$fa dfdumlmw is published every friday mornino INTOB COLOMDtAR DDILDINa DEAR TUB COURT HOTJSK, BY HENRY L. DIEFFENBACH, xDiTon and rRorniETon. T.ras-Two Bolltr. a Tear payitlo in advames UATE3 OF ADVEBT1SIN0. One. Inch, (twelve. Unci or Its qtllvaUnt In Nonpareil type) one or two Insertions, tl.SOj lleo insertions, SPACE, ltf. One Inch... 12,50 Two Inches 8, W Turco Inches........ 8,00 Four lnclioi......... 7 00 SH, (3,00 5,00 7,00 9,00 la. 81,00 7,00 9,00 11,00 14,00 2000 40,00 DM. lT."-. 18,00 810,00 9,00 15,00 12,00 11,00 20,30 18,00 23,00 80,00 tluarler colnmn,.10,00 12,00 llalfcnlnmn 13.00 18.00 30,00 80,00 Onocolumn 80,00 80,00 40,00 80,00 100,09 Exccutor'a or Administrator' Notion, IS.80, Auditor's or Assignee's Notice, 82.50. Local notices, ton cents a line. Cards lnthe"BuslncssDlrectory" column, IS.CO per year for the first two lines, and 81.00 for caeu additional lino. OIROULATION EBOO. JOB PRINTING Oinlldejcrlptlons executed with neatness and dispatch nt reasonable rates. VOLUME Vi - NO. 4. BLOOMSBURG, PA., FRIDAY, JANUARY 27, 1871. COL. DEM. - VOL. XXXIV NO. 19. lie Columbia Oounty Official Directory, Associate Judge) Ikasi DJtliK, Isaac 8. Jlo. JttvUtet KcwuVr-WlI.UAMKO.vH.jACOHY. District Attormll-K. It. IKKLEIl. Rnrrfjr-AAitOK Bmitii. Ntmciior ISAAO DkwitT. , treasurer DAVID LoWKtmpna. CbmmUifnneri W1M.IAM O. QUICK, Cvitt'S ItonlltNS, UlllAU J, llEEIlER. Commissioners' Clerk WIM.IAM KntCKnAUM, Auditors U. 1. UASII'IIELL, A. J, AMlEKTSOK, DANIEL LEE. Coroner John 1). Hocck. Jury Commissioners Isaac MgBuidk, John Mc Count) Supcrtntendent-CllAUVta a.lUr.KLEY, Bloomsburg Official Directory. llrst National Jlani ClIAS. It. PAXTos.Pres't., J. P. Tt'ftTfN. Cashier, Onlumblu County Mutual Saving Fhtndand TaanAS' soclatlon-Y.. II. Little, Prcsa., C. W. Miller, lltoonnburg Jluildtng and Saving Vml Associa UonJontt Thomas, l'ros't., J. 11. ltolilsoN, Sec. Jltoomsburq Mutual Having J-vnd Association President, M. Wiiitmoyer. Bec'y, Bloomsburg Directory. STOVES AND TINWARE. 1 M, HUI'EHT, dealer In stoves Atlnware,ltu A perl block, Main st. west of Market. vi-ul 1 TAHOn METZ. dealer In stoves and tinware tl Main street,abovo court house. vl-n!3 CLOTHING, Ac. Orangevillo Directory, Philadelphia Directory. Choice Poetry. 1 A 15. V. COLEMAN. Merchant Tollnr.an.l A. Gont's furnishing goods, Main St., next door IV.UUJ.IIKK 11UIV1, A 11. HEItlllNU 4 BllOTHElt.Carpentersnnd Builders, Main st below Pine. vl-n!7 BOWER. A HEUlllNO, dealer In Dry Goods, Groceries, Luniber and general Merchandise, Main st. vl-n!7 Biwj. iiim i-.u anil reiresnment saloon, by HohrM'Henrycor,ofMalnaniH1Hiost.,vl-nf7 Dlt. p. A.MEGAnOF,L,Physlclan anil Burgeon, Main st., next door to Good's Hotel, vl-nO .-. vm Trctf If TfcTl Dealor In grain, Mill Htroet Flonr and Grist Mill, and vini7 IL.EDWAttDS, Physician and Surgeon, st., first door abovo .M'llcnry's Hotel, Main rl-uZ TAMES B. HAItMAN, Cabinet Makor aud Un O dertaker. Main St., below Fine. vl-n!7 M. HAItMAN, Saddle and Harness maker. , Main si., oppslle Frame Church. V2nll SCHUYLER 6 CO., Iron founners.MachtnlMs. and Manufactuicrsorplows.Mlllst. vl-ni SAMUEL 8H AltPLESH, Maker of the Hayhurst Uraln Cradle. Main Hi. vlinS. TTILLIAM PELONO Shocmakernnx manufac- H lureror urlcu, Jim HI,, west 01 l'me VI Catawissa. nAVID LOWKNnErtO.MerchantTallor.Maln 1 St., ul uoor aoovo American iiouse. vi-nw WM. MORRIS, Merchant Tailor corner of Cen tre and Main st over Miller's store. v3-n35 DRUGS.ljHEMIOALS, Ac. EP. LUTZ, Druggist and Apothecary, Main st. , below the Post Office. vl-nU OYER IIUOS., Druggists and Apothecaries, lirower's mock Main st. vi-ni B F. DALLMAN. Merchant Tailor. Second HI. Kobblns' Building. v!i-nls nit. J V Second St, ItOIlDINS, Burgeon and Physician below Main, v2-nl8 I piLIlEIlT A KLINE, dry goods, groceries, and s Kuuvrui uivrcnuuuise, Alain Hireei v- jgAQLK HOTEL. WAl WORTH THIKn STREET, R. D. CUMMIN09, PRorniETOR. JOHN STIIOUP & CO., Successors to Stroup A Brother, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FISH. No. 21 North Wharves and 23 North Third Bt Philadelphia. JICHAKDSON L. WltlOHT, Jit. ATTORNEY AT LAW, NO. 12S SOUTH SIXTH STREET, l'UILADELFHIA oct. 22,'CO-ly JJ W. HANK'S WllUI.t.AL,U TUUAU.U, HflUlfr,AflU CIGAR WAREHOUSE, No. 1 13 North Third Street, Between Cherry and Race, west side. Philadelphia. jpilANK & STKETCH, (Huccessors to I. n. waller,) Importers and Dealers In liUEENHWARE, CHINA, AND OLA133, No. 211 N. Third Street, Between Race and Vino Sts. PHILADELPniA. clRsSxcH. cn'l Partners. T. 11. Waltkh. Rtieclal Partner. Jc2l'?0-tl. T " K1BTLKR. "Cattawlssa House.' Corner Main and Second Streets. North V2M18 M' CLOCKS, AVATCHES, AO. T KEILER, lllllard Baloon, Oysters, anil Ice MM. B ROUST, dealer In General Merchandise . Dry Ooods, Groceries Aa. v2-nl8 C1USOI1E1IANNA nr rirlrlt Hotel. B. Knstpn. ..I.MMV7miniMni?n tl'. .... UnonlnnTnc, ,1 KJ W UUr 1 IIHUICIUI.KUU I llt:Uf,L L'Uril t T iUlIl II IIU H.lRwolrv Ac.. Slain Htroet near V est St. V3.nl5 Second Btreet. V2ul2 I n K. SAVAOE, dealer In Clocks, Watches and U Jewelry, iaui si., juss ueiow 1110 American House, vl-43 LOUIS BHItNHARD, Watch and Clock maker, near southeast corner Main aud Iron sts.vl-43 n flATIinART. Watch and Clock Maker.Mar- li. kel street, below Main. vlul3 I T 5t. KEPHEAItT, tl . WITH I3AHNES, BIIO. & HEBRON, HATS, CAPS, STRAW GOODS A FURS, No. 603 JIarket Street, (Above Fifth,) Philadei.v" . Q I. RINARI), dealer In Stoves aud Tin-ware k;. -Main street. w inli M. II. ABBOTT. Attorney at law, Main St. Vklll. Light Street. BOOTS AND SHOES. Drt v in jiCiij, iiuui iiuu r?iiueiiiKur, iiiiiu si,, i below lIartwau'Bstoru,west of Mnrkct. vl-U TfENIlY KLKLM, Manufacturer and denier lu baat Bloorasburj. ' ' ' vl-nji J CM. BnoWN, Hoot ftinl Shoemaker, Main , street, under Brown' a Hotel. vlnl3 IT F. OMAN A Co., Wheelwrights, Hrst door X IHJOYU DCI1UUI JIUUSf, VJ f OIIN A. OMAN, Manufacturer and denier In u iioots ana biioee. vi pETKll ENT. denier In Dry Ooodn Groceries, X fiour, f ecu, Ban, ii!iu,iroii, naus,eic iuain PROrESBIONAL. U. II. C. HOWEIl, Burgeon Dentist, Main St.. R. 8. ENT, dealer In Stoves and Tlu wnre In all Its brunches. vluJQ Dlt. II. C. HOWEIt, Burg nbove the Court House, M-uU Buck Horn. UV. VY1I, ill, iVCUCUi fiUlM "" " HJBlt,inii. I Kxchange Block over WebVn bookstore Ii-n'& nit. H, F. KINNEY, Rurgvm Dcutl.t.-Teeth lexirucieu wjiimuhl juuu jtoslto Episcopal Church, nearly oj- vi-ni a. A "W.1I. HIIOEMAKEIl, dealer In dry lrst store In south end ot tow u. v2-iilb CO, BAUKLEY, Attnnuy-nt-Liw. OHlce, 2d , Hour la Exchange. Block, uxnr the "Exclmnte t hotel." v4-n3 T B. McKEDVY.M. DfiurEon nnd Thyslclan j , uormbiue jium St., ueiow jiarKti, vinu iv. j-j jvin, ai, u nuiKH'ii ttm . iij niciiiit. south Bide Main street, below Market. vl-iUi Hotela. T HE ESPY HOTEL. ESPY, J. C. RUTTER, M. 1). HurRfi , Market street, abovo Main u and Physician vl-nU J tl. liniUKON. Attorncv-at.Law. Ofllcollart- tnan's building, Mulu tstreet. v2-n20 MILLINERY A FANCY GOODS. E 1 r.U'iHSIAr., i.lllliuery Hiiu ruut-y uuoun. onnosllo Episcopal church, Main st, vl-nlJ BARKLKY. building Main stleet, 1ISS L1ZZII- ill Milliner, Ramsey vl-nU i.iuu a. i. wrcim. Fimrv Gnntis. Notions. M tlnnlru n nil Wtnl Innt-rv. I'.xt'linnpn lllock.Maln street. V1-U4J MlhS M. DEURICKfON, Millinery and Fancy ill uoous,Mainsl., ueiow iHiuuei, vi Mllllnerv aud Buucy Goods Main street below Jiaruei. vi-u. IlltS. 15. KLINE ill 4 HADE HARK LEV. Ladles' L'loaks ond Dress 1'uttern. southeast comer Mulu and West sis, vl-u43 IIIS. JULIA A. Ill Clc IIU1B MISSES HAItMAN Mllllneiy and Fane; I Goods, Main St., below American 1 1 ouse, HOTELS AND SALOONS. COLUMBIA COUNTY, TA, Tho undersigned would Inform the travelling nubile I hat he has taken the above named estab- IlnlimnlRnil thoroughly refitted the samo for the perfect convenience of hlsgucsts. Ills larder win no siociieu w mi me ucsi me muraei auorus. Tho choicest liquors, wines and cigars always to uo jounu in ins oar, WILLIAM I'JSTTIT. Apr.23,C9-tf Espy, Pa, glUCK HOTEL, ORANGEVILLE, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. IIOHB M'HENBY, Proprietor. This well known House, having been put In uiuruugn repuir, 1M HOW OJIVU IU iud LI.IUIIUK I pilUUC, 111W UUl la BVOtni'U Willi luu i;mat louors ana clears, aumno laoie win oe. ai an llinpfl Hiinnllr.il with the delicacies of the season. No pains will bo spared to Insure the comlortof guests. uraugeviuo, uec. iu.du-ii. MONTOUK IIOUSE UUI'EUT, I'A. WILLIAM. BUI LEW, l'roprletor. This House lmvlnc been put In thorough repair is now open nr 1110 rect'iuiou ui smsis, aiu diclts a rvlll be stocked nt all Units with tine llquois and clgaiH. man i'7u-ii. y"Y"AINVItIGIIT A CO.( N. E. Corner Second and Arch Streets, ritlLADELWUA, Denlers In TEAS, SYUUrS, COFFEE, BUOAU, M0LABSE3 KICK, SPICES, III CAKU BOD A, JiC, AC, 45"0rders will receive prompt attention. may 10tG7-tf. JADIES' FANCY FURS! J U 11 IN 1'' A U L 1 It A , 718 AnCII STKEET, Middle of tho Block, between 7th and 8lb Sts., boutn me, 1'iriLADULPJriA, Importer, Manufacturer and Dealer In all kinds 1 id quality of FANCY F II It S rou ladieh: and gentlemen aveau. Ilnvtn? enliUtred,remodelel andiniDrovwl mv old ml luvora'oly known ,,"i;Mi'OUIL'M,and la-J -tm;ni .vfu ery larpe aud Mpleudld aK surtmru' the dllftrent kinds of Furs from llrhthundiiu i'.tirope,nnd had theru made up by l the most pUIHIjI workmen, I would respectfully invixe my menus m coiuuibiit ano aujuceuicuun ties, to call nnd examine mv vervlnrco and beau- tllul nssortment of tuncy Furs, for ladles and children. 1 nm letermlned to sell nt ns low prices ns any otherrebpectnblellouse lutheclty, TV JT 1 l Aku?"H.sttrnlei'- ko wsRVfiiti??? (o Miscellaneous. 71S AltCII STHEET, 1'llILADELl'UIA. Nov. 4, lb"0-Sm, Truo Heroism. Let others wri to of battles fought On bloody, ghasttjr fields, Where honor greets the man who win, And death tho man who yields, But I wilt wrlto of him who fights And vanquishes lit a slni. Who struggles on through wenry years Against himselfand wins. Ito Ii a hero staunch and bravo Who fight an unseen foe, And puts at lint beneath his feet Ills passions base and low; Who stands erect iu manhood's might, Undaunted, undismayed The bravest mnn who drew a sword Iu foray or la raid, It calls for something more than brawn Or muscle to o'ercome An enemy who inarcheth not With banner, plume and drum A foo Torever lurking nigh, With silent, stealthy tread. Forever near your board by day, At night beside your bed, Alt honor then, to that brave heart, Though poor or rich he be, Who struggles with his b.iser part Who conquors and Is free. Ho may not wear a hero's crown, Or flli n hero's grave, But truth will place his name among Tho bravest of the brave. Prayers I Don't Like I do not like to hear him pray Who loans at twenty-flvo per cent. For then I think tho borrower may Bo pressed to pay for food or rent, And in that book wo nil should heed, Which says tho lender shall be blest, As sure as I have eyes to read It does not say "lake interest." I do not llko to hear him pray On bended knees about an hour, For grace to spend aright tho day, Who knows his neighbor has no flour. I'd rather see him go to mitt And buy tho luckless brother bread, And see his children eat their fill, And laugh beneath their humble Bhed. I do not like to hear him pray, " Let blessings on the widow bo," Who never seeks her home to say, "If want overtakes you, come to mo." I hnto tho prayer, so loud and long, Thaf s offered for the orphan's weal, By him who sees Ulm crushed by wrong, And only with the Bps doth feel. I do not like to hear her pray. With jeweled ear and Hllken dress, Whose washerwoman tolls all day And then Is asked to "work for less," Sueh pious shavers I despise; Withloided hutuls(and ince demuro, They lift to heaven their "augel ejes," rmi )." to oarninp of tho poor. I do not like such soulless prayers; It wimig, I hope to be forgiven ; No angel wintf tuetn upward bears They're lost a million miles from heaven. For eomotlmotho engagement had 20th of September lust ; tho next will tho character of an artillery duel : hut. occur on tho luth of September next, when tho German linos had taken tho Tho last Now Year of tho Mohammed posltlioni naaltrned them n moro active ans occurred on tho 3d of April, tho attack commenced, evidently with a next will bo on March 23d. dcslroon tho part of tho Germans to To show that very erroneous opln canturotlio poaltlon on tho right bank Ions are cnlertalnod by pcrsotH laying of the Uulsne, in order to execute a claims to.sotno intelligence, wo quote flanking movement, with tho object of tho following paragraph from a com cutting between the army and LoMans, municatlon that appeared in a recent and capturing a largo number of prls- number of tho JMlcrprisei over tho slg oners. nature of "Iddo." Ati o'clock tho tactics of tho Ocr- 'Sinco "Winter and Spring seems to menc. D.v.r,,i 4,. i. M.or,rwi a tM come later t nan lomienv. wo iiiiriK it oaat,w- r . t, i7 ,,1,, can ho accounted for in thh wise. Tho massing of troops took placo on tho caIcndar by which wo nro KOVcrnod Krench right, under cover of tho wood, only reckons305 days in one ycarvhilo near mo viuago oi mono, wnicn was it requires yua (Kiys, o nours, is minutes nnd J'J.7 seconds for tho ctrth to com- ilinrvii-nmn loft nt dm Trtwulmi lmsl. P'eto Us cntlro rovoltitlon. It Is obvl llio oxtrcrno left 01 tlio lrussm.i khu m f this tlion. that thoro itannw tion, strotclilng lor miles to 1110 souin. ulbj losl by thc almanaes almost six ensi oi ino jiiain uetween 1110 roau nnu hours, Wlitcn in tno courso 01 n century villtiBCS, nnd wero commanded by tho would nmount to tipwirtis oi n raontii, T)rl.Sat,.it nwtflTn.. ... ...nil mu. UIIU II1U UUUL'l U91U11 tVIUlJIl i. tllltW 11U11I t. r. " , tills statement Is that our calamlar is a tcttwi tno lenunuer cover oiinowooi.l7Waaim, nr time. If this Is a f.il'o A sharp and prcelso nccdlo gun nro losjlc, I only nsk u-htxl becomes of the was opened on tho French lino nnd jracliomu pan oj every year winch u tuition left of tho vlllnrro of Uretto. "ol reckoned." not moro than 700 yards distant. It When persons writing for tho press soon becamo evident that It would bo communlcato such ridiculous Ideas, nnd imnosslblo for them to loin? hold tho editors nro Ignorant enough to publish position unless tho dermans wcro dls- them, it Is a suro Indication, that moro lodtrcd. Tho heavy flro of nrtlllerv di- light is needed on tho subject. Corros rrjeted on tho woods had apparently but pondents of newspapers and editors llttlo cuT'ct. A larco body of French should bo careful not to promulgato Infantry advanced in good order across "Iso Ideas uponany subject. Wo would tho plain, but wcro compelled to retire, nnvso itiuo," ana nil oincr nowspa. with heavy loss, under n murderous I'or correspondents, for tlieir own rcpir llro of both nrtlllerv nnd musketry. Mlon lf r nothing else, to keep quiet Tho contest for tho possession of Krctto Pn eubjects of which tiiey know less wca kept up hero until dark, when an man noi mng, order reached tho French to fall back on Lo Mans, Tho battlo began about 1 o'clock, mid reached its hlght on tho French left. Tho day was not cold, but tho ground was covered with eight inches of snow, Which was fast molting under tho hot sun. At nn early hour tho streets of Lo Jtans not moro than flvo miles from tho field of battlo wero filled with excited peoplo and crowded with numerous wagons and nmmunlt'on sup- "Iddo" has, of course, never heard of leap-years, or if ho has, did not know that thoy contain 0G0 days, but proba ably supposes that they wero Instituted to glvo tho gentler sex an opportunity to woo nnd win. If ho had known what a leap-year is ho would not havo endeavored to teach such absurd doc trlno as tho above. Wo would llko to sco tho nlmanac based upon tho astro nomlcal calculations of this critic of our method of reckoning time. tho ancients wcro unawo to una no plies, nil being ready to seek n placo of curatcly tho number of days in a year, Kiiiny ui.tnu ruur m casu ui .in umavor- RormulH divided tlio year into 10 cal nOIC rCSUlt OI 1110 Ugllt. nn.lnr mnntlia nnrrnannmllnrf tn tho At 4 o'clock tho Germans advancod revolutions of tho moon around tho by'columns, covered by tho artillery, earth. January and February wcro against tho Chateau des Chartres, n afterwards added to tho Ttoman calen pretty country placo, and occupied it as dar by Numa, This calendar was ro. headquarters. Here, for tho first lime. .hf IVchgii bntlory, hitherto In reservii, op?nod llro, apparently taking the Her mi'ns by surprise, nnd causing their advance to waver, but only momcntar- formed by Julius Caviar, about 41 or 10 11, C, who reckoned tho year to consist oi oils; -ny As it was inconvenient to reckon tho fractional part -f a ,iov each year, tho common or civil year UtTiil Information. STATISTICS OI-' THE HUMAN ItACU. Tho Karlh Is Inhabited by about 1,3S0 millions of Inhabitants, viz: 3SO,000,000 of tho Caucasian raco: OSO,000,000 of tho Mongolian j 200,000,. 000 of tho Ethiopian ; 220,000,000 of tlio Malay raco, nud 1,000,000 of tho Ameri can Indians. All tlieso respectively speak 3,001 languages, nnd possesses 1,000 different religions. Tlio nmount of deaths per nnnum Is 33,333,833, or 91,054 per (lay, 3,730 per hour, 00 per minute, or ono per second. This loss Is compensated by nt least nti equal number of births. Tho nvcrago duration of life through out tho globo is thirty -tlirco years, Ono-fourtli of its population dies beforo tho soventh year, and one-half beforo tho seventeenth. Out of 10,000 persons only ono reaches his hundredth year; only ono in COO his eighteenth year ; and only ono iu 100 his sixty-fifth year. Married peoplo livo longer than un married ones, nnd a tall man is likely to livo longer than n short one. Until tho fiftieth year, women havo n better chanco of life than men ; but beyond that period tho chances aro equal. Slxty-flyo persons out of ouo thous and marry Tho number of men able lo bear arras is but one-eight of tho popula tion. Fifteen Per Cent. Multiply by num ber of days, and dlvldo by 21. Eighteen Per Cent. Multiply by number of days ; separato rlghl-hnnd llguro nnd dlvldo by 2. Twenty Per Cent. Multiply by number of days, nnd dlvldo by 18. Twenty-Four Per Cent. Multiply by number of days, nnd dlvldo by 1C. QUOTATIONS OP COIN. When gold is quoted nt $1.10. a paper dollar Is worth 01 cents nearly. When gold is quoted nt$1.15, a paper dollar is worth 87 cents, When gold is quoted nt SI. 20, ft papt-r dollar is worth 631 cents. When gold Is quoted nt $1.25, a paper dollar U wortii 80 cents. When gold is quoted nt $1.30, a paper dollar Is worth "7 cents nearly. When gold is quoted at $1.35, a papar dollar is wortii 7t cents. When gold is quoted at $1.10, a pap"r dollar Is worth 71 cents. When gold Is quoted at SI. 45, a paper dollar Is worth C9 cents. When gold is quoted at $1.50, a paper dollar Is worth COS cents. cnrxDa op tiii: would. Tho population of tho world is relig iously distributed very nearly in tho following proportions : Christians, 3S8,COO,000 ; Buddhists, 300,000,000; Other Asiatic Itollglons, 200,000,000; Pagans, 200,000,000; Mo hammedans, 105,000,000; Jews, 7,000, 000. Iu Europe, America, Australia, and many of tho Polynesian Islands, Chris tianity is tho prevailing creed of overy State. Iu Afrlfa, tho only Independent Christian Slutts aro Abyssinia and Li beria, whllo Christianity prevails In several of the European Colonies. Tho largest empire of Asia Itussia is also Treaties of (,'imranly. Tho Pall Mall Gazette has been ex amining tho subject of tho number of treaties of guaranty, now in force, In Which Great Britain has entered. Tho countries in rofcronco to which thrfo treaties liavo been concluded, aro Bel gium, Orecco, Sardinia, Switzerland, Portugal, Prussia, Turkey and tho United States. By treaty dated April 19, 1839, Great Britain, in connection with Austria, Franco, Prussia, Russia and tho Netherlands, guaranty tho In dependence, Integrity nud neutrality of Belgium, which had separated from tlio Netherlands in 1831. In 1S70, about tho tlrao of tho breaking out of tho Franco-German war, duplicato treaties wero negotiated with Franco nnd with Prussia for tho fuither protection of Belgium, and to bo termlnablo at tho eloso of tho war. The Jolut convention of May 7, 1832, and April 30, 1833, be tweon Great Britain, France, Ilussia, .nnd Bavaria, erected Greece into a n fll.rlalUti nnn.itiM- Tm.1I., M,!,1. country in extent, is under tho rule of kingdom and settled tho crown on n m,.i;fi .,..,..... .,.i u PrincoOtho, of Bavaria, and guarntled largo portion of Farther India. succession to tho Greek throne of Tho Mohammedan countries in Asia c.erlaln PrillcM of mvarla 1,1 tho dlroct Tlir. BATTLE Ol1 IX MASS. Business Cards. jyj M. L'VELLE, Ashland, ficliuylklll County Tn. A. L. TUP.NEB l'lIVSICIAN AND BUnOKON, iiLOOMsnuno, va. Offick over Lutz'H DriieBlore. Fifth Street. Iteuldeno decl(J7U. London, Monday, Jan. 10, 1871. Tho following details, an oyo-witness, of tho battlo between tho Prussians, under Princo Frederick Charles, and tho Fronch Army of tho Loire, under Gen. Chanzy, beforo Lo Mans, havo been received : "After tho defeat of Tuesday (Jan. 10), Gen. Chnnzy rallied his broken col- urns, nnd, hnving received rcenforco- ilyj With their usual obstinacy tho was reckoned 3G5 days, nnd overy fourth Gitmans again pressed forward and year n day was Inserted, (called tho tn attacked tho French infantry, which tcrcalary day,) making tho year consist or&tpicd tho terraced road below tho of 300 days. Tlio extra day was lniro- Gencral's position. It soon becamo ovl- tiucou ny repeating ino-itu oi j'eoru ary, which with tho llomans was called tho sixth tlcty before, thc calends ofjlurch Tho years containing this day twice, wero on this account called bissextile, which means havitm two-sixths, But tho exact time In which tlio carlli performs its revolution around tlio sun, which constitutes tho solaror truo year, aro Turkey, Persia, Affghanistan and tho Khanates uf Central Asia; in Afri ca -Morocco, tho dependencies of Tur key '12gypt, Tunis, Tripoli,) and a "''' of in'nl jr States. Buddhism iitr.-i" ln India, Farther India, in many parts of C'lu.i-. ind iu Japan. Tho governments of Japan, Burniah, nnd Siam nro Buddhist; the government or China adheres to tho ramo onno ucmnnasoi irawia, .vnm line. By a revolution which took placo in 1803, King Otho was expelled, nnd Princo William of Denmark was called to tho Hellenic tlirono, under tho title of King Georgo I. By a protocol of a conferenco botweon Great Britain, ivinco and KUssla, signed Juno oth, 1SU3, tills chniin-o Ten approved of ln dent that tho Fronch wcro unablo to withstand tho heavy charges of tho enemy, nnd nt C o'clock tho order lo retreat was given. Tho French artillery maintained a heavy flro, and -tho Ger. mans seemed disinclined to pursuo tho advantage. Gen. Chanzy actively superintended tho retreat, which was never disorderly. Indeed tho French still held tho stroiv r ellgion of Confucius. HOW TO LAY OIT A SQUAItE ACBII OP anouNi). Measure 209 feet on eacli side, and you will havo a square acre, within an inch. LAND IlL'ASUIln. is 305 days, 5 hours, IS minutes and 19.7 i n sqUaro Inches - - l square foot. mcnts, determined to striko another gest positions, and believed that thoro- blow to retrieve his fortunes. After a night of unceasing labor and anxiety, daylight found tho French forces pre pared for tho conflict. Their army con- I'lmcv l w open n.r mo reeeimou oi cihsis. vinl pnliw will Lo kinrlto enmre llio perfect i tort of llio travelers. Tno l'lonrletor solic nharo of public luitiowme. The bar wll Q W. MILLER, aiiuiuli ai imn, niAN onice. liuuutics. liack-i-ay ami Penkions sistcu oi inrco corps, tno oixteoin, BOV. collected. HlooniKburi! l'a. Bep.'JJ W nMln,,ll, nnil Ttvontv-MraK rr.inpottvr.lv. plinnr-n his iloplslnn. . -, L suits of tho day wero not irrecoverably lost to them. Gen. Chanzy hoped to renew tho fight tinder better auspices to-morrow: but, later In tho evening, an event occurred which caused hi in to JOBERT F. CLARK, TlOHKH HOTEL ! or Main street, hv T. Hp tit. Tnvlor. enst end Ofllco Main Street below IUuomfcburtf l'emi'n. lirilliMl llt X .lALUJIl.UIOlUtllUIiciO'.uniirij If nnd Oybtcr Baloon, wliolenaleand retail. Kx cimnge liiocK, aiam mreei, vi-ui MKROHAKTS AND GROCERS. n C. MAUU, Dry Goodf and Notions, soutli- J Ht'Hl VUfilCr iHUlll UUU iM'U QLBi ' cerles, lioota, Bboes, &c, corner Main and Iron streets, v3-u30 D B. jgENTON HOTEL. W. F. PIATT, Proprietor, BENTON, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. thorouji repair iiVmw open lor tho reception of WAN Office, Woomfcbuns l'a. VISUOIH. r.o I'HIIlH imoueeii BlH.lcw iu.-..oi,.d I tlio perlect comfort of Kiifhls, The proprietor ulko runs a BtoL'e from tho Hotel to niooinsbnrg I ' ami Intermediate points on Tuesday, Thursday J' aud Katurday of each week. imayo 70-11 the Court Houeo. II. LITTLE, ATTORNUV AT LAW, ontco rourt-Houi.o Alley, below tho C01.UH A. IlKOKf.KY. Hoot and Hhoo store, boolts A stationery, Main St., below Market, vln!3 nrinittVUH A. .IACOBY W IlXCHANUEIlLOCK.llLOOJIBllUna.I'A. LUMI1IAN bulhilllB. JACOna, Confectionery, groceries etc., j. st below Irou Main vl-f8 1J MKNl)F.NIIAI.r..fleneralR(oclorMerelinn- VJ. dlse and Lumber, corner of Main street and Berwick road. vl-nlj WOX WEIin, Confectionery nnd Bakery. I1 wholesale nnd retail, Exchango Block. vl-u!3 HO. HOWEIt, llatspnd Caps, Boots andHhoes, Main St., above Court House, vl-nlJ T K. QlltTON, Orocerles A Provisions, Main 11 Hireei ueiow aiamei. t lr. MAI7.I1. Mammoth Orncerv. fine flro- I. cerlcs. Fruits, Nuts, l'rovltlon, 4c, Main nnd Iron HtreetB. vl-noo. HI IKELVY, NKAL A CO., dealers In Dry Hoods, IU uroceries, l-iour, I'eeu. r-an, r isn. irou.iHuM, etc.N. E. cor. Main and Market its. vl-nW Q H. MILLEIl A f-ON, dealer lu Dry Ooods, H, uroceries, llllt'eunwurr, riniir, f-iiii, pim". celebialed Cream and old etock Ales, wheh they and half barrels constantly on hand. This alt) Is brewed by William V. Brockway, 315 to 3.3 East Eleventh Ktreel, Kew vom ciiy. Bioombburu, June iv. .u-iw CIIARPLESS & HAItMAN, KAQLK l-OUNDUV AND MANOFACTmiNa bnop. STOVES A PLOWS WHOLESALE A llETAIL TUK CELEhllATBD UONTllOSK IKON 1IKAM SU TIIK 1IUTTON WOODEN UKAM PLOWS. n..Mnn.an.l l.'lrallrlr.lr for rennirllip elt V HIOVCS Ail kinds of Brass or Irou casting made to order upon snort nonce. Illoomsburi;. l'u. Mar.l9,'09-tf. . B. HAItMAN. i'roprieioru B. BROCKWAY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, llLOOMSIlUlta, l'A, n- OFrirE Court Houso Alley, in the Co- g L A T E ROOFING, KVfetfX V A li I I I X A T MOST FAVORABLE RATES, JOHN THOMAS, ArfD CAHFEll J, THOMAS Box, 277. Bloomsburg, Pa. Mar.lMMy osn nnn prime brick FOR SALE AT ESPY. I'or particulars, address H. J, MILLAI1I), Espy, on T. 11. MILLEIl, Lime Itldgc. 0Ct2S'7lMf. under tho command of Admiral Jour- After dark, a strong forco of Germans equlberry and Gens. Colomb and Jouff- renowed tho fight, attacking La Tuilo- roy. Thoso corps averaged 50,000 men rlcs, tho most important French po?I each, making an effectivo forco of 150,- tion. Immense masses of infantry and 000 men, tho wholo under tho command a largo forco of cavalry advanced rapld of Gen. Chanzy. By 10 o'clock In tho ly, scattering tho French forces, who morning Jourqulberry's corp3 had did not nnticipatoan attack. Tho Gardes taken up n position 011 tho right bank of Mobiles from Brittany fled in disorder, tho river Uulsne, Gen, ColomVs on tho nnd tho wholo French forco on tho right plateau of Auvours, nnd Gen. Jouflroy's bank of tho Ilulsnowcro compelled to on tho right, covering the villago of make a rapid retreat upon Lo Mans. Bretto. This unforeseen disaster compelled tho The Prussians ndvanccd along threo French army hastily to ovacuato Lo roads, apparently 100,000 strong. Soon Mnns nnd retreat with nil possible ra nfter lOo'clock sharp firing was opened pidlty, Tho retreating columns wero by tho Prus-iians from well-located bat teries on tlio left of tho French. It was replied to with spirit. Soon 11 largo forco of Gorman infantry, Hanked by cavalry, ndvanccd under coer of n heavy artillery llro, striking tho right of Admiral Jourequiberry's position. harrassed and attacked for several days, and wero compelled to fleo in different directions to cscapo capturo or death." seconds. Henco it will bo perceived that tho Julian Calendar, which reck oned 3G.j days and 0 hours a year, was imperfect, as it reckoned 11 minutes, 10.3 seconds moro than a truo year. This error, though small, produced in a long courso of years, h noticeable error, which was corrected by Popo Gregory XIII, who In 15S2 decreed that tho 5th of October should bo tho 15th, thus sup pressing tho 10 days that had been gained since the adoption of tho Julian Calendar about 1020 or 1023 years before. This, called tlio Gregorian Calendar, was adopted In England in 1752. Tho error then being 11 days. - Parliament declared tho 3d of September to bo tlio 11th, mid at the saino time mado tlio year begin January 1st instead of March 2.) tn. 1110 uregorian Calendar was adopted In Germany in 1777, and in Franco In ISOo, whllo Russia nnd other countries of tho Greek Church still ad hero to tho Julian Calendar, or did a few years ago, consequently their dates, (generally called Old Style) aro now 12 days later than ours Xew Htylc). Somo of our almanacs still carry along tho old stylo or Julian Calendar, on the r L'ht hand maririn of tho nacre. According to ineurcgoriaii caicuuar. 9 bquaro feet 301 squaro yards 10 squaro rods 1 squaro roods G10 squaro acres 1 squaro yard. 1 tquaro rod. 1 squaro rood. 1 squaro aero. 1 square mllf . MEASURE Ol' DISTANCES. A mliu is 5,230 foot, or 1,700 yards in length. .V fathom Is 0 ftct. A league la 3 miles. A ".Sabbath-day's journey" 1j 1,165 yards (this is 18 yards less than two- thirds of it mile.) A "day's journey" is S3 miles. A cubit 13 2 feet. A great cubit is 11 feet. A hand (liorso measure) Is 1 Inches. A palm Is 3 Inches. A span is 10 7-S Inches. A paco is 3 feet. Nutlous, etc., Exchange Block, Mnlnst, TJLOOMSBURG MARBLE WORKS. UUKTON A SILKS, "(Successors to A. Wllranu,) llcspectfully Infotm the lubllo Hint I hey are E. MISCELLANEOUS. OM, CimiMTMAN, Saddle, Trunk 4 Harness. . maker, Slave's Block Main Street. v3ul(l l W. llOBIIINS.llnuordealerseconddoorlrom u norinwesi corner .iaiii auu iiou sis. p J. TI1011NTON, Wall I'aper, Window Shades AJ. uuu uAiures, Humeri tuoca, juaiu si. GW.COUELL, Furniture Booms, three story 1 brick, MaluStreet,v.estof Marketst, vlnlJ UllOSHNSTOCK.Photograpuer, over Uobblns & Eyer's Store. Main st. vl-il I now lully iriinrtU to do all klmiH of woilt in tbelr lino ol LtnslnetH, upon leafeonablo ternm and Bhort notUc, cubes. fcatihfuctlou 'uarrunttd In alt Ijan, M. KNOTUt. well M'lecteil new slock isprerareu 10 exiuoii uiIH 1)05111011 near lliu river, uuu.vimiiiiy tho best variety ot ,,1 C,r,i.,,r,I l.lj rr.rei nf ni tlllnrv uuuin u u,.nPl nf A,l,..lr,il foil rn ill . I III 11 1 1 I , II. I.. ... n ... ...n pa.1 I I ' l"u RV.,..w.v . U.'71-ly to make Boots and bhoes'to oldtr lu tliolates berry, Which cllCCkod for It wllilo tllO further advanco of thoGermans In that B. KUHN. dealer In Meat. Tallow, etc.. Cliem- berllu's alley, rear of American House, VlnlJ TOUN A. FI'NPTON 4 CO., mutual and cash u rates n re Insurance companies. llrower'u Build ing, Main Street, vl-ulJ t-. ir . HTvnr.TMt. dealer ln pianos, oreans nml It' melodeons,at O, W. Coreli's furniture rooms Stoves and Tinware. NEW STOVE AND TIN SHOP. tuiiAir irifiPWitrTi'ir Main Htreet ono door abovo E. MendenliaH's Htore. , , u, , Uanufsconbtantly on baud, nnd for ulo at tbo 'iTnnlnBln all IU brandies woefully attended to, .ntli.lnnllnli iruiirillltt'tll. Tin WOrlC OI llll KlIlUS wmm-euio uw vmw, lal Is lequestcdt l)r.V,()3'U ami best Myles. For enh only. In tho old J'ost H'O I'UiiiiiiiK, corner iuin auu ainiivi.-i.rii-ti Itloombburg, Ibei.y7t1.ly. BOOTS AND SHOES, nr lilt.' f( ltltfWW WAIN STltl'JT, UNPKU IlltOWM'8 IIOTKI. A lull and complete atbortment of leadymaao linniH nml himcHlor inen.woiiun and children J list ruuhtd ami u varieties 10 miii uu lii'kt rtf u-f 11 lr iloiici 11 1 Olvohlm 4 cull. apru'70-lf. Jfmlo of IlccLonlii; Time. Midnight of December 31st is among Christian nnlions. reckoned as tho end Tho assaulting column was mot by n ing of ono year, nnd tho beginning of every fourth year is a leap year except iiircouriiuury inu iiuin many kuu-j, in- nnotlier. Ttiat jicrlou being so near at Ug tho centennial or hitudrodth years, aiming 11 iiumuei ui 11111r.1111u11a1.uu1 um naiul, a snort explanation or tlio ractlv now pattern. Tlio strugglo now becamo oa 0f reckoning time is, perhaps P exceedingly sovoro, nnd was well con- ,,rnpriato at this time, especially as the tested. Butnltliougiitiiouermanssuiier- subject is not as generally understood ed heavy loss.thcy llnally succeeded in as It should bo. Many beliovo that 1 driving back tlio French, capturing two o'clock, P. M., of December 3lBt, 111 re- beforo staled, tho true year consists of amy ends tlio 0111 year, and uegins 1110 kcj days, 5 hours, IS minutes and 10.7 now; or in other words, that it Is tno seconds. If wo reckon 305 days a3 u anniversary of tho exact point of tlmo yrav t10 tlmo lost Iu tho calendar in when tins worm was iisneicti into ex istonco by tho fiat of tho Almighty Scienco teaches us that ages wero ro quired to comploto tho formation of tho Earth, or to condonso nnd consolldato mado by tho Germans to securo further i,0 n.utlcles of nebulous matter out of eljt nf .Idlt .l.iv hut hv en dntii" ur advantages, tho object being to take tho wl,ei, jt i3 formed, and that ndditloual ,,; n min, -11.2 sec. too much in four IlAI'.ItEI, MEA3UBE. A barrel of Hour weighs 100 pounds A barrel of pork, 200 pounds. A barrel of rice, 210 pounds. A keg of powder, 25 pounds. A firkin of butter. 100 pounds. A tub of butter, CO pounds. A keg of butter, 00 pounds. direction, Two or three sovero assaults wero but tho fourth centennial year Is also a Kip year, that Is 1700, 1S00, 1000, Ac, nro common years, but 1000, 2000, 2100, &c, are lea)) years. Let us try to prove tlio correctness of this calendar. As ono year Is 0 Ji., Is mill., -10,7 sec., and in four years Is 2J h,, 1 mln, 1S.S sec, that is one day lacking only 11 minutes, 11.2 seconds ; henco wo add 0110 day overy fourth year, making tho year con. BUSHEL MEASUltE. Tho following aro hold by weight por bushel : Wheat, bo.tus, potatoes and clover- seed, GO pounds to tho bushel. Corn, rye and flaxseed, 50 pounds. Buckwheat, 52 pounds. Hurley, -IS pounds. Oats, 32 pounds. Br.in, 20 pounds. Timothy-seed, II pounds, GYuroO hilt, 85 pounds. position held by tho French nt La Til lore. Tho French, howovor, wcro strong fin mle at riasonnble rails, ly posted, lllld follgllt With grO.lt COlir .11 rlnskca or customer. The ' 1 ... , ., ,-, , ,1 at Mum notice, uu hereiofoie, ago mid dctei initiation. Lach nssiiult Jji WOllll burg and vli intttle and Brown Btou7 ,'orks, East Bloomsburg.BerwIck road, vl-nle rjAMtlEL JACOBY OW TOVE3 AND TINWARE A. M. UUPEBT nunouuees to bis friends and customers that lio ST THOIINTON , ,1 niinmlipntn 11.1. ItzellHOl 1 lOOinS- juri; and vlclnll v. that ho haslusl ucelvcu a lull uuu coiuiueiu iissui iiueui Ol WALL l'APEIt, WINDOW SHADES, FIXTDllEU, CORDS, TASSELS, and ell other goods lu his line of business. ages wcro required to fit it for tlio abodo of man. So that If tho historical ice' ords of tho early periods weio so com nlcto Hint wo could to a certainty calcti was repulsed with serious loss to tho ato tlio ox net point of tlmo when Ad Germans, tlio rrencn uiso losing neav lly. Mcanlimo nn equally flerco nttack ll0 period that might bo considered tho was mailo on llio I'renciuino covering creation of tho Earth, as it was pro tho railroad to Chartres and Paris. crcsslve, and oxtondod, nnd without a After two hours' desperate fighting tho definite beginning. But chronology Is French center wa3 driven back. It ro- Uo Imperfect in regard to the earlier years, which will in 100 years amount to 18 h, 37 mln. 10 sec; that Is one day lacking 5 li. 22 mln. CO tec; henco in. stead of reckoning tho centennial or VARIOUS WEIGHTS AND MEASURED. A ton of coal is 2,210 pounds; but tho retailers glvo only 2000. A ton of round timber is 10 feet ; of squared timber, 51 cubic foot. A commercial balo of cotton Is 100 pound.'. A pack of wool Is 210 pounds. A section of Government laud Is G10 power earnestly insisieu inai tne guar anty treaty should bo enforced. Ko at tention was paid to tho protest of Ba varia. By treaty of May 20th, 1857, between Great Britain, Austria, Franco, Prussia, Russia and Switzerland, tho King of Prussia renounced his sover eign rights over tho principality of Ncufchafcl and tho country of Naleiijv gin, and Joined tho other powers, ln " guarantying tho union of the ceded ter ritory witli Switzerland. By a long series of treaties running from 1373 to 1815, Great Britain and Portugal enter ed Into an engagement of guaranty of each other's dominions. By tho treaty of Vienna of Marcli 25th, 1815, Great Britain, France, Austria, Russia and Pru-..-ia guarantied to Prussia posses sion in full propei ty and sovereignly of her Saxon provinces. Great Britain, with tho othor groat powers, has also guarantied the neutral ity or tho provinces of Chamois nud F.iucigny, under the treaty of March 10, 1S10, between Sardinia and Switzer land. Tho lutegrlty of tho Kingdom of Sweden aud Norway against aggres sion on tho part of Russia lias been guarantied by Great Britain nnd Franco by tho treaty of November 17tli, 1855; and tho two powers engaged to furnish sulueient naval aud military forces to co-operato in nsUHiig Russia. Tho perpetual Independence, integrity and neutrality of Switzerland nro guaran tied by tho flvo great powers under tho treaty of Vienna. Tlio independence and integrity of Turkey nro guarntied by Great Britain by tho treaty of March 30, 1S50, and tho sovereignty of tlm Sultnu over tho united principalities of Moldavia and Wallachla, by treaty of August l'Jth, 1850, Tho Convention of April 10th, 1850, between Great Britain and tho United States, guaranties tho neutrality of i ship canal botweon tlio Atlantic and Paclflo oceans. In com menting upon tho above international obligations of England, tho Pall Mull Gazette says Groat Britain has plenty of Irons In tho flro, and somo of them may, perhaps, ono day becomo unpleas antly warm for handling. Ledger. htm iiAim .inuiAi in rnrnltiire. trunks, ceder ' willow ware, near the Forks Hotel, vl-nli continues tho above business at his old place ou Ir.' treated, howovor, slowly and lii gootl periods of tho World's history, that it 0. FOSTElt.Qlue Maker, uud White nud Fancy r Ja luu.uiUD iiiu Tanner, Scottown. V1UI7 If 11. B1DLEMAN, Agent for Munson's Copper J. Tubular Llghtulnu ltod, vHulU lACnll 11IKKFENBAC1I. llrnnm Faclnrv. Or. il tiers lelt at his residence or at Miller s Sou's tore promptly ailed. Best greeu Western brush scd. vl-nis. JAMES CADMAN, Cabinetmaker and Chair maker i rooms Main street bel. Iron, v3-n21 NW.BAMPLU&Co.,Machlnlsls,East Blooms' i burg.near Lack. It. It. Castings madeatshor notice, machinery made nnu lepuireu. vy-ni' MAIN STREET. BLOOS1SBUUO, Customeu can be accomodated with FANCY STOVES of all kinds, Stovepipes, Tinware nnd every W ricty of article found In a Stove and Tlnwaro Es tabltshmeut lu the cltles.and on tho most reason. nolo terms, Repairing done at the shorte&tnotloo, W DOZEN MILK-PANS on hand for sale. luur.VMJ-tf Main St, below Market Espy. 1! j . iir.luiiAiiu, jmu,,ueuier uvury uuima, Uroceries, aud general Merchandise, vVull BUSINESS CARDS, - VISITING CAUDM, LKTTl.lt IIEAIJS, BILL HEADS, PUOUKAMMES, POSTERS, AC, AO. Neatly and Choaply Printed From the Latest Styles of Type at tho COLUMBIAN Or-flUK. jiBl'Y STEAM FLOURING MILLS, C.S. Fowler, Proprietor, JV.IV1, Vi'nlil I 11. WKRKHEIBr.lt, Hoot and Shoe Stare cud manulactory. Shop on Malu Htreit op posite the Steam Mill. Villi W. EDO Alt, Susquehanna Planing Mill and Box Manufactory. 2nll TOE I IOE1 ICE I Tlio Iini1r.dffnfu1 tinvhif lillllt tllfl lamest lt?Q hmina In the oounty. (of few toutu-atmclty) will be prepared to furnUUclear,iuroVlnUintf Creek Jfo durlux the eutuiliig Hummer, at the iowtwd mark et ratlin. lee delivered to any part of tbe town, Picnics supplied. All ordj rP,"' Bloomsburg. Uec, 80, miMra, TJOWDER KEGS AND LUMBER W. M. MONROE A CO. Rupert, Pa., Manufacturers ol POWDER KEGS, imJ dealers In all kinds of LUMBER, ulve notice that they are prepared to accomodate nm was created, wo could still fix upon 0no day mid reckon It a common year of 305 days ; but by so doing wo deduct 5 h. 22 mln. 50 nee. loo much every 100 years, which in -100 years will nmount to 21 li. 31 mill. 20 sec; or one day lack ng only 2 h, 2S mln, 10 sec, henco wo add ouo day to overy fourth centennial year, making It a leap year; conso. uuently tho error In tho Gregorian ctl Miliar Is only 2 li. 23 mln. 10 sic In 400 years, or ono day In 3S71 years, henco It will bo necessary to deduct ono day hundredth year a leap year, wo rfwliiti ncres (1 mile.) A liquid ton Is 252 gallons. A box 10 by 10J Inchos, and S Inches deep, contains 1 bushel. order for a short dlstanco only, to a Us Impossible to detormlno tho period of position in rear ot that first occupied, tlio year ln which Adam w.13 created and wheiotho rising ground ail'orded UVo can only npproximato in tho mini good facilities lor tno nrtiiiery. iiero a bcr of years. heavy force of guns wits parked, which, Tho year among Christian nations for. manned by tlio mtirinos.openod a sovero merly began with March, Instead of frnm tint vnoi- Mr.rt oii.l U n imm mm U..-uiilx;u niu ufuu inuuuvmiu- jiuiimry COnsoni.eiUIV.OCmwnDer. UO mnn Intnul nf n lmin voir. In nnW I MM.Ij nl.nnl.r.,1 l.n Jl t U 1 " ing ciic.uj . x,..,, I j i". toner, ovomuer iiiiu uueemuer, wcro that tho calendar may not get " nhe.td uermans, out cuinpum'u mum iu inu tno 7in, sin, Din nnu luin moiiini, ns I 0f time." Thus tho Gregorian calen uacu in mm. tt. ui-avi tuuiuOT inu ineir names liiuicatoj uoiug tierivcii ,ir- win inln in n...,. iiiw.n,.i, their custom with iti.patch. and on the cheapest boon ojieiietl from the German batteries, frora tho Lntin numerals Soptcm (7), innlto number of ngoj, unless "some EXCELLENT INTEREST RULE5!. For tliuling tho interest on any prin cipal for any number of days. Tho an swer In each ciso being lu cents, sepa rato tlio two right-hand figures of tin swer to oxprois in dollars and conts: Four Per Cunt Multiply tho princi pal by tho number of days to run ; sep terms. p HESTER S. FURMAN, HARNESS, SADDLE, AND TRUNK MANUFACTURER, nnd dealer lu CARPET-BAGS, VALISES, FLY-NETS, UUrr.U.O ItOllE-H, UOltSK-llLAMKETK AO., whtch lie feels confident be can sell at lower ralo tnau auy other person in tno county, ux amine for Yourselves. Shop third door below the Court House, Main Direct, uiuuiusuunc, AUg. 5, umi. 1 . I I . .1 .. f 1,. nnrn..n...n.. l.n.1lxi..n m. t tx n iiii.il, .inn, ih ..h..nv...v,,., nm. utiu loi, rtuvciu tui, nnu uecuni uu . 1 ,..,,.,,1.1,,,. e ,, ui,..i.. 1 11. . ....... ..... t, .11.. ..n..tltn.. .... 1 t .. .. . b,V"1 l.l,llliaiW, .IMllUU DUUltlll UUVllIlireu iu 11 lu...1...,..u...H iiua.uui. uu ,70J ,(, rariiaillCIH OI i;ilglailll pl,l,r, nrlill nf tlm nil-ll, Tr,nr, .... I.N e 1 1. i. n.. I I Mm. .1 rPl.n ....n.fn.l 1 . . .. . r , v ...... r, v. ... . ...w ..... .... iiiuitiim i..v,....m. "iv ui.i,w.u..- uLxiiuuii uuu uiiiiuury iai suuiim uo i ier Jntellliiencer ty of tlio German guns in firing soon considered tho Now Year. Instead of becamo apparent. After nn unequal March 23th. So It will bo perceived Tin: local reporter of tl.o Vnllcjo ofJnysi separato right-hand figuro.nnd Biitlsfactorllv explains what many lg that tho 1st of January dorives.nll Its (Texas) fciprto'complalnsof tliobcare- dlvldo by A, norant icoplo havo taken for lirpropil imporianco irom tho fact that wo reck- "J oi muitiers, rouucnes, arson anu w i,eni. multiply uy number oty. Wo livo nnd learn. on it as tno beginning of our year, irigntiui acciuenis in uuu locality, no "i uuu titviuo uy no, As to Low Dresses. Most fashions owo their origin to nn attempt to glvo proinlueuco to tho strong point to hldo tho weak point of u king or queen. Thus powder ciiino Into voguo to con ceal a queen's gray hair, aud large pe rukes because ti king was bald. Wo learn, however from n Belgian paper, Hint tho custom of ladles exhibiting their busts In all tho boauty of naturo has a far more romantic origin. In a battlo tho French wero engaged ln (all dates wo may mention aro resctved,) their ranks wcro broken, and they wero routed. When they retreated their women bared their breasts and entreat ed them to pierce them lather thanrtr mlt tliein to fall Into tho hands or tho enemv. T'hls va9 too much for tho Muto right hand llguro from product, gallant Gauls. Norvtd with courcfe nod dlvldo by 0. tlie.v turned, renowed tho combat and ! ivo Per Cent Multiply by number wero victorious. From that hour of days, nnd dlvldo by 72. French women havo ut festal occasions blx 1 er Cent Multiply by number alwavs been accustomed to wear their of days ; separate right-hand llguro and dresses low. In fact, when you sco ono uivnio who appears to havo forgotten tho up- Eight Tor Cent. Multiply by num. per part of her dress, it Is no proof of bcr of days, and dlvldo by 15. Indelicacy, but simply nn indication of JNino i ercem. Multiply by number tho power of niitlonnl sentiment. This duel tho French ilro slackened, thoUcr mans causing great loss to tho French lines. Still the French Infantry main. tallied their position heroically, and Othor neonlo reckon tho belnninr of says It may speak well for tho morula Twelvo Per Cent. Multliilv bv unm unothor attempt to dlelodgo Blguiilly tho year at othor periods. Tho last of tho town, but that "it Is rough on her of days ; separata right-hand llguro fiiHwl. Now Year of tho Jews occurred on tho an Industrious local." nnd dlvldo by 3. A man who wears a paper collar foru week and keops It clean, Is not good for anything elso.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers