THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUEG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. AGRICULTURAL & DOMESTIC. Itns Cnrpi'li. 'lOW TO CUT, SRW, COI.OIl AN II Alt llANGR Till! ItAOH. Tlieso ltltlhicii?ni1o nrtlclra of tlio Hoti'oriro mndo ami highly iirlxctl, In nearly nit families In tho country. Tho BftBjrcstlotis of tho experienced may lea sen tho lulior of making (hem to tho Inoxpcrlonccil, lioslrtcs milking u heller limkln rnrpct, First, (ho mri or old garmcntM oii(,'ht In ho wailied clean ; then rip them to pleec3,rejeetini: tho parU too worn to ho mcdj If not ready to color them, tlo In hundlcs nil Hint nro to ho colored each color, nnd nny that do not need color ing may ho cut nnd sowed, or tied up liy tliomselves, If not ready to com jnenco mo wont. All woolen ones ought to bo kept In linen sacks, to e.x chido tho mollis from them, Any light, mixed, or plaldcd woolens may ho Improved In color by dipping In a good red dyo. Clean whlto rng9 can bo colored yellow, orange, blue, or green. Dingy whlto rnga will look well, colored hemlock color nnd Bet with lime. This Is n clean, pretty nnd durnblo color for somo of tho rngs nnd tlio wnrp. lilts of bark may bo gather d around miw mills, when ono cannot get It elsewhere j boll enough bark to make n strong dye, nnd ndd to it n llttlo clenn wnter, after removing nil bits of bark or straining tho dyo. If dregs re inain In nny dye, it will spot tho cloth or yarn. If n smooth parlor carpet is wnnted tho rags must bo cotton, nnd other rngs mat are made of lino yarn. ConrsO' threaded woolen rags mako a carpet look rough, mid though It may do well enough forn kitchen, It Is not so nleo for n parlor. Unless tho rags nro light, It will tnko u pound and n half, ami sometimes more, for each yard of carpet. To know when sufllclcnt rags aro prepared for tlio number of yards wanted, tho rags nru One, it will not take qulto n pound and a half; but If they are coarse threaded or woolen rngs, it will take somo more than a pound nnd n half, If the carpet Is well beaten up. If a striped carpet Is wanted, tear inch color separately, and mix together the different shades of tho samo color when (-owing; this will mnko the car pet more uniform in color nnd pi littler than if somo stripe, contntned all the brightest colors, and others paler ones, which they will, If tho shades of tho samo color are not mixed in sewing. A carpet nlways looks much better if nil tho brendths aro uniform In color, nnd by mixing tlio shades of tho samo color In sewing them It will bo so. For a hap-hazard carpet, nil different colors mny ho mixed In sewing. This will uso up nil short rags, of any color or shade, nnd often makes a very pret ty carpet, which may bo woven easier and cheaper than a striped carpet. Short pieces, or thoso not moro than threo or four yards long, nltcrnat cd with Bhortcr ones, look tho best In this kind of carpet. For warp, good strong prepared yarn is tho best, and saves much labor. It may be reeled Into skeins of ilvo knots heforo coloring, nllowing ono skein to a yard nnd about threo knots over, to bo woven in at tho end of each breadth, for binding. Measure tho Insido of tho room, nnd let tho weaver know how long to mako each breadth. Carpets will shrink a llttlo in length from tho weaver's meas Wro after they como out of tho loom, but will often stretch a llttlo In width. Tho stripes will match tho best, If tho edges on tho same sldo of tho loom nro sowed together, as the different sides of the loom sometimes vary a little. Hit ral Aew Yorker. TIw Horso from n Moral Slnndnoint. Tho driver who fights hU liorscs has not cot through tho first Icson In tho mnnagement of these animals. Somo strlko their horses In n fit of nnger j oth era bent them nsn punishment for what theycouceivo to bo sinful acts on tho part of tho horse. Now, tho fact is, tho horse never does wrong on purpo?c. In this respect ho Is better than most men. If ho refuses to pull it Is tho fault of education, nnd If ho runs away and kicks things to pieces, It is because ho Is frightened. Men, when they are seared, do somo very foolish things, and they aro excused ; hut no allownnco Is mndo for tho runaway horso. Ho is kicked, and cufred, and beat, as if what Is dono ho done on purpose to hurt somebody, and not In consefjuenco of supposed danger, which tho poor ani mal was trying to ileo from. Horses never kick without a motive. They uso their heols for defence, and tho first kick at the traces is given to ward off what to them seems danger. No horso over kicked for any other purpose. They cherish no Ill-feeling against any ono, and always do as faraa they know what is right. All horses can bo edu cated to do whatever tho driver wish es. They obey cheerfully and without grumbling, even though put to rest with half rations In a cold, filthy, mud dy stable. A horso can easily bo taught to know that tho harness will not hurt him. Then ho will not kick at It and runaway. Ho 13 also easily taught to pull by tho traces or by tho halter strap. If you want him to pull well on tho halter, all you havo to do is to hitch him with something ho can easily break, and ho will soon learn to pull hack with such forco that no bridlo will hold him. If you want him to pull well in tho traces, glvq him a light load until ho learns to movo it, and ho will soon pull Ills best at heavy loads. Horses balk or pull Just as they aro taught. It does not matter which end of the horso you fasten tho weight to. They will balk as readily when hitched by tho traces, if Improperly trained, as whon hitched by tho halter; and they will pull back as faithfully by tho hal ter, If trained to dono, as they pull for ward, when hitched by tho traces ton wagon. It Is an easy matter to teach n horso to refuso to pull at either tho hal ter or traces, and it is equally as easy to teach him to pull by tho samo means. If thoso who drivo horses would keep this fact Jn vlow, and keep their tern per out of vlow, they would never bo guilty of tho shameful act of beating their team In u mud holo or on tho hill hide, 11 As I wns going to St, Ivca, I met seven wives; Kach wlfo had beven sacks, Kncli sack had seven cats, Kach cat had seven kits, How many wcro going to fit. Ivca?' COURT ADVERTISEMENTS. QOUJtT PltOCI.AMATION. WlllTttKAV- 1 tin If itn U'iniit.i t't..,ll juugom mo umiri or uyrr mm Terminer mm (If nernl Jnll Dollvery, Court of (lunrler Htwlom of the Pence mid Com t of Common PIpiw itml Or j.imu "uoiiruii tno &u judicial l MM net, com of the counties nf C"lumhlfi, Hulllviin ntul Wyoming, uml tho lion. Irnm Derr und Isaac H. Monroe AMKlnto Judges or Columbia county lmvo iMUptl their prrct'i't, hrnrlnti Unlo thu 6U uuy (u iMteniniT in i no year 01 our iioru, ono tlmnjnnd, i'lht iiu tul i imI nml nevetity, nml to iiiwuiri'cit'ti uir iioiuingnuounni uyer itnti Ter miner nml Ueuornl ounrter Hexnloui of tho Pence Court of Common Plemiuitl Orhhim'n Court, In lilomnMmnt, in tho county of Columbia, on tho llrl .Molality, being tho tfth thiy ol Kctmi.iry next, In contlnuo two wik. Nullrn U Imw.liv tlvi lnll.A (r., n H.n JuMtlccnofthn INncc.nnd tho ConMuhlcn of tho Kith) county of Columhlu. that thev U then nml in i u in nun J Ml I1 11 I'fimill lib 1U CIOCK IIIIIIU forclt(H)ll Of Hillil l.f h tlnv til l.'ul. . with llmlr riln, Inqulftltlounnml oilier roiuembrnncu. to lthn,t things which to their olllccs nppertnlti .w mi nn in. Aim ItmfU nun nru uouou uy reCOunlfnilce. to nriKWlltn nirnhiftt thn t,rU. ouem thnt nro nr mny ha in tho Jnll of the viMHMl III LUIIIIIlUm, III IIU WIVIl HIIU mere io proNccuio incm nn Miull ho Jim. Ju rortt nro reiiucHted to ho punctual in their attend nnco, agreeably lot heir notices. Datwl at llloonii i) u rti, inoutn uny or uco, in ino yenr h. Y of our Irfrd, ono thousand cltiht hun r" ilri'il II Mil kiivDIilv.iinn nii.l 1 11 t lut til tint if in fourth year of tho Independence- of tho United imwmiiuurg,, 1871, BberltN Q.UAND junons, rou FEimUAitY tiuim is;i. Jl looms n una i:il Jones, John tf.Olrlon. ItE AV Kit. Will htiu linker. IIenton. l'eter Knuo, OATAWIH.SA.- ii. P. Knrtner, Convnoham. l'ntrlek llrtniinn. Hlelmrd Thorn ton, IU r . Wholfotth. Cknthalia. O. U, Jlurphy, Cljctkk. Jewu 11. Kreiw. FlSlUNUCUKKK. A, 11. ltutnii. Hkmi.ouk. NelioinlHliUceco. hucusr. Joniw Karluger, Wlltlnm WUnoii. Uo UudUH Herb liic,iii hun llerutr, ORKKNWooit, 1). o. AlberUou. Mi pi l in. John It. Yoho. moumt 1'lkahant. Adam Wclllver. Wnk. John Totter. HuAiilMtciiUF.K. Wlltlnm lllehrr. hcoTT, 'Ihomiis Ciuvellng, r., Joshua I'mise, pKTIT JUHOllS, rou rnn iutaiiy teum iwi. FIRST UKEIC, rv.C bonder. 1. II. Freeze, Jacob Hliairer.HoIomon Minltn. llEAvr.K, (leorgo w.LoiiKcnberger, rtlerHhell hammer. Hknton. I. K. ICrlekbanm, Htolt II. Cotley. llKiiwirK IIoh. Win. U. Thomas, h. II. ltoMnau, IMwnnl A. W'INon, Daniel Itcedy. Catawissa, Johenti Maiiz, (Jeorue Marbardt. K 1 lllnard. rrstitNociiEi k. John tnubnch, Win. Meant, i:ilat M. Jaubacli, Jncob UelKiiiKer. Oiikknwooi). John Mnddon, KlHIm Jfnyman, David liomott, JoepH It. I'altoil. IIkmlock, Henben 1 tomboy. IjOcumt. David Yeiigor, MiPKMN.'Wamuel Creasy, 1'mniniel Kclckendftll Mount 1'i.ka9AN r, l'eter JIlpieuteeI, Mlle Ikeler. Main, Heuhen Bliumnu, I sane Yettcr. MoNTotin. John (inrdun. okanok. Hamucl Henrle. 1'INK. Joshua Uobtdnt. m-ott, Jlugh ThompHon. SI.CUND WKEK. llr.ooMsnunn Hnmuclntetller, S. II. Sillier. Hknton. John o. Dlldlnc, Thninax (Ubtin. Ukuwick. John W. i:vniift, Geomo II, Wells (leoriro II .Tliomnxnn. It. I.. Fnuu. IliirAiiCitEEK. David HhalTer, jr. Catawivsa. II. 1. Clark. Charlen Sclimlck. Centualia. Jamea Kealy, I). W.Melllck.Thos. O'Connor. FisiiiNficuBn K. II. N. Ammerman, Henry llnrtman. FnANKi.tN. J ohn Art ley, Jacob Hnyder. (lUEKNWoon. Cyrus Demott. Ioct'HT. Albert Her bine. Mifflin. Henry Yohe, KHslialt. llroun. Maink. J os i ri 1 1 Flcmmlng, John W.Khuman. MoNTot'lt. Lloyd l'asoii. Madihon. H.H. Ituuiajan. O. C. nunnyan. Mount 1'i.kas ant. Johh V. VnndendU'p.i.r. Ouanqr. lllrnm It. Kline, Oncar Aclieubacli. 1'INE. Frnncls I. MaHlertt. HUOAULOAF . Wnlcat llatver. Ttonrv-1 Met. bcorr. Jacob TerwllllKer, Charles Xtu. Jame rjMUAL LIST, FOU FEUHUAUY TKUM, 1S7I. fiiwt wi:i.k. IMward M'Call, et, nl. vs. John Hwecnv. W m. Longenberter, et. al. s. Hugh W. M'Uey nold. ft. nl. Kusau (lliham, uso n. Deborah Dean's Admr. .ah run i-erHu h. raoiuti ieioy, Duvld Lewis, guardian s, Collins HutlitT'a Ad ministrators, L. Hurdle's, uo . II. H. Crcvtllng, ct al. Alex. Colley vs. A linns Cole, l'eter Hchug vs. Charles Lee. David J. Waller s. John M. HtnclihouM?. Frederick Hovsler vs. Gideon U, Howler, et, nl. W. II. Kllne.U. nl.vs. A bra) mm Moore, it. al. Janien Hchh vs. Collins Hutllit 's Administrators, C. D. Fowler s, Ueuben Miller. Daniel F. Keybert s, William Mintler, William HhaUtT vs. Daniel Urt. 8ECOND WEEK. Robert (lorrell vs. Harney M'Hrensly, et. nl. David Heaver vs. Martin M'Uanhen. Charles 11. Wllhelm, et. nl. vs. Michael Woods, Michael tlrorer, ut,e. vs. BuvngoA It right. Michael drover v. baviiRO & llrlght. Joseph Miller vs. N. H. Campbell. Thomas Fry vs. William Coleman. O. S. Fowler vs. Oeortto Klnley. Nharnless A llarman vs. Charles P. Fowler. Melculah Miller's Admr'x. h. El his Helper. C, H. Fowler vs. Jesso D. lllce. C. II. Itowmau, et. nl. s. Mnnaussa IJowmsn. l'eter Hnymau, ibo n, Jacob Hhatler, it, al. ItrarnbalfA Co. vs. M'Nlneli & Uhuman. Harvey C. Hew vs. hiauniel Creoky Admr. Noah Mouser's, tuo, s. (ieoruo Htrauther. Shultz A Fu life ton vh. Alfred I r wine. Win, A Kline, vs. Jamts V. Ullluxple, Kllno i: M'JIenry . J. Hlchsrds & Co. John Terner vs. Daniel Snyder. James V, Ulllnsplo . Win, A. Kline. Ixnlali Yeaifer vw. D. It. Johnson. Clement O. Ulcketts Admr, vs. D.wld Hwccny, tt. al. Joseph H. Kllno vs. Charles Howard. Catharine Abbott vs. William AbLott. iKioc i-.rwinos., West Itmncti Insurnocu (o. vh. Thomas Tirneh. Hi'OH Atlllard vs. Abraham Kllno. John Gray vs. Haudcrtim HiiKenbucli, Lowls J, Adams vs. Fialiluertclc Hcliool Dla- 11 let. Wra. A. Cnso vs. Moses Comnan. et. nl. HImon Weal si i vs. John Hoilman. JoHeph J. Crawford 6. John Johnson, James Kvans vs. Ueort;o llelford. Joiemlah HnKenbuch s. Philip Ort, et, al. icnouis eyoeri vs. lmniei i iscyuen. Joseph It. hhultz vs. Z.ll. Slmltz. .uurnty, imatn. a muuuiiu vh. iiiu jiuperuu vitv Insuronco Co. Murray, A in lack, Haudallvs.Tholmperlal Flro iiiburunco i o. V.. Meiidenluill vs. Henry U Ort. Jeremiah H. Itudy vs. Jacob Schuyler. KelM-cca Xaule'K Admr. s. John Calu. William Arit r vh. TIiqiiuik Fnrvcr. DavM Wit ml re. Executor as. Dennis Ilrlnk. Clmrlitt Hrown vs. Joseph It. Vaudersllce, Cannon A. llro. s. Widmver A Jacobv. Joseph Fausey vs. lleubeu Hellas. "yyiDOW APPHAISEMENTS. The following anrralsements or real and per nonal property hel apart to widows of decedents, havo hoeii tllfd In the iifllfR of Iho lteirlster or Columbia county, under the Hules of Court, and win no prt'Keiuuu mr uuMuium couuriiiuiiuu, m tho Orphans' Court to bo held In llloonifcburif, In ondfor said county.ou Wednesday.lheblhday of j truruurj , ion, ii v if o cj ul it j',aioi bum uny, un less excentlous to such ronflriimllons aro nrovl- ously riled, of vthlch all persous lutercbted lu said estates wll 1 take notice i 1. Widow of Daniel Nvcr, lato of Mlfllln town ship, deceatted. 2. Widow of Peter Illtner. late of fooottt town ship, deceased. 3. Widow of Hnmncl (1. Il1klnflnn Into nf ixwust tuwnt.UJp, aeceahcd. 1. Widow of Anthony Wit man, lato of Bloom township, deceased, 5. Widow of Albert Hunter, lato of l'luo town ship, deceased, 6. Widow of Jacob Ash, lato of Iienton town khlp, deceased, W. II, JACOI1Y, ItegUter. Itefilstcr's Onice. IlloonwbHrg, Jan.U,lS71. T) KOISTEIt'H NOTICK. Kotici: is Aj hereby irlven to all ltcateis.credltois and otiitr persons interested lu tho estates of the re spective decedents and minors, thai tho follow ing administration and guardian accounts huvo been filed In tho otIUeof tho Key later of Colum bia county, and will bo presented for con Urina tion and allowance In the Orphans' Court, to bo held In llloomsburg, on Wednesday, the bin day of February, 1S71, at -J o'clock In tho afternoon of said dayj 1, Tho account of Lewis Dletterlch, guardian of Milton Masteller and Jeuulo Masteller, minor cuntireii or Charles Masteller, late of llrlarcreeu tow nship, deceased. 2. The account of William Mcnslntrer.stirvlvlu: executor of William Miiulnger, lato or MltlUu townhhlp, deceased. 3. Thu ktcnnd nml fliinl nrwuiiit nf Wllllfim M. Kllnetob, ndmlniittriitor of Samuel lllauk, lato of JJrlunrcck towiuhlp, det eased, 4. The first and flnsl account of A. II. Ktownrt, guurdlanof the pctsou and etiiiu of Millard F. Cornier, a minor son of lalnh Conner, Uto of &. Aicount Tlimnnx P. I-Yiwlor nml Inire Crovellng udmluUtrators of lienjainlu Fowler, iitiu in v.ruiro lowiiHiup, ueceaxeu, (I. The llrst account nl Samuel JL Dlemer. execu tor Ac., of John Hlthards, late of Cutawjssa, de- 7, Tho first and rlnnl nrcoimt of (i.ll. Ilrookway. executor of Isaac DavU, lato of Heaver township, 'iho'occount of William T.Hhuman.Admlu 1st rat or of linn lei bhumau, lute of Main town ' , W.H.JACOIIY, Heglster. HegUter'sOHlce, l ' Hloomsburg, Juu, U, 1W1. f ADMINISTHATUIX'S NOTIOK, KSTATEOF JOHN 11. WATTM. ItFO'll. letters of lidmliilatrullnrt m tlm eslutti 1 John 11. Watts, late of Centre towimhln. Columb'u county, deo'd, have been granted by lho Heglster nf safdiiounty to I'enlma 11, Walls residing lu Centre township, Columbia eo. All i arsons liavlug claims atcutnst the estate of the decedent are requisieu 10 pitseni mein ior seiuemeni, and those Indeblud to tho (slate to make nay nient to tho uuderslgued.adinluislratnr.wlthoul Jauo'7l-tiw, AdmlnUtmtrU, JOll PRINTING Ntally M.oatM nt ttal. OIBce, Miscellaneous. Dlt. SCUKNCK ADV1MKS CON HlTMl'riVI'W TO 00 TO FLORIDA IN WINTKIt. llavlufffor tho lust thlrtynvo years do voted my w holo tlmonnd attention to tho study of demtand fully tho course that ouuht to pursues t lit rrnioru it luierniiiv iinii rnn in tiifirnqeu iiiiiim to healthy soundness. '1 ho llrst and most I m ltrtaiit step Is lor lho patient to avoid tnltlnx cold, nnd tho best of all places on this continent for tins purpose in winter, Is Florida, wen oowit In tho Slate, whero tho temiHTaturo Is regular, and not subject to such variations as In moro Northern latitude, l'alalka Is a point I can re commend, A wood hole! Is kept there by IVler man, Idtst winter I saw several persons thero whuso IittiKS had been badly diseased, hut who. under Iho heal in tnlluence of tho vtlmalu and luy metllctncs. ercKetlliiK uell, One hundred miles lurther down the liver Is a point which I would prtfer to l'alalka. an tho icmpcraluro Is more e en and tho air dry and bracing. Mellonvlllo nnd Ilnternrisoaro located there. I should nle n ileclded preference to Mcllonvtlle. It Is two miles Irom river or lake, and It Moms almost Impossible to take cold Ihere. Tho tables In Florida lnlRht bo better, and patients complain at times but that Is a good slsn, os It Indicates n return of nppellte, nnd when this Is tho esse they ncnerally Increase lu lleth.nnd then tho lunus must heal. Jacksonville, lllhcrula, Urccn Cove.and many other places lu various parts of Florida, can hu safely recommended to consumptives In wilder. My reasons forsaylna so aro that patients aro less liable to take cold there than where thcto Is a less even temperature, and It Is not necessary to say that whoron consumptive person exposes himself to frequent colds no Is certain to dto shortly. Therefore tnyndvleo is, go well down Into tlio State out of the reach of pervading east winds and fogs, Jacksonville, or almost any oilier of tho localities I have named, w lit bene fit those who are troubled with n torpid liver, n disordered stomach, deranged bowels, sore throat or coukIi, but for Hume whose lungs ur diseased a more southern point Is earnestly ro commended. For fifteen years prior lolvi'l, I was profession ally In New York, lloston, llalllmoro and Phila delphia every week, where 1 saw and examined on an average live hundred patients tv week. A practice so extensive, embracing. eery posslhls phasoof luiiifdUeane, has enablinlmo to under Mland tho dl-eae lully, nnd hcuce, my caution lu r i Hard to taking cold, A person may take vast ouantltles or "Krhcnck's I'ulmoulo Mvrun. Stnwted Tonic nnd Mandrake I'llls," and et tno ii no ooes noi avoid iiiKinti coin. In FIorlda,nearlyeerytHdy Isusluits'chenck s Mandrake I'll Is, fur the cllmato Is moro likely to produce bilious habits than moro northern lati tudes. It In a well established fact that natives ol Florida lately die ol consumption, especially those of the noli t hern part. On the other hand, in New KliglMid, one third, nt least, of the popu lation die of this terrible disease. tho Mid States It does not prcvnlt so largely i 11 theio me many thon-muds of cases theiu. Wr.ut avast peieentntfu of life would be saved If cohs'imp- iies weiu as tasuy aiarmeu in regaru iu uikiiik iresh colli ns they uru about scarlet fever, small pox, ac, mil 1 1 iey nro not. -ney laito wuat uu-y leriu ii iiiiir emu. wiiicn ii , which lliey nro credulous enuujjh to believe will wear rou in a lew uas. Ihov lillVUn Htirntloii In It. nnd henco UllV the foundntlou lor another and another -till, until tho lungs nro diseased be) ouj all hope lor cute. My advice to persons whoso lungs nro n fleeted even slightly Ik, to lay In a slock of Scheuck's Pulmonic syrup, schenck'sSeaweod Tonic and KchtfUclt'H Matiiiiaku Pills and KitoFloilda. I recommend ll.cso particular medlclucs because I am thoroughly aeiiuatuted wlththolr ncllon. 1 know that wherntiii'V untuned In strict iiccord- unco with my directions they will do the work that Is nqulied. This accomplished, nature will do thorejit, lho pnjslclau who pi escribes lor com, cougn or mum-sweats, and men mi vises the patient to walk or rldu out everyday, will bo biiru to have n corpse on his hands beluro long. My plan Is to clvo my threo medicines, In ac cordance with the printed directions, extept In somo cases where a freer use of tho Mandrake ills is necessary, iiy object is to iitvetone to ho stomach to iet tin n imhhI annelite. It Is al ways a uond hi o ii when u ontlent beiflns to urow hungry. I lia e hopes of such. With a relish tor ihhI hud tho irratiucatloo of Hint relixli rornpt Rood blood, nnd with It more Ilesh, which Is closely folhwed by a healing of tho lungs. Then the cough loosens and abates, the creepiug chills and clammy ulght-swoats no longer p rostra to and annoy, and the patient gets well, provided Now thero aro inuiiv eonsunintivos who have not the means to go to Floilda, Tho question maybe asked, Is thero no hopo for such? Cer tainty thero Is. Myadvlcoto such is, and over has been, to Mnv In u warm mom diirliifr Mm winter, with u temperature of about seventy de mees. which shoufd bo kent reeularlv nt thnt luiut. vy means oi a luermomcier, i-.eisucu n aiieui iauo ms exercise witmn tho limiisofthe room by walking up and down as much as his ulli will liertnlt. In nnlcr tn keen mi n healthy circulation of tho bUnxl. I have cured thousands by this system, and can do so again, LUM5UIIIUL1UJ i.i lift i-uNiiv c it ret i us uuv oilier tiiki case If U in 1 akeii lntliuo.nnd tho proper kind of treatment is pursued. The fact stands uudls- uneu on recoru inai weneucu-s pulmonic syrup, laudrnke Fills, and Seaweed Tonlo have cured cry many of what seemed to be boneless i-ruu of consumption, llo where you will, you will bo almost certain to find somo ioor consumptive who has been rescued from tho vey Jaws of death by their use. So fares tho Mandrake 11114 nm fnnrrrr.l ! everybody should keep n supply of them on hand. They uct on tho liver better than calomel, and leave none of its hurtlul elleets behind In fact they nre excellent lu all cases where a pur gative medicine is required, if you have par iHKcii ioo ireeiy oi iruiinna uiarrha-uensuw. doseol tho Mandrakes will euro you, IT you nro subject to sick headache, take n dose of tho Man- mm nicy win relieve you 111 iwo hours. ir you would obviate the eileet or a change or water, or tho too free Imminence In fruit, take one of tho Maudiakes every night or every oilier muni, Huu juu iuujt mi'ii uriuit waier unu cat watermelons, oearti. nnotev. nlnnia i.i.nnhcu ,i corn, without tho risk of being mode sick by them. They will nro tec t thnn wim in iint.m Situations imallisi Chills unci fnrr. Trv th.. TJiey nro jieiieetly harmless. They caudojou good only. I have abandnned my professional Islts to llos ton and Now Yoik, but continue to see patients at my olllce.No 15 N, SIXTH Street, Philadel phia, every fcaturday, from U A. M. tn3 1', M. A .. l""'U,ll VAUIII11UIUOU Willi tho ltesnlrometer will be cimrw.i ru-f, .iniinru The Itesplromcter declares the exact condition of tho lungs, and patients can readily learn whether they arocuiablooruot. Hut I deMio It distinctly underhtand that the valuo of my medicines det ends entirely upon their bclna taken strlctlv according to directions. In conclusion, I will say that when pemons takemy medicines and their systemsnre brought into a healthy condition thereby, they are not so liable to tako cold, yet no one with diseased lungs can bear a sudden chnngo or atmosphere WltllOUt the HubllltV Of lrrnutw- nr les. Ii t-ltnt Win of the bronchial tubes. i uu umcuouH in ail lniiKUnges accompany lily midlcllies. so exnlietL nnd i-lfnr th.iL nnv one can use them without consulting mo, anil vim uu uuuiib iiuin uny iiriltmiM, J, 11, KU1IJ"SU1, M, l. No. 13 N Sixth Street, Philadelphia, S1 OJIKTIIINQ NUW! Tho undersigned would hereby clvo notlco thnt ho has Just ronudetcd A FIItsT CLASS Jii;AllSK,nna that ho untune racuuies ror carry lug on tho business of UNDKUTAKINU lu all its uraucues IN CITi BTYL13, He has cmraced experienced rersons who will tako cluirizo of tho bodies of the deceased as soon as they "shuttle of this inortnltoll," amlntlcnd tn washlmr them.shavlni'. ilresslmr. Ac. Shrouds furnished also to order. At much expense he mut uiso prucunu hu IKON ICE BOX, In which bodies cau ho preserved In a cleanly and dry condition. Carrlagts furnished fur fu neral occasions, Jn short, ho is prepared to take rharee of a cornse linmettlaldv after denlh. and save lrlendd and 1 datives all further trouble lu regard ton. lie aiso carries on ino ousmess or OABINKT MAKING Upholstering In all Us branches, repairing furni ture, reseating cane bottomed chairs, Ac, Ac liace of business on Iron Street, below Main. UUIIUHT UOAN, Cloomshurg, July -- 1870-tf. QIXTY-FIVK FIKST l'KIZI KJ AW AWAHDICD, THH 0 It K AT HALTIMOUE 1'IANO MANUFACTOltY. WILLIAM KNA1JK A CO. MANUFACTlUtKIta OF UKAND, SQUAHK AND UFniailT PIANO P O It T K H II A L T I M 9 U K, M D. Theso Instruments have been be fore tho public for nearly Thirty years, and upon their excel lence nloue attained anvvpurcfuiinl prc-cmficjirr wmcn prououuees mein unequuueu. ineir TONK pomblnes irreat nower. sweetness and flno slhfr- Ing quality, as well 11s great purity of mount ton. aud Hwet-tuess throughout tlio entire state, 'J heir TOUCH Is pliant nnd elastic, and entirely freofrom tho silliness iouuu in so niany rniuoea IN WOHKMANHHII' they nro nnrquolled, using none but tho very best tea 1 one tt inutirhit,lUe lurgu capital employed In our business euubllng us to keep f-ontlnuatly an immeusosioctc 01 juiuoer, o.e,,on nauu. t-All our AVimre J'tancea havoour Newlnv proveu uvr.iuiu;ujsu cvalk aim iuu iinjj Wo would call special attention tn our lato Improvements In UJiAXJi J'JAXOM ttml SUUARi: (JtAXIiXt 1'AIKNTKII Aid. II. 1M4L which bring tho Piano nearer pcrlecllou than lias j ci itvvu nnuiueu, i;VKHY l'JANO UI.LY WAltltANTlill 10K S Y KAILS Wo havo made arrangements for tho Ave Whnleiule Agrncy for the most ('elehiatod l'AIt l.Olt OltOA.NH nnd MKUIDKONS, which we otttr Wholesalo and Itetall.nt Utwest Factory ocuti 70'Cm. Baltimore, Md. "y ANTED AGENTS KOH u 11 1: a t v o 11 t v k 1: s Ami Ifrnv Thru W'tre Made! or the Strunutet urn J'riuini'h t,j vur bet'Mutle Mm. Uy J. D. ilcCaU'. Jr. Profusely illustruleil nml ti.nMilfnllvlumt)it. The most taking Instructive, uud uulvirsally sought utter book Issued for ears. Fascinating tin iicuuii.uiimemiu us uismry, iirut ileal us "Tuor iticnaru," wna u-ssous more eievutlnu for po IV. Ageutsure charing from SsotoS'Jto r mouth, lu suite of hard limes. Sells fast and tan 1 1 v. nml delivers splendidly. Send for Circular, etc., and (JKO. MACLUAN, Publisher. 110 Sausum StitU, i'jilludelphfu. Patout Modicinos. rji K K KIDNEYS. Tho Kidneys nro twolu number, situated at lho upper part of tho loin, mi r round od by fat, run! consisting of threo parts, vlV lho Anterior, tho Interior, nnd tho Exterior, Tho anterior absorbs, Interior consists of tis sues or velm, which servo nsft deposit for tho urlnonndcouvey It to the exterior, Thooxtcr lor Is n conductor utso, termtnatlns tn n fdnglo tube, nnd called lho Uitior. Tho ureters nro connected with the bladder, Tho bladder Iscomimseil of various coverings or tissues, divided Into p.irts, vlr..t lho Upper tho Lower, llio Nervous, nnd tho Mucous. Tho upper expels, tlio lower retains. Mnny havo a deslro to urlnnto without lho ability t others tirlnato without tho nblllty to retain. This fre quently occurs In children, To euro theso lUIVctlous, wo must bring Into notion tho muscles, which nro engaged lu their various functions. If they nro neglected, Urn vcl or Dropsy may ensue. Tho reader must also ho mndo aware, that however slight mny bo the nttnclr, It Is suro to nllect tho bodily heal I h and mental powers, as our flesh nnd blood aro supported from theso sources, Oout, on Hit kum ATisM, Fnlh occurring lu lho loins Is Indlcattvo of lho above diseases. They occur In persons dNposed to ncld stomach nnd chalky co-etIons. Tiik UitAVF-L. Tho ijrAvol ensues from neg lect or Improper treatment of tho kidneys Theso organs being weak, tho water Is not ex pelled from tho bladder, hut allowed to remain It becomes feverish, and sediment forms. Ills from this deposit that tho stone Is foimed,nud gravel ensues. u collection or water lu somo parts of tho body, nnd hears dlU'erent names, accord ing to tho parls nirectet1,l&i when generally diirused over tho body, It Is called Anasarca, when of tho nbjomen, Asollcs; when nf lho chest, Uydrothorax. TitCATMENT. Hclmbold's highly concentrated compound Kx tract Ihtchu Is decidedly ono of the best remedies for diseases of lho bladder, kidneys, gravel, dropsical swellings, rheuma tism, nnd gouty affections. Under this head we have nr ranged Dysuila, or difficulty and pain lu passing water, Scanty Secretion, or small nnd frequent discharges of water; strangury or stopping of wnter; Hematuria, or bloody urine; Gout mid Itheumntlsm of the kidneys, without nny chaugo In quantity, but increase lu color.or dark wnter. It was always highly recommend ed by tho late Dr. l'hyslck. In theso affections. This mcdlclno Increases tho power of diges tion, and excites lho absorbents Into healthy oxerclso by which tho watery or calcareous dep ositions, nnd alt unnatural enlargements, ns well ns pain and luflammntlon nro reduced, nnd It Is taken by men, women, nnd children. Di rections for use nnd diet accompany. rnii.AnKr.PHiA, Pa., Feb. 25, 1SG7, II. T. Helmhoi.t), Druggist: DkakHik I havo been n sufferer, for upward of tvrenty years, with gravel, blndder, and kid ney n Auctions, during which tlmolhnvo used nrlous medicinal preparations, nnd been under tho treatment of lho most eminent I'hyslclaus experiencing but little relief. Having seen your preparations extensively advertised, I consulted with my family physi cian lu regard to using your Extract Iluchu. I did this because I had used nil kinds ofnl- vcrtlsed remedies, and had found them wortn less, and, some qulto injurious; in fact, I dcspnlr- ed of ever getting well, nnd determined to use no remedies hereafter unless I knew of tho lu gredlents. It was this Hint prompted mo to uso your remedy. As you advertised that It was composed of buchu.cubebs, and Juniper berries. It occurred to mo nnd my physician ns nu excel lent comblnntlon, nnd, with his advice, nfter an examination of the article, nnd consulting agnln with tho drucclst. I concluded to try It. I com menced Its uso nbout eight months ago, at which time I wns coufluedtoray room. From theflrBt bottlo I wns astonished and gratilled at tho beiv eflclnl eirect. and nfter using it threo weeks, wns nblo to walkout. I felt much like writing you nfnll statement ol my caso at that time, but thought my Improvement might only botem porory, and thereloro concluded to defer and Beo if It would t fleet n perfect cure, knowing then It would be of greater value to you aud moro sat isfactory to me. I nm now nblo to report that a cure Is effected nfter using the remedy for IWe mouths. I have; not used nny now for threo months, and feel ns well lu nil respects ns I ever did. Your Huchu being devoid of nny unpleasant taste nud odor.nnlco tonic nud invlgorntor oi lho system, I do not mean to bo without It when ever occasion may require 1U uso in such affec tions. M. McCOUMICK. Should nny doubt Mr, McCormick's statement, he refers to tho following gentlemen 1 Hon, Wm. Biai.EU( ei-Goveruor, Vennsyb van la. Hou.Tjios. II. F1.0UKNCC, Philadelphia, Hon, J, C, Knox, Judge, Philadelphia. Hon, J, H. Hi.ack, Judge, Philadelphia, Hon, D, H. I'outek, ei(Joveruor, Pennsyl vania, Hon, Elms Lkwis, Judge, Philadelphia. Hon, H. C, Ohiku, Judge, United States Court. Hon. U. W. WooiiWAitn, Judge, Philadelphia. Hon, W.A. l'OKTKK.Clly Solicitor, Philadel phia, Hon Joiik UiciLut, ex-tluveruor, California. Hon. K. Hankh Audllur Uencral, Ytthlus toil, 1). V. Aud many ulhem. If nccensary. Hold by DnitfglntM uud Dealers cverywhoro. Hen aro of couuterfelts. Auk for Jlelmbold'n Tuko uo other, riticic f 1.115 per bottle, or 0 bot tle, for I0.M. Delivered to any addrem. bcrlbe aymptomM In all communication)). Addres, H.T.JIF.LMUOLD.Dlug nndCllcml tul Warcliouke, 001 llroadwuy, N, Y. NONE AllE OENUINE UNLKSS DONK Ul' IN STEEIi - ENQItAVED WHAI'PEU, with fac ilmlle of my Chemical Warfliouuo, aud llfnod 11. T, lllif.llUOI.D. IM'W-ly Drugs and Ohcxnicnls. A GREAT MEDICAL ?' " 1 Dr. WAIKES': a V ! '. . VINEG-AR Bli'iliiS d Hundreds of Tliovwandc t . Iic trnlmt.rr to tlirtr WondiP o5 rul L'uiolno Liricu, lit Bji WHAT ARE THEVT Stfij a O P S TUCy AEB KOt A V1LR 3a FANCY D R I itadoef Poor Horn, VlilUcr Proef Hplrlts nnd It c Hi no Idctiursiloctorcd.eptcod anJmcct ened to tilcpsatlio tutc, rfttlcdMToQieB,,,"Arpcti. tR," "licetorcrt," ic, tbat lend tbo tippler cn t uronkc&ncia &nil rnlti, lot sro alma Medicine, tn&a from tho Native i:ootond llcrbiof Collforals, n co from nil Alcoholio Stlmnlnnts. Thcyoro tlio CI It 1 AT 1IL(I0I PCUIFIEIl nnd A J.IFK (I1VIM1 ritlNCIPLKurcrfcct llcnotator and Iavlgoratorof thoPyitcra.carrrliieofr aUpolootoc Uflttcr and restoring tlio Mood to a healtby ce&dltlon. I.opcreon can tako theso Ulttcri cccorU&3 toCIrtc t mandrcmalnlODgnnwcn. S1U0 wlllbo glTCQforan lofiirallacfmc.rrovUcd t' a tones aro cot destroyed ty taint ml polsoa or ether ucaci, end tlio vital organ wetted bcrocdtl.o i Int of repair. Fur InUammntory nnd Clirouto Ilheiinm tlMti nud (leal Drspepolnt or IndlBrNilou, HllloiiSf Ueinlttent nnd tutertiilttcnt Foetn DUensesof tlio Hlood, Jdver, Kldnej', nud lilitiltlcr, tneso HltttTB lmvo been inott tuccccc fut. Such Hlsenses oro retired tyX hinted lllooil, which ti generally rrodacedby dcranccrutt cf tLo DluetttvoUrcntis. DYSPtPSIA OR INDICATION, Hetd ccliC.l'atalattioEhouldciD, Conghs.Tlglitncsa cf tho U.ctt, Dlzzlncsa, Bour rractatlo&s of tho Etomach, l3adtatolatha Month, UlUous AttcLe, ralritatlca cf tho Heart, Inflammation of tho Lungs, Pain In tho unload cf tho Kidneys, find o hundred other panful jniptC'Cas.tro tho offtprlCRBof Dyeperla Vluy luvlcoralo tho Stomach and eUmidata tho tor plJUvcr and boxrc la, which rcndcrthotaofancqnallcd tQcaeyla cleansing tho blood of all Imparities, and ln-.pai tins new Ufa and vigor to tho whole sretcm. 1011 SKIN DIMIAhES.trnrtlonfl.Tcltcr.Palt M.iLni.IlIotclics.SroU, Mm pic d, Puftulee, Hollo, Vlt IuucIcb, lUns-MTorm, Ecald-llcad, Bora i: j cc, Erycip tlaa, licli, Scurfs, Discolorationfl of tho EUd, Uumcr unj Diseases of tho bkln, of whatever name or nature, tro literally dug op and carried out of tho system la a thort ttao by tho me of theso Bitters, Ono bottlo li ruch cases will convince tho noct Incredulous of tlnlr curntlvo effect, CIcanio tho Vitiated Blood whcDOtcr you find Ul Iitpnrltlci bursting through tho skin In Pimples, Erup tions or Bores t clcanso It when yon find It obstructed and sluggish la tho veins clcanso It when It Is foul, nud your feelings will tell you when. Keep tho blood puro aid tho health of tho lysfera will follow. PIN, TAPE and ether WOUMH, larklnglntho tyetcmof so many thousands, aro effectually destroy ed and removed. Tor full directions, read carefully tho circular around each bottlo, printed la four Ian.. guaffcs-Engllsh, German, Trench and Fpanleh. J.WA1XEP., Proprietor. H. II. McDONAU) & CO., Druggl3ts and Gen. Agents, Ean Francisco, Cal and S3 and W Comiacrco Street, New York. cr-eoLD nr all Li:LoaisT3 and uealehs. oct2S70-lf. sun S.-v.nno I1H PAID TO ANY PKIISON produclns ft Preparntton Bhowlnp; hnlf ns innuy living Keuuluo permanent onren ns UH.FiTLKU.a VFOKrAltl.K llllKIIMATIU 11KMEHV, Jim M'lt.-lt tliln nrenprlnttonof Pi of. .IUH. P. FITLhlt. M. D. ono of Phlludelnhla'H oldest reyulnr I'hvulclnuH, who hnsmiKlo Itheumntlsm UKneelnltvU? voiuh, permanently curlnn with this lteinedy ft! In every loo patients Treated; nownrrnnted under onth.from Ileftlstercd 'n.eH, n reMilt unpninllor iil. If Un iih-imjtnt .Mudlelne. freo fiom llltlir- lnn Driifrt vwnrn vouchers from ltenovwiod Prominent Pliyslelnns Indorsing Dr. Fltler nc eompunyencli bottle). To protect millerer from risk, n legal KunrnnleoHtntlti! numhpr of bottles wnrrnnted to Cnro will bo forvvnrded without chnrno to nny person endlni? by letter n lull, truthful description of ense. In enso of full nro tn cure, tho amount pnld will ha refunded. Prlco HLMper bottle; U hollies, 7.Vi, Jledlenl mlvleo sent bv letter Krntl. Adtlress DH. FIT I. Hit, OIUcoNo. JJV South FOlUtTH Htteet.Phlliidel phln.or No. 701 IIHOADW'AY, N. Y. Hold or obtained by drusslsts, ueptno-ly. I uo not wish to inform you. render, that Dr. Wonderful, or any oilier man, lias discovered n, lcmedy thnt cures Consumption, when tho luuys nro half consumed. In short, will euro all diseas es whether of mind, body or estate, mako men live forover, nnd lenvo duith to piny ior want ol work, and is deMimed tit mako our hiiblunnrv hpberoa bllsslul ParadUi'.towhlch Heaven ltbelf snail uo ijiu a mud hiiow. i ou iiuvm ui-ui u I'lumnn or thnt kind or humbURiiery. Hut when I tell you that Dr.Knuo'H Catarrh Itomedy witt postttve lit mr thn worst, cases of Catarrh lu tlio Head. I only nshert that which thousands cm ti stlty to Iwillpay?500 Itcunrd lor a caso that I cannot cure. A pamphlet rIvIhk hjinptoms ami other Information bent lieo to any uddrtbs. This rem edy is SOLD BY' MOST DHUnOISTH IN ALL PAUTS OF TJIH WOHL.Ii. Price 50 cents. Sent by mnll.postpnld.on receipt or Bixiy et-uts, oriour jinciinneii ior iwouoinirs, IlRwar of munterftita and uorthltsi imWttttnn, Heothat my private stnmp, whleh is n joniit vuamnttc uf iicmilnenens, is upon lho outside wrapper, lieniemner inai xuis privuio nuuup, for fclainpint! my medicines, has my poitrait, iniiiin nml iiildifNu. nml thn unrds -lL K. tVrlltl- into of OeimlneneKs," enuruved upon It, and lwi'il iint ho mlMlnki'ii. Ihiti't. ho huluilledbv travelers nnd others representing llieinselves as l)r, Si;o; I am tho only man imw living that has tho knowledge and rlchtlo mauufacturothe (lenutae Dr. Knuofs Cutan h Hemedy, and i never travel to tell this medicine. H. V. PIl'.HOK. M. D. obtZ'70-tf. I'll fseuoca street, llullulo, N. Y EVEN KEASONS WHY Is tiik Hest Liniment in tiik Would FOU HOUSES. FntsT. It Is composed of tho most rovvRnvuL ami PKNRntATiNO nouius itnown in uneiiiisir.- HKroNi). Combined with tho alxivo Is a Medi cinal oil, mndo oxprensly for this Llulmont ana mixta uy an emiruiy new irtK;rii. TlllKD. lliousuiil iuu jt ( fyiii unu ju'Tiriritrin Ii)irr..illfiit8 in tn drlv nr f.ircij 111 Ibis beaillllu. Medicinal oil, which lubricates tho Joluts aud iiiuuliu. nml InimiMlhiUdv throttles thodlttense. uud compels It to loosen Its deathly, blckeulug and poUoutais fauus. ! UUUTlIi 1 Ilia iUJlllH- i I. Ii lint-it lilt IIIO bn mo reason thaliiKiMid meohanlo always uttes oil to make his machinery work with easo and itreclsion, ho in ino sumo way ino muscles aim tlntu of our nutmiils should bo lubricaU-tl if wo wish to lmvo them travel with rapidity and eiute, Firni. His try koothlutcln lu ncllon, will noL bum or blister tho animal llko most of tho "rtd hot" liniments of the tin v. Sixth, Not ono drop ol tincture of cnyenno or red pepper cnu bo tound In Its composition; HIT WO IIOIU llllltllll IIUMIlfllt L'UII 1U UUCCllVU which burus nud blisters the niilmnl until tho muscles mo hard nnd dried almost to n crisp. WKVKNTir.Hvery bottlo Is waukan rtn to uivo goou siuisi.icuon, or your money win uo re i unu en. i ins biiows conuiuni-iy i nit l iiit) nrooriU' tors lmvo full coiilldeuco lu this preparation, and proves ior lho seventh titiio that G. K. S. H is iuu oesi i.iuiinein in mo worm ior norses. MDon'iultoto tutir Merchant to ixttiiiofT Tine tureo Jtal 7Vv;xt ami Hartthorn, brother trtuh on toutbut ask jur (J, ;. H. H.ur tvrttt, una take I). O. CAllKY & CO.. Ho'lo I'ronrletors, fceptno-lyl 172 WMhluittou Street, Now York, PHILOSOPHY OP MAUHIAOE. A NkwCocuhkof delivered at tlio Fcuuu. Polytechnic und Anatomical Museum 1205 Chestnut St., thieo doors nbovo Twelllh, Philadelphia, imbrncliiK tho fetibjectii How to l.lvo nuu What to Live fori Youth, Muturlty mm uitt liui itiuiuiiiuti ufot-iuiiy jvuviowtu Tho rauso of lndluestloiii Flutuleuce and nerv ous DlsenseM luiounted for; tMnrrtauo Pi i llo boplilcully coublilered, Thtso lectures will bo forwaided on lecilnt of 15 ceiits by nddresshnri Petretnry of tho PeniuylvnnlH Polytkchnui tilt II VJVAT03III-AI. A1USKUU, IUCUIUUI nl., Aiiiiuiivti'iwu. i tuimvivuuiu. Jo2l'7v-Iy. JgAKOAINS UAKOAINS. QUICK BALKS AND SMALL I'lUWiriJ. HAVK YOUH MONKY, do to Ul'MIIV VOUfl Knst Hloonisburii, i'u.for nil kinds of the bet V U H N I T U It K . Prices rcutonuble nud the best work dono. JllS7U-tf .. Sal N K. exss Clothing, &o. JKW STOCK OF OLOTHINO. Krosh nrtlval or BUM MHlt (100D9. DAVID liOWKNllKUU Invites attention to lili locli of CIIKAI'AN1PAH1II0NA11I.UC1,0TIIIN(1. BtlilsBloro on MnlnRtroct.tvoiIoora ntiovo tlio American llonno ItlooinfUiUK, ru., whoro ho lrns Just received from Now York nmt riillndelphlnn full miiirtinentof Mr.N AND 110YH' fI.OTHINa, Inclitillng tlio most r.utlilitimMe, durnbte, ntul Imhittomo numt ooodh. cnlmUtllld of 1I0X, HACK, llOCO, OUM, AND OIt,-UI,OTII t'OATHANl) l'ANTH. of fiUnortH.slreHalHleolorH. Ho hntrtltto rcplcn Uheil lilt ulrcmly InrKo Rtock of I'AI.I, AND WINTCIl HIIAWI.M, HTKItTl), FIUUIIKU, AND 1'I.AIN VKSTH HItlHTH, CltAVATH, HTOCKH, C0M,A1W lIANIIKintCIIIEl'H. OI-OVIX, HltSI'KN'DHIW, AND FANCY AKTJUI.IM llo nan constantly on liuud u luro anil well-no- ecteit HHtorllneut of CLOTHS AND VU1T1N0S, lilch ho U prepared to iimUo to order lutoaiiy kind of clolhlng.on very ahoit uotlep.nnd In the host manner. All hit clothing 1' made to wear, and most of It Uof homo manufacture. OOMI W'ATCIir.l AND JKW'JMtY, ol every deKcrlnllou, fine nud cheap. Ills caso ol lovclry Is notHurpasscd lu thls'iptacc. Call nud etamlno his general assortment of CUmil.VU, AVATCIIUS JKWKMtY, AO. david t,ovr.Niii:uo. Bakery and Confectionery. JOHN 0. JACOBY'S 1JAKKKY AN 15 CO N V KCT 1 0 N K H Y I UKUWICMC, PHN.V'A. Tho midcndL'iied would irfhertfully Inform tlio Citizens of lleruUk, nii.l Melnlty, thut ho Iiiim opLiied ti I'onlecllohtry nnd linkery In ODD I'lIM.OWH' HAIX, Iterwlelc. Pn.. vvheio he it Meimrcdlo futnMi nil klndH of plain anj i'ancv candiics, iui:nch ca'ijii;m, roilHKlN AND DOMUHTIC 1UU1TH OltANUKS, I.HMUNH, UAIHINH AC, Ac, Ac, Ac, liY W1I0I.I-SALK ASH KETAtl.. Amon tho nihortment will ho found (.'renin NutN, Kinilish idnutK, lViiniitK, AlniondH, I'll hertM. I'll!'". AnidoH.Coenii NutsJi-IIU-Hof dlller- eilt ltlluW, Mlttml.t'ntMlp, Pleltli-s, Clmeolnto, Ciinutd 1'iiilt of nil kinds iVn Htnith, Kjru Ills riilt, Hotln 1'rneliern, Ojstrr Cnirkers, Lheewo, Htmn. Vritlii2 l'untr. Aureiment l'nners. Hn- veloin", inSll AND OYSTKUS, And jtroduro of nil kinds. 1'riHh llreiid nnd Crtkes every dny, Ito Criiim in Kmson, Your imlrouugo is solicited. JOHN a. JAC011V. Uorwick, Juno 17, lSTO-tf QONF EOT ION KRY, to mo puono i nu i una opcueu a misT-ULABd confkctioni:hy BTOUE, In tholnilldlng hitniy oceuidod by Fox A Wobb whoro ho is prejmiedlo furnish all kluas or PLAIN A FANCY CANDIFJ4, FItENCII CAND1KH, FOUKION A HUMKSTIO FRUITS, NUTS, KAISINH, AU., AC, AC, BY WHOLESALE OH HETAIL. In short, n full nssortment of nil koodu In bin lino ol btihlneKH. A groat vnrlety of DOLLS, TOYH, Ac, euitiiblefortbo Holldnys. Parllculur nltcutlon Kivon 10 II UK AX) AND CAKES, of nil kinds, fresh every day. 0 H K I H T M A 8 OANIHUB, UHISTMAH TOYB. A call Is sollcltod guaianteod, Wov.'AMbOT. and Hatlhfactlon will b ECKHAKT JAC0I1S. Books. A Ni;V liOOIC of tho i; rent est interest nnd im- ortnnce. wriiteii Horn a IiIku niorni mm piijsi loiriciil htnudiKdut. bv nu eminent nlivslelnii nnd medical piolessor, it tdiovH bow Nitan is MUIKIII Ulll i hUUUU II I HI IIIIUKCIDUI Ut'KIKUl uroiiKU our inosi sncied uomtsiio nnn bociai re utlous. Pure-minded, but outspoken and at- :rehsive,tno author handle s tho delleutesutjetts rented of vtlhoutafmcs. but In such n mnuueras not to mlnlstertoapruiletit curiosity. 'JhcJ'iyn tail Jtcyciu ration oj the J'dcc, Is a hubject Justly enllstlni; tho Interest nnd sympathy of nil truo IIIIillllliIi)IISlH, llllil llllH IMJUtt. it Is Utlll'Hll, will contrli)Uto to thnt end lust In uronortlou ns It bus readers, A rireular hvnt lteia, contnlnlnii a iuu uescription nmt hynoiisis or tin vnnc with liberal extracts. c. F. VKNT, Publisher, fce'f."7U-tr 5 Uolleao l'lUCO, W, Y. AC-Zir Twclye Years azs Wild Iudiaus & Plains. 'lho wild adventuusiuid thrill! us vMU'ileiuts of Ueorifv P. lk liten, who, llretl w Ith a thirst lor uknowledyo of tho red men, their hiiortsttnuti (tons, uurs, great buffalo hunts, .lc.. It fl a homo of luxury, solium auo juinfu iuu iiuu.iiis, ui-cjimo it famous ifuinur, iuht, ui.d Ilunlly eliU at ll) otlues. This new woric, repicto witii stinimc r Italsof leal Indian lite, (AiriJif ((, htttrbretntth escapes, umusin; icenca, Ac. ou tintea paper, 70 splilleu iirav iiiks, ono oi auihor in hunter's dress, wilt be eagerly sought for and read with avidity, llo wldoMvnko and send early lor illus trated sample pa', t lreular, terms and cholco Held. A. H, Hl'llltAUD, Publisher. seidUTO'tf. JUU Chestnut St., l'hiin. 3IlnrclarSt.,X.V.ora8'.lhM.,(lnfliiiiall.O. If they want tho iiultxtpulnraud Ul k-IIIiii; , inscription lniit imhlMic-d, and theifioirfiri ernMcrjiu. Scncl for circulars. Thi-ywUlcostyon uotlilug.aud maybouf great bcuctlt to you. fehll'-O-ly, Washing Machncs, J)OTY'S WASHINa-JIAOlIINE, LATUM' MUCH IMl'llOVKD-ANDTIIU NKW UNIVEItSAIi CI-OTIIE8 WttlNQEn Improved villi Kowell'ii l'ateul Doublo Cos- wiivt'in, iuu i iiiLiiv muji.tiru now uuclli'K tlonahlv far hiiperlor to any apnaratuii for waitli. Ins ctotlicH et r liivenUd.uiid will wivn thilr cost twlco u year, by having labor and clothes, Tho IMHor of this paper, ulio purchaved a Wabher and Wringer, tliu. lebtltleu as tu their "Wo havo had In iiko In our family for koinu llnio past.ouo ol DiiIj'b ClothrH WasherH aud WrlnceiH. and am piepuicd to bear lehtliuony as to Us incrlls. It Is eiuphallrally a liibor.mUiuj maehlno and does lis work In tlm most thorouiili manner, lor families vim hau. largo wu.hes theso machines uuuld bo luvaluable." lilAN, Jan. U, 17U. l'IUCES-A Mill Ol'TKlt. J'J. ! f.'n "W" V 5 " Wace. 111 not furnish, viV.Vil'V:lnt'l.1V"'htl''IUH'l'u'elallprUo Wa. her 811, l.xtra Wrlncer J'J. and wo Ml I fori wuni ciiiivi or mini inachlms, iriu of frelulit. to o they will ho HUld, that wo uureo to refund 1, !"i,i'J",,''y ""'" wish to uturn the ma- l Zt. !"'B,?'f '"iBlit, allir u moath'a irlul, ac. eorUInt: to directions. 1 aud a Ulilverkal Wringer. Hold hv dealers Beueiully, to whom liberal dis counts nro maUo, .,.. ' 11HOWNINO, (len. Agent, ootno-lf. Hi L'orllund Htreet, Mow YurV. Hloji MTU1 fctop HTOl KTOP STOP STOP AT THE OYSTER DAY AT TI I E O YSTK I Ml A Yl AT Till; OYSTHK HAY I Till; UYHTKll ilAV AttlioOyslorUHy! AT TUB OVMTKIl IIAVI AT TIIK OYHTKIt HAY I ATTIiBOIHTKICllAVI AtlhoOy,ltrllay fto uiikband, falher or brother should iwrruil thoilruugery of wishliig with tho hsnds; nny, two days lu the yiar, uheli It tun budono hcttur, more cinvdltloukly, with less labor, und no In- Dry Goods & Grooorios. G HAND OPENING uiiANii urtiisiisu UHANll Ol'KNINO UHANI) OI'KNINU UHANI) Ol'lININU or FA Mi AND WINTKll (IOOHM, KAI.Ii AND WINTKll tlODIW, FA I.I. AND WINTKll IIOOIIH, FA1.I, AND WINTKll (lOUDH, FA1.I. AND WINTKll 000Dt conlstlnit ot consisting of consisting nr consisting or wnslstlng nf UUY (lOOIin, 1IIIV UOOIIM, DUY UOODH, DRY (IOODH DUY OOODH, HATH AND DAW, 1 1 ATM AND UAIW, HAW AND OAfH, HATS AND OATH, HATH AND OAIW, 1100TH AND HIIOKH, 1IOOTH AND HIIOKH, IIOOTH AND HI10KS, IIDOTH AND HIIOKM, HOOTS AND BIIOi;n, ih:ady-mai)K cmitiunu, ukady-maiih (ji.oi'hind i!i:aiiy-maiii: ci.otiiinci, hkady-madi: ui.oi iiino, KKADV-MADU CLOrlllWO, I.()0hIN(l-(H,ASSr.H, LOOK I N (Ml I.AMHKH, I.OOKIN(l-(II.ASMl:.s, l.(l()KIN(l-tll.AHHl, l,0()KlNU-Ul.ABHI-2, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, I'AINTS AND OILS, TAINTS AND OII.S, I'AINTS AND OILS, TAINTS AND OILS, TAINTS AND OILS, GIlOUr.ltlKH, UHOOLIllKS, (IKOOKlllKS, (JHOUKKIKS, UKOUKItlKS, (tOllKNSWAUK (lUKllNSWAltll, ItllLKNSWAlli:, (IIILKNSWAKK, tiUKKNSWAHU HAUDWAltK, HAHDWAItK, HAItDWAUi:, HAItllWAltl:, llAllDWAUK, T1NWAUK, TINWAHK, TINWAHK, TINWAItK, TINWAHK, H.U.T, SALT HALT SALT, HALT, FISH, FISH, FISH, KITH FISH, (1HAI I (IHA1W (IHA1N UUA.'N UHAIN AND HHKDS, AND HKH1IS, AND HKKDS, AND SKKllH, AND HKKDS, Ac, do. Ac., AT -itcKT.LVY, NKAf. McKLLVY, NKAI. .McKKLVY, NKAI. McKKLVY, NKAI, McKKLVY, NKAI. CO.'H, CO.'H, CO.'H, CO.'H. CO.'B. Nortliwest corner ol Main and Market Slrootfl, Northwest corner of Main nnd Market Streets, Northwest corner of Main aud Market Streets, Northwest corner of Main nnd Market HtreeU. Northwest corner of Malu uud Market Streets, lILOOMRlHIltCI, llLOO.MSIIIIItO, HLOOMHIllIIUI, llLOOMSHlIIUi. PA., TA TA., TA., HLOOMHIllIIUI, A. IKON AND NAIIA IHON AND NAILS, IRON AND NAILS, IKON AND NAIIW, IKON AND NAILS, In laree Quantities and at reduced rates, alwav on nauu. TIIK 11KD LION IlltAND, BLAOJI ALPACA Is suterlor to nil ollieis lu color, finality and pricu ; u uit iouuu limy ill. 51. P. LiUTZ'S Icalerlu l)rv Goods and Notions. In Ilrnuei'h new botldlua next to the Couit llnio.... Main rtireel, llloouisluirg, T.l, IniityU .0-11, jyIIiIiEH'g STOKE. FUrau AHHIVAL OF HU.M.MKU GOODS. Tue subscriber has lust returned from the cities with another large and select assortment of FALL AUD WINTKll OOODH, purchased In New York aud Philadelphia at the owesl tlguro, and which ho Is ilctermluod to soli on ns moderate terms ns cau bo procured else wnere lu Uloomsburg. His ktock comprises LADIKH DltKSH GOODS of the choicest styles nud latest fashions, together with a large assortment of Dry Goods and Gro ceries, consisting of tho following 1 rlioles Carpets, OU Cloths, Cloths, Casslmercs, Hbuwls, Flnnuols, Hllks, Whlto Goods, Linens, Hoop Skirls, MllbllUS, Holluwwaro Cedarware lluccnsware, Hurdwaie Hoots and Shoes, Huts aud Caps Hoop Nets, Umbrellas, Looklug-Glasse.i, Tobacco, Co ITee, Sugars, Teas, Woo, Allsplco, Ginger, Cinnamon, Nutmegs, AND NOTIONH OKNKllAI.LY. In suort, everything usually kept In couutry tores, to which lie Invites tlio attention of the pubilo generally, Tno highest price will bo paid for couutry produce lu exchuugo for goods. H, II, MILI.KK 4 BON. Arcade ilulldlugs, Hloomsburg, Ta. c.a M A 11 11 havojiutreeelved fiom tho eastern markets n largo aud well kclectod slock of DUY GOODS, OONHIHTINCl Or t'asklmers, Jcuus, Hest bleached A Hrown Muslins, Calicoes, Tickings, Tuhlo Linens, Cotton & AH wool llanuels, AC, Ac, A'gnod stock of Ladles dress goods, Latest ktylca ,t patlerus, Hplses nfall kinds, Good stock groceries, queens ware, Btouo ware, Wood & willow ware, Flour A Chop, Also Kitchen Crystal Hoaji for cleaulug Tl. Uruss.Ac, All goods sold cheap for cash ur r0' duce, lie would call lho attentlun of buyM to his well aud carefully selected askort'ent which comprise Bverythlng usually Uep'-" M coun try, ueltng oouBdeut that h' eao o them goods at such prlcosns will or " f"llon' JJUY THE UEST. Nov. 5,'CO-tf C. 0, MAHIl. Insurance Agencies, T. t 11 i,s sir TT rn 11 A I jj. vy ii j a j i h IilFE INSUltANOE COMPANY O F NEW YORK. Tllny Prccman, rresldent, II. 0. Freeman, stc uuii capuai over ,2,0011,01x1, all paid. j. 11. nomsoN, ni.oojisnuno, i-a (IKNKUAI. AGENT, For I.tiierno, Lycoming nud Columbia couutlcfl. Aug. a),'(l'J-ly. JNSUKANOE AGENCY, Wyoming tiill.OOli i,wi,(xi: Mi,l l) 3li(),!l0 I'lHm i.iki.wj .Wna FnltouH North America City - International Niagara Tutnnra Merchants Springfield .... W(l,l0 Farmers' Danville (90,1,41 Albany City ij,iw Lancaster City ati.nuu York Horse, Death A Thert... t3,iNnj Homo, New Haven 1,Coo,iiuii Dnuvlllc, Horso Theft FItKAH HIIOWN, Aftenl, mam bO-ly, IlLooMsuunu, I'a Hardware & Cutlery, jAC'Oll It, SMITH, J. It. fJKLTr.vs g U I T It it SK L T V, E 11, Imporlersnud Dealers lu rorelgu nnd Doini HI II A II 1) W A It E, OUNH, CUTLEItY, AC, NO. 40 N. THIIiriBTltEET, A11.CAI.L0WHII.I., I'HII.ADKLTIIIA. Nov. 25, 1.7-tr. Paints, Glass, c. JPIHST NATlONAIi 1 WHITE LEAD, HliST, TUllUST, AND CIIKATEHTI BATISKAfTHIN flUAUANTEKllt l-j For Whlleness. llrl) cy. It has 110 equal. mini uy 1111 oeaierHiu i'aiuis inrotigiiout m lho countiy. r UAHKEH, 5I00HE A MEIN, V- aUCCE&SOItS TO T. MOHItlH l'KHOT A CO. Solo Proprietors, Philadelphia, Ta., Dtalcts Hi all kinds of. DIIUOH, OII.S, PAINTS, GLASS, IlYIaTUFFS, .tC, ACt !r3 Caution. Owing tn Iho popularity ol our "First Nnllonnl Whlto Lind," 0II11 r A parties hao lain liul net d to oiler a kpu-w rlousurtlc!cut.i!crthcsamoiiamc, Tlurt . . foro Heunru of CoiiuUrlilts. 'iho gum- X Ino Is put up lu cxlm btavy tin paint IHits, with patent uielalllc wfro handles aud thu 11111110 of HAllKEll, MOOIIE & MEIN, On eaeh label, Tor salo by MOYKIl HIIOTIILKH, mar2.TT0-ly. llloouisbing. SI0,U0U aUAUANTKK B UCK liEAD KXCKLS ALL OTHKIt LI IAD I 1st, For Its Unrlvnlcd Whiteness, I'd. For Us Hueiinathsl Durability, :td. For lis Ulihlirpassed Covering Plojiellv Lastly for lis Kcoiiouiy, i-lt COSTS LKss In pnlut wllh Illicit Lkaii than any other Whlto Lend inliilil. The nuiiii Ml lghtcovelsMOIti: Htlltl'ACll.lsmoro HUlt AIILK, and niakia W1UTKH WOltlC. 1IUCIC LI1AD, Is Iho Cheapest and lies' Jlll.WKI guakantki:. 11UOK ZINO KXCKLS ALL OTHKIt ZINCS. 1st. For Its lllieiiualled Durability, '-'d. For its Hummed Whiteness, JU. For Its lllivill passed CoM'llui'Piupelly lastly, for Its fccouoniy, being tho CHKAl'1'.ST, 1 1 A N DSOM KST, 1.11.1 most DUHAIILU Wllllu Talut lu tho woild, 11 u Y ONLY nUOlC liEAD AND IIUC'K ZINC: THY IT AND HI! CONVINCKD. Hatlsfactlnu Giurautecd by tlio Maniifacluiels. liUCK CJOTTAGE COLOllS, Prepared expiessly lor Painting COTTAGKH, OUT IIUILHIMlS of pverydfserhv 1""a I'KNl'IIN, Ac. THIKTY-HVK .NT J OLOIIS, Huiuble, cbiap, Uniform, and lleautlllll shades. ' Sample canlH sent by Mall If deklied. Dealers' Orders will ho promptly executed by lho luauufacturcrs, FIIKNCII, ItlCHAHHS 4 CO., N. W. Cor, Tenth and Market Streets, Philadelphia. MOYKIt 11KOTHKKH, Agcntu Jan'70-ly, for lllooiusburg, I'a, Miscellaneous. QAURIAGE MANUFACTOltY, llloomBhurg, Pa. M. C. BIXJAN A HROTHKll Havo ou hand and for sale at lho most reasoua bio lules n splendid slock of CARHIAOKS. HUOaiKH, and ovory description of Wngons both PLAIN AND FANCY warranted to bo made of tho best and most dur able materials, and by thu most experienced workmen. All work sent out fiom tho estab lishment will bo found to hoof the highest class audsiirotoglvo perfect satlslactlon. They havo also u lino assortment of H I, K I G H H of all the newest nud most liishlonablo styles well aud carefully mndo aud of tho best mater lals. Au Inspection of their work Is nskul as It 1 believed that none superior can bo found In the couutry. Nov.'.M.'UU-tf. TjlAKMKlt-SI EXAMINK AND I1UY T II E O 11 I G I N A Ii , llAUGH'H HKINO Tiik I' Haw Hone Phosphate Mum All others uro Imitation, II A U G II '8 HAW HONK SUPKIt PHOSPHATE OF LIME. MARK EALIi, 1870. This jujiiiiw Is rondo of Haw or Unhurued Ilirue. ilch In Nitrogenous liiatter.'dlssolved In Oil vt Vitriol, presenting lho Hone Phoiphuto In alighly soluble uud quickly nallabluluriii,iilid ae Ammonia .In such i.roportlou as 10 Insure a prompt and vigorous iiellou upon iiiecinisi. Whero Hougli's Phosiibalo was iippllid lho past season , the Indications, without exception are that It will maintain lis well earned repiita. ittl.M?."'!? II A U O II & SONS, MANUyAOTUIllIIOI, OryiiK-No sob. Doluwaro Avenue, PHILADELPHIA. li'70-tf.