The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 27, 1871, Image 3
J r. . ,: .X ....... (iih it p. inn i liiiiu iau Bloomsburg, Friday, Jan. 27, 1871. a M. rKTTKNtltt.I. AfO.,37 Park now, nml ono. 1. ltowKi.i. Co., 40 1'nrk Kow, nro our only nuthorliicd Advcrtislnit Agents In Now York, J WeiSteii, No. 61? North tlh Htrcet, Con, WMimniM. A Co., No. an Chestnut Htrcet, nro our ooly uliorlmt Agents in l'hlladelphln. tf Railroad Tlmo- Tablo. LACKAWANNA & lll-OOMHUUIltl 11. II. doing North. UoInK Houlli. ji.cji i M. 6; to 1 . M. (IATAW1MHA It. It. rilOM llUlT.UTHTATION. ilntnir North. Mnl.P.np0!1.111' Ml 1 M. 10:IM A, Mi A day lynx wnn killed on Iho Who Mountain, near Ilnrrlslntnr. lit week. II manured four feet nttio Inches In IciirIIi, mid weighed 20 pounds. THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, Bj-OOMSBIJItG, COLUMBIA COTJNTYA Tun Friendship Klro Company, of flil-i t.tiiRP. Intend t-lvlnc n hall In Sny dor's Hall on tho ovenlii", of tho 22d of February. .Timiaii Woti' died nt D.invlllo re- ccntly and left $1,000 to thujioorof that town tho first legacy they ever rccciv ed from n decedent. TiiK Methodists of Ccntralla closed rt very successful fair nt that placo, last week. Upwanu or nvo iiunurcii uoi liirs profit were realized. Finn. Tho planing mill, situated Iho canal In Kipy, wa destroyed i.f dm on Sutulav iiiornlnK last. Wo have not learned tho extent of tho los3. Rev. Mn. Jack, of Danville, will deliver a lecturo In tho Normal School Hall, on noxt Monday livening, !10tli Instant. Subject "Tho InlUicnco of Hums." HEAVY Hod. Daniel Menges, of Muncy township, recently slaughtered a hog that weighed, when dressed, 8l:iJ pounds. Its llvo weight was Oil pounds. Mrs. It. T. Itoss, widow of Gen. W. H. lloss. has been elected a Director of tho Wyoming National Hank of, Wllkes-Uarrc. It Is said sho accepts tho position. LiXTUiin. Mr. I'uitDY, of Sunbury, delivered i lecturo In tho Hall of tho Normal School of this place, on last Friday evening. Subject " Tho World In Harness.'' ClEoitnn II. Drown, proprietor of Ilrown's Hotel, has placed an addi tional lamp in front of his hotel. It would provo a public benefit if about a dozen moro woro placed along Main Street. Tun Ilazlclou Sentinel says thcro seems to bo a fixed determination upon tho part of tho miners, In this region, not to return to work until eoal shall havo advanced sulllelently to enaltlotlio operators to pay them a fair compensa tion for their labor. A i.Aiton red wolf wai shot bv Jon athan Low, neat Buuiikiit's mill, ono day last cok. Ho measured six fl'fct In length.' Vottsville Journal. ! It Is reported that tho Pennsylvania Central Hallroad Company Is making an effort to IcaBO tho l);itivllle,nnzlclon and WHUeslmrro Hallroad for a term of years'. 'Villi Perry county Jkmocrat says that Mr. Robert Ilackct, of Tyrono town ship, In that county, has killed twenty- two wlhl turkeys tho present Bcasnn. Ono of tho gobblers weighed twenty- four pounds. Hui'tfAM) Muat. Tho other day a refrigerator ear passed through Harris burg with buffalo meat, brought from tho plains and on tho way to New York or Philadelphia. Tho car was ormi- montcd with the floreo looking head of n buffalo. tii'o Lost. Andrew Drohr, a miner be longing to Mt. Curniol, wbcro ho has a wlfa and child, left Centr.nih on Satur day evening last for home, somewhat intoxicated. It is thought iio may havo fallen Into ono of tho many deep pits tin tho mountain the cavlngs-in of old mines. Duiini'.I) to Diiatii. On Monday of last week, u two year old child of N'im uoi) Wynn, of Lower Augusta town shin. Northumberland county, was burned to death during tlio absenco of lis mother. Tho lnnoennt llttlo victim was playing with tiio llro when tho sad cccurranco look place. TllliShamokin Herald of tho 10th lust., says: "Hut llttlo is being done nt present In mining coal In our county Only four operations aro running now (tho Cameron, Hurnsldo, Hear Valley, and Frank Gowen), mid great efforts aro being mado to havo them suspend. What tho result will bo is moro than we can predict. Danvim.i:, Ha.m:ton A Wii.kis llAituc Haii.uoai). At a meeting of tho stockholders of tho Danville, Hitz le'.on and Wlikesbarro Hallroad Com pany, It. I.Dotld was elected President. Directors S. 1'. Case, ofDanvlllo; It. 11. Sterling, of Philadelphia ; S. P. Wolverton, of Sunbury j H. W. Me Heynolds, of Duck Horn ; A. F. Porter, of Norrhlown ; J. II. Cai-.e,ot Danville. Makiilk. According to tho Clinton Democrat a valuable marblo deposit lias been discovered In Lamar township Clinton county. Specimens havo been sent to tlitrerent marblo works In Phila delphia, Wllllam-portuiul Lock Haven all qf whom pronounce it excellent marble, and capablo of receiving mi ex cellent polish. The veins run from three to six foot, and nro apparently in exlianstable. The extension of Hie Catawlssa Hall road passes through an old fort, on land belonging to Andrew Kvks, not far from tho mouth of Muncy Creek. In excavating through It, tulto a number of small, stono fire-places, Indian pol lory, and stono tools, suppose to havo been used In making It, wero unearin id. Curiosity seekers havo bcou busy in gathering everything in tho bhapo of Indian relics that havo been lurnu up by tho plow ami scraper. At n meeting of tho stockholders of tho Lackawanna and Hloomsburg Hall roatl company In Scranton last week. '"iHowing officers wero elected for isulng year: President W. It, SV4s. Directors-Moses Taylor, Sam ucl (Sloan, John Hrlsbin, Percy It. Pyne, Joseph II. Scranton, Samuel lloyt, Jplmi C. Phelps, James UTalr, J. C. lrntt, D. G. Drlcsbach, Payne Petti liono, A. T. McCllntock. t ltniiripr A 1 ..-,.,. I.V... l. . I (appointed Supcrltitendont of New York nml Pennsylvania Canal and ltallroad Company, which extends from Wlikes barro to Vaverly,N. Y being a branch of tho Lehigh Valley. Wo aro much pleased with this change, and know full well that tho friends of tho roatl will be glad to havo Mr. P. at this end of tho line. Luzerne Union. MuiiDi'.it at TitEVoiiTON. A miner named John Hai.kiiaskii was shot on Saturday night Ia.t at Trevorton while sitting by tho bethltlo of n sick neigh bor, from tho effects of which ho tiled on .Sunday. Tho murderer fired through tho window. Tho weapon was loaded witli buckshot, ono of which took ef fect in Hai.kiiahkii'.s head. It Is said that ho was working In it colliery oper ated on tho Independent plan, and the Inference is tlrawn that ho was murder ed lu consequence. Pottsvllle Standard. On Monday night between 0 and 10 o'clock, a pistol shot was fired Into tho lionsu occupied by Thomas Snn'.r., at tho Luke Fitllcr Colliery, tho ball pusi lug through tho framo of tho sitting room window nnd striking the wall op posite. Fortunately nono of tho In mates of the houso wero within rango of tho ball, and no ono was injured. Tho perpetrators, after firing two more shots, neither of which hit tho house, fled, nnd succeeded In getting off un recognized. Mr. Steei, is insido boss at tho colli ery, which has been running slnco tho suspension, and It is believed theshoot lug was dono to Intimidate him and the men working M.Sliamoldn Jlcrahl Teniiifrniico Meeting-." llliOOMSIlUIta, IA Jan. 18, 1871. Tho Tcmpcranco Union met nt 7 o'clock, p. in,, In tho Haptlst Church. Thu meeting was organized by ap pointing Dr. Scott, Chalrnan and J. P. Tustln, Secretary. Prayer was offered by Itov. Mr. Creo- vcr. Tho minute of Dec. 8l9t, 1870, wero rend. Col. S. Knorr delivered an address, advocating prohibition by law, as tho effectual remedy for suppressing tho vice of Intemperance Dr. Scott follow ed lu somo remarks to tho same effect. li 11. Ikelcr, Uii., addressed tho meet ing, encouraging tlru tcmpcranco meet ing, and arguing lu favor of executing tlio laws as they now stand. Prof. II. D. Walker mado an earnest speech on the subject of tcmpcranco. Judge Kvans rolatctl some experience of tern peranco doings In his early life and urged upon paronts tho duty of exam ple nnd precept for tho children, Mr, Itobcrt Btllf followed with n strong appeal In favor of n higher standard of tetnporanco among Christians. Thu pledge was then circulated, and twenty two signers wero obtained. Tho follow"' lug resolutions were passed : llcsolved, Thattho noxt meeting bo iieltl lu uiOiAietiiotiistunurcn on Miiiirs day evening, Feb. 2d, 1871. llcmlml. That Messrs. J. II. Vandor slice, 11. M. Wardin and Dr. Schuyler he contmueii as a committee on exer cises and speakers for tho next meet- llesolvrd. That tho proceedings of tills meeting, and u notice of tho next meeting no puuiisueti in ino county newspapers, VALUATION Ol' ItlMI, llSTATIl AXI I'KHSO.VAI. I'ltOPHHTV Of COI.UMIUA COWXTY-. 1870. i; t I ff 'm TOWMSIIIl-a j ; ! : ! ! ; '$ ' ' 1 I i L'JL 131 J(K1I.WK tOfl-'A 7,70O SlO.niV M,TJ) $1,1(5.-,' WJ I7(1H,TM II, ! 4 i lW mini I ", o,ti I.Jin1 i i.o-f) lio.mwi '.. . i in ii,-,io iJirt), ...... o,ai.i 3,17"! e,ai 11 I mi s'n.'ili :i,tit', li I.'-13 s.itii M,su , ..' i7?5 tW s wo '.ii VfiY Vn1 "o"f sin.'M ' 2 7 . 1 i.M tMl'lMI mil I l.'.W 2.57S 11.1101 SI1.7 0 !!' 3 ii jfl'jnti i . T-irs i yiiri "zj.i n..'i III! lra.2"'. N . .1,110 W) ' .I-T ! ill! 1177J4 1 11 HI LWD CTO WH .11 id nniM c,o iui ....... n.val 4,7110 2,ori li.tum irt,toi, M ya,m, ... 1 ivw' ijni oil !. iiniiii M K-..KW 80,111 S.1W 1,717, 011 l."5 2lf3 302.WW 7.NIO 2i,SJI 7,lo 1,31, 12.70 III IKi 00,019 I.CICKI IfX I .4.011, . mi; I7i.if n.lirj U. 3,sw VfiS. 107, 10.1,11.1 t,1IHI l.',.1VI 4..110 07.1 8,1'M 0-1 111,1 W a.V 700 N.OVI 2,11) 1,075 ll',i 121 117JNO l,H"r 1 1I.HIII I 3,1'li HI 1.3K.1' Kill 12.-..IWV 2,000 S.22", 2.VI0 l,l2 0,711 W 41,017, I 4.0JI 2.061 2I1I 3,"10 , Tsl tn i mam 1 ,7.t 2.1" S"' 'W I lso 211,111 12:M 12.221 s,lli, 2,0111 IT'.'llo , I 101 411.111' 101) 1 MI21 3.UU 4011 1 1 Mil nrooM IIKHWICK liKAvnn HKNTON ItRtAHCIIRPIC tUTAWIMA Cr.NTICK t'MNYNUHAM CKirilAUA ! IiltlNlirilF.EK.. FltANKI.lM tlRRFNWOUU...... IIP.MI.DCK .lACKn.V,,,, l.nct8T MAtNK Mirn.tM Mt. 1'I.KAHANT... MONTOUK MA1IIHON OIIANMI! rtNR UnVUtSOCtlKEK, HCItrT Ht'OAItLOAr Total M JI,I1.9,I77 1110,800 J17.00 I11I0 W.Vai tiiflll !IQ0,I00 t.1,1711,822 4 1 2S ?5 Tlio RbovoTnltularRtiilpniont uliown tho ftmnunt of r-nch Itlrnl or clnn of taxablo property In nnMi nt thn mv.r.1 .ll.trllv nf f Inlitmliln pnmilv n rtlirncil ti' tho TrlfMinlll AnnCHtlnr of IS70. It,,t tivn ilUf rlrtn lin.'n mlnp(1 nti.l vain..,! r,Itn nt nnv Icttul. nti.l Hint In lipro nlleil to tho coltimnnf ".Money ntlnlorp.t." It will Iio m?cn lliftt Homocolumtis nre left Ulnnk, tlmt li occft- Hlotii'il oy tno nmiworf, beliin ntmuio to unit nnytnitiR to juu in inerr. Vnllfnl. Iirr.lirirli'n,i thol ,h flnmil.' f 'run mWtlntiprK. Mlttlliif nH II Ilo.iril of llevlftton. w II ntteiKl, nt tlicir olllre. In lllo-nnilmrK, for tlio purposo er tlimlly dftmnlnliiK, whether nny or tho vnhmtion of tho nueMnrn Imve been mmlo helownjmt rHte,necorills to tho Intent una meaning or tin Keii ri.a,.i lor Ornnite, Mnillnon, Ilemloelc, .Montour nml Cent to. Thutmlny, 10th, for Hcntt, Mlllllii. Maine, Itnnvnp. I Vnlr.illn n,i.! I Voir ixrhn ill. .'rlitni'. I7t It. for ltlonlil. t'AtnnlKn. Itonrlnccreelc. Krnnkllll ittul l,oenit, nt which tlma una iilncc.nll persons for themselves una districts desiring to bo hcnrU nro refinesieu io nuenu. 'I tin iliiiit Will Ik, rtn.ti tar lnnnrtlnii. lint 11 until rnrUlnil ta enilinlptn. .IHe.f; W.w. KKlCKlltust, V'crl.. WM. O, IJUICK, I'rctltlcnl 0 Hoard j lll.Z,TIll IINlfllMI 3 112,11 f 121.711 UII.I0I 1 iwi 1 Ml, 1 171 3, 11I.NI! .. 211,122; 1 t lit INLl, HU.'l.'i 1 6, .1 112,.lll 111,7112 'J . 3 01,71V 1II,7I..' wii.iw,! ? s ll,075 .. nations or tho nisesinrs Imvo been mnilo lielownjnst riite,ntcorillni to inoinieui mm meaning ha Act of 27th July, 111, nml to raise, rcilueo nnd equallro thos'ynonceotdlnK to lnw. tbrnnry, Momlny 1.1, tor tho toirnihlpi or llrlnrcreelc, lierwleK nml Pine. Tiio'liy, llth, for euwooil, KIshlliKcreeh, Itenton, Huuarlotif, .lackion nnd Mount l'lensnnt. Weilnemlny. loth, s IIKItlPPS HALES. Ity vlrtnoof Hamlrj writs ttfVeii. Tlx, I-'I.I-'rt. f;i.tUL'iIt)Ut4f tlio Court of Common I'lons ofl'o- I Intnl. In roimt v mid In mftillrrrliHl will Impxnount liCSolvedi Tlmt MuMM H. btlfT nml tnwiloliy puiffio vciulnonrtnilrry ittlhoUnurt John Snyder bo a committee to proctr $8P 'KilfteroilowVSSe-ai It 1 1 LI 113 Ml l'l IVy 11 II DUllllUlU J.iawJ' tloui. Adjournuu, J. l'. 'lusxix, mtlitlV tit Wit! Onn pleco lifsinnlag nt n. utono corner of lnml acLriutry. l norih i-laiily four ami h li!lrticri'i'H(eiwt elwhiy norch1 in 11 liliick uik Kniiplln in tlio county ATTEMPTED JIUUDEUorJonNToin.V, by tho county Ittm titoroKnUI, ttoulh tlircoileRrfcn HUHdUrt Ol- SUKN'ANDOAH.AVO COpy priur of luinl of llernnnl HeyhurfH heirs, thenco tlui r.!!nulnti!nrtli!i1nr.4r.ii tliniittomiit "y.-f"" I'W'V n 1 - iinni iHTt'inioru 01 VjiiHrios tvniuiui, inmiuu noriii it...... n, ttr. .r 'Pnuv mi Unntliitt twiMitv.cluliL nml i luilf ilfarcen wi-st imn liiui i.j.un .n;ui w.. v...v...j linn I UVn rtichcs to IhtT comer nf mild lnml inonilML' lust, from tho MlCI.amloah or Henry llrltaln, thrnco by tho same, north lllty .... mill linlf dcgreeH ctint twtnty-seen ntul ono JlCfttUl lentil lie re lies to it bliirlc osik Hniillnir. thrncn nW . in it t.. 1. liv tint mi 111 u lnml nf lletirv Urltiiln. north two ur. lUHiA iiwst 111 wiiu aiit-i-i, agrees, ,.n,t forty ulna neiches to iho ptaco of llClir tho LulllK-l Vtllloy rallro.ul llcpot, helnuln,t'utiilntMj hyventyllvjuicresinvlnno t,4. i- 4, j . huiulretl utul clcvtn I'crchc bo Iho snmo tuora of rottsvlllo, ho also carrion onn botlol- tho otiicr nicco or rcpt r lauti niUotninjc tiio lllff establishment. AS Chief liurgC.'H wipllutf, thenco west tUtytwo nml-slt tenths . 111 if . t,i I peielu-i to ii white nalc.theuco norllt twoilcKrec IMUl, lVUllli 'IttU II UU lU ICIUI13 )UICUI.'rt ill II tiniiK. tlif nco north 11 ft v three deirroet. west eltihleeu and two teuthn ptrcheHlousione.theuce norlli twenty-one mnlitiiulf Uegreesrnst thirty kuvcu uud eluht tenth perches to u Unu thencs north forty -nnu tlenreet, west Meveutceu pcrcht-H LEGAL NOTICES. i mil VIM'PII ATm?Sl VflTlflM. netiersor'udmhilMffttlonouthoeHtatoof I'ctcr lllltiier. Into of locust tvp (.'olumbhi county, iIi-pM. Imvn tipi'ii orituted b tho ltenlKtcr nf mifil county to OeorgoTiittnernml John A. Itlttner.of jicuni lowiifiiiin, iu lierHini' uuvinu ciainif nualnHt tho etuto or tho decedent nro requested io urefieuL i em ior cii ineiii. nnti iuohu in Utbtfil to the estnto to make payment to tho tin tlerliietl,ntlmiul3trator, without delay. uronui i i i hi r-H, JOHN A. HUTNi:it. i!ec9'70-Gt. AdtnluUlnilors. REAL ESTATE SALES- pUllIilO BALK u r VAhUAIlM: ItKAIi US TATE. tti mnrltrtnrn nt nil nrrtfr nf tllft Ornhnnn' Court of Coluiubln rounty, the undcrglaned Ad m In Intra tor, ac, of tho ctato nf John ile, mlo or iho towiixblp of KlRhlnRcrcek, In witd county, deceased, will nxpono to public dale on thoprciu men on hai uiiua. i , uiphib uay m ' I). 1871, nt 10 o'clock A.M., of said tiny, thu fol lowlndeRcrllod real estate, to wltl A certain incssuagu nnd THAOT OF IiAHD, mttmtoln I'lslilncrreck lownsblp.lnmlil county, boiimloil by Inmls or Corlidlus Uolfmail ntiil Jolm Anilrcws on tbo fast, Joslnh III" on Iho ninth, Nullum Hmlth on tho west ntul Ocoruo renter nnu others on ino norm, CONTAINING lil.-i ACIIKS, moro or 1cm, whereon nro ercclod ngood TWO HTOltY FllAMII DWKLMNO JIOUMK, n framo Imrn, liorso ntnblo nnd wnnon iihcd, nnd other nuthulldlngvn yood well nnd spring of wntcrnenrthodwelllnx houne, n Rood opplo or chnrd nnd other lmlt on the premise. Alxxil one hundred nercsof tho nboo tract I clenred hind. l KltMS of maijE. icn percenini onciiuni ni thn tuirrlinhn inonev to Un tmid nt tho Ktrlkllllt down of tho property. Tlio one-third nf tho pur- enno money ipm iiiw icn jier rem, io no pnui un tho lt of April, A. I). 1871, when noMeufdon of tho premier will bo Btvcn.nnd thn bnlnnco nt tho purchase money to bo paid nn followst On- liait or tno nniauco on ino in nay or April, a, j, 1M7J with Interevt from the In of April Ib7I, nnd tbo olhfi hair on tho In tiny of April A. I. 1873 with Intercut from tho lndny or April is'l. pay nblo nn mi ally, llio Inu two payments to bo ho cured by boiul ntul tmirtRnKo on the premlttei, rurchnscr to pny foruiortKK''i,t"11 f1"'1 tntniH, HtlUwntcr, Dec. 30, W.o-U. Adtnlnlnrnlor. I) U U h I 0 S A h K V AIiUAIU n or u i: a it n h t a t i: . LIFE INSURANCE FOR THE PEOPLE. HOMESTEAD LIFE INfSIURiJNOE CO., O F 1' E N:N HYIiVANIA. Oi'FCE 701 Chestnut Strcot, rhllmlclplila. W.M.Br.YIXUT.rrcs't. I.WItKNUr MYKItH, V. 1 res t. . w,toih,b7 U, IS. UAVirs, oui i.,it fluruuiMi Tbl nomnnnv nrcnnlitoil bylenitlnt! re prcsen'nllTes of tho Inclitstrliil InteraMiof thr Bl, widely known n suctossful nnd responsible business men.iicsiriustopmce uuo insarnueo wi In rcncli or all, lias adoptcil a system of MONTHLY PAYMENTS OP PREMIUMS, ennbllnir every man to provide for his family In cmo of his doatll, at a eost so trifling ns scarcely to bo felt, Special nlteutlou Is called to tills Uomiuny 3-E.A.rxj-A.,ri3src3- policy, amucli needed fenturo In Llfo lnsarnnco, entirely new In this country! ileslgncd topr.toct la caso of deattl, tlio lulorosts ot BHAnHHOIjUBllS IN UUILDINQ ASSOCIATIONS ASD ALL OTUEItS Who lmvo borrowed money or rnrchnsed properly pnyablo In lnstalracnLl extending over a series of years, by CANCKM.INO any bnlance ol indebtedness remaining UNrAID In case of DEATH. THIS COMPANY ISSUES ALL i KOUMH OF I.iri: ANI KNllOWMKNTl'OMCirW ATMlW ItATES Of 'llIll-AItTlCIl'ATINO WITH I1UTFKW UIMTItltrTlONB AH UlVVTItJJi, ANIJ MO.Ni: AH IO TUAVEL- OH llliillJEJICK. THU OllDINAItV l'lllJMlUM.O.VTII io occur; -I'ull Information as In plans and Features. Is contained In Pamphlets which will bo forward ed ny mull on application to tlio Homo Oincc. Actlvo ntul responsible) men wanted as Agents. 1 M. BATES, liLooMsnuito. PA. aa-Pcrsons sollcltlim AttenelM In either Lj ram I nit. Clinton, Ocnlro, Northumberland, MonUmr, ! .'."VM1 CS ":".".r,r.'I r 'if. 4-rW. . ? Columbia, HulIUon, llradlord or Tlosn Counties, will pliwo address , ho litis imitfo himself particularly ob- inixlom to tho bail clmrjeteH In our town, by Ills prompt nml elTlcieiit per- forinaiiuo of his duty, llo wai elected IHirKCSJ at tho Inst election without op position, both parties voting f'T blm. At ono o'clock Sunday moral ng, after hU placo was locked up, thoro was a knock at tho door. Youug Tont.v opened It alter Uniting out who was OUtshle, to ml.tllt JolW HUItMIV Who Cllne'nthlIlVliu'IKtlbSthw, wiuueii imit u uo.'mi d'juilm oi v;rouiv becr. Mr. Toms Kupplluil lilin ixntl lit him to thotloor from which it pair of Htep leads to tho pAVcmout; whllo lighting It I m down tlio stop, and when IluitM2Vv.w part way down, a shot was itrcd at Mr. Touts from tlio street, and he halloed that ho was shot, and pconronATio.N. Xotlco is licrcbr clven. Hint on tlio Ut dnv of iocinucr, iiu, Miuury iniiaunnms oi coiuiuiua county rpfpiit('(l n iictltlon to an mljounied t'ourt nf Coiiiinnii VU'n of wilt I county, pruylng thuhrtltl Court tourniitu Cliarter of liit'orira Hon. under the inline, ntvlo nnd title of "TiiK huhhukiian.nA Uattm: iNSUHANCn Comi-any,' vrm i tno r ia its nnd Driviieuea Uitrcin Ktiiteii. nml If no ttulllcleut cause Iswhown to tlio con- trnry on thu llrrtt ilav ol next term, tho prnur ol tlio pot 11 loners u 111 be Rrantnl, lU'couIliia to tlio Avt nt Astscmbly lu tucli cano mado nnd pro Mdod. W. II. I '.NT, Uccld 70-lr. rrothonotnry. of L'oluinhlfi c.iuntv. l'it..oii 'illi ilnf nf Inimnrv lull tit. Ill ri nln.'U lu tlin forenoon.. Tohn W. itunlcr, AdmlniNlrator or tlio irnods nnd c-hnttrl, Ac, which wero nf Albert Hunter, Into of Vino tmvmlil,), In xnld rounty, lece,ied, will exposo to unlo hy jmlilLc vendue, on tho prcmUcK, A OKUTAXX rAUM sltualn In tho township or Vine, In Iho nald county ot Coluinhlu, hounded uiul deMcrlhcd nt follows, to wlttOu tho north hy land or John W. Huuter.ou tho ennt by land of George Urceu ly, on tlio south by land or Caleb Thomas, nnd on tho west by lnml of iMward UlchU'tCoiitnln lllK ONI1 IIUXD11ED ACUKS, moro or lcn9, whereon nro crectcnl n Dwelling llouie, iKirnuud outbulldlngi. AT0 ono other pleco of land sKuato In Vino township nml county nforcHahl, bounded nnd described n- follows, to wit: On tho Unit byn. lot of .lohn Welllver, decensed, nnd on tho Houth, Want nnd North, bv land of 11 lunrd Ulchle. eon UlnltiK ono acre, moro or less, lute tho estalo of naiu ueceiisuu. W I.LL1 NflTON 11, UieriC, Iiloonisburg, January '2, 1871, Tkhmh op Tm nrr rpnt. nf one-fourth I of tho purchase money at tho ntrlltlnjt down of ino piopcrij , ino oue-iouriii ifivi inu vu iri i cent, nt the conliriuatlon nb-iolule, nnd tho ie innlnlUK tntee-fourthH lu ono jenr thereafter, wuu iniereu irom ino eonurmnuon nin. Jiiu, U, 1S71, JU1I W. JlUM'iiii, Administrator. Hloomsburg, August IP, lSTO-Gni, No, jo William bt. WiLLiAMarouT, Ta. Sewing Machines. T,in DOMKSTJC A UDITOR'S XOT1CR i. ESfATK OP WILLIAM 8 LOAN, PKC'D. ittio In hnrfltv flvoii Dint thn ntitln-til'rtif-il tc iv fctntie, ineuco noriii imy mm a nnu aenretii i nppointeu au Auunorio ncerium ino nuiiuieu i uL nlxttitfti and two-leiUlu nurchestn u slone. tlii-iu-ti not III twcutv-eliiht and u half dcurees West ono bundled and two perches to tho placo of ijegiuniiig, uuiniiiiiuM lm uuiyuuu iieres niuru or less, totjeilier with nil utidKliuuLir thebulldliiBS wiy( waters, w iter courses, riKhts.llbertles.uud nrivitidires. nitniirteimncesi lllion which Is erec ted ti irmnu Uwcllliiti house, bank bum, n largo 1 griu mill iiieniu nnu wuier powtr comoiueu ivestcornerof hind ot litiiibeii littler, liience ruiitiiiijtitong tlio Msiiiio in nnoriu-onsieriy uireciiou iiireoiiiuuireu Imi-i. thence Inn north-vulerlv direction illnelv .lino leet, thence In a south-westerly dliectlou one nuimreu u-ei io mo piaco oi uemning, eoii itiiniii'j about two-thirds of an acre, sold bv Heu ben Miller, prior ot tho luortgugo to far then an aero Is ti nart oi tho inort.i;eil pu-mlses, 'Iho beglnnuit; point or tho tuna two thliusorna ncro is iwo hundred nnd lllty feet from tho lluo of Uuton nnd Aldmnii nnd runs parallel witli the crobsliuc tho roud (about te.i unit leads from roundrvvillo to Mlller'N hlsson muglit him in his arms, and tl,ree hundred Ketimo. ..1ln Imlillriff Mm r.nMil7.o.l .Tniiv AS" Jfivttonana to bosoUnstho O'IJuikn in thostrect about twenty feet uts or M. C. Hloan.C, V. wlo.m, hanih Hlonu and iiirtiia uisiuon. to tno widow i lunu: mm to muko distribution of tho fund lu tho. hnnds of It. 1. llartmnn. Auni lu strnlor or A. ,T. Khun. deceased, who wns thoncthitf llxi color of WH- iiuiu rionu, utc n, win nuenu ui on ouico in nnnver'8 liui diinr. liioomsbura. on Thursduy. IVbruary id, A. I), 1S71, for tho performance r tho duties ol his appointment; when nnd where nil persons having claims upon tho n foresaid ntnii, nro reiuucii io proem mem, or uo lorever utoarrcu iroin comii's in upni snju juii'i. jui. u. l'iu.r..i., doclOTJOw. Auditor, itcpubucan pienvo copy, oir, who said, "Come on, that U tlio la-it of him." Jtr.Tom.i3 badly shot about tho faee, Hhoulder and breast, tho ami HlinhavlllRheen loaded With 2s 0. ballot, Uuerne euuutlvs, tliencu by tlio county Hi iirotierly ot Hcuben sillier. ALSO: Attlia same time nuil tilaco. onft niece brirlti. .iln.r nt a stono rnruer of lund of lletirv Urltiiln uioa Hummer mil, thenco norlli eighty four ml Two sons nf Mr. IlAitnif), who keeps a small confectionery in 2IIllctowii, wero drowned in tho Juniata river, near Mlllcrstown lirldfie, a few days ti;jo. Ono was at;cd S and tho other 11 years. Jt nppeara that tho older boy was pull ing tlio other on tho Ico with a eearf, which tho younger held in his hands, when tho Ico broko, both boys floated under and wero drowned. Tho bodies did not sink to tho bottom of tho river, and were soon seen under tho Ico and recovered. Tho Ico under tho lirldiru is never very solid, and heneo tho dread ful occurrence. Mr. IlAitms, the father, blind, and depended on his two sons help him In his shop, lead him hcrcverho went and to do his errands. buckshot and pieces or bullets, ins. KilAitsaml Hkaoan wero Immediate- called lo attend him. llo Is expected to recover. O'liitVAN" was nrrestcd on Sunday morning In Mauti'.s cellar, on Cenlro irASf." !"',' j;'"''' Street, with a mm In his possession, by um forty mno iwn.iitstotiioiiiu.oortjiain.iiiw, , ', , tt i-oututulnt; buvmty llvo nens nml ono Iiu.iilitJ ConstablO l'.nWAltl) a10NAGIIAN. HO ,m,i olesuu lu'rolii-Hbotliosuiiiu moroor leis. All a licnrlnjr at onco beforo 'Squlro 'l ho other tilico or nnrrcl of lniul lullolulni! tho nl.nvo ili'serltit'il limu. tirultinlu nt n bhiclc ouk WlM.ltlCir, Who committed him, mill mi'l Ins. thinco tt I Ity-twu una six untns ho was taken to J.ill, at rottsvllle, tho ,at iouty-two niia 'two tcmht 1 cuius to n .1 ... fVT'ijv-.-r tj o iiiitirp iii-in SIOUC, llicmo noun unj .iiu.-i. iitnii" I.1IH0 day. O l.r.A:f Hit joung nian, , ..,...,,, ,wo tcntns mrdici to u touc nlinnt "(! Vt-IM of !1"0 Il"llt btlllt. Is tluuco nolth forly-ouo Ucgrics, west kevtiitiiil atlOUt -'I Ul llMill. IJOlll., i-5 , fct.u... lh. tii-o norlli I Itvnnil IV lul t nbout a feet I! Inches In height and has iuuiees enst kixtein ami to tenths iwrciirs iion About two weoks 'Piir.Mnpplnl lluslness meeting of tlo Y. M. 0. A., which was hold lu their rooms on Thursday evening of last wcok, was of moro than usual Interest. It was called for tho purposo of ell'ect lug a moro thorough nnd elllclent or L'rtiilzatiou than has heretofore existed. Col. KKomt was called to tho Chair, nml conducted tho usual devotional ex erclees. after which a Committee, ap pointed at n previous meeting, reported n form of Constitution for tho AssoeU tlou. This was rendered necessary from tho fact that no properly verified Constitution could bo found. Tho Con tltutlon reported by tho Coinniitteo was adonted without disciHslou. Tho Association then proceeded to tho elec tlou of olllcers as required by tlio oon Btlttitlon Just adopted, with tho follow lug result: ,. l'rebldent. Col. H. Knorr j VIco I'resi dent, Geo. Klwell: Iteeordlng Seerela rv. Thos. Crover: Corresponding Secro tury, K M. llatcsj Treasurer, James 11 IS'eal j Librarian, Win. 11. Kurd; Stan ding Coinmlttco, II. Harman, M. V Nuss, L. II. Schuyler, Albert Moye nml Isaac AY. Miller. Tho former President, Conrad Illtten bender, was eleetetl as un honorary member, uud all who havo paid ten dollars or under woro tieciareti respect ively, llfo and nctivo or ttssoclato mem bers. Thus permanently established wo may safely predict a homo nnu success fill career to tho Y. M. 0. A. of Illooms w.ii.u tfutoru u'nlpr I'linrhi-K. rllltS llDerllcs.'orislleces liuiuovemcuts, heieilltu- A liui HAUr, or Tlio water In anip'.s rontl in lterrieic lowusuip, says tho llradford Argus, covering over ono hundred acres of ground, became so low In this season of unusual drouth, that during the hard freezing weather of this winter it froze nearly lo tho bottom, and immense quantities! of trout, eels, catfish, perch and picucroi congregated In the deepest holes, and Romoofthem died and s?emed lo natiy ingfur want ofanecilful supply of fresh tmospherlcair. Holts wero cut through tho ico and the IWi led by Instinct pro mlseously rushed to tho opening, to In hale tho fice alrwhere they weru scoop ed unto thu number of several wagon loads, among Ihem wero eeisoi uniinuii Ize. The nlke or pickerel not neiu able to cniluro tho want of upper long as tho othtr, wero mostly tload. SUI.I.IVAN& Knii: Wo under tnndthaton tho 12th lust., a party oi llroail olllclals from thoKiio Kail way ml Lehigh Valley, mado a trip fit Sullivan it Krlo It. K. to the mines mat aro located somo six miles from Du shore In Sullivan county. Their renort upon the. Hallroad anil initios Is very favorable. Tlio former is pronounced well constructed, wiiuo from tho latter Is dwelt irpon In i.lou-liiL' terms. Mtssrs. Miwtrur. .t .i ii.r-nv must fuel L'ratllleil that the throat work Is so near completion, ny the 1st nroxlmo, It Is supposeu urn ium splko will bo driven. Tho mines are being qullo extensively women, aim L'utiL'wavs leaning turner uiui-uvv. of tho mountain mo iieing pusueii iur war.l With vigor. Tho Semites wlilcli aro capacious uud very substantial, aro nenrlv llnUhed.anil over one iitiiiuiei good double tenement dwellings mu erected In elo-u contiguity in mu lory. llradjord Aryus. . ...I.rl.1 .....I n l.nlr.l... lltrht hair and oyes. About two weoks ,..,.-,,t ono hunarwi uml luonciciicstutiia l,rnmf'litljhrn lin oimn r-lll fif l-ill plnTO ot bcKluulim, ralltnlnlilit twenty-oue iieies no c.tmo cut i jail, ,,.,, or less, toutiiu rw ta mi nua suiKiiinr, tho having beensentenceu somo tinio sinco to four months Imprisonment for strik ing Constablo JosKfii Ilouii.u, and It Is supposed ho tried to murder Mr. Tom.v tit of rovongo for tho nellvo part ho took In having him arrested for that ll'alr." ltux the nth Instant Win i.-. .,.i, .,t.i ni: William S ham. W't I'm. ....lit Ii n ilnu'll fruiL'lit train o'l th L. V. lta Iroad. uud KUK'U, nei- ntul Whltu Haven I-foul tlio testimony taken at tho luqut-st Wi glean tlmt ho and a friend, both mule thu lnlluoneo of lltiuor. purchased tiei, etsatWhlto Haven for Neseopee, ami L'ot on a regular passonger, This man refused (or would not. at least,) to show his ticket to tho conductor, who for that reason nut him off tho train, notwllh ktuiiilliiL' tho offer of his friend to pay tho money for his ride. Kurscheld, nf- tnr imltiL' nut off tho train, went to sloe n tiw. irni-1: Romowhcro beyotul No-co pec, uud was struck mid killed by the firtlirfit train l iuii It missed, A stilt Is In lm iiTiilnst the company, W understand, to recover damages, which nro laid nt $10,000. lie. ntiiruMild. Kouth tlin-o dturoeit west, ono bundled uudhlxty llvo perches to tho corntr ot lund of lltTiuiro Ht- (jeit's heirs, thenco vct tort y tour perclif h to un onlc hupp lot; corner of In rut hero toioioot Churli'i KiilhfuH, llieneo norlli twenty t'Uht uud ii li:ilf decree, west ono hu.idrcd and tun iifr lien to tho corner of mid land of Jlenrv Itrliulu. thttico by tho same, north Hfty tin I n Imlf lUgreet fast, twenty hueu nnd uuo tenth II1U oes, ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE. KsrATKOF JOHN II. WATTS. DHC'll. l,eliTH of administration on tho estnto At John 11. Watt s. luteoi L'eutrotnuiiHhlo. Columbia t nuniy, ucc u, iuio neeu Krnuit-u uy ino n roister ni tmiu eouniy io rriiiniii n, waua it'siuin in l tniro township, Columbia co. All rvona having claims against the rstato nf tho dt cedent are rniuesied to itresent them ior tietlUment, and thoHo Indebted to the estnto to malco bay- nieiii io mo unuerigueo,aumiuiHiraior(wiiuuui juiiii ji-otv, AUiuiuntiraii.. rtOLUJIIUA COUNTY, S.S. V In tho Ornhnns Court. lVtlllnn of Xlrh olaa JClndt. Admlnlstrnr of l'rtderlelc llolu' deeeiifel DeeembtT 12. 1ST0. lllion tiesentattnu of petition, K. Ji. Little, Khq., appointed aiulltor io iiscvnaiii ino inutuit'tiiiihs ui inn wuu CNtuin Ui pel 11 loner and tonpply a hum RUllU'leutout of tho real cMute tn pay tlio Kntnp,nnl to mako distribution of thft Imlnnto of tint money nrlHin irom Kiiia real estnto to ino neira ami lepu n t resen tut Ives if l'rtderlclc Uohr, decciod. lly tho Court, 1- ioni tho itecorti. w. ii. ust, cieric, Notice Is lienbv clven.tlmt tho underslmied. Auditor will atleudlotho duties of ills abovo appolnlmeut at his olllco lu liloomsbttri;, on hnturday, January llh,l7l, nt ten o'clock at m,t wlien and wliere all persons Interested aro re quited to prcsnt their claim or bo debarred Irom coming lu for ashnro of bald asset i. Ij. 11. 1.111 IjIj, declu';0-lt. Auditor. H K W I N Q MAOHINE ron Ht.rt jiy pitlVATE SALK. The fcubscrlber olTcrs for aU',upon reasonable terms, OO ACHES OF FARMING LAND, iilmiit. fnrlv nrwlitrli nro rli-nreil. nml iilMlcrcooil piiltlviitliiti. Tlif.rn km mini; iirL'hnril ut chulco I npiilo trrci nml Mv-rnl I'hrrry trrcs on tho I Iiri'IlliKL's nnu iiii.'h h,ii iiik .ii miu I iiiiiiiiik (r. 'Mm lnml Is Hltlintnl 111 lit lillncu: toWUHhln. t'Dltinibla county, niljoliiln Inmls of John I Hnrlnecr. cstuto of Henry Dkrhmlllcr, nnd oiuers. JI. I'. l.UTZ, ni.oo.Msr.una, r.. T , Ht OJIJIi:NIKl ANI KNIOHKI IIV Jivi:h mijvkn iiur iiHf.ii imcitHiM nit. i.untiixcn'.H roJtrou.ND r-xTnAcror Tim aitn.vT HEAIiTII ItESTOUEItl 2sot a Secret Quack Modlclno Kormula Around tho Bottle. rRKPAllEIJ SOLELY 11T1, Dr. J. J. I,A.wnr.NCE, OrRnnlo Chemist, Wilson. North Cnrollna. ALSO, A TRACT OF TIMBKH LAND MILLKU, IIUC3IIMS A CO.t ntiiiwicir, i'A. near tlio nbovc, eonlalnlni: nbout forty ncrc, well timbered ltli chestuut Mid other wood. ALSO, A LOT Ol-' G HOUND, ndJolnhiK tho lorcKoln, contalnhii about I'lVXI AlUKH, btrton Is eiutedu R L A U 1C S M I T II SHO P, lloai.0, pOLUMUIA COUNTY, S.S. J In tho Orphan' Court. In Uk tho necount nl llfnlntnin r. llarlmnn. Administrator of Jumes Ijukhii, decensed Ueeember Mh, 167C, on motion ol It. T, Clark, Ifi., II, II. Llttlo 1h np pointed Aiullior to make dlMtrlbution, lly tho court, i'romtho Iteuord, w. it. .nt. uieru:. Xnllro U hcrebv titven that tho undersliMHd. Auditor, Will ntttiUtntho dutltKoI IiIh uboo appointment, nt bis olllco lu 11 loo inn burg, on l ut Kiuiy, .juiiuiiry tiiHi, isn, ui vu it cioeu a, in., when and uhero nil jtert-ona lutertsleil mo it- incuts and appurienauecH; upon wmcn it je- ipu red to present incur claims or no utuarreu led il Iiaino uwcillUK uouse, iiuiiii. uurn, i. nut" liom comiuu in ior u fciiuro oi luoussi'it, fiivorably located for business, n Uwellln; rramo nuiuio ami oiner ouiouuuius. Tor further parllculats emiulrcof l'LTLU H., Jnn,13'Tl'?m tit Iho premise. P'rivaTte balk o r VALUAniiE Itn.VL Ii STAT U, Tho undersigned offers nt private salon farm Miiiuuo in im usi iiiwuKiiip, uoiuniiini county, about imlto from tho old ijstlitr luruacocon talninji SIXTY-ONK A A HALF ACRKS. whereon Is erected n cnod dwelling house, n latKo new barn nud nthu necessary out build-I liig. A GOOD APPLE ORCHARD f choice fruit, nml .1 ncs'er falllliir snrlniz o svatt r nt llio Uoorwllhn t.prln hount-. -About tu-O'thlrilH nf tho hind Is cleared and In uood stnte of ruttlvntlon. Tor lurthi-r tuformntlon npply to .Inlin I,. Hurst, Irficust township, col. coor W W. Hurst uiins nit-, .loniour cu t-.i, ro-..cKsIon ifls-eu on llio Hist of April 17 oclil'TU-Sui. W. W. litiitvr. 1Ul!IilO SAIjK This HewlnB Mh'Llne runs slllkrnntl easier Uiannny other. It has fewer i-arts, It has acmt tccl shuttto that srlll ncs'er srear out, It ha lllako's relent tahlo which loseo shows Its use fulness. Agents wauled In unoccupied Territory lu urlit in 111 fcteain uud wuter power combined and V. i..p.r.t .Hutltli-r.- with iiiiiilirlen:miS. Selrd, tiikcnln ixccuiluii and to ho sold as tho property oi euut;n.uiiii.r, ALSO I ilccSQ'TO-lt. 11, Lirn.i:, Aiulltor, PIUUUI: X. JiliTT12US. Tin: liiclicst in Ico in tlio world for (ervunts ii paid in St. l'etersburj,'. Olrls tlmt can cook receive forty ilollais a month and board. After St. Petersburg cotnea Itouniuuiii, then London, nnd af ter It tho United States. They receive ho pajMnSeivhi. In Galveston, Toxin, an Indignant father wIiomi daughter had married itlust hid will, sent her for rt wcddlne; present a patent nuriai cine. I'm: I.owkst Yin-. M. V. Uvr. Is helling a standaril yard wldo Sheeting till cts. per yard, and Apjilolon "A'' ut Hi els. per yard by tho bolt. LOCAL X0T!('i:S. Xr.w (loon nt jrAiiu'rf very cheap. Viifi'ins Sai.i:. Alamo lot of stoves'. tiiiware, At'., will bo s-old at nucllon, at IlA(ii:Niiucii'fl Htns'o nnu iiuwnio e.i inMuiimmit. Iii lllimiinburL'. on Mon- tlay antl Tutstlay, I'ebiuary Gtli and 7th. nl-t. Win rr. Vnw.-i nt M.vnuM forouotlol. per Kitllnn. II. (!. Hauma.v, will rent hlsTanery, Int. mlst-louers' otllce, lu lllooinsburir, on TucmIhv, llio 7tll day of r'Lbriuiry next, at 1U o'elodc 1. M. 'loholetut open bids to tlio lowest bidder, to w 1 1 . (Ino of fid feet snan In tho exticme north end of Jackson township, over l-M' bo built on same piuu us ,uu nun luiety ouui. ui jiciiuolu fietdeep on w Inch Is erettcil a ono nlld a nan 1 lowusuip, ueur luoouisuurg, io uu uuuioi m-m. suny l'laino Imilllim llonie, rraino fctable, lock luiubcr. w nil inn Dili iiiFiemi ii. t n, i imn ill Micirio.Ti inwiisiiin. iil il noinL near .10. u. Ii. I ,..lm,l 111 ! VI I llttllll. nUll tO liet-lllll aS I ,..,l.ll II... 1... .. iir.ln.l n.i.rnl Iho piop'irty of IMwurd C. Urein, and Lewis C. brldm-jll) feel betwteu abutinents. This bilduu Attliosaino tlmo and place, all that certain tract of land.bltuato lu thn township ofHeott, rolututiia county, ra., houiidtd on Iho norlli by lot ol 11. tl. t'HMlIni;, on llio eaM by lot of TII niati rails, on the loutli by an atliy. on tho west by 11 PUUIIO loan li-llUlim m kikh. mint mint i I .., I. ..In. r nl.Ollt ..I'.IIIV I, Ot 1IOI1L v one lllllltl rt'ii til cell, ALSO: At thn wiiiio time and nlacc. a ccrlaln tract of land, bltuulo lu .MiiiIImiii lownshlp, In. will bounded on tho north by lands i Wlliliini Miultznud Hlhis Welllver, on tho east hy land nl li.iulel Welllver. on tho south and Mist by lands of Ann Wi lllver.on which u ended a I'rnmo DnclllUK llonto nml ll.irn, with tno a) T .... .ii... ,.i..i nt tliti- iii-it h ot llinhe (.and, Ii lundcil on Iho norih hy hinds or Kuic Mcllnde, mi tho east hy lands of paniuc! John. son, on ilicsouili by lands ot Alexnndir L'arr, o.i Iho West by laiiiUnf Hanlel Huiltll. r-eled, taken lu I xtcutloti, nnd to he l-nl'l as H i. niiiterlviif Mihinilull 11. Welllver m.d Ann Welllver. ALSO to bo built ou fcumu pluu as tlio ono abuo that poioi. .vbutmonN toboth of sill brldsoi it Ui Iti feet aboo biw walrr iiiarU,Mlu ualWO lee' Noilh hiuo ana in not houiu Kue. t in titer lutoiiiialloii tan bo nan ut thl otiite, WM. u, qriCK. ) t'MUls KollHINrf, y Comml-Vn II. J. HLKDLU, i Commissioner' Otllce flfMLAVM. KlilcKU L'M. Cierl:. Illoouisburt;, J.m, D, is; I, A DMIXISTRATOR'S NOTICE. .... iivi-riii. ,i ii u fi.ii.iUH. in wit i on Iho in n Hi by land of Jae.ib Lolby, on tho last l;y l.iuds of Hinaiel Kruiimi, on Iho houtli by landn of Hur ley .t l rUli, on Iho wit by lands olunnnl Hlmiiif, in t.'nlumbhi eoimly, eontabiliu nbout nlm tv Iteiet, innio or lehs. on which U ertettil u two Mory 1 lamo Dueling Jloiitf, t'... .i.i.i ttni-.i t.-tlli I hit lllilttll If ll'lllf'OH. helMd, tukoil lil oxceutlon, uud to bo BoI.l ns the ,o,.e.,y or m ... H, .... hheriir. Spread tho Truth. Somo inodlcal men Insist that it Is uudUniile I tondi erllson reuieily, Iniicver valuablo It in iy bt-. Ijuecrieasoulniithls. It Is llko sayllis thai an arllclo which llio world neons suouin no m lu iienriier-that boiKllis nn 1 hlessmm may no l)v.-i'llltitr Ilotl-je. llinl nbout llvo acres towidelydiil'iised-thitthomoausof proloutlug r I. in. I nt nrniit'iivil o. seriarale v 11 nml n-stoi uu health should noaciosoinonopoij .loslrnil. This Is il "(Hid Incttiim ailtlnn.V and iiotaceeislhlolonll. ThoarBiiment Is bad .... t..I.jlilii, In ktiir, lit .iKS U'l It la ....iruft I lltlll llnll! it IS tllilllll'ill, ii" uiniill mtiiih .-' .' - . ..... , . I,,.! ....linllnmnlim-lllll tv. Allll V til II. lloMUIer's Ktonn.-li llllli-rs-anaosiiiuio.pee.." static ot- ciimvriAN niM.i 1-.PN. nic'n. Lettersof adaitnlvtratlon with tho Will tin nextd, on lha tsttito or Ulirlslliill ItltiKelsen, Into oi Itoiriniscrci k township, t'oluuibla eoimly .1. ..'.I i... . i. ...... ....... i... i i... ,... II. .i.iu, ..r.ii.i a i il... tut. to I tin., nnd t.liii-n nrrrlahl tract of ..nm ,,. t,,i,,, n , r 1; liri. land, Itnalu In ihetown.hipof au pen-mis luiMusi iliilnis or deinauils tualnst o r vai.uadli: ni;Ar. hhtati:. Tho undersli-nednircrs at bubllc Ralo on tho nieiues. on Monday. I'ebiuarv 15. Iii71. nl 1 o'clock, about 01) ACRES OE VALUARLE LAXD, w. sltualo Inltcnton township. Columbia county, I Douuucti uy lanos oi j.uzaoetu Jviiue. immei Muill?, Jacob Ash, Jaeob UeUlilino and other I Kllteen Acre of which Is clinied laud. It also contniusu gooa younsorciuirii, A FRAME HOUSE AND RARX jprlns of water, Also n CAW AM) LATH MILL. Tho balaneoof tho tract In heavily timbered I wuu mi n, nuuo l 'in, ai'.i Tor terms, conditions, Ac, apply to the under pinned, 'Iho actual Dumber ot acres will be do rtminylviiiiln, New JeiTcy, Maryland, Delaware Vliulu!;i, Wii Virginia and District of Colum- nnd a ncer fallli: llrbtcuus RLAKK A CO., KOSKOO BTIUKF.S AT THE BOOT OF HISEA8R 1'URlPYINa TIIK BLOOD, UESTOltl.Vd Till: LIVER AND ICIDNKYB TO A HEALTHY ACTION', AND 1K ViaOItATINU THE NKlt V0U3 8VTEI. This is tho Soorot of its Wondorftil Success in Curing CONSUMPTION IN ITS EARLY STAOES, NCIIOFULA, HYFIIILIS. DYSPEPSIA, LIVEIl COMPLAINT, CHKONIO ltIini,lATISM, NKUIIALOIA, NEHV0U8 AFFECTION, nr.uPTioNS rr the hkin, hhmoks, LOSS OF VIOOIl, D18EASEH OF KIDNEY AND nLADDEK, DISEASES CAUSED BY A BAD STATE OF THE BLOOD. It thorouglilr eradicates ever kind or Humor and Bad Taint, and restores the entire system to a healthy condition. ws. It Is beyond question tho FINEST TONIC IN THE WOULD. Thousands lmvo been changed hj the nse of this Medicine from weak, sickly, suffering crea tures, to strong, hcalty, and happy men and wotneu. Invalids cannot hcsltato to give It a trial. No Medicine has obtained such a groat repnU tlon as this Justly celebrated compound. FOR TESTIMONIALS From Physicians, Eminent Divines, Editors Druggist. Merchants, ic., sco KOSKOO ALMA NAC for this year. SCKANTON, PA, lei mined hy buroy. ucmou, jiiu u. i&.i-u WM.A1TLKMAN. scplO'iO-ly IMtOl'KHTY mo ii mithtcd to ni.tke I n m known ami thotu ludcbUd to miiKo pityiiit ir tho Ui cedent iiti'iimuhtfdtu John ii. huLViC, l:iu;ini-tnr. Admlutstrutor. A DMIXISTHATIUX'S XOTIUK. i-.sTArr.or mt-iu.nK i; s vi, hkc'h. relliiK nl admluliliatton on Iho estate ol rrederlcli Nh'-h. lattt ol lU-uver lwi Loluinbi' L'tiuutv necM.. iiavfbLi-n irranltHl bv tho Kculter of h.ild county, to Mury Nan-., nf IIuer towh- hiiip, v uiuiiiiua count) , i i-niiH) iv.ium, n jit-r-hoiiM halwii iluiiiKt or tleninudi ualtikt tho tleeeilenl in a reuuetded toinnUotheiu know u.and HiohO indent, d to mako nuymi-ni. MAKY NAhS JuuCO'Tl-Cw. AdmlnlsiiuliU. ""ALUARLK MILL run halk, riourlnix mill, thrro iuiih of (.tone, two runs old htoclc trench burrs tlmt can not bo mu passed fur iiiaktm; cholcu Hour. New fcmut much I no and bo in, tno IMIUIOVLD TUHIIIN'i: WATKft WHKHL. watt r fcutllelent to run tho wholo year, capacity of mill iit.tKHi in '.iojbushelt nor annum. Mutat ed In ono ol tin btM wluntsK'tloiisin thoiStuto, .V I.itl'o run of t ustoin. Hlx miles irum l).in lm: Buw mill attached lu good order, M ACRKS OV LAND, LAUJi:ilVi:LLIN(J IIOOi: with allthnnoc- eMtrv out bu IUI ImrM.bcarlnuorehnrtt with eholeo Inut. 'UiU ju-opei :y will bo nold for less thnn font ot tho ImpiovementK. Terms envy. I'nr 1 lurtlit v purtlcuhtrH lii'tii ho of ), A. 1 tho property, or udtln hh to Danville, I'.i, JUUMIIO, Nov. i i7i.-m. MISCELLANEOUS. mien oxe not.r.Aii pr.n hotti.e. FOKS.W.UBY The Principal DruggUU in the United States and Itrttlsh America. JKW FIRM AT ORAXOKVIIil.K s URHKNA IN D1VORCK. in tho Court nf Commo'i 1'lens ut ColiimhL. oonnty No. September lent, 1371, HAMUi:LL.i'oTn:it :.t Lit. j Llhtl lu Dlvor.v. .t W'ltulu matrimonii. Illlt (!. IlAiiMn.v. liltiuiiHiiiirir, or .1. ii. Haiimon, OriiiKi'vllif, ra. 11.1 .it OitiiuNTr.A tit M.viiii'.) for ono ilnl- p-r imiml. Xoricr. Is hereby hIvwi Unit liui uu- ciril.siicnsli hlllniisnesi ntul nervous ilehillly had ne er Men known beyond lha rcjicrtotrc ot tho faculty, wlitl would base boen tho cou .i- oucnii'? Instead of eiiilntf and invltforaiiin millions, the Kind effects of tho preparation umii.1 havo been eonllned lo n coinparative few. -I-I...IO is tlio hluhest authority for mylns itoisl-MiPil. WM. KlllIAMl-.ll. ItSllCftfUl- IlKht hhoiiw nor no i, " e. ...... e., . ''-'":r .. ... ....... . ...i. ....... iu ot... ncnr siiouui no in iceu as u en- ., nt. Ino nl imr.niu i:illivvil ir 1 1 L-lll- - " ' ' " - " . t'lvii liuk'lili'il mi lloeik tiiTtitint or Noto to call tinil M-Htlf tin' " lino tioioro or ii.ilniit llio 1st of Ajirll ni'xt, mul M.tvo f(i-t. I.itiiilit r nml sriMin iuki'ii on litinU iK'titiuiit imlll Ajirll lii'xt. .Si't tluil ut Kyt-r'rtOrovo by WILLIAM IVI.I.A.1I1.II. Kyor'tt Orovo, Jim. -7, 1871-Ct, Iliar O.mI MAltltM. Oil In town. Solil nt n 1,111. Mheio all men can take cognizance It. It Is upon Oils principle that Iho lllltits lm mi been nilM-ttlwl nnd continue tubs adver tised In cvety newspaper of any prnnilnenco In the western henilsphtre, and that Iho spontane ous testimonial In Its favor havo been transla ted luto nil written languages. Thousand enjoy pelfeet healt to-day who would bo languMiiuson uedsofBlclcncssIf Iho newspapers had noti'ffnil Me truth ti If A I tgat tlio this uncqualttl IMtuorant and corrective far and wide. Bnpposo p mat fan been reaped from tills publicity. IsoWnnyarGUinent nicnllist llfslf Hie l'ublhi honllli bus belli pro tectedi If lives havo been saved) If the fecblu hao been streusthened and tlio slelt restored, ,.,,,,( yood has lirn accowiillthed i und win so menu to Krudue tu exertions thin directed their (.ilr toward? mauoaihh' rorrLit, To Mamant Totter, tho abovo respondent: You aro hereby untitled lo ho and appear at tho hex! termor this Court, to no held lu lllooins burg, on the llrst Monday of l'chrunrv, A. 11. 171. then anil thcro to answer llio eoiniilliuit ol the above named llbetliiut. and show cause, If any you nave, wuy tins pennon oi niwiu-, ci llnculo matrimonii, should not In urantod. AAltU.N SMITH, Jail. 0, ISTI-Iw. hhirlir. A 1MIMSTRAT0RS NOTIC I: 21 l-TATK OF J At'Oll Kit A St Ftl, tIFt-'Il. Lettersof adiiifn strut on. on the v line ol Jae. ob Khelhatiier Into of Ilea er!), Columbia count v. th-ci-aseil. hau bei-n L-raiited bv lhe lteir. Ktur ol said county, to '1 Union ltlltetihousu of ueuvtr. ah rersons navitiK claims -luninst ino eslateof said decedent alo reouistnl lonrisnnt (hem for sett lenient, nud those Imhhted lo make payment to tho undi rslaned. without delay. Tll.MUX IlirillSllill'sU di!l'700w. AdmlliMlator, Xt) Ill'MllL'ttOINOl Xt) ClMIATINnl A iilut imttlo full of Dr. .Saui:'h C'n. tarrh Reiui'ily U iiri'p.irt'tl from ono lllty i-piit titicliW, itutl tlio jirojirk'tor oll'er.i $51)0 ruwunl for ti fa.-o of Calnrrli which hofmiuot euro. Soltl by ilrujrjrlstti, or wlitl sixty wilts to Dr. It. V. I'micn, 11)1 Si'iitrtt Hli'i'ot, Uull.tlo, N, ., nml u-t'clvo It by mull. A inuttplilot fiot-. liuwnro of foimtt'ifelts imtl worthless VV"' .. " l lvtv U. n olJi'o iVraimn.'ln Ulp- Ihf his- priuiislon. and uuinniu .t.i'i''-M r"r 'T ' 1 niovlded wltli mo miehv I Ii.imvn t mil ilillllll Willi 1 1 1 ?l I lirinill. n.;..if rt tv I Iih llli( UlMl.MlitMin .vhi. i j t """ , ... I,,, u v.,.11 nttHm tint. BllVCrUIIU " :W il.a'il. f nV.J LirUlU'eill, it'Viu faiiunni wy i.oo.MSiiuitn s UIU'CKNA IN DlVOROi;, T I H T HY,' II, C. HOWKIt, IIKNTIST, mi nil, uml uililmss. nml tho wortls " U. H. CVrtlllfitloof Uwiuliieiiteu" eiiKrovctl upon It. Cisco Kisu nt MAilu'ri. DJ:NJ li. illoflncctfully olhrs lit profesHlouul Hcrvlcci to the iulle uiid Kutleineii of llloonubiint nud v clnlly. Il U prepurint lo attend to all the arl lMiiuv"l"d with tlielalehtliupioed louckLAlM motuppiove.l methodit, tho teeiiic nml Ail oiintlouii on rurefullNfemd luooeny ntlvuded to, iTr-iiipnro nnd olllco a low door a lUvove ttte Court Hoiine, hiime ldo. U looms buris, Jun.'il.'Wltf lu the Court of Common I'lcas of Columliln ciniuty, Xn. uk Mnv Tt rm, IH0, hUPAUlOUH HMKTULUS, 1 v. f Libel 111 Ilnreo AMANDA KMKTIILIIH. j Xotfto in hereby ylvcu that Uepnt.ltlon will bo tnUeu Inthoohnto eat ut llio ollleo ul Iho titi deulmird, lu llerulik, on Thuuday, January VI, 17 L at 111 o'ctoelt, A, il. L.T,THuirs(X, dceiIJ'7)3t, L'oniinlslniur. Jli F.STAT K OK APAM (iAIU.K, Dl c'li, l'ttem leHtumonlury on tho etalunf Adnm CJuble, lutoof liourlugeieelt towiuhlp L'olumbtu county, deeeahtd.luiM) Ken planted by tlio Heu Utcr of uald county to Lucax Faluluifor, of Lo ciii.t towiuhlp, Columbia county, and ClinrloK (Juble.ot tho lionnigli of Mluemvllle. KchuylUlll county, i'u. AU peuout ImvUii; ilulttm urialiiitL tlio eidiitu aro requehted to present them tihe lUeeutorln Columblu county, TIiono Indebted to tho estnto either on note, Judgment, lnorliftiuo or booli account will iimlto ims ineiii lo ttloKx f-tuiar wlihoutiloliiy. n n 4 L'KAHLUd UAULIC, dcca70-(Jw, Kxecutor. BTATK NOIIMAL SCHOOL ASt) LITMIAUY AND t'OMMLUCIAL INSTITUTi:. Tli In t nvtkt ittlon nllerH irood nnnortunltltK In every department of Llttnituro mid Science, lu uddlilon to the Kxtilh ut XoriualhrhoolCiabM'h, lmvo practleoln the use ol MirvcyluKiiud i:nln eerlnu liuliuinenU Iti tbo Held and mine, under tbo liiMiiutlnn of tin mo-t eompdent ProteKwor. The lueulty aim to i o ery tborouuh In their In h true tlou uud to loolc eatelully alter the litaltli, mamiernnnd moralt nt tho undent. 'Iho rule and icuulatliun of tho school nro Kiieh as to connrninl tho iihpeet of lh htiulents and cnti(ttiuently imt manyleel that tby can atlV.rd to Molato lawu which niu ealenhiU'd to on mnt t) their tuea and hnppln. ss. 'i'lif Mus lJi-par mont uitiudsns koi1 opiatuiilths a Priii bo fouml In uny ol the m kj cities and at tuiuii tetoi expense, Hprl-k term common'' ..prll d, 1STI. Fur U rther partluulmn, nddn kh Joji s u. ruRUK, y.i , .vi i . or L. 11. Itri'KhT, JWt, or IIKNHY I KVI It, .M.,l'rluelpal. IHnoiilfcbuiB, Jan, 1 1, Inn-1) hi, Twelve Years rg? Wild Mans .Flaiiis. Tin' rt-maiUnido n lv. ntnr. i of tho famoiiH WMiTi: til IKK and UIU WAHUlOUamoi tho Ittdsidmv, Ttirllliiut ueeouutH of Uriat lluut., llairUu.idtU LseuiHii and Terrible Con t eat h with the binniiv nnd liontllo tribes, Hplrittd descrtp Uoiw o the In. bit, and KupertttUtoni. of that blraiuu people, Their HihuIh, Lkoknih. Thaih tions. How thov Woiiand VKi,HcALr,Do(, Woi'Jiiup, Ac. Now, Krthh and I'opulur, riti i: Low, It ix xelUutl by tho thousuudH wtili moii ilertul rapidity, Aitenltt aro mtiUlnjx from V to 810U per week, Chulco Hold el vacant hi ml at onco Tor Kiimpl-acimpteiii, IllutrntlotM anil p.n tkuturN to A, JI. Jll'ltltAUD, rublUbtr, hfplG'TU'tf, sjooclieKtuul ht 1'hlla, IRON FOUNDItY AND ACUUCUIj TUltAL WOUK3. OHHAT l.Ml'UOVEMENTrt IX PLOWS AND TIlUKSlIIXd MACHINIX, Mr. Jacob Trlvlcbleco ha Inir rturcbased the Interidtof CliarU . Low lu tin abnonnnioJ wotkN, tho buslners will bo roiitlntied uuoer tho ilrm nntnoof Vii.uam.ciii-vm:h a Co. Uiivlmi discovered ttcenil lmperteetiunn In tho ilo maiiuiaciurou in JlO, iney novo rtrengtbeneti ii uu uiipruv ii iii-in, ii uu Htiuen mmiiu eutiro new natterUH. '1 bev 111 noeii tbo Hiirlinr Inn In nf 171 lu advnuco nt atiytlilni; etr otlVietl to tho public, ueiiiK noiu praeiieai nieennnicM, ami nav liur their work all ilrno under their own Miner- Vision IbeV trihirniitt'H their uurlc knncrini- In iiiuteilat nnd Ilnlsli to nny herctofro t tie red, Ili'illiTti hlioultl not nereiiL nf ntw nl br ntrrlnl turn I luiplfiinutH until ttiey havo exumlnutl our Miinnhu'turo. Tanners houhl trv mir ntows bctoro buylu,snny other 'Jlieyulso manufiicturo ALL KINDH or CAftllXaH. iiually madoln find cIukk rotindrioK, raw nnd niisi. inn. vuiiiii, nmtiu ii imou up iu oruer( THJIKcmiNU lAClIIXES are mado n hpcclalty, nnd homo very decided lnv iuiivt.-iui;iiiH iiuvw in-L'ii iiiinKiueeu luioiueir m chllUM. rrlet'ii lower tbmi ewr: nil klmU m country pnulucoutidold lion taken lu extlmnso it' iinitviiuiii mu iiiuiutiuuiurv, uiti as' cUm t-upplleil durlnii thu winter, AUdutvs all otdera to WILLIAM ECIIUYLKU & CO., AOUICULTUUAL WOUKH, OUANQr.VILLl COLUSIHIA COUXTY, PA. Dit, Lawuenck's Woman's Fsicxd Cures all Diseases peculiar lo Females. L ici:nsio notice. Ant Ico Ik ben bv olveu tlmt 11m f.tinviinr nni t.wnr, Ul I'llSV tl rl II IJHUIM 1H O UfCIl HUH llio l'loihoiiotury'N olllce. and will bonrtMnt to tho Conn at 1 tbuuuy term, A. D. Is7l, to wi .ii'iit-w i.iiveier, jicmnu, iioie Wllltum Tmry. Centriilla. Llouor sion r.uwjtm v urii-y. " i.aiiu uouo, jonn I'Crkou, AmHiidUM ITimpusL FlNlilnnek. n iiiiuiii miner, .Miniii'iii iiiveriii W, IL Ulllinoro, Jtloom UeKlauraut ltiKiart A Kramer. (;rveuuood Llouor Hinm Domlulck Cn-oiiusc, Cunynahum lUitiua Houro, iiioniaH ,Mnnt"(-, Ueortfo M. Itaki-r, lleuhait Heru' '". liHiilel 1. Furry, William lVilhr. J.ltlll H V. (illlllKhlA. Conriid llredbeuder, WLLLIXOIOX H. EXT,, rr(,thoiloy Hcwlt Iter wick Cent rail a Greenwood j ifn ver Llnuor Htoro Tueru, N0T IOU, riMlK MOST DKSIUAIILIO X. IN V1TKHX MAUYLAND FO Not leu 1 Imrebv ulven that I h.lVO r evoked a Dower of Attorno heietoforo Klven to Michael McMhUmii, of Libert , 'lltifa county, Va.t and notify all peiNon not to puv money or ftotlle any bUH)neie whatever wlitl lilm In wuleli I am cone- mud. WM. ULAl'K, MorrK '1 lotf i county, Jan, 13, l71-Jt i 00". g u All iii-rous, yoiinaorolil.dostrlniteniiiloy. rj 3 mint ut rioiiiiiM.toTiiiti:i;iiii.Niiiu:ii s j: IKJl.ll.Mia i-uit MON'llI, sliould address C a llnliudlately, (li:i:ilil IIY, ol Jltinu- M y faclurus,MorsIiull,.MIclilau, Jau.D'il.-ly f- 02:9 ef 1. 33. COSBIHS, 20 North Eighth St., Phllndn. DobMns an Vegetable A color and dressing that will not burn tho haiv or injuro tho head. It does not produco a color mechanically, as tho poisonous preparations do. . It gradually restores tho hair to iU original color and lustre, by supplying now lifo and vigor.. It causes a luxuriant growth of soft, lino hair. Tho best and over ofl'crod. Clean and Pure. Sold everywhere. ASK FOR DOBBINS', novU'70-bm, safest article No Bcdirhent l-'AUM 'rm u a , i- hiiuaicd 111 Kri-di-rlck l on llio llnltluinru and iiuiu ii, i.., .iij inii.-s wesi oi iiuiiiiuoiiii roll' fun. lirli-li. Willi hull nu. 1 ..lul.. t....... oillar ttno Brouuds nro brautlilt-d with ctiolco ll..s,llluuuci.Y, .!!.. dU i, ino oini-r ii naudHouifi franio i-olUte, sltuutt-d lu tlio oriliard, ogulnln. lutflorly Hurts ol rliolco api.l.s nud nears, nnd tuulosi-d by anllsnijo orunsi- lioiUo, lu barn and olliis out-liulldlncsuro iiini,ro nndlnuooil rt-i-alr, l.uml Is of tlio b.-l iuallly or lime stou.-. j-viicliiRiiiiud, with ruuiilnu waler In oiry Held, l.lmo klms uud Inextiaustlblo uuarripi. nf iim purtKt-.tono, dc. Ac. 1 ho larui Is otl'i-rid vutlro. It. Ul II lu. (1..VI.I...I l.lkl.ll .mini...... di-si-rlpt Ion, iirk-u. let ins, dc, uddrssor unnly tu A. l)Fi.AsiiiiUTt I'.-ttti lliickoestowu.lld, UeiJl'TH-Iiu. ci nnn rkwaud. yl.VJUVI i.'(,r any rase of Wind Bleodlnic lii-uiUK.or Ulceratrtl 1'iles tliat Us llliio'a I'll.K iu.uKi)Y nuis io cure, xi is propareu expressly to euro tho I-lli-s nml nnlhliiu pUA.nml lisiir.Hl i-ases of over S) year standing. Hole by uil .'lukbtai., VIA FU(JA. lie i nint'a Via Puna la the purejulcoa of liaili. Ilorbs, Uoots, and Hcrrles, for CONBtJMl'TIUM, p lur.aimnallon of t lie I.uiiks;hU I.lvcr, Kidney, nud madder tflseatrs.oricHnlo Weakness, Female Atlllcttous, Ueuoral licblllty.nud ull complaints of the Urlunry Organs lu Male und K.iuale, pro duclnit llyspepsla, Costlvencss, tlruvol, Uropsy nud heroiola, w hu-li most cenerally terminate 1 ronjunintlvo JH-ellne. H purines and eurlcles tile lllood. I lie miliary, Ulaudular und Hocretlvo Hjstrni! Oorrei-tsBiut rltreiiKiliens tlie Nervous and M usculur forces: It acts like a charm on weak nervous, uud debilitated lemnlcs, both and old, None should be without It. Bold every, wheie. I,AuoiiAiour-142 I'rnuklln Ut., Hultu more, Mil. aui;5!70-ly. 1 CONSUMl'TlVES. 1'hO advertiser. linVlin? Iipen nnitnnn.nll.. n. ed or Unit dread disease, t'onslnnptloli. by n situ pie remedy, Is anxious to mako Unnvru to his lellowsuttiiers lhe means ut cure, .unit who desire II, he will send a cony of the I riscrlptlon used (rriooriliiirteJ.Mltn ihedlreotionsror pie purltiKHUd uslnit the same, which Ihey villi find u bUUK LUKK lull CoXSUUI-riON, AHlllMA.llKON. I'll nis. ak: ' littka wlshli-ir thn prescription win pica, address Itev. K1IWA ltli A. WIIiSONT 163 Mouth Hecoud Hlreit, Wllllamsburiih, N,Y novlll70-ly, ' ' 9 tf burg.