinr ( ti, tirnvn tlio Donnavl. I vaula voted last and mado tho Dcclara- Hon unanimous. This fact, coupled with her geographical tuulleghUtttecpo- i7o, could not havo failed to bring to tho minds of many, tho old Idea of tho unity nnd strength of the arch and Its U Keystone, and cause them In the fervor of patriotic feelings to claim Pennsyl vania this proud position. Tho events we hnvu recited enlisted tho strongest sympathies of tho people at tho tlmo of their occurrence, and tho promlncut place occupied by Pennsylvania must have possessed tho minds of all with tho appropriateness of Iho Insignia tlio moment It was uttered. Who first gavo a public expression to tho Idea Is not known. It mlghtjiave occurred to tlio minds of hundreds of peoplo in every county of tlio Statu at tho sainu time. It certainly rests on geographical, his torlcal and traditional ground-), nnd wo thercforo think tho nntlquarlan who still clings to tho Itock Creek llrldgo story deserves to bo elected u irembor of the celebrated Pickwick Club. How to Spell. Often In writing, a simple word Is required, of tho ortho; raphy of which tho writer is not sure. Tho dictionary may bo referred to but is not always convenient. An easy mode is to write tho word on a bit ol waste paper, in the two or threo ways of which you aro In doubt. Nine times in ten, tho mcdo which looks right is right. Spelling particularly Kngllsh spelling, is so completely n work of thu eye, that tlio eyo alone should bo trus- ted. There is no reason why "receive" "nd "believe" should bo spelt different- ly, yet sounded alike, in their second syllables. et write them "rcdevo" and "beleive," nnd tho eyo shows you the mistake at once. Thu best way for young people, and indeed peoplool any age, lo learn to spell, is to practico writ- lug. Cobbett, tho famous English rad ical, taught his children grammar, by requiring that they should copy their lessons two or three times. Theso les sons ho himself gavo them in the form of letters ; and his French and Kngllsh grammars arc two of the most amusing books in tho Kuglish language. Ol cottiso "learning to spell" camo lit inci dentally. Ax interesting feature of tho cotton statistics of tlio country for tho year ending October 1, lSTd, Is contained in tho statement of tho relative Importance of tho cotton manufactures, North and South. During tlio year thero wero In tho North G37 mills, working fi,S.jl,770 spindles, and u-Mng 7IS,lffil bales; In tho South, 100 mills, 02,'Jill spindles, nnd GD.0G7 bales converted Into cloth. The incrcato thiotighout tho country in tho number of mills, spindles, and bales consumed over tho previous year is quite marked. The figures show an increaso of .1."0, 1 111 spindles, ami in tlio consumption of cotton of 17,31(1 bales, or S.ncn, ICO pounds. Massachusetts is, of course, at tlio head of tho cotton spinning industry of tlio country, hav Ing 12S mills, 82,1 1!) looms, and l!0s,818 spindles, and consuming about UTi.OOO, uun pounds of cotton. Tho prospects of tho manufacturers nroat present, owln to many causes tho combined elfect of n present excess in supply nnd tho war In Europo better than they have beeu for ti long tlmo. A Ni:w industrial pursuit lias devel oped itself in Wi-consln, which prom Ises, whllo It will somewhat deplcto tho fetato treasury, to afford many lion est peoplo a comfortnblo livelihood. Tho depredations committed on flocks by tho wolves of tho Statu havo Indue ed tho Legislature to oiler u bonus of ten dollars per head for every wolf's scalp brought to tho authorities. Tlio result has been that under a mlstuken Idea of tlio purpose of tho enactment peoplo lu tho rural districts of Wlscou- sin havo gone heavily into tlio business of raising wolves, and tlio number of wolves' scalps turned over to tho State is getting to bo awkward, This is bup- plcnienting naturo with a vengeance, and tho worst of 11 Is that whllu tho scalps of tho domestic wolves nro being brought in autl disposed of, tlio wild wolves, undisturbed in their peculiar avocation, aro making things lively for tho Hocks. DviNii.-Thero is a dignity about that going iilono wo call dying that wrap. ping thu mautlo of Immortality about us ; that putting asido with a palo hand azuro curtains that nro drawn around this cratlloof a world; that venturing away from homo for tho first tlmo in our lives ; for wo nro not dead theio Is nothing dead to speak of. ami wo only go oil' seeing foreign countries not laid down on Iho map wo know about. Thero must bo lovely lands somu whero starward, for nono ever return that go thither, nud wo much doubt If any ono would, If they could. Ohi:i:nland, which has about 700 In habitants, has, In nspaco of live-eighths of a mile. 100 Inhabitants, nlno of whoso Ugia combined Is 7ill vcars. iivcrnirlnir over eighty-onoand a half years, being equal to an average of ono to twelve over elghty-ono years of age. DEM. - VOL. XXXIV NO. CO. Itoitd SlonlilfT. TlioHan Francisco JluUctln gives an Intereslinp; account of tlio performances of n road steamer recently Imported Into that cltv hv tho " Stcatn Wacon and Propeller Plow Company," which inq Iircm (istalll 9 1C(1 for t 10 DUrtlOSO Of Introducing road steamers Into Cullfor. iitn. Thn rrsiilts nf tlm trial nf tho lm. ported "Thompson Steam Wagon" warn iilnhtv Rntlr.inlnrv. It missed nvor tlm n.titrh. ileon rtitnnnd mud holes of a now street with as much easo as on mnenilnlrllzofl rnnil. tlirni'll rnlltld. nvolded nny unusually difficult places, and trenerallv was under conuilcto con- trol. In ono place, tho wheel worked nof.if iinwn in ibniiniiil, nffwolvn Inr-h. es. and several hackintrs nnd forward- lugs wero required In order to compact tho mass sufllclcntly to rido out of tho rut. The incident, however, It is stated, showed tho canacltv of tho stenmer to urr.rlc Its wnv nut nf illiurtilllns. In passing Into n field, tho steamer crossed with unrfiH't casn a sldn millv which lt . , " . " . . lu utnloil n ivniffrnnor Willi ll tlVI! Inn load would not havo dared to attempt The gang of plows, though not worl lug, was all this tlmo attached lo the steamer, which travelled at tho rato of eight to ten miles an hour. Tro plows - ero so arranged as to bo capable of being adjusted from nlno to twelve Inches apart, and hy means of four Iron wheels pivoted on levers tho depth of tho furrow could bo regulated. On tho trial of tho steamer In a field composed of soft soil, the machine) passed ovcrtbo ground with ease, and tho plowshares turned over clean and full furrows nlnn Inches wide and six Indies deep of damp loamy sod. A llvc-ton iron roller was uls.o attached lo tho steamer and was carried up a heavy grado with case. The trial occupied six hours, and ono hundred pounds of coal per hour wero consumed. Tho success of this cxpeib mont, It is stated, has Induced several farmers of California to order steam wagons for plowing, for performing heavy farm work, and for frclghtlnj grain to market. IVrpct11.1l Wi'dlher Table. It Is tmlto nossiblo that tho sttitlv of 11,,. rr.11,.,1.,,. ...ooiiii.r ,.,i. i. r,r mnel, hmiPfit to farmers and others. If they only follow tho admonitions. It was constructed by tho celebrated Dr. Hcrshell, upon a philosophic considera tion of tho attraction of the sun and moon. It is conllrmed by tho oxper- enco of many years' observation, and will suggest to tho observer what kind of weather will probably follow tho moon's cntraneo Into any of her quar ters. As a general rulo it will bo found wonderfully correct If tho moon changes at 12 o'clock, noon, tlio weather immediately uuer- ward will bo very rainy, If In Rummer, nnd there will bo snow or rain, If In winter. If between .I and 1 o'clock, p. ai., changeable In summer fair and mild In winter. IJi'twcen 1 nnd fi o'clock, fair, both in winter and summer. Between 'J and 10 o'clock, p. ai., in summer fair, if tho wind Is northwest j rainy, if south or southwest. In win ter fair and frosty, if tlio wind is from tho south or southwest. Between ill and 12 o'clock P. At., rainy in Rum mir and fair and frosty In win ter. Between 11 at r.Igbt and 2 o clock A ai., lair in summer and frosty in winter unless tho wind is from the south or southeast. Between 2 nud 1 o'clock A. At., cold and very showery In summer, nud snow and storm In winter, Between 1 and (i o'clock a. ai,, rainy, both lu summer and winter- Between (! and 8 o'clock a. m., show t.ry in summer and cold In winter. Between 10 and 12 o'clock A. ai., showery in summer and cold and windy in winter. Tin: Pi:tkifii:d, discovered last June, near Calistoga, California, and which has attracted great attention in that State, is not as wonderful a cur iosity as lias been a'serted. Tlio Alta California says that the namo adopted by common usage conveys an erroneous impression, ns thero Is no forest nor any petrllled tree in an upright position. Parts of about twelve trees nro lylni down, Ecattcrcd over a surfaca tibout threo huudrod ynuls square. Neither petrllled branches nor leaves havo been discovered, and tho petillled trunks vary In diameter from ono foot to llvo feet, thu greater number being over two feet In diameter. Thu largest trunk Is fifteen feet long and llvo feet In diame, ter. Tho petrifaction, however, Is com, pleto all thu woody fibre having tils appeared and having beeu replaced with a grayish crystallization, mainly composed of carbonato of llmo. Tho grain of tho wood Is distinctly preserv I ed in appearance, and knot holes and fracture aro found In It being occas- tonally lined with transparent crystals of carbonato of llmo. Every stono trunk Is broken across transversely. tho fracture being mora smooth than If it had taken tilaco when tho treo hud been in a vegetablu state, but not so smooth as If the trunk had been sawed Tho first notices of theso petrllled trunks stated that llvo lizards had been discovered entirely surrounded by tho crystallized carbonato of llmo; It Is now, however, contended, with great probability, that tneso littlo lizards had crawled into tho crevices of tho petrl ged trees for tho purposo of obtaining shelter, ami that too only a few months ago. Ssiilcs. Smllesnro among thocheap est and yet tho richest luxuries of llfo. We do not mean tho mcru retraction of lips, and tho exhibition of two rows of masticators mastiffs, hyonas, and tho llko amiabilities, are prollclents In that. Wo do not mean tho cold formal smllo of politonoss, that plays over tliu feat ures llko moonlight on a glazier nu. toniuta and villains can do that; but wu mean tho real genial smllo that breaks rluht out of thu heart, llko n sunbeam out of a cloud, ami lights up tho whole face, and shines btrulght Into another heart that loves it or needs it. KATK8 OF AIIVUKTISINH. Ouo Inch, (twclvo llnc or lti ctirtlvnlcnl lu Nonpareil typ) one or two Insertion!, 11.601 thrcoluserlloua,t2.(W. space. 1M. One inch .'.50 Two Inches Tlirte Inches 6,00 Four Inches. 7 00 Quarter column.. 10,00 Half column 15,00 Ono column 30,00 21(. CM. CM. It. C.1,00 ll.TO 10,00 10,ti0 5,00 7,00 U,'l) 11.WI 7,0'J 9,00 12,00 1,10 0,00 11,00 17,00 88,00 12,00 11,00 20..10 80,00 1S,00 2000 S0.00 to, 53,00 40,00 00,00 lOO.CO K-tecutor's or Admlnlstrntor'11 Nolioe, tMO, Auditor's or Asslgnco's Notice, tS.50. Local notices, ten cents a line, Cards lntlio"lluslncsiDlrcctnry" column, tS.tO per year fur the nrst two lines, nud 11,00 for each uddltlounlllne. Tlio I-otc liiiiiiniicelii Sam lloiistun'.f I.lfe. Tho moat singular Incident In Iho oventful llfo of Sam Houston, and ono novcr hitherto explained, was hlsaban- donment of tho aovernorshlp of Ton nessee, only threo days ttfter marrying H young WHO. 110 DUUUII1U ll cxllo among tho Indians of tho plains thereafter, was mado a great cuter, anil only reappeared In public llfo when Texas was struggling for Independence Tho dalvcston A'ctf lifts tho veil from this secret chamber of Houston's heart by tlllS 8tratlC0 nitrrallOll ! " 1181 WJ3 know about this matter Is so houoratiio to him that wo shall for tho first tlmo put It In print. Wo may promise that our luforuiatlon comes directly from ono now deceased, who during her llfo hud a right to know what caused this strango cplsodo In tho llfo of tho great man. Governor Houston's first br do was u Tenncssco hello of surprising beauty And of considerable social ran' Shu was, If not tho nlllanced brldo, at least tho sweetheart of a neighboring , -,....., Trn.el,. irUllllL'llltlll WI1UU Uirl.lliui imi"i sought her nantl. licr lamny ueing very ambitious, forced tho match nnd sho was married. After retiring to her bridal chamber, her deportment was such us to cause htm to suspect that, while her hand was his, her heart was another's. Slioconfessi.d tho truth when Interrogated and whllo promising fidel ity anil wifely duty, declared horeelf unablo to lovo him. Ho at oneo retired from tho house. IIo then resigned his position and went among tho Comaii- ehe-i. In duo couroo of tlmu the lady sought and obtained a divorce." Hoatlii',' lliilhlhigs. Some ono has wisely said: "Instead of asking ourselves with how littlo fuel can I warm my homo? tho question should be, How much can I afford to pay for fresh supplies of air, moderately and equally warmed, and distributed without waste?" Instead of this, says thu American llulklcr, most of our friends aro making arrangements for stopping the flues where no flro Is kept, In order to keep tho heated nlr In. If you havo a grato in your room, In which you uo nl "c 11 Ilre uo it win, 11 ici i open , c.irr y on uiorj l'uru u,ri "u wuulu "eiw.u breathe, than you nro aware, and that tho sum of your health and happiness will bo greatly Increased by leaving it open even during tho coldest weather. It is an excellent ventilator, and tho extra heat you will requlro ou account of its use may provo much cheaper than tho fee of your physician, should you yield to tho notion that it must bo stop ped to keep the warm air In. The Snow Bir.n. As each return ing winter comes to us clad in its gar ments of white ns often and as faithful aro tho visits of tho littlo snow bird, , those feathered companions of winter's chill and dreary days. Tho snow bird is remarked among ornithologists for tho obscurity which bangs around its history. On tho first approach of win ter it suddenly makes Its appearance, apparently driven by tho Inclemency of tho whether to court tho society of man. Whenco it comes no man can tell and whither It goes (for Its exit is ns sudden as its cntraneo) no ono has been ablo to discover; It Is supposed by somo to bo another bird, only that its plumage, by somo mysterious and irresistablo power, has been suddenly changed. Thero Is a feeling of melan cholly passing over tlio mind when tho. bleak and merry landseapo, deserlo I by all tho other tenants of tho air, Is only enlivened by tho prescnco of tho mournful snow bird. Yet In tho bitter est weather ho is always gay and lively, and tho gloominess of tho scenery around him seems to havo no sadden ing effect upon his cheerful heart. Tin: Siaaihsi: Twins Kclipshd. Vi'o learn, ou what wo aro constrained to consider good authority, that it pair of twins wore bom very recently In Bucks county, near Bristol, In this State, ono of which was a mulatto and thu other n puru Caucasian. Tho moth er is tho wlfu of a respectable whllo citizen, whoso namo we withhold, fur obvious reasons, and who Is said to bo sorely puzzled over this phenomenon which wo may safely predict, will puz zle also tho ethnologists and nil sorts of naturalists. Wo would not attempt nn explanation, unless wo could bo per suaded that nature stopped asido for a moment to viudlcato tlio fifteenth amendment; hut, as her freaks huvu nothing to do with politics, wo "ttlvelt up." If tho chlldien both llvo and grow to maturity, they will pass Into history as creatures far moiu wonderful than Me-srs. Chang and Kng, formerly of Klam, but now of North Carolina. - A PuussiAxCllAiidi:. It is explain ed how tlio Prussians fought so hard at elssenburg. For hours before thu battlu tho Prussian soldiers wero fed on nothing but salt mackerel, and allowed nothing whatever to drink. On tho morning ot tho battlo Frederick "Wil liam, tho Crown Prlnco, formed his army In order of battlo, and pointing to Wel-senburg, lie exclnlmed, "Sol- dlersl hehltid thoso heights six thom- and kegs of lager aro looking for vou charge 1" The Congressional Library contains 107.CCS bound volumes, and UO.000 pamphlets. Under tho operation of tho now copyright law, tho library receiv ed during tho past year 271 books, 31 10 pamphlets and periodicals, 2S01 musl cal compositions, 1175 engravings, pho tographs nnu cnroiuos, 1 120 prints, 1 10 maps autl charts total 11,012. A wouuMiu school-teacher In Ala. bama recently replied to a question by one of tho oxamlners, "Do you think tho world Is round or flat'."' by saying, "Well, somo peoplo think ouo way and somo another, and I'll teach round or flat, Just us the parents plcasu." The tallest member of tho Statu Leg. Islaluro Is Samuel D. Clink, of Law reuco county. Ho stands Mx fectseven Inches In his biiiglusoleil boots. Capt. II. K. Sloan, of Indiana, Isslx feet four Inches In height. I