Sfftt (ifotumbian Bloomsburg, Friday, Jnu. 20, 1071. H.M. ri7TTKNntI.il APO.,17 l'nrlc How, mid (ln. 1. llnwt-i.i. ACn., 10 I'ork How. nronuronty nulhnrlrod Advertising Agent In New York, .1. W'misTim, No. eo North tlh Hlrcet, Con, Wktmkhii.i. a Co., No. an Chestnut Klrfot.nre our only nuUiotlicil Aitenls In 1'hlladelpliln. If Rallrond Titno Tnblo. LACKAWANNA A 1II.OOJMIUHKI It. It. Onlng Nnrl It, llnlni Honlli, Mil? A.M. ll:i(7 A. M. KM r. M. .-;w r. -M, I ATAWIHSA It. 11, rttOM llt't'EllTHTATIIIN, lining North. (ItilngHotiih. IsU 1". M. IDIIW A. M. (!i:n. llt.Ain N elected U.S. Senator from Missouri, llo Is n "Democrat and it Liberal" nnt! will lio n troublesome niioelitto for tho Haillcnh. I'liuvious to ISliO the entire expense:) of tho Ooverninoiit were from $30,000,. 000 to $00,000,000 annually. Jn 1670 they amount to $ l.o,000,000. 1 T. Knr.r.iNdituvsiiN, Itepubllc.iii, ntid previously u Senator, tins been elected to tlio U. S. Scnatu from New Jer.ey. Ho h a mnn of ability and pood reputation. The Democrats of tho Jlis-iaurl Ljr islnturo Imvo nominated (Jen. Eiianic 1'. Hr.Aiit, lato Democratic c.tndldato for VIen President, for U. S. Senator. Ifo mado a speech announcing himself "a Democrat wid a Liberal." What sort of a hybrid that is, tlmo alone can demonstrate. i:n. 1.0(1 an has been elected U. S. Senator from Illinois. Tho (leneral Is a Jladlcal of a peculiar tort much of his ouHImo democracy still showing itM'lf occasionally. Ills election Is dis tasteful to tlio President as well as to tho New England ring. Communications, without tho naino of tho author, receivo no attention at this ofllcc. Correspondents may as well, therefore, save tho trouble of writing them. Tin: Young Men's Christian Associa tion will hold u Festival at their rooms, in Ilioomsburg, on Friday evening, January 27, 1871. Oysters, Ico Cream, Ac., will bo served. All friends of the cause nro invited to attend. Lauoi: Hons. On tho -llli Inst. Mr. K. C. .Tonus killed four Hogs for Mr. Vahtini: TIooni:, of this place, which In tho aggregate weighed ",100 pounds tho largest weighing not less than f.)0 pounds! They were only ono year old. A Casualty! Some nnimnl (proba bly a mink) killed a very Hue llrahmah Cock, on Monday night, belonging to Mr. I. K. Mit.i,i:i:, of this place, which weighed 91 pounds. The bird was only S months old. Fowl faneleis will con dolo ! Far.K Lucrum:. J. V. I'uunv, Esq. from Sunbury, will deliver u freu T.cc- turo at tho I Tall of tho l!lnnnbiirg Nor mill Institute on Friday evening next. Subject "Tho "World in II irnes-i.'' Tlio publlenro urged to attend, with a view to tho encouragement of it series of lec tures. A Ti.Ni: Mulu belonging to JosEl'U Vi:aveu was killed on Friday last, in a team of four. Ilnppous tho driver went back a fow steps to lock tho wag on, when tho leaders turned suddenly, snapping oif tho tongue, a portion of which struck the saddlo initio in the side, penetrating Into tho biweU and tearing them very much. Ofcouiohe dieil immediately. Tin: Duunk Aitn'rt Fuii:ni, A mix ture mado up as follows, and taken in quantities equal to an ordinary dram and us often us tho de.-Iro for strong drink returns, will euro tlio worst ca-o of drunkenness : Sulpliato of Iron live grains; peppermint water, 11 drachm-; spirits of nutmeg, 1 drachm. Tho prep aration nets its a tonic and .stimulant, and feo partially supplies tlio placo of tho accustomed liquor, and prevents tho physical and moral prostration con sequent upon u sudden breaking oil' from tlio uso of stimulating thinks. So tho papers say. )it. Hooi'i.anii's Medicines, adver tised In tho Columbian, aro not of tho ordinary class of patent nostrums, hut have tho reputation of being tho very best tonic oHered to tlio public and aro recommended by men of tho high est character. As an antidoto to bilious attacks, to correct tho stomach In any case of ordinary disturbance, and as an appetizer and strengtliener, these tonics have no superior. To persons pursuing sedentary occupations, or thoso living in aguu localities or having had that annoying disease, they aro invaluable as wo can testify from experience. Wi: learn that at a meeting of tho llUNTI.MHO.N UUCKTAll. ASSOCIATION, held at New Columbus liorough, Cap taluMvuoN Fin.i.ows, Lieut. L. M Crovellng, K. A. lSucknlow.T. D.Sew ard, A. I!, llogart, S. 1. Crnopo and lieo. , border wero appointed a Com mltteo to solicito subscription for a Monument to bo erected In Huntington Valley In memory of tho Soldiers Irom tliu Township's or Huntington, Fair mount, Ilnss, and Union, and tho lior ough of Shlckshlniiy, who fell In tho lato Ilebelllou. Tho ofllccrs of tho association for tho ensuing year aro Captain Mvuo.v Fu, lows 1'resident and Trasuror, Catit. .I.vs rosr and Lieut. S. 1. Sii.u.v, Vice J'resldents, ami K. A. Huckai.kw Hu eordlngSecretary. Tho next annual Meeting of tho As soclatlou will bo at Shlckshinny 011 Tiicsiiay tliu sai 01 August, 1871, Tin: Muthodiht Hrif-corAi.Cituuou Tho olllelal returns mado by tliu sev eial annual conferences of tlio Metho , dlst llplscopal Church In tho United States Held during 1870, furiiKli tho fol lowing Interostliig statistics : IJIsIioih S; annual eonrurences, T; travelling preacners, uiuj; local preachers, 11,101 toiai preacners 01 ail iirndes. 21. SH members lu full connection. 1.173.00!) members 011 probation, 101,035; total lay members, l,.i07,i.ii; imiuor 0f churches, l!l,07ii; numiier 01 Ur(j0n,. ges, 117'J; vuluo of chinch edifices, Vj2 01 1,001 ; vuluo of parsonages, t.7,-0JU' number of Sunday Schools, IO.oij Sunday school teachers, 180,112; Sun day school scholars, l,22l,iWS; benuvo lent collections, $007,802. Theso figures do not Includo tlio statistics of tho for eign missions In China, Bulgaria nud South America, tho official returns from which havo not yet been received. THE folnmlilit County ('(iinninii Hrlinnls. Wo L'.ttlicr Iho followlm: In rctrrtnl to tlio working or tho Common Hclirwh of Hih county, from ttiu report of Hit- Hlitto Superintendent, recently inndo to tliu Governor, to wit s Wlioln number of Hr-liot.l ttr.i.r. ra m is i r, Tl 2 r.i si XI I'l (II III! 1711 vs 11 Number or I'rnmo lirlrlc " " Htono o " built during ymr unlit for iwi with siiinclcnt grounds suitably improved grounds Well Vl-ntl lnli',1 with Miltniile in riilfnro " liikitiliclrnt IllTllltttlO 11011110111 " "apparatus wilhoul nppnrnlus having tiuilinoinnps ofHchuuls 1 .. II "i .KfiMltil Well rlnssllicil 111 U lllt-ll ll.tul.a nrn ....If..... . 1111 teachers wllh provisional cullncntcsi;.! , " prnffstonal " In applicants rcji-clnl r, ii.ii.uo grimes in ccttiucntcs vi Malu teachers Ml l-cmale teachers Ml lslisby CountyNupcrlnlciulcnt 11 pIlMllunohooU m .tend unies and Hcinlinrli'S I I'upils ntltndlng holh clnsstsof schools psj Itcccltcd fiom pupils by prltnto Vntiie of School properly In Columbia cii.tniiM NOIIMAI. KCIlOor. AT lIl.OOUNilimil. Number Mali' Malleoli 1M1) 210 i-eiiiiuu FiuueniH l0 1,1 MuluijiuilfiiiH In Norinnl branch K-u ' 1 um.'llo .. I! JJlu , " Model " f,7 I emiilo " 0 .i .''"''HKrn.linleillucIeliiriilnryeourso I l-eniillei " " "1 " ''iiloBrmlualelwIiolnleiKlloleneh I " 1 em.ilci " For somo stupid reason or other, tho number of pupils attending tlio Com mon Schools is not given in tho Stato report, l.Ot'.U, NOTICIIS. Foil table linens, Napkins, and tow els go to M. I'. Lut.'s, M. I'. Lut. Is eloslugout tho balance of his Stock of Winter Shawls and Furs at Iln-l cost. I lAVl.vn employed a now Carrier, any of our Ilioomsburg subscribers who do not receivo their p.ipars, will please notify us. nlMIt SntAVKD or. Stoi.k.v. A smoke col ored fox hound, Any perron returning the snnio to mo or give information that will lead to his recovery shall he suitably rewarded. V. II. HNYHIlIt, t.S-H Catawlssa, 1M. Taki: NoTlt'i:. All recorded deeds anil Mortgages remaining unpaid in my nanus alter l euruary itstn, i&ii, will be sued, without respect of per sons. iIoiin u. im:i:.i:, n- "t IaUc llaonlcr. II. C. IIahmaN. will rent lilsTaneiy. Dwellinrr Iloiiie. and about llvo acres of land at Orangevillp, separately if tleslred. This is a good location and any person wisuiug to sian nip-lncn win uuti no lienor opportunity. Apply 10 11. u. iiAiiMON, jiioonisuurg, or I. M. Haiimon, Orangeville, l'a. nil-at llttmri-.- II. r.r.n 1.-v....ll....u 1 i.mi ni.n in. iiiu 1. ae, .1.1 11 'iii'ii, lilotches. Scrofulous diseases, and all sores arising from impure blood, are curcii ny ur. i-ierco s ah. iixi. oriioui- en jMeillcal l)l-covery. 1'or lironclillls, liaryngitls and all rovero and llngorin coughs nothing equals it. It cleanses, purifies and strengthens tho system. As an Anti-llillous or liver medicine and for habitual constipation of tho bowels it works womierlul euies. noui ny druggists. Tin: Stock of tlio Columbia county Mutual Saving Fund and Loan Associa tion is being rapidly subscribed for, about 000 shares being already taken Tliu first meeting to receivo payments and lo.ui money will bo held at thooiuco of C.'W.Mll.l.l.r,, Ksq. 011 Thursday cv ening, January 2ilth, IS71. Payment may bo mado nt any time between tliu hours of 2 and 8 o'clock, m. n2 2t VnNi)i:r.rm,. Tho success of tho "Continental Lifo Insurance Company of Now ork," Is somctlilng marvel ous. Itcglnning business In 1800, they havo already issued :S2,!00 policies, the annual premiums of which amount to nearly ix millions of dollars. In the mnnt'li of Dtceniber last they issued 1,:!08 policies, tlio annual premiums 01 which aro $120,2!l,'i.O.'). In tho lait year they Issued 12,02,"i policies, being the larfcH business itoitc l;i nji.v Conijuaii in the Cuitcd Mutes. O. 11. liitot'KWAY Is nircnt for this and Sullivan counties, and' is actively engaged in working up 1110 nusincss. 11. , MARKET REPORTS. Itlonmshtirf: lntkel. Wheat per bllhel ?l."i Itva " I "I Onn old in " new " wi o.its. " li Flour ner bariel M m) i:iuverM'ed " w 1'luxieetl l m llutler ID i:irs ii Tn ow 10 rotaloei !- lilted Apples 10 llUIIll l'-Pl Sldel mid .Shouldem H 17 i.nrn per pound is Iluy per tuu HI "0 inn.-. No. 1 Keotcli piu fiaati No. 2 J.D9M1 Ulonm ti 1.U.M11KII. Heinloclc lloardl perlhousand leet SKI m Pino " " " (onolnih) Imi-Ji .tnlkt.HFnnllliui. 1'l.mU. (llelillncln 15 W ytilnylei., No. I per thousand K,n 2 " " 7 "I Sldillli " " ft I U MARRIAGES. linovr.U-('AHi:-nn tho llth lust., hv Hov, jsatiuuiU'i hptar, .ai r. iiuani iuiumi.ui.ui Saiali A. Case, both of lleutun, l'a, COONS. ACIirNHACH-Ou tho 17h liM., at tho m i no pinic.nnd iy luo (.nine, mv, Jian 1, roouK.of Whllo o.ik, liiKhani county, Mich, to M ih. i:ila A, Achiiibat'h, ol hiiitiltat. Spread tho Truth. Some modlcul mtm Insist that It H umlUullhi 1 loadverlUon leiueily, h iover Miluablo It may he, Queer reason In;; this. It U llku saying that an artlelo whlcU thuuoild nfctnN should bo hid lu a corner thut benelUs ami blesslntjH may bu toowUlelydlilitsod Ihat thomeaiiHof iirotujtlim and test oi (u y health bhould bo ucloso monopoly. nud not aecekfdhlo tn nil, Tho argument N had It It v.-orno than lhati It H inhum'tn, SuppoHJ Hostetler'H Stomach Hitters an abHulutOHpeclllo for dyspepfcl.v hlllousne and nervous debility had never been known beyond tho rftwrtolrc of tho faculty, uhit would hnvo been tho conso iUpnce? Instead of curliitf and lnvlt;ornttu milllniw, Iho Kood ( HVcti of the prcpir.ilhm would havobci'ii con lined to n coiupaiatho fuw. ThtioU tho highest authoilty fr snhu that II Kill hliould not bu hid under a bnhcl; thut whatever U excellent Khouhl bo placed iw u clly on a hill, win re nil men can talio coKhl'ineo of It, It Is upon tliltf prltulplo that lh llltteu havohefii advertised audeontinuo 10 uomnur tlseil In tvery newhpnper of any piomlnem-o in tho weblern hemlvi'heie, and thai tho (.poninno ou lestliuonlalH lu Its favor havo been UuiiMa- ted Into all written lunyuuijeH, Thous imN enjoy perfeithcult to-day who would bo latniuWihiijou beds of sleltnesslf tho uewpapeitf had lol spint'l the truth u itfiHuurdtothlsuiit'tjuaU tl imlyumntumt convvttve f.ir and wide, Hupposo piotlt km been reaped from this publicity, Is that any nrtiiimeut nnalnst It? Klho public beullli 1ms bcui put tected; If IUcm havo been saved; If tho fUhlo havo been Kirciigincucd and tho fclck restored. gnat tooU hut been (iccompZiicif; and who so mean tagriutgu touxertlons tlnu dliected their .ilrroward? AT K Y 6 (TaT Y A It n. Xl Tim underslKiied respectfully inform Iho citUens ot Itloouihbuiu nud Columblu county, that thoy Ueep all thu dlllereutuumlmrs olstovti coal and helecled lump coal lor smithing purpo- mt. nn their wharf, tidlolnlliiz M'Kelvv. Niuil . .11 H r UniUl'C; Willi it U''i 'uu ui nuimni Maut'D A tho wlmtf, to vi lull coal, liny, and fctruw itmwUe n luuso nnd witson, to deliver con) to iVmouWho deslro It. As they purchnse n UrKe iii lo tufooal,lhey Intend tokcep u sujierlor ar Mi ;.,7a.soHalth very lowest prices, l'lenso in-t :tlsoCbtlUU lor J OUrsei es ueiuiu I'im u 31 AUUUHTIM AIAHON, I.,n.t7rir 6mr.. V l TH t'OLOMIUAW Die II COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, CHEIUFF'S SALT-IS, 1 IVVlrtlinorHlin,1r.n.rlti.rtfn.. ... (., ... . . '.lMuelnutofllleCourlottllmnll'nl'iea1ot'o.' S?M0?!wl'IayI'CblC,l,'W Oniipieen lieKlnnlnKnt ftnlono corner of Inml ,Hl.''i,,ry,",",", VI""1 .Hiimmernill. tlilneo 1 clKhly tiinr nuiluimlriieitreei.mit clBlii- Cm, or ffi E, TV? ' . by Iho eolinty lino iiforcunM, iiouth tlireo ileiri-eS et ono i hmulreil nn.l alxty'-ilva perchei t.i llib corner of mini of lienmnl Heyi,crr helr. llicnco woilforiy-lourpereheHloiuumltiinp ncoVnerof "l','r'11':r''''"''fClmrloiKalhriH thei ei "writ tweiuytliilit nml n linir ilennei west ono huii" unil una to ptrohii to Iho comer of until lnn.1 !,' .'i'?.",'."' "lt',"'u 'ne,iwrlh illly '"I i Imlf ili Kri-oH i-ast twcnly-noven nn.l una ipuV.; ill Kree, tiiKt fi.rly iilno perchei lo tho pliico of hf V;;","t:.;V,"!l"l" venly.tiT ncre, i l l" or- ie ilMin perchei., bo Iho i..nno moro Tho ollic r plcco or pnrcel of InnJ mljoluli, j tho nbovo iiiwriiH-a InnJ, hi utnnluu at blue t i, ik wiplluif, llitneo west miy-tui mul-lx tenlhi peu-lie-. to u whllo o.ik,theneo north twoileureei i-init twenty-tun nml two lenlhi perchei In n one, thineo nortli ntty-throo ilenreci. went tlllh Ucuiimlliviitenthi perchei inn iiiHic.iboncii liiillh inenly-ononmuliulr ilcgreeieint thirty jeeu iiu.l iluht tenth perchei In n li,ne, theliii tnitKloue, theucu norlh lllty nml n hair deiiriii eiiitlteellnu.l Inii-teiitlH percticitn n mime, tlieucu niiiili twinly-eluht im.t it hnlf ileurdi wen I ono huu.lriil mid tw o perchei to tho pliico of beKlnnliig, coiitiiliiliij tHeiity.ono ncrei linn o or It Hi, loitoiiier wltii uifuiuiiiiiiKuliir tho buiiiiiiim Miijh, Millcn, ttnter couriei,imhti,llbeUU'i,uiiil ..v.,Hv.-,, ..i-iiiiii.-ii.t r-i-i; upon wnicu li Lrec toil a trillllu livvell nil boll.... Imnlc li-.r .. 1,... Krlt mill fctcnm nml water power combined anil o liirao illitlllery with nppurtelialiccn, ex tilillila portlim thereol to will eoiiiuienetnijntuiitnkoiitlhOKoulhW'eHt corncrof IninUor ltelllitM .Miller, llienco ni.l, ilium, i,u tlio Hiimo liiuhiirlh-eniterlyillrcclloii tnreo bluiilred leei, uieueu in u iioriu-wcMtcliyujrcctloil uliiely Unu feet, llienco In n mmlb.u-nMii.rii' .Hp.......... one hiinilreil lect tn tho plaeuof bcnliiiiliiir, co.i- bi n .Miller, prior ot tlio iuortKiii;b to fn'r thui two llilrdi ol on ncro li a part or tho uiortenui-il plunliei. 'Iho benlnnllii; point or tho Miild two ihlruiornn acio is two liuuilii-d nml llfty feet lrnm tho lino of Uiton nud Alduinii ami rum pnriilltl with tho croiilmj tlio road (about tea leel; that leadi from ruuudryvllio In .Mlller'a mill, mid follou-i wild ru.ul ten feet from It tho Ihrto htliiitrt-d feet lino J upmi w hleh Ih creeled a liiimo diM-lllns liutise. bnnlt burn, a hiruo nrlst null leiini and water power combined nud a luiuo illstl cry wit h iit.tnirt.-iici.inu. reiM-ii, iiiKcn in csceuiioa and lo bonoldnilho 1.u..j ... ..euui.-u.ij.iiei, ALSO : At tliu sumo llmo and plnec, ono tdeeo lieuin. nlh ul a Monu corner ol iniol or ir..,... i,,r. .. upuu Mummer lllll, ihenco norm elhly four mid a hair detireei oust, ehjhty porches to a black cut Hupplh.n in ho county u'ai of SraKi a Lllinim counllei. tticnco by ti, county II no a iieMilil. noiilli l inn i iirr..nw w... ...... ,:r... ,V . Vi".M,"J,,y'.1,ViU rc,lic',t,lm corner of innd of w""viib, ini-iicu wt'si, loriy lour putuiieH to nn w.ilt Mippi tn curner of himl hero. iihijiuui umirius u i i iim. ip,i.i .hh L-Ulit iiuaulmlt UiKacM, srst,mo liu.uiri'il null two i nin he-s to tho vomer nr vni,i in . '.: llrllillLl. till! lK't) liv ttm Num., ,ir... ... h ur ili'tifL-ci uast, ivunly ecn niiJ m tc nih l.trclus t 11 bUclt 0.1U huiilitiu.t llciiw hv iho Aiinu Lind of Hi iitv isntiih .T. f. T.. .Ul t-iist l.my nluo iwrclicH to thu phu-uof bemu, liiir' 1 ha other lilucu or mrccl (r inml ailjoln1ti tho iihove di'Hf ribfd lima, bi'KnnluB nt n bhu-k tmk milHing, theuco wt Utty-tw,, ttnl tlx : ttntiS in relies ton whltoonk, thenco nr)rthtwinU'xn c9 iml tcutytvo nuJ two tentlis in-iclui ton cloiiP, tlu'uco north lllty.thrio tltrt-ts vest iiKUU'cn nnn iwn leuUin pt-rchct to u Hlouo, t In-lu-u nortli forty-ono tlcuri'cs. west Hevetiteeti I cri'lu'N ton stone, tlienc-c north lllty niul ti hatf Ui-Krees i-nst Ktxteeuuiul two tcntliHiieichCKton muuu nif nv nuriii iweiuyeiKiu unu n liiiu tie Kri'c wist nno liumlrcil unit two ittrcheH to tlio plucuoE iH'Klnnlnt;, containing twenty-ono ncien mom or less, together with nil uml HliiKulur, tho liulhllns, nujM, wiiterw, water eourfceH, rUht, lluertle, ii 1U ues, lmproveinont, In'tfillta inentH anil nmnuieinilU'es! tiiuin uhlih In cieo- tctl u fiatno tlwiltlhtf Iioiinu, lianlc barn, u lan-o Kri"i nun uniin unu .ner power i fimunieu una n Innro illstlllerv with nnhiirieimiifi'x. Htl.eil, taktn In pxeciithm nml to bosoM as ino proper ly 01 itenuen .Miller, ALSO : At tho sumo tlmo nml nhieiv nil thnt. rrrlnlti tract of laml, sitnatu In iho township of beau, i 1'itijuin.i i-iMimj , i tt., ifuuuiieti uii me 11UTUI ll' lot Ol II. 41. CreM llinr. mi I hn enMlivlut nfni mail ruu(on the nt li by an alley, on tho west byu public road leiulliuf to lilht StU'et ; mi.M lot belllir llbOUl eluhlV feet ll'otlt bv oiiHhunilrr-fl Jecttleep,ou u liieli N eniletl a onoamlahntf hiory rrninu nweiuni! iiousc, i ramu htuhle with tho iinmirteuiinceH. Stieil, taken lu K.x rutlon, and to bosoM n4 tho property of lUwaril L'. Uueii, and I,cwii C, ureeu, ALSO: At tho s.uiio time nml pl.ife. a i-eitnlu trnct of lilltUl MIUHIO HI .Mllllisnil llMlip, HI Will iMHiiuled on Iho north by lands or Wtlllnu Mhultand SlhiH W'elllver.ou tlmcnst by laml ot ll.iulel Welllver. on thu Kouth am) wnst hv lauds or Ann Welllver.on wiiich is erected a I'rnmo HwellliiK IIouo and ll.mi, with thonp- OUIlenanefH. Also nlioutllllv netrH ot 1 linber l.antl, b iiuided on tho imith by lands of Iwnu .Mcjirlde, on tho east by la nun of Mumuel John son, ou thoMmlh by lands of Alexander Cair. on the West bv lands of Itnnlel mtth. M led, titltt n In i xn-utmu, and to bo mid ns tho pioptily ot Neiuniluh 1J, Wtlllver tu 1 Ann i tun er, ALSO: At tho Mime time ami placo ftfcrtnln tract o land. Kituatu lu tbetownliluor Jloiitotir.bmimr i d nud ilekcrlbt'dtis lollous.to wit: on tho north by hind of Jacob Lelby, on tho east by lauds of biiinuci prumni, mi inn huuiu ny lanus m Jiur lev A I'lielt. on tlio wot bv lands of Sntmiel Hlnnns, in Columbia cnunly, l'a., containing about ninety acres, moro or less, mi which Is fifcieu a two Moiy i rauio ifwiuni jionsuj 1'r.uno liarn, with tho appurtenances. Suled. taken hi execution, and to bo bold ns thu property or roter m, Karsnuer. Jann7i)-3t. MierUi; Sewing Machines. T MIK DOMKSTIC S H V I X (I M A U II I N j; rou sai.i: nr M. V. 1UT, III.OOMHIIUUO, r., ui.itwjci;, iA. 'JhU Hew lug Madiluo nin slitter nud o.iU i lhan'nny filhcr, It Ima letter patts.lt has nmtl Mtd shuttlo that will nriT wiir out, It tin Itlnko'H I'.ilctit luhlo wlthh Iom onIiowi Its tiso An nts wan led In unoccupied Tt riih-ry lu I't tn it- li.i.Li(rstw Jiitcy, Mutland,Deaw,uc Yliglnl i, Wtfct Virginia nnd DMilctof Coluim hla. IUjAKK it CO., HM1ANTON, PA, M-plfi'TO-Jy LEGAL NOTICES. cnnuHiWA in Divonoi:. Ill tho (inrl. of (Innimnn Mn.. ,.r I...I I.I.. county No. il, ccpteinber Term, 157". HAMUKIiUroiTKIl 1 , VH. y ... in i.-ivorcc. MAUOAlllir ltlTTUn. f ''e'o'infrmnff. To .Mnrunrel l'otler, tho nbovo Itennondenti lull iiroheiehyiiollllodtoboiinilniiiicnr nt Iho iiexl'ieriunr fhlie'oiirt.tn be held In llloonii. ,h0. Ilr,t Mondny of rvhrunrr. A. I). IS I, Ihetinnd Iheroliiiiuiwer Iho compllnnt or Iho nbuo iinncd Ubeltnnl, nml show cnuic, If any you have, why ihli petlilon of divorce o ,w ..,,, miuiiiii not ii, uruiiieii. AAltUN M.MITir, Kherlir, Jnn.1, ISTl-iW. A DMINISTIIATOH'S NOTICK -r .. ,',TATK ' JAI'OIl HIIEI.IIAMI.il, nt.c'ii. I.rl t.-rM of nitiiilnlBt rut lon.dii tlio r-.talo or Jnc ob Hlicllinincrlalooflleavcr tnwmhlp, Columbia cotllity. decerned, havo been (jrantcil by theltcK- l-ter nl Biilil eounlv.l,. 'I lit. w.i. Itiun.,i 7.r llc-ivcr. All pcminilinvlni; elnlmi imin.t tho i-Mnlo of nnlil decedent aro rcqucfitrd tnprtKeut them furiittllement.nnd thoso liultbtcd In mako nj-incui. in iiiu uniierffisiieil, w-linoilt delny, . ... - TIL.MUN lllriKNIIOUMi:, ilecO 70-Ctv. Ailmlnlitrntor. lOLUMIirA COUNTY, 8.H. k,vA'v.(,,v,k'Vv!lAN coi;kt oi' or culum. iiunn mailer or tno i-eiition ror r.irltlon and lillinllmi of tlm rn.,1 minin i.r 1-Hi li...... I.ilo or ,Mn. limn lowmlilp, In said county, ilco d, MllIL'i: is hereby Klvell til nil Iho hem and repieieulavei or mild itcecnsed, thai In piirmi- unco ot a writ or I'nrtltiim mi, I .',.l,i.ill,,t, I,. . iltleeled. I will kh upou tlio pic-uiliei of mild dcccnitd, ntu-ito In .Mni'linn lowmhln. lu tlio county of evilumhlu, will, n Jury by 1110 lubo Mlinuiiined.on Snturil.ly.lhBSsiliiliiyor.liiiiimry A. li. Is, l, for thopurpiiio or tiinkluit rurlltluu or iiliiatlon of mud renl eMato acconlluv to tho comiiiiindiuf thu mid writ, w-IkiiihiiiI w hero all p.iritei lutcrmted may nltcnd If they UmiU l"."per. AAllO.V .SMITH, iiioomiuurt', nee. si, iiro-lf. Niieriir. s uiu'ckka jn mvoitoi:. Ill tllO ('Olirt Of rmnillrtll I'lurtu ,f Ci. Imrtlil i euiiiny. ro. n Mtiy ji rill, JS.u, HOl AltlOUH H.MlrilKUS, ) AMANiiAiSiteriiKim. tHtaMuUlvor Not Ire lt hfl-fliV trl li-n ttinf i1rinulllnnu ifltM.n taken In thoohoo catc, nt the olllco of tho uti u ijiicmn, in iierwicK, on 'inursday, Jauuary M, 1571, m lu o'clock, A M. iceW ,0-5t, L'oiuinls-slouer, A UDITOU'S XOTICli XV. Iii tho matter or t ho Account of V, U. Ikc ler, Asslirnpnof II. It. U'lilkeri Iho uiiderslKiied. nppoluied AuMltor by tho I otirt or Common Pleas or Columbia county, at Iho December Term thereof, A. 1. 170, to lualco UlslrlbUtlon of Ihu lUlid 111 llui IminU nf tliu unl.l aslntao uiiuiiii tho peihons enlllUd to tho snniu iH'Cordlng to law, wlllproceid to makohuch dl--trtbutlon on Monday, tho Wd d ly or January, A. I). IH7J, nl ID o'clock, n. in., at the olllco ol tho enlU imlnneo, In Ilioomsburg;, when nml where, nil persons having ilnlms uhiu said tuiul will present tho name or bo foice,r ileb.iried fium eoinmK iu nnsjut num. V. wiitr. uecii io-ut Auaitor. IXKCUTOUS NOTI013. Letters tPHtnnn.,inrilll llui imtnlnnr ,n. (bible. Into of linarlnccieelc township, Columblu """j "'hm u, nno I't-eu Kiniueu uy ine lieif Hterol said county, to Lucas FahrltiKer, of Lo- Oablo.ot theHoroimh ofMlnirshe.chuylI:ill county, Tn. All pcisoiri lmlnsclalms nalnst thucHtato aro ri'fiucsted to present them tMho l.xccutorlu Columbln county. Thoso Indebted to the oHtnio either on note, Judgment, mortjfaso Or book IlCCnilllt Ulll lmil.-n imv t, ll. tit In lli.il'v. ecutors ullhoutdtl.iy. lliCvn 1 YV11K1NU1,U, , CilAHLlCi UA11MI, dccilV70-ew. Kxtcutors. A UDITOUVS XOTIOK. XV lrATU oi.' I'AI.I li nl.lVKii m-r'n. 'lllO UUderisll'Ufil. HlHHillllcl l,V Dm nnilmiiu1 Court of Columbia county, Auditor to dlsirlhutn nimii in mi- nnmiH oi jouuson 11, llteler.nd mlnlMrnlorof Caleb Oliver, latoot (deeiiuoiHl t()U llhlllli. t'nllllllhl.irolilitv. ilii-iiivi-,l will imml tho parties Intciejstcd Tor the purpose of liNnp point ment at tho olllco of Col, s. Knorr, In Jlloomsbury.on Maluiday. tho l!lst day of Jnnu ary,U7l, at lu o'clock, A. M. All persons having clalniH on snid chtnto nio unulred to attend or bo romver Ubiimd fiom coining In for n part of dccir70-tw Auditor. A DMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. KSI'AIUOI-' I'ETEU lllTfNEIl. lEnn. Lettersorndmlnihlratlononthoestatoof Peter j.mner, una oi incuse iwp., uoiumnia county, dee'd, havo been crnntcd by tho Register or said county to Ueore lllttnernnd John A. llittner.or jocusi lowuxmp, ah rrsonK bavins claims njiiiiuM, iiiu cmuiu tn ino ueccucub aro rcqnosieu n intniui iitvjii ivi oeiiiiiiciii, mm inobo ill1 debted to the tsinlo to mako payment to tho mi uer(it.u, uumiiuhiriuors, wnnout ueinv. oKonuii uriTNint, JOHN A. lUriNKH, dec9'70-Ct . A d mlu 1st 1 a tors, TNCOUPOUATIO.N. .otico lsherthy trhen, thnton thclMdayor otlnbtr, lt7U, Mindry Inhabitants or Columbia county prcMnted a petition to an adjourned Couitol Common I'has of Kald county, pia lug m.ioMi'i Liiiui, louiiiiitii iiuuivr in iiicorpura tlnn, under tho mime, stylo and title, of "Til K with the lights nud privileges therein Mated, ami If no suillclent cnusu tsshouu lotho ton- nary on the Hist dny m nest term, tho piaerot tho petitioners uill buKranted, according lo Iho it oiAssemoiyiu kuch cns' nmdo ami pio "',,, . ii. ii. i, decio .0 tf. rrothonotary A UDITOIl'S NOTICK. SiiMfil U tionUv oil. I tl.nt tl,.. iiii,Lwl,.i,l nppouiic'i un Aiiiiiior io asci nam ine imieiitcd 1U-.SS or M. (7. Hloan.C. 1'. .Slo.in. S.ir.ili Slunii nud Maltha ltlshton, ut tho wldow'n land; and to mnko distribution of tho lund In tho hands ot n, i . iiaumau, ,umiuisiiiuor or a, J. Moan, deConM'd. who ras tho nrtlliu r.eriilor nf Ull. Hum hloan, dee'd, UI1 attend ut hW olllco In llrowir'M liulldlnif, Jilooiusburg, on Thursdny, I'tbru.iry id, A, li.lhl.tm tho ptiloinunto ot thodulltK of hlsnppohiHucot j when and whuro all persons having claimN ui oil thu aloreMild rund, aio reiUhed lopri,tntihem,or bo Torevtr dt barred from coming In upon said tun 1. joux o. i-'iiLui:, dcc."0 70Cw. Auditor, ltc-publl.'nu please copy,) POLUJIHIA COUNTY, S. S. J IN THU OIIIUIAXH' COL ItT OF COLUM 11IA COUNTY. In tho mntterof the pciltlou for Partition nnd Valuation ol Iho teal istato of Ueorgo Uupp, late ol Locust tow nshlp, lu said county, ut o'd. NOIILL lshciebygtn loalltho heirs and uprestnlaties oft-altl deeeustil. that In pur su.uuuoi a wiltot rartltloii and Valuation tn rue dim ltd, 1 will go upon the premises of said dictntul, Mtualo lu Lotus! township, In tho tounty of Columblu, with aJury by mo to bo (uminoiudon'lhuisday, the 1Mb day or January A, D. 1S71, lor tho pmposoof makliu I'arlttiou or Valuation ol mid ie.il (stuto aecoidlu-t to tho oin inn mis or UicHild Kilt, when nml wtuio all partus luterisltd may attend If tl.tv think piopr. AAllON' SMl'l II. iiioomsuuig, ucc. ki, j.u-i i, hlitriu. A UDITOIl'S NOTICK. xV. isrAiF or isiAr oi.ivpit, nnr'n. in the orphans' court or Urn eouniy of Colum blu. Tho Auditor appointed bv Iho Court, to illstilhntu luudi lu tho hands ot Maihlas Kindt, udmiuMtutnr ol Isaac ollvir, lato of Ureen wood ImMiitlilp, Columbia county tU-teiiM d. Ulll Jill, b 1111 J i. I SOUS 111 It I Vht OU, KM' IIIU purpose of his appointment nl tho oillce or (.'ol, h, Knoir in illooiushing, ou .Saturday, the-Ut day of Jimuniy, A. D. 171, at lOo'tlock u. in, ol tnld dny. All peihonhavlngtlal:nsaalnl tho said estate will be lerjuhetl to pi t sent Hriu at that. tlmo. U, i' 1 I II deeJi ,lMw Audltul. nlIIHA COUNTY, H.S. J In tho (hphans' Court, I'elltlon nf Nleh olus K'lndt, Aiimlulhlrator ol 1'iederlck l(ohr, dt ce.ist d Det ember Itf, Is70, upon piesentatlon nf petlilon, I:. II, Llltlc, l-'sq., iippolnltd uildltor lo nst eiltilu the InUi bit dntss ol tlio ha id t-slate to pttlilouer nml Innpplv n sum suilUUntout ol the leal estate lo tav tho Mime, nnd to mnko distil but Ion or tho balance ot iho money ut Isiiu rioiu snll teal t Ktutc to iho IuIim nnd legal r p iti ntallvch or ri-tdcihk Uohr, deteated. lly the Court. Fiom tho I It cord. II. 1:nt, Civile. NoIIcoId lurit y ul n. t ti.it Ihu umlcrslum d, Auditor ulll nltindtoiho duties of his aboM appol nimcut at his olllco in Mlonuisbaiu, nn Mil u i day. Jmuuiy I'sth, 171, at ti u o't lock a' in., when ami heie all pi uoiia IntcitMe.l aro ie ipiheil In piesut I heir claims or bo debaritil trout coming ln.lui- tibhaio of Mild iimcU, U II. litti.i;, lUcWTO-lt. Auditor. pOLUMlMA COUNTY, H.S. " V7 In Iho ori'haiiH' Com t. In ID: tho nccount oi Dcnjtmiiu I'. llaitimin, ArlmlnUtialor id JaiiUN iJiigiiu, ilect'Uveii liucemiier Mb, 7 on luoibm nl It. I'. Claik, i:si i;. II. Lltllo U ni pointed Audllor to mako tl lut r I but Ion, lly tho Coiiit, 1 loiutbe Uecuid, Y. 11. I:nt, Clcik. Xotlco Is hereby given that tho underslgiud, Auditor, wilt nt (en 1 lo tho dulhsothls abou tippolntment, nt his olllco In lllnnuisburg, on '1 iu s In, v, January .ibd, is"), ut ten o'clock u. in., when and wbero all peisom Interested nio ie iiilnul lo iiesent Hieir clalniK or bo debarred 1 1 out touung In lor n stiaiuol tho usse I. 13. II, LUTLi:, decWTiMI. Auditor. L ICKNSi: NOTICK, a nt Ifii It. htitbv ulM'U tluit the folhiwlnL; netl- lluus lor l.let use' to mU liquor lutu been Ule-tl Iu Iho riuihonoidiy' e thec, nnd will hupieNcutid In thu I'ouii ut 1 tbiuuiy urm, A. I, lb71, to wlti AiuliuwT. Ikcler, iteutou, Hotel, w iiiKiiu jorry, Lcniniim, jwquor niou, IMwiird Cm lev. " Lutiiur Houmu. Huiuphicy i'uiker, HiuvnwotKl 'JUvcin, AiniinduM Ihmuu-it. KKhlnircrceli. William llutler. Montour Tucrn. Y, II, (llllinoiu, hluom Ue-ittautiint, iiDKiiu a, Kitimi r, itreeuw-ooii i,np.tor wiote, I toiuliiU'K (.'iMtirovc, Cunynyham Jttlna IIouku, i honiiu Moniuo. " " HeolKO M. Uikcr, Itcnhurt lUTtr, liHiilel 1', I'll try, William I'll IU 1, JaincK V. (illliuplo, Uoiiiud HieUbi-ude-r, MCUll He 1 Wick Ctntialia I.Inuor Slorei, inciu, urecuwuoii " llcuer " WHLMNG'fO.V H. HNT, l'roihouotary, 'M, U70-U, llluonubuiif, Ite-t $11,111 per Mtnilli. 'Iho bt'Kt KclUuti book ever IiilUl oiui'l, Aeii. o" "-' on w ttuu, IjAIN HOMi: TAhlC AND MKl)r OAT, COJIMON fiKNSi:. have no competition, Therom'vcr wo iv book ...i. iuit.nl lllr,. It. Anv bodvcim hell ll. Hvcrv body wuutM It, Many uceuU mo now uiakliiit liom SHU lotC'jOpir monihhtlllni; HiU wonder, lul book, '.'Ipaso lichcilptlvo I'lrculnr fccut fico on iippllcatlou, We want uool llvo Au''utnj un n who can lully npprecialo tho incuts tu ino weuit, ti.i tin, itn-1 thut 11. lnccikt 11 nnleral want. AiienU who dcMio to du good ns well as inuko iiiuncy, .iuuetfe, xe'n iiiA fn.. 4. 2 llrnmno hlrcet. New orlC. joam REAL ESTATE SALES- o r VAi.UAiiLii ukaii larATi:. Ill blirKlimien nfnn nt-ileenl tl.nllri.l.n.... .n,..l of tuliimi, la county, will bo expoied lo public ."'e. till Iho premlicn.on TlltlliilUV, .1ANUA11Y Mnih, y?i, ami tucontlmio cm l-'rldny It tho pro pi-ny Fiiouiii not an badoldi tho lollowlnii de. hcrlbedlleil lMutu,lnloor.lacobi:ycr,iUceuied, nml uiimliereil by purpart, m per Hlierllfi In. No. .1, A THAtjr OI-' T.ANII IHinleln Ilrnen. wikiiI luwnsliip, Columblt oouiily, niljnlnlnir olhcr lnnil nr lleln 1,1 jncoli Uyer, land ot WtP llnm l nlrninn, i-.ilubcth Knlrman nml other, coiilalnliij It'TY-KOfll ACUIM AN11 NINIIIV-NINll No. fl. Slliintolu Ma-llion tnwmhlp, lioundcd by Hemolt's creek, l''lshluitcrick,nndolherluitila ot tho heln of Jacob l'cr, ciiulalulUK OXU IIUNDUKI) ACHES. IV O. t .minntnlli trtitlimfiu'tia1ilii l...i,iwl..l by lands nl Jacob Mnnnlmr. Unlfn. Ntritiivdm. ery'M helrfi, Jacob Uumott, and other l.mda of jiviira iim uu ij iTj VUUIUIIllllg onk iifNimni) a TinuTY.Tinu;i: auiiiw and roun l-Kuciin-j. All. N. Silnatn hi M nil Ik tin lnwttlihi. lmntntntt by Isnds nr Jacob Hemolt, John lU-udemhott, I'nlllp. Miller, and other laudnut decedent, con- HlXTY.ONi: AClins AM) I'll' l'V-1'0 lilt lMiitcinw. Xo. O. HH lint n In f1rmiiuitl nn.l Tnn.il Pleasant tiilislllnx. btiutnleil h' lumii nt An. drew Miller, Philip Miller, (jeoru Jlt-aglo, and other Intid4 or Jacob i;er' llulrn, contaiutng TWj;.NTY-rnui:i: auuiw ami oni: iiux- duki) and ruTY-rivii I'kuciilh. Xo. ll).-Mlliiftta 111 llrinwnfnl tnwndiln n.l Joining tliu town plot of Kycr's Uroo,audlylif lalumg ' roun Acnus aki om: uumiu;d and tvi:nty.hix iuicui:s. .n, i I. About Sis ActfK nT VhcjiiiL Inwn InU lu tho town plot of tlio Mllngo of l-Atr'a Uroe. X. A Ilrhk Dwelling llouio nud lot of Kioiuiu, in j.yer virtie, occupied by Jacob WtlUNtr, Ac. 1 I. A rintno Hlntn lfntmri unit Inl nf giouuiuu lAcra uruo, occupied lato by Win, Kiatncr, Ao. 15. A I'rnmo Dwelling IIoukc and lot or Brouuu in j'.ycr i urovc, laio occupied by John iMiuuou, utteaseu, Xo. 1 (. A rramo Dwdllna Houho nml lolof Krounu in r.jeru iiruc, otcllpltii uy Juuuh Jviuuey, .No. 17. A I'ramo Dwtllltitf Hausonmllot nf kiuuihi in ryern univ, uccupieu uy J.llnU i ni lor. Xo, Situate In Madison and Mount l'lcns. ant towuHhlps, bounded by lands or A, I', Kis- ier, licnuen usoii aim oiuerw, coniainiuguuout l bMY-l'lVK ACKi:, and known iw "iho 11 till-1 llllt liUl, ,t, 1 ll. A HAW MU.U with n irontl wnttv pouer, vl.; tho uso ui tho oNcrilow troin tho Kriit mill, adjoining tliu town or Lcr titoe, iMiit-tuti nii iiumii tiiiuMiiiiriu in nn UCIO Ol laud, situato buiwetu thu gmtmlll tall i.ito and IIIU UIU IU(IU. ?o. 'iu. Tho undivided one-hall or tho follow ing dtici'lbed T It A 0 T O F h A X D, . hereon aro erected a largo tbrco Htory grist mill, duelling housu and buildings wllh the up' tuu tenuncus, and bounded ns lollown, to witi lluuluulm' ill a Dost ut tho luteiseellou tf CVnlin and Chilli Streets or tho townot Kjer'a Orove, and running thencu along tho lino of Centre street, fcouth fceenty eight nmt ono (tuarter ile AiiiB. i 'tin ii niiieiT iii ut itiiii unu iiuii leet nn post, theucu south twenty seven nud ono half degiees, west ouo huiiditd nud nlno Uet lo a tost inenco norm seveniy uei lo ino lino oi dalu Httuet.thcnco alonu tho litiuot Main street north eleven ami thrtiiuuitu' digiee, inst unu nuuuu'd uiui munii, io i no piaiu oi ueyiU1 uiii , eoiitiiiniut; KlUltTV THOUrtAND, KIOIIT IIL'NDItUD roitiY.yix ami onk-kouhtii htlUAUK l''KKT, nnd satd lot number nlm lyseen lu iho plan ol tho town ol Kyet'a tlrmo w ith ihu water light nml pilvilcges uttiithulto ami behnigliig to tho said mill. AI.O tho undlWdid ouu-liali putt ot tin inni ii uiiiu niiiui LOT O F U H O UNU, sllualo lu Iter's (jioe, Oiecnwood township uloiesald, and bounded aud tlesci Uitd as lolluwn to wit.- lieglunlugatn post at tho luler-ectloii or spruco alley and Muln Street and running theucu south eleven nnd three-tiuarler degiees westoiio hundred uml thirty-six liettotentio oireei, uieiicu oiont; mo unu oi Lt-UIlo Wlieet nolth KOVelitveli:ht and one-ntinrlt r ilt irrmm west oiic-huudreii uml two ittttoMaln street tlieuco ulomi tlio lino of Chilli stu el. unrih i,.v. en nnd thiee-nuatlerdcuret". tast ono hundred nud tlilrljlx ltet to thu beginning, containing THIIlTKLN" THOUSAND, I-'IVIJ HUNDULD AND THlItrY-TWO KtlUAUi: l'LLT, and being Ut number nluety-six, In tho pl.iu ot AI.Oi Thut ptittioii ol thesamotstutesltuale Iniboiowu ol Itlooiiiburg, will be oileted lor saiu on tno prciutsiK.un satl"i:ha janl'Au 5ll), If, I Xo. 1. bounded by lauds oniloomsburg linn un., iiuiiis ui iimiii u, i reec, Jicivt iy, rtKii Co., Dr.JohiiC. Kullcraud utheis, contalului ONK IIUNDKIID AND NINIJ ACltUS, with the farm bulldlngi, Xo. 'J Hounded by lands of Dloomshurg Iron Co., lands ot Johu tJ. I'ritzuamt other lauds of Hens ol Jacob Lyor, containing Si;VI'.NTY.TVO ACltUS AND ON 1 1 HUN- imnii and FUTY-TiiitKi: ii:iiciu.s. Upon w hleh days and times diia ntlendanco nud llilutiuatlou will boglNen, sn.i'HEN ir. Miixr.i:, Admiulstraior. Tlio Court thrif foroorder anddttreoth.it tho said Stephen 11. Miller c.poso tho xald pn mlses to public sale on 'i huttdiiy, the idlh ilay ot Jnu U.iry, A. D. Is7I,at ten o'clock A. M.,aud sill tho sumo lor tho best price that can bo had then for, with power to adjourn liom time to lline, upon tlio lullowlug terms and conditions: 'Jen per cent, ot one-iourth of tlio purchaso money to ho paid at tho stilklug down of tho pioperty ; Iho utic-fourth less tho ten per cent, at I hw combina tion of sale, and tho lemalulug threelouitlis 1m tmoitar iuiieauer,wiiu inieitM nniii coniiima, Hon nisi. V. II. HNT, Clerk. Jllouniibbiltg Dtc.jJ, IvJ-lt. vy u n m c s a u i: V A L U A II L II It 13 A h V .4 T A T K . In uutsunuco of an older of tho Oinhans' Court ol Columblu county, tho umlerslntd Ad tnlnlstratrr, xn, of iho tstato of John Hess, late ot tlm tow tiblp ol I'lshlngcieek, In said county, decenstil. m 111 t pofce to public snlo ou I ho prem ises on SA'i UUDA Y, the Jlst day of Januuiy, A. i'. iij, in iu u ciuck i ii. oi siiiti tiny, ine 101 lowing described leal estate, to wlti Acertaln intsiii igc nud Tit ACT O V Ij AND, situate In I'lshlugei(ek tow mhlp, In said county, bounded hv hunts ol ('nrm1fn I'tiliMii.tn mil John Audlew'K on tho iat. Josltli Hess on tin soutn, isatiian smilli on tbo west and (itorgo i'ealer and others on the noitb, CONTAINING E:jr ACHKrf, moro nr Jem, u hereon aro ciccte I n goud TWO STOHY ntAMII DVFLI,INU HOUrti:, n trnnio barn, htirso stable nnd witgon shcl, nnl otlur ailbulldluai. a good will and spiing of w ulcr near the dwelling house, a uod npplo or t bald nnd other liult on Iho punn-is. About one hundiiil iicuhot Iho nboo tiat t is cltaiul land, Thimh oi Sai.i-. Tin l or tent o imo-lhlid of thop'i'iluoo money tobo paid at tbo striking downot the piope ny. Thu tuu -thlld ot Iho pur elm so money It ss ihu it n in r ci nt, to bu p.ild on tho 1st ol April, A. D. lf71,whin puscsstGii ot thu pumlsts wiULu meii, nnd tho bnl.intcol tho purehaso money to ho paid iih follows; Dur ban ol Iho buhUHoou the 1st Uy of A pi II. A, D. JsTJ with Intel est liom Iho Istol Aplll D7I, ill d Iho nthl hall on tho 1st dn ol A;nll A. D. 1ST! wllh Interest from tho 1st day of April hL paj tible aunuiilly, 'J he hist two j a tm nU to be st lined by bond uml lnoitiuigu on thu premiseji. I'uichascr to pay lormoitgae.deduntl stumps, 1I1UAM 1IIA-, SHUwiiter, Dec. Si), isTU ft. Adiiilntstiator. n It I V A T i: S A Ij K -Q V H H A I. V A U A H U HSTATi:. Tho uudeiblaued olleitiiil mlvale wile n farm hlluntu lu Lot lut towiifchlpl'uhuuhl't couuty, I..-.IV 1 nMi- ' h'v "iii i.mvr 1111 iiiicw vou lalnlny KIXTY-ONK A A IIAI.K A CM IKS, wbeieoii Ik elected u i;)d dwelling houst, i Uunv now bum and uiher r.tttsMiiy outbuild higx, A GOOD AIU'LE OHCIIA1U) t clmlco fruit, nnd a never falllim hi'Hmr n waterattho dnorwlthn Nprliit; hoiibc. About tvvodhlrdK o thu land Is denied and iu good slate ot cultivation. l-'or turlhcr tuloriuatloii apply to John I., Hurst, I.ocuiil township, Col. co,,or W. V, Hurhl iiuiDiuu, Aimiiiuiir co,, l-a, rossCKslou tjlu-u em the llr.t day or April W oct'Jnu-Sin. W. W. 1 1 II It ST, nuuijio HAUV O K ; itHAi V A li U A 1) h UHTATK, Tho umU'iiilnnedolkrrf nt pulllc halo nn iho puniiKCN, on lounay, rcoiuury ij, ivi, at i OU ACHICS OK VALUAllLK liA.N'1), .1.1..1U 11. .iL-iii.iu him ii.iiii, i .iiiiiiinia tiiuuiy, bounded by I11111U ol KlUulic-lli Kllno, Duult-i HI ill It J lu 1 li Akll, Jai-oli 1 U-inlill IK. 1111.I others l-lllci'u Ai-n-M uC uidt'li Ii t-ltuit'd lund. It uUo coulalnsn ifood ouui;iiitliaid, A FKAMIO IIOUHK AND HAUN and n never fallluu MHliu; of water. Hut clam AUu i l-AW AM) LA 'I II UII.U 'Iho bulanco of tho liuctu heavily tlmbored w ith oak, w bile pine, Ac. For IfrmN.condltlonn. .tn nnnk- i hlliued, 'Ihu aclual number o acre will bo do- leinui.cd by nirxey. i-eition, juu u, le7lir WM AI'riKMAN. REAL ESTATE SALES. "" U 11 i T (1 H A Ii K v a u u a h ii i: it i; a l khtat i: In iiurfttinnc nf nn ordor nf tbft OrnhmiN Court of Columbln county, on THUIhSDAY, the I Eiitli tiny of Jnmmrv, A, I), lS71,ut lu o'clock lu ! I no iui eiioou tn nam tiny, Jieury it, rrenn, wii' Ham II. i'rcan nml James I', Krens.ndmlnliitra trutnm or tho culntn or Andrew Frens, lato of Ccutro tow nnhlp, In said county, deceased, will cxiwso to snlo by nubile cnduo on tho premises tho following real estate, Into of snld decedent lowltt Xio l, A certain mcssungo nud T It A 0 T O V h A N I) . ullualo pirtlyln Centre nnd partly In Ilrlnrcrcck townships, iVlumbln county, Imundctl by land of Jcsro 11, Freai nnd Morris ltItteuhoun on tho norm, ny muds ot .jpmu iioiiium.jotin w, lion man nml Mordecnl lllcks on tho wet, hy tnnds or luaao crtdcr.nnd D. A, Huwmnnon Ihenonth, and bv landit or Solomon llusckncrhtnnd Jonn than Hclc on tho cnt, coutalnlug ICS ACItKS AND 122 PKUCIIKS, moro nr less, wllh tho nnpurtennitcen, About 1 1 1 no Ten of this bind U rifiired. in n. irnntt ntntn or cultivation) nml well tenced, It in Uio Home Ulead lato tho resldenco of the Maid deccdeut nnd Is beautifully ultunted nour tho Incknwnnn v iiioninsnurg itanronii,nuoui nnnwny nciwcen Kloonmbunr nml Herwlck. nnd Is nor thobeit markets. Tlio buildings nro good, contlntlng of a laugh; fuami: dwjilmnh HoUrfn, nnd n flrstclaKH largo bank barn with god Kheds LMni ino premiKcn nro iwognnu weiinoi water nnd lour snrhmst Micro nrti two L'tiod orburiU ono of which Is young. No. 3 A V II A n V U O T, No. 7Htlunlo In tho town of Ccntrevllie, Cetitro towtiHhlp, Columbia county, bounded on thu north by Second Htreet.on tho eiiRt hy Lot No.H, outh byun alley, nnel went by Lot No. U, con talnlng C055 SQUAHK FI-JICT OV LAND. No. 3 A Wharf Lett. Nn. ft. ftltnntnd In tlm nloreaald town, bounded on tho north by Second Street, on tho cast by lands of tho heirs of John Connor, decoiiHi d, ou tho noulh by nil ulby, anel ou tho west by lot No, 7, containing C0.V &QUAHI2 FKKT OF LAND. No, i A Whnrf Lot, No. n,sltuntoln tlio ufore snld town, bounded on tho north by nn nlley, on ino eusi, ny 101 u, io, ou ino nouui uy i;iu rsorin llranch Canal, and on tho west hy lot No, 11, Coutalnlug about 0o00 FKKT OF LAND. No. 5 A Wlmifi Lot. No. lfl.fdluato lu tho town of CeutrevllMbnundedonthu north bvaii nllev. on tho cnt by land or John Conner, deceased, un ihu ntjuui tiy iiiu it ui in iiruiieii viiu.u ami uu tho west by lot No. 15, containing about MOO SQUAUK FKKT OF IjAKD. v.. t u't..f r v.. tn .. i . . n .. i.. ii i i town, bounded on iho north by laud of tho heirs of John Conner, deceased, on tho ca:.t by lot No. W, on thu soutli by Second Street, ami on tho west iut iSU. t',eumuminy SS" SQUAHK FKKT OF LAND. No 7A Wharf Lot. No. 40. sit unto In thn xnld town of Cent reville, buuuded ou tho norlhcnst bv land ol tho heirs ol John Conner, deceased. on thu smith by Second street, and on tho west uy iui io, ov, Loiiiaimug 227-j SQUAUE FKKT OF LAND. No. f A Town Lot In nnother division ol nld town, boundetl onthoc-nsthv lot No. III. In tho samo division, nn tlio souiii uy imrd street, on I in west In lot, Ao. llortnusamo division, nuu oil mo uoriu uy auey cuuiuiiiiii lCwlJ KQUAHK FKET OF LAND. No. U Tho undivided one-half of A Til ACT OF LAND, held In common wllhtho heirs ofWllllnm IIoIT miin, situate, partly lu I'lshluscttck aud partly In llrhircicclf inwiisblns. In said cntiKtv. bound etl by land- surveyed lor Stacy Tolls, Alu.xnuder Aiiiiuau ami uiinm e.iant, CONTAINING W ACUKS, nnd tho usual allowanco, lnoio or Icsh. Tho same being supposed tocoutnln valuable conl veins. Trusts or WAi.n. Purpart No. 1 to bo sold on tho following terms; Ten per cent, of onefourih or thu purchuso mouej tube paid nt tho stilktng tlown ot tho property, one-iourth les th ten per cent, to bo paid nt tho continuation abso lute, uml tho remaining thvee-fourtbs less tho iit. third nl thu iurcliasn monevof tho snldiuir pint No, 1, together with tho one-third or tho purennsu money oi ino respective purpins ros. a, o, u, 7, s nun v, ouo j ear uiereauer, wiiu in terest lrnm cnntlrm.itlnn nlst. And tbo union n( ortho one-third, together with iho one-third of the purcha!o money of tho respecllvu purparts Nos. 1', :t. 1, 5,(1,7, x and tl shutl bu paid At iho ueaiu tu lAui.i i reas, wmow oi saiu ucceueni the latter two pnymenis Willi tneir interest pay nblo nnnually to bo secured by bond and mort' ltuito on tho nremlsf s. Iho iesneelio miri.itts Nos. 2.:t. I. 5. fl.7. H nnd tl to bu sold on thu follow terms: 'leu percent, of one-fourth of thu purchuso money to bo paid ut the striking down of the property, one-fourth of iiiu imrciiiiou money leist iiiu ten per eeui, in tuu coulirmatiou absolute. and the leinalulmr tliiee louiths to bu paid lu tiuo year theretittev with luieresi irom coniirmaiiou nisi, ino inner pay ment with lnteitst iniMiblo nnnunllv. to lu kr. cured by bonds and inorlmuro on Ihu lesnectlvo plemlse-)'. Deeds nnd stain jsnt tho epe umj or inu i mi ci lasers. 1 1 1.. in ii, r iti ,an, WILLIAM It, FHKAS. JAMLS 1. KHHAS AdmlulHtratois, Ccnlro twp Dec, i1.Ii)70-ow. p U IJ L 1 C S A Ij i: -0 I v a u u a 11 u v. u 1: a i, 1: s t a t j: In imrsunnco ofan order of tho OrnhanV Court ni 1:0111 noui cou niv. i'ii..on Ait'ieiiAi. t ie Ihlh day td January, 11, at 10 o.dock lu tho iort-uoou,.inuu v . iiuutcr, AuminiMrator or mo uooui unu cuaueis, ac., wnicii wero oi Aiocrt uu ner. into ui 1'ir.u lown-. i in. in hniu toiinii tlcccnst'd. will expovo to miIo by public e'nduc ii uie ii.iiiit', A V V: H T A I N F A H M sltuato In tho township of l'uic, lu tho said county of Columbia, bounded nnd described as ioiiowh, io wu:un met n or ui uy lanuorjoim W. Hunter, on the east liv bindol flporu (lrctn ly, on tho Kouth bv land of Caleb Thomas nud oulhowchl by laud ot Hdwnrd lllchle, eontnlu- iiiH ONE IIUNDHKD AGHKri, moro or less whereon nro fre'eted a Hwellltn; jiumsc, iiarii iiu'i ouiuiuniin". ALSO ono other rltce of hintl fcltiuito In I'ino townshln anl countv nloiesald. bounded nnd tlesiMlbed as lollow's to wit : ()u tlio H ist by a lot tti .ionu w eiuer, ueceaveu, unu tm tno nouin cm hum .oriu. uv lauti oi i. .warn itie i e. con talnliu; ono acii, moro or less, lato tho ehtatu of dliiu viecciiseu. v t,i.i.i nutox II. Hxt, Cleik, Ilioomsburg, January Pj'I, Tr.itsii of HAi.r. Ten ner cent, ofouo-fouith or tho purchuso money at tho Milking down or inopioptriy; mo onoiounu lew tno ten per cent, it inu luiiiu iiuiiiuii iiofoiuic, anil ino re luatuiui; tniee-lourlUH In ono jcur thereafter, wiiu uiieii'Mv iiDiii mo t'ouuriiiiiiion nisi. Jan. tl, 1S7I. JU1I" W. IIUNTHH, Admluliitrator. rALUAIHiK JIIIjIj ron ham:, i'KOPKUTV Klourlm; mill, threo runs of stone, two nmi tdil Mock frtuch burrs that can not be surpassed lor making tho't-e Hour, New Miiut machine nun iimis inu jmijiovi:i) tuiuhni; wathii wiii:r.i, water Kulllchut to runtho wholo jenr, capaclly (d 111 ono of tbo ht'ht wht fit m ctlon4 tn 1 tui Siinln A larce run of t ustom. Six miles irom Dauvlllc, miw mill utiacneu in gttod order ACUKK OF LAND, LAKCi: lWKI,I.I(l llOl'Snu-lth nllthniinn. c-Muy out hulldliiKs.benrlnson hard with cholco cnsL Ol tlm Imiiinvi'iiiftili.. Tirmi . iuv I .i- lurlhi r part leu hit n inquire nf I), ,. riNNHV.ou nit' iniiperi.v. or iiouveKn in Diiuville, 1 .1, purVATlJ SAIjI:. Ob' VAI.rAlJU; UHAL 1STATH. 'I ho hiithcilber oifers for halo, upon reasonable irruii, lOO ACUHri OF FARMING LAND about forty of w hh h nro clonrcd.nnd nndcrcnod cultivation. '1 lit in Ih n ouiit: orchard ot cholco iipplo l ices and nunl cherry treeK on tbo piemihCH aim mree spiiiiBSOi ooi runninu wa it r, 'Iho land Is klhultd In Hemlock towiiNhln Coluiuhl.i tounty, udjoluln lands r,f John ftpilnger, cMato ot Heiuy Hlechmllhr, nud oiuern, ALSO.ATItACrOFTIJIIiKUIjANI) near Iho nbne containing ubout forty ir-rcs, wen uinticMM wiiu enevuui nna oiutr wood, A i ho, a iot of anot'ND, adjoining tho loituolnu, containlus about n Vi: ,vur.T, Avneii'tui ineietieiiu II Ij AUKS M J T II S II () 1, fivorahly located forhusintMt, a Dwelling Houfcc, r rrfiuo fsiuoiu una oilier ouuniuuuigs, l'ur fuithur parth u1.uk enquire of iMn.u s. introidiu, Jau 1171- Vm ut tho preinUoi, JI.OO.MrillUItO ST ATI 2 NOKMAIj SCHOOL A Nil MTKUAUY AND C'OMM KHCIAL INSTITUTE, 'lhU lustuutlon otleru cood opporlunllleu In eery iicpuiinieni in uieiaturo and Hcteuee, lu humiiiuu iii i lie i a t cut it i isorinaiiscnooii'iahhei, hnvo muctico In thousoursiirvf hii'un.i i'i,..ii,J tcrliig liiMruuieiiU in the ikld nud mine, under i limn iiiitiiiiu mu iiiiiiui-iiiiipeieui j'roii'KHor I hu llieil 111 llilll til Lu Verv llininoi'li In llmlrln. structloii and to loolc carefully niter tho health, mnn ut is anil inoials nt thn ktiiiiont. Tho rules and icifulntloiu ol ttm school nro kiieli us tu udiumund tbo n cct or tho HiudeiiU and consequently not many leel that they can (mum ill llt(itltl mH WHICH UIU cuicuiaioii l nntinoto their kiicri'Nri niul liuntiliii.kw. 'I'lu, Mnu leal Ik'pariiuciu uilouKu gnoj opporluultlcR ivium I-0 4UUIUI lining in uiu illltJU ClllUMUllU much less expense, Hpilnt; term coiumi iiooh April d, h7l. 1'or further pirllculuis, udilrebu John u, riu.i-ZK.Kbej , Atc'i.ur I.. H. Ill-HI'lf-P Ih'fj!' llKNUY CAUVKIt, A. -M I'rlmlrul, IllooiURbui-;, Jan, pi, UH-Uin. N.OT I0K, NoticoW lierobytilve'ii th.it I havo rosokedn rower o( Attoinov here-totoru uiwii to Michael MoMahou. of Llberii . 'ltoir.i niuntv I'll nmi not lly all permm not In pa any money or kelllo Hiiy iJnuie M lUtlCMT W UU UIUI 111 W IllCll 1 II conceuied. WH, llACK, 'I'M t 4 l"K l-UUIHJ , JiUl, 14, l(3ls PA LIFE INSURANCE FOR THE PEOPLE. HOMESTEAD LIFE INSUEAINOE CO., OK I' UNNBYIiVANI A, Ofi-CK 701 Chcslnut Street, riilliulclplilu. . M, HnvrniiT, i'rc't. I. AWIIKNCK MYEIIS, V. Vrc.'l. II. E. UAVI3, Bup'tol Agendo. This Comnnnv nrimntzrtl bv lending Teprescntntlvos of tlio Industrial Interest of tho SIaIo. widely known ns miccensful nnel responsible business inPU, desiring to placo Llfo InsnrnDco wltU lu reach of nil, has adopted a system of MONTHLY PAYMENTS OP PREMIUMS, cnnbllni! every mnn lo urovlilo for lihf.imllyl!ienoof hh iloiUh.iitiicoiLotrllllnmvi scarcely tu Iju full, riiuclal ulteullou Is called to llili Oaliipnny'a C3-H-A.rXJA.1'I3SrC3- POLICY, intioli neeilcil fetiluro In Lira Insurance, entirely aso uf death, the Interests ut SH A HE IIO IjDKIIS IN nUILDINO ASSOCIATIONS Ann AM. NVIiij liavo borrowed money cr imrclinsed property pnyablo In Instalments extending over n series of years, by CAN'cnt.r.lNU nny balanco ol indebtedness remaining UNPAID in case of DEATH. THIS COMPANY 1SSUKS A I.I, Tim Olllll.VAUY FOlt.MH OF I.IFP. AND l'llii.MllJM, u.N i iik rAiiTiL-ii'At iJNti i'j.aiv, wj i ji mil n;v itri iiiu-tiuin as TO OCCUPATION, AND NUNI1 AH TO TIlAVKI. OK UIMIDKNUK. Ji.I-'itll In format Inn a. tnriansnnd Fealurcs. Is cd by mull ou application to thu Homo Oillce. Acllvo nnd rcsponstlilo men Wftntetl ns Agents, r. JI. 1JATES, Hf.ooM8iiuna, Pa. ACIKNT l'Oll COLUMllIA COUNTY. illiprfinim Rnllilllt,cr Ai.onrlf. In either I.vrnmlnir. fMlnton. t'entre. Northutnberlaiiil. Mnnlitiic Columbln, Hulllvnu, llrndlord or lloga Counties, llloomsburK. Auguxt 19, ISTO-Cin, MISCELLANEOUS, ! JSKW I?IIIM AT OHANGKVILLK IllON KOUNDHY AND AaiUCUIi- TUUAIj WOHIC9. (JHHAT IMl'HOVJIMnNTH IN VVOWH AND THUIMIII.VU MACH1MS. Mr. Jncnli Trlvlcplcco Imvlng mirclmsed the lutcrcstnf Churlis w, Iiw in tho abmo nnmcd works, tho bunlncss will bu continued under thu firm n-uncof William Hciiuyi.kh At'o. Jliivtnir dlKcnvcred Hecrnl ImpcrlectlonH In the plows inauui.icinrcd in iiu, iiiey unv serciiKincncu nnd improved thcni,uud lidded hoiuo eullro new Kmc r ns. i 1 icy 111 tpcn inu spruiK iriwie oi nil nr liindwincei of niivthlnir ccr oilttrcd tn the mbllc, beluK both prticticnl inecbnulca, nud hav 11 if their wmlc nil dona under their own ttuner- vlslon they Kiinrnntco their work superior In iiinienni nun iiuimi ki nny ncrtmnuru uiicruu, lipiiicrt snouiii not ncc?UL or nnv oiuer ncrieui' turnl Implements until they hnvo examined our inmiiHciuru, i armcrs rnonia try our piowtt beforo bujingnny other, Iheyulho mnnuf.iclure AIX KINDS OP CAH1INUM, UMiallv mndolullrst dims Foundries. Raw nnd grist mill cuttings, mndo nnd lUU-'d up to order. TIIIIKSIIING MACHINES nl 0 ln.ido n special ty, and soino very decided Im nrovcmcnti iiaoiit't n lntrmiuccii lutotnc r inn- chtucH. 1'rlccs lower thtin ever: nil leiuds of ntiutrv nroduconnd old Iron taken lu exibitiiuo urut-r tureci irniu inc mauuinciury. uiu ngen cIch Kiippllcd tlurlna thu winter. auuii'M iiumucm tu VJLLIA5I SCUUYLKU & CO., AtlUICUI.TUUAI. WOIlKa, OHANaKVII.I.K COL.U.MI1IA COUNTY, PA, novis'Ta-ir. U E E 1 A W A T C II ! A NIC1! VATCII! A 1IUNTINO CAHi: WATL'II .V BIl.VKIl WA1LII I A l'.i:i.IAHMl WATCH I A tlOOU WATL'II ! AN AMT.lllCAN WATCH 1 WAI.TUAM WAfJH I A Wulili lora Ocntleninn I A Wutch for n LitOy 1 (JoIJ Chain foruaentlcinanl GoM chain for a Lady I Antaiy way to get u reliable Atncrlcin Watch. AGENTS AIlE WANTED to rr.occitK canvassf.us ton niE PEOPLE'S WEEKLY. Thu lewnril for itcltlni; llvo sncccusful canvass- tin to work for premiums tvlilch 111 bu sent, to Mniw cnnvashcrs, will bo ft gcnnlne waIjTiiam watch Thu aiiillcant,orull jwiiticHars, must enclose a klkr fiom a prominent business man of his piat-u that hu Is coairKTENT aud TitfsrwuitTUv Auilress, OI.lVEll C110OIC i CO., I)JJ ton, Ohio. FOll A WOMAN'S SAKIi I' OU A WOMAN'S SAKK. V 0 It A V 0 M AX'S S A K K Kor it Wniuaii's Sake. 1'or a Woiiian's Sake. For ti Woman's Sake. Tli.' most 'llullllni; nnil lull ntliiK llouiamti c-vi r written, Ik now bclnj; publlsli&il in Iho l'eo- pli-v i-eltly. Another ureat fctory will ho com mcnieil hoou, Every number Is Illustrated, ONLY FIFTY CENTS A YEAH, Huhscrlhcra for Iho year U71, if hent In nt once will receivo tho paper tho balance of this year riu:i: of iii.m;;i:. Hcnd 2 cent fctamn for fcaiunle toi'y ana t'rcmium 1.1st. Address, OI.IVEI! CUOOK & CO., dc9';o-tr D.iylon, Ohio, P. bun opt C. II OWE II, eucd n first-class BOOT, HI I OK, UAT CAP, AM) FUIt 8TOHE. at tho old Hhindon IialnStroet,Hloomsburg,afow u..w,nu'uiv muv.miv "unu-, in tiVU. lit VOII1" nnsedof thovervbitrstimd bentElvlfn ovot ntrr. L'd to the citizens or t'olumblii fount ITici nccotumoduto Iho public with thu rollow ln-juoods in iiiuiuhusi nui'i, iUfii it neavy uouuio ho leu hto,;a booth, inPii'H double and hintjle tap Holed iwj. until?, iiivu a iivuj j ani.i nuiirit ut ail liUHlS, meirsunt uoois nun hnoes oi ail grades, btiy'i clove kid Italmorul shoeK.mui'B, woincu's.bovs' aim tnishca-lahtinKKauers, nmnen filove kid Polish very llno.womeu'fcmoroct'M Halmoialsuud am Nfiot-N, women h ve-ry line Kia uuiiontMi gait' ers, In hhort booU ol ull descriptions both ii.i ied and hewed. uu wouia aiso can atieuiiou 10 uiti nno tiHsort lueni or HATH, CAVH, FU118 AND NOflONB. wnicn comprihen nil ino new ami poputai varl etfiM ut HI Ires whlrh ran not rull tn kill t nil. 'I't i ot.fi mot id it uru olleied at the lowe-t.1 cash rates aud win oc Kiiarauit cu iot;ivo haiisiactlou, a call Is solicited beloie purchasliiii eUewbero an It la be-Hove-d that bettr bargains re to bo hgnd uiiuiiiv ituj- oiuer piacu 111 int'couuiy. Die, JLI jIJV "liri-totSClyK Cnnftrlniliiuu, Wl Aryli M i J'rof. lJjlli.li, IV V Iih MvuncinuuU. u , auj Ut, Unouo, t e ur .ttu. si.C.,n ink - luj t-i-iiiit'i.i j urn u n I rt M'. tlmr rr,t CiDcerAtitlJote knifu nr en nil UK-tut moaiallm rU. l.vsrt ,UlU.I kiijr. 1 luuvAiiileau tniwllhbullkiile rout kdJ ftbr li inuvsJ. if ukea in nutrvturn. llMMftra fwtiuri. with tholr mDU. iteiUor our Rid dm. N other 1iUwm octl'TU.Iiiu, 1 N K ( O Ij A'l) S I h V E 11 W A T C II E .S AT HALF tftlcn. ... !n" .V,. 0 ' . IIu""" ''""eil Watch V (tit-nth ami I.adLV H z.-k. r.M.nlni,..! ..m.i oM'"t?FAr Vi"u" J weilr l'" llu" "'" """" prlct,) 'llm hilui 'iiie Qmililii, IS Carat Hold, Kniilno lurueil, lluntluix IWil rull Jewelltd Uet JloVementii, petlti-lly adjusted to nil cllmalm ,..i..t...i, ...... ruin wuri 1111 ii-u uy kpeciat ct-rlll- Icale. at iixi.v i-ini ' Tht 'iime, (, ftm r nml hither (trade, with Chra. The Aiime, t 'ii.', ITll l-'INK NlfKBI. W'oKKH, ......... ,... w.ui.iv im. roui'ii .-iwicmiftir, rcnu r- Uj 110 k.'v. umiiiil anil s..i l.u i.u u.n.'.. ..v.. . .IH the alMxeVatchMtur put til hnlf price .and euch wi.naulo-l lor tiiuuiiiul cur. ."" 1 1. v 1; 11 w a t onus. .Vm Mnc, 7'iirc.s(i-fr,IIunllnK Cased (Genii uml I.adu-H'), ATnNi.miij.tiii. h " iwmw iJwMuil'l'L'l'J'ii)' '"'"tl"!! Cased, TUU y.'jliu Vine Quulilii, 1'ulent Ijoor aud Cliro. Ill.tlltAI. nr.in.mu 1...I... . V.UU u Vai-H ' "" AT OM. 4AOur W.itchei uro nil warranted nml ir nut pcrlect will bo taken buck nia : inonev rii.iri,.V,L sod,;il L.,f.', I I ''V-''0 W0NEV IN AIIVANI-K, but .ulll. ..rl. I i. . TJ I'"". J'l.J "OIO IlllfltllVei, with iirlMIt-uo lixmen ami i-xiiniliiii l.r..,.. lor. by nuviiii; Kiiupm inir..au .....i t ' .. : .1 Sly ',tll"!'S'u- I'lleeM wbVro no V.xxvt ruus.Kood. will bokent by Mall, lu r(Bllell 1 ' V,H W"kl!y ''"lu uli lu advuui-o, ',b""eml ,':".'5,tM ""I'k-ltlMl HI V M ATI IIM AT A TIMB. J .'.1.'1.'. V"V AN l;. rilA WA1CII Ok- HAMK VAI.: .Unu. io.n ciia r.v.virjntu n tn i ... ... ifXtV'i' 1,1 IJ l'aetl. Tho n'uet tlufj "'"' uiuitioiiuM U.UIIM at tl.t.e tu U mule deserlpl ion nn.l prlcoof Wutch required and order by mull direct irom Jan870-1ni, in i'uUou hiiu-et, N "v yoVk, (ft I tfl Tft It. W. UOKl'llI.KV.fccc'y new lu this country l designed tanralcrt lu OTlir.HS i:NDOWMF.NT PnMUIRH ATIX)V UATK8 OF contained In raranlilcls which will bo forward will nlcnso address Wll.I.AllD A. WILLIAMS. Hpeclal AKent, ?ii.i niLLiAsnr. 11.1.IA31SI out, i a, lit i.m.iii:m)1'.i ami i-.xnoitsi-.D nv tivi-iit hi;vi;. iii.vmii:i iiociohh I5lt. IitWItlAMI'S CUMI'OUNII I'l.Ull) r.XTUAt'r oi k: o sk: o oi tiii: oui:at HUAIiTII HESTOllKU! Not il Secret Quack Medicine Kormtilii Around tno Home. l'llEPAUnn flOLRI.Y HY Dr. J. J. I.AWUKXCE, Organic Chemist, Wilson. Xortli Carolina. KOSKOO STKIKHS AT T1IK ROOT OF IHSEXSK PURIFYING THE HI.OOD, nr-sToniNa Tin: i.ivkh and kidnt.vh TO A HKAI.THV ACTION, AND 1N VIGOUATINU THE NHIt VOUS BYfiTUM. This 19 tho Soorot of its Wonderful Success iii Curing CONSUMPTION IN IT8 KAULY BTAUKH, SCKOFUI.A, 8YWIILIS, DYSI'ElylA. IIVUU COlll'LAlNT, CHItONIC llllUtlMATISM, NEUHAt-aiA, NKUVOUa Al'KECTION, EltUlTIONS OP THU HKIN, 1IU.M01H, I.O&S OF Vlaolt, DISEASEH OK KIDNEY AND W.ADDER, BISWASES CAUSED HY A HAD STATE OF TJIV JILOOD. It thoroughly eradicates everklndof Humor and Hail Taint, and restoro tho entire iiyslem ti healthy condition. It U beyond question the FINEST TONIC IN THE WO It I.I). Thomnnds havo been changed by tho uso of tli'K,Mediclno from weak, blckly, suirerlng crea tines, to strong, healty, and happy men nnd uiimon, Iuvnlld-t cannot hoillalo to glvo It a trial. No Mediclno hafi obtained such a ureat reput t Hon us this Justly celebrated compnmd. 1'OIt TESTIMONIALS From Physicians, Eminent Divines, Editor DrunsMs, Merchants, Ac, seo K0.4K00 AI.M V NAU for this year. muck o.n nor.L.iii I'KR norr.i:. FOKfl.tl.K nv Tlit Principal Druayhts in the United Stales and Jlritish America. Dii. IjAwkkxck's Woman's Fkiunii Curts all Diseases peculiar to Ft males. jan.t.iy. CS:s ef J. 33. D0EB1MS, 420 North niohth St., PhllAda. VEGETABLE irii A color ami ilrcasiug that will not burn tbo hair or injuro tlio Load. It doos not produco a color mechanically, na tho poisonous preparations do. It gradually restores tho hair to its original color and lustro, by supplying new lifo and vigor. It causes a luxuriant growth of soft, lino hair. Tho best and safest article over oft'ered. Clean and Pure. No sediment Sold overywhere. ASK FOR DOBBINS'. novir:o-6m, si onn iTew au1)7 t&i.il. ,Vr Vo.' any enseor lliln.l IlieislnK i.'Cl1.',",0, "K"""'" 1 ",lt "K lllNd's I'll.K !i.E "V.'"1.1."..'" cl"'P' u Ispiepared expressly to euro Iho l'lles nnd nothing el'e.und hiiscori'l iSnrggUts0"'1, 'M 5""r slaudluir. Hole by all VIA Villi A. Jo 1 llln-t's Via Funa Is tho puiolulccs of Dark Herbe.liiiols.iiuilllcirlu.fur CO.N(,U.1ITION. Inllnmniatlnu nf tho Lungs; all I.lver. Kldnev IH! i,1.'."lljl'r'1 leaies.orRanio Wfukm-ts , Feinalo' Aflllctlon.. (leneral Debility anil nil complin" u f the Urinary Orgiins lu Maonnd Funale. iVr, dueiuit Dyspepsia, Costlvent-ss, Urate rDroimy S2. wl'hh lucs.t Kouerally leni Initi? !i ,. ?i ,""'.Ne !.':',; H purines nn.l enrlcrl-s S "." 1 ' I Hilary, (llandular and Heerctlio ?.?, '. " -"''ecUBiid BtreiiKtheustlio Neivous ,'fv?.1, '"cula f".rit aehai m on weak iVi'iUi"'K!lud "ehllllalld le.uules, Unit joui.tt and old. None should bu without ll. ritild every moMY"11""-1" franklin Ml., Ilaltl inore, Mil, augV7o-ly, rpo "CONSUMI'TIVKS. ...iTA,?i i','.!5'?iV'"'.'',,,."lvl"B Ue" Pel maneutly cur eil or Uml In ml illseuse, Coutuiopilun by a slm. lile reiuei y, isutuimis lo make known lu bin h llow kulitreis , lntanstifiurf. Tu all w in, ileslr 11, ho will i,d 11 i-i.pv of iho ustr ptloi, used ((us or iluiriie), wllh the dlriel oiis for it" purlin: and iisluu ih.ii.uii. uhi, i. n. J, li.l'.Vl1."' S1'"" CuNsfuniuK, Asthma, iikon. i. II ITIH, tit", l'arllis wishltg Hu. iiitkcrlptlon will ijun. "' i's'ti" .. ""I- K"VAHH A. wiion! tioVl'i,w'ly!CUU ' w""'"l,'lurgh, N, Y