The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 27, 1871, Image 2

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    xt (iklumMim
I'rlilii) aiornliiff, Jiui. 3T, isll
The editor of tlio Columbian Is no
ceiirlly absent from his po.t tlita week.
Tho bnalntHi of llio olllco It left In tlio
hnmls of Mr. V. It. Snydeh.
Southern Out r Ages.
Tlio Legislature of South Carol Inn, n
bluSk-nnuVtuT organization called upon
tlio Radical Governor to say why ho
had not used tho mllltlrt of tho Com
monwealth to suppress whnt they de
signated outrages against tho laws In
certain portions of thoStato. Tho Gov
ernor replica that ho hns no Informa
tion of any organized efforts to overrldo
tho laws of tho Commonwealth; that
cases have been reported, but they nro
individual Instances of outrago or
crime, which cun bo reached nnd pun
ished by tlio civil laws. Wliilo this Is
tho condition of affairs ho declines to
order out tho tnllltia, or confess thnt tho
civil power of South Carollnla Is Instiffl
clent to protect all Us people. Ho dep
recates the uso of tho military power
in a tlmo of profound peace, and calls
upon tho Legislature) to mako tho civil
arm of tho authorities moro potent by
tho pa3sago of propor laws. It Is to be
hoped that General Ghaut will trans'
mlt this mcssago of Governor Scott to
tho Bonato by a supplemental report. It
is an official plcturo of tho condition of
affairs in ono portion of tho South at
Jeast, and is worth all thoKu-Kluxand
raw-head and bloody bone3 stories
Which can bo gotten up for a twclvo
inonth. Tho sun of civil liberty Is
mounting higher In tho South, and, In
a ehort tlmo, all tho pooplo will bo bask
ing la tho full light of its steady beams.
The Supply ami Vrlco or Wheat.
The Philadelphia Ledger says :
"Tho Impoitatit fact is published
that tho stock of wheat at tho four
principal markets has greatly dimin
ished Blnco tho European war com
menced. On 'tho 1st of January, 1870,
Liverpool, Now York, Chicago and
Alllwaukoo held 15,-123,000 bushels,
whllo on tho 1st of Januaiy, 1871, tlio
stock was reduced to 10,015,000 bushols.
It 13 nlso stated that tho stock of wheat
in Loudon i3 a million bushels less
than last year. This Is explained by
tho constant drain of breadstuffs from
tho opposing nrrnira. Franco and Ger
many not only ceaso to furnish Great
Britain with what sho needs, but them
selves demand a larger supply than
they havo. Tho export demanded
from tho United States is, therefore,
moro peremptory than usual, as oven
the fiO.000,000 bushels, wo shipped dur
ing 1870, did not prevent a largo dimi
nution of tho stock on hand in British
markets. Blnco our last crop of winter
wheat was not so largo as that of tho
preceding year ; and tho actual stock In
our own markctn Is not at present so
largo as usual It is not probablo that
prices of breadstuffs will decllno, nnd
tho largo exports will In some small
measure supply tho loss caused by tho
decline and dullness In cotton.
ElOCtloi- OtCiWl.
riiir-BiicnKerof the Houso ut Ilarrls
burg has issued tho writ of nn election
to fill tho vacancy caused by tho death
of'Represontativo Joseph A. Campbell
of'Frankford. It will bo held on Feb
ruary 1st
The Wisconsin Legislature cau fairly
be called "cosmopolitan." Of 132 mem
bgjs -1G were born In New York, 8 in
Pennsylvania, u in Vermont, a in Con
necticut, 4 in Massachusetts, 5 in Now
Hampshire, 8 In Ohio, 2 in Now Jersey,
1 in Maine, 1 in Michigan, 1 In Illinois,
1 in Missouri, 1 In District of Columbia,
13 In Prussia, 4 In Norway, 8 In Ireland,
2 in Scotland, 2 In Wales, 3 inEngland,
1 In France, 1 In Austria, -1 in Canada,
1 is a Brothertown Indian, and i nro in
Wisconsin "native and to tho manner
Peace has obtained another victory
in tho completion of tho Mount Ccnls
tunnel, for a lino of railroad between
Franco and Italy. It was tho concep
tion of Louis Nai-olkon In tho height
of ids power, nnd it would havo been
much better for him hnd ho been will
ing to rest ills reputation on this peace
ful triumph than tho uncertain hazard
of war.
-The Itadical party is fust decaying,
and it requires tho hardest work upon
tho part of tho leaders to keep tho
wreck together. Many of tho most
prominent men of tho onco strong or
ganization havo spoken oi tho actions
of tho party with tho greatest disgust,
and havo signified their., Intention to
leave it altogether.
One curiosity of tho consus Is that It
exhibits tho fact that tho increase, of
population for tho last decado has been
largely in tho towns. As for Instance,
in Ohio it is shown that tho Incrcaso in
population of tho rural districts for ten
years was only 70,000 whllo lu tho cities
and towns it was 218,000. Tho sumo
fact Is noticeable in Now England and
Notwithstanding tho great drain
already mado upon tho Prussian nrra3-
bearing population, thcro are said to bo
at least 200,000 men in that country up
on whom no call lias been made. A
Berlin paper, giving this information,
says that tho last lovy of tho Prusslau
landwhcr will bo almost exclusively
employed as garrison troops, nnd for
guarding prisoners.
A hill lias been Introduced Into tho
Canadian Legislature for tho adniitlou
'of compulsory education for tho rising
generation, A good oxamplo for tho
United States to follow, ns tho returns
of 1870 will show nt least 3,000,000 poo
plo cxcluslvo of tho recent freedmon,
who can neither read nor write.
Death of Ex-Mayou Kepnep..
Harrlsburg has lost another of its most
valuable citizens in the death of ex-May
or W. II. Kepneh, who died last week
of heart dl&easo and congestion of tho
In tho year 1870 tho United States
exported over ono million gallons of
petroleum, its valuo exceeding that of
tho Hour exports, nnd imt llttlo less
than that of tho wheat.
Cabsius M, Clay has turned Demo
crat. Why didn't ho como over when
recruits were wanted? Kontucky, in
particular, needs none.
The Women', lVtlllon.
Tho petition of a thousand women,
among them Mrs. Shbiiman, the wife
of the General, which was pr.scnted to
Congrrcs, Is as follows:
7b the Congress of the United Mules,
protesting against an cnaisiun of
teaman suffrage!
Wo. tho undersigned, do hereby nn-
neal In vour honorablo bodv. mid ilu-
slro respectfully to enter our protest
against tin extension of Huffrogo to
women, nun in mo nrm Deuel that our
petition represents tho sober convic
tions of the majority of tho women of
mo couniry.
Although wo shrink from tho notnrl-
oty of tho public eye, yet wo aro too
deeply and painfully impressed by tho
gravo perils which threaten our peace
and happiness in theso proposed chang
es In our civil and political rights, long
er to remain silent ;
jiecauso uoiy bcrnuuro Inculcates n
different and for us higher sphcroapatt
Because, as women, wo find a full
measuro of duties, cares nnd responsi
bilities dovolvlng upon us, and wo uro
therefore unwilling to bear other and
heavier burdens, and thoso unsulted to
our physical organization j
Becauso wu hold that on cxtcnsln of
sulfrago would bo adverso to tho Inter
ests or tlio working women of tlio
country, with whom wo heartily sym-
psuiuzo ;
Becauso thoio changes must Introduce
n fruitful element of discord in tho ex
isting marrlago relation, which would
tend to tho 1 till ri 1 to detriment of chil
dren and Incrcaso tlio already alarming
nrovaicuco oi uivorco tnrougiiout ino
land ;
Becauso no general law oiTcctlng tho
condition of nil women should bo fram
ed to moot exceptional discontent.
For theso and inniiy moro reasons do
wo beg of your wisdom that no law ex
tending suffrage to women may bo
passed, ns tho passago or such a law
would bo fraught with danger so gravo
to tho general order of tlio country.
lliiriilnjr of the Steamer 3lc(.'lll.
Tho steamer T.T. McGill, from Cairo
to New Orleans caught ilro nt " Shoo
Fly bar at 10 o'clock Thursday night,
tho 1 1th Inst,, and burned to tho water's
edge, her upper works being consumed
In less than two hours. Sho had on
board fifteen cabin pnssongcrs, fifteen
deck and about ninety roustabouts nnd
deck crow, making tho total number
on board ono hundred arid twenty, of
whom soventy aro all that aro known
to havo been saved. Tho sceno on board
of tho boat, after tho flro broko out,
was one of indcscrlbablo horror. Men,
women and children were screaming
nnd rushing to tho forward part of tlio
boat, crowding It to such nn extent
thnt many wcro pushed overboard,
whllo others, frantic with fright, jump
ed overboard and wcro drowned. Some,
whllo In Jho water, clung to the sides of
tho boat and wcro chilled so badly that
when tho yawls of tho boat wcro sent
to their relief they could not bo induced
to let go and mako an cll'ort to save
themselves nnd roach tlio yawls which
could not got closo enough to release
them on account of tho Intonso heat.
Some tan or fltteon persons wcro lost In
this way, and others threw overboard
cotton bales nnd planks, and, plunging
In after them, tried to reach tho shore,
but tho wind being strong and the
water extremely cold, they perished.
Ono negro saved himself by clinging to
tho tall or a mule, which carried i'
safely to shore. 0"- -.sri.o man had
clambered " - " cotton bale, when two
ncsioes seizing It, tho halo turned and
all thrco drowned. Another man was
on .f bale of cotton and was carried by
tho eddy immediately under tho guards
of tho burning vessel, where ho was
compelled to l:tep his head from burn
ing by throwing water over It. Ono
German and a wife, cabin passengers,
saw their two children fall through tho
cabin into tho burninlng mass below,
and then making their way to tho guard
Jumped overboard locked In oach oth
er's arms. Thirteed Mexicans, en route
Jo Texas, were burned in tlio after part
of tlio boat while asleep. Tho first en
giticcr attempted to attach tho hoso to
tho pumps but was prevented by tlio
llarnes. Ho then mado his way to tho
safety valvo and, nearly blinded by
smoke, opened it and prevented an ex
plosion. Captain Tompkins, although
repeatedly Implored to leavo tho burn
ing boat, would not do so until ho had
done all in his power to Insure tho safe
ty of his passengers nnd crew. Ho re
mained on board till tho ilames coin
polled him to Jump into tho river,
where ho wa3 undoubtedly drowned.
At the tlmo tho lire broko out, tho
Ycager was lying at tho shore four hun
dred yards below her, and Immediately
sent a yawl to rescue tho McGill suffer
crs. With her yawl and tho llfo boat
belonging to tho McGill, which had
been taken to tho shore by thrco of tho
deck crow of tho McGM and abandon
ed, sho succeeded In saving thoso whoso
names havo already been given, besides
two other gentlemen, capln passengers,
and four Mexicans, who wore sent clown
tho river on a passing steamer. Tho
officers of tho Yeager report that forty
flvo poisons wcro saved by their boats,
making the total loss of llfo seventy.
Captain Thompkins Is undoubtedly
A contemporary defines revonuo
reform to bo "tho substitution of tho in
ternal taxgatherer for tho tariff on for
eign products, which protects our homo
industry." This is keeping entirely
out of viow tho leading intention of tho
rovonuo reforms, which is, to so reduce
tho expenses of tho government as to
render only n small Incoino necessary,
and to collect that by n tax upon such
articles ns do not enter Into tho homo
necessities of tho poor. At tho present
time, protection means tho adoption of
laws by which a few Interests will bo
benefitted at tho oxpenso of tho general
business of tho country. Tariffs are
mado by "Rings" of corrupt Jobbers,
and members of Congress voto for this
or that rato of duty, as they nro let Into
tho arrangement. This Is not n legiti
mate tariff, lu any sense, andyctspo
clal Interests rnUo tho cry of protection
to American industry, and thus blind
tho eyes of thoso who do not cxnmlno
tho question. Theso monopolists, in
and out of Congress, opposo any reduc
tion In tho expenses of tho government.
They wnut tho needs of tho Treasury
great, as an oxcuso for nddlng to tho
rato or taxation upon certain imports,
But tho Itovenuo Reformers will tear
thn mask from this fraud and show,
that with n proper and honest adminls-
tratlon of tho government taxation of
nil kind could bo reduced, and business
men mako n fair percentage on tho cap
Itul nnd labor, it Is tho corruption and
robbery of tho Radical party which
mako both tholntcrnaltaxgathcrcrand
tho Collector of tlio Custom Houso
dues necessary at this tlmo. Aye.
The thrco robbers of tho Central
Pacific railroad express train in Navada
havo been sentenced each to thirty
yeans In tho State prison.
tetter from Hon. (Joorgo.H. Pendleton.
Cincinnati, Jan. 0, 1871.
Malcolm JliW. Jitq., Chairman Commit
tee, A-c, Pittsburgh :
My Deau' Sin i I havo received
your letter of tho 31st nit., Inviting mo
"to bo present nt tho banquet to bo giv
en by tho Young Men's Jackson Asso
ciation on tho Dili of January, and for
that occasion nnd whllo in Pittsburg, to
tho guest of.lho Association."
I beg that you will express to tho
gentlemen of the Association my appre
ciation of tho honor they havo dono
me, nnd my very grent regret that it
will not bo lu my power to bo present
at their festival. Tho cxamplo of your
Association Is worthy of nil Imitation,
Wo need not recur constantly to tho
memories of tho past In order that wo
may properly npprcclato nnd perform
thodutl's of tho present; and or all
our anniversaries there Is none whoso
recollections aro moro beneficent than
tho 8th or January. It recalls not only
a victory or arms, but ulso a heroic per
sonal character. Tho victory at Now
Orleans illustrated tho annals of our
country tho virtues of Androw Jack
sou Illustrated tho history or our race.
Firmness, honesty, Independence,
lovo or liberty, an exalted patriotism,
nu abiding trust In tho Integrity and
wisdom or tho people were his charac
teristics and onabled him to appeal
with lrreslstlblo forco to tho people for
sympathy and support.
Theso recollections should bo especi
ally nttractl voto tho peoplo or Pennsyl
vania, for to your State ho was Indebt
ed for a mora hearty and unanimous
support than nny other except Tennes
see. Thf condition of tho country, tho exi
gencies and admonitions of tho times,
compel thoughtful men to examlno
closely tho conduct of public nffalrs,
and tho character nnd policy of tlio
men entrusted with their management.
Whnt Interest In tho country Is con
tent? From which ono of thorn nil is
there not well founded complaint V
Tho Commcrcral 1 Tho shipping
swept from tho ocean during tho war,
has not been replaced, and tho trado of
the country Is carried under tho ilag of
beligercnt nations rather than under
tho neutral Hag of tho United States.
Tlio manufacturing I It Is truo that
tho protective tariff policy has been so
organized la detail ns to defeat tlio very
end which lis friends profess to havo in
view. Tho materials havo been so
much enhanced in valuo to tho manu
facturer ns to prevent tho salo of tho ar
ticle produced.
Barter and Trado 1 Read tho list of
failures In every paper, and seo how fa
tally tho shrinking values aro breaking
down thonctivo busy men of this gen
eration. Agriculture I What is the prlco of
corn and wheat to-day?
Industry 1 Men aro Idle ; wages havo
been reduced, nnd tho scanty store laid
by ror sickness and old ago Is melting
away In tho presenco of Innctlvo capi
tal.and unoccupied hands.
Taxation I Reduced nominally,
somowhat, Is mora nnner-u- than over.
"M. ..mount paid though not so great
is more valuablo ; and tho exactions aro
moro grovious as they aro spent in pay
ing a premium on.tho bonds which In
law and In equity should bo paid ntpar
and enormous amounts of capital are
unjustly oxempted from taxation.
I know tho tendency In all countries
Is to nttributo every depression or ev
ery business Interest to thogovcrnmont
and to look to the government Tor relief.
I do not sympathize with that feeling.
Tlio causes ofdlsaster are generally to bo
round in a violation ortho Inwsortrado
and a disregard or tlio economy, and
tho surest roller is generally to bo found
Is wlso fore-thought and careful man
agement. Yet It Is truo that tho
vast power conferred on tho Treasury
Department by legislation and by tho
collection and disbursement of Im-
menso sums of money, havo mado ov
cry interest in tho country subservient
to Its control, and now moro than ever
before tho government Is rcsponslblo
for the prosperity of tho country.
If over tho Industry of tho country
had causo to complain of nn adminis
tration It 13 now. Capital has full pow
er and controls absolutely lu financial
policy. By rapid contraction of the
currency It has brought ruin and bank
ruptcy on thousands of tho best men In
tlio laud. Every farmer who aided to
put it in power voted to reduco tho
price of his whoat, aud corn, and pork j
every mechanic to reduco his wages
and curtail his work ; every merchant
to diminish tlio valuo of his stock and
Incrcaso tho burthen of his debts. Theso
results wcro nil foretold. Men would
not believo. Now they sec.
I need scarcely remind you thnt ono
party has for ton cousccutlvo years had
possession of tho government, and thus
dovelopcd Its policy aud character.
Coming In on tho assertion that ho
would havo no policy contrary to tho
wish of Congress, tho President of Its
selection has beeu boyond nil others,
an actlvo and persistent ndvocato of
his own measures, and has oven ven
tured lu a formal Stato paper to stigma
tlzo as an act of folly an adhereneo to
Its own views by the Senato of tho
United Stato3.
Pledged to reform, tlio supporters of
the administration do not hesitate to
chargo on tho President and his most
Intlmnto associates, tho most flagrant
corruption In his foreign policy, and
tho pettiest malovoloncoln tho appoint
ment and dismissal of tho highest offi
cers In tho service of the government.
Invoking tho confidence of nil con
tending elements, nnd allaying of all
passions by tho nsplratlon "let us have
pcaco," It has sent troops to Now York,
Pennsylvania, Maryland and Delaware
to control ballot-boxes, nnd to Oeorgla
to intlmldato tho voters.
Avowing nn honest disposition for
civil sorvlca reform, It has displaced
with contumely tho Cabinet officer who
has most persistently bought to estab
lish It, Promising lovo for, and adho
renco to tho Constitution, It has not
hesitated to disregard Its provisions
whenover partisan Interests or partisan
mallco has suggested such violation.
Pledged to tho support or tho dignity
or labor, It has mado a surrender or po
litical opinion nnd the right or a Ireo
excrclso or suffrage, tho price or obtain
ing employment, und refused to exo
cuto tho laws of its own congress enact
ed In nccoidanco with tho demands of
Tho government has been drawn
away from tho moorings In which it
was anchored by our fathers In tho past
and is now drifting toward dangerous
Do wo not need tho virtues of Jack
7 .
son to reslorJ honesty nnd simplicity
in administration, economy and Integ
rity in oxpoudlturos i equality In taxa
tion ; appointment of good men to of
flco) mid an ndherenco to tho funda
mental mnxlm that tho reserved rights
of tho States nro ns essential to our sys
tem ns tho delegated powers of tho
Federal government?
This duty belongs to tho Democratic
party j and to Its perforniunco by Its
organization, Its principles, nnd Its tra
ditions, that party brings extraordina
ry capacity. Founded In tho earliest
days of tho Republic, led by great men
who havo glvon to It tho purity nnd
loftiness of their own characters; taught
by tho wisdom or experience ; Inspired
bylovo or country, It has survived tho
ructions which spring upnround. Fixed
lu Its principles, it adapts their expres
sion to tho changing condition or hu
man society, constant In Its alms nnd
purposes It seeks to attain them by the
means best adapted to tho exigencies of
public opinion and tho shifting phazes
of nffalrs.
I speak In no moro parllzan sense. I
do not refer to particular men or meas
ures. I treat party organizations and
their measures as tho necessary out
growth of principles nnd politics In tho
government, and It Is In this sonso
that I venture, oven ntyour festival, to
say that tho propcrlty of tho peoplo
and tho causo of good government de
mands tho restoration of the Democrat
ic party to power. Tho people glvo It
to n majority will correct whatever er
ror of principle or practice may havo
grown up within It.
I am my dear sir with great respect,
Gi:o. II. Pendleton.
The 'eiv Sj stem of IMiieatloii.
Among tho plans of tlio Radicals for
consolidating tho country Into a despo
tism, nnd robbing tho States of their
right to rcgulalo their own Internal af
fairs, Is that of a National System of
education. Llko most, If not nil, tho
political ldlosyncraclc3 that disturb tho
harmony of tho country, this project
had Its birth iu Now England, nnd Is
put forth by a -Massachusetts member
of Congress named George Fkisiue
Hoaii, That end of tho Union Is fa
mous for wanting all public matters
mado over tho samo block, providing
tho Ynnkco block 13 used as a pattern.
To give substanco to his viows Mr.
Hoak has Introduced a bill into Con
gress by which ho proposes to establish
a uniform system of education nil over
tho country. It provides for tho over
turning of tho common school Bystcms
of tho several States, and tho substitu
tion of n National System In their
stead. Among other things It provides
for appointment, by tho President, of a
superintendent of Instruction for each
State, nt a salary of $3,000 per annum,
and ns many division inspectors at a
salary of $2,000 each, as thn Stato has
representatives In Congress, and a
whole army of local superintendents at
$3 per day. There nro provisions for
renting or building school houses, fur
nishing books, nnd taking rr&poity for
school purposes where nono can bo had
by voluntary contract. Such a measuro
would cnablo tho party In power to
maintain a political propaganda of
about thirty thousand educators, and
control about thirty million dollars
worth of additional patronage. It
provides for the collection of $o0,000,-'
000 annually by direct taxation for
school purposes.
A system of this kind would provo
both nn engino of corruption and tyr
anny, besides giving to tho general
government powers that wero nover
contemplated, by its founders, and
which would ultimately destroy It. In
Pennsylvania wo havo built up a sys
tem of public instruction, after nearly
forty years labor, which Is adapted to
our wauts, and wo do not believo our
peoplo will consent to hnvo It taken
away by Congress. This is but a Radi
cal plan to control tho education of tho
country, thinking thereby it will aid
them to bolster up their waning power.
Wo do not beliovo tho States are will
ing to surrender tho power of educa
tion to tho general government, and
therefore look to a vigorous opposition
to this objectionable measure. Doyles
town Democrat.
Important IlocWon.
the xvth amendment unconstitu
tional. Tho Supremo Court of tho Stato of
California has decided tho XVth
amendment to be unconstitutional.
Tlio question aroso In a caso entitled
"Tho People vs. Brady," tho exact Im
port of which wo aro not apprised of,
but its consideration Involved tho val
idity of tho XVth amendment, and
tho court held it to bo inopcrativo and
void, for tho reason that It was not
within tho scopo of tho powers cover
ing tho amendments, and becauso it
had not been adopted in tho manner
prescribed by tho constitution. There
can bo no doubt that this decision will
bo ultimately sustained by thoSupremo
Court of tho Unltod States. It being n
fact perfectly clear to overy person fa
miliar with tho constitution, that In
tho Incorporation of this amendment to
tho organic law, tho legal requirements
governing such cases, wero not observ
ed, either In spirit or letter.
Wo apprehend tho tlmo Is not far dis
tant, when such "wild cat" legislation
us those scries of acts termed "war
measures," will bo subjocted to such a
careful examination as will remit In
upsetting tlio legality of overy ono of
them. Ex.
T'ir. query Is started among some of
tho political friends of tho President as
to how Governor Geahy, with his ad
vocacy of the ancient Democratic doc
trine of tho sovereign rights of States,
can mlnglo In completo harmony with
tho Union Leaguo ideas, in such direct
antagonism to this prlnclplo, and in
closo political relationship to tho Presi
dent, who so frequently and so thor
oughly violates that doctrluo. Tho
wonder Is expressed as to whothcr there
was any allusion to tho subject In tho
consultation which took placo at tho
Whllo Houso between tho Union
League cominlttco, headed by Oeaiiy,
and the President. Washington Pa
triot. TltE complaint comes from every
quarter of Now England that water I8
scarcer than over. Wells are drying up
everywhere, factories nro stopping for
want of power, streams are shrunk to
tho vory lowest water mark, ond a
general apprehension prevails that tlio
worst is not yet.
Paiub Is trausformed Into a tattlo-
fleld, in which tho womonbhow them.
selves as bravo as tho men.
1 J.
1 Tlio Indian Pence Commission,
Tlio recent council of Indian Com
WsstoiicM In this city has not boon
without n warning to tho politicians of
(tlio Radical parly. They havo boon
told as plainly ns resolutions can Hull
eato thnt nny nervous anxiety they
may feel regarding tho welfare of tho
savages may as well bo suppressed, In
asmuch ns tho commissioners (except
ing Commissioner PAiiKun),nro de
termined to run tho Indian Bureau
themselves, which they Intend to do on
tho prlnclplo of Ignoring secular objects
ns much as possible. Tho philanthrop
ists cxpross great Independence of ac
tion, nnd assort that if they nro inter
fered with In tho business thoy havo
been commissioned by tho President to
execute, they will nt onco glvo up all
authority and retire. In tho several
Interviews which havo been had with
tho President, tho commissioners havo
received assurances that ho will harmo
nize, with them In all matters they may
deem essential for tho practical benefit
of tho Indians. Tho real Commission
er or Indian Affairs, General Parker,
Is consequently, of slight importance,
as ho Is subordinate to tho Board of
Commlsslnnersnnd religious communi
ties. Iu this connection It may bo said
that tho replication of Parker to tho
voluntary report of Mr. Welsh will
bo mot by a rejoinder of charges moro
specifically expressed even than before.
Tho I'.eaco Commlsstoncrsdo not Intend
to let tho matter rest where It Is, and
some of them express confidence that
tlio Investigation must Inevitably result
In tho retirement of that official.
Washington Patriot.
Connecticut Democratic State Contention.
Hartford, Jnu. 17. ThoDemocratle
Stale Convention met to day. Tho pres
ent Stuto officers wcro nominated by
acclamamatlon. Governor, James E.
English ; Lieutenant-Governor, Julius
HotchkUs ; Secretary of State, Thomas
M. Waller; Treasurer, Charles M. Pond;
Comptroller, Belli II. Logan.
Tho annual Convention of tho Con
necticut Stato Temperance Union, which
commenced this morning, appointed a
Cominlttco to request the adoption by
tho Democratic Convention of n resolu
tion In favor of n Stato Constabulary
rorco to enforce tlio laws against tho
liquor traffic, gambling, houses of 111
fame, etc.
The resolutions of tho Democratic
Convention condemn tho Federal Ad
ministration as unworthy tho confi
dence of tho people, beliovo iu territor
ial expansion, but opposo sucli when
occasioned or sought by fraud, violence,
or intimidation, particularly in tho
caso of San Domingo; endorso tho re
moval of disabilities of all citizens and
freo schools, and condemn tho granting
of public lands to railroads and specula
tors, King William Emperor of (Jcrmaiiy.
Berlin, Jan. 18. To day, exactly
ono hundred and soventy-nlno years nf
tojr tho coronation nf tho flt Kin" of
William accepts tho titlo of
Emperor of Germauy. Tho city to-day
Is covered with fiags, aud tho steamers
to-night Illuminate.
Siiockino Biiutality. A mother
less child not yet six years of age, was
terribly beaten, on Thursday ovciilng,
In Columbia, by Mr. and Mrs. John
Hersh. By tlio testimony of tho child,
it seems that on returning from church,
It was tumble to answer a question con
cerning tlio text, whereupon Mrs.
Hersh flow nt her, kicked her nnd boat
her, striking her with a flro poker and
lifter, and otherwiso abusing her.
The child as seen by your correspon
dent, Is ono mass of bruises. Sho is a
sweet, littloglrl, and tells her story In
a plttlful manner, which brings tears to
tho eyes of tho hardest hearted. Tho
child has been removed, and Is now un
der the earo of Mrs. Rowc, of Third
street, wliero sho for onco knows a
homo. Tho fiendish pair had an exam
ination to-day, before M. Clark, Justice
of tho Peace, nnd were bound over in
$1,000 each. Tlio citizens of Columbia
are very much excited, and threats of
lynching aro frcoly uttered. It seoms
that aftor tho poor Innocont had been so
beaten, It was not allowed to go bed ;
but obliged to stand, undressed, in a
a corner during tho entire night, and
this, according to tho child's own testi
mony, has not been Inhrcquont treat
ment. Tlio man (or libel,) Is treasurer of a
Christian Church, and with his wife,
freely admits that thoy havo both
whipped tho child in such a manner as
to bruiso It badly. Where is tho ven
gcanco of Heaven that such things can
bo lu a land of churches. Lancaster
John Moiirow, tho California aero
nautle onthuslnst, Is still engaged In
perfecting his principle for the success
ful constructien of an ulr-shlp. Ho has
dovlsedan aerial navigator which ho
thinks will nnswor tho purpose intend
ed. It is twonty-soven feet loner, ten
foot in breadth, and ten feet deep. Its
capacity is soventy-ilvo pounds. Tho
navigator carries a boiler which, on
reaching a holght of fifty or sixty feet,
has to bo replenished. An experiment
was mado with this Invention a fow
days ago in SanFranclsco, which prov
ed successful. Ho ascended to a dls
tauco of two hundred yards. Mr. Moil
now has devoted ten years of study to
tho prlnclplo or aerial navigation. Tho
troublo with tho present nlr-ship seems
to bo tho necessity of replenishing tho
boiler at intervals.
In Douglas county, Mlnnosota, last
week two men wero sotting traps near
tho centre of a largo marsh north of
Lako Mlltona. Two others who had
been following a bear durliu; tho duv.
caino to tho edgo of tho marsh at dusk,
and discovering what thoy bolloved to
bo the bear In tho marsh, both fired
and killed two men who wero arrang
ing traps.
A oenixeman Just frum Florida
states that tho orango crop upon tho
trees nbout Jacksonville, und for some
distanco ubovo tho St. John's river,
wcro totally destroyed by tho recent
cold weather. Tho fruit was frozensol
id. Tho trees, ho thought, were not
killed, though much Injured. All tho
other tropical fruits were also lost, and
a largo part of tho sugar cane. This Is
n sovcro blow to Florida, and a serious
deprivation to outsiders who wcro look
ing for abundant supplies of fruit this
winter from that region.
California has already 2,600,000
mullbcrry trees, and is continually ud
ding to tho numbor. Good prospect for
War Sens.
London, Jan. 17.-0:30 A. M. Tho
Gorman loasos in tho battles with Gen
eral Clmuzy aro officially stated at 177
ofllcors nnd 3,203 men killed nnd wound
ed. Tho French lost, besides their
killed and wounded, 22,000 tinwounded
London, Jan. 17, 1 P. M. A dis
patch received from Versalllossays that
tho French army under General Chau
zy are retreating from Lavals nnd tho
German nrmy In full pursuit, and al
ready past tho town of Vlages, fourtcon
miles cast of Laval. 2,000 additional
prisoners havo boon taken. Alencon
was occupied by tho Germans on tho
night of tholCth.
Li: Mans, Jan. 17.-SpccIal to tho
Now York World. Aloncon was tak
en yesterday by tho Thirteenth Corps
under tho Duko of Mecklenburg.
London, Jan. 18. A special dispatch
to tho London Times, from Versailles,
the 17th, says Bismarck has been ill, but
has partially recovered. Prussia is ur
gent for tho nsombllng for tho Coufor
enco. Tlio bombardmont of Paris proceeds
slowly, but steadily. Tlio gunners sys
tematically avoid firing on public buil
dings. London, Jan. 1. Special to the
Now York World. Bourbakl, after
two days fighting, crossed tho Llsattno
six miles below Belfort. Von Werdor
Is rccelvlug reinforcements. A great
battle was fought on tho 17th, which
resulted lu thj decisive repulso of tho
French whtiro now retreating. Tho
German loss In three battles 13 1,200;
tho French, 7,S00. No guns wcro cap
tured by tho Germans, and but few
London, Jan. 22. Tlio Emperor
William ttlegrnphs to tho Empress,
under dalo of Versailles, Jan. 21, as
follows: "Yesterday tho enemy with
drew Into Paris. Fifteen officers and
200 men wcro captured nt St. Cloud.
Tlio number of tinwounded prisoners
captured at St. Quenlln Is 9,000, besides
2,000 taken In tho town. Tlio total loss
of tho French Is 15,000. Tho enemy lias
withdrawn to Vnlciicii'tiues nnd Dou
ay. Wo havo again occupied Cam
bria." A Baiii taken in hy a Fox. A
week ago last Monday, says tho Advo
cate, Washington Balr, of Spring town
ship, being out hunting, his dog scared
up a fox, which took refuge lu a hollow
stump fifteen feet high. Bair, on com
ing to tho stump, set down his gun and
climbed to tho top for tho purposo of
reaching tho fox. Whllo on tho top of
tho stump, tho wood being decayed and
rotton, broko from his hold, and tho
hunter fell Inside, whllo tho rox ran
out, and ho was thus left nlono in a
very uncomfortablo situation In fact
lu a trap. Nothing daunted, however,
Bair took out his knifo nnd set to work
to how his way out, which ho accom
plished after uiujb whittling. Ho re
mained iu this novel situation irom
Monday nt 10 o'clock, till Tuesday
night near midnight, over thirty-six
hours. Perry County paper.
Says tho Carllslo Volunteer: A week
ago, several families residing In New
Cumberland, wcro seriously afflicted
witli symptoms of poisoning. As thoy
U3ed water for cooking from tho same
cistern, it was determined to find tho
causo if possible. Tho water was pumped
out, and in tho cistern was found
n rat, winch from Its appearance, had
evidently been poisoned. Tho lamily
of Henry Retman wero most seriously
It is hinted in Washington that a
general reconstruction or tho entire
South upon nn entirely new plan is
shortly to bo undertaken, by whlchlt is
hoped to prevent Radical reverses in
tlio future. Tho only way wo know to
accomplish tho desired object Is to re
strict tho right to franchise wholly to
Radical olllco seekers. A great deal of
disloyal voting might bo prevented in
this way.
The Washington Jleporter says : In
tho latter part of March last, Mr. John
L. Mustard, of Franklin township,
sowed nlr.o bushels of Ramscdoll Nor
way oats on six ncrcs of ground from
which ho harvested over four hundred
bushels, and had tho grasshoppers not
seriously damaged tho crop, ho Is well
convinced ho would havo had about ono
hundred bushels to tho acre.
The greatest failure or tlio season has
been that of Oliver Ames itSons.Oakcs
Ames and Ames Company for making
plows, be, in Boston. Their Joint lia
bilities, it is understood, amount to
seven mlllIoiis,-but they claim twelvo
millions of assets. Oakcs Ames Is
largoly identified with tho Pacific Rail
road. A shock or earthquake occurred at
Laconla, N. H., at half-past seven
o'clock In tho morning of tho 17th Inst.
It was accompanied by a deep, rum
bling noise, nnd was so sovcro at Xako
Vlllago as to jar houses, crockery, etc.,
and start logs from tlio Ice in tho bay.
It seemed to movo from cast to west.
The franking nrivlletro cost tlio Post.
olllco Department during tlio six
months, ending Juno 30th, 1870, no less
than n million and a quarter dollars,
being tho postago on ton million frank
cd letters, and over two and n half mill
ion pounds of printed matter. It Is
nbout tlmo thatsomoof this outlay was
Mus. M. M. Com; shows a spirit of
magnanimity and Justice worthy of
Imitation by tho strong minded of her
sex, Addres,lng tlio Ohio FeinaloSuO--rage
Convention, sho mid: "Jt may
bo somo women nro abused, imt It Is
equally truo that there aro somo men
who nio neorly henpecked to death."
.Thos. Bush.vem. or Vermillion,
Ashland county, is tho proprietor of n
hog which Is thrco years and four
months of ago. Ho weighed In August
last thirteen hundred pounds, and has
been steadily Improving up to this
tlmo. This dollcato llttlo porker is of
tho Chester White breed.
Butleu's Dutch Oap Is to bo cleaned
out. It is said to bo two hundred nnd
fifty feet wldo, and of sufficient depth
for tho navigation of vessels of any
tonnago that can pass botweon It and
Richmond. A contract, it is statcd.has
boon mado for tho work.
tltoomibiirg Marhet.
Whentiwr bunbel .
tljre " -
UornoM "
" now "
Out!. . " ,
Plmir npr Iwtricl
8 10
0 00
uinverAfoti m - v
I-'Inzfiooil 1
Dried Apples
Ride nmlhouMern .,
Idiril per pouiul
Hay per tou H
10 00
No. I (Scotch nl ..32am
No. 2 " 'r JUD-jpSTO
Uloom tW
Mnmlni-b ttnnrdM nnr llintlKAtld feci 110 0-1
Pino " H (ouolncli) ISaa)
Jnlt,BcantllnK, runic, (Hemlock). 1.1 w
Mlilnjlrs, No, 1 jwr lUojinaiul s CO
wain " " fi. !!r."."!!!.'."."!""8 1 00
llllMI.EY.-In OrnoRo township, 011 Wclnol,
day the 1st li Inst,, aHer n llmterlng Ullioss
David ltomtcy, naeil about 01 years.
pyp a"a"a a s s a p
TO TIiRWOllKINO CIMSs. Wo nro now pre
Vnrct tr furntli nil clniei with conitnut em
ployment nt home, tho wholo of the tlmo or for
thn npnro moments. Ittislnosi uow. Unlit, and
profitable. 1'iTnotnor either box corn from Me
tot i per evening, iuul n proportional trnm by do
Notlim their whole tlmo to the tmnlncss. lloyB
nnd Rlrl etrn nearly na much nt men, That nil
who noo this nollco may Bend their nddrem, nnd
tca tho bumlncts. wo mnko the unparalleled
oflort To Mich ns aro not well BnlHtled, wo will
Bend 91 to puy Tor tho troublo or writlmr. Full
partlculnrB, n valuablo Bamplo which will do to
eotnmeueo work on, nnd n eopy of The Junta's
lAitrary i ompanwn no m mu mrui-air mm uvnv
f.imllv nnwmuinern over nubllshed nil sent free
by mall. Hauler, If you wnut permanent, prof-
nauio wont, mmnw
II, p. ALLKX A CO,, At'otmA, Maine.
AdAiNsr run wouu.-a Fiusr-chAHd
1 tehed tul&3i. ti per year; $1 for Mx months.
Hnbtrrlho H. Jr tpecimen eoptet, address
"jiav iiuu)v,ivew lorKuny.-
UT rt. H. I'lT U'H I'amily I'mmciANi to
pnKei: sent hy mall tree, Toachoi how to
euro nil duea-uof tho person! Bttln, hatr, eyes,
complexion. Write to 71 1 Hroiulwnv, Now York.
tM.'Tn i-OH OL'K rAMrlllilvl TO ADVIJIl
OUlN l) THKIW. l'rluo 83 cts. Oi:o 1 ltow
r.Uh a Co., V) I'.nlc How, N. Y,
unions v. uuo s
ok M.nwr.R an n vkuktaiilk hkkoh,
kou 1H7I.
U'lM Im routlv for nmtllii2 v tho m Kid I o ofJnn-
ury, notwithstanding our reat loss of typo, pa
per, eimruviiix"", ftu., in it it, winni miiiujvu
I he .Tnbl'rli.tlmznlUcoof tho UochiMtcr Deni'trral
nml nhrntiMr iL'ith Di-remher. IsTt). It will be
primeu tin u most eiesaiu newinueu p:iper,unu
liiusiraien wun neany
Fivi: Uunhueu Okioinai- nNnuAviNas.
And two Mitel v executed Colored I'latcs snect
mens for nil of which wero urown by ournulves
tho past Kenaoii irom our own kiocic oi eeus. in
tho orlRlnallty, execution nnd extent or tho en
BravluKi It Is uullko nnd eminently ftuperlor to
any other Catalogue or "Kloral Outdo" extant,
Tho lutnlngiio will consist of 1IM Paxes, und
nt Mum is luiblKhed will ho t-ent treo to all who
ordered Meeds from us by mall the last Benson,
Toothers n charge of 15 cents per copy will be
made, which is not tho vuluu of tlio Colored
nates vve nsiurc our menus mat inoinuueo
meuls we oiler to purchasers of Heeds, us to quat
It v nnd extent of Htoelt. Discounts nnd lrtml
urns, nro unsurpassed, Plenso send orders ior
uiintogucs wuuuut uciay,
Will lie rendv to send nut In Jnminrr. Thn Ohm.
mo wilt repiesent Forty-two Vnrlelies of showy
ntid popular Flowers, of natural sire and color.
Wo design to maw o It tho best Plato of Flowers
ever issued. Hue, lyx'JI Inches. The retail valuo
would bo utlenAtTwo Dollars; woNhall,bowcor,
lurnlsh It to customers nt 7. tents tier copy, niul
oiler It as a Premium upon orders for Heeds, beo
Cilalouuo when out.
11UIOO.-4 A llKOTHIIU, nochester. 2f. Y,
I HF THK "Vl.(l Kl'AII L K l fWi
'Iho old standard remedy for Couahs. Colus.Con
sumption, "JTvthtng VttUr." CUTLt.u linos. & Co.,
moves suporlluous hair In five mfnutca, with
out Injury to tho hlcln, sent by mail for Sl..
IteilevcH most violent paroxysms In five minutca
iiiui cneeis nspcetty cure, jtico a-' uy man.
Colors tho whiskers and hnlrn beautiful nr.ACi;
or iiiioWN. It consists of only one preparation,
75 cents bv mall. Address H. C. If I'll AM. No. 71
Jnyuo Htreet, Philadelphia, Pn, Circulars &eul
iree. nom uy an uruKKtsts.
who euuaijo in our new business mako from 85 to
8 W per day In their own localities, Full particu
lars and Instructions scut Ireo by mall. Those
in need of permanent, protltaide work, should
imurcis ui. once, uiajuutj a iaj,
Portland, Maine.
QOA Wi;i:iC,nud oxpensos.pnid
J1-fJ -VKiJiiiw, iu nen our uttw nun uauiilt uiottiv
eries. Address II. HWFFT & CO., Marshall, Mich
MM! WIIAj pay aofnth a hai.auy nf $:io
i per week nnd expenses, or allow a lari;o com
mission, 10 eu our in-w una wnnueriut inven
lions. Address M. WAUNint & CO., Marshall,
.Micnian. iiecHiTU-u.
p-sYCUOMANUY. Any lady or K-milHimn can
1 mime- ci.'xu i mourn, secure incir own napni-
400 pages; clolh. Full instructions to uso this
power oer men or uuimais at win, now to mos
merize, become Trancu or Writing Mediums,
iiiHtiuit, rii t iiutuiHiii, jviviieniy, t iiiiuiopiiy
nt Omens nnd Dreams. Uritiham You lie's Harem.
Oulilo to MarrlageAc., nil contained lu this book;
luo.oou sold: prlco by mall, lu clolh S1.25, paper
covers 81. onci:. Any person wlllln to net
as agent will receive u s.unplo copy of tho work
ice. As no capital Is required, nil desirous of
irentool employment should send for tho hook.
enclosing 10 cts. for postage, to T. W, UVANS &
jut 4i huuih mu -u.. I'niiitaeipiiiit.
Cl'KIOt S. HOW STII A.(Ji; !
The Married Lndtes I'i Ivitta CoiniKiitlon contains
the desired Information. Hen t freo for two stamps
uiuium .u ui, it, .ucijuijit, j mill) y or. Id,
jpou SALK on HUNT.
The lironort V In T.thL Htrncf. rnlnmhln,
ty, known as the "Walnut Hotel," is lor sale or
re u i, on rcusuuuuio terms. .
llloomsburi:, Jan. a), 1 70-tl. AKent.
Wo wish to employ it few Rood Atients to In
troduce an euilieiy uow article It takes liko
wild lire. i:very body wauts It. This is no hum
bug but a ltKlilmnto business endorsed by our
most prominent men. Address with stamp)
Jan2D'70-tf. Pittslleld, Mihs,
l 7 All persons Indebted to tho undersluod for
subscription, advertl-dmr. or Job-work,- must
maltu pronint settlement, Oppomtnltles for this
luiriKwn will ho ntvou nil, between now and tho
close of Februnry Coutt,
lan.V0'71 Ut, C. II. IlKOCICWAY.
In tho matter of tho Fetitlonjor Pari lion nnd
Valuation of tho real estate of William Pegg,
lute of M lull son township, lu said county, deo'u.
NOI'IUK Is hereby given to all tho heirs and
represeutaves of suld deceased, that lu pur.u-nm-o
nt a writ nf Partition nnd Valuation to me
dlifcted. I will go upon tho piemlsi-H of said
deceased, situate lu Madison township, In tho
county ot Columbia, with u Jury by mo lobe
Mimnioned.ouHnlurdiiy, the 2Mb day of Juuuaiy
A. I. Is71, for tho purpose of ninbtnn Partition
or Valuation of said real estate according to tho
commands of tho said writ, when nud wheiuull
parlies mien-sled may nttend If they flunk
proper. A A HON BMITH,
lllooinsburg, Dec. 23, lS7(Mf, K 1 1 ty ! IT,
Iluj It t. I tha bent I'm invdu or .uld In Ihlaoum
"71 "ft " I" t .'orrod. hilly llue.wrHl..
C wllo on. 1'u.lorinkl 1 III oulwenr u uo.en
ri li.t 1'fii. I'ut un In nrut.llilr buie..
MOLII UUV 111 AUK VI H, und fur ILL
K. Wu.oit .ny vner.rtlo per.uu 'un rrulli.
, luu permonth. rmOt uv.r UOU p.r i-rnut
Two I'.nn, 10-it. tnoboarn.bu
?3 crnt.l a.obuion, ,l.UO tntl. bolt.,
U ,,,I)J. AiimH
jo Western Puhmshino Co.
g Manufacturers Asenll. rmtburgh. Tt.
r or ouulttr. llur onlr the utnulnn . Ill' V
Ilu tor I'en. tin juur .Wis Tuo, CuunlT, und
fcluio. plululjr itrllUo, .nil vTilir. U1 iuvf Willi
. 1.. . uj ini.i'oiiipnnr. Inwrl
llnvhlir rati, 1 1,1 lv ,.u:.i', .1.,,. '
l!iV?i'"rr'".lly "l"al I'lMlSIIl.lill'rt lllillll
11111 MM, fur tlml plusn of illHeuncu poillllur 10
uf won.lir ul vlrtuo lu ull nmoa of llil. U 1ml,
never luiylua lulled In iil'ectiiiu 11 euro, una d
t li continue', on lis irluuiiiliuui inreer. Kor
rjf 'm "f ilUeiue. urLluif irom lmtmrlty of
Ine llluoU, or deruui;eiueut of tlio illifeatlvu
ori!n. Including General Debilities, llyuoehsln.
Liver Complaint, Hick lloaductie, Constipation
und Miiillur ulliueiitH, U in n certain remedy.
I'tndlug pliyHlclaiin everywhere prescribe. It for
tutlr patients-, and Imvo ulveti the proprietor, of
the lllttem many UntlmuuluL of their confidence
In tha ollleuov of the nreoaratlnri nu ,. Iu...n.i..
Hold lu uiuaro Klau hollies only, by all respeelni
. .1 nf .wivuni., 1'iicuouo uouar
cr a
it V hi i , it i: n.
To licbllllntcil l'crsons,
To Dyspeptic.,
To Sufrercrs from Liver Complaint,
To thoso having no Appotlle,
To thoio with llrokcn Down Constitution,
To Nervous People,
To Children Wasting nway,
To nny with Dcbllltntcd Digestive Orgaus.
Ordering uul, nn of the fottmrt .-....
uhteh indicate Dltonltred Llrcr or Momarh.
such ns Con
Tiles, l'uliicss or
Mood to tha Head, Acid
It y of tho Htomach, Nausea,
Heartburn, Dlsiftist for Food, Kull.
ncss or Weight In tho Btomnch, Hour
Krucltatlons, Blnltlngor riutterlngnttho
Tit of tho Htomaeh,Hwlmnilng of lhi Head,
Hurried nnd Difficult llrealhlug, Muttering
nt tho Heart, CholtliiKorSufrocatlngHc nsntlnn.
when In n Lying I'osturo, Dimness ol vision
Dots or Webs before tho Bight, l'over nnd Dull
i .mi in mo uenu, Doncicncy or rersptrntlon,
Yellowness of tho Skin nnd llyes, lviln
In tho Bide, Hack, Chest," I.tmbs
Ac, Budden Flushes of Heat,
llurnlng In tho Flesh.
Constant Imaginings of
Kvll, nnd Ureal
Depression of
A bitters without Alcohol or Spirits of nny kind.
II different from nil others, it Is composed.'
tho pure Juices, or Vital 1'ntNciri.B or Hoots,
Hunns, nnd Baiiks, (or as medicinally termed
Kx tracts,) tho worthless or Insert portions of tho
ingredients not being used, .Therefore in ono
lloltlo of this Hitters there Is rontnlnoit ns much
medlclnl vlrluo ns will bo found lu eovcrnl gallons
of ordinary mixtures. Tho Hoots, Ac., used lu
Ihls lllltcrs nro grown In Germany, their vilal
principle extracted In thnt country bynsclcn.
tlflc Chemist, nnd forwnrdod to tho mauurnctoiy
lu this city, whero they nro compounded nnd
bottled. ContntnlnT no spirituous lugrod I cuts,
this Hitters is free from Iho obleetlnn.
ng;ihnt nil others; uodtwlr-. for stimulants cau Im
Induced from tholr use, they cannot mako drunk,
nrds.nnd cannot under nny c Ircumitances, hnvo
nny utu n ucuenciai cllecl. '
Was compounded for tboe not inclined to ex.
trcmo bitters, nnd Is Intended for uso In enses
when somo nlcohollc stlmulnnt Is required in
connection with tho Tonto properties of tlio
Hitters. i;nch bottlo of tho Tonlo contain ono
bottloof tho Milters, combined with puroHANTA
CriUZ HUM, nnd flavored lu Buch a milliner thnt
Iliecxtremo bltlcrncssonho bitters Isovereoine,
forming j preparation highly ngreeablo nnd
pleasant to tho palate, nnd coutnlulUE tho me.ll.
clnnl virtues of tho Hitlers. Tho prlco of tho
ionic is 1 1.0) per Hottle, which many persons
linns ino nign. They must tnko Into considera
tion tint the Kllmulnnt used is guaranteed to bo
of a puro nuallly. A poor urticlo could bo fur
nished at n cheaper price, but Is It not better to
pay a llttlo more nnd Imvo n good nrtlclo? A
medicinal pripnrallou should contain nono hut
tho best Ingredients; nnd they who expect to
bttiln nehenper compound, and be benefited by
It will most certainly bo cheated.
noon. AN n H
wii.i. cunn you.
They are tho Greatest
ii oou v v it i r i u it s
Known to tho Medical world, and vlll erndl
eato diseases arising from Impure, blood, Debility
of Iho Digestive Organs, or Diseased Liver, in a
shorter tlmo than any other known remedies.
Till". WllOlKfcl'ritKMF. COUllTOF l'CNNSTI.VANIA
Bl'HA K FOIt TlIIHi: ltllMEDIlW.
Who would ask for moro Dignified nnd Htrougcr
Hon. Gconan W. WooliWAlin.ormcrty Clitr Jus
tice of the Supreme Court of J'ennylianlat at Jtrrs.
cnt Member oj Cbuprcsi from I'cnnsijh-anla.urUcs:
rillLAlJhl.nilA, .March 1Mb, liC7.
1 find "IIoo (land's German Hitters is a good
tonic, useful 1 n diseases of tho digestive organs,
nnd of benefit In cases of debility nnd want
or nervous action In tho system. Yours, truly,
lion. James Thompson, chief Justice of Mie ,11.
jraie Ojurt of l'enmilvanta.
riiii-AUEi.piiiA, April in ltur.
I consider "iloolland's German Hitters" 11 valua
blo medicine In caso of attacks of Indigestion or
Dyspopsln. I can certify this from my expcii
enco of It. Yours, wllh icspect,
Hon. Ueouck Huahw xod, Justice of the .SVj.iraic
Court of rcnnsyUtmUt.
l'JIlI.ABEI.l'lIIA.Jlino 1,1'OM.
I Hnvo found hyexpcrlcnco that "Iliwtlainrs
German Hitlers" Is n very guotl tonic, relieving
dj .peptic symptoms almost directly.
Hon. Win, F. ltogcrs, Mayor of the CV.i of Jlvffalo,
Mayor's Office, Huflnlo, Juno 22, ISCJ.
I havo used "Iloolland's German Hlllirs nnd
Tonlo" In my family during the past year, nnd
can recommend thorn ns 1111 excellent tonic, Im.
patting tone nud vigor to thosystem. Thelruso
Im lueii productive or drcldcdlv beneficial
ellect, WM.l'. HOOKIW.
Hon. JnmisM. Wood, JU-Mayorof Wiltiamort,
I tako great pleasure In recommending "Hoof
land's German Tonic" to nny 0110 who may bo
afflicted with Dyspepsia. I had tho Dyspepsia so
badly it wa lmposslblo to keen any food on nu
slomnch, nnd I become so wenk ns not to bo able
to walk hull n mile. Two bottles ofTonle ollVctcd
11 perfect euro. JAMIiS M. WOOD.
nooPLAXws aiuiMAX rowc
Will euro c ery Cnso of
Or Wasting nway of tho Hndy.
Arn II. n .,i, ...... .A ... . .... .1...
Hlood. excite llin tnrnt.l l...nm. ..!)..
nnd to mnble you to puss sofely thiougli any
Ut. lillOli.tXD'.S
1 ) I) O I 11 Y li li I N,
Hubstlluto for Mercury l'llls,
TV(1 1MT.T.H A Tiriui.'
The most roucrful, I'd Innocent, IViIaI(e Cuthar-
fIC A'IUtC7l,
It Is not necessary to tako n handful of Iheio
Pills to produce Iho desired eHeet: tun nf them
act quickly nnd powerfully, cleansing thoLlver,
Btoniachand Howeh of nil Impurities. Tho prin
cipal Ingrodlentls Piidophyllln.or tho Alcoholic
i.iiruci 01 jiianuruuc, which Is by many times
moro powerful, aeilng and searching than the
Mnndrako llself. Its peculiar action Is upon tho
Liver, cleaning It speedily Jiom nil ouslructlons
with nil Ihopowerol Mercury, yet freo from tho
Injurious results nttached to the uso of that
For all discuses, lu which Iho uscnfncatlmrtii)
Is Indicated, Iheto pills will glvo entire snlUfui-
uon 111 every ease. They NllVLlt FAIL.
Iu casts of Llvtr Complaint, Dyspepsia mid
exliemo eostlvcness. Dr. Hoollaud's German
Hitters or Tonlo should bo used In connection
with tho Pills, Tho tonlo efleet of tho Hitlers or
Toulo builds up tlio system. TholllttersorToulo
purines tho lllood.slrengthens IhoNcrves ntou
iatks Iho Liver, nud gives sliength, energy nud
Keen your Ilowels nctlve with tlie:i'Ills.nnd
tono lip tho system with Hitlers orTonlc, nnd mi
diseases can retain tho hold, or even nssall you.
liocoitcct mat It Is DIt. IIOOI'LANDH Gi:it
MAN liemedlis Hint nro so universally used and
highly recommended nud do not allow tho
Druggist to Induce you totnko anything olso that
he may nay Is Just ns good, becauso ho makis 11
large profit on II, Theso Ilcmcdles will bo sent
by Express to any locality, upon, application to
MEDICINE HTOHE, 031 Arch HI., Philadelphia.
CIIAS, M. IJV.iXS, I'ioiu Ictiir.
Formerly c. M. JACICBON 4 CO.
These Jtemcdlcs tire for Alifc ly lruaiits, fttore
leiri,amt Miillclne IJcalerttrerywhirt, IJuail ly